Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-07-11, Page 21W
local markets are and- will be all, that can
t, Tyl-gAsus, They are ragin
couseqttence of a, rotten tyatem' of
reuit- Couritt Council, or the -entire irerogs Me boi desired by the producer, 'and too good HANS FOR THE MILLION 11
13itt.(�tir'groataiitrtlixetuwlio op�oie Wili the public, nity-,.ut so far they have not been fatal,
mTo Han on '9 rovemei Quors.,They are looldrig excellent.- I'gr the 1comiumer. I need only quotes
111�1;slighiest innovation with as obatinate afunda.',
of manipulating 6r mon*! 110i. be irra,
The Councilmet in the wn I - fe�r present pripes to convince all -of this :- THE SU.BS0RIB1&ZAMGESTA33LISHED AN-EZOLUSIV9
a ir� -not asafle op 0-totho.count The straw.appears as if it was -not going to
A the evening of Friday, It inst. Present, sistanto,'aa, the orious Jini on duncila,
racti, prc Ct. - - x -poor at that -sells for from $100 HAT, -CAP, d, FUB STOBE
racte - be very lougi but it is strong and of a A'a o:
the racte fihe f 11 win 11 cc im
e NILL or chair,'the Reeve, Deputy see no reason to 4evia�te froin ract , few qu at o 0 0 9111 in iful Color Fl. isating a to $125 ; and beef is sold at thirty-five to
'11, 18-11. eaye, ouncEilors Olifford, 0 , ociOnati f 1116 po :, ave we a'0QuntyZngiueer?,-rWho, besixt, armers, aresT intliq new building, erected �by himself, last Funimer, onest'Siae, Market ga�Ar
rabbi Da ad in our'g rench w Wpound ;butter is-abouthe
ucy rest F forty cen!� p
-ei Gardiner Det-- L uke of is he here in lie when public contracts bountiful harvest this season.
Same pnC0 ; IE
ist contliry, -that, 4 filling the
on, ' rolon, PAsmoi -should be inspe at.doos he do, in gs realize from forty to
Savage and Sinclair. Ily withi4he outpoi,ring.i cf. work- eted?W11 - . - I . IS NOW REGIUVING AND WILL OPEN
Z07-Iftudua 24=19. - - . 1, Tile iilO AVk WAOXETICH. fifty contser dozen ; wheat is 01-125 per
tes of last meeting were readi ap- housei, penitentiaries and.convict extab-. general?-DoesWrecoivo anypay for big,
b#shel. It is expectea�hat ufterltariext for the inspection of the public, on
6 Ifonest.vid llidiciftw M'ant and sived. , A b6mmunication was lishmonts.12�ftg t he Says -A wor]-.?�Does . he thoroughly . know his Suieli�-XrBoyd, a well - knovii; farm- pAces will moderate cousiderably, still on
4 gementhas proved. 0 On Saturday tfie4fhay of March, 1871,
read from, Arr, AV:m. MoXay Secreta'7 number of. are'placed ill 4h Auti6al-ls he kesponsible to any pers n or er in this neighborlipod, Zorrindited sui- account of the immense immigration, of
Ban Board of Public Sellool Trustees, notify- apartment, eitting, drinkig -and aleepi ng personsfor Iiii erkors or�wilful stupidity? -
is once more on hangin,,'hinise shortly speak, I ps, andurnishing Goodsever broz!ff71t to Gng7e,-,,,CA
If on 9, tree in, his which'I shall do* not Boo 17to largest and best Stock of -Hats, Ca
"Ouft*aa solid basis. ing the Council that the amount required together, there-im d his respopsibility?- aide by 0
always a danger, unless Does'he understan a cause how -it is at a likeli that they will come consifitingofthe Newest btyles of
--the current year,.we Couitity Council satipfied�nfth the fulv own Woods, oil Friday last., if, -
At the -Lillitil Xotbia in Toronto, the for school purposas for llregulatoid and looked after -6f abuses lathe evi5� reason -
which led him fo'coni nAt this iish act is 16anything tobecalled lo ngUsh,: York,, & Ganadiau Fashiouable Sllk� 33eaver
o..1ler ilay, the"J)bwt -referredttiFinauce Coin. creeping in, even let the persons be 'toler- flimentof his trust! Nowimtheseques- E
recixould be U5814 iposed to be able, for a few years at lev at. And before
-it notexactly knowni but stir
A communication was read from P. Adam- ab ion Xpuitoba thas produceft exportation,
f 'r the 'ry 1rP056 Of the concern Y reapect&ble. How much greater the t� a are axtawered� the. affirmative, iary difficulties. HatS, Fur & Wool Felt Hats
soil, Esq., CountY Clerk, notifying tll(k danaer whon men -who are driwn, as, a t appearto anyjudicious thinker, that o,,vipg to pectin
mus railway facilitits wiU be at hand. By this t the latest Styles and -Pattsrns for wenr. Most of
fron, ruin) PrOducedauxaiiiiable blance, Council that the amount required for rtilt',.frotLit.tliolowast.order.of iftietY *are the County Council, or at least ?k majority ALSOt spanaClotil Caps, -o and as f claim to Lav L's tb
-ugmt body ofrepresentative Men, Aitumn it is expedied tb a the Northern " this Stockbas been made specially to my order, orouh
3:1'2et, e Warmlycongratulated Cdunty purposes for tile current year was thusy thrown together without any inoral of thata Picifle Railway will Va completed to th' knowledge Dt.t-ue JIAT and CAP business widbe able (with the large and laakl
—on th' which enabled 8130.2 -D -referred to Finance Coin. Mr to *check and regulate thont.1 putting implidit reliance in the represent a
Hort ard of School % t4 'I showing, how a morally, inclined tiorwof an individual who holds a - sort'of Fj%on irk. L-UXTON. Rbol River, and aa soon as thisis done, Mr latiallY reeeivinj
LzTTF bavon handlosidin coat'
thOln, difliculties, -gn suggested that the Bo ='of Hill, Griggs& Co., assures me
a solicited, in the ViNv or lit is quickly* transformed into what sinecure oflice under their patronage, never - MOST
to Submit an Trustees sirould b rejpo�ndenci of. the Huron Expobittir.) hij Jrm will undertake to canvey wheat, TO FIX AZE THE EYE AND FIT THE HEAD OF THE
oz�ly d of the heavy expeaditure of the town for so, often characterizes thqAa, old Fastidious, and at rico that will- do Competition.
i6v of such unoloubte soldi6ra -, -themselves take any personal interest �in (Cor WINNIPEG, Hatittoba. Ji4ne 15, 1871. - i g from Winnipeg -to fy
to lie Roes onto sy—Et- is something like the niatter of seeing pidblio,epittracts prop- ol, P
wdr�. rLelected to the drainago and other necessary purposofs, rin
puttin Believiug that -the County of H uron. has Duluth for twenty-five cents per bushel.
da actorat o forauqgler yL, -= The bourse de!ay for one year the construction of a- l � % nurnber of sheep into a. den of erly implemeuted, and are mroady to a a its full share of the residentsof Ontario -When it is remembered, that heat at W, M. SAVA vea
of the Itoxx Don soli6ol-house in SL Andrew's Ward, for morally ispeakingtriplace innocent rifice six thousauddollars of the peopleh; ;h Goderich, Xarch let, 1871
Macdonld, who whose thoughts and hopes are cast'towards Duluth is in - as. goods position as thong
which igdloo Was put dowu0in the esti- &rid susceptible youp.- won -in a room, with money 6n a stereotyped impostor for7 a Manit6ba, the idea'strlikes' me -that a few it werd at . cagot . will,,b
fought hartf a -ad Ion" �or the radical in a Hhrrack roollIS SilpTil?0foverplentiful mud, as thev would- I a seen #,hat ates. lie thought they had done pretty c,.ilifirnied blacloguhrd practical remar4s thereon, fromone who Ijitle appreh)iision is called. for- -on the
charigol, abot4 whj4 -hoiisos) and are the schoolaglihe w1lerq" thous- on an honest man for the same qu�utity of
'quediDn. Ax
ourse at the time well lately in building school a certain eytont, "ariied ont.the land," will Marl Q; Lathan regarding rail
sorrie of the War%A Scohools seemed to him an -ds ofyounk,-mon graduate for perdition. genuine gravell We who live in the viom. a dekree of interest by, at way orwmi THis DAY AT THE HAT (IAP Am FUR STOUJ
there opinions, is now fully L0018, Mr This is strong lantudge,.. Icaunot find cannot reconcile ourselvis be read with f the Ex-, facilities : besides what has already
to ba rather nurseries than se -1 ity of this road I least, a poition of the patrons o been mention ad there is no doubt of the
viewed as oubi of those - and which. can be 1, 1
Garditter, -With all due deference; differed, ildofto express irny idvastruthfudythiy -to the justice a any. dera
but Bur.-ical operations withMr Horton. The populatiori f the ade on us 6f expanding our it&tUte labor -PiSITOP. completion of the Northern Pacific, by the
0 in ate seminaries ' o uin Ifi To the now -arrived, the first observation autumn of -1 �72, to the boundary line at
P ve the patient from towil. was increasing, and the children I make no 00111 but upon it; seeilig, or at leas
rendered meni-on �he � above, t lmderstaholing, is suflicient to imp�ess him with the Pembina, ir Din which po
leave every reader ttk 4ra Aga wn c:)n- that as the inhabitants hav int it will in all.
otherwise iaavjtA'b1U dissolution. Atthe fiffl proportion to the adult�; aud as it was 6 so lately, thougbt that the importance of Manitoba probability, be extended to the interior of
t -to whother my through their Council,
o e Ilon. compulsoryou. the Blitnicipality o eau- paid a more than dobs-not lie nbarly so muckin what it is, this F�roviil�e." Flifthermore, there is the
Cate the children, sufficient accontra0da- "baseless"ornot. sufficient sum, for jutting it in a substen- as in what it'UQ1 be. The most ordinary conternplated Canadian Pacific. Butthe
tothe Expiess, made tion must be provideot Ali Crabb agreed I ours 4e. tial condition, as a gravel' road. The full . adividual readily percieves that this coun- American road is the one. that the in-
� -1 Newest
the remarks, r re Sam—er Flats & Caps of the
with Bic Horton, showing, however, the IRIVATZ. responsibility of keeping it in propel ha's a grand future in store". It P083- habitants of -this Province are setting their
f1mi Don:%ld 1.1cDoliald saii that there Ward 8chools were pretty well crowded.-- Godertch Ittly 8,-. pair shbuld naturally devolve on those try
would be no impropriety in his in. He thought tho- dbhool rate might be kept who through error or selfish Cupidity made eaex a hearta-upon. STYLES IN GREWf VARIETY
tile ennor4tnlatiotts which the dwn by paying the farol-ale it more of a quagmire than formerly; and SOIL, IBMIGRATION2 LAND, DOMINION GOVFAN-
statements he in AMBEP-11Y. KENT.
While dividually that our copcession and otherdivision wbioh, notwithstanding all that has been
theY I -%'I MtOl�ed to in regard to the 10r salaries.' V 3EL X C�
posiion 0 lines of road naturally claim, and even man, be, The immigration to this Provinceis
f t64 �-Dauk are %-ell Calculated thougght the erection of the new school- WEATEmR.—The state of the weather for ne- said in its favor, has not, rivithei
to@viike. 1twA-1t4i%unpIeasantdiity,,-n housa should,be deferred for a year, I cessitate -the full Amount of our statute over -rated. :- rich, black, vegetable something enormous. Every day trains
a former too--ta-urt, to 'figure prominently still he would. work heart and hand with sometime past has been of so conflicting a labor. The Reeve and the other members inotild, to the dopth of from two to six- ofteams are arriving, not to speak ofthe
are as scarcely to aamit. of description, of the Township Nuncil made an excursive fe4t, underlaid with a stratum of clay, is, large numbers that come bv steamer. Goderich 23ra May, 1871.
in a, tuovoniout. a manage- die mjority of th'e School Board.— nat
drAected'. inst. ihht be as On the night,of Thursday and Friday laht_ _survey of the state,of roads and bridges I believe, anexpression which, in a generar yesterday, both the Selkirk a�ud the In -
"On t whIch ho honestly de'wtlled danitgrons Mr Davison. thou -ht it n, '. the temperature assumed* so rigorous a
to the, intures, weil t-1 fabo tile expl.loditure now as anoth- one day last week, and it is to be hoped way, indicates what -it is. To understand ternational arrived, the former having on
t of% the shar,hulders er year. Bir (Jil3bons thought there was degree of Boreal frigidity, as to be much that from the ocular proofs they have ob-' What it'does, the variant glance at . the board one hundred and _ jorty-nine, and
Whatevczoth,ar.%-may lls%vo t1lollght at t
he more characteristic of January than June, tiined of fthe miserable condition -,Of the luxuriant crops, to be seen on every patch tile latter thirty-eight passengers, mobst of
time, ha know, hat the demand for reform nureachoolacanitiodation for the pDplilatini and faanypoople Who had pr,%viously placed whom are proposed settlers, and, I al;i,
lie h id seen. no was in- Saugeew road,, throughout the northern ofeultivated land, at this season of the GUAT SALE
which h6t venhirod. to urge wits ampy t1l" any t"`wI was ot full their cooking stoves in outiiae. premises Lfield, even in the present dry year, will suffice. Never�, in, t4e mOst told, that hundreds mord axe on the way.
jilstidai'l, Jnjpro,)(.rt; it to!&is dis�.ontent formed the Central sch-pril section of Asb
Z to were, however reluctantly, constrained to
then N Ills, &Itis�tctin. -Fhern was no necessitv for keeping, it for take them season, that at their &at -meeting some fertile and best ofiltivated sections of noble Very few though, I- am sorry to notice, C>39M
The reform in again. The wind, oil bothe
a certain agre only,aud he tflought, useful suggestion or propositi6n will be old Huron itself, did I seec them excelled, are not disappointed,1 upon their learning
wl�tivll his humble, efforts were inteuded to P"Pils "f nights in question as ideed it id for 8
it should be fivea up, before speakinix of brought forward and recommende& to the and indeed rarely equalled. I have on- the tate *in whichn #e the public lands.
'3 th
-, hnz baca-a"ecomplished, and smite
Prieto' several days befoye,ble,; with very piercing
gs---at ievAt till thu viral which point consideration of the ratepayers, in order deavored to ascertain as accurately as possi- Vp to this time t e Viovernment has not
%we witness to -day. Tile pre- put . ting up new buildill ence from the'north west that proper stei)s may be taken to have— Ban krupt Stock i 1VIEW 00y"
main sewer which would take $4000 or blo, the yields peF-acre, of tbe various surveyed a . single acre ; the Indian, Half- aMIMag1te'aiant ha.R earned the ratitude always seems its favorite one, when
an -J coudeiwo orall concernud in the 8.3000, was completed. Mr. Horton said instead of theresent bogus, a bona-Als staple grains, and the result of my eudea-% lireed, ad Hudson Bay settlements have
ould be Formed of the ext intent on scathing us- with. its snelleat gravel road. vors has been about as followB:—Wheat, all yet to be made; and there is not an -L-r
Pr-IiPer.t7 of t1t6 institution. The me,,,,- no conception c Field Ex4rcises, author d:Ed. 1870.
ures tatielting penditure that, would- ue required on the wintry ire, leaving many pr6of' "nougat BASE BALL.—Mouday last, being adt aever less than twenty bushels, often ofticial. here, of any kind, from who ire_ Manual of rtillery E mercises. so
e the ra-ainstment e potatoes, and other tender av 111h6nor of t4 thirty, and occasionally as high as fifty ; roigran a can obtain in
tucreo�se of the capitl stock were streets, in Consequence of the traffio with Our apart " a national holid t the firstgrain ofiu-
.F153IVQSs anil thdir administva- stone for the harbor nd salt.
lie moved crops that even in the very noontide of 'The Soldiers Pocket Book by 031.
the solar ltitude that unscrupulous, an Dominion anniversary, in order to expre0a barley, 'not less than thirty bushels, and' fOrmation. Notuaturallyofa speculative Wolselov 26
Thebankisnow secoiidetiby-.)Ir.Datt-.y,tiu),t the Schol outrageous Feni"ta. Jack Front, can find their loyalty and exhibit. in the eyesight'61! upwards to sixty; oats least' yield tium of mind, large numbers do not squat 1bo Board be urgelltly requested not to enter an admiring Multitude of the very softest thirty-five bustiols, highest sixty-five. A .' d . improve the lands, fearing that when by Alajor Dixon 50
ellahled to emplay pr)fitably its oxLensive 0 ?ppo4unities for nizking his noctilifial Box, prolis of their buoyant agility, and fait average of these crops I should con- at t k place they may loseall 0-MCKENZ11i .,Daffy NewBIcorresponEence cf the
lilmalliudry; it rest% it pon what he was per- upon the con-11truction of the No w School asrins and perpetrating his destructive a 'as
IuV heroic prowess, in what -they ostensibly Bider - to be about as follows:—Whett, 1 bor, or recognizing the probability War between Gerninny &I Frauce LZO
building in St. Ward this year, t - I
sundea is a, solid basi.,4; atrd it rioelv raidswith the spirit of the coolest impunity, conceive - to be, the "MiLilly science of twenty-eight biis-hels:barley,.forty�busholis; find g, whqn the lines are ran,. their E[AVING PURCHASED THE WELI, 0apt. HAysho,
th wora-ble cphiion ii'n%v enter and that a cain I xv
deserves I a U mittee, colisiating- of the -$Rodp.iTerE, gig I..s
tainediure.-pardtait. 1�6-fact, itsbares Aiaycr, Reeve, essrs Dayison, % nith and on the most -valuable treasures of our fields Base Balling,"—a game by4he-bye, which bats, forty-fiye bushels. I - hive seen j. roveme either inthe highway, or assortedtock of
confer and gardens. I do - not - think there we has of late become ultra -popular amongst nimnerous samples of all these gmins. The fali I dame,
the t,,e-warat prosperity %rid con6dence tile mov -,'be appointed to 4ivide i themselvesandtheirneigh-
many who can recollect of having ever be -
a certain cL* of modern professors and heat, notwitlistan-ling the fact that the thrs, even an, osing that the "squatters"
It X9 11,�ard. Carried. The I RricENT X70VEL,9.
which fortanatetv attach ro all the banks %Tit fore experienced so juick a transition of their susceptible students, and han also en- variety may have been run -for thirty right is 'rec gnized by the'Go'Yernment
in Oab349. For 6!iii. happy ch -vi -re we are Reporl of Mr. Hood, Street Inspector,
temperature fiout. extreme coldriess. to tered -With a sort of maxiia-likeorifeation years, is much superior -to What has been #Zder these ircurnstances it is fiot, to b
The folt-miag
largely indebted to the p.iiietir nd judici- wasrecei'ei and fyled. extreme heat, as what was experienced Oil, Goods And* GioCOVIBS1 Ralph tbc Heir, <Trellopo's 1"t) 145
accounts were read and orae be paid. into various other ramifications of society; the average of spring wbeat in Ontari6 ondered at, that many. become dishearb.
ard, this part of the dominion, on of and ditherreturn to Ontario, remove
oti labora of t1he Pre'sident and the Bo throughout It Valerie Aylmer
fora- he concurred most coidially Janips 8 '11. lumbe�, e, -but for thr last seven or eight oe
W. M. the forenoon of Saturday, vinen the wind probably on account of the strang ears.* I have ) Anteros by Guy Liviniptono 50
coveied eff-ect which it evidently pro- had no opportunity of weighing it, but I fp Daluth or,Minnesota, or bane uneasily'
Savage, lutaber $63.04; J. B. Somerville, larl'BDeno
ill tile of thanh-a aild*gnodill suddenly veered --round and blew from the Uees, of ;;�agp the manhood and the am told,, and 1 believe the statement, that 4Cround anathematizing the'Dornihion Gov- bilongin to the Estate of Daisy Nichol Z 0
now o . ffmcl thtmi." relief, 'A petition signed by.P. south-east, with such heated and gusty, C i olhood of its adherents into a species of as a rule it everweighs. The samplea of 'in eub, and through the power of A8110 -
ratepayers praying Bred in the Bone
"roin the A larnsun and other violence as almost - to render all, manner of want of Barley would do the heart of any malister ation'become prejudiced with the count
Re -
ort we take a few figures. for the grading of 01ifirch arrect to enabl, nalomerification, which for Zo
157,943 out door life a laborfous infliction of suffo- -TWr name we, may be permitted to term good, large berry. Plumi) and bright; there entirely. Such arethe! fa
The rt�r prj� of the year were ot e ats. At MR. JOHN- HARRIS, Fenton'sQuest- by M'sa PrAcen
in a general Mincing Lane thern to plant sh4,de trees this f. A barley to be ast fifty of as induBtrious. thrifty, ind
eating Juvenised' maturity, or the same terms is scarcely a; bad S2111210 4
aml, Aer Y.miting off every bad debt, read w0l ref&red to Road and Brid-e A Ufe?s AEsize r 0 sort of. way to the prdeess of making red 0
appointed turned the other way-, however, to grat eneire absence f atriode young Ca as
Is The Committee. found ; the allnuxt 0 nadians, the country will Oer it H(z L, raund Blaster - reserVmg for contingencies and C-)mmitte 1errings : indeed most of the s3veaty, some motivetantamount to their' limin f 8 a p t le wirb etnr,?.
pa� e divileads at the rate of 3 par cent to a -insider tha communication from the pre - from Jund till the latt�r end o- .4ver boasted of, leave perthe steimers-to- Nora, or RuEsian p4ncer =2
ed smoked anddust-begritne I countenances to aries, the Kintail- or Puddledreary- Club, rendering the -climate peculiarly favorable :#ay, for the rerritory and state above '
(it avel Road Company, report 40
for 76h; first and 4 per dent for the second I.Torthern be met with on the throughfares -of lifes English Earl
thrgugh their oracular ftniatio for that desirable quality, brightness. inentioned, for these 'reasons. Certainly
to aa nary or See- �-C).U.- -n )L ILI[, Nigel Bartyanis Meal-
hz-H year#tha- directors have been able the journeyings, bore ver1convincing evidence khe tardiness'of the Governmbnt in these tion. Dominic, threw down the gauntlet Oats are also very ilump. Perhaps Some 0 at the credit of a Rest "Your Comonittea appointed unde The PolsonfAsps
place, ,112.W - oftheir belonging tosome of the more (alias mitten) of defiance to the no less pre- of-oiiy Agricultural friends its Huron will 1liatters is most inexcusible and reprehon-
icCount. Tile present paid-up stock is resoluion of the Council at its last meet- highly seasoed branches ofthe "Clan tentious club of Poverty Section, which be led to exclaim, upon reading the figures klible. * The effect of it will be. to retard the Red zw a rose is She.
1,409.000 an. -I th Directori propose to ing in respect of the petition of the Uravel Sddian-" but of cour-se the. pro- in the Storeornpi of Mot too wisely but too voill CA
rejoices in the highly inflated and:mena6in given above, "We raised larger crops than �ettleffient of this. country fol- years.- and Romances of thn BaekooOs ?3�
insuatharem-duing$600,000 authorized I y itoad ConlTilily than presented. and of the p rtion of the highly dried specimens of �ppellatio,.of�"TheTemado(-)Iub." E�ar'-- those, yearsgone bri, in'Huron." Well I ;o drive from amongst us, any of our
-Many of our readers were matter of the indr,�tedie3s by the Coin 0 hat in loyal politenss, we are did, but if I heard The Twelve Romances of fhOSCA them best citizens. in WEST STREET
the charter. flesh were w, ing the braves thereQf to a test of deeds on feel iiati Government is not so
amongst the origgrinal promoters of the pany to� the Town, beg leave to report that constrained to call volunteers returning,in TAnd 40
the field, the stakes boirig the base ball -and thus 3oliloqd-zing, I should be apt --to., frauch. blamed for not having the country
r�tai�ued their Stock legal aclvipo be, taken oil" the owsiti -n of a very desultory and almost oblivious state the batons, which.challenge was most cour- break in upon them, by contrasting, the- jiu:� more, advanced state, as fir urging MoofflTd-1
and, tlose who AND A T 14
-iystena of agriculturethere- inimigration under such circitinstanceEr -L3. J6
have, now a prospect of ultimately getting tile town as mortgagees of tho� road, and 'to their homes,after enduring the toilsome teously accepted by the oracular function- ve,1- excellent a -
li�bk their money in full, with it.terest. the best Course ta be taken for the protee- and arduous exposure of a full fortnight ary of the latter named dub, who also in' in pursued, with miseralle, Blovenlv, lazy To cap the climax.. the Government is ad- M ARKM T. SQUARE.
amole room for the institution to tion of the Town utidersaid morgage, aRa harrowing evolutions in Camp life, on the the language of ancient chivalry driid dirt -stirring, practiced in Manitoba, and v rt g an immigrant route, over which N. B.—This is th
T*a. is 6 isin
sriccesif�il business in this prosperous that until such opinion, be obtained tte Maitland flats. I think this, may in some
give a reply to "God defend the right!" The competi- dosirnated by the misnomer farming. ' I thecouvejance of implementa, stock, etc.
degree accountfor the strongly nitrousand
is disalloweo�L Were anything w,
en tors met aecordingto appointment, and the -honestly believe, that were the lands of anting to CTE
nqfty, 'The aizw�getifent havin been Council cannot property, judjeiinsly remodellpol before it w& -i too the proposition of the'Oumpany. Your bij;minous vapolirs which d ly 01DEST4 fAP
Llense, cTuly cleared with mind,� nerve, Ontario no better tilled than those of provis the' utt "no nea of the re normo -opinion in, lists being All E us'Dnductioli
dire Laying produced so committee ree'araniqnd that the and muscle, strung to the very keynote of Manitoba have Won, that they would ;,�itob� on the part of
late. and the c Cri impregnated every glowing bla quirements of
to call Mr. Crooks be taken oil the: anbjeeL All of to a certain extent, Wond�withth effects of 'tie wheat filie Administration
e.-:ceellent a year's balance -sheet as the utmost tension, the contest raged with yield virtually nothitig. lonagi wg have it in this. magaiine ana News Deput in Wigatex-M
for their rt,-oleaticin to oflice, -a expect to vhidh isresgeetfully subinitted. certain other'unbibementsunravelthesecret took raised for twenty, and even thirty For a man proposing to far'
fast and fdrious- zeal—determination m,to come here
g-2 the, Royal Cmarlian Stoick gradually J. S. SINCLAIR, of the red -herring -aspect. Simultaneous firm root in every bosom, deflance scowled -successive years, in a field plowed two without just such articles as cannot be
0 'y
Ui rising in value, aud,- profits 0hairman. too, with this �coineidness, it being the -,Go, but steadii wildly from-'6very strained and blood-3hot inch�: deep, and/without change of need. carried over the . ernment route, is Usual. hice Goderich Sune 16th 1871. U
ear b3F year. - Dated8th June, 1871, anniversary of 'our great and glorio" 3ye whilst thrilling vatints and encourag- That' the kind -of farming that produces simply absurd; they Cannot be pro) ured
increaanig Y
Mr Gibbous moved, seconded by Mr Dominional.Uniou, le
and propoi� in (;B[�NCE 'To
g plaudits from the oulookers gave 'such the crops which reward the iinsbandman �Cre� and if he comes withoat ifiern, he NOW IS TH-27.
.0= orz=intion. opted. agreat manyld logawhose latent fires -to the echoes, of thi's country. Those being the facts, has simply to rettirn to Ca
Gordoii, that tha Report be ad a volume of pierdilgoliscords nda for them, slumbered in' a, . smouldering state- of
Carried. A letter was rmd fram Mr Me o temperament, had tbera remains no doubt, that were 'as before commencing operations. The con -
a - that people of sensitiv SECURE ARGAINS.
The last Expositor oo*ains the following Derr -it to the effect that the Main Sewer smokiless torpiorthrou�,houtthefrigicl lapse ave e
to stufftheir ears, lest offierige, they jr.)pera system pursued, as is in the clusions to which my observa jo. a It I a
6 pZiotism well worth
La& drained his well, and sking the of June, with deaf forever aftermds. 0 n, the present averaged' in, tha immigration to Manitoba is at
d might become Canty of Hnro t
lU;- —A,-- '6-1 the still alowinir embers of 1 .1 4- 1- -.2 A -RT" "171%r A TATV"M
"Weareinformet4hat ameetingottae kJouncito -ano. erwe o A:t length- tile U inpires caused.s pai-AV.V LO WOULUbe near an some ins Can le to one year - vaneg o ,uv times,aud
Raformars olthe i Kylea M -wed by Mr Pasa� their inherent Britannic loyalty fauned
S67uth Ridingof Huron mitilicatiOl be sounded, and oil coititwitation'of the quite doubled. su& is the expressed opinion of nearly all
will b;.*; callelat,an 'eaily day, for the pur- more, sedonded by Mr .Savage, th-it the lip again., and forthwith CD111municating marks Licored- for either side, it was an- The I capabilities of the soil for the pro- now coming in. Gotlerigh 7th July, 18771'
he hill be their flammgt incense to other old logs and A TTF.NT101\T.
the R.-forra -as- outlet of the Main Sewer oyer t nounced that the Puddledrearians had ducti,in of most other crops is something THB ROUTE.
pos% or re-orga=mg & - won the contest by a insjority of one that yef remaie4 untested., Potatoes, 1L �JL
iocliation, an -1 f arl�ar preparations a vvoriden bfox instead (if the stonework stumpti, in a very short time ' the attraction Practically s�aaking, there in but one
for tha appromobin electUon. contqmplted, and -that the maftar- be re- became 'so general, that almost every mark, and coniequently were entitled to however, are raised in tremendous crops -route to this 0
ountry from Ontario, worthy
ol-to the Road and Bridge Cirtimittee combustible substance between the Beer-
Wea-matone wit h the E, xposif)r as to the ferre carry off the trophy or trophies of victory. and the few gardens (a new. thin'here) bf the desigriation, and this Is Uy St. FauL I have
itlirRunci.11 sheebens of Dun-almon and-theDanof Sau-* pftead3 mentioned the absolute ueeersity- of tettleft
pressmg necaSsity 6fstich &meeting and ex- The Huron Favorite
with powers to arrange n But justlin tha midst of their jabilition, give. pleasing'evidence of ahundant , yiblds.
Soil, to bringlug, along with them w tie -lee' that are uueoil-
bi Nlr geenwasburE and whilst race I lvin- the saides - and con- Certainly;a then Manitoba lr�ts -the ditionauyrefttiol�tranitt by the Fort w1dUam, or
expaot�e,l that the President would have the 0!)ntractor. Carri6d. Moved itiu� forth inone continuous
call--ij it hf3fora no7.. When tha Tories are Crabb, seconded by Mr Gibbons,� that the holocaust 'of New Dominion "jubilation ! gratulations of theiaady lov -Oh! tem- ensure it a grand future, and this is back- -Goveritment roliO,whlch is a sufficient reason in itself
n of the old fira�-engme, presen:tLy lying es, 'for -leading peo�Ie ;so incumbbred to adopt thefomer SAVING
Inproperphrase, averitableTern4delFuego NEW 12ABOR
onthva' art, itdoe4 not b0come us, to be its 1�ora," "Oh! murphies," I don't know edbya
Asia customary, onall great gala -day mentio;�ed. and. itideed, from �,i ?hat I am told, by
oa oar ciae;. at the foundry, bet'gmen tG the property whether th-ats good Latin or bad French, Wrtleswho-1,now Wbat the Fort Willtaia routels, by
serious Xperience, I have no heltaell iu - advklng eveiy
holders at the wharf. (who were willin, to demon*ations, avastand vdry
biltitsuits, me ver -rsoa to avo'd't. Th Idneeand hardships a7NVENTEDAMPATONTEM BY ALZX
repair ie protection f that local- a y -well, an e was pA
Christianity 220=03312T. mount of damaoe was'done to property of discovered intheir calculation, which drew that, I am told* most favorable for the
e4t are unbeamble, and the cost. Iii he long =4 ne4rly, It, bome. Goiderich Tp.
01 , or lack haiint, drawn different kinds through this extensivb jeffecting (A all such crops ias are b
arried. The C the whole tide of glory into t opposite Irnot quite,,eqi6alsthat of the St Paul, to sainutuin -
-are 'of the difference iu tte-time coo PIPA Ave
Tka nmw of Indid makes an anirmnce- attention to the necessity. 0 -of' conflagration. As day by day -y. The seasons
f taking action scene MiliLy o'iannel; for it %as so incofitrovertibiv adapted to the countr rygonew ARTIAL LIST -
t �vhic4sl oulecheer the hearts of all at this rueet'i ag in regard to the letthig of furnishes fresh accounts of the devast - - bid beeit said t6 be decided, that is, Spriii� is not misapprehonsio- ' obtmms in Un - io in egard to the
en I. - - Mr Clifford asked =ear which it ran from,. all o: eident that a 4istake of ten mixed,in with -wmt '-and then t;Iba-laun bondtagofgoodsand stackthro gh the United Staten
-market, -fees, luarters er, It is generally supposed- and in et the ratvay and has mucbplm�reiuoireiingtotbiBVanne-sofiltron
'le the. Bpren of cIrr a nade in sum�uifig. lip the marks, which 0 1011 11a10 I'll & COS now
anles do.uot; appedr to be free fro dW -he .0
istianity ani sbehmbait comp, W St_orl�, ri
w1la see. d What wa to badoneabout the butchers; which lay expored to its.ravages, fields are majority of eleven matters, Winter mixed in with Spring the mistake. orif s I o,.tliey misleaq the pitbl - by H 70f3ito f
-ihandom. It is as in every diredtion stripped of their fences, gave when reati or, Canadians assure me, is far, ANEW CHURW 'Use
d3iika tile o=ifal of he as those who presently rented stalls were to, the braves of the Tornado duh, Who, I The wint IlUdeTtitkit1goertain obligations aft the
or, e4durablo - than in Ontario, and entry ettslom)iolise, the,dwn�r of teams.r, -inventionund for wbich he las mureda
threatenin to leave Wles3 the others sal- with their crops either partially or entirely e , vd4, of his own NAM% GLASS, PUTTY,
sin varions parts of the town wasted, . whilst stables, barns, dwelling a , derstand, with. gr-reat magnanimity re-' though it is rather long, whenthe growing etc. may take possession of the same a 0 way -patetif forthe 'Don&flon of C4nads.' Where already
11Feare very glad to learn that the -ling in store stored, to the Pitildledrearlaus their -for- theut'neross he plal s h Oise , 1ntrodueed,t1kqTtircbasm have eonEldeftdit twinent-
es -have-� less or season does setin, vei7etatiiirlas r�pid, and terminits, anddrive - C"PE, NTEWS TOOM,
mr6l,ra of Mr. R-aghorinathday Aladhow- werecompelled io-take stalls intheinarket houges,-'arld even church feite.d Wiploflionts *of war. There is no NitholitftLrther-let,orhindrancebeyojiEI gettinr his iy wordy of 1U Uame. SPADE S, SH-UVELS,
undergoh lyraiu may be sown aud harvested 'withill 'certiflqateatltho Pembina Castomdoase, that hebas
Mr. Sinclair said he, forone, would more, a eithir pattial or- entire but blood- 'M
paued thebonder. . Now, uo such �thiug Is the eae.
'ja Rnpc4la Bunia merchant of Bombay, also. statin'oh this blustr "THE NURON FAVORITE" SOYTHYs,
0 thoicomplaint, demoliti BtAteath"n three moutba. -That the climate of Mant
,yie., D11tin3-inrha� the datighter of Shot never for a moment listen t tIt-s- likow's less victory ma: S
kinds y have ex the members tob, is a healthy one. Ample a* londed goos. of whatevr raturs. maur be conveyea atid re ' -a
U!)hnndro, and the widow- of, of the butelfars in the market. They. some ins uo�� livestock Of various of the ToraadwOltib in their own esteem, ud living by bonded lines, over the etaire rante that &uly ackaowledge t)mtfor has become piey to its irreprepible fury' testimony of the fact can every day be� trftvalletlinthe-United$tptes,so that the =Y..�f
Would nos stay there, if it did not suit [uaint old Scoti remark I - tock Di teums are ectnpelled to take with tbeili Xn SAVING DF TIME AND tABOR
w,%s. celebrated but to use &'q - 7 -
theiii as a central place, and the -curtail and 'many'- families- who were -on that as proud as if I � found. agant of a btaided line. Tjiv charge for this tervice, STR15NGTR AND DURABIElTy
There was; a large num- suppose "They're just 3lAwmLA Rorip
riglit to hinder butchers front memorable morning irico . infortable, . and believe, hideby HUI, Griggs & Co., -the bonded for- QF CONS rRUCTIQN,
bar f infitiential alad educated Hindu$ had no more were their Uncle- After theii field ex- WATER. waiders from St. Paul, is fetir dollarsper day. This, 8MPL1CITY0FrXFARn-0. HEMPND RIUDDER PA40KING,
itted by them in 'wealthy circumstances were beforenight
r.u.4 Parae�3s present.and a fe Enropeaus, selling beef ill sfores ral plaits thoy-adjourned to the house of oil@ Thn-i'isitor. if prone to hasty conclusion. pay be wrisiderably reduced to eacit ja- EPEED ASD EFFICIENCY LEATHER BIMUNG, aalzcs�,,
r fo
Id have precipitated intoan almost irretrie*Zle 1yiduaf rtrCing in large -trains, as o4p a,,ent jS OF WORKING,
'The' twidaig; 21 year* old, and weDcounect- any part of the: town,than they won of their xaling spiiits, where -both clubs, Will be apt to ototermine that. Manitoba is tiffici6at for ane pa#y,- how'everiarge. many immi- WRITE LEAD, &U ptices,
prevent.thosale, of dry-goodix or. any -vortex of ruin, and houseless and hopelps 3E*3?:W�afis.. �BOILBD AND LA -W OIL,:
C4. TaLs is the first widow marria%e amoi)g to infriendly corul�act� regaled' -themselves not, supplied wit) good vhater, but a little n j I of w 01a have. it seeins., b . cen given un -
7 6atchers now 66 weeping over th b if their worldl - Ors dby e 11waysaudsteambo S, attlie,old Itbasnosuperlor.
Kupola Bunias of Bomb and their pr�rtn BLACK OIL,
hother commodity. If the y era of the other Box, with a Investitatrion will satisfy hint, that he is, Sys preva A, a disposed to la
the iiiarket, thought ptopQr to leave, theze effects. To -da) heavilystan, plenty of candies and var- 'bl atthe oar a 'but in rnit XACHINBRY OIL,
'le a' h I
it th - -red per ap X.Ii.-The paddle that works la tbe errAin caix be,,
it is Itot many years since this Widow - rapy.supper, -1 1 eceived. Up to this time -the f the forwa but in nalf elftLernised,orio.wLeredRecor4ingfe the depthaftha. U�,
would soon others emne to filltheir places. early hour, and a I ous fall -of -Tain has teffes of choice -Apirits; and ever and anon, -settlements have'lleen made alraost'exclu-w thel�ejsuo - onforthis. F"rwatdin.-Is-abasiness. u�esm, or zau)gfil to Day depth.
ed by, Mr.. continued fbr art of the day, the bond : orwa e Ijy fox, the privil. e, give a he&
wolild havi�t been the centra0glyure of the Mr., Horton �niovdd, second abimewhatnoisy harmony, tripped lip' telypon, or near the iiYer bank! and seeuity ertlofidelitirotronsl 'Sna 7Y, THEGRURN And -Al kinds of
al Young the prosent three 110 hars,teristic laziness -(,L Can tall it uniesstitechargesform�*,icestuee at is Y .6- * be seen %t me store of Mr. D. FerpsquMvniltou
on Goidon reviving effects of which are cheeringly the light Untijio too, i until about VAU
1 in.
thefigner�l -1 py re (it her ded- husband. The lassos of the, market, boffered a hyase for visible on every green. thing, Panwdiau It th-- iiihabitants. basl de, 'vi'113d,mn blanie should be attach to 8 St.Godedeh. County orTownship Aguts securvan
o'clock in the, following morninst, w at, nothing, else) of e 1197
atprea--- thistles exeeptek-- entr custoni hous% aud Tavwaj Ind steamboat, of- lib,ralteriiis.. For furtberpartlealars Applyperson-
otyear on the same they were summoU04.,to'niake a- sp,4edy 1erred the mostof'thern from, sinking wells heats; howeiu, who mislead the pt 31lejareertamly
sbiltinQnt, of whiah� this..socond an 'Carried Moved b�y Mr. SAYttgO, STATUTE Lpou.-A-b present a great of Old Boan- d Aly at lot 17-A ISO Cow0oerichTp.or by!ettetto-:
s rawing,-and u-sirgrWerwater i ead., euipable. Asuearly as lean learn, thojidditionalcout eap"
adjournment by the trumpet ust Goderich P. 0.
the triess, abows, 6 peaceful Horton, ththe ti7gB,-- artiountf the katute labor Which ought ctigag which warned them of an approach� -put down, and in a man with a teani. etc.. is from fifty to one AMX. 11CHRORNE. or eale CL
-) ovitlion, 3114 is a see,- 4 1 A few wells -have been , wn : =dd(511arss eorcung toIlie Sizeof the %raiii,ef
H"4 7 .Veid by tile be6tt obtained,' which be Inay forma Part. ItlemsIntimawatotho
in. o. laws in justi�ae. to be perfoinnodontli6 i�u doltige,'and hrried them most casei goodater has 33Y
te3tiMouyl to WO CiVililinf,"'foirce of the G;;.rporation b -Aoino6ssion off to their
the of 1"'bich BY -'a! lolo.liiiiittoaaitLlgllTctsnittet1 tri the I,b lieve flierosre.. MaJoIrRyofeuttgrauts, lip to their arrivat at SL PAul, 10ME. MANUFACTURE
aad other division Iiiaea, of the township,. respectivaplaces ofilb ole. thotigh a tanegs W that atty modifi=don,bistskm -.Flace, verynatitull PATRONIZE
In speakilg 'unjustly, and eivg-of an thay are'apt to,feel anuoyed. It - is a pity tb ns
Connel,with the view of hav�lg the * literally . _, very which itilds not tiqrued, �J�e swr-tf G. H. Par -so & C0.9
ex printedfor the ue, of thi membois. Ther la`4 thro*i% away bu our, so:iialled uatut6, On # cWeric', T'P 7th July, UM
unreasonably the water apply as mattdr is not better underatoDd in ontutti., T
nuisance of haying. sho�w,; obhtrqetibX the gravel road; which term, by. a cDn4oiexx- IWC19 is not all
Go. t House ko a whole. I coublude that while 1POLITICS. Opoeite the 31arket Huxeo
aith ar Iiiare, � for' aiweral daysi inthis that inight".1be dekred, 10s, -in better . From what Ihave betaitble tolearn there 13 but
ift, is -no wiindei that inTalida lose 1. tiouit way oforee ning.. is. an
having been refaLred to by Me. Clitrotd, ous misnomer ai there U scarcely thialt utu i the poilitirs of'%Ianitob&�Zncl
in 4ill spegifics, when so.many wortbl I placen Dominion Day between the Shoo than many. a casual -observer wo 68-yMpatItybetwe.] .
sdiertise(Uforthe en Stilith and others; it was -mb ouebush6l of thecommodity callp4grav911 Flya of Wroxeter, and � Maitlandi of this ppear A FARM FOIR SALEo
ved by' Ontario. What political differences there area
re to be aimost emirely of a local nature., Few peo)e,
Xx Sinclair, 3 . t1or, that no, 'in its p -h TUCEBBR, FUELS ANDMUILDING Y
aft; by Mr. Do oa a 'thioug ATMIAL.
bld which, when trio roperli jindersto ense,
place, which resq1ted in a victory* for the pparently, e&re to know anything aboat DoMinlon
are Wyet allows subjeeb-to license be allowed an the out the entire lenith and breadth. of the k3hoo'Flys of . 49 -runs. The gaine was not- There is no purpose in any MaIn shutting pintleir fart -her than to berate John A. XwAonaldOs A PARK FOR OF Us ACRES, WITHIN
to 1fl L on, hiji ey ie fact that there.
of the first fail=6 of Market Square. Car#ed, y'oaid be4 Iled.tliere )f a regular � is a scaraft ;&dminast tution.-for
Dr. -Adjourned. last contrjZt, Lug to the rule the manner in wlitch theybava tl mfles ofthe Town of boderleb, 79 oif whleh1re
urder I I and in goi0a erdi= 6 me e
played accord-' dealtwith the Red River laud =tters. ItW-.a con-
jErellmof frita, Merry, tocuro
thewh eynte4alusea on that occasion Of timber in this Province, for the -lactre, Clusion With all Partlei,that the Raidtobs represes Lake Huro ;And
match, as -the umpire did not 8 M s. I unded by
base 'ball i The timber allti mvel RoadalI he waytpd
-beink simply mud or il-ay, sindfowandfar min princip y made use tation inilwDominionParliMentis purely
C0145, auil, pulmonarydisease. M thorougily understand the gaite, ?rid the ut %I,. Dr. Schultz baviDg been.eteeted on the Opposition , Am
ri, Ad play. no 6thei way as they e on Pe aIdtbere is a LargeDrdmrd on the
between A few boulders -of lime. anc other of is poiplar,-and except in jce#ain quFtqriy I no
Shoo'Flys wou tialret,notwithstaildirig. Local difference,; lin, ill 0�ce Fmit
9tones, varymg _Vfrqo 'the supply of that 12st
T To the -Editor of the 711tiron Signal' in size frout-that of a cool(ed, and, dried itself islimited. -vie le.,;' , tile nztdre of which I do not fallylunderstand,, Vuonrx Nvara had eveiY11-mi the San- U so as pbsorvei thd feeling betweeu the RMS.
:--�;t at,,& that. �rriy. last letter CrWs head to, it 4alf-gr Idin rid 0 e , much-talkeol-of cool regions of �o . re.41rdofthepurcuse= 0 "tired'd WZ, the DRAZ S3 owri'Puml` -I N the Iafth6mo. The joine lasted _I artle intaterha im Opposldon-U notnearly , on o TICTORIA' HALL
11roh tv.. , ii . -; ',& score or two solut as peolils In 01itarto wo pr9ne to imagine. balateenityremainasIrlignsit N it, the
atih. sofna fiery burte of it, Of, Bilialler diminsitiniwhielf katchewan mligt be looAked to for A. hAT1 PlIrtle
firit years. Dnr1n!4 " 1 7 hourse 'feels rnetedout� bv the pow . eris byTiltyingintemtevery-Eiimbutbiiati6wct.nt, for
"Ildividuals �)f e cannot ber-utilizedtill rfauy i ipj
digruation from some-tw4oki the wildly wanton school urchins have nmiWa... - Ap�jy post�pafd to.
r""It I 6w.,%Tked that though supply, -.'aud iffies THE WOR-D-RI]NOWND,
d 4own, I see no fnrt4erl;�rtlntilarx
nhh10:TeCJ 'o Seeing pitchii thit: i6nstructionl
er. hii*t�b-l# obscurity, whosi-46io Ion,-, ago exhausted tgth,em siihe�. f -the Canadian at ,sind d go. -Ism fizowne XACK&Y
1.2� 3 4�5- -6 1 reason to apprelhend ast-rongerpartyism tban Is de. I
'their names it exceeded by little tiirdii that perch on, -the teleg-a . en: turn. out 4voiderichr. (
AbIlOrrf, ;� r. ph 2k�-9T -. . I � - I - sliable $dr thabest Intereds of the rzovinee.
oFly - -2 ).Mrswerli Lim- FAMILY1
2 20, 11.8 21
-row ng I print isonjy they- should � th
=1-11 S t
their Zrido ia onow a mus-, wires. The Voulaora they -for the 4-"Q. to,be anything nearly as xicla. an Aomewould'., At-yiaq�#�0IniaY.b-qh"rd frcmxgain. God4ri&i5thJun01187L t itla, d .,. 5 14 12- 4. 3 1. Wa. F. Lvxroy. �Qm 1%7jZUUr
Vnipire KrDoublde�; Scorers,, 9.1�.',Geor in rice
orn &.'uniform, Tireir vulgar most part. rolled o1r. m6 t ditchen, havests believe they axe, no ineollve a
at penon,1.abuse,'I liall, not f
9 ing.of Course- nothing but the mud- tq�re will occur -to 3WAidba, on account - U61
0 11-ir INSTIN Eyvel;'K. D Rbt u. July 13th
was taken U',Y' stnop t"atice.- I meralk reply to sub, present flier. gravelled conditi&Lof the San- he if, 11owever, - the' 41
_tist&ljoll Club,, for many -a long year..
in je4& paing. here In their iertiWwNew sudikliLs
ot;ltoof. atlu"tetbeimitenontxmaleintnyfolnier ge�eiili,ne,.intWIon.g,iLndshiDinetuilineg- coal of -the. -Saskatchewan ihouldprover to
it letter respeotinithe soldigr; Friclay'next. livelyltime is -expected. LA -,w Omcs.--Franais Wright, late of XUSXOAL ]ENTER 1!A=,XEXT
I hal X10 boch' looted vic tide Te�Aer,,. "' he like the gold of-iffadoo, iholilelqueAioli
Coulf nity.- go is aArLwAy,4he great oxdtenp�eut that : liw Office in
11; tli%last avel. illbeaserlousonef6f Nallitob Harrielltown, nas opened a.
that _do itablf 8 road abortion of that re- a. Tho -44
peculator in hasbeen raging in this -vicinity for the w sa&� -
public �contrabtel there s a- scarcity of wodd. for -firel, for this 0aceWhere he can `ba congilted 64,
croip,,,�n the U. to *rerir general ralo thera ast yea, `hii i4ain been rekindled by the fa his professioil.' CLUGY, ALISTOOR-ACY -AND
-the plausible 'a -aid, peculant. lumber, and, uildingpurpQ not
fand,thatroadermust, be blind Mr Mudfflec- P b nos, it ddeo
or stupid piiint Tommie
a, - in W, they held -a, mass present so serious an aspect. In the uppei Z SHOPS.-,-Yar respected To -VMS-
ho would infer from mv To, ark* tl'4� muck,, W40se 43ewlig piopenitie --- X �C�Uuud, i leading Taniffies
,a (of which I theif meeting in. on 7th nut. o� Brown a. buMly . engfged,
dmil soldier in the r;snl counictiorim4hoome -of the heaviest'im. G�varii of -country, I am SWUrea, there are rge man Then. ENGLAAb, CANr A" *XXC E=W,
Ohio, ban ev Hamilton and7abhers addresaiid an4third 0m cortifics of ation as
ASt,p.,l,74o#t Inan on tho 1 0 was litiolltoldd in. the #rovements: iii thti Odunty, have -for some quantities, of timber adapted for Buch erecting a icommodious Caftiags FaCtOrY. Teiebas of ftbl't Sohools for t I it.
Pa. -the me sinn tot 6piopletheii 'TOWS f
,J9 year&. OWL b the worthy gentlemen earspast; beo30Lt1lGZ0UrCet mX1ahp0pU` of, �urposos. At, ]present lumber . very scarce We believe Mr. Browif intends to devote w1U be beldin tUe 10autral Be 1,
water in ro hold out great prospects Is
e- ralika and lar a as Umber of gaW _MiUSL his t- -he Girriagr pilcing.
D,,tawara pron4tes 4,U. referred: I from. th -as poisd�aal dissatisfaction- and pardAear here, btit an line /entirely to , t
11lacel - if,they come
referred to, as ri nor�, merit, the Tuesday the 25th day -4of lily 11stant. . Doomepenst 7.4ri; have 0) ngdme4n are 14 course e wish himevery sitcom.
ilso ued Ewaienod serioui. h not,very $a the of erection in the regi up
OCCUPY1111Z DO undeniable; tious � tile mindo of m e., e. are.
Lh& 30311c ai ' th tdicated, and i
rice orop- f! .1 in. the in any, someae1w n, a *few mouths lumber
C-linlidlenotar xe 13-- r of op W. anaat . - The Loyal inhabitants 4estown and toirfoUg*Ing days, and for First cl= "rtifi cates
T�w Pro Adminion 0 C _S; regeryid Bfttg &0 V#UtJ6
tierces less. than last latiou I of fibh truckling at bead -quarters, lies at the do will, U nupplieci in -liberal quantities belebratedConfederation. Day in an ea. in tht amoplacc. qrt.TueadaythetrA dAY 40f Augut Tk1-&tg at the Book Ebtres,
inry, to An 2 oe6d.m a scheme got
sces, �ga;theyl kouitw OeloickAJL I 'very root of the grievance. Be that st it - ancf. I am cozaparitively reasonable �pl OW
lip t4- 6urke the Undoliond, and. I am. ices. Briek- usiastlemanner.- :Horse r�iinxwax- the '2gCx;%uZZ&i4sW.-1er arsicia" ertine" must also at *ZQHNT NSEN.D
nrThe 13T� th Jan cer-
I thelr,�orth bothwfaca, a' ut by y iii tendthoeumliatiouMiecands" third r
il% public-'li however$, it cortrinlyseems vqryodd: wijLSijwAd. ancl.-utterly do� yards we also being started, priucipal.featuro of the dyLCbim� -,&is
irAuoa I doubtfikl*y' tificateL t=tlidatex for *
th* tuany ba 481 not verinci ,agood, quality for 'brick-nis, giwq , I : oil 10 myml.
11baboliftt-Or Siven hundreol' awawnt'Rowfallowsof-tho rml emd aw S; Wit
to b1i a grarra affair- fl, , Undoullasbeed 0 xanstfarnixt; proof ot'goo4 i3ioml dameter. and �of 00dai
om ()ttr&WS, I tbog& two 9lieroee)'of-hOw 1 rive us o - -any
are e;FVectedfr iineialA Te Xuddlemuck betorelong any ity of bricks will lip
genius -g4mlip o far and -W&W quant It wM, 3j&anme
0 to first in the le &MI W16 jeMVXked j�gviugxuccessfullytaukhtseboolirer at k"t three
Lot tbotio w110 don :b my, statf ing so tes h ,
11li-l'oh, 24L Ili,nrs after his d�igsels MAgazills 0 topulill anq'sIfd19g so- till btaindblei Building 'is'pr"call it 3rftn, And tho" fQr ffint eWaser0ft aving
alicko he I of a -conceited sooluaintancet "Whonever I 40G'W ESTRAY.
P. filueral, playelt, all Xrtle the, Uinkle, which 4% We r coodull tauz
J fiAaL SO -It in' . r -Ittlarliveycamo bein poem
t of again, pocketing 4% we I gtarici-still just now lack i)f p*
w. :70 entitled or. 10000-84. �ftioniliit l0tbr 14. seehlin lfoeltl.
fo in for the I esamepleasitikbstleodive orasecondelmProvineW tutillmte-
a a 9peistion e i froul Tcou�ile. le analisself- 44timoillialsto" seut to the in -
before her Iror this tb* 'frplu,-tbe r� of its , source must be Eappoxe, for bogg untried one, terWj and 1�olmbopefullyfoFwaid- lookingstaloric ..GOJ . erich P-0. -)r Axe Stree' -S=I:
spwtorsT.,F- MfUerXsq -St, U
anwith the 044. a and foxiereil sho. trut�. The ount of Cash stipulated in love fser(
rUst week at - the depth live go IlVpily 60gither." Derar En., Sealbith P. (). at hast *Aew"k lavvious
&I,%, was struck- 28 AND U14MAY S- � -, I ' ' Red cow givinir milk. Ary in-lign-iint najghbors� t$�rls taken to- ba tile 1111"rul, - irtn" alid o, genume ti6Ii, and 4H thii in the 1 or,:L012 � feet. hey went through seven - 1; tQ the day of Yaamination- tUtwilIUadto LfTXeC3V(TYWMb6
orni in this- MAIM the banks 4
rot, say; :-"Tile'' f&ftof -4 of worki4 The fishing prolpocta Im
him. writer orkiliv rn . - in -,order"fok the farmers ETER AAMSON
.w replaTly or- - OC 'foat and again %01� balei,
the, V. r ruiting I expect to Me next 05us: fter good croPL82 s' th Ifewfoundlandare iieportedto be excellent, 78 writnen 'a I � u as imolipations am cousiderition, a inn Acting Swretary.
With Vot- yet the Practioe coutWuft fmnl YW It BT -afire in the DV preachers lit slot expeat it to 500A fall toir, as if Justaue. men ware the only; strik.' ani 'Said toL present. Zha for. &.few you, "awlt,
ut a - o inherited any ins- etting, very fit 'The brike is Inarket,
beftiltiful, irlitierip, I rong. , .. .. _r layin autho if, intheju6liaih . t' tbe iraiiii0flQui the XWQO� OT
sigforty- and So our wiltwy C 70per Can lake Covell t, cprnipt OXMI'las on,the patronage of
with an *rKfifi
six b*