HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-07-14, Page 21k _"W 7-
y Twenty-sixth themo.b fir a h Aamarmy.
j6rk i streetip oc' ' i'l',ee FOR U
owl,. name or tbat t=eta
a stainon. their IThe 12t1% in:96W shots at therii� The military Were I ferred the other AN-MCLUS
wounding 13- Two boys (Iff to
Won e ainat THESUBS
i; bretilren. He ANv BLOODSIFEDoo. andl:a, 144 ere 0 0 a- Newfoundlan nit orator whil,'talked
h fire, -killing -8 and the ewe of T
oc -v clainietUlie right to CRIBhR HAVINq ESTABLISHIM
Q ietv The Id t 11 . [h t 16 1 eitiz6ns. in a
11watch,civar tl RIOTING the Avenue', 'OnTuesasy-uighi last, 'aisetis`3 broke time" fors wh(
hotV" 11DIOrangetilen.that iftheir hus- -were A-111eyd7 3.,soldieis a ile -day, in the Provincial HAT, CAP, 4- FUB STOBE
t I i7i correspondent cy1f, last Eumiller, onWestSit1e,3f0,Abt8q_ At
a WOU i not culne to. the scratch 411141 THE PROCESSION ALLOWKD-_ - -were killed. � -0310LO Orangemen Tamed here M Polle?S'Leglslaflire. . The St, John In the new ins
b Out amonist the horses " Mr. - Intilding, erected by V1
sou AIG11, TULY 149 18`71, conduct themselves, prOPOrlYJ -at 'at the"' about half, an hour ago through Twenty-. Livery stable of-avery deadly description,; of the New York -MaiZ gives the following
)Iltthu screws on., THE OItAN6EBEN ATTACKED 1 1 third street downBroadwkyunder a sfro a flatulent feat: IS NOW BLECEMNG AND WILL OPEN
know ai thoywo I partict,�,ars of -tb
tl -pa Allbufthe- infected -horses were removed
"' join y happy ksTolfth& Assembly
-.6 ho unh im ftdorlob. He wished said escort. They Were cheered in "14,the annals of the House of for the inspection of the public, on
Ittv. XR,. LEETS,. Goderich Top, FIGHTING IN EIGHTH AVENUE. of the Oth ra i etit,' "I'arilli, but after arriving there no less remarkable
Capt. Spenceiri, , we a record of the most
killed by his own men, in e;ity-aixt A., Up to -this time feat On Sdurday the
thou wag his, first appearanceona 12th � * - than four wbr'9 attacke f oratory ever accomplished. _ One 4th day of March, 1871,t
91, it and Eighth! four valuable horses have died -three in of o members, in ordei to bafile some
-of, July lilattgrin in street, between Seventh ar
an apo ogy. He a. He had given the order to fall Stocl. of Hats, 0aps, and Furnishing Goods ev.
'had, need, to illake avenue e ment measure,' actually spoke, The-Largestandbeit Coonsisfingefthe xewast-wiesor
said AND FiFTY R=OuTnD back, and-becarne mixed with town and one ow the farmAud there are at, 9
was told a Speaker OR 0110 ONE HUNDRED back, and time for twouty-four hours at 0,
-threeou the New -kork, & ()anadi&TL ]Pasbiollable Silk,,&. Beaver
th..vt his mother was KILL -ED AND WOUNDED. the crowd and was killid by a volley fired present sick three intown and English,
Was thare ever. a, owl 112th rof - July I 'iccask", in this 0`111- firm..Thb-pUeftseemstofiethepartaffectea a A throwing into the shaae the
Nevervthera tW*Orauga, Jily blows, at art Orangelliall., Ono thim- lie knew was into the rioterd. mia eat achievements of Demosthenes or
which closes up almost entirely, the mug- migrgh I - Hats, Fur& Wool Felt Hats
de0tnies of Oranue- NEW YORK, July. 11—Gov GofDrlan has Colonel. James F ish Was shot through Gice , He commencedat foar o'clock in
least! Wednesday last was a hotter d- ales becoming dead. so that the animal can ud,Cloth caps, ot the latest Styles and Patterns for spring wear- Most of
ay that the ladie held the illy had atjoj� A the -an We. Another officer to the 9th wa snbject A L80. Silk al Jo,
their linnols, Tile 12th J issued the following proolam neitho'rawallrw food,
ISS, PROOLAuArIoN.- Hia�Hng been c and the a#,ornoou, on the unpromising 'borough
than any previously experience;l this 88a- ism in nor water. The fore- n made specialtv to my order, and as I claim to ]have Al
�aitruck cured tile conrity masterof a severe illn -illy this wounded, and onb man was killea legs by ai�d by ;1,1,h,,Agremiur,i paid on theskins of wolves. -c-L, this Stock has bee (withihe large audva4ledstOckl
The ardent glaud-a of the still iwle4e, of the HYi
Rijn. and if there was a V2th of inly every day appixised, while at the Capitol, of the several wounded. Tke excitement is in e begin -to -shake ancl the In of Iiis eloquence flowed on till knc r and CAP business wfilbe able
sitra t down uilfii intense power, end the
h,3ise expires. Everything that vete rivary
'Snely powdered dust -only month, none of Ila would be ev;r sick. actual condition of thingshereirith r0er- tense. Forty rioters are - now reported assisted by -medical advice, could nine �Iclock, and then his opponents felt have on hand and am coutinuallYVBC iving')
auted the
After a little fli"61 at the "ra"' ence to -the proposed 'processions -to-mor- killed and wounded. Severe fighting is puggest has been Wed, but - 6 far without sure,that he must soon . "cave iu" fr)m TO PLEASE THE Ey-R-1 AND F1T 'THE HEAD OF THE XOST
AlIghtest htirring to
risein Clouds. Nothing William Lyon 'Mr. eer,�exha6tion, and t4at their motion ion.
daun by tbi is ser, of Haldimande and row, and, having in behalf that my presence reported going on in 3rd avenue -success. A post-mortem examination Fastidious, aud's; prices that will defy competha
and daughters, Mackenzie, he said there was lust - i;airbd hither immediately, ?ago, of the 9t1i iegiment,, and advertisin' he
it -the L. 0 L. 'Of tb '"ras iieeded, re g of one . horse revealed a, complete woula be pissed, %nil t sting in bed by
tion, with their wives afyon the Grand Opera House,. is ri- re Roninn, -withotit W.M.SAVA-GE.
in all sorts nt one condition on whicit'he would have his -this problamation. - The order t for r obstruction of the passag of the eleveii. They were
-police tn ok: and the Ooderich, March le 1871.
thearls mid aistv Cock among the* her;toforajssue4 bythe authorities ported. mortally wounded. Just 4efore ,,t.. e bronchial bes A stru t)
veNjcles,:intJ in 1,11,11mense, numbers, rushed. old.friend Mr. Maas' tl Th are not af- theiri�ost. Twelyeo'cloz
he would allaw - don formed, three hun-'
the very pitch again -if in the meantime irtve-oncato widprocessions. having been the Orange procesg fected as all the diseased horses have been toneii�, of his voice were as
joyfully into) Gotlerieb, at for loud as ever.
re him by the beard and leailldm' oreby�ive notice that dred Hibernians with loud cheerstook able to breathe� pretty freely. a sym U ol�spair and -determination not to be
and in their him to tW [1&,Tevoked, I X Th
of thetir most huoyarit spirits, A U'_ nt P, beat,1
very. briglitest attim distribiltill" them- around the rough and thorny road, am all b6dieg Of me -desiring to as- . pbsiessidn of 29th street, iminediately o i0misare something likethoseof diphtheria _tile government sent home for mat
li�tola if his shine a onk* Ch ,
till it ;Zotitno fnr the big mountains. ana march�ih peaceable procession posite the police, whoatood (juietlyWAit' 3 AT THE, HAT CAP -AND FUR STORE
irig or typhoid fever in th e- human being, - but tressas. and blankets, and stret ingthem- OPENED T=15 DAY
%911ves attionly the o th� came SeIV4 on the'floor, were soon snoring
the procession to be moving. The NoAh broken they would heal' in thil the 12th inst., �Vill for orders.- When the orders the Are not recognised as those of any known
are were challenge of someone in the assimblY he *ed , to Thioy will be pro- street wag cleared in --twomirintes. One i1jily. -The gray' light of a winter's
bepet - discaselby any V. S., in this section.. OLe sOlY
811uth witrances of tho iqll. to, by mil- detachment marched down - 29th street r at length glinimered through the
ateisper- said he could tell thj?rmof thejourney from tedto wfulldst extent possible' By. "bl&' borsea. ow
gally� festoutied vvith evergree�s, 11 ohe �Lp and ?f the splendid sT).au, of gr onny4ing
iijale of turdau and b.%,k apain-1101T. 4-A �vindoNi�s-tho piembers rubbed their eyer3
lipiopriate to ther In Aary.ancl ca VathOVes. A militarY towards 7th Avenue to others, 'Hibernians is dead, and the other, as we write, and 'here was 1VP.ZL4C"=AF3
fttl with flowers and ribbons % King Solo- _'V ished to any one dowp Sth avenue ; an and y'awned- to their horror, t a
the of the -garimits, many st,-pa into the valace Of a �dpolico`o, rt wdll.Kfurn d the b t which was subject& last night to cauteriz- for, evidently 'blown but N77- ZVI-
a7 d N hAs were fired
cobirs tl 0 mon's toulple-gaid he could show the sign b Of g-I.It'pon application to disappioare 0 81 P tormen,
Woriac 'T -Wnts,s6emito be lying in the their
awa a the
Iyf)r Hars paid of tbe.lo&us � ing- experi
r degrees. �1 and
cirder- the unusual ' C-11"Pliluent of, that wa3 given tothe household of Rahab, lue. LN#Urrianl)mqusA-t�absKtinfr.0miu- here ' thirethed agony of dissolution. The infected horses stili'�lgorons,' and pounding I Y t
Ing to the which. was swung by a scarlet thread into show I skills
fli, any ilieliassierablageorpro- . ed som* e person had found the thick -
ca. I on the farm seem to be, doing better. In * Olv'ej -pouring.out fresh torrents
if. UP
k belou," e, town BLI's t a is a them fairly,,Sammer Ilds. & '
eall3ing the Uilion Jae C e- dastr cuon which over� -om, ii;e, iMd ness of his skull tested. In, an instant th of inyectiyes when he saw Y� S of the Newest
municipal flag: safety from th exe by authority fL o her ray of hope for all but
town to be hoisted on the - - - - - - streets were empty. Every shop had the the "bl&' ake. itenting* themselves witha
took the ungodly -his covert hints at my that All liowers at my Will aw. Coic
_0 liorse which appears too fi r the rof resh-
itiated d givil and military; will be used to shutters up. Gen Shaler at first advised e6mfortless
teries 'beyond the ken of the unini ld e M cup,of coffee in sT ES IN GREXF VARIETY
I - 'i
I. gona. old a ' x. Philip
THE LODGES by those w4o "had *allhazards theOrangemennot to'beai banuerp,'but mentr room, they aetermined to sit it out.
being, -much reulelk preserve peace, and put down at. Reeve, h oxmpresse '_ belief thathe
wbileh assembled here on thil Occasion, to been there." every I attempt at dirturbance, and I call finally told them to caiTy what theypleased. ha4 seen ease and could ewe itj a The.poon gun fired -and the giant began to "%7M3EL72'
emorate the Anniversary of the REV. E L Erwoun, in a few graceful religion then gave three cheers f6r liftle was sold him for 60 cents reelT;-bis hand no longer smote the desk
COMM upon all ditii6ns of every race and The Orangemen
deflaIltly-he emptied tumbler after turn -
pros 11111te.withme and the local authorities Governor Hoffman, and three mo and by the a&I-kation of a lotion, in a ew
Wyne, wei�o from the Districts of God
er- f
.3, ex sod his pleasure at being toy reforthe
i6, Stanley, Hullett and Wawaroosh, 19 in presint; showed that .0rang"Lism saved )the peace stars *axkd stripes. Th.eMaster thenox- hours he had her able to swallow both food bler:�of water, -still he held ont and not till
and collapse, and, Godarich �3rdMay, 1871.
in this determination to preserve
Ireland ill 1848; th.0; Popery was- the par- Signed, horted the brethren to keep the peace, a
nuniberi %.% follonvs:- and honor -of the city and State. , drink. A sorrel mare belonging to drq,,L%rler to four did he
-ty and ignorance JOHN T. HOFFMA-N, Mr- Sherr*4 is also being treated in the OP)i"r ir, was fast asleep in
Goderich T iwiliship (7thcon- ent of darkness, r avei maintain dignity, and onuo accountretaliate . into his clia�
(4th con. -he march a e way,apparontly with good results. a nibment. In vain did his friends try to
145, do in Ireland. while Proteatautis"I dissolni* Nxw YoRx, July 12. -The streets this for blows or insults. Whil� on t am. rouse him by dashing col -I water on his t.!"
do (Currfs) nated knowledge and leit to) prosperity; ent a novel appearance.- any brother behaving disorderly would be
morning pres -We hqe the ravages of the disease may
and ir. conclusion pointed Orungemen to hastening expelled from the Order. The temples, and tackling his nostrils He
24, Bayield. Soldiers in - fatigue uniform are question: be stopped. Our townsmen deeply sym-
duty at the then arose wheather ladies should join the had to be carried home, and the story goes
the Siviour'who abortly before his own in everf4re pat -Polley who,ta��r�wnthe WR E A SAL 1141
182, Goildtich Town. dtion to report for hise with Mr. eiaht hours. His
a,,.inysai4-"Loi, I anx with YOU ialway, arm, ants_- procession in carriages. t be slept for- forty -
189. Porter's Ila, ries of their respective regim, misfertune, is at preient away from home Via a bered in New-
evin ii%t,) the end of the world. Mounted policemen patrol the streets. 9 p. in. -The -fight was severer than fit on business. We were informed by Mayor name will long be rem m
30a, Holme-4ville. -he hoped to have Extraordinary precautionsare being taken rstropirted. Overahunolred.&Ool fifty f.
330, Kippen. A. Lvritoy, Esq., s%id fi Hays that he had telegraphed for Pro foundland, and those who were privileged
speaking now ce, and the authorities ap- of themob were certain 13, killed and wound- ge, Toronto, to bahold that inemoraWe conflict will send
had Bro. D' Arcy Boulton Smith of the VeWrinary Colleg
317 Duugannou. to preserve,pea
instead of himaulf, butaii. addresswas about my and on- e h tro6ps named tube killed, who, it he is able, to, come bere, may. be down the particulars to their children's t k
383' P -ort Albert. peax to be working with harm, ankrupt S cc NEW'BOOKS9
d '
53.-,, Hullett, being presented to him on the occasion of ex -inted secreteircular contain- bek CmthogE 11 I'dready reported is a cap- able to throw some light on the subject. children. Such pluck and energy could
county of Simcce, %nil ;gy. A pi all(f t%V0 privates, and a not- be unrewarded. That orator is now
"d 10, Clinton. of his leaving the itig., a plan of, the proposed attack upon the tai of the _94th
he could not attend. Mr Lefroy bon- alit (if the 9th. Five regginients aTe tbi occup�,ut of one of the highest offices Field Exercises, authorized W. 1874D. ]GO
824 Ashfield. Who can deny that 30
6 1 3-�_;fr on their arins *near the Cooper of thegovern Manual of -Artillery Exercises.
3�, Alneliester. dri-led by g that -the Chur"-Rome ti OWN% 01\�;,. ment. rded even in The Soldiers Pocket Book; by Col.
IWI, Varna. ha I adopt, allyi: ons ledge of their intentions. - 1I . . virtue is�.qocazionally rewa
more subtle and insidi Llstii'we.
mode of worhing than in former years. 11 a. m. -The streets in the up -town dis- 10 %). m. -About -forty persons were Goderich this life? -Wolselev
Wnen a work daluaging to them was e riots Thototal nu THE DINNmAwDTEA to :__
10555, Ashfield. trictshavethe appearancoof a holiday.- ki led during th mber 1he'VolunteerisActiveService
arblid 0 are 0. Lodge was dgP Thoviampo=o 00,00. - by Major Dixon
A, they. would havex -pnricons,g Groupes of loungers are' to be seen on near- of wounded is unkn wil, but Afteen L C= in their Lo .,D
-a noon th, Room by Mr. D. whose efforbs to
ey had all arrived and nsu. C - M 0C) K F. ZIE'�
wil sported the fanciful and to th, in"iarmleng vt rsio, P-11ilishedaud ly every corner. lGangs of men, five and kn(iwn to be inoirtally wounded. At the 6 handsome and bountiful table aily Newe correspondence of tho
every hotel in to soildat a lower$rico, and this was what the re were Bixteen dead provide -9 Mr. Serjeant Ballantine on the one side, War between Germany I& Franco IXO-
six in liumber, may be noticed going in 16th precinct the ssful and lef, 11AVIN 11 SED THE WELL- Capt. Hayshe's Red RiverExpedition 2.25
.3tantlar4pf anme ledge. RonfAni�is were e(Irial to on any occasion. the airebtiou of the western puts of the bodies this evenincr. They were removed were very succe highly apPre- and- the Solicitor -General on the otl - GPURO A
ciated. , agreed in a ploposal that the trial should assorted a
About 2 p. ra., the Goderich Lodge city. . The men there THE BANDplayed on Wednesday even- took iof Fragments of Science, Prof. Tyndal 2-116
re up Hamilton at. THRBE CHImus. in the marbleandstone to the morgno. At the 19th precinct
marched from the Squm uly all left their were fous 'dold bodies. at the mnrgue- lod.suspeudeoll for a period of four months
Lodge af tex Lodge falling in as they ad. After el-eerstfor "The Qn-en," Gratil yards along East river nei forty bodies; the only 11192 C datitia from sone early day in'July; an
d for the purpose of 6P- There are at presoont on several parts of the square and the RECENT NOVE"I S.
'I t1iLe prooession was f"med, m-%ster McKenzie Bowell, 110ounty Master work; it is suppose -streets, 16 the great pleasure of. stice accepted the proposal,
vanced,, unta ag the Orange parade. ones so fisr identified are Henery C. Page principal the 6hief . Ju
which came Lefrore him with the assent of f6COVIPS1 -Ralph the Heir, (TiolloPeo7a last) 1.25
Nq., of Tay- Conaer", 44thiReverend Speakers." "The' posu
headed by W. w. Connor, I July12,1:30p. m. -Fight- of the 9th I advertising agent of the. towns -folk, who were I beginning to orl Dods Ad, 9 U
field, Deputy Grand and "County Mast�rl B ittalion Band," "Tile Ladies" %oil "The NE%V YORK, re --t. 7,nc wonder if the Band was ever again going to both parties. By present arraugement, 'Valerie Aylmer 1.00 d
Aer Visiting)oorpthren". which were war-nly ing is now going on in the 10th and 11th the Uran(107era HouseChas. Pettit, -Chas. Zo
and conducted by Mr. Mm The Bile a a Anliong the play in the evenings. therefore, the trial will continue to occupy Auteros 1�y Guy Living9tono
R. Gordon* iropr*&'t precincts, and. along Bleeker street. Alin and Mr. Ar bib Id. i
of Cerqm:mies Young Canada seems to griven wronipaniedlov thel atherapl . o ed to the Sth avenue, killed at the 16th precinct were a woman THE TowxsEND, FAmLy had a -good the court until the 7th or 10bli-for about Earl's Done
ight colors, some of the 7olling of the- drum, the procession re- militia has been order U wil th cl-
have a; love for b-- * osed to be house on Thursday evening, and prasented threoweeks lontrer-a d I ell be a belonging to the Estate rf Daisy Nichol CIO
,d and mirched back to : o x1h where an attack has been made upon and child) the rest are supp
youngo Lodges on this occasion appeadug f rme very satisfactory entertainment. The le days after the com- Bred in the Bone 59
a ho e. Firing has been joters. a joibrned until Efool
in st6kin- tunics uniform in design�-- THE ORDEh. Judge Heiser' us Midnight.;-Tie0raugel r-)cessionl,r)ke acting was all good and well receivedo In mmeetuent of Michaelmas Term, or tothe FentoWs Qtiest. by Miss Bradden .50
1* Durigmunou Lodge) were, heard for the past hour; but no casualties . Perio(rI, Mrs Harry T d MR. JOHN HARRIS Monarch of Mincing Lane 50
Some QRe the qi,aa-day, most ilinexceptiou- -_ yetreported. 1p in 4th Avenue, opposize Cooper In- the "Girlof the own- 7ik of 'November. . The reason assigne
b. bl ie, Imd tho3a of mv - o iservea wa. are I a furare. Mass Oon- for this long and untoward break are easily - rJO
yelloa, fiazed wit Aerical gaintlemen must NEw YoRx, July.12, I p. m. -A mob of I created quite !A Life's Assize I
faced 'with purple. able, au-d7tfie e stitute. The. Orartgomen put their badges seni nent, the judge ww offer it Htr Iii, ra4ud Master
ta W
,,*,-r,ti X
ral others were scarlet-, attire threw eitbL--r acknowledua that their adilce as to Irishmen -gathered around the' F eiiian and regalia in theirp�ckets, and mingloing stance Townsend in Portia, spoke the recited. by act of parliai
Tae briliiant flags and the gay - conduct wag fro;Zthe first uuneft'8s"Y', or headquarters on Avenue A, and demanded with the crowd quietly dispeorsod. The euloggium on Mercy very beautifully. All has no power to prolong the sittings of the Nem, or flits Rnmian princess Zn'a
the picturesque aroundth )rm beyond the 10th- (if 49
not a little of -ad. had incst�completelv ame-weredthe purpose. the arms. General Miller refused to give police- took chargre of the Orange banners. the genilemen acted wall. coaftin extra-tc . a- _L EnLrlisb Earl
moving mass. Headed by the Ba unkennessnor row ;after that statuforydate procee Nigel Fartyanis Ifleal
Neither dr ' dyism came them u then attacked' the The military and police accompanied the WADDELL'S PATENT RoorxG.- Mr. August, Id be not only with- Sale ti�o Poison of A-sps 30
the 33ra-134tt3lion, the Pro Ssion. 11101 under our notice P. The mob on off by the procession throughout the entire route. Wa dell has secured the patent, for the ing,; in the case ;You
back to the -Square and o t the, Huro Fenian armory, but were driv out th Lry to the pre- Redas a rose is S110. 60
ad to a shady grove on e east side, CONTRAST. nolice and a detachment of the 11th infan- The principal firino� of the mob was in the Dominion, of %n I 'Improved, Elastic Fire Chief
pti: sanction, but contrg
cri n- f the la%v- Moreover, in thw Store corner of Mot too wisely but too well- �60
try.- ghth Avenue, betweA 23rd and 24tyll and %Vaterpioof Roofing," which has just s, 0 R
rig , 'IL -the with this file account we give elsewhere of Eie�. Justice. Bavill has other Judicial duties on omances of HwBaakwoods 40
--;+I-;- the camoration and "Ir _11 -1 r.&T. A A 1—fl's- I. 4.0 1, se of ff M dormott I
railway track. Tile Band played its v the saille celebrations m ew ur 1.w p.m. —Arrangements ave C-711 streets, an not, oil I... an put on circuit, whic in the ordinary course of of to Sea 40
let us bethankfulthat whateverillaybeour made by the mob to break out and to Vro- -reported. The 81th and 9t'h reviments isq, also on tho, tin roof of -5tirlings" the E7 w V.
T 01 oRomances
best, but was not alloed to have the reelks, or our opinions as to the propriety ceed to several points at once. Supt. first fired, through not -until th mples affairs would exact his attention for some WEEST STRE Thrilling Romnces of Sea unit land 40
thin,, all it The fifers, blew 0 a Orange- 'residence of -Mrs. Gen. Brown. 'Sa fore the day legally appoidted men bad been attacked, with brics'and of t be seen at Gooding's weeks be .8 o,,vn wx. to laid on with 0-- iiii�oropriety of gueli processions, here) Kelso has gome with a large force command- hework may the last on which he can hear causes in his AND vith viaor and the drummer. f ter those ofher missiles front windows. From Wril Bankin-OfficoWistSt. The Pathit can AT MOO OUSka'Si E.- - the ' crolr,- isirour uner the brave old flag, we agree oral ed by himself in person to look a -and tin and also on proper court. At present,he is under her
rich nii�sparing pith the
ews.yet. Inthegrove aconvenientplat- diffzr� andare enlightened and lib points. Thereis no particular excitement streets and 8th aVdDlIe to Coo0er Institue be used on felt, m. of walls I It 'is both Majesty's commafids to summon juries. in WIAR.KF.T
enough, while private rights are safe and in Broklyn, no prepariations having been there, was no -ffriog by the military, but blick for the COPLng "I is ly ted: Zproof, and stands the AT
s er was at all parties In in water -proof and fire I
forn*had been d -I there to have a the'police used the ba vigorously did�rent counties; and -he bastrianticipate N. B.—Th
'Or ngemei
prev pL theJaw is not violited, to let made by the Or.
oncel mount -d by he 'iers d a few ordinary task from the aspect of the
a U�r. clusterold will and take celebration. The authorities, however, driviim' bqck the crowds, changes of the seasons, liowever extreme. no EM work out their own sweet tral Crindil. Or
gIrt, OLD
others, while 000 pany their own ml�- have -made every preparation to suppress , rho locality of the house to which Oull being hard enough to Wt the heat ofth; calendar at the Con
their holiday after mcph where no fewer than four capital chatges EllormousReduvulon AN
around. ary disturbance which might arise. It it; Fisk was taken wds kept a profound se- sua and at the same tillie elastic -ant- . lex
W. W. bo. blastei, took among them the comp
COVNEF. R -Q, are to be tried,
teed thLa - bretlicen to be reported that one man Its been killed in crtt, as the mob threatened terrible ven- to withstand frost, It is particularly
the cbmir ind - I Xmiitab& ai!way carriages, and delicate Eitbam inwiler case. Thus, Magazine and News Zoput in Westom
-i specially suitable for envering R
a as eyes front of the Hibernia Hall. Two men geance on the 9th re�c ent, and e -ther *Tudge Who holds
isobar, w L�ital as things now stand, Ontario.
,ell-cond noted and ealitiOn and liningeiiterns, and makes a c,.
haye been killed at the corner of 10th on Col. Fisk. aiigled threaas of
of enemies as well as 'in his single mind, thio t
ere upon them A uzTURNZD TAIGRANT. Tr. Prioes.
street and 7th Avenue. Ono - man was At a meeting of the Grand Illy, hold sida&walk. Old Slate and tin rooft are far as it has Goderich June:Wth 3871.
,A -lit by -the law to a' made perfectly. %&ter -ti . ,,lit by a single e enquiry, so
friends They had a ri. the Tichborr
itish , aubojeci hung to a Wmp-post in Avenue. -A. A this day, it was resolved "That the cours gonb, will in a few days be called away for
assemble as B, �, and they Mi. jamel Scott, of H Ilett, who sailed member of the Seventh regiment, acting pnrsued by 0ov. Hrillrnian, in issuing coxtifig, and old shingle �roofs rendered
should ito credit I llis . f4itir months, to occupy himself with other
to thE-Britigh law and from Goderich for Manitoba on, the -KO'w- PA orderly, was caught by tho mob in the proclamation of 11th inst., was a necessity fire prooL NOW IS TEU 01EIAM 'TO
d their riv usiness, and to "enjoy" a holiday. gained
,htk He Was
flag that protecte 'the 1ouQur of our city, and;we CO,,BORXZ. b
rich good eenaw,last month, has returned home vicinity, arld, is supposed to be fatally in- to preserve, —Mr. John Robertson corn d reproach , 4 'the law's de -
proud to see so many present, in a . d. tender him our thanks." At an adjourned d to; cut his wheat on 12th July'. SEOnri, BAP.GkIN.
stylo, and he would thank the masters fnr again to Hurnn,disg�hsted with thq present lure n -chants, held at tlie4W- ence . 4Y. 2)
theo gffort ghe�v mile. �ave put forth tp tate of matters at Red River. , Ile reports 2.30 P.-M.—About 150 Orangeme meetin- of the moi STANIT WnYAT.—As always. Mr.
g paraded to -day in Je'rsey City, escorted by duceExcitan-e, this afternoon, resolutions
this end. He would low call on the M Charles Toughis to the'tore. We have Troohles 0 Chum CALL AND
REV W. S. BLAcX;sTCC_X, who, was very t three regiments, qnd were unmolested. were adopted protesting agai now on Roy
nat the 'arbi� -ar--
itfulness has been in. Rome egree Regiments are stationed at each fprry- trary assumption of power on the part of before us a specimen -of three vaxle- al Assembly at Paris ExAx,"* IATTENT
he soil to be of�gijod quality, although its
tomakin; apologies, becanie fro ties of wheat grown bX him, the new In the Nation Godorich+[thJuly, 1871
er get I into places to exaggerated, About 70 families, who had b the Superinte
much vers v" Louse, ready for service if needed. the Mayor and Axilold's Hybrid, a beatitiful white wheat, ihe 15th tilt, ell the occasion of the rrp8'rt
min&.,ers should ne I rident of
ie it was said 4:30 p. In. —The;mtjb became so threaten- Police, in discriminating between the
requim apolog�ies, and becaw, ne as far as �he Siainiboine, retarned to orgam- -the D61hi, and thb Rea Bearded Laserit, of the previous sitting being read General that one who was -oor at makincir an ing at the corner of 23rd street and 8tb rights of any religious. or political the last from the seed sent to R. Gibbons, ochu said that the individ-Lials whom he
ort Garry, having found that thOl land avenue that the 84th regiment were Or- zation, t. -)the prejudice of one or the other. ture, ta
apology WaS not goodat anything elsW : * I" o Esq., from Bureau of Agricul d arrest6d as Prussian agents du All HALFORD AND 76. A� LocXEL-7
-4 good b,ib that they could not take the dared to fire oA them, -which they did. Resolvedthat; We repudiate thesolibistry had no lesire t&,�oforo to be considered a wi All these were ripe 11th sieg had since reappeare Locke Combiu 31tion gave
ags published in the 0 The Raiford uAd re on
po Tough t esdaV Una Thursday
P. speeclitti-day but bad been so ill that, half-breeds and Indians are settled. They --Ing to the evenings o
ded to make risk of locating until the claims of the The number of Kllod and wounded is sup- and snpo�rficial pleadil Id by tne arof military leaders inments in the Tiown
good apol)gisL He had inten stfi tion and the JWy. e bearded wheat is rep� in the cliaracto enterta Rau be
sed to be about a dozen. One man in- said order for its� jir ca o have stood the winter ex- 6f t1l6 Paris Instirrectiono -1le particularly f Wedn
forms its that he saw six bodies. It is source from whence lit eminated; tendering I om
cee well, and is a full, plump berry- nentioned P browski as belon
ff he Ind not been afraid his asence would '-breeds -scouring the country ov. Hoffman for the PAmpt this category. encralT Chu adXedhat 'of last week to,rather meagre . audience$
d he wouldhavee-aid away- mat the half stated that one policeman was shot dead. thanks to. JG G a- The entertainments weie il-i some respects
be MiSCODSWall , e has relieved � the Em- continu
armed, derninding the destination of trav- Several policemen have been seriously in- manner in which h -kilgin Ziul of Steaium lie regarded the insurrection as a fair. We could speak much inoro
]E[p, w&s filad to be With them and consoled,
0 pire City from theoditim of beiriggovern6ol
for not -being able to- make aspeech, by the ellers ;%lid iuformiuo them that they (the jured during the various conflicts to. -day. ipion of the foreign war tinder wotherform, ver: ability and honesty of PARTIALUST1,
I smow line are in" go moreov �expresscd bimself astonished fitvorablT of the cal
of at; many goa speakers, who half-breeds) had first, io be satisfied. The 6:30 p tit.—As early fts 8 o'clock this by a rablle.- The ateamerl-of the GI 'however; had they paid
presence marok, who had twice, a]- the managers)
morning crowds of Orangithen were col- d Quebec on ving town. ofgoodaforigaleat rmun7a a new
He supposed t1fis tended, to b4despatche hat Prince Bis their vi�intiug bill before lea
wexe to address their, but others editorial. writing from Fort GaftT Mr Ideted around their headquarters, 'corner or about the followin1glates nded to the Commune, had not spoken of lly ollect bills Audware Store, *uppositio to'bUZ-1-0t
gathering was c3mmemorative, Thmt 9121livate, WALL I ith which it inspired We giner, roake it a rule to c
would 4)e better able than, he to go into its Scott ebaracterises as mostly I'lidinbug-" 29th street and 8th avenue, where the . Corinthian, .90th July. itt -with the horror wi Jeer, on the Hiouee.
In -the - ra 27th " ary, of this descripti6n at -the I
0 * inany intended as -A break- Gov. Archibald, he helieves, to be a were proicession was to start from. Otta the whole universe, but, on the contr. led, but on thi
To the Editor of the 17 mmn St. 3rd August. - �veniu of the entertainn, 18 NAILS GLASS, PUTTY,
I;% rig 0 1; Da had' attributed to it ab least a grain of
DBAR&R�—Tlle silly nature of occasion
ofthe tool in the ll;inds of, Bishop Tache und building on the corner, where two I d es Priv_ we were led t6 depart from Our TOOLS,
gainst the encro . it might be hold their meetings, were gethered mem- ation of the"'British St. Andrew, 10th Ood sense. respectability of Mr. SPADES, SHOVELS,
wer of Itomanism, Father Richot and parties settling and eVI further defam rille by the reputed
WAY P? berstothe numberof aboutI50 to200, at St. Patrick, 17th honorably SOYTHES,
regulax" save� HdIford expecting
truly said, that there never - was 3 time, claims now (as Mr. Scott in- few men. Most of the us from tro-abling you with U=0=71251LO. t thaVhei would YORK
impro-rrn.- together with a line� to Liver- ThO NOT 0 This he
it.,ws more necessW* than now for tended to do) might find themselves most men wore onmigo scarfs, an had a revolver along letter. 'We are willing to confess The steamers of the M4 — settle his bill befolle he left- RAKESP
we have a I 'pride -in once having pool Will mail ebe " under *_ 'kec offen the
yictest3ntz, to stand, 'shoulder to Jul 0 he Bank -to do, butmeanly isnea GRAW CR"LUV
Police tO_ the, that frorn ('u y of Montreal resnined the failed
encroachirients. serious losers, when -the unnecessarily do and sword- ab,ut them. dislung" a musket, and- -viorn- a uniform!' C, aspian$ n early train, DUt RE much SV'yreg
shouliler agraingf; its layedsur%eyscam At pres- number of 400 arrived at half -past- ten, ug no ofits, own notis on Saturday, i withi
a to be mad*. that we never disgraced our colors by Moravian h A 6d h Sett- is I it would be well for the 31AN-ILLA ROPE,
and 1" Ithanli you."
Gie force . had now Rne"by,, ra Jameson and th h ar�angoments made under The aae of r 5i
inStrunientS.1yere now- M ligroo, ent a decetA meal of. victuals is not to be under the lead of Inspecto iWng, as he id, of ismallprivations Austrian, 12 23 d 'alordaII6 wit pass them around, that HEMP AND RUBBER P*CKINGS,
and provisions are Vi7alling, and were placod�ofie squad on cOmpla . . a 1 Ithe Banjej�g A01, of last bession of Parlia. ress generally to
and other bad at Fort Garry, 19th 30th -ties lay not hereafter be -LEATHER 33E LTING, alil sirmi
it was the duty Of Oraugemen to show �o while serving our Queen and country., He Pruisian,
ext aga�kly * dear. Viom ibe feeling Thirtieth *street and Eighth avenue, iment. At the same'time the new Treasury unsuspecting Pat es,
Romronts and the '_ erent woild, the has nothing tio say in answer to our letter, Nestorian, 26th 'M Oct. pretensions Of SO WHITE _LEAD'aUpnc
mar and a Office at Toronto was opened under Mr. led astra
inaff ted in the cooiiniry another on Twenty-eigbth Scandinavian, 2nd Sept. 14th y. by the�
lreboallion seems street,' Corn any.— BOILED Xl�b RAW 6%,,
superiority of Protestantism., Protestants Ci be amoulderingand may burstoutafresh small corps ou'rtrenty,ninth street, about 'but proceeds to reproduce part of an article S. Rosif. lato'Cashier otthe Commercial. honest a p 940
loudly about* 1 principles, which he says appeared in Cassell's Maga- Sarmatian, � 9th 21st _1�i 9- - BLACK OIL,
,heit re -the dutie of the Treasury
would appeal' instead" to the ATACHINUI I
atanynipmerit. Whenthe,Govt. settl" ball Way down thA block, on both sides of- In Mont
"u zine. Wer 1y OIL,
an! andL cheer butpeople
�evethemr� if they drank as all thetaims, Mr. Scott would return to tha avenue, to prevent any pdrsons not ill be performed by thd City and District
wouldnot.beli h, country, in P, year or, two) - but 'until members of the orange fr-;t;xnity. fr4jm experience of all "old country" people- A young German officer having got hi ' a Savin- Bauk. Frm these offibeiii ill
ab motives may hive head. hit at e new Dominion notes,,which will thus described:
=TI-ahwhiskey . sweras, outrageously, and the stirveys are madeaud thi6-1ndians and entering the lines. beveral persons ro, We do not know wh Gravelotte was old by, issile th billiard-taiile is And all kinds �of
ere no MOre 1�'O_nest and - charitable th3n; prompted the writer to make ally take* the �lace as aLl 11 First, in themiddle, of the floor was A
ad, he wynlihiot go back resenting themselves to be rangemen doctor that the' brain was ia 1 doubtless gmdu
� it said t or fol- on which- was laid about
oV�,-m ThRATr Must islao-w h. but, being a grain ofialt. rite and tQ11 father,w( circulating medium, of,the curre large goods box,
�,he an nwill take them with e I ba
-tial 13
half-breeds satisfiL p =and all impai W 1. �nolv
the superiority such sweeping h c,�
anypilice. Hesoldi out, his shareof the wereL allo%% ed to pass t&oug A one." periority of Johis, comrade inuse. This may `n(A. be fully carrie olit a ,v�ggon load of s?,ndistone) covered with
of their prind[plea;L by' I l.ght StElge Wag!f,10natkd rather icious looking, �Yere searched me 16w,V 'for he always a
We do not say there are no bad' British I . -I For
OW WhOL Indians by the aulp male a yards of blue jeans HPI! Sale mfiapj
VnitAives. They had Only to follow OtIt mr. -James Bell, of Luekn P "lice, andda aboilt tWentV Wer0 A. female typo dreseed'in ttireov at present, tout it is patent Phgt the first about eigbb
of Orangdisni� soldiers, but we do say that as Ebad lan� ap(irtaut step has. been4ken to establish Pbout NO. 10;
to try the c9oritry Pir three months 1110ft fibund Tevalvers and pistols of all kinds, 'disreputable conduct are to and in the habit of smoking and -having pockets they hadld-bWtS, I cthe Bibler iag6, and as niiiinri �ld lirok BY
.iis fj� ded on the toachings of i not b tfiat time g6tting clubs, and an ol y. sword. From one 91 h to aid in dis.r ionil Bank of Issue, the notes coming for ones they used c
d canteen8s 0 aved' eo have an equalyalue in all hai
fos=aukhis. Hasawby their bonstitu- irsta proper shaiie, lie also ;iill come home. man was takell.a.Beven-ahootr,'loaded a b an drking on, one of th r which will I le
'r lip
an,J if mattors arnst heard and seen in the tents an herupp I" w R. aud to count
be arracks of the ndles; ball&I V9 for ball-,
-was.their book of rules, 'ders &1kt Manitoba 'box of cartridges, and- a roll c9litaimin,g of t3ie Volunteers as in the B ak-� p ri f the Dominionir andbeing, ke this lovelY� game they veed dri
*n, fiatthe. Bible &,Ott con4i her Bel 'dailie The sacret has just; leak pt aPPIes Go. 39. Pairsoull bo.v
5 111rivaW I ahiRl principle L JvaJsA_ Regular, and we. do not thinkthil Trivate' 'h1eag on aclothes-line,"
allit that one. car will be a good fartniny country ilt 'course- 'the names of n&irly a hundred volkinteeft deserves much credit for the assertion that eao.ub however. e needs of the commercial opm
SupremoLoyatoGod. Theyporofessed4ob( nity willcomtrianct theirface valuest OPPOCHD the lbrktt HOU".0
g tjnIe,,bt1tt'that tho..irincipal bdUmi Of the who) had g'ot, ready to dd ditty. Every
'ba A Now Hanishire county auditor had.
A-0uglit to. , o if. OriXoge- lley of,the Sas- few minur kind of food is good enough for the
Christiaus, at I orth e lies in the- es arrests were Made, and in any all times. GOIL
=Vural. virtueswo possess, katchow. latter, while the foirAfr are a inoial, o the following billpresented hi ' for allow-
'tn. . Itenueth ble- a fire arms were. ak6n
men. Whatever He saw Air. Ost every as H ions, so virtuous and so well-behavad gunce in a late oing our, The Chicago Jountal says the move-
weeedthe"liove, of GOct -A-u initiation of� Blyth) slid also om risnoners. - A. fellow - representing re g 'Tile Halifax -Recorder publishes a state-
dge, would not get it, Id owner water, opin woo JU
4ean (the o. that theTe palates should7'be tickled: with �w4k, such as drawin water, ment inade in Chicago in favor of'shipping nev
ev. Mr'XcNabbi, of Lucknow, who himsel a reporter bad furnished him- -the tilts of heigoldpila.
int4an Oranga 'Lo the it iing extra. The beat proof that ile m6nt showing Tet
a by the Holy Spirit. . Ari- and-fbodin caftle the weelii on
.0 &raival principles was— ims far frorn'satisfied Witfi his` qijirter& self with a four shooter, afilmounition, 'and BOruetl grain to Alontreal or Now� York has been or the first
it illu3t C91111 ecationt in Nova 500tia
gms-hoppers- drunk, 21 dole. uit6thoroua, op present year.
tfier of, their rivatis" knows nothing. about the real y asfitated, and ome good In
Thwerops " yearif the &club.- He gave his name as McGuinness, and gathershisinforniation, An. 9loping' wife lately addressed the LOTgitalion. thfie months of the
tav'a too, their folloff creA!fr0s- In't" 6s their did no! last yockr) oillY, 10V them and was taken incharge, together wjt�i date ofthe casei . -.—!I leave. Walready sulted from tl Whether O;nOt theyiaa is in excess of
-pf a..-Juadixu, 0116. of 101 V from soraps-'of magazind'articles-4a-that he following notiko 4ior liusband lit iscouced d1thaf New York chn retain 'Is no
heat troersw and disoussiou, in )mphfiion named afraid.or ashamed to give us his iname. yon mine -and tom's -pieture. , You-Iiad , that of former years wecanneit Bay,
tother ftys; ffi6L had been sometimes for- "011tv an Towards. two co'd1mik the. iielghborhood Is the western Jg6* trade only by the canal, ado in the figures. It is
when in,notierseriolisness, would comparison is
ivate If as much, afraid ofhis'body as his nae, better breakup homend live at bome.. The cost of ransportation by rail s too that tile work pays, and -Von
gotten, - but all should Seek, t*- 611U rather than 1=71 ofthe, Orange hidadquarters. became in- uVe tn and that clear, he Of Nova Entia fire.of _100
prefer, to stay ill his liev IL the muster-xcill the I I better than ill> Ton uoaa-%ill to4ard ioneit."' turn Jo �his - old- I 11oluoi I Ne1irly all L ti:Le tenali crowdoil, and the police had much the. sooner it is off in great.. 'The anal' made that 'city, a that the go,14 m
Ist, Chris', better; is why I have.jone." I lip. A
diffloolt$.kn ee thin bounds. nble vahle' In -the table W
kinupoin- them"Ives a t idthrogett, their pilgrim- k ipir4theimobivi noit corre4ly, speaking, keep
lid., 'Youra truly Toront! beginiCing -has been made in th e- oanaYre- E nalaud,, 21 �istjuctively Protestani party he won Dran formed, �J% 4870 eibigrautd ;en districts
Thei u�ere tile �Itly�party that e9041 � About 42 �-30 the, , ., gemen 'DiE, Two OBSCURE IN361vIoUAiS-" dlirng. the mouth of. 3 ano, '61' 00m 90a forms'needed, and cim9equently thetrRflic is inadef I � tiang, hg IQpNi, their lives sod, c6tt- - 'Ila Grigg 'CIO, 63. . - street,below Eighth avenue,. - ----- - I before gis.carried *no in these vAit bLe heid wthoccntmI Setoi-A in ttc
alris arih it, Twenty-ninth 'jSL in which Zninin
thout re�roach, 11� was le eclutches Q 'EDIT WOTB._It ine in
ORIAL 0 al- is aug6enting. New
ouse, from, the ad, at -the - &me -time -the 2�id, regiment, just as- well roma Ca the all York
ductwouldbewl ivit their lie a 0 a of the, 4ivi- ten diistricts � il�ariy thirty quartz mills are
that firm ha -this Prussian failroddi p first
ith the lj� if -they -asked UsIdn. elevators with storage 5th day 4f liff i1sunt.
tLIA the- Only under Oolonbl,'Porbiir Tn ohed.past,'and Tilesday the �2
hap& too be W M, so( that 11lid discussion L 4hould stop' at Capacity in active operation. During the
tbolf year-, would be happy if oint, -. as Arag� nflis , *f this �year there we
bim h dusiwhere they itself but to greater length. deonds " hig-has, tiventi-four -itid B*llan, uf-16, three mo,
ig th avei p Aunity peicent per 4nilum. 950,000 bushels. It cannot.aTUd to . Y-�t2gafit
in. Psr 4 line froln St.- PA41,& to formed "i"On. th partieshaenowhadafairopp6r -trade. The advantage of rtz, yield in on TuL-daYtLO Es'st IL
dA to ned through.., loadea with -baill. C&tridgrdjj� -�Xex e Be losei- its gruiri: tons-ofquar
47 be with them atV until two days after thay pot, say A., towares income for the past a ti I vach !day Lt 0 U'do-k
litticfle�._fng wait done 111 b , the we must y T. nts, Montreal and New wo
6mpe ng Po tal of. Camd1dato fail nrstelss rc�:KfA
S3tyTff,_11is character 'had o L n ok the
leted o4ch -the n(wth,of the 22nd. Thetoolicower6on. In' Some' -YE=md =d
them by the be s ofbe Ei -to O�`or 5,000 ounces rtb -xt- eommeac'ng
Y_ he 6th Tegimefit, which took 8, position.to of,expressing thomisbIves a;td
There was 'Hof recorded ghtli, Y6rki willbe felt by our producers in to
ekwly g9ne, bofOT0 'tin officer, who mu 11,*ou i I In- tendthoc=
OURW . 1 4 1 . I . . - . , ' Collection- District bipteased value -of their very next crop- -fy small, only a twcatvii. -Cancuda
in the 401 (If 4115 the east sidb of �h street and the mWta stavices th yield was
b140(X1 and- this Custom H in ToNd numbers, $100,000, cC7-M^4t"
ry In- e
-o111W ftt 1CR5t tt"�
Whatevertho price maybe it Isillderta in other in- baving ir ,
w1w i lity iif glorior-S, themory, that vrould. 2ion to cross 'tho owthe west, itid it, -would hav'Er seeme to' few.grainis to the ton; white faugLt Eebael fc,
'00�ball , GT hav FF,
-Air. high as six or seven ve=,:apd those for
Britisto beartt, totheolld, of for larst 01=3
br* dftr t Uj1itoa- States' boundary - Hills, Grigg be the intention to have- the Ora�ngomenL Tho utg� wvae. )y be higher than it havobeenwitb 8+
Or tio.n;, ances it, *a It is said that the
hOX4a out -tis dompoeti
ii�ver to be, f6r,"otten, Some iqewed, out o emigroilts: h b tw thatwo They pre;,. ounces, tailie ton. 1D1aSeCW1de1n�3 fro,
it, IGNAL,— 'Ageutletnan, in beginningto, In near y LA11acates r a a v d did 'MR�_BVITO so write out �jM%JL-11�StO13 SCI -It ID t::6 In-
41nineitho tofttinustuce. of thi 'Co., a . 8 1* , the' lit -aired* weeto cheer -
S t
c03d Ono i0dividUal" appearhu. ej an A iiept, cleait, freali are-taying bands6mely,
1 40111 , $in acomwen;.Oil Wsquoak agaftil, well-irraugedaud wellsltvatedbous6, a bond, thus -91Kuow o7le. woman overy-caSei, the, S 0 0, 113fi they iaia it atirrtl tip, aui; ot"nes as in"& d1*11 Iiiet jaumber; orelrOO. They 1ad. -two gTrivAte"J'a ightho roces. Ppectaos,a. 0, Zt Xatcz0WCC'kiJW&U*
,Hold on," e:
Iaiftftlm 4vo -pact the Poor tlliu,;, is no - Suartz to thd ay of 63 05-30 more freight than was cac -7aT uqq., &nfoth P.
no ill -will Vi V wl!he Canailian 'Goviirn� I banners ; one, theL StaXl_' at.4 Stripe$; thd t loug-out of as wkill physical in-. by the XAMime4 dgr the is very ex� mosities. 0 on ait earHng. I tx sexercises a moral gold froir
e�jlot tespimsible -fortho d wonder liecomplains ed by
any, and- wore menthas certainly' very culpable in Other a b4nner lieartriga pictarosiMilliam Wh sortg,al I -C flueuce, over its inmates, mikes the m6m--� -a laVi'ler, "it.shobld bo "Know all men peiisive�, and can Only be Acarri JPETE R ADAMSON
-01 __ i t ne after4ho long bars of a family peaceable and consiflerrato� by w those pr se'll . ts
their u0i &Two eforemig-mul4o, Over'Which OfOrano- orilloiseback, anillksmallo, anipaignan he hard bat, 0 %.Vpry Ivell" sid companks having a 'ecretary.
Ne-#� York' I. very ee- ties be Was. in As he
transport. any necessary on the X`Ws, it, xwkwff
cherish. In - rithwllthejnsoriptio�l, "Americanp of the feelinga,andhappindal ofeach other; the g6titlemen, "it 0�1. -umna9z, 4no.ws
c ot tleman
or I )sa, the young gon ow i
orau,a bretherra 1 t fre"r or dtlisl implementsi, 1IO)r men, fall in." After waiting- got home, the connectionis- -,obvious between, Ahe all �Yaw, wi be ir t kn it 180-' r
'hour tbeW some time supp( rqowsvisbesuss his oiller's apran ministerial alijdate era vacant -ixtboirl-A agent, but that h1w,
thehr blood. ome e0p t e - ithollfinten I sa personal privation; for a bandof musid� -it at IvAt. sorrived', and got a, flim hilia of af A FAM FOR SALE,
tit stau of mind thus: produced and habit -of ' Two, to state that be In of n1l Tv
pt0ior Wng . 01; .3 3M
p the. proces on Ile honest and enterprising the lineformed' L b(Tutr-thia time the string and poorjea� mM 1hers and'. fdf 14pothe leff MS. lone
Ott) !!l 'restots� f0f'Ol . those higher pulpit, named Adam iatil LOW, h3viuXtO m Y=- t oss
Xiia the ba� �11 bij troubles in the. army. L The in- , ations ndrlaw c u. th rl who Drug*b-7111. OF us Amt," VIVEN , ritl�
th-at when tho Fe- to, ere We 11shearee wots pigige, stationedoil.the, otherside of- duties and obligg. which an pretteh o a aama'spuday,� LON, k ]?ARM TOR!, , -11 are,
vissuot i - - i tnues oftlLe 1:'a ing tile streetl�,. ]sind* Q71ti33ns to go we havearead. and Weet made a rush on �the, mcqs I it was vidiolli borriparlatin be made - between flid for Ilia text"
,ona were p=A4. , anc riforce. Ontlieleouttaiy,afiltitirqaalid, preiiched in the'murningg, tq.ok
TUC IfORAT-of all 'bowed big and tn llpts and the oiur;iteer, s art thooFjl� In the ovoiling INSOIXIENT Aff OF 1869 - x 31=612 *0'
(I While fh!S them. L =der Cultivation A
had baen receive MarritoU it, still r led 1-�4i 16
ticaUy ix� About feared agarioral- �-ro would. tako-p*e. xiona Awe I more AdAin where
MR& �Tendered
at -and has ma spite, and I his 63%A ofthe bcaz1fffu1iY 65tu2t�cd-614y"'Mdlan tbo
,WOW' 11; Was that two years. irom now will be Ab'Ou The trouble howevet;`Ivu 4ue,114 and, i�_liorance of tl�d Britis Ar �wrdtched by. ii;.nolto ' �YMlectilig. L tte WIS
going on that the trae-heart- alitheyk . 1 -1 - - a Aditin gave return shot, In te County _"Ryf2 �
I N' York werepma- OsWa� to wond o'clock b,lkedby Old, which none -of thii decencies of lifean be for,his texty, %u here am -L" County oofHurarr inthe mod- noToollze aI�RT966
the -signal for sttrtlh� was jivou been justly re luiies lkal.g CH01ce rrifit
V tng L 0 terOZoolm -Gil PZP
The processio1i started - aild -wo -Wee, bere. ele4a irter m entibn !of tli# 111011T AU 111-
A 69T%uu rel e c4lotiringto his cbservedi contribi;tbi t 'makaits�uii venthAtitilialC011v ovo
7nj#ib16y resteil upon onoug�'V ;notes a Uani rThe� E10 Solvent
4,11 MimliOrg ba the j16t6rs,, who were quWay tumme. libabi(atts,sonsual, and regardless I Ontailob. Teaceris' Ass6alation rum -N, �155QQIe
Order to will take I �d
I true, -Ancl true christians'.— ttiwle(ly Ila authoRty at all. Toronto on cD�yTErEI,722aaj)AT4Dv,&7JcusTwExr dt&th1v1 ofthe Ipm , -tl-,e
fight'bytep6lice. A.lar' Uum- assertions% which is the feelings 6f each other; the constant I - at theXoima
go subli passions end , ervffe—rri eath A School ill M
-of- 0 `W=0ri4ded-xH1 11 byp&y�b�- Mto
other of the riotm I itidulgence. o p Young will Cour muer the said Aoit: st-p�i
man wim eintoro(l the order with Iftst, �%Vttwjl,110611. wero.clubbea And taken would adVise _-him -to staY at h me the 8 of August. I t J9r a
proing Joh-N 4GIUSTOUR Apg
not Coprehen stuffier h vlunteer. -cidipsan the ev Azle
prison ti r nil the transition is,rtatu deliver thepie W. R. sQuiur.
A thqusture of me as he is not th� rK
jj�.Qlinp dd. rig I eckless, b OAT, ning a
'Justitutio, u. Ad(Z atch from a telenTajih Operatorat I whoi ant �voali al to propensitiosand habits incompatible bud he -session wil aA d on those I probaby 1D
tedwillpleare would fiLilit better r i big Attomey wl,lftenm
uti�e that Agrictkl- h hid take 11, Fifth p. a dozen nT ofeminater o aps. riect for- the 1)ro1vrtydf othe daiys. 'it is �Goiderjrb.Tdy 13tb len, who Avenue,Hotclsa�i�, About3 m tlia To$ expected
were, stillmors turat will hold itAtuoual Fall as fho� troops WereL passing L dQVU 'Fifth 3[ours, or Ur the law%,
col th *Rl b out-
Xn1 misco-iduct 011 tile porkof V1�11M;
Mr. Tay__,,AvQUM -Whea b�,tw�en itv;�Dty.$ftit an i'em to-11sy nut t%
A414o. 19
P 0