Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-09-08, Page 2awa d6wix '011.1y 0110 1)omt &;JJoJl& einitting it, ,4 a Qat Inkht hAve nor ollthe Same fore Iva C M
N 0 THE Non: nculties b
Chaie; t6ii he "ll-Ictea—fulded WA Wise, f�j. gatUr from that
hal bet:f—his. gl�woly sallo-mo is nue 0, ido to Aild, hals be* -the to I'a the 9 22,
V4tanum 4 en, the -44ot I 1i the commercial or financial spedulativil No Oftitwo tile )l% .
a hmt made ur flesh lily naturwj I eply *61
Ila hava been -press 4ny ietarsi is looked for othe� than tho most "M TUBM VLO -09 ON A rAIX, Ar
11 av, be that I (Irmll, iL tlatthJcWiI3 301jetig friendly 1 ass
thou kormlir�
auhetlaoryth t gy gam fairly to bef �riigoosticated : f6f the VVIIN 110111in4tLid Irt$t, week _Us 2r.A0�—T11P. MiTror. Bust .1.0 Standso -in,
IWsh it, weit) artr and hiNtorif. -, nd zprbly therol is no
to- Alineatl �Ao we desire eildia -
N.'rill Brmt�
knot hItTIQ hbotit the t-,� - live oflwr river in: the -world tilt exploration
-out iii Ohio
14 DeW 'With. all en, an The. teform Q , 'ptist,
had iflal%la b) a human eye— that diil -of wl tld-'ba ex�eciea'ta be, allrontion oi North weel-_I�t
not cticaura,io w ea lime bW cou M-47 zl_� And&% ,, , Alitd10 witij nolglitors -wifh clargy=&n, Who were attending A cau'ven-
a full, blck oyd, tLmt glared into lily having liobthjr rk1jl *110m we -mofe iordle of additions to'the stool- of—It- - " d
tv -1 n'- we t own t secluded spot ontho
111tich, jiroat ill b4 a "
Iner&iald niv -but with �iihitiolo bji�' in'the afte
t VVII With n m lack i
felt s if 1 r.
-a atl fill th-ta the most devlish glitter. i ml 01u, latere =09n� for the pur-
er.0 restinguadervaimput4. stsure so 0�004 'alld Tom V el- pose Of akinga swim. These Score Of
covere., my face ivith my; guia,, ama that lily reviii(Is tria J,f TJ removed their clothing -an,
fied. But we 'cofassv. )rie4—ar6 Ec.aniVing brath
to nwe arao. quite 'for the speitkerihip. re4
shut, Ont 11c fess 31 a
colistrtled into- Ii i6 . �j I , placad- #,upon. the railroad close at hand,.
tolda*ahadow feft upon clip -c uand tile littla villito, ak, e to The Press- dinner atOttawa costo�_ 9, ..the gram wa. wet. Ile t ey
into -00 rixim. at al nd -114' Iva meet T u h rrH14i, PREMISES OCCUP12 D By U. B. BuIrR, Oy
1 5 �bacuse,
MO toi look 11P. NVID NVOI-0. with such A the Water 'and enjoyed hem-, JL StoryBri
d 41rid. oow the ninyor.auil corporation die. entered: i t- c Bididing, flroprnof roof, store and dwelfiria. :Virol,t
laoinent, bral � tha.spdl, and I AN alked alcending into my ravine cannot , Spe roiftous tons I'll ills preas of the vute about who's setvas. ':'Presently a witranc
O -lb of tile r0ain witha sort of dw.,,d. faar i describe the a -ell Bos. V5* Thb=ou And _�o pay. U oxPres's. train came dwelling from Square Situaten Nortb4dcfAJnjkct Sqnalio,. to)
n. sat -ion that came upon, United Statei, oro 1016-4- astheirgovern. I around �he carve at the that tremens was I W. A. H�ndie Toronto, I rate f fofty 147 ft. thighttif way to Notil St. nd EatililtollSt.
coublgious. 11:0 not scen it since it unboaxiled �, Statiorier, miles aai� hour and before any of the
Y hrzmie wai hitched at flip itself four yerars and now i mant ill deterred Iron, doil)g� substantial 1nduthisthroatfroill ear to, ear fi-d s i f - I _Will by Auction on. 15th Sept, next on the watering- , I felt like wimmeTs coa-d re;wh dry land, all of
0110 to *110111 a friend has made some i listice for foar of giyng umbrage tothe -track to die. .Tho those undershirts and socks.and W"3L.
mornted, I Win d4AVII on tile
anit g-.Vd hi -n. I past gr,)at Unwasl d Irish efiwottoher-of-tepassingtraitiaht;ved hi -were u4teiogfro th cow
ds head, too much:sOXTOW confeasionof crime long t �e iry of the 11 in a _c*,teller An
troahled ir. min;j to nota whither he � and, who has basely dea3rfod him ill Oil tho- 19tb of July last, the Kippen b,iar to on d a 'side Vitbout injnry. C n speedin�
Reaping Match caur) 61 oil: tile of 9 onward to Kansas. it -w"
t'lok me. consequence. Vho'old III.,IiIoI�1es_of jo. R. Snail, Hs+, the tr* being btokod and a surge0n Pailiful. for the brethren—exceeding paul-
I did not I -1101M wht to think of 11, Dunfer ; his fragmentary Hallett, ill the presence slumnaned, it was found that none- of ful—be '11 U all tlie cloths hat jolU
the umatisfyintr omplanazory. Vv� Am. .0,
a aim
,know what to think hed-stone is now 'r well in; umbrell
_ no'. by t1-0 We would Once more trongly urg niachities, were entered for the 11singloll intending rwafter a care(u]. Search, was
Viis, mad, like everyone does nt.t of a large numberof Spectator.-. Two the arteries (if the throat were out, ! �Tbe
at catuo back with 0
I thought a gre. doina -glasses. And
and, to v"ry lidtle, pur- Upon our readers the propriety of making ciass, tine by Patturson Bro.i d PatZLon Llitaliltell ffo and -a Vair of eye
ndered what. had become P. 0., and the other by Tho� Son spital" they do say' that when those twenty Goderich-, August 25tb, 1871
The.0.11Y ietlucLioii seemed f Jo., and—I turned sharply. round ilia approaching 13xilibifion of the Mr R. BlIcliana
a willitills, (if Mitchelif each '111lachius of 31,,no, whiis m3rchell holue'by the refulgent light of
at all satisfactory, and, which singalaxly I na itsbod lily prisoner. Ha was - ill- Horticultural Society the beat in every alo
to be the production of the W111killi, ng the Prince of vVAles Road 'the mooh, that eveniza single fili, and
purptirti* Wm; upNrrost ill, my l tentiv watellino his cattle) and; without respect. -Which has -yet boon. hold. The firu, exhibititig. Thonison & willillis the other day, mile north keeping plose together, the most singular
was one that not at %,I coam-eted drawl,19 fi�s eves, replied : Cha 11) ila, was attiv--ked- by . of, rill a
Z , Alinultaneous -exhil,)ition here of tile carrielloff theprize, but Nir-IN-loCtitceon, a large and fe. , lulluail4anee with Zduare d on th
W1Zh Jo. Dwder and his pointleza nar-11 Goo -un old Terrapin I He lies along I
praa� at him from part 'of ja man at the head, with the
r.'%U% a ; an -1 this was, that on the morrow side uv Ah'%Vee, lip tile canon. uke to ario Frait Growers' Association will agent 4if Pattelstills,_ protested oii the G IRKE NZIE
should be mdei way, with a . 'I - ' 'he C he.
see it grollnil diAt the machine was manitfc. a wo" which skirts the road at tl),&t umbiell.6; still hardly satliced to cover
ITh a s' come back to the ather together tile leading pomologist 4 rared'by Patterson. This Mr. t, and,filstened its fail then' c0impletely. They said they felt
svot. v elei� y Vie, caif
probability of never returning. a expectin, you. f various secttions villo, Clius per- ndignautly denied, b -,t d 6 of his log. A desperate fight onsued, colUilPi4as, Somehow: and the situation
brought me out of Ile enuneiat* Is oulety 131-, d,to his own Sto
ss i At ft on of the aspirate, a WIS ilia re an
canine rabulate the �a all the in Has move
country for the purpose of vastigated the .ia'tter and found i )a i when BY Wi;"DPB Of Rich Hill, who s. ore embarassing be. AND LARGESTs
1hy abstra:�tioa, and lt;ukiiig up, I found Fuddy-duddy, the incapable terrapin, meertaining the comparative 6dvaritages Ilianis bad got the 10 nralved Tar Bdelianan (it) the ocoasion. t
tru6, Thomson & Wit cause hat night all -the Dorcas societies
-ring the deep shadows of the 1-1010 to a de�tl halt, and, before tile echo 'nd the� Womau's Jamilton Pgtweet
-twhis friend'sid, and witha hand- Right's COILVailtiOn,
ruys eat- term, and -a. innilel inaubme- froill
atterson al)d exhibited that Illachino I is and the 1-papils at the female boarding And 11" h2-
Tils t' ay wu stiding, ;�bt t1iis of the -vowel had died away up the Of all parts of the Province -for fruit- pat i �e shvcEoded in digablinj tl'i Bu. -trd aul, 4school, seemed
trallsition from t1le Silent, had folded up all his eight legs growing purposes. By the result of the agninst tile firm that favoAred them, wl ich was finally kilied. to �e prancing around
of the V.%rched fields to the cool gloola and laiu down in the dusty road regar'd- coluing show, these gentlemen will esti- crrying away the prize, which was Wan the $tre tsi` anq runrang er The Stock purchased by him from the with the pun.,.,,ecy uf cadars, �aad upon The pertfile of Niao.ar1 ihe u; a Insolvent Estate of
heavy less of the effect his darned -town atio town, ro te of the p�reida. Alastof i
The queer little man slid off Ilia a sk"" lhato the rank ill boelioultala W �,�h a -
roevil with tile melody of tile bivd.3 thati cat to hich liart due. The machine VMS pail)W Spip are jithilant osver the almost onpre- brethren are now dqwa on immersion,
had, been driven to ts I ; Fy asylu . the gr -and, and started up the dafl wit&- 84004 be assigned to the County of over, and Thomson & whiiallis, naille ct-doylt6d crop of good peaelies tilay are.. all!4 altogether' In favor of the use of
.a rE ui, was,
Painted oil. Mr. lip, hIL-,;sed ivith. WesteyA Ontario,,
exqnisitely I looked for my; to look back to aeu if I vias H'uronland th;Ar report of ilia same will and pro.iounced the The trva are laden wator oWy by sprinkling. haittiough the fi Hit is smaller than in prh i 'ORTI
110read farand wide -throughout Can- the Kippea Society after a strict tria 113 —is --
as 11sun-1, the! ut I was. -, and r rJOHN H A
Is vions ye in consecitience of tile
mvine in a comuluuica-tivemood, dis- 23, ai)ont the same season of the � . ars, it is coming rapidly to this, that a
ada and the neighboring States. Our have futind tile Same, and demand tile
mounted, led lily sweating nimal ilito Year, mad at near the same hour of the drought, the quality is VastlY Stiperior. first-class leacier of society with a first-
day of my last visit. fruit -growers wil.1 not do justice, to them- Prize money back * fr(,Pm W. 0110 ilia" Sold 1,060 bushol at *2 a'! Class fortune, a level -with "Which he is determined AT MOORHOUSE's.
tilt; unde—mrrinth tie,+ --him securely to a The jays clam,ired to be I -on t :I
trae, and sat da�a t6 Lf"litate. I' be- loudly, and the trees whispered darkly, selves or the unequalled natural advan- The following 4a the report of the bushel, # price which must' be I his position
tages of the distrietif they do not Strain Secretary ooked ts, or ell wses to think
by ing, my pat super- i W3 before, -ind I somehow 'traced in the U0011. [IS extra when the fro it is not sbrt- he wants, :4twa'el In Lonia in, a house on NOuTjf SIDU WAMMT QUAB%
every nerve to make a worthy display. 16 the Editur of the C'Untozi New Bra. ad. An(ither was. offered the Same the tiver, two palaces a least -in the
tiv� haun"A v�lley. Hav- I two fanciful analogy to the open boast-
ing resolvel it into its constituent ale-, fullness of Mr. Jo. Dunfer's mouth and N a expect the coming allows of 15th' oz,—As you are aware, -therio was a tigure for 2,000 bushels but did not try,'a shooting box in' CLEAR 0 U I B ----13Y imporiing direct from
o i flifffilmn
Sept, to pliLce our section very neafi-if disputo at tile I "our' ids,
mrrang-al thimn in convenient i the mysterious reticenee of his manner ate lreapiV niatch accept. anhatelin Paris as elfstly as his Lo-adon
I not quke ;at. the top, of tile list -in the betiveen3les-gra. Thtituson %Villiars,
and squadi-ms, and, collecting all I and to the mingled insolence nd tender culture of'fruit. hoasa, a,vifia, at Come, a floor in itoake, British 2, anufatturers
I ness--of his ale litt rary production—the Let every fruit -grower of the Mitchell Foundrv, acid Air. Alc- I AT AN
C12 of my logic, bore down upon, Eit'apli. All thiugs - in eato it that oar i , an e8tablishmant it, Cairo or Oonstaa-
Vtetn from impregnable pramises wit h'. th u 11! Ons, are not Outcheon. agent hir Pattrson & Bro titiople, a yacht,'a theatre and a ra�aing
stud, and then he thinks that life
he thunder of irresistible conclusons, ad tinchanged, excepting 00i&fth =0 =d I'll Z=Uh 70U. is as WER ALL
the coZ of PAttersfal, Ont. It ath
Thomson & Williams elitere(I a i his line at, &-light
I 1i E is ENABLED TO 0
and a %-at nois73 off charios and g-alleral path,which wasalmost wholly upgrowing nachille- on ods in _u4pfar
v I rilonotonous as it was when in his cool Enormou�_Reductll We
with rank. wee(.s. %I hen we came out Tht) ft -U-7&7 in0eir otsu name, manufactured by The Hon. John Sandfield Macdonald'hall witiii haggard eyes the Roman noble A on the sterling price ; in fact
big, shoutintr. Then, whou. iny into the however, there was Pa,lerson & Brothers, of, Pa!tars"Ill was waiteduponta fewd his
utal gnus hadi*ovet�uriied all op- aurou. aye ag(jo V a IUY-'�-Spectator. tomers are -slipplied with goods fit reta2l
pttsi+i i, wid, were grliwling ao, ehanj;o enongh. the stumps and -Ontario, and Mr. Mccutchooll accused deputation from Strathroy, Of I i at bout same rates that salaU &
atzdibly away on th-3 horizon Of in- trtin"� of the fallen Saplings, those that them with so, doing by landing the Middlesex, for, the' PurPose of 'OLng An old miner who had experieced ex- FROM USUALLPILICES,
P11113, The, Efamiltou/Spectator publishes a f,- have to buy at wholesale.
avocculatioa, the roluted. cuenly Straggled I had been'llacked, "China fashion" were illowin- protest to tilt, Secret�y, which him to have a now registry offi,e 10--ated plosi6,1&tbus descri as them : As s.,on�
mas �d aiently i4toa solid! ble from c6lunift of tolegraills anno'lacing that.-Wa 35-000 Rolls of Wail Paper. to select
up in the r,:ar, 1that werecut "Afelicanway." those sr9adolitatthreapitig thatch held at the latter village, iestead. of at Glencoe as th i explosion 60curs it drives like a 'from,, beingtbe
an It was "th6 London and Toronto man are on the f4rui of r. Snail Hullatt, all which place is a *rival for the possession whi
P and as if the Old World beirbarism and th� routed" at all points. r1wind and with force en(ugh to carry
the.19th (if July last:� (.f the coeted institution. I
bag^_ge. An itidelinablo dread owns i any weight before i, in the direition of LARGEST AND CHEAPEST -ST00X:
upon ins, ai.d I rose to, shake it off, ani r 1 ,hereby 'protest against Messrs. The - Atttorliey-General , for reasons t e neatest vent. In
-New-World , cii1lization. had reconciled The 'London papers have ' eceived Tho lann A Willianis entering a machine best known to hims had already; altifig tile ceiling' tearing away props,
begmn thrading the naxro- d4l by an. their differancas by the arbitration of despatches which in,.equally decided it- a elf, , - I . going it sweeps held V any one house in ont;lrjo.
old, gmis !,TOT, n, co x-pvwth diat &eenq4d impartw decai- asfie , day they i their own name, manufactured, by partiilly decided upon Glencoe, more brattled d eyerything else, even the
to 1Y as Ile ws the recipient f a piliars The unfortunate miner Here is q thane to save nioney: IJV SA E HANDS 12
thii bottom, as a "d of I :ns'. The knoll wag thlre, but Hurnish. terms puelaiin un,nixed victory to Lon. Pit'vtorson Brothe , of psttars)u, esp-,cial
slibatitdo for gle bro;y14,tl-,t n36tu:e haJ'crjmb!ea had overruil and all but ob. don find Toronto n disastrous defeat petition containing no fewer tfian. fifteen, who ni4y be withiii. its influence in- its enete gmases; and te t,i q W. J. 51ccum"HEom hundred signatures. The deputation stincti"
n-2gl --ct 2 to p- i1miltan. y , ly throws hinwelf flat il�oa the
from Str-thro 'caineirmed with a like grround;! Bilfore- he can laiso
TLhe trees ino patrician garden -violet had capitulated Agent for Patterson & Bros.
ad Clinton New Xra, with Innis at d,scument, the gas Goderich, 18th Augut 18ZI. God
gl�i v,3ry ordinzry, wall beh differing in nothing from the! 6 en�6untered tile body of air moving
J4' -'vh'ch the P�;kh strl'g- to hia pl ,beian brother -or, perhaapll� had By order of the President there was a ad "h, 5th, 18?1. sw64
type. Glancoe instrument, Unless having . five in an They come
a trille parv,--.t'!d as to bole, and merely reverted to his origind r-takeingivirAgan. inc�jrrect report, thus meetin- called held at Brucalit-ld on tho hundred additional name _ pp,site direction.
mound di -scribe the votint, at Wiqgham.:"In 25th 4)?Au,, j B- It is to he togeth-
as to their ganeral aspect. A Another rave -a long and robust I g., to cotisider the inatl#r in ey argued, exTlained and , with an lastic sh,)�k sufficient matter stand& thus : dispute -between Mr. McCtitcheotl and t W ' h
few loaso which had tb4tached had been- juade basi a the former one, our opini the pr�samed th 0 a the irecion of tile gaseo
which seemed t- i shriiig frmn the com- Thomson & �Villialus. Air WNiams was detionstrated to the hon. gentleman, the torna, an us
au the Londn and Toro;'onto roads wines with a rusli, Yroni, thp, Liberal. Aug. 23.
thoulael-703 fram thegide of thedepres of a new wh superiority of Strathroy (Wer Glencoe in 'k it
to sat u,,) am indep-audent existence at' head -stone the oft; one fay prone upi in were voted oil, arer.y liand' nea present, but failed -to satisfy the I)Irec- coziifteous and temperate lau& fting rea miner and flinfmg him pro- I WO ;Ire ple ad -t-3 learn tiat the stir -
the bottoni, had dannined up, the pathway th V a ti a
-ony repose a ground th i,�3 marzeffous' in,- seemed t4i be elevated, and the same chine abo a tit u ond in his interrests to d byuNeyor Me.
rly tors that he had manufactured tile na- _uAge -But ably alflist4ace of fifty feet against the I vey behig pa forma N T M E
h!ra and there, but their s. w i it n as no use, -Aix. Maedouat4 li�a other ragged!�oal- Behind aggain '3' '13=11BITION vF THIi PROWVCZAU�
aeription wholly illegia0e, -by reason of took place,when the Ifawilton Roa1 was! There %vere thre'a delegates appoirit�d t Aerve than the there is a lYad-dau, along the Assulibuipe, west of T"TrUt 0 owers &SSoeiatlon -and Hort!eultUral
haA rio�hing in it cf te stilbiess of deat convenience shock 0 r Ir
.h. pure air and foul, and again the Catholill Alissioll farill abov, L I hm ill ha hpld in tho rillshed M ljader�eT
a ane 8 3
the dead leaves drift, d over it. In point of the pmople of the 4istrict and the the gas�_whirls back with undimitashed. Pur, is tile greatest- satisfactifill tt'a niUjJtb6eutlt!d%7jtjl thc�78,!Cm.
There was a kid, of dem�h-_-Ihauiber husa voted on. Afembers must have voted I go and examine the initchina in dispute, ItP-PnFridayihelfth just All rticles 1074,j)n1petl.
itaph was who grave the following rep-irt at a.inee tile 'Y
of litcnary merit the'6w necessity of his political posilion forced i fury, Iftting more and i to Veviev's,
in the valley, it is true, au a mysterious I twice." We cannotunderstandthis re- t- him� in 'tie face of riht aad justice, to dashinj!lli the miner once settlers along the, river. Air. - 1116,11ay Aif Exhibwou
wlizpaar above; tha wind was just altogether inferiort6the old, iiadwas ilia held again at Brucefield in back whdiice,be originally I McFa,lde
even repulsive in its tarse and savage suit unless the "mambers" (in tile Ist fix th spares no) pall, Tilt ExalliDion wiU' be orn to vislWli 12 alp,
a ftmooa an. e-ning Alholisdon lea.
op i tile trous -tliat r, were out for a location of 7 -le registry office is itirrio.13 I date the Wishes -of the pef3plb a1141 at tile
of ept., riz caule. bitia and strain th-
-I'lie driving wheel, the reel, Wherehis friendship would be appreciatpil game a �a_peated. Notliing,sinie tune A
jaculari It read : �', attledora is nilSurvey Uith
all. tY- arms jb PETER AI) MISON.
It is that alll the tima I had Coim'wltd i.,b otr iwxt. rate idea of the Fim, the slide and earing, toutAida, and where the paitry -bestowal of an can re.,; . t its jalpetuosity. -urao,, aly an Secrttary.
It is evident 11.0 aeon aiid almost insignifi Aleanwhiie tie, eel) 10; - Goderich cM Sept. IS71.
not;thoitight of vtmnecting Mr. Daufer7s I inside dividers, tho'grain wheel, the air- influence cant public building coald the terible after damp -accumulates with c4 -utp -ete tr of the liver is being
State, of feeling will be obi
ained, avel
a few votes, more or less, to surpris1bg rapulity. fhis is composeLl of inade so thqt tm exact plisitioll ivitn all
e-ranken narratie with what .1 now the votitig" has tak u place. ale board, all with Patterson's "all's oil send � to FarH�ment a follower of the the bl4k damp which han from the its vvitittings will uptin tile pl,_ iox,
-ught; and ii%m when I came up- a it, and likewise the tongue, all (if wli.cdl &tantCQmbn&toUi whc . C X an
h gs
is. no-wreeling roof,
,w Space and tambled over the we foand to, have a see -111d coatin" fif Und Staggering at thd _ incertitude alre�dy altbiag t4
on a ale I , and the white damp wluch gitchers and field notes. The Side, ',I- divisi,ai -A C.00D TOKE Or 'WONZJ%4; 0Z=.
level ol some Small tmes that the revela- paino and stripping over what appeare besetti _o floor. It joins the gas at -:;vary line betv. eeit lots are bunig run from on , .
tion came to me. This was th�k site Littlo 9= Uditim t,) be PattersoWs finisil, the tinder Cllht- 2g it�i members a. the wiproaching rash ano dds power and volume to its Oiservation
Of s. by which the A ZEI"ETT.
I session of tile NewHOUsa- fny. 'Vhe helpless inimer struggles with greatest -do.-ee of accuricy is st;curvd.
theabandoned "sllanty." and the fact SEPT. s, it ppearsthat the treaty b#ween the I 'n6' of paint curreBpondLtig exactly with Mr. Macdonald, as is well known,is -Biiparhq�nan stran th to resist �Q - 11 Sept 1871.
was the mare forcibly impres-sed upon aAs and Dominion G,�v`b_rnmant has - A - o the buffot- 4tch lot is property poted, funiked and Indi * P tterson's machines, both in color all(t notve�yclloiccin hislanguage, andthe ings of �ho mine
me by qui,-J-dy noting that some of - the been signed. The terms of this treaty striping. elevation of his position 5 nrothilig to b, bend, butowthe da 1 nuilibered so th,�t
add 0 in settlers will experl. UER
-ad allaxound, in A,-;Dn9w C OK, ��o seize upon his Sam 'h
rorten stumpa o e back A Zattl U0 sluguinte. eachfamily of five porsonshall T 'in "oertWining their MAD
're that 1. e%Lce at, difliculty ' ICONS
his grac4al illation. -He confronted !he seasatiqlt is not unple.sant. hl"Bf"Is ., boundaries. Mr. lllcPhiijip ,
a mose - Un vooki:uanlike manner, while receive 1-60 acres, that each mazi, woman %VM. Ella Hit, Delegatei. dopottion, who had persistently u d 3 is Sorrey- -(SEEING MEDIUM
others were cut, and tha butt ends of AIr Gladstone is evidently v Joubr CuorER, e a slight dizziness. He becomes ver ing along the river in 1% hit a Horse Pjains
and child shall. receive, an amount of $3 upon him the claims of Strathroy, w-th w;ak ahid sleapy, He staggers, hi and is conii
the correspowhug tzu-..I.s ware Le%yl to sanguine as. to the effects of the VViash- each, and a present Of 83 each tbe� firet the exclamation, "What lig tovraifas - Winnipeg, all
that blunt The- Di t 6 as sliddeni Wedge form Which is ington, Treaty. He appears to regard it year; it was also W - tors, af ter bearing the repor' the h-11 has J loses all'their puiver, an expouts to raach the tmvil. this _#ad that the Govern Strathroy done for rhe 71,
given by the axe' of the ivaiter. The of the defreegreatas sent to examum tha Ill ra!L lie r, log
as the harbiner of -a kind of political ment sholild �rovrdo schoolsiand School- a- This was a Stunner which the members lie fallsj" sur-
onenrug was no, more. than ten yarls in The popula 1 chine in dispute, and the lusatisfacttry L_ It Ls
a - T -ery gratifying to k
millennium. In his speech deliered t masterb for each reserve. of the deputation could- not find all ve - % 110W 11-S G6 Z3 WZT6
n of "Trapaum thu sitrvevs are being-punducted sa rtis. reluain for a l3hxttinia
dia-mater, and upon one side was a little the Indians of Maitoba is sai,l aud eqUivocalstate iieuts f -f Mr Williams, adequate answer for, and though the Jr AS AURURD-
knoll-a natlirni hillock ome ten fee. his YOrkshire friends at Whit�y - (1031 of Ithlkv a late to ther denision th&t on to be 1, 500, and that of, the whole North members compi-ised0onservativas asweif moralists tile Jpanese 119'a
ry, Ik 00 the Said muchine was manufactured.
aerw;3, bare of shubbery, but coverall Saturday last, he "expressed hisjOY West Territo D. TaIdug the 'Patterson k Bros., of Patterson, Ont. by as Refdrillers, yet the sadde,,,es tnd SUOGESTly. - On -the runulfest, TIM
writh grao-ii Tass- UporL this, st-anding that Ell &Zulilaa 44 the g1hud �he gathered frain theirserolons,. )aat trip of the Solkti-1. w" the very sti;- can now look upon 1,500 of Manitoba asTa, data wecall,give rudeness of the question were such, that up ri��idly a foot or two above the grass. � rough Palculation of what this coun. Tile Directors . wish- to express their they were quite unable, tar -e two r 4ree f whic') are given kv ny1r. restrveiteni, ,,PC VhUe 46110 can be elini3titted in tn4,,a!M
wrts; a litmijtone ' I have nut a. note of Americanii as friends ; and said we may 27 thpuka to Mr AfaCtitcbeou n at such a to coil of
agent for Th evelits. retative towi,-Itilrbs Iva3tb.
IS Voing to cost the Canadian Govern air preactierst"Ilke surne (,f rt,pc, " I admision here, not to indicate any sw- 110windalge thehopetW all controversies n, patteraou & Bros., V)r drawing their at- tdsadvautage,to tell him, that they them- Plaueof:
ent. tention-to ihe way that 4Phouipson & selves individually supportedhis nominee are not ward in telling ,ediqa endcondittill !a lifkl -of Q3 111tut-a h_Mf'.%td nmrl
-ise of- my Own, bint that of the reader. bztwe73n the two peoplesare now settled." I)r,es A kmemit-riber of horses ha,
d i . , " laud 'rill answer any
pi f"41,; Olive upor, 1,500 souls at �3 per hea . as and that, even putting politics out of the 1110 11 vexred fron) this neighborhood J -t whattwer,.agweatjie to th I vOr3m, For myself I felt noaa, I regarded that Williams iried to impose on the Society question, their local interets demanded %vas stavingin a fainily ,
Now we aamk' that � this ought, to be present 4,50D tinder erantustuce's whieft W4111 .1y tilt salue 143- xvitat raean4he leande this lall -is
stone with something a, the ey t the late- s- whchtlierewasapet dditughtec, who
lonAy tohib. the costly sacri- o, by entering anti cont peti' a ome recognition at his, hands. te 2s , m�ejs
the caso; considering year ............. 21000 match it' machine in their".own Hattle, rAnt tile use of a portiun of that coil uf 'lot Imown to hemelf i�are
same feelin- that Colunious must have
had when I fices whicli England made to ceinciliate 300 imulffies d they. tiad done tW, -it would not lait -out to Wise tile learned rpe. she is desevnded iroin a 10:1j 1!210 tf Vvell-A
h alva- 1 4
dor. at 169, 48,000ocres 48,000 tuannfactured by another paitv4 It was have been Of any Use, however, for Mrl Luli, IJY411;�.11g silu.s. He was thankfuli ip tm ture
th.3 Of St. S American 83 per haead annuity fortwenty . . ; years at 5 pe. so -d am Lordship Bishop HeCrae -ft on Asfrulo�,,Istq, and can �aiw ttil
the co7eted friandship of our 111 3tau - aureed -;that- the Secretary be 'I": Macdonald has practically damunstr t ali-htel thep.3runts thit hand apd eaidA
r cent, will equal tSunday inormug on ThOSe Willi U�jab %rr0n3Ulta%
,;n V7131 V1FRZ_ 'CRT
The grave -a short one -was neighbors. Surely after having given a principle of ........ ..... structed to write to Mersts. Thouloll 4� dinin the last four y�jrs that he must the V.,_tt dita tZey had her to a tour to ,Etigiand, fi-r tile puro _,a a
somewa -er rep- 1 1 90,000 Williams, requesting theut tO. rebind the i n bLtdanlo M;n-iucr Acnic llaiior or t�31* B4t!811
utexao4ing Schools for tl;e samelength,of -o qzw when he bastows a Pai I b 1[ttle. "Of cijurse," says C
t bet'. zdr than seemed have a quid Pi ;10 aoZzLbaurp,iotei,il
ralstug money ill aid- of St. Johns tt)qp M.
c%zitidering its, aga and sarraua the $"tijustly re0eived by them as a feo, ladies aLd - I from them Any real equiv.ilankin return time .... ................. 19,000 favor, or dispansas a patronage. -In hkim-ars how to rub tile 0.1 , Zoo.
inga and I =tuaUy v�idened my eyez at N We wisa blai a Vleasawt jour- each.
c ings Sion.
eh� I IdeN and loills, and has lestrar, the
prize at the late tuatch; it was also grrepol other words he sitys ;-"Let yousurat,-h to-Volloic
Ile g&rden violet they ought to be her fde.ids ; and such that the above report anti proce haniptioniu." - That conceited Rey alld S -access in Ilia tilis azt%cr
�d Soqn, wy.
a clump of numistak� tell yours. art of ideriellawhig
163,500 of the Directors be sent to, tile, county my back and I'll ' stira if.'O. 111.�Hotlse, of WilitelHorse Ill-
-showing evidence oldumpaxatively recent -all unexampled - display of nations, parents, litiolign.uld; repl*
V#o Oa-tho'lica of Ontario, some few
waterin-m Tile st 15, 000 Indins will cost 15 times newspapers aud itchell -.Advoe'ate. t, .. y "ad Plains, will please avept our thaj'iks for Upolevich Ith Sept. 14�71.
tone was a rude enough generosity ought to have the effect of as much ................. $a,445po in-inths3ilicei'itikagarated -a inove-nent - th'it d.,lughter
affair, au had clenxty done 4ut as 00 JOHN COPBL"V, bee. H.F..A, A. to obtain for themselvs Ifoarits imptiollilig, Thepreacher-th-en utisket wifearly ruse potmtves, rho nest of
obliterating all unpleasant memories ol Purchase money .. ..... ... 1,500,000 some p Acipa-
door-sep. In its from,. wa's carved, or rep rilre oil filial in
the past. It is difficult to see what more tinguis the Indian title -7.
- tion in the government of the lantry, P,Ctl, (t autlievice 1%, lee tile kuld we liave Seen, wis seaswi, Some
rnfhe; dug, n. inscription. the great Japitnese virtne), in of thein onu U'
exagger-a nd a half pounds
Ozi -_ so When They cast their eyes around
hich I cannot hope could have be -en done to appease their by half-brr ' grnt, 1,500,- 21ph ell, which is extraurdinary for this
ted o wl which' ure told that the path ea
1,500,000 them &ad reviewed their poAvioa, they 'k I
tal vthout, aid from the en- QrCW saw that the wife is to
wrath smd. gratify their cupidity except TN � wer practically disfrauca- of �'a d* Ightt-f-111-law, an -1 � seaso of the year -
It Ze ads thus :- North-West expedition 'to ised, and w,;re almost totally denied an sbimpu her paretits-in-law and wirse Vr. McLean returned n
9--a V tatransfer tothem. the whole, Of the pacify the country... V
Want i ectionatlY. "The harp and thainternalitmal train hia tour through. parfibipation in the -legislative acts of (Int r q a Val.) Jul
AH WEE-ClIMA3�W Britiuh possessions, on this continent. Management of Indian Lar- numbers of -Brussels wo kinc,
Aig U=lsna. I Wirkt last for V7ilskv There reninfils but this sin partment f6i 20 years. men have struck work. the:cOuntry. livitil very few exceptiplis, �good things" ae.eay.s. the eastern pruvitices.
Ja step to be Cost of making treaty....- 40,000 indeed, ll offices f trust and emolu- ",bit iflyoti train lip tn SE WiNG AIA0
-To. TI& monment is ouTecred bi the tak ad ell, in the d= in in wbi6h the' Five of 1 the female incendiaries of. ment, were entirely iii the h thil ua4fters and Wave Of iliging-girls,
raim tg keep ill momery grean and ands _ I Baltimore -is said to) have sittings for
Imparialgovdimilenthasbc prude-eding, Paris are isow setitei,ced; four to death, other nationalities ll�ad the. Sure to el')P�- What a ten (if i 06 ;4 liquis denomiliations, tS P,JplI.atV)II-,
a worniq. to Slestalig notter a8:j15851000 011#4103 Illi4et"Ale thing it ii when
on ayrea lik-a Wite. Dammuu? of fate. and one W 10 -years soli tary coil fi neinen't. and they were left ou in, tile cold,. neg I, hage pro -
Six millions and a half of dollars ex- �i we 1-tiou than that of ap)rtlther city
But is this the way to secure the elusive of The Emperors whb met at tkastitin ae. lected by both political parties, unless. . irslimAk their little Viris huga -tn
-a ww a g4ad a,;. 64t to Hadsoa Bay 06mylany It. ailitar, 'andsque ' ths 4ed to lea% a the decision of the Roinan when a little --sub- ak
di mere election times , , I , out �song in
either of an individual or a this cquntr�wjR cost.the Canadian Gov- -rvient flattery, in - ir sl6ill trahle voice Fr�adhers in Iceland re -not very -well
rb woul&4e a i ffi cult to ad equ atel eon- fe ) h question to Itay itself. se the custing of an . -g!" Var MY at, this astonishing nation I Is not real frendship founded o' -first ten years. person Ill thilt the autht9l"oses the Japaties'o paid. for thaiei�-r, ices. Not one of inInt the,§ Any add political sp-at or two,, caught the t
re difirt this a
h. The meaqra, but coniatentio nd on
epitan will �Se - ihat W is an honest The anniver.4ary bf the necupation of a 4 Stalk, n." horse for his own putplises' i'a" all income of one hundred
us oa mutual respect I A�qd chn we reason- a Roine by alian troops c,nies rou fancy and forced tile inclination of, the
descoription of the dawseil. the insole 'calid tion. Letthose whb are oppos d almost entire body to throw themselves] bt is -1 dollars a yea-. KING OF AME
nt a It we Assure tboin the -above he
oi- respect an the uar4 ohl pa. ilitci the,ar Sentiment of. the pr'
frankfiess of confazsion, t1he 00tesque ably lo fo the of either to emigeation serioitsly- think over 20th inst. The national g Air. H. D. 11,31ph. of New yarkbity, victual, or a nation, Uy whom. we matter and ask thems6lves if an emi- rude the streets. me Of 0onsurvatism. eacher quote;l.
and but latli Thia state of thini; babolit ended,1 Ho.wev6iuear tolus, weJapant-somay ted eatatee worth 00,000for
grant from a not a right to The Ohio tohacto crop is this your don- Tile morl they are Sadly b-. the boliefit of ilia provoised neWX0
not Canada Ila LOGK-'^T IVI - SlEt's 14G MARNE.
feastl, t1ia Inaier4ous tran4tion, of allowourslves tobe-cajoled orbullied Cath9iies have learned practicalfy tesiliesdus. #3
'ked th Ilene$ J 5 gander and s2ntisneut, ma settle in this countr.-Manifoba Liberal 6le-tho usual yi�14, that to be of any political 'coaseq soutimiry attlartford,Cmin.
r is as out of thatt which is manifestly our due I the prolue Yello Ust actunitedly. , I ii0d Dr, F.V. -Do Hass has becil appoint. ANADA ARA
tioa of one, rho must havil w fliv,orfi mi;deialtig at Charles- in the state, they in OUT P,
nowlsing tite8cl Tiley kaV6 ken
demmited as -L this determination, til�
been &U-exat -as Mudh Themaiment t4atarly, governm�nt be- ton. accordance witl ell a- ent -of the institution, t=k0 Ito =Vorst-3 comea so imbecile as to. not understand V. I -,,Ir gought an-audieiiell Z;MZ6TA0.40n0 up in Tartau
e that anv furtlisr, dis- The ceroy tit 4�,,vpthas,dismts, -with the JeLkder t f stacu atme onisi)w rsidcs, llTHE HISTORICAL TRZASURES WHAT MAY 2Z Rev. Dr. Spring, of New lork, has purior to any tlivr niatbitto eimmd tito be a pitdiul aliticlim%x, wbab its are, and so weak as not
covery W Doi
the iixtr-first year of fits chd txeel�
Ith VOU" UMAEANZAT TiES-OLD ROAUX Anieiicaijs� se'rvjct�, oil accollut, of It VOlitid4ITa#1J8 A shorttime ince,. The ftillowiliff from the Aberdeen ffer.
nre'TIY4 for X to be able to maintain them, the jealousy of ilia Tarl(isll officers. 'By ilia RtAorih p�,� by th�y. iveri recaiv,-d - tlawhau"u. v&I'tabuity. XtIVI:gth Allot
el , I turned squarely around- with courtesy,, aijil- prol-ui _ sed� as f ald, -wairitten by a BILUISter'of a Tural years llejLI� durl4ility.
and necessarily becomes an object -of The Dutlin prisoners of thqilale riots ar as ,viihinithePortlishirelli,.,'hlauds apon been the oftlest Pre-;byterian pastor iu Tile osbaale .55ela"t-s mu.611%elm
'(From the Xv. Y. mm.) werevbeekad. by -the peole, wbi.e tile they were concernol� jusfafid equal ra. p, New Yrk. Oil Snut`14y, 6 li lilt., he
outempt, It may not indeed becomea --- . 0_ presentation according to nambars, On the' and belief in tho antiquity Cf
"Gce-up. thara.. old Fat-lay-iluddy 1" 1 flicara ,if the lityi were hi&�ed. - - Tile at z� the
'Viis imiquo, adjurattou came frona the /It appears -that at lasir the bad of the bahAlf -f the- Qo' 11i'T
great nafaii to insist upon the utter-- Gieue was in tho li�ilpit, an4at'tbe clas; tif tile
nomative. party, r. L%n " ;-- I
rioters rreRte& ha.Vo beft sentenced -,to . guab ernio by ftqv. E. N-. tai 0, 0, m0st farthing in. those instancei; Tiber is it) be horoughly explored. 'The Sandfield Macdonald) pra6ticallyannotia- Skoa,d Gialic apaeoli be o'o abut� ini, it as t -ho lix
queerlittle, nlan, paraltod stop. 3 in which, three and four nibuths! impristinniont. r forgot, pke *)r fiften? inututeson the great ,,L,,j VUAr-A 40t 1141rihInea, 1711A ido 211
overthro of the tomporAl power will ced*-"Whatshoul.4 ),oil expect from* Andneverbroohtto -min, kluts
firewood. behind Y are at stake Therawassuvage lightlirgbetwosa the rhan I which had taken place in the re.
mere Molloy consideratioul x3n, W11o, werd h Rug it said, whtun- m ji� lI" it file h4l h tile bioll For she!II lie spoke in Paradise A tin of fat i� ad Or to'baggle over the Moro pun render practicable, it is nit potica. ave Jigiults world during, his 'f(ir melf, He Ai cla, eaha Iln'the day V Auldgyne.
�eaqily -.8tim-Alation Of ctill"s' Of der other eircumstances.* cOU14 never Catholic.done, GCAI=T&4V'X0 J39 AS -No s"V.
6 ffiat hl4 evidently not et'lluetb`- in the. adjusment -of -vot have been accomp 1 of 17411IIANTr For. V.111rz VgLr,
ishod. An associat�ow Tn 0 a Ilage, -was siek, aridit a matter of n3t
was much A Ntkv RAILWAY PUoZr?,cT.-_4 delega
-*a- maintain that sub. ghor f. -if the business men 4if Saahirth
imp=d -noon the questions; but has. been --forined, lievided -by Si 470 inhabitantal, 19 cases, -of Pholarx. have
collsequence to him, he Teferlel tha do. Whenl�o all frai4in, beaut?i
gc3tl-�man Imppart5)i 44 keax;mdro Castellani, which is' backed,,, occuLTe.d, '46 teiraftiating fatally. putation whi6li waited :Uilon hiln, t; a First inet fonel Ad Isle 3rica nMC,-W
V1,14 Taoml3at to stantial justice. shouldba msisted o in ams view Mr, Brytiges ou. V rida iiy appoin t_ ral go vf lvol4 Z,.0
Y_ f
b rich banking, firm ter 1 The IrsiLord that IWII spoke -to her. ment, -to make arraugementfi
with a aris" and' new-found7lia filtltuvers wag dvirinmed tv plam il VjpL!nr
in4ance, e:wpt- we are �ro at Mee. to ey The Uhicaga Utell - ant-lof his to-flirfl, 'ul'ua
paied d 't -ho r&ull, ativery sawuy in itio v
which will proca Patel the long pole, it was not quito clear whother plar6 explain his ideas forl vaSYC bf -it 11h b�asts were. nsmed Fuddy & .. Daday, calowledge mirinferiarity audtako* therive. 14;very Vd Profit in the r4l and laoLnisa umar Ashuui Phu, all title V
ra erw)iidiiintifid &P-_ eent "durner" in wheatin o'll him -that is to coikupt for Mm -what. fprth notth to Wroxetai-and
sull were both subact3 of tile jmperasiyj�� a c risequouces of o4ch aa admissim plicti,ou will be brought that city as twouty-to a. per cent. lye r- 0401-12 �Vmr �Wauhites ato 0 bear to ever-hothoitolit would throw discord and Ana Ad4m in his garden fair, %Ir -i
01(mifi nit the money- �itt lut'd the'Pool'. 11 0 1 1 . Brdges met their i DIV$ lot
vprh- "to Anyhow, t4e aom�- This. is precisely wha. Gr;at Britain fVilitate and reader complete the se4rob, I-feelffiginto the -When0'ra tha day diA ald�e, tile matter and a
was f6imed about: the Ist �- of , - : ,
and regults of important character,' iihich satinfaettlr� arrange- The Gne 113h AeVoMibla
i4and proAnced no visible efre4t Upon, n, this instance hat not don. How can Tile. airkolint 1-olabbed Womn thoroughlyUdge of the &el- The,disli that -he'll to supper talk merrt was ardyed it whi6h
are renfidently looked for. - Such hopes
fn eany of us, and the, queer little m nri lUds -.Of BIr. - Xa6douald towards, to promoters of tbis.schsule Xg 131-i"eminently the best VRUJ�10
she paa4bly j-datify iter conduct beforet undubt�-&Y $9:0000V. iLad tit, a I a always "Athole)3rose." to tilo it's marveliuud sucess,
moved his eyn from ap. ear to. be well fourthed. 04�401108_of Ontario when -we read the with the' -work hninediiitel The- rtiad If"t do al, vl�rlct.c
Inv fce lang _ .0 .
�enougA to ane4j_ r�uai�dy an& Du ubluittiL_ to of, wheat %vas about two
j. the world - iv a fireqt with, We cannot, indeodo -be certain of w1lat nty.coots, o�inions. of his or
A Vu in this -city, a few Vnen ktiam from his leafy bowr, to be valliplated to Wrpxat��r n ne 0111ATLY.UrDI.C&D.
temtf 01Y. ;kith Ilia Vand, ramarl4g., the Uniteil Statea. 'for the settlement of treasures, lie under the yellow a tile days sinpe; theA jcxai� 130t at break o' Y, HAui _15ACillut,
declared That year. -Advertiier.
quietly-, but -with apme feeling,. 14D.em tbe.,Al:kb la Abod'of the Tiber. .. But wo know,they l-grain-proaticeft alla, the. Roman 0alholle Chlxroh contained' no I Ile alway� foi his morniU4 tuik, =%,C im -without inia6gat
if f4ey enjoyed tha,*, must betamarous, and proftuaXy thtei- Tribulle, watching the itable materialto make cabinet- -Tr
13* AUPai WAN D Of I A. qUa�oh 1NDUV=M'r,3T,0
11pQA th-aiddGmIll- -estin fully. �,o 0 spotj'96us 110 hlll� f0r: the usequabae. if vog W1 b, to ostortiall
integn-asat in caninxon'x So fer I -AV re� takof." What an orimality of -tIlt o fr
atroo6ug-anisanae. - anGuz LPkL SEWINj '51AUHI.NE �co.,
for,& ist4a hal elimted no f =thex, of the Dominion, of Cai3da. for Every t6volution; s%'y, the Itil*us, has Arl, when wi'mveAl had 4 oraek, t erb of the family, orativ 1 ,guests
t' n0fit and feeling coulijl&
sell 1; This is � ie bV souis
-atbontion. th,%n I bava in, the Fertlan =14., It might -inazed b#. pa� its tribute to.thev AVO. he A frfghtftil h hard on Sasidgeld whd pre. He'll � t bis saoashin� horn da -7 allowilig thiew tfp- discover fXE LPH 0"ADA.
Urrioalle, da
abOrs to-submif a, 1W, passed *bver 89me's6vt r initials - ilea y, printed on
Jbitling, myself fallin,� Sloly s3tera, I impapa� for our iloisl statutea of.unp.(3�puLikeuldtt,thelu4l)sriaI shcoki- of ��thqu�k thit. q Id pear,
Xii , - of a Ca-tholia hiii: but 'a -top Ydill.wcel lmi�ghf nlali;, peath or �app e- as -it' han."s upt W. X Watson, iseafort4_
plswd ona�, foot up3n, the inner diadams, 'umors, and. hu*nia of pro- the WA Indies. 4flives. hivvebeen. he "-, u Uffort1to swallow ilia ts, on a its
-at niatter to arbitmtlon vitlLthe other praw branch, th lie wkv toe
'Heypi lost and 6,VqO peciple Arqlilft homele s himself, I I -
fcTeneaf a hiud wheel, and scliibed dyiiasties,. tho.wrec" of g;k I , arrY out your
What tho'h-11 jb it that
1, Oar6h-was heprdl,
elevatml by in aspiring spoke -matters in dispatil, between th'a Uvo� tho'spiff �of tomples,-ithe innumerable Plan; Ills( to the fruit -ripens a
aft trier makes 4:comparl -eaqqr would lot fbF mo V- An music on tit
the houseliald- pils committail tothe istresm, 3ired letters froli a sheet of thin,
mith tile lv:ito, wh3nee, I Boa; niliona ;-it might indeod be u-adous sou between, tlte' coast,- of the British la Golia a6cents,doe tper, at thein on the aidLe
inpreferenee to allowing i � 'T
cern. say,# tereinoit'e SCMMM04 f I , houT to -fall -Ariny and 1;avy and that of the Ltaitail , pt d pas
-an( Or, for tba Americita gafe-rllnient to. ra' We �WherLJT41lalriuhis oxtursque o la -
a! 4�jf the fri
sleil raysolf be-ddesthe dnv"- risk of IesinX -into the ban -Is 6f plunderers, Are among. tit most ext,
Ward, si Tlbilluxbr o*theshee *d to, the 110.L TXi$h 'rQ� nd f States whioli is llotf%vorabl t, th When itf conrasf tiTpe yal-, A FARM F03 SALE.
a% 0 _. 'a gom6s. of the relio to. be eXhumed from remove the
who. t4)61,.- no, mitWe of me intit he 11:0 suppositloiiiif inipetior econolihy. on the
ts lkagl6h-hating the alluvial Under the turbid WAtero. 'It -country. "Ourarnty The pAw bipipas israu I !, My f den!X po
indiscriln, alie. part of thelattat -The . Cineintlit! bininismia " I - has iper frolu.'the dpe sarface y6a will find
a mompani -d. ZaPllorv'Cra, - But this is- aUe3tiou im-anticiliated, of cours1, that the ex- sava the Courier, I-Icust last year Th
the letters diqit*nctly ;marked upon we covered The b.%gpipex W fine, A of Ovdfr1ob. 7) of Mcb tra'
avo the bost -pfill-dr-ellsers T
ellf -yet deeply below WO; on the, satuo saalo. of expenditure Uik anither.piprauh utdor (Ina wationnud in ip
witlt the w1vica to you Isubinit ivith which Great Britain liad cavators w4have. to o The Frouch h' er�ara other ivaj,s of prihani fruit,
the had of the streani --W ailed tem fl a most Simple.
der.-`ioa Inc. palik. *I'lue. j:,& nd the w6st bald -he bot this is th
Thens, insure good t1to-Dritisix army, which is1ijurteen ud. f lIn thifdays',V Auld- 14 in-4ile. liaothin��todo. The *gaquestionfOr'ber discoveries. -The do"Its of years, peliple worlda . The AirtoricAns
ilmsl inc4usVfe wari 1:l;y eourt"Y.�;ffupvos- a, ' half times t i b, the. dwighter 4 the iquaciz lie Toll 1-1 d t1wra V, FA-ge on tlie
to 0011sider wasi is it ritat I ana do ew the counted b the thofisaud, must be oon- h e4tabo %Jhs ha, y A61,000,M), ave tl;i box' _tdol s awl the 11"s ated forcom-
its actual cost b44kg abot Rosmz.v6ig hag been arra
'Obodienos to constitate th; peace an-) safety oftheBritish po4sessio"' siderablei aad:it will, bs� no fielit task to teeth Vf an�_ V641elit tile pliqity in tKe Abortion T U S
000,001). T46 'nitaa Stata UUVY A. T� Stawart, to a
qute- (or rather th -r, for oii this oontirtant require, that the them- Th. a axpen0j;ce and English have the tor$ - Ore-tldr;4 itif xne Ito
foi"the Santa. year '4101,430,000, it friend who asked her why Sedressed xc� velocipedist in Patterion, N. 'S is eUs- balaure may rernain m Urepuircncr
-'Aamo scale of expandintre fl )acted of being 31iss Bo��Vle,3'6 six vez-ceat-
I coulit not, stipprom whinisical feeling mazhirlery of aligineers, latoly- employed On the is Y people In the plainly, TeAed, Il cqn-.a�ra to do -a
and Walter, son o, saucer; For further rXponsibility -of the Vnite4 States for on thi) Thames Zebaukineat, are,' 110% British na-, iWISall is sixthilai as lat I Rel: wnrld. 'The oerinalls have -the 4t
WAS my he fact is, however, that at Sarat f Alderman Coaki
rds #of 4,07 � A . 4ng
s"ch -Unlawful '0004WOUS from her ever. to be broughtlato P47, and from Uger nd ilia fowest drituka I I I a, has allot himself on se-
dhii bigbluk oy would a Cost, $116,686AW" its I ',,�4,Yj*`i,,tnra'diamoLds than auy, O 164crich P.O. 3ka-v7r 14
nitory bi� uttled Thia i4 the 'amount!& Wfre Ulf, the projoctas actual " abw *40^ paopls in the warld. v I r
U t%,wmioa strangely It. VAt imin, other "count Of the oRmehorrible afrair.
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