Huron Signal, 1871-06-29, Page 34
Honsrus,--lt is -to the in:- Dj 6fa,JV.,TF, 1871. Ayee, CathArrtiO
E, vAbixo- Tozz.-:-�Ir John Doll and Mr A Taily residing in a western city return Cul ' iB YOUR
Alax. Megmaw were '/brought before 0. ad 1101110 0116 evening, and heard some te6stot f%U who own horses to keQpAlieni.
ror Au tke vulmons f it
itivnil condition : ex-
Crbb hs% J P b I&.Marh %hitely noise in a roomusually occupieliby heriielf in a. healthy and �'jiiller -Taweii
Mr10,NCHOLY DEATH.-INVC aro� sorr-- to proved that '�D iblan ; 3fartin. Mary, mo �ono mtffi-�
-ra ;314rtln Alm. re:
on a chai�( toll., Mr Squier and,beAusband. The. door being dospdi perien�e 4vA arley's Ar.
d the death of 1141 widiam, Caull
have to recor appeared for Mr WhitgJtN31r Hays fQr ATr she was reduced to the, keyhole, to which HeaverRemedy andonAition, Dale, oi� the London Field Battbry. De- gel, and
cavanagli X, -105
��%et -thought- r Xegaw,,for himself. The plaeg sll.6�ppplilad . her eye. . She saw,the is the most'.effloacious, it has habn used by wasa most respeat%ble anA axytic t
ay, her 'aide thousands� who will cheerfully- confirin ly fi4opted into use,
plea in both casbs was that the defendants tigure of,�roman ;'standing I bell Win, (Saildler) jpnenzle Jean
were teraing camp.,�upplies, and were was the husbanc =Son 4111es,
ful young man . I of OJealous wife, actually this statent
and has passed ampay at -the
ent;� For Heav6s). 00418 _U M 1). John an C asses, as this iuil7
ealy age of 25 years. li off ot t'her jAivAtor kv. �4udull diseases whic a
tatute bx0nipt -but efLpient 1-urgau
ad b, therefore by s from toll. engaged in adjustinj a shawl on the shoul- Colds, it 131iLcan
he h eked by at intrudGg female. Taking -a windofborses itheano equ 71or"Is
frin Lod i, C It EvazisJ 4Ld Louis r4w
Frase,11. 01- Smorere.:
In the cse against *em -w, judgment was ders of z PHL TheQbv
tion of the bowels nd ws only deferred, and that4) %:gainst Bell was ad- ghot-gun, she force(I open the door anol, shot equalled as� a 'qonditio5n. medicine., It alcolin sonis,,thatit
vessen MU _LIN,
just recovefing. His Dr., We it s the b1qod,'-corrects anai 'm
vutifie mproves Falrbizither 'a than ad to 8 p. in.; 'at the reqftest of Mr. the woraan fi� the ba,6k. The husband, _A I � patmey David' WMW ttial Tentei
thought the visit here Nwvould doi It m good, ihei-appefite, and softens the Elkin 2- ififact 4iner. Thusewholuif47
e2� C -a' ZtC2� ave Col. Tiylor screamed; the wife fainted. Onler return Pitrine T
if he tciok no part in the du up. who desir4 to It. GAW Gibbon J. $. 'Osewit" I"itt
ties of t16 Qw - improvement in the c tL I
, 1 'etplahations fol- 0 s la h D.
likesent as a witness. great* i tl PApst William i�nrefl t:
car'and Courp reopened at to consciousness, mutu% Fannie ., oo VW1 orit ind
Relly 0. Annies lRobinson Minjowthatitl
Ridin from London in an ope� en lowed. The body of the woman -Who was dition and appearance of -the 'Mal as to rR: Beaver 8 p. in., and the following is the writt tFailtis AIPYL a know thatwhat ji, docz clCeft dws w0f
carriea %N%%ybythe--excitaiuent�onioiint 0 ha4led * Tnanj to il-bubtifitebula -be the 1,Y41a,
Worship. "After w as sadl to be or negleetoL
judgment of His ait- shot was brought in, and it w J,6hston�Tohu(4tIz Con) ISMArt, �Mex itnever falls i�&Qugh AlaySiult hxve his own horso to camp, from the station, he rse. 0111MtOn -4 Itt"Inp"Itlon' We
'Phylorwhiter ing half an hour, and there being no ap- I The husband is a dry goods same 116 Johnston R. 7vm
fro 7y LavitiLlathulne rolloWing ConspI4, nts, but such CUP
returned to town sullerin- -n� a relapse pezzm-tnce of his counVI, failing flurthe& ev- a a� lij%ont and liadbrouOt 1he image Remember the name, and see tha �Ssrek-u6wnivr
M etv' amuge it �ad sustained signature of Hurd mq�dn(
andbreathed his Last this(� mornin t air the d _&.Co. is- on. w jiv1Xbboffi9od,4u1dW0E . in k1l climates;
�ndab '* idence, afid in ta�zfirrr the idence into h in rep nt 8 o'cloch. His relatives are in St Mary" Win
John Bell by exposum a SHIP. Adj�tcd jo all ages androaditions
ra- consideration, to wit, Zhe sm ordwh Daniel Wi
astle, 0. W�, tfety by AnyWdF
Me y
THEHA=or�-Wealrcady noticed the had a load of merchandise on his wggon, P krgttop & Lyman, Newc. I 31siterjamez a W1111m.
the Canadas. Sold by all k 31allin IuLry -ingir coating preserl
tho sinking, on TA-tesday lasti' 6fone Crib supposed to be barrels of beer, and tile said etors for issutto tat(3,w-,u,�el3eingpmlyvtget*blo'
04ZIWENT.-The old world reipInicine dealers. owd wankays and ARC111b PIbM0K Nst Xww- tetple UE6112 AnY I
at the end of the nor' hpi W- AXOT EX er-T pazitityt -
M d in 11- can atkefrom their itbO-
Theoperzte by t.heir powerf'al Muence of
cri the M10ailp'lier farther than was tendered in the express toresting to natitral nations than the war. purj!�,theblopd Jilid StIM1111" Ift
tht for the ext-reme, point 0 y Dell not having- offered any evidence, has ancither excit9ment more. tensely i HYsonGuuP fastil
-ed A -the "A Wdndei of. Medical Science, may Interad visceri to was sunk, so that the line in w 1 ch it will bill mark and in the said bill there is Diamonds liave been discovered at well be applied to .111)r Wistara Balsain of of- tw
�Ck. I lao I . a&% bowels, I4VCr,, and ther orzau
ruln out into the hake can now be istinctly no mention made of barrels,,but only some cnpo of Gooct Hope, where the wonders of i Wild Cherry. It is nearly half a century litoll eir irwgular action t-6 hezalb, anA
bJd. istaringth
VG fi.T herever -ey exist, sulGh ti�
seem The dredge tZi some offi- -S ARPS
is incessantl at work small barrels and Pelonging, the %ilor, seein to be eclipsed -m 1 SilIPMENT LIGHT 9 by correcting
imbad i since this rernaekable remedy was.intro- nidnts as are t 0
asin cleare out. cars. No proof being offered that said while every one in this Dominion (if ours duced' to the public, and yet the imine -
and has quite a deep 1). Wratte direptions are i6vea !R-1the vrrapr�r b*
Operty, there- is astonished at the w'onderflil ege6ts'vf thwo
TUG LArwcH, -On Saturday, 1th inst. brrels was Government pr the box, for
That Bell not being in diate enviable reputQ6tion which it gained a SMO e ugair-Oured at 4 p.m. the tug wItiL!h , fore I decide lat. coughs, colds,
r. Br the "Canadion Pain Destroyer" in curin and
uaiform the toll -gate keeper had no *right (eld,, by its , Nrohdarful cures of Shlo dnt of Hams k, d- 14, sticin, Mistl
building here, was succ ssfulli la riched. coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia", m -and B 0`00, yor joyappaixor Xudig,
e eing n 811TIlme whooping c�qigh, sore threat, enzal a..�r aud'Moes WfA"et1tL*,1hei
e said vehicle as b r coffloplaints, &c. For sale 'by all consurn. tion,,;Ea bronchial complaints,- inoderately ft�*fiinuate the zWft-
'I'EM Fir.LD BAxTERY, is to d4mmence, truf a t
aj an
Her A10 esty9s service.. 2nd, That ev 25
Druggists and country Dealers. - Price 5 is to
tq�rget practice on Tuesday, 27th Ins" if them were Government stores in said cents per bottle. b to dij y sust . ained.
For Xiver ConaplLaint and its vuraos i
TaE Lo.-Ttio-N BAND. -The ma,,;rnificent
waggon, as the bulk of the load ;w to all Carload Arst 01�89 PotatoeS- NARAduca or Green Isickneso, ]m1lieux
band of the 7th Battalion, r ayIng On appearance private property, the said teal" �i- Fitom obse-r'vations under,he Microscope BmTki. c.U. and lffilb�uai Weveri,they szotad bo >;
the gunboat, C-Ime up to a at (I for of horses and wagg of the bl,, - of patients net oor resitove the 012truct:
,on was liable to toll. ng Fellows,
lor over an hour delighted a v I a gather- 3rd. When any vehicle in Her- Majesty's Componrid- S�yrrtp-, (if, Hypophosphites, ror oysenterl; or llbitvrkGsa,7 but ez ix
in w ich t.'Y employ, or in the employ of any officer 'in taken from timeto,titne, Vc -At TowAphip of Colborne, on 21st instatitt and C -Jiosela ilzig with the dmirable st th )sitive proof has the wife of Sergt.'H. Spence,.of a daugh- _t
- -utiful a P - ror GrK Iftl
le Cheap Call �o I
executed a number of be Iservice claim exemption from toll obtained of the 'steao! ter. & lections. etua. been 1� emoval of & te"On of Jkia Ileart., WRANIft 4A V
Our towils-peoplelare indebted Jo Mayor frond the fact of havitig camp baggage On diseased and dead blood particles and'the j3ack and laolus, theY i0muld be f=ile
Unys for this musical treat taksn, as required, tQ zo diselLS41d WE=
board. Said vehicle must. have camp sabstitution of vftalized discs, so ne6egsdry th, 1871. t 2ta&XIa th3seouipWwA
oclarich, June 20 ters Want� - . hesysteis. With subli
I pSODi WATEP.IFGCvTAIN.--,ilrB$itigham, bggage only on board, said baggage n1at to to the construction of healthy muscle.*
-)in the form a pretence to take through, clear Of UNAIUM EYE PRESERVERS. Cargen Projoltial SiWal
-0 at a cost of $300. has purchased fri 'Tor
1CFS0 establishmentofMathewgy NY.,Aeatitiful toll, a large mount of private prope The Chicago Postal Beco;d - states that To BUk J!HH LARGE STOCK'Or huld Me= inlarge doves to yr,40
rty as in the cour- duce the exect ofadrafric parigg
now patent suda water fountain, of over three hundred post-offle
climbinim, Judgment of court under section 102 try are under oltar,-�b of women, and gives Nail and. other For Supprenelpla a larke
o1s; tie desL?
a Tubler 04,01er, and four dollars and costs. -C. CRABB,J. P." )ve a Roadl Tite defendant to pay a1pe (f e
ooler, in I'll 11 pr PiU, takiD Due CT WOXVIS 40 13t&
the apparatus of a Soda Water a list (if (� r seventy of these offices pay 9 16 Ai 1E
Syrup Cooler, and . jl�oterdlft�ztlou and relieve -the stonmuh.
him to dispense to Oerfection orer $1,000 -per annum. An occasional dose ffmulatcs VIC EtbUlAdd if$
enabling fit
THL- MArnrAGz of our estimable young WOOLEN FAV� I Which' we, have jus eefimois Wa licalthy ainion, restores the a
this dehuions saminer beve B hav- townsman, J. C. Detior, Esq.. is gracefully GODERICH dd hrvgordtes QQ ty�tt= Hence itis
in- tbo qvrup. charnberi�art, 64e -fade
unewi of6e tolerabl�wkfflio
ve 01�L Its3i commented on by the Oshawa Vindicat Special Notices. a2srusq Ifirris & Co.
stead of metal, degree (if P01-itY, Wit thus This happy event had created nifee de HICmy Cll�
ofthese Pins Makes hi e 0� otherwise ttainable is perfectlt,secured- much interest, and before the hour ap- Celebr Nrfeeted SP60- their -cleansing and-. renovatlug *Xe0tQ;2 the
Med S W Thewhol6is maileof Polishe arble pointed for the ceremony the church as FELLOWS, tadZesl and Eye Glasscs. pted
�&SOW IS71. Painter
with Silver-plated motintings an is quite well filled with residents of Oshawa and ROXAGE, BEG LZANETO STTE f Pdlnts�- Vas. ZGWXZZs X"Nj 17. 9. Az
a work of art. This fountain now at' SUBSCRrBERs. WHILE RETURNING THANWFORPAST PAT To cie�r out tho Large nssbrtinent o
neighboring towns and country. The fa. r 11yroplWarRITES. nnH R CELEBRATE;-P.-ETrRCTID SPEC�ACLR t qulil�y.
work and is intended especiallylil *for the brid-3, lea;Lg on the arm of her fatheT, kmongst -the diseases *overcome by the use were introduced tothe public ot the Dowinion of L tin,"urbig tha past winter, they have Uqlor*l WAaszand Put�.tY.ult�fthebes
Canadasince the 24th March, 1869, during which !Vd*,eid3 I 0,1Ynt., ladies, being erected in the frqit store, and attended by her sister, Miss Gibb of Deriod they have fiie ith a success urequailed by turing'Ela-61—AnerY d lit
pectacle sin �-Fjld ITT Goacrich uy pnb� & catft-�t er,
L- argely to Their MaUufae
ep. te from the bar. iss A. Wood, of Oshawa and Miss Gran any other ee the discovery and use of
ar&q; Gdodiner.A Be tt in:
Fellows, COMI) U, gyrup ot 'Lemics not only do we Imagine that this famous "fitted, riclinta, Emeter. J. IT., 0Pnbt vy,6;
entirelv s
M=AP.Y 0 Ud Added- William Dale, bel, nging to two younger sistars,.� entered the church
-AL. h and Frankie, he, P-V.V E E. -Thelc,r�i,,se of the of Hamiltoir, and Edit :�pectaclewillbekadoptcd by every pis n An, oi� linving b6C"nt
afrownt the
yotig man HWORHOUMTES, Continent of Amirloa pending Optical hat B1
the London Batterv, whose deat' on loii- shortiy before twelve. She was attired in ARE they, will no doubt find their way to the remotest r epated t.) EXecutO Orders abk
'Hops covers, Stocking Ta i Horse NAIN, Ir
Whit corners of the Globe, and this Is dtie solely to their in Tweeds, Full Cloth. S&tlaettO, Fl�uuels, Wnceys' Blankets' To select their supplies 0 on -
day mornin we elsewhere noticed, ws e silk, trimmed with Honiton Lace, ngtipation, Asthma; consumption lid morltwbich no other �peetacles possess, and'Ilke all V XORV ry:b at V"Itle,
Ia ngitis, 1)URAZILITYt Steel; in which We Can givatbeftl the to P
conv;yed from the Huro CP to the an a magufficent. lace veil enveloped htr CO Nervous Debility Dypepsia, Cliro to Bygehitis, good useful lri�entjons, will have to contend with E:&T,9'9 DERrATOH, 0 Iz yzdxr,"kl�
Debility resulting imscrupuilous itators pretending to haw similar
Station with military honors - t o'clobl, fair form. Th frKm Ty-phoid anofother low fevers, Diphtheritic Prost- goo,isforsale. 'Itis admitted thata well fitting or Tly,
ce OF th chronic -iricea, Aletancholy WITEGN. M
Fran, cool..50 a bridesmaids wore white kpatet'ln Patt6rwTh"
The Lond!) Tarletane trimmed with mauve, and never yation. llyst�ria. typocliondria Amenorrhma, Chlri- pair of specticleals one of the greatest boons which 4 ot the same day. battery, I They "I'll, 1 6 do SC -4. off
c2edition L25 e tit Leuconlicen, Nervoirs keltability, can be couferred-upon those requiring them., Hance W0111-1 also caill'),;rticular Attentloi.i.4 undr command (if C, .1. Shanly t rn' d o dia they look more lovely. At the altar, Auternia. A'31tonia or none but the most perfect should be 'lised, as. b 11ted,
in fall force, as so did the Seve ath Lon- the bride wa received by the groom, who Nlarasrnus-or Wastinu oftbe-Muscles, I ilme.ansthefatigui which the wbarers of Ydi= -:k$0TII1D SING U! Aetz coopm �Wd
of Voice Chorea or St. Vitus's Dance, Sluq&h. or RP
0!14 p etacles ex e 'USTOR WINNING- I1.0LI` CAL"'N'Pr, PATTINt WCOOV1DIROX.
don Battilion under cominatid l'of Col was ucompanied as groomsmen by his k1.11- or the Liver, Interrupted and Feeble Action ol rionee is avoided. ngfroma dIstaneowitliVon' toLget cirded,by leavIn 2!6 suitthemsRves Out of ditibat varloty df thi
used by mucous ro adg�ted.rartleacomt of theirrade:
Lewis; lining in sin�le fil both sides of brother, Mr S. H. Detlor, of Goderich, %%', the Fleart,�,suffoeating Feelings e. We have spared, neither expense nor labor t por which thelivinebineryis Ing theirrolls-houle withthuff thesliftleAY
le bstructidns of the Luiigs andAir Passagos lending duce these jnstly COebrated Spectacles and Eye the same with Mr. D. Fergu5oa. MerchantUoderleh,cau relyn all Lt rt theubsctibers a calL
0 lie Improypillents,whio wool for goods.will find I Olt itritTeafto give
Kingsto St. The coffin, cover4 with the H. Gibbs, Jr., of Oshawa, and 0. Morton, thereto. and Debility from various causes* many cases ses; having adopted rhosewlPhing to exchangetheir tile
Th of whick appeared hopeleb's. science discovered, and art perfected ; thus combining 'k
Dominion fla, with the'sabre of t4e deceas- of 51ontreal. a ceremc ny was perform -
the acme dfti-ansparency with the greatest wouracy _prices Low, Firgclasi wor jumu*d.
it ca ed lying ou it, vFas brought dow and de- ad by the Rev. W. S. 'BlAckstock, and all SOLD BY APOTRECARIES.
T) 5o of Focus In iho Lenses, being -mounted in the -most
50 positecT- a-MancarriagedralIby6horses. the res�ponseEfere rendered clearly at -4 Price, 41.50, Slxfor$7. I durable frames of6old,611ver, S�ell and Steelof the
On fin Walited 94 at to the participa- %t JA ME, S 1. YELL 0 W A fluest fiulsb and fo
and of the "th Battaliob taking distinctly, evidencing th
The B, 1 1 Ocullsts, Surgeons and the Mlial profession. can OU ofthe B=TrUTJ,
99- layed CU sad tors it was no idle vow, but a union of St. John. N, B. To Inweet a Tcry very lsrO isto up its position in fropt, yi� ly alw ya procuiefrom our Agents; cataract. cylindri- 1 WANT M-1, DIA AMv.
slow and solemn strAns- of "I$e Dead hearts as well as of -hands. After receiv- cal,aandPrlsmatic Lenses. both concave and co&oxl Goanicl, woden Factory blay 190, 'in ing the Congratulations of their many 90 FAM grounAbit scientific accuracy, and alwayA correctly D!f
March in Saul," and the mour011 cortege iv- izm focusfA.
50 A larp Quantity of*1n!D13 to,
friends in the Chapel, the happy bride and I we take oiceaslon to caution the public against Ak.
% proceeded. Behind the caffill t; was the Ki 3Dn.-ST-n I �
50 t bridQroom, accompanied by the bridal AC17
horse of the deceased led with an �pty sd- those pretending to have our goods for sale, as we in - 'C 1i
50 dlo. Then followed party, proceeded in carriages to the resi- only supply authorised resident Agiints,-We have %AV
his comrades two Pstablished the agency for the Palo of our Celebrated ur all kifids,
(leap, theA the men of the 7th Battalion dence of her fat4r. After an examina- Periected'SpectaclesandEye Glosses with. to BUILDERSi
49 fourdeepAnd lastly the officer; present tion of the bridal �resents, which filled the �k-, JORDAN.,
56,- hall, and were both rich and rare, testify- ITusband:-And what does the Parson's Goderich 22,01une, 1671. -D
at the Yt* lj&&C�St
on foot, wiih their chargers ]Ed behind ing to the affection wid esteem in which wife say abotit It ? ng w1i.
rates -at X dersig0d upd 10th Jnno VVI. f0i -tho a
as I r ols. Bowel Coin. them. Amongmt them weobsor4edLient. 117ife:-Why. it does everythtnr bntim- A T ,t bride and possibilities i she cures More Throat,Canker, 0001M n 10 !"'d thd Ili, tt V�6
Col. Taylor D. A. G. payin4 the 1. bridegroom were held, alimt ..-- W k9PRING tribute of respect to the departeg Vollin- fifty guests sat down to a rr gin, itheurnati8tu -biA Co. So
It y upheld the wide fame host of Doctors:all in herself ifshe has
49 pl! ints, Cramps, Newal, 1;
Lost magnificent, R h Coup, Coughs. Col m1VIELLSIS OLD NO)
dejeunei 11 fACt She is Market Square, odefich;
49 of the cater,)r 321. 11'ebb, of Toronto, w! o ottle of VAtt-KILLER With Ler.
�22 J=d 4 ai MArZLA--TD BIUDGE HILL.- Ar Bay, was present, Lolpersonally snperintendea H sband --She needs to be : I -never itaw such child- 18 JO 1011-OFENED
- % hers are, they are always cutting tbeir-fingfra. ULI
iring it. -i uldes and failing dowd-*fi�7 rlcb, Wi
'County Engineer, let the job of repai nd r
The usual toasts were proposed an the,
the Maitland Bridge Hill, auth wize by heartily and eloquently responded to.- and the PAl',s-KILLER I.; magical when
is for Sprains Bruises and Fresh Cuts. rhat re- 13Y
the County Council, to mes&�s
"s - Trainor Shortlyafter, the bride and bridegroom, minds me.. Williecut libi dilgor awfully this morning. MINION CARRIAGE
and. T. Hood foithe sum of W, 5 and a party of friends proceeded to Port I win hasten and put some Nw-Kmtift on it. DO MKOV tor Bed Mirgs.
EvAsio--N- oi7 ToLL.-In the cas 3 of3fark Drlington, an L d took the steamer for the (To be Continua.)
MRST "Whitely v A le --z Megaw, for ev� Aing toll. east. The tour win be an extendea visit - 20� The PAI�KILLER Is an Internal and external W
in which judgment was reserved, C. Crabb to th a Maritime Provinces and the East, emedy for pain. For internal pain, Cramps, Spasms,
Sudden Colds and Bowel difftaulties, a few drops in
Esq J. P. has now given hi&s er lining ern States. 'They will return in about a water will give immediate relief. ' As alinfineiXt It is PIL. . WHTTELY-
Air Magaw 8- 09 and costs. W. Pt. Squier month to Goderich. Oftheaaniabilityand withoutanequl: it stops pain almost instantly. Be The Storebas been riditely relittei !Md -&.complete
ure and get the," enulue inp by'Perr Davl% k Son a.,sortm,,t,f1 O Vie Esq. was 31r Whitely's agent. a-momplishmen s of the bride it is not ne- And or9cors,
and sold by all Vr
Ing purposes. tt md U� TA*
CLiNm all your change on thei counter cessary to speak, and of Mr Detlor we need
as C s 4ind �lily ;10 1&1A
ness in Goderich, and as*a man, 'he has -111PT IRE ZD; SEVE
wxt-ff, hino, busi- "i I I'll
before you trander it to the till. Bo say but little. He has a flouris CEN ZAL CA SUS IP, t.
coin is going the and will' oubtless
always enjoyed the highest respect said NEW PRIXaTWEEDS W
soon be here.
0vr;CAL S. S. TSAC�, Ums, As. esteem of. all who had the pleasure of his Jt s"49.1
of all kit received, which will be sold
XANT- W.�, Or . LTIT 2,
and the many- F04 HORSES & CATTLE. 1TA'�L
somAT:rmN will meet this year iii. London rkeoluaintance. Everything augurs well i8w
e,� lie awt-a- which will be convenient for S. 8. te h ' for their happy future, VERY 6AEAP FOR CASK. A GTOTCEIG art inaxy I1T5Jrk,.VZLVZTZ10V1A"
� k�� I I' ac erg friends of both wish that all their life may t1tarig
in this locality. A s '%s of pfelitni CLOTH;
L C--:�
qd, and a be as the waddinghoui7--full of�suushine." A. —MVER FAILING .-REME T OFEO= VALVZ ZT =,L are
meetings arealready being h llearlifqf=!�, 'Vi
choir Of Children trained. -- Partiqulars as to a A LO quautitY
The English papers are all full of th VALUABLE PREPARATI P -2
date &-c are not vet announced- � S Particalar%ttentionwillbe paid'to*,tbe Phebtong,
now Celebrated Tichborne case. The heir TH.11, the medichial.virtues of those articles which 0cquire(t, Ar f%b td.
has proved to posses the most sate and
d onq usperien. anddurabilitye
comini-ttijig great awaFfrom. his friends years ago, and, traT- Sprains, Bruises, Galls of all kinds. Cracked eels, -T* !ru- AND im NI'dir iant a
there is a bug or beetle RR 1CJJ4rL3UL1F
TE= B ether Colora4o or n to a baronetcy, a boorish youth, tvandere efficient pr6perties for the cure of.Flesh Woonds,
t ,Fistulfl, Sweeney, Int SPRING
Ur ravages amongst the potato -tops in this 'elling- throti-h vario PA izaare securi
r Inv us forei �n parts,be- RiagBone, Spavin, Callow
nI Poisons. Scratches or Grea,;Q. Stram, Inmelless,
sight and* to memory dear* naag�, whitlos, conw, Sand Cracks, rutindered GENTS' E[.&TS, (NEWEST STYLESY fis-tv, *
Ticiuity� We saw a phid-ful of -them, Came lost to #�rk Armu bfe�intime, th-ebaronet himself di4 and 5temper, Swelling.4, and many'other 6ustant suriplies will be k9t, on band and delivered
Feet, Horn Dii
and they do not answei� to. t usual de- horses and cittle, are subject to. -unywhers.�u town. 'Oiitv Now su& i-eass whi�h
o, b wingless, the heritage we
scriphon of the Colornif ut to another. This ce!ebrqted Liniment ha4 been used for many t�stefflly cxecuf�d, vltl. 076 rould el"fla wrt -zt Lztkg�
with' black heads and rod bo es. They denly there app6axs on the scene one who years, -and -auvo pro cities thoroughly tested, despatelt. utiolet th .!perinUPAeAei of -Xi 01h mtkili
an i it s conceded -to be DMIN Ueardiirty 7vaf
its cai q e
claims to be the long lost heir, and wants cheapest and mostr Yi1fdfriieft of 11droilltoulvrid at thi gfu)'L. dualthoz, lie�ee.
ara very destrueUve. -offlore Rug
blerwaady-torall-exterEd complaint ever
AR, -.1 Fe would onet cannot see it, and inakes :11ght for his faithfully applied. ittezidsd f6; No to Debtort
to take possession. But the present bar- f.,ithe public -it never fills when timely used anG tR WAGON;
'no� it "wYL90X!8 CHURCH BAZA T(4bethad of -all Druggist and Contry 3jerchants Inthis hi's colefull I
So the lawyers are hav- TO-Ni� JUST AT HAND :1 * - I
tis ;men t of s 007'
diracb attention to the adver throughout -the Dominion. Price 25a. per bottle. TWO- BALES'
a, houses and lands.
J0 3,U&
hGE bbing,p
Fancy Fair and lee Cream Feel ival to be ing a fat t1ting. - The claimant is tryin 0 pnelors TOCK IN TAPESTR, -rusted to U
g -t NORTHRUP &Ill Ali?. ,
0 e Out- N.Ans PUTTY Awl) GLASS. OLI,'�CARPETS ALli WOOL, (2 IRV fo 141 orders ea
aivep, next dcor to this M the store prove that he is.the man, and the other A LA. TAREL '-, k. ttalated b1n. a and B. A 45.e PAR (it ta fdy 4114,131ar bl.I.)23 Ist .3 une, fizi Goderich dy Pa. cattl
a oui he is egrotestly-go4elted;., hey into
f0eI&AY one' N1 dies side try to h2ah [as t 3 r- -2 Cr upied by 'I Jord--wn .94rdiner-&,. Co. Ba -vie- -James
Thu well, 'Exeter ANOTHER 10 1"y isla. i , of Knoxs Church an Bentham, Rodgerville; J. Pickar4 f
y Secordq Ue kr- Elyco
oth the who I oks like him and is thereipre ab
Fw';� 11 Ly
bk la is nofthe� man pedion-InVited.
and Saturday of I, week. [d j. Combe, glintort; Goderick'19th May. 1871. NE 0 GE3. EB�!.GRO
I'= billg no
Fair and the Festival, we are sure, will be personate him -the real silnq� itickso-119 Seafbrt�l' and Medieg em&. - NOTIAX OF I
Cr well patronized, considering the worthy- defunct
be devo- There is a man vKhose appearane excites object tat which the recel Oi�remark on Broadwa. I
mn . His haircomes C 0. PAIN
. riff" !Vz
-0 t*_y his knees and his btiavi is down to his *CAT
A Famr1y.14ediciTte,weltajid-favombly'known 40 C n 3 [onday, a �_J W:JP
t r�� T.=:Va 2t waist. us -.!s and in. Gwcu Trian in theamployoflj�rvayand Kormknn, erk yea rs. rievir failing in a single -h, bis -
Ilalrbor contractors, fellirito the water ago neither to get1havk tior have his haix. forthe,past t and Gederle bee:1. tim ft 4��olviid by It
il the promised Hansom cabs made instance to give permani4tit reliq hen finiely, VERS GARDENERS Consent,
All deStsd vi�g-to ihoMid and was under for nearly It minutes. cut nut, TO EAR -0- W .4-:0 ]E� d�
earance in Now YorkL used, and we have nefer known a single case- AND: 6CEPES. Pal to GE, GR(;r, 40,,�TTJ.'Pt, Will VC31
Tl&ough the strenuol�z exerti, ins of Dr. their app
of dissatistact;on.wh6retbe�directions have betn tInu6 V40 Bushicsi Id citated Perhaps 'Mr. I
resus Kernoddle� of Indiana, burnec n, 'the' aovji�rary all, are WILL -PAY THE, HIGHEST QUIRED Eff TH 1A
Shannon ha wa3 is
this a lesson in' finte, 4 -tand to bru�h heap in ht�s yard. 'The da . y was a -roperly t6llbwed,bul on NZARLY _EVARYTHLNG. RIB ItV64 said U6acZ� `tittlo, Tuy i7hu= taftii '1W
eTEm "Usc"'B"'
delightlowitt, tit- opetations, Una spedkin tb&' prieefor
Batt& 14
ma@6ke, thea men men earefid in fi rture. - riiid-r. ove and it Ket400dled him outof 4pfi, L V�4 lotik
nousei and lialne. , - ba-li"tthruis of its Virtue and M Poultry,E-g gs,Vegetabi es Fruits'
Of , BE ;&o ' I L
Zxmm*w CAmp.-On the 7Hh CAA-AbrANPAZIV DESTROY igade Ser- haq-w tselfa reputatign,itsa bIo6d pun &
Saaafir 31exttherewill be R#
oinach tone�mt=rpnssed in the., 'Ridge.
viepinthecamp. Themorning,,prayers, Of ZEM fiei,alteat4vest 60flicceaXes dellve dat the
toL orme to, or fit
P Tea rd,Dys psia, blyer Complo, 18,L Indi es -
6h, - Goderichjune, 27t1i,1811. - . GoideriolildJurie, ISTL
C�� -,a b7 Wljm idney om
i1jireparahQns. It, Idontlir
IS WRIGHT- P". R. er, of S 1-1 A 2- 1:15 earl urn, Sick Headach sw8&2t STOCK Of 15T LOODS AN
e' sthw�, and C� 4c), X> 10 14. 1140
or Fall'Wheat ..... 5 -stomi- 3tithisiecir RING DEWART111INT;' lain of a ;I IBB on. ere iti cit I
1:1-2 1:1, restorestovit activitythe sste delififtcAted TAILD
the Rev- W. & Rall, ofthe,0 diPresby SPrin9Wheat'tTr;' OIL
Flour -0:5 -6100 bysuilaringan didea$e. Insolvent A6t of 186 DO e p ..... ..... - I , -NIBST-CLASS OUTTE3, &e. First-class Tsklqrs coustAntly einplqjO, 44
ucB4-46adeffulL SUCCC OP
fui= Church, Gu .1 Cha, of . tha Oats, .................. 10:45 (i4 0.46 Its nitigicala in puring JLI
alion. will.- awe cvn- pt cria. A e" Baft. -0.65 sudderr uds, Sore tit DBM86N AIM,
Peas ....... 4 HZV1ATF.R1OF'WILLT&3fR
an - part of
T4wn Of
sin therside',lionsandbacki T16U -1 ii�tool 114- 211sWilkim
THaacy venience of tkose: goin _50" pitin ion,-Utely canThigon, business fulths; timating to tlieublfc.-�,I.T�Wn an
�Ezz X a. aa�iej% 0. 10.:52 p easirretalul
ache, rhcufhatic�nild other Owns Goderich-under the style -and. fi of RoWnson' 06unty thathe hag.pu&bu4th4JkT6U5 b=l'
print in this issue, f Cut Potatoes .............. 0:76 (j4, 0:00 thttiody-Andrrornivlidlever.cau glVenit &.Wilkiniiott as �wcll IndividuAlly me* h WWr T
"11.4k 9 bet -11to, At;
ou fhe'docasion, Asr 15"a
S= 0-15 it place in every libusehold.-and in fast SuPer
Ingo vents. I A. 11, Iiiil wbiked fdr the last
-out and. irk all othel id. X.EA03M, AC C-09 h"in oHatlfli, CCU" over with, them. r preparai ions of the kill
-0.11, 1B 0-00 1 1 jiL�iLilijoi�fgUedi)fxieilVatsou ot the Town 6f: R
aland orbrnp.1L rime#*for threilTeirm in the best Varness Sliops in Chlo:W,
7he Var is gorging early 1Li&;1tsoanVfieo:tu
Hay, 1IL-00 Goderich Its" Iken, app6litted Asilghealn this, inAt-' and bindw vcparaO to4nakeriii mit oh"StwoolelisX WO
Scaldef Burns, 'Untises, Sprajos.-
�U�hlea." Justlikeri* 1:00
ffides�k 1"rost, Bites, Cramps in the' stornacb,'Diarficea, Hft
a Wood ............... tatiolers. Morbus, Billions Chrdo. 0 W :75 holera, Intalt. �tors"Idfbmg an& -SOO of tlza td
ant "Vreditots are requestkd loililetheiz.olalms beforame ns=t2r
JIM ta collart, �ATSO* _, 11aF& 241ho
of has take, Beafpercwt. 5:00. �.00 am, Qysenterv,� &c. 'In An
2 1 WAS
wett .. 0.00 rAce only 25 cents r battle,
ill, a perform Poil J -Orders promptly Atteldid fo, -possession ofCidbVAH, AROP LYMAN,, d uinethe 20tWA:, 0, 1871. swfil.-Tins- est Strc�lt tied t
0:30 0:80 Go, edch J oultoitit x)f
-there to-ni,�it Fd eVey nigh��exb we*. chick S,-FV1r8EMM cOnstandron Und
0:3g Ne*c
rimeral.Agent . . - . - the 8
wo for0anadai urnlair. xler9pstockof found at 1;3 c�t
t Isli Piprs.�Profes94,rergason
Tim IR W001 0.20 0:22 id
sold j" NJ fV -C -ant.
. rich liv Parker beep Go,, B4yAeld; James Total-iied lv�st week from a mus0al tbur by 00 'F, Joidan; Gardiner 8e of BaArup
Gpdorldli'142th. :Una. 1671. AIRY to=20r.
3ilat �iflX
StTafhr0y, P40;Z& Stalkey" Strat- )0 �1 a bs 2:( _f�,Rodgervdle; 1. Fiakhrd,.Exeter; J. H, w. vvl!�ra hd _T &, (I.Op '04 oab4
ford$ Caitoubrool, 'IBM .00 alf *08
a.�rjc Salk pot lbb -�:b= D -70Y 'THi -UN-� SALfJ
DejM4_&armA Fat 8 V Lt CEIVE 'M ROU1101 one cold, TdorAgned, up, to the 8th L of July
FEMJLE ]REMEDY' toaklu,4jole and t3bok debts,.of th, EFrt0X.drotrbtthv- :01RING,
xon and WIA
klRgon,-Iuw1venJiottheTown of0doler- A xruRSUXXcE OF 0 7
-gene Z N*) ErAtJiWARr aof tQTH090ifald,
lfth.'Theftock consist" of a Gib
Aftd Ulasswaro atnoun
bous and daUatht 16th floor Noremlitir last. end the
:fifth Aly OTJM*. It 00c
-Book e1i
Qloal PH 4rockery,'Hardware, Forder for Salo made i
4rad ittentiou to the advoriwinent f Job None Pori gtogs � amount of the X418 tolthofsIgnal. In o $2269 bockdebts,' to Cobb . Tke 1k,ittrodo'i cilveTy.�Illb LVJI Music for P;aftoforfc) F-11il e,�Fll4ct
ite t5iS $V00' The L
3fewit G. H. Parsons, & Co,,, 1� whQ have Roe Patilld AVelift
49oned in t1te, mw Store, ext dbor.tar Cliatoir, June 271hi 187.1., R.RatAtely- -Amr nventory xnay, jie
I be thholereA foi AVOTTONEBB Ogan. fixtarter i1i
ut Vie cure Of all those, pit eraim s6matmyffice, West Stmt, Goderich.- -lenders to
inful and dapt,
Ben Fan 7nemr ...... ...... 1:20 V,25 T son the inventory prices, 10T GQ$rrkb, with
aA-GE,D -atlow Spring do� 20 ich the feviale conatitutl0l RK -CLASS 167r
air WX it. Iq Aware Jine, J.. bs, jit to iftneu on tbe I attoft Robuts Jit theTOWIL tif 11
evwyoting in iseasesto wh tuot-tostatisteriniofVayment. 1dapotiblud =y. A X V. Macdonald Usq. Paster cf (hdierich
maderatesalf excti" and-removiii all oNtructions, i 'the approbatiorl bt P.
lgqlfto accept the idau"t,or auy--Ltende�
0:46 0.50 witt it "edy �cure raw bg ion A -48 - DMI-PWATSON "H#4y thls.t gay of July, 187M WA—u
firA �rih of the, 0:46 0 the said Collae. St 1131014irmlif or"
0. r fUITS gf(y 0KM1jJ1t0H9Aft3
.65 0:70 it; is pecultarlystuttit. it will, tit it short bring
�At twelve 0,c
nord, pier wag sunk on Tuesu� last. 0:70
n1liemoutYly pedod with regufiirlt)r� 101t Jim 216 ;oc'x noontite following wepaili Itione
, a It#., I . Agj� AfM P 'rd g � � L t 46i.
t Goaer rot nimely. 1Wt nuinber fourwit in, *to first con
Flour 6_50
..... 6:00
in 0040cinity I do
UZ XWM= F19SJ"TL1`l11BZ ArONT115 qfAvgitaw$ as 04 S -ATEW of Huron asaroWtot, One irtiored z. Desert Spooti I 4d-�zcn Tis 4n .
P"Wy, . . a 90j$, -V -E*P .1 - - . ..0.15- ed, VBW cottwinugty.adme All of pnr6 IN i6lb and forty seven acres, be 4he a&= mord or 10sx, and
lisve, had 4a, &L Sun to brin at any,aW fi�ic`
of gazing reverently at a disUke 0 ;Sir-. 740 (4 25 are Alrectionf., Polo 167 '4W
-puller - rf ...... ....... 04G a 0:12 Inalle a ofNervolis arid Spinal tyissituat8dontheshorecUske Atirlin; aboutiour
'George F. ve .9. : . 7n ofGobrleb, afid is well watered 1)pJT
rail" from t1io Dominion, -an ....... hit tb ilou of the iiian, 11ystarles, aid and from 74�-bj�lWaort" oritare clearo(f arid Anced.
d Wen mucli -Ai"Pljoint- io difl BC t upon the said plopero Pit v dwtift-lbuse, a Isms
.70cK OF *W--A(fA
ect a care w�3aallotl 1*�barnaud extensive
I ' , , r TV Ma.&O
gir 0 is Unpi Upon uff, seaforth zurkets calomelan"payo auything-hur0fatto ALE. -
ad and alihotuth a poweiful r.linedy, do. not "it t*dr good FO
ba went east front theN 1W WORKS
SA 'bittersh
deposit 11TAII&OPOU011 *ff
10101 orhix 10 A N I) A3 0 T V) 1)
Falldireotions fit the twuphlot aroitthd a*& P"kne�,,
�RE- '81P4, ja��t
muft: tro in zsv* I ac6 1 Sollo" vid VT t. o Go&" 1i the Ve"or or blo
MAN'.111WIr ILI LE TheY Seafortb, June 27th 18711,"Noon. pay tho -Al
OXX Slturday fir.4, stippos(A ' to be in- 1:20
=f", that Aerr- It& orWn, Was Y"' Fall wheat ........... in d' Wheat ........... 1:15 1:22 Lyman, X*Woa4lIe# (hitta seneral -tigonts for Iliti msion, and the purfhWr 4411. not be entitled %0 Alt
Floor per bbl. 6-00 TO DEC;
could be exiing-418110d, twenty- 50 D.Qniot4 win iusurast tic sustractor produetion tit AvkY oiliftf. In all other
0. ORE
�f2t -the condition% Ofs2le 1treThe *kn4ing f
fivo building& in thau4nen 0 the X0
For ftrther
0.40 0:42 OfAlo of #!e Cquit otchimcom
............. lCulArt
The No PXP I Y meri ItcDcluxid wick
town were cowlimed. rley ...... . (L45 - R, (PAP fs, or to 1hi A=w
wriolm one for it Small town and Will 6heck a& AVM:;ptg,�Lx.OVTOAMVkf-nnpzRTr-- :ror6zto tlienpe~s JL a Dead this luk &I oflnue. X. 0.
the potitaes ............... Twhich wax to bAvVkM pjiice� Toesday-oft IMCA4 pfoffipfy L
....... 0 XerDOkA116&,,CfIA6WICK ' *tit
ictied L 'Parker & Gdtle and inst- W" rtl4ljiurthlir notice.- a the t6ftittivief they iomderaMr NAL, v,,hir'
t We spe re- .72 in Uodei7eh by geaft of the, se
0.12 0.1r,
f -)W, and th . r an*, llarfflner 1z AU0. Sk Div, MON, COURT.
]3tttt*7 ...... -yb-Q I J 4TAVAte sale,.= AM F- V. 3EACD0-NAtD ko"&
t 6 end 6M ill
& CL 'Pork ............ Piokard,P;Keter; J.H. tv ��W, TLP
Whi4 is ti, 4i W A 1zr THr Ail� OFFICK,
on #.0 Q 0-00 wra. 1.00kitowt R. H
is one a
11 be atil heri lie
U)wm in the on
and itul b tbi fign. 8.0) 0 10.
r ZZ,
14 1