Huron Signal, 1871-06-22, Page 27 b & two sk has failed in her duty by lulu� but faeTlli- AT Et rfaea. Aa that ou Thursdaj� 922nd hist. We, Pre6ulne the At 13trvt.J�jo�.: 11ANSIFOrl, T E 311ILL—Wk begin aboutnoon, oralit- Oluid frienda movements iva V4 Bngla�4 has Iften him kippineps, 11"a (I that thim mia fle, lat�r, an thdt England Jim glyon. him prosperity., a 6ontinue"lorseverallio ri.— Wi Tt is ia'anotbor bran -el, of.tile, T=_� SUBSf I IG Vc STE ABLISH M4 A 7 EXO�LUSJVX otild lialicind )as will be in I - - I _,Ril 2 HAVII Gen.: Robertson D doe I subject whiely"'i appearo to-illpi erves that 111ndiand has 0en; him in a new tcrlmt _Ito almrs�Al ercr -ton- is ­ HA T. CA P, 6- IF UR UOR 9 in all to rl C. and the, militu� diiP4Y, itentioti. Upoatho Whote,.whether Country tho means of prOgraii -4ilch lial county, wokave n"1110=11 JIVE"M 212ad 187, 3. autt aten 4,. i�,o1,1,r,1,1`a,, thii tr�aty or the protocols, or In the, newbuildingr, greatedby himself, last_-n4uler, on West Side, Market $qrmt Crow d Cut jullun-:01 and 0. U L It.of fait,1911013� sidering the Wyantages: of the round, coul 3160 M- � enjoy�d In-1he old -will be 04tuea Y' "I - tho'good BATTAI tox Rist) --24 nienfrom. Gitelph. secure a better i4iIZtaUtjb. F19 coacladed the exoshenoe, of 4ho Battalions, and the the disetmii) inipres-sed by asentiiiieut of gratitude and us in the press, yon,will filld weseng'o of t1w 111109 1 niost Ah J\TOW RF Tiite t -i -d strangth, of the Ivellill;ct,' tlle1(1_,,t6tqt3 iliv is XEIVILNG -AND WILL OPEN Ti Z-. av-=4n. g tho- skilft-ttly mrtnVied, oCal iliark )f al sojaio dAmotion to tho old Wid, -and � thip a foal- 111tall, is 520� of 8uQIX and diabin,mish- . attcrA will No unusu-0y grand.' E xcurl 6f'�qytatyind ulifty w][11. -exist deep in Blontreal TeeLnZ. h. ht—i, sid),1111siloll Xo tha., viows Qf the United to the en=p ana 1--, X -r.�00 ad chriativisita I'l.welt ek, flodlvy� flcara,, 4ion paTties. aro'-expeclwd from L6ildoii, �Stqfes in every part ff-.tb "minds of the leople, broughout -the V k In for the inspeedon 4 t'ho jublic, on AITLAX11. 29�rt WATP, . — I tNe I A11411tuninund, anti 1 10,101 a e tranty. Now, 1; W_ 141, 81haa a in iraill day of Alareh, '1871, ftxpr Opplesits lot Allow" tha jeers tf i)rd, Southaulptoii,--Xincar- - ntbuillil.ify a�y tha whole Empire. b one js affice in the Deolop b ana ph, StrixtIf Min.-Uhairinuu, 114 On Saturday the 4th I i i r t. fe, tit I r. Uajor Campbell tree,-Isl illy op .14 , I . b ;va Itina tbeuteelres�� alake thoul Forget' th-i-lakaniple dino th whole neighborhood. The I gre ad either separation or ab- vwf4o= we.&seribz,l inion, ()a thor eve- of the wtd I enterpriw ;Ta5z. tio -be impossi a. G -01164C& the teaching, of ant 1 Nukqrint! -a- or the business bl kLoud and. The Largest VIA .% of chrishian fathei Blayorby requpab of inost -of It . tesf Stoci., of Hats, Caps z�d Farnisking Goods.ever brought 7 __�P DA trialgement Tict � 1 - Tlio mail who was too d a ]%lf-holiday froin 11, our e'iotellds, Conti oZ the,jDisft mew, hai prodabile, X J ai1i bound to sAyltim _kJ r V.—A full f2c t3ter'- Cranston, 'Pitin:3 m4hers. us chocis.') rt, t arraugement has only been! Stir I CUIVItrilly to road hia:Bibla, or -kneel town'l 6130 E3ng1iSh,.XeWY,0Fk,__& 0114adiala Fasbi'Ouable Silk.,&Beaveli geon anlen. in hih. 10 a. in-.# to 5 p. in., and the entire t6 tllWi v4iioh' most strouttly Flelt -4-ay ion Thnw-lay, v 0 ta- i,I o'.13 IN%rhm IN vi, v -..-,t :--that btaif v8ar.-Mr teat� alth,ingh.10 know it '6) be his -will tpeoi such a; )rY,)sItion to_ SAN Or T= TBAOZ. of 2�0xt mmmi�g- 08 6 will .10VU1111,101-1t. We all ninvej me in ot thli trootTis flilly, WasAot t I Hats. Fur& Wb.01 Felt Hatt of the offleers rango alon- the -lie 1110,11 a wiso offic t t011 or would- aalha- - as -Godaridh haa- never WOTO �jllojeoliiig- that if ratifloll it Wnut the and; ot.the latest Styles -and Phttirns for spring ve.%r. 310stor LSO. Silk and Cloth0ops, like t-1 have bohind, hit,% in a filtilorit hope. witne sed. it is but the beg g NOBODY KILLE D; BUT SEVE RAI "Itillill- of the end. (Etear A .1ftio been made spamaliv to my oriler, %nd as, I 0141tu to%ava n tho Mau, bein-desi7in-s of 11 After pray. er autl a, the brigada in ar;h- o $]�4rRIOUSLYTNJURD4 D. this'stock roarrh a litpl` -iiiels,Lient. h If at the,denvand of th, lunited, pearauco ant the nl,3vne ow [fit, In "i i 'fedge of %6 RATand CAP busines§ will bg . %% Da C1.1 1.11.4 able (with the latge and a ie I toad of tovarels t1lo hash skirtirt-g- kn stot:f niiltA -0t Ce- in officers and uten 2% ad back. tovanip. 13111y Ialiuwau�l gentlo- A1111LB Y V�I Staies woaia to give somu and -sell others Camp, have pefitionell -.13 waaatl ALT men from towti 'wore l7keseut tit this in- ii. with of our most villa I ed-natkenjUrights it w ' AxoTHFn GuAN�D Tuuiqx AccoENT-No. have oil hand slid am c(intillually -receiVin1r.) X0 2 Uqvtia Peck, Lieut. Ma- terestint, service, which* was Calculated, WHATHER—ItRtillcontintles Co( ou Id .1 princlaim, a lanlif Leolllla� offi'le, 14,Sxrlty�p uoFs iirr. THs Tiu= Nima fl: -'t lwoni'A. Oil 17riday nig'l-, 11"Vin, 11,1;-,Ul rZI aqql 111011 52. not be -very To PLE, ASE THE ZtEAND r= 'T= HEAD 0.1 T�RE ]KOS it 22nd insk., ftonl 10 a. M. by all. its aurroutUlturs �J talce fast hotel of a little frost *at'rlights wh'ich makes things, tually yeAia' ll"' llf)t -.many Env.,,,sTowNw--AS,0ZNE OF COXFUSIOX-�- ai I,-,- ra; 1. anil st m, inolitha, before, 'low deltiands'will, be mad`6, t1dious, and dt pel a that will defy competition. be lans -"Caordingly Z6111 4. mer,_ and the lo;.al No 3, 1,131MIML, citlit'-witat-11 'at. L110 1110111ol1w; "in In list hmvla been an 1t)(11C withered, It 'is hurting the fall Fas oe I LiL TaBNAME0 OF THE SQ§FX1tHlt9. Be .1 . - aisplay will be agnmd 0:! i -I mal 's -Na TtUNa t -Goin Lflieurs and tlie..101. alithenge of oVer2303 picturescluoly�sitting wheat and, vegetables. will'be less'able 'to rosiaftlitin if we'llad W, Mee SAVAGE. so to P -C -0,1t. t.1,3 W'1011,a 6 Rattalioul, oi: 4. VtN-Timn wit'vo 0-11A. Vitattiore, 'ether on t The poople in tbii place are busily an - (.1 1,7 kll,: e.i, lie grass, all deouly interested. uhinin the r1rm front we ought to,have NAPAgrm, June I.O.-Accidiants on the G-oderich, MaT!ch 1A, 187L aaggedat their road. wovic, soin it rgetio, Granil Ti sL�o um the men (if ehat faith %yore f Link like 1 humaix misfortunes, t 11. a.! 1 tha Loadon Dvt, Ual. 061i"Ut-4 and Qllita a few of f ,ev, i Litm, NJ telfell, Non -C r.,a shown againat thAfirstakarbosiou. �Oheers. -L . flien 41). -ikrustnt *Partioz are trying to g(ret s0tuo. 1( r come singly ; and the Grafton hor- our Livery Slabile mepz ca�kliv-jlminii. Vora t, ). I.cenitipt-regard tbd ftiture of this covnt� 40re hourly ahngo tu Ciao 'm"M vue, i Nr a 5 -P- A'Aiurcli. Theafternuon wag spoilt I.ory the different Townships. to It p to build r0rhas, been quickly followed by a disaster -,C.,rTffr-S =311t, Lient. Finn. E,,i,,n Whing also "I to rult, t! love rey ry, the treaty ratified, as ai 11a seelie,, buti ! 11 0 finietly ; the music of the b.�nds being th�a side valks in thiii place. J. -oft yery seritsus nature, but fortunately UoUldcoln monley. SIMI it' er, Nfin C-an.'titlicurs antl itten. N. tilpt) absorption. - If we shoulA be found v rauch vrantr-_F2, by., i:i,ar%r or izfdion and di. - princt lial sou nd heard all da v. The melt will - givu some it Morris 0.0 the ijaine. unequal to our destiny, if'wcbhr6 prepared unattentled by lois, (if life. The following mostly citaid in their tonts, some w6 Alorris diont be behind. are the fullest particulars :-Alwut eight Te tell �l stron-th of the Wtorluu.B'. t- 1--TIATS .!'HATS tbc-�a Who 17Ato va at up, talion, of ket a.alid well, is 259. -The teacillera, t6codeso much, atsomefuturady we I town and in the ovebinx-di3trihided them- TRA.011ER-s' Coavcxmcilf. o'clock t1iii-moriiing No. 4 expreas (due at V_�v ht� ii-�l I wita in of his 28vir, PE RTIL will findurselves, if lint prepared to cole a.Avea among the Churches. Mr. Ball had of'tb a. Townships of Cey aA a k1orfis meet all, at tiny rate uuprepar�d to resist the Teronto about 11.30 a. in.), running at the Frait &-4. to morning service in the evening within tt�io - lines or] to day Juno' 17tht the School House in rate of twenty, nliles� an -hour, can off the to Mr.J. . T7 demakd for all an stronglyas we ougghL' G LARGE Td.. k! B. M.' this ptice for thopurposo of getting tip an track at a point about foktr miles' and a half AN HER CONSIGNIKE4 vp I the 30th which was %vell. attended. The ta a a we have nowot toputont AA A -cawp hall a great many visitors all day- association to inect on Sit rd Y f -r _I_belM1ru 0 east of Ernestown. Tito train consisied of vni tha batt__17 at I foot sa firmly'ati4 una.11livoc- the engine ar T= 0.vZZ0Er& Blcm nilt-few ladies footing the ste;�p bank as the purpoic of discussing different sit bjects kd tender badgage and post that, if British poer is to b is mest SlImp wz� lly voll, Samteon. 4ravely as ny (it the male sex, and much 'and pokiltincy studies for the - ensuing ithee, cat; oni a mintained. as 1 -hope. to see it maintained ' second-cias a car, two first- ]BID. Mr. I.J.-Wright, ot file vi- %v.e(; so in ascars, and last of all a Pullrn�alace. Itbassotour teaChorato studysoasto It is supposedthat the enr - an or bagggage I niore lighth, There Will be aiiailar iier­ to the last (lay, on this continent, it shall t P�Lv in; su r L --t 1 4. it, uch for the Now School Bill. Nil n fur, BaL.1, 20 men. improve themselves,so that they may pass be maintained uniinpi%ired, iinsilorn, un.- car broke -a rail, foi Suddenly, without a diluinislied. (Cheers.) I irae -that we pun nmu -nit, 10to Tm�GaT.PROTTCFI. the new examivatiou with credit to them- moment's lvarnifilr,� the becupants of the N All Monday, the crack of rill mustlook to Imperialconsideration$ in this PIEW-CENT BIELOW C I R, C ENS esand whiz selves. firsto the two -were vilelo,- ITY P I drillwas .a tter, o are,.; part;jDrtlie Einpire, and f 2BA== IVAN_'TP.J>.-TLt 3 in. Tho Nei. 1, MAofarlane, of bullets wereriticessaut. The 701 41;- * BAgE BALL.-Frieai-Juna 16th' Irt I "' "I" ly jerkedagainst its sides or tfirown upon lilltltl in by te �haagin of 11. P., Ll jut. Lang, non cum. officers aad talioll engaged in target practice at our interestsare bound tip �ath,thosovf the L (r ran game (if Base: Ball was played here to day thefloor. The iiecond first7class. car went =bbiug, their gas uien,. 56. cf *200, 40J 66- between a nitib vay, ards oil the flats But "rit ; and, �Is * qoe3 ton of Imperil 01 rills and ac- Lad 600 7 P1 f. Chosen by Mr. Bray against off the track llic-g t, follitwed Dy the second - i �TRATFwtn.-Capt. Dodd, Lieut. low the camp. Each battalion in succe's- s nine chosen by Mr. Cooper, the former policy, I main Ails treaty s "W'. AX. 0.�L ALiG�:= AC-21dO I c t -t t 1, id .�gm to the class car a4d finally by the Pullman. - Wh . an Godglich no i cow. officers and liters, 42: sion will spend a day at the targets, We w ill niag by 32 B1411S. navigation anil lizherlosis a fatal blunder. 23rd them. Who"' 11 pp, whilie 4'i - The Maidand Club the first car went off the enguieer' ftlt i 3, P�T_ MAr.Vs.-Liekt. McC-inuall. coul-I not restraili a feelin of squeauliBli- of tbi village playsiag ainst the Shoo'Fly I b�elieve, I reolit, Chat we are at a very "ierk'�-as he expresse'd it -yet, he'did w. i -1 . llArtin 'nua coin. officars nd ness,wheii wallkilig, throutX sarlOtts pom, 1.7, an IRkday .2cs um, uot glithe busti tothe Club of Wroxeter on thd Ist July oil the not i magine that *-nything had allueefflomeitts Emig. t. 'It is quite trua thai it very gone mrong for other very wen, cauip, tv hear the ballet% crash into -the ground of the former, the followitials a list -ITayor Flhys, by C��Ien considerable secdon-bf the English pai;ple 0-i until the second eir t,eut off when he im- G.,.McK kIZIE� to til,� music of.- 4,' Campbell. bank it very few feet froat - tile tup. are looking towards the'separation of thp it of the players of the Mitlaud Cluh-W. m6di&tely shut off steam, an4 appfled the Li-tur. 'I ilt, Enai,m-Fakinull, null 9:0111. seelus to, u the way acro1s the fw-tbridge Fislilaigh, Pitcher, J. Stewarr, Catcher, brakes, btit did not come to a standstill be- go thmugh hf!Tt3J1- Not a I colonieg. - It is true that there is a ve at At ulen, 42. and tip the bank is not a very safe 0110, D. - HcYAughton,� 1st B;Aealan, Samuel- imall party in this country animated by ewts. Xr. Mite: i preLr a ran un 4 t 5 Bt..,Lsstt.%_-.D.-Cpt. White; while shooting Siggins 2nd Basem&d, R. flatlliit�n, 3rd the viewthatthe Imperial policy goefs in fore the two fitst-olass loars were toppled AS PLBASURE ir; xN-ri3umTfG %ve-re is ping on. completely over bit their sides. Thescene customers and the Public genemily, that e.bas Litit 1sev, nun coni. uffiders and 1, that direction. 'That party is as at insity H ri, ms NIEW BOOK - 4 Baseman, Mr. P. Bray, Short -Stop 0 R opened a New Store next door to the old -Yrbele they Mullin --re =mlvin- ia tnd. even mera j�_ inside the cars while they -,were being, jerk- e, Rim BrIGADL iii0cantin numbers here. . It V's 4n 0 will and constantly on lu�udi a full supply of 1p . Cooper, Rgrht field H.' Clusman,' LO*fb . ad over the ties, against the rails and over Field Exe eeries, h= sign tire no Ed, 1870. fio� e one or two small dz�ains, %vas one of the blanual of Artillery -Exercise W, t 1,� �;r . 6 le t: L L.1k RTO -1. - Ca P t nday at 2.30 p. in., the brigade fieldlevm. Ainley, aentre field. ificance "at home." 'But if we re4es, authorized 1: At 1 - 1100h I%-Lii I longer t - be allowed to use the w1ord .1 - -imp by battalions, in QJ greatest confusic and horror. Those r, (itheers A men, 57. "04)d order. to the, open ground ou'the "home" in connectitil. with old Enlanth, I CTO ODS, -The Soldiers Pocket Book, by CoL 1 tird, Ensign Allen, non Coal. i nmuchod nit t \pf m All PQRT,.ALBEW-V- DRY who retained theifpresence of mind clutch. WbIselev f Oi-a Perth Bittali- wes' . and formed into.quarter divance col- believe it will be, to it lgrge extent, our L25 ad the seats and the hat railings ; others lbeVoluuteer'sActireService�Unua1 L_aa6 ofiieo -a alla luen, it 328. unlus. The cyrder waR given tti deploy in BusrNESS.-Mr. Hawley, the -enterpHs- own fault. We have got to . look to the READY MADE- CLOTHING, r3lied-on the floor ; stout elderly gentle- by Major Dixon iine on the 30th Battalitin, and the move- tractor, is doine� quite a business in otiganizatit;n7 of the Empire i (ITeria, here.) I aily Newjej CorTes dencAf the - vn of 60 EaODI in U91 -Irtev- J rH itient was executed with q-tickness and g iyood and barl, and shipping to We have to eqnsider, and consider speedi' TRZ FL men were thrown violently roof -wards; -�D PJM areels and satchels were driven in all TWWDS CLOTHS, War betvi H-lany A France L50 t!.a cimirluezy rf the Sr_-_rF upritmus, pilecialou- Havim, taken ol.en order the. other parts. ly, -whlither any mens can, be devis'ed for p Che Q1=wAQl he caft I a directiong, and to make confusion worse .,0apt. HilyshesRedRiverExpadit 4L Rug to brigade Wiye general slute in Capital redress;ng the anomalies which go Iffn-gy as ign L25 P Forgetting 04ptain jack- Lien Col. Lewis. 'Curv�&IZTT W�Em.-This peat is quite confounded, the ladies uttered piercing DRESS GOODS, Fragmeiismoff5cienceProf.TyndoA 1.16 40T -f th-%u one cou'd act Af.tci DO, Nialor, titiw,and then marched past in companies, stripping the currant bushes of their foli� they were theoretical did notlinblepileti- shrieks in which they were joined by o7e to neir rinre effic;cnil; officer with khe Landon Field Battery loading.. age and 6therwise injuring,the fruit can- Cal men, but which obviously are -ceasing or, JV " S I ey Im X-0 C- 0 ortwoofthestrongerse;c. Thofollowing HATS CAPS, NT,-NOV'T, d we are enab!etl to pro- -Dr, 'it i ne Sunietin, An onemy havna been discoverod in aui- siderably.- 4JLJ to be theoretical and becomin.,cr, to a large are the names of those most seriously -in- in the sia". ir with a complete and cor- 'Dr. 'raser sst. rbush in the wotids t6 the ileirtli, the ia­� exiont practical, and which will. find the-ir PoTA70 Bul.-I h ve been -informed B 2221"n"I ways jured who w'ere pat offat. Zraestown and BOOTS &SHOES, the Heir, r7�:,. st w!iieh, we believe, will bo Adj fautry changed front by countermarching, that the pot solution in one of two imavitble 1.25 'hich a nt, Capt. X. P. Dawsanj ato Bug, frequently known I handed over to the aare of rie Aylmer larwo interest than anything that is pau A,tef,Uapf- all, land adameJ, supported on bctli- flanG separation,.or tits reorgani7ation -of Napaneean( tr-"s.)-.r in, iu the ou tside world. Q it. Mtuter4. B. 8 1 bythe Field Battery. After sharp firilig, by the ofthe Colorado Bug, has Empire. I give my voice aainst separ, the doctors ara0cJM1=Z.T_MSl 6VO- Anteros by Guy. Uyingstone my bli. Ite foa was di-31od-ged.- The enemy hav- made its appearance in the garden Of Mr. t inn and in favor of the ' reorgan . izaboh of Dr. Waters, London; hurb internally. EarPs Deilie Win Bryden, but not insufficient quanti� Mr Choate, ort Atipe, head out and w. B. The old Store to be kept Exclusive- Daisy Nichol tried to turn 1h6 flank of the 4rigade ties I the Empire. (Flear, hear.) I believe ba I Lit;HT lxnvwlty, ebpt� - to do hny great injury. - - eyes blackened. Bred in the Bone D. A. G., it% cOmmand. io, 4nsigga O'Co by moving diagonally against iti t -fie field . that separ,%tion for Canada noir, indei�d Mr McCathii hurt i termlly. ly for ieut. McKenz Ctttery; Zax- b'rou,'i4h, I'q-the rescue and Wr-ATHER.-The weath6r has been very for many years to come, would 14ean 46b- Fenton!sQuesk by Miss i3radden- 6opi. muu 5). 17 hill nig . sorption ' annexation. What 1 are we tri Mr. Daly, Z�panee; Inhead cut and a -cry mr61i zLr2c2, Nliiskatry Instritetor. held them it b4 n1ile thojitfautry-yetired changeable with ve C y hti, Pe=37� . N 2, C itpt Busb, Lient. Yate% Bush, aokened. A Life!s Assize Stip! ly Otli- Ma in good order. Tho bttery"havin" AL contract for hear in one ll�eath thAt Eng-land-thawithe bl eyes HIRIDWARIE' A"narch of *mg un -511 POW DBRT P -MR.-- A. mumb Major D%triet Pgyam%ter. Coal. and nien 43. cheekd.d th so r:4, .00n-' Mr. Gildard, Utipa,'head cut and eyes Her L rl and X&Aer a elipm Sol y a advadde al rupting &.pier will be let on Monday, Empire-ia afruid ot American i�ritaticlu, 2 - No pt. M,)rtoi,. Lieut. Williams. blackened. Nra, or to Russian pAueexs,,=d tired keeping up a fierce, caulionadv: -I*A- inst specification can be and calls upon as bocedeur rights Vhile 'and ia now full of Ensi-, Mx, Duniabi, Chiv4go, head braised and. Orderly offizer. Al.tobothl 11011 clial. and well 47. as 'they- went. Ha -ring, thas *f PelltiN' e are yet a part of'tbe Empire; ansl in Earl 40� Wi� a residence.. Eabnrb ML -cc the partiCulars and stren t' 'Capt Dirre'l, Willialas with an imagmary foe shown th ear slit. NigelBartvanis Ideal -.1 h upi- DniTi6e Diu�rit the next breath that wa could stand alone? PENTEERS"POOLS" Neethig of thi Mr. Vidgan, New York, 1hea braised &U w-- shal", as i duty buzalid, 1 -r-lughson; Non Go Officars " 3 L. 0; 1.; koir�,4e District If we cannot stand as part of the Empir?, The Poison of Aeps 1-11d sdives a' !)Is to parform themano3tivres that Of and severely shaken. Red as a rose is She. men 41 be"M at huale with t:ie that such a re�l emergaquey would neces- Waw"iiih, wbni -0tingannon, how can to hope -to stand alone I That is on Mrs. Lowery, Kingston, hdad bruised linich as Bench Plains, Chisels; Bits, Mot too wisely but tot) we B LT3AL1 IONS 5, Cau'. Dickson, Lieu& Carey.. the batalions marched back to Wednesday 14th inst. epresentetives nonsense andabsurdty. Therefore, when and severely shaken. merst Saws, Squarre'S . crew -drivers. Romances id�l, Nqa Com. Oideers and camp, cheerily I say thdt the choice is between separation Conductor Charleroi, head out aud rif ths.-Bi ads Will 10 M, =MC0 21 C6 1 headed by their Various frQm moat of the todgei'of the cDistrict I Men, 45. bands. This bAgade dtill was just enough. were present. 'The and reorganization, I believe, sephration Twelva Romanc%s of thof.Ses 461 Ia.- tioii,';f 1the bruised. Builders will find a fall supply of Nailsp Thrilling Rom-allces of 15Vea2nd KrA172 OFFICERS. 61 capt 31-allittosh, Ensien Lang. ;Non tO whet the appetite of the sectators for Anniverstiry oftheBaffe ej*-th6 'Boyne bein equivaleint to annexiatiou,, that the Looks, Hines, Paints, Oils, Glum, Putty 'Ana 401 prCTuse to C-,!. A- M. Ros� commandincr; Co Otlmfta and men 40. the gallant display of the e-Onning Meld vM be hold in Goderieh bj� -the a�b6:L annexation and roorgan- Mr. Jas. Carruthers, C4stleton, head bX11KC-b .m cut and braised. 4te. u to - A rr moo]a Day. ti ivitiorr. Any scheme of reftanization,. I LIL JL 71 letit O'Brien, Ensiga Pope, N. on A4 X%j�lr Conner; a trict, withth"xcep anof the Dr. E F. Beab, WitiffLeld, N. Y., head .1 Adj--Vant; Dr Sur- 0om Lodge. ddiilO, ik_b�iet with vegy great difficultiez.. _u- at and d 144. TAB LONDON BAITZERY. Itr"y7�aillaifu$on. us heavy bruised-. ILL KIRrS I B. -This is the t -JIG 3?4oint T% Ta Easiga Elliott, Non Mr. Thomas Keye �St. Catharine, _of Uo1me3, Ass-istant Suraeon; o. 8 1 i,�utt U6 -Seynionr; aster Coin. Offi� iars and men 42� We do not thiukwesLiouldb,-id�-sparaiing Bat I 6lieve that this coutftry he at d b - . V TMO L liowlaic. 9 0 an rfiised ­kop but vise, rffi* O=U Ba ST, LUOR ttery to call it the "hobby" of th is p4 trod', not merely from material i"T Se,.,,4,anzs, Dand, 2L 14ATTAMON BAND 30 g-allant col6itel in command ; e3peciall Xr; A. X. Haninnoild, England, head y A general meeting of the Reformers of also -from moral more hKEN IN :EXCH"RE- as it is one of those aerviceableand usef Cut and.bruised. 6 al 3P rr-4 Nsrm 'Aarasox Ar.=LEMky- theTownship of Hoick is lierel3y wlea at ly because we feel it to be our material M. A. B. Symoil4s, Partli, ]lead out and [hobbies that the bravest naiad mat be Gofton!s Ha_11 Wroxeter, �oli - interest, buL because we are proud of Magazine and News D ut in Weilterix -u4pr. Thonismi, Mont. Seager, Lieut. The tot -M stron-6th of the London' B3t- I asham-d to ride. It wa� formed by Colonel Saturday the �ei bruise op Dtx.,a, non coni. offl. and men, 45-- tali(in`�, and men, is 424. parib of the Empire.7-to submit to d* Ontario. mdbyula I % I hetcl L -at and Shaitly 15 years ago, and waA one of the jW Foryour Carpat IA of at 3 o'clob� inr the Mr. W.,P. Votirs, Chicago, 1 e staff pose of electing a Director fo a the legitimate sacrifices thatulay be an- b - d '"ite and dorigh, Tms 16t�l§�I, E. D RAT'MY, LONDO'N. first batteriaes, organized' (.f rinse under 8r Allan heforni association in place df H. W..Hunt tailed upon hrin any sch reorguan- Mr. Tames Arnistr6lic, Westminster, -tolttied. 10 eklem ZencD 10412 thole, lZat t in tUe to VAS Coal- millita act of 3 0 'The -as saarifices are no, ser,'ea tZ 7; 6 woresicrned� and to transact any punv. other busi- ad. Lieu. ol- Shailly, of t1ibse who then enrolled themsel;es are neis. ofther party�i head out and brais -03pt. now:underthe Crlon, I a, but all com mand' w6r 0 the Mr. Chas. Uroy;,' Rodlieter, Y., leg GO TO G. MICRIEZIES calit stars, of, yieli4ing, UsIdAt!al rg ganneriand drivcray r. of a very 31e. james Back, Emii- lj4zlehurst, a IL W. Hun hurt and head- out. So. 61 Vesey A. Browne. it is ftl�cn, non i,flicers and. men, 4 t. 3 . der-a4d thorouginy up, -to their Walahef -Quebec, head cut- Where.over5thing Is Cheaper than ever.,- Olfice& Til tion cota. offiaers, anfi superior or I say every 1111holishillan ought to looljust -rs W Bu. zfvL duties, It - wiff not, be invidious, we THD PREss AssociATrw-f.-The execu- as armly upZ the �nasrvvn �of tle sov- and eyes blackeneo. Goderieh 4th l4sy, 187L 7. tfires 9 Poittia, guns, el thin' the smart yo fellows tive Committee -of the -Canadian Pre Mr. *George Stq)heris, Vrmdsor, head., all. W110 1�lndle the 24 pounler ho*itzer Association met at the Queen�s Hotel, .0drz ca ackeened.' 4 a 24 Ponader howitzcr, and 10 U-9 grra ung as eksignpy of o6r fish6ries. and, navigation aa t and eyes bli Lieut. L-e� En3i' Wilson, UDR com, er 0a.=S=4 roe tof the fisheries of itself. the!7, No. 4y Mnr- the � ohdit for unumberin Arin Toronto, iin Friday � the 20d iust.,. the I think if:' a � jbAndon "ill Mr. Frank rky, UeuL Grir, Ensfign Proctor, non 9 w 6 idea of the bavi6o;i, Niagara Falls, head. STUCK. 'OF Y, ENDS Aflu From t and lillwering, tip, fully aa qt ;kty as those Pk6sident M -r Erj;stus TaCkson;-of the unity of the I - the out and eyes blackened.* -a' tho, followintr DftnvroN DA -y -No, movAD Ims as yet been 6_abave figuria 0 - - impirqon the hither and t�D Z iii char�,j of the lighter gons. Whou the 'Ic cilm. officers and Two dhildren hruised.-and ilightly ut. grftrid toti "of offizer7and nien now in Newmarkt Bro,, in. the chair., After thither side, of -the Atlantic. tha� allity-will 4nado to celebrate the birtlidsty of our own. GROGE R SAM BY� Jackson, or twelve other4were sh order v7A tq "aulimbei?' or lber tip About ten RIES 1`0 't _P!�Pf QY�WiidXij the list - of memb it wnovet-Aivr more alipreat next annual 'fevery'ititfe�iti.-tnaiiddv.ery citizen'seta' ors, soon be a thing of the past. 1 -fully believe injured but proceeded on� their journey by L; t. McCann, Ensi. a impsou, non wil be gmth6red:- was decided to hold ther meet- ghtly Dominiin. There is to betmatch played in Brigm, lo officers. this place on.that day between the Shoo can.m. 51. or moreg�jvl disipiinii -,i" Miler, fur ing in'Toronto, on Tnesddy, the train which wai. sent -to pick. them up., J111Y - 18th, befoie him, as the one thing to be done, The suft FIY-�B. B. 0. of Wroxoter and the Wait,; erers spea� in the highest lb�rma of tawn, ia tl r7ijulalt was.at his poit and. perfrmed and proceed �u anexcur8ion-the same day. todo what is necessary to maintain. the the kindness-aud ttentign shovin t6 theill land of this village. Ttendem till. moon of the 1:92-h inst, fa 11,,ward, Raniga non com. Furnituj � . - atcn Ula tow it -ev. was instructed to perfect, unity o'f the Empire, it can be accomplish- byDr. Jennhigs-ofToror0a, who. W.as n ' WuAT,=i.�It has been c 0 e telopElx to Uo - insolveut and m2n, 41L welli kzbju 1, U9 1W duty`�. without singlo slip and with -The PTeside4t rather o I- TradegildShop estuve of Tbluegarris. ronr of W marvelltn4. - ex�sditlon. The battelry Wemonts%with the. steamboat Hus, to, ed. I see no. insuperable difficulty in it an is arrai 7, ITMr. -Capt. Shep- ate .100 259 weir aul equipped, not omitting Montreal and Ottaiiand the raft the rain. Fioin flia. �gquiries I bave for the past few dayo, in *t nearly plato Me lenalh at U usign Russo Pertl cc -aycom. something like tfie fiderative system. cold 6ncifig� for frost, but it is tole -hoped radql oil" . m evpn-the , trwlittou�l '-fiftli whea ef 'a panies- Theiutentionistotake� the niaile . ase, made, I have -come $o the'! COMIUSi011 that that this will n;t ottonsNo dens Tweeds 01 t10 L!)a )n 11 421 Compare the e of'Canada-at this 1caters of the rarne L -n Coach", wfii4h we an mom- "nobody is -to blam�e," ai� The see- lailke, its appearance anda genenillasEortment of Dry Goode, 1*slde6 s 1 .11. 134ttery ppose.-Is osrried in line steamerat Toronto to"Montreal, thence eat, with its ineaus'of commiluication and. ad over the &a about au until its proper timk tia It would-onitirely Z11111114manut of0rocerlea, f-be,whole Mounting to =By Maine, Liatit. 79 tion fdreman pass vdw"20 =a -of a4c�iaent% ]Battery E_isr�,4 Credit np the Ottawa F4ver to t1ke city of Ottawa its wealtil with the case of -Ireland when destroy the 'tall wheat 'Whielt mow z3boutM1002. Thostock ubd mventoyean be seen In Lepj:i, non vim. fficers-an! -lien, �3, to the fuiesitbAyand mr hour before the aedident-peourred, and ev- _1r6 partictilarly.to aiiA back b YaUway. the promises lately ac *Owl ih goodorder. a was then i I Aal she Was joinedto Englan-d. It wofild be r ff there* -were ivery hope of ex� of West Stmet�and YU= as 51 1. - t1w Xarket ftuare, In tht� to lacg, wbic a persistput-lnd tuAt6lymorbspeedyand couvan iitfi;r arvest _* Mvzier, nia coin. alul TO Povl�i ARIUVWd AT TORONTO. pboting a bountiful ofe-odericb,,nnar, copy or titi inventory w found at-my.o colalinmilton, Tcndci*,to. be sts% uber fif tailti nANOLD,FA�%Smlt�s Eipzvl�tg �Thst AiCanadiau to taka his share in federal Ufiion Station W' NEW BVIM=ai;-1Aart1n­ 31onre of, the liberitlitiM ib,�,Ves itq Confin - d ex, uncils in London' than �� it as crowded yestoraar Grey Hotel is aiadin-'i large addition, td much on thedollar of the inventory Frices, luid tQ, sficnAh of the Hurou I Illitil the coin flissadict syste-T isterize -,ad. di no the : success of- fqxniing, is -,. in experience, co was for an ftiarhoun. -by parti4s'who` had friends on state terms of va)':ment and security 1 Vind be wspt- ft4mt bcatcr tto: biellov - t a -b men, fi;50. eta vrell groured and beglas to-musinooth- That, -to a* a mans advice is not �stoop- Irishman. to go to tho English Parlianivil his now larae Rotel. Zinith & _-Stelvarea. ed. I donotbindinyelf fos%ev c t1su U-2.f7ils. , . - board No. 4, and iyho were exceedingly -tender. in lg ly. Ther was-, g, bi offiell - of much' benefit. That t the time of ' the ''Union, or - for Slachine Sli6p and Stave Fa slime reason . to' be No Im th'vitlt five are )u the grouiA, alId anxious -about thilir sfer-ty, as a report kiiidness /to Scotchman Tto go from, the North TOE. af;6614 good shelter, is ad in the ity 'thar, sa6ral were 'iir 'operations have been -commenced, MY- �They -are all savino offodder. 11 of Scotland in days not lqng passed. And relative to the buildma of the. itlew church, Amiguee., the .. quality another is $bwihi� to d prevail a up, d of the bria d for a day or so, but, it is now goWa and s:) 't ght veeds is, killed. ' When the; train. arrived at four 'Intitthentaie mclro allmurous, to fW;o'r - giain ustice- to your, flierefore7whon, we. find 'the telegraph spah'as in a -Ung liricks, digging *at the ex - I tranger, mi -ht' have surmised rans cab2cs C'ao 8a!t nours;.btiC� k Dnclkh�td imil'the bo7% nei4hbr.L-Tbat in makifig-holmoagiee.;- Lvatlol)2 aapal any ordinary bread. As th and do �Aii4tliestearo-earriagode�-brojivadistanceA. o'clock, a a L :and building the f6undaficliL Wa ",.a "Irom tea t,6 at'the di ' i ire shchrb that it had �boiue itrai'alit from a - baltle b Ve7y iclwj�lo Spr-,-q 'LIS .Maj� r D, new, Inner if they q �fstreugth�.4renotbo. bl keep yofir boy 'Aud the mean - Fi6bleigh & Grey are also und Cal 'CLI -co he&-. al of the officersf hind in skil iag tl�an aa, out of the full y iiiiptuidd,. why' should we d6spair of veral - of the pas- u cuts, = fact, the village alb 3�- 1. sf communications" wonder- geld or an Irish fair. oMoll 'U with sever ren1v .1y. adritred by visitors. a goo 9 grow the invari ply to nquiries was 1,116 aniversat d thiiii to into,"farm- Seners Nad their ho'ads tut i ncased in packet 'amp lbrino; C10 Adiat _01931 Th;p, 'fliculty as ls'tor$, i124 -not into it. -hat is a good theridatiftilopting wimeatirtof'fea hig- cow ems, Tfre Bands, nfl" 'hiRikerchiefs, anditeirClothes tdrft and Improv, V hhe, 1th, and,' .80t (Y your grain fien it is ready ' principle in the reoMmlzateon. ot the Em- SALT Wzm.-It is now down about 900 JAP: ibush- be done i . 8 a.. a %yith blood from.' their wounds. oj;crenatll in n to b�� -men, - acdas.tomed. to butterl, 0so pl-y SPI411 idiy,, an4 lhe'�,mtfsi h Pak and ofit at 9 as of weather hurt bittle Piro? That e'thii feet. a of d7ffl7 thers sprutne4 anelos,. others -twisted or Zr6olb sidt are very t7no -ia, one of the` chief. -a Otto o as well as -an. . That 4 of fafming is Witibann'btil'ormitpublie trongi, in fact the dAllm- - taste ulcatev- opinion wrists, others bfacki eyes., but Edl were ex- ui conswinrit an poininan - tp oir "Country parade. The ;�J cZ I- iW En(fland-to drift In -action of W-mmedupi�hthe-maiiiireh6�p.�=deon salty. T --stiack still Adws y agreeable a.' in the dir 1that theyh4d oc�ped he' large, �pring kL booper, of. South- ne ; xd dt onL-a � dprivedofall.these. ver pi coo inly nkful.; :TO TARXERSr GARIMWERS. The vant, )i such t0thsoutaiti3redierdsof1p, t1le farm. That the first mellow - soil in separation .(cheo.rs�, which iv. will if Vail 0 f iii ibundancefrom the mouth. AND OTHERS. tile Ruyu Eave 4 safely. spring shtiWd be- present as. the only altip"itives a conflnil, is you -r,--Mx Andrew ir Wri-Amy A RvxAwA firat put on. 'hip, butif -best whill hot a' 4ro..."t -is a ance, of thopresent sysWin orlude�eudeftca. 0 U t Z, -Tha Bsrul has 24 matribar (12 of whom. er a That :it good- thing to Young, Egg- Xerchant, of'Seaforthwe �amvton, aId 0. a MM SUB*CM13flR AVILL PAT T= jUGUEM th P Q30,-xj y conclude that, rig %0 oneollovs E . A I theyw- Just-oulat a I�Ugtffieued pi kop the eye out -on- experiments, glidhote W�%e presstib nitber' alternatilr�. startino with his load &m. t1lis �place on ii�Za;lbr b Fay Z�1_1412 ht'; X Frida.*,.neglected to put the toglie of the jpoUjtry�gq -bleSfr regularity, and,I'liii 431 &ddd and bad. James T. Fields, in theA -Ult* a Tara.) nq',boidy is dispozed toi beidainly, it ia. _,ad with 'try D --sivken Eauland to her pVegeta dry.ness.of the gil�tiation wdg'gon in the place, and in,-goitig; dtlt3t in-AiR ter. I -do not believe "Hawthorn dined; one, hy, 7b p .1 le, th, tempol-317 change of England could -live manv years -once she fellow,-4.,Pd b 1111 frie Capt. 'Sinclair, di9tialy a out, �to lVaia beniflaial'as We 0�& even heavy -fain, woulti_� IN 3110u Lf Fzj -'An ex -m down a dedine the w4Zjon 'came on, the' .-ALuitive. S. _IG04�0 di at -t air bei dis4ve*f th a er, Of the Bo*en sepaxated hergelf.froin. lie? colonies. - Not cil- horses but he helil -them, and little d ing te, ,,*iV of the Weaa4; non -oaf a. Lava n6 Salem, After di mem 55. 15ictureaque at available loeation.collia wily-tyonid,, her. ghiry be'impaired, but her -**Oh, miu�g rX L� not -.0 South 04rouns, has turned 6uf to 'Hawthorne be a biLre been trvinv t persdade Ai�Bray, 0-heiniat, of AW a has r to write astell; id -#p-on -.1egend of 1W CAW-- an 63 lir6snuie the ast clas$*vMainand�n-"6xoell6nt,speei- la.liparident-6xistdhce would be endantrer- 11 "WRIGHT. pmi4t�*thav be'� %iill, And it aldysalile� to'' arpat ba -a if she �V�S_Ao -irl= G=.4 Thiay W, 4glonalm amy, tha ta-V urer - , lien a tha genus He Adidia, �qd still ct I fiblhere- thlegend 6vered a preparation that a& largascitn� 'pt instruction. eKe 11j§ paris of ho- Wofld, that arnow the lm -du- that happy vi "ovirundc;; 01al for. bi in,-varic Colorado Potat Iq , 11 - gamy at WAihfnc,;. M.a �;irl 'Wh th di i of� the Aca- yearly-. Tit ho- pratid toty, thetritiili 1164, Abd-ilook-to. 01 in, ispersiot A FARMTOR SALE� a optl.,W ale, from. the� e'videtic from h6r- dis- ohealent- - 1 aparsor tt� o ton ant loier, and r B1 eO WAtE �^,n With W6 ex�eption of i . of the :British thron we�mllst point k sthat. lately lie dontractect marriage with MWer, non- tor- passed-, her life inmaitifto, and seeking for Qe,,r aiJ� CoUl. yc� imed 0yei, wis -hava heird of none- under ontlio-thenrivIlat froni our point of view FARBIrIMLOV1181ACRM, VITMS nva asffzara =4 wen, 41, 0;1 whentired; 'aA�catiaiable, young 14rdy,'hei consent 19w, an(T only fvund�,hfili 7dying"itian hos­� 00XVATE80Eli!ri=We - a�,e glad to leam milles, ofthe Town uf GOdedob.70 Ef wbIlob we� "PI -stretched out at fulllungth. -up6n flie exbibkion by is- Weir 'daty. What- i,% their duty? I A ClW jktal;'when bi 'blicrfellow that our.respecteatownsatn MrS. Gordon uTorCultivation and in good 0±41C Ith- were 'ol&' L 17A. ImW1611, Uout. bd had from the wells hit af t hei. judgment Andecord of a,Xe . mail - In air I . a I I - '0 ' l3tumps. This lattin is boilided 1)y JAe Hurpn and on trio The situ 5116115, 4oat iti: th fir�tutylsto 'ameattlidge d noi Arike. i n it tL4,,axpq1 ncCoancili.. some yorlj.d6ai.6, w and hiher-daty k iitim lw�,,nder,,��4.that.this'leieiiA di a gradually recovering'since his immers beautifUlly situated.GrAel Road all, tbei Way,<s 'ik, Bit it we of tE6�&4 the fan6j, of I io rl"ya were by 1L sixiii �yinrthata votcehad bmids. of, Leacli?sl lav4o;ne, v4d`a4t(i to hini,', all, noToliza pay)aidth re is A Largeoroleard �Dfi lhq� anti mea altylig t b tik Iiia- - ni 111. Nnd. pleaan 1� bra ho an ea. Mth an- .-rreallsea 15=1 effe. Indeed, oy6r 'that beffin -'decreed Utweb)j 116 and connect othet duty whioll, nUR Cho oe fiat. 1uapt. Hnnfor, �, $ - - - I U. ado. upm.your mind DuarsEss.­4f wei6rato-formau opinion f-.5. 'tLo y,,r u Zo is'. n6w., in Tenn no it prassing TI'lion them th6 d ty mp groand, e7all. whon () . of M Osseo. I A raim-' not to iiae� it for - a story, will you give it from the Urge and, excitant sum T mit4ta-_xa nT-,l 2� noft-00m. Ulu Thebs1tic& of -tij promoting.orn country. lnoi stockis 4Djut-tillraoft-bopureli ainow ralahvddown, the str. ieratfoilt"from, that da -in froin,411LI, Ulu a15 or of inno.11�aly call w r to and the increasing de- iouglisitrigi ireq- forca thAt, would. bot, 6:80- a -of the 6b�xt, ha_% 16*eyer azic-'3 =1 9- i4han, wi it u, ds bithe sam itheqt; feelingfof. W me,fora-.poe Tothis Hawthorn -of on Mer�hah tits the pwrehaur TAnA, Oapt. Motion, L1ouf,;,,1, ybai, sputed, � and muredver 'promised not'to. inand for -workmen we may wilclude thit ti .0re_ali �.. I ast-paidto swom. that'no. sue X- b6fo- As de6peat's-oir'ov. of i state whioh- not, re treat tbesubject, in'-prbse till - Lol"fellow our Arillagr6is in 'the beightf prosper?, _Y. (k Zhaws mea 55.- uo:� $a Ch d�cree 0er gra M�T non-com the. is'always to, be bi jwaoiii Cal 1WA r& - be 'Itj ev6 thmada �llfrvf W. thelFain �iifteq��utly almdat'lle A= lited -aud'that 41 had seen what be:64ula 4mw it."' her' .� U - (). Bmwer 14- y i w1doli ith in There will be no c ion a 6a -the r t1&1%,C4lup 4drouthe�,v6lititee Is Ur( recora said to- be the normal: c i ditori of what -varad- - � elebrati bo Ga nntmju !;Vra, au R, P*pd to be judgment, o -a have'�E,4:ngehne,, in beautiful Ist of July. - 25th June,187L U -nees in the old tit %he excepiiba. camp it Pon =a. the pauper.,cl Tu,� ! S!=-. aa of Eaa B, aca 33at�.. W And so w of divorce,, isa, jorgery� aln- hexnliletbi� a poem that will hold its A , as wall i I 'Compla;vii � this V, nrrangcd as- _11i co"trv. --gInct inigiii'mit ex ­ oy 1113tibiiofW� 460itbient,jtbo uxooy land,'in 0, vibile.,triiii . ae-etiotf SA14&, A I�AIIGAig. Perience iniprovor tnt thAt fh� name which the inan who hasitlerely his unskill- Ha�lth - W. - a Ing, m. I orne i rejojc�d 16mP311Y. Or the Welliti., a 4hich it oTiginill�. great IFOP 0 - Baft in. fgls,� - , -There wa tfl ,tli- b6rohict -Veeneiasedandthose ofBowon'ed R 1QAL`U1.1!' sticaeks, QfLong IgAv, anailovedto.count, . 1 doz. Pnn or Forks., I doz. Desert do vica in Mia, - 0.ulp, awl go.* for wiQ fpl- 0. is own way to .; at and"his -wife " 6bitituted. The. cas�. has h L the 1-doz. A -HOUSE, — V I thirds 6 the inert were not Yet -.been Closed but if xihtry in which,whil6 one'part of the I po iokle Silver, 4oni.dy t.Uteil and eatinotaii --up the'edibions., Edfli fclrej�ru and Amerm �rt �Spoons, 1 dozen Toa an. Yps. al vay of ZDAing its' ations, byweausof two jargo,. spliri koftle's, Astica-ie4oll.6 p -cu- on, ag� i ' I 'to] ealth another themse t kuttemt it. tb' the: Will so b ming, 0pu4tioll is in v` aow world-refiowmac am.., ForyarL of his, tzy,7, w. 'Pice E 80. �`Fcir address) 1-i a )VI -at wisisco. lung in the' deepeat poverty -Tl;upzWoX L A. libidh , . - cl Coinity P&E-, t�_ x6raral in l were prAetising s&b an. iff plaur 1W UT 1V1T0HrGAN-,-A, a they � &f enit I Officer. wom all *4 .,Wish to iiva �nd wi hope an#�ry- Legisla hN 14 Uaplw. LLGragor . % Not less t) An &.millidn 0 people w0fd A� ill has 'passed the t r it. will be pi6ked'n Atoxit 10,3%a. (ran awendini- tile Prohibitory Liquor little -wliilb ago npon the patish iaUsi, and The diet of wqtus�­Al th4 qd�rralo warcCed out by no les -9 ilta I tett piillionsltarl�ng,,eq�4fo 1)att1-j)ua, T=1 PE 0110 TAS Law: of that tztate� which. Mo anything ara stal. one mormy qr othiqr -valuable. 'Consideration nin Za d* 'bltl 'Tiolation SUM43 to tile 'wust of 'Watt.* muselflir fellowsi with the strooligbli. VIT heade b that urows. - fif lava, were expands 'thd­ year. on poor .. rates. � What would bvt ai for aphittl6tis liquor a in y ita ia gQod.' ' The. most of -the men t DW , )r millikii'doi T0411ATt. Few VIF S 'Aurzymmv the, caft, 41hero ahollo, sipmra, viras to doi, and -the Courage. -to A amQul of law m4y be 117 it What 4iould3leven Ava,MM(iils '46' are uuyfl g, by the person DON'"r KNO IV wargrand cheme of- _�r b his Wife, -Or -his- children Zcyi, lie Vc7g Ucl'ha, - Lieut oxigencies clfiha,Z�untry'deniand, and, 1AVVIA-7 Tq�il)o, tom payiug Y_ 3 and mm 44, improsised"11111the, "anti Where 'tlof eme f . rom thors are thousands WA ficar� per __ . , -emigrationti . I I sria �Igav, let ohi England to 'rents or.guardian.' And the own" -1 IUW-J. (961 h-ewt ptl jolt Wg a coil �v -in or his pa red moreef,thes%mermettlei.- -There areafew� ray -4c -is o or P., 4. C�, DMCO� of the ff� Irlun Ki,ttaliofi. by r;rlu"t, V4,, horse Y i0tf op'llditio lie, th� c:R- n i0lo "Row bexatifill � i1puti tile more 0.4plingil'than us I .3r d e 3ir or p soldfors. Thecoullty inountai they did rely *w�etiv,. of goo, or how to get him illtu case;'� t1isy a hardy, peopT6, and whoro,the 1 f6el-1 t6micatilig liquors. Are to - a. ruatter.-,with mate filvigorat ato .. I " . . W r that in- of iiaild.It-Ail. �Vbibh 'the Ia I free. and ferb r lessee rentin r. easing any.building '190=�,th ��Iovntheyare nOr-tell ei a th ingo and sult6 having k0Qivled1 AN be gold tberoin D vaulion, dit th6ro ing tllht, they h0o. a, stake in the- coullitrY bey6raw,. alillf be liable - 3 r� us. Ct, Orton, Lieut.. The Rei It. S. osixely. as !ipporto be kporaut (if �4e fhetth, r hifi, their. reach a r�me at retail as m-1 61 Amistfint of him Garvili. lion com, a the Bruce Llw ekean interest in. prow6ting-its rith the erso 1 -Bolling or giging-int`oxi- S d Goni TIE VdU lilurch oh -a -Wq1B '_ . ona I iti all. than,! ta�m �1 of tho 0 send i w %ba -voty imXeffectuar - r, in the -mud persons far6f �ad of tha-rilm Which itis liquots. pire catin And the- arfiou�t revei S39ASON TEAS­�, 41111antities, 'Of. that ii an object 4blell. a and was 4t. 'hard-tt36q.VA Ad a b*dy;�an "the tow and )rsea lamb", no ax' U F in li(" �by a V t, N W - t�l ­ ety-Wife-01idhild SIMIlbe his-4or 4er. Ate most satis P t iu4 separate It "11 Te; V miadd taw Z--a- listened to. lie 1116v. IV. 8, We i%'aud te-ttify,that its effec 010 Uslie, ti T Comp L and ,wdes,Aranof-fiiWliind- ot. 4 ngliah state were- v�ry, of, Nottirv. 00e.horse 'dealer, farms. am a vi4vraof 71M Twankas aud FALPH Pore4aw1k. 9 on P _CtVt_. Willr4,�;Pf (if' ftle as d for a 4uo I in cut in . : - - -For the inform4tion )n i some � of tke couu* comianies toto ii� to or G.4 It) 0 1, n ctu C s 11. 1; �A ;-It th 0 a x- IV 0 fill t e 10 9 10 b R -A 4 k M -, the' m ark; . a ( i i66 without jil ch I'laiprimid �by its to er iof any Oddfelhjws,� whow'miglit dosf:re to 0. 1 rexalation 'Ira soulu 1180, 1 -bat heI a acawapliibAent. It -�s he, aild orlii�gbeat f4terdst of to -pr6moj,':d a. Ll(�_HT 81UGAR-35 ef] by thp Bzv4j a tunic, otheris liouttlo ptuts, aad'4uite sell nld, a re - . , , 1i go,.,Wo say that the bfirliar Ihn, nie-etingot 'Elurim -Ludge Xo,:62, 2, Ville. nrollicitc-i of� u, pj4ca on Thu V* W inst., vt' dt.�Sbllpment 011 7 ort 0- in t to a.p; M. 40 lie (A, iP, iiamp� 4 the Bat- On 110tat V, ell paekgc� i w1J1 114 aflkqn�t to --.1 d6f iny 01,�-, talion� 'pre.achud L.' Elwood e, �ft . - 71. anexit glorlow tlie .,evenihg of Sur 'Cite tliu Nv. ion h - and 'eef� a Jar nlot f�*' I .3 n r; of iblunteor 4F bel r Rai Pi ale Anter, Barl's ing t to