HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-07-18, Page 27 PORT ALBERool!. Mann, k� Reid.Slielling—M Fox, L Craig,. LU:; jut cocse. .114w had 11STS FOR THE MILLION! 1! Zone oliallgo, L Stotts Geography—M Fox "N'Dijlton, HOTEL ROI�ZfYED.—The Port Albert XVLrSI their -unhilence, Rud lie hoped he children few days since tile second chamber of 1ABLISHED ANX 1 Geor, B-TrainK, Granimar-31 Fox W. Sinaill, A Hotel has been reopelled by Mr. 115'0 T]0'i5U.BSJRIBbp, HAVING EV FURTHER rARTICULARS. woultishiw their regard for Mr. if , Conner4 Arithmetic— . If Mann, Al the Parliament of Nethurlands ratified the i Blvtb;i Ont. visit ing—W Cox, for'tbe ceission. of the I Wilsonfornierly a resident, of iappened HAT. CAP, A-_PVrRS.T0R1, w en'be cit ne-A!,- bV showing, hini b 1. ting progress in Comiers, E Hodgetts. Writ� treaty providing ACCIDENT. -41r. John Bryden I -et Qq tfient, that Ehey %% re mal t2 Lland of or New Guinea. In view at Mr. John In the new building, ierected by himself, last iunimer, On 'West Side, B11rh hODERICH JuLy 18, 06 ri riday, 14th at 9.30 P' X- their stalies. W Dalton, A Reid, Ggod CO . nduct—A' ocoutirrouce soin -v Mi an accident, ,it a raising list. He wits Swader, H. Mann. , n Nlouday 10th i kndrew Silvith., fortnerly (A After ailuther piece.uf ninsic, ' I of this e account of the �,IcMiq m,s ( IS NOW RECEIVIG A�' WILL OPEN of theVeturinry Collol-0 Prizes awarded for general proficiency lliLture and extent (if this yoluable acquisi- standinu oil the platform when he missed MAY,iR IlAys saidit affortlod hini great,t, Mrox, Hjvlann,ESharntan, DRuther- tion juay not be inopportune. his f ;jn .1 fel I c -oss oil one of the of Out*rjo, Toronto, arrived tit God" thoill. enj"yillgr theillselvLa, next to Aus-' for the inspection of the public, on I NL-tyor the cir- p-0,4811co to see New Guiuiva -or Papoij, is7 sillsolibisaide The fourth Alin nal'Llilecting of the sli%rc- i its 110 had a Vory distinct recolluctiOn, (Tf ford, PATTERso-kT (teacl�er) tralia, the lai-est island in. the Pacific - On Saturday the MIN day of March, 1871, Gitlostalices to tile Holl. I, OR'n VIII—MR -10 arid ]III -Y I 1i ladulis was; held at Toronto on Tuesday, t No. on Roll 7Y. Present c . 110'04E�IILREA -m j t hot or sent Prof. Sinith. to examine ! Ilia owl, childhood. Lie and every luling e:Rvamin- Ocean. It lies between latitude 0 ILING.—Sellool. tionse No. The Largest and best &ocl. of Ham, Caps and Fnds!&big Goods ever bi q It tO G141C7il,') Hillor's leaving,,. but were', U -Q0 - . of juiltnal, ooilLw the mysteriou..; horae diease, to wolcii %%c regretted Mr. 2 ation. 21. Pionlotod with Credit 14- 10 degrees South, nd longitude 131 2, 11, Ashtiel, was brokeu into oil J�Iond# 11th uly, nd %Vag a ge, i !SS ill aining t Consi%tilig, tplonsed Ikt.�Is succc HONOR LIST. 11-9 20 cast. The length of the islad is The Ss' I r night 10th inst. by sonic vaicant ; but t English, NewYork, & Ganadiau Fashiouable & Beaver grzlullatiml oti thu pro3nority of tile Illsti- rcfurr�d in onr last issue. li I tifill of Coulity Inspector. Tito rhould- Junior Section Reading—A. MeIntoshy 1,200 miles, and i a nrea, 20',',000 square nothing of ally importance thitttiley would by and b uckily there was net piofit�of the year. aftel iva,% loot a. tile StILtiOn by Mi.. W. Cho, all re:iieknber e S i Fraser, M*� Shannon. S2611ing—S iles. It is only divided from Australia taken. debts which: V. S. (of this one of his pupils, wi ilion and wolucil, jilid shotild tiy to Dick s,W Brophy Granimar by two sniall straits�-the atraits of Endea- Hats, Fur & W001 FPt llatS wear. Most of t son J Saunder cordthesud- v4vitlug off bd nd doubtf ill minediately pruccutlud to r. pulldy,s be 3 Mayor of The latter is eihty mile OBITUARY. -WO regret to re A LSO. Silk and Cloth Capa, of the latest Styles and Patt-9-ins for sprin luca,to themselves now. A 0 '4 - to have a thorcugh % ntoil lit, 11brU 40 V=Illillt.d tbiou of the t -11 Lomn S Dickson S JFraser Oomp or andTiori@es. aden demise on Friday 14t1i iiist. Of Air- een made specially to my order, tile town, he , A 1. Onthenortheastitisboundedby lvuft vas asked t1iis v ear to levy McIntosh broac LL this Stbek bus lj� and as I claim -0 Sick. Ife Was t11011 J SaInoders, S Dickson John H. Carr of the Nile. The deceagaed ied stech 1 "t t%&85?13aS or, Olithe prest�r t capital of horseaAhat tolel %'000. of a scliool rate, which was a largo iness will be noble (with the large and vari ,I,iveu otit in Mr. Ptillay's cab to the faria , 1:5 Geograpily—M Logan, S Dicks(;n, J. the Pacific Ocean. Op the east of New consumption for knowledge of the HAT and CAP bus a i creentago rf pin t4 ver 18 at oil the rater,amrsland be hopad tha had been afflicted with A ell eson . Aritlimetic—M Logan J Saunders Guinea is Dampier Strait, by which it is have on hand aild am continually recein leoaexatililled two t lodren ivould%ea - this in wind and not ail d oil tb e sonic years. He wit respected * mem taer _,o g') lier cerkt. This was dispused of by ?:tyill,l ore I -sea, 'd in tile Baltic %%av- J Acheson, Writin—A. Donogh J Acheson divided from New Britain, f L. 0. L. No. 1052 tip to the time of his TO PIMASE THE EYE AND FIT THE HEAD OF 'THE MOST e it I otrifle tl, injo. He hoped they wed Fastidious, and at prices that will defy competition- eir I. I west are Geram and the other islnd of 0 the Professor 11 Fraser. death. Big inortalTemaiiis %olere follo, I ire half y arly divideuds of 4 per cei n Sat 11rday Ist 4.30a. iii. Like elconie to the ive,r Senior Section Reading—F Gr'een, G the Nfolucca Sea to the Goderich Ceinetery by the members to "Rose' account institittod a, pubt inorten, bxu1illati;;"` On wh orhon. Spellingy—F. Green The island is valuable to -En-la n from W. M. SAVA, "jilotints to,. ,R.6Q0 000 ) 016 ;f tile horses ,ollich diuti that mi. en he entered Creasman, S G 0 of Nile L. 0. L. arid several members,of no330,000 ;andlc U; t e,;,. all, they could to G Creasman, S Gordon, Gram—S Gordoni its close proximity to the Australia poss 611111 41ft aviyug 1000 I;Lbuut 2 o'clock Tito are tile �kl - - of other Lodges of the District of Walva- Goderich, March let, 1-871. make his'positioll.. hila. --At 'wn of the whole V 111tel pliskole rebates of interest and a results;—Stual-yLell allot bowels. ahnoat G Cressman, H Hazlehurst. Coinp--S Gor- essions. But little is kilo nosh. The funeral procession was the "Niere.thell given ohis,reiplis Y, an, W Dvis. Gcog,raphy— island. The Dutch settlements a,re con- -for yeitrs. The of pr.)fit * pty. I ho villous -pur, ion of 961111ach . . I I r. Uvoy, 011air.. don, G Cressn -i t. -White largest we have witnessed --k 011, tiled, where —for Mr. F Green, AtAddison, JFerguson AI thill0tic filled to a few places w. the coas Rev. 'Mr. Smyth, of Goderich read tho i -ad 14 -ss acconitt. The hintining h. have not penetratled yet as far as 0e d; i: et i&s ulleors beim, filiferal service very irripirssivell', after OPENED THIS DAY AT THE HAT CAP 000 'If at It ii�rr and for Mr, —8 Reid, S Gordon, Sarah. Gordon.— ie AND TUR STORE f,and $2,00J, 'Liu and choledochus Pa. the Order ,oj,) bv which tile Capital ag then auth-7* ilitestil,CSPI.iuir-fl,,.tileLL, writing, G. Crusatuall, Sarah Gordoi - i,, S. interior. The ' whole northern peninsula Which the funeral ceremonies of to) Well of the island is rugged and rnoun- 0 i , '_k * poLformed byThe D. M. The decaas-. Q. i.6,tl it) beincreased, re too be alotted tile fir3t coin mencement of theii. g Gol %yere 1 SfRAn the won V Prizois awarded f,ir general Proficiene tinous, and the coasts are, in many places 'yes a Wife and Mother to mourn his also infliuklud in patches. -of y ed lea 'tile shareholl-lers in the proportion of oill: ' clii4- calkd to S k4ordun, G Creasman, M Logan, S indentod with small bays. death. lir i 'F6 - esently held, ere nd there. The bl. dur showed Sound Sell layo Ao I p DnThe cliniato of New Guinea is warm =44 cHuncH Sniivicm.—The 'Rev. Coleman i1sakill., tile- Capital e6jyjo,000. -11itrk- oteinp one U_ lie. kleiy st Thullln�scongc3t- Ox Tile w6ultkuot',",�� t - FORM IX -M & MILLFR (tea,Aoer) Iijoist, with. a rainy season which la ' Bristol, WealeyatillethoaistMinister, holds Batil Ila& belit in existcoce ed. The ti 10 -f 14 n i lie etiongli oU childrbal th 'Roll 63. Present during exam. from e island is tile Port Albert School House . ... m Noon March, to October Th '.111v ar-,%lid it, that tillic ho-yu-c and tile 1cI)-!pLx inflamed a Qdpeavj w(Alla, ih)t list* 25. Promoted with Credit 14. aovered w k to Tsgoij _Lith_ luxurious forests. It has r calit. The t =918 rternate Sunday at 10 o'clock, a. in. h .3' pai-I dir*-j,,Iendz of V2 -US 111_-:ub�aue The SY1111) I - n ' vest ook HONOR LIST many vegetable products, arid is, on t SUDDEN ILLNFSS.-We learn that Mr. Samm—er Hats, & U of the Newest or. described the financial course the Pn,fessor s.Lid wt:,re those 1,f Tilev,w'buld, . ,. t, _ " . � 1. - th Injazioll al at n0ch nd nlacrui4- 17 JuWor Seetiou Andrews, whole, dZscribed to be a rich a McBride is seriously ill of the Intermittent terms: just s 31r. C itirchill had e Fever. Doctor Shannon ol g is the only lar r J a thl, v had pursuect. in th,_� follo,vin­ to be prosent fic tun., �H E Tubman, M Dickson. " e"ling-LIWad ficent-co-untry. The he GodeFicb is I by . t SI) "T47e th2 Bank have b,,�irn lirvviwisly Stated, possiblY VrOduce" R Reid, M Miller. Graminar-E, Tubman) inainmiferous animal found inNew Guin to hear of attending hiin,'and we hope soon 111alld hull's l'artit iL few, I all 0 Of BS conlined to usilless f it St Otis condition du'C, Andrews, J Reid. 0orap.-C Aadrevs, There is also an bu id c bon t his recovery. V 3EL-W CIJEMUZUEM. cia: chaxacter- th-i things whiclihO niiiant, tfA E Wade, M Miller History -E Tubman coast. The inhabittnts belong to the race a t fcil- Tile disepso is ushert.-it ill I)y limile to OwQn J VauEvel this orinaiple'Labled the Oirectui own scho­l, -v, WShaxnian. Geography.- fit negrilloes or Oriental negroes; they are Lonlron, 11urou aud Bruce Z Roll itate legitimate businesii, and a liatural (hiluess and lnguor. The inial stitt"'Is his wi�gahip the NN Sound- Like I layorX lie J Wilson,lftteid,E Tubmaii. Axithmetic- calleT Paptiam negroes, and are generallyk Goderich 23rd May, 1871. conscq*a9a­,e the Bank has nhanging its lijad, is listless alld still" 1- had a very VIVI F Waddell, 0 Andrews, M I)icson. of the middle beii,ht-in fact they resettly 'or the ven "sp-1rit Th lid 1%cak,the 111,11101 -dill, Ou pure-blooded specimei� ty of the counf] 1. 11 11 hief. From the Bruce Reporter e piil�o is (1ni-_;k a, boyhood, ��u d tile att,12 Writing -0 Andraws,MDickson,of Wilson ble very inxwh til thii prin- hotan,ldry. lia-der. with 41ni it -in to rs of the L. R. & B. Coin- Nothing went I 0 Americ I NN-lifle tht, Di ' Senior $ection; Reading-MMcQuarrie, of tile Fift nth Amendment The Directo a C i -cry disc-ti-ge f,irlinschief, bu� his tap"Cilers a; - t& pany having soine time a,go. 1i and are of a yeliow Witt unish t� Spelling -J. lta�n o6feete west coast arc j,ppoi6ted Mr. ciple, anl , 111lov only s.1 is very P R McDonald, J Diehson. The inhaV judi a clits s the one they nillial h -elpLd" 11 so all extent) Edward Wrane Engineer of the T. G. cions, Ll*.tvc I'! tirckl;s. T�o to) Siva ad "sk iia for it and heslippos- Fourby, J Critig, J Dickson. Comp -J a certain exten (to a Very Sin 0 ' 0 to certify AT 'ALIF W it -ir thirsty, but unable ars. line, as consulting Engineer low eitheirfo:4 I S JUID9 Goderi* t iere i;� no, re-igon to doubt t ed he must Ilia schOl Dickson, J FourbyM Robinson. Grain.- civilzed, but those of the east coast are -,a & B. eoutinued� a Ila increasing prosperity. The or water. The tl.roat is tt-4cr I but there AIR. MILLER took a kinly farewell of J Dicksbon E Odlum. barta-ous set altogether, with the nearest to Mr. Dyas's estil"Ittes, that gentleman is no obs-,rvablo Has El - M Robertson, M -an able arid valuable following ar-, Lie Directofs for the pr,�unt eyp ing his geatitude for the kind F sible approach C),3FI Cut cough. Tli7_- all res History-J"Dickson, J ourby,EO'dlum. po, to cannibalism. Tho has just submitted year. - paii,ful, but not fre(lil surfe.c_* ' all. hwsl met with bZth from teachers -E Odlum, J Dickson, M. p,pulatiorj�of New Guinea is small ; bit report, in, which be titates that a road of -.lid tho lie, , Geography be built for $12,000 HoN�7._W. Pres. secretions are -onie prostra- and pupils, and then read the -following Robn3on. Axithmetic-M Robinson-, J the Dutch having never goucto the trollb!Q', Mt. Oin. galige can - STATI ERY. temperature V,riahie. E,,ctl per mile.: --just A%hat tho� Board had con Vice-Pras 11 jr�)Io the first. Afterf,t.),11 report luni. -J. Dickson of taking a census, there is no ineans 6 Bankrupt Stock 1 ------ -NV. 6. HOWLA ;D, L M. p. p. tion of streii-ft, It E XAMII-TATIONS. Dickson, E Odl Algebra si4ered necessary construct a line with F. W. E Odluni R H McDonald. Writina-M ct estimate of their numb 0 foi mijig a corre two to three days the iill"al gots down, 7 6 three feet gauffe. Under these circuln- Of WLLLI.131 EtLlOr, ES2. colicy pains set -,-,,.and the pulse inerelises Robinson, R McDonald, J Craig. Book- Tile ijohabitants are divided and speal� a ali7ogetber likely that the Full 'uppli00 T. Sk;rHi;RLA_ND STAY.,imt, EsQ. r and we.-ker Announcement of Statistics and Re3ults heeping-J Fourby, E Odlum, J Craig. different languages. Being so few, t he4c stances it is vill J)e adopteti, which. will ALL in frequency, becomez wealre spect of their -becoming altogether former range v IEFT, ESQ., M. P,' of examinat ion of the above named Schools Prizes awarded -for general prof! * 0 31 n T. C. STr till it is altogether inipurcgotible. Tile cleucy is it prc a, Gzzuorc,v_ T.00LyLox, Es!4. this 14th day nwith that of the " oronto roa . S, r -Tile disc,tse of July, 1871. - to J Dickson, III Robinson, E Tubman, , xtinct, as they are continually engaged iii be unifori e would it be for 0 easy in that cas breathing is,quick and short. or TANEY Ron-EmT Wmrss, E -Q. its cuirrse in from thrLe to four 1. The number on the Roll for the half M Miller. witiallyruns the occu�at*oa of cutting one another's Flow ds to form a junction at sonic very Ulisatl%fdc- year ending 30th June is Boys 490; Girls After the above report was: read and the throats. . these two roa will6ijain and run into AND days. The trpatalielit is waa discovered in the early point west of -,)84. Increase above that of The Islnd t in- 485 ; Total ' e same trick, as we re- MCKE ME T.,T d tory and vzov �s fatil, as I prizes for "general proficiency," given by of the sixteenth centuryby the Vortu� Kineardine on tb 43ote'jftaper Justt-vo han X&Tbt IU73 es, UlcL' last year 9.). Mr Miller, distributed by Mr Lefroy, part variablv li-ts dong i� ". e. They named it New Guinea from commended some time ago. We want WELL- AND our re 'Ort Lill Fr*, Il. The Schools were oi�qn 125 (lays. recreation was re�uniedfor a short time. gues usafford us railway 11AVING PURCHASED THE P Increase above the number last year 6. ' bout 8 o'clock the children were marched -the striking resefiiblance between the both these lines. will th LOWEST thTheaveracre attendance duringthehalf - inhabitants and those of Guinea in Africa. communication east and south, and give assorted stock of OFFE ItEi D AT back to the square ; where they were dis us the bestpogs horse, an I Mr Gem, to ible facilities for the trans ere the fir3t to attempt f year was 591 ; c'orresponding term 1870 missed to reassemble at the School on the The Dutch v I the leading 0011HOUSE'S. 7M PH -LIP REFVB Vs. MR- flIr tak' arestillafwtied, F. d. 5,`�& Increase 64. Various cbe�ers were here focin a Settlement is New Guinea. Their portation of our produce to al erstand AT M - frt)u, p(;sses4i,)U of plaintiff. j�. recovery. Si,ie Whu aT 16th of August. nee. We und in, 110rsia - n- U uption of the markets of this provi niar W 6�� repeated -the last but not the least,at he first attenyt at military oce 'ilr. Ja tick III. Brief summu7 comparing tt� about the b.1, ey erected a that there will shortly be a deputation ,1*:' d dance during this halfyear wit" co"es- request of the Mayor' being fur the Bat- island was in 1828, wher th PdILLP REEVE, swori. is $Ad a b . . London to discuss RuilwaY oil Gods Ad tmceflffil A laro StOCIL Of OvOrY 'QescelPtloa of -'lutioif' irl from SPATIONEIny farlane came to his ho -use and asked if lie .11 pending term 11870. fort, which they soon abandoned on ac- here W-luld bily a mare be hall t-) `,I. Weii, that she hittalion Band. 1plealf Bruce. The matters with the pec c 1870 averame 1871 aver�e Increase ount of the titihealthy climate. WhIOXETER. to his tibunery, lwyked at tile be:tqo, aii�. 19plication, all 0- A number of Eumpeau and Mollainme- prospects of this road a full of promise, ust received and SeIRP910wC'T tb= CIEC- INIO tue5i etn-- c,inaition. January 457 Jarly, 123 d we hope to see the. project heartily Macfarlane 8 Id ."Will you ", -nary 543 Febr 622 79 lan -traders have since formed a settlement an bel6ging to thb Estatecf where. I , _Febj: as it cerWinly deserves to be. for the Ili tre? he rep' THE I ITWELF4. was unus- supported, In 9 Lied lfst is called Dorey'in the northern part of the SAI iaarch 523 March 619 "ek and_ Polley's. 96 in a - Let us §ee to it that we do not fall asleep you can h7tve it". The mare was s, ually qui,it on the "twelfth as Wingha, id Th value -of the tr, de with Rol J�Ljl. 00 P.Lid'hilin for the away fromholule ir- April. 537 April 588 41 for '600,000 and tile ')ver the niatter when we have so many MR. JOHN HARRIS, was the grand, centre of� attraction ill estiplated, at oaid have died. her fr.,m ay morn )as b t ay 551 may 584 33 lhe Dutch sattlenients oil tile considerations to remind us of the gre.%t Everythfiig YOIL wti.les1u.3. - those in. this vicillity who, wished to cele- 0 5plilat ion of t labor for in School Ili her andshc aaA businc2is.,ve eriolls 660 June 599 9 brate"the glorious, pious and immortal "n s6nuLbers aboutloo,000.1 Theiivers dihadvantages under which we will offer it taui.--ry but t.2pe:,acol , the various ation Puther into thL IV. Thie examination of On the evening int of direct railway commllnlc be-gan to t battex. memory" of William Ill. or a fe%v having only been seen, but from w, MISCELLANEOUS oted by Dr McLean, L. S. ny indications it a inferred that there with the commercial contreii of Ontario. field unde7charge of his own boy in Mr. S. classes were conduc of the 11th, an energetic fifist paraded oui a i Cam,-, up town to try and and myself, by me, _X Slot. %ns of written and oral streets, blowhig "Protestant Boys" and ge streams. silver way, AudreW Ilust, exist Soule tar. help the grey "bus" horse when he sv, quqstioha and has extended over a period other times of thot kind, most industrious- Fancy C-loodsp the mari Standing at Mr. loolley's Stable. Of three weeks. ly; a deputy drii-mmer accompanied 1A no VIJITORS F1toM CA.NADA.-The Cleve- Wall raversi, -,lit &Window Blind& 'd he took V. Results of exaniin7ation to t, 0 land Herald of Tuesday Says Mr. Thomas in the Store corner of Mr- Fuler sal her out. of. the 1090 he intense ali, of a crowd o . f i boys, -' -d of Trade--, CAPT. Co6-K.-Our respected townsman, lot and brought her tip say�ina "it was 311'. N AIR HOSKER'S GR�UNDS WSSTST. S0HOOL-XXSSXEWToyN (TEACHER.) who lirought ulf the rear of the Torm dblt Wa:t)n, president of the i3oar od service as Senior Polle's property" atid he replied "itwas PICNIC 0 N o. on Roll 105.Present during examin- sion- A i ii�jmber of topers too, received dispatch yesterday that some who has been d 9 River expedition, re- AT M0011 -HOUSE S. io an of the not" and would not give her up. Tool tholl,g1lit it, to 16 their bounden duty to -fire members of the St. Thomas Capt 18th JUlY, IS le tion 81. Proinotedwith credit 12. twenly advice and went to taLe'h-!r home. Erj� Or: Fridy, 14th inst., the pupilt, of,' I show their a "-th -with the cause, by (Ontario) Bord of Trade, woUld pay OUT turn -,d to town on Satur"Y, 100kmig Public School celebrated thl- Z er arid thoroughly tanned AND e, Goderidh HONOR, LIST getting glwMusf drunk and disorderly, -ity a isit oil Thursday, arriving in The Soldierly a I quired forAir. Fullerandhe wasnotther n of the *p,�on's work, prick tu orgies '.6 I and weather-beaten from exposure in Sale. s3id '-Thdre is m mare". Was atta,cheu terminvtio ad kept up their bacchanalian -avklot. Vest. Mrs Valuable Property for acation, by spendin, a day First Clas3, See L W.Healep A- McPhail, ai Lill 'raing by the stemer Lady Ft prairies of the North M ARKF-T SQU4RE. A, but c ot out of the crowd an- the summer v ,cry late hour, On. the morning of thL I 11, th on the -dOrt, Mary We are requested to invite- all the ne e gone to Toronto to meet her OF wit st iopeirA.ir recreation with their teachers, all kind,, OTSVU11nFns58A'1ND 28M11q!ff1lS f,abl , Chrsty Smita. Lai put her in his o e. She wits it, ( 111. A McNeil, Twelfth, crowdO! of carriages of )erg oftlie-board, and porticularly the- cook having missed him, AT '-'odid Paxent.3 and friends. in the forenoon the� Momicy, D. Mst.'ison husband oil hisVay home and 1i GoderlPh. un Lot -581 1:3 lilwatCd U Emall Back forcibly taen out of that , by Mh Darl pase througfi, the village en route fox ad those of our business McKay, VV 0 cotc-eand.laaefra= Mr. Fuller asseipbledin the Central School, nd at � ]Ka'e m. Mc�u rV. A. Me in �ham, le us a truly "deserted "an nfactu revs the. Captain returned to the metropoiis, so n large twostG�ev na kn6y, by whose order. Kay. R. Mattison. V. Jas avmg -lien %%'he are not in daily attendance t hiai, 7niion I -cot S58 'ttaois headdol by the Battalion Baud, thel Donald, J. Mel that veryfewhave vet hadan opportunity of &hJ&!-1,.Drmous1RoeduPAion ovbIch could lie tzmTOIT201 into a fitst �Zam said she was at Mr. Polley's stable. P. W., n4 village." %yare-bouse dfrom. the sellool. As beftted th, McDonald, F. Mellish, Nellie Hay. telloardoifTrade meetings,to bepre- nL-0 n f=b B am. BASE BALL. -I, The - Ainleyville corres dria, hands with him and giving him a HOW 411; little eust and th;. Asrt� to inali a shal 13 Vill b3 oz iiigpnmeto JAMES SIACFAMLA�113,11110311, Slid re, x.�I. Li1yHay, blarybfc- ent tio-lay, at twelve o'cf;ch, Thel4t was sent t leat qf th"IGNAL, in his last week% hearty welcome back. suit purellasera. ay ev i C, occasion, all were bedig,lit in holiday %tti SEcowD Boo mare, on Thursil, oiling, pon, trrangements to receive ,our friends across n Monday ---a right and 3miling aslth' Laren, D. McDonald. H. H. McKenzie, I orenna =do knoWn 1011 MUCAticu to liplitokill. Hewas sleep inbed and tvith faces a 0 communidatioriiitries very hard to leave appropriate manner. We ODDYELLOW'S EXCURSION --O (11 the lerk of th� John Conley, Susy Black. tile lake in ail -In. Wentt out and bl th which crial ax;kened by the in. s&u beautiful the impression ifiat the match gained by iriderstand -that these gentlemen are very ]morning, about 15 of the brethren of 'efiUal ARTGUR ON, :rom. PoIlley's livery stable and weather specially favored them, and b ST. DVID'SWARD-MISSUCMA 01i (Teacher) t 'i,club, of Wroxeter, ovel Uron Lodge No 62 -I. 0. 0. F. -with three ihe man fr he "Shoo Fly to cultivate business relatiops- H xTemis DAVI I aers gaily flying in tile air. The marel inxious the cars to proceed on the a from him, he saying tha. No on Roll 168. Present during examin- the Ainlelrvifl".,aitlands" was unfairly t 25 307, 1971- took the boys with oar city, as bei ng ran tually beneficial ladies,. left by .%round the square was a Sight which should) 0 on the invitation Promoted with Credit 16. played on the M. -t leveland "'Jack Gentles sent her down to be killed. ation 13 f the victors. e havL to both sides (if the lake We hope there excursion to 0 if it. didn't, have made each, old baclicloi 0gamle was a fair one, N6W I� V1.3 CRANCE TO =tV he halter and he would only to say thal the ws of that city to their Told him t I T Ilia forlorliconditton. Walhint HONOR LIST. n 8 t 0 - Ont Going by 'flar morrow. Rose al 4 a. m zroan over., hisinterested " ill be a 1.�lrge attendance on by the Oddfello, 10adon to I t -aka it to 1 - according to thd testimony of d i , axio, brethren. 33ABGAINS. a and two th3y fo;we the pretti�st cor- . Fl� players from Affierent clubs ere 'la5 Port Stanley the Ste and took an axe d kA over to IdU the t %v LIT CLASS Sec. I -M. J. Headley, F who w anier "Lady Fnkliny TS Wes cmaP; Qy =%re. Th �)nght e msre�'Avas too lively to don around the squire imaginable, and e Fargmsp- Louisa, Elliott. 11. W. Me- present. We net claim it to be a "reg- The BO]IOAt of will takethem thence to their destination. LOT � COX b.q. onuluell lsv.re,�tvd a g=d 6*cning higl% hard an entlinsialtic citizen exelaiij. 'A. J. Duffy, A Toni Cook. III. match, vety few matches are, but we Hearty and abundant preparations have CAI�L AND EXAIMS- house and. ojut;131111din�',s clieap- Apply to lcill her, h; jumped ovVr 5 rails -fresh air citi. I - - OCAMMON. e 3 4that's what 'to tl that so much been made for tbLeir reception and in:this Heard Re -eve say he could care any of th wite ash and p. modr'lioug's,W. Wilsoni A. Fiftwilli-ams. deny that the bhfls pitched by the roxe- It is absured link 2 oz. horses if he g it them in time. Went ovcr o." Certtwnly Goderich can boast, of itE IV.* M. Moran G Sharman, W. Trainer- ter pitchervrere unfai; more than that, misery ad wrongy so mveh selfishndss beautiful weather' the trip! will be very Gi:iderich 7th July,'1879 I Goderich July IWh July, IcITI- Lis housi and brought him Ilov, a. Th- crop of childran, which numb3rs mare thai V. Jennie Gootlin"g, Jos. Swaffieid, Nettie we assert that any unfair balls that wert -,It is'low, animal , en*oyable. -Ouj�reporttir, We doubt not, d one-fourth of the wh,,I,- poplation, with. id cruelty; so much th J filling his note-bool for the in - tau nothifig, till t* time aj- Kerr. VI. Jos. Rurray, Mary Elliott. pitched duringthewhole game were pitche6 ind unlovely in in the lives of men a�nd­ a ere this jwwo had eal arance of flling off. If th, brethren whom busines s until after he got her. Said i6 Reeve -'ii out any aPP-3 Briduet Griffim. by,the Ainleyville club, and we can provc omen results from their being 11misma- formation of the me aid- time sage did not consider it one of tht 0 2 a c L ible compelled to stas at ho he co.jideare her,give him 50 cents and sh, ial citl SECOYD CLASS SEC 1--M. Howell,Martha it. Any of the laws of the game- u h fOl ed." In most cases there is no possi -was his. " H -e paid the 59 ceiits.' Thinks least fortunae features,in the celest Whitely, Louisa Cook. II. J- El1iOtti histance as the one regarding "Called nating that could. make the joint life much MA3BLE WoRxs._We have been often horse hisproperty todo what heliket iie pictured in his prophetic tha III. J. Rob all. Gooding, W. Duncan. 13,11," -that were violated, were done so, o o _)etter. These men and women are ur - ed that, in so large a tovin I wij�e The bid, therewexe multitudes of' 'childrenp ymg by tile mutual consent (if both dubs, be- selfish, exacting. T�ez ha,. e !hu t evialoped, this branch of business. h when sent to him to kill ertson, R, MeLeod,.B. 3fclntosh. OOL-W4S, LYSTER (teacher� fore the game began -the Umpire, accor - cip ed tempers, and they are ac - is property and worth a dollar. Afte, ihe streets," we of Goderich m;y write our d indi lin )wn very near/heaven indeed. Oj; ZASTSTREET SCH is now to be supplied by a reliable firm, -Roll 1-60. Present during examin- ing to the testimony of some of the "Mait- -ustome,i to ()o5 of Kinicardine opemted on the horse both ate and .3elvag do: think of I 'happiness" J foL Messrs Scott VanstOne& arriving, at the Maitland Hotel ground No on lands'�--who are gentlemanly enough tc -hemsel,e, as the chief end of marriage. to whose adveltisraff-aty in this issue, we Promoted with Credit20. Did not get authority to (which Air. Hosker with his usual publi allion 146. -,own up" hen beaten-ga-ve jusfibe t( -jo magic of "mating" would make the would dir ct special attention. .-JSS EX!D.- HONOR LIST. e spirit opened for thq occasion) if bothsides. Thoughwe could overlook ife of such people very high or perfect., f,he mare. Considered the mara was -11r R' Wilson, by I F �le,AM-Lean. little annoyance at being so badly beaten. In fact, as things now are, marriage is the A SPLENDIII FARM� lvh,3u it was sent to. him to h I . Be- "Tlt�re was racing and labasing on Canoby lea." IRSt CLASS SZO I -E - advertisment, is offering for sale his farm as t3lrPollefa before. Would therewas,no racing a -ad chasing to equa LCampobell. If. E. Seegmiller,E. Martin, r even that lack of coaAesy, which wat Ource and nurse ofmany of thebest, adj,,ining the Corporation. Tcoalmrme 96 tit rRoff as itw if Reeve had not this. After a sufficient length of tim, EI. Morris. III. R. Wilkinson, - D. shown in their failing to return the usua- lualities in the lives of most men arid c ldhedher right then, with capital this is a rare opportunitY of is nothing closest -en her. -r iven to general iicamperingnd shoutm Bra*enridge, , W. Wilson. IV- J oheer for the losing club, which was givei, women. We think there was a see Mr Fuller asked if an ox 9 fact that the aver uring a fine homestead, in the. to 1e "games" began. The citizens li.4vi,,,- Campbell, s. McDougall, Td. Runciman. by the victors, we think it - decidedly Aiiiner- than the age . I senthinito, killwoul3hehave aright proximity to market, soll it. Witness said '.a healthy 1�eef-ox was liberallycont-ribated prizes of every variet) V J Mann, A. Arthur, J. McDonald. raeoxib for them to dragr the matter . it, ',endency * aiid effect of marriage is bene- PHD HARBOR W RS The contractors differuo.1Z. from a diseased horse.'-' these wera- now ardently competed for bY VI. A. McKenzie, H. Thompson, T. Wells lie different Coolity papers and give L 3cial and elevating. Lookir-g at men And 9 -risistently7p egging away, at the R, s worn, under warrant went the youtful Pa -lest H. keep pe I nAr riaasi who if they SEcoND CLASS Sim-l-Rth. Cox, version of the affair, wliidh they krot, women as thby are, we think it wonderful msiderable, advance lode I usiasm into the "ract in F 1:1. C Martin L. He is rapidl� for them, and works,wLdaremak=90 1=h Faller's and saw the mar" in Mr. throw %a mu6neuth _Uat 1, Rlph. themselves to befalse. . Ainleyvi �hat marriage does, so much ey would' like to. ;qorria, I,;. M 0 their Jives to but not Bo much as th of life," as tiiey did into. their mimic con artin. ..,etting its name tip (or down ?) n,1110111, lias such power to lift up P ard, i Mr Fuller's possess' 1 citizens. Tile continued roughnessi5fteweataer has CE--TTRAL SCHOOL. said the mare was Polley's. MI test, will grox up to be suscessfu case hall players by such aotioj�is, and- ight and beauty. ritend with. It has stood -home and Mr 1 u ler The most noticeable cm. trast was bptween MISS TRAINFAt (teacher) would advise them for the good name of not been easy to co -him. the rou-h and floundering gait of the b6vs. Form III,. 1b, to own up honourably in futtirL SES FAST I . h f shipping timber, which! has o on Roll 93. Present during. examin-' f1heir 0 TitAiNING Hop To WAL-K BY mt 0 �Vay 0 heundersto d il33 fo: public ind 'the graceful motion of tile girls. 3,,Iou 65. Promoted with Credit 4. when beaten instead of trying to cr, wl o r k. ',,N -I, -A fast4alk in a horse is the most necoss#uy to be brought down the litice ym Ful;=saidth,�inte et ofthe that the latter in so small. and mean a mauner as they gait that training caa acqu. , ire. it mak6s the dredging a Slower . process $ING GODEARTCH AND TEE SUR- lidd beet Idud getero, -.a. Five horses wer e There is no doubt about it Ho'�40R LIST. than it othiprwie I would be ; and it ha� LM U"ERSIGNED IS NOW CA -WAS !onveuieut Kitchen mtei and five. more d.ch. -When the fir t are made of I 'the porcelain of human clay.' tre trying to do in this case. Et is valuable ill a plongh hors% in team 1he cribs T goesandcountry,for the salof t -his( aillp wbick dead I for a time the,sinIcing Of TOUnding villa + alaterstag t they are draw- Reading -C. Mellish, M. OBrieu, S. NATION. -We had tllf iiorse and partioldarlY-BO in a drivinkr stoppec 'Beiing rasnafactumd 01aly in cra� Even when M e SCHOOL EXAMI IThe is now in use by iiies in Ontario. horse died Mr MAcfarlme m - ing the wool over m online eyes, they d* Nisbet. SP'311ing-J. Wright M. Whitely for the pier and the filling in of stone thousandS offata ivery fauffity -1-hat can be a.lplication for it for the va ua of the sidn I J Ileasure Of attending the� Examination 01- ljorSe. Some horses will trot along vt Z7_ who havac lier be it. Fgaser. Geography E. Seegmiller, , . ending gi ollud framing of tho cribs-" daily going on, and Factory �in 13elleville.) by experienced workmen, �he School in Section No I Turnberry,oi. vell vutil youfficoine to asp worked e In perfect, I can gue 6 -awards Tiesab�he (Ad not wautthe it so I gracefully that one would rat ti7mber has been broctiallt t( bw, to Tendes rantee every one delivere Att , 40 Mellish. Arithmetic -M Johnson Knolffilic? as we do elieve him u lltblo.uY a large quantity of drawn On the ground. Ilt� hoodwinked than- miss the accompanying Stott., Friday the 14th inst. ell you wish to r ther moidemte9, all e of the gaither- G. McKenzie, 0. Heduer. G' soon as the-wea worVoWell" to. atore p orma,nc:e. The pleasur o6d Conduct he state of the school previous to Mr. dk up grade; he then falls up. As -the _R_Fraer, C. Hedger. I lepeparations areitow sofaradvanced 0:7. O;aers left at the:Brielsh 33rchange Hotel will. be punctually attende . w jai lihe. them led down &ad d.3 iettina him w;� emented by ntL) a slow lazy walk that is very trying tl In obedience to Vilis request, ing was not, a, little suppl. iller's entrance upon his present Autie take place,aud.-the worlo %fir. D tic lea for general proficiency we have no, the drive.?s patience; but a well triilne-i -thiinodelaywill. fr Gentl . told a ina to lea -1 this 6b sweet nallsic'contributed by Ill ckbain pg1jes awarc ieen to daily progress j. 9botts, 0. Hedger, L. Campbell. ttioil in saying that rapid progres, 'it the rate, f wia be E It they con. and his boys." About five o?cloek, three , 0 with all the JOSIEP Is- Teacher in the Section H.'BAKERi,_ PATE TEEx mare dow there, wh,. sidered t ivaLker will step off briskly - could be desired. gr dram broug�t forth the _-,j IV. zass Dixow (teacher) 'ham been made by tile. pupils of tile school. 'Our miles aii.hourandAlid-drivOr- feels gaedtb4 SW94,&w 2W -very sicL She inixtit or might not haV6 tapa on the bi FOF r Goderlo 18t July, 18n- died before ? ]Ere -Z�Ld GeAtles. standard-bearen which was the signal for N4 on Roll 90. 'Present during examin-- Vhcy were examined in the different r.bik-t -lie b u been cletaiiieabut , very little / ANOTHEnHoRsE, ATTPLCxED.-Wo are mormug', ng to see and Mr. the various sedions, to form into m&r6hing &J,. Promoted with Credit 18. iranchos taught, Ancient and English by letting hishorse walk up.the hill, as be sorry to hear -that a -horse purchased by dov.m in the morni 'M said he thouelit hertoo lnig�lb ordei. ]EEavinon-, been moved under the trees HONOR'LIST E[ist-,�y Arithmetic &c, and-gawe satisfac- itats off at Ilia usual trotting greed, being Xr. . R. Miller from Mr. - cMickerj,aud a. aL to md,fo�rmed Q& a square, at the word "ail a of' walking up the Polley's Stables* a ALE XV12 MUMOMMS Tiltl --t 4 P;bading4-4. 'alliday, L. Trueman, tory evidence that -rapid and real 'progress r -lievea bf the chang takenawav from Mi.. FA He toolt- his 0 �_-N .. RM FOR, S 9 ww, dowii," yoti heard one single "ffilid," and anidin, A, Halliday has, been. inade silica last examination. I Col ts gli6uld be trained - to walk go on Friday last haa this her but his mind. She Papst. SpeWg­E.,Sh a a is a a I week ag 1) ON BAY- s a 1* A. ��Poft& Xorri& X. ')Ir.-; Miller- is an energetic and efficient fast befor ther n ttemptinade to (Tut. of Goder-leb, were stirporisecl to find tht, the t no, Ing Geogriiphy�-E. :5 sday) morning shown decidecl BY!nP- ST -CLASS PA BY. linly, by one simultaneous movement, wa% jn�intain it. -This &ffected with the fatal tyP- field Road, lot 2 41 C011- Tounsbip better and drank w4ter- Mat [kinson, A.' tQ-iler and we h -)pe lie may long Improve thinn in any other ffal. yM artana M%ver _'d a word abouther bein'! Prdudfoot. Arithmetic A� Wil ofille Tnwn f Gooltiliall, sm iee.ed- in good order on, Ule sward. iiis"prese, 0 11ticcessful ay be accollip edby c�mrrjencing when toms of being gae.nsdeared aillithelialance "y Platt Writing -E. Mooney, lit reputation as a, lis'll t seeing strange that t1w DAM"Ing the Corpow=hen GoderiPAL goict They told Mr Maciarlan. whezi-th'D �ioia fever.. I contaluirtg 154 111,13MR, ing,. and lead�; atar ered so lqn plentiful supply of eatables havbi�'b�en od Condlic" klisease should have niould in a larellards of need. to be iu the M. Reid. Go trainer of the y9ittlifn I mind. they are wery yol -good buli. There are 2 a-, Farm 14 well - Alin ca nil e aice apple:,aud peartras, 0111=11 . lost �Gr ac�a and listributed andsuilably.dealt with, 'Realeand E.,8hanklin.,.. 61k by your side, 'urging 4ditio the horWs system. It' ad cons =4 4 edon,� a gandpl IT0511001's. wo - littlej without Wred. Tbo buildulP are 4yst clas"i 41 .. Mad - apoint, I 7J. 3, 01103) 1 letting it Issbamandshbles. Wsis ,hey voolillserld dO`TVnio` A. Lumnoy, Esq-,Chairrap of -the 30h601 ioaizes- awarde d for general Proficiency 1peed, little by astory-an(lbalffrainehOt - Anga Wendid farin ILI h u t not be . TuE`BAxX Or- MONTRZAI,-.­;The Won- cral. App y o d to Akinson,� H. July 14�­The July returns trot; but this in a t alter -toothe complapd, anil a-.ier several -to-,T. Gordon A. W brehk into a mermalib lic�. Aft3rdirindr3fir went Board2l *ashirigton, .its to worry i Seldom to be illotlyltli* jo isee, the cob mare, aud was told picces had been ehoielYL Sun" bY thwhil- FORM V. XTSs motELZAN (teacher) eentinuedlongata tilne,110 u of in our Financial WILSON j,,"examiri , Departmentodonotmaie- r having been spoke ofthelAgrioultur-ii]. .0 j a or ss ns a dai eu doetciing - her- ;lr them No. on Roll.86. Present durin 1. ortire. On or we h t le o as having increasedtliestrilligency OTA , -hange the - crop- prospects as,Teport- Revile, V elsa hd D2 -Pgoii(6ted, with rially c soon zhow.ij. wonderful baprovemeiiii, .4, ahe Nm kind ati�n_ 60. t6dit 21. 1:1, -od�njune, U a authorized ro4orich 17th J'GIF, ISIL "lit thcoughfity." Th Revere -rain Storm�hav,o, co d tore- Of thelloney blarket by oillinr in' a large �rouaht`thci f after lessens will be riac �ar roL -had been oTidenca who litild b -Barely HONOR, LIST. tilled-t6'61istract the caltivation and . juire amount..of.short I check bu -we ThP- Ila eoi�lgritftilitted than, -keaalng.:_�-D. Leonard, ji!_Gardiner M a I in§titutiiiii vent lftheGenelal Alanager of that 91! Qid Gulf c6ast. D- LeoijQ J' _Ow`ffiinthe$tateS 40 Louisiana, Mis4i�4ppi, Ala- sight RUSI to -has iiot had UnY S d say that it hort loans in fjj� sun vbio'h he I!hia StAtes of h using LAZ_ tile, succes&t1f the., arl -te I Ste Poerserve youi ,4i,64tly, could not �rjgZOLVYj )k 2. er I>y t&6 hailter ifeL nf; Geogmphy--J. henion, J� XT ACT OF 1869- a, 1'r; a I t heice, I - I tl;aed tflem _4slop. hicondition aud,� to, escribin - M. b,�uneancIFlotida-ay.erageloWer, . � Led lectodds - arid, further, that ��S. _N rithmetic-- - _. . I RRIS.�COSperfecl . r -Cons' -_ sea. was g I V.of anc-4tioli f1if,612k. 'A e of in.: NIO 9V :ve �allecl --n any ; claim and embr,'v. 01-'hilportnilit, I od(yetts, rif . Gax '­ W than� at 1�jtr'ep ort. The- piiev�ilenc Eye -Glasses. - They � giye 111A. I . I . - OF ,.�ILLIAW -ROBIN SON AND ft ti to which ilone' - , diner- ritiug-7- circumsta#qej§ ad A6 on� TEMK.&TTER os 12 "er, c5resmumn., �Good Conalict-_1 oUavop them v pr by a e ots m, th -oth er,improp ry snpoeirioi, austoue -:_2 " I the B�ur �LaB iieVr� made udiali & co�D they colill. D eve; ge--sil-who wamt si;)eotaclei (it" Toll',, bavirg b= TO "NTIM W6.b gtoe� MR b*nndert.hol3tYleuualiM-Ofil0lih- "W. ia was Caen re-cla op of 'catto ks. a P to I)tt, it ba sacclss. rid. --:G Passmore. tvould V�61jablv rioducie the cr sthaVeOutseAvaS not legal 4TF, 'THAT 10 1)4ya Noeitker R, Uzzatinal el I I Drove first of iniv r and sw sojn&.JJrl�jiS0DU!i si�cie L 1500,Q adYJmPrOV0me -eyes, ind the ee tben thf.. vicy aeld- that will strenvthentb�eir B P iz prolipilaiicy. tO2,- able. to copimence do- -ovartners 11's" "iven anyone aAY, thel in -their aPrizes not iieext itedesir tiligaofthe-Creditors arthe o immed In- ack A McBXMO� 'in flie pUA-:for' s4son, be iiO4 ancl plmsant y has t 6 TotitafiGoder. 0 Eb-ol.. Stephenson, 7 S%llke tilne ce in t YV 601ward WU lite rd�ost. favorable- jmg so. Lbe hold a or Vt (teacher) these llial.- - Sol for, �-XI$g t60AN- _y 0 r,JO g 9peux JWJ 0 ef the in- Vic-t3fa li4 zt .130, be Qoijjili,tp�d t wea Z ou -r-te he j�g gregate -LIP to 3, 5f UG.--�_ hi6 -yr. exami:u- mkht paiT aur IL 0 jollildino" th piis6lutaili4ing - I -.hu, e 3IF V tp t:,,o slaoci f37 1� feeble au interesting 'A& art: f 01thek;jitata ass. air -oat ,MT m -blie Ho' 3:61il 119 fir4 they were Astboyl-011afi 50 Pro tieF-; based -irgeoulr action-of.thhgart cred. 103il c Jors nd ew to, the. Ired byMPista ply OT the stcro,sud va Do - i of, tile rarj�,ie. and wepal Wav ijv�j -, M . I - 4t ao-Ento Fiox� or. i , pt -ctior,3ffrU-!0v tion Without *. t i" and reliable dz-tatana bj,kelldiv's' C 014,01IU4 Syr so -be secu, 110,7-fluld -Reodiug�-W Gra ftaii, Digby CoulltYj-N, IV., - , R`eed of the O' perstructureioioaM r 'sh a! amors "itateIgent, o u .by 1 el". Of 1*111a- h eir, e ae eurge them, ee aininw 0 re t Tornb$tones, I WE s'I.*aAows, 'Irt i heap- Willi, 1. � -:� -. , - ary I 1869,--j4miel . . I ment�s ;a re'0mmendations, ence a in all their. s ,,A of�49 1�pha i 4 � _d Malitlep 4� MaDougall, GTillimat-, -Xr.-_Qratitade to on, -an , ' We propose to alut Mr t1iistriottab briatheroji�Few Gis,l ............ E;34._Daai �ta fhe-, t -le, ------ it , c , T $Coop AND SlrTtP-. sympathy �cjed, njii(l el" 2eff6et- en-liutd beet oep -his comin Of -it. -in our noex issue. tile Th 73ales tr Window S1119 , 6tho�rilay GArdirler, -L. 11 for the aff �ive S surainary andmpnt3� L; -ZL lWiils, PATiN -glrtip' or 9 'TOWN LOTS- it' Himdq, Ard.liniefue Ur PQ14ouhd; iimtdera not al'sw Uirrio boys batbing,.who weve Wrllting�_31. J&, Baker is -pow c1luvassing-the tO.*n for ad by llsiugYO dr lit �liry. profitne �exiztence of this useful contrivance, [jypophospohites. *4 piest, but o pooh-pooll `61 _SAE'40 BUILDINA McDougall* Good TunningVpal the �3ayheld not-stipfit abked wit'i pal� "t I out for it. TU -to, buthe 6�rdiner.03T(,Gregori. look F`- lye ixe, )p invaluable 11, a C pisoaablu; in the bcst 0�10 8a any�of tigeso [lie ra will find,i April, 1868, 1 att' to eacli, well-situattil , lj,W,_1gp,kee1 oct. i it to watell; don(Ilict W, Williams, 0. Holmes. reparatihos. f6r pit, Tt, I'sent for the D sted. XV.-Tha-PlIbIle h&ve wollid. unie tile bover pre$!, to -BrAWD31111 U034- 'nis t' T.' Profidenl6y a _' di around bre-We mild o Prizes -.wardd- oldint, exactly 4 a I a $ox, propriemror G sif-UTHER92 itim uch H, io nd of &j,�D& Ili �lillei requests %T1 felt Ift W m t 4 41do." tw. c 6r ine, and that -the 4vi r - the U b ZTIUREP& vpr8r%ovrye1peei:tl[j Jr iller's t6i F Fourby,'G Gordon, r) a6ur 1, it' 'M& es -,au adtniT,hble li;j, le to ap,,n for the cure Of %*0uln% ,nll be k , I via lkea)%y Jhaaa to neqn1gik bowel 'to t their te�der irl roRn Ig very weak and 6rible to uw"to, vrlosf + I.. ho4rtha and; by-toliq-w io gave prl7ms orcom X Q04er1cl1r1kh,4 -"$I .41-rition, bruisem suadenly; beit U17 16M ea. a l. Noon Ri e*' edisc040'e -tit W v - t1l" d- many friends wl 4.0'. allil ara 11ARY to- "Y tiperinterile -as 1,10111,� �jibtbeartie ean my bed.,'I Ill 011, W -ay his d%jartare, Proclno�,qd -Viith_�rea.t 3 ing la,lipring,with the,111111 -I -don at the SC -110161 sician gaye in p, Wall ---------- Afeiin the A Pa, oi �itb6i�l-t,waste or. oSs,Q_.- tit" lr�l Dpatroyar." It ii �tjvy wolildraj,licatu her that 'lie had, '21ON0.3 LIST' be careft meantira� ce(I to use, y�iu�.jO yrill) MI r NT.. baell AllwV35ti, X. irgthoposititl�,;r iend one I it obtaiiii st1k ,jt4 1,tquired in ptj6hij�pliltes, alid the efleeb wag.,itold =4 Fancy -gooi Reading is inendle", VA fliou sees tho XyL1'b 1013L4zlines, entire- a 5 A33111M CO, TAG At -Goflerkh, 01 octor, A-� lie hd tile L Traiiier, E -197 Wo 304 lienniothent t I. 1. urreld" spelling_��R ben-i1ree-J61 days -1 felt'the iienefi� of it, -Te*�lrT lop-at.tbo star Gass WITH roun Mr. Sharman, J. Dim0an, M34tos Gco�-Taphy is alib -ail e%Qt --Store, I- I 4 Xvirtict"4311 1111illod, 0.01111 tt Llient areage ;for- gravy, erful. t y a -ad very cl - Ill 0 r%am for Which or it IQ ti) welcome atilpr. ell 11irry tion- and after taking half -a bottlel w4S lots, U. r- d t., +,his Book to See- �Ijje coal vAtoce 0 Splod. by Idl a4ione Deaf- iijor; j)ore, 116. irritild llow*ask -J Roitl,L TraiuerX shaiiari. GrAnimat ineat, 1`104,01; 10 it'- V free fjoni'the c6inplaint, an 4v, 11. flo Ze !�"pers Out ex,loresilon to tly0r los e _11 Camlibell, ` Stewarb, I; Fergason u i troublod wi,th a,,Tetnra F-The.5tar office 3300k,4.3tore 2 vius. dT Baf02,� Stcwtlit� ;D.,- volitiotutin h tb best f) acO .0 .r1*,(ay aello =1whuirationfor 1;ifif: 41111, ithiij- the reach �OUU- U the He, t Disease- bily your -ljooks and !RilitiOrl they dill Iv, herdly ,lappingtileil, hand,-. NV4ting­-4� J- Ou6`4 w sAnAll Lr=1 heuever lie Yours, very truly - 610 Stewrt r.. Lzimor %ya* lllxp�,)y to axy re H . lici din 11%.4 cilf nit ift wail Ppurs, 4411 at the Rip V ow -11 L