Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-07-25, Page 2low !L
t g-ji%J
4;U f ninsases out of ten, it pays to sell
iias-h�en very much Godiiiiiih, The jORN CARRIOX. Air
T11Ly Z6 "A home" -the (tuty arniroducts as soon 4s thby �lare Tandy
'We h9po he is . now equally- 1 -1 ey
Hiltoli -4ek,t, FAU3t[Na XOTES.�It is ida the TAE4X.B.Sv-R1B-L1&-.-HAV=G 33SJ-LA33LISHED AN
ovr Ji 31. - -the inarket, by There Wds. lovisring malice ju he d -t EXCLU181
. - ' 9 for The aj#egote 4oils ar4 dn 4vy irl hr
the Examination, papais. , The- uh"ii � 1
-the t !6o Pnme� prk des of agriculture =Q,
pf tho Chief Superintendent always ear iller, Cu0nitut Messrs. lit. l6ast tett tiines,-thc- t g1duce
arX ich, Inrder nupda tier Zielj4bors ly the Lords'of ri �FAT. AP, &
ence Qfanyliundred StMay FrUncet Ane Prestou� . W1116 Was cast-' to hei�� the JPXd dry. cleail and
other a motley crew" IIA'alfing the expori
Id dky-in heavy an—ndilim-ifflus 1A the ilewuilding, erected -by Wimself, I�st Fummery on Ivest to kee�the k!
specimens of inan and won'i-anhood. boil Rst� reiti 'ney. oa tbel� eople'swaning Ire, their but .28 i
Ritchie gnini -tij 31A we must res6yrt� to obme�.
'the go'Crotarysilip brea -diii blow� soils -it, " evid
[physically raid inteliectual1v aild "litany gr.tia In, the natural orda ' ift - , , zZieW eth�Aaa-draina-ezuehas4itching..,
(if the' BcI44 %ia lou'lismoul(lorin resafretili.againEttlipir Xn
I or a 0sa. ibe HeWI�117 11 was- things,. the supply is ailtial tt�y the demp from it a" for the iuspection',of'the public, on
the v y rAl 4 nd., unclent. fue_,
illived bytV��)Icay, -106timi6 are when war takes frDiii
i"Lull"1414�41iscast!1.1tare been received catiolial standardissapptost!dto-bL- 8`11conded bv.. 'Airl The L Alas, Alua, P)r leekless France. and woes the fatal dn-y.' can toucli *on but a few.;
Or flays, from the Department, 'the produditi-class, and adds to 'rthe C011. when armed wi
by raised, with !be intention of send Dewar, Ritchieea resi tl�tlie dostroyer's brands site found tile Volumes have been written on the subjedt On Saturday the 4th day of March, 1871
else- I addition to thewasteand f')Q at bayj
na will. baof iterest- tca- rtwqcra of horses (1011batic offe- tha harvest -field, or accepte4tid f�yled. and it cannot be too forcibly advocatecli. Dw Lairgc� and "Aock of Hats, Caps, and Parl
ex1ponid ; -t apqrtatirju,.iiievit�bly atig- You" 117"Itatell iniuds inflamed wim. at% unholy fire, - it all tUhng Good ever biloug4t Ptts,ed War the working of the plot -all save the end ows of a much earlier cultivation in Consisting ofthe NoWeSt 'Stlylel$ Of
17.1cre those ;zo are betteradapted to such flrestoli� --see. 'bv Mr Aecimtin- ti7e to "teach th-2 young idea how a while in spring, enables the faxiiier to-grDw a
to. Veterinary sphorea than
requeats the other County pap. P ZhZ ;"so the -those who apy copetent Dowan't ilved that, this production, and, f c6urse, incresea the Eng oxk, & Oanadiau Fasl2inable Bilk,,& 33er
Board atits* 0 greater variety ofproijucts. Itsaveswastf) Ver
for the responsible, hoorable and onerous price, or when - 6, failur6 of Some crop. in She struck the blow I" fiercesthate, nor scalinedthe and trouble of ourf&66 ' draining. ' It Hats, Fur & Woj)ipelt ]Hats
vra to ca itwecable. : Tne account we first n desire to record hlligh, gupplybolov%. the - , ground she stood
of the loug, and valliabi Irer fleme tilt
prev pablished as correct, but th, task Of educating our youth, way be able ap r needsof that usWoried;ace did-tilimit, for 'Teutonic admits the heat to enter teloyv and.thus
to zttin theirp ' - uvices Will. -sectin, and otheii. and less A L$01 Silk and ClodfCaps, of the latest Styles and Pattprns for spring wear. Mast of
ropai ud obtain My R.;iq. M- A. Ohairitian blood set free, those gases necissaxy for the ---L his Stock bas I been made sp,-czallv to my order, and as I claim I'
) remote districts are under thotecesait of But bacicwa'rd she isas ever driven, wbile Francies proper growth of the plant. It is allowed abilve a fl-,orov is
Boaid pf dry, of nialcing lip the deficiincy. - But both of legions reeled. thatd knowledge of %he HAT and CAP business will bble (with the Iar,,�,e allcl varied Etec
ewsaredepositedmuchm6recopiously have on hand sad 4m continually receiving.)
alutary a change can be the Public In§truct Your frantic charges failed to shake that German
u eire ittit quite so hilly and lifiantelir de- know ho fax so s Symptoms a-n(r inlat-mortclu aPPcamllcc3 adequate reinnemli3n. We shall soon Ritch
t:tilell- OrA t)f' these 0-11,863 ire. exceptional, -.A�ud as to wall of steo. where &ained than otherwise, and every MAS
two, of tlr'u ton affbated borse.,z affected. This (Tuesday) morning the "llty- Udrri0d-Al6% ad by Mr.'Dow;ar, the failure Of the grain or p in any see- one Imowsthe advantages of dews fora T-0 PL 6Z �H-E EYE ANDFIT THE HE
Wizza and prtident theBrard OfPublic Instruction met at sec.11yMr�PrCstout'and resolved t 0 AD 4DF THE IKOI;r
11 6 1 as almost Tho'oft and llerce wth sh"Oe-I ranks ye met tile crop in a dry time. The rain vlfate� gctma�
i-ilated H. Ritchie Esq. the fficielit -f hQ( tio ' ' 1 foemares fortao,* defy competition.
I hat tti(i�ctedi,;easedwemeoiiipit-t,I 9 O'clock in the Centftl School. as become an axiena that
v Vastidious, vpd at prices hat will
f- 0.11 coritaut with he-althy hurse.-: Though The a,-aled examinition papers wure tarof the 140 Board (if Pul)llolnst' 8ecr64. shen corn or wheat is b6l,)%y the - ayeriges In vain were all your eflofti to impedo,his onwarci bettor 1*61tance.-to impirt ammonia and
11r. P -,Hey bears his severe then op�)ned and diatributiad to 87 candi- ha4bitimate"d his desire not t' ructinu lionlething also that can take the place of course. carbonic acid. to the soil, the very life of W- M- SAVACE.
los. q u Ito a* be re'- 'one or both is abovo, and thu ;till forward like amighty -wave his myrnid&ns did God�rieh, Xarc� let, 1871.
P'lil ". -phically n'd is rapidly filliog, up the dates for thirli and 9 for second-class cer- a-linted, Peter Atlarr E s the gQperal *egetation. There is no that liability of
�so i roll,
es S"1111131 tifi-,ates. a be Avtra�e "ceiii; inrirecases,isrevaerved. TO consummate his wish to make thy Cap
2he first five days will be occu- alointedScoret rywfthIS13,, rd. Carrie& , Then and many other similar reasons might be
el"PtYlstlls with freph. purchast olie of those. -4 as to- potatoes. . They'aro gene- Gual. itca his rust arising fr6m stagnant waters below,
r"Ibst"Iltizil exPreession (if the_good'w The V-10auliners allbacribed the nee assigned ; but, allow me to ask you to try
his fellnxv-towusnien�woulct not, ve thin�, Pal'Or-3 will also have to be worked by 5ZIratiou of ofAce. `ssli�Y lallY bass in -the fall, than in the spring, An serrld ranks
d baLLsrard still before his rush, your
a -class Mr. Preston uncr the Cirounistalices,be inappropriate" those not already having a secou by 31r, XP-.Y,,,3eo by butthel r piiw in Alay rarely if ever lvcl*e driyeti, one -simple experiment in roof of the 013ENM TRXIS DAY AT THE HAT 0" ANDA ST03M,
whose ambition nowig to rank first,class. rille- nets,as intichas the smaller- price of 711 y I a above. � Take- twollower-pots, plant the
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLre woRRS, ONTARIO. The next five dys will be devot,d Iti, -bla In the exallifilkkitins. October. 'Pheahrinkingiitthi"tx-iis-toiiths - ofe pritne ' str""'th petty same kindofvegetable ineacb,plugthe L
o, July 19th 1871. to the exuaillation for first-clai. The. �id' tte who i all- 6 neverlei hole'in the bottom of the olle and leave
al _-ely Auy 0, is than 26 p�r "ut. under tt a vigr' f-11 quick
Y.�th and
Ang ingtrurted hy tile C afiy m or )Vith the d-Anh
age d d,
tele 'wn"dv-.ioaLr to, say, In large number of third-class and the small inotit favorable Adircumstance3, aild' is .. hitic. I .ri:.a the invaders llward the other open, givingthe same quantity
ran' te!Wet-ting a uialady:said to vhfttuv�Q -a an troad.
�kb a likely to be intlert gra4t�r; of, water toeach and observe the difference t-Lat heabonce nuitiber of second,class 'applicants -show piumen tho� examinji(i6na shh1l T,Lke wo
hil lip is bought -Why stirred ye up the tiger's wrath nor dared to ;tem 'Of &Owth-
be public al. Venerallythec
Mr. Sn. itb. v . to pruee&i that the teachers generally axe aftai ded, �afltl ifthe upinJulvand-Augast. If dtaoidth the flood, Taking it foi, gr�ated then, that certain
a 1141-1 to , at,d tht Mr. Sm-th having done so repwa
I examb-atiou ut the cases ordeal For tile informati,,n of. thos it a a n on,
it inust be held till the rext year, aad, ad to steep your swords in noble Get soils are improve(f by drainage, we have
t1wstLi by hila.. has subi tilt. d a reimrt. therruil, a sted Ave puiliah the programme.-- ex man blood,
r 're X exab* ati n Of passion a he his next to� consider the iYanner in which t or
-Py I have it-, v t,y. 0 king, if properly Nowwheritthou'rtprostratela thodust Will hose Ulaesurh use of a, ps of the Newest
.1 you Illay see fit. rancot;r check,
r to Qualose to you FOR SECOND AND THIR drains'should- be put in the itud. It
on Sj -� -Hat & Ua
�ed alth' ugh thire ii no shrin
1z Tr . kept,. yet therb in some trouble, the inter -
I Sir ity of When thy cAlitureci sword is In his hand, s fa t uro is 0 gro
Your Ol"t q,.rv,t CLASS. 1814orhlng-, est of the money, and the possibil thy ueclL ku wn to'all-in any way convaisant RT
ubserib the,: STYLES IN G X17 V A JULIJ
S. RUCKLAND. Tuesday, 25th July, 9 a. in. to 12 noos enecessary aicfjrg even aless Ptice, whioll thelpossiblea4vatice with terra firma that there are pores or LT Y
Sec. B. or-,%. Gf, Arithmetic and Monstultion;z in a very largo majority . of cases 'never Now in thy hour-oftrial thouilt fluduo friendto setye veins that ran through the soil- lia3rivg a
W. T H kyS. FSQ.
7 e and thus. in every department of ooz=on direction differing of, pourse in
to 3-30P. in. Book-Keeping(ut A!.n _9yere For 411 of Europty'o children have ofld been wrouged
tioderich. required for third clasa); 3.45,o farm operations is-,, Riiise 'ilia be! st; when 'different localities. It will then appear
by thee,
TQ the IWN2. J. CA1ULNG 5.15 P. M. Etymology. the r�Vis read v for marl;et, it offered a All -eyes are turned to pity thee, no hand �utstretehed evideritthat we should cquaint ourselves
- - Mr,
TheRun s XV, � to save.
a it. Goderiell. 23rd A4y, 1871.
Commissioner of Agriculture. Wednesday, 26th July, 9 a.- in. to 12 non sack Ftensloij of ola-shaine tlou draukst the bitter drega, then oft to wit4 the course they take and cut draim
ap d I ' the last� others gave. -in the very opposite direction so that they
u, -ilig
Smv-Acwrding to Your instructions oil yistOIT; 1.30to 2 p. m. n _JiM Made "is on Cho war -path agWin, and
Fritlay Last, I to ex- in, (third el ;.Of P. disturbances. -T ne iiii-letter to a papel; s4ye in reforenew to may,einlity their contents in those we -out.
proceaded to Goderich a -ss); 2.05 to t ne 10 fierce resentinein By this* plan a far less number of ditchea
amne=t() thenature of a diseass, that 111. Ue4-graphy. a number of'ItTsX. be paid him, burns.
erman La de the stakes that are ordered to And while within a civil strife, with
To guard aganisk..jIntipir pAfe -the , OC�t is notthe'money which hwwants hilt He whoin ye songlu; to make a prey, a conqueror re- will serke, than would -do, if we cut them
-118, longit4inally. Ditches should not be dug
opany "d the -&r-m- Lx_fight. He conoluiles'' by' saying that Your fratricidal race again uplifts the oword on hlgh
hadattacked a, number of horses in that Thurslay, 7th JnIy,9 to 11. 30 a. in. Gum- dis
IQ"UtA and which has prove. I to be of all ans.
alarmingand very fatal cham. ctor. Inar; I to a-30 p. ni., Eduction COT mans Coliurn too dee� ; if 1 clay the tenacity of the soil A actia Salle
and the Irish - at anoi, should "either fight Ii4e a matit or While baleful war clouds'shrutid afresh sweet peacu's
So far and School Law; 3-35 to 6.0 p. Ponty
a v- ct
the disease has been entirely colif men met in th illage aft a -roid his ton dawning sky. prevents the water from going downwards
ined to 'my Special (optional) Pape! on or,
_.-horses belong and ntered into a deadly contes" ThaNlidlandAitilwaylim been purchased Awakii I "fair France" and free thy Mind from r - and the ditches being deep the surface STATIOTNFIR
in -to one establishment., and Natural History, Botany t Ag- n 0110- water 'never gets to them, the very object
in all ten Saturday, the inen of th by an Anglo 0 Y,
are vJfected. seven of whonilhave ricultural Chemistry. a branchi having nadian Coinpiny, of which ry-9 ivithering hold,
died. -will the thraliturn ifiat er.saares thee is a thrdldom o being defeatei:4 which we desire to attain.
been pAid, repaired to the saloons"' in the Allan is tbn head, which pc,;. . O -e soul f
Friday, 28th July, 0 to 11. 30 a, 111., -Alge- villacre. take posseasionon. the Ist, prx., *and im- They should however be of such i depth, as
The disease is of an unusual eharmeterand bra, (not required for thir-eclass); I Thro' & feking brands ofwar, letall thy sects
a.lp-mrs to -be a fever of a putrid nature. A number of Germans were at 10 o'clock mediately cornmei�ce its extension from combine, not to be injured by the deepest plouhing
The firstnoticeable "ptom is a shiver. 11-40 to 12.40 p. lit, Read- in the eve . Beaverton to the Georgian Bay. To hs' for freedom of the- Press, and freedom of the we wish ty, perform.
uniff Idger in
ing (second and thirdelas); 2 to r Jame drains are - various but the main object is
nt on ine cheapnes with A-tirability. in
eady S.Aurday, 2qth am) mischief, entered. They pickA a quarrel, And the German Eltreariatzin will no longer Ito ltq moscsection4ofthe coiIntrya lankwith
t tration; the horse walks with an un, Mai�be you dont know what a plienom- roll, to comb 116s of
ing' ancl irregularity in the templirature of ipp arof Irishmen, village audience the word phenomenon. Then will a noble worthy ave, still onwa�d, upward
5 G Oss's saloon S s A lecturer, undertook to -explain to The materials used for constracting the
A n b a
he body, speedily followed bygreat pros- P. in " -.Natural Plwcs")PhY (not under the influence of liquot,"and be
required for third cl Full' Sup
reeling d�hon; there is an iricreased flow July, 9 om., and eventually drove the Gaim enon is. Well, 1*11 tell root. You bave P
abs out. Ugal, one edge elevated on a pole and the other ALL'
Of saliva from the mouth, and a difficulty Chemistry, Bntany null Physic- Their violen.Qe- waa such that Ift. Gross seen a cow, no doubt. Well a cow is not in thy pe,ailes ininds Will be imbued Peace. Freedom
ill swv logy(tiotrequired f r Third and. family were oblitred to Rea for their a P henomenon. You have seen an apple. And Trutlh and.Winth. ;esting on the bottom of the opposite side LADIFSJ DRESS Q00DS,
J10wing, and this very distressing 11-45a. 12.1.5 D. m. Reading lives. o tree. Well, an,appletreeisnotaphenoui- *fair Frnt.W' will reach the cumax linong the of the ditch will prove as cheap as any.
.UmPtonksoon increases. Heappearsvery* The Irishmen, having thult,610ard nittions,of the earth.
thirsty but is quite unable to swallow, he (Senond claqs) ; 2 to 4.30 p. 11 tholaaloon, drank all the liquor, . broke the epnn. But when you see the cow go til' Zurich. July 13th, 1871. Char both. plank and pole a little with fire KINDS .9- F fANCY fflftofta
'Euclid (ittit required for Third glassep and tlib tree tail-formost, to pick the apples, --- before puttng them'in,anj their durability
will att--14t: to take in the water greedily chinaware, and then de�arted. it is a phenomenon." will be several generations. Itisaidthat
d1m). On the AND
and continue his, uneflactual efforts for following Tuesday mo WltOXETER. ANDGENERAL,
97 One single pigeon, z favorite bird with ti dug lately frijin ihe
alontizae withoutswallowinga drop. EXAMIATION F13R FIRST CLAS51. while Ryan and O'Donnell, Irish labmoruels, 4r— - 4 , –
let. by e ors of Paris, brought ints) BASE BALL, -A match was playgd on bottom of tile Thames (England) Charred just to hand
were going to �wprk they were 3i the�pi_q Oil fanci, No tePaPer
iUL' great difficulty in the Process of de- Taiiaday, Ist August, 9 a. in. ta 12� ation,
glutitiGais caused. by the loss of Power of Arithmetic. and Monsdritio sever4l Oermam and r6ceived 4 severe that . oity during the sioge- 500 pages (if Wednesday, July 19th, between the I 'Shoo Posts that mu§t have been placed therein, AND
the days of Oesar.
the muscles which perform that function to 5 P. in. Eilolid, be�t�zlg qtl� clubs. R official ciespatches and 15,000 prwate des- Flies" of this place and the "Unions" of H.
, 4- YAu may ' not patches. __e -_
and not the result of any Obstruction in Wedries surviya.his injilries. Thiii the CUfford. The result was a victory for the
day,. 2 August, nt no,.)n olab*m, at airiieetifig the a - � Iiish At the annual banquet of tb a runs. AIN LBVILLE C3-c>c3o,;1s2 OFFBREDAT 101TEST RITES.
ithe ti roat. Algebra ; 2 jl'o ame afternoon a merchant "Shoo Flies - bY 8
ca-tio V�Olv6dtouttack ra
Grosa'zsaoo tailo' of London, Minister Selienck ex- WF-iTHER AND CROPS. -Haying operam ATMOORHOUSE'S.
The temperature of the body changes and School La -. ._ 7 � .1 th.9 jiublic
Thursday, 3 August 9 to 11.30 . m &sort, lot the Germans, T_ . , this neighborhood are about Iiiiih- TuE WEATHER for some weeksipast lias
quickly, -at one time feeling quite warm, � I . a 1-3- ame with clubs l"r0s5"d his satisfaction at the benefits tions in I ho
Whilst shortly afterwards it is exceedingly Chemistryalrd ch3mleat - 1�a_stones. They api)eared late -in the likely to, flow.from the Treaty of Washing- ad, and t ugh the crop is con]idderably been drv, and pdrehing with some frost at GENT$' 1%A'i0 AND -CAP$, Alarge stock of every flescraptiou f
i night whicii h:w hrt the vegetables ma -
cold, which iumeases as the disease advan- 2 to 5 p. ni. ]�atu hl so woing at the dQqr of t6 Saloon zndld-e'-� to", and believed that an alliance between lighter than last year, we do not anticipate
Friday,4th Auust,9 to, 'aililid admission. This belg' i England and the United States terially.
Ce& The Mouth. is hot and the eye dull a_ denied willproe any scarcity of winter fodder. Fall Wheat OFFIOB BTAVONEBY
keepin -44. 4tormed 'the place with stones, and, irresistible. looks splendid, and the probabilities tire THE FIRmER9 are no sootier through
lookin-'and watery, themitcousmembrane, �N
of the P. in. n 'is itv n4ked it considerably. Brazil'is still, according to tha latest that the yield will be with their Hay aa&Fall Wheit than their
nostrils is ofa dull leaden color, the Thai Gorman unusually large- and peas are also read. They say til- c just received and Bailing lower 1.�= *In.
breathing in some cases increased and 4.30p. B,however, got wind of the repirts, agitated by the discussion of the of a superior quality. By the time this a ro where.
asswlt, and armed with shot- abolition of the slavery qvitstion. All appear4i in the Sign -at, farmers will be Dret- are generally good with the exce on
and A pti of READY -MAD CLOTHING 10,
slight congbstion of the lungs, the secre- , ;,_ - �-_ . Liu -
;Saturday, 5rh 940113, ey after volle IlPrI119 w1leat, this crop has got so,
tion of urine is partially arrested and the rh lischarged voll y into additional tax of four Oer cent. bad beat) ty Well advanced in the Fall Wheat har- bad for
aflantal. from -the windgws
fiecass are very dark in color. Die crowd of as& plqed oil imports, and a considerable loan vest. We are doubtful if Spring Wheat tile last. few years that farmers would b
I ter not CLA, P. inabovej, whftei�thtirs; armed with atithurizad.' win be as larae to spend time, �ttd raoin but devtite NOIDY-70
Occasionallyhe will exhibit abdominal p- U. club,81 a Crop as is generally ex
pain which is agg Gra a made`a sally upon, them below...- The A telegram Irom. Hong Rong, Jul 17th, Pected. The straw in many cues th din to some other more productive crops.
ravated by pressure on Ely olog 0 5. rict beat a hasty retreat,.. le awounces, chat a terrific T yphoon visited ting an: unhealthy bro is get- I P.AILWA'Y. AT Everyfflug you 'Want in schaot
the abdominal walls. avIngthree wn color, which does -'The people around here are
The%weaknessincreases amd. he lies dOV T a wit Ey of their woulided, Hiogo, Japan. Seven steamers were notBpeakvery 0146reither the quality again getting irt fav 1)
.he bi-ve seeins, asi w -or of the L'ndon route,
.M� Pit ick ashore or stink, and were nearly all 41iite or the quanti This is par- the Hamilton,
andin the most oftcades is unable to rise, rangeofsuh' c as theteacher% a n - McMahon --was Bhot�i s6veral ty of the grain. as they see that men
Si seem
through th wit credit h mat Place-; his wounds, though painful, are destroyed. The place was intinAitted and ticularly noticedble in late sown rather. "shak ". Also some thi k
there he lim with his head upon the at crops.,- In
gro:md, andeverynow and enough to communicate to his pupils. not m�cessaaily fatal. Isaac Cullen and-suflarecl cousiderable injurv. The * Peas *ill be a good crbp;'the straw is long that they are offering to treat u., too weli HARRIS'S OLD STORE MISGELLAw ouS zoons,
shot in 26 places, and his recove Japauise Cable Expedition i Sa 6 and well covered with pods. Barley and
then moving Many a walking encyclopm-lia. havi, ever, ry is as they have come and offered to tsve us
his forefeet in a vivilent manner. ThW is the w4y-a Chicag
The ears and le makea; very., pp,)r instrtictor,and it doubtful. Martin Gohegan was idiot three :0 �1117 an- Oats will be an average crop. Potato their route if we will hell) tbem,well know-
sbecome deathly cold, or four tinfeb and 86,iterely dubbed. How nounces a Fourth of J 1111 vines have been considerably damaged by Ing at p them
seems stranoc to ul that no atfaillpi IS-' uly orati the same time that if we hel To -night and ever night until
a fmthy* spume issuesfro. tho nostrils and y As entire Silver Ware-
--nmig to ran away werq Incised a saalp ixosu, vemust withdraw oursupport from the Stocki Bold.
paakiy of *these that f as two or three 1 6
mouth. The pulse is almost impercep- Qd no- value placed cannoilie ascertained.- eaollo by �4he tail Londou. They also forsake poor Wroxe- Fant"V G*Gds.
tible, aad death occurs in from upon, the fcachiieg capacit� of the candi- at Rewatine0j bu, the weeks ago. There was also a slight frost WaIlPaperq,
twenty 11ours after lymg dow)L three to ate. Like all the rpzt, froru the Cabinet Fourth, and smite bimAh'tis," an evening or two ago. TholLoi-ofadQbug er which has been iaithf! - il to then, through Goderich, July 25th, 1811. Window Ninds.
The Titusville - .1
T110 CITeot Wbichcue Tri erald ites,thit "two -so far as this neighborhood is con thin an-; offered as much as we
I haA ifiz opportunity of making a careful downwards, we suppose we inuat sul),ilit AL reli cOrn-
dom.- tit T1&1)iter-Toron;-t,;-nau3. The last fiail well drossedaud fine looking ladies, Instant- ed-is,,we belie' I giviand witt-p-tit beirig i4ked
ve, pure "moonshine."- They
Post mortem examination and the ab ff�om Xudy.) ly dislocated tlicirneeks while pasAngeaell We are. ver also do a lugerro4t AT MOORHOUSE
huk ieft to bind the Public School to the y doubtful a and in doinir so gain
ifial aliPearances Preselited, are M follows - t if even a specimen I
Gniversity is, wa regret to soo, the classic The plaintiffs cross-examination was other, - in trying todiodater ulfht each of the iealColorado-has been found, -or if very little..ow they have-solZibin-ill
The stotm-wh pe
rfeedy empty and its 111OLto of the dr-catioual Denattluen continued. The Solicitor -General : When hadon: ltivgsclou,dy,,tliespeei-at%viieli they have,- -the numbers are so, very small, vielv.iind until -something stisfac Goaevich
t. - tory is r1inE PAR7!xERSEjIp fiEuEToraRE EMST4NG
vinous 034 Allowed signs of slight inflain you wore in Waggy-Baggy, 'did jOu suffer, -they wbre.moving, and the delicate shade that nc& d4mage need be feared from their done to show their reasons for such, I L between the Ulidersigned as siAv millers In the
preserved in the corner of official. does- 5-wriship of Wqwanosh-in tIleC.oautyof Huron under
Sceentia, Libertas.7- IrOm corns f I don't rememba"r.' Did you of dr�., goods worn byeach, operateJ attacks; Fruit -looks well and we agree would say try an I strengthen the Londo a the style and Arm of tralg and klurpny hal been. this
The small intestines vvere, inflamed. in TonEhful -educators, ambitious to reach not at that time wear tight boots ? Not if agains�the'm, and a I andden tack with all with'a corrospoicTeiib of thiii vlcinif)�, that route mid help it on. day Dissolved by mutual consent, the said John
daezymt- pavtsL thro4ghout their whole I could help it. Be good enou sail see before "tiff -breeze fetched thew "it is nbw,past a doubt that Murpliv retiring therstrom. The busluess vil-I in
the normal clialax, don't yOu turn to the gh tQ answer this part of the POLITICAL. -The Reformers of this place future be carriedn by John Cralgwbo will May the
I�Mgth, �Md ue= to. the openings of the dictinury, but alloir us. to be your inter- my question. Did you not weara tight tip trio short and they perished." Countycii Huron wiR be a good fruit yield- are oil the alert aitain as posters are . up in Pat Worship debts axd coUct the partnership assets.
biliary and paucreatio- ducts were several pretei: ! Religicil Worship dev boot, upon your O'ath 7 No It is said that ColuAil
zileerAtive Patches; the-- Ces OuLly, on on my left , but k wore one Militia, W44 - 1:4)ss, of our ing country." The- present -indications the most Conspicuous plabes calling meet. Dated 21st July, 1871. - A FARM M SALE,*'
app a:1 occasions, 1�articularly in his presence foot. Did yoii i,o't- wear it ron before loz*'be created Major point very plainly -m that direction. tp app Ant deleg3tes Ao attend the Witness O1ITq CR41G
near to the n of the General, commanding the land fore 0. Seager Jr. bluitpHy.
Eum. The Iwge intea;�Inea n if yon should ever be so hoitored. Dr.- your right foot ? I never wore Tay left boot us of 7-- 102111ty' Convei-tion. - It is to be hoped Godcriohuly21 1871. A PAR31 FUS O ns -4cm.s, vlTnIN Fivs
contained a Ryerson and dodf Cultivate tilent devo- On my right foot.' You are trying to be th; Domitdon, with AN EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW. -that gaod sound men will be picked rX Mies ofthe Town TO of which am'
I powers neyer, yet -The town of arder Cultivation and In-Eand older sloost ctfar ot
very smaU quan14 of.1mces, and possessbd by any military a uponand'mriotones that will sell stich 9, by Lal;
' "V I ion either 1 &ientEa "Whatever other but I shall bring, these boots duainistr&tive Sherbrooke, Quebec, recently granted $5,
Mal pwts showed signs-ofrecentinflanama- -'knovylede" a smattering of, toomotliol2tao, you dire . _ i officer -ill a Britis , I . calls Stumps. This Jarzil Is baumdcd -o Evarca vtd
you gain Ct1Y- You 'Maybring 4 colony, except those in 000 with exemption from taxation for the ei, and let them pick on Some ood beautiful3y situated'Gravel 110211411ti the WAY (Ima
-7-�—,Im:yaction_ 1he smalt cGlon, in several homeas manypau-S.asyou hke,.Vouw-. -cotputalidof Impbril armicsin time of peried: of live years, 49 a mantif I man, one that is worthy of our st pay)ULd.;1tere Is,s, Ja7go-QXhuld Vn tim
acturi or
parts ptesented. eccUym sure that yen master the Venerable leave th war - . 11180LYEAT 16T -Of 1869 BePT149 CITOICe EXUlt.
"'a n
'�'b a r
ar at) s,
SPOts- Pas- Edncat-,rs newr Manual of am without thopmone company in that -plate. Well d and then it s oiw-d�tty to supp6rt him to
Agriculture. one, Sher-
singfroav the stoina& to the throat the Liberhes? Like frec-born. Britous,grumb that for wit? Yes, "witai weivi-.1" I?11 brooke, The council of that town have nar u-ttaost. -s, P say carry, the day, OF JOAN IYARRIS. AN IN. One-third ofthopurelmso money requIrca 4_10vr, tho, -1
ry effects tr the- T.- &r. you lifted yourselres dWof th mud at SOLVENT ADividendShiethasbeenprep dopen re C
infl 0i Ye N THE UATTER
the ing ov ly ir tcrrh�lly if; at all, pay your _y and- - bring these particular bootffback evidently a shr6wd eyelor the indin 8 huj� %
to objection untilthe fifth day of Aupubt arc
ialf-yearly capitation tax for the benefit That post-nairls. and
(Associated Press'Despatch. which diXidond will borid. pharpmand stirrounding- parts being de- to your recollection. I've, got a pair on I. chance,, and they see plainly that the five the last election anti for vour own and to
aff�zto& Should like to make your acquainted with. himdred,men employed in this factory axe ci.4intryle-sake, do not allow yourselves to' MDLAY, 71
if ihos, who stick- to their profuisloil till rV
11� ile P
'ke our you say such a thingto my, face 7 ONATIA, uly 20. -The last accounts
a1w and the lukib-3 slightly congest How dare to repay the outlay. ., Oan not we -do some- be thrown back without a inic. effort
-Vha� Iddueyg a d in a normal they need to be Superannuated. Id 11 Wall Fr Itort Yalzuty. ssi14.
Iwas. wrong. I oirgh V2�ts
fro Fort Fetter represents Red thing in this w , t - B -Goderleb 15thftne� 16A.
advice and you, Will sottle day find the ban- t to have', waited till ay 0 .0 er an ilidu6ement to -being tput forth to save the. Feeiingin thiii
014 �, It t th membrane,of efit of it. your bhck waslurned. TheChiefJus Cloud 6d his party to be making' ready some enterprisin .seemtobedowao JohnA. n it
J! L L.
g,firm to establish here 7 part. a d is
owe ainteamumber-f -4- - �Zk_+ ll^+.b _f - or L a war pat . - x1e Has already gnu out rph;,,.,; 1 _� V 1 . ",-i. I � k� - - -
J �1 p - by o room r a lacwry or 5 limem, and they wantzo try and get
Th6 blocd-vessels of the the case.- Z' on W1 hissmall sttealing partios, to bring in stock. almost any kind, and we hope some ei - a purer.
di� _A OA
,x litly congested. - on.resumizil :. Olt of the Catholic Temiieran6a Societies to. tarmsm9part willbat found to putone -in BAavl3ALL,_The match between the
biand postmortem appear- your oath, y
nor yoit never. had a -corn inWa,�,,�gy-Baggy?
op n.. 7e Could only get a live man ted Stockings" of )Eiis�owell and
night, � a,tuotion,- �euaurlugfhe mitita 'Alait, SAM]
The VIC130=0 Zonus., Examinati NF,*, YuRK, Jttiy 20. -At &.ConvenUon '
disease, to be a.. pu-trid fever On Satuiday last, U,3b.orne by a very Never, best Cy to op a woollen factory and show 'lands" (if this -place A] SU A L..�
I _4kied to hear for firitig on the 12th init, was� v was played on the,
fatal charactei;.produce& large MAjority voted a boilus of $25,000 the Toger, VlLiAone s - , -oteddown. some o monied men what a ttle ground of the
P '_;La4d resulting'pri*marily t the Lindon, Hurmi and Brtice Hail- in Wakgy-Baggi 7 No, Tff6d -fro"Corns - -WASHINGTON, July 21,�Tlie records latter, on the lith inst. r6 -
OW 0 j][ibuldn't. Ilia , y i] -IlL push, eiiergy-�,,and.,goatieaditivnes3 would, salting !it a victory for t1rd Red Stwokiii,
debilitating influence. way. The Free Fress giyes the fig the trepsur Lepartchlent show that uy-to W
localand - ii re wore - t boo but h v 300 tne accompli�h- lad.- that our 6f 13 rang, this was without e
Tzy meaiurea that have been For the By -Lair -257 8 4,,h ts 4 1 a a Wi ases -1 , we WO magme xceptip t9e
to prdve- -he didnt. One Of tlig,jurOts : vosterd.ay sixty-seval millions of the new town *ould improve at least 50 percent q-iietest and liveliest game ev , n
er played in
If our -council w-6re to idyatise a '+his place, the Maitlands sp�ak. highly of
to arrest the spread of Against it 192 Are y6ugoing to hear them all?. The iunde,4' loan hiid -bivit. subscribed for, faster, ;
Careful, attent ion, haa been This a�ves thp government treasurv, in Of Dress Gocids, at the
Claimant : Every man J'ack.- The Clilef fiveyea�rs exeinpfionof.j
ama, on, 0 an, 'theRadsandthe Umpire tho� brought-
Justi : This is- awful leks- a(Ijou arknual�iutereic, six hundred arid se'verhy pars6n " with 4 Certain . amount Of es,
,I)kMr Churchill$L Voter- 165 ce . m and thousand dAa`r$-.- -Atiuld Boutwollex. pit aLong. The "Shoo,�,Fhoi" should send
Iva rned ad-- not-kha,"right nian voula - soon the' r
of Goderi* and Mr. Up- while some one tolegraphs the Globe from have 9, T 'The 6oure. adjott_ year's iutL6st in plabing, the we doubt
C pand 6110 rd;fo one the next match tbey pla�_aad
Exater that 'the majority is 167. At any ordingly� turn -up to take advantage of it - and we they may be able to secarbiho services of
loan -o the -market' he -will then receivp
JF_�Pn 31 ha Ma . R f _.a, Should 1have all the corre ;:Wdent and
.�e to thank yor rate, the majoritkis it very handsome, one sp OA that will raise them above th grade
an of Goderich for indeed, and %%,a 4re glad W see so much si�ounrnitragt of -§670,000' annually for Corollary, benefits therefrom; -
arising of a 3rd rateplub.
oulantli'that Orillia,.LV7g.
the towuship.-
ess. and attentialt during my public spirit manifested, by C=U�Vrafemble to zu 17. S. nine yqars, . a
e, th rafozp the - stai
w." Perhaps it will be enough if we say� to the �ho government won1d sustain a loii'by F14 V__
The ab' - oration, indreas-
f`classeis in the loan are inconsiderate and erroneous., Vn6,v the Easy Expec�'
Zjjayc� the honorto, be, Sir, St. Mary's Videffe- " Pitt this in you - Call pasitidn of the I oriR[ Pacifid' - Coast- -a -atory power of the lungs, and. h
ada has, often been coritruted with Tbe DemoctAddhi th'4 -d :30ilzT, V=A Seachar =1 tile 011Mg. ad resph t a
Youi�obt, servt, pipeandsmokeir,!" TheArque.wastolei. =OU. removal of irritation, manifest fro
that of . the -fortunate Artiza�ns who had opt the. "now, it�paftill icy, t seems
AND. SMITH. ably decentin itji hostility toth6 Oplaw tion of dough and other
but the Vidette in. thiT, at oth 2 niadechoicoof the. Vnit�.d States an s, w1th ff�eir iff'11141 inconAWtidy, They,* Aire Nrw�Yo=, July- 2I.-RetIr
Veterimry Colhim as 1110' er V Ward tqmg, after using- FeIVOws' &7m�;und
home ;,gnd, the noininally high wages Paid willing to 'let the iiegro alone., for their
Te=polum ca &,ree�, things, w,4 poifectly rabN. The objedl; R libisays in the Chri8tian Uniotiof.this Syrup of H ypophosplihes, it is clear that
haves(enerall. beencousidereddsdeterinitl- negro i* the _Qhii n: Ai-iVit- w-As'llot
was.. very transpireni. The ridette" Ilia ' 1`11a .1 , �, - , �� , --rTheOrange Sadedex BkouldTar- the fqrmatlon of tuberculous matter is not I
tbionto� July l7tit,1871. would
ing tlieVnii;04 States to be the placa*of ail enough,to burden llifese-% q8trang0ra, with 'thqo� a. hiriner lefis`oi�'one- ofily-stopped, but, that alre dy dapdaited
the ado next Aar ya
0, it VIXes - to 'for - ription ittbliid ]Choy shou DRESS GOODS
others 1or'the _workman. Of.c(lurb, o4tain,licenses, in: return -
Ing n2VW& v.41th tho -goutlhern tow;7sfifpsof Httrodratardei in- hIis be; - I, ti ugs' 0 out. W'iA ii6e'fi�g, catried away.
an I
p erably woll-:ku6wu7�4 itigh V�bi� h they arer'obbed mobbed and milr- do it on'sa implied pr'om* d that, if pro. $V7FZRERs from coilghs, colds, bronchi-
definitgly,, vrovided onlyi: it colt1d, keep a dWays. hones y so aviv they are I ue�w delugod with ise
'rittle traftie lenving; in all t1 k lodga�1-41iat Noted, th" ifftben ad if no more. - Th6y
t%, group, influenza or whooping 02 gh,
busby �because the geneial government oi,g t to,uf vi Ou
-in wages %vair filbire- no in[n"al 'a It 6 Wictigh- the streets'of We Will findreliefin I)r Wistarls Bals
-bu6 Ilia diatiende ey,
�Afber several yeaW riwoltttion on a toniporarily nece-issary,cDannol. to -the town 'ha -that t am of
as the wiud, blow. from "(,f St. 11fary's. I The piliiplet (if Usborne h relil,aud he man who in Canada fb0s�objigedtt.�iuterfera. , The-Califoruia, York* uJutil tobody- thinks, of' mol I)RESS GOODS
Tivot, am-r3in; atill`- 'wild'Oherry which hag now been in use
Are wise ta decide in favor of pay, earned fxotW$l W tki,82,&AW 6ould el,'ip. "now dUarturit" is not a new, but',an old them. �Whon,'thabtvre',4rrivesit wit 0� 4
for Railw - -which will er t
Stdte � i d has a rikht which an Xideikhriisloand to the anu�bal proopasioli,7 is kapt-zp�_t; or all diseases of the throat,
A himself andhili famitir about as wel bn6, and very simple: "that no Mongoliai lit-ibild importance whoth aitis its long established repulation as the
the ::�dWsrll has lug pwr -for nOAily his, century, nd Still main,
waivide(I ay accolandation, an the an who irt'i a, s eceive a muttei 4
sex bss We I)RESS �C70
Middle gstablisih goiyd market.% for.thein iilth great remedy' f 01sr
trttion. purpose -m-niiihedi in., alt -'art -in,- But a 0" wage ongue
z antl ther new in doub,16 the atuoubt-for -,his lahour.� xeiipeot.", - * Ion
for Reg, their own 11111 s, -as d d
the� agdl�l, -0 Olt, Illy
ii f icle, %
lead tA) the ctirtain growth of ist jO;apgemeh'a� promsi
ist4be locatad iItthd'VVePkfRidin,- at least one Ali ust'huifkbf3r.,of -thei Qaia4, in -D6r not.ruinyour eye -sight by wearing
stephea Blackburn oT onferpiising viflage thi.toEE,xoteriu their var,is, jtlrf-' 19 The - niagistrite forgets his dutv"jo�wardi them"
indictment,"upon common: spectacles; nine -tenths of all eye
Ne;Wik5LVIa4_the coudition-of the -Roebef6rt is e�uirep tbeir-rcontinuance, VRESS'GODDR.
Frait is grzetted-as the own ncighb�rhood�and by enlimne" 10.3iot.tina; to. which M. to be triadp� Con- tits public good r
M the, labot;ringmau be ditried.- , 1 'on df'Nj6W- X6A disease is'.caused by wearing improper
th"e, 1followink - - If the Oringem WW " 7 . I I
Appipprieel valuatif firopyrtvy, within tha 40 foui Coi"ts,;- spext
o. the tdr. inirth through t treet,ef the glaksali. , Iazarm, Morris & Co's, perfect-
What utility; 'o` 9r._Ed,4iart1,Crapsay-j -the writery-.- shows j�%,PrivorAiipg to,
he cliat of incycasethe t;tx-.Ibk- area that even a ectacies and Eye Glasses, arethemiaost
that ttiough in 1845 the-ordillary wag anion yeor� he a
so a -'d t
GUO thin h'Lavier tax, if 110Cellsitry i'nr future,'woulld 8 city, zhey-will-betriy-a a r d, it yi y
a skilled mbehail'14 w"as, a dollat, dn'd a -hal, '4 ' beautiful ever offered. 'They
9. th perfact and
4V - pro- fall aslighbaii 6uindividirala tha67 �X4.v-1 -and. in 1871', throv do Cause a continuous
luro; yet, io
own ��nd os t
vv' de.4e. to sea simhous esp ni .-Railway travel.
'buy Thir(l-'I.I�b1icati6h, 'of 10�8 M' ti Of orn- brillianfly.
the present xaxatioi;diie_ Vailot?Cwish
to 11111i suil 31 - * , I 'tiv it the f6undi.' _=4 abiding im-
the former year,'Alx4-4uyi pa as pknciple,�hidliries Qvdment inihe eyes, and assist thesight
�aties it St. 4NIary's an y Parany but when it is placqd r W"ula )it ln�(d' ' ��ivjflizatioui' They ddnott' P��
iatlie;z�ala, twellty-� )a Di4if4s -0 * lileat, �while. -now,. tchex,.�kn�. n )w reptesent 1 &.4pent 1; i in hiiitdiT., but AFIXOEDIS PRI -r-
t fifteca'imunitit Welight'is the �qtilN_alo�tr RAILWAY RAVELITNO
.M �e - of - if , T
alit Lip in,favcrtff the lAtibr be tfg pt, A Alving.principle. the, btt
ton howe labour. Thena, floor of a re� . 1- 1 ling iviihall. its -drawbacks and accidents
Daid,pri#Ate Writings. the, Boy.�e in Ireland, but tht
Engl�sh Pectable" house ilot�-vary far from-th jib is 1110, i;afes6'_,4y#0In of �REDUCED INTRICES
orty In New York. rgaT
Tm Rwaoit= C:Eizv�,Ther rAerh -insti. persons injitrad- wh&
business part of the city -could be obtained Plicity,immu
crewwhoarato, comp6te-inth fi t�ie`arreil 6:,a, lid execution 6 hd6t
our4hiea fdr nind, Or ten dollars a month, whereas f T4A PvhG18TuAT1oX jSTA�6s.�An travelling by this modo, otcp�j#�4g
.+ ,W 'AND ce f hly
at �1-
I W Gazette an -m aniountin-Olioltein-half,
-Ugu viroomis of the same size in as go.od,A
race with- tho St John& A'" Yes.
ae'w 'n 446Quebe.6 0Jw a
Ialdnk. ;WZ
will" on NA,day1orAigerica, 0 , AtAs V �dry 'eat
#ati- 7 ' ji4iof,' �0�1 - ftying to kfiow
lo6git;y costfr6mthirty tofort nou. I th of A-tfgast thaVit REDUCE &now boat, 41 feet 16 _y dollars, SITOCjING B RBA9'1Tt�;!T-' A
-and, 18L in 9 W, the�.Iaw - st2anPli An rerstratio-Al �-stamps is So �mocth siderlih,�ixhe Olde6systdin . it
2 lfwas inthe old-timeposOleand-frequent dell, iegiiiltfg,.�l N _ I
broad, constructed p;:pzes,4lyJqj thaidoe qbotIt_s1z';Wil_ . � I ,�i - 41' .-in use in the P!r�vtucii� 8 1 is &ssin-to,knowlthat w
forthe woAdugman -t6 -own. his Ji hireto or hal a haVa ie t1lis,
Jewett, of Duistitu� '.name ID
Robert iiri��goufheia kansait,
The 'Star,ap's
whila lie: i4ist-needs. ba: 4- small, cema, to - avaff- "att, stamps.. Filn - catroyer a medicine
vhichshad"ai that tipia-bwol " . :
-d-dy �t Ieatk '1i , ai�'lili �e
2,re -Fhpitaligt to lin it, are- tot be qually iium for -t a enre tir,to REWCED IN
d. 'The mames of the -cr �i hii; littrii gi
James�'Percy y a jimoll one hl�" A
Renforth, 'stroke to,, His t iiefianiaokind. uniatista du&zhmmor �oom
,A, mciilw:i�4d, 2 plaints.
bgCokstieet, and should he, lialip, a in i "Iawafii.ind�cll,
pevirshampa'o. t a gist&
Beight, and R.Aort 0h,=bcr4,_ fortiI44to he' Ims toi pa;y-ia 1i frequently,. whipped.. t kil siller be- f It fbDowing� rujination-- kugi 6
woold " Aoiv* I & sale by 'D and- 6ilutry dealers.
�;Jhathel very, often denied
Came inSensibl i4s, 15 cents -per ot
sum Qqi#yalent to a modergie 'zi-rd-, - -.The issued It itw" -era bitler.
. $ VA. A.
y,' 44� I ; - -
111"Oned as a singul to his sustain
60, 70, 80�- R -U.-$2
echaiiie- ortheldborer has less zoall' life; an4 ifiavii-viiii 6-ilfi6onimpn thing. - btimpli '-5; - �,5� A tate am 4rom Lo
0, 0
'kior Huga. Is. 4 work o 'The y Stratioff
udon dated J
good food; his house is soo�crowdecj that he gi
ublesj'� inotecl OLenu� oth"Tho _him to: vt 10 the eatike flith y- I ft"W 23d4rato--lb Ak
oamot Izeep'up Z the bivilities Of cents. at�th Announces r
The boy also ur -ATJ. Q IDETWAUA C30'a
marinej% itMr.-IP-lailit i
C th poses
t reverend En&,h- 1&othOr expatses-have so luoreasedt4at -
$ oar as a - I
;ea stated thixt,hiamotheeirdeath was'Catimed Ben. -Rutler,iSAIMAIRVIO 1k , 9. royal warriut."� a P 6
a tf. Vang.ftueft. ",ill re- IM VoUavgl; the W w1itamin-ol by" - - Orch
iis, be has been fishi#4. for the - saa- m siousju -,tbA.r.
to the past year of w�r iq the UP ind, g% IF fur-
Inu -.rf lia _&Xz 00
and w l4u, big sism, i! w liusetto 'G
is atrw2m -.4n Otthws Paper �ATJ. 0. bETLOR& CY
pral. UrWoied to IWI lifil-IV7114 lady paAaCAIUher� itpbons
4abld"th4`16VIcir xwv 20139 -rt
�r.. "The �Idjr - $ L '.. � �7 - - 1. .
cit ei Ilit:6
ui will wtife iA Ranacla 40ut tile qg� the wei"rj V �;qga;d t
India#--- rord in."
4AV) and *11. 4io VWt thi� J
-bbothood.of loftmie.
ronger Are�
7 _ Tilitod Str _oUbt embera,9 D. Dft
li�11'1�, _LAU �47
I Siour Chief. tons -to expel -alkil -!�.
h6&. - a
"'A Unig o
Tbey,pteposwto-destiro bi di
_U YgaMY T 13'
Jkj�a off , ____ - I,, - - -y- pot" IWON
laawspaper S;Lj7jr*,0 t1kD R.Y D.
"Uthbug tl '2'1NG13'11W6fll- UeXidoort6 OePost_of�060p
it, 7f Wud�e* in tzi�in&�t Cililly .,lot,ucuof i1matter wei6 16 count�-A` trihutj�g Aiir6, Afhorg he Kofin
ko 111,Wboy qj,0jy0r]j on Sat h hawa e,,
4*6d that& neemizenfifledLtoftt
- it the il.rOt q.
4 ep-PR.
afa the P64 Api" -th* -#WrSZ,
Q- aa�.r R. a4 ju list, ktA ,Of 50m AT Lt. DETLO
Whole Aw, sa Awqqu
ii over wi$lj "*=*ut along *ith *hitofolks, ilkethet Vlk�6, , 1, , '1hug' 11 APAY10 Col.,
I& hopro-'o, pv�y:,, eig Rave. _SLXPk fies�A. DABrELGOADOW,
&Aver 0 th i t lid.
, L "- ! W . ththe French i
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