Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-07-07, Page 24r 4 law, A rh a -0 F t Qk!iili . . . . . . . . . . . . It No-go 02 nr m7ligzt0w I LLE NL Itv�solv e(I fliat School b opened, af ter holi- ROATS FOR TRE MILLIONA I InArld4ion for T�aehces El 3CJZ;ii�=tions. -0 daYs, Oil 15ta All according to the Act. The folloolng interesting particulars re- PiEn. -Th6 contract, -of constructifig the Salt ha's been strue t the Dingle weft GoD.Nom mee.a. (1-:7,riday) Pier, �vas 16t- to 1�1-r. James Quaid, contained' in for tit a depth of 1,012 h 019- SUliSORIBIR 9AVIING E STABI.ISHED All 11MV I gar4ing-Dr Livingstone are THE evening. B." 13:0)l tu= letters reQeived oil June 19, from Dr Kirh q9970 -00 - HAT, CAP, Z- FUR STORY, TRY 7, KIM ATTnxtuok.—There will bo_% meeting of by A084 Livingstonp, claughtor of the cele' - ere was quite a severe, BL EV L 31aiket, Sq i r Tu the Editor OZ the mculbtirs of tile Goder' A,,b ide, I a t1la 1111rou Signni 4611. Lacrosse birated. traveher, dated - Zanzibar', . ril- frost.Friday night, the 30th ultowhi In the new building, erected by himself, last Eummer, on West S: ioh S It. t An Sm -,If ,Prival.3" had coiifmel aY next the 11th a cc, WAlis.—Plailroarls are ilia topic of'the s A77*::. L1:0114,- 3 I-W�b A= �113 Dz Club on Tuei3d 1871 red the Spring Wheat and Q I i,.st. in 30 Injul 11. NOW r CEIVING AND WILL 43FEN the GrAnd &iiry Room, at 'whicn. tillio 1 (41 will tell you thitt by ths latest news low land -to a considerablb extent. T a day. There M is I eYebration in this IS T E himsoll to,%rah_-.rsal of his own triffin.4,v, laad r7,3 I Wt! havo I", tr�l V."111 ia s0ille Pact a, llla�,Su Mttelldtulce is reqiu�gted as of the Arabs he had 'goilo to � place called weather ofth ' I 6nulni?l 0 lastifew clays has again; placeoin the "First of kilv." A number _u:tr,Aub1esir4tIjo(;odcrich Comp(forwhich - I - �% - 7 for the inspection of the public, on ;,lt3 I business Of i") to be trans;wtod. Manerna, which is oil the other- side of resumed an intensity of heat. (if tba, 11131,tvale Quoitit-A, Club' took their hisvicinitr ollaccovilit I unuanal ot tho hi '4jr orice they -rty , Ile May IMI'd 'good gm ouilds) we should n ort �QOIM 14orr's. -We Would like to bc- Tanganyika Lake; but this place you will Citors.—The fall wheat in this Town- Qkloits with thelli, tv 't W Ainleyville, On Saturdzfy the 4th day of Maich, 1671P -Will luive to I ld free I d had a I 1pitub!'with jule of the My's 11w I hav, e ti-libled you w ith this note. As I Ic to- tile IcLfral Pr­fv9siou. Tl- e 1,-.w iibt And on any i ap. At Ujiji he ma;de ship has a beautiful appearance and is, an in coaseq�vmca of tho -fornialtion 1 1 - - Largest anif best �tock of Hats, Caps, and Furjdshhk,7 Gob -Is ever brought to Goderich I% Arabs, who, I he r, fr,m th Ve there. Cousistingafthe Newest ittyles of ollij fr,111 Ibt j,ly-to friends with'som a SOldiarg," 'We a are tu b�j a, I btliUOS 4 tunoi allow his slig-liting evil- andother pestsw1iich' SUNDAY SCHOOL Pld---;IC.-- 'he nall. to pass. 2­wl Aulpist, at, 3 p, ni. hav & Ganadian Faihionable c';Rk, Beaver i. i i y ha t -) pity $,J. pt�r btrril for mrril.­ Tile Ot-aiia tnell of tile company visited Manama, whichIs aboiat the country for manyyears. There is not day of oui Dominion was ent thT i c'.'e. C-tirtda, S3,1111, Ass,)Ziatiall. Stipp o been very -kind to him, and in their have infested the wheat in. this section of English, New York, t ca abgaled by the inbatiltants of .9. S. No TirE Twr 2 gad. ­Privat:)" says they "are, 00 miles west of tile lake,, and they must the Slightest oubt but that it will yield cele .S. -I" tit di.M�r.�t_-.) AxItila lar d (Ittalitity neighborhood w1ill,chilebratt: tile -,Otlllncf Hats, Fur& Wool Felt Rai cibiposetia-ztho. laV,t11,3 rez:ldossaaidtha' hwave crossed it in punts or canoes, or what 1()- Morris. The groind having been 'r aay Ia a, -yt'a� 12th of July in G-Itirivh. After assoillill- above an average. i LSO. Silk and Clotil Caps, of the latest Styles and Pattqrns fiir sPninge, wear. Alost of wM not bu indolentwlio have ii,41nug in th;3 world to iog, they %-vill prot:e�,d to flle we, call dhowo. He and his Arab friends The hay ow:n 41 reached the first order Id the day was re- Athis'Stock has been made specially to my order, and as I cluim to have a thorough a- Oa t1ta oth,3r haa,l, if tho probably to the drought, freshments. These woo partaken of!in -1 be able (with the large and v r e to k . , . t. Call thQir ADWII, no ollj ill life but mere -1 the castaide, of tile 11tirou Road, near got to Afamei-ia, and they (the Arabs) made the first part of the season, will be below knowleclae of the HAT and 10AP business. wi. a :J :­ize I- tc.)nti' .1 th 3 it lialga.- a good business in ivory. I suppose tile half an average crip. true Pic -ilia style. 111he st!owy table- nued a, have on band and am- continually receiviri,­.) eziatenea, wh,,, havia, tr: I to eke Outa, the lutilway tnto�*, wharc will be ad - I � W r-lotli being spread out 61ithe 11grasy car- t w>t beea %ccoi how, dressed by govoral oiergj-n.,ei' GnA-RA 's HoTEL. doctor did what he went for, and will tell living by memis fa�r or foul as m�cessi. y us some day what he saw; but onhis way ;.-This Hotel kept by peP,,f tuother ea'rtb, v�.4 speedily covered TO PLEASE THE E.YE AND PIT THE 11M AD OF THE KrOST b�!d the OaLire Comlaalii- 1 111; OBLIGED.—The Mar has 111+01Y baelk, he got_jWell, he seems to have been itht d,2maud or oppoetunity afford, take Muuff Mr. G' H. Graham has been thoroughly as if by magic with all Qie Idelicacies of the Fastidiogs, and at prices that will defy com' etition. 0 th taken partici-dar ­ahiu to 1�;ttho puT,.c t of pahited ard �tharwisd refitted; and ft season to �vfiich tho Oro*a. en p t"", b3e!1 inelv;, tole a tj tho.vinym 1hi.-I r,�sort. " This base hard up, as I should have- said when on pres t'did �ao signal it. now presents a first class appearance. W. M. GAW�CE- th'i I t Pill-IiShOd 01 -re -13 ca -ances. Lucki- sh and detained for ramitt ample justice. The "Inner man" being I'sa ass�rtiou proves "Pri rate" to be a rintei a tmetz, by riod,ry that towil ly, the means were at hand,- and the man I New Era paper.—In a late issue of this refreshed several en(yatled- thetuscl� in Goderich, March Irt, 187L 11 a -w es -,111,1 have b. -,.-,q t1ae extensive M070 ,reckless,, indivilual tllzln any announcin. m's whiill firbt appeared'hi our sent to UjiJi. to help him has sent off all paper I see a comi4ent on one Of my C04- the inatily and athletic r5ames; while others I'vo,%17 M a; 1,0'.m th,3. 6alui-wLe-111. isille b­ufure the event, some -aid we he needs, and thero w -ill still be a good trib:itions for your paper Which I think the! strolled cffto sonlec(b,sequestere(fre-' -comrade wo ever had,, t o.' o-ir agrixul-tiral m:i,hbors ial-cs-aplicaied in our x0teelilly iss",; aftex store on his return to Ujiji. The expense Editor had no rightto make. He says treat, where einbossonicift by the oy 0 erhang- I are not prepared, on Ihis kwn statoiaent, tho evelit� * We ileed not draw the inoral anL1 loss in' getting things so far into a the amount subscribed would scarcely have ing folii a HAT CAP AND FUA STORE (11,16 Y&%ra oi er,�,ln !—I i- i.e, and listening to. the whispering t - to alluftthat'lic does not as well to thalthe Sijim' w1lielt threfl oil'consumed 1 The of the g . entle Zaphyr, tfiey migh� partici- OPENED THIS DAY- AT THE W t,r w ),il-1 h%va bee -i tlie ft -r I savage land wa-Veat, and at a cholera paid for the midnight I I t za ral-aa of "the lazy and indolent," nor L files eve"if wcrk for towil 1) the time it was well we got anything up at all, 'Rev. L. 0. Rice had kindly offered his Pate it, a(tetc-a-tete) fretijand uumolestej. Ole StZ%V_- ti 11001113, ollt (.f llledik1u1�-by,wliic`i1 the wide.,:t alld most ut it was thought beat by The in tell tictual feast a' a iould we be *pria.-Ll to find tla�t he has I so that he will. never receive the whole of service gratis, b aine next and Thus. ni-t , 11 -de real frequelA publioity caa be given to a _' nd Mr — paid - for. A a few of the- members to give him some I - v iiunie.vv��s nirued, u6thin- in the world to call� �tis own. what E sent, a - Farrow Merchant, Blut-i.de, deliv�re4 an t jljq��ll v!l han:lze! acond supply has been forwaxded, biat I thing forhid trouble, and -the amount address wb ich displayed cousi deral cNA I-Idead, froai reinaeks we hear, we ;Lr,) Ill- S Aotaste, .r%visu hava if the Doctor passes it on given him wa a -11.1 1 --,4o ;wca clated tQjb�Aieve that, "Pfivata" is "as a ORFlorms C.LuTT]..,1CATSD,. Tho officers shan't be Sorry s as thankfully received by, and seemed � to be re'plete with poetic wller,;� ­. �.'Lkl h%ve W..,] tT .,,m of I should say the parcel of cloth- him as if it had 'been a much greater one. thou, age T 6 St .,cc 1:, t t d ial rasort" boing drilled to the n!-actFLe I of tile 33rlBattallion receife.1 cortifl- tile lvl%y- ght, and flowery fangn h in 'e"s . go. -nic t'lu. 'a uqv�,.It Sv tvalll_stlor� I. " 11 , of S.'No. 10 was a -I f a 'pettifo.-mig profes--;on wIllich is cates.0f pDJAwleway in drill, at tho ro,;tuit ac, and boots was sent off long a. day School Pic 10 Hat A ps of the Newe5t. I no�.&xi i derfect success. Ous _for_st�Adn- to "ohe ont it living emaminationi - nXe as , 1 ;5 immer o 111 C�Itlnp, follows -it The Germans have been groately tickled AkiHFIELD- ------ &-111 �;W ,.e t ICc;1 ti f,r ;,,.I Ul 1;r,"- I by nioans fair Oi foual asneces ity inight cN.,;s -Capt ALIrcay No. 4 Co., Cli:iltoU; 'Allei­4�-.Se Woll avl1r.L.F by tile clever satire in the Jast miniber of . . ­ I tlomanuiL or opportunity afford Under I Lad ConIler Brytield; No The STYLES IN GREA,r VARIETY fn-itz ;ion o vt itmur prict� ' ';--e it,, siaio .1 - half yearly these circunistancas, wa ctruclu1) that the 2. Oudowivii-.4 04pb. ]&1ont�oin,;r �- Livut, _81aclavood, entitled '.'The Battle of Durk- examination of Finlay's that cvory rmLs.mahiu nini %% iA Q ' ) . . school on ackn1liv- I "L�rllb" doseribed as ­Ood e-doti­h for the I Beck ami Ensim Hazlehurst; N",'3, Sea- i":4," aind since its translation into 0t; the 8th concession of Ashfi.14 MEAN.—011e Of Oil, village merchints, 40ZX3M.ZL3Ea. Ilr lerinau tali took plaoeon' Friday 30th June- The who believes in the use of "Printer's' filk; e L, th�- onne:11al s"�!r,:o if laugtiage:of tho Fatherland,11 I ­ogrihsla Reglu'ar` is inuch better than I f­rth Licut Walsoil; No 4, Clinton, Liout I � . 11p by his Grig­ NO S -Dantyallaon, Lient Crozier; ity has increased one hundred ppr building which is not vei-y large was -stuch up a number of posters along the ­Privlt�ti" could earn oat ca HIM a Ily tdoil .,7 I-i'd Liu -1 up %1161 (.x,�Av # TheAlbjemeliteZettangk 11e0fthele filled to excess by children and spectatora, road between t1lis place and Leerhville. t'ale 'P ­ t. own oxe,rtiolls. We sll,)Zllll not wonder if X-) 9,Gorrlei 041A'Kainel aud Lieut'Leach. 41 ' , . , Goilarich 23r(IM 1871. ailt nian`nfa�;,­:re. Wo slowlill Furnals of Germany, re ech,,es Lbe a- I'llistells thepedple ofthat community A merchant of the lattei village comes ay is turatd. oa� tllat "I"rivew" nev--r saw a No officer relider -the 'riulk Captai-I (adju-, rlaol to ;%.;zi3t ti�e I icuodarticle inawaysearcely pleasaitto with moire * force than language could do it British regim�mt or evin a. Ang ship- tauts excented) lvas aLtow,;d to co'.apeto that they must very - soon- along shortly after and sticks iiis bills nla­'l In c.o-r i 114 wl t all, it is =tdnlv all H.vdish ears. enlarge the' ex"mordlivan 6hingfora, for high -a-, than 2nd class. It publishes a facetious y Ir uponthose of his Wroxeter rival, com- ..... -11;uh, oil :ts 1 hapadent lutterfrout "Julin Michael Trutz B.tu,,- Schoolroom capacity. The e ' ng them. We can scarcely Canadian t; lualka $,)CAI a. xamivati011 plete!y coveri able 'i, ;m, p0l-1 thuia a f ­r proft asli, most satisfactory one. All Present imagine a meanerway' of doing'business aftert(sciltettts -niau Ealporoe. Kaiser the promptuess than this besides, being a punishable ax , cusation, when, all a.--Ound, you will woll, Anglo Gernian politician of the fu w Ree I'll 11'.. 11 i� � :% expressed heir surprise at arl I I' 'old so' chosea for respo=. GREArm SALE ible Dr. L-nich, ofllaiiitoba, is Ili Toronto. ture " to the Gei ed i6li'l ir, --.Oas. nL, :1 14, "i 4 Isill-C.S, p)PU- ad William is reconinionded - to invade and and accur a with c s- have fair competition, 2 it 0 U ilulph district y which almost all the off,, e: et IX)Aitions, awl onaccount of the exut3llent A sbarp, fri-at vis Ott coasluer Englawl, fis the other two Wiilimfjls quesstiona, iroughout a lengthy afid varied liabita thay acquired, rar-1-ing, ww)ngst oA Yrid,�y ui-,h' gentlemen. UTarvTurtz trial ware swered. The school is under �r 'I ware ful d basin -ss-Zen A nirti, namo:l Lnna was poisoned in our suxts& farmers all, Batunwoll thinks that this entqrprise, the managgement of Mr. Samuel Kilpatrick, WEATHER. —We have had two or ' three and provlug, thamsulvas moit exi"hiplary Georgetown a few- "i ys `1go. very cold clays. There'was a he fantastic as it sucins, woo Ill not bo difli,11t; ayoung mailof energy, avy I are some who af- Lit-l'u'lls. It is pretty impor,�Zert for- this and dauntless last ni-tht, and, there: Bankrupt Stock 1 N -v, W BOOK,& raw, recruit to slander the class, frt The Quebee rarces have vroven a hnm- oil tile contrary, it would be advantageous, perst-werance, -who sepins to be endowed firm positively that it sitowed the night be- -)m who%m bug) and eyeryono has g-jue houie dis- for ilia German Empire, with its own with singular tact and talent for cleveloping fore. .rllero Of fha best officers of the volunteer ,usted. magnificent army and Englitud I s great the youthful *nd.- At the close of the certaiilly was a cold drizzling aliv), -111ty, forux-, oz Cani-It 4,-.Va coula. We Can point , o rain. Field, Exercises, anthorLzed Ed. 1870. 6a amination 3Tr Harlow, a teacher from a ,-;t I. "),Lhn-_, st, Vol. The Galt and Dourn Branch of the Grand fleet, would then become the Power of the ex. il far ali-a d Oiat i; tj the SergoaatMajor (the b�:at informed addressedthe children Citors.—The crops in ti Manual of Artiftery Exercises. 39 Trunk h:)-3 beel't carried in Gah bv 5:; to 25. world. F rance would Pe divided among neig lis neighborhood i- 'cii the as one trustees, and parents at consid add with the exception of S, -e.113 t,) be Of IC -SS __ i I tliu warriors (if tt Fatherland, Austria erable length look splendid, The Soldiers -Pocket Book, by Col - . -"- --,7 '1 in a of a "British Regular."- We The question -of the d, y Chicago is: w :!-lee than 8-1--c"ll" . _1 the h crops, there have not beensuch Wolseley 1.25 ti.1- spe a aa to ! expech. "Privil"j" mi'dit h. -.v%.- Well hililself Does your brother-in-faw carry a revolver. ould give in and the new German brooni and with maxked ability. He also refermd fvy zar­k s7ant c. ,_,; ngtac; �-S. -land. to the new subjects about to be taught in good Prospects of a lmgQ yield for several Ilia Volunteer's ActiveServiceXanual. Ylt�o),y is t1lis, u.ider the of an efliciant Eus*gcm, What is tile dift-arencebetween a butcll-�r vi,) U I cl Sweep �e_t i�nd QueeLl schools, years. I E by Major Dixon 50 Aori�d; gricultural our especially -a th-;� e-tse, ill rz,_-rcnu Of Af�11-0 is anGth-,,r Regrilar." We and a fisltmonger'?�One is % joint propria- Victor:a won'([ btifiandsorlialy pen CA E. M C.) K F. N Z 'Daily News` correspondence of tho t13 em tile Prince of'Wales, Would be compensated chemistry, showing very, pointedly and' BREviTiEs.—A youny lady attending the opm; on a1l'--rit thj iw�_d not teil the c,:t-;-,.-ns of Goderich that tor, and the other is sole p)roprietor. for tho loss of his' rospects b ',In annuity tobederived camp -meeting in�Leechville, became com- 11AVING PURCHASED THE WELL- War between Germany &France 1.50 Manv our r-o-pected t6wnsiaan Capt. Couk P y ted RiverExpadition 1.2& Why shoul,�, younu ladies never wear and a illowing eulogium in tho T�ines and In tile future, by the sons of farmera� ri�letely rigid - and unocitiscicus. She has Oapt. Hayshe's P I . assorted stock of Frag-men tsof Science, Prof. Tyndal 1.75 -d S,3-aiorCKpt.of th_-.R,,d_-gt- it� l6j%s so horrid to see a an "era of real happiness and solf-respeL.t nts appoint, ayS ? BecauS3 since recovered.—It is ilipposed that there marmt opm of ill wa ncil R -v ir . L'I I , er exp,�didon, -is still. anoth.--r "Britisa 1, 4 -ti nt rare Von a ha. .1 9 o au abo -I til, Nvould open for the British territories of ..about 3,000 pe�ple attending this 3 r_,gribix." Aud. ourbloo.1 boils when we Bum I REC—ENT NOVEPUILASs y the Gerniall Empire." "'his specimen of 6410021001 TVIT". camp -meeting last Sablbath.—Freeman s whtn it is tho thiak thatCapt NagL, who a d D, "No mail in England thinks of blaclking Female _7 Brass Band gave a performance In Gem,an wit will sein!o1y.be appreoiatod -In of Cl_. D�)-,�Xuon, wa O'tJ "Is LJ, v- his civil boots," said a solf-sufficient Ei�g- Gofton s Hall last Wed nesday evening. thq_Sta�' of the 'C�', � 1-7, I`a:lcler tho "tig'it 1-iftle Isl4nd," To th, Ed ' itor of the Huron.,signal. Oil G Oods Arid Groceliffil Ralph the Heir, (Trollope'8 IaEt) - 1.25, ittoria cross and mehd jr-se'. 0, Ishulan to Dir Lincoln. "Whose bouts .1 -oxeter after -the W. ba devo-in, DEAR SIP. :—I humbly request a place in Wr working hard for Valerie Aylmer 1.00 uvar atterl �oil fo. If 'hisbreast Viamostsulffiariy figurainaL]. does he blac"I" was the quiet rejoindor of -the columm of' your aper to say a few G. & B.R. R., loses it.—Ainleyville with- Anterrs by Guy Livingstone 50 e Lond=2 X1, 2031 k Brace R11,117TZ67. p u )11=;-_1 "i th-a bralialit company, most honorably the facetious Prezident, I 4s� 3 words concerning the 'appearance and out work-ing at all gets(?) it. Lucky Ain- belonging to the Estate rf Earl's Dane rao frord tha ranks of th;1t chts A Boston paper, ihifilig of a rd'oent ad-, filthy state of many of the school yards in leyville!—Rev. BE% Milligan tile esteemed Daisy Nichol 50 w, b-fo',= C.1,1,i-net, 1,�7.7LJ3 tlutt "erivate" p"UsIlmes to sileer at, drug therei says 'ithe discourse was ail this Township, and others of the County pastor of the W. M: Church in theuowick Bred in the Bone 59 catioll uz th-- trza i THE GOVEFL-131eXT GRANT SECURED. 6 years av, when the question (if haur in le an( The President offfc Board of Directors, remains another term. MR. JOHN HARRIS, Fenton's Qu est. by M4ss Bradden 5a ngth .1 w.,w bstened to with that have come under my notice. The Dis T%tion_ V1,V conapldcata 0avto the British forces was beinyl-'Ality Thi, i, a firerabe notice for the J Birrell, Esq ; the Ila' new School Law requires, that all of a B*ALL.--:-'The long -talked -of in N11inarc4,of Alincing Lane 09 fal�ll �th:lt OUH; i da+.y -,,- D' or of thid city, J, BASE atoll A Life's Assize 50� it:l t1ld -Inybtical lo 3' y certain d9emustattiLd some school, a will offer it audience. - Cousins, Esq.; and Messrs. C. P. Swith, t between the "Shoo Flies"' of Wroieter, OZ "),i:, -., .�)11,-rs wi:v> fin 1 it e izicr t.3 in %iii- I ish.2\1oblotilan was far anough I a on a d' a eas four months in the yeax. Now I and H�r Di0 aud.21aster tns�n rep.-a-Ition for R11:)--elative wisdoin I self to call the soldiers the 7 'eft to "'Pl- The Emperor William Will shortly go to E. W. Hym n, M. Anders n th I t the "Maitlands," ofAinleyville, was An I-Scuni of tile Ems to meet the Czz Alax_ -schools, tter on Do- Nera, or tho Russian princess pud an evjnts," thaallar�sorciti_,.-." E %,r der, who iz Secretary, Thos. Chimuhur, waited on th,, hold that many 4 our public ayed on the grounds of the Ia very Military man in tha I I especially that in Section No. 1, of this ' TL English Earl a t Toronto, Friday, June 30, to live tile - . 1ps ower.victory 'for -the "Shoo "Flies." Voi the ffil-ly #;:3.2�d by utraestly t!).ruffi-i, thi Imisu rsso v) tile rescue and tile f�jolis, ttill at that place. Attorney -General, Hon. J. S. Alactionald Townsh' axe more fit for the I minion Day, and resulted in a complete Flk_) 1G_A6.,K11J-y Nigel Bartyadis Pleat v c t',e day. We real nobleman had to _eab his own words an'l ro, aninials than for dihildren, and .A hit,) the work of Over 200,VLormon Euiigmt�f En,_ g The PoisonofAsp-, 111A. -Me All alL, I at Ndw York oil M-iii(I .1 statamelits and explanations necessary to first few minutes the Ainleyville boys took --nistruc- rably ope a riva alici 0 al =13 nad liear vary mil -ah a')� "al, -Rec 1ple ap-110gy. It is a luis securea, grant froal the government fund ca-se3I-have seen the domesti, the lead, and at one time were nearly 30 Red as. & rose ir. She. c -on of tae E-n-)Lre," den -c-3 ot lingracivus thing, tA, say the least 0;! it, were forwarded westw y, loitering, aroun& the school 4011 — ard yesterdx se in the Store c9rner of Mot too wisely but too well 60 aad ovca P-)ss:)1-, t0speak dispara it y or in Genezal-Sickles arrivedin Lon-lin PIL Railway. nuisancet(5 theplace. Allowme fill fieldintgr and' heavy batting not thow vfb( in aid Aif the London, Huron and Bruce 1p. runs ahead, but th "Shoo Flies " by: care Romances of the Backwoods 4Q only is quitc pnrl2ar -1-L-, t t'hlc of th.-- every- ate, have borne the Bjitish stand- the 4th and Fdijoeds shortly to Germany. 'Ill- Hon John Carlim, intrbduc -TO tak' 'zt!i� yqation in which reqAined their lost fmufid but at the end L cli oil the a, ior exam,,, WES Tf STJ%EE-1,.1 Twelve Romances of the Sea -trd to victory atid mde tile Britisl name- Ani6ribans residin, in differ6nt parts of o entlemen from Luiid�ulo the Atty.-Gon- I live, that is, No, 1, Hulleft, and- you wild of'th6 seventh inuiti-4 when the game Thrilling Romances 3 -ea. and Land Q bt- calmly C�tvassed oa their ow -i intxirs, but should no.' honzed and loved by frierAsand respect- Great Britain celebrated tile h in a ha- then see whether cr not it is a ofal. fit Place to closed, -stood 49 runs a' as bug,xaxs to fe hten od au4 feared by eticalies-,-the men to coming 2' compel. children toremain for seven or AT A00RHOUSV8. wiverinj lcgisi:itors fro nauner, principlly by banqucts. ' Mr. John Birrell explained to the flon. . AINLEYVILLE, - WROXETER* eight hours daily, in the heat of Summer. !_11 wa&ingr t4whom, to -day, the EmPire owes her King Victor Emmanuel l= reached -Vr.A11acdUuald the positionlid intentions Runs. up t1leirmimls- as coure. There glory dild her prosperity. Ff tile slander6r FI�7eilae rormRome. of the Board of Director& Ili this section a school site was purchased , �1 - AT N. B. -This is th wowm'd be cravcn. of the Briti-h sodier has itiore TI�e Attorne -General read thruu.cb the and a very good building erected thereon. 0. R. Cooper, 5 Win. Conboy, 11 olff to (;rza� 1 to sav wo, bove Ila will have the mZliness Judge Do- Affing, of New unaid6d, y Bit.; tha and desired coi ; Act, for granting aid to railrowls. and re- Thiswas very well, but no reguard was D. McNaughton 1: 411. Dodd 8 OLIDES-Tt LAEGEArp [I- I to atia�h hi3 nanie to it; but manliness %ve bee. off four btght-s from. the house -11 ed up;n its c9nilitions, and explained given to the enclosing of the ground, and on -P JL nIZZ)a ni wqt:1)4t could s"reely expect fro. whih he was staying in London on the mark 9 AnEnormousReduction -u a source that nu 8 Si -o -ins 6 F. Black, 9 -- On acconnt7 Of tht sacridejos either ignorantly -or throiq night. of the 4th- that when these conditions were coniplied low may baseefi, atnytime, a Miler of 4C:4,XXM 0 ,It malice so far with by. the London� Hurou and Bruce hogs, sheep, -and cattle regaling themselv.n W. Fishleigh, 4 W. Black, 11 or a:j a Do- depaxts from truth. Feelinz sure that A permanent camp *ill soon be esLab- Railway Compituy, the government were in the shade 4 the school housei and J. Stewart 4 W. Paulin, 11 Magazine and News Deput in Wtskrit minioa. It, �tuitous to suplios4 that yo,4 will be ready to do us justice by pub- lished at Salliroy, ieplacing tho. cailip at Ferguson, IS-Zr d by the Act to pay over tile pre- lea-ing a deposit of filth which I am sure W. -5 A� Veal, 11 i! we did not ratifj" th- treaty Geo -i Brit- lishiu- this letter- W. Bray, 3 R. Dalton. 12 U.Aal -PricA.S. Chalons. due to the road ill accordance with cannot.be very conducive to health as well 10 Godorich June 16611871, vs%t Thot.-ne We are, Yonra trulr -;$�',ctorllugoreceivecl only 57,000 votes the character of the countryt would pas, as attractive to children. But worse than H. Chapman, 4 J. Jackson, of all the spaeches in th� Hwise of Lords HENRY BOLTON, -,as, candidate :from Paris for the Assembly. throllgh-in this case$, 000 per at ile. that, and in addition to all, a large flock of 'thecoutntry, and the33-fail colivine oz Idto of the 60th Royal- Rifles. geese are contantly dabbling around the Toal 43 92 NOW 19 T1137 CHANCE TO The elections have increased the major- Af ter a very long but pleasant interview, if thZy T.ished to ap YIALCOLA Me? HAIL, iV Of th pump. - Imagine the consequence of UmFxRE.-JAs. Doubledee. S�), Ttould by Ul a wition late of the- Royal Bogincers. q supporters of President Thierd the delegation left with the most satisfac- SBOURR BARGIINS. stibil, 'and if Von should taste the water ScouEfis.-D. Plothar, e; and in tha Asseinbly by fully- ono hundred. tory assurances tht, as fast- as the road thereft-c!m, -Che stench aj�d nauseousness Goo. Eyvel, Wroxoter. at a Goderich 6ch -July,-1871. A, numberotdocuments relating to the as built and completed for . working the is 3t ll lwzards to reject tha 0 . J. V,000 peradle uld are beyond description. Nevertheless ac, purplission to Enalmlha. bjen rocc;vcd g,overninent grant of ', %vo - CAL. AND EXAMIXE et, BIAIMTOBA.—We ba-ve been peimittea ',a in Washig,-q1 as ' - - be paid over to Lhe company. chilren hre compelled by sheer neces-aity, to Tho "741 traot Grail. -vuto which has ly_�ea ed to our Par- a, guide, t,) the p3ruse a letter from. Mr. bh�l Go�,-oi t 4,,On O�p A can ciiservants. -ame. Godcrich 7(h July, 18-11 Ok 0 mari use the s Can it be possible that it Z� people in authority, and living in this Iq bur dispatches on, Friday was con - "'me lt� fld' w'!* b-' ti"12 enoug" to c')n- hia father in HnIleff, writen f rom INT'Ani- The Marien ctal SenorMocoU, iii -the Spanish -CorteZ, enlihtened age, will re uire,-yea, com ell tailied an intitnati-ju of thd doings of one we lmow in he mys that he -was thirteen After years of labor and high qxpecta- sMer ou--- fatare cour-be whtm ' nd c`p ATTENTION v. hz- such pzoduce in days in Fo&- Garry, startin.z from tl=ounoed -the occupation Of Rome- by 011 ,cot children to atte 31 an institution as Wou-��vard 'a Wall -street. gambler, who k� ]�,ing Emmit . uel in biter. language T, W a kid with the proposed Dari_ --n ffiw B--izish Parliament. Godezi this, to receive mental on] has rnined a number of his confreres. - He travelled by Stage and cars Reports as to alleged . diisurbances ill Unnal the unwelcoe conclusion has been sacrifice of their physical con . The tibuive and other Now York Papers OTICH is 11M.Dy UIVEN To THE Sllanra-, p- rom Duluffito St. Pauls, and found the ruached, thAt to get to the Pacific coast by MoIcters of the niye particulars, froin which it would seem much more expensive than he had Ra.vana, tumt to be urilouncidd. Fer a comparitavely small sum t -h,- play . I journey waver, shippers from the east must, yet ER COMPANY. n. thr ts each- I -The exploring gromidof thisandothor sectionmeouldbe tht ail attemL)t was iiiwde on the part of PO RT ALFRT P1 tha evening cf 11"'Intood it., which was ab the rate of lkia. lanter: - 'kaus at cc con "Go round the Horn." o 1)111111 th3f aball of flityper eentis madq on the amountofsto,,J� Those -om--with team ware'expected to. are a Philadilphia novel - . - enclosed, and a few shade trees planted a clique of wes.bern rai'way Trien t ty party have just completed tbesurvey from subseribed. an the -same W be paid to the Gth Juli- te offioars-elect of therein, which would avoid all Puncleaultr or elevate the price of Rock Island betwo weals the way. Theba- ' Au.""aitute, broneL railway ed withut 15 days from date. tis" is the latest occan 0 occan, and repol-ted that all the Huron No. 62 v, orc install%]. as conveniences of those ha-ving-faxaffies thing tfi&,t haskilled, a, man. r-jutes prev I iously sr)okeu of were impract- mess and render the place much more at, shales. The chief Openitorinthi%schellie TH-CS. HAWKINS, weri great. Tress Peoplewerainman a year.too, icable for a canal, owing to mount"aino-us- tractiveto thelittle ones. Ihl)pe,that was.a wellknown Wall street -broker Thera, hro-over 8,000;000 persons en- as a new order of school afihirs has been 11111110d Woodward,who had takan a promi- P�rt Aibert, July7th, 1871. saon, as the land4Was not Surveyed and fgaged in mechanical an manufacturing, barriers. The exploriav party arrived a;. wisely instituted by law, these things t Ilent part in the GouldFish transactions. 0 PARTIAL LIST V. G. the hdf­bzepds are very sdifish about the�r p ursuits in Austria. Panama about the beginnim, of the mon tb, On Tuesday Woodward purchased, it* is kOR W. ru_ I& lands. ' The are, however I - and it is their conviction that the Darien which I have briefly alluded wift sp6edily rW. P. S. 'The authoif "Gi='s Baby" has a'new receive due attentioa by the proper au- said, over 200,000 shares, nialking, with, arson's L- Cois nei.V apidly forming-aRi=-ces with the half- - nkgioa will n�vdr be visitodagaiii under ot. at goods fat sale at P breed behes, who are volum& ready; entitled 11-Thj Coolie; his thorities. Hoping, Bir Editor, that I what the clique had already on haud,265, H=56 An L Rar4ware StOt1,,1Dp site the 31tirket Tr_1_ -reported, howe similar circumstances, as no caual route is arly 10-0,000 more than the P? A- � -C Ria3bis�andWrouvs. have not occupied your valuable space un- 000 shares, tie se. jolm W. C. to be iinrlu af. aH attrnetive, noi, models of cP > feasible Ili that direction. N CAMIRIA ROAD -1 NEAT BRICK -CoTirAGE I . a � H. Sp urgpoin. -.Ahe f�mous London prefitably I remain company, with a capital of- seventeen 0 and J acre lot. TernikFeasonable. ply to X 113-61C saysthe crop&W-1 inilliorls. ever had in existence, The R. A. PEW-MouT W. lu, of i0b ESB &Wvo-tf. , good, ucl he speaks in glowhig terms CANADA PR I YTERIAN CHURCH AND ARPENTER'S TOOLS, IL 11,)FItom 0. G. 3, preioer, 'has aTmost entirely reqoveree Yours Respectfully grand plan 6f the schemers for making an Goderich-5 July 187L soil, 6f -whia he h -is 83ell somewh -at, as from Lis lee scriousillInesa. TEmpFLNoz f -the W. NNT. - SPADES, SHUVFLS, 1. G. - ho I .-At the last meeting o Elaett, July Ist, 1871. immense fortunja in a few lunirs.and ruin- SCYTHES. FOZKS, R. S. N. G. High Bliffs, 75 miles from 00A Ciffibatbach has -written another opera General Assi 1110 a nutuber of their financial enemies 11mband -Tlou� have wri __3 from Brubly (f the Canada Presby - Garry. Ie "i.; pressing forward 25 udies- *6 _uoa, called the ".9litterflies." Critics teriau Church, the following resolution, is G. F. Stewart L. S. G. 0 seemed now in a faif wav uk accomj;lisll-,( great faitli3 blary. '111 the furiller to the Canadian seLtlement and say -working for hiz the decided expression of the Church, w a 1,Aw_gn.=R: --Tho Par- CRADLES4 X_ R. S. V. G. ment. The "carnev" had been carefully gas iioas We andMrs Judge NIF- L. Ili. V. G. will write, from that place. fie spent.%, grab. -u naniniously pi-issed.--Aloved by Rev. Dr. arranged, nd wits ready, for oreraftnn. n"v4Eft7Pd81t1VP- in iii;,ht wiEh Mr. Delivorth, who woub out Burns, of Montreal, seconddd by Mr. " The Council met pursuant to Inurn- favor of it but I am in- MANILLA ROPE, It- clla= R. S. S. 'A Chiri�saYoun-Xon!s Christian Asso- But thitkre was okie fatal obqtacle, !Wood- �d t1tink tbat7 if It BEMP AND RC BBER M., years ago frain, Belgrave, James I-Jossack, oi-Quebm "TheGeneril ment, at Drysdale's Hotel; on D/13TI- n 1V ward railuired a milliou. dollars cash to t Wt� do L. S. S. nd ahick datiGL hag been cir.-anized in San Fran- ily r6tie�v the testinioav which, for cl;ty, tile 3rd July, at 2 cl'att-k P. M. All �Iid urofess 'LEATHER BELTING, aU size5 stayed -7- ith: J. tioneir, formerly of Wa%v­ - It t sicknesslud death)ypuld (:o, -in member p of inee his obligations on W cluesday inoirn- oon be out of fq9hion, cures evrythin WHITE LKID allpficoqy Chapali 4W A semb anosl;;- both of thesatporsons livener a succession if rears,,this Church has the tuo;nbe;s prasent� The Reeve in the I n,, I an it was uot shpplied to him by the ror 7t justalledm ceremomy was oonductad fbrty telestials. -The Parsons wife and Judge Jones Righ Mail& and ar6.il 1-.,yo.with their now borne against the enorrilous evils "i intem- chair. An old account;. accompanied by uewith whom, he 'had been acting. :,r C - - v BOME D . kND 1"W 011 3L W. G. MI. Fordo.'St. 5[axy's, assist3d I Hcudfio�a strables - in Toronto, were �Iiq Mthe only ones that I bave hilrd ll� home. Th6mas MaKeifzia, of Stanlev =. 1�very year Ives increasing letter, from M. 0. Cameron M. P.. pre- recommend tile PAnT,XimEn. every wbere I 1glo e BLA401K OIL 'W. D. G. 311. Jolm Gbsoll, of Millicr, - I -burned yesterdw fitornin together with their con oton t -pai(I already, I all the Iii flinuen s GA& MhY -OIL,- carpenter, Clinton, %vat& 91 vi gat it is the ahief stirned. to be aid over for, The brokers Who bad oil Tuesday bought itavoitari(li�verybotlypralso.,i it Tix-3ra,,)�razentztivesof'o,.()2tltl,,e l, ely,were compelled to iail- Wall eliolerainixtures-.tndPA'tu'tfedleineslvaved�.,Ipl)&Iz'- L1 OV4 line borisce-wad sonic cause of poverty and criffia, disease nd future-crinsideration. Theleasoofa gravel -.v-iEh hint at. High n a rumor's and in iuce Perry Davis' agent Poole ronnd. (To little bol TURPENTINE,, RanTi I " The Northcru gransportalion,steamer deth throuiliout our land ; t1lat it is the pit from Mr. J ohn Rtiot, handed over. to strilt: was 8.)oll filled wit. leorge. do2s your tooth still aclie, roy d-ar? Bzas. T. P_ G., R. G_ The m-3mber.-hiP A, instnce oftha Rar. - Mr. Paill-. ail liqur Rock 1gland felf; from 130, -the �Cles 31aiaa bivat-oae ot her b�J�era ill. TAcsday krincipal occasion of disciplinethrcughout t1i'd Reevo. A letter1roin Dutialit Caffier- Mother, PAn;-K7LL&RStnPPed it. And all Ainds of On tile iln=233, readinessas?, I . . . F - not wo, wrlif,3r isgiven: by tha Otiellialilia-MLss- floure to which it had; beelL Rrced, down our -Chureb, and that their exists tic- inure oa re9peuting,,u. bri, e oveKa creek, to be - - 1, _ I a - toll 0., It 'I's ai ress to cure everythinEc either in -tl!o Directions about if -nded,. f of ationded to I - t divi a d t4 consternation was tlaif Ir . _ _ It sl Z 0-7 81) aad doing a uod used to be drtin table 0!)3tacle rh4 and as wo do act renioniber to, Pp to the spread y cou naillor forth.), S1011. the bottle or in the,*Annual,"' I have ie -ad them cam - our " t1lara. d4i er6usly injured. uightful, and a. panic i seemed i -Liin.%tt)l-ethebe.4traini!ymeaieini3 in zx- are have�'seun it n iticed befure, o mention it , I g fr novitable. hat i n the Gospel aillofiost Tile' Assembly Aloved by Goo. Castie, sez by Dr Woods, for Vue -of our At the During Vie recent inundation at New Ilait with satisfacticil every ivell-designed that -the Reeve give John Aflen sia orde Other stocks shared W'sotue extent in the iste— PoiTy Davis i�Sondoliat sa w ea r o but priya jvhat it has done by &ing certftat�s or Sale Cheap,, decline, fallin":off tw three an-. four par - the WasloyaTili'tonale, three hundred swinc, were run and, wel)-directie effort to arrest tile pro- forgravelas follows :. n fralitreliable lievdans *hoie festrulony canni�t� bq L y cent. *More than dt zed firms liuve been doubted. at 1-faindton - a nanibo: of essa d a stbabp ipdaco idto, t1i 0 river, I;iirb were r e sa 0 f i it tam p eralle c., a il Smith*s Job $11.40 � Ru-sbwzd a -Do you tidukthove eertificatesarojB9,12a olins�l the eEnploy- No suspezid t5raugh Woodward's rZ7_31D3XT G?_,LXT� vierL-rea(tbvtliGgri(Iiiittngclasa, Drk ez' -of moral suaiiion and the exhibition D. Worm, pathmastor 80 22.70 fide, I believe they aroplade up to sell the good*. �rn-o,::LAXATICCT r -Y .9 unronlau i'44. a) it -Gs 3N. Parsons & Co.* olibmtions,and large i, ni�iints, either real Mfb:-JudgeJones wasas incredulous as ypit till the'evening Tilt,. Punshon ivas, tsliservett-ro . ccil-e dosd b -firej­ in- of &'consistent example. . With this view ' Neil Smith on fdarth 10.50 0 n-7 � elk ringing fo�r 'Pr fictitious, hive be.,u. lost. Had the. he wrote to Peiry Davis Son and waii atigfied� t1%6y r!,-- -L1r3Z-"y f wa3hingtoa conc=­_111 ellu-0aguil 11otga, as wra quire,I'SimaRof - Tiberius. -, "No, in -deed oil the -part of all tile office -bearers and Carriod. Mo7cd Ivy Di Woods, see.- by ' 11-i - sent hiln a quire of certi Icatpi, rerolved froin paitlos Opposite the Market HouEe, -&ad blonprapeoch, -membersof our Church, the Assembly Thos Keys, thata.by-lw be frained and engagements been mer; nia Mirednesday,one witbia five inifes or itis own bouse. 7J a, "doy ab-otplenty6er fire, , brokev woul(l lima 3114e fifty. thousand 3�'Of for Ilia prom 6iT d Tib . . _P rtisters to passed -to raise by %-ssessnielit over ill the 1 V413 y".-asthe sarprisa of the andiches' and ileboltsaraxingingf6r­ water." dollars 1 as it is, he arge'y. T* e '8914 evirywheere, prieeZets and59 ets per hottle in aa, would further recommend tv mi Alletice-to this subject in real and personal rateable propetty in the Ili; oroved-tlie, give due pron Antila lady, is mizolt exer6ize& iii. 'Mind n stock exobauge is described as havinf, been 24 -t -f. Gzadit, ineYO-11 h their pulpit li iistnitions, and to Synods, Township the following. shms viv , igse June, 284, 18.11, .11y his 'ici kuo-,vh;w#Uth . alittlequicksilvrin 'a perfect patudimopeum wlien thene ivs a -v vz,, ati For Cuunty purposes - 81991.22- trast i; daly r, -Elvesbyteries, and Sessions to have special . I urork Divisioll No. 1201 ilmstilig his he, can inake such 4,�ful' -hot Legislative sehools-equivt. 467. published. Durinc-, -the excitement a. h on the 174.!,. Of- Jnae, aw ;ard tn� tfi� souroosof intemperance With- SONS OF TEGMPERANCE . vthall� 8()a. er fol- vbather'by j�u# rising in it bliC incli. or two, brok- named]Kanshawsov.erexert�d him- -ip, tle an tilue. He &I-,Uti re�d ',,% 1,1fig, illiploulptil: I inotheir-mp, ^ ctive bounds, and. to. einplOy Salaries ofticia, - swbal�aent bf the a"essed every tpgitim t self and burst a blood -vessel.-' His recov- Y XrEMNG OF Tlig P _"�!;)17 r..MY4:�a S. Gmnyb Th e means for thbir removal. Sunilry expenses poem; in, which �avary o3s.W read' Aj� cry is not expected. A note�wortliy circum- T11H BEGULAR WEr viluntion, of Wev York city property for Improvement fund 500. ons of Temperance isTeld every Pridayeveningat A FARM FOR SALE. -1, ea Sail fxzzty to, b,:�, ntille moro, imporant points,. hit ofri cii real and per- stance - connected with. th affiir is the 4 o'etpek in their Hall on Alle St. first door wbut i3l the mward 'ves ii�Brook- of the Post Visiting brethren eor4lallymvircd. ment that Woo R QF 118 ACRE proeti over t1ut- of 13770 of V28,- Total -3 `32 state FARM M style, rot Bubjectof bping Son, ij�2-1 0 c� A. D. CAXER01V It. 8,. Nniflesfthe Town of Goilericb, 70 of whieb are oTa;3 lyn,and"runwalargechurro audl6unday 16h out fr.) snth jvhq:e which will require ail assessment equal to www F. umder Cliltivatift &id in good order alwastelenr vt w.a3r b a 111 a 0. Washingtor, June 24. -The %,heat anc sclool 61it of his own pocke Godarich 4, J. T- GAA -tf Stumpq.This larin Is bounded I -,y 1nL-e Hrrn. and f2itlrbv thaVufted. - '-,S 1 417,90 I) with a, -rceful tribute to, corn pr( ;eats, to'the Depart- seveii milts on the dollar oil � the cAirrout yray i8n. beautif0ly situted, G=trl Read -ill The wAy (nrd- lout P arrie ved flatterijif for tli'�� year's assessu C Fl. Mu" -4 f-culty, scnola­3 and cailloge. Asa Imatia- that btit. one EfillishnLan took Part ment. of Agriculburle, are" -theological uoIDII Ta pay) aria therels L=ae 4Drgh �A 09 lv� -3 , . 4. professor limone f car" A P;,eJ1l1Ee3 13=111g ­Choice Fruit i eell- others d Ily.' Acreagge tc by. Goo. Castle, see. by Thus. � Ke t4 al t6a freralia vouailc3 f0ir Its 1uthe Paiia outry gollora appears i yj �Iiat I -,A-W �� :7 semin�ijea relatei tl�s in-.ident:--Being "-a -Were all r-- 'have bebu, somewhat inefeased, btit crops this, do.now -adjourn, tobleet 01V 'FIRMS. idnotio 1J,,adbeen arroit ey ere T Ge natly, with.arqd-cov d 'book in 'k 0netIlhd oftbo purebasp inaneY Te(Julma (10 ul hear leased. se in like proportion, owing the second Monday in August, at 2 o'cloc are Ilis hand �aGermau. AqpPoS ng the book to xeman as lrng as it suits the purelt"geZ. luld fm flays ago, 0� beicie& that D 187i . ..... 2671 byllayinginterestevorY six ulontb4ato'Orient r -We %A -At, m _i�iiich le P. m. it I%TX, E111iotes Hotel, Ba,31eld.. iske balance aid to 0114 yir - se - be rprficulars APP1Y P05 i w= 1moducedn t� a variety of causes the chief a in English if he was ,lvgag *Aiv i i of tha ulouiell�. mt- iwi��ir�toii a.,Iry spring in most parts of the country. Carried. fnrt.hc .1, veret bold bii'V brillia Englislrman� The profe ssor replied in MACKAY 114 with savara re f4k at, wi Thalargest increase in aereade,of wheat is WILLIAM PLUNKE TT. ark (.0amich 1? 0. Draw- 24 Utreof atiraeffon, _thu�ffiing Geritianthat he�,Avas not, The centers&- ,�v n jaported frot. Kansas, w re it is thirty Varna 5th July, ini.- 'object of .1411led. We he' tioxi presently 1i aitd GOdleriICIX, 0 Ruv. Dz, fmotl anecilt,to on the but br4b- maae of their Qw limed 40A,dri p-ce cent. reat6rAlmn last year. 'The re- told in tho. lastum llair� I 1 .1 Architectural b6ailty near at hand� in the it Ael 'ii- ale Rev. D po 's a� lb if uot specially"cificonr-, CO�NTWVS 'he Ater - r. orinist, lato Th31.4xmera in'lWaine compliiii t. at it _4jin The who aTiD EL-PV*TrJ.Ni.-T e of which the professor -incidentally Liberal o'lj " itili ru84, ier'- speakiu.- of 9 0. is fiapozsible to- pt.as failiijg tq show7 such. an the irecent cour' STEAMRIt "ORIO1, ltltmt, alga so well knowit 13111d, AP -4 Obt t aide riAttrah Cov raised the. question of- its cQA. IL have W. pro ar us Clint averted Elections cases whic Ti RUN REGULARLYBETWIQUNGODEK�H Iji thi, tovyu; : It bears %1611 Ilis worthyyoun m dfict over other�� exclaimed the -4 iitsta; 6% 1 1 = n to W,;ec 0 Qerma ntly .�i)u are W'� 3;24... "It ir 'tie been, tried, says., "'Altogrethertbings look audk34uaw, 1a4ving Godalo1revery Thursby, piuri 190.1:6what root a'- able, hona of h zir. Harp- w tlr� Ia- uligh tbo American P' now n %(I thu d, onseTaently, must be. VXR. an 'Howdeybuk thatT inoraing at P. oclotit. gloomy for tile Patent Combitia.tion, and 'he Rey. Dr. Ormiston tht- b)�ofessr, 1 "S continued I?pr.ratesofFrLightalidpassa,-e. Applyto all the G 'rejoined I omplete filu, of womles� clotlica"Ilaff omram-Mit stipporters. who - -have the"Grmail stiriking an -at' i u( a meetinrof the Fruit drov. ers' AS50;- grind--sholild be - on. tliecIpi vive I Ia and �s- F A. ROBEP.TSON. orli -.enuo aud Tweitty- 1. 99 at to a sofit'ifth A, been a near cagoj covete xes to guming4idne �f great soltmnit3r upon Goderich 3 July 1871., 'ji0li lleid,X Hamilton yesterdayi Rev. andbunt up all t Iiii-blablaTiLofies -thoy call, St litce cluquent men is YerY cheao andral. S., ind the� J orn, .4hen we sta4d be- aders tit Horpois Tr . 3 - A n__ I -have tI -iis thb probi- tau hether to* call it. -the P�o'bqr.b Bnrilet, Pre ident� in the chair; - 1�m gr6und, svikY4 _11te, re. ts doiA know V d, and a List. the questions disonssoX weie m to' the. six� Oftyis that th. day will be afojc� thb Qr# Vhite'Tronei, the 11 V1 E SALEw hi r;jia of a inuraur. or a, question -of ever Amexioan, in the, whole in- IZ)(11, ric '63finrieties R strawber Ior'fa P distatitwhen tey'will have.abother chance FOP. 'S 6kst,,4, ries 'blo' use 1) ;Ire, �tllilisljed la few W, be 1%[ow inuch 'did fhe witli, 0141.1 4 tbatsurniounts AjK40i wnpaper sttei; that, in- th ni�rkef. Fortilb of bivim� thera a Tub on tbla overnme�t 11�einbli will 'A seat in. frti% * well finished 4Xd inclinted, !,or FGST­CLA$S qiiatiter ti,p) BapM D;Pald D' itiitl� the, six. besf for b4t foi en. of lame, former uo decision, 63t, 10T 328 ELGIN STS wail, -,bolile to grindst�7tje.­ Movo. 'arolifid, ntleal ale theap. Aplliy to. G.3LTRUEXAW-. of thiyught, Tho othrr day a i 1q., 1 96 . Uder1uh 2ad July, 1871. on y1h:C11 are two athlete, VZO t 0 tin,.g was �lai)st unautin- There -is uo time to be lost. f Bain. ey well4nown obwaspion it latter the tries youbg lady o biid N.Yt mvAo' dhAns ab the sallia tabla WWI g SU shii1ings for a%saultin; four fp.,v of Wilion's'Albany. a bugaht, with'Ciardss Cooper some fiftew, sta.utial DweUbg auf;ue erattling a- I I . I - b '.#t, Kirie�rdina ously 'it Or 9 ara A�8O� whereby she vas to -F men in "Ba4a Faix�' mar, goin-o in for all Explain the difference: between the a,6t have A 'I'ma DUNLOP' El STATE ,01? Tiii; MOST DMIRLI icese ye, O'Neil, atIffirskoka, Di tW tr,-eJbcT, 1teal fit uW hais like Otic lW4 factorica," for which *4 0, kuntry. is-bolarid 0- tssing the tongue a lun�,) Of -to- lanib- inid its increase -until she as. �J 2c in �exohafie for a gold wakell- 4LLPr91380N8 bilving clAuls against Thelate MT5 Z�splendld�tsntloW ay-zc Art Dic, who3e, b.V P 0 joilcbed, too the fiiAt awalloit who., e we 4*1 long to be ill it.", A sJuau" 4 in Ford to be *dmirably'adaptedo SO move V ars of age at �t ly i4e an(' key She. wa, �p ara oouio�� wast rreseut the sAwnamoller13, w1fa m6nted him WAIL = heirif ;tre-bbscured by a brldk wdl,- 3 13ut six 7, at 111V DA;i IEi L G ORDO N qf mant Jo ilie Rev Charles rieteb L -k 5.-218 . 6 - office Of VvIslon ho ran: A wiro;frciia '44 bench and i it4el �rik)od theliun wbellitis bellindacloudi-Th' time iw.isuea 11i Vooper for 16*'064 Coat Ono inouth. Irolm *101"Lle. And uc Went st,2 or, 0 lambs% their -value, ;010h..UtSiper head DAJI�;L)IcCOLL tihan th� b%by cJV� Qiv fttherlzeeps stop 4"Mra, . roon, and 12, wrce,rh 15ijul ion I to �thonte viti. hialc� W tbo A�wk of tho, JAIV-tone PIN P 0 0 R C 0 P Y or— �A c� ? Ilk" ma., t'o'-'a ek _�A IPI T Attift