Huron Signal, 1871-06-01, Page 47 1
4p la
ot. I- q
riv-11 U
COLBOR 10hool ;,*hoiwio.,'b1f ton, by'-* d
40cheater, �N. - IT --dr4lkUki mont
in, R YORD, B
M"s grew Lin 'CAiikOtli TO 'THE I 4�1 - - h -
or Vila �sdjo was -a(tAchA �Wiih hyd.;0phdMa, oA�
improvement. '011�tlle 'of Out
qn8 _1114 - -
thent ftoin win- fair i _ of Thttrio'ay)� 25th, -A�, T TX..
9`.V`ah(!0M1A 1611 mvnthip, TkO. �tl*09 ire --clotholl !A. in. the ohmiri- Mosarst Cribb
i0h lux dgd T
just b�ta - judiz!4* declar mi4aut foliage itid the fridt Dbtldr-, 1 0 F Huron lo -No' 08. SPENOERtj PRO$ BAYF
treeir Fargqson; - Swa�j�u I I -- , I
against a, railmad and X4 ,22.4.mjln tho-, -House of 'will, del6brate its fikat annb�ersary ',b
Company in -Maine. -jn low liden, with btasm, an t.-,,Ak b6� LOnac`�,
Maiae. in addith d the bilitit etter fruniAho. y a
INGlot22, Erstoonecasion G I leb I
-0ofwb1cbvrc0earX., meX'Ini
earth -is now caiered: with &-efcipet ongreenr Lqxd�s, 'tji-njglit� the Marquid'of SilligbUr -'lGi�t!(!.P-romenade,Cone'eit,'BaU andSup- W T LV& ]ELLIOTT S
I'LaTILY4 ecr3i surren.deftd hii ti&j�t on wilkli the catt& dro badly bi riocdof, B invlow of the evident 'dislike Of per,ln Crabb's Hall,,on We"esday;.Slst pefioeft.,XXX Ales Porter B116,scres. 1,
ut asking, J.DBATXRS IN 2U vrecklmustbi�hgh thelaud. Tpc lot Issittutcd
t1jair. clit1drew.t(i be ddiilitlycii i!Za Ca alls t6 the Treaty of Washing-to;4III& Mity - T -Concert willeamm P -
mauat44 T)r,*e=3D. Shortly after them amotber, cllailgt�� whiefi. IrXie taken, th, Ptl'bli%soliootr , t nadi " 0 � Ile Spencer!$ Vdftled Ale theGrav -1 m94 about b pffes fmm the tovin of
intended t6pressitara i o4tion o'clock, and music is. eXpeotied �y talented
bvAeum,witholitprotoca MU3 uIve p6i;t that once at 8
iffort app, government GROC �elieh. The land 18 A TICI� riny �knzp. be1r,
roaci Lea hat delight the fai than, they ;%ro of eligible' age. -g -V IiV, - .1 - g TWIT
mer laor'o. r rdad 'n ablefor-uhcater rm5tgrawl,.p ikho lot will be
plate t Yine conditio
tht pWaflff in liks sea before the "th. of June, performers belonging to-Goderiell, Sba,: PROVISIOXS'� chen
and, accosting I the change of 1-tudscaps oiforest; namely Alutterytritteli Isylilm, as 61ti Ales- 1
0 Alemaff of 13� VUU! Octo er, for
Diell � I Tile EiLil of Lauderdale quoted a report f6r-th, Brantford and eliewhere. The Bat. WINTI-Is & J61 quoRs. V,
in alatid voice, dg - I that he had�seci Or the improvedi appearance -of the t1le, Contittent Coln to the Caiaia Co. 2 1 cheongbaTrOls ana PA&Roks or to.3. DAVISON, Esq. 61211111.41CY2.
h by -Atlantic cable 'of Senator 'Sumnees talion Band will perform their admirable Godorich,
remivecl the tioket, calling hin a I ar, The winter wheat was beginning to look in,reference io- the piicoa ofoortain lots in' Corner Xibgst
*11arVA him withjrying to evade the,1X1y- weak and pulty on low' laud, but -W $t� Andrew's. -Ward. The See speeA denouncing, thatrelity, savq as a selectiousat intervals. TherConcertwill`,,,,l on Street & Market Square Half bg�rrels, �at the,
retary 'read
erf,11 the Ctimpany'sreply. TX 1301buRio'H" GODERICHDEPOTs
Illent Of 1A fare, add with havin, done'l so Phauge for the better bag, been world MrSwauson warmly. peace measure.; The ii6ble'Lordridi6tiled be followed by a Ball to the music of Ab
befure; and leaning, over him ZX Accus6ti the idea, of an apology from kngj%nd,.and Duckham's, splendid Quadrille Band.-
IV3 a during the List 'few days. � The effect of . I 51r Orabb of %,cry strange conduct db&rlcb;��k'2ath 1870.
W3 fist down close to hW face�, v, the.coid, however, was muth worse on the In writing for' the li-riceti Of IZ on skall declared she never nlad3 any, Supper will be served in the anteroom S*87-tf MARKET SQUARB. IYOUR WANTS X01W
shook- it there, and threate- Earldrauville, tho;Foreign Secret ry,.de- during the course of the Ball. Tickets
ned to 'split is springerops and thb meadows than the maniier of streets" and not for the prices the Eirl of Lauderdal GEOiGRANT.
head open and.3pill his bruins right t re fall wheat and many f of those looked at by the Cortin( gp%t 06,11- olined to answer e. are -obtainable ut- the Book -stores Ad the SUPPLIED.
on the Arniers were again . it was inconvenient now to. discuss' the stores, of H' Gardiner & Co. Goderich, Jan. 10th, 187L NW41-ly-
SPO+", 'With ra-a& =Oro to the e proparuag for another year of bad crept mittee. As thn n1f)uchpiece of St. A X Jordan, —0—
e5eL The deforidants, drow'3AVard, lie kau u- termsof treaty. Personally he sympathized G."Cattld
althou h but prospcctvar� improvingnow. w, the wishes. of the It.* McKay Bro. and from the
with'Sumneras with LordLaud HE Stibseilber -baving pzYrcbair-d a 61ske lot q9
knOWin,9 the brakemaxes walis The ofticers and --Directoft of the Col- ratepayers and stkquld liay� 4onlething to as little Committee., T tivnber said also having the imost op
not discham- him, but reta�mfed dale, The, trqt6tyw&- not a treaty until I
in borne Agricultural Society hold tlieir� say ill -theInatter. Tbey didn't want any ft had IfterY. win bo able to supply any quentity of
inued to occupy at alrealdy been �ub-
1)lace, w4ich hicL con n --.n+ e seeondineetingonMandaylast. Present, wet lots for school Purposes. Mrbrabb was "Lt'fi A story is told of a- young couple in VNE AND VEDAIL SHUNGLF3
lished fit the United States. The American Now Becher Shop,
unie,of the trw. The j1U-Y was President William Youn-,,; Vice -President, was pe�fectly astoitished at Mr 8.11'allsoll Hartford who imilited to hearDickens read.
instra ted
that the Cass was a proper one for ' and indigpactly repudiated Senate hhdl commenced an investigga;tion
ff. J. Nott; Secretary, John Varcoe; the ace'u'sation. into the -surreptitious "ineans by w1dah it Yboy could hardly. afford itt - but scre*ed XONTkE-AL' OCEILN OPPOSIlm RMYNARTM"Is at the 4h6ilest�utfi:W grd thelcwM pe�ce. Ireiall
av Treasurer, Gordon Young. Directors,- me prpparod to the highest irrice torp!ne cr an!
P111TY dtmnages, and theyreturned Fre got the prices of all thia lots spoken of uptheir extravagance ta the necessary other timbersulta ,e fbrzmkit:j; PMnigles .41cliven
clin ct lication ; heno" HOTEL, HAMILTON $Tt- — Iff., -4&
for *3,850, whicix the court de ed t6 set 3amas McDonagh, Patrick Carrol, Jos. by 'the Committee -and a great numbef had been obtaifiecl, for pub e pitch. An they concluded to invest, thdY the Nile.
asQ�, laying down the 14w as follow,: -�Lid be sub
it SM6 _piftted to Parliament. - It bethought themselves of a poocer family STEAMSHIP COMPANY PETER LEONARD.
-o cgV his Robertson, William Ounuingliam, chbice, and he didn't he had lex- ear by who were an-ffering fr6m lick of Volt TICKETS to and fr( bas opened a Butcher Shop at tl�o-dbi)ve address
"The carrier's obligation is t 1 Subscriber'lins pleasure In fRiarntingtbath Yll;,. Feb. 4th, 1871.
Fisher, IV. Clarke, W. J. Harris, Peter more,, that the-BoarCmiglit have a wider was impossible to anticipate the event or
John think- nri Liverpool Landorder v Tar'
V-ssengers safely and properly, and to ti eat Norris.- . and Ed ward Straolian. Messrs ceeded his duty. 01h pledge the govermnbnt to a refusal to ratify rl
er things being theitreaty beforeJune 15 work. �So they gave tip Dickens. and i)aid X 0"lasgew by thQ above Sleamfbip Co'y,apply to Anti he will be prepared to supply the laholsest quality
th, simuly be- - r. H. CARTER, I �
tllem re3l?-�ully; and if he intrusts, the, John Buchanan and Francis Stalker were equal the centrality of alotshoold do I the price of two tickets to tlidir impover- Agem, Giand Trunk Ilailway of meats at a lower pricethan slaciyhere in town.
perform -vice of tilds duty to his serva ts, -VP0 Itwas moved, sec the Canada G3., cide. oauge notio-a-had been given of an intention isliedneic,hbors- The, � poor --people took W30 - - -1
inted Auditors. . The reply of to " to. riise's discussion upon it in P arliament. Goderich, All.- 15, 1870 Give him an earli cAIL EXCEUNT LA10-
t111-'-1-Xw holds Idm responsible for the = ended and carried, that the society be lotter: front 'Mr. T5)vatfsoll ' was then - Carnp the ihoney,, bought- ti&ets with it, and at- "m Orders delivered in all parts of the town, a
ner in which they execute tha trust, opened to all and the societies faim i6 all read, and %Igo aft* The Earl of ATon explained that hours of the day.
the P. Jok M' G� the Marquis of % Salisbury only -desired the tended the readings. ROBERT NoIXAN. OVERVI) with 19sple and Secob, I
law rs ()f lot"eom''
1-- fl.�Pkrsons. - Mt- C Goderleb. Forable chcap, being =02;l1f
seewa to be-nuw well settled th subscribers. The next meeting of diroc inston andAIr G L
cilrrier -is oblized to protect his pa= toirs will take place -June 15th. at 2 p, rn. Detlor was of opinion that the Contingent opportunity to discuss the treaty before The slnm�ers of an Irish gentleman be- Vu, Goderich -Harch Ith, acres OflOt 5, con 4-Easterm Division. Asbde!ia.
3e f're
tr&,,o r
and lnsul� from what er .*the society has now over one hundred' Cominitlae should have come to all under. the ratifications were exchanged. It was Ing disturbed by another gentleman who NEW BOO I J3LVI Apply to TIMOSVE #THERALD.
:t underst000, inelpag!er thatthe Caupdian. - k2dry
ag�j in niemb standitil 1 4, -- . r 16
souice arisi= ers and aboaL41-30 substribed. oug themselves submitted Parlian4n had come to administer a liorse.wbipping,
He is*'not rega;rd9d:-. am anct.
iui,tli� of ]A -Passenge I r �s safety. a The scarl irreodAhe Board be askedhim whether he meant to lot -so o
1 .1 rapdrL", If they had 4 0 rob. Ift. 1870. sw5l-tf-
Earl Rit�ll in4l teA oil tfie: mand
91 'Ad � a
let fever ii� ver bad I under o�ui � t un-manlyas to flo in' bed.'
Atand in mig-lit-harl1k.tawn W gra, iks;- h g him while
the soft'th of the towns4irf ;mauy Vim an - opportunity be given for it dis4
boundtdi1se*2 suahreualiizflq�- a %es, have Rr9ved fatal during,the a Committee seemed to disagtee, lie, for "Certainly not, was the visitor's -reply,. TOWN LOTS
are 9 cussiOn as a Parliamentary precaution.
ashumailludgmentamligresight ' 9.1 am hap5i' to sta(e- tilat 16' PPY t onei would not be prepaf6d. to vot6 on . -- --Earl GrrLs)naid diplomacy was impossible "Well, then,' rejoined -the ntber,. quietly EXLTENSIVE
ot to mako his passengees journ -V er Rosebrugh quebtign-without first personally inspqct- himself up very snugly -in the be4 &.0.1 &C -r OBESOLD.PNOODEEICH. ArPLTTO
energetic teacher of number three ifit 'had Lobe suhmitt6dtopailiament 11 1 1 T
Ybll rn -0
ing the lots, Xr Ferguson said when tl'Q� -before ratification.- � It waTbthe prerogative rollil , . aY Wait ii long as you IZEMIQ W D. ALL%N,
aa pur school, has succeeded in - establishing a cloth: I NEW' P SES
P-um&er against the d t. Darid's Ward School pleas�, 60 hang me it I'll get' up while llur% Hotel,
an ere
*f large ang&%osperout Sabbath school in that wo �` ct'�d tl'6� of the - tlrmin'6 conaltide iroaties on its - Goderich 2st
s�raaag,= and�capu.sang 6ntingrent Committee nubtuitt WHOLESALE RETAIL
gers, but� ed a report' you're 11 'the hause.'
n 2
tiOrT, a,:Pinst the 'violence a-hndi i;us. for the approval of the Board, and th own motion.
I -A of should have, - done �-p Ll ii-' " eY Lor4 Cafims corievilrecl;;t#i f7ail
ais Own se2vants. If this duty to ii cas � H i , : �'- - AT BUTLElir'S.
t, e Grey had said.
senger is not performo, if this prot on A%htleld Council. moved, -seconded tb�Llt ie k-1 , u,l Gi�an�llle th
is not fwuished, hut, on the matter be referred back to the (;out: a %offiblall
contrary, e 24th April, 1871. Ln-ent
car r P , copy of the treaty was only received by
r assaulted and ingulted Committee to report -at next lueeting. FOR SALE
thqe gence orivillful The Council met at Anthony Black's Carried. Adjourned. A government yesterday. It was.' now H E -N. R Y C LUCA 8 9
g willful * conduct I -
Of e Hotel, Dungannon. Ali the members printing; and would be -submitted on Tues -
t, the carrier is n day. Other official, documents would be lonsel Sign & Ornamental Painter, That Valuahle Tavem.Stma
present. The minutes of last meeting I � t
res e. the village of VW2g=non,kuovm mzbeirrimm
were read and approved. kpetition was 1MV01't=t to Mppois b7 Z rags irithhold, -pending the debate in theSenate 8 A, Be=tiful Assortment ilvjf Wales, Vote), Whir a good aud!n=W!2zg Itusi.
Ep UCBB has beendou 'a
presented front NV. J. Hall and others ask. clo=panlaoz. of the United States, on ratification. or "or the past loycars,
Ar lasputors A, d in- the cotiacil to expend money in' im. After passi, ALSO ELGHT1 ACRE VILL*GE!DT5
M . t, C
usto% the Consolidated Fund
roving the mad bet ween 9 an 4 10 on con In the United States Circuit Court of Bill and a Income Tax Bill the Opposite Saunders Hardwarde Sto�e. JEWELLERY OF ALL KilYDS
m I . the Fifth Circuit and SZuthern District of House of Lords adjourned. Goderiell, Aug 17th. 1870. all situate on *e Main strbetof & vlll�
10. The Towuship Treastirer's bond was 1TW81 nil
-the Tavern. and very Eultablefer stores cz -0they busil
Th,- Council af Publid Instruction hive laid before the council and accevted. Alabama, during the April term of thi�
proscribed the following as the qualid !a. 31oved by JF Andrew, see- byJ. Craw- Yearp. the case of Newton St. John -vs. the A. remarkable `Traveller's Tale' is told JUST RECEIVED,
tinas of achuol inspectorsaild exalu'" , L I - - Also.50 ALeres of Ian
,of te-10hers respectively.- line" -ford, that Alexander PhiHps perform his Southern Express Company was givdn to a -by Captain Ward , ofthe barqueProvidence and to be sold- d
statute labor under W J Hall on side litio jury, who rendered a verdict for, the, de- of Hartlepool, Rngland, who states that AboutlemifleBoatbiDftboylliageon,theguye3."Mt
the best clay, 35.acres cleara and the bahmeeain ftLe
ENSPFCrorus. -All county and city sup,�r- 9and 10. Carried. fendants. The points in the case are these. during his outward voyage to that port,. in Itorway Oats. 0HEAP ArT BUT.LE.R'S. sugar buBh. Excellent new house and buzandgood
h4endents of public schools who -Plaintiffa merchant in Mobile, forward 'November last, the ship sprung a severe SAFAM water.
,h. Ye isloved by M Dalton, see. by J 'Craw- 1 4
held ltba.;� office emusecuarely fur th;ue fmd, tuat J Lucy be grautel five dollars e b he SoRtheri�U-x�reas Company, on le.*, during a -1gale in the -Baltic.- - And his TAKRECRIVIXG A CONSIGNMENT OF TRE re To be sum tozzettler or seperste, AppDy cutb4
rs;,a achers of public, ;chools Ao 'as chaiity he - bein- sick and in want. t (1 yt L true Norway Oats from the 6rigin4l. importers and etvisu orbyletter pmpa)d to
t a
yea te he 26 h dak'of Maq, 1866, the suln of crev�: w4reall but exhausted Mi their 6ffort . growers, which I will
lzaveobtaiued lir shall obtait, firstellm,4% p Carried. Morell b; Patrick Clare. see. by $55,000, to be delivered to one J. B. Alex.; at the pumps t - o reduce it. -Ono day she D. SWIFT.
ILO 0411y
'I �'erea
L '0
rig t
gh I
not, d
lq�ond Eec
vincial certilicate (if qn;dification. of ie J C4iiwford, that T I] atinah he reftinde4 and", 4 �v6sl`de'nt Of Neiv York gity. For suddenly stopped maki4g more water,and Sell *50 cents pe.r Peck, Fishiiftg Tackles, 3M -.AL is Pnix;aimon, 3bftb24tb 2871.
highest grade (A); Q head a live dottars - taxes pt ir this he paid the ordinary chal-je4of twen�y-.,eyentually the 'vessel- xeacIfe A 0 the genuine '. Sanford Corn which ripens in Sept
Granunar or Ht:.,h schoolS vasters of � -,,, back dd b hini to the d Dantzia 'Simd lit yourorders at once, also Early Rose, liarrisvi JULLIJ RMOM
whop ha ve County Treasurer for 23 and -06 Arthu: fivecentsfor letters in stamped govei�a- "Iy: After the dischaffge orthecirg6a -and all leadiiig varieties oi Potatoes. DAY
tall'2-ht the 31--nie sch9ol for,three years, Street� Port Albert. - Carried. Moved bv ment enveIopesi thus leading t4peTployes searph was. made for� the leak, resulting in WMLIAM CAMPBELI� ex- 0 I -11s -
an I who shall prepare au,1 transmit f of -the Southern Express into the the discovery of q hole in the c Goder;ch. Ist Feb., 1871. F ALL K1168. :;OXSISTrN`G OF REELS,
t 40, -J Crawford, seconded ny John F Andrew, entre, of one sw,t�7
*2 that A Bay's accout e after planks from the yielding ofa I .
e n tt-of $C50 for dra, i
win- belief that it was butaii ordinary bitsines-8 of th "OMM 0-D"Ar 01 US NOW To quil
-on the organizaticin and discipline of - olan of the eig letter, having no declared value. The knot in the wood, and in this aperture was BAITS, AIVUR CRUCE
he brid-e crassing -ohteen
lie sjhools! and all ,-,I f. I- '-1L. ;t L L. letter was ca�o,-;.,) Q 4.1. T" It.* RA T EN T S HOOKS
proceeded regrubirly - 11- e3 W V ve - ez-ver on t e oandary. retwee Ash, 1. on ern r�� - - 1, ose co a on and I RM - DMIUR PUILL"IN21 t4
to their degrees in �field and lijiron, bp paid. Carried. 311ov, presq Company to Lynchbu- Va., and the vessel when alive had been FOR - INVEN-TIONS LINES
;_ ; ; t� -D-1 I U - 4%. rg the evident -P-0-
--.Y IM e- .r U e tizu Domillaup, 1N d by J Craw rd, see. by J P Andrev,- 4 .. - rmns rre LO LIEU CW�L(Jqy an(l %k�LWU VJ� tUU Stoppage or - the le" ana —:0:— - -
and who have tati�ht In a colle-a or ihat,D, Boyd, 8 M-trray and j Matbeg6n care WtlielAdarns Express Conjpany,t(�bo coris�eoIu�it salvation of the ship? and quPerioi kind (NEARLY IOPPOSITB V- d VJWA
school not less than three years, ana v; Lo EXPEDITIOUSLY & PROPERLY WD DRUG STORE)
do thLeir statute Ibor under Alexander by It olelivered to the person addressed in crew,
shall prepare and transmit - til the Edu - F orgrason on sideline 15 and 14G� coo. 14. NewYurL- The de -livery clerk- of tliiii lat--' secured in Canada, the United States and Europe. SELLIHO F.AT COST Convenieur to 'the Market.
ter conopany, ATEXTgaur auteed or no charge. Send for7frint- ecitfe the
titinal a I)epartment satisfactory talh, 11 Cartled. 1IovedbJJ0t1,iwfQrd,sec.,4yJ instead -of performing big Tho Wimblodou Telm� P.
-duty with the 0 ed instructions Agert the
fidelity that ustiallycharac- - in operation ten years.
the organization and discipline of id V Andrew, that a -13plaw be -passed to GRIST,
terised him- The followipg are the twenty volunteers Ottawa. Canada, 0
180110ON 811211 be considered legally qu-. Ii- aurht)rize the opening of certain roa suspecting the letter to con. AT BUTLER'S. - took of stoves
@� tli, da a,,, M Ifechanical jan.-Ineer, 8�11,.itor of Patents and His 90
lied for the office of count -V inspector of sireets in thg towns d , - -1 t3hi -valuable contents, openedl Wand selected forthp Wimbledon team, to proceed
Draughtsman. PLETE
[Uoderich JIMICAVS., 1870.]JW7�1' sw104 IS IARGE AND] COM
Oil filcheo tjle $3,000 AY44qf4 -,.toNpghM&aMxt mointh .-IL"
plablic schquIs" with t�-hny fatiter p4ssed at next � meetiaw- i;f o4r)JI11011. �bills' Feb. WILL 1871. PAR MINWAIqT OF'AN=TNGTN
inatiou, on Ws obtaining ineach cae. Cirri�ed. '0tfi`wa,-Messir-`-Cott6e,' 1-aiti4efi ind R-3- ff
31oired,by J,'Tht-vvfvid, by p line willsave money by luspedting his
'fruni the Eilneational epartmenk 1 2e, JF Amdro'w, 61120X4116id �d p4hullist. ti-t1fe Adams Comj�aiiy.xif..the nowdeliv., Harris. btock befor6purcliasing elsewhere 94
certificate required I)y lam. erin lace of 1! Allen, that Neil M ft ur'O b4 ery of the letter for Aleiaudei' they set Brockvifle-Messrs. Bell and Wilki-son. KINDS OF JOB WORK WILL CC 0 113
a. ALL
Ex--cumsps. -All head -matters of gya a- path,master.inplace 9fA XupxP1,7 nd t1tat inquifies on foot, atid ascertaining the del- Belloville-Mr. Oronhyatekh amation & COHMSSIon
niar.or high sch-,jols, an& -all graduates % 10 J 401illa*b ' at ' hm*eio inqtQncy of their clerk had hint, arrested 4m -*;Mr Kineade. DONE.THE.SAME AS USUAL,
iMAfiiltrade. � I PUNP. FICTORY. 1.1141 -ti, 2st juljr� im WW
4 xatou GODERICT
kave proceededref.-alarly ta eir eg 16s Pott AAberfz Cag 194. - morgd by Y � and securvdtlki!4grettier 144 4-6:6 gitol�jl �06bbur4�'Mr McNaughton. (10 DERICH., & CT-,INTON
ia any university of the Brit' AWrovr, see. by J11 fund.4, A failure to deliver the package Toronto-Messrg. Jennings, McMullin,
a omm,t*o,, rawford, that we.- do 0R113 Mt 'ED TO FILL ALL
,red good grounds Burch, Gibson and NoPonald. I Establlshed orders f�r,
�aui have tafight. iL C011e"s 0 school at a,)* Adjourn to meet again at Alidlindor to Alexander was conside T n SUBS ldiflltPAR Prices to Suit the'TIMe,% I
less than three years; a;d all teachers of MAae!fitavern, Kintailon-the last Bat- for suit by St. Jobn 2 who came upon Hamilton -Messrs.- uHson, Oinaiiid
ur- th6 I X= XT
c -1 -ion or public schools who have b, &13Y0xL-' 10arried Southern Express Company. Judge Saclie, Little and Mason. ALES f 3/fiseellanaous Property. in Col-erich' and give satisfaction. Parties sending orders bymall
ion sat at two nesday. Townsbip, No. ofConcesslon and Lot ]Erehasalsoon
fl -t clan Provincial certifica Of T e 0611ill of roviss- NV60d (14YAN(�t6-decision of -the -coulb We o doto ok-zlff M6 016 & in Y Saturday, and in Cllutau'�every Wed. will Please aive depth otivell from platform, namfuR
Ot w110 maT Obtain such qr� in t . afternoon according torpublicilotice atgreat length, during which - - Lon&,on-W Thomas g an.
tad" -t- ft A #1. he laid par I Y45#6� Moneyadvanced on Property, for inintediate hand.
a PrOv-10113 Or the presdrit, 1:114 ca tax was dad ucted from glar stress upona Prus"isiob in flie' side and prompt returns made. -
t$c�assessl "c' YMB &,zleduced,te 44LOO per DOS.,
lawi sha?& rae considered IC2 itlierii Express 0 REVERSIBLE NOLE 1101RD 111" a A FUR ALE. PhOtolovIfIft
nully- qualif ed tnen4of R Hamilton Hti$r . ompany'�' -recoipt"s, for.; -Purin Stock and other Sales punctually attand- OF . �1
s R, - -`221,0-10=31 Olt Uprabill. M6—
to I- . . 4-,& .3 �.. -, _ Nrimscia aw so,
03k� 4VUT& -T-3935� HALIF DOUIK.
101 deintheassessment of real company' Onj�he 21stlof June, -4i
-City of examiners without f6iii or ti reduc�--
a 4� e e be or a canny, jr Ang*McponaQ. Tha'&Ilowfijg��' nigAey pacicagqs, %ylitch says "Ehat tfiis eututurbughoutthe county,,
S to forward the same to it,
11111 %a.-e,,n k amp of four then- G.M. RUEAWS Auction Mart. HOOT SCUFFLERS,
exm latiuu, on theirbtaiuip4t.tMm, the nearest or most con renient C11URNS AND STRAW CU MHE PROPEITY OF TUB LATE ANDRISIV 14rp Illhotograph Itedwed
arawergu`�ne3o, to TTERS. .
A Fergus-oin sand*duntlelii will"be'f6imed atLaprairie X111- 4 Ifsold on liberal term!, A44 order# promptly ofthe townPlot.. Aslilleld, Co, Huron, If
lhPattmi#i, Nr't�oiafisfhc6n W5 W WKenzia V-4 4 con. $50. only, and, tken to deliver the saine to from the districts of Cols. Osbqm'e,,S i Pro lortion.
rang .,tQa .,-jtherartiese4%to empleto;transp dndp'k a a Alsovillmake
-of Cho C6nuty Council or city be lape 'tteudMto. Arstelausland. TO &ores cleared;, with 211ings 3u*
$4 8 AiAIS�R6-&G, Stand previously occupied by Xr. If. Doda. orebaril.
comiphed W44 Ki tatlou� such ( 661 fell. very r*zi*ta plet-es Isw quo 49210
I itu&LoJeriff"t '.Ali 411-� ry. - " t ,
the re;nlation, a�ud�eiu,&, 1 $100.1 U!,ermas 'Very 3P-efmonmble. Fall pat UPWArdsat
6ligib16'ftdde '14' h&- 'eiisini 4Y Of this, J.:D. ARMSTRONG. t1cu1&rsa#to1?rlce&o.,&c. tube
company for such Arrangements are in rapid progress offAie L IIND AG110,111r, VILUERj &c Godcr,,h-3Iarch4th18T1.F, w-swC4-tf #adat the ADMes
4 - , CAYP13MLIS
-"Bnt this was only one point; there were appomodatiou.,rquirod b DOYLE 4: SQUIBB,
1rAd%W%Lb GAN
ie1Y 0 KE y.suahan,infl"
Fh6d * �f
council at *as 4hh�;4- W men- io� th GodeTlcib A
June will e' quiet Adighb6f
re!lnira to I-Wded"to where the Diaintiff, In Laprairie. Thp guppUegi. of, prqvisions rJ[,it.3; Goderleb Deember 23rd. IM
lwder'to save expense, -N JDJ
appol" cour Ly i�, TIP , 0*" -, 17 �g
exaluinars. as rcell as, Court dor�vacolea, the, will be furnisW bw contract dud,thellqpal
—116cli iowllshfp� rabneyin a letter sehled in the ordiilaiy tulitUritiis� oc�-6peiAing witli tllLo�s6 of -the Agent for -the Canzia Landed Credit Co. and the Im-
perial Building, Sayings and Investmeat Co. ()
Way and not in a large ehvelope healed at militia department are prepared to shut up
r, -a aciNorner, and in the centre with seal- allthe public houses, orplaces alwhich -7b"ik1&33XJS :r4� 3121 A Nzw (;v=. --Geo 187J. Gilbreath, 15th 9
Inet mg wax, And.4 COIDERICHE
t1le emPlOF Of the L' tke Shor nly the dire qj)persider not intoxitatingli(ju6,*-,c4uld7.]�bobtainea. �80 Crowti Land Patents taken out. Debts- YP
all sealli ed
Mer"bera ajl-;,�esent. e -anxiou's i�e all parties to prevent even the 0ollec WO r-A'R �d sAlE
n tha removal of that eat, nt Minutes of last - meq0-;k; were read d it the contents. This should prove u slightest chance. of disturbance that it has Goderich. Aug 15 1�70
tblisfime ,To wis R X"Ttxpropfiet OR sale two very valuable Xkltds Inhe Town
Jgtka Superior, went, with it. He passed. A&;--�,vc"hat whereas the lowest warning to merchants and busine or.
sg men, been resolvedto permit of nohuts, Npizig Fililpof6oderich. Forarticulars apply to 0%
poor ealt zu cannot hope to be protected -by -e ere Led in the -vicinity ofthe cara.ground. MAW, Buron Road.
n tendor-Ttir putting ESTABLISHED'I
h. W a badcough, in a t011e culvert on wl
and ar vi 0SEP11
at rfluette, US Symptoms of con 3ress companies, except by- -P, tr Townsh;p
the 1st con. as advertised for is so much I a '"ict com" - under pretence of
sit SIX g nnocent Good.Acc'ommodations.
tiont a ere so st!au-, that he tras nuabla inexcd�zsofwbi%tig-consid Ample Stable August 15, 30
ered a reason- pliance with the rules which experience refreshments,, as it has been fouild- by. et -
able anm, the, council cannot accept ilaid' teaches are necessary for the safe conduct perienc� thit MPORTAIT-, 11
work, and he mtu�na t* Pinesville. -46 ,, the iale of fruits cakes Room-
�tenderp but would recom I P &c., went again to garquette just beforeohri#'. Reeve mend that the of a business that is.. now'. a necessity of is made' a pretext for selling intakicatmig This is'admitted to be a.First class
snag, his lurgssfill being in a badwndit and Deputy -exapiine the �Iaco our ciyilisation. drink. The'�volunteers themselvesheal:tily ouse kept in Good 'Style.
He Says that s4oa after he arAyed,% ge is,to, be�� b 3F. It. MANX.
where the bridgr
uilt, and haye approvd of such an aA�ngonfezii. 'They U. -as 15th, 16,10
warkt, some Joe in a jokin4 mi a wooden bridge, such as they ln�y deem liave been remarklible for good Z� Rouse Si & Carriage hinter
o0dadvis coliduct
'him to take 44 of'glycarince, which 0- rfoodand sufliciefit, instead thereof. The VALUABLE TOMW PARK
orderly behaviour, thefew exceptions to
potition of Mrs. Brown and others could 111E$ TO ACQUAINT'THE PUBLIC THAT
toing wiRjoi�t any idea - NOT ZU205 for 00=01ioudents. thii state ofthings having arisen from the D' -LOIS FOR SA1E.
A - he has fitted up a shop on North street next to 4
bting banefiqed by ik and frem. the ti 'e -ndt; be complied with, a& the council does The old rule's -for cor facilities provided by so called fruit litallS. the Wesleyatk Methodist Church. with vartitsh room
kecommanlnd, its Ilse he., bagan taree not 6onsider the drain made, was for the ondents having r Dunn'OfLaprairiej andMrBrouslaeau attached whbre be is prepared tQ fillallorders promp- JUST OPENED a road, and -about
ore been found tbo "liardP'aud tlyand--streasonable.prices Thankful for the patron�, T OTS 890.889 and 387 on Brittavil
-and a -few, dAys since returned to b-onefit of the road. Thepetiti' fin racticable
on of John p we of the Directoii"of the Liprairie age ot the lot 7 years solicits a qjnth1u#ueo of thi JLJ -thirteen acres 9n lot No. tiveott Maitland Conces-
7 )lfaseley an for common use, -and having become worn THE ASEWINQ WACJ=Fj Ann In Towaship of Goderich. within irnemile of the
health and mciighing- . go d others, was again 4aid over out and indecipherable by I nd Navigation Company have,wei'unde�stand, Vow Foy particulars apply to A,*:ROSS, T JE
mane poaud& more than lie ever weigh untit next meeting Of council. The pau- in ch- abuse it has ()i3g qRs A riiade arrangements for the -transport of -the NOW IS the time to �Pa' EXP40RIUM-
been des lot your- cuttfts Goderich.
befora. ffi! ;Liao, sxys that many otbr tiQ-n of.31ary Miller for relief was not com- , u 11 , med expedient men), and fot maintaining. commni Uodbrieb, Feb. 6th. 1871- SW48-tf-
to draft a,riow�
exs, and th ' - coile, better ad4ptei..Aojllo� Affer the 20th of the month the Laprairib
-have tried I with equal suec' plied,viijh. Isaac Lemop�. w" . 1)*id the requireineii 810108 ages.,
$1 for e dan easy to 'wilf madke- four trips a -da& and d ggr I the best CanadhwSawig Machines lioir on
ha has ku�iwu it. tor curtt several cases repairing briag' nti the pr6gent Lrb
con. Resol�o or"d 't 4th follctw, audIrstrateto., Ir Orderi from cottntry'Carriages�o ndedt&,
diseased Iniz-5 and asthma. A romark 91, eY3 the,timi the men are in caniji, �td with dilliatch.. hand, with ttit the latist, improvements and At. 19FROY SIGRn�
M inty beeu wrought in m9004;olx '"inddatibu,-vii Paititing, Gilding, 'Grainthg, Glazing.:reper- Pirtitubiv attention- is called to fhe . . P, or
chan re has� achmenta, and'to, b6 sold at the Lowest cash price. FARM FOR -BALE.
structed Ws�ky*', r#rtantad tdF, �WAS
!ght in out �dn �or-'fhl u1be provided,#necessaryp
health since last yea4 which he, -fts corner toAhe
arers Alth &121 coll. from Lo On Dominion-Dij the 4hole of the fdid-6 'Wanzer,:- Lockma;n, bsbo--ne,
-1. Write on. the thinnest piper 1pqs .60LBO -E, 1Q0 ACRES,
0, W. 3). RN
T 10, co"
Low vleared, good. dwelling house, frme 22W,
bem, done solay by thd use of Oil of 1130- cbn. Resolved flia-ijh-e all sible- willWo�iroughtove`r' fera grand review on GARDNER. with a Commodious kitchen attacbed,also goodbm
$1300 be'expejf&&'jnr �thk uz This saves postaze.
e"Ilre gaph,; or doden6, Alsg,-15, 1870
cerille.-Frih; oweA the---grobnd attogaals'Fj�m. The aay awl. it orchard,
`2. Write'onb" )f the'baper ;nd y geen-inoperatiou and tbause6fi.-I-H arArg well
road improvlpmontj,�ejjs - foil'-- - �qth sides c W �d ccommodation, �good be
ows viz: wThis sayeento reiiotili it h bt by a ed gtbrouh PUBLIS)IED-89X2'-V32P�Lr AND 7r8Jrz7,Zy.
pr -as beqn arranged tliA th� I y two creeks runniv the farur� and -
No. 3 $275 Oundol e paper. re win y Operat.or, who _.4 .
-ward 1f(i 50, No. 2 *V5, be reVio`44 'by the Adfil'taut.06teiii wil beprepated todoalikinas of Machiueptit� ich One mile from gravel 21bikd, 5 miles1kom,
Z o. 4 $250 No. 5 Th ostage. The paper- ma� fif6t thrbugb, but Isupplyofthe-best, kUhInd lbreadand g7dleri For particulars apply on the premises to
I P - Collector that ainit our. fail on the common at Laprairie .1 and, that . they undersigned, arh Mr D Vergusou, giocer. Godorielti
*0 vaid the sum, of �10.0() fLr otr& ger-
Vroni t3is s to �F leave eavly in the mo
'toes in collecting the taxea of 3. Don t pay anj tention Sp011iDg, rnmg, ito as to be TORONITO 01"REY, 'Ald LADIBSI'Di?ESS PA TTEAN9. August 15. 1870 W30-
-o`fA-sdWn,( bcotj werrywith abridalp the year oi-the. review ground at Lo
Ar utictuation, or glt,�k ng's Farrh in every deser*lptionfomtbalatest'designs of-Euttedbk
thAwent 6ut to Bea, and.oameriot t 1870. � The claint of W.m. Mutelob, for i. tuar. very well doaiimetohavev6iy pr
tegul eparatioli inade. totbf
Z�rkguhand Seff-Trzttin Ch"t
ated printshoik eeps:a proof reader, te
damaged ctItter4 was not grlinted. Blau
Nlain. The wedding had been celebrate James. dnd it is for a successful field day. CE RAILWAY, en tand it their own dresses and
his buiinedf,
in tho mornhig,ondtho party werato I Torrance Esq.-. vias reftlndcd� the 811111 9 to correct,all'these mantles, to perfection, without the annoyance oftry-
or ge iscb� led takd Th
ofGhlea.-o. and full instniietions are , ivenfortheuse
tot New York it� iti"hk 40 to. fill 0-12Fbcing.err�rin ASSessmentfo . 6f b "d is is thefamous paient of Willett Cornwell AAROAIN,
r the his c
hoice. Eye had some advantages that no othe of it. - The Y�adiei of Goderich -and y1ein ty are res-
veotrally inui#ed to cad And s*ct, aga u on the first IY�ddsdj' urue 14 md9t . 4. Duh't,write so'any one can read youi marilid W.0mamoyer eiljoybd - chiefalfimig O -V Bruce.'7 w-reaspleared and good 16g linuse.
311110edsm of rIze day wenb. roaming Year 1808. The council, Ad r i1aft
seeth aaa sar� ang, sAaijir
U Yllit hie 44s- ihit r'husband. W, SMIT
cOppop-p- ate writdr�.is& --ii h
the btiav fur a ighore iWir 4 ob 4t noe Hotel 11olmeavilW- he- to 'Id - never SPEOIXIt - �GENERAL -WFTINQc C title for S500cashorfor 4Woue-tbIrddowp
1) a sea A�W`dft i ot, doWij 6y L-ai t ori as an i aftis' lacerafer'ther heart by telghu Robertson!# 1dll1inerr,' Market Andtheremaluderin4aultualins a
ekes- Y& knoga ntgr, p -
6—ewoly rippletL It was thehat woh T. R, 84 ow his text door to o . Interest
id motheroused to coQk.17 toam
O"R*B - sIrA
Wlzethw upset by- a suolde business to write zi At,6 per oent per annum.
twift to, read. �Let eve NhTol'dceEmxo'tHtEbeRToD'ront(i�,,4 -RE -
ray & Brycer.AailwiS
Co thi'said
�,S%P104 Or ybwaf� ont-, to mid-ooeza- all 00J& tb
-his bitsiness. tv
Gpda0chiA3341-25th; 18n. 11W70- Lumley 5 Sept 1870 W33 -10t Iderchluitulor
Yoti date your letter, earefull' q�ppattlre the city bf%0ro;1to,.P 64
of -the death, a. n -.Kon -the fifth
&-anftr-gdea� it unknown. No "one left w tea ths itory i� I It Z tc �r
oldit illekriamer of ths--pl "b'
hatcho4 -a dozen
L 1 aid %� Vi&,bourpt tweivojiiy W113MIKS -Frke0vtdir
o'clock noon $V�. A fuz*4&.zofjiA 0 busy with live: Theeditor. HOTEL
ofthe 4ew-.WezIeY* d1lurch looking I" r
And teailess, I the izection shareholdero,t6 the Asue,.' bytbei said V
369"ri flY1d1:ql1dt1' less tha.ij tbreefeeifi�o& ftiio-t- of 1118 iald,- Comp4ny, thi . sAnotloil ofttha sold
eyei that aia.dry
it ihe post mark tin --the- e6elo 6 She, was.. White, wbel. -she xulucu. co, RuItON) - Fann for SRI&
44va ovor the wanto f wato% welticin It bromLiae.! —when there iv, a pstmarkl: her Ithe Bondsbfthe pursuance ofj
age- -Coralleny
60a sailthat 40es not c- t9bealland- but IlIA--66L under, In
tj i iand for the i)u*ses declared in the -21st section of
OTS 53 and 54, Bayfield Concessio&; )c 't
sOmeanae0mmodiQuastructure, 6. 9-diioks liart6 dtailoed�her co '6 the apt of tU&TAgfA iTo tor. L-Townqhipbt Goderich Containing 68 nereLbot
nAm mplexi l4tureof the
anonym it er 6tiliese-verbOacries'eleared milk ixoo& Frame
Barn, �and 14 not , me, about .21 milea from
od� splepindmd should theweather con- -is WRATH= Pill) CROPS.—Fall Wheat. . com Worpdrtding the iaid-06MI)
alike to ieo&a Py Ord
hey esp. a rRJ�ALAXb XAYLO
sv inait who ownea 1 e proopects,�. for� an I Thishousi In ulinton. For 2brins ofsale apply
tinue fworiblei they. areinsofteil, I I wisl travellingpublio,
Ithein- where. W.SUT
ei� O'dod atlhe�D.vjsloa
br*w abundant --Spring; ly. F.'3%Lted'atT*r6uto th1A J8thWofArfi10F
lon-tint � �Top will ber-hopeftil, j. -Coart office at Goderich, or to W. WI%GING.
10 a- . .. it �V:heu. h or fairy fi I 'WaIsad,- , e� - �. I I ..,; I I I .
wor vic ' %rly finishb& ferl -,,your. rtin jg#ml* I - - "I
W m this, = 1�1& ne: 71. In rd , . - , wl ."..W� W G6odStablittig vinditirompt &tteu TON o the premises.
01WORie Caugh, and wax twith'11111017- 0.-orllt tea
'*6 past
the weather for 9 d!- God:rich, Aug 15, ISTO
atherwiva p3laric"Ilditipn; he at le, week 4a� beieli foreign'language. It willhen be like, -4 Whon, vwx4red tCF Ull hili, 411nd ilitl so fora7,V18 very Jry�, iddle, and�ddi�rs like a- a -
m; 0, don% T OWD OATS.-* R�zt -when witif riddleir. I 'bare �gometttupl; When, Slly kii 617
Douglas OW -AJR I
se, t4 aru, orris-
full of It 'OUL'
hs W4 LIM p0radu to whont he bad sol a vidt,to -goatlanitfifs,winter brought out t4te SAI
Qj donit I irialkhAt I wera tfi'
er"6rr1sT`p; and tear their hair Atitt
two bushels -of a uevr,, ape -the swear. is - aj-�j -The woman.oftho conilihgAlluo
&a 001IL011140d he r1WI either exchang ieA of Oaks, -0
The -ShAll mania -Vote app.41ixv L -B
tin fh I ne pf which we did- 'tot learn, "vays Pleagailt to Wow thk yotl contrfbate W11
fur tbia or yuruha*id an-ither- Di -611 nnHETOW1qSMP-OFZ 8 R �]j .............
,W to �L aodericlu FOr- RrEIG 112rS. AJV?pIyYr-
'ri)ad-. trout ehrdrfli.
of hw siprise on learnill.-, that t gmin isvery largeand plump- and if it on 4004"'Arle yes, or no; yoil'
wss thtt Fvio he had pr succeedswell, b�i g I .�� V Eery 'ne�essary ace ........ erin Canalla, yvill be a vahtAbIF W. D, AJ.LE*.T. lluran.Hctelz
or the trAvelhilgpublip; lgwor�, 1810. A
�Yoursb q,,ATy on, now -she mo&tfon i
"MA AMA7 conlidered of W little valn Aidition totir cereals. Some idesofits. a not tifflAhe , mf�d Producing qualities m�y be formed tOVic-- On mn*ir For much. cu y as to wh4 batI effected -'confine%onb'-,'is'iinfiea Twill IkL i Ae-somilas now 'HAbiXA11 DAYS..
this Shia e Sell be, waa told that "Di thy- L t ir aft!6Wis v4rboS6 And if he do
from the fact that one bushel �f AU advertWifientsebargedbyaspsle of goUdz tM14y
on. Anphims Hf4vo Remedy anl CuWitit, 1118VAed oxacd.*40i Ifis. adjectives." Above -ill- -Ppd �,bloss fi�rj: A�nyhowl
forgit- the, it4jectivii. - 'Yo4 nbv �M' TD�
Nook" done, it. . Th it propa ilwilm-, LIKS a- en than CREA.SEDder.And-6flit6-i�f�braied Perfe&ed
0 Goderich. Out
ram*r�zblo i# d are the ife ai' D Ir, aplikutit6d YX JOB'DOW, "ciiemist. and Coln LANDS FOR SALE
dopart ishont wrox compbsitlOTI. , Bi. 4vilCy - The Oddfoll Theybavii1i" 0-40 veal AT 13AYFIELD5
Ultra of Northern h'
0 ia'.t
- I hiofi�h Agentror this place.
re .7 on the looik-6utfol�them�., ni16r Past Gr4nd- Mast9f C.':H. B40ock "hate IfOdditil instructions, and have confide am The !ilit
'that-tW6 otth �Agentala the xegairementp a qlt on$
P -i & Add e16r id -by
AU0pP0rLUmJyWjll,be thosaff-owed -rcieure At Pxoprietor� This isill- OTS W0,4- 71
rio. to el
You Aeo, an, y Ijing. -iroulid.. iti"ited the �brethren 6i Outs- - J
oluied_ - 90 -then, i atCleveland at any tim ili6irstreingti--
theimli. W
0. lL while on j� 'trot;tig- i4pediti e between,the, Townslilp oft3oderich, comprIeft,146 acres ofth
IOU '9,.. Whersignomuo _ g and thrvi uresiand best,Country�uotel in WOSIA
of,Jnn&'au(Lfhe let, of ;uly tb&t the portli of - fhU tm- bo� wiw. Too alu it
xomewhere .�L�� ' 0 mue cannot saidaslQ(fieIrsuredont, m6derate as any qual'' yf laud,*Ithin about amiletrof tlielfark.1
for tht Vanadfig. gold by a nada;aitd cnarges'0 Hus
olits uge 'Irbtfiren ma deeid
called. "MU(L Creele'. - We most convezil4nt. pe* 1. Stage Prol*lotor.' 0oodaxtiLblingroi p ofthe To*u ofBayfleld, There is a clearance or
hei- 1he'ardipiry gla _ wo� j%rhiro, is no glivaimn"Ifil 11Mtebtil wldcl�eouldreadflybepreWediorcrOp. -The
-w -t9, wavering of thi sight dizziness, "or ther utWl�pt AJOHomeaf Horses.
rulluml; VW, tko bod thing tU* -14, lottlerf invitation U sent PaatjGraad,, ' andcarnaltestor Hirefolt. rr, deroftheiandis closely coveredwith thebest'
done under 1kne are rict; 4, - , so"ticonib6t;onttioontroityfi�miot ular , n. �of beechen in let' rf splendid growth, anez-
Tiundpit, in
cir=lno r trangmissicili stiuctiortof theLeases they thi a pie lt. 140 gellen ses.,outwosidesofthe ierty.,wlifeb.
T1111"veNmof, a church in Wostel:4 they, vom Well P eq=Uy-appirame 'Wthe vario5tit Wff" of the Orde cauohig a (e6k re er lte are I
i 4111111Y I Inull) 110; I)MILte, or bitsiAien 'glearand Ats in from!sylyzais, unable to I*y thoir plerol. 519111L X4, Range A Tow.nahip Stanley,
V"n in cub the Amm" of siditry flue t4` '='Wy h"Ot tW Proper they abould have the widest 4WOiW4tio it
it ta" eneomtot with 33rdiu. Thol'11�6116villell riaw palace ba -the PRIESE11 w0uldpr6duceal"r it offirewooil to The acre,
hita,detormiu4to da it "!it trz".,� isiaid to WiiL tlj� andg�mes VE AS� WIELI. AS'ASSIST THE' Tholotrunstotbe ilrtal�
Id withconsiderabl&
SIGHT, Wanfi* p- Ur
tb*y SOnk him tell, f4ft Of dianufacturingpurposes. suppRed vith power vremes, hand
stove-PIP6, twu p*porx 4)f com-starch, T"o *4, knoll rim thvarethe Ch& it beenso The boot, WitmYs IWIT1I in' for tho
mantry4mrs without rbanp b.ftair Xecegau.. AIT WELL antl powsms mmry faeXty
J61t hxt. throv hop, of irsruish, on* Pop" Mriww* Are now proftotc& OV Mi k*y A GW1f`wJ1'RAb-I14h19*;6ct-4. *6 A(ldress Vor terms apply top- D1,AttM aa
INC - -,WWdPIr � . . -- A5relph;" 'rapi - tA neat elecutionf every descrip.
V1111trORC P9114 109 fAUNttlid two t4adw A4 the otheRF. 41a& VY4. Aftir es 047iitt66, f6i 1. tw1w _n'r W, W. Ision pf pl
were Will. eat -a 1111 Ism Quelpil'. Ag -i5, 87V V0 at ow M uny zutllbli
Fr -ofil, and farey-printing
b"4 fo potallo-bugA with