HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-06-22, Page 1�3
Up toll n. ta. every day. Will V1
any hor nigut oray &-c. Od
JL*.qD Ski
1.4 0.0 t�. r. tile house forine
oeenpled,.)v lar 4.1. r. C, 11aldall. mgillslreet�
leP w AND TfN)R1.FTkT-LAW, -knorn
02ace it' Co"urt House. vl4t
BsUpet, Goderiell. IC. CAnrsox. w62 J. T. GAulpowi
]Doyle 5z Scivitter,
_kRp.tS;T%RS A�Nl) A!PTDR�XJES, SO:JClT0 B &c Griderich, Ont. R. 1. D�QVLE. SW5 W. R_ SQUIE4. B.
NVini-tin M. ]Elain, 33. _4L. _D .7Crp.Y ALN LAW OFFICE. CTLABB'S
lKingston, Street Goderich.
Money lent on reason�
erras. Dli-plteOsad detective tildes to rea! ect
ilaicted. Goderich. ug. 14 1980. w
1[sa,ac EP. Woins3. xTTor--n
,, Y -a -f -LAW, SOLICM
B-"1Pa-"0h`=T3zTetr�y. &e., Goderich. Ontario- Offt
abWalAwk, Ittlagston street f7mSURGIRON bENTIS
Ptuom% aver the Post Office, West Stre
August 14th, lirgo sotf
Clnton. Out. W85 MONEY TO LBI%TD�
Lb o, xreado Building. Buffalo, N. Y.
I,Luas 0. ttorney-at-Law. H. R. SQV4
Aug. 13th Isia. wan
t"Harort. SalesLavillageorcountry punctually
"ade to. W9_lT
A t-2 fAQ t; _�aS 4e -&L IA. VU
it �4 t1he, commencement f mis Of That Ic,'11�d posftl.�quirezi6y. ofthis noloss, .0
I odemption last' ymramotmtea I W,418, audthe S lowly a sto lead to the k,Bd thar, -very OS r liftlemore -will 'The result thorafare; Vie GreatestPossible Good to tko Greatest PosgibICX4mber." JAMEE40UNG, Editor per cent. of 11111ils 11ri"CiEk10 " ruly'. '1�0. CO CTE &-A33RAHAX SMITH, Proprievors. tiken outof the7gekets oftho-pCopleof . ...... fhe'Unit,�& S ates is if, it ka b�L-3� tion"
DAYi. JUNE 22, )VOL. XX1V_N0 �22. by, meand offh��oii�, Tlier'� $1.00 30DERICH5 ONT-AR10,P C.,',THURS, 1871 issue iz�160, -01de-h S:3.00 kr lExID OR 'VIM -A -U. G -OOD 0,246, ------ interesting V'h%t Volhon redamiffio�� lat -been DOM, conter. BASF, BALI'WiiOle -L.A. very -515f 456). This ilioWs th, 9 ovil of a shin-:_
game of Ball. was played ht the gr�unds of - i ftlaj pl ter cuiTency.
D t It is a popular belie the I.Sho6 Fly" Club Wroxeter, last STANZIS. the eter nineand thin". 0 Saturday betVi�ezi NVrox . 3tion of zome The game *as y tl Land Offiefill DANIEL GORDON'D lthe flUxiions"' of Clifford nsMn life b he eoiistiir�i REGISTER of Impr The accompanying star'z-%s (now sli,alltl.Y u0b of Z;, -iatfinff in the cived Farms and Will SPRING COME a Of the auth- rycloe. ai�d,, thb.playing on'bothides tar ottrisbiTient fbift il ow w At
altered in measime) fom on �asexcelle:p;'quiteacr d as present,( wholiaceeptance of tilie woia; is slip- cz�aivc C. Land for ale, This.fal-' the bL or's contributions to the&aKAL, previous o u,iihia; on aiih 6f the! M TRUEMAN, AND HUMMER$ weze printed whomanifesteda- keen interest in the to baforeiru t?. fein4lid IfAture,- tN - Goderich, Ang 15, 170 s W1 to his leaVing,Scotland, �nd y is foundda and sitstailie b.F N701nen 6 and 6pik4siee, Goderich, for
a'in its . columns in January 1855' Ja Thefollowlng�sAhe score ho dnii& fW affedid peica with the "Shoo Fliei"' "Unioe themselves, w .1 -ft. appetitts A, pur bse of underg?ing thei.r PLlilu.1 emieen!
following int 0 of their lives, cultivate roau tory.hoaarivite by the SALT 1ERRIT0111 IV. gditor, the late T. McQ11cen, 9sq. —'�Tlie W Couboy 0, 4 runs I H DolmggeC. 4 R Wheu &es-drim. it is by our respeqted. W PaulinjiF �4 17 Cavalibe'll 2- ih
t Aollowing verses are 2 g( erUicious nnsei 1611 nui bei; M . ma this p to Vk' .4. Ballua- D Walker F. 5 F Lavin carried out, ths r6sults nio,, th6, woia-zo tali&ng Ab +qOR LE Z 2 ACRE -?riand and brother bard, William out 135 offite Ofliec as a A Campbell 6
t of 111tOnIt PC 5 B],OCKS. O RAILWAY iately out %we and ad- LOP. te, D, -re �qualor, red poses, cP-
Rothesay, in the Isle of B4 augelsa Tyack, imined!
11UG4 1:KN JWub1dee3B2'-. W Enislie 3 miake hdildsomc� On p&�aei
FultaTERE ylle, B -has recently published vigor, general 11111pidIess, An'd soine the Corpomtron of Gederivit Scotland. Mr W Black 0 F 3 W Brown I Ifi'MIttBry 4
quarters of a toUefiont Market �f EXT door o r4ontreal JRanir, hus now wAnBuorso 0 a respectable voldpe of pt).etrY." Ic o.zher ift.as a review. The'.Lbildoii Square and commanding a leading J EDL1dd2ndB.3 J Russell 3 IN received a full stock of Shadows are passingfrout the brow of earth F 8 rule, the small,it artiffieM witll '90* h6rie�,- idid a road to town. A hol dawn is bursting thro? the cloui. A..Ve4l 8 S t�lltou , where he will in Altura carry On file above business Star iiings to star, haililig the heavenly birth, able tables are exhibited by those shrewd dement of inetrest CLOTHS and TWEEDS 116althf WIfits 3-Thisisoneorthe most valuable nioreextetisivMytbanever. While thankful for- past J Jackson lat B I J Feathers 2 Iral aild And eel-oing nature shouts with joY itload- trlrls whose nati
*locations for Salt Works in this patronage, he hokes by striet attentou to 'Mdrit a it is the mora of love. ilia heart of man, I Zsed by secret itulng. �siulilar assemlilieg,- in other years; e is pre- continuance and lucrea4e of'support. ave 'been appe histor'l - C�l not pibsseS2
c t ion for the saving of teaming and the e�contwrnica Thrills like a harp ssrept liv a Sera suitable tot Spring and Summerwear, whial h's hand: ' 28 Need we-refee,otir readers tothe are base of wock. ar particulars atiply at pared to ma' Ke up, in any style. FrOla.h.re to.h.reoftbe vast worl again , Leaving a majority of 2. runs for the Shoo the panlry; HIE HAS NOW ON HAND rrittrophant nations swell the anthem grand.. - poein concerinim ViolAnte in C. T13M S . Flies with an InnirAr.,q to spare Gt Brown in the County gnowing of a mutton bone,. remindina are as follows IGNAL OF&IC-1.' Good -FiT Warranted, one of the largest stqck.% at furniture' _1z Goderieh, NOV. 19th, 1970. sw27-tf and is oil the shortest notlee. prepared ligo An oasis hidden in the wilderness,. Esq. of Bluevale acted as - L7mpire and them h9w Rhegnawed it, howsheclawed it, Xw. -7, London 8 Companies 1-teady-inade Clothin-g,Gents' FurLlshing supply customers with everythinik in Itis line.'such.as A spriikg in the parelild deserts areary womm essrs Thos. Bi gg'of Oliff6rd, and Geo;. 2% Perth e U S T N Goods, always on hand. A star widda the baleclouirs elark recess, I I when she fou3id h6raelf allone? - 6 Compar! S' Drawingroom and Parlor Setts : A living voice within the darik cold tomb Eyvel of Wrozeter, acted' w ScorerA. All this is a direct deceit, liowpver" �9, Waterloo 5 Complanics
Bedroom Betts in . Wab-ut, Is heard. A spirit stirs the teeming air, After the -.gaxlie was over, thrse- cheers tioated old bphel-: 30 WiallingtohlD Uoiiiptilius' do as in Chestnut; % Where bleeding Africa's fr�utic p athed THE SEWIN(a MACHINE All Cheap for Cash'f may'r Lq bre were given for the Queen, three for each practise upon unsophis do do in White %voo, The p9ison'd barb.that probed bar son's despair, "110, when they have mad the dainty Goderleh, April 13th, 1871 Mattresses of every deitaiiption, Deepihids,t the wasteofparted time lies sheathed Of the Clubs and three more for 134ipire ig R,1 Hurn i�Coiul)anies* i EXPORIUM. Feather Bolsters, giliows, creatures thoirs, find ot by the b and Scorerr. After winding up in. true book, anocularproof, what sturdytrench- 01TF.TCERS, Pitse hip the s -6 -ng. ye who in Freedont's Isle. Base Ball style players of both clubs;With vho =r*pd -on Tlirsd_ GUINNESS ON 14AND-A LARGE AS, Have loug,enjoyed ,hei bright and glorious dify: er-women they have mai:lied. Watch a 'in commsAd, best Canadian awing �%iaclilnes now on SuRTMENT OF Power never fro%qis upon n anly-toil, the Unipire and Scorers repaired to Mrs. healthygirl at; supper, during 'intervals of night; were A A.- G. Colbnt!l Taylor, with all the latest Improvements and At- 1-1 Cricath the v "r. despot,s sway. Day't3,Hokel near the' grounds$ where a edt455rd."
the Lowest cash price. Plain such as Oil Paintings, Chromos; Lithographs Nor curye ba It -danaing; she consumes by,. instalments don, Und Colonei Service, St ,auhmelit-: and to be sold at tograpbofthe can, Having madearrangernents The crumbling fetters fall from human miz�ds, Sup er g6t, up in the usual first-class stfle . Particular attention is called to the U.1-1EBRATE D DUBL'I'll POP .. "'ll The wall of anguish ceaseth in your strain, p tour times as much as her partner, -and 7=- CAMP Gn( am TER. with a Toront;6 b2aunufacturing House cim supply us calence on the maming windii of ifi(l cmteress awaited them-. As mightr -aifioent,oh
A seems, alid is, none the worse for it. -Our Is that Wanzer, Lockm . OsbornA, Picture Frames n any style required at Torout a er 0 V the Ma-itlana, MlIng the joy of hearts relased from pain, be expected aft thm 'hours bard pl Nrth bank 0 prices. ay' expe.nence tells us tW women eat, in pro- GARDNBR.- Y-11 PORTED DIRE' T FROM THE MA�i UFACTU r3- Has always oil hand a complete assort shines the players did xcellent justice to the - , of the Dunlop -'alil alt
irtion. to their Weight, as much zs luen, Imown as part
0. Which maybe seen inoperation, and theu%oofwbich LL Coasetiot your tasl�, sing while the'lay "tar Everybody P� H
I er, a (I sold extremely low by ment. of deli;aciesplaced before them. wilD be tau6ht by a 0perator, who Honour'd and blessed is -the me.d y. claim, d and are no mrra fairids in thisesplict than properties than vhich --moreisimblesi u -
will also be prepa, e Novel- relax, while yet a tiosom pines, left in the best of terms with everybo y in7the matter cfweight,.—App1et02WJ0z1rn- ation,withmoreelba;vroomandbett-er--,dapt' d todo all kinds of itlaphineStit- GEORGE GRANT, GRUC?t,-- ouds in the Latest Style. Work with an ardent will, a generous arm. else; tl�cQlifFord twim. bear- tbair defeat ,
ching. A full supply Of the best Machine Thread suit Coffills Shr ed for militay evolutions could not bt�,hacl.
-WEST SIDF, SQUARE, GODERICH rame le.at beib, a ndino insinibed OR sand onAesy and the gen'er- a, Erased by the rude surge of time's rough sea, with good-natured c 94 m. OiAarlo; there bein, a level cleal'-fia.5 6�
LADIES' DREE S FA TTERN3. Also, HEARSES to 11111131- Immutable, -the deQds of virtue mtftnd al*6piui�n passedupon them by the No' 'the �it� is also high- &A'
of ot every description. from the latet desigp,-nof Butterick Throughout a measureless eternity. Shoo '7.h7- 'V=ui %fu Staul J'a -some 40D acres.
1:r1tt PRICE ONLY $115 PER DOZ. BOIrTLES joy lies" was that "they ha Iriever met with dry, s health� asould 1mve been seleutecf
&Co ew York, oil hand Q,4,eif- --Chart FOR 40EL033L 1 Ll- dresses anti a jullier:or bettei lot of f�llows-" If r � to en�ble I,adies to en' and fit their own , anywhrrein this' he0thy section and zur-' maritles, to perfection, without the annoyance oftry- the famous atent of Willett corawell IN URLY C LL SOLLITED 2 DOOES West Of POSt OMCe. ABSENT FWAI THEE. great pity.. base bell plAyers -could not Play - A
Boston woman', whq signs -herself rounded on.evpry 1;�Iid V beatitif ul scenu--
11161-011. 8 S frie.ndly gain s with other clubs in L. e� (one of -thtAbused," 4discourse Of street ly. Th, mo t4 1,. ES. Elamlln. il of Chicago and full instractions are gi% en for the use 0:�- 14tmbe and:Cordwood taken, in Ex. . i . - i;, � 3 Of Thursday, and yielaity am res- BY JOHN CARRICK. 3ame gentlemanly spirit, ia all* cases explamir why women Vince and ColonelRoss, 2-misteaby'00"Pi VIL ZNC I ; car ridbig. and .INpER ,,S -D SURVEyO% LA_tD of it The lalies of GodeAch To be Had in Wood or Bottle change. ent and Coaverancer. Xtucardine. Dectful ly invite. to call and inspect, instead of ending their games � with a quar- `should not be permittid to stand—flitt' Suly Stratfuc� Cal)t Thomson,
23rd. 1670. owl lh, of W, SA1. IT H drops glUtea fl�ke pearls it, each rel or hard feelings is eom times -the- Ooderich. Dec. he brl,-btdew as Nest door to John Robertson7s Millinery, Market HOTELS P.PLOMPTLY SUPPLIEV flo-er, ngh theswe' It was the beaIWIful customf the flath- and Captaiin. were And toe zeyphyr blows soft fli re at Square em -of this generationto see 0o womn master Jordan, scented bower standli'a if they could g . ive lber 4:2 -lie fents.'
HE undersigned isfitrepa rni.sh Plan% 1 -GENTS TVA1VTED, f�g Goderich Seut. 23,1870. swlo,-tf Lamm Ifforris, & - C O' Plmed songsters a.'re singing in woodlaud,, and 7`4o. cuhe - 0 a seat. marldna out the locations of t I anyt ing T-ke -to- Id -116
TciiTcattans, &C-, 0 Pub and Pri, sw70— Aea, WWI Because with ut thinking r -ear of the amp TO be Va� S' t 'L�d to fu hLoNDow June an cgs pib
Goderkeh, A rat -nth. is7i B delightless wNen p is
V. �04 Lit all is arted from thee; d, river and the battalionG =a
Lore'Aottt it,311eirvery mafilin
ar,d arso to superintend the erection or the same. 'for hertliat she -was the V W. HIC_Ki -ound siock, Market Squam. ATENTS Thotivit the sun In his glory is sheadilig his rals. editorial t6-dqy.say% ;fthbTr�aty`ofW;ash-' ed. to tbein Goderich- Anzil 41h. 1871. -mvin 14 Ontheelear wiinpli n'Bpra. and its gowatide Brifes ino+n.+h "weaker,"wid therefore less able to stnd �with thi5 Ith BatM4 , t
]a Meats at their H
lbion Block. Goder
cry Thurday evening
Ocict-Lz. Entrnmco wl Ibligston street Visit
bretb= =a cozdiall� invited,
- e D. Q_UiPB =, Sea-,
Cioderieb. Feb. Sd:QS72, 1wa-ly-
UUMMIR LUMAj- MI. G. R. C. A. F� A. A. 19.
.iL mumetion is he'i] It
thafmt Wednesday of
!nOntli at 7.30. pp. in. Vi
in". brethren cordially
see -
May, IST
b the Vnited t1lal). they. But the theory of. their self-� FOR INVENTION Nature's joy and her beauty are sadness tome,= West and ending- -6th the Wr4 =tVtl2r,
-and disconsolate parteqj�om thee. same Of her claiinm ut that e E ast, with &e o0eQ&
ULUSINU UUT 1 To I'm lono, y ind,ulgent and irreverentso;s isthA,*%9'bm_ at the extrem 1.�, .1, I Xtatbarii�o made p The of their respective OPticians and Coulists ,reat coneeAlons elycanotand aswllasmen,andtlierefore quarters in front 2 Though the smiling of naturs Is sweet,to on W*a c6nsicl6tiit;unprecedented*atoach. they allow hor to do so. Is this 'true 7 talio -field battery will be pla-cea 11 an "rence between two -nations as, FVA
EMEDITIOUS11 & PROPERLY 'heitthe earth is all radlih f us The prom 2.' the United States and Europe. trold, Many a wOma 'ill j�� to th-� front, in tlose secured in Cana(14 r , that of the Alabama claim 'should liave n is'as bill as lier husband, st rge. Send for print- king's4lircOicowli 9 rto 0 penuff of thor I,, ATENT guaratiteed or no clix Yet the sturtr _ q qAVE, WITH t VIEW TO MEET THE IN- Thatithesualingoflidauzywhe Ila in e. been'se#led vithout a resort to -arms. ut compare his brilad alid lona f6ot in -its ty t6 the bush, so s t
ed instr(ketions A cay in. operation ten years. CRICASED der,and for the celebrated Perfected P HIE
'i Y GRIST, ith 4ior little one -in a delicate hor es being picketted uykdc the tree
Spectacle*, appointed F. JORDON, ellendat andi The demand for eonsequefitid di�ea for thick boots w (Ittawa, Canada, Druggist, Godarial Olit as thea Sn!e 719 &ad mid the mellowizi,_9 suntilline cfMay, the shoe, arched and- slender, and.lbout two- y takencare.to giveall When all g1se is happy and cheerful and gay, injury do�e to American- cOmmerce'by ote, �J Mechanical Engineer, Suli,,itor of l!attrits and A flr e d. Th . have avesels - sunae , cel)t. thirds the size of his. Compare the bod Tho supply 01floero, q=t -R. o Draughtsman. g- no. and tiave a 7a sad o'er the sea, Alabama, �nd kindre wa entre of 1110 am aud ,df.1 ii= onfidence in the ability To sit loie by the shoro and ga, w+-ly— 8 or their Agents to the requireruenw of all customers. Which ratffessly sawra my loved o4e from me. able to that she has to support on Mw foot —ifs near the Feb, 11th ISTI. A M A R T I N 9 �he gng4sh commissioners, aaa An opportunity will bet hu k1forded td sm4lbonds, soft muscleso swellinc, and Colonel Attwod of the 6 023: times. Speciacleb unequalled by any *a$ abandoned by the United States. The '31 d: 'Then haeeO oust Fly swiftly, 0 timel -the hope heavy eontoursi. with the large bones fircia Will ba in Vdib h--3' tl Till my love= in! conclusion. ex�preges xhin lie h4l1come from that far ills- 0 s _g, in V tan cannot iid as to their superiont� over Unt clime, aldt lims of his of faftlkf�y wal rheraV is no gliropering, u of the Ordinary, glasses %Voim, tmt, ig patorn. .hom. the aajustm6nt museles, small hips and spare
NEW"ABINET - Then the scowling oftinta will melody be, 0 ikone stronct frame-, reflest, moradvidt, upon the -thenton, over thcL qu wavering 6f the sight dizziiieEtz� or other unpleasant - And all will be huppy, when prelient with thee. f the America3i question, the n' i of, ario" coptra rs scns�tiotl, bat, oil ihe et�ntrary, frorrihe peculiar 'con. Europe will risd to a higher�coneeption of frightfuldanjerto wliiclistr4n oi� over. ;put in by the T AND ti action of the Uenses, they are soothing and plearallt, 'Zurich, June Stlt�'. I ib--inaltiding the toWnshin,il Xr. Henry Horton is tigne may_QxPoss f causing a feeling afrelref to t:.e weOTer, and producing' the aims �hd d4ies of international fellow the grberies 41id"Vbttoes, pw3iblo of the 'n1iorn—and theii a clearard distinctvision, as -it the natural healthy insitt ffilialle I ig on' tlib.p �r 0 UIPIROLISTERING 5 1"Inc sight. They are the onlySpectacies that. yoll can that wniali can stand ed, A builillb .r�oii�RL or well a's nfen. It is ot true;* they covd4ene '0
WEST STBEXT PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE Destrictivi oil Viii) at 20*0160'. �Vei Rowell.-
% not. townsman, Mr. T;rm 27 May 1871. can
T. -B, in view of changing his business, has OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL, 'SIGPIT. deterriiined on hov are the cheapest because the best, alivaya.losting Obuncil met f ad- The - m -pursuance o Petrolm, June 1$.z family in Morristomi, N. J., recelitty LonU4I3;1;ttahe, suppliQs f -he bv a it3 ears without change being'necessary. journment at Alexander McRae's Hotel ea 0 y GODERICH- l!3 -we employ, no Pedlars. At abont throe O'clock this m0ruillff, A n&rrowly -escaped death by poioning -ftw fora -e, aud Mitippointed Mr: Z:A.
SELLING 'OUT — 1W rIlTz1111W Kint-ail. All.,the members present, the two th6u6nd 4:barrel 81 known as'1110 I I av�.i- lqh,,rfl afte" i"ner fontoas- his ]�-ei�i -j 9%e��P- Big 8til4 the broperty of the Ontatio We -taken with AU the symptoms -of necessary stiaw =01 cats =0
1cle Agentfor "Godench-, minutesof last meeting -were read and, re L LWART ERIC MeKAY, his whole stock of Dry -goods at cost. Ans 15 7270. prbved. Carbaii Oil 0' ig a leak, and in a sav�ie poiwizing, thil effects of which -Were Aorea in the D 116TW lu, OULP RESPECTFULLY Ali- spr.7 rionace that By -La* No. 9---.!-1871. To. divide. the moment 64 w. le of the works *ero in 'fraced to the I �w posite- ;Teit procuredhatinornin straw fo� new shop in the above Hite. an West Street, op TO into t*P dlectoral Subdivisions, dly *Pnt
:ACEN MASONIC APHONS' Raines. The that frd-mAhe ,butelibr. A piece' of the real this WHOLESALE the Bank of NlontreaL where he will keep constantly IN6.40, to -opeir the roaA omen u'arr*wly elibaped. The-stillwas vvasivou to lhe.ca, wb16 died in ten or Iet� of e4nach c6 e i;u O� fffl�
OF on hand or make to order fA1OR SALE.AT� 8' - alul ce of North -street in the village of bOxi -a charged At the tinle:Vith IXO 4018 Of Ifteen minut -a fter eatingit, Investiga- per and reiable t Catherind's rtwere.read and -passed. A 'cru is Oil -�liich. L - V. N7. Wf,�"Lu, AL H. GARDIN_tR, & Co"s. )?ort Albe d with everythitig else 0m- tion proved. ilhat i The for_-�,,rd
FURNITURE OF 1, UNDI, he Iioisliii was conveyed supply odericli, 5JuIY187b.' W complaint from ames, -Johnston and bustible a 6ut it, was Dur#. Th Ha-Ving On hand an assortment of Upholstering 6 to the meat from the liaNds of. tito. lady is to be delivered. nt tffiho b at thip, & FG1t ALL KLNDS OP William Johnston Trusteeil - of $64,00l contai ten thousa it -from the butcher,- 6he hav- 141b Hay,101b Ozvt5aud4l �awy�� materia, howiUbe prepared to MI promptlyallorders linig somewhere abo4 nd whoreceived in that line. PH G-RAP1115 Section No. 12 relative to -the-iiamoval of of distillate 1 0� by the le OTO -D Or,-j-A31EN-rALT11EES, GRE Ij! ing been 6ng�ged-inlayiug wall paper- the, horse -daily. The brVad i! 191 hk
AN doll=37 Niorth h��ase FZ,ats Gr,�pcVine�,; V:2- A quantity of Gilt =&Rosewood Mouldings on TODEcEiVE rEOPLE & THEN is fr V �y MrMcKenz om their School Section exertion the men emplond ab V t1te oil X Tf - th per 4ving no F poison a ye rom a par, and. ORR,. was read and ordered to be filed. ea doubt con �eyed itse to her.hands. ;to talie' f1b, -st i74 BIT:
-3a the sho 4 - - WIVIII. . . ; Offered b.
'137 Sny stack notom hmd� ordered $L-00 Per* - D ' . w woriks, ablyassistea by Mr if mp-i _=naItIzrdv_;1l4-_ Goderich 11. 0 Picture Framing -to Order. SELL TH1W GOODS Alpetition wasread from DonaldKe- agillt for bl�Es aouse - - - rs, EW, eb4t, sigyth) and the- dayis V71a, bol Atig Kenzie and others asking the - Council to Shields, of the In1ARd R+vbuuo Depart- T3P-Hatru%ti bv strict attentidill'to broughthere every;nightIlyth0q
_�busim:ss to. exp�en iimproving zide4ine-12 ment, and otners, were salved. The �4ps�� Snimmu TALxTh6 Guelph Mermt"J 'to be lelivered -at tjie rt:inl) ill- tfino foi
mor ftara or public patronage. 20-ty At the Usual rates, and 13 W. D. and the, bridge on the said -stoppage !of the worliwis t -- "The fligVt of Charles H Churchill, 2 r4 ays.
iddt , or.
tu_ Aug 15. and tem� rk brealdaW 'at 7 a m: ia�catsnlpply Gooding'sBamkin gide line. Also a- petition from Mchael deeply relki�ettad here, the '-establishment of th0fontreal Hea?llutom, takling- with now ill th6, hands of M. R. Alez�eali. *116t ra to have the.road be� 0 McNife ad othe tasbullt z'slauglite -31 8 4ff
TRE B% GODM1ICF[,. being the; taihrite- crtideloil, ftien. hima large numbe of subscriptions- p4d onso meny he
UYS American Silver Ld Dra s, tweenlots 19aud.20made passableas'-far The bohoin of, thestill A entirellj destroy- in-dvance,shotild teach a saltarylesson. a�,v T'a it S But an adual clarinir hphia deive
al -to with;. Macclonald's faria and as the -Lake. eddi tb�to' id sides bult little damaged. 901110 Pe9ple are only too ready
dLseonnt-d and purebs Itisu ira head o2 cattle and 120 Qh 27ormi leaned oa C=tcl DePositz receiv ey - '11 11 I- arawtbeir countenilicefrom axau., Mo�ed,by Maurice Dalton, dec by.Tohn ad stood the ompanym unineA well-establisla- VAN ezesji�ayab�g C> Mr INEr ; - r, - mt
r- cent int MELODEON& Fariall be ap- ately rppalr the- damagesr1�0altPRO to be ed local papers, whi�ch - inay hAve,, a �legiti- W. EML, A�ant. Andrew, that Robert.
,6�aviczi, iotareb. isfi. sw'40yl SE,ORGANS) 4 in thb seveva
ANI) PAUTIE9 WISHING70 pointed Fence viewer insteadfPOrick running itt;kto liv mate 'claim -upon- their itupport,zeilmll,17 8112raUl ut e ireok4 battalions, but as far fro�n, Ciom as tha
0RURi;1E1 ORGANE, i HALF DOZEN FROM BACKMIGATIVE Long who haq nksigaed on account of begattse the latter are not -prepared vo :bualll will istic amL
Piano Stools, &e.9 &C )� allo*. 011�-Cyt,L, SECUREBARGAINS One dozen from tripete 1with thri ruinous rates and 'u- -bearia permitted tc, bQ -361(TirL -W. 0. WILSON Manufa ad bV the celebrated FU -;n or 51 cents, postage free. sickness. Carried. On ctur Moved by JohnF. Andrew, see by James daicerneiiis of adventaTers who have no
back negative ST cents,'postage, free, to The Pante6n. the 1rur6n: Bdualr�6il is to
L $30 be iranted. to repair 'lowiug prom"'L- bekpt by Mr "Crawford, that ntention of fulfilling the g
it. s. WILLIAMS & CO., ToRo.,iTo. address. T'haBriibhgying-S.quadronub;,winj.14 t4io breach made" osaway on side fazrhrbut� compris Hotel, -wid. that of t-110'. Z;.�X6, by ln�urance,&Rbal Estate Agem�t Themostextensive makers ilatki Dominion. -will- m. the Qr 08 five ve-18s4k, iz, the hich they make to the pablic, In jour- B. R. V.YPY- h4p M 4 Con. 13 W. D. also to drdin a nalism, na in everything else, the man COMKI D3� Paxtioular Attention paid to Narcissv�;. ImmortaZite, Tolao, �Vadmim pwidin'theame place; Carried. P We -who romiso mote than b. dollues woftb I)PIPBS, XORMAGES, ft-,* Jing old AmbrOtypes. a%nd y, s. -apt to I prove -A tool or u Moved -by James.-C.ra*fer�d,' s�c by. for a dollar, 2s The nflicers , l� thip will ta,�O;�
SAVE 20 per CENT for —eiher la,ge or small photograpbs.* The Maurice Dalt that this Council pay five The NarcLsgus. the Bag ship of the Anave.�i � .1
Oni ae
is frii ' te of �2,6t 611s,. pietaxe XONEY TG LOAN AT 8 per ientl rvl[AN!jr4,crrVl;ER9S PRICES. subscriber in- returning t6anks for the liberal cents a yard for gmyel. to repaii the Yoads squadro,' ga with _16 z i stsb- , I engines 6A00horepower,zaitieS 35guns. quely Isittlaed, HUU83 unwff� -=age heretofore --extefided to, him, in the Tip and - thaf no path Master sh0 raly XiC" M111,11-et—stleet As A0D0TB *OF THouWADDSEN AD varedforthjs�p& C�o by Mr. J. a. W. jai gay f ha� he has made-. such !in- purebas6 gravel without-fastruotion from "Comman4ed by War']Aidmir4 Frederick alllf -us him to lot "qu ?( Au()tiou & Vomrassi6u I)ANIEL GORDON! -BY- provements1n.his gallery as will meriva con- the Council' -and that a; By -Law be pagij�d Bealicha,4 Pagret Seymour, 0. g. . r. tate the fdl�ft s, 64 t)f the Hiarmr, - 0 - . 3 - tis,hear the whole story yet once more; but Goderich, Aug 1,5* InO w3O. tinuance of the same. fo..carry ..thesame into effect. -Carried.' The Imj6ortalfte Capt. F. W. Sullivayi, very hort. _; GOE� - . - ames we had itrnoyv e, 41when thinkw � kive those lntomkd
&MINT01Z Da-- A Great Rediction Moved, by Maiirice Dalton see by J 0. B. - T$is� is the largest' V ol of the 11164 -that was in Rime," said. h brave &tb UR - WANTS NOW a IN G a , r"ga e of F,652 t aers Bafely Yo ALLING AND FURCHAS Crwford, - that Jeremiah Flynn �nd Squadoiu�' fr' * t onz, with eit- in's statue bet the lifffi corpor.%12' -f be allowed to work three gloes -of 600h4drse power, 28-go'o' sbout10 make Bvr, bc Photograpfis. Cornelins Kee - I . 4. ]Estnb,lished 3LS5~D "r -we placed hiruself justopp(;site to me, and
SUPPLIED- 'FROM 4 clays Statutelabreacix onsi6 liues5a4d.6 Tho-Vo!4elbapti Michael, Online Se.v- ber-a -finmediiately I to assume quite 8E. L. JOHNSON. n Sundry httle preparations aro bping�
O_. Goderich. A13' Like Shora. Ckrried. npue.' isa6 ir6ji co-,rvette, wood, StPul- mide to Provde for Ouch ijts at wA litti satcrday,aadza Gliatom every .15:1870. woo anothercotmtenanceto wh, �s en
tollint. "Will not you sit still?" azill 'VJuntcers and,their vwtfilrg d a elloicti 16t of A. MARTIN Movea by Pitrick Cla)re, see by Maurice ;.is the �6f TB[t2juble.ziber having purchake R,32jtdil4, .900 hoiae power �nd earries 8
te Daltbn;- tbat James Sibald be refunded two atyou must'ik makwtlyse faces." do not f_Uj�e ci,j"niza-,
1-om zroperty. frr :b r d also having the indst approvedmach I ad ininied ace ;1�f vo�,
inery. Will be able toSUPply any quantity of (Next door to A. Smith"s Clotting Store dollars ch�%Vged against -him for statute �xltismyxpressin). said Biron. qu- The-PVIadesli abrkg,lit d lxteiisive New 'Premises lab - whi6h . the pZh- master' certifi a has -her OTC,-, .cl r.-afi o&er Sales punctualtyint. PINE Market Square.) J6 4119 or e to ARD CEDAP, SHING-DES co"vettoof 1;27� - us)- 350 -hoi-se.porwer,: dead?" said 1, and then I nigile him as I be coming to feast tyl- God�rlch, 26th, IS70. sw3T_tf_ AND been performed., -Carried. carrio-17 guns. wished, nd eyerybody aid i4hen it was, f htrkeart owest prim He is a Ilte - , , , kl 4vorting in 11 a�ttlie sliott6t notice ard the I awford, see YyJohU 'Th 0 -ad- -,gj Capt. W. Hi Whyte is ar finihed; that 1had bit the likeness, When d -1 cu the !fSAJ16twa Moved by James Cr4
G.M.,k pU.95TAN Xla,!, — p iged lioipay the highest; rrice foridne or an 1=1 itt bo is. , if, vifi� b. DIDNEWSTOCK K Andrew, tW --lof 11 Oon.�12 .W. V,.be Dower, ByTon J4, '41t does tabfe formaking shingles delivereda ryette, 'of -1,466: trins, 00 ucame, tht) only ll� c taken fr School Section an not1resemble, me at. all; I look- more un- 1V boAa , lawevei sliv it, he'F
Om, d po - . barrying Jq guns., earry away would ba tim 'hool section' No. 4, the h4ppy:' IR annexed -to s6 q0TI a PETL d ill pro 40 w49 -2m-* Wd wn and Carriage The.squa roriv -takeinco4l.a , - n her urgyku tit XM4 Feb. 4th, 18n. -, 2 M children living on -the lot hiliving topfar4o .Aboeali' things;ad'degrous Johnson hits n--------- "He was ail or Aout th6170t travel -to School. CUried..".Moved by DE looking vitreinely- Viihapp F. It.- MANN* abia, thence f )Orts ad4ed large lask, for r vxziou� Dissobitionofr tnership Maurice Dalton,, see. by J�mes CraWfor 4n& Thorwaldsen,.�Yith a towia Inry, w1wre be 1W ar 0. Barry'& Bro," ' _2 ndia 11iiijil, rrfaga pa, that Geoigii��Graham be refunded in'Bouth! Aniertca, J f- , �ilvs "in t1w"
Rose I Sigil �a two ;�,& rrWF1PA1�TXWHlF7 HER],.TOFO=- K=TING MATE$ E L L I 0 T Cabinet Makers, Uildertakers Wood dojbm and, nin6ty_thtee, returningg to 19 I'd in. . aboul.t 7%.e. Stpryf My Life, by 114ils Mrlstw;j the shwj � I cetsbest style of the z�!t. Sfy gira AcqXAl"T THE PUBLIC- JL lietWeed, theuriftwigned tradfugunderths nam AVS XI s Esp.rl, urliqrs, . ee years. Ing tIt wn T sessimnent rth. stmet uwtd VnIc. aullfirria of Yates and Greqn. tit the Town the, ub W of io against.him bymistake iuldsassessiant, I - Y, mutualco have ill be remly itit�q�14 underst. ao)v ,who he"' bi. the 214tipp IL, S p 4ndpkid'by D fitted i -,p - sbq on counti h h:6b, to the C Doty Treasurprip oodihA
yaa me -he" ebtuch" wItT3 Varaish XC D rich, has this� day been dissolved by to, all all orders pro; I sent. iThe�businessheietoforecartiedoubytho- �J, opened 0 ge 3EXAMS ec. 01Huron'bas,beolialim-04
priV-1ze I 313C"C:)01%T StW'l Carried, Moied-byJames brawford$"s de f6t politeness, bnbeingvivit6d tly herpastor
Thmkfulfortbapatim %vill ba-continned by Stephen Yates, 'whu. assume ho 0 4t Is papers -tt�,a� I , frinu flib h� this tz�y
4.W a- aoatiarianca of She -the liabilitiza of the saU firm and to whoa UI fie *fs dotes a 3ad, i 9 Havo removed across i1ile-street1d the store next door b JohnFi-Andrew, -that Donald Me- On the -19thof Jul�� for flie 0a asked as to her health ,g, , rast� 7ye=318011c][ts es4)i,,sHameasStior,wherivillbefopi�/ Y 02t:lp duo to the Rrm'are to be Paid. ea He win, Aell t I. HIM,- -3fay1871. I a 4 to. t4om, ereL aftlend prior$ I)ated this fbtlrthjay.�f medlately a a 0 entmte o hid statute electing a Goal N -and not kr4mJK of his decuiw, replied: "'He is door no Ilab.or on he side road bet*een 9 and10 on arraug,6m4nts in- coune iDonald 86iir.� -be alloweit to 4 iiisho NOW 13 thp, time�ta Faint youl catt(r's Witness NT ! T . I , . - " . 11 9th Con audth�t ohns ii 'I '.' TLrFHEN YXUB., an4 are prop A,, GO 01).A8S0RTXE oii .�Nirifh that are prep iQuo
4 Us prop 6 tot nou-- bill JVIES T, GARRO Ur �.A_ HGREEN. go ugglesi. of Kitdhep. Bidroom, Dinnigrobin, ziul 3�arlor Fur AhO ileziuder f;TkAdlan Assogiation, sr YVI sleighs, a0 GaiTia 5�st Wag nsj, B do'his. statuter'-laboribn-the nd Alturg, such ail grlivel �road II)PIV fly P fib erkh 3rl eatl ges rs of Eat; Elgin a live 1115titlti4pil. un4er. Gregor- The Reforme have 4edd- from country 0arrbgas%opsattend&d_W 0HAiRS thair, e�ne'vjl,d)yood selded) t eftiployment for 3,490 To C T0DXt1ULi, 'the very best matorial,' Carried XovqA by Yam�s Cja�� r arld everything in their line, of ord, see ed -CUPBOARDS to bol& a, Clo4vontion on the 2nd Tues ittees vibitedQ,203 datth6ver-vlo-,vestreiiiunerAtiv f by Plvick Clare th0 $200 be� d,�,y in ctober, at Aylm6r or t e'plir W theit gene 'estriw 'out Nvi andworkmansiltiPull
WksW�ASH STNDS, rQ1 And granted to asgi ert St. the Port -::Ub pier pos6 of Atooin a: -candidate ok . the 3tial 4rel I d CiA by tb,Y
tho 5TV1 mind bat -P, -an P41 X C)� M 3M 3t IV 4Pr compauy nbuilding �hharbQr omin Pen "If Calla& ID11 that -that C p6rtiav Tt�orty relathig to the ,Goderiall, Azz Vy, 1870 w ]�r6rrptly, attOnded to. SOFA-& reserve at PoA Albert W fh4iiaicl money er iisortmei:it of to said: as 8001I.As on -ad
The -Okbe lAnts ON 31ANly; a large bepald- oyer fiher- I T � -1 d.
op�ositioni9ts-propos6 to take a run t "WHATNOT& LOOKINC id R� ies; the attme meants will be empl 17W 14 -go all) bf GLAMS woik has beeu.' done oil said pier b 0, thii a In oyed this y .4'9 Mi X -40w �y,s 3 � in - er to -06w, the nev� pro-' as,hlarpto U ,G)tT. IFRAM pi�e� compally to-thea;nountpf one thou- 'T year for t1leir pro fore, a -�blelij�j J�a Aad Clicap 10r.CSSIL Qx� Cord-, vinep..,hrougli. their -own Apt! -a the Roy,31 Xv, y bav- Ric,. ctacles. We,
B, are.prep�reil to.�sclt Baud by estior. lumber of Vell4als dollars
second the'sugg e. tl Town ce Dalt The -Irish Catholic leaj lw� b4ilt for yao
AND Kalui i g badiiactailied, for that puros r,odeiielr, An I 1870. WHO 6,' zed by Jotn� F. Andrew ine -of quidbeo, Tilegraph Cheap for C*#h I - J, .1 - I jet 4emgud- that� XobleXolluston andAlix. CathcaA the 16jal it I 6ii prom to do busin- b� The bria- 2 41,3CE im,
b -T 4116wed to work-'fhbir labor -on -the I lave wai lite M-X�� ,rmlyo
ffinsan d0hrouds OV, iad&,Uursetobltb;aUvafouolirblq' I streef m the *Wqe *f Annan and P4-j�i ot-strong y 10k, to Wo SU"ER VA(YATI TOROKTO GREY' I -
�r4w&ys e 44 ko'ble 'Johnston 'be path master. abstiAenO all:*Prohibitiori r'd Cut, -BRUCE R ,ER CF -NT ALLOWED 0-.1, SCHOLARS Ilk 3W V& 23 -EX :r Zt- ACA1L.SQL1G1TEb- kinvea'4 Atdibwl toe : �wii*y sargeon at 'Whil"by it-dlywo mug Subwnbor-would announce tothe pub- 0048*)r, 16 byLX' al sum of the' elTecfs of handling; Wi tthor( aurzoe D On, 'that Ae :Wd from 1.1z 6tV;A;,k Clio teA 09 Ctw,
j�.. 1% derif be eiq�e'nde-d.on3foaala-iii-iE�aoU,offfie4ve odt (yer, 391'� Tag- a6aliwaho -t a howt ii g Efiff U&Pr&W�!z ever i4tryla"a into 'guy coller lie of Huron and Bruce,4hat heisnow mo -a facturing first-clia Move h the brao"Ar" thm�� minuics %-III Lud v6u' '�itiifilddd ot being nine co ed in mbm, will. bel f6rmAl July. KyUyf1c,Uyf9r fevwuk Totezrslph. Ajmoxewi. SQ0 y XmIrice hobio-,` I's �Conuochcut 33eidjetput fn*, a few V&V
Dalton, that 0ouncil do now adjourn ; , - ' I to 411, up."' . Curlages, Waggallop Sleighs, SpgIAL T :16derateafi'the 90th'*1 .1 t gair lof ille
ottswep idton . 4 4a aga�z onthe 26th ofTuho wxb at ds to. &ivelhe Press Asso to raot GIMA DVGZ IS HII_REBY GINSM TO 'IRE hiCago, w1ach Nrift be P -Olt 0ASA." , a*T-TB-X tion an da -fight 0:� some* Germahs hPA A inauxter holders of tho Toronto Jr8Y & Smcs IttilwAl ar.On of hr*1th would W!"t ffe jbilii,,on Mond haff'a day z, V, it tLey are in si=,�-L of,
N 011; hiugtQ�'tJiRt,e ct-'. J, sy. . Pr"'"' � I Cornpay special GenerstMeolusof-thwulo VOOKE vef -1 fen Vl* e's 11 rxln�lnyt ofill, tbitt # xgld -swept o ai�y sbarblai Jen will be helil at tho Offites Of tU terrible'storm 91 Uent V *,JOHI. �InIbaci ofToroato on AloaftY tim fifth -T1p0lerk- � >Yld 3 c;mpgil. ng 93 K P. little boy. wh6 3P VIE IsTI, #tthe bour of twolval CL21, 'Sh yesteFdsy' , unroofing - holiltabs, C16froyli mm% - Sal o!fhe pie:t,j_,_t v'Ato, owect and Viceoris Sreeti Godedelt- (6) 4914-f Jun"I�A-% ephard SilrOdh9i6s, eclac, now Tait I& r tre."'i 1=4 kard,oull, an0alliti b !to dry a towel hefore �h�, tire, ing that a-arrc-atid mo In
Urpo$6 btgjying. to tbo Dlriwtoft Oodertch, A 16; 100 140 of the sdd Co PallY. thb SlInIct][011 Of U6 x4id y it Ann n its t0i'6*ir ll-�It their cura, woa:d tin- 'UK 4 , . f SORT * sharellit4d, fo thi Imue, by tho "Id Dir"t6ro, of Synod'yex4fda gie r L C A a BondS o this Cdigi`14133T. undO 20 10k.8 The'Cbnr4hof Scdiftnd� R Y C o Saffoot, 4ppoiAtment a&sptiiXi b 'of pxesb"u li� 4�reu is dead IN our io,wrim t . I Ll%iO& ii Its TorbntoCify ths act Inspector f �;, - . . "t U tu, Xonev to Lends, oUn ofl*. ATelid., Dewar as Th4y
wtal Mot, 40 61'1 �kojjtrejl is in ore naedf ssnitari xc, 4 Ach Is The"'Joiip"a Hall- *11 .0 3 - 'iCox to 4 ?� How, f 6f'n Ordar gthlrc616 rate. WA p&pjgL]Nffmd9j1n andinift4orsof Woods and3fly et .v*ry x9tintlatemlil Apoylot 16ba*a�r�.exportir a?.NDT1YL01t- to the Twwhera'ra thit; violntfY all With Wb -have �c�pnjarsb& lieue r *h 6d 51 :Omrty L
7 d. 13. L. DOYLE oi4 we to think I tff ed to, Sealar, X31l 30 MIL 3: C:� : 611'ad ashi I ELP --- - I � . I -is 1L(ArJwA:deS to. Mid- W�i;, Wtbi x1ght OPP" it* in coacidt Auxu Iwo, d ko 51, 1 810. 174th, 1016 3,yw* -2 ifigbaiL ".A
fill 17