Huron Signal, 1871-06-29, Page 4traced, to h oflery st imal anfe wbich, alvl§ r
0el s, pn thjY4 become the'fashloA in Paris. The :B L G RIN G'
-n *Thnc�=--4thoR, aiwau, TAI New ft&sr
.44- - Gveni!l� 31r. Gladsione, i� ;1�, o", Dti�ily V iroacd. a 40111a youri morallu*�uliggpqts thafthe imbibin f .6 OTORCTRO
11th be- QPP03XTEHFj;RyXA'RTLffl'*
$fafo Record slid bef0o�pltt combinati�n� of lagar-abs, WAu d; EXCELSI
(igo ornly OW11 its%, 1
CERyi .4x- 2vrm
of the 16th the -ilros. f litile'a the felloes with emseAtial to"thO reception of suich ovth d surromiding country 411 -1.4nd worn outand worw Tile Widow Aterwromarkable for phy� AMILTON ST.
se hist., Eidorado t hOTEL,
was visited L L f6rthe very flattering encoura.gemeh the fiai
ris and san s to )al-, 6Y One oPthe niost terrifc jl0er' loogea 1 1 Also bconed a'buggy for devolopment va-pioia�ilon b re1a or TEFIREN YATEK business tnG.odL%
Dlie ubscaer las oals� when thoy ornts ever, known !It that pitit of. tile my owil use 8 mrul e�rs . agoi �iijcl'the teerw'as-ever-h6id of' and _,tjgthstij
1chynoilleutgabItftoexecute over one4ajo L ,00.Z &,N 'rfte
ate 'ntnded'for, Tl e ssy8 �Dcd a cL-Pve xda
na 110V that about ei,44t liandi some of the war4t oftbe nell Red RA�UiVE !XAVROUNCING fO hvor4erjibioqght to bim. lustseaffou 'be prepared to supply Ito ehojs,�tt queuty
o tile evalling it a6trul frold methd of Wing 60 fellos Witt, oil 1.1 8i Repi6ldeslur, both in'the firlit -aff&Lt re- thapubliaorown. and coulltry;tbAthbJutsbought
6xFDZ',0(1 in the ;1dinary' cmus I of Ono thaimerests of Air. A. H. - Green In the -above
d, of habit sTAxsHir COMPANY.
Grocory.andnow his -owit"coulaf
ho �nid, the Under- Ilail. and rai -,%,(I "de few the.-Purpos' dersdelivercd fn Mm"ce. Thj� thu accoltipaillod, �vitll will rollowi�. use 6 -1 illg iiast itoli belater, olution, derb* of temperat It.
St,14,ea,how��orltliatontliepresentt oil and before. the poi4ple, h a. The oil 6, lirliughi- Robespierre '-was remarkable f9r his ab- a has on hroux
tilIQ to nial(e Akly peeparatioll ftir,it, tho, til .1, boilill(t heal, thd wheel is pliio9d On 4 'arrIfnp, Bufts Extenshely VORT.ICKETS to juitirom LiverpnolLondorderw of"M9 day.
GI ily by the pbove $Teftlrtfitlljl� Cd'Y, app)Y to
for weeptnce by the otper hurri -A'GUU1J7 9T.QUX
lcilnQ swept throu"ll tile towl). stick, so as to tit the oil land ;nig.o 7v 34 ROBERT 3fe-LEAN.
030 -deg ail adne bat llrsr stradelin P. H.CARTER, Z vuk Pails By 162.
. bg
The clouds, wore of and Thii timber should b6. dry'as graottt tijjjb�j An alieveshisexperience as jGuUer is Agent, 604itud' Goderich Mw
Initea ki tea 0 - ----------- ---------------
lxceivef the,- al I asinessettenijivel�yandsuccessfultyLitti-artrilton,
b8 eOa= Mr. Gladstone etnted Ile tile vivid flwhlis 61 litlltuill.; ill iia tale oil. Card alloill(l. be - tolct, cooll-d-to none i n -the ProviVe A G(;deriebt Aug.10, 1870' W30
-scent of the L 'I - -
melit the r r IFyoul!ant�*orkfuQedat got Ono prine,ip6ifyiirst-clasociastowers-.gtad having con
d, iid as ' he rain hoat,in ordei 4* the timber b0 ndt bilru
1911inf, E vbry mo- that the nit be n-,. hotter tban ' tollin
Pvern=Int to tile pro-posa to submit by at, Ctitteripone of the Principal Esiablishmen in EXTENS VE
Principles of. the treaty to ame do%1 q in e sit neitin be.. -ceptjbl�, t. or Vlublirgli,Scotland, he earlesslyitate to a NEW BOOKS,
Powers for their cceptance. Lk th U Timber with oil is not sus It . scormnO nublietbat
Everynionientaryltill water, and-.$ noich.inors d4rablW rmw r G10 OVED 12 -OX
t1m, t the jarrospective V dvautag tu�, 8
laros— cti A, NEW PREMISES
Rz1 in the storm only secuied to, ineream-a its amused' some'lyanrs'a.go whatil told the _VE -8 VLOTHING CAN BE NAD -V
wouid ba
1V furk. in fifte6n, tainlites. from the cp blaolksmith lihw to keop the ` tires HAIIAOWS TOBACCOE9. *V &]LjL A-mazic , in-
-Vnemg th �a f int righ I At'iVap�
niencenicuti inen, wouien. and children wheels, by his t0iiii-majilat, thiYbestayiilc'hei�eateverorered Inanada. Oult UGAR.
A Could be seen flying throuLffi the streets, titable busines to tighten tires, oWi, worth $25.00, lur�optibu invited at Godurich. Ana �15.1876. V3
lid, tha
Lords te-a-my, D. K., 41RACHANIS
the falling houses. -waggon maker will say'that it i8 n -lb � 8 pefitab-11 to 'the Crol�ai 13y tile. tile, air was filled,with flying id him to inake and wheels ; , but Goderich. 3farelt $00, 18
freaw, of RAISTN$,
10EASSE% - I
Lar�m houses ware couipletel wbat will the famai Who suppo�ta the - ANDS -T ib A U
I Jv�
Were bOl&d denizllisheds� 0 era oh WAN E ATML
era were lifted frilal their foatillation
cniy )y unro,ded, uh It wheolwrig t and sinith, say? WHOLE
ational, nd sRICE1. AT SAYFMLID.
ixticarried by the wind from ft,rty to two Via Rorriblo %%Uq"0r1Qf__4 ITO= IBF 9 ,
n9l=(I mitixt huudmd feet and yet them seemed no �pply to' 33. X CHAN- PEELS. T OTSNOIR. 71 Z -72 B&yFjbjD ,uNCESSION
Amerim another, �id Xhe st' STRA JU Township of Goderleb, comprising 146 nores'ofthe
beat quality of land, within about 2 miles of the Market
The 24arysville, (Cal.) Appeal gives th
ti- Windows gazina outward we conld plainly ' CROCKERY AND GLANSWA
the afoift-e-ors s#4 another. "Tche orut. A,; we stood,,by tile Goderich 25th Afty, 1871. wig -t place ofthet.Timn ofBay4eld, There is a clearance of
Wing 3 acr�s Whldb�could readily be preparedior crop. The
ef tha treaty mi -lit, be dem toppling over. The ruar (if the * I biripf, aqcnuiit of the OpId- 00 Ill TO BUILDERS. 2
e argued and atrocii ' hii; murder j4f Miss -NQ -OFj remainderof the tandis closely cu'veredith thebest
to -92cure pmee, brz h -st-Orin. was terrible -and the earth sectited CONSISTI T
dLngerou,q pwceetcnt, - a fc- of beech and, maple timber of splendid growth,anex-
ancl r -i un -w su, tu� troluble bentath our feet. We have Daniels, a young lady, by a rbiected lo ENDERS WILL BERIECEIVRI), BY Tar'laiii d l,r,lgned up to 10th.lune ISTI. . for the oree . TS_ TO r S cohe t road p 'on w li es of tlw Property. which Beautiftil Assortment
yer tion of 1.,t Ved neighbourhood.
-am& -a Plans and Specilleatior
e. duty of Great 1�ritrdn - to I er licen got any particular no who, gs the telegi, hai - rep( TONE COMXQN
)ited, wis T �CHINA.SET a,:Maad,�O,
t%vostory Brick: Cottage. _&Y_jSO.;�-Lot 14, Range A Township stanley,
A. -Ierie= colonies, whoso fisher iuteresta -,,.In tilt, five afterwards hunted dow1l Ana, aliot V 'the trx be seen between the hours of I and, iM 6 -wellreserved timber laud,which
country; but for forur or 'y at t OF
u 're
'%me wholesle destruc- Th6lot runs to the River Bayfield with a considerable
Miles aroutid the s ofileo,Jordan's Block, Market 8 would prooluee a large quantity of firewood to the aerp,
were rt1daty was on enraged people :-'
sidet, even about the Jlet�ssqt- tiolt r;collis to be visibl,. Ho "The deceased, Miss Lizzie McDaniels, 1221 92 13 aterfall which1could be made available for milling or J9WELLERY OF ALL KINDS
uses were Arehite
eZ1 th1t GrVat Britain hatl obserred &U the bluzin d-)wn, fences destroved and crops was ticcompanied by a Mr. Wells wid a W. B.'Not bouild to accept the lowest tender manufacturlagpurposes.
Obligations Of duen"
the AIMY pe-ple wero'left ill dusti- lady. It appears that the murdoter, called GodeAch 29th 3far, I sn. sw80-td And by t For toitins apply to, AMES- D. ALLEN. JUSTRECEI
f Mm blaa to prove his ass Gitelphrij t tute efrounia,jitalice3. by some an Italian,- by others 'Portuguese, DurV " E K 914 or W, W.- OON�TOR, Esq.. Bayfield. and to be sold
10 §couted tile idea of 3 te,' had been pkvincr his attention's to the DUte IVS DEAD F ]Buc-k . G.uelph, Aug. 115,-1870 W50 3EX AL M
On the 73 lr� of thepvern;nant at t* 0. An moctorca at� 2 Yuan,., lady for two vears paqt, though 8he� S110T for Bed Bugs. eed, Oatme,%I, Cortinical,
gusion heszid the tried to discourage his suit.. Ele had told TRY TIIUf, AND SLE W6ab flour;nna Provisions generally, al- CHE A IHIS DAY Ruff"M
En!4ish pre.�Ai_a ; it sacrfflc� EF IN-PEACM! P AT 33 UTEEIrS.
d her that h6 would kill -her if sbe did not Ways on hand- "'I The -- act for the paymell . W &wld.L OR WE. k-.rl said lie acce t ojLnienibers con -sent to marry him, but it seen -is that
pt4�cl- f �8 in Victoria. Atiatrallia, wv-q
discuisioa, bathe did r t
ot. � p bod'to come slid regarded -his threats * rather .1 10, COW. 10, W, D�. COLBORNE,'10D ACRES,
Russo into foice afte =e- rn re-ardinc, this ightly. - 0 BUIUDING LOTS L 09W cleared, good. dwelling house, frine 22x3Q. MMOD.TQUS
I's motion' Ho expla- r tile " lier"I ewhich; 'From all wele unfor- GGOD fl- TBE need's 8urra A D with a commodious kitchen attached. Also goodbarn
left, was in progrcts. Tit, -illatlese Joe,' ry faVorai,iy situated for imil
the villen, the mail -Do ale in thirTosirn of Goolarlob. ?�
lf tUnAte aair, this plan, Tor and shed accommodation, good bearirg orebard, well 1 17a s,
tueLsurc lready - promiticnQ soul _U he,,. osCHEA P AS THE jaHEAP.F.ST, Fis ekle
the tre_%ty,and declaved its �terms hqnora !]a 0 asme call him, canie uD behind the lrdics ing purposes far lilAchanies and others_ All behij wa red b two cre'eks runningtbrougb the farm, and REms, NEW -BRIGN RUILUING
" Pleetoral curiosities, is mhy lyt, M within five minutes walk Iront the �squan. OnemileCrom gravelioad� 5 milesfrom. F ALL-- 8 30INSISTING 010
and vd-tiantageous for -Canada. seen front and their good wells
seized -Miss 0' rot terms an -i -particulars. apply lo CHAALNX VOR 10AS4 OR PRODUCE. Nerle For. par#eulars apply on theremlses to
the exclussion of canadim- tatinits canid- LhVi ii -13 her- hojad'. and ', boudintr WIDD10,11, Esq., or Ueorge H. Parzoni,' ersl orto Air. D Ferguson, grocer. Goderkh.
tile 8116joinellacid-ress:31r, paqort, , 6 BISKcria (NEARLYOPPOSITE F3011DAYS
ate for $1.500 a year, sav,,,j� by 1AITS,
11y, own itbAckiird, planacid-'s -knife in,he' Goderich April4tb, 1371., Market and next 0. STEWART.
r W11 -t HOOKS 4 se0ir uligatfil thrct, and dre and
n0'- 11a door to Jordan�s Drug Store: Au-ust 15. 1810 W30
Out Of Fenian invwions, he co�.Idl histowi I tot ppol, -�e the
the youner %*,it o w it downward, inflicting Gliderjok 4th Way, 1871. Qnveident to the Marl -et.
Were incadculalble.. f family it, E,,pzland, h(rrible wound, laping the throat open the FARX FO ' S,&LE- Earl of Darby hoped Lord Ptuja andv father s4 in the Engliall.Parliarm whtlj length, and even cutting, her bosom.- A BARGAIN. -kind
9FLOTS,8.1110 2.CONS.g& IS Alit
nieut for someyears, whevef wa"orn. The attao'k was so sudden, so unexpected W A Id. 150 acres, shout s5 or go acres aleaja
I . A"
jection of th motioll for tile sat'ful- Lyme ACRES, East jf Lot 29, loffi con. Calross, Cd.,
withd2__ hi. line barn 60 x 25 Gi anars &a a good o-ellard His "stock of stoves
s America v:0 hd at her escort-, Txlr_Wells, was taken coni- New fre4
th ruce. 7 aereas cleared and go9d log house.
now tal-e it as -a B. A. of New Oxford, befting fruit. A Npring cr k runilifig throughthe SELLINQ IAT COST I-SLARGE AND] COMETE
H_- did itot uletely V surprise, and knew -not what Clear title for- 65oo cash or for $600 third down
the �,_polo� , where I to -A It mors. , 1 0 e 1117-111 Wit a ittile. 3 miles aft !y, but regratted t�e nt a deep read .;vs transpiring until the life -blood -of the th arin andthe remainderi�4iLunualinstalme4itswitIL interest ilmonp-y
retrosilective rule bacatise i+, put D4 11m, , juall V . e ravelload. at 6 percent per atimmi. AT UTLEWS! V3 - jiyinkliatrAgIlis
ndsilliPosed to beagod speaker. victim showed him the horiid Dattire -of is 02200, f dowilAveyettra f6rl�aiaiias jj�,toc� be -basizgelSewhem
tight capital to. the ApWy ou the premiset., FRES-H-ARRIVALS vurc
er aliw - of _g, ore I r qUired. Uoderich'29th Aug.j 1870. g- SwI01
-n t�i, aft-er h I a -ii thirty years in Australia, harim, the assault. As -the murderer released his 01-o- 'Pp1_VA-6A.IAM bMITH
-a, re country and collu- MICHAEL SULLIVAN Luntle-S Sepl;1870 w33-iot iblerchantTallor AL KINDS OF)OB WORK WILL Z-4
'v"'t's under k'ws FIssed ten yeaws er hold on the victim, Wells ihot at, but -Xdi%6,sbriclgell.0.31&ylstbListl� wa7,gui SAME AS
the 0-7ents had �ccu illenced -as Squatter, %v DONE THE USUAL
Pars _410Y a hicb- occurladonj missed him, afid before be could fire again
112ve beelt out of for upwards of twe;jtv the villian. turned a corner ani eacped." GODERICH PUMP FICTOPLY. 61 lde4cli, lstjuly.3870
V-0caPed the treaty as --n. A BOOIK-E:EEPXR Read "ClotInhig -Farm for Saleble
fart, taking the evff vqth Q d Years- I have been di at., farmer a(ja Such, in brief, is a, condensed accotint of rZadel.
hoped nopress storekeeper in OF- T OTS AS and 54', Bayfield Concesion, in Ina HE SUBS( RIBER IS PREPAIMD TO na ALL
are i.j be 111Y tittle. ant aboul. UT OPR3fVLUn, IENT, NVOULD 13B GtAD jjr J -d Township ojGoderih Containing 68 acres, Torders for,
'to the atrir, taken from -the -many . rumQr& 0 be could obtain some wotlL at ot thes 4yer-50ac FARX FOR S A
C=zd-- to intarfexe with the ez:eroe i mrried,andbaiechiMl-ell. laniesse Posting Books, SUPERIOR QUALITY. n, rescleared with good frame V XT 3W IP �95
er t- flying about. ntsor any offier writing.
Own fre5 Wa He re-oi I tially mikiug,)ut
y %vh"-tis('011lnlf)u,yeiliedagentlemun. Miss McDaniels was about eighteen Can be hcar[;d(!cu` by apnlication at the isignsi-emeo. Bar and-Log,ffouse, about 21 Millis irrom
t the irri_'atln� was ened ii So aluch for in v -self, Gcderlr� 22nd, May, 1871. —0 Clintoial, For, Terms of-saleapplyattbeDivalon dudgivesaftsfacVlop. 'Parties sending brolers byinan ARA -RE ClaAW40B.
-ld low for my terms. Years of age,an estimable lady b6nd A gener- will please give depth of well fro platform, maming
am not ill a position ta spaAe any inottev al favorite. Courf orbee at oderich, or io Mr. WIGGING Township. No. -of Concessiondl. as also on rVRE FROFE?TY OF 591F TINTE
ZiPprr defend�d.' In one 4e;patoh her' it zma is do Grey ld P TuN =the premises.
as Susie, in ano
treaty an the conduct of the i� in election ex, LARGE VARIETY hand. JL Grarrey. being tbesonthEal'oflitit, No. fs noltr
ease-;; th.raff)re, loshoold, given tiler as..Vmie'. Mr , -Noticeto Debtors- -187,0 W30 oftbotownFlot.Ashneldco, uron 1CO itzriesol
Hesconted theirap"tation of th, require, 'after- the electo;s had 6 d LL partlets indebted to tho Goderich, Aug 15, BETERSIBLR I�OLEGOIRD
s3tVi e m,theris on a visit to Now York, aria the laud acres clex7eil; ;�Yt_?l u!270ngs sud,
theillseirts about my il�i A countswere rcnder�dlast winter, are =eekneas of the Polit6ll melaricholy neivs will fall doubly seveto British g ZROAV� CLOTHS, W'er=s "Ve3w
to pay kip on or before ist June, thilln -DAR BAT, ROOT SCUFFEERS. ticulm as topricoile., &c. to be lmdzt 1he OXVIe,
atrite they -who left -her daughter in full vigor notified -V_
bufare the shem kliOwleol,o, -Ind inh-rity, illat they should on her, tile', wi
U be put into court for collection.
sired t-0 conciliate theAmeripana,bn subscribe the,qxljeiise of mY visit to your of , youth. The cominunity ha3 beell. CASSIMEM CHURNS A.ND CUTTERS. OYLK& $Q711ME,
int.' mOm- of the pr5po��ajst h- district,-jztTj also tile g5o deposit and the thkow "ititi. rri Godericb, April 20th, 1871. sw094f. sold on liberal terms, an)1 rders promptly
a 0 a. wi� ble stsfd, 6� ex n and TWEED6, HE TOWNSHIP OF COL13ORKS 7 MILES yAOM attended to. Goftriell emm'ber ZnL M0
Len Milie made on sho notice a, 14 T
1Y tha dinericam had been persisr 11 a priutera bilg, c. 811,)ulj 111TS11-11urestioil by thi act, and haver unitecl, in hunting )i LL of whicli wl rt lid
-4though, they %yera, not ' 1Y bear fruit, V(ja tvill ablive iu� bj *Ance 140TICE OF, IDISSOLUTIO] Goderich. For pardcular�. Apply to Stand pleviousloccapled by 36� U, Doidd.
prep 3- X- OF A orst-eias style. TIM
!1owntlievietch. Parties are scouring the - 7 -1 - - - C I . . . A TRONG. TW10 rARIMS 16-T SALE
t""as. - The a-Pulligy ftir the escape of Na Placinz yourself in-coll7munication vritb surrounding country, and it seems impos- PARTNERSHIP. 0:1?- PIT Land Workmanship W.- D. ALLEN, Huron Hotall, 11 -
Ala gfaaraitte GodeYich Nuch 4thl8n. W XWE4-tf
b-iwa, made tlta� me. �Iiouht tile electors, on the Other sible for him to escape. If ad or. 'Goderich �2 Ncv.,.187o. &-5w the TOO
he settleazeat f taken -it is OTICS Is HERE no tale. OR Sale two very Valuable F -ARAB an
treatV P�msslbte. c d hand. scout the idea, Write at once, as I probable that the -N ;�'G�t that the Partnqrshtj F. -
TcS1,3Pw;ad&W t"ity questions Of ni U_ propose running- foranother constituency.," heretofore existing between PARXER&JOATTIA COLBORNE hffiEL' as n(,a- ad with a trial. Judge Lyach- will pra- as chemists andl)ruggists in Owen ound, Durbaw- MY. STOCK OF GENTS)
side, and a stout rope and a short shrift and Goderich, Itas been this day dissolved by mutj* FURNISHI:NG (joODS,
The �-Ii3sion olf.16y a I provision LoF.D Aui;EaLy. as it -appears, has be- will be given to the murderer f Miss Me. convent- E -H .0 --V,-. A ILS CODERICHS - -------- t-
rocinrecity iv;js unitilpofor CoM' cometroubloolabout theapidgrowtfi All debts owing to the said Partnership in Godert4t
in ar,e to lie paid to GEOROB CATTLE (who will Coll VALUABLE IOWN & PARK
cf Daniels, a Young and lovely woman, with Q QUITE- CON.-PLETE.
'N. B. -An assartment- of the best Sewinn,
view a' the Pro--ress free trade, ras.nlak poplilation in and hhs s1l.1gested all the gliries,of life Qpering. before bar t"Ic the Business in the old stand), and all churat. ALE
tat some method be invetite and -ea -arc- stricken down -by the -lizind Of jDd ftership in Godedch, are to lid'praselit, X. WALLACE, E. XA:RTM Proprietor. LOTS FOR SAIX.
ad of is
2u America. He defended the artl dto�zaidGeorge Cattle, by %jhom'th8V5mdWIIIW,
colicarnilig-the fisheries, 0h the- groll. small. f-Mulies. He said professed unbo"464 love- for -heri iho '!ettleit Mailtines constantly on hand..' A WITCEMAKER
tocons Dated in Goderich thA 19th juIv. Irlo ND JEWELER) ftfttant mad'aniaslint
that Canada was reauy banefitted, ider'thlre4F children a,% many as it is would have madq herhis vvffe.' An R_AHA1W SVXTH. TTS M. 366
them. desirableto have ilia family. The"Court 17PTtsTREET, ft GocidAce6mmodations.-Ample Stable, ju thurtecia ncrus ria lot No.:five on Mattlanatexets,
The Emrl of X' Goderieh, March 23rd, 18a w9- 'Room. vitbin ercultoof Oft
linberly said Canaate, meantime, 0,111suponlilln. to Zraw to-Zlight U10'Potato a=. C.- 0 ID Ic ]a 11 C.Ta. Town.
explain how Whappan himself,
cited f--Y,.-r for the treaty. . V:3* This is admi First class J
ad tharlie, 1�_ .1 1 rPHE SRhW)Aer having remo,�ed to the Store ately ittddto be a Godedelt, Veb..,Gth. I=- EW48
n with, bassetso badaexample , A correspoilden" of t1w FratrVe Faluer _L n'_cj3.pjed-byA_Na 5,imlib, West Street, opposite the
bee Post Offic*, wls#tts-to_jKat&bis fileuds and the publ*p -Ouse Icefit in Good'Style.
Rarl Russel. inatkii I 'Vilatever maty �bq 'the saya:-7 or the liberalsil ith which tbey..bav favore.j Aug= 15th,4870
U treaty- vM3 as biludil 12� viewil I 4Df ai2;eL pp4rt. e wthcnahl it '14i upon this "I have three quarters of an acre of the him for the last % -issureahern that
if it Lad Won ra:iiaed" al of thp- "OU1 , years, and begs to
-d 'M L-Xamiriahiory -shows that their Early 'Rose, planted early in Ap no elf rt -pared tio nu ?f their
bd[ly drawn anti obliged sulgct, - in con'
S"ib-it to principles hi D InGra Opposed to Lord d� bt; ' _U_"1AN- 110TEL T T Tsx M
pl�4ctiC6 is 4ye 1 pply re now looking -and gro 11 as, otice to tock Owner s44
the country, thert�> Amberley's theory than'hia own� -in, which� (P - 000 �y Tah 0 final wi ohez� _and , e rele
as any.crop I -ever raised, Save. INM, CIELUROMT!,
The L --rd ChancoMrglisla:n�j. tbo Ust alphabetically, U3,91701i in.Lodge'* been over thent three time,. -sprinkling GRET which willgive'sulafaction. toihe purchaser, und as al. AT'
tit,-- Duepf Abercorn issbo A.VING ATTENDED TM REQVI"D WuXt� rkthas been -done by myself customers majr.-depend 7 IM PRANG-
'Tbe W-'rVig Of S'Ilisbiiry deci.-zed th if, to have JL4 children ; the 1� wn each hill with a mIxt(40 -. OCT. aria-Grealit he havin Shephard & Straeban's.
ker�of�3rssioua at -the, g it weg ecuted.
Z'CrifiCad the ri�llhft OF nSUt a r;V1 A gr*d aj5�onraent of -Gold and PlatO Jewelry
of Ab 17- and land �bwtdr, inih� Watches, C!oak*-A;c., alway"n hitud.
y. 11�the p no
to Ameri-nn last two being ONT' VETERINARY'COLLEGE _'Thts1ottgo Is tltte4 up- with_ev 20 TONS OF BRIN, SHORT819
Of' -, - pound- of Paris to *eight pounds of plaster.
The Duke of_Axgyje Sqid EzDgjan It- of), the twins, lleris� t -had bdnod� a-dip'l . OM16 C0100 one 0
d pim d Of Al- I!o apply- %. I �wgnttvthe tin ind Passed tbefin-a exaltiluatiorf, and ob ALEX WAULACE. t-vellingpublip
in the hemarle, i hml 15 ; &rl I,; noiv ready to atteud-to-.the Goderlchl&uzi, 15th'1813. 311dRugh..
ai:eat of ce acup made,- holding two- 4fiartsi"1th & of all domesticated animals., Calisp AW GoodStabling and:urompt attefidance
Of iternational ar rom�tl); attended
5,-1,670, -
(if Ithad a1igbi PrQf Barret ProrBiieldand, all of Toronto,
Earl of Aahburnham:; 3 h1s. father bles oa and hiter let AlAy
I them WRLdra W_j&mati6j AIRS. JUAYS'.'HOTE S
E n.71 STOG
0,umherst, if Aw-desey, 9, bottom perforted With holes, abOa as to- -References. Prof Smith V. S. rrdt 7 Thorburn,
rgYll, - 12; large 'as fine bird-sh9t.
fitting, cover, hung ivith. Ajiin� ide.. o"O"21M Residence and St COMPLETE "T-3 EES'E
a on one a
and tho Wns brone t to ac; essbor6ii nUonfiealSt�tlext.13loolt to tbe_sW-Aa1,02W and 611 -Cheap fbr4.1Cash,,,
1h andfigtening Nvith'4hAtp
Qn.tfie --60teri OP�Qsftd Polley'm Llyery St
VLqcou'lit Bridgeporf, 13; arquis of and with a socket so te �!Tnderich, Aug_ w.1
R rz,_--ri of it &'a Idered oij Air Ve dusty Wedipines 810ays on bond, SheAara Stracha,
ta &I Id. ms re_, Joh I' Out ajiu� h8v&l� jo' X. B. tTniIflW9et§ pos�ession oftis own pr Miles, ON, 13 et road from Seaforth -t
one side, into whi at 4GH16CERS, GODNRiCH o
iiork it with.' -The s-.)ckot for the handL l; X, 01hr,rchill`s servijecs, will Vlopm re
hic4e - r NZ 0 -ste er wn. Every necessary
and his fath= 10 should -be put on a6 such an angle. thAt, AVE -been reappointed sole genhat
4S` g, the b-Gt- wI4,1V Goderich for . the sale or the alebrat6d
if d is fath a at rt 11 -WERY
Goderich 21st April 18n. modation tor the travelling public. RANTFO BR'
The of bootland in 1861 W. t I . a lat s t w with a ban -Ile, i4y four feet Ion C
3.062,2itf_ In tj;o -rijidLirp_� of ;,� I being twins tom will bA about.16vel when held near zeterFacipr
3 wa-, enIcalated t 12ix Baron mri NOTICE. 1I340UG�1E1[rJV3[_,C)iW E ,y Cheese;
ul0u�h, 7' thegrotind by a person standing u prihb. !jocal de -11-178 sup tory
8�vetis-' andliiafather.17; al Dlied at the Fae THOS. SIMMER, PRO,
to P;�Pdl on Of U. over my QT-�AVED v.N,rotm. PREMISES Or THR gvg� Prices.
a,. .- 1. Of Dorliam, it numbers 9 and 10 bon With, this implement I can go in tha lattexyer v,,A -21429 `- 9 -patch (three-quarters Of an acre) -in ail 0 criber from the neighbourhood of Manchester, on AND. 5,5�7,7,10 kw S; VaiqnL4. Df Rxeter. 10 and -his a Drabnuttlie9th instant, one two year old livillet, i4l[EPHARD ST140HAN. SpetieeliOs XXX Ale & Porter.,
M;; er 10 ;'Earl 'Frtos, .14 ; Earl Gre s time, and dust each hill, -%vith black earsaxd blat!k feet, Theownerwta
'Ile) shaketo eajahbeing sufficient. ithas'a pro- Godeiich, AugI5 18��j v30 JOHM M- CKS, Proprietor, TVIls, is th
d(a unitecl Icirt'nions a total �f. 3 i' -non6j but his father 15 MWI Howe ioperwpay obames and take her away. Spencer's Bottled Ale in
narges as tiodoratteastanyliou Fine -co ffition,
rWi;o on throughout the list, wouderfully demotalisine, effectupn the. ROBER HAGAN. ;argestand be-000untry Hotel in Wester
fx� sLnw, tfi,,zt. rfz . "I al-, . Itigtob Lot 4; C67i.,b B. D Asbrielff.. 0anadit-and c s
as- be in a Z111 a bugs. After a little time they quit *their 11 May,1871. it Mitebe1j. -Stage ropri6tor. GoodstEblingfor
- r4nadred that the -prasok ;dnerationd hold of thevines, rollover on tbeir�backs, Ajas -jjL-3?un-
tholzT, flgarea. thb-zilidility 100Horses Horsas and Carriagesfo;( line, oil
f that SgAne. of the dby no meanG so prolific, as with.tbeir heels itithe air, 1,4fting up the 'D -XT QMORE.� Satirtdr-i Noti" - elleoni barrels imud
�fZ3 was the preceding one. abounded
sNor -Lb X,Q JL Haffbarrels, itt -the,
't t6F -host" Uielniggl�r4. scitce pitch
WX 'h
on il bas ra-Led i�'� em
ih7jrtime. '31
gut& Sx, A Utedlo-Pure 'ase.
ND ZAIROV HORSISS f A W 'an incrc-asa of over 86-,rof); Dandea, ground will be ingood condt ion ora crop
QfL ts-1, 90^0, beivig 310 MUM A 31= A -any fertilizing pr'VerUetir, I think hd G-USON Wa GODER10H DEPO
reforred. Addm
Made tfib� I-argrest n1iranca ia mectino �of next season. - I am iatisfied fr'�m bugi my lfv4th buildings �recttd,
farmar;3 and egricultural gentlemen lat"ay, 8142QAL
tatb crop can has iftst-Aublida1heoulargement orms Store to twice R; _ 7 1 1-1
a, . 'ralijidprice'
it, papata experience, sorfar, that a-po withftn4paTenill
2� dispinte amse. as to how, many, acres its foon office. -GR NT -
to 351,05!5 in js�u; in thig way bb kept fTao'ffoni' bugs , er itap�acity, audJiu opened, out in GEO, �A
Qua paw a&S, BlindS, ORO
Dee,�i h. 18�9 W3Ztr_,
hers -could drilliti-a day" with Bash Do ERI
in 19st; UVA2�i in 18n; 70 L31 b6small expenditure of monev or labor.
Whereupon Afr�'Fbr&Tsson, Kinnircht PROYISIONS1, -A
sa,411 in Potthihilre, said 6at- ly* I liave used up to this time' about six Zffo1cUng9,T1OOr,n,. Th
k --nd 1107 fil 1371 the nnt4. his min and- h4raes P Ladies', Department WfNE$ Youl. CH"O9
is 118,954, the in.4 -eda Soots a s
pounds QUOR3, WOW T,
;0V I
�40 - raquently drill of Paris Ureen, costing 40 ct'. per Sid:
Instl-en seara having beeif Thii era.% int- a da polluda 7) -Tha� ValuaUe -Thiem aaa
ed to.drill 13 Comer Kingstn %rebt & Market Square
it win b 1N oand� lie. ongra andAll Itiholiot or Dungannon, ku lie *11!rince 14
16oLWales' Uotel, mbere ing'busi, IC;�
ys of ten hour 4tv, 7XIA1. been dorfetorthe � ir go 0 4 Zwdk"�rZ:
avi es in two d, C -11
.prev; sin�� JR,
y Ong ten Veat-W �3 day7drula ta-be 29f inches wide;'not;. to.- berdeezi, is _-L-o to ba mu �h and Frlmes unusult MiEft
such as -Circle and kz(Able Sa,
oVer�drive or trot the�orzes; and -to d Odderich June*20th 18T&,� 4f -P
0.; "1 . Th6y -think froi I AC VILLAGE LOTS
lated an its, mogress th� * Census gEvil b -tho whole -v orl� th� ni - pair of On, Friday afteurnoon, �Aurilik he pr -r, Wbnc-' M thefi eiiperience in J.?nctory. �ALSOELGIIT_
; that thi-,v'canit�irLsAU$faction to- all who
an inVen-se TE.QVer 14010.9 which is inn -mer Dres-4,Goods alfsituationDe Main street of the 'Village, AiMoinin t;
harsm The fallowing is the re of ilia storm, Squire Polilmans's may favor theiii iviii?�
port of gress. TOWN LOTS the Tavern. ank -verysuitble for, stores orother I)usi L tria- f D 8th-Finib da office on Viii straer, dnchiiiailj, �Xo'of) 'feet 0 ry-
yl was the Inc find a quarter
Ac'resl rood(Scoisyin tonlioura; Nfay- qth� scene of an occurrence that wilL woik lifion Su==�er Prints tiLe TOBE. SOLD.IN GODE . RICH.- Apmr -To Also:50 &ores -of Und trict� 2ffiere is 11i"uperstition gitizons. Flooriqg pp. hand
ods of - some� of o W 3). ALLEN, Aboutl a mllssoat�i Of the Y01 rohAV houm and, 44 rdinlltja�-Iuakinga ta: -while othera. will deem it BbMI32er gosiery Raw We, on thegravel"ad�
TRICTLY CASH, IlAotel.' the besElity,'35 acres cleared in -d this balance influe
g"A an tal ofl* acrez (Spors) in I 'Goderjeh. Ist.Febrnary, 1871. �sw47 sagar bush. Excelldht new house And Ilarn And good
I , , . Summer ots a;ndshbes Water.
zitex. T1f6 drills are129 inch,.$ Tiled wp�was follows: "The A 'Bo let
9weat in, Qa list with its lar_.,�_- wide DAVID LAWSON, AW To be sold -together or 26pftate., Apply the
and wll made. The- hofsesAid not case of JolinKelly, chargied with comrf�itt- EX-C.BLE17T LA00-
Andreas,; WAL. ROBINSUM, emists orloyletterprepaid to
a 1ppearto4e inCthe I `GV cliztressed, alid Xvi6lenceonsy6u*iigGermaagiklLn;iMe(I
ea in
dth'Xapleaxid -Bee
G61as�iithy7-a"s*'mp-t'gg'r'est. 'Thewiftieifieki OVERKD In chi 10'railestion
17 nd indeed harrowed for an hour, after th 11 Id God,erich
,and Vi, Aug W30 -AND NO E r.
o a was
ae -Goderich. -Forsale heap, being easterly 111
V-45 wholte, towng on the "I show a mora- driled to finish their yoki 1%0'sall a for tile Pi6geoliddii h4o an beell 01 - . Prices to sidt t1ke Tlar.,
TA It 1- .. .- -
acres oflot 5, eon 4, F":ern Divisiont Ashfield,
Apply to, THO
bolle,10 The. -and-evldencja� of -a ehostdamaghi- nature, 1 cow
0 t ma and boas did, tli-e 8 WEATHERALD.
avallue, M�'Jaby E
a a ant expressed, a Goderich, oat a 15aislew, which in-fi-a to.; Porses '(of which there re a out (if T3"ZL3?ZLM C>3.0' ligin . PhOtOgraphs rdaced
a 1, 4— - Ftb, lop. 1$70o
t1le 8 --me �Rlata woeiiii- an Xinunchtrk) ate des 'to, testify i his own behalf* but Odmil to_th&:Prem!ses,V tne -itidirlifgntd. lot 17 nly 039� m. -Ring: h, (on. 4, W. -0�k& THE OIL T50t5.ZZR- HAW 3)OZZN.
r-jta.tptaj-- Wawaoiosh,�ou
ardy ctive animals of ood siza,- with a w Allowed to CIO so did it withevidellt Wednosday 14th inst.,
AN. XOW- - The.6wner is requested to prove:.:,.
th6oz h.. a Y,-ga expen§
dasti. of Cleveland bionfl an(! tb6 hesititipilt. The last wordi -jA RO -1b
w I&Sb -1[lIt tuiorship 11.3AYNIMB iGRAVkL -:R
3 23-51- qatae�-pj; have been wrouglit bkthosA ' were being -,2 jo p Large P. hotp
r�p esand take: biAilwii _0AD1 .-graph.,31edu
had his hand'still raise4. 'DEINGI422, firs . t concessloir Goder Towitab Pro jortio
3ruiltan" SE R.MALLOUGH. cad i*
614 M44 for nina years; Re, &6gan -his' Dungannon, loth �rui nd Other'
-oft r i3rols between the audefsIgued ttailing undertlib ni -es.4aywhichameleared,ti never failing 17savil-Imit'ke
testimony, and had but spok Wo- W Tat _D ytisei thoil"Festpho
at ------- to e Pf W the style audfirai of Yates and Green. at the 'Town -of 9Y
shas taLmil whi�xx every one was startled by a-aimul. At th6 Lowest, Priocs., - - "ll from oj,0ftjkr
t7 t= vreek raus tbrouglL theland. The lot issituatedpit vb. verypheap, Pore
talleouff fiash of -lightning and, Goderick has thf�-rday- Uen dissolved by inutimIcon- the Gr&v6IroadjtbQat5uffles Mrow the town -of God- pwisrdsat
viaca4mmay.. f 61a rk torrific, T,EN0E,R8WA'N-T 'iient.- 1-114busihessheretofore carriedonby-the firm. 'inich. �,7heiaudlsa tieblay loam. belngTerylialt-
in - I Pr6iskya it 1% -balievecl thunder. Thai lightenina-9bruck a tree will Ite continued by Stephen Yaths,,wito assumes all j0�1efoV.*heatorfrultgro The lot will be sold
tLoiia Tenders willboree I d*
Olve 'up to Monda 2 HE' the liabilities bf the said. Orin and t6 wikam:�ai "d&bts -c Voi�esaion eim be gireulst
y July arti, GENTff JJZ1PARTMBN2l l[leapandneAvy tirli
ift Vial; Mr. Gia ma and, Zarl Granville immediatlily fixtrontof X6, offici" 10ppilig for the- rection of a DR CK VWELL11 Godelift rat to 02(;1&2-,X'tT@ouLh the Inczaase. in We feel tlieluselVe com ;G AND' uetothe firware o be palX;, Oetokr, foi partlicularsid termst apply to 111. H.
mitted by illeir litter- 4aff a lai;ge limb�, Kelly Tecoiled and VINEJ�V. Plans and sPecifle2,09m; may, be seen at, mayisr4
re the offlee, of Xesss Strait &Cro PARIJONS4ok to 1. ]DAWSON. Esq.
W� when tho'very- elefii6nfs Goderl nnelftli, 1871, A: R GREEN.' -laud Sale
-Y -eethl '14hefloor, inurinuritng der$ are jtddre�sc okj�-to '.'004 ali ten' -18 FUL:kTv 'Witness STZP V30
lbliU2,1 twent r.arfahc3 ghea 4 itm�qa previoas to the it, -4 g Of tho, fth dropjind'po*ofr1osg t6 = HEN YATES.
over t4a, cgz:ut 4.1.57, theTre.%ty tif �yasl _' .111 WM 110 , ts' ol, W1. tor
eat OIL. Ue_ jrafL 0r0jj;,S* besh a 410 11.51 % - I ington to-parflaxnent foi disca%jon beforp Ato EAXPMM9�TTF For Silo.
1,272; iu OF 0,30- ing, lier M4esW into a, f6krible 'state of
to, ratify it,� -threw every ime Ss*ed SHINGLES. -Apply to A VALUABLE FARM's
Sidra, A -27. �!d CtJ�N. W.
�PED_ Goderich,13thinne,18n. ,
-5,031 pnm�
It ia now kxcwn tbat, whilbit irr Wtwiting: excitement, inonsequenew of which tho if -OT IVAIWANOft,
TT.L 6crerts,c5clearedanxi IT B
la- g=ernl romai#& Earl'D�a Grey oinsulted rae - Britil triW wasp.bktponto-ed undr Ulis af WArt
t�� butpeanj but fw= tha opev�ttjljn of tljl 0overnment, by telegraph
on every pokit
kell-Stittutcj to of XXEDj4TEVV,-A4WTFADYMA7f ACCUSTOMED w4ea Atock6d With sziperlor varictes ok trees Isi,
bearing, - T.
Vuses tar wMeft i6 way bc�'usoribud, t�fllrobeznl)ini�tcdtath&Unitc!dbi.a FAB 11IONABLE HAT;5& CAPS I
tes; an eveiVilay. t fifty cents �Iier to fiot-- to borde�slioelnganil� wqr'k, 'bout L 2gor. one dqUarpervOltnpe, and I ba
'the great it -flux lrncA ever AXov ow a'To _gencral country
nlike- nianuor con ve It 4upply iniploYment..
T-RAVELERS' INSUBANOE jo,, ffing spring dud 63sitmito I j mjjC,,q from tilo ViIQ&
tutes � o3i jum
We don7it th ofallthoi3Omlarj�sta - f th �at stilted tile leaders of the Cousqrvtiye Peaceip office Clqik-, of the V1 L 11 A 3 1, R 0 B E RT 8 OX To bo I at oderieb oriclisto".
-V10EABLF1B00TS&S'1i0E'S Bentuiller 11, 0. it June, Isix. TERVE, kW Cash td()WR�
f Part ti Some yon, go zhore, �Vga a lively,, dis- $ER N CAUSXNG 30D.T.
her lj,ggerbeeri I etch -tf y !Ajuyyor lose of
vifthout DAN LIZA11S., the paym�ut to
tile collsent of t1ja two gre%t political, mission of the questioil what Clerk ofreace Huron. Gode. 14 Jane, 1871
of astipubtte'l sum Per*6014-fromt V o $10, r the
BArflanj, who =0 tLerefore, both the iiiiestiom "wig 2i USEF SHIRTS& SHI-kTING,
W-niry 8!celc, a you Wul honp-a-brepijq svill infoxicatait -.and We Palmeutoftbeprincip.almuntimured, from $W to
q. 31,TR BN A X.
it tdoft tg-, 416N'trVic injury esuee deAt4Wifh*thrssZ0atIlXv
has �ecn c,)mwitted tit, tha enrptirt. f tile whetboasaitpitiowill explode) Goder" 2K W194V
-op PenL main alsogrants full. may, isri.
guAl@na for 5,7c-ars, priticipilea -;f the Trenty. Zirl Do Grey and e yet t7imletermined, Bubaliw question ill take the Treaty'*yf Washifi to,, has arillen in to the posver, of. the silv. — -7 . - htwmril MACUINE -Ithll the 9 the other n6cesiaries of coi provemento, �o beAvoi "tea m LIFE INSURANCE,'
thitt will A Tobasecn'att rk;d Xvith Horse 0
An unknawn 2j, iopular'German bbyerage and outdfit.Il 4ents. �rhjbing to s4 Tavaill to Rent.
(ra ira' i iit i beforathe House 6f Lor& on the2othilla. ve njongy; phe btoklionso in therear of the
tliz,r it gives str6nuth 'and co . If;jt T1E't T:�ea%v will be 414 before tLe H Plhe *Al beforel bit Signatffico.- Applyto and endowments or.611 forms at low V&sh p4t,&
DiCrEe, fell, t;eacafli, tj�.& wlju;�U a k
011ie -ply In,- Fldijnf0riaaV�t&=be
Od obt4lileii of
The association of -German bra' in fl -16MAily. 115,71, S. 13L DATLOR, JL Ian bridge, on the gmj-
United Statw bas'latelY isstied Goftich May Vtb-'01071' ate wi�erc L IAT, an addros*&� Agent Zinearfm
Inc, o bui5iuess L.L been dono
The erlehZIr3rt, -T74 ould be incre"t-1
c(prner stone, tit the new W. 31.: 'Tu which the idea it bro clied that In od
beer is one -of the sources of thq natin
A- reb, Tormta, was Wi on 3..eoliday. lial ........ e, avit emllentSIA-VIO 111111811C11- accontod6tioni,
nkjanBD a
Sale.. Gro'cer-V Dvjv EO 1�11 11, 10 Presently Oe -
and pointa to, tIfe Wow& artmollit, ell .,a doing 4 jargo Vic ilgk st
A R,-,xion p&per anerts thAt thoy uge For saiell _ig
b. td
The All. W., th.1-1 Or3.11,110 TAg =t of Franft in Support qf the Ity- it A -T teJypposltv� Apply= tbcploukeis�
I9f to a Ita6it down on Caro Oad of It hasb�en hem toforo' M cell &RooX8,AN neirpen H aggy. vith 411d Nftt to
112tuilt"n- Gelldilig toWit pauporis f.(j the t4L-ljiSljLttnV, oxeelleut -welt gr*with half an acre ofgroiiud�gr Air -front, welt finisheditud mounted. yor sale
ChOlce varlet -t off' uit trees7ind g9od nt as usual of all Cheap. 'Applyto O.U.TRUENAw.
rages, Such, a frame stble doseto StAndly & co,
ave X Sawmill, To be, kiud!(of GoAe?Iajt 22ad Uay, 137;. of Ilin(L attv
wi;l h, twatmu-spirittl0115 bove The` gain full Assortme
at thaV tho Coulmouiroaht tuigh', relieve sWathi, ;cra I sapping the melltal and sold eltep ro Godericli, rjtb June, 1871. 18ri. _&�4
Day-. them front the expease of pitying their AVV!yto� - ' oh iftfla,i
pysical jitamina of the pronch, Alld Ill,- , % -11 , ,
Uurglitrs are suc-comfulty operiting, j� board during the wititm likilY is the anggestion may sem at % the AW81-if For 8410�
CIE DA R. i3osTs
Aflepifixe*officoisuotimproporl"LIICd first blush, it i thought not itupowib!6 ;AZT ORSALE 111�
r -swing rwm. All RAILS, _q. on
A ruA&n namc4 Camil, while wrUink his thfA the en*ivW -homb of - t40_tC* -aw FOR SALE JUill-propertyof0tax. Aidder iFs -bjelt
Foreo 1herels acottageetintaining9roolmij Xitchen
in 31outrerJ, lifted a wAy really hxftsm i=port"i By paldly is I IMAM111 11OIWFt 32
hid h--wl wil.11 it. 11 N Nvotd State ofrepCr.
fl 11 FIZA149BUILDIG 1XI& CNKTRAT, I-TEPHEN YATE-99 good Welf, rain-watertank-1;o1ding40 bbl juld being x1tiss.
An American soldier aesarW fi�= ]rort On their AteadiWiss M"i&, L'. I 1.
Ali Indjan dnnk a �jvtxrt Of whiskey istiGeorge a couple of with hU anoe ypon the A* of sultAl48f0fA4y3ijnd of--ttlentatitetoM sfdihouseft.jttrei� W . . Insqeaflon finvited. tc nj; Biver
r day 0 tw*,%oi endre kit, widkeftrtl P*rti= Of the X1WA,%d39MW * Vollmaeft , L: ' ' -, - pkysi by tbA Pig EXCFEL.SfOR G R 0 0 FPL Y., VU the Apply to
0 2 -
.at 85
Fit I I