HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-07-28, Page 241 7 r hnnWhen we raine to the eross, U!4 hecourgo of Henry Wit art's AMEN RLY.- g 'Jglval � 1JU the mailiness of I saw, Dr. Shaver, DpPtit-Sheriff Hpssle, laUltives, All night she watelled and Consiatle Harrison. 'I found Hagarty 21 Fq� hs. -Lit bunl4l", ill the room AV '&eient -our weather TH] —SrVTS Fq�, !�E MLLION i in the custod ", f the doctor and the dep S1 in the CHANGE, The Gu u has been purchased ects tire for the tripst ll�trt oil the AN INOFFENSIVE MAN KNOCKED ONTHE HEAD -aherLff, As soon sit, 90DERICH, J [T L -2 8, 1,%1-11 Walk& -()a., of 0xielph. unny s . ide, Ittiough iligIrt indications BY A BRUTAL NEIGHBolt ty as he saw me, -the �Cnw,�ALNMZD ATZ EX L I prisoner cried it HAT, &blitatt the inatter until her* head chea; rs, the ut,- "Keep away Xcqow- cou][11 reach but ,no to see that under the ne ninL now - and tht;A occur, ainL hn, you. scoundrel." I Answered back, In thb new Ill ITO backbone " of the :;ertainly a good mild soaking shower (if HE DMS ON THE SPOT, AND IS LEFT 'WHERE itilding, erected by Wimselfi last aummer, MY was tir, the day afiert, - 6 nge 11 1-111 - -ain at ititerVla wc-uld obviotisly "You murdayed this man unknown to -noirow and its u terane tend, HE FELL. anybody." He inarle no reply. Thedoe- should everbe The insuininingul.) the and und ci h aen. Re orm atch to better the state of all.prowing IS OW JUXEIVING AND W'111L OP VIT Vem, -1o, - or tiqt begin it. prospectalof the colrL.I,r tor -askQ him if he was cold and he - re- for the-, inspection* of the'public, on clectioncaill 'Ll -ill Ubu ;r,)p.3; as it in 'general with URDERER, ARRES D, A I NP LODGED plied, y' , 0 Acillifull IN JAIL. 'is as if silo had seen him driffiligm aw,kV Says thar, is 0 US. -On the Sth of All- gricsiltul-al experience tliat a as. Thadoat was- then brouglit and toust 0trow hi.ii, a rope. i -the sou least da'n'. aniomal collebtiOin Of f9milasA. ,IPPIY of moisture is particularly bena- and puten him, and the prisoner was re- On Saturday tha4thldsy of 'oderie uthonian's right man as Seaorth is kai)�,tn ab,-* lice p, xvdrither, tVid equt.,strlan talozi�f and an i siti. s L dcial, just at that crisis,. in the THE 'I tuoveol'to gaid. The Uoctor asked the yourself would I ReS011 HIS MUTTERED EXPRESSIONS A:pThu T'HE prisoner if lie had struck the decea-ed,and 27ite Largest aua best Stock of Hxts, Calls, and evor beclught to Gf) ftrilly justify tier, however, think in copetudin- tl . t puch a. je.),I,u3ly Natural Iflistg v, v�M visit Godurich- T hwh ir, %%itll 118 whou all sorts of DEED �Cocllslstiug ofthe Nelvest Styles of lick ina-t;lking auV titep 4 the kitid."I does exinAhe LveW" has the advertispAll-lat in this isjue, we would --Urdala are berining he said, -"Yes ;- I struck him on the fore - ,A & , rated t to put fortfl. their English, New York, anadian Fashionable Sitk, hould," eatiol, tho doctor. direct spt�4* attention. Throughout the .4 huad. " The deceased was one (if the best Be t t i iu�,6rtrlceof tile reo tro, lei s )f , a u 13"1 she cc�luld not find a wity-sho ha(l of tue Seaforta EXP" a al - oute, ved ears, and putat,,es their -blossoills. Veom t7w Stratford Bearon Extra.) mail that liave ever been in my einploy- ,$i' As fai� aq we are w1ol.", die opinion of the public an flipro' is, however, at nigi b a 11 t'f I Cd d cherip �ti.- Presb has been IIri?lnhnou3 that it i, -uppiy f tl,�w, which serves tiiticfi nn ritipa, to tllrfnv. Again 'tuent during the I.-st twelve -years. Ihave Hats. Fur & VV -00I Felt Has the coltinel,j sliall.exhibit no ill, "I-, About midniolit between S LSO. Silk arid Cloth Caf,s, of the latest Styles and Patipims for �prin- we r. Blo to do allything else hllt.t4.,f, jjD= I Cl,� ma Ono of the very b38t exhibitions of th *ti-erLhadevalo mentof grimth, all tratford.and known Hagarty for about f(;ur years. He A y Our desir.) will ' .1 our S-ebringville, Z' the Buffalo and L 0 this .9tock �as ho�en made s.,a ialli., to my orcier; and s I claim to have a thoro y �hid. alre has always carrie4 weations with iiiii,such knowledge of tlip HA,r find J.�P husiness wi I be able (with the lax and varied Btoct u�wlled tie way. At th" be to sea the d at a pra�oiil a-ession through the streatk '01LIS all'i are beginning to sliaw­- Huron division of the Grand T"Unk as all axe, hoe, or stones He has th' eaD have an hand ano am continually receiving 90 a breakfast�able ways Tile pr the nexr mornim, silo reauired fr>,di him a orgalliZ­d coy -v 10 f%rformev, t, in good is a gorgeous. pagreant. The IVItinageri., L more, c4eering evi,lelicoe of a �Jlailway, is a crossing, with three shanties. ened ine with violence, and has clime at videlitine. All at once site time before ail ola on , the best and Circus re in separate tents witil, olic. than titey did in the erlivi wi,wher method. it w1b49t. Va:eutine's ilA girongestean, whatever charg-e- for both, so that those who wish tc, _ part (if One ofthese dwellings is occupied by, me withtitones. in his hands. Heattack,ol TO PLEASE TIfE ME, ATQ D FIT THE HEAD OF VRE lie still tiler. I have noc seen, or hea;d David McGowan, "section boss." t14Y. The pkf)e vrag in her hand. Ex- point of the corap. fbi-ai 'It' , an go Be& either the menagerie, or the circus, oi t verly littl A little 'ine last Thursday �vith a hoe.- I then re- Fastidious and at prices that will defy 4iompetitiou. a of that miscreant the to the South West livad a man who worked trcat�d, and waritaway home wit (if his otising herself frout hreakfast site hastened at 0 both, baix. suit tliair own taste exa-All . '11doninable potato It etle of late, and I under Min, na to her ruoui. stone untar 0 ho k1s, The Squ'ara i� -116 d ' I nied Curtin, and directly way. I do uot� think* that Hagarty. and W, M. AV--nAG=-1I magnitficell nerefore preamne to thill, that lie most south of OlVal), one Hagarty. I he Goderich, March let, 1871. ro Pend a valentine to the faithless election I- In le.. -0ts riOLtlices and the animals. iave taken a k excursion into character given tD Curtin were friendly. I hare hearil Hug - lover ws; the uff.,)ururcust thoug it. - such will alsg IDIOM -Vy ill remember the successfu ionie distant ,it of Curtin A that of a quiet, arty say he would never leave the railway I B,i I We Ourreaders. id itiore el i,fi blo locality fill, inoffarlsive in an, while Hagarty is described untifhe bad satisfaction -out of Carlin. how I Sfie dare itot writo her for d, of ttio refor and, Qxlu this establishment two yedrz he prsectitioll of his vo' afte.- all, she miglit olfand�his prej.idice.; o anti+),tte raubitts, or e.se, as afalfw -who was always rea ly to Pick & 0 irtin used to play tricks upon Elagarty I I S Aa 36yo, since Which, numerous additions h-tve is I foraier)y stitygestud, lie, from the quarrel anlg--tup afight, andwaiafull. justollcoffun;and afteroile of these orhNim WIS DAY AT THE HAT CAP ANZ FUR STORE,, t-rihis prideby sodirect -in 1, a Era a 11 made to -the attractions. She went to eumbling a dra or v)Undance of rain and dews witt, which of threats towards his neighbors—the tridics Lfa. THR W."8EYM,L)UR. arty said he woald have revenge stationQry. Sli draw oUt a This fvoriteboaf L't-ovietice has been I)Iua%ed lately to bully, in fact, of the little settlement. r a 8 a It e line The 0=adim On ut of Ou cin. I eliev lie i ma who ad w pr her ll,,at that Henry bi after undergoing, in tho (try o1ock at Por) the sorl, has been atiablad tu flutt Satur&Ly evening his passion led him to woul-ol-bear revenge on his mind -nn? velin before. r.) such slight repairs as were n6cem Alaulizinetits beat stilted. to his,existelice commissiun of the dreadful crime of Mar� MeGowafl—r am wife of the last tXiMlied it a,,' bit t the a z' lVe are pro -ad to see tha r surned her regulitr trips on We At d of the are. bravely It hout beint, collipalled to parch ativ inarder, pRor Curtin being the victim. vittiess. I live at the cr(issinit 'wieve the thbirowl a NA7- boy =d It 'It succeed in ­11ger oil our tops, a good many a little Mrs. Curtin, AIcGow a and liLswife, a nitirder was committed. - I knew Curtin ti tly. And here crack shots o; the old 1 -hid.. At Leenard'-- 'if which, he, uil,her' frota rapaciousness Mrs. Fitzgerald, and a Mr. Connolly went very well I also know Hagarty. I havo I Sc,itland, a, division of -them Won plizeSAG ew iron . si or necessity has literally aestroyed. to Stratford about six o'ciock On title, ie h. tw er I,; now niakim, throt, Was t to it u Ill viran, say- known liagarty for aboiit four years. He izC1091. At - .:Qglllar round trips each week betweei, IIAY AKIAG.—Ilay-inakincr is now evening of Saturday. It- would seem live% *ectIv opptlsite inzoften afterwfKr.,U hat it was tire bot dir to my shanty ps of the Newest Y they CArritid off a alli) froll, picked )ecouiing generid, in 11108t ill 0 . 1 6 lmmlap ilat & and Southanipt( 11, -Calling t l stances the shortly after4ards, Curtin, who. had been cc insi-ler H akarty one of the roughest char rineditepurts (wea her percouitting) The the Liverp,o: Rifits ml -.-J, Msoll, il t�oy were niner t InIssillit name ha been the sul, eat of of 13th ila,nilton as t rops will be a very light oone ; it, smae about in Stratf6rd all day, came home thU acters I ever cameacross. I have heard EAT VARIETY 11113131v a, laugh hatwe'kni 'hem. the Ili lieadows, in fact. the' grass pf)eara so Nyorse of liquor. He -went to Hagarty's. hini make many ifireati towards a number i I 1 01 1 UYLES h4 GR Nuw—but -'Sarnia She connects with the (!real score, wilintau, the cun. TW�;,are t very. short, so parched in color and so thin, shanty, and after a jocular remark about Lpersons. f&verheard him say any- mimtn't t t tal. n Railwa, and whou conling front . scarcely to be Wimbledon in good spirits, having only ri s thought wor h t�a nilio long to draw suffji-ed dufo it from tho Chesilire maina. Those therefore,, whu alust -Unitin. Haguarty It diti;Ie'latT Milt ptonishuariivesat Gotle'41l fi, life forwhathe saidtO thing particular ag '0 er t "ittle cratt. An -1 voltill- time for the train oin east i�n nod time and can (8u�tili) Ile light 6efore, he good-na7- and his wife use to live ver unhal pir to-- teers, atid that apparently only on acc,)iint Thisiteanier is keeping g she s y atisfaction of Cai)t. Alia year, are u Godarich 23rd May, 1871. palb the nai it was on the side of 0 no t quarrel with any per s in. ad to tire In ninnint, to the enbire s lik ly to tu�tji it ii,to very some whiskey, which he and Hagarty ceased would M!, there might c - Atnistke abont it, of the hasto with winut, the It, liallage to save an average supply of if tur-illy asked for a cup, and produced gather- He used to beat bar. Tn d -9� th. 11 u d r 0 rill, tiff to caLch a train. 611ccess . Ro;an, hor mster, who, is one of tll( drolitable accomit when it comes int;) drank ofseveral timcs.� Afte He was its quiet nd mild as a child. rhe Wait: P. rwards they 'o thu buys temand adjourned to the railway track iau'aither word in the most exparien,;ed Caiotaiiis on the lakes. -where a prisoner hits been driiikingfor the last tv%o Gmsx.—On!he 12tb, the never- neighboring woman heard tfie,,', aysome- or three days ; but I neZr saw him drink n, of �Iiis Company, informs . t t 12M. So3lin- it I'll, she hurried tir WESTEPUT AS,,URANCE CO.—Mr Dixie to -be forgrot,ten victory of the Btiyna, was thing about fighting. Curtin th an in fun turn It. Within the Ja wo weeks I have J and drlwp�jd it in the ptst-offce. Watso No; us that a special epartment has been viebrateol iti. anniversary, form accord Hagarty got UP heard the prianier say lie.wonld never i all his fort i i at, to sca The oftne Grand Triink Rll,il- ing to tile oldest and, quKiiitest acceptation and challearred C ^'io, merchant, sendin! tripped Hagarty over. opened for the Insurance of detached urtin to fight, which leave the railymay until he hzd tiken lord, and a few s ts if the term, which way literally be inter- Curtin declined, and Hagarty knocked -venture as site did. 1"Ito I�aviiig res,Aved to li,win- low rates prawd in the sense of noise ani 11"so.4ys, him down. After a struggle, the woman and trembled for the resalt of a I fr-,tii its fitir as r., welling and their conten , at thefol- Y bustand's or iny o%n ife. I saw him �itloiie frail bark, ever watched the (to- way, froat S,cacford, Brant A neion Side a , ion 411 a dreadfid fight with a mail by the name "S"FATIONTERY Spain did not pray make a plea4 ire xcurs. to Goderich, First class Brick Dwelling 37!, cents on by the memb3ra of the Kine.Avdine ii(I folks parted zhem, and got them away to of Simpson. F7e woiild have killed Sitnp- so ferveiltly when the invincible vill Arrive here on Saturday 19th ti lodges, whit spont aliniost the entire- their respective Shanties. But. Hall: nart!terable praeyr. -its full of fight, ould 1 t b re a lie T its as "on Dominion Day. Aer the I 'I - It was all unuttered ittly, by spe,:i&l train, at jO )'at ick. We ie ,100 for one year, and 75-�ceiits for jay in marching along to the sonor, rarty, I believe, if wellad notseparated them. ad thieu years. c I o o strain d. er— For utidurstand that citizens if Drantfor-I and 11raillsof-driiiii and trumpet, thrutigli the at once returned with stones and attacked Ordinary frame dwelling 60 cents for one 'il. Hagartf said he had used the axe on and 170re in the lading of the tratford will ccompany thein, ad the illge streets, and country laues, 1111avnig Curtin accross the fence. A second time "opil oat that t pietnre,b year nd 1 percent for three years. in pson, as his back would show. that totl nunibarofexcurs - eitibleuts and other insigni however, the women succeeded in parting si,pnists will be not often 1h nor other wind bqz her wishes less than 5q). Fnim the StLtion This redildes the rates to a level with if patriotic loyalty with all. that gurntnc.� them. Margaret dagartv-1 am the wife of the th"'y will Mutual Companies, and Insurers have th, Presently the cry was raisud that pris.-mer Morris Hagarty. My husband gracceit t-,) the groitrids of Mr. Hosker's ­18to, Which nolle [live more to exhil it Elagaity had a guii. Curtin said if that a Full Supplies Of down at -her window tititil. Rho 11.1a ions alvant;ige ofbeing protact.,d by afint w satboure allolay 1'. Gilbert Da.3s the next stfgat class institution, with a large paid -u -it doin!,,, anittlibig a deceased, ALL il1ii6and H o -e , wliere gro a lirapi ill all silo I special occasions, than do oil r were so, lie would take his bayonet (the it yesterday. He was iLutr bi-other V1 nicialders w�apon entrusted to Iiiia as one of the John Curtin, about hal are be.na maite for' 0tir Capital and Reserve Fund. 0 1 saw th .is mornn walk to the post- At. will be s�-rved ill a hen ditty inspired by the itionioey of tile Grand Trunk volunteers.) Hewaslocked f -past six d'elrick S�ce n1indtlei after, lie w t ,;Lrt ` THr HA-PBO.-71ohe dredging is now last evening. He came into iny shatity. I llufat�ert:ctod o -i th-, graiinds for the - 0 -oil, the genuine spiritof tire crat,ltux in, but escaped by the vindow, acid NIv husband and myself w t"'Iltly in a reat state c`j staAly P-rogressim, at the rate of 1&(0 ore the only ecasi I LADIES'DRESS GOODSi of sailicLeat cap;Lcity to pernaLc toil the thumpin.., of Paddy WaUzer's bt� Ilagarty coining u with his gun, 16 lir a, �Pith her val I' KINDS e� Mile o I IS tZ' who do not twing their ir.k n pruvis�i er day Th 71-mro dredge takes up p they tier persons ta, except the stuall children. tyards P a -went back aigggaiiQ about 112 sing. Hagarty pointed the When he cttle it, lie had a�sinall stick in After dinner the SACRAMENTAL. Yesterday -(,Junday) guli (an old shot gun) two or three times 4! cur awhile It hiong, to diiw toqethor. 5 yards of thso met at the cros AND ai�d notarned. ai�uscments will eminnence. These will IVII, his hand, and said, speal;ing to my lills- keon aTretp- ! - . Bnowx's Nnw T&G.—On Thursdav as held as the anniyursary ofit entrwy at Curtin., andlirubably would have fired. band, --11 will have your life for what you AND GE NERAL. of a Prometande Concert ancl (Iann- 27th inst, the tu 'B B. -11c; Pherson wa,,' lifferent circuln.3ttice based on- prhicipi " hhd it been loaded, which it did liot appliar said last night.." I lisked Corthi wher h y� again sought the post-offloo. 0-te P AM? Just to hand on the - green ; the Q,.iadrill very expeditiously'litted withherwhel. if 6wre ituportaiwe r ho and fraught witii io be. Curtin,' however, never lifted the had huen all diY to get; so drunk? He 3 thi OU'R being ongagt,l f,,r Lbo ecasion. Taken overto one of the dredges, a rope )enefits wore gloritius and t., all ba onet, wlii,2h was by his � side. Not- said he had be AND y ngs they C-41 colulc val6utin- was tied around her stern and she was withstanding, all to town. He then said lot - races, r itknid,. than if a Hagarty, taking hold of the to my busband, —'Have you any whiskayli* eu in thcir hawle. Arid thiv- actllallY' landspotsof. allkiads. Thaleadinjui.-Il elevated in a twinklin and kept so until 13,1viie-water victories %yet-( put to­eEIlUL- barrel of tIlH gun, dealt Curtin a terxible MY litisband Curtin remark - to think thern fannyt- �he had a of Stratford have subscribad soine-!�zul) to the work was completed'. for* universal celebration. It %va's tile blow on the jaw, which OFFEREDAT EST RATE reply. It did not take her long ta, find ba, given felled him 6 the ad, her room a,r.l og-ott I&. Tere was' another pp .org to the sliccessful. coin THz BAND.—We are sory to see, by a aiiijual dispensation of the sacrament of rotind, and he wp not afterwards heard which was produced, and they bi th drauk AT-MOORHOUSE'S. in P' --"I have sonie,"and asmed for a cup$ tii in th, gaThes. Amongst others, letter in.ati,ther 0.1111 11:1, t1lat our ballot tire Lora's supper, Lbe illeinbers-of the to speak or seen to stir. To Curtin'slittle touether several ti aes� I was going in and Picturaofa biat bat the natme.on its ouroldtownsimall, MrAdam3, Tailor,has will be broken it 1), X I . a t6i reati `D-�srildr-' A,id. these miless the tumls peol)le Ltev. Alex. ('rdnt's congregation, atut che boy, whostood byerying, headdressed utof the shanty. Aftera whilo'l went GENTS' UATS AND CAPS, Alargo stock of every denription of day being propitiously to t words vea a suit of clothes as a prize. in thQ do soinethin,g to prevent it. Ile the bruttlil'romirk, "Yourfather willsleep to fetch a pail of water, and when I re- wre, added:—' Your biat is the ptumaltr- 'rte on at 2 o'clock, those who woul.l. aavise thelfivin" '4)the i -lea, -if it Battalioll it very fill[ atteridanuto of tile sound to-night,"and takingthegu4land Wriled the two ineii, were stniggling to- ST.AT11Vy0By We wollhi i'o estbin understfind.ng Viat Mere Wits Uo like the plemant variety of an iny gorating Baltd. as%IiZliattalion does iiothingt,, olturch members, and a, numerous con- bayoiiet walirad uacoucarnedly intO his (retharon the roadside. I ttempteil to ryw-nt place '&.,on it. I Juve beeic& obliged lake-trip,will have an OPPortanity of going keepttup, will ILtit c-mrieldpeople frow the ii,ijacent; towii- shnty. Whether. dead oralive at the purely it Let n v linsbandawav, when he struck me. just-re-ceived Undsolling lower than' di�c- tO fakc Passe le in this.' Siawlythemean. ont on the Steamer 1'8t1l Ohio. " "The Goderichinst;Cution. Since 11, ills swelled the asse inblage into a perfect time, the unfortimate . Curtin was allowed Curtin then ent behind his h, use, and 1DV im, re Mr. D rckli4iv $A f. ei its t.f upoa her. Henry hall party will Start. on their return home, also i., ot able 'tt"culitintia the 'leaders hip, lluititilde. Thu services w1il'o conducted toreinain wvltt-ring in hisblt,od until brmight; a bayonet on,,the roadside. My JU she whom a thought by special train, at 6 p. in. NVe have no hire an instmetor. A very small tor olhaiting in Eit,,jisli rsidentl; of the township, returnin- hoae huib2ild was- in the sliantv at th.- time. SY-11ADE COME &9 where. WN,, cofriett.og with- h. n. J 0 I think duobt a'l will so �irrjoy themselves, and be froin ech citizen able to olontribute woul I mid his -t-sis a6ut the WV. Mr. StLwart, it fr, im Stratford, heard at the crossing of He then canto out %% ith il� gun and Struck tar, you will hardly jastily her in pro- go. w,?11 troatel, that this will not be the iive fluids it, a,bliti,rauee. We llopo tile Kiticardiae, tit Gm1i , toguw,r w.tii it vt-i-y the dreadful tragedy, and h-urried olf to 0 Curtin, when lie fell down. I iievee saw slyd adlll�,lliwry ilisou y All.. town to obtain assistance. It was fully the deceased strike' my hit8band at any ATj oLedi,ig, fiirth--r with th:) ourrespondenceP last emearsion of the Grand Trunk employ- TownUVIrloil, at. its meetin tit night, %kill u rse b.' Why noO hasn't a woutan as mich t:2 -s w Vo&rich. do soinythimy i;1 till, (Studeut; of Divinity) U. p idneo'clock when Dr. Shaver andCliidf- right to inaha herself an lerstood in such it lllat,�er. . The metaher, little. After hetruck down Curtin, my EverytMng ym Want "in School f the Band aru all harniontutis toget church, Township of Huron. With WIL086 COnSta"Ie Hairison got- there, and then a I earnest eluiluellco a great totally- wenu poor Curtin was stark and cold. A little to tile house. 0 When Curtin came into tile ScoTTi,;H AHEM,A-V Jouit-IAL. The and have beco,n very -gun in - matter as it man ? And when the social her hit blind bronght the byonet and sic )?ItPletc and it would be a great pit advantages are on her side the burden of last number mine to hand in a cc liflit. makin- the advances v)ften falls upon bar tuallow the:,, lunch gratiflud. later Deputy -Sheriff Hossie, and Constab'e� shanty, he said, olit of fun,—"l will have HARRIS' OLD STORE new -dress, and is very mch improved in toariparatu. BASz BALL.—This sporr, has within a Wilson, arrived. His murderer, who had vour life for -what you said last night." S Uny -,,,omen do it indirectly and Lire s a LLABEOUS 30�]Kspd itared. appe--tranco. Alwav welcoille vi.ilsailt GRAND PLFAWRE: Excuilsio.—The fallett wilfully ilito aboyanco-3. inadeno attemptto escape, was-atonce He had all the ti�ppearance of jesting aiv'hen to the h -111.4e Of the Scot in America, viollo, The scl-lstic element which always arrested n*hi s- i is own shanty, and conveyed lie carne in, and I think orrow hictiorw claimod tile most conspcAlous totratford gaol. Tile expression he made derst-)ild Ilin seei th t ti ey 3 the (Saturd;ly) give a grand pleasure excursion, 1, a a I night untif the entire t9ilver Ware. "Well, yon know, I' -n --oaservati", thron"'ll. its pages, lovingly trAw? pleadid steaunr 016;owill 10- iny husband 0-' She did send another valentine-. 1 you're consistent- the ollangrps taking place in familiar l,icaliL- leaving Mr. F. A. Roberts prominence tit his -great maii-olid-i ex- use of on the wa'y,—"I soon fixed the and drank freely Zooether. Cur , tin an -Stock is sold. Famiw 00000. t d totor, but I in gl, aur ies; it will now be iii.re welcome than oil'& wharf at 2 gg t d �u- n To -night and every ilthition, having, been alloted a doubie b—r"--shewed that he was stillunim- P.-agarty were ulways g-,od i friends so afraid she strained this figure of speech p. in. This will be a rare opportunity for ever. Giving a concisa epito-ne of tile u- the Grand Truak Excursi4nis quota af summer holidays is at . prusent pressed, as - we -believe he is yet, by the far a., I kn,jv. The glin was'owned by my God I erielt, Jitly 25th, 187L Wall ]Papey-, aoutthe boat. But when everythilIg In portant events- '.n each county ll -I edL- ti, who are rorth in the world rustcati. or awful crima with wAich he stands charged: husban, so far as I am awar & Window M- linds. the world depends on metaphor, t will 9 devotef� I I "' e. "k i torially well written an*oleottol, we lizi,w, conliva hare to -morrow, to enjoy a pleas ly b1lay, _ia till. I not do to be fastidious. Jennie drew lio d.,11b ant sadl and t--tka advarita a to the full of )t1acy of tlie We extrae lfio& the report of evideneq in tthe 9 1— tio solve tit Elizabeth-AfeGowan-1 reside in Downie, AT MOO11HOUSE "S. the health -giving breezes of Lake Huron. than ever a getierat favurite ill afid tile beilittiful scenery of tit in f suille oL at the crossing spoken .? 1 was at home Do not ruin your eye -sight by wearing I -knotty prub Olitari.). a coast. the tiew and ra' TU ��;�.2aia the little boat with inispeit naule infire doctiestte studio, alid-aavurLt A ad then added five wor&- I possill[e) the in vatery at i velill, 1INSOLVE T ACT 9F I Plmw is vacitt? Our -rownsp.-ople should also embrace the - wet Mus, wL,i;ii all day yesterday. - I saw deceas.,d about comalion spectacles; nine -tenths of all eye N -ri tE MATTER -0F JOHN HARRIS, Goderich 18th JulYj 187L wid keiluire solutio at tire impendii, six o'clock in the evening. He went into A44 IN- 1 6 4-t disease is caused by wearing improper ISOLVENT , DivideridSheek has 1,eenprepared open tu ubi-,ctidn 1111th the fifth llay-tif Auku6t nbxt, after And quite late itt t1io afternoon, the opportunity, as it is not often there is so tiblInal of the recet the prisoner's shanty and Pat a gooi whilp, lsses. Lazarus, Morris & Oo's, perfect- Whid, dividend lylil be paid Goderich July 26th 71. good a chance of an agn eiibie afternoo f e. am apt ap- To, theEditur of tho 11 artiol biesial -,initiation. Ti-te prograillme of till, ad then he and I reply was left at the dfor: :cly appoilited boar" plicant for the t -want place, if Wu wit'l taL-z excursion. a c' -ta,;arty came out to- ad Spectacles and Eye Glasses, are the most W. F. FINDLAY, DzAR 8--a.—The-members of the 33rd three different ctwises laoillicing, ethay, andsat dowonupon the railway perfect and beautiful everoffere-1. They that of. nuwt--r*s nuite ' 0 v4rious branal track Assignee. 74q .............. ...... Eo doctor; I alwayl; ning in Good." uttied the Ba;ttalion Bard wish to state that they tire BAILEY'S CiRclis. —The opening of t!lis the aspi i I us of illodern IV limwrs -� They were talking about fighting will cause A continuous and abiding im- Hamilton 19th July,,1871. advocated i every liberty i compelled to for the following exhibition yesterday was i lost sil.-c-S $.d -alit, to ca(lenucar but were-nof very loudwords. Pr,ovement in the eyes, and assist the sight ivill- in -y iinposin�, �o Hagarty, in fun; "I reasons aud its advent into the ci and etilolt"ll-its is expected to be funnol dmost brilliantly. A FARM FOR SALE. the:,e inatt y liver Curin then s not uY -jerudil.e, buc profound, Ila; will give you XCRILcken's son is tiread()y givou birth too a -,)oil many inis- tripped him over. Hgarty then got appointed oWef of"the Government A FARLIFOR Or' 116 AMPA TUT1111% MV -E lead since his sickness, it any of the principal streets, awl was . 0 UPI RArLwAYTRAVELUNG.—Railway tra+el- fliblic !k1liesfiftheTown ofGudei!4,,79 of Batl will stumpyou Yet, doctor," to carry on th. I I a trip by the and he Wile I Ist. Mii. John Ditel-hani not being able The spleadiLf cavalcade It It is rumored th�t said Hilbert. "That evenin.r Gough was nivi s a principled of DO you want tit a in the rook of his father. d V support, and insufficient wAtiessed by. thousands of pers-inst. Yie i liijg,%vitb all its drawbacks nd accidents tum to leckure in the villag vant of proper - m, in the whilont and said to Curtin, "" I I - 0111tivation and in gotailcider,tLnost riear e a, and my friand Instruments ; whicl, the of a good libile toncs on the north ido if Well ii, to i stifficiency and has (tigurtivoty speakill.4) figfit'?" Curtin said "No." And then! is tile .3afest sy-stern -of traii. ellilIg ever -4The Stephouand . 7 his laim is bzunded Ly j��e 11-aroll -7 _; AS q ires. street were bothaftertmon -it-] f I taken the starch outo -if a c,jusitler,bi, ent, Ant to hear Gough, but to see iss I band re FALLSHOW. Udborne tt�e a u* Hagarty knocked Curtin down - with his Uni, ". P.— .� U Air ; Al' I no Tull - or e arton. at. a dista2ce. 101011113110w 0 0111111 1. - lor.,anised—the persons injurell while. 16U I or Wa 'clal'y will v- i ltiy�p at- Illere i3 a LzGa Ore "ar en tho P fnd. 1t-1isanev3ry-daYquestikn byour ed to oveiflowing. The free exi rilituber of paper c­llars, and rea terw.1 hand. They then both fell down -Hagar- It old theiralii;w glx-�Aer, on t' tew ses B-ioia elloice Fruit ii- the stupefaction (if revived hope he had travelling by this i -node of conveyance mily he 2ad and towns People why we d; not play on the Md'lle. de Vernier'�-w,ht-ro "l)'t'"ll or Bati-de Cologne Pun-whitay, and base bull ty on. t ­p, of Curtin. While they were 3rd of (Jet(ibe-rnext. T 1,'R M. not thought . of g,iing to the house to see aitkotintintr to oue in half a tnilli,'u.. Wow square. We axe willingtogive our time but from the ground to tl accl )III Plisli, RICILL6 11cerakty of We past, 0111 st,nig�lin,,,, Gurtin kriocke,l Hauarty in the fte4blrd oime purt-licim jocollt,y ­�njrcd 110Y.Z, tt h,ryet. He had postvflned his departure, Is apex of tae h galitst while it. is very gratifyimy, to know that it It is avil.-Inown that icebe- 0 not money. dimly tracoicibJe like half r1lra cool 8 a 'Ll'allee ul"y rel"ll'i" ab lrng .3s lli� Stilts tile ilurebaEur 4`�- 1 by paying Intemstevery six nirccv,�!Iiato percent Lid thrown aivay his scruples. Knowing pavilion, on 4 9 wail iv ire attracted U Lri, obluerawit with his 15(oots. I'virs. tiagarty then is so much t he older system ; it -water arwilid lhi6tu to a very -coi siderable further varuj;6lar,3,Apl1jy past-pata to "Ic? a '@ safer than inscriptions on che pages of calue,tut of the shatity, au.1 after p-iffling il-pl-vasing to know that have in the distance. -Aii American gentleman has hOW 1111101. opposition he 3rdlaconclusion wathougrhtittimej�o numburofolitside spectators. Both ex, we I contend with, he thought, if - ite thongt *at Ing nostiiiceessfulcliaracter, aidian Pain Destroyer" a medicine made tbls�&-t the folin(lation or -all inven- -lbodellch ie. 0, 13MVU Id. won't' have to olisbandifter do' our best,ivli�mwa heard hLbittuns worea cf i tO uleuiczv. "Sic trausit, gloria. staltitiox, thuni apart, took her husband into the "Cart AZIACKSY every day Vhat tha, oflia;�ra were dis- and in the event h -lie, and I got Ctirtin aear his owu Goolerie'a loth since, 1471. all. that he must proceed with C-1,11tL011 satisfied with us in camp. This shows what had to be closed at -ai ng. t�'- a doorts: shanty. Then Hagarty cattle out acr 111, eolpally sure for the care of coughq, colols, tion to protect vessplis, against collisiqa But some time after the lectin -a bevan he th i early hour, the An Agtoniohinfp StO27,Qf a 3117ar Minn. witi, two larg W ai rhutnaitii;twand suinmer complaints. For withicebergs. He proposes to place on the a offio­ara butiidegitha toxii wiltdo spacious paviii ,a stones, and TA and -en agarty ale by DrucrtristS and country dealers. bottorti. of steawers-,orla�her vessels an oksuavered the Morton family without -?n beingfull, anclncit.e% Cartin coitittienceA sa towards f -keeping a Batt. Band, and why, st-tuding rooin being; lvfti Sevnr2d hundred to fight across, the p Jennie ! Siowly it dawned upon hinL then should -we -be a Batf. Ballot? Bands persoiWwho fence.. Mrs tia4irtY cattle'utit'a second rice 23 cents per bqttle. parat.as. so arrauged as W Sound an alarul She was at hume waiting for hicn. had bren-lit; tickets betpre- The people of the noirtli-easterit. portion �theiustaat a vhip's keel enters a stratual He of other Battallijil's axe kept up by the hand were ble to ob tain a of Ltclelie cot time, and got Hagarty lj'piin into the was near the front of the church in which qua, -iiiiission but tiltry, 211".. were recentlyex- ealawater. Onboard thortuarnersit 1W Jewelry land F' ney gbodi W officers and why nat we file aain'iil arrawfemerits were ma j'tl at cited by the appeartwice A all 111(liau who- shanty, 4nd I once more got Curtin into . a, I ))a as held and every inch of do to th,, effe, his own shanty 0 ery cheap at the Star 'eilfice:, 28 customary to take the teU lecturei w. if the To a n fuels aisposed to keep zip Solueolietften�:hedoiit variety and v Neralmre lof aisle was fall of people. To g�t out a if they were presented at either- trio afie cattle thoire from the West. and took away was Band of its own, we wouirl all gladly do noot, cir even' a load of silver oro that ffagr&ty- hall a gun. Cirtin chen Bouk-Store. the waterevery time the lead"' I t ing -)erforulance to The Pierce Cit), i` , . TV - nat easy. Buras he shonght of Jennie I -day,'Wey said :-" If that is rho case I will take the The last elopetuent we reati 1 Occurre4- waiting it became a matt"r of life and our btFst. Mr Peckliani, the old Band- will be recognised. Signor Sebastian, thp Record SiLYS: "It has. bean an oft -repeat- 4�Y The Star office Book -Store is the I $i fire he the old se-ttlors/ of Laclelie a .. at South Bend, Indiana. .... 5 i ; n named d6ath. If the� house had, been on tuaster could be hirc-1 for a reasonable bare -back rider, With his fol d story attiong hayonet." W then locke"d Uirtin into best place to bu Static, wo it I ult have salary, and Mr Duckham. wouldassist him sr)n, Performed some most ir years"ol that there'existed' a cav hisslianty; but.hojitinpedontatthewin- ery. yjour books and n' Humphery bist his %, ifa- the -"-one xvLth. ba, -a mire intent on astonishing a somewilere in ipavear. Beforetheend of", , his exit. He reached the door, knoWn b dow; an,1 then Hii-garty came out �,,ith the all he could. feat. o. oqestrici-anism. Messrs. 8andfora the. vicinity of Oiark Fork in �vhiuh loilwe -t I I rid thev both inist at the place'whero he - offered bituself to his Wo��e ,,Inl it 6::Y' If You waW, something neat fresh , I o "lontils be pusect the hap last svening, of hii; life, and Bro' Bhowed great at, lt� P JOHN Du 'yn rility on the (Plant' ies of sik er tire to th Hagart and clitait'in Wall 1�apers, cal at t a Staip but She leftme He body wits found after death. I �h eldest sister horizontal bar and datiLle, trapeze. 41L,� exist many years ag() Incliam only za awake to Borrow, for Jennie's R. j. WHITEry COX' a and others Y Office Bot.k-Sttire. GRAPEVINE fallmr is WILMORE SMITH Fertatiti, the contortioniat, "pears to be who Iong ag) visiw,l this section of the pointed the gun two or tlitee tillies at Uiotly began his'addresses t 0 Younger -14dc,W set" a,,ainxt the m-atch." that that; C-irtin. -ever nev W . 9 ate S-ind. 1while his "tie has no rivilit tcl� made of Iudia-ru�ber, if one is to jildge of "'tintry used to tell the people . Curtm, hot% twlifted'the sister, and on a 1, Md , interfere." said, the bayonet, Iirt allixWed it to rainai mother-in-law and the el,lt:r sister were rELZrXRAPH CRADLES dhotoryeliomently. 11YoaseQJ-.tandby Ahe extraolrolinary elasticity of his trallie. "Ild line themir door-isteps and sho� tbair side. I the - it by Iiii THE K&RKET85 gime o6t to fhe.65netery to visit Pr= Xmitoba. I" connection with horses a ith silver, if they only rho .1 went i-t i our s1fauty bitt the grave 2,arley potk�s StTaw the circus; the - niena- Be to hunie'liately CiLlue Out liglaill. WrIen 'I' -aw ot his 'wife, he -elopod witit the younger "ant if I fell the story out Yam THM FIRST ORANGE rRoOESSXON TN XANITO- I-erieia well worth visiting, as lt�.colltaills "Ig for it-, as it existed here inlarge q,,a,,- Efagartystrike(Juron ita thebuttofthe Goderich, July 28th, 1871 a a roxks,, many curiosities of the animal klogilokul.- titles. Not only this, but they- c4tert ex- Fall V17heat ............. ;A:1.2 1.15 - lst r' yow-would not,"said HuberL BA-SPLBSDID CROP PROPE(,11S. -Toronto Globe �Adj 19tk. hihiied specimens in rtIn Upon th.,) lowe� jair. Curtin iiiintedi- Spring Wheat ........ 112 ENGLAND'S COAL The labor* Hay- ioiks, Xiih Fmk.. "Wily, isn't it done I" proof (A their ass FIELD 1:16 of 'tions. No developments were ever marle ately-felL and nover stirred afte' the Royal -Commis-don on Coal, appointet 65 rwards. Flour 5 :50 Gd) 6.VO Rd. , ineir -and Spaniards would not 4 , The blow'- was A side b6iv­ .46 a few years ago by Sir George Gra are Oil, Ma hia, Sh9velig, Coal -1. 1)0­05-ur pardon, doctor, for him 1 0 Winnipaj, Manitoba, July 12, via St as the Indialis Curtin 0. c a 0 � t Sul, used a M; craft. I had much at sty "Too 000cl Gomp=7 for Mo." had Oats .................. 0:45 DES Pitch Tar. po ake. pin], Milin. July 25 --The first Orange reveal the �rlfe his hand -in 'his pafttaloons Packet at the Pe;iO 0:60 I have di reabuuts of the precious _0.65 on the Point ,f completion, and the result as, Sguised this story in its details. (or seen in the north-west Oakum, 119p, 113,21�Z 410, Bat it is hrue. f am the hero procession el metal. Last %yeek, the' 'Lidian iabove titiletheblow was given. ffagrarty then Barfty . . : .......... 0:50 -(a) 0.-52 le the deraoxistrlUon Of he. fact tbatfis- An ofitheabovefor Sao at lowyate's eth the `lsireiats of Winnipeg It was -one evening Jast sli-mmir, -when referred tc; came and described to 'our went -into the bouAe, and in all angry man� Potatoes ............ 0:75 0.-00 sulaing U cartaill annual increase in, marctled throug id! wore t nef., That is good for Curtin. He Butter ...... ... ... 0:15 r:I,(; rateof eacusump on� im the The, doctor lo3ked quickly towards his to -jay. They had bauners, aii he a lady who belongs to the editorial stak informant a -cave, the mouth of %ybieb ti flicient economically ___W HARD daughter. Her head was bent low Over regalla of the order, but had no hand. of one of -the leading daihes of New York wU walled tip - with storte, and co will bstlavii himself itext time." And he Eggs..-... O. -It fg 0.00 gettableto-al i;xists in Gre. _W her book. Her lot),, hAir hung about 01 vered 0 1 -It Britain and ARE ST011E, -it About one hundrod mortibers mustered. ha(L been detained by office dut;es until a lirge flat rook, tl%e location commenced to sing. Hagarty was flot 12�00 Ireland to last frotii 800 to 1,000 years. w"" Of druitk thougli J a had Hay" V ton ............ 1:00 @ tain, shut x 1which'he would not tell. I been 1 7.tjo If this be so, neither Mr. ..Gladstone nor Hovse,) Ilkat a out out Oil View of the The: day was smakiner hot. rather a latt)-hou- Living on the heights I drinkingaijttI6. Hi4s (green) .... ...... 7:00 (a,) - (oplosite XV The doctorAvallu�­to-tho otlier Abo--t six hun&,e-d emigrants haye ar- in Brouldyn, but a Short distan 0 froin he enterod the cave in the nig'ht, as otir as drank,-aud not able to! take -Wood ...... I .......... 3,50 (64 3:75 any many gen- Nt f"v. W&Ike; . i . t is supposed Curtin w faturaPtime Minister for. window itud looked out. Huber"At like lived. Fulton farty it was not much of a i * tcure info care of himself. I tlaj Itu,41 da� s to com-� need urf, rmant kliows that t46 -Indiaodeparted. wn for Beef, per cwt . ......... 5:00 7:0(j eradon .,a the awise of H. Parsons. a C a laumnly. Aftei a minute Dr. 0-0104, Se far tile riiga� fur land grabbing eqn- to go home without an escorb, and so:she in tj a year. He was a qitiet� inoffellsirdin, fie, night, takin cr with hina a. ikagon load it,. Fork Nett ............. 0..'00 0:no Commons to pav 04 the National Dbbtin JinuesiPuailtited �everrttherc. The -old started. On the boak standing ontlie of-slifier -dro.i.�' Curtin's little son was outside crying, -i 0:30 jD:30 the groundituf thet(pproaching exhaustion Goderich, Jul): 2 Explorations' are benrig and I -OL okens per pair ... ,Bettlersa,ud the new am talcing Ltside -e*,ving thit refreshing breeze made, and is is to . be hoped that4f a silver said t6 the lad, Wool Fleeces ........... V:30 0:33 of the enalfields. np -.1aims oti 'after the murder U-iwarty You Zeep Bound to -night, I Wool Tubwashed ... goodthiu­ once but faca fkai wug a- flame. 'tinde alf -all. -,ratit. houies'"ol', aftera- d ar the h, -bre ay's toil, she perceived a: gentl- riline r ay be found v father WiII8 Tears -.xists in this, region it.m. 0:20 0,-22 A 3nau may wrl a Ua Th6 great B liligarty t(jok t] Ee"Was Z Pa eart. ulk of the nov, arrivals bare, she wad­.Jeaning over the guaroij, 6.11t the croiisilm., ........ ..... 91isle-Iled in her 4es, aod I doubt, law, or pro-euiptim. i Man (?) in rather -close p-oximity to whea 'and. developed�" his was when thedead man was ly'ing at t,& 4:00 fail the second tinid. ' Mr. 6a na the wer in herh �ad 2:00 Patient, 'a .......... 9 2,25 'author of "Dame Ticam 2:00 Fda are a&. brave girl. �Buropais Sehoo4n js For Sale. Tbad'other the Pdiflt—age and Rat Creak dis- nothing. Are -jou alone said lie as the tile bayonet, after he had killed Cirtingild 0.,00 ','el ; -the following f or" g2te tall d. X 'A� few days -ago a car in the con Ere ofa went ...... .0, 0:00 out with a poor -noy son - per lbb ence.wi-u PlinP- Y02t llavara-t-ig�tt,�',chooso t cts, whoro they-axo thickly settle the Blip. ;,aid the intollisox"shanty. Idollotknolw -Gudnioh Salt, wholesale, f o.b. -give son�e idea of the viltees A DRICK COTTAGN A,IVD yourselL God bles%ydu- bat tt , ggnt;6 back in diagust at the ab,- lad' and wi put, fur . - we�,t -fire anything of Hagarty's dispos it' 1-1 lot, mast (11gibly filftrotfcd k Uut. �fg few hav, Oar, inrerruption, tritin pasginq ition ; but eat C a &-reat pity-Hais 1:20, h dic y ' "Oue 1has beard &%ukarag -en X t Some whea the boat tonched, She stepped 6ff., Sbalillo"Ville and B lleville, and wa3 believe It the da loads so well.11 rotigfli-s�mtstimes. Hagart blaspheme and midmen. rdve So siayino y to and from thojulz� Wayw: tt*,u Pat on his. of the surycyorg, raceutly arriyed, are tfion�pht you were hot alone, said-tre, env�lnped in fl4me3 ere Qie tra;in ennirl be and Curtin sometimes associated together Cllnton VAarkets. downright coo I stopped .. �Th I proifanity, fo 1ple pro- Appltr to lat and walkel- out, leavind4 ion. ;0,11f i3teppitigto -he-- dle lumin e'bnrnin(� cAr wa% -ftnally Whentheywarefightim acrossthefen r Bin 4he,�youngi prop., Lrin4 for operat ce, stitution - of all that idea: and- angels rie- udnWor and Im batrothed aloni,,i-, A ba�d of Rud Lake'Indiats ratently aln:ncit,"repliedthelptly, 61-Why,-jdoj�t 46tacherl'awl allowed ki7btirrit to the- plat- Ourtin m4s in his own at J. V. DETLOR r ic ostira, and -3y,13P40i1i rplegip'llh to th# Big-. verence, glve-meal� coupl� of or 51r. AV.,CAUPBULL.; --whew-the fire-,wlis` extitignislipd, and Hagarty!!;vason the ro�ad, side an ginton, July f8ill, 1 ministers talkinT 8cripture d -Godarlch Jifly 25th, 1,8717. COT -if The trccubkwoftht� Popea arrived, ire watch ag their -chances Hear spo any one-.whe, iJ with youp, (34 �trirrn 871 Ppear fii'tle (In the Portage to att 4 the a Alstaiglity and the angels, s Weh and - k .18iotts: living -yer rataait:�d ofit; as brought to. fliagal-ty,,kent. jil and got. the g , who --,0;) (9 1-40 mile dxive. t'lle 1910masT. ir; rm, ne all an FallVheat. ..I ........ I His holineas & reported, to -a to, - a, rpw year4 past. lizve, spokeu thus$ at a eousl3tory, held at thel You.keopto(i goo4 conlpany for the iat;il Moiv was given, I As far as I-aln :L-.05 cial ]Board Of Education, -madam--goo4 higlit,"' aiadhe pilot !4 P.Oma ont,ha2gth UIL l The I r4lit aware, thaptiirties Were voa frieliids before Oats '045- i2� 0.47 baygr been arjariised*, hold 61, exalnina- for 4 Aben itearly, - HE the fatAl o6durranop.- - "'We are, -my deir brat'lieM irL tlie tifa If sellool a Mes A '00. A grest-t manY of,.6mr, Barley ........ 0:45 (a), 0:50 teatIllertir 6n tho 20th and, block a%vay. The herole ATdry Ana � :UcGo wan -I lim-As, of DITIlIQ Prorideuae� We'liave 1va4­'Per-. FitvIlsh yoOng men (Says an ev6b�;)ge) foloij� sin *sister of, eeas .................... V 00 5 &arybody Wailtis oy the eLftill at' �Ist inst, Mitted to "ke.ep to-tho right as the law 8 4 Bbort1inie itgo to the 0 15 - , t� - last-witnesi... I heard ttie evideuee 12 xathin�p to- expecb front' hsAntan aj(4 for 2, T anbT.; I I hepri - - � 7 pbuitees ...... wtfi* %u cro xr I L directs," and. eilij �aud it ig'weriteii. When I fivat H- Flour � ....... 6:00, @, 6:60 ps.. 81001 ll,_� e!plonall, T44BUre Of thir heads "RhingleV from 4e.-.""`hri;w",te *841as abandoned us, Why *hotfld we I - ­ saw acrar ofa 1101a ina V-17 JiM;l)hJa1 iat" 0 f6eldL frOln 4ilfl.� 'the 1(stern " and now -the ndAte baR, a Gardit t4ei iVeje t4lk.ing. 14,jut: 13uttqr. 0:11 4 ShLf t 6" 7:25 1 -r YOU In Wastrating the- iruits -of advertin. company- a- "gorte nilet. fi�htillk- 11'all -into the, � 13 ortge. poa 7:00 gona f( Orb 11 tr -ir promixes, k&ve ut in Floftd% I after- I m tkatKitigs and Governments,forzetting ',a sa�s� "A faiqV )rtli that sh 0:1'1 0 GOD COMFbIRTABLE 800TS, Itave iddrewd: us in 6don, i6pex mour!ft over 1,11 thego in Now Tor1rafid'othal; tilah'tAll. aud..saW 1 ,10:00 @ 12-,'00 au excliang in the -fashionable world.. Intl&, hair bOing thou-, it thoy were joing, to figlit.j Vft1ate- They 1.4 thoir little boy, and adi7ortised for tafor is in war fj�callle 0 iagarty liltrases-f-they 114 V. hit, in a - 4aily the decadence of English 1astituh *zun� atkd Curtin vy Ali a -bay, IG:,W J p�per. That very gftep- ons., It Trivtt ri: )net. I then OOL o nor)"L Lit allivator-crawled- gir-Lout �Df a ia�:-,`aiai politicatpower is d looked o' JuA Recetived, send us t4e waratestesmtratolationsorl the tays, '1hotlirou centres. question. so valsival.-Iseiii �iali in again,. -------- 041�— & ,, all 4UY, of our, itibilu ' B4irtheY.ard far frol.n Lsw=4 and ilied: Oft thet freut door�Aep &34 : the Lord4 .awa, d& bat is to be done 7 U will take at feast w. (juitin nt of the windo-wa- -six months bo reinstate ""full hea(lp of fall" Seafooll ark:OZ13. VillkinY, at[Y'Stepo� in, SiTlort of -their I TU his siontilick tvt& f6lind a hall(Iful (if r0a House Covanibris loseatlh� j,�*Opt of Daniel'AleGow abiwag". Ire Q31i hope Nr Wk help fit' be.nothinileft--to- " the by, tbaC-time W114711 �the an -1 limin Dowmie. P�etbv f etty pick] . a mal�v Oil a, Flau all a I cor L Of I . I fin her-!� itt, Ile If OR01- dr 16W.A,-1t iS Ofttlulat, `Wr�y-ouv h.1 got,ffiemiselvd 1 to,.,.- men, Seaftort)), Jul. wyqaarter. KPi-Victictor Z-11anatel. will leelsis - L�U affl, tone 19licii(ill 1)(14.4 on, .'Westorn, division 182"i-Tel4T to tha isign"L Jim. -MR. aw AM r Win $OM bMaL pairof boot, .0�111117Y there ashian. 'A pili vtir-of CX�ck- P. gmen 4q -i 21. The daceased was oneof i'lly 28th 1­811-LWooni. - i itbout a It7al td 6Y, the Alinist4ra 4the Catholiost%tes. a vertmellielft will, Wheat i .... ... C A Q. fo*-- 4y'#. Ho will be attend., and ar piper Vollll- ihe d lie edin crop of Iow* this ydwr �,He had been in My einglaymidn c ­ ­ -- - 1:10 -a 115' 2 TD year tindfillur tuonths.� ffi;.wlis i 1:05 (4 1:20 1 . ES BOOTS AN Of ottilt, to busheis.. The 'W61111va 40114 all that WM in our power, iprujg, _bf 5:50 0 '6,75 In Pelcitt, X uq"piper, oifrx4diva� b iit - - a rax - V ifilliffelisive, man, The deeeased'V shanty Floar'Pnr b1JV-0tLr effl*M UVia failedi All is Joe VPP8r;Dei says. 'of . all oti t 1,sixa. is- pablidlied- vic�ek- ly'tai' 0�,41J - -0 L 0;4&' was jost to the S531P 411 toil met, perhapi,. that wev ba we ha, uovor seen -such a corit C 8011th -west' of my' house�- oms lONA7" C VP said to havir been published surthumr from coughS­ b C Akilt ImIle, in France 1, QI6,.b#bn aud IETRC �tftji`S' AS tfi.6" - �jh t -L to SOU (& - a III fxhd'*re'li ef in Dr. 01 it out25 P4)tatoe; ­,­ I 71'r tale mo* than 4 crtip as is stand - in this flart of Northern iis, �crout� l', -8 tia ,ford y 0:80 ."t Fmnce `340116" thonii.intl year . it. Ill I *hoop , notkiu aag 82 .,a - Public infiinza eii: oig Silo is goin lmva� Not am ahwor of a (101,011 hills to esterti-xv dft&dQoj, ub offlicericistised some . 1. 0 to, vn 03? g through a 1ri.ghtfu '11'"eucc toi be the acrijsre Illipas a gr.: -and arvw tI1 -"itca,,inpailie 4 d by- Mrs. Paris a -j, for yvilfil e aorn in efisk 11rhicit kliftY be ancepe-clud by atht�r intiorted in this It per a fut- n Wild Ch(iri� wyeli ha's- Itast"6, 0..55 in: use OU-itli:t 'Urs 9 11110tv fill, I ropMt it, all 1& 11)fft he W"Llititudredsiof fields �atandx so hivll thaTi an f�r uesA� to- PI1& to de�jfll fr. y 'i . of tfi 41 numbL til lislf'a can uryo Inain -41 o­- ffi-ljd6e *Ji�" Wifer rema ... *.. ... .... ­ - . �, '6:00 C& 16:00 paper are prexe in, the its long establislied #put io -4s the b I D-11 (a - can "Va Us. Turn,. thou, a, erdi2xry rovismi saysixiatitinhisstockinig. tains; ittad about I ork. UOA lb)raryv ou�l 4a, I oat'. ours, af1d i6f 1, owas . - est:4 x,�iek tha fatercea` n paglin fli the �allAi§�aiia of the or� I -11vt ad a 'out 9:6�,616014 f d not be Uon iA Dim to of varis� torhoy are ten a a, Tlarter fialds�,,, eat T In di fo ialf-ptist.q 00' 0 3Y Goderio;h-Tuly 28th 1671. g. throug W. 4 41t 11, Lyardi lon�. gs ;41D]lest. d. Dy Ekiyf - - 4 Jr .4 T Aft. X U 0 411 icl 1 I L) , XC4 la 0