Huron Signal, 1871-06-29, Page 2T- '17 yr: 111V
_571Z _W
_V_ Ism -ism" 0
Th0Q='b0&t 19115%ince Alftd.7 moin observable thar -lay
L on any lirorions stfe-s� An Inquest i�As held. )Jpfday last -by ho following vems, wiff, the. excep- THE -SUBS . ORIBLU HAVIWG ESTABLISHIM AN . IXCLIJ
viks Ple out 01)z on j�
*4 lased tosingl inch abused qdstfu! O'body of Mrs �ffon of several sluglit verbal diffe nees,
Dr. bouglass,.Coronerlion,tue
WIM THE QREAT 0,011s, my THE, Battmionfl, . N llrQspe6tfultreatint
oln Jim 1i as UnUM
or in from o
�,"11 am's 014. desetve the c P 6 h received it 13 years go HA T, VA P, 4- V ZTR STOR le,
akV,11A. iiATTERY. A BEAUTIFUL BOAT b. Isaag own. -
1! -, f the 12th. concossion '45f appeared in the
Olidbattali6non e th A:jaelubly of V Elie liewbuilding,6i4eteab himslf, last Pualiner, OnWcstSid'
AD A PLEASA= TIUP h I la' ]ETos - Bruce, who, on thO It,
out;a has 19 m le COAac y io'niing of thht day, and. may be now to most of
. . . . . . . . . .
ordorwOuld torianhuToli, -which -d suioi4o:by cnttiii�t her threat the
29 h An lt,terl�uintlled. �cocmitt
th: IS71 utithbor, 033 close .1143 J* e resent day.
PiatitiO THE SHAD!5* 1�-.NOWL 1111110 IVING --AIN 1) WILL UEN
3 p. m. i the ill cover. more groundthea.L.gaty other
On %turday, 22a inst., at lon congregation having ned with. a ragur. 61-1 3�Rl WAM
. t for weiglifs hoig 1: s from the
gunboat Fritea- Alfired (which arrivedr- i�u n, Taken -L eared evidence at the 'There's _(br the
011L 23*uud tot I cle, ihe men- of for liberty to Uae� an organ-. Lin the publiq It ( pp 1. . . �jmepro ' LL - a the hall tel -night— in ection -of the public, on
Rt . - inquest that she had to
the hai6r onTues�oay last) was 'let go of shoulderanamus and jarvice of praise, thel permissionwas-gra
Ruioxi wow out.weigh,,Out-m"wlat to of nlol�nbboly, Thero uiesparkling"eyes, aadlau�hter liglit ey the 4th da -of Mrob, IM,
IVitliL all those eace at any Price' 41"-- from her ni.orings and steamed out int "'on- A,,djby for atibut'ine.
tl ii'a' it i left t� eaci e b6n laboriurr urlder a 6tii -Oft 19aturd
ot.-work, those of any other cohpany now d ally butup, to the morviu& of the rash act had- "Vain flow the straini of resw glee, 'ails; Mid r eLer bivaVht to Gt7erict
friilairc& in -the- possession of British P01t- the lake. in carap. T11ore. �e�at�loln, to decide whother- it shall or stedii6alarmitig- symptoms., She� Vain l3e4uty, vitcherles all I The Largest and best0ockof Hats, 'f�
i ara4fill 'VautS in these s" lit some To 7 en- 33uyonA-life'P tumiklf,. looms to nie Consisting OftiiO XtV, st &Vles.40
ARNIA day of � the companies. I anife blie'm`hTning, ate her breal c.- a]Xad#U L VaShiRUable
folios, it wouU be pleasant to hcAr MA TIM S GApkIs0X BATTERy, shall not aid its psalmody bYau instrum arose early in I
thocch of a growl ftbm� the old lion th3 Porteeg Hill 'alone haa t1iree or fmor men �Oue.Sbadowonthilw4lll Zngll�hj NBWYOrk) & 511k.1 & 13ea'Ver
�'which is on board for eight day's drill at do ricii look tat accompaniment. ' This is all the advo- fast asusaal, with the members (I the
-who ihdasure- 6 ft 4. They famil. Afterwards welitto her neighbor's, Ismilie tadin,morpinglito
long asleep. The NewVYorr] 'once wheeledthe gunsinto position and an extra size when in their own cOmParly's -cates, of the organ could expect, an Am i dst fh e b appy throng Hats, Fur & wool ri elt Elats
H-erald is not very go oi athority. Wut th a they house -to obtain *her husband's razor, for
comm6needioaaing. The �fficera Qf-the butif transferred to a company in -almost are now at liberty -to try to introduce what .. Too fragile for thegiddy strife; 'Silk and C1016 Caps, of the latest Styles an4 Patterns Ifor spring wear, jrogDf
the pupose o�pnirina Ver foot, and on her nd 1, for her, falt..trong. A LSOI ade SpeCiall.VL to
following, de3p3tch has such a similitude ouild look lik it -01 my order 'aud us Iinim to havo.a thorofj�h
battery are Capt - Wood, Lieut AT'ddn, L' 2d any other battalion, they,- w e theyhaV4 so longsighed for, Of courso retumshecollimitted.t9a deed. A larito I wateli'd her iyith the teaderest care this Stock has been in ith tho _d
bouih3tt is A least Worthy 0
Lieut. liennyand tinder themthere are 36 giaiit-B among Pigmies. This company- *ill be advisable to act judiciously a�hd ee family is left to mourn her untimely end Alas? how futile, all V knowled-el of the HAT and CAP business willbe Me <4 large an VaFlc4stocjil
'he ass d a,�r=ll tArries there, hAve on hand ai
(Porter's. ilia) we. underotand 'Lt- that congregations are idnanimous or neaAy e� I A am continually receiving.)
non-commissioned officers and raim. On f the 'Youngest being month;� 9 1 9 I:dow wall; 1 1
New York,, Jurto 2&-"A ITerald dial tractea the special - so; not -allowing what should be 4 fountain -
I , Aduti4it-Gegeral on ac . . arni ui�ce old. TO P LEASE THE ZYE AN
getting about 6 miles from town , a floating the count oth ny -to, become a so of discore. 0
patch fr6n Rerlm says Ev serions compliC4 men Dun- The an '01, ardentbllqs op.'
practice begun. of the splendiapl�ystquc of the A verdict was retuined by the jury- tvto.��e cherlahA hours, F Atidious, --,alid at prices that will defy -comPotid -ZX has arislan, between Germany an4 behind and sev Death caused by berown band, b ile labor- Cold -smothered in mvbearVs- recess WV
The -firing withball, shdU and canister-ws, P1"On' CO- is not far eral ologjagtiCZ1 Vi%J031.
on the I . I No kindling Jpy-beam pours.- 41. SAVACE.
Englank and severe d1spaW= are passing other connft. , - I , - ing tinder a low state of melaucholi-- Gone I Gone I forever lost to rue I Goderich, Mlar6 let, 187.1
, y companies tread
betweeii Bismmmk- and Granville. T10 wkeelleut, b i nearly alwa"iii goodline, heelELof d his It augurs well for religious thought th P�rt Blyin Free Press. 'I hat form most dear of 0,11.
pvernment obs4vesimpanetvible 611.19 Dungannon. Col. AM Ross M t- yet, stilltu faney's eye I ace
osing vessel I know and attend care -
and would have raked an opp officerd' b� the branches of . the . christian church, Iler sliadow.on the wall.
on the subject of the present ,but I =-& informed tiat Bismarck has badly. One 4tot with cnister, riddled fully to their duties, and the result is seen whicit are substantially the same, in ap Thd Tr1=V]%&1 EutTY iutc 30r1!U-.
dwess-el a note to the German represe the target, so that it never floated erect in our !Battalion. radeiving such a compli- essentid -matters of doctrine and disciplir�, Thei-wotnotintlielrbuovirib mirth
mentaxy notice rom the D; L G. who- are desifous of being united into orie bod�. unt of the e4try of the troops, Th li, deep�andstroug,
tive in London, informin-, him that th again. Our townsman C�arles Seagger Esq, does not bestaw his praise without reason. into Berlin says:�On passing through the That= all any-lotou earth, HATS ATS
Imperial Government T�d to au -, At the Syliod L of the Church of Scotland- And burtbens'tbus my sona.
who was for several years Captain of this We have more pleasure in moving round held in Torouto,'and the Assem6l'& of the Brandenburg Gate. the Emperor- halted The inirtliful jesi thS baited smile,
powering hi t 6f c�ngratiilation All pointless round in,., fall.
in 0 mak y
Helilfoland, and em b.-.tterysliow�d that his eye had not lost its their line& than elsewhere, not only be- Dairidaj� Prespytprian Church, held ini and rec6ived an a4dreag,
ons to the !3ritwll Government f r cause we know rmd "like -the boys f*but, a bevy - of young ladies and )cissed I listles-, only trace the while
s of the island. E cunning bn1most-grazing the target at 400 Quebec, the'stiblect of a fusion of the two' from on tlfi�yvall.
arl Grai:
biecaus6 the ground is kept clVu�lr, the ANGTHER LARG' CONSIONNE
the TI
yards. flieAruistroiigsaLIOOOY,tlxi.3wer�:as bodies into one was discussed in the most the. speaker, FrAuleiti 131 sar,
tents internally arebetter arrangea) friandl1i and fraternal manner, and a Theprocession passed along Unterder
ville r ied in the same manner, BaYiD Pond memory I wbither fibal I I turn
art N;ith . Ire-ligolani a.extrately fired airthe brss howitmra at cry, - . " rirg to refralu ?
a will not P their inmates aro, less rowdyish than their iudiclating that Linden, nder symbols of vidt and IT111 far with thee to mourn,
and th a ente. - 20a, 300 aud 400 yarde. On. Wednesdy, ome-of the camps with olo certaidbasisgveed upon, Than court falso'h9peg again,
a British Government coul nothing in -the watter of doctrine will beta"16en captured cannons, flaned by a - tain no proposition looking to the cessic i a salute if 17 was fireil in honor of S�Zw old boneE;,,- and othep rubbish are ,forbid ihe banns." Bea 6f human- eingS, illows to Tho'sad and lorn and sick in heart.
tbearrtvlunboartkof Lieut. Gen. Sir 2 The ority in, b in b ion 0 1 bend, thy Joylesa tbrall of that idand, upon which Bism a -are begin- lZtlichnrches favors nion, Maj
,ad, cl the British government, th=ro Hastings Doyle. Col French, Inspect -r of - perfectly filthy- andthe smellB u aild there is the tops of the houses, The process' h ! never,,never bid depart
_ew_ Ae' forty- - well defined and the 'University and That Middow from the wd1l.
that 0 is'Artillei-y, gave thow credit f(,r firin,(r4with ning to rival little doubt it will soon be consummated, passed the palace, Count Bernst4orffe, separate stinks," which Ool6ridge. discov- . In the conferences of the five Methodist Opem' House' to where, the statue of . as much precision a% Mic regular nrti y 1 LOW C11"t PRI
of Heligolm-nd *as uecess -thequestionofa, union bet%�ecn -Blucher stand& in bronze where the meql_ 20 PER CENT BIE
acquisition coast, reci - and ilso comlimente,4. them on the man- ered in Colognei, Anct, insinuated that to. bodies,- A DisGUSTED LiTJGANT,�-In the history fhe protection of the Garma droWn these the famali'�.au wai invented them,wits cordially debated. -At,,,pna8-' bers of the Imperial Diet were also assem- ofjuxisprudence, I doubt'if there haSLbeeii
as an instanca the facilities fog cc G rier in wWoli they conducted two enpage This is not the case with the 33rd, for there is not a prospect of immediate bled. Here L the Emperor wheeled his a more territio cross-examination than
hilb t e
and immunity from aftwk w xich ments with the land torces. This battery un& is fresh and clean -as ent .
I I their ca, np'gio ction. The stumbJing-blook is not horse around, ind,,with the royal princes, that to which the soi dwant bir Roger
F�-j=h fleet enjoyed at Heliggoland, is composed tif smrt, young fellows, who a gentl)man�s lawn: While speaking Jun trinal, but reforla to'the inod6 of chu rch generals and membo I
which it -was enabled to blac&kado Ha - &.n. very apt to acquireithe knowledge of doe ra of his a ta:ff on either Tiabborne ie noll 'being subjected by - the
alysa the comm ) of la their duties and cint.k. W exectitt� the of the Huron Battalion we iiish to government; Three of the bodies,namely, s�de; and the troops marched Past iii r', Soficitor-GeReral. ' This claimant of* a
bu,. I typographical error
ancl part rec a by the Xew-Connexion, Ptimitive and Bible view. The troops formed iree sides of a
Ali c0lunniuds given. - Tfley are on the most %yos put in the vast estate in England, if it be really his,
Germ%u coast, He looked upon Hel wh
. t y friendly tertus. with t1w officers and men Christian, admitoflay delegates in church square hithe Lu[st Garden, around thb ki find reason to. regret his I.absetice in
land on a, tle on the -rand Fiehl- conferences; while the other,,two�_ namely, veiled statue of William. Ili front of the
- is a very foreig!t p�rts. - Ele is -elephantine in body, .count of its dose proximi fore-frout of the bat' McKE11ZIE
te;Titory, and its Possession - 'h4 �.d of the Prince Alfeed, which 1
an 0S a the.Wiasleyan and Methodist Episcopal, do the fightig men stood the ninsiciani and. but his mind is ky
Gerrm (lay. � The 33a had the p t hont r nd
s menace wr cable thing when people are thrown no means immeasurable.
er behaved nobly. We could not help ad not admit the lay. element; and, at this trumpeters, in three ranks, Fronting the Under the teifible and intentionally -on-
to Germuy. Earl Cirauville, agama reeppli'-d aocusatogether. Thiswasalso theease tniri�n,r the grim determination with which c
Catherines' Battery, ishIch point, the Union Committee, which was Schlosi were ther standaTd -bears with cap- fusingandeven brow-boatin- shower of' W INTnIATING TO EIS
�land-wasouly bound to consider with the St. ared- trophies. From the bll.and mes- . . c 1JAS PLEASURE 'illy, that he has NMI wwo t.h,%+, Eng Sarnia. 11 11 CapiNurray, and his Clinton men (who able to draw up a ba;sis ol agreement on t questions, which linger on front day to 11 customers and the Public gefier.
E.r own iutexestsv that the wish of "e, preceded that from Since rot c - jwere iieare3t us,) followed tbo difficult and all other questions, could only come to a eum behind all were full- medalled veterans, day, the, - poo; man pp"nA blows alidL opened a New Store next door to the old wheie they
G -T to cqydre Helirola3ld inghome, the officers have sent their ,ygl iluflcout;jjutly on band, a full BIL1091Y Of
Inang,overnment I laburiow! path along the face of the Steep conditional understanding. The subjoct invalids, old warriots, yeomen of the. pal- vainly calls' -for merev. "I ain utterly Field
did not constitute the right, as the isla�d photov - used in two very of Artill 1870. 60
hill on the right. i3 therefore postponed for onotheryear.. ace,, and royal gen d'armes. The seas confusod.1 I -Why are you so insolent?" cry ExerciEc.
nev.�r been under German rule- ly complimentary letters to Capti Wyatt The Soldier& Fo
TaRBATHINGNT�ISAXOZ We do not know that it would be well, as fronting on the Sohlt were packed with 141 am twetity-six. Chet Book, by Col.
that the 4 -ad Cal"- ]Frasor' beside the foot -bridge will human hature is at *present constituted,-, the'. officers and guards of the garrison, and hausted." stone, and utterly ex- 1ALY ':0001D81'
'here is nothing likelier than IMPROVEMENTs immediately "Can't, the examination be ptit
now terniinate,as bri&ade orders.ais issue(! that there -should not be separate divisions around the 6tatue iradually cellected a, off? -..Suchape the outeriesofthe cl.
00vetons-eyed Bismarck should desire ito Under theablo ganboat inspector, Capt. ainiant, OTHiNG,
to prevent Violunteers frcm bathing in the of "'the army of the cross " marching un- -denie group of ministers, ouncollurs of and at. each the Solici RE ADY MADE, CL 50
have the British arrison ousted from tt at Wyatt, the Prince Alfred has, this season, seems. der distinctive banners, I and . thus lr�ing the --state, mkinWpal officers and clergy tor-Gonei-al?s eye 'Daily Newe correspontlence of -the
rth Sea which,in Me been very much improved. Platforms river, nearany public place. sparkles'with new, &light, and be drily
littlul island in the No alludes to, "the week" thal 'may yet b
st7ags to U's that younr menlof thisaelaGr- each other up to llwaZ valiant in fight."- en. . I , TWEEDS & CLOTHSf War event of vmr, would command the cc nt havebeenerectod fore and ft fur two , ahouldrequires brigade order to At the same time there is no v, -without ' The emperor an& suit and priricai�enter- required for'the. witness. Among the apt. 'ffadie's Red RivevEspodition 21155
metin es Arratrongs. The bulwarkis. hTye been 'thun F'Scienco Praf.'Tyntlal 2.70
merce of the Elbre and be found so rce coutmou decency. doulA, a waste of power "by unnecessarY ed the square and took tion under �many droll sednes of the 'trial L was the DRESS GOODS., Fcagniouts ol
Mised by an ddition of Winches of Oak, enfo division, which'we like to see the liberal- a Poll
dan%erously in the Way. It L's qu o plated within with g -in. iron plate- capable TAE 8cAiLiT FpvziL -the awning, between the f9untains. The testimony of a spistell� who eems to RECIENT 1 -NOVELS -0
projimble, that ff the demnd. ha.3 been in, e, oftesisting,riffe shot. Slitit lookers are Materfsmilias, with ter pherubs scatter- hearted striving to remedy. troops presented arms, aiid the beareis of have7 been pleased with the claimar t's- 'at- IIAT� -CAPS,
tedreplyistheaus r ad: widely aro'undl' dandering about the the trophies laid them at the fuot of the tention'si wittiblit-sus ectih thatr they
Earl GranvilWarepu now plitced an deck -and boardinZ nettin" P - g R
gravely accosted by a vol un- V05107AU stations. statue, amid a loud and prolonged roli of were designed to enhance her recognition -BOOTS 4-, SHOES, Valph. the Hr, (Trollolics last) 1.25
arned. There is ale le Aylm r
that w-juld have been ret, allround. '2%eatl clean, trim and fast, It lines, has beei ine direc- drums, whil.e t'he cathedral -choir burst. of him as the rigbtful baronet. Theques- 1.00
much that BAU-sE statesmen seom dispos ' who jerking his thumb in so
reflect's the utmost credit clu, Capi- NVyatl teer,
olit Of teros byGu
t.,, , 've up for the sa 0 11 ab the' claimant's Pr�nch, C7r.LW.00:21.13::8 An y LivingstoAe 50
ko of keeping
- away from there. Generali st4ndin- on'the steps of the Barl's Deno 60
that, the Ffince Alfred, whicIr was uot bilt tion w ` uld 3a;:_6!Botter keep your GODER10H DISTUICT. ito a hymn of praise, and the QhapliRu- 'n 'eihg Put
Eurapean qnamllls, bat certainly thii� st r- iLh the children There"lascarlbt me of his exl$ressions indicated
liam. S. Blackstock. Igtlistic influence, ui!hong others The old Store to bdkept ExCluelve-
for her present purpose, is now w Gaderich...Wil Mens:1*110 Daisy Nichol to
render a! tha %oyeof the werld, cqui,, ad fever -With, a terrified "cluck" monument afteAvards offered a, short
from demale to demile, by the f alteratitm�s -made under- his saperintchff- ilia good dame would collect her chil4ren Cli-nton, .... Jamo-s Graham. Prayer. "anchorin after This 'new N.B. Bred in the �Boe Zo
ar-see ence, u efficient a, Dominion patrol boat ly for
'ex ot tid start ofX at a trot, Qnd not stop- �Iutil Londesboro' coickney version of "hungring" was inex- Fentons Quest. by Mies Bradden 50
rmer yearseven the as could be constructed. Gen. Doyle, T. Clewortbi S. Sellery., Bismarck then iipproached the Emperor, Monarch of Alincing Lane 50
sordlid of the Manchester school would I .9t she had put several. hundred yards - be- I presibly droll. The clAiniant s dropping %
d the iufecte(I-spot, - and asked leave to unveil the statue. The, his h's excites much laughter. -Resaidof WDWA A Lifes Asui 2a
while an board, expressed himself in the irolmmille- I RIE
oadvcate. The Reveille of Brit sh ala to -her efficiency. The tween her blessings a :D., Emperor. bowed, and Bismarck moyed Me HA Im
highest.terms, . h she woul&v"bedia Silqf�rth .... David Kidnuedy, M.A., 13 C, L . HErLrland3raster 60
istins, be,;giuniva in the east with I he Having got her breat person he had I-noan, 11 'es dow in I
ti, - Miteltell ..Win. Hawke -Coverdade %Vat- h4nd, when -the tnvass' fell from the ly horders." L His ignorance is astoulid- Nera, r th%� prine
-gan and kesping pace with it aTov ad armament consists of tW5 12, pour -der making enquiries, only to, find t1a X40 ' ' ' -- Sup_L statifie,wbilethe drurps rolled, trumpets -now fall of eas Ana
rlstz -Armstrong3,and two 21 andtwo I-Oponnileif son; Asief Hurlbuirt, ing, and andis
the ;Iut3e. must -still keep on sounding, or brass howitzers, be.-iLdes a supply of Spen- had been hugely 'victimized and that the erannuated blared,� and he standards of the guards e did not seeiri to know his En-lish Marl 40
we must look ant for decline ',Ind fll. A -let faver alo6ut was %werea, towards the statue.- The mo.ther,:s name� (i4'- indeed, he be no im- - Nigel farti-anis 14cal-
cer rifles kept cons6ntli on board. Since only Vinlitum of gear Strafarti. 0harlea L Larell, M.A. were postor), getthig no nearer to it than Felecy CARPE
-rovi f,theinfautry uniform TERTTOOLS iil 'Poison of Asps
.5. sinthefacelo[PrP. tropp presetited armsnd cheere( Red as .1 rose is She. 60
-few moresn 8' her upper wi.irks were- altered she P,duoly armony John S. Fishor.L I (Feliq&.) the personal- impression he
to think th:at� e!ven I 43t and a salute. was fiied of 101 guns. The ely but too well
and vie might cume vibrateat preceptibly an(1 uo�or SABBATH IN CAMP. field ...'Aaaae B. Tallman. has'ni-ade is suchthat if lie -ets bar�netcy such as Bench Plainsy, Chisels Bits, Ram- 11ot too wis
Great Britain would neit implement he rolls. lier speed, running for a Ais- -Just aseautiful a day as the last- It D4nganyor,. Bristol, M.A., One obur6h. bells broke into instantaneous ud estates; jiistify 1ho remark of mers,, Saws, Squares, Screw-driveirs. Romances of the ackwo"ods 40
--wtion of her ambassadors. in barter'll.- s exceptions the er 0. Rice, ringill wbileout of the turmoil the nation-
tance, is 14 miles an Thour; while deed without a single day'! wanted. Luth g' sJl cup, of tlitj witnesies (acon ntry gentlem Twelve Rom-ancesof the Sea 40
&biql- I al air re 7e itself. an)
m ha Y �,Snparannuated. Builders will fifid a fall suppl ofNairs,
Ca-imadian interests. Mere Eq lite at the same, time the Print.- 'has bdaten, Queeu!i en ve enjo ed the prfiv thai-bead known many of the gento who Thrilling Romnce -of Sea and TAnd 40'-
'Jors. 0-
.0 Ueu the he=L o believe
dtb.,ttj,� IL=tstm ba-ts boats claimin t* be 16 n Iffer QUeen7il'-weather. Brigade a cc'w" Kincaniine...Wm. Hayhurst, W1m. T. Lo,elcs, Hinges, Niatsl'011s� Glass, Putty in thaard dwmam V -CV t an were not peponally or in manners distin jL AjoofflTn
last trip . up the Niagara River, she rtiu icFonduetecl as before. L The mul3ic was fur- guishable-fr6m pi-drovers.-Londo2i A rV
-Bit- -Justicato _L3_ U SFS
F Mohawl� lighti A-'> qo,6Pjr - - � - Teesulater .Xamos-Mc0irknoy. Commercial.
.from ortEriat the ifshedbythe]3�om&i)ftheMrcl.ana7th
-lision' One wanted. -This ils th6
road the repon4nt of Cini
miles, in 3 hours. Her capacity as'a, The Rev Ainleyville ... D. X. Joh The Cork Examiner of the 2nd inst N. B.
r-ni ptayeri, a4a stat�
transport canbe, judgied-from whatsfie beautifulAnglicau Ina ing Trowbride-Nathaniel. Smith rda'kes the followinginteresting malit:
MX k -JAi;,AN.-Takin W. -S. Ball- preached SHOI-PING 'r, or- ALL X
actuall carried on the Rled River ex.- 4hereafterthe Rev. Howizk _And. Xilliken, (Gorrie). One Sir JohnGr%y, V I UDEM
NeRev. Rr. Lavelle
inst the usual :&!a- pedition, when there were on board, oAe one of thoseltort� sharp and de8id�d ser- -to be sent. and Dili. A. -M Sullivan, the, arbitrators granted.- thattho time ofour'vLQit islatea'u'll- AN
Friday, 23rd t6p; including artillery, crew,'andthe mons, which under -the circuumstances of Wivjh�v�,_..GeoTge H Kenny, G. A. choseuby Caot. -Nolanandhis evicted er such beca-sions tbdW54.1,inent TAKEN IN EXCHANDE-
an-mm=. examination d the G Lrapressive.-m Schrujil Is mcst con] pletes Una dis-
apro" ss fialf of the 691h Regiment, 380 men. She lif arced effectivelyi empensi nin. of m6rdhandi�c 41
camp . ej tenantry' to 4eoido viliat. ( th . 1, ot played to the best adVantagia-, we sau find, 3Egatino and News DePut, in WAtern
Sd7tod was heild. T hhe a is n9w mann, iucludii�g_ To enable all t6, Jol *in the praise, Mr. Lucknow. - -H should ba -made to the latter for e , ss
-is a " on ed by a cxew of 15 , - 6 ,
_--enry Kellain. One wanted s amoug roups of 'newly- arrived�
of the '?UPI 2000,_printed.cupies of 40 L&VELL, Chat th6r h wo days in inalaiii
the In the evening, I - rman. olilings, spent t pai�eug'ers curiously examinintr the: gr For your Carpet warp, 'white Znd A., the I . I - I- - Vm. " Z $dcietani.- a.xe -inVeStiaa eSS L f ent-SL C ere CAPT FR words of two hymals. d comprehensive
Thea att the Pupils preach- rchin-ab 0 liner the- -,coloted. fNW;7
at.6.30, the Rev W, S. Ball
Ka�V aud frantr, genial and obliging as ever, is still� again tion (if tfle Circumstances, and their (11 ous, waxes. . -Ii blandn
and 30th. u . rpased.
,by linis, of the g9th was. pron A)ML Japanege, merchant canno be s
--ipmter d i i -between 146 ounced Wedneiday by Sir
XAWnXn3 pie in charge as sailing an is givmg ed WROXETIOR.
33rd ray. The tenants, -who numbdr 'OO G. MeXENZIE"S
Cooper preac I
Thera were not a;L �many towwV h- Seated bit a neatmat covered floor,LcloVat- C
occamort'deserved. Amoligst -very great satisfaction to ap. Wyatt, J-01in G HEEP 1 - - . " 4
prasmtagtha ed say twiD f6et above the street level, his
in ed welv���niilies�tomprialn,-Bixtyi4clividii-
Ig 13UE Bm&- The "Yonfig t h els - fop it chair, and attired in a calico WE TRA'M, D FROM I= FUM Present -were Jut a. Brough and having beilnf=4 tkreliable* pilot - iin between the, lines Of th'0132ad-and h i%iiy mosirs Ira Lewit, A� L Juvenile, B..B. Club of this pUeo, Play a als, were turned out, S01116311 1864� an'd ereeverythingis_C eapertha)i( )wn with �owingaleevns, lie salutes 'his "young B: p r,vhiefouggineerisinbeauti- We hav rhore given due credit to
cireumstauqes. Themachmery, uuderthe�. THE &3d'BAND..
drcT, J.�, T.
and P. Adamson; IMs PveAdn, e cleey itcus,, of the others in 1867, 'on account of di*' utes- 3er. Lotq. Cqu. A,
Ini-atch ' With th customer withasuasive voice. "O-bi-a," Godefich 4th Ray, ramaudl7lambs. POW
ersi dvvOc! makeap,ital mirrors 06`0ni I)Qminion 1)a a- the imt out W one tar. intormation leadin- so %beir Ab.
Vssea Allcock anc ful 11 1 iheLlanj�URJndasitdsserves� Itought Hirrist with their- land144 arising ofit of alleged whichmight .' ba: considered sN L nonymous
I Elwood, ancl, y, n
(if the 7th 4 the lauds A
Ef only stay long enough at reit L �Q to. I i, for �the officers o d -a'part of yo, avery -%7M be t-l=Uu1lyTecC1vcd
e_ -A others; Rev. z. IL Imiciod, gr with 1910"y are' u veA thou-th no
goodL .pudds, oUthe latter Ofiiib., . I warded.
W. an to, lc�ck fortheir reflected Aittalion giye-the Band -master a otho. 'tljelj�, -holdins were left to X
� r.L William
Rev. W. %. Blad:sto th MFETMG.-The Wealey4nll pu a�eswerd intended, it would-be bard HIMILTON.
gal (a, recent Murphy, -who previonsly hel4 Aen or Vch
'buted the priz* =d v, "lazy 312ppil �oveFture so -pathetic. But eo b
in e3 we have P. 'the, exteit of� -A TTE 10
46 en&e, pony en&e. ie' mll"10 - " ioL that to-iresist'an visages. 2 dists.of Gorri 4t present eng
oks being to
agine and immense- boiler IthegroVeL on tueli farnis. T rbitrators held e pro -
indeed every- -Camp moetingservicesAn, charges �on which the tenantS *ere, tako-he6d lest yot outra N
described before and need not 4in. +,he instruments, Ureer'tfixra North of Leechville. Several We by.
1. - _'froin a distance are present. 4a
that is wantedaud leave no occasion Mi to an
di> OV' ched straw, I
except to" remark., that efther victed were groundless, and dir6cledithat. priety treActing on th. t v ble
:PP.= LIST. lbast dismtbractiorion' the pirt of . 'is m r us h IMSOLVENT kqT
leak -or fire ii -well 4narded'agginst,. -and forth, they should be put 6ack- into th,01'' - farms, luut`tn�", OP Po hed floor it dik4 boots.
enueeted, with it. TAyLor.. THE GI�B.&T,LoN.DoN CoMX4U Conformtotheiag Dfthecoulitryand PA TED WITTER Dr J0111V F AIR lt"Om
the boilor is completely protected froiii aj� CoWPAV wi. tainmMt in Gof I ton? Hall. believintbat no pecuniary award would e
ompen "eek IF-Bukt
urby an aneiny's fire, by the coal- +,he�,posjtiou of our own. �We�bOlievee. can- lay. -claiint& sate then
ST Per cant. lnl g&v46 an'Finter c user S f---
mWAMWENT. if you Oesira'a. in pectionj off with
What -do i for theft-eipubion from I -'it., we & d y7ith which theif families -ha thQ"l�aiiierniutiorjtlrnelits,-mJ CarV, 11. D_ bankers 4 Et 4de on either ai&q�'of 0-farXr. Duffiain and our �n& lastw m
titlebegives himself i -a. OF -_TAND!5.
1. Z. , Thei the an oucapsize in-tho operation' or' -burst a r-1
3IDoiftag�14 G The'�powari*74-.hdraer.nominal,bjitp4able' Somithing it is true, but 111, little, that 'we phurifticit Man in the World.'-' The-Hali 1�eencounedtiad for ge.ileradons,- Captain 7 din ire as r Virtuo ofthe Powers Veste lieu cr
mer-. re 01anied B3
99 _ r signifies . thatsu-ninch troiaist Lew* E. �of being woTked tip i625,0 in casoof e t6 name it in the liglit of what the occupanits werokevt to I)ay all costs ofthe-pfoceedings,. blood yessel. It �y atretchofourt jetate and efiec"s'o
D.N."n is but Vol! filloa itlid I the trade ble Vill offerforsale by ]Public =y IL
gency. ti ' - * it' ' nis roar of lat1gfif; , while, and in event
Even ll6W31r. of Mr. Murphy. declining,
81) IC4 .3.1ft One.- "Con. inn( r the is.-Aeedless, thou'dip dain Vt' dRealtr
R=ciman; J. B;, st.50 cents "Y2 -be- restore land which-lias tly, leSgviolenee king
un )#Vate,
TIM EXOURSI011C. 11$Arah weie ollintatIlYtO be done to good 'nature. To. hiarn the'
Camer=.M G. 79 iintlierActfora; , , - jL eii let t6, him, is to take t�- his own ex- the 84
t rApt. Wyatt, in tticifightful- charity fo� Wtheire is Xaviovi&n 'Ta�ylor' destraction-to but -Z Ill. - day of sepkmber lielt, -at
an article you say I-ko-rab,- "How L ;41 t -b
diaaster. We'lkapo he willn0t, berd-; belng*,jjetb(1= ,�sapyitQpstoredoverpt)sses� -re u .r
Pit 1,�!ic V� Invariably an exorbitant -figure is PARTIAL L18T u=b3U;1EL A. ihe pent-up hnth= naturo of ca in an ex.-
tal 616isical Performances
WES= 'Tag. Ira bellieloserby this; In o -of Kate4tiddellj Mies, Adia, �Alaxit _apfiiinof it, ftjrth6Lptirpo'seof-reinstatiii.- thesaid.1golrents in and to the foEowirg 3=1 of
2, L4wu, misely concluded -that a select party �. 6ftbo.3 naer,,:in
IL G. - '17 exe, jaA:vantstges,the Band -e'victed tenants, The aw;Fd occasion- named-, �vhichl* if you hae been itlitiated. icztrack
4 rmaoil'. thi� of gtUtejl, lying zud' b&rg En the
lace. A few fifeso ..... ..
0 ursioitists would -not, interfere witkIl lary ri-1i".Baretti-who, perfd the by some thoughtful friend Willborpelled ofgcio&for�saleat Parsdes & AC6 9 new 77 ud Would" at eSUOL seconi tonisliment. The merchant Raidware Store - TownofGo c-richh, -tile County of Hr.=, it tko
77 it the exercises of thebatter,a ed the Lroatest rej oi6ings throu �hout the with feigli6cl �is opposite the
111=ckstoc, G. the za�mer finia, mWister much to the fjleas� Ilu "Ld clarionets, ilia a 'I ittlegiaueros_- e enti
00AJ '_wbole_distri6t.-- Onits -bein.interproted province olontolo, colitaining by Al
77 41 ef 93). - Housla.
-je,ofthe guiasti. * Some .10a 61ficers, f iv 451, &4 -part afthose iutepested,in main� JEANIT, WATsoX;_-Qie Queen of. S outside the court house by at once responds-.* -How. much you give. cc'gave_- a p�rfoimia in, Gofton!s �6 the crow.4- asked will be a reasona- NAILS, AS , ?UTTY,
A- B. 76 `010neIs ex- Wnini the band -no 9 3110tel'is want the Rev. Mr. -Livvelle, many of file people One-half the price
including all the thin CAPE TX I OOLS, on Viesouthfide of lighthouse Street, Otlitmim
lid H�IrjouThursday'Evg. last.�.*Xhetjoveri ble�offer by way ofcomproniise. A pro -
A *
in At pDrOeSoutL
ake it pe ect," 'ilito tearA, while'othors; fallin- on as, ==ing uutuber Ole hviwLT au;l 4ievta
""9" -inencod. pr -Cy 6ra' ,,tti-
-back'out bo. ofrausx6) an
46 -GUZa02, J. YeD 76 except Col.. Taylor D. A. G.,L wh6 was n n- bD. d eeiAMy of So burst found consultation then among S
their knee's of gv.
or�able toctimei, w6rer on bciardfim wall� as be willing 6 a we lu� T�art coin. FORIC91 TeTms awicondffibut w,�31 bB nWle jwywn at
Woo, Toln 76 a- rcoiwil suo, a rout a 15 - tude, - The Rpv-,. do-liver6d a the everal tradeis interpst6d, all
m Pa fumbers aud As *e. -heard a 176 qV1 : Canw1a._ seldom. get. of wbom, by-, this time -�rill have ifte rty of ladies 'a�kd gentle� same �FUA_JMS L =
inen tr;m the 46--n. The magnificent iandenthetr6bind: forcible AtldrAA� iii Irish, in. whichLA.e im- r - J - CPADLES,
talio L ' 96;tdhman.rQiii.ark 1, never heard sen,, some GRAIN
XWV-CLASSICAT. DEPARVIENT. if 'iftessed on the'Pelople, that"all-feelings of emptied their pipes and B4n& of the, Ith B�xt n,. matoxt 3AMICE.- There, is ho sucl� onef thiair uam&r meanwhile rapidly 3hy ROP9
tche hifig- asdeff=ibi mkinZe. with shl:
04 thrbaghoitkthavoysgo� which lastad over ha,�-bith"' leen. wre mg the perfdr Lffling 4?n wires the littleballs of -a cal- Al
rlackstocik, A. 99 ihreo,%u(1a, half - h6ars; almoit without t slioqI4 ��J�tlarat I ea.
W hing 9�, is one
(T&eg& a, culaindnlichiue. Ifyourofferisaocepted,. HEMPAND RUBDER, PACKING,
ge 1; - Y) e, FANCY WR
ce SeVeXalnoas' Of flie hea
ssallon playedintheir most.charming asihe d and a Am1fltaLQus I&ATHERL BELTING, An Aizes,
85L Tom.
g. omaxinet,-Atinteivals,:%valtzexandqtiadrD Inimi utook,4:�Vldeh '*duld, -the, hands signify assent. 'If WMTE LFAD, a prices,
&lkeld, A. clapping of
xirlcbride� 3L -82-- were indulged in, by those -lond oV ouch XeAqg, 'Wini TcL�lor' & Sons, of jected, ore.thau a BOILED AND RAW Horton, A. conai am
b -themgoril *ho ed Y.,sdnid.time since'received for' ifb u. axeLP?r-_
wasspentliyall. -th WM''ngW io: �y ktose, on :BLA.,QK OIL,
Ila. rairwas geuial,'ind W a�wutd th �p o e6ft any cliance, yo
oter,'was regarded quite flid
weareal 'foun,
in gf to eon- lvdthout a ba�rg
to C40han�pi��Swearers" Of hat", a contract Aciiii ]B.lghs =o lea�v4 the store Ila -th abselddial,o ifto senger will prob IT
0. 0-absianmal smoshirle. iros ratberVleasa" IthINUAlionastl
rev, e. e- allude fo, the total . f L �Jeaiur4d �acht, WhiCh. is' to S, ably be disp4tchea in
7a -i%�Ae; attfaw th4. 40. DlIf tug r. ri ancy Vn ir 4T resth-41 cm Zur, c- 29th S"
than,otherit4e. Ai, thelf-vossel ento 13�46 is "con -gal
hope the' lorake of on th6L,, rdv4i: Rivir and t Lake. hot persuit, saying "Can do A. porter Ana ;ill. Idlidi of the harbor "God Save, ther neen " was A -&&bymauy,t6be- quite thine �11 eL '111 -1 � -1 �A
Ji 1. .. L " I& ding lexander,
15drvice 1h b i ,built *er thegood&.
0", . nk. Mr. is at once iusf;r
it, uctdd to a 11irce
of.oW. d the chibies, For fhelatterseriace voluntiaersare alw4,7s Uen e
Where they will r
Oft Usefuliand r=ey srtlelcS tt reasomble prces.
public., singer., 'There, York,an
pgms were, also givit to, atoud�np.ontha.-b#dge;1o_. )ropose,--in 6, 10NDOIT_ B=ZZ -the X6isrs. -Taylor, and- at haiid. To attempt to cai.Ty nolsow.n
act "W"th Lidety;. '. or, ifor off, -WHI -also anvan. supplyof all t -c food tbwo"UIL
Lawj-x, R.'A;. Boa�4 0; C=83r, Iff. -net apeech, --t -thin i matural, Pad to make package -woufd notnly be a ethl) ryac t 'y )or
-day_ tffuesday). - A firing 'Met Miias Watson -Q*ery L g is di - Ue ready Iroviloc. In'to 10F. M
i John
arenot the rfsulf; not 6ow4 jtei trial trip ft w or S, le alleap. Ladies inten4�ug
Tiuik��_markg obt RRst CFzzp.Rs. You OAzr- WYATi 4th. thi b* Tim. � I1f #A , $he�efofe pledsing. She-( lenge lo thia . whdle horde ot In-kt4ou ca ies to uRke. dexiatio" OfFLUCY tr
m -
01 a, 3%gle exsmination� but which, -"they deserved, werar'.mo3t. on� 0�:_w some --woVda-inthamusici - v1- 'cry 6ia "edt of 'the jbner�,&Month , ,
yro' oXP along -tlie'sti;eet.-,S6r," Vi, d Mrs,
bit uexb td� the yot
Act any
Bat tdio
ld.jc= eir
to 't
th NT
fonowing Ae
'of Mat upwis the ev is r befo
�v glaaAa. - I - ',a iLtd Rftesh-
the vegulaf recor& thusiasticany. given. Wtv are ve 31�tiiictjy heard., Mr J_ 'P.- Ha6r4k, ai� i itiperiptenei e,
Lth rel
�end to
Ere after a_ 1r th'. g qn ice,
116 Able to,* Antiounoe, that i ainl' Tlio a 4&
i� 'y�44, ill;, AnIndian
the G.� TEM ZVXNING garuiA to.1caio U home. Ure- -feet in- len th- a'6 the month of,. ho A TIV4eT, Solne Gud6ndh Junc =5,, 1871 -
:,,out for a -NLi9!Vi'it!id dimensions 6f Aicli ' 39
ftAry at beam, eAe 13 mites be'Q'q ;L, the shape of
Prime, Alfred will ret*ku hero ATtir that like t6be,An_e,V?.-Wy 5 brodt 8up or, opposite the 3LTkot House,
uld �'natLyon
aubts -er
brougbt;'d0*JL- the 0111W. 'Aludllg- e bila iti4 6 foot).
& Iseat 1),abating Godefich V1111 in fnt*n d several hugh 'icebergs almost literally
hea -quwtz it hold� aoea of'prothenude
)saa of Pupils of the, Gramma Sc�u k�ia covered , ith lierrin,.g- and 'other lake 'fish
-I, 'ers. -he Be Lod$k _Xm' 112 son; w, may ell6d bysfdo whe6fs'
Aeeik 0 _13(13 no -of these immense M101
the,' Camerow 31c frozen. to th
Maitland so�gs.xinxdeied by. be -
Z Regularlyfeeting- Which, wsxt� 011 notall%tion of the -oflloors 1heVbryT]1iU9W4Ut6
foi thef, -I mention "March of lie to, each wheel which 'Will
--A# a, -ublia meetin an e
ug 'Mo. I I � -_
I as regular. A7JZVt- -Vown � me Durn e. , , .4, 0
Wte a numWr of visitors, both ladika, and , --On Sundoy Afteriloolir I :on -t' 11 in a sliol 0y4va, AAO,
J3 n Wnfo tur
6et.. 314bin-1-Gra -964oraan Wei
131r. interesting zerviow wax -i twind-' -P
t i4 &n appeoxanclo. ylf ter is v cry naftow alur
=antlemen, pu UmLuti tii�"remclny WVA con dildi wa cannof admit- f- There are. -1f6vV7 6,000.00
t�e othors$_all 6 0,000 cotton
Th 16 gpodthA Arger _ 0 4 -ationan
' "' -b- 0 rubted. he inoper atex -STOW f
ur T tpindioi We -U�ited St xEiff HnOWARE
bm occupied, the ch=,� Ze ri ri larie : , . q, ,
ned by reading., 4t bei'mr con
gra=me w" ope iw 'Vow
rolo #ad verse, the selections being qolue talion. Rev. W. ari� 101patfixi -of 'the 4 whiell a r '�,006,000,000 are running
'as - built - in, -_ atiti Ver
yacht 'w
P which, in -*lost teriail Ohn W. di�a to Vtah�T�rritory on clo-thsforpriutillg.,aurl�fdduce�450,0�Or
of -a beat in the langunal- rch, MY TV ija�qkieiid6u*
th it n _�Prosidcht- 000 yards per. an uni,
cAsm, wero read witli inuch good tastdand imprMir WG*4aineri. bs
S. W blif_ isft dersfood thAt the
d, utwe-lma
�Jtil .1
J �� i'h late, in the - The Indiandgentleman who xsed to bito I
feeling, aul excellent enunciation. slid WoW J W Maki--tho, yiiit'u�nti
The cc_-- I , s hereby given that applica
'One bUth lvJng-,oEsrake where the vio, tion will be made to 1he �LegislAt 3D
o AueAAh6*crw6f` rain. MVIdS t
they *ere orig H Iall!when the or s' h a4s has gone
rdaders, in the order in which ! good wbi 05 're" t ItO sdasbn�`it was ) , ohjefihtendsg' ' q NOTICE ure orpoSfTE MIRKET 1101
ha V 6, have had for �hirh icordialrecop - willb - at e next
�cnllod On, warste—Geo. Wood* S. HicV, A. *iur uzu wbj� _ '�,v - 66n, Thelsoxf 'a lets aroblooming. - His practice realized' of the Vrovince of 'Ontario, th
miglitlecillect eryhe4v
I&OlfMworth, Geo, Blackstock Gr4ara be com cdcV. I I . - just about sta�;s -oilough wpay for- his Session thereof at Toronto, for anthority
=W- which lastd� 111purg.-I d with all thel latest moilern appli
esmeron, and W. J. Cleildenning. After i4&h� 9. D. Ctor 4wards6f f�fi ri divert the cours
ila�=Obaillgzn�� .&M ; 4nces that luxury And comfort could ang- coffitvandburial IoL' t el�of the "'Rivor Aux
r qaegaiiin of yj 1. D. 'leted.will be'placed Lace in the Tow
thix, therow �,est and whbn c6nip parasoli are flid prettiest and the S
debatoon the ableg nabip of BoBanqueb, TIJ
11 'for the ppkposeof dminiug oarba 'ands
the, &.V"Jhou1d. C the unsford, L G. N;� a
the To ips - of Bosanquet, Me 11 -
at and - sent I Airs 11 ot' All fill
ullaimipl , , 4 nL
inada ratif. vo colitliest that b 'carriea cinfhe'prome_�
hirgtonllp Thoaffir�4tive X SIGN
T, 'A Was in
jrZued b Meara GrsUm Canieron K**lp 0" 41'.moitlog" A. 114 . �
Sot uvrayand Stephen, in the said Piovince.
W'Orki ter the Great'. Toronto, 16th. Anne, 1871. V23tf
On Fri4ar thg'11o'se ae.gimtlemen aro wVg sleeve but -
S. lit 0�nmitteia of ths, xaitland�-BaS6, oil i visit to 11
Jmd Georyp B PA ck, *ud tho te0ti 41.c otelwaru Pi marble t,
W enning an General Robe u out in the Strachan,, o f lk
by W. . Cland R�, lquey. 'U jondon Aoticotl about to1A of , colored 4 the �size o -1 f
Ily I to -ge- 6eivea for itt' _Itrllanlent� in 11 2 -togas the to)? -of -a centre table.
That* w*A a good deal of foreivIe reison- ommol awrt 0 teloc And Zss, Thomson, l tondaii7*dco 0 Ipt tnon clad 4 long red
thirty-, gentle, AT
r % �40 SAY TOAT
players..'. J. 4ml au4wpowdered "Who arotheyl" lie ldcaovcuinol eut an U
w of the question, ana not 1,1 ci�,lwk in i a a Horton, of a suppej" �� f6i the he. lubs wigs4 A FARM FOR SALE
HW�4UrstrTy�er. in A g -Doininiq4 AY, itskAof hi -oicerona-�"."I!hbse gentlemen SELLING RXV HONOLVIX,�-Among Thave
mg on both sidi athuce. With curent, �ORics te"din 'to V* here -on' 4nd
the oad sights, that'attract tho -the attention
Company. E bis Thof0116win "Lawyers -1 indeed 1 --Bo
ftanife*Wd tT hoUt. The cU4,n= yoxot4otandersregeivecl-
ikfo,� 104yerall-. A PARK YOR or Us AcwM WITAIN 71VE
hsdtoAoa howayertholktbouguitenfa 0*110e, fW1 tn the IF#& I One ft*ili iii Laira, f6r #4� whi�4 Why I lilvd:-but two in of a TibitOr in Honolul% is thit of the nat- dL-billaii ofthe Town of Goderia, 77 0 of iwhlih iro
many asthatt.
d,aed Ve�rylvwlbutther;a wii oup s Ansan" and intend hanging one on my IV41 _=Tying hey or grii�s for sale about the urldcr cultivation and in good order idmost cicar of
- Waft =OlA fordbly pnoeuted to A* siflo-of left flank -and P4 a. ltill'lo*pr� - a , Stumps. This farm is b=ndod by Like -Hurok- &lid
Tsa Leonard Mud y v0m-ed beautifully situated, GraVel Itoad all Uw 'way (and
tke aftwAivw At *0 oond;W= of the o 1mve reftived the prosv-. 0 to treatjhei Va ura" ky, each end of the boryingstiuk L COMPLE,,
Geaerat with a w , Fair to 'be hold it undon, or mamaha, M it is eallea�commonly used vie O=bftd ou the TE STOCK Or
dobste� XrTmj*u induatoil thvA P*w "4M .1 'boys, aft,ert-heir haa 4*74-workwitiva, free Ist obis. , i . no Toura pay) aid there
Cio I wednew and -f - 'by them to carry their -is % preimries Beirlug Choice Fruit
been x4optod by (14 w sy, Thursd�y - Int L4 uture, the ;% cylinder of hay
had b9m pbood in his NPA by 3fr Abra- on TuesUy, supper, fi, A boys �4 kno�v� The of an Iris
ot�ecariq" psifwA chopk on udi- Fridxy,- 25th, 27t14 28th aria 29th Sept.' arbed by anoili6r gentleman who long,'artisfically tied roii�Ad TERMS.
-e- whom to patroitite aboutift(k.fedt
lm= &0" Ana i& pAdm�xrxt io be I C.thlrd 40ft,'60 �UrZIASO MOUay- re%plred dovm, the
b Ir"MANLYAsT.", a JAY. we IdA a gigh, ale to adminipitsiz-a horaewhippings with rushqtiings� Tlie,8ebuna&iwillweLA On
xtowoa on the be4 noid*v "d speakem Wre, and guarding against the &mstry pay. nelit. - ThO Is* AXuOulit Of -will 0 'had -co aulprigusit'sm. HARDWARE
Pxo- a&ea him - wh balance, MAY Wmall tR ths'purcliner,
wbr*y of jug P. single nAn, not ackmily *a Uo o"of otrarid. in Promiums for, stook, Farm 6ther lie meant,to be so anyirher�,from six or eight. f* twenty-five bypayin.-iiiWresteiveryslzmontlisatOI)ereent. Eur.
The dedAioa W t0 w1w WOr duou, 'Fine exhibition - of ibis� �wieme biit � the co&- he pounds, varying at the Nveat'hor in stormy furtliarPatioll -ply per
hileinbed- "Cerl. lars Ar Id to
as it goes; A MACK& 1hat ACTY.
ground. This is too4, as fow I is, 'fainlyiiiit," Vpll, thon," orfair, buttlwaya s6lcl at the fixed price .11 will U ISI)NI,
V= left to aw d"s, this menh*6 of ork&c.,�4ASc. TheQrabelc�, bsitauts, retired- ftcm the,11614. nqitJiW unMaAlY"t&fl6;(h'tn*
IrW& voW 1�y bidkA, &t & VTWVio= x"* but what about the well-psid siwwr*wt Arto LUU09W being-ba4ly hurbalthaugh ouaoftlfem. rooino(Ittle 00derichP-'0DrAWer14 Flu"
ip, Of twenty-five" 'lie, in �OWI]Jta
ship Batson laorkof $1.00, or upwards, per uther, qtlietlLyrollbagg himself cents a bunc ore or less cemictitl6ii. ikft"
upon L
with aw Wowing rault AoawxxT. looked as a mwA vf mwiancev
by letli t up'VeXy snuglyiu tbb bedclothes. "You or a dustom Of -the place is give us a
on Irtday %IUVW10n, While the LontUa AMU01 `KOWA be As ijwxmit;_� The Tewl4r$ and Text weeir.
o=tyisfikely4o May wait as long as you Please, but hang the suPply for 4 0. 0 T.
the V064A V pArt Of this 10 to, d -
battwyw"04114 , 40 t f 1111 speo# *ith also the peoplo ckthis vicWty. speak in tho t! G
#*a* into elow oommer" Tolationa me if 1,11 gotup while youtre in the boiige-� rae: 10 is bought,. When
lot PAN conal of.tho h"04=44 : W11 tllby� tba xhaft h*h%t ta-rad elf -ths party ohoftnivm 3ft�,
2wl 04 OmbAm CAUMVet, ale -Formi faiw it *Dula 1* woll to �V and -continues for, r, 4,Ttr, HOPE AND QUARWY-
gim-earriago, slippejjW sy _I. and ism -ill butidles 'T
4W ai &dcwth. They AU W saying that I - slavermal d a GL0DF1lt103HTrMrT4H N6.1-23. OF 'THIS ORPER
f@11' wk" thu sacourageAhis A patifif-entBaltiniore gerlinaroU t as h PARSONS & CON
1MVy wbeel 0406� M its loll, brnking
grgArmw I � ��" !I , i �' a"- oierchargod 601156011CO An the - foll0win, are se$n; horses muskZo on short cont- lio!d theirmeettog in fQ5 Teinperance Hall, Vat
it 1%1W1V# NN f Akvk Toint. Theho.r",4 the right mish In I P
— I he is Qons.
3& 16, , . . unique -epistle to the Treasurer of the line st.overymonday evz. commenting at$ O'clock suarr.
is& PAN* Goorr W" i�ge animl� - VA6 ftough they Were Va Vroll P 94"MWA we I
States..- 91Mr. Treasurorof the If 'the hay inerohant 11n& the-nmrket' the u0=8
4L-2 araum comon'. United
4k put but W agony, by 1 �*Us X110L We wom tembliU for Ur Holton in United $tates, I inclooe'theSUL11 of thro ALEX, 4a0IMEM OPP
Vwe$= 0 brisk, and his bundle pretty large, lie Will
'3- 'not tniftequent e read and f,�
MontradfigaboNW his eleadon hu bem doll in he ir, which belongs to thO U- I ly atop on 1,11 JiA 8'#'-GJU 4*
a(lacricla 'Toe M112 AN. na
to on XM46y, the %VM0=ftt drill, swurod, Year 983"V5,50 14"0" Won post- ov at which 143ve rungela thomoir-11 kf�ga� one bundle 14W two.
1=2 pil. b� i#nq*rity of seyanan4'we
which h" bow *aMW7 VrVwA1ngjl W" EW of it, _4
0 1 t fili,
�4 1
L -;,e t0:m-CG.CA the-
]Dalp, Q! tholonacr ,
'c2ased�.-ma mcntr�_s
ful'yonn- - C -ft naI 11
C=j , 4� -.,- 7�,
y --,-04DX 20 . ,
from Laadcn� ho tj
I , _;Z
just raesrc-02-, Ili
t1hG-42,-!yt file VKH hncyl
Ze r"aat in t.,
-am LsnI,
VanZied acmzylby-2i�'�
11Lr mm ho=2 to
returacd to towm -,6
cmdbrca!hcf1 Hs Rm'�, -
TZ2 1 -TA -_i --,x, :-w
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19 4L, —
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the nrrnyatcs el
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who!b iz n, a,66
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nwa, _-*Ca Z-0 cl
convcyco -fr&n
statium V110,31 ml_R�tr
el thecame klay.L,
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attali-m tmla�
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XaLlnlcn vm
e'd ty=
TZ20 B -an thc-
MP its y3ntical'a I'l
slowand re2cmn -,I
'JCZ,?, faca t!ao mct�l
-four deep mad 'L'o-s-V�i
�,On fect, WWI C'eir
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,find �au+,
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Faucy ra;,-.L and L
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