Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-09-01, Page 2A
Rd Sileacalter, with tv k6s; itud whou sat ling Oil this ,iid, from as he was tho excellent tavt and great
t 1, reservain to be 1. 0
iloob gravi� XLE XOST D ABLE
the, H- as -volied:; lie lifted liar lat t� (in. -parlianioniary experience. of his frienI .0ninico, X10wo clown i Z alk
-oun alt %v,, in if ykin, graut tidA i4clUesti c
SlAft lUveri wldeh aldrtia the g7r -as -To, f �7 s� NE
She seatodher Ain ie4 the 1�rava with the at, Auadauque, mr 3KRaiia-, Vre*
dated OF ME
IDna Ie*Lt the crowd, and wandering to an a alifa) sayirigi. tenderly, aria soil tyll i will say, the - ;�4 L ift_AC4�' I I —7no ��
YOU have ah -mm khidtl' passirift into law of inauY.
to lite Anil to, the f Sixty'VorpO6 firmsmake a sped.
thelbank of the streAul, had Seated bei-, otunly viseA and crudo piece o. legislation. of eggs and'41410 0 067,A00 dozenyeat ZIMS J#MT ID
&icojiie.horne, Florence, my wife 1" - ZY-tido ever, 110-panagell. to force *41WAY to carflln�,
self inva f,-41ea tree which lay across the AfAit Wals how
A meeting Of -theL To fitiye,% of 'ett his JTs=-fF",' C207 zanvc
�oat, 4 a I ZVI
[lingi? - woudaring faces were all im pr4 5of by the -aid. 'Pro, Business StAnds, in do e'
lat.,01 water.' It vma zL picturesque but 8111i u(Igtheivii, Itu Engli4lilo4U. Bob luepaurestbiough The ?arlis* c7re* has' withdrawn froin %Avd
V'.orence, - styatifi.04,04 it lndiqz-ar� going to, bi dealt,, Iii th iu� ofids fitithfut.."martyr" friends, which the 11itlifit rich
a.t Gzasenv, 12mUng Eno N
4tange"us seati fely trie bauks�, shakeh- around bert 0. t. taic, and loft - for home; al, the iariOU3 in ipalities interested irt
ti. ��ultl -only look up to: hot this, ivay, -I A,, pioved� at priti4iot6d b Ur Blakaj to b ana
-of- the it, talete my coat off, �=.ent 1=4 Kie- WM
!� rains,� porploxe fi4 NOW, p4r; 0
by theconstant dazzindug wid, ti, ujl�i, L titutiollpli an& thav were. thotiglithey paid their oarxlleo:T�e. -,-18 V_—Z-a ,
'chitlize Vaces 031 South BrftCA-Rk- JVay extensionL 'Was Z %7-
argminst their base� wers treacherous iv husl,3nd for antaxplituation. I -
sspoaker� for it
II n Jna
6MKV friandsand you,-'-dexr Flaropcia, Would 0 tawit (W stranger in, Gobou rg, n�Uied Arnes hold.01iluovalb'Jast- -Mon
=11711lact-.3, and a sligkt jar alight dis- b%- I'M better <juentlydisallowed by the- t day, convened ir Er 99f
to ludi If ge"gonlinitted sni- Vis con TV. -
Iftes, bingo fracluents of earth'and stone., will, I tellsk pardull it, little rue of mine VV6�frjlst, 16weve�, thaf
(This gaily waq everitoo, muchlbr Ini Diwl?, 60 � years () a L 4t the call of X* A I -lay L re"taV, at
of the 01 the Bco ,
lom -TUf!0.111Ar7 White litid P -1
gtojit,, V L iaiao�oq
A little furt-ker down- the Stream arel especially as it had so lt�ppy a dtWunwitt. gr�viby, waxa. �enoal Toat. of 4itys 00 'Lno" followinw- wn hip delp te
t ga s were
Mr. Sttirtevant anii Miss Rivers; tbw I have alwa. Vi indul"rM a stroug ileidis lhmberad�xua- that, are long . tha`rei*i� *Ace:otliq'�n(jr, -00-- 1,of OuT mft, VA
I - -
s in . s-koo-kool't I presdrit eta for cover-
gentlentan tnizing upward at the swe 't to be loved f4 myseff alone, 4nd not for hituielf J - I- of Qovernnion� will be 111thebundsof the 'West cquiro tnil 42CEC2,70
outed, - , )v - oparatihas.- fore the Provincial -Wxw�n0hE.' Gaunt, -Deputy
as heartily asany vtrmotsu
, , - Kiiitypton are rapidly be -L
fam of the acl�ziilmiisrrcss, thoL JAJ`1 thn wealth *hirh happened to be Iteforia. pxrtj�'l whatt the'- dliti'1�114111110d` hi on at Reeve E.. J�.-.,%rgesso -Thomas
mine# 'Tbn�, ffTmez ih
After obe more d&ys day have alet:
s one wzV tu satisf�r pivskilt, goutlonvan. who"o-wu co cted.;� -rVIIN 1:kRBM]§ES4O0CUPl33D 13Y R. 13, SMITH, �C07
gTavened, and tt-ndcm 7-,W i
next ravitirig', very 01"OnJOUNW, f�boiio�, shall-gidde, tile 1 -04 Story Brick Building, fire Moof roof, store �aud 4welling.
fretting %he bo%om of the stream to and there wrl -the, aestitty ufthis Alox-MQQn
diamundswith awillow Invitchbroken It was necessary foi me to lose illy -1 Front leritzance to 'g,
It Men nobi 'Pi9vincer t a as resen d�.Profassor 61 Armstron&Reevo. uareSituate oil -.14orthside of Ifurket; Squn-Ire, 22 ft. frDllt�JO y
from the tree at her aitle. petry. thing th,&t I L valued--m,-uty One; alid emybli4v was in, joeil, h tuatgreat.�hupR�. win niflij AtTorontoj With �L& biskutiful, 194 oust - �4_-Goor Mexay,
a - oward . I go dw alling from Sq
INV -hat a be-autiful picture! Is it notV heart and all its the 0 nairaiiading th4 1-4 viih right,of J'J
ssiouer It inkafand"i as an ackiiowledgmentof his onto or; ort Caerie. 7 It. deep v ay'to North St. and Hamiltoi� �jt.
-tire illy possessin i 6_ Xinloss-M.. tant 35th Sept. next on the proo
n the-firsk ttine- I A4 y . ., 1� . - - 11 1% . : Will beould 1�
;evaut, a little malioi-� of (I the Indi et-ih store for it. eo Or* on tho,'Geriltau4ar.. pbell,, C. y Welts. pzcct
itak ware dislinsed to alkit..the Trdab Mooney,
queried Mr. S. f,
tpanion, as lie. noticed happiness of meeting the lady who 14 now L. Gaut& --once moeoW. TT416
ously, of his coul Was, Authorized, in aaditen . J4 the, terms, hen. perm s.w I ere pres . on at, the, Galt . avert, a it tha editor of thil 01trolt- to. Galt,. the UstrAheattr of
a welcome gart.,
the L_j, 1 4 ily, Reeve;'P in Ktoez �nnrl
1tailiDtlious glances silo cast -in. the uty wife al -T. We saw fit to announce the Uct in, his n mith of its Mackenziei J 31 drris, _r. Holmes oE dirLefian Of F loretice. v 1116.4ko;. Currie; Rymal and others -,apoke. )6p%
pair firld ag.ricultural pounties, an -, 1 1 , - ktyReei( �,'�H. J. Johnston Coim-
arkened, she gave'n-d ubblats, he is per box' mcovitla mm-_%
Adel aide's face d responsibh4 an to 4ilI for one yearOnly, Xi I4asi nircreaut X. P.,for the Bouth- cillor M. tivinptoni. J. 9tretton,
�Tplv, bnt moved away UP the shorq, est gratitude isane him forth. ofozon for 6 and a, bnggy, yen to W-1. E[ingstb P wo kqvo . 0 11141TV106 ' Riding -w#,t roasted ali Th6rapsoa, 0. R.
rL -.dered rue;' NIL reserve, part the t4overninent. of Yes
drawing at, inau4ibla he hab ret Sherman, 3 2
for'sach of the altiefs. The -tr�xty f -tile 0 nUae 4- A. Cooper, T. 3pillio, J,; Axm-
strtilledoff tojoiu thoulerry The tiding-sgot -vindatonce'. -E was Ontario, . theoltief 0 Ai'V rwell and P6rb p4uley the
wa strong, T. Asht4 pativ at a litdo distitce alwaged in body knew that r. Sturtevant lind. not �aocordingly dithe- pro. p vincfts but in ohn Me Qoderkh, August 25611871
oncluded that of the Dominion adhoofiera Skyl rk and George X Able , , I ". Iaoin TU ser, Re-wo
Cauad* � Viltid'll we tritsb -will dre � long Were ashore in the late- The
toffing fortunes� lost his pruporty-, and, In Consequence, per - folmalities,. - ail the �`eui to the of L�10 evetybody was, his truest iobefJi*at se embrue every -,a, o1i hio. can- .-Illitte alid of the Q_rmer Peter. Fisher, ;C, an- mow Immm luc
Adelaide hurried on r- bobite, hiklily sattlaffed. This. it oner dL ton, Joseph Leeo�h, G. B. StaZries John
in I a Biitiih d
owning aft4Rhco tot I were row Her atcp starticd Fiorouca vatit' forthwith. J. fair girl. Jula-'fille, if YE'll Can, tho.L dregori tiace,-Jl M. Leet'Jliz� i
hich she was ind"I'l-
"isconif Calty out of way 0 0016niZa`tio pp . yeon-
from a revery in w roAno And may 46a 'graub that c tture anit-Ox I ing. - alto sprang tip qnickly. and site v of Miss Rwera, intairine -the alt're, "it Canada may. longromain. in Ia gatiget?" dinod At-Vorofitoo, A., Ne.
rey- eye;
nedion with Britallesgrest-an4glorlons G T Le
b:uke off the frg le crust of earth -where nine days' wonder; bub,you can only and is �flovr' to be, accompanied ,to tile Donald, Deputy$,Rdeve Tawa�a Sp G E 1V Z I E a once,
sh" stitild, from tue,b3uk. She felt her faintly imagine the happiut�ss_ that w
A. V611-alrail fts*ter. empire. I region bald. Waii Spece, S -rach R. Supply the ft Tll
Signad-in, behalf of ibe Rkorffierg an, 4090runni .1
firathola giring way; she rea ed4-J'hs Florenee Sturtavanift with the man she South Waterloo. RoBi'�� UOLZAN, The dean Oauil:Steamera find great Pierson. L' 1 1 A fate ja store, forlher and, withlimploring h -.-.d chosen for her husband. 'She,krsows diflicfiltY ini , Making, their. trips, being X. Has moved, to his cL" 9tori-on
A� the 041t lteform demonstration ner Reeve; 398 -ova mffi ns Ml=
eyes, she huld uwt her handslaintely to now, tv ho befriended Uward, her broth- I Chairman. I , _ . I -
the foll6win$(address 'Was presatedy, 66016d: by'low water and the smoke oftiay-1 David
a'r a] 21
Ade:aido for succor. The lady Imight L A the perfect trilitt ahe onN ALLix, W. 3). S
ow Little,
fisla for aty him, makcs. her life blessa& i Dint It itsaid'th Is P'�J31 say* her; f4dl wall, ske Ivag as a a rro e., at: JA s. Me Fj c fDDALv _JVoj�taine oil the
uMr. J70 Gait a a
Bf th .5,delaida's UcO-grew cold, b6hail of the Reforruers of 'Waked
Gitineau somewhere in the �vioinity 4 Lis
tow6lD., h -Usy, teeva 11).
Ind '06 - I white, and stern as mxrblo-woe unto X63104- Madwonzie andMake, It illoibesort. Jt4 whereabouts is known Q ell- Th4CStock purdUsedby him ftm.theL
as, who keep the pplie- s
-by the a, and not A :brielay;atatelk
her! rue evil snizit triumphed over the only to the India the �b- Insolvent Estate of Fu I s of
g. tribute wea�miritsa I jectof the,.-,�'m . ee
1.00, - ion of the
gool im her b7ewit; slie turned her back to, themselves, istripted"to and posit
bad stand or
ve that ar4 for other - constituencies to
ise,; � pow, ing out.1hat By-laws ALL cuing all the suppliant, and no, eye, sa I Dnuu,&RGE or jonifiilftrm. reveal it. enterpm,
0muiputence, ssv her black sin. test their representittives by.
had been duly i bmitted, and published
A large eel wag caught by-aJai P aDi
faint d L was to reply, in
There was a hollow plunge; . To JrAsra, A14vanjar Mackenzie an oxDoN, A:uq. 28 ---;Thi latest -phase of Hugh Brown RiVe bymunicip4tie � interest6d-v;I the.lm'o. . 11ir JOHN fizint cry, drowtied by the ruar of the 0DE, RICH, SEPT. 1, 18771 Edivafd Bl;dz.: in the. Gt ir at He -referred to the Nissouri murder case. is the discharge Gail. I -Aboqt4feotlongand e Toronto nd London. r betwe. t measure4 W) waterr, and then all went on as GzvnFxwri�_A% the recognised lead-- of the prisoner John MeWain, which eighed 161 lbs. Leels movementasob Sl designeil to buri;'
3 bat hava no ITALEF,AM v ery , plenty p;,o
ruile of fiendish satLifacti-m stole oil era of the Retairtu Opposition in the Saturday last before the this mer in the river. d 9 deter4nined V" a Vez y A a took place on -Bam fiosing hothin
Which he is
the ghstly Countenance of O.1:kwcOd!S Dominion and. Ontario. Parliaments, this tan grible instead 06f; ANA
Police Nagistrateand KT. Brd� is a Val' Ur
Zing vior Cee" were to go to t7ao bef
he inatterud through large gathering of Reformers' bids you -The Xinisterof Marine unce� -77
prand Mistress; a SINGLE' SCULL The County' Aftoruey saidlie
with.John4 and will liko17 lea*o'the� or of sonffam2z
her c1csely shut teeth: 'It was not my mqst ciaiAl iiftil hearty welcome to the further evidence tQ- offer in the case, sirtiring Qove menthi This meeting had lo arrarigg. fo
p_. Townsbfp meothigs, at which le ote Paper just t-ohand due& I am not W blame. SADLER OF' T= �TYXX VIW8. oath Riding of, Waterloo. The great and the magistrates did not consider Montreal is a To' CLEAR- Ou
from � ty we - would
stopped; her white exporting lumber. tb -South T=W=D has :act
suddeniv she majortty of, those prosent-though your themselves * ustified in longer detaining cricatin . a W09 G l & B.
GREAT FO OARED A I MM ines familiar to them as "'ho in easing quanat A"
hands clenchad, c It other firmly; &he 7HE us"' him under X evidence already ad-iticed. The 'el 'be present.', Th4 irst, and ',geoond meot- Frailhecd f -he ProvineW Ang far. We only
so te ITI V71 e hold word- r before had the Phoebo'Campboll and Thomas Koyle ae zlican Synod meets ing�s, at e) On Wednesday, ATN hmr olcao v
grew a unt from the shore 8��-have nevo at Montreal, on the 1; . f -September Of' FE RED 7"1V3Mr;rzM -felegran,to-Me pleasu on face to face. . 3th o 30th�. at 6 AT 10WEST RUES
on; for, 81. (By Special reof meeting y still detained. So. far, ho�reyer;nothing -and at WiAgImm, on
A debate nn ritualispi isexpected. - . . I .. . with the a,!ep3rtte power of a atrung -:,then,is held for tb d adouble has. been elicited- a-Lriinst Koyle beyond The great lIalifax f6ur-oare Ely, 8 at I p in., had -aliedy
SMA she be4eld Graham Sturtevant. HALFRAX, Sept. 1- races Win;- a atron ion t0hat he procured the d T100 was be I e h . hills,had been -pFo- B _S._PJa=,
w1th oki;Aag the Reformers of this accotint Eilormous eduction AT M00AHOU FZ UMTZ
O?alock postponed on -L-at itzm l
M swift; the migghty Sorg- menced this mornin..
adjacent Ridinsan opportunity g suspic was, found in the house. a9`a vided o 11 copies of a campaign
The current , pistol w ch water. toboan lmy�or
mi C�16 , b7�Li g in
in& of the tide ;u back the Single Scull p.WA. -1gAtriqs.were, ofseeingafid hearing you and other From the conditicri of things at the tion among-thepeople.
glit have driv sheet fat..
8 determined, but it produced no pk6minent - men of the Parliatnenzaq On WecInesday, at Takorito;lho �Uam_ V
021 made by Sadler, of the Tyne ; -Br6wri present time of writing, we -should not It, was Aea unanimously that anoney. C
er B&uquet was making a i 2MO311 TIM USUAL��"VES- Alargeztockof everyde'
visible effect in tt, 0 ppositioni. and that You May ming riy ,, be' te Progress of the bold - le be e much surprised to hear-b-efo To �Ip to thels. Peter Fishei-, -1 sq., Of - Wingitim scription. f
of Halifax ; and KdRy. Sadler came rM 0, ena Oy. over 0 e
swisamer. He reached tite, spot -where with your political friends it"the County long some rove lations of a pQsitive kind I- 'appOuted Chai Man. The, Seeretary's
rono.down, nd divinz, firsf-by two boat, lengths, B -,own second n dr. th 4, Rei a or, in ed' in or -firmed,
Florence had L 1 f t thy may gire �ott the ppoin -ment.iWAI
a oint at, STA
which willbe Apt to remove much of the e. save e t also'co
same To 00 si hads bell)w, an Kell
�cataa to the surfac third. a' ble, manifestation oliec! that meetings
obsenri surrounding the case. boat, er w t was also 8 imtcasily tlzro= c9 TZ3!�,14
ly Ut . . . . . . o ed
with the girt in his arm. A few FO'UR-OA= RACE. your-autiring! zeal an& arduous labors in be' held throu the, tOW3whip as just -received and selling loverilbauke-
and his body not recovered. aven 1,10 moniouts, aftazwarJa, and he hacl borue Pailiament, your aaQ!r and constant dw am heavy C, 2L-
4 follows where.
rights and-intre TheDominion:postaltaxiffhA S
to th�% shor&, where, declining all HALwAx, Aug. 31. -The fol- having wat�hfulitevs of te "PonatrEitea Grejl� her -At Airtleyvillo, e he succeed in ra- of the, people are neither unobserved nor OnTerat New v to British Columbia to the zatisfactionf:
sistarte edn x-4-- �0%h, at 6 fat ravr e I f -he b- 10 19= I
offers of as, cleared away, tho races commenced this Wednesday p. in, z� 71
atoria- her to 1ciated r fvfead� -ana tup-' our fellow, Canadians on� the I � .01 - AT 1909RITOUSE79.
started ,bv you ge _-Tumrnbe I Thurs- Fiq,_Lng, _03tilo P p Hao-Ec
anappre I -the daere: is R chaice 0 sae inoney IGWatly w the snrpri3.� of all Wood- moriiiiig, There were six crew orters. iii thii jart of Ontarioli centi from the 9flantic to
Yo1jow fever has broken out at Charles- X04is ancal Wswanosh-at Ball
ftird, he inaiiied on carTying hex to her in the four -oared ric-6 continued 'rho "fair trial" -cry grot UP at the C is retty cheapL.postaSe 1;Ve Yu Vat in f le-hoal
-4 buarft,- place in idily contested rin- the oonfeaer- a . . - I
hii j6&; andthe to be sple up -to genoral 6leation,follov ton. The be. preaches , -very forat grave,. Sept.- I at l. in,, and BI;J
deinoralizing preva,
next day, herealled to, inquire if she -had resulted unfor- On Sunda,�, 2000 immigrants arrived a On t the V 0 18th Augud1871.
the 4take-boat it turnin post. The ation, 4 �ha Provinces, s4omme d�ayy, at 6.
a, znjnry by the uddent tunately in the return to-, boill 11'arlia- at New York. ce -b All. out -door sports, .2iid _OX
ich Fl6rence hadex- Taylor-Wirtship, cnw; (01 We Tyn&) won meats oftou -many men ofthS '�IulkrtYe` Cholera i's declining in Dan' :w'ouo fatal" ego a healthful. Turnbo-rry- -13luevale, SiWt. The, chill whi at I in., ind amJstown�s&b day, mlapdug of 17 aceay.
trienced, joined to iuxiety about her by three lengtha, followed successively str- eofpolitics. 'Undarthes& it _e
ti) 01" in- cases for two. days. at 6, pe M. MUMMANEOUS 20030V olclm k, 'a
PXyor r - . , 1 11 bit mialionor to atve V, Taugh a brou-he; on a lavr nervouz fover, bV the . 3, (of U econd, and atances. the task imposed on -the -Oppost- Greyaamor. at Walton, Monday wnqla, -on lot 4, 4,rTa cr,,2.
.ftd her to her bed for a fork- the V*& lifMfa been made on- the �� - M,
that confine tion,wasoneorno ordinary character. Intl a TOW-nPlot Gray' same The complaints of l6bokin at *zn,-t I'M
us of pam 4th, at I p. &.men th &UC
fo, 'I
by tbo
nigh% dariag- which. mother tgacher w -W Detriyed and deserted by men wsaripg yat 6 p, in. their tvo Goods was
-M i I . I
itifesse cations �nd themselves are not
Theweek endin4_25th-A vi Z^1
ppa3ition had - in FINED V 'UNDERSTAIrINd-HER By Cho*
vided; and whoushe. was.- Tha iry ,difficultie& to , contatidt' at - -5
vt Inat able the gnise 4 Reform, the 0 A: Mole.%WDrth Tuesday 5th; at I heli i1i pi0ope# respect by these *ho Velopec 75 WC,
t up, the pliys&ian positiveik f,)r- 329 deaths by cholem. AQZ. Aiferent spheren life, are only 100611py :BUM:&.
badaall exertion. Rory' lifehesa-id dios of HanitQ131. a and manfully duding 127 6ildrez� JpLJj0rTs___Sj "I Schdol-house, on too Manal labor I ory oftheir Thelongthof the �lh 'minal Court, bald. at Vort, Beptember, at1p. M4, well -founded. -p*nc dej'
de led on her keeping quiet and d thd Mee o -,.At �a CH Tuesday, 5th undeniably, held -in comparative Ais-
Buthoweimid sht bequia The Treaty Conference between the p fearle"Wanne 'mile -aft AT AID ORHOUSE'SAl the flr;ew. was zo
ii, in which themorld, is at -pr n William, oil TuesdayJAly'25th, Sheriff and Pbrbes's Sol pol-house, same dV-, at respect. Tbeehiofre4sonof this is tliat
when E4,w=&s contianance, Chiefs of Manitoba -and the they ($%eL n Condorned1h04ildest' Europe; 190,000 in in Fra4er on' th'bench�Flom -Xitchell, -6 P. in.,
at his Indian a Aniiiiii 0 workitikaien do not love kAowlefte, rovicus, and
c6unty, "Of ast- wxanaxh�at Shws 96061- they aho themselves to . bodome �iere -Godefich 18th July, 187L swV4 Stridies hung solely 'opon, her wages? Lieut. -Governor of the Pro4ince, which an ostroc less -extravagance-- on the- Auitralia. 30 sub-�mariaei and 100,"- tea6lier, BAllachulish,'itt the" 4onbt this Sha coulcl nof. forbear. a at of w - oueha�w4,.nnn thibatestand, most un 000 Milos 41e' tensionx 3r�arfy__. !some Agunflaz-4 of an commenced at Lower Fort Garry, on the ha*&n*, was placed -,it the ...hogpe,. Wednes fay6thi at 1 p. and. mackfuet, capable of performing the
-*hen she - thought at- the disappoint� blushingicorruption,On, the other. ThoU.,, 8 reduce i'1,800,qliD 4as of af die "nathrice 4f the:Prodll 36bilitybrook, -to I their lot in . thtNine �,Of found ee vile Lad
I- NMI .1W work that falls
ment, the 28th -aly. and- continued- over ten days, lit. -the, jDaminion X4islature - every 1), h wr daily - tail and -of doing little
ig- iron with having made faUe eqtty.- in t a West Vawam bah and A-shfield-st r pro than tmie Oace, Sit -of whi
retionucing the cherishea object Of his was a vexy-intereatingaiid,no le amus- -measur; oftbe Goveraniant, ich we d t, J -'tl'' d'* il"hey allow the -laborer to live Vareae thb latest'Moelot V o p Ula, ion of the t. oo,- so 10 840 rattirne . o- to- kstrict, on Duagannon, .<A. Thiuj' aothin'-- else.
clay, 4th, at I. ing- affair ther 99simple- saftge?' showing pay 8*1011y 11116111i0a the int6rc6loual 8, _55j. 983, of., whom 4,908,994 are,, the 3d day, of Aoil They too justrepeivedut the STAZBOOKSTOUE. turning. A row- -S fict,
last, - Accused plexcL' P. -m., - and Kin pbridgd, same day --at 6 Ujuirp the.rights Of the man.
h1tan givemore Ahaught and morelat, Pice SG cents, free by za;A on receiptof -for t
Sca=ely had sha dried. her eyes, and himseltno meai�'addpt atbargairi-making. Railway rtjute�,. the, Manitoba. qtiestion, aegroes in various ddgrsos,�and 63,25i ed not waidef6rided by.Xr. 4, he Mxzwury l flae v21
go, T",
remblved to put her trustia an Ov'm�gi.TheIndiaureprezentatives were and tho Paci6c Railway, was thoroughly f/lePherson, u.
-Mckenzie,�writet,. dati IV price.
as banded Yellow afftea blefeatures-lioluted a-,. rl xy t 1P w, 04161 thelef -part,
PtovideneE, whek a letter in his b
nutabered 1,000, pre- bi a ti ed Ehe valuation of Boston1s this year i est-.Waviii 6sh --- Gibson!a � School-� lIkil ti former ecOmes
herl It proved to Tbe from-thep r—ewident 'Quill, whose batid a Y ri cis and 'opposed, bu. rr JI f6i the,, �nd then -complain neositso others see FANqr pR=TmG a o
�iiapacity ag Re igtrar ana Pnn!EhC-1, W�c tba
�Sixx bundrod and thirteen million dollars. house, gitura k, I P.M.) and Town
in I old 13 nze4ma the law VdItl E 8 T)VV, C
-Of the collegewher F Zver� 'in no'cisedid this careful. thoroqg Bilkellulish ifict 06iiiif it Maur. he.
a kiward -ww stady- son them as they see themselves. 110. who olored ink; artistically done at thio
Boni Of las Ving Blidy, twenty preseIat oui of m0st uecemary' Action 612 the part 'd� the, Dr. Livingstone is r9portid ssfe. ai�a noted disregards his bwn T Lhtsi and ignores -31Gx-ATojfice-. such a crime wat'4 m-�t ft
ing, and ita-contonts, Mdthe eand .the taki h"'
0, 0 - � tha- &I lifth a ''Art un- Opposition degenerate ioto inything slowly, making -his way homewrd., nth, n
ap that district WAVraiast,,'Aleki Citation a, baucl of 241 Xee-we-ty-aah, (or incl bld OW n . :: I . ,,zkt 6
known, fideftk so rm the no* had paidi preaching factiousness.Mr. Uackdwi7i 't, The Piussiaur will evacuate the forts was-. the eniuncrator he appointo r the p. otlLeTE; toTespect them. Wemotunfre.
by the 'Windy -and 'Wa- in.
V � r,- Lrge arrivals of Envelopem, Not*
in fall ther expenses of her brother for DAVca round whil *the entire coilfidence aad near Paris about 5th Sept. di4r0'btn.:Fh* -Mi * 1tehell. resided morris-B School -h Lae, Tues: q4rentlY bear, smong- a certain class,
V, - ich iss 1W.
the entim course of instruction ; and * Xboish, (or Night Iffawk) each represent- ap&ovil cif his cQllkstgrues iliparlianitint orgartiz- T� Such Amark alt this, oft the Nub- Phper, Song Books, Blank Books' and hag erecled at va ("m
TliiiSwedish-army istobe� fi, b1dule zhorut him was; brought to M..,, and A.
10 . I , W 12th, at, I Browx0i , Some
receipt for the same was inclosed- fng halfof a hand of 500. Gea. Kasias and of'thelReforni party throughout the ed, the cousbription system b him by, auterou. M. i'ott)f,�,-diicatingtbqirvlifldren- ,,-NVall Photographsof -the Queen,5Earquis vf
� - 2 1 .. 1. eing To. f1i some 'BiXV Sehool-house, -at 6 5
Florenw closed her e7es fiL Innich thank- colintry� was at the same ime, and - in Ae ponsus, of -the band he be- e coniideredit, his d.utytoJo9k�1, Vin e ad 13thi- John invat 96to school some I"rite- And' P nee. Is Louise, Picture, =ill 29 x 30, wlCa -a
fulne3s. Goilhad;ndtforsAenher. almost, equal degree honored an4respect over thfim -all, o'iee ifthiiy were J)Topor� 'At 1.- P M,*,- a e ay, at 6 r4fjrq J but Diu's -got - 1#,rain?- enonjgh. Frames Slid Pictures; 'OffOrythiRg Sold T126 waoffiluety all an -(!a
-to, showed - 500,',-' arid. Thi Orang6men of New Jersoyphra&A
The npxtmoruihg! the- foRo* par,,v. longed, ed by the 0overnment, and,' 1his, too, lly f ilic, d lh 1,�Uing over Miss blitcholl's Ile. can read and write i6deipberright ohe at theSTAa Dook STonv.
fora VJ&0ai_ their Chief L on.28th Aug. with a guard of 44 police; %ph al�pe&rsd in the W00fl Ross (Flying while they -had it -Wholesome diiid of i
Wao�ke.eby- I 86� saMe
c e u th her -age' good,, and that's enough ior stay "commoa belag-425 Li�vie rpwc7!-
Men. at a. in. One in Thus virtually- 461inovdefting -were present. able criticism an#fearlesa esure of No, disturbance; a
of exi) %I . `dwnat2� -As 6he-_wn's. Stevens Sj, L661 -h ere, under t1te head I)own Bira) said there 3DG rasudd Is at 'Malt AnothaiSteamboatxplosibn adcarrod ere, distinction. whichtVe next in Was
yowu ana Henry Prince, chief -of the Christian Nihit is believeAlto be wrong,', - Among parsanittly'known he Judged 62. X. or 2 ST.
wditeenr Tindc
u�12 fer�_tdwnii�aa-. the Aher memb4ra Of the op on' Sdhd�ty, 21th- An&, The -Steamer. by her. appearance tli-tif'-tier r�as. Rsd I
10ASition. wba 1, n 1. i's School-houie, Tue' they wo0ld deny -, thus helping to lay
Grallwa fs JIM W3n&rCF1taTA. V&.1.02M Salteaux,.saia fher 'Go only- ' (at'. (kean `Wxv�, with 200 oa board bleFw age V3 ecl Mr. Mackenzie, -it m muct ) lHe day 8th, al Go,�austD - :the foundation for a daerenue which By THE MSlox. V:07
ably assist gliter
wo a d �Lxu wn,.
al up UL Six
ftjftpous"T�on 11Z1xt=y_br som5 leg -d deedt�, opoko for auofhe�, and he too would not Appear - invidious to, - mantiou, lip t Mobile -29 killed, 56 u do atW 'had iliev curse others for perceiving. This f
I c4n�#satioith'. the aterator same day, at 2 1.,. Saturday umq cg
Ve y ing. Dptewber5t1t:Nr Angle -sea stnc-1 ttj
9t in. as on?N, same pr warfix'St TfM(1Cr8t0EtKt0
flvw, or-qtObtk ortham. tm-act wmeb we mreo fg- Ya-n&twa-kana "me of BIT, James- Young, -the member man miss about Vie matter ter the.3d b1cil)le is sometimeg tarried to 'he v ' ' 1) W. Cur, -:0 :1�rraredyof =QA1r Vo 4L t X�
nolwst-4 lez, sturtt - 10a., "
-m-En Bel !Fnise, m to ......vaat' ordinglystoodforwardaud gave it as 4n -Archbisliop of -Cauterbu and as the e is vtceordiiigr- Rea-lbe 101yest tender unless Uen- can
of this riding, who tApygit a Young min Thi.
t tzats ao'� ry has� of Atrill Ualherstor_iA of rdme and proditees itsffec 20 1:21
indivll=a, smd ckratc MK Utaut _grervt ji, opinion thab'w 'he. dre"at -Mother �rl . t 6 L 19tk at 6 p. in,
mly to bts, . n aess wrote to the ly. It= Vtlfl-tory inay not be racepte. Sw
any Oi* Mary ez- �31164 cler nu-;
Lary ex ud;ed -gy of his dideese, to -the same 6 To poiness jiist knowledg , �C, old watem C_�_7
his t - pintsin, if_ ListeweLSa urda catlam.eali be seen at wy Mee,,fteui 10s. in. to I ransI"I
Qh, w6 doubt, perience, wrofightutforbitriself a hxie:etthemzelwa jho��graph-ed at-� his SeSSi6n_Clork of, tents 18 it -It
�cord I ron fhu-far,�Tt ixtract On to enable him tolfighthis,wa througli 'L her Indian chil6entobe, few pabliij Men hity� t D�D; Hay,, Seconded
brought' an a ever expon'sib: , A nice lot i of fVire-ho -h.out; (A w �_ thought ta. bo. sufficient for a in tiain I I
like �ild of her birt -N L w*u unam- �na all 8THOMSOX, 'of wursotho�ue,ws flaw -fira by. ',M. Liv ogstone, it J7A3= upon, razasrve3, the Inditans should, ItAme record as tbdy��-malce. tt prsent 10 an L
return b6 Tocgi�,,a on extrikct, bt,,hor _,M� -That in onj labo-kitia mr knowledge and Town Clerk- noon, In 00 Wy resolveI6 ju ent
linm d� that, �ffi_ ts that do not bear, dire C,:C3�1 C2 V
an ]Pik GO
Was a Row �rediiblo� to fiimselt it must .. be The *4tiish exp( gmt were barp in, rom'.w ich, it fLppeare
tha tole voice in chDQ3i% them- Ayee-� )rts in An 9 -N&th qortli 13ru anA ctly 2eveh, Aug. stst know pileasitigandtatisfactory'tot his' constitia- 6C _.J� super-,
1weAt e as was �agiped,,on thi 10�h,Aay fit i SoutihBr on his line af labor are considerer V"
MaZL feHow lifinsilf a UR old brave, *iW go T Pffilion pounds teiliuS.74he 8116 xtension V,
to fie
co bore, -i::R� bi%valy, -and 1&atL eveninj Ile -clothingbat, a bjeo' clout and a smear- Lthat ust ch6m or-
-eats OtalVer attainedl 827j' 6i 44'yea�i ed any ival fivoui� though they tend t alera obtifim fiere. anoi r joeittion- SALE OF -BANKUPT STIOM 61 b, M a,41!=3 tzw��
ter.) W4ness thew With de - eSt," �ry
The, Kiiig of Italy U reported to have �e the vaned stvaoul and to develop 'true Manhood.
=&ad, at Oakwa,?d to sea the yo=g mix- *g!Df Whitala3r, a4d WaVinj 'ea0le7st necashitilly- come, before tho. next, session fed 0 =a jdot tb section country through -which ox pi a i
traff. The, seri=t.sai shQ� -Woa -not at oRegist6r 06 Sarely th# ills -obetter withrib- t
=H1 having 0,0 -a Z,
dVI dfferent- punt. onepiS, sa'T homa; but. Sturtev=&ju wip& as, he 3�oiritea out that the of the- Oominion Parliamen which in- To 25L Alabdins. arbitrator. - 16 re lip
Ort'ihe case" to tho- -Pr curaf;or- it is located Ild from - its: financial s borns, nor the draff-horge. VA
b inioditatice exceeds -�.avytll cat 'The witness wa- -exall-inca reso,
IlliSormleat Of 'ton ladjaitfi . poiat urces, -is.. oill entitled to the because lie wis taught, tq�kissliis we z
ly, for coming -lap the avenue, Le h . a& (Wh( ing -expected to be able submitted to its decision -airice the con -1 Pr�-JAVJiagstone is
we i to settle the t'great length by- Mr. This, we are bappy to i6my's is not the TxiaF, mmTr-mov Ammiiw AND MMLIN
awn her face a the ppper window. A deserted vatecl-questionof the sources coiffidence and ipport-of lhepeo&, and
And- hais,
the Conipally's BeXvice) - 'all - federaf1cm of, t6�',:Providceip on4oavored tti tbit, MT.)AcPherinn 4e..pledg urst vesto Work cordiO� and
CrAet. smili Wr%ithed up bix face as he, of thq Nile and. Congo. - doview taken b ali laboring men',-'and.w4 i0b. I(Wlvents. Tentler w1a be zecelped ty
be- stacle to tegOti- the treaty. of Wssifitigbon. � The repre� andemped,forthe puichn-seef thuSt9ck1nT"e
insurmountabloob ctuatkil throug6ai by itt' Uv t , Secure the *Passage of lare still, happier to be able to say that 11 turnelaway. ntwaz -mat very, deepl prly L e a oraratically t TEO 1_F1G:VAZ1s.ih0 29T�,rett I
Thar Tl�e -nor sentaffre of Canada ou -the oint,-.ffigh -M.L Thiers is to have, g; le 0 there is a-growirg disposition amoiig of the stiavo mamed ImplVeOU at S, =ueh In Ite
agreed tor- hefied malico a4ainsf the Accused, . afid?.that, - f its c6ftstrinoti6a Usm-- g dollar s� pu Inwittorypices, uttil four elock on
To T_eliabli ation*_ atGover By-ia,ws in aid in the Ram:nwm. -I Ca
easot eV lC lasiori appears to As President of Aiine
iberation, . $dtesting, hawievor,. hellad n authority'to makd7th Jk1)0Mftg 01i3ses o 4tive -out Tuesft vietiveoh �a*, r F
Ajtewtel -
evidence. their h egiti
alThe Cholera IM extended its ravage eSsh issue. stgn Onsist* crag(A of G10(prips-,
ate- lug This that he. did so as a favor fromthe bounty the- best,,-aud,itighest: interests Of -the irfvestl�gation�--tliat I . zify err(ira e pr�oneous vieislfj)gsther ; -but it, wi -.3c � 'The enshinig day he called aim� iguattira to to -Minbu�g. This but 4 Step t- p d �rkc a U0, at 0 etle a
;ouatry� by appending hill t beell. oftinitteir the'euti take, a long to'do� It' an '� i
morMots wore f time yet 11ft A fl, fte h 0 nua M Odaejis� Of tJLQ Qacja� and jhat"thatL oF lays Tork, idtli whicli there i�s parties -to- cFQ) .+ +h gs d- ,"intha g0iinlxn, and rr�ct theini during' that. longtime, will ju�ioi timeA[L" 'Riv7e=,w, r and Igo ortant'd-ricument. � Th t T, eL I r 130T a phee were pe ek�o Le a= PE4 �V= �sz
waaforce4 to xea him- - b . her mahnef Amozig, see 1111POCation =6 ut of Sirjohu A Audonata traiisatlaniiocommunicatio -by a
t or,'_ainka titat -pro- -the ee.-.
Indlaw and, -Whitt man werer all iilua rious smence wittlessi h?sWqv hao to biar a large sbaro of the bl oil st t t.
warolland dM=t ifiert he asked. hgr Of a 4 me MaOUWA or6wzch,
A Roman mo 'ked, iaedillgi*�'wem infitituted't rtougv A� for. their own wrofigs-1 There is Ad' -
to rider withhim on%amorashe declined 1eibralhe, Ui. E Bird 'ex_� sincelli 1 is resolve Au thinp a :M
verlastin no
looks andL the proceedings- ])Ate4 at -06dedeTa t-b:is Ist A. 1D. IS 74
t and the voutitry. as disperiedl-:by tlie,' eyao er f -tills -Meo
lew in woildinf., a plow,, AVt_ ox, or a, "ad a pal*r *t 41i ne;g4bc 2a
-was nef. Premed himself satis6d;with evorythfi* Ton
forwaeditb: Con&ldfi�s:te Mr, Mapken- ps&rs jt4 -spittle; but t rape, i4m td Nee - 'th6:. one he ocati�ri. -and, the Reform OpposIt ititinikAturi identified the here isomethin d4_
hartl aftei- Aujgaee, InVited tocaR agairt; and al y wbm- -lie forma that the eon _w to 4dul
"d noiffitis reported -that Austrigv ful- in. a�lt to o, no�thing, elze,, Mau Weems it IhItyt-5
l,�t� -himself ancr.big-chndren, litit j th'e righta'of the, DO mmion to th ffig'lier capabilities -are, pl4cog with'
Italy A�nd_Gekinanj* h0e, formod'a ed from acused- It occurreJ Isow Chairma --------
Xonmouth� W tivat i4toni-W11031 for- peace I U2 Di, wuedlvielyamlc�
him. e Ve 1 -, an ffFq�ab� - JI Elky, cly. These are not atau's high-
mogtimportant fisheries in she World, a] Aat- A tha 9 Wa-suskoo�koori, wanted, to know'some is e men's reach, A FARM FOR SALIE.
1hee reo-u- tiar �ana
tunethoughyev o, W" erwr. ad. - away- withoup An ade- Don-plil Mof -eat achiev
7hAudsom dorigcd� to- thing b* riet barter coraial als ession'- They4onotirequire,
MW3�a` about Ilia Q
to t1i4patzimuniwhich Lai— b quate And satisfidaFy nationa 6 the. been NJ-
aina'im, h aken but "A 10- is Ahec- -last nor, nthentittives,. be9eak tp highest �ol 9f,
notz -G A FARM ?OR Dr US Ai=Eg. vilrinS FIVP
Gpliam. Sturfeiant.. rpu that' thl� lent. -efthqu - oke.,� that he wiis 99 years of age ffe,acted bitiellectnal and eathetii culture. It iSS tV WTp ftha of Godelleli, 70of w1ich WO CO)
Out Seekers A Aao� F�ying, W.
4 Fbirenco Knowlton. i:onralosceA Very tern*L ofthe 06reta d aher race that -the cheif obsorV differ- uzder Cultivatioaud ig Zao 4--09teleaTof
were the. same, as the-,-.; -At theltwA $-$S('BSI!)D�-clerk:forth6pirisht)iSir��tialI �
able 61 tho V.)
e;fr.% I_fI6_kjjer d-0 4 OX and W
]jtdi$aW bAd &ay ted ulin te an 15 ster �=dqa by L ke Ug -ran StIA
for d owi-rd of p1hearned aW "A eil�e, between the 'beautifully rltuaterl, -6xnve1Roa4 aU tb& way QTa Nt
amp tsibeil't eLp.osi ion 66 we
0164y, but illo" iks of idlonesa-wero ;The Wy-of A young"Womart, in A of& a St - il * _ . V Aeasalsto i berlife.—Mr., of decomposition, ivas tound-in a j - e� of lit for no
he holdfrain _-MItchell t ,lily, The- document he pr- 9 by nam Robinson the one J?Ii4 uW-0xdmr-1
1he"Plow tUb" aL on the S) in ati in as. hi it ieserva of :xc* ;ftea $1)r e4a: iudw �J&blican "Who ahju1d no Mill to pay) ar.4 :dX1V
-in , In River. im3a, true an ya the St.' Re Pnmles Beoxitig Choln Omit
Visitor. & — - ar� lo�o 0 that yet day after :day t
d who 'has 614, it ever site& d 'correct ther-holds it,
-book, again. ante ark. 7 of- five i4d, 81L 6111111iyl. of $ft V0- R. -Through i truoma- it wai� traced", 0: 0 aims rWozL his abidirm pla�cq, 4r aF a aptisr an ot� th, r -R ILS- 11 b ilk tak fr Ving y gefting 'Up e pu feU s e = on�y nqup a dOW, often a I makin one li b One ird etv nj� tho
bakneeay remnill as leng 45 it slait!4
ifilas long'as sun shmec Thadaughm �fth* She. was bgptised Pit th h
oQuogit of flowers fro(h t, S: 2 e
es1top 0
thervity greenhotwo. And aus,dyi-wheit the, Ahsd�r -iida. of fit ithe Rosertwol era.q doe r, AUC -pro. Oth oft Q M 1, no in umber, Whom.
matter. A weak And willing tool it ary- 1827. -The.gutry'.1n it lo a n co%pams ShO iWaS able-, to f4a,& brief wilk in t6 -ere Un consid hands of his ll polittleal -Antrigonist; the Uok was ifinade ]by hildhelf, In pLtticalars Apft, past-JArl to
rden, he Ut 4o*p be-ii4e; tind ire&4rin.- aenple Of, medlis, hers, ad- a: UZ,d L WM2
.&Iftical des 1, die ',to 15=UIGP�es,,
rada; dunderhishandi. May, promises to�pilId to Mountain of Solid Aj baileriab on 1.8th Ailg!
ier$ and tbers-isap�arintly no that thw cross-Diamination. Mr, AVIE�e she 'bl tlio Rm lam%
r yery sifri- in the, front bohxv�_ r -the
ith her hand i# bit, told he vanee4 1 and. Jdsied tion too1wifor-himA descent! t;;, t hohxv� L_� -ana 4:10ut rope T witne'sa an . eXtrAct, tog a gol'. i , Afte denpg -qoth of GoderlolI. AnI5.
b gave'iu.18A.i
ply and quietly 4iat loysillier ex.0 Z.rVZAR= 2N
Ike suidthe-VUiea. ope time we fil A Leeds Trad . xii6itha hich it, was at his dupek:fok several
orandOommis4oner, ad him while p gat a lesson ated that Fldi& M tolili M(
hif ife. TheLUnion com "k&l her to bi wr Refortne using all th M notice polled. an, empl7er to w born in kebruaryi 183.9.' weeksMT.Rob onsud had yJaces, The -be pem
'You ho. oulitlessUafd,, deargirV, iih to start 4 te-
gives litut tor sscitra the de -Jw AWd sutzzdgy ve dmitted that big, but m rpris.6 of -the saine
,In oQueltis feat. of 'Rofortheiw at � the. po -t&-olfftceia bf -tho�l _the tL L h the Utmost pity
Us.. 0 Su loul of my low of f4t' JToI h%vmg pressed *9 B: H A N
doe no 'A%
�y V�. 0
Tailiaris. t4- say they er Pt6d the 44�tbor tilaf ia - find him 4postut,wlt fwx ajidgetEr 4300 dam of R Oram was 4mtCrej, and a
oblusbu ..; but they
Inns T Dayofi Urro- ma wbll enou& to -h Assi e sure th for tbe v,
L :A:Hffi&� 5. M4. at it was
breast with nia 04 t4suma way th d irI.Mg lrJS not, t -b
't-,sms, they =e& Some Tery. modost the whole mitrangth of the Governguent a 00 rpopne, uthb would notswear 1 which 14 - us A general
sends OT resoluttons*moved'bir Ut Make on -the "�um&UL -the ajptismextract, he- pfcdne6d 101W 'WhereforeL from his opens odforomal Apourounglawyer, -napr$ 'asked bei4'- a6knovoled AM: b will
ica-1147 - 1 91119
ad - Scotia, _t r Como around thiswf�y witk his frk bUkA turnera toward prop000ls. from ME hewl
on the Xiova -subsidy;and imme- the superierity,46f Manin theinferi*ority yr, is c rre member
a50 qn%ro miles of land for- the Fort ' L - I � � '. - - �,6
-fami ea Awoke Air. f3ranl,
Aim, ant! his lartunato how out with h, OW6M=,, Uvinj appli Let him not 001 fine his talentsaltogeth., Lrauit., K
-or, in twder ItO '5[&Ve hit
nd .Own labor ? Answer ta*,-Florowoo,�. Alexander Thdisi2s, irerjimeU4 frota-dofbat, hoprXis round The ttai�t. ibtiie years" -a-go. The' -er to, lffisouri; Theiezra &good
Sha liftpd, her soft. eyes to his fam ppy. Alture -is succeb4tA in for and E�f r th-_ 10slifoTnia-,; and- 4 -the ozw' looking
wmte& 80� miles. in width, fQr the hand i votes, with tk 0 the produd7.66ntain F' ill. two 106lity It a
0 is r. MLareo)then Adreasda for
.th t
He then gavo an W4 -
there, sudilmwingher he beloaga4; to. Va-sus-koc400n de� same resoluton. r alioigh More morplas thanthe bpium Of toni- Shoriff -and crayod'a Mr. 1.wI, in 011M. - el;. X -)As CAMO to his
to this brox-Op kissail bar on her'lor07. miles. While f for accii5ed, holit LF V
hi �foll6wurs 'it tite m1re's"OnR itit b mer0e, ae fb
mandeit V6 square =ad r Vio vm-pdF, t'
It it hard to sit, oslieth)kAe tam t
T�x os' or ound. to praalice WSSUIZ-t Ameds The 4uh b ox wa 5FFcn:;r1 ncV,
iR Fko % ON brave, Ofth& oattrucklitig ON41TIMUS d LOR�4XOHN . _.-n4s __V
w so with me?! he asko nil. coudinin his abi ev,2�rnee as to the birth roe- cc
id:giies Additi- partioulaitt,,6f the anoffier gra5n ccz
Es'L JUt no C"11. r
*1 ray. AA -1 the- WhWV0Y6d TOPIT C&AIW— adhiSc6tripstdota for naming their do- to� We Dttaw&, chief, : or htsl� 'tip thi y4iody who over saw
artdocainailft paper � m
wr I Wid ot� which lie relied r6feited: to birth 14rd Lfbba An
"She will
�a - reach the r *e f
befora they know the Iuoek the Abery- 6f *ask and corrupt a t 6 s ell miglit wvlll�eliev4), he
Thm weeksitubdeg"Ut then was &a gd irsve talan to aid biat in earryi4 out the -or- Ta ksa a tf) the -ex-- vas, destined Mr. Filhc
&b,, Vh1tel men would offer. T11; but to- hapti" Am 01411takt�l fr,3m a 7Q,-,
a little weemn-
tentatious; ww4[dialf, oner fair der% which 4,0 so mer6kiy aucl 111pi f A Arch I b- atr Out rst A Van by_thejj�gglon-olerk METHUSA
1', with6redl
fac6c W6 due toll,
JAth inorning, PA tho'little 61hurch in smeare.4 with the �d`rfty alsiyth=ptitia Obeys, ohis ob"4io act of us - follow-: from the volcano Rawaug, (in that is ct one, and -he now 2163MIren -up old PIMP
The bridwepow. bad P) de. of 160milexIongbyll0brosid. era bdcom# reitiVe ari &-'se'aqttske�; the sea , his b- clotWa, remindson
ffir aresezve ar ther Alinivitadil accom.puiedj� by' me for'Ward vilh1i a baplism Cortiftate and 111 Ig b#4W e
ore, in the irmencos of Aftr$dv4rdfUr.'_,her days of ahaffering i,% aus ther tur t the. Otiverrimout -Sharoap6u rose to -a'grtitt height_ and a thatIlib fo one Was. nut , its�4hell,
sirod it, an4 Ah ) f a himol shri
adrinei, I t glut befiaro tha,' 911011m -a, about 40 frue -life as Sri egg is f licys C-1
tbaasosrubwA worshipperay the oertwoquy ja Siilar SWUI ihe following it 4(yes'. the !o way irdo'high sud-1 C�ald - they" then; - depnd But he is as of pro- tQmPtiUV re. the Moe
balk of fi, �ShWJW,&_ $% Oid
to6k and -rift 1�akg k$I)t iaL N uoh a nixtiner., as this? mem, and pe ne mosthe away ohhrga P
3fia Rivas odUd scoribbilly by the powd was Ingas— rout 'Cho 'She'riff J� marUble: proolit of this v4plity s
001 -ked. hs�, or the inwivs k9y' tof human, boingst Ottle un d thiii _r6ve.' n -book 'ho habitually
4resood-bridej bar &*tly brwAde 40 W'Unt ff. WasboUnd tf)'t t vigor in -whichli,
ffy' C[rand ()rsil sko he Sonia' o0s; his
ruskling regally as she went - and mi. and Wa-guir.". knon, cal rwar(l,the into tiue:and do their master a btdd*n 041i ao pilous perished ; AU-0ttitir ac- -ivbou it r aadorgau jusi bef6re rising to 4pej&.
Asaviden bc.
t=qy 0 rty wlio-made tbe�, oniry� After havir
Ooially, iiasworn . *a
&shlgulxr�; u"813114 latter being apo*stnau. Xa14 ;—I With firaUfUl $XPW f the go count giies or'". 300. � Airlong to by pa iitagen. sov�rairftfk. in sit on- PIN
samile so, Ue slip - am rinx to atat4 the 'hie "rk get 44 ft, 116
pod,the dilLmoull Wed of x1I tho thing's to cotn6 Thaakii to Mr Dialcar those wo.pdriobifil ww thoUsish of.tho Altlip"hih the extract riferrod' W a ormoUli. he a
-ding-ring ow the fingor of his hrzd*. including Wise of the i0d7the Retorm Opposition, those and WaUd, , Only th '' I k - . lift: (the Sherift) understood pea .-his MOoe 'its CA=RnN'z 13LO101 KIYOSTOV- SISEtT 'GoorRICH, TURT"s DOORS WEST rVe, rJus"" Yrer* a inbaptism,- e, VIKU thty
M410110641WW xsfh* 06ilght th# gUttw Potege. Fir&k -to the "rly part of othor thinxt a )V* flda' with tjkem� ilis poor camme
qukffy relirehensibte'lisil standing. Almosb tilt th6 sunrivs Ales bc th 111arldo Wild.
Oat it was; Invariably theenstom not to 444 lie 83%
of tbo brUliaut, tmt th& toad pressure ey hy
arry spring, we want ell -tbo childttu been exposed, before the- last general to the bush, whai% thay.� till N1 t ey 'born.,
bsftise children unt are "WindDW loom ew On much fud&d io rec-4rixq �1
�aftrlllz out Aa1w.01WIku
ot hish"A V 1 .8 sired borr elo0i*d with 4ne elith"q In the 0100tion, c and the &rue obaroater of the last amouts. Tits bodisoof, the 40ad sp4i�odie mov4ment of th
06wit tits, inj lAughter.) Therefore it only roads Ole d STORE than a PlIber rise&
.ktraist 4okVwtoar3is ir" - because, the might not, Rem the pUe6,. ipar max Store , Ct
k* j�:�tjI6 afoUl the U ihe
so f4lof the y*arthoy b# 409W (fritatio . Goverstiftnt WX4 *"u by xha were lying, i that it seems itAx wattlilgiFan a to win ndibeiieimper4fte WOVELTY
*To to oW4 -f
*110 d0ft, iftbb UW for$00#6 Of f"Wh tb* frm had tfl foot jitIL WOM 414thing f Most *Sam[ observor. 1f4t eloctiou, from *AAt 411a bury them.,.- On in sh fr
be bap'tisdd 4a ihe day on which,alte was the hana of *v Wier cl3j�
b6W pak eatored, stid A* toa6liwaa Wimmeror an Indiati wants to settle, a tfKaugh vpvung *a the gountrr, to usi*ba the 144h of MArbh the yaleano, ow. -1 JffQ Could riej L believe Of I or -hen ' he WiEmift 1-V �53UIVW 3F34304003E$;. 9%%XC:0XLW1 40me Ah" fod cre&i
bora. that A' , I I.. I
tw* We ftad to ftwrtovalll Hall, id -411,1- It"We is to 13#, plit up for kiln fall far- wOr& Of a 00yeritutetit organ, 14like a fla6w and -kv* which deeftoyed vat4tof Isits -down- U-neath. tas' Pldn jmd Vattey
y person occupy -tag the position the , is tjie Best od Clwawb place toget 1&band, audthiwa z1D
*ishodand fm with all i" -d an at- th"do0o't from a. a4#Aftky,- resulted the cultivated Und. The Vivetabodum, "Jowg Of a =41"troUg broad brimatea. Copy lmks.
J pris(sner, occupied itt society could _0104 it tile. r
Floroam WASA14shed olue sud 111tPok, everytbb;you want 1h tUfflAtiollerY lifte, FOldel"P SW12csrr�_Llg
&.L, omplate, iw to in scatu the -OW Stippo,,ters of % and aistress of the survivin I whim "e" -up
rLs, 9� si� mistake of fiftesu j:daT4 6 stating her hatil MCI the detifir, *Vvile
NA trift"ML She d"W olneor ta tim Vft LZI 1D,)VELTY B0t )irt fiTORR,
ral,4=0", we want buggi4m fLm the Uoyerwwwt likio shaff,Ww# the wind.. arp Wd to be- grd&k unit the add of help age. : Hit, would, howovor4 luffict the or Uble k frori� of bim,=ex his hcad ereryttlit mattlo beer is milministered in
side of hw hwbe*4 mod c4%@s6"Q 0ouvolon a" braver, 60 show so that oompan4j*dly fewl'o Wbon. in town keep your larn" tin Voli calltild *to how ebeWp tbom lowesb penalty that thelaw allolpredgad in lihi. b ldj� to All sprealAueof eolt, so i4t they
'1=42 X*A visa is to be aup- re-election, In addition ....... 71 embodirtitiat of pro* 3X0V_tLTy BCOX STORFik
to t n r 11"jasK, is the say AWA
amsrditigly'fined the' awnied in the XUM. & le
rsrk* novi fr haxtis& (Blake'soeven and &We Ti Nor -On mid redgualibliv RO"0TXL BLOM XM(;XTO.T STAZZT GOD]
plied with of 21, -sterling. The aeurt-room was'6 NU,
904 SU k" 04W r4q%iV%ft$QkA# ; and th* 0masOut PON07 hk p&*erfal iged d6d"Miam in Advertising. Make your - 4WIrdeadvidu 'the irW. O(Avrio, September Ist, W71-
woom U 10ft wart Is& b4sa 4w or" of 7
il 9
. F;r
boy, was
b the fath
erm agains;
oth rwis