Huron Signal, 1871-06-08, Page 24' i
XEAUYAX ACOMENT.—Olkweanesday Xr. John C., Gprilol� of Av, Ontario'. nTnw aTrTkav ANEXCLURVE
Or, spicifiepr�of ofwha' t UW ki DENTk-At, this, i�_ rp 1a_1 S. TrAMENG ESTABLISHM
so often hinted a , that our examin-tions I inToronte,wo-are evening, Mr.James. Dolwall") TH39 TU==0. lalrecentlyreturned XWX Miller UA& Vvi'l
went out boating On the lake with a Party writes the -ton. big way from Fort Garry he CAA, & FUWXTO",
I itive has betra) ed his party � - Z� - Fte
Ital 7Z:e p"pny' "'to see the? following gentlemen asgin& from on ilviu, Thomas
Aox Itt it 0 ap d,. w 1 0 w1lich-has-bWa met with Aessrs
�,&,lrpositor, under the proment editorial ofthirree,lailies, hile p Tho-magnificentbuilding William Joe d1dihg_ atfhesaw tvcsstyd�k
, WWW. by 4imself; jut gum %ner, on West Side, 31wket V
-7 - u- assed heir exaluxistions;. Messrs George end of tb G& and iob, H�usonli W-va.,MeK sever, J oxeph Coombs, in the ne* bil Y I
eboatto,theother, trlpP . sacrificed to the insanity of the Paris n ur',�J b7 a ra of irnS2,
�)htroi take the ground of the �Vatsou slid F. W. Johnston in their felfinto the laiia. The Indies must have enturies-.1p, Wilson Uoikekv ana Alex. youttiosh, at IS NOW-11ECEIVING AND V"'WEN
GODERICH, JUNE Sth, 1871. � ye_ -c 'ot tw6 ago'? We should like to fourth Fear; Mears. D. Macoliihsid. and G. been admirably euvrageouil, , for thpy has a history exUndh4 Over c *Jiflo it W,'4 in mr-tio
16jow in a definite form,in whatparticuliars Campaigns f -)r Attorney; and bir George neither falitited, nor went into IlYsteries but 1564 Catherine de - Mediels - Ukan. . its Twenty Bve Jaile Point, Min . Agents, on of thd pt I Nivi M
sre�Aon, 'A prediction bidding her Uware their way -to Manitoba., This 'W&S'Ou the tot the InSM6011. terjously! land he is
Td!,; exception to Mr Camer&'s course, GorAun in the third year. the -boat - toy IdtLona '-onthe 71,
es condescend ona, detailed. 1��by and bauled him back into of St Q gad -the Tuileries'- �caused -loth of 'May. TJ on
We luave much ItIvo,51tre in informing 11Ii. till it CIO Dont forget to calUt MrG M Tryleineas - . jury than a thorough Wet- ermam. On s3t#oay 1he 4th day Of M11rck tS Do-
Jim-ge wqhope itwillgiV6.upitlavaguel with no more in ywawr&ther P.e -tit her to abandon the work, and -leave. ii for' 24th lof Aprib and took 'the cars, to St. cind Awwiahiny. GDop&ercr brought to Gntleric4, �jjn.UWQ5 DAY-
otir patnins that we have pirchasedia, large Auctioh Mart and examine his large and tin ich probabl. as" Henry IV: to I exten,!, sad - embellish. He Cloud Minuesota. Ontlibirarrivalthere, beju�g azada to celeb
T& Largat dad best St*cg-Of Hak CUPS';0t,ns. It is very well- fbr the Ex- . well assorted Stock of Dry Goods. They on 'he sly; 40olVin I -con"lax of tie �rdwftt swes of -escalle t'h
its sectional purpose in v ow i wit suing. k hich * lw-t t , McKeever and McIntosh dayan V6 lmg
I Xe, works bought three yoke of oxen and three wag -6 alver
ms. of one of the beat Stich a hot ey began the long war w - Colak
Cylinder Power PrL p' 1�6sitor, with' must besolit ofE this week, this is the last (oouvre to the palace -, and, dr, o=aapm FwWonabla SUIrg & Be 'em being t�Tr ned to
Makes, capable of rinting a sheet the i� try on the "blarney" aniTannonince that jr,,,Ike the other n
,uning oil at it is ',the faMers of' South Huron, who i chancle,for the season you will have, call ended byhis death.were cil;rried.�n) gons, breaking -up ughs, stoves, and FUZ&13h, NOW
-the iearlyand secure bargains and go lidme 'by Hato & wool Felt ilmd ff the PCOP10 of t
eize of Dailu'-Globe, andr; F= Hats
l6wy compose the bone and sinew of the & --terminated LGuis-XIU.., wholother articles necessary to commence : Patterns f6r spring wear. Most of t
r. It -will an tall your neighbors where you got of 1�rctt
Iwnst 800 impressions an holt sidence there Louis XlY. farming on the prairie. When Mr. Gor- A�LSO. Silk and Cloth Caps, of the latest Styles an,,. as 17,cleon t6,have & t Oro Y
June 2nd, 1871. D'Orbay to don met the ey had traveled 215 miles my mde) nerca'ary, there is Lil
�efcrui party.,' We have always thought ,i fixed his re in ' h
ud, u
tl em. Sechandbilla and there you *P get'l c iv
take Lis some little time to have the PTew 2g, o5rdered Levan and thi� 15toelk b" been mae sretaitr to soid-varied
akd written so ; but, a, short time since, a list of goods, this is positively t;ha 10t Vrom c po e havil ' I I * wift be abli (with -the large
u our Special err" 111 hiwirionize the whole an attic was added to from St. CCUT'd d hadistill about 300 to -of the juir and CAJ? business there WM be a 6-03d C --c
pin all the Reforl - journals of the y, They have on hand Add am cOutiuUiI1V'ZecejT1nZ1 BAL7, Dimom.
t sp and the necEss=7 power to work. *hen knowledge
weelL weahes,eOutinues pro- the central buildings, - and other important go before r ineelFbit Garr
it artanged. but there will not be hwy Ourity were proposing a grand gathering May 20th, 1871� WgATnmp.�The Xcelle b th and spirits; never HEAD 0 WE 1108r club of Ainle fli
I , iparty for mutualcounsel vokingly dry, and suff9cdiu*,'hOi with improvements inado. This Monarch were i e 0 ASF, TM-EYEAND FIT T=
2roillable dolay now in making the If Uwx 4 the Reforn a �;iilliugl resided in the Tuileries occasionally- until felt buel out TO PLE P-Laue � cy tre t17,-
,ind encouragement, the E-qwifor- was I Ox TnB Tij&cx op Tuz FAmous HEXYRFL. very light dews by night, Zj tter in their fives� �Camped diousi audat prices that wiU '40fY competition' Ug
lCXAL the largest, as it is the oldest, - leased to write that such galtherins.,& only -Oil Tuesday last, Mr- R, Manning dusty, smoky and scorching atmosphere, tils buildingof Versailles, when the Court eyery uight on their way, and cooked their Fasti C1111b. to P1.3y ell tize g
8 - W on the lstny July. R,
piper in the County. byday The Regent own meals. Were highly pleased with
We have already weighed at Exeter � two %teers of extraor which readers out door labors so entirely forsook the capital. M. $"ACE.
gave the opportunity to "local noboolies'l
ive,1 a complete sl'PPIY of new type (t outit Huron we presume) i ary ne, 1110 a OM10 disagr6eable, that ene would almost feel Duke of Orleans fixed his, abode in the the country, and said they could not be
rem he farm ��rs of 8 fluousgas." Weask113781bs,audtheo er,2y -old, 14801ba. inclined by the very pressure of necessity, Tuileries during the minority of Louis coaxed to) go back. Their advice to those Goderich, March Irti ed fo? the matul''. but
allo.1 me-, ib to deserce the continued support 1 th blow off their sliper I knack Of to play, �ig *ith. himself, and roll in any I �m that period till , the forced ng; going to Manitoba was to take avold able.
Ole Reiormers of South Huron to persist M g h a won XV.; but fre eolui
R. R.- - firat-class, and on - arriv-
of jur friends. "shoulder to shouldei" not. fat cattle. convenient gutter, just for the enjoyment return of Louis XVI,, the families of the IG . . I
i marchin I coolness. There are tQ, psrsou�s officially attwhed to the Court jug at St. Cloud or $auk,Centre, (60 miles being flttCd, Up EILT 4a lal
ithatanZgithe Uolvice of the Bxpositarl ODDrrn.LOW"8 ANNiVERSARY.—A awe!- Of one moment" occupied it. from S�. Cloud on the way to Manitoba)
,I Ach is now strangely eager to flourish the - day howeVer, strong indications Of an g`P�- AT 0 HATS lundlirstnnL "Ibut TIAY I
leril night was thot 31st., , when Huroul , ' oxen, waggons. NU ant,
ft=ty J=Octa-m I writ' During, end since the great ReVOILU)n to purchase stoves, VlOughs vffic
I anner of the party in order to hide its Loo, No. 62, celebrated the first auniver- Ploaching thunderstorm. - Whilst I
. the east. and also window -sash, as those articles can
I can hear it growling away in thepalace of theTaileries wasassociatea
It will'be oPe of the duties of thii County schismatic designs. sary of its instituden. The arrargements whilst the whole outline of the sky. Js bel- with many memorable sqeues; The mob scarcely be got, in Mauitaba. Oxen imn be CT
41juncil at its J11110 ineeting!, ubder the ads by the committee could alit have ted with a gigantic, ciicular W811 Of 010yids' entered it oil the 20th of June, 1792, allcl it purchased for the sum, of 8130 to $180 per LT
Tito been excelled. The h4l was very taste- $80. parties Will- HER 1"GH' CONSIONXE
tie tv S�; n of Iry B74, whicli seem gradually gathering uearer to we& attacked and the Swiss Guards M88- yoke, wargons, $75 to. ANGT11" To ttzo t. ditur of Lle 13 =,-a r
hool Bill, to select Inspeatei aped
As each Inspec- We are given to initlerstalld that 'two fully decorated; thF� platform being dr. fro witili their sacred in the August following. It was got information in St. Clondor Sauk Cen-
a centre and heaving to and SM4-on ViElft
Schoolsfor the CLunty with flaus, the walls festooned with cloth te�; the latter en e beat breaking-uP P16119411- I
at bellyfuls, of fire and wa the officialresiclence of Napoleon, w -h tre, wbich is tb itmang the fve PnLr,
by law, superintend not more than qrRoX SIGNAVS Of,* (late, of Ist Julie of red, whiteand Wits, varied with ever- gre waybome, 1)
t1w can, without the steel. desid- First Consul, end when he became Emper- Mr. Gordon says that on his iffictic
120schuolB and as there are ovey 16(l r9ached Sarepta, PlS6 Office, t issne. _NNs jrce", and piquancy being added to the commodity, however, is the 91'a tea "I saw 'no 40�
May BY -Law advertised in tha, to be hoped, before this or it formed one of the Imperial palaces. through the United Stal mon:Lhk TiLIQL,
-whole by a number of Oliantly colored eratum, slid it " 1 Mee, that the In 180S N
achwils in Huron, two such - IiisPectors %v ill to explain we received the 111- hurried scrawl reaches your 0, began the northern lauds * in Dakotah or Y-inneso onpense on & 0 cozm!,
unding the usual apoleou
gallery to serve as a communication prairie
Chinese lamps aurro equa to itobs. Ayoke
76 --required. Thef.Xowingarethestatu- s,',jructioils from R. Brown Esq, Reaves by li
ghts. `1ho concert was weil supplied whilom Parched, and partially burnt pro- with the prairi000f Man himseTs en intoirm"Ible.,
Tuesday evening, aftt-r geny of the season,will have received a cool- the Louvre. After the Restoration the of oxen willbreak up half an acre of pFairie ]ENT 10LOW CffY PRICESo =ddCm67,M=
I sidence
tbe last 111ail On Of Brantford. I vi The climate 20 PIER C
tory valifications- for the office t�le 11sll&I Ill,tter was 111aile up for our with Mrs Hatch, inff and rein gorating drink from thO Tuileries c�utinued to Imthe chief re pec day, and live on graw 2*-_2em by a det��elmb
F and City Snperinbendents. slyug. two selections very sweetly, And with e, and winters Act so has rC,1dX,1 hLn
"All collut: iieekly issiie, nd tho paper on the press. *Mch
public Scho-sts who have so clear an entinciatim that none could providential and -bounteous elemental- re- Jof the g and Royal family. After the is healthy, air pur
do - cold as rep adicey. It i,
of Climinnit or �N, in order to save a Week, of nature. of 1830, when the people at treseuted I have seen grain,
t've inlinetliatel , fail to follow the words, though previously 1 15ervoln. )tjbfes superior toornything
hal,] that ffice consecutively for thre a�t the hzziltii t� work and got the By-law 61 twkp,4 and took the pala cuffemble zuLaazo'6,,
Schavols wh ty- not familiar with the song. She received STA:TE OF QACHARM—Fruit trees __co(Juno29)Iouis roots, and veg(
trs ; a Pre ptilled off wi Philippe fixedhis residence in it, and L ever sa%v in- Ontario. Vegetation , is Goactich 23rd May, 1871,
ye. .11 teachers of Pahtia roady. few Papers w an encore on -both occasions, but the beat all sorts never were a more promising look; ble Mau livinty in
duties, 1�2,Ade:;-Mcw
have abtained or who shall obtain first- t %vo Of these must unfoTtunateli to it. Dr. thna they have done this season; in fact, if continued to ulhabit6 it until the 24th , f rapid. In fact no sensi
class provilicial certifica'es. of ql1alifica- .,�lt It .111L provented her freill respondin't, ing,%ded Alanitoba oncye�r will ever live in OntfariO County tb mn5ntaln
all Flead ve pbric to t5arepta. and Mrs Thompson 3an.g very much to the the quantity of fruit were only one third in February, . 11.848, whan it was again id going back as soon as I 2Lbbrrt1Sr*ents
tions of th a highest grade andthe King made his again. I inter throu'oh ni, brutal
,h Schoels, v% ho gratification of aIL Messrs Dixie Watsonj proportion to the quantity of blossom the by the people, -a matters here. G. MCKENZIE) wo r�.cml a
lij."ters of (' M7211mar or Hi, Tn,!- cape. By a deereO of th4 Provisional can aTraug
i� H. H. Smith and T. Corey (who though very greediest husbandman, whoever he is, es REpoltm Bt,.qQT)w.-A grairidpic-nid is I alluded to k=0 Z�lm
have taught the same schoat three years, eof migh sit down pleasantly and regale himi- Government of 'JA, it was to be trans- 4
re and tr -nominally a Stratfordite is almost "oil If t tobe 'Yen at. Brantford, by the Reform- _0 Until CM intemgeZel 1p
ansinit to the A
aild who shall prep% us") were all in good voice, and in their se by chewitg the cud of happy anticipa- formed into all asyiUm for invalid work era of trant, on Tnesday, June 20th, in
E lucat ion Department rk satiafact.)ry thesis t— tiQg was -not carried out. - hand, rhmed Min C
oil the or�p1lir.1tiwA awl discipline of Pub- A TH-E IJOTTFST D_iY.- -Friday last was t e several styles were eagerly listened -to and tion. Gooseberry and currant bushesal.80, men, but the intem: rmidable in- honor of Messrg MacKenzie and 'Blake,
i lific appearance tilla, During and after the fo J�=dice. 'Now 1a b
lie Schools ; - record at the God ich warmly applauded. Mrs Sinions and Air. hang out a most pro 11 tbs prominent men of the glypX, IN INTIMATING TO III OT CIM is 1"n
,tn,l all cmoltia, yw�r it was and nearly a
tes who have hottest day on - sunection of June of -the arms AS tPL9
; , The Thermometer sto at accompani- few days ago, when the pestilential cater ", Md -the V-blie gencyallk, that be bv- JUJJ c-,
erv.2,t,ory. 3eeirie Watson played the a *d- In party will present. This will be a grand cus Omer$ DEST9 LARUE1aJL
proceedcol regularly to their degrees in �Is - in such swarms, -as to used as a hospital for the ivvund, -ell warth attendin- ope 0; to the old whole they
any Uritiqh Dominions. 6* in the shade. menta charming
T�e Battalion diis pillars fell on them ned a New Store next 40
ICIliVersitv in the rip them naked of leaves, 1849tho yearly exhibition of.pairtfinp rally, and % will find CDUAtaUtlY on hand, a fall 61URVY Of not diEchnqsgo 2M
11 f much
tall -tit in it cotlefe or school Tow -i Co"� aL. -A special meeting was coursed sweet music, giving us aniongthe almost literallyst hav
0 Mring the - TORONTO EXPREss—WO e AND County of hiqQnpensc
milzi who have 'Auld Hnn- thus exposing the'newly forra�d fruit to was opened in the Tuileries. I
-s than three years, atilt -who shall rest an iMpLessivo stave of 4 his *&ciallipleasure in placing on our exchange -list any CL -m, I
not 1w the Education eid in the Town Hall, on Friday, 2nd dred-" The hall was opened about 111 all the burning micleme;cy of the sun, and reign of Napoleon M. it was press just published by Mr.
rep "t . Present -the Mayor in the chair, in df- ok d bunches with residence, and was the scene (if magni- 't -be Daily Lex, Lb X_ laevolveenn, Zt=:1b,
Areantl tr.%D%1"it to st DIJDv GOODS) (311EAPE BOAUK,
sis' on tbe Me, Councillors o'clock Mr Duckhatni excellent Quadrille they now hang h co e raih. Typo- ST
Cepartment a *..,isfactory the. e Reeve, Deputy Bee of reaching maturity. ficent balls and receptions. A concert was j. B. Cook late ef the Peleg
aild cliscipline of Pnblie Q Clif rd Sinclair, Smith, Band, which has -now an additional musi- little or no chance recentl- hold in the Hallof the MArshals,* (Yraphically the papeL.15 very neatly got up A I*V%� Geaerlea, zrnwa 2, 1E
�aney', Gardiner, Doy! don, Davi- ciani furnishing capital mr-sic kbout I Suawberries are go g 0 wEADY TWAVE UIA,
e, Gor plentiful one this �e auspices of the Commune, B is W a JUALT" Um- AN t
ht)ols, shall be considered It- 10 'i"Ir sup- and not a very season. under th �al editviially it has alive
fied for the officeot C--Iu'Y firis-pector of spit and DuU&r. The minutes of last o'clock there wAs an intermissi* n The exterior of the palace was grand and sensible al!J energetic look about it, which,.
ftirther ex- and signod. per, which was got up well by Mr. George In fact everything depending on a plentiful . eusurets success. TWEEiDS & CLOTHS,
talpe� vi, ill
pithlic Scho"Is, Vitilout any aieetingL were read. approved re, stands badly affected imposing. The extreme length of the if main STATIOMBY NOBA
t in each case I r, in J. B. Martin. Dancing was then resumed tili supply of moistly N
I co, eat. facade was336 yardi ; its breadth 36 SUIT114 Rltyl,—A
awin %tion.nn heir o4taining, niu-ne.Ajou was read fro Pic-nie, in connection
.ion Department, the cer- attorney for the Northern 4 a. in. But for the heat the whole afftir by fhe prevalence, of drought and It ds. Owing to the different periods at with Rev. am9 Seiveright's Sabbath DRESS GOODS,
from the Edlica, Esq., as yar OF TOROT
�il the wpuldhavebeau as fortunate in the at- Ga"Urrors R&TF-10TISM.—It is some- will 6a held at Smith's Iffill on WESTI Mao, titicate reqirad by law.- Ciravel Roaot offering the Coiic *6"ncc ag. it was jW11—a ure was not School,
�ffl g, as well as very aston- which it was built, its architect
will thus be seen, that the P07,sessiOn Read t rsf Tauary, i-,12, for the liabili- %ed. It is times very amusin tas IIATS A CAPSy lc�
tj�es of the Coral), y. cation now foi�x�e�,Jndoqr Amuse- ishing how far ce0ain people take credit to uniform. All that wealth and te could Wednesday af terao0u. i,,tlfiaate from the Editcation De aThe communi 'L pre- accomplish was employed under successive 8. S. TEAmmuig AsgoouTwN,—The.
qonald ad- w7eut�,�,o themselvesai public benefactors; by
partment daO as received �-nd Sheriff Mae. suming to see m BOOTS -&SHOE% laring the holder eligible for ore clearly than their monarchs to embellish its interior. The Regular monthly meeting was held in St.
a on the MOO.RHOUSE
t1ae aopoi.atment is 9, sme qw, o ��ssed the 0yaricil in support of it. It neighbors, through the chinks and flaws Emperor's private apartments were Audrews'Church on MOUdZY rlLaht- The gave
ery canditiate. Those we have Aisinoyedby Air Sinclair, seconed by gorgeoasly decorated. thsibeatrecould subject of discussion was "Te.wher's PusUa ScuooL TuusTms -7-A -xwxty 'of-16ther men's'business; and with what !
as actually its the field, are C1 this communication be modate 800 apgetators, and was used
jiffrd, that keetiiii, of, the Bona was held - on Mcn- they seem ready acco
r IT 1. Meetings for the Study of the 1-Asson- The old Store tobekept Exclusive -
o dy evening. Present, :A.- Lefr(T- in the to&qUitthei%use1iei�*i 11foravarning So- as a sapper -room
Mr. J. P. itter, Principal of Lhe Central il ferred to M c0mmit0e consisting of the when balls were given at The meeting was very much pleased and cut
�Ir. Dewar,, Principal .. or, the Reeve, the Deputy Reeve, A& tlessr.5 Detior, P49 'ksyi iety," of in their court. The chapel of the palue was rather histructed bythe remarks of the tev. A4r. ly for HEAD QUARTERS
!jrth, Mr. D. 08out f ie�" ' t� look upon lain, and had a gallery and ceiling resting Smith of ABelleville, who is in town on a Cr t
of the School Saf b6 and Mr Sinclair, wit -11 iRstr"ct'ons urabb,Elliott and %yanson. This special. O1vn partial -Way* Ul p WIRED
_;ns of stories and stuow. visit to Rev. James Seiveright
if the -Cominoll Rectin- the principal L t. it er the best mode of co Ineeting was called for the purpose of c(?n So%u6WY e, &ti rs; and upon Doric
ilblatheson, of the their The Salle de la Paix was used as a ball- Iff 11RDWAIRju
�k Ld indebtedness and report.
school. Clint RD, sideritge an UDI)Iica' ion fr011i Kirk- how dextrouAly thayippiy Why is a baby like a sheaf of wbea tbuu
..[,. �loore, of Brantford. mnison7saccount for 94 etheschool genius, ium-dencip 61614 book room,and was140 feetlong by
.Ve to Era and ied. John patrick E�Lq. for lea% mov g -that big 35 feet broad Because it is first cradled and then thrash- i^'- L4�aods olest-joyed was rel, and�-Io*ptained splendid statuary. The
Without the gentleman otthide Of 'kz Ld, $IQ orol-�reof 6inse on �Vwt St. to back -cit' present lot, thapublic, so.astoiend6r
ame. to front St. ed and finally becomes the flov;er of he And is now full of UM
,e i, here talent enough to settlem.-ut of s: Ten Patrick Street, agrwIng to do in the -exercise of swallowing whilst thek JW of --theMarshals. was remarkable'for
contitrY, tke, t4 be Paid in full t fimily. af ter Preston at . n. it in a ti spW&-.-,tTho names of the great
chitose from. 3&r. Miller has it'st, dorz were received from Mark s%) at his own expense, and. angle for their #w�u sA e Thexe.*Xe `11 L
we S. R. MeDoug wook-, the sebool to bU' diathissed for one ons i evin6es i� bal on Bennet has not been in
v. live dz milia-tiun, conducted by the er night and ht all at $1.25 manyacti the' First Empire James Gurd Ht;,ald Qffics within a vear, Facy GOO&, ily
the Act, been ��r nig:it ior the office Of ui'.' watchman. ml leprosy iu� 'were and around the the New York
Spscial Bonird appointed by w�ek for that purpzi6. Application more flagrant symptornof mal succes3ful in 14oved by Mi 4at11�4 -=tell, and w rm an tha n ;hall 46 bushtott d make 411ch as Bench PIsins, Chisels, Biligi 119Ffi-
ssary cer geconded by qtIngniahed generals ano:L is About to retire wholly an
obt,vining the new hool, to be dismissed next its cons9tutional fo Ah � t prope -w, 'qu _W4Uel
man in,imate kunwledee of r*that the first nmu- -comx d 1whilbportaitsofthe -over the paper to Vis son; S arts. Screw -drivers. SilVIBT
0 wtekjore�QPell on 'Monday, 19th just. g into 4*ery in ute loophole a�val iiau, orw Wers, Saws,
tificate. Fro of A, letter from John sity of peerin Anthony Trollope has anno, Wr
iii,,uner in which he has conducted the -led. Moved in conseqnence, f a neighbor's Jor the express, gres ZfTranei adorned ita AIr unced
A applicant �e appoin business, III supply of Nails,
ndWaid schools here seconded by 0 lori'of �omiug -to the Unitecl Builders will find a fi Nick NUOU, ntral a�ie�dment by Mr Sinclair, Ag 6ftering a lot on Britannia Roma for anels; furnitwo was ornamented hit; iuteni 13"'es, Paints, Oills, Glass, Putty
purpose of detecting defects therein., not ixf ya
and 1,0100 0 for a Schin-A site, the Boar-drent u4qd defeeft,mor. sad gold. This studies of LOcks, IELi
wita- 10 teachem r Horton, that the matter be laid over 6r4mtorgutii-y1such . to *it greft velvet was States, in order. to malke7new ;amd
his ch%rge, (luring the last I further co eratien-amendment car- rc%)hitiou p*sed at last meatink authoriz- ister the 'gimpled sentiment. of common, used as -4 hall -room on State occasions. character f,3r a forthcoming novel. PiOtUX65,
AliattenWou. g closely ful- f r 31 report was made by the o*er magnificent balls were con- the palice are ta commence
led. A , i injeiurchue of lots 399 and 400 or lot 405, Firipathy-provided the matter required' F01%r In Ohioago, blea
c airman of the 'd- s on Holiday nex
Ingtail his system Ot te'.10111111 and mods of Road and BrI -a c0unnjt�- On iation of Mr. Crabb seconded by, Mr. slich-but, "ply from thq;Yery mean and On features. -. The cazTets on thern slaiigbtering dogi t. All f 111D UCP Englavirgat
organiv 'on, in puran r to 'Which several members t11k 11ceP* Swanion Mr. Aigues, offler . rhaps,' 4 merceuary sp Gobelin!a Lufacturb, and must pay the
ance of our t Was aCcePteCl COUtracted motive, pe Ve cost canines 11ound unmuzzled 1 ROD YJ
we feel bound, in the public Sirg been notified of a meet- arpose still, of $200,000. - These ='were ifie-White ty of this owners neglect. fts.
fsnz� ditties, �9 as not ha and Me Qba;*.rmau requested to rivah-y, or the more sordid pi V penal hov
interexti-to, pTess U% aripliCation on this i�,g of that committee, and uothin-' was have the7purchase completed. In conformi- orna of the bmall fish that the _4�poilo, and - the Throne Hzjb The
nibbling after s TAUN IN ]EXCHANGE-
n,tice of the (33unty Council, as a 4�ne. !Sh- Crabb rew att�enton to the t7 with re*,littion at former meeting the run out of his neighbor's -net, r Vhat per- throiie Hall. a' splendid aartin�nt; �on.
Spezia ill, a - Thel diish G1XL
-,- i f - �pector to superintend the rautedto thePriii- tainbol thi,- imperial threAe. angings A. Tic
man ofto mdju&rt native fident and a tificatewas haps is more mean and rancorous e T13 ]ROOR-Hor
Tts ica-ily acquired- Mr 'k'=Ani,mQ- sewer. A pro- ere of daik�*elvet of Lyonsmanufaeture, BE -or
tensivaexPe _yocepvact of the � main cip2kl coTilbination of the two aforesaid motives, w Folremy's Democrat.) La
e I-oth, we be- Y�6 ed about the (Frola
3)ewar Mr.-m4foch hav cuous�? conversation eusu Goolericb-2 June l8n. with the bottled up acrimony of political with plin-leaves and wreaths wrought in iW For your Carpot warp, Ti hite and
fint-damNormal'Sebonl certificates Onstruefion of the drain, and the Council . This it to'Jartitj that the boa -Ter, T. A young lady who is not acquainted with
x,dar,, 0-vtIlyru". 31r.Mathes PrqjJ%dQQ1 - !coloted.
j-utituately'known-to tLe Council, )�;en emp1cyed u iae�a ed by 4 canopy of the,amme, erself, writes us to ask the Qlowingques
on is of a4 It
W journed,� Miller Esq. loroigoing remak-ke, - in consideration 'Of a I I NORTH SIDE OF MARKE
Course e pubHc will - Master alut intheCentral SCILQt)' I f certain - las, ry - aepending from. it was tions; T SQARX
'MRS SoaDMI Coxcr.RT.—Th &cvsmp-nt which ha's bieii made, an e ur
University and tipe, I am & young lady not yet marrie
%, , , , for Tb�j� last in and around the -Tiinity of Arn�laerly tudded with Ifees embrn .
As a -raduate-of Toronto- of , �,Ierioh a, but- GO ITO G. IdOXENZIW
,6 the Tow" )iderea in gold. A is rich:
W-azammar School Teacherhe b�' glaa to h4ar that Mrs Shums proposes Of the xe aining'apartments havetwo lovers. One of them sw6t-tr
-SC-Tbliteftrnoij as, and that in every res- within the cours
manyvElars, rite a thesis on sch,301man— e of the last two weeks ddsorlptiei;' of rep rythiligis Chesper1han ever. FGaderich 5thJtine, 181
t4 ppet he hat dis*Urged his dutice to the which, I hD�ld think, reflects very little I
wonly to W give a concert in Ora, Ws a -All on Fri- I would simply ernbxace a etition of tlie other is poor. I love them both alle. Where eve
certificate. The County Public 'nsth put them- decorations of -legeace, the Each of them wants to marry me.
del . cateand difficult task 2 nst., when she %voll be assisted entire sitli4ctlbnofthe Board of credit o Goderich 4th May, 18T1.,
council have a parties who have results ief lavishxpenditure, Slyall I inarry the poor onei and work
_and altbi; the Board I sel a = ird on the occasion verY little ve a lady?
before them, as on their selection will 4, save J well-known and Popular musici- School Trn*et,. rich one and H now GUA(;B._We have receiraa
Id regrAto lose his services as Princi- crat eed, whether viewed as an o. TE[k_LoUvR& for a living, or the
clepend, in a gyreat measul*, the progress tilafrom a distance. Further particillars well YOU had better askyour mother io -heat frombIrThoull W_ Dyaa�.F31euaer*f
0 pU of. tbe Whtr*l School, still +hey have on h= feeling, or a deficit in human - I
We -flamea -oven an the London
out noble county. ju The world d give You another Huron and. Urilc� W
-ducation im '11 -be given at an early (10-Y. Mrs. Simms no deire: prevent Mr. 'Miller as itappears, the one as -much Louvre was mainly up the bake Tims Zor.
rg - L w only Counsel thent t to d The -cue stands something Pon The Bible says, "Ye 6annot serve pamphlet 4ontawng � terfous *f
won a endeavor from acicetiilkig a wider phera as the other.. structed Uy. Louis XIV., but was left baking. letters
0 in- addition to the so ready to assist every goodubject with comparatively unfinished state until God and M2mmim."' No more'can a MAn lectured at on Narrow' Oulage Riflw'
pitzh on the men %h After Susan. B Anthon,
tl�r musical services, that we hope she will of usefulnesi..and they have no hesitation) in the following position. Mr Fraser., Ot In a be
nezess, _e, whic-h. previpposes I fheir judgment he is Pa�y- I Amberly, 'his at a an mill us- 1802 ivhen Napoleon resurned the works, or woman love two persoo exactly alike- Ripon, Wisconsin, Bhe wanted some racrea� from-theLquilon Free Xr.-PVass
�ry certiac[lt I in stating th4 in" finding or d b i the intellectual qualification,%, can also r�ceive a fall house. and under him the Louvre -was finished In all probability you. do � n9b love either tion and anousement, so she took a walk on byearefuRywmugedutstiaCtrs�oa'clu'qi'v4Y
etory record of ticularly weli qualified and imitable in I ness, too complicated and onerous x task and th gi,�V-?unding streets and places -have mitaken a;,ort Of breld-and-but- $urldo6y around!' the graveyard demonstrates I a "Ube
poj�at to the mnst satiafa �1 NFw C". -We see by the London every respeel�uuty Inspector, and for his own comfort and convenience, some there. hat narrow* Zzi
pmetical &xperience. UrO. think it should that a cab of the best and hand- would respectool1kreco mend your. He a cleared. Iti internal: arrangements were ter-with-sugaor-on-it-frien(IBWP for love, While she was enjoying the literature- of a built, equipped, . worked. AAd
other things U7 time ago advertised the former for a Is, node. princip4y by Charles X. and Louis d gusgea� for I
p; construction has been, built r Mr� , ble Body , �ppoipt him to that posi- and hs -a since sola the game to 9 tle, vom hundred thousand People IlAve 41940. _V1
dsa be barne in Mind thW fu ra, eu Se totillistorie., she heird a lotf'small boys nioroi cheaply than roa
4. M, Polley, in the Forest City. the - IV
beinoiequA Common Schoul man, who intends opening in a few days in Ph4pe. Since the time of Louis XV. saime. thing before now, and lived to ght, and braucib. Rues. never haa anT
,yy,, entitle"o the otlice of n. Of thO- Board Of new premisealately ecigil it has"been dimoied to the'reception of the discover their mistake. is fame." Congratulating herself dodbt about this, only -fearing that at the
ober filSigned for 4� On erected for that sp The woman who loves two men lov,�s point where i nt to a main li.0%
,G�,Auty -Public, School Inspector. J Ov= Tim RrvEp__Tho lo-ot bridge to Df the fine arts, and was daushipme
Public School T6wtees. purp4e. -Mr Fraser has alto held the var101ismussums I the$ even the obililreii of the land knew
1�' built by th3 Council will have to Ee so tallyusedfor giestceremoniesof wom *%Ury, the
Win. McKAY, A. LEFROY officeof PostinasterstAmberly, eversince 000"OlOr nobody. Therinan-wholoves two en Aer� lable was amosted by an urchin, who (broad guage) would be AN
enough ei er us -is in the 1: "Say, ain't you the. old womsa that branch fine (narrow guage),"ald be At
that the livesl of the Heges crossing Cheipilan. his starting in business there,- which is state. The eastern front of the Louvre well to marry t 0
P not be in jeopardy frorif th as one of the finest pieces of architecture same ft - - I I . du
no"M=*dtam 33 a =Z*W-24107. 11U_M4 'st co 110W nearly t�velve years ago; and his du- w Th e walks up the - wire oil the iircus, tent to- 4he mercy C -f the large comP&AY*
hich will be alin public service v4y 40. 13 grand coionnade -was There is in th aboire somethirig.'Jitore motrowil' Susan jumped the fenco sac! got
ties in that branch of the I Prince Arthur- gupp4d. =4 fell from
'Is re Would it not UiikA ipm. - .28. �011;pled Corinthian important de out of that gmveyard double soon. it
-Sitor having once in a whi tiV Q03U. be advisable also composed of Tnanding pe I Whether to
C2 are admitted by the entire communitY to Y�
The -EXP a e 4 gallery. The Vindow eighkfeet, on the 20th ult." Aug
' e the brid- that it could be and wor for a living:, or a
tter from a eorrespon-lent pitch- construct M June 2nd 1871. ha 76'b6en faithfully, if not even faultless Y coluning, front', a
ceired a Is down every p&t of the building - forming the sev4re injuries.
%ken up every fall and put central , rich man and live - a 184Y. The happiest tatn7mg
ivto the *tov%n 10f Godericb, IP133 b' dthe citizens? Just To the E 11tor of th6vftlt Sig"t fulfilled; and nogrievance nor c,)mplaint' crowned bya, pediment Aber gre those *]to have so ethin 'to 'A city exquisite having beconle agricul-
sforthe enefit I to emanating from the public has ever beers. 11atewsY w" o; some employment with,1villy"' turally . ambitous, went in search of a -farm, "Shall we hapl; -the lAndlord?" is tho'
the plemure of being able in a DEAR SIR,-4.editom &a expedec made against him at -headquarters, neither raking cornices 0re wh i 14 r published by man1fdat
f3he conclusion that it would be iL of whicb. IN to tusy tie
givaii6rination-'an every pos- Tblsp�eeittbu%idl -voint fhe devil waling, and fludingne fut-sile, began to barain
i'lraped t ti ef a newspape
a royal yoad to popniariq,in the southern mer evening to reach the Point on be able to has he. at any time, either verbally or. in single piece. ed a their and pre
iuirxut;�walk from the Square. sible, and imposi, wouldylou bas-relief executed by aiiik- Qier the of their heads workshops in ther interest of The seller nientiored, as one af its uti-renterl; in Undon.
_�Ile subject ; 4
part of te South Riding. t� take up and grtin.15 written form, intimated. at said headquar ��V
bekind enough U inform me- of the true any intentiOliof resigiling his office Oj grand _'doorwlaywas an6t] y a��er, plander idleneis ina, dissipation. 'The recommendations,, that it had a T-ory cold
tle unfatinded M. The reproof J1Ltw_&FY'g, WSM.—Late on Thursday intent and"meatp',a- ofthe Town of Gods- tersy is gatea - themselves, made,by ordefbf. womea, 'her sprincrunit. Gronus Aim L0o.&-A10xAU1erHam71l
:Viewed in thii light, how Th Who has something, o Fnvlag said the fop; ton ones saidto an M- flulate friend : 'Neft
we w1ministered to it,for seekilig to divide Jight, qalt was struck at HawleyB well, rich Market By -U*. ;-I Taeari wit1t*regarA postingitdr. Nip mind is Always the happiest. 'i='take it then, for I have heardthat
'Absur(ii how meanly selfish and truculent Olson, were of magnific'ently-workea This happi- won fte me some credit for[ genius ---but &U
the Refoiral �arty aw, thus I-strq4 a . . t `OZ lietong and g1v4
its 4t a,leZth_ of 93a feet, the stratnou -being to the selling 4A.: small -4tticier allich es hroW...This. P 'ness is pureand las.ft -,in Proportion as cold springs ruined the crolm last vear,and xe lies 1 -hat io'this-whep
quat - butter and ego. X�w I -am, perfectlyl mitat seem th trit evinced by a lately the Wrkn which she isngaged is for the I don7t -want a place With such a1rawbadk the genius Illil
i12 feet in thicknesp, about the 85, feet high. Re-outhern. front., also have & subject in hand. -I study itprofound-
abuity to sweep everyllhiug be-f"Te it, 4ty in this lolicality The experiment ls� willing t6paytikket fees on' -shy article sprung rivJ'miere6at iii the sdjace�t c;)n
the wor'k:4- dlb�iae Peri=lt, fliough riot ood of othors or the benefit of the world
upon it," 1y; anddW and night it is.before
b I ft which I take t, ighboring conrity, who alting d I Adaa* vis- me -1
vith i &select number of his weathercock varc �re it in all its beariT, 4*4 -my mind.
&tt, i h of the Her
,ntej to & elfish desire an oar part 13ring through the underly� ckhe market house to #sit fine$ Of the UR sw,bdd, -*aa verylihe.' 1twas decorated itlarge., Ther0is, appmessall or T to prolateote the n.aterial interets of the i *rack to see if there is Bait or any bulky 4r6cle such 4 Ity, grain,_1 with40 Corinthian Pilasters, -and like the keepingslovipg huebinA to work gad wi# Ited-the-Frenall flair,,aud thus reports hb
so ,if the Conntv abol ubatb,of which there seems little dcmbt wool, p6titoet, or in fact on, . . t thevicinity, catching at ithat dea with it. Now -a zowt
,n it .
wbich li' his ivay in the world,'. for the xperience: deal of study has been bealowe
Town -it the expe po usuelly sold -at &6�n y considered, rai4erprematuably,' Mr. eMte* "had a richly -adorned, podim.6rot n, as the years rifice of the principles wer profess MAsolw'= CoLuopn.a.--m-A wretched in 1291 the centrA! _. compartipent. , The millai husband*ows to feel and to Young Lady$ir, w.ouldn't-you like to
i peculior offlisli'mar"before it had OXOr 41cavac in Destrayer". to MakO it
Rau PA
lear. We need do no more ill o me- as rather an northoirn front consisted of -a central and kno* 16 is thus aidin him. buy s;me tickots in a punch bowit
a former by tbeftame of Hason is trying W house, but it seems fancying - d6libbleils, that thatthe wifo,wh g what it is-fhe firlit of Imin removing
refutatinnof this contemptible and an. titi- tch re�spectblo tavern-keopers tripping unjust arrtaigemet Which. c9hipela -the *Y hOrns-an' it naturally thereby-- bf.- tw0leteyal' pathons preje0ing from the in his strugglei is a sacred, living,' cher- tom_No thank you. I never arinic.
Past Officezmw agents, una the best meacine for the 4aft
d wa% once love,' Young Lady finslullstinslY) - V
res, than point to our c,,�dnct essful in getting one of them payment of ;x large aijeen abasketf main Wy.� The western front keabro ed part of lyiiase]!--7�-he -patience, I
tows chaTg 1 cdjj�t vAcauti anclacting on this convictioir ed igh 5g
thronghout the PrWincial election in re- ea V2o.00 on Thniaday last. The only butter or eggA, worth perhaps one dollar, to,, Special features of interest . �of olds, tough,,, Thelimatisin,
fho��-xdknV, nibbls� %vent a6�rllon aftd handywork is imprint- trouldultyoulikeiXt! rz),ttbe;�?'
jJV1 to the c3ndidateSl for the -1-Torth Rid- a walk by the a - wheat or pork worth fifty indiftler to secure 'Almost -all the the firteriorof -'i gravet )_No hank summer oomplaints, &c., Sold by all
Id be about the fe c(Aurse is � t trict letter as on a load of fighiat worl- in cojic6ctifig a requisitions pa, ace d H wi higown on -every article the very me4icine dealers- P*,'&
Atom(witha Druggists. And
The Exposgfor shou or sixty thdei that amount. And - besides D th0`1111106UmS for01iich if, -effort, _�oave laccumulated. you,71 ever smoke.
ing, tbelaw. t&&by a; competent uftm� was dev-OtOd � 't t Y-Ited
role played" at the selfing,- of the wheat: or pork has the iihi**hen si 7 iat cousis-0 I e)_WBil, 26couta per bottle.
�4 ras so celi3b ed.111 Of e woman, Young Joady (losing- patlene
ta. who liv6,s in idleness, simply,
to speak of the ]X&Ro._q RMrs,Awzn_Tio?r.-The mem- her 4thdlew Jetoro man a favorites mil
We all remember the great I Company Rifles are request� the completitio or ea 'the
advantage of -be, di6patchdid - ta the maguiIjoet a en a, as "the lady" of a rich1usband, knows but I'd offer you iome soap it 1 th(jught kou
liat, journal with a 0 e ogether of th at th aust011lers, should nt. over washed. a ihe telegraph
4�7a-'to take outtheir arm an I accoutrements . I- rarest )Is .:gati4ulties and
t -a -,eusM1,V4t Office, praying that the priv, and 11 - . I littleif real hagpia�ssloi true enjoyme THE age of raurnsols at,
tyine th of is back intended to 4-oi:.,e,'in readifiess for Camp duty��.on .1 which x 'go h its'cQvetett . .0molumeilts, artisti e ce coul(I Rei life passes in a listless manner. She
AlLh"gry LV�'ee at h thesellingo Of e bu . � 'd ( 0 give -lits to fast
noto ilege to ther wii a liing, and increases the
Convention of tile Riding, and beob r it is. perf we through the, reigns of successive is: unnecessary to the happiness of her hus-
nev' be ty"ifeired over ilie, botifidary liliie.'not seell for making -rapid fortlineS.--30,106
ythe-lfthinzt. Theyeanbe
64rW.1mbling,arindinneelul En thabOem "Correct likeness of yourself 111).
dn at the enthedietatoeig- of thibege I soverigns,* who made additions- it a as Ana desire
on application to En ip, and DI
his tin the County of but simply in 04' of !and in nine caseajoat.6f ten, loses her Ieris to belat
the Market to) 11311 them. - r6 -emulgition4l Ag,tlio 12 ' li in idle- yourfortune told.11 Ywink Green, in an wiihing-toonts
tv m%detbat "Mr. Gibbon,% was not at his Auction Mart. - A at Mnienl aver not seett subject Of pride and nece ovej him as
ehdwlc�-# The failure of the patty stratk9Y Iffermen we islvable Pam -tin is aptoun his life into dis swer to the above advertisement, Teceiv orfir
ris requi�ed on Wednesday evehing pled to - go to the t6vinshf0f th gs were re ness sipation, least equal to their 'neighbors
to the of hl$pro�cious, on th this ,gr 1�.a uneqiiat
Expoar pwy�afee onao�-Aridewbith the headtt a looking glassand is ixformea 'that h �to kee� up NA
14th just af the armory. market - anil 'L doe nienti lJot T. believe the Prussian siege of PwAk to find enj oyent, away from her presence,
_tfien stranld be a cantiton be but just it and ultilbrfanc to irrepara, 0 los 0 contest, the brainis taxed to Power, Vvile
iglit he WLRO not to -repemb the they nevei:sell there i�would not have to Gplore the to grow apart from -her, and in tune to.00n- call tell his own fortune by C* anting
'�,TgZ 41AUB b c6mpollea,to ineet'tUth there I thit it -hadileen o'constmoted as -to MIR- money. UU ea�.
0&-mr. teen ;y prey 'n , uyers wer( their destruition would s particular use other than to, buMauityig
&I'Mai set, v, l "littl13 if redging ne Ld a Mr.,Fritser'i beer well- sider her asno
e1iqljGWVincr ae any, time to arly all this 11 ock nd takes- lierlsi� -drijoy ihe bftefit let these, however,- there;were vut collectibno disease. The Heart, Liver,
e care arica, T4 chow well Limp, or-Ner
thera is 1 6 that the, s6 it curiosities from Am gratify pride or VITY.�-�- vaus Sylstembecomes fifffict-
ptay fast a with�he Cnserrlltiveg"�- t a deposit right into the-lakisofar. of the competition t1iiis affordei obtainin of I SUMETS OF LONGE s in the form of 'Heart
Nur6pe,: - w1de bik,Uaia, , ClUTTM"M d sickne,;
in- Sgarartlt and noit at:Godericb,and t a, t t h e r e is d4 &U vit, 0 f it bel ug bru 11 8b t But my object-=' writiiikto you was ubf -wits 'ehtrud 6 g 'signattIres'. 9�ld hi it is to POTA" TOS "A Pra-- and to walk well,"'.said Bosquillon, ed, an
Acal Farnieri"" the
argue aga in 'k Lane BrPreS8 the greatestsecrets. of Iongovity that I Disease,
so. much to viry wise iri ar I ku'd Tery PolitiCally rt000" I'
just, the iniisticeof *er _being� of lititlaitiftiipia Jaundice. Dya
tha ExpolEfor, Whwll 4 no� ashamcEl to wk by the Current. in �cohtoct. wii.h' a not removed,: H uu,5rov.-R. fluw1oyZ4#*, :-market fees astolina ou la p&Ta1yjjsor the
Elia potAn apology t -W -tr6ailyix gives the result,of an experiment with por 'know of." One of the -most -pernicious Coisgumption, I
FAWLY value.
gmb ubh a a
SlIppogel OVA V, The rot *03� to babits that Acquired is"that of eat- result, The use of ald. is its prophet BY -TA -W. For tbbr -kne*. to entertain. f4toes the past
siv,,rohu A. Maad-n X�ving- arrived with his family- front DL'- thi, - meaning, of the market, I I Tilt Hom
Willjoward9 ]ArFikser. -.The 'hern- Aug. 5th, and un- ing-fast. Tbelossoffeethis n6t-liecea- Syrup of Hypoll
We 47", not destra W delay orwillization I took a �single ftien&y� feet show itselfaniong t osph6l, Will- tnable thft
t somev ime since The Hotel deille ivas the so ai�
mches,and have or -a- ' olt', for his -u. ialojourn at his launil instance, have 'been: is spread, rapidly. -He cut in le, greater -strall, unfetterea
tue contest app r s'dence, lia - on the basket' of'pro to Goderich and after V der copious rair: Us mind to sust:
(I a family ese duce , . sarily conducive to a, short 1i if 'the im
it arsion. thits surreptitioully -AtAined- are zhiefly Of - � I -
untl zenibly- -of the Municipali .7 bjr
ano, c F 'horse I - carried tltel' a$ the tops of ' 610 potatoes- - then, in their pWfectio in Fin�hewiugU remedied -lay A` 'by conflicting thougsanaunwearied
tiponReforiners to mee oanxer Herald oil rharaday evcningi lilying p -qt up lir Ilost was erected and embellishe at an expense
'Ever J field. hou an - 0. 000 in. 'Zimpli- voittinued at
7 om* knuvra that �i W a -tendered f that clas ' iL.wd! generally evince greeuest-ita;*' several Iov4 in yarious Ord utly. It itapartspow4T OfOOTL`
o as fai as oppositeBiiy nQV:eltje3, f , up in careful and slower rocess
r -and ba�skst to. tJja.)A%rket iix�bhasio,&, af ter 'he where A
fe'r the p�l Acilit otrar of ;000, -Ift toyli4go s of thAjeld, - �nd Ot I -r parb I k W1Mt,*fDr0 oeimild-diffitult
tutorm AssneLation -al fee, 'two cdlienjent4 City in diet po it. TWO, � centration.
the.. leg part
mp,ating, ofthe what 1 suppoia Aleve vaiy,
t1le last, i o be i- store mat 'never 'remain long ria magnificent state part
2�vfipdly diseasea,. liad,+X."�011le -ree dishea� ought to "sul- o -solution %ecomeb "MPIA"
was calle Tuz CouNpr. sToxz LAiD -Christopher Which maimer, an der
&(in t1le brinic of a confe3t` wAs refusea.on-ti* Attistic, Way were, j� orat sroll
cents,.1 thi4k itftaLtty;hii(t-,6th6vo�whogo:.wid6ino%tihod I , . � I 4here, ihe';Use &YAOSUY Atropgar uu
h1a 9rd'S, Id buedonald, rabbEsT, last week, laid the corner -stone ht -it 'iAvancled., He ide dy is
Roe, bid monotony '-f&onld be amoi. , d, inid the bo,
ground, that I had broU# Alid-fe"01 satis- f arnished at ninimba xpense. A'A*e
-,bt to h and ten cents into PolitiOd A e- oommencea. bar- Th e alinula be varietr i implicity! It tause.
oin the Expos';(or would dalis now building the fonudatio 'of Town with it double teami. ned three er
13, feroulade revolutions Of r ance were
fector4yoirummed with noisy fail vi
re a to preserye, a eort*in
ci�� � ic I paid.. he.'Gtand 1" of building., 19�0111.
ij da 41, ananly precipitate& the 1. ire fiew blfjpk to rtia. from fylr Trolamau's demalid9wh . :at general elootions! "Be- it under ad, is also,,A iniportind Tlie num-
riners, of the South -1 0 - to ther Maxs�nie astailea I to Arties clegree -of rejullarity in, repast, BRATIFULHORSV-
Inctinn t 'a eirem oining
electiona Tho Reft, 4 In roilding - hi - condolptable -amourti .4 folse itljoyliis the.populece-.mth ke And
Fo4 Gonzarba -.4-- recent no M-buto'qA
C%re to kill tile uhamerVy the �,,. - I -�- �itfiisfattwkeand greeAl, the
OJA that the, clerMa 16 e4p of b4ken*off LA ber of repeats may -vary with'a Thereis nothingthat car, Conti
Wen as on Itis lieqd.� It
forll' which. were left uu-� ena
=,cents, and f1ii't1abbillol his 0&�a' 480. _g 6r6e rows coiistituttow; butthitaftrepants, a light. -the 'horse be
very Weapg)" ue or t6 Lviaer a xj4httQc6UQctt1 . - abulous: 6004irism, Very freely used. t that ROesploire helX i much to render -
,cd, and it i4 110 wonder if the Re- ood-a"89willit f or -a breakfask a good dinn A to improve his conirlou�ladmsw
sellf farg 'been. lativehed have refuged to pAy it and - tAna tohche Y ern 'the. rilid"Of ahudidl new propelfer had �Olmciiaaa afteilward atitempted to destr U pots, 11hr
far adv4actd. - I U;ok up, t xabi
a Par& Dalhousiafor Uessn.F A Xubert 4he PUM030"I'l - �e ew imbe- -himself';. un it wa.4 �at. one of these*- _w- in.; the day, and a I%1# supper, am Admitted iwigA - ,
f,)Mer.%a tile as well I . f sting., qu, e names, -of --when t separate Ajdv49*, a rig �he rows,. Am an that is desirable as
4a 00., Godee . 4 - th ly moefsgorable
S�47Y th, role, 'Wrc% .12 1 it' ' Vnis Ahat- Gen. Lafqqttio e _0111ir -toes A To lo licalth ilian late din,;,
Leh. slow I lAVe(-W6 o -grace proidi6s r4,0quisi ion,, L - an HesveRemedyanc!Caas-aiAUMleatcLue"�
-twenty d'; co�unjsd them. ner, which leqve the stomach unckictipied rat
the f playnit ts 811ftessfull v A04 30 11110011 tO ij entitled to- A,fee' ten fed I a 60ble. of idt Whas been used by many is who o"
TheMiliti.a.Depae-ment first iE the �rhilst iteith Mr Fr4e "'Or Pus _df bj6' I pre aver- _Ilrorxes with
Thelfint owthethree"wsmt green
ec priv& him of for along 1, anit overloaded at bigh f. hel g centsi 11 hoi,*0 no, dq�lro -to 4, wer�eonsuited in,the : !T-h6FgWsAqV4 whi d in carriage and Oth
th'Ar own 43t 1�& the tendera for supplies for the �yal i26' was :4
u# 4uese Secou& I WoUld - r4ther Many mil 231 goo(I sound �t4ers,� and
rup'.0i foUOWS ice' is lk� jinfitution the . general d4stractioni wasne of the ag it is further of importa-ticb,that the wind- decided success, Und'so ell Weiich Ca atterl O.1ir-POst-0fl diseaaedditW.- Thaiiiidiltaveragedinthe, keep it,401L
is 4osiralix of iae�- Uce A4.0 go shnuld be lat ease durin me*1s,,- That
11111, h eater 10Y
04 v6luark4v palaces f aris, and like Aistahce 1Z tsoa or sound tubers. ind. they with it that they Always way be
. e�' hibb. is ple a digestion it
au er a postal district of, th6tyounty m"
(tha E - -9 Ve
vougn- And will �_&Vent, it it lies in, �it4 Wkvf0rt4y,. StT to law 0 gr Rre$Ql1 " I � , _ , - _ Of A�hftela, fitted Up ju w asarob promote Uuflin ease f emergency,
11oplu&yO1iW91 give your in SP614 .. ditto- in mother -part- of. the � - A
- L 1. of 1,!rinqa N.;% -I diseased, 't - latter, WIL .. - everythinQ-thatistberaretseli Lines with FOrt"
at iho risk r beinz 0a. 17 s stllt'
fical buik b VA 11---i R 8 London. opinion 64 tjli�'M artil the privileges pertaining thereto have Zeroryfe in(! of ";A4 best given,
J!Bega'. with,
9=0� 6e ol. L by field ihe lianIvi TOW wAK'iUt'Offiu its plutarchdeclareallaughter-to-ber the W"
t,sweol witu poll -i �agg�� ;k4 -lu- ix revs left -UU-- slauce, J
the. community'ta. � which Ver4a jyj�tcjiegl eek He in the Pam rag8— do- 421. A. the Aobin 4. #w a _t�arif u0 loa than ten counauted- with xerclsesbouldpro�oedv sUmenta.
Iva believe it does uot As r; for the C1 I"- 'S01' all
r), crelte & Schism iti, �C.T, awfol .4uel�—Uv 4 J"'t L' LIU' TW 911� Ir X,
'YA=V'R' L - 310
the, Expositor t ii, apid as thstAVMmunitly is. -, The Palace, of thb� fion-, not follow it. aicine dealer&
�:arW_Hsnrynorton, of tl� - Legioli-of Hoilor was 0
4W off - twen
f,jrin exilip Aal prevent fbi reforri party enoce
�nr built in 1786. Ithe int&ior was -4
SMit14 "Ti& Nols.-Ow eateoined 0001*' tot, known, t eeorated 'and I" un$0-
e 'The :UVLeut
*;,m 8!cetiox its candidatp to, the DowinZ- N]DiT��S clieIts .10ai wX elegalaeo. 11 was -the- homi bers, io;sly ill and physt- "FrVE MINUM FOR RXXRV
piuiVL -of the I leogity. of
lftrbainant,wlieft th,4thoettomes, Wer T -We Are very happy, pondent asks- oUr C 1,tical *6 cannot beCuaturelly Qrgad Ob=eellor of f&q� order rowsadjoining,iuthe like %&ged 31r. Spurgeon is ser road
00 �Tlm =Gum* Mrt 10 cents on a basketof bu'tte� ofP0 I -have ordoree. eutire rest, Everyboilv who Im travelled by rail.
do not think it U 0Lc3itPD iv 5L bear, through JPf,.L Mellit'"bl 'hepharg6of JE( 227 souTud tabew, mid 196 4561111a01105. =C1
brought khtp the, ci)rvorAtion bn A 46010 led gnorsixce, sel- The'King of $paju carrie(I #oyellty-five has he'arathe sbove, .1a,1101
tak We twn4w with_ th6 strifigrants _taiy Nelf- _"l-af tt;o
.fin amaq, his best to secilre, ts)r the t�vt - the' Ke % or �oliitio%41 raujor.-Of it" pro, Y sulTerea from 'c
k that wd bd- IM trigl4h imimigtJaaii' ect -1 Three boys Were -Toronto doga with, kim to Madrid. eedw-of Dye.
lisrhor, . the Goveruv 't teant, and.we ha*6 c�dY to x&3r . be' arrly thelisby fo*ifig'the- -A � I I
44- ved safely at Duluth. The' Afunro, *01erk *MgntitIed by the 'OnSttillied 41qy�j s e Tj dip-,
_TQro Itis a.zodous thingto -1, 'It is A C6trkf0Tt 10 V31610
wr"Lnt. Vwch isnow being spent, 21 = WAS -01 in onoil health and sn'110iti'. lieve the. Maiki 4. 1 ;glt ri4yhtg- nor vat toteovet- fina thatthe * Kid
43 to. , , - . T __1L TwiAll I
moveii Ithat of ls.pmu is dlugenuy� AVRrAJUS 4;:PAD
*Uelx Will very SQOU red6nn(l t4D Znuat!7 - ohi ladies of then),' though, altuost wisbilix Bylavrtothatamount� Xne-Y, r for A a piibliesetviot t John Bull, Henry.lrozartlx anA 0 he Sangstolt JYAV now be portivran Syrup willZire =0 werat QW*X
o0gULMUI* 49f*6 V460� -ofthi'joad but --siole fro-11follic matdoub,14 will iisit KipAsto the'Army of the are M4T to
'1111ty. - - 'a-, Ic xig lails-*erid I Geiteral Birteret. of d , as th0uaa4%
40.t Irla WhO10 06 If teadof (valig furtho U-111irdson, tbree,yoto pe"
r west, Owes much 0M vii
it. is'broughflwhointhig, conimunitY t to. -Of I
Is- co Hissomierioush +,Btif v.
a4erfg. 'kai li�u -go f IN09.
onlyoftheiphic jtl�h� tot lute this aunimql�ibut-ihwlime,23 millupe, isaprinter-
as the, E.Fwm W" r..frA eaiutb6BayAtTorqtlto-wthileirtswI in I - W..
cl� a rive broko o
gvtnne, but by
omit y,7a5-x-__-n
stmets Wero Q8
.10 Zipper ppaar",%, ae-ll
Way nud fell
of tLo
Tobse UvC3 ff'a V11
V70, bad an Ic
rit=ck SA Qab=
bee-aincy-ttoL . �
Were a
b _Y1
wero zmz!�732ca
gez= , T'n e.
'Ionia m1pprmna
fs, 41C
A"" - X_ - I - I
?CJ%s7-,5f_0 1*9
4 -Sp
to lend a 411�*
bil t to 7-0
kid t, alve known en 0
11 U "au -x 9 F.
Urd -.110 Wi4fetex, -
=Itedft W!1VD,
t�on Azra=%, ler -
takal 1,Z8
now Whose-, blow:F; 7,
lie laell in, n
lit 14"M , ... Z
icl, in to Ue fc.
e ia'as
ite romo-A'Se R
%ft -1 T.A;_
- *fina"Afc.
tdad�-L-_,,.nd ,
Ltar4l"A Guten 1117
a -4� .,., TEA%
iur,fbw 11'' � C3
ent tann.-Itt-0
13est ttey <--�anlld
Z. 'ThoyEtagcai� ,
May bo -n " N'
.&ther 'has
,LCM0MGtcT is F1,71rd
heglmde. T4�'-,OCTG�-
,ant oerwaal rg-, rlg -
a, al i t niga P, C, R M p P_
i2od-and '-qlSrd -
ijftr4* of 610'ef-cc
0'ere *Hs"Id ACD
�rovft the rerm"t
"This COW W"
Lila woo 66
,a.W"xQic4t, 16C tbA 46ts
410AA entire,
i6blo bad um 0
30* 44wr n4 Iwo
wal sal taorcst i
�2" Jk*
gp�rd m4w.
,�, mrd ttwon. U. -OU
.,42t 11180 00"
-, C10*ift C001'. 9
"Vis va
,r-b,e Mas"is bady
t.a,k0A**YAr111 mab_l�
,effer we& f2ecll r c fl *i
-NOT$ *&!�Shas it
4e, u r .........
eats ........
BaTity ...........
W&o ri.
Fo,-,k 7c'n
Wri al Tull