HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-08-29, Page 2,7 mpg, ob 14 I�-7 < . . . . . . .... t gin '1111,06The lRadlimbs' VAtk 4u$ hands riluch a two ha Sth of Atl 'in 0`1110010 ar. t 466 db a a I, #41 - I leftst. JPAUIS five weeks silica woll the. .4% The ch t, ��, itidde'44eath of AAr t King i;f Italy lil appointed Count stuff vrotild 'Tea C is provalen! bellititt still imoutd& that )13 -have ilitini4m I jately urriv'd fro," t"jewn tinadill Ch s -as q AzW, a myglelf.' I le'l lit, -.1kibitrator in the -Geneva Fort G 'V Mellabre it. ilbfp�ot. it, n%, nitr� forenee -on n are c ;Con altillt the mother'. cav?�ry fi; cQn- no, ;7,,�: era,two -arv_q,, lind,va3-int-trad All the trdo -18 i7statesman: of lar4e: silid ^JL Thoreigalgo. f# y .p �nthol)omiriio t , Couixt such 4%t, price for 'petlect, wo b It mrtj Foys old then186lies in, x "idindes o, rotu n s -in Goder'ch it 611 t rf The itsusiness ma d lliotlijug-but ting &Ihi S.. juay Aw' be tonteilti heredoing rnment has Im -:kr dludstoifei has o! eb unio nt1l(" enti lirm f6r thei 'The -decenotid, hatl'b at -n. i1i &licitd'he Ith. b Id Nov. , Celebrated and fix0ompat 1 - - ;k ie Wendt gov ef thapt4 Were ino6 iban. 40 posed & tax of eyh�ve now beell- 116 I five 'frallas on each jSzO.e* ads tlfey ourney irom 0 ntari6: C, his,'g9vernment "has )vislons.- Th ity Chan*e -laift's 6flica, Tororito. bl. done' * a three wbeks, Zoml their go and child at, and one franc -on every. c4god bird G. the Itself With "tho, FeniaTi raid L �st. Pauls through 31i 1 -' The, remark of' Ronforth, Captain o' shipped frolli: Itil-his last This is anew way, cut of insolvency. son's (lo. a0el' to 1110urn Ins aild0adepar ure. the Taiiecrew,--when lie fowid'himsel' T,,Qeipt,,On,_&42oV1 jut j. I That th Gladstone Govern- itson,- - the Hud iend-;,fo - -uniontrefullse t6 ad. a 'tli(f rest Lit air. M, 4 hytililiny fi le. �:to keop `�t that he '.4�intis Tho F`4n6h govi frout. the� E*N*,' unaU 'eftion-it in thiukil, tb 1 tlf6rebut who is als-3 owner ol mit Alsatian prodticti liitii witit. 16ho-.o ii,d,cisNird]E[u,jtde�ires�ousprFa er and is engaged in corl� I.- hz�e adsomettil led toafear-pffou Ivestera 0 ka. '. __ t dqt. i the wi draival ..of' -the Treaty--l'conduerve' to the interests of Z�yin,_- gobdo through - to, 11:43 Pined. -1fial, Wit biquet 1,614 givais -the causl 'Oil Ali '.Gvrniau -troo ps A a Qf faii Nl villej 'the Dominion" we call readily believ, "pultimilar S"VITTH, COISIST0 4.,�; -I which were delivered iutO Mr DUT r td �­rj rjulit ng. the Porattlunist Awelliu,. Firmat Dr. Paineflitud, of Qbe PIC SImin is ext tore and our ! star than those I ieif n I when we think how ill-infortned British KitxoWs hands f d I lo -oldes fuges. Stot Brick Ba4ding, fire proid ra0f, "Ot SquarVj �L 22 ft. frontRge, t �Ao thl�,. 11, Griggs L& Co. :�e lay.8 SLtuat oil North -side of Xark Poll ve a- in fe- into the hands -of 17i _. I I 24thInit-i,a,v4�d 84; Fr *as dwelling ;1Jo*,bf urvii __ - nfjmfi1eft1y W401- whereas be colt � 11. apanis striking gold and 'Ivor coin -147, ft: deep tvith right of way tD NI)rth, St, and Hamilton ticiaiis� It, thealsolie )i herezteA.4YA7. ays ago, T tlie Bratich Awri in theProvince. _4 'la at Blyth on ill -at, b When a 'tratliro; depiftation waiteh ith the Arverican system. Will be sold by Auction on 15th Sept. n at I gard to otir circumstances and interests., tl,,,, is, no sign-" IeTer, as yet, 8 icieiy will �e,h Nuriday p to correspond w sit on the proliliteE. r6zirl I � _& peo!014, other m ofthe - I . I . N (j Thj�,. Jill ty of the Canad n The,uw,� is, Mossrs. Hillr iate n.Qu The yew beink the unit add e041 to _�ud ri�tawzof the �Great oil Sandfield Macdonaldtid presii&r 6 nottlie. means -0 Grigg SOL th ituce Edward Island to.Onta;Lt ffi - nt, or elie him the clahnsof their Tillage to th dollar. Enc WiS lrefb ffie wrar. a AkBEALE - 1. , WW Chicagais imporli Ig goods dfrc6t 60M Iiink7--other e and demand, wha' to ral ir-tranipsit a cie Y. i . icfvv Registry office, liq replied : I - .. �r the h-11 -'h4 r6pe vitz Montreal, (in account of - Ole sovitftedor, Will not 1ZL -a ' consequence; h they are, czir.iless as to whether 'they ac s $trathrdy done En ever in be tI Ity OY DOG DAY GtHA�I`JXCS L ]us commodaie:_z6h6�piLblib. oi 'not ­V -The heat Jim , Z* or- V _tin&, T V ve t 011trageons acts of theNewiTork Odstom- kp�t the moul of our Dominion were the ori&ial instiga Or& f this Ain- fox severald�yi Past- been very intense, me 7" .jM - uson moil ashl The arbitrators have been appointeo, I'unflinchingly - the Parli, nient �exercise rt�cessdry and infamons bonded linep slid literally o4eip6t,werbig to the Muscles ntari ative United States. the London otany _iIWWpr tll&t.tllo United States 6ov6rnulent and nerves of tolliug humanit t ffices in the ,lilw&ypr r of 'tfudependeut and, Final Judg- 110tv _y, and to se fle the�boundary be4oQu O' Thera, are 30,045 Post 0 0-6derich, Augu st 20tb, 1871 Jamd-tors, *amu - -b da, line.' if they -A have reversed thoir ivatrucfl�rts TO! also the rilibrital as W611 as to tht. animal atitiMmutoba. Mr acts f Z_ , h ruwit," xicu�eid to them by -terms ef ie' for ih the to the Inssiige of emigrants throfigh the furll just,l if that old pugnacious Manitobaind Mr. Bugeil Tuche Eitylit of the twelve Convicts who bonuseS ana�jhe it turn and t*ist a I nd otl . ier competing lines are Sinus, an(f P-11 his 'Dominion. Viea;ied from Sin. S the Ty ly. =4 now autho'ritativev an- states pandle-eared cut, ing have been To the rmte�tmtil they fina the direction in onminifift operation,the oream. has been privy councillors iiad conle,to the uriani- The Galt gatbering.ou FRday last pr captured, notlife d frotif the Throne. That Is - whicWthey can get the lar tak n and M tssrs.. Hill, Griggs & 016 Mous Tosolution Of giviog a� grand finale, sent tie In Now York, Ifist week, pickqd ,est uJudgment" can to, the Uialigant M,sed a splendi&_ array of Reforine Tilis the ttanlilt6a directors have ac- to resign 'this trade . on the srs Alackettiie and Blake had 10dre peaches sold for .52.50 a'cratro aild'the In aff and whi al freaks of S FATION ER only lead to one, esi edtitinof' 4 ft—the rej only the ,esented them l:l Reformers 1 411ZIE. North strength oftlit, fortxtii# the by.turing, n ses.iii Ortivar - G N jghed.' 'We Lave, i1o, doubt j have already the dog days, ot y., qtlalitr for $1,25. Apples COMPI terms that �woukjcll Cunada cunitnerci- made out of it as amonopo y.' In future entir- S of act fiom $4.00 to $7.00 per Barlel. a Canine race, but'every peUe Witerloo. Huron �md South Bruce, will 'low get d our whoWale nitit creatra'- which nature 6"Its within ally -for over,by placing her irremediably i w)uld recommen by properly an 5de, -into a rabid state ill- The Potatoes are rotting in the Sorr,l The'.Sotch Are de4ighted by the re- raflw# accomodatilin p in the liands of It people that, whatever ir goo 8 irou r. or at diitrict. 1 p rre iscovary of the sepulchre of d, to his7-own Stnre on itson, t , � - stingspectacleto Has move The pre t Minn an, I I thin 6rder-to afford anintere of A' lexander1l, the gods, Anima i a ni.%rbvtiict.-citliergo�.dqYtAlities.. would -been held at Watfol ry., , I - . porting the,W., G. & JJylcikQlle_elJ they - 'I d it more satibNotor �to An inqiiestbas as -it doesi1n such an inc a� of hae no objection tt) ride'tx) their iiwn themselves and also. the ta omprehou- fi� I ;t�er of ioxan sept route is the besf yet selei*d; being I Laturij nowever, ex ;on the bodv of Tosei)h kilic jer 14 at 11 w- ]aaMiltoU Stre tEfi nikst direct one to the central mar- ere byapiitol ,ho, ''Tho corynirs jur oattle Abbey. t, full Supplies advancemeni over the 4"i1stons (if other here. I am at present Qngaged.iina'trip Able iniinity of forms and varieties in reil sOerdict of wilful murder again Redglioir, fi'led with countless' keta and algo the one will bei of ce - with Mr. Dewe, point I Ot Structure,, size, and being, insects, I �, 4 A.,%tiolls. it would ka-, e' been. becoming, through the Provin _m Wifliam H6rton. is foll . nd in Washington Trritary. Tal stock purchased b win from,the ALL th* 'ml service to' the* la#pst Inspector of Post Offices for the Dolm on Rrovad'ri nd complicated Macdonald aild his govern- ex0ngive-a - . - f, Halif & in SirJohii A. at, Halif who is establishing officos�tho necessary of action for- the Circumscribed U6nfortb a hody was viet at, Halif Telegraph Comintinidation is nosy Insolvent Estate Of Jil Of a Northern Towzk�hips in Canada, points. ge . mus opened. betwepit Londli an Cochn monthad chosen toindicat� to bi the. English, Anierican and Halif oftho.1wschievious(lemi.&odoudhis LD thii empty, - lt�e Township'tCouncil of -whosesery-ants they are whatcourse theyin L. RAYwARI). after exhaustm crews. 'The Nowr Scotian- takes it ),A China vidgan Francisco, 'Tdri �` W.25, virulent lliyrillidons, who, I - Morris -very wisely given -up its in- tendLoptirstle Theirsilt4ice leads usto the jut and most talented energies, England. The- "clirtinophet?' in direct cilina iini- 4_ mg air t rio returned viiiinpering tu th ir ceiestal SIT George Cattier Iias arrived 6 ction with the Greenwich Observatory r JOHN. HARRIS AND - w to silbruit a seefioil bonus to bAief they will betray -."I they -en _;J�nada, if CEW 1) kenubla like, -30 many wilipt, spamelsi Ottaw.&. tfie Iondon. lil and we hope East call. The constituencies will. vatch their flashes the correct time to 16 principat fibta Paperiust to hand le eliariged C='UM leavingyth6 g0at hydrophobial extrava- opened in daily at 10 a. In Will, prider t enUitives closely, and woo be I season. Xusquitos* " SubsCription lists are being cities of Britaii repres Off. ganza A failure of the Ilontreal, for Renforth*slwidow. In Dakota, the grasslitippers destroyed Vliidh he is detenniued Stance, will come to a similar resoliltion: I * . I - fail to do their duty if hippily the race have not already be- AND Clogs ivho light, U's 300 auns of arops in 8 hours, on 26th Su,v m The Seaftir oom�,e:ktinW The bonuses:= -ranged to ba Tofed,ypon Ay, the assemblypf Parlia ant 6y,force of dro well A DiabOU0111 0V1=0 ZOVOZIM J nly- -'a Otream. of ayt axe at present as follows -4—Townallip of Cannot ba.dajayed Ocyoud the receipt ositoi sorti, they must * f ��ratb - - The United States drank six hundred TO CLEAR 7 LOWEST RTES. majeaWy #�i7*dled ',down to a neye -upon, in the light OUI OFFERED A 'Ma. "cut in which her henceforth bb looked Wallace, $10,000; N -a of LIBOWel of the' 'to' 11 us of her threait. X -117 -"ow does is to hold over of fo!isils vVith certain - other do at Tho partictilats (if tile murderof Mj,. iiiillicin dollars Ywor h of liquor, . home- I may. be pleased te) "Appri se LIna, $30,000 ; Grey, MOW* �threzt of unplealiailt gen6ia,, gueb; as that recently extin- have cun views! us chil4ll ih- Pardfinner at Attica, Ind. tuade aud iinporte... , last yar. AT MOORHOUSE'S. 'van to the F _i*`!.UVetof rotil-doizi- 0r ed.hrood of aed nt by ille soltinamblilistic confession if - At a banquet ranch AT AN IM-OrAW,000; Turnberry, MP(�; personsliti us forked animals which cea ai an earlier period of the a09- one of the gn -ties. A Lafayet D :depudgtion in Did tin, ho came over to duty; We invite ilty lint Weit,Wawanosh, 918,000; East V' &w 'I- oss, $15,000; AA- RR ill� id *urnalists. days by the mandate of Dr. .irlus Ryar- newspaper says: "The principal act tilsink the Britiall-ptiblic for relief., af- OUS Red,110 A large stock �ofeverydeseripfion *f lioillil *vi8t000; KiII Mi�ghte direct the attention of the the ix, taf out its throat at Son. This viorning (Wednesday) at all in the affair are A youtiff ont o' "Tile Queert Pro- Elio3r]n fisid,,$10,000. This is at the rate -of say . _. 1:� 111911 naill forded, tha t and Trftuk Railway to the example of bafawl'trumphs" left arlyhoui;--wsudden and this city i poied by the aor, w"Teesived witjf a teuroest-tOned Gliedr Hart, well known in 71VE STATINEBY 86,9W per mile, but the 'Promoters -Gr, by riish of ale trio wind Oci Or ay, which has finished jjk d our leisure urred, which i Set 'Bolly ' Hart,' said to be a son of li a storm of hisses. thalloitherilRail . .1 . ne, 7 ttiees groaning and'ereaking, guaftutee thst when they secure the �Mj Construction of extensive elevator at erllgy inent, yre Shall now tlip forei W. Hart, (if Attica; a young man nam A Chsnu�l Tanel, to connect Eng-� FnOX THE USUAL. PRIM. -just receivednd selliag lowertbarl t1w d6viernment grtiait of $2;000 per mile spectator of the comin'' and the deal of man quivering and Maufred Browning; and the provriet jr i - take our t .1aud and France, (in the authority. of an d cit. 1M Where. e I -.11. it 3 1161i tbe amounts voted is M By next thrust-ortwobas'.With.s Bin t being carne -4 (jut. Work- will ba.shortly at-Collikwood forthe-unloading e4l twisted- as if theyhod been: living things. It New Bre of -altin—testingniachine, who sh paper, is at last in a fair way of be reduced. pasqgQ� a bet a a the t0ulp StOr'91 of grain I and tr3��e r. lultaneous impetuosity, the our informant waz unable to learn. firr Nofft - OUSEE. uchhas been said about the refusal of fearful brilliancy kept' eit Ae ­ooininerl.-ed, -on the one side at Dieppe, year our harbor will be so far ad,�mc�d u exchanged- al �Iood 'HghtL-ing,.With In- .=rs that on Thursday iniglit lat' t' �rough the lurid theGovernmentto grantaidto, this am- that it Till give entrance and accomoda- (kaw emantly- shooting t] after the inurder, Hart went. atid ou tbj-.oth-er at Newhaven. The j.-rin-on. We do not believe that any storm cloudili,a'A, thelong-sighed forraim bell very intich under the influnce, estimated cot isrw,000000, Anq it will JF A-FL-MIE 1-7-S 1 'Want im School 53117 -to the argest vesels� that float on %Va0XE;,kEE&_ thuslieralaed by wind and tire, did come, liquor - andin his drunken stupor'talkc Rverythingyou aueh rdu&%l has been given. Thegiving As 1110re AV, requirA tho.sViLee 'of sixyeara to complete- dn.thelake& Itwill then rest with the lost, in volum'es so weighty iis slea�' m- the presetce of his i -of bonuses by the inhabitantis of a., mit in I the undertakin'. Grist Mill' tip reselmSle- the - violence of a water and mothor-iu-la�t in such a manner i s OR to. a r4�-y will be to the� GiandTrunk Railway Co to afford the NE* - 3RLL.—The- new The Alrquis of Buto is at least - ute flercisA ekaiice to save no,zey segffow ;ad by the Messrs Gibson, is nearly -spout. a has Affice he was one if priaiug. Re is going to Tilit, a line - of erect The -teipperatun. -In- led them to berieve that st; f creased in coc -water )xt itiornit J, (mario, Governmeri-C the ztm� gas or sp�ed discharge of 9TU flilishecl. It will be ready for -work in.a driess.; and although he.-ptilty partios. The no atuaillars bet�veen -Cardiff (a -city.- of 30,- MISCELLANEOUS zonsp '!&to be found at all termim shoit.time. cont 1V ad hita of the ci n, -1 t for &-ranting aid 'to that line which -riues to be a serious desideratum. his ) ife'alecus, rinie, ai 000 inhabitants that he owns in I Wales) men Companies desire to Goaerich, 18th AugustIS71- -AsT33�or,oay.—Madanie Monseier, See- no danger I think need be apprehended he confessed i-bi- but Charged her riot b :Xwould rot be denied, if, the railwav, where Railway and New York. Siver W e. need notito more than ing Medium, Astrologist, and Phrenolot- any morathis season, of anintaf n6ture 3 thing aijmit it, and threatetj ll sehernwdoes1comes with foster trade. We entire demoraliza- say an Faupy Goods the Ham ton the intention of the Act of' appropri- .�Uud to tild well-kilown advantages of gist was in town last week "predicting exhibiting tokens of her life if she did. a perq, ar I 0 events" as -her' lian&�bills -a I dy tion, The dreatl secret' was, bowever, 0 *fiqn. The ar-o-nnient that the Wallington doderichas an entrepot port betweenFort futu , M d C_ to ickin. all Parts the ma6h for her to keep, and in the aft X01110clist. W�Adow. IMIX4X. RailwaY has not a lative ess, - healthy. . diBW# .- FAM WHBAT-!--FrO1ft Grey and Bruce lkyliam, Chicago, Duluth, or,Sa,.insw t- -on, accouAts'Itf the 11113riber of childr Fall wheatharvest are noon site divowed it, anti Hart* w a 4uter is,, t-, call it Dy ther mildest tartiI :friends, marrigge, 'I have,not CARDS, CIMCUIAW AND BiLT, HEADS, A little nonsense now -and thin, zueiaL The clause itt the att and Toronto, Bill or- Montil Will &C.. &m Sr4 has hud quite a. "Tani' of favorable in the extreme. &'TeSt2d, uponwhich he confessed AT MOO a. misstate - -authorisin.,stich extension i4ts-folloviv.— the Grand,Tr u nk Railway, when ur bar- b tune er yetheard 6f asingle instance wherelin the thing. He the nig larelishedbythewiseatinen." usiness, to the 01. 500ti , P i I - ht -of t a - eatlynd cheaply irinted at the ZIG--TAL the increaft in wealth a can r r thirty bush - - u bari�i made the best on the lakes, forwant individual yi t ;,3 Some Os to intirder hie was witiching the giri- wh aid ha b office. Goilerich 16tkJuly, -18M illw6t, Show ,6f the the acre whits instances it she was engaged in milking the c( aid Cnuty of —The 'fall popul dispatch in discharge, storage, aceorno- 'rangeig -as higit as -forty bushelsto the Lie throw. it clod of dirt iuttj hbr p Aig' !the symptoms 4Constimp �n in the & FALL Saow. onis �LHearld wants "a real -able to continue of Howi 0 ONGS3 'reulfirs. it desh ck Branch Agricultgr6 Soey-,:tal good boy to make a devil f.if at us ass acre. I was present; at the threshing w-bich she emptied it a d ilat only to Southampton, dation -and liberal tari4j- low b in place� at Gorrie, on October 4th. "poll seeing tion viltith �riiient themselves as the ap bin I I& out of the Fall wheat of Mr. R. BrLwn, went into Z h use aud asho& it 4, t. Josh Billihg BIAlding Lfits for oo 'to other points Olt TAke Huron;, and t00 b that ,a says : "When ia mall ar6 coidhills, iungb, 70�- to the Georgian ity, CATTLE F:Am.�­A fell f�r the V, ale of at V_ product �lirongh the a ige: s Ace a cane less of appe'tite, loss -of liezb-��nigbl.- -er trq�mcted-hel We hope for. 0ow,%- Steers will bd hold, at Mrs - Il- him Ty a gold -head d ' . Ifhev psojent,to ixtend the pow�e�a bett a few days igo, whiell consisted of the During heIr abstinee he dro,vls ain% good for anything. else I like tew ohortnes4ofbireat'li, restless �exp - 'of four acrefof the variety -,ca 'tr) tife- rear of R, (priviel act, be it qn,.Friday Seji6inbei the, sweats, heatic, expectoration jt,,Wua1K1dzvfi0fbrthesatd better -thins. Days' Hotel laclTreadwell, which is seldom reckoned soap factory, the girt following. Arn 7- can't biiy a cane, le him part of ivbite' ill b -progent, r ing uIlets, Ato yellow -an Sth. Several buyers it e it,lCowevar, -''- thiie,ffart apprdakihed and itithk the middle," d 'bluish a as, other ir of br i 3s Tom some asked b qFe%TW ==7 AMident. in thi.1-instance turned oat'by. liberal hel? the head ith, a pa An -Irishman. wh n aSked b Kinoardint." br� _�.gry_xixtter. iwileduies streaked with GO h, 01) measurement, 15,� bushels, or I w—heather he o blood; burning pauts ut , 38J Pbr knuckles, which, felivil. her to fille -fty I 1. d ake a g*s she the rhist, Wellirq:toit Grij,r_: --,and- Bruft � lin on tbe, East- &.11a. . I Seven -miles from 114ton, a6re. without reckoning the quantity Brownints and the other dt�uthvn oi a glass Punaff Is ered diarkhrea, general pr(ostratio aud in. I I E WO. 326 ,�b*A strvew tho. larg". t. s@Qti(sa of North bP VAX �LGIN ST 0 IP 6arful � &11*1&Y accident whict was swept from -the- .floor. after the oil., of whom s6ked a handkercli Zef that he WoUl .0 a the sherry -while "her f capadtrfor the ordluary'. atieti of life. 4-ath '-wa mixing'the purich. bectimes - redilced other -of th 11 to her.m. ladpWl Wa As th I a p4tient Ite IftAlway,' Satioup a d a finer and'ooked har. e alot"dol" it cow actomm dation was rub #pt fail be" took removal _o�.evde to vialsta,' i or. appear The 'Colbbtu6 specit ieg of grain coulk to be de- tl� and t,,: wil- are, ther6kim'. "tie tp. 6y.#L press,, terall y Society has rosolved, to prqvettt the. ]Fall Oxce`17 o latter then pF e so Y�u are going,, to keep a school a oung lad Tatuarkableand veryVnnown y y1oher niaidell;tuat, sulks. A LAt onel - �otii o',. P I ), 633, �58 -629." Ll sirec ears -crops ar a't!Wal ike -ftteMew -af' tbe�, _110i on. M teleCOPO., Show clashing with others, talifilit it-rit NOS 55C shuttini 4 i I the usion of their hellish wi i �k- 9. tionj POiXT0hS-- The .4 for- my part, sooner Ifthart-do that. phvstcal sigu'RillourE consumptives is jitopel ialue railwy U-ol rs -40 -)003- Tuesday 10th- October; -at swith2s, - i 1. 0 el widow w6h ninechild- their - oil& and itil'uria. d' rgoingw1iro4dsa,'ofprema- that their 17iould 'nl this Yearlin 0A hey discovered tq veto fjitr th scaldin- 'hote ithi which WiAl Tite7. to6k__ip..the bud and � id f --.w up their minds i(t-,6f-5thOctobiirsLsfai�inerlvnoti6- the daimerou:l " t�-, -Intefidin'g �ex_hl � til ripQning,, or.,, sea ag bliaracter Th villuid And dying, al e-1. �ron." "I would prefer - thAt 1703-, 77C-06 t jU -ave-rymerlolfs defqat b6thlifeqpic� it ia:,a ohickeit ;.ctj()r - ilear by, wher: it -reply; "but -viheWs the th 'r dtv. iy lTelievi in 111trinate re� lvcm ear is �Wo are� entirely il'i Ahe 111C was the - - quiet. ei, avethi art bw lookinintd, 24at we aIt wat a fbarful '6, � thf'luimind. The Socto 3r, ity. and "autit.y his is- reinititiod it covefy. This eryconfidence, prevents rplm SUB,.�cglvER GrFrr.13 rlt inandall oubt the ft -ul of`04 no, tf tileleli; 41 adtfiillay, -thoftall- the youngist,el pi�t&6i6a; pre -m- ill -when they removed it an i depoii Hilng 1C:8 vs the T6*n lif I � , .- Q 41hellong' aJL Air ivr the frrjm�esarffilg to,the ,onkv . �ove tligible bi -ought, -tilik-` no rairl . *1i0ti it— a, where -it WjAfolitd pictures to a �c -tic 9 f the otongell fhOXdlityj�hAVib9 h 4 artistishowing his I At 3 oitable Tti, rum. ra. W '24 it le�ce of the di sto'fitiery received the f6llo ourp, slid that ivatchfulne- -_ ai iGiiy Jidd -8 �s ndia,hist o ght V wine.short , the, last, two,- �'Viidliy ni i, ell -necessary in, B mil0 critical aalallen for lart w, iiltj�ked up or oil Saturday morning. A Testori: Well I A(at think much of lng- t1i a- k6own -the tow v .D.1 iar'� Oederich 26 Aug. H71. SiVIA1 I -f this hoWn up.the pictul before him. penetrated the soil fluillytheylapseintoli,lptlassirrecovory., reach -the joi b rpfaut thp fsCtS hia tizeallial Ila I hs 4yed stio'khavoc amiong the eavesj a, alid th re, F air, at T 'R,6formers of thesouth, 0 tthi#4muchofit! Why that'sa Like'the first adventur"llst'latimin t t e ha6pl Attlea,.Was'f FAtil int rowed Aown, &i� EFL'o ; broad and RATTwArs,�The Lon oxk_.� 'aieihema, 'as to 'son holdi � 1, . _ � J' i very rare Print —a Very Tare pr sillocith was the river,, apid I& progitellis iijthdirTownshipmot� leave them riddled: to perfdot: irso �Stran talk of takig tho pri T T IU V _-Tuy - . ' - , . , - , I " M Ives t6 tb tok;�t indeedj;�Sir." -are! I've nct�,doubt it is ory t4 th. '000,fro tons, so that in both-wa ont 6f tho 64rab. �nd'plemant his tt,)ns. all� -or , Ji ihe td smg im Fgau e It certAW Vinw. ulws _j I unticips Al 16 ulild, 1thol I , ieinj�, prepavit rare. .b aoutoud` S rthbn 12th-Octaber L 61gas�066ri Ilonnst,foloi - y is. ,not -well I the - _011I edu if - _' ' ra�. ml�s �, P_ deprived of.ihe'_'. natural, - sus-* 'When our informal left, %he tide .which shi -tm so rADidly lWas -THE Morrlw.)v4s 14e�tea by the fte4.1 . TO 14B HELD IN fi�a g over the grand -stand Tailing trdk wo�Cvpy ik� i, W49 Up hil awill a ace and cannA_ -nt)w be. impecifed �to, ,�oos rtr s one of"destructioni-sud when he would (�utl to subtific R,.By� of croRdug thil -y prolifii Or YaV morning be fnfincl the Current too _Ver, 'is wal -:"London Ont-Arfol, eiflier. vei vs,%who seeiu-qd this was J,ohillce. "Yon Ptove and sure punishineTif, but it i holesom i So - urvay. strojig.t:o, stem; and tbat lie drew nearer to t4a Gran to it oklik "the tmonarch�of an , ii a rairaceb City. of W th -b4 VILi 4, *id Fernando Wood, patting him on the -the mighty hoped tbict 13e re IV, ke- y wn il .1'No,Iouyhw + l they tenitinate, at dqys.a-o, a-4 tteicotinsal p -29 Septeriiber. iWmtozi- lkyfiel-4, �qr Go4erid[4 �o sed to it. A d -G —A. few 27,28,& e uta the, ASUALrY. every instant to, Kinear4ine, they Cart. Mr IUYWozd, 1�w rift6n. no Jr a tb ,24own he wax canied amidst the 0111 %j. elliligton 6iijy 'jill -rg insy 10 lad at Re ur� Y Londom, "a te lual publicittion in the Makq a general gh ,thn4o� ourse.' , iI& prpe li;iurpi4ping tts� c oung Its rb Page 13 rt relia d the ial Saxe. i his bark -wits; qau�ass tfiriii! A !'e' g spray., and wit] London, tzp- building q -r the foot -,of the ;atouild, Came in contact with Ifis fatll&� bad hoy aisd- has lillielli orlsev fal `W6ntqd:, , a. bdotb ashed Vj pieces.. te the City 1413. awl sit Itr Jo'hiigolfs em-ce -operang -up tha intermediate emil AiL?i9nal of ih#- following comi-aunicatio TwnshiVs,before 'with ths- blessing on roll to,Fellous' Compoond syrup -,-Tillataw.01form- unctibri, Thel k mowing- mac A ' ej�st,he bai I 3 a rt douse Gotlerl0a. V hind, receiviiij a yeal* I . bat 't 'Stairs a -handkeeollief for the, no aof. -rho ,consittil 19 tilmollishV4, to CQU also, sentUy him to the. _ffdeCarCbi4 deep. and danyprous oondin-the'ealf Of undo. -a box �of At entries are requedea to be ]waQ Cifte': Ivrm in re to RAix,-rThiml lo I nj looked flor he , d hro Ies4 g1lic wash the lace of *6 low 13eltrmw. -_-ve� I Will be service, incision, reac tain class. it, the eari, some water to -is the oulv sure Uy coull ikit sho*'er, - tong a cer en t1il sylaptom we ha 3vet,heard kt list, we had a' fine it ARZZAX'i-,mVV�V2S UATE XrC_V 3,rtt6tha'V�rybone. FrOm l6d, toi, woman: wh se thoearth in, a at t � fit the head of the n %yest. to4jybutweitill1q)k lor'thore. the, floshioat pi thithe,is, nisrr wotild have p I those. interesl M. n9waylime, tables, RAXLWAY �Fok�1192VE ARPI ro. WNDON er dtill, of. Uood -which -the- Poor lvilputaiji� l was a'I that - 0110 none 40 at ass', table overi for remedy. 1 NADI llag.hven rath qua4iity-, We ishall be gl�A to,'I.War fioill Mr.,Hav- wo4rtjo,�ya no, 130 aspeetaele fortlw�eye of the potitcl a XM RUVEN. I tle, fellow 10 0 -theirt ck b0oroxg other farzfewniflesot ra Calling medical Ed. $Wtat case- was for some time ieckoiied -stock an a pwr *rd again., d his i1kno _ing for a leg of mutton, . d P trilusport produce -to two, ig engaged at 06 �iesetll bit& We- wn to c6ntrA market* z thus,, XL-ator,4 Atn. 1, 17L .!T - - . it"' Lb tb� hrgery,and f legs, for the breecheB-of promises. $8,000 OFFERD'Eub IN FRing -is a 0 a, L, yr aboiWov6t rush sy,..m im , 4 _y proper a After IeWdig Pmbinix, I s&W the' first It -his PRESSERVIV lu a think took A — roduc �44uon, Tmo . a U� aughs see -at competition Open to all ,mg thei I I. . . , bQe6n Suitim-Ar, Collr �*f meetingsomewhereirixiO I hitikfbemMtOihnt� corn an mitely, in — XWPpl goo&cropa and . tig - , &nCT mjWm their nigri-of anything like -Lviii7astorti, out of dan ar. -'a VClIol Thovo not long since. The mitlister da alo:4g, the rood to -e*IKl .91 hintne t us psi) 1) k" sudgenful than. eey __;l by -4cal AST R -100T Ey thew continue(I 4 fill 1W Jn&le nts nwahp�tor*pro_ FbrtGarry. I xwachea here ri-the'ril c quinffty und nai�Lic�don6t'2nt)re,�fr6qtieiitly happsn the b6tich,—Androw 110 zeecly-looking chap m one of Be one m0rith �_ z'- I, - "*1rioh 'itual As] lool as though he rice Tel 'on or y'lust that� it D, -the fiiieOt, of tWI Sul considedril ne 6416e;, ldrinn; u 4ecent-lijokini.obf- 1!1!�ov, Aug 21 611L ariu$ Londoii- zi P W from thof ,arbrfillght into this phift- il ana-other- gerous Jult Joined Aux -24,1 XW time of our 1P h�rge;k,with dAsitlIg poiss Atild" So he Steppe U nis� -a good square meal. a riQA- At ther, UP- le hinpelch of ught., turbal a la 10 lifin and asked 'Id -in Jt he was I W= "eabl -i sm it- a good *ign. are it expoml id pearancle oft] "y orgebbiW t$]let -Ch�iatian. "No air"ma P Stray4ed Bul t1107th iiist', The 9I both toBtiS1r �F�MBS.. -.Prw a­� editor of t Iings axe going "a a ir 1iet': ii6 iwr t! a he Tilidicalpaper.m this place," �Wrlght 4"'Ross aiw. A -still me f-Ab*er- To IjA t _�jjly did'4iitu if "Than in -the alle$, to -At 0, at uilty'Qf thit &7t GAR for stares AMU the, grateiiUlk Vfthe. it is yet flANIC into the pmnlsas of t1w lUW* ho name Of-GOd, let 116,pr�% lj3.0,6 Wab 1n%t.,& -the-.Tr havo, also com1h ed brickyards d pots, of the idjac_-a yon ar� gidl �epliedhe devotea,rainioei. aft 1-0 VORE OF ZRAIT CE tions, and am fully. borh6oa. �.The,craeklifigitndf llin thell and 'Pa So CENT large iwl and wh1te litiM Vie willirrorol 16Y tue-usnal T 10ICE pmvt pt vertT, ptyyenFes spa tui�e tv -awsye 9 xyts� arirb- tao bancL Tr inA littlo five­y��-old' �y -was being , 0"fw the Threat. luthatspooch I thademazIldforbu h-' �ny'ofwbieb:Are inlos. JOHN DONOG111CZ. hijexj� 4 eav -Vou luusb�cfi AT CRABB'S. Tfvft4to�k breaders—Ur 01 y trees, ut -1. ' V�,� structed in morals by lifigrandmother, -to thapublid-roadi,'-renderitik- .—Wee ' Such T111111 0oderieb,29fbAng.127l-' Ii bd-1 The old, lidy told hifii- that *A -St M.Ang,191. ),r, SWI ashbol Surrender Jix 6 tOwn �, I" thus -ra- Milt Mr oil P.14fier proxinI afism ft, -,'Jintoll tosedom in'tri%ve in -i ,er 6�, afaudl s"by-goilyol, Pby g,up, 011410* Siout qhe ythunderi forkbithoug 11 g,& mffi d4uge 4if cul the I �, . .1 " 19 &ai wereo�ly!iWoosths,;Lndbutlittle T119". CI el ett6r than other -profanity. In. I rela as a r tella, prtfane Oath.. PC wi* tho Vhfted-igtztii.� By Westy gratim so far amounts ibiut sbV *ns he steamor GOT! 'aaal . Iti, two U's ,are y f"�ei, and at� � st half meSouth ise its m.p., a uripl;.toded IniAlt) About" -�& -Witkiel satt HatIll I rnfir o a lilt 40 ith )uId 31 U, ruran street, me of this-villag6t sev�ral _g trees anyofallenAOO the Tool P the souls. Very Nw' bzme gone. bAck, ili�� moremay -e wo-ur0 +4ve� !o'. 0: aa we ostock,, be at modes of settletilient have thomle ihn bs*,a )yw" Allauch were _oath�# Wuhingtort, etteryll long In Asit sent fi&�Y'ATAW. out. I believe from = .,haar and pre thing to al�y toter afterwakAs, 6) i1j., grandmother " said the *eel - I'll plead, guilty, M agbi salrond questioas wbic "!irtizi from pww=l observati0U,,z4Wtr_e, 6 *T4 I ry cap 4 i;1;j;&ph,' wich bo i-xidende, -to be ide 14D tik pls� �%kbijgh- �*i _'$Mstorlhig hiet, iith- in,miny places b, jalightdr) After- t"'�le No- _413 "thafs Only r& Aj I 4a APAX8.7 I - but I nd A' 46'4 erary pi ea swearing T" Z; !ia -40 an We ot. tene a-happv- M vas-iliigu, 4i 4 The olial of inawtry ii thi, countr. aml FAr inducement for : uttri of lad# pr - - I I 'U *ibis. 4%uptnes. M to sei,�, f r line . q . Thor pij;1141- 16t4k, ilton 11I 161earilli VlAt the Aniberly--6o i "pondent the Sherift said, he sorry, 1) ingIl ce Cocd" Arrivins5er Dai so fwl haT0 forma vezy-inuelic!31, the.. e bar! N y licketis-, me. ThOntollip,nipf of the'H1u*)x -SlaxAL, whose' --,piquant Altilarl at t Theinundation 'of1771,'--ViCh swept -p I Air. and O'cli h _� .1 with mv in' tlia' itirbein icidarly biracirlgstrIal sI9 PIV i� -8=01111, irony greatf the. old Tyne Bridge' bilt i it W, of tbg priael of amiaable -in a bed for -six week to, Villiam' and of r�areant lot Win fjj� t,j I hao not been h t104 WAS long emembe"d ZT4 12i'inO'l IV tim geepiot under Canvas (if 01ding up �ag i tirst, i5lum.. 70 We L t re t, t fil Calf each; Ittaililotti it, Troaff of Psi d it,wera the mirrorso 614sely.: to nature, ,m&lI fine. - .,prisot& n " M t* Itil to have and haii -to se fi ava" 1, ' (fo 60 "Potswsity ltdV'6 Chart"' f !;4'tire that Vice caullot. f4 to witness its own, tnnev�­(Thii`) i6we 11% - I 'on one i3wasion Mr.Adam Thomson of reatfultuanding by. c,)Id or 11. 11*7041 dist4irted aspect., Me h into te Wititewbox at he f �Coltu ag-earned for %ughter, in which tile learziell Sb ezamp* &ad we kayer Xho agreed in the =we, to come hqe, P1 . Which -4 lepittly JtAx,ed.) St Y us Theomml ss)c4 his name, of awtsia rules for Siddins himwUtheuriml ilittbidt;Gn of Win I *=war. a I"g, dull n at 'todkonedaliteraryIshmaelite;.6veryfool'a you must be fived ];nt I'll' in'. it received for "Ada= Sir—. 'QF, tbo josd"& vAga" of. zleutrals wlitjk-A be mirkil ou 'ilgi. d- dAr , it Ict I - trud. a" lomOg obtain genrd ro- he Xt�.Vi"Vis brm(lboingraimbdagalifst, himand his� 4,rm, FrWwr—Dea, y ttL a -i,, r AdamWhidullsoa. Where do 7ou live I" TO; an spring. brand taised i -(Paradiml a a village A-6JIM"Ift l"We addi" PW, W", Wiliust every f661 knave =y Loi:4 I fl;tswu t -"AtPsiaise U54 dAV . - -9 _�:Iy SirP law. I """411% OK VALUUypoc lld timus Cle41TOUS 10- tAawur. th eor- Wee baTint2r., - 1% itoont 6, andalkhLr We"01 aw ADd from 46,00 wwo L 4 iftIft-w". wl Iny slime of vitaperanoe tmd i A SL 'red' om" 2 that, #4 Von"" lbol *44 a deeming his tainteii lauftls,' frolil the Castle.) e"Aud hovi long have you 4welt NED A 100HOICE L of! Im"04 Of Is, —Th t iAPAXQW _ OontintIll the snouted ds�on meal for a few days Catharines JUST u requi X1, O'DE , &oft is" *144 Ir OM -4158- met V JL wom alsokk 44I Ever since the flood vas the reply, As.. to roarvi-t his mental; erloril$ll by #I- wortb eischtyinillo as b.*n, mA& ill $a WW* Imm Wells. i4alrosinsa �164 I iosinaplWty, and withxL6 in- -AIL data, tke �rw* Sof U" �Ic� - 4 I -0yali into Astning from *aghq var wfth the ibh$m left 0) zhe family L 1. Springers., by. � I �" Ti's"T. C-Mhulivc . tention - to raise &,Imgh. It in noodlan s2w, X - himme wim and votinq1trin of his oenflempmwY late Charls# 4L, sprill�-.er, XrG to sq that the judge asked forAn ex- Ott 41" be Wxm X P. P.. The bit"114 mad be6sking himself t* ,hold father of No" W 10WAT sad I a (A wpm iia* malir, 0 -rit Zi;� sweet oommun: A00 the LOMis Svri*F, &q., P -06v of Titl Womix surmas Ps qn he 6086MAIAZ vi$wl. UWY 004L goo. -2 of -Ihe' iu4� that the lawym Am flow W ow Wft* delitliss lad 0A1VlDiTX.—I8 thO &Mrl* Of farrarl Tlq4ew ".ream 4G�ooda utof grotesqub &bsu4,%IWw styW all. idtar- durlia t appftrs that, this Charle _Z tici .4, AvIllIll a itilive of the Stato 11 -_ --W whom 4 had Large possessio view With Mrs. -WWhUR (the I)nWat - I woma aughw =-Uftl KAhuadred ywWO&V 0, leaderf4be N*v-Yrlk Wew 3plannelso, Ad"I XM ; timts and tIWr.'mtAid@a* for blio kr9& �,t, dtdrat apt" of land so i an rht 0 'I WAllif pre- t**rak tk" for a totm I 9 . I .. - T! . . - 41W whi& it w0i it 1100" Waal I be so- bob& 111* VaLIUL Sub' ID LSO A LOT 0 A� ­�A I I -ice tic P M=CC1"d n t all a ,end vcm C! La� 1707cral VjdC--,-a1'Ay to t] razow of eac , ;7m' amme hm the Vou. of Huron at;l fram - town, MOW] ECLTica—it be Ppy Tc--_ CIS caala W4.123iTy Wt',l Wo wcd,2 4 ZL+ c� ro ,tzrd MG,;:0- s�io rtinalrcel W03a - �on T" .kagult V t ,of town G, to an fiaflr� the waro! T -JIM ig X U rk ru- I bully ra",�,IZ7 'N"015unerhl xt�enge - C;6 Our uwn ,Wflat thf� at; *a AnA RA its H,)1r4'V7eV them W& wr *rt a ucnc-�� I ive # aq 4, S. 111t 416 -formal i tu 4*0 *Ask *-IT# the ce, don,' lout 41140 iatst ThORUM UTO I ist, 40f Ike Brit� AWww A &aTiNg all Aiad their � -Two2tr &eww 14i 4A fj=� awt say SAW and T 16 4 am== 496401411 UN " VAN .14W