Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-09-05, Page 2AP 17,
ma us his years.iftoreaso? Rlifitat!Oil Of 10M11 OWN mV. Clegg, Robt. 11-roadfoot,
iffovatthe-thO qU' Jno. Miller, Robf-Dennison, ONE OF L UH XO'
orin promoting thii efficic-AcY Or Grbyw7!Thos Strachan, J. Leckie, A.
permit- 0an, it be that- the Autocrat of the
neilacrof the teacher% professititzi, uu& doeire(I togivId POaT XeDoiiald, As. $pence, =dVtX
tilat some. change Was uecesgaryl. ihe County toacherks6 chance of ote4ling loi W Mmstori, T� Stfitol, R; Xq2T;aqhton-
it was, furthZrmorel allegoa, -that un- I . r1aus.—Tho firas-in tli ` oods (From AtiLlberAl Adview.1
aprelintinvy peop at the 0xitmilittion, Goo; Avery, P. MaDquald W. Vunstou# Business Stands- 'in Coderich
� irt this I t A bb;� of the pecuHarities of fidget.*
due partialiky, had been. shown ill grant- vicinity hive done tousideraAa
kyordering therame sh 31108 in
Ptovincial Cartiflemoz to students (if PAPOr"i qets to huthunt (if damage, by barni Walsh, 3). McLachlin, If eii-tliatthey�areeverlastinglyijnoVn g.
DXV=01T 07 cot MIzz. twho werp: no bottot, boused'in the 0ountiosthae were �Usod- the obt. Laidla mselves il n aariy ifistaceoth4
t9 Normal School, Lamot h n1lallfied thom ulaqy, irst Crass; CountY few weeks before 1!=aj by bu�iiing the beat of.the -slightly
at th X�wrm4 Soho! iare; perhzps,� in the first. placal
.0 )if I I Elliot..
FOIL REGISIRATION P'URPOSr board Teacherai b6ilil that those were - . soiL. , I . I . - I � mia jj�lwell, but they indke themselves fifty .
Did be actually suggot tahen 1143 'wk 8 VzATHEn.--r1ro1- the 14t wcek has
quite' as worthy oPa, Provi he harvesting is about tj lesworse than -they would otherwise
acial oartill- CA-ops� —,T _In
s a aignaure- omr-rided that, the-paperaforth 'C t -of a- good beexqmtawat. b
In other sect -ions five can -at Class X&rmal School Toach- 01111 Y 111nisliedi V6.ontinuOybroodiugandinourning
- catexs F il alia, the prospe0t$` a
has readily a9t 2,000 Iftamea to a patitGu ers, 'Though I know the Examinatiou should be I!14omevAat ON,6revery littleailment whickaillietit
nald to divicte'a statement tw be, utterly unfounded, I ethan those at the Norz�al �kh_ The sprilar. Oicit in gol them. If they have the sliglitatt
asking Saildfield �Miac,10 bav,�f or- s. concurred in the priudiple involved in it: Ras. BAm —Th . eir _bwng 00D By R-
Recristration purpose attfill4d
Con7XV.- for : flow Raell w fatherly intere$6, h4d. Ahey places f rpill the either in their too, their ea
aniely, that all th.,se teachers, through- e "Shoo Fly Club, of
THE "ft
this -place Prep ahowl of entation, Story 'ng, fire proof Toof, store and dwellitig.
--,has Ueen done, n. with known it, would have -cheer hA'ns, ioie playing'a match- with tooth iset, up Brick Buildi - Front Jentrante t'6
StrAightw-.�y the thing wat the land who are quaiitiea e4the invite manifestation of 1 welling from Square Situate on North Bide of Market Square,. 2a It, onUo -jil,
AtT ad, -the Ludkilow club on Wednesday, 6th and
the Regi M14 1301"le of Norinal School Teachers who have re-� of the candidates, when, groaning over theseare'not bou ace 147 ft. deep with right of way to Worth St.'and HamUton St.
UNcHoLY 4ND FATAI ACL1iDR$fT.— Sept., 'and the 'vetum match wx -the
office locat 'ial queetion% that they could not an ME ;`7 of they are' highly, Win be sold by Auction an 15th Sept. next on the prctnikes.
t to hungJast of the hanggers-on. sent ceived First and Second Class Piovir,(, 4wer cerise. an a
!orenoon, Mr D. Green,,. I!'ReolStiockings. Lfsto*ell on Fridity
&I live the rest of I -Lis daei by the Cortifitates ro entitled7to gertificates AVehavv28�neyer,�objecteatoth6"ti*: �� This (Tuesday) I ie 8th!inat. Both -matches will be play�- In 1he sitting�rooma in whiolx thoy.choIpse engaged threshi;lg., and hi� tl
ble of the sanie class, aua should- have the Colborne, wae to while away their day, every window
help of flie labors of 0, dOPUtY, in 19110' stanaard cf qualilfcatinni� which ve -in-la, Mrs W; Gibbs., was help-- e4olithe ground of the "Shoo Flies,"
earliest and all possible facilities to ob father 11even. if the thermometer stands'ati$6), Z&quire of
The, gaine ispassmir ta doom d absolutely necessary jTL. choln. recommended to dismiss ink him. Ptift to REUcivAl.—Mr. J. X. Moran of the must be fiihtly closed, so must the door
case and Inxilry. Accordingly I alk f in one mowto, itnothei
=und, and it vill soon be the turn of I to tile Council of Public Itistructiontho to -more si�it4levooatione'th& awkward W, ro -, slipped Doniiition .-Bakery, 1�1 r9mo4d from audallthe lift1beracks and revicesin
his foot and fen -Xig g,
Exaiuin- - ght We- the threshin Kennedy's old stand to,thi;
rtabla nest for I uppolutnictit of a Committee squad of inefficient te shop one walls, floor itn& elsewhere, ust be Huron tA> provide % comfo acers, 111up, b- machine. When.Mr. Green T11ifIC)'PU4 do-or'northofMr. Kiniteson's Tailorshop.
some hungry vassod of -the very Minister ep, comosed of most able aud exp ling l0hp, and 6 defor carefully stuffed up with cottonwool or
wing the, him olitt his body was found to bt cut WEA.THEA.Vheweathetforthepastweek substance.
teachers,aud wholly unconnected With some other equally adaptive
whose Palley was aw-'Pingly 0011dolnue the Normal School. I first proposed that raI of noble profe light of 16 went 6ut, h Goderich, Avgust 25th
ssiom The in two, -and tile sabeen rainyand cold,very.unfay. orsb1s, Th� fiaget must Ila-ve a fire, it bright,
at last election. There is no help for 1113. one and the same set of examination 0bi&s remarks on this head, as fa' withiiia;fewmiiiutesafterthe.cAtutr6phe. f0i the late crops, btit yesterday. theT
ruddy, lowingilre, and yet he -is not
folent his elou&, 61oared off, and ther
so' papers. for First and Sucondtlass Cbrti- wb are concerned, are a wirk of superer-, Thismelandhol), and fatd a6ei every wabii,� enough.- e will llivef, and
We, defeated Sandfield Macdonald, We . did object, h Yorthe Whole
call Parliament ficate for Nornil School Teachen; and owever to thrown a gloon, 0 neighbor- po�secb at,present of, wheeze, andiffirug his shoulders, and
ludlyv that he dare not other teacherslhroowhimtth� Province, springing -the -Examinations on the t'wh- hood.
411111 grqmble. oe to the unfiappy -Wight
r uUti after he has provided for with the same values of. answers to quea.: era without due and sufficient notice;.so ZU M
t;geffiei I who thoughtlessly bursts in upon him I G ReKE N ,:he Cheaes
of his friends as he can, feeling tions ; but ir, wm-, objected, that as tho-1 tlla*t thoroughly - competent teachers, ASHFIELDI w ayfifully he manages to throw into
-a� many Busit F1P.Es.--LThe late rains have t
CertaiA he. wM never have the same sessional examinaion of Norma?. School compolled to give NU th.efir hQis, to tile WuAmr.—The owrier- of a hil� voice an expressing between a snarl
ity. if Sandfield Macdonald Teachers would take p1rce several weOR3 actual work otteaching had nn time for farm, a short distance from Kingsbridgi, somimh;�t quenched -the fearful fires and a lamentation, thereby completely Has move�, to his o'wn Store ow AND LA
opportun earlier than the examination prepardli2p. For the indecent haste in iYbiob, hi ve for, some time,rajed in this. the inthinkingintruder. R Rd E 6 T'i
anothar %,,035 Registry 11 out an!� secured. a pur- Cruishing
uAkes, us build of teachers in the various coun- this,reigpect no, excuse is offered, ex6ept res.olvdd to 86 vicinity and'I thay safely safthat they placed in such edat. "perinits" are granted It seems the oniale si4d of -the i stifteol'as to b Is iiab easily ppoaxIiid� but keeps the
Oflice We do not waut� the pal)era would becomo. to thoqa *he 'chaser. are now so inucl Q no lonk remembrance of the c'
11,021ition a -known. Myanswer wai, that I thought axe now engaged in, teaching n�na failed hause was not aaaroeabl&3o the arrange- eilt in his mind Andit t toll
1 0 - , roK cdusi4aed dangerous. They were (and in otherpeoples' min& too)long
that we cannot search th ment. Having kept' -her own hftsban&
t a, 04 could be prevented by proper pre- topass. Acenipatesit.t.e.tchtitwllo-c,)uI reported Eydn enterprising. co lid- lift
'a offices withou br. The fidg�t� is never contented purchased by him from the
Sheriff's or Treasuier. cautions, but that if, insome instances, baYe,passed, if tihIll for sttiy.hhdbee� in the very hotest water 1or several rt, h Thd[�Stock
dbuble journey, and even after searching v i . asks, b produft Aby -result, with the way inwliich his dinneris Insolvent Estate of —ni—
any of the questions should become allowed, will feel humiliated at ha lingiii w - withoul 4
eattoyed buildings, grain &c bat the
It is co6ked ; at least, so certainly as oadix
them cannot tell what may have been I- known to candidates, it would be to the accept a permit 01 even until J an�ary' she, tried: to wreakher viath on the new account vas, greatly exavgerated. da�-,eomes,dulingsoiaeportionofWsmea1
next. owner, by doluinj him with boiling 'true they burnt -a large amount of timbpr Western Ontarioq
prejudice of our compara. five disadvantage of the Normal dobs he l000k "daggers" acrOB'S �& table
done tl- ere, to the the -respond- ig claiming that Normal and- County water, when he came toVall-on-Wednes and cordwood, wfid rendered several at his,wife and 4narl, and then refuse to
interests, while we ere on the way to School candidztes, and to the coi valiflable bush farms almost -useless from & J0115N HARRIS
Ing advantage of nor -Normal Rchool Board teachers are now on an equal foot- �ay, 23rd August, before posses eat anything. The moree is expostulaf-
Reg�� Office to record our, deed, we cmididates'for Certificates. Bi 6 my ing, DrrRyorson forgets to say on what. sion. There was it wak�r!Put b0iling'oil the destrution of the seil,� but this was ed with the firmer will become his refusal
the fire, on purpose, aiLthe visitor was ,- several farnaers
must g-ain and beaX it; but we can at recomendation was overruled, When I ground he considers one or two Sessionst .1 except the fact that 5 T XOORHOTJSE'9�9.
cramining" at the lVorinal expected, from which We woman took a Is tQ Out �'Pff some fields of If left to himself, and had no one to mor-
in suggested -to the Examiners that they &84hool --equal had to oonibij Vhic'h,he is determined
Mast place the injustice as one BtOnE ho!� ex- to Fie yearf detual teaching, comblne4. basin -fall and let it fly--straikht in the grain'one pleasant S41J',bath morning to tify by ab.stainipg, the probability, is that NORTH BOB XAMMT SQUARV,
tha cairn over his political grave, to pro- would make the papers for t Aiiving "jouked to the old growler would, sooner or later,
with private 3tudy.- For pexample, it Purckmer's face. isaVe it froni the dpvourl6l; element.
amination of teachers in the counties despatch whiit so much disgusts him.
-.ant hi* resurrection ever again to mis- somewhat easier than those which had pupil (if our High or Public Solioolg, let the jaw gang by" it only scalded hip ExposrioRrAL.—Codideringthe open Wh4n he haj nothing better to do h:3 -r
rile Ontario. The- lie is published that been used in the examination of Normal desiring to enter on the profession of oheek, instead of deformifig his whole candouIr witb4hich tfie Signal always 0 C LEAR OU I N -.-B` Importag direct "rom
wReformier brought iu the measure to School Teachers. Tb's, I have been can only compete for it -third visage as it woul-d-have don I e if the * 8,the enen-tios'of god govern- goes roaming about, meaning and com-
aim- ovolemn p1q . ining atevery thing, corricting his
divide the Counties for Registlation assured, bas been & no, and that no =graficaie; after three ye1irs' 6ach- of the. viseba had been aw true as 'her ment and the furtherers of iniquity, ' Brifish.Yaifufactuers
purpmes. A. Reformer brought in the ina he may ap' rath was interin. -A Subpeuve, we be- children "rowing" his domestics, and AT AN
es questionsave been g;ven the answers to _ply for a secoud class certi- we Were ncit astonished at the unciilled finding fault with his gardeubr. It is a
meft-sure to reduca the Registrar's fe which are not contained inthetext-books ficate;.and, if he gots iti ufter two years Lve,ledtotheffiihtoftlie-Amai�_on. . for and'ungentlemanly attackmade !remarkable thingtbataffami gowrong E IS EXABLED TO OFFER ALL
which zejected. The measure to 1 prescribed for teaching in the public nlOrq teaching, lie may apply fj a fii�st THE CRor.—The greatbr part of the upon yotil by the poor llbrben
dividethe Counties proceeded from the- classeertificate. Uy the Nornial.plaii,- the croq'is now taken off, and the fall whOat baukd"refoirmcontomporary of Seaforth. with him more than withanyone els-0 oods in big line at.-& SliglAudyaltos,
schools;andit maybeshown-byeom- . artl!, threshed. It will average from Some of the conservatives, who by the Tefidgetty woukan, though she re- 30normous Reduction on the sterling rice ; in fact - his cus-
Government,and the amendment, moved eo a plied with good's at retail
piZn xvinlination saing youth could save himself thre r I P seiWos t4e fidgetty manyis not like him tomers are snpl.
By Mr. Blahe and supportqcl by the on- P ar -he 30 to 35 bushels to the acre and is. a Way arc bgcomitig remarkably. friendly j
.,&the Norriial School F
that no division ' published in my last Annual fo, years' toil in the lower giades: oft a beautiful sample. Spring wheatis.11". inallrespbets. Sli6 is frequently ailini, *t about same rafts that Small de4er*
tin Reform 'party'. School Report, with the examination pa- profession by one or t WG Beggiolis at- th with the Truant, were jubilant
ant of hooliwhdre,a' d- little their, but wilrgive la fair yield, as but she is moto fend, of wrappinj her- FROM THE USUALIPRICES. bay# to buy at wholesale,
should he made without the cbns pers recently used in the county `B§ard NormalSo ecor ingftoahility, epitaph would be required for the un- (self -up, nor is she so farticular Abo4t
tke (;0unty Council of the County con- examinations, and which are being a first class certificate coul' it is not seriously injAred `6y the midge fortunate who 4ared to oppose him— 1`1d;aaghts." The.fidgett 35,000 I*Iaoit wall 1?"r to *9160.
d he taken� thisseason. Wtsandpeassrosplendid y min, by the from, beingthe
verneu, wa§ opposed and defeated by the prepared insets for 4i.3tribuVon, and perhaps at the end of the first session, , but. although they do not, admit that he 4isconise'for an hour
Government, which wished no obstacle which will be published in the Journal and certainly without fail at th"nd of and barley -a fair crop. , Potatoes are Was worsted they wear a considerable WsI call grave
ion the effects of draughts, and can
to be placed in the way of mak ing iat of Education and in my fortheo the second session. Would the' first good. in qilantlity-; -bu� wid'ilot givp a length of countenance more tkan former- - LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCX
u4ng I I � discover well, everywhere, for he
berths for its friends, if it shoul � hPP" Annual School Report, for as general clAss certificate got by this superficial heavy Field. ly. VVhenhe next plays the "Anguis i4
to be, as it is now known to be� I the I&A 2 Js continually jaisecivering them. They information as possible, CiIamining be equal in value with the first YIRI;—A, Al J6hnston, near Belfag', herba" for such a nefarious scoundrel a's d d :tong the tefiora of his life. held byany -oneouse in Ontario.
Vear6f the "Tatent Combination's",ex- Now, what is the result I The result is, ?liss certificate grit by five yeamof .'tsach- very focilisbly set fire to some'under. the leader of the Patent Combination, in cc itn
ing experience and privatetud w bush in a alshing on his place, which don't fail to strike home and administer howeyer, takes plenty of medicine, rN- AME _HINDS U YEA1W
thatbut fourteen candidates have present- V I No he is a large consumer of patent -pills, Here Is a chmice to sayd money
ed themselves in all the counties of the here is an attempt to fill the Normal iiiiiw4 np, and destrosed iails, and a such a castigation as the offence repuires, patent plaisters, and patent clmu-htx--
I a . quantity of catg oik the adj :iurning farm —If you wound the bearb. 011, Well, t. - IVA1, 40UzX11MW<11-
Pipince f -,r exathinatin. for Fir3t Class School of the city, t the expense of. the not M1117thing patent in -the way cifineilicine' I
IS'NOT THIS THE QUEMON P Cort1flc%f:eq, aii-I a surprisingly small High and Publie Schools of the country, of Mr Nixon st4 lmlro L871. AW64
nding the "There is a balm in Giles&' and
aI certain to eraure 1her support, Goderich,,
which is against the spirit of 6 Of 8 or 10 n6lgaiio Goderieh, 18ffi AUgU%t 1871.
number of candi,lates for Second Class, ail our 0 Qrts Sand&eld caq make the sick man whole. she ne1qr considers herself quite well.
wbich w a as'suits'nee, hole As a rWuJatl()h of big, majidous state -
THE HA31ILTON LINE OR NO Certificates, more than alf (if whom have modern institutions;,the'desire`6 lies Mr NixoWs, W" Sho is particularly unmerciful towards
-wor.TH HuRmn I failed in the axAminations. � juajority is to place an equal value on acquired buildins might have been destoryed. men ts, I ay th it wh6a his. friends those who are afflicted with short ma -,i
RULWAY AT All FOP. of more than'thrue-fourths of the candi- knowlvdge, w1orever that knowledge has -%_aEoNLoT5,5THCox.—Ash10Uld- are radually -decreasing among seugx. OTIQ%, and forget to put anything they Thelf1linoisCentral Railway Company, a-ExxvV-167
d Veen atitalfad. ering flra for about three months l4y me-'
n, tha friends of Truth and Justice ba'e use,,l in the exact place theyfound i13g eleV6U
We advise the pebple of North Huron, dates have prgunted themselves furThir gna:wing at a few trees in the ed v South. of chicagot arc build who have net ma,1,3 up their minds on Class -Certificates. Of these, a large go of the ara rallying. round the good old dignal. it. � To come in fronT the, hunting -field, miles Of Corn Cribs the capacity of
bush, oco�asienally upsetting one, or per- �Cog. be three Zllions of bushels -
to consider th number had held First Class County or pho6ding, and to foeget to pQrape and which SYR" or UNBOSOM
the railway question, a Blard Certificates,but many of theinre, harps breaking forth- in the clearing y they I are ereeting these The powsr this
w1lich was at once stoppad by the appli- wipe one's boots, is a tliffig hic is ver to receive ration .13 honorably nol�uovledjjed y thw`
matter carefully. If t�ey want a Rail- reported to liae failed in their exatmina- 00minioll. News. I apttopuChereut. She strongly objects enra in �psyment for landis purchaVCof F faculty in everysaction where it h" bom
way, let them be very cautious how they tions. for Third Cli,-%s Certificates. These cation of Water, until last Sabbath (Aug., farin aub Garbal. t fe�e.beL.trhDiarpetsbespattered�withiuud.. the Com�sfiv, and the fuR Chicago price introduced.;,aulthe =p' dly Increasing salo In the
27th(, when it was foulid there% at; no ro a decide. The alterrativewe believe tobe facts not only authorize the statement, more water to preventits spread; it made Sh moat -unpleasant faculty of 'is to be �;pafd for it 4here. 0 is by the pblic.
Grey & Bruce hilt furnish the most cowplete demon- Mr. Jas. Brackenridge, a farmer of I .—The' be ieving, that t1lege ever wh6in. she has gr9at agricultural sple of tilat country, shesyagwilloure Vdinonary CGUEtunpecin in
between the Wellington, stration of the injustice of the atiacks Htintingdou, was burned to. death last desperate plunge for an 'old slash of , Sym"Pomoyow THB.-FA= . Uol cat . rnever do auything right un- ar�d the xcesuitaian 'Painipestroyer"'ie, the firstnu, Second Aag6s vwffi vivo Ernst mUct
line,oi vzo line at all !- Those who are not� upon the Norml School system, and of Thursday by'a bush fire. An inquest about 10 acres and there found, ready whole secret of the sadeesaful. farmer, cO' cureAsthins
a es T Ltry where a 1twIll
material for 0 gluimelis jaws. - VVaf ted ofte4 lies in his having a fixed plan of le8p she is standing by, Undoubtedly th , b t emedy in ny tout] Bro2chius, Laryngltl% Cougbs nd Calds. it
desirous of a railway, whom we consider the utter defectivenq'ss of the former was held at Madoe, and a verdict retti—ra thdy never do anything exactly right disordered cunditiou of 06, 40111=4� vunidld'weases4DXII�tURtilaj;frOM W=1VfAIU5CLaAr
bi'a gentle. weii wind it soon found itself Operation. 3�ultitudes have no plan but
mistaken, will act consistently enough in County H_,ard examinations of teachers. ad of Uccidental death -by fire in -the Ithen. She hasa most nupleasantfaculty liVer and bowels, JS combined.with great -P-tiOn—dNeryouis ready,to devour the eastern line fen'o, to meet their immediate necessities and .D
"It now happens that the very Parties Woods.' - 'at peo ability, nervous weAneu and .j,
voting down, bonuses to the Hamilton ur I and its furtt- mak6 money by the easiest and seeraing� of "nagging" ple to do things intense th"Plce
ni a which was a o oLiamovec to o =t bQ,.ofi- 4 -t' --o _�Loi_ wbo'have heretofore been most vociferous Anew Fe � mov in 'hich she thinks they ought A
ent is contempla- vented by. ly shortest methods. If wool brI 1�gh melancholy :its offects are 0
line; but these whio think the natural spread iu-that dirediou.--pre PIM
iz t,6 _25 eta. per
as to the equal qualifications of VirstClass ted by Gen. Q'Neil, Y . take -with unices, the but theT 6 not. She will endeavoir to Price
tj �h were ap- win gr4du0y give up cial and enderfuL
resources of the Northern Townships re- County Board Teacherii with First Clam him one hundred picked men, "d enter , ie application of whips, whic persuade tham, to do something relly bojtle. -Sold by all medicine dealers.
plied with as intich vigour at on 4 naugh- Ing - w6r1c in sheep, with the expecta-
quire, for their proper development, Normal School Teachars,-iio%v complain upon operations through Pembina -babk. The raqvig eleme ' tion. of g their fortimes. If Wool, desperate to abate evils. which never ex- '!PEM MjK-Rosc —One of the most Sold, By Apothecariese,
'ird of examinations for 0 ty boy's nf. ist, �ixcept in bur own imagination. The ors.
that the stand. nee uporiCanadian, teriiiory tile Gone- infemtiust ex imentai and. one which 1,11CS-41.513 -six for V rk.
cor�munication with the central marY_ trangth oV every old log, and mutton raised -Lir a time does not Pori
ets gatheringilew. a
States, Certi&ateshas been 2uddonlir raised too ral has no fear of conquering-., The it touched iont up blickohed jets of un- pay, they sell' their Acicks at a great beat man living could never act'exactly' is easily performed, is to watch the JAMES L -F_ULtOWS, CHEHIST�
)vQd, and the . � I - I of 1ourse,
,ofthe Dgriiinion and the United high, in consequence -of which many Volunteers have been remc cousnwed carbon followed by the- forked sacrifice. hops are 60� cents a pound, t01 her satisfaction. She * change in the. blood of a delicate or vlery
and, yet prefer the London scheme, had worthy teachers will be disqualified, and half-breeifs will all side with him; he tongues ofthe devouring monsterrander- they invest in hop -poles and'kilits for overburdened svith troubles, and she, . 1hileusiJig, Fell�wi' loom- HIPalo Person '-Y� The.
randone,- one at
thi* many schools, must be cicsed for want of Will thus, according to calculations, con- it a scene of terrific g. tn�stinducepoople t)sympat'h1:ewithher. It Hypopbosphites.
better be sure of the answer to _ drying, 'and expeef sudden wealth. If, Bile is, we presumeuot aware that sheis )onnd Syrup
--If the By-lawa to aid tho legally qualified teachers. Myansweris, quer the north-west, '&-c. when - the yards ome into full bearing Tcolorleisr dead corpuscles retteadily.
question . that the standard for Provincial Coi ti- which ITero would, have' given i double b eartily laughed at behind bar back.
W, G. & B. be rejected, could By-laws - Ingersoll is trying% to form a gas blast of his vocal apparatus on the siege the prices fall-off one-half or- =ore, they Vidgets, if disagree* removed fro4 the 11jgeA10*sua are re -
cafes has iiot been raised at all, 2m-pany, for the lighting of the town. of Troy. The neighbotirs assemblid in a n plough up e,are,as a Iody, placed by the re -I or vitaitea particies
to aid the L., H. & B. R4ilWay ba but is the sanie (with some miticya- li�nest, well-meanig people at heart. WOTIOM,
Mon6aal agam-proposes- to build a large -quantities and ieut,�.an -issistigg their yatols, concluding the business will so uecoss&I to vigoroux existence.
carried f We tink not! This wild tion) as that which has been required not They rarely indulge in regular downright
8500,000 hotel. hand ill removing those thingithat ap- -pay. There are men. who always 'ke nauseaus LUR. ARMSTRONG, HANINGRZ_
dieam of an amalgamaion between the, in aiving Provincial Vertificafes to taJdn., up a good thing a little too late to quarrelling, theyappear to know the ex- . 3rany suffer ratherthan t
Normal School Teachers; aud the A lie insuran'ce agen.7 is recent peared in danger. lilddedji ft was -hs covered from Lis recent severe BI-
Tc=nto7and London lines, at NVingliam, standard of examinations for 2%ird Claas addition to Winnipeg. througfi their wisdom and forethought make money by it. The farmer cannot act, limit to -whicli they, an carry their medicine. All ii�ho xuffir from con,
thL% coatinual chmie. .1 , - snarling, and complaining. Neither are colds, irritation of the bronchialtubes or ness, will 'be fonnd at his nffios
iit so dearly 3. specious piece of- strategy C' together -41tb favorable winds -and time afford lis buii- tlity unfogiying. Their fidget' itaption, will find in Dr West bt, each day from 10 &, in. to 4.
ounty Certificates is the same its that The Post Office business at Winnipeg ly rain; that my homely cot has 'been ness is I ass spoiculative aft any. otherf. iness is, tendency to cbnsi
that we.can--ot ba]iel�e men of business required merely for admission to the has increased so much that another clerk. of his pirbaps, more the fault of circuirist4noes Wistites gal' of Wild Cherry & re- p. m., or at his Roo, No. 30 BrItisk
left Stan in to shelter my little family. and after providing for the wants Sam
n slight- ormal SC11001. The simple fact is, that has been employed. Many th g to , 1.11Y neighbo a, aver
Nian their own.' As ' rule, they h meay as agreeable to the *palate -as effect- Ex0hauge HoteL
will be foolish one gh to put the then examinations are now inade eali- anks rs for their family and stock, he should give his at- n . tsuffieie�t to'occupytbeir minds, bav- uslinremuvifflgdisease'. TheBalsainis
eat Bith in. it. The railway projectors The cold evenings are sure signs th kindness. On M4nday the wind shif ted tention steadily to the production of a .9 ties, and not what the Brockville autimin, has begarr its sway. ew animals, crops axid oth n�- few to cara for begfiles themselYffi. it powerful remedy ; it is a speedy re -
hr Toronto- drew ta less experienced An ax a to the -east, bringing back the cracking f er products, I p
er an others hare clled the old! Countf blanket is not to be despised now. flames -so hs ta make on6 compl6te sweep which he can rely to raise money. Any It, a few 4eHous troubles vertook them inhily ; it is a realedy tbat-,cures. STRAY -ED HORSF,.
railway projectors of Londoil'into their Board examinations slims " and A new Volunteer Company has been- of the ImblL.. branch �f farm induktry, steadily, folldw-� Wore their fidgetitLess became chronic,
trap, with the tempting bait that they of "farces." I -am sure that no intelligent whole slasli. ere a remar l�e probability is they would _iever bc. FANoy pRWTING in Golc� Broaze and LIME INTO THEMMUSIFS OFTHrUNDM.
formed by the Winnipeg -era. . red ad, will be foiind profitable. D C sigued.1ot 0, 21 Com. �Colbnrne 4dnut Ist Ifity.,
circumstance pecurred) I had cle I man, after examining the programmes a ar A gr mig al'Urag, 4me confirmed fidgets. . The mind must olored inkso artistically done at the &black horse.a-�ed. Tho pwner is M
the metropclis would construct the line The Vidette says definite information off a bit new ground, and.plauted pot, - in ye of she ass lit not pay untedto
for the examinations for even the Fir,3t toad h1ways bae something to ocoupy'it, and SIGNA�, Of fice. provo proertyl ixy,expepses and take I away.
from WinglianitoKincardine, Over which and Second OlAss Provincial Gerbific hasbeen received that Perth Win shortly toes, which, on Monday afternoon ap-. well Ke 2V.ew RAland Homes Ndien pe�plo have Inothing which it is
they would give roaming powers to the. will say that they are in any respect ton be divided for registratio ses, and peared to.b6 one mass of fire -and Ermakc. I How To DEsTj&oY INszcTs rN YouROj3,- ;atsolutely necessaij- forihem to think rnIst Bet 1873.
high for life-certificatea of teaclier4 Of the o cHAwD.—The address of J. W. Robson a�uut, they think about themsdlves-- Hiba*d(lkifilrnedfrom
i flice for the, i3outli I Z -wiU be I expected to find plenty -of- -roasted po
London Company, which ktter would aq located in, St. Marys. tatoes, Vdt to my suprige'they ie'mained eaU on Judito Jones). clit,
schooils, for the support -of which beforotheZoDaviess County (Ill.) Hoiti- their ailments, surroundings, Ike. We Mary. I aoexamim' those
ad -thein -OF BANKRUPT ST
ullta,uched, an4 the fnce-but slightly V SAE
bii�save(l the amountthattlieconstructicin
classes of the community are tax The Taylor -Winship crew offers to row cultural Society has some excellent -huld catiLy glad, bwever, see ,rtlficates and, ton
ed, nd straight4w a strh3g,thereare
ofthatsectiortwouldcost. Wbatisthe on which they are chiefly �dependiftg for the Paris crew at Springfield, Mass., in injured. In a word it has done me n* re-, and rmined attempt to,put V12.1 Ind 0
pointsrelating'to crollard cultu sonianviniltationisa c ini
00 'Xide. harm ra o k especially the depredatioxf of insects, amud Idgets- Itisnotaslifthey.oril, ade. terfg�irsatielduglikebamitel�Le, 1980LVE 10 Of
*being so the education'qf their children ; and. b 0 Ober f but -put save 1 dollirs in my 'T a's 1869
object of the bronto people of of 25 V; Your$,,&a go.- toeverygoodinedloinotbatl IT
g��owj Most (Teddedly to kill ofy am persuaded that in less than three he recommends every orchardist -to ob- � wWves- miserable; they are pests -to leamedtolookupoulho TXTHE MA'ITEROF 1QEGAWbXD IOULLIN
I goodan bad as one and Xlately-e
iber of teachers serve these few detaila every season:—' sebiety at rge arrywg an busluegs In the twn *1iWer-
the ]Eramiltor� S(;he]ne,, ",and nothing years, a sufficient i2nit, ahlie. It is ver_ywrbaglow. ich, 11�801vemts' Tetdera Will be received by the
iegularly Ad, under Al Ill. 13neourtige the black-cay titmouse 'I
will become qualifie vrw-q. , �. P - zate zoluse *Mrp this FAiN Knum of undermgne4,fortheTurclasoarthe IstmkInTmie
kLi�yg5. ;:= -of the atiove mamed lnxiplve4ts nt so Inuch -in 114
skorter r- Suppose the By-law to aid these programmes,, to supply all Public OW111 Ar of the W, and the hairy wood-peckeri- which do- Gellerat Verry.Davis has istood tne
—The delegates e. Doctors nd kur eelock ox
IV*-Nartli Huron and South Bruce ex- Schools of the country,'withoutrequiring -Ahis 'place on. troy the insect in the pupittate. test olt t1in dollar as por un
G. & B. held a meeting *in Thie Rev. Henry Ward Beez-her preach- TLuesday the twelfth day -of September =at 'no
*ft�15)fthP- E[lunilf[in line rejected. teporary certificates at wili eircept in a 6 12. Itiaht small - bonfires in the ' DrnWplzi is have -notbe�n able to hush it up, It?$ as stock consists o1a general the evening of the 80th ultimo for the Or-' ed. lately ox "Late Hours?' and the "Un- vousay. Mary. in tyerybodirls hotize and I wn
Mrs. Buffenbarger that was, Mrs. 1. , . ard, o�dark nights, after t and Crackery, amounting withsbo f=l-
oser eir s fruitful Works of Darkness." astonished td find it has been doln
few andrarchwan. cea. hav- PurP -of furthering th * cheme a -ad ell he sun has !. �g such A world tare and A 11tirse, Waggea iml Hafl;css to *1422 Ax
WouldtruToTdnto, people then have any Colburn, Who is, and her buib.a'ad set.- This will destroy the moth of it f goodbonthqra �And we have Jmown. nothing
motiv�e in; keeping faf6h with. the men of But -it is ;aid, "You. are, in tbeF mean- ing been acqfaitt6d,-pf the Ials,e chario�s' t0allowto tapeople,. thattheyaroint "Ifyou.waritto inalce the ruin I 4boat it- perbtaekBoo]�. Tlieovk and Inventozymay W
113. Pick up wormy. fruit as soon as it SCOUrii4pplication tathe -4t hizvOw
eariivst. . The, meeting was laigely - at- child -surd, -give him liberty afterark-� Jrifd --It musthavecured somebody's Rlieurna-
time, shutting, up wany-schools for want tru nipedAp against bienifor the p, -r A so oiasily. onwostStrectintheTown of-UZNneb.
]�-ndort? Cqtalnlynotf lffainifltonLis tended and 'was ver i orderly throughout falls ; -run it right through the cider nA ' n canriiit do anything uearer to insure tisin v6 been. coiiysrted�
y or 3,ou waul&nt ba
o -Converted. wny it his eut%d -a dozen Dated4aGeaerichtbla4stAb-vvf.20,pt A.D.=
of teachers., I a0swer, -not so fur -extortion, the scene, at the torminition
sq -present: the Vicat deadly rival�& kill til �kfr Leckie of this Place- was ci�lled to the or throw itto the llogstif be eaten. ;his n than tq leave him at'liber-
-oftri damoatio DIXIE WATSON
-not alwas worthy, th*llitoridal�enius icasesabout.10ra within a pur, Simon 'Tinkler
a, County Inspecfoi� h& �hair wheiiheex ytogo whrehowill,without restraint. vho you know -used to be sneh an
which Toronto woulol amalgamate wi6 p1dined whylle formerly 114. Strips ofwoolen clo tied around Awful sulTerer
.;aertificajels of a. dime novel -author. "Thd judge . I with itaudwaslaidap-half thetird,. why it was:
authority togive temporary the -trutiks-when -th&trees are in bloom, �t
London t1le- less deadly rival. -H they I to rdec&d candidates, nor have 1,,author- and the prisoners' -counsel. -shed, tear-$ I supported ther!G. 11.�- & B'. but' flow' was - VAfter.dark he will be Attie toget into this same Feri:7 DaVIS' PAIN-MLL M t1lit CUred supporting the W. . & B. He then -�md exard' 1 ni ect twic'e a we qk�, will, destroy, �'co'ai in U nicati(Fir, With pe ople that will useil to-
= ProrterwhoDoctor
I do pity An& c - 11 sach a great Nufferer
jbig, means, in. gp a B dri al aft a ad r b� n
tti4g, ity to itehorizahini to do so, yet lie c n by t C ly, d ombr c Col. ur
�r itli amit-Idt,the loud applause and waving f introdidded- Mr Giverii President of -the- -those -that -have escaped and ciiwled good qiialities. wbili ho too
undegmine all his dvith thea A FARM FOR 6
:PAis-KzLLE;t and - ALE*
-onoeofffie,waXthenTc��tean(IldogDCa the reeoMMtnd11,ti011, 4 therojor helter. They will be found about their dd Doetor Squills over 'one
hindkerchiefs 'Of the Multitudes in W;. G. &Bruce he, w9nt on,to show how inot like to speaklo, parents havrites-that he
the consent of a majoRty. of his fellowL !his company -firmt organized and how generally in a traTsformation, - state, schildren; but there ar6 thousands who btiudredDoliars-forattending blinand waggrowing
Undon wouldfaMback into their natur- -Examiti,rscf-theCo-iiuty.-Boa4, as in court, w0sithiladics rushed up to Mrs th4 ha&overcbme all difficulties on their between wormand ptipa. sealfthelwbile.1i. mb of -it Ian FAKWT rMP. OP. 118 ACRES, WITHIN nVV
positia __ ere my deairab sti
think their child will -not lie, when bin -or nee. I am throug4
as rivals! And how would such caws, th000gh the - candicutes have -Colburn,* t4eir eyies stroanfiniy, ind with. "S. Place a bunch of weeds or sckt my shoulderat o A miles offus Towri To of *hleb an
mainline and how:th�ngs, were worked tdngue is lik-bs, bended how; he Will not nothing Win =der Cultivation and In good cider skiodelear of
IL. if rUX-KTLLzRCaUbt6Ur8 moi
the., Torontcr people get out of *the fai-1-din their recent examination, fhey supprgosed sobs, kissed her fery efitly. crotch �6f the tree at the a whe� iiie-re is not a'aaloon within 18TV Stamps. This larra Is lynunded by Jake Huron and
so showed. that they hads hay in th,. ame e��vimdlvf that
may not be -considered as 'having been 1charter . aUo- Ir mt!y (To be Gdwinva.) bcautifully sitaated. Gravel Road all the WZY("d
aii�iJgdatint They' only -propme to �_Jtis,stated. as, a currous'lact --that -of wifig thera - to run a branch time, and exam" 'me -equ( 'You 1 A-�mjjje af h�is-fatherls house,' Where hels. Soldeverywbqs, price 25 ets, anil 50 4t$s
I)er no Tolfto pay) aid there is Loge Ozelmrauxt 44
absolutely t6ected, when theExaminers 26,000 victims of the,,y61low fOer in' to K4;icardine from soinIii point on the4 aie only to look at these dlihes'of ot as; well 4nown, as one, of its OW11 bottle, BearU_ig Cb�)Ic
-it ottifthey getscertain amount
zarry -recommundtouiparary iortificates to be Diiencis Ayres;.'during. the Past s0ai[04- 'ma'14-linii-anaaso that thei had. the bes.-atiful fruit'. to see 'how- +,his insect iniquitous
he' never-' doc Ortk
Ofboans- Tw. amount, with'the now glauteIdto-them. Butiftaddition,,_- the nine ere men.. sanction I.okthe Lond0h,-�j4a_d desbFoyz the, earance and lemens the AM ird ofthe i5rIpbare money mnlreddownl Abe
-tenths of the numbei w oft � tkiup, wh FORS
Ti I - rn lie liiisifcollowed Brown' 'mark an heis reeking witfiffith. balance rmy remain ab lPilg as itEuits thopurb"IN
zou* tkey-could ueyer gat, forSouth ounty - Inspector can give -temporary �, Tile disease increased. in inlence. with GreafWeste at iluii t'ha apples. Nineteenout of every *enty allowed BAY- by P&M )SXt6 vereat�
f BAY MARE 5 YEARS, OLD gintnerestevery cix mqut-1
13VIC0 considers it A breach offaith avd cortifimtestootherapplicauts whomhe chaugesin the *eathor,'fronl -the ezpo-; hash "Broth4r.- horticulturiits, ul� and be -13*,Vvoaud� . For ftirffierpufloraar� Apply p3st-Niato
owed, the 0,64ar-4- 13111, the A field Road. AXACEI&Y
oil, betwe pirlbet freed6nint night will
may find q�tfalified to tiach'partioular afire of the riv6r inud, by sudden fall between the.' wide -and liarro'VIr guage�h( doing; bear in mind ternal ad b ;m6re. i J. MeOLUSXEY. - 4boderichP. 0. lkweTlt.
4_uly in ar= againd it. TIlen -where - , � T'� �yit,' -There is nothing . im-
arboolathat mightnot otgerwiso'bid sup- in therriver, with the stirring (;f thobods- -is, portanUthah for. i Ud to-te at hoab at er5th 187L 15tL Jue. 167Z. VU-tt
ingle schoul. of Altf� -ete -all showing its depefidenze
WOUTA ther 1%opla of orth Huron be Z plie& clowwon, narrow guages-he. apiikkwin anpais the.p#�e of�andsom . a frxiit ch Septeinti tf,
utter-. disgiist.16f them he - gave, reasons -TAAToHwG HA-r-ST.Lcxs,_Th9 vie'Aie night; or, if ht, ih abroadYOU should be
Ahe ne6a be �closecl-. fut- want of a than. ersonal couta-:1 *by theyvarad o un ew line through. 1with, him, 'If he is to see -any sights,.or
y reject, thet W�, G. B, By-litws a leirally upA othervause t of Vie bay, lost -by. reason -of damage ih
JnSt in thelace they are now as fir as qualifie4tenoiber ;-and the regulirstan. glon Of fh6� 360'kravo diggeri; constiLlit-, thing hi.
h 6 of Wox�ter ti; they hither- th,stack from expesu
ad t:,1n Me to rains) would' take any,pleasure, there is no
dard of-,qualifications'can be, uilitain 1y4fi)Ployd4..`not(;D6 died,' thus proving to do he -theY-- posbibly be aufficip N ESS CHANGWit
:9241WAY aftominddatiou is conebriiiiad I that if should see �h�t you should not see with BUS I
nt to'pay for thatch-
untiltea�hers become - qualified. accord- that the. iraviyarid, was - the 46althiest -.Would not -get thV sanction, L t, -im� , it is not merely that the child
If the, London peol)la are wise they Will in, to itin sufficien done so they ing severa imos over.. -Depi I des., the
t. numbers. to xupply place to live hi., 'shquld be but thereitra,
'of the Great Wqgiterrt AndIA � was impos- neathesvof appeiranbe, given to, a yaril broken own,
stick to, tho, opening- -up of their -own UiAalsotobe remark- The Qj�tomitteo, pf hs, SL ohn- races. sible for them to, ran a line ivithout this,, containiny a row of thatchad bitistackii thoughts that- otight ever to find a
Uzzitory to the -west of the -,Grand ed. that, the certificates heretofOre-Ri'vea thirg disposed of the body of pooi� Ren, hblp this 4e said.wiaa. thavesson not� 13ut, is � ortli a.jood deal. The simplicity, of into's man's brain. : As an ee4.
Railwity;,.aud leave Hamilton and 1b forthi'Viopitraturyiq its,removal io-Naw- they'woula. - sooner favor 'the pdople of the l!60083, L and the perfect are iigle over &carpet, will leave 3&
y Cunty Boards are perpetuatfid Jfhe thelo, and are hToronto to fight t1isir own battleson the castle -on -Tyne for burial� - Iris friendff Wjoreter, than here, amlie esteemed some fro afforded by. it, iho slithi, so there are thooglits uever
Lila f
not affected by -any failtire, of-the-holers fie, face might be seen on o reilideii6e, of that Place but.Was a U gotid Vrishing that. 1, f th,6 very farar 'cal, i parmitted to
olishliofthein-at the recent exi' inationg-not its arrival a 6 he -me the, body was placed Ion L rprzed.ab the reports 'that were o,oal is - not pr 'i�ther sido. If London shouldba fo a be adopted on a
7 going where sufficient barax 0- enter; and there are iudiiiduals goluir a zin To
enoughto i!d ToroptIci in its attoV the rounds, pt to I even thoxe cetific�teir- given Aurin g the i e -coign. which *" endlos6d. incine thait, they 'bad 'broken faith ond with obsce4ne books atidictarea
lileasure of tim Board, as na, - Board 10 � I , a 11., �extingttish the H-&�iiflton 'scheme ot, pine. These two were p acm in a -with - ilieul a, thing Which totally Jai the lappiels of their �coats, that
J been authorized & cair.;olany stick cor- .hand ' 8, bl never promise To Kzpp Etas -1.
Uncion scheme, wouldundoub Solu ack wAlan't casket, -and a�, denied"airthe- a thatthIey -OPP HOUSES�-,Potor"'
7 1 wilt'leave id6as in the -minds, of your
tedlYlisth�, tificates. Buiiti&mauifi&6ih%t..a,Thbd Gilbert writes,the 1�ural Vew Torlmr
nextvictimast3rasmetropolitmava glaswineerte� in the lid of each coffia woulaim the lin:etbr611ghWroXe!6r hiii children that -will -never be -iffacea.
rVa Class Certificate under the uoir aye 'Flies h0e been to bad - -on nly.. horses ika as to ex- on the�ponditians that th6j wouldglat ne
&9uld succeed ij�imjwing kL sknifies motei andir- is Of M"pre value roze thafao:4 to vlow.�, tbiit Ifoutid it Almost imp,ossible to worlk i There are �i n here who* liave heard a
the sandion of the 'Great Weatem this
WalterBrown thechampion sculler of tualicious, songund. theynever will forget
th4n a First Class oX o in Boi hem;%, -1 t6iik-sm �tyeed and soaked it!
the unitA. d, to,. get, . He wom not 110 it.".- 'They tvili'vegrel; -having beard It to
'd Statei also:died from. -ilio: theyW faffi -app la -1
offects of over-exertion. hard on te UAdon 3
07. Pywaxs AV0L0%==. raid a' - the' Toroi6.' i i wtot.ei,and'ift th morning I- C1
k was follows n with a sponge, all. *v'er theendoftheirlives. 1,denotbelieve
It U, however, oYJectea a Fair, the Caleb H bysoveralapeakej�: to, the -.hoI h - dA - socing -life, as it is, called
it in a -C l
The ChisfStiperinterident -has sent us hard -for old feachers, to, 1) vizUeGill, X.P. Y,, 1)6�Hamiltoh D thera,-,an4-lf6iinatl�e4ornestoworkalon
a set aside,be- f6ruis, M -1 I � . 1, 1 1 #1 91 with its,damnable lusitand wickedness,
urderess, -has b Without any farthee trouble, thelliesnob
causethey-cannot quali�yjuniler - anew of her council; ot t I Y ei
long document, in wbicb. to re he t6iBidiiadon,of- P. Say 41 of4hiclift6kehighl.�in favorg, i ta- bays all his- i - kginations set an fire
plies to a-uneying iVem, in the leiit." in
System.' I answer, a's government �er appag put 60 till. next Noyez&k. sofliall.- No
criticism* that have been madsn the exists not for me body goes
new8chiolDilt. Thove office -holders, but for the.. pricespaidby� the'aricheathe followig resolution. reviewOf throuh-t1iis fire that 444 -got Tid-of the.
neW-1#DrAsav1peoplexathe forthe. was passed without onii,dissenting -voice.
Robert Bonne
eat t6s the s Ar
JiLmWaft'itvid ling-drawn.out a left r for ihe collection of re NoI bib. -Scott seconded by W. Vx. tile wil markeb.� it
teachers, but for the jouth -sud future
generations of thii1and -, and if teu1wr*1 AOWA'Ddhoi-se�,,whichjiisstal3�le.c-"Wns,I fact that: v;heat, which, in -view d te Agreat . martypeople. have asked mi -of w1iter as Earl Rusleft. - We. - Hiniatoneand resoilved-thatafteilwarinzi nei:cositkio Frauco-and-Gerniany, after
girs. the i haye been too - slothful not aira stated by. a'gentlemarl, who its said to : - I - rt * I - - , of lat6,- "How do you keep your. borse fort headed am 'a to, keep pace the itatenientof-thedepu ation Ttpresah- siRleeT G THREN 1)0OUS WMT OF THIP
live, received W information from 4xis the close of the war, *as* exppet6d to ODWRIM
'Vor.dt" pwith the ProgromVID WIut,, auddeftands tin &B�, this meeti0g,18 of rise in value, did jut. t4b rA looking sleek and klospi T' We' 4ten, *Avimwe ziour XWG
wh'selt teachers will be interes wil lips, aifoHowt:-1)"Ur g.the W. G. versa hair- I -
us. now look at the &c tod !n, _ I of tho e I ountry, they must, as shouldall sujow. Poeshantow, W,000; Pearlm the opinion that of the 's'�veral. schemes, ing - fallan 35 cefits a busbel$ Ana flour I them ft's the'easte8t thing n, the World.
mcarapetentand indgleut public officers, before the publie this is the one that will 11 of, -p. is give, Sheaidan�a CavAlry - Condition. m jmdWfndow SW41i, to maf-b T06M for N46W Good�' IrAose
ta ot the $4�,000; LlWtern, #1010W.,Bruuo,, $2,D,_ nearly 02 a barreL from tbb� f-9 .a ijul; $be of wall Paper, 130ro 6 th#A AUv 61her rlxce.
w1inle *tsr. It is Admit;'e't png1l h da andallIzzyand unenterprising citizens, 000.. 3Cd .1 1 J�owd tapertite *�%,qVELTY BOOK 8XON
beatservethe interests of the County -,cause e era,two or three timeis, week. 101 f1110110M Ch -j3ook JKingsf
*Ard Eyad#4 -$W,000,- joe� toile latfiAgbot.. The this rUca. Ute gt*r pu ftract GoderIch.
rive plzcetothe� more industrious, in- Elljot*�r $10,oft Wy Palmer, $s5,000. d this- Township in p"ficular and Aeclina:w", noi-thab the French did not
when the new SChoot A4 waa, it Bill telligeat,, resolve And- enterprising; being fullysatisfiedf the integrity an& vaut the -wheat they inthe, eastern, part of the Staft - $90 Oft Flatbush Mii� nwm-jr 33 **der a-msifteration" t1lat the standard TIM fiouni( ac.ationot-a'i�neimdon of I &I of 1he co�qipany -to construct their I�TCDOIV would take, buttliat they were not able! Staip, who w" about having his log- getritidand i4ney Note P&j*r&6dZnvt1oPrt., Boblix-Sellw6li
of Publie SAtiol Ttachers, qualification 1, ehildrah is for th Totz4v�AOft. road, fhiK- meeting �ledges itself -to use lathe ]EMA and Cheatimi.pi4ce to' oket bookx. Purfia. Albums,7012,16C9. ijokt�,:Vwle CWWU61
$ t-)pnyfur*it. Ableagbliho*ev&, Con- amput4ted on account of jtwbeir�g bent -aPb1es,1B1&11Wbooks.r0
was twx low ; that Qw txguiiustil�nx of axke- Of an iricorapetIent �hcngh ant. Rigp Ifon. Sir Alexuder Cookburil� haer begun to# make �at i copy lioiiks. 4i -w everything -you want in theStationery ftt�soild icheap at the.
every lawful Means to carFT 'the By-lws tinntal demands ht anilea and stiffat the knee, Ubd, Hlo�piaidBU04
texchom by the *V.jDnty W".dpDf pnb_ W toacher." ii, gar2itted " the, DritiAll reprowntative ti I 'tea" in,their Several 'odrious, inroads upou English stock; these; 14id_ ofJohnsenis Ano4yroo gut. gran ng aid Linim
lie fristructiou" we= inefjffci�nr, *nd un_ in the, arbitration. conference at 0021evs- r -4pon American supplies, �A. neytM youiull4aid see Itow cliea.everytb1ic b afthe
iter using it �% sliert tiite his leg be-, :'n6fiia tD*n keeP YOUr Me
"tisfAckWY . w)MO called thent $%ituls!* i Is it POPATO to �belieye' that Dr. Axtelliiivalv#A xiAwo have 40minittes
been dis4 The foll-3wing Working the price goen tip ajain. The World came straighty and .18 now as jorvi6
and with Yetyf*v oveeotinna , Ryerson his so suddenly I)Wawir merej.' oovered ig, Squ* West MinourL QM we" th inted. all le. slipply of whftt in -as the othe NOVELTY BCOX STORri
��Xmpp ai avisiv, TffUR0KaoTXTBL6.C-K RINGSrON STRVET G
-Thomas gelly, 080. ForAyth the world is 40 percent
1111 8411*itt-d that what -over go,)d th flifto CoUnt-o4ocated tmh#rx jw the , The Ai;ic;a cannibal, at less than it was
printed in tembei Ist, 1871.
Omety Bo*rix. as tbtn 00nstituteid, lia.4 Soco PetarTkorapeon, H. Mooney; J MaRea rho reomtly killed a s A" SMALL BILLS
nol ParagrAVIOf the aboyawould W. G. Hingstorie Donald Scott, N. M. i at the
ro"t leg4 and drink his wetty icertain that yea -t� 'the best style -an With Idespawix
shoyw, in the =Kjority Of intguca Indicate? the heart f the "stutol been found guilty jwd bone,.W, [ork, 'I � licas for iONAT, d
kwgoutliretl their usefultiegxt 41itbgr i lyliticiau7t to Livingsi ohnstono; T.01 1voino will rule bigh.
U really getting zofter &zA doxtb, A, Brown, J. W. Kerr, 4i, JOILUktone,
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