Huron Signal, 1871-06-01, Page 2-T r -—`777qW
the C0===o I 't re'-316glirlt JOIJ. ATS
0 It, On t1113 Occasion throw off thsatren h Snider atid 3). Black cru�st to a greater depth than the it
U ph - doei terra $rihq, and FO THEMILLION t.1
their *ontod,�SJJOVancsa and As SO rars. uteri6r
einkeopin.,J �*aty.,. even 9s- 4�tle . LP are I thus render
' 6 —The fifty- 6
6' tVAfl10,10b=1n,=e ar positio'n-of T= Qmnx's BmTjwAy. the offbotive, forcO of the as feabl
with ','a liceutiflllsdoctrine,3 proiaulgated, in intqt6apWt of the �afs rocreuiion- 801DOud natal day of our Sovereign., Lady' oft to TaM to us. - on the bottQML*f the-sea-asonthe surface � �R IfULUSM
ME, let, 1971- mid tl debueti a 1 9. f Ae Queen, li�as ish all duo on- -land hemisphtite. if'rom, -HAT. CAP, 4- "o, I
witit 90RI141ke Brit iih � gusto. At a -ter 'i PUS
t4MR. of men who always y celebrated iv of the
loyal I i1fillibitant* a rma fiifdo that
usisain �by th� eioiises itself fornat bav-! observaffo7u� Made 64 terra.4 coz-7,
'IrOulld the- standard of Free Love Ming, Inthe iiewbuildingowfttoaby�
early bout in th M:- the travellersin. in o
col. 11114
T1%N3DUU1Aa71= a- kh and the a in- 11talked" to us before, concerning the the loss of beat wbi`4 the gla
t an1d passing. alogg ago Of Zuxi be dai�y,SUP' s6lf; list rummer, on West S140
observe little emblems vill,
cialiSna.- TIMY axe sign1itzing their. of holid 314 on inst. . Althougli one Of t 'a a4ionition wegp;vp it, so thp 00
V signifloanvit in the form and. ground tll�ht tairts is t 0 io play any important IS 140W =91VING- AND WILL OPEN
The Of ihe Blind Aa�luiu defett by setting fire., as they are driven, on t it did.n'
�900urh.19'6f Union -Jacks and. other Brit- 61gvat w -as demeaned ot. receivili the SlGiAL. Why it part. If, he be correct, the temperature lztc�:�,ag rmatffda V�Z�4-f "107---agj
g4 In aCOMtiJ . appe Mezn -3
-P An XONAL for threp weeks (if the --aters could ueiver�h%ve for the insgeasion of the public, on
%t r
.,.Uttord, an the_ Q�J,
'nS stea backwards before the troops of tho 1sh fla d Drance in re)*80" Pro did not receive tfiq 8 oceanid w M 11.,16ynotikan
botiaotops Jauittiness floating correspondent Pf thht;val- we cannot imagine, as it wasmailed as 'been obtlained -from-the amount of- heat cuo CCU &*�atu th.-pt
With. Masonic. mDuo---s by M. Fwrovis from. the f ait
nal- w, There, Were and Olas out -gt-vi.nciows. r
;:'Overnment tothe idately decided to furnish a -small we heard' of the d F[Ain which pA On. Saturday th,9 4th day -of MAroh, 1871
str*o - 11contested games, iii ua le sheet has tosesthrough andbetnilipberes.
A. A. Stevenson, Chmul M.,wle-k of usu N n tzslc,
edifice actual �koqene L
Brm -of Pttri& The. Tuilleriea. of magni- the ebutse of the Ody,'pl�yct I it by, synopsis of the proceedings of the day— was m0ed; and now we i'Yet thore is tl a ;f beat' The Largmtand besf$*kqf Hats, qaps, and Fnrt;ishing Goods evor, brought to an e7.l,,4-
[t as much as. possible. After wait( to,,h&r the Ex alk -to d
C!anada, in the p=mca 4J ,, brilliftitt ua- ficent 'imperial Memory is burnt down. the recently instituted Br ad Ball blib fin- condensing i poCttf)r It. us which the solar ray—and the only way
torney-Gka&rAi11d1ljgedin I The uvre, w ishing offL at ni ei6 de joie and wi linumerous other lika �-rathelr.11 -open-is,to associate it with some law to Engl!Sh, X.eW York,,
ith 1�1 its tre g4tly au elitboruio-gi;
,y. The At pper tiring a f WON 0
the huge joke tk-.t the printtla3,afVasonry 1 and t11
asuras of art, d Ball in one bf the apartments. of Jqr j6yous manifestations uitering ill the di�y, Bilk, Beaver
other palatzes Wq on fire and a an which it either now, is or has been r�lated.
er the superm- The �Ashftold 26 ad. Tholmn croge=3 ILL
Carrick's large Tannery, where the youths the parties assembled, un)l Rats, Fur Wool:Felt Hats -
I tremeg Ou
and thme of the Ntent, (;bni�Aiat-�-on 'Wexe it a exPI046n in Supposed to have of the section; masculine and. feminine are tondenca of the committeb-of management, Itwill be admitted -that wh In these if the lat"ost for spring, wear.
ters were ofsticli Shigh to aatijre� ALSO, Silk and Cloth Capi, b tyles and Pam)
kt,,,Iy 1 beenthb br0'Win,-o,-uP by the insurgents of the kaid to have dofie ample d6voir at the proceeded to erect large fla pole in the T th 11ditor of the ni�per
identical- TheHonE.B.Wootlula i produde 6 tropicalolim" Wa -tVid'Stak has.' been made ipeciWly �to my 'order, and us 1 claim to home a t'bo T=, Q11AnBTMZS
lea for "justice" at the hands of Hotel !,�',#e Ville- lucendiarisur is, just the a r the village, -Z'Ch unfortuW rSZ-4s the Oou� Council:' ate -on the shores rOUL"h .1 -
-respective.. of R 18 about to Greenland, they did not receive th#-boat no [edge ofth6 HAT and he able <with fhe large -aud variedgtoclW1 toput on
picurns and �centrOstrft CAP lmsin�sa m4ft
his coAteiwpor='es, which we L%ve ntj I sphere 1 A such ruffians, and their names e ore. A p asitre, excursion. ars ' nately roved a failure; as,'after 9, great, meet tit Goderich, I think it hut right to We o, hand ana am continually receivi�,-,)�/
so, from, the sun, but front thainterior. �eefag
dtwlibt'h� will receive- Aprt frqui, the on ke in one '. f 31r Tlibrbuin's boats deiilofiaba,'wlian it, ivasq)Ahe point of direct -the attention of the Reeves to, the that at one time there was a law )wh!cYi TO PIXASF,
-P overn- I could nit be more fitlY associated in history was successfullycirried- odt and nine!; on ched state af the abov- THEXYZAM PIT THE -=AD OF THE Now
Which guided theg being raised, tho huge b'all ana arrow vret a oad. Either produced so high. a' temperature thraugh Lsx
with inything than I Fastidiou imfer- ,I t77�at
ment'in the inception, location, and ex- with the brbarous joyed by the members of the 1. 0. T. and which were placed on its summit proved through the -blundering of the Engineer,or i1ii , and at prios that will 'defy eompetwicn. -V. too he and, to- t a. a a 0 A somebody else, the late j4 -e manner wound up present existence, when the tempe crution of the work the object of the desti on of all that Nvas -bemitifw in It others who also in avelling contract sti why should We discredit its
'eut. . !nd, g:,, id in architectura� to which they in the evening with gntild Ball, or fete t present, broke. 11. co ad, however, has been dne in a most a OVenly and insuf ratpre W. M. SAVAGE.
instffution is nobly beievol e opport ZO ifice? ffeatalw�yj pre. Gbderich, March Ist, 1871. �Mjzn c- a by K0 rm
a unity ot applyig-the tO1UL theresidence of M' Smi*th, TuAytoodlem by this mishap the committee pioceeded to ficient minner and to' make the matter still has,only sunk 300 di
lti�-w for Paris and1!r;inc-- to bepu�ged Ca�tle, near Pine pr - amme And worse half& mileorthree-quartew ofa mile serves the coefficient L of expansioli, and iho 'We h
re of the,
art state this �oe- ave n
0 from, slibli a social cancer As communism, oint, which edifice was 0 Out the �f the worst p when matter is iii a fi did
su]?e�blY decoratb in honor of the festive to d 9.30 o'c the pians is- ( of 'he road has not been fficient must exist. Whatever inequalities
even 4�suffixiug mid The -struggle occasion. I have., roceeded yrwielled . at A thus rendering it almost, 1 - state, but not Aned from their rendezvous
Jk few American jopmals are' quite cann- ;�i ni, t probably last more than a ever with regret, that your humble servant down the principal thorou hfares of the .21111passuble at all times. Indeed, it is no may take plice ift the relation of these'
did -,%t;ftt the advutages they * fe %v Amy �t, li wager. Till then, fire and 3.%Ord condenae"tont on the crust, the 4drin of
re to I was deterred from t4- village. Not to dwell upon these, we uncommon- thing for ladies to be forced to T 0 8 0
nd correspondent; HA. �S T
will hoill high revel. Thiers is mercifully in- any active parq share in these outside Bay that on the whole they were eci a to slight into the flui# interior remaini- unchanged Juas.
the "Vii'ashington ; 0 the Mud where walking is hor-
the en(I (of the contest, by ntastic group rible for a man-lat alone S -clouds 01 dust nymg
prope. , much as the expansion continues. As the: by antl. do not scruple to s.),v that , recreations; his spcLusehaving early on said be the most grotesque- and fa woruaa' Now, heat became lost from the interior of the
)ecnri,n a supply of provisions to, dri le 'Sir, it is hi tima,such a state of things
riv auspicious mormlig, furnishea him, we Itave seen for some time, headed, by tl gli
Camatta receives no benefit in returr for away mime Erom tha. re1v With L strictly doi4estic entertainment, by band they returned to. their *etreat from should cease, and as the -present is just nished, 1ARGE CONSIGMIEN;rn -volume =a OaPitaL Sit earth, and its fluid diameter dimi A AALLER gra
res, itill, retaining is,
,o bad blo, I enough hs been Job to satisfy presenting to himl (and doubtless in com.- which we supposed they retired in statu theperiod for repairina theroad, 1 sincere- thai�, reciprocal relation. to the centre,
t lie vgsgranted these witer hemisphe
'this'e.i(iltble peol,lef4w at least another quo. The athletic sports were the next ly trust.those respZ'sible for it will b
ttnt6a. The ew Yv;rk but pliment t -o Her *jesty) a very large and a com- shamed into dbing their duty wit a went down to .4 corresponding -depth. The ho,vyresponsit)ilitk,oft.liefeinininecr,,�nder feature of admirittion and in this th a'USrJV ]EM CX -A; JUVIEID.
hout any
orid authority on mtter of 'self-res�,nunt of itt not interfer- which aff,,( crust which und orlies* the sea was, there. led hin' of course a petitors excelled and were awarded munif- more tdin-foolery. Some
trndi�twa fhiamoes, is impelled by the facts, j"Ir, whiph wmild have been the occaSi #as a mttex it prizes. During the afternoon dic- blameouDickandDickon lay the lore,,atways M a distance eqnallihk,the e
qttaf.tuln safficit of �irtliday recreation. Icel HITy, but that
f,r, aril of 'hational rally 4gaiast foreign foe,
to Make, the atm. ight ing Nvas carried oil in the Victoria Hall, is uo reason why teamstors should lose ocean a 4epth. �earet �h6 fluid part. How, till not 4nly t every cily, POBTICAL.—The'; following front 'your tin I hopses and imperil their souls, througi 'v6would ask, 'could 145,400,00,0 of
tos%h dd village the lmid Poetical Correspon6nt, whilat in unhon alld tO-say not' 9 Of the E�kow outside, t lat MUM U a eep CENT WE LO AV CITY PDF tht pt)rtZ�m of the lNew Tr�,dy wollIq ore been: desolated. with the seas inide-oh, for thegift of the muse erato. 91 0 square miles of wateri j5j000 feet Q%F, PER Mw
on, may likewise be in unison WX 4
Now per. of Eve's fair deep, be kept at atenipairAfiir4of'700 un- The appearance of so many isingthat ' Oui g is do3le without de- less an ign pot
effected by the Joint High Qsmmwssioners, b,ps, h� eous fluid world; as -large as the ith th tim. t4 oute of your read-
sh for a op the subject, I re-
g been allowed to cut each w a sell an of s daughters was sufficient to dazzle the eyes I a, I
in refeieri6e' to the Fisheries Qlle,.;ttion, others t4roats without hindanee, Fran h eis, to. whom tha�,,' win at least be new, plinet Mars, exisfed4iieetly under th6rAl
he no valid objet;titms bi ilie nL a c - although printed In the Si4.wL. several and bewilder the brain of the most stolW fieli
UniteJ SN-tes. It secures as very valti- -n be [till Wlly disposutt tolay down years ago, and indifferent toward the gentler sex.. ONE WHO USEA TM WAD. 'This IS by no meaas�eculdtion,'whpn we Aw. J94LV,&4CW30.
l n to the cu have considered the' amountof heatcon'- Go4�t i�h 23rd *y# �SM *ater at
Invkto iA this temperature. The cause whichroduc- 4
e�, and withnut ativ corres ace. Itivation of the health and pleasure )n their wing, But of this I need say nothing as ftrich
%ble pylvileg Alpin the Joyous hours c I Spring tained'in a sinAle cubic 'toot of
pondMe benefits to the British Provinces at& of P# W is alr6adyfar famod for the.number and The Civil W
� o w4tere the woo, irtiuws ring quality of its* "Honest man and bonnie ar 111 X
To nicei tur - Winsome sot iebody-
It giv% Ainerican ffi-hermenll the belie. ad the sinking of the water hemispheres
&a s6oliTtd by the TreaV (if 1818, and The heat udir free free wintry care., lassies." Possibly we may ni something in the first instanci has alwaszontinued. Finds solaco in the vocaklair; 'Xbw York,- May 28.-A Paris special
attractive at -some future time whon we McKENZIE, cily vzhi2ly *6ro renewed and c-,nfirmcd natmes t 1,
by the k And ilk -a lOud o'dull d0pili As the solid crust of the globla cou4ense WALL PAPE so
wAL says: —it - propose to trouble the Editor, of the SIG, -There is a rumor here that. the
Reciprh6it-y Wde of 185A. but which were Flets in the smiles o' somebody. an4 contracts its folds, the ernst which
On %,,Anes -lay, after a discussion which with a "History of the village from the Count de 0hambord as been proclaimed
last, by the repel of the latter act. niliderlies ttie sea, being -the lower fold, is
mo In King of'France by -the wing of the Assam-
Adown the glen the burujo rows, at reliable and aut4enti records. -ai 0 of the British Provin ces lasted frdw. 10 a. in. to 11 p. in., the Senate And on its hT.Uk the swidrop litows, the evening there 'was a magn forded into a much closer relation with the
kv ay aciotis of 'Mair ehastely sweet than gummees iose;, ificent dis� bly at Versailles. Lovers of law and order fluid part. Tbe * calculations made- b AS LEASURE DV INT13UTING TO 1119
havt s boon e%ceedingl y tow ratified t1je Washint;ton Treaty. -Allamend- Rh6y of fireworks together with the ascen� seemed to be well pleased. T
a emblem Witty 11 customers and the Public generally. that be Ims
their allegri-%l rig herefor6 -ofitb,value, for pened it New Store nextdoor to the old �wheie they ghts of fishing and have B�eiieviiie Fourrier aie, t
refissela ti� yield them an ny other consid- men -W(re Oted dov, n by large rAajori- And dour to me's the glade obscure, sion of some monster balloons; the two Versailles, May 28, noon. ' I - unknewn to arrs proud g1truiture-- they were formed, accorangg'to'Dr. Mayer, will 11fid,constantly on band, a supply of
largest of � which unfortunately took ,fire was attacked this morning. Batteries of
eration than virtiml frea trade %,. ith the ties, A 'newwrinkle"'in this cOnn�CtiOn The, leds ire to the duor, from observations made' on terrafirma-
P before gettifig fairly under 'weigh. After marlpe guns posted in Montmartre at the WOOD
.,a &ud halesome heart o' swittiebudy,
is a claim now urged by th ) House of
United Stte the ftworks ceased to hiss. and cracklP smile time fired down upon Belleville.- under a clear misapprheision-of the I GOODS, Now Patterns of Parlor Papers
By the New Trealy, the fishermen (if mode by which� the lit4rioi .bWat was DR. :Sergt2le�a=
-lit tO Approve Or Let pauglity Courtiers fa,� the fira and the air was no longer filled with gor- the gorernment troops wJ t-0-lon 207-
pres ntat ves, to the rig The loss di as transmitted. Tyndall makes an oxottl1ent the Unite Staus have hill ri-ht t;o take. Which Fashion$ wpirer
;�OTQ- a ofWany clauses by which New Styles of Satin Papers, 237 e -a 1"p-Z3A
b. d; 200; that of tiff
sea, fish on the consts, %Vs, and disap the On doway Lvixt-h or g-wwdeh lyre geously tinted stars, the body of the crowd insurgents was immense. illustration of the principle for which we READY.N'ADE CLOTHING,
United S might be called upon to pay ro mio their tielle.,6Laody. who remained outside the ball. -room. erected an
harbors of the Provinces of Quebec, Nova WhatkeutlivyWaLosci bliss 'Sinde Sund 2,000'pris�ners have be havatontended, but for a. far different That I a huge pile of tax, oil, andAurpentine bar- an, incl of debauched and New BratisAckand the Col. a money� compensation- for the use of teems wi' love and lis"derness I purpose. He fills two kettles with ward' TWEEDS A Now GoId Papers,
'fweenjealousy awl f rels together with boxes b andou-1-inord CLOTHS,
ony of Prince Edwar(l Islaal, nnd may Can fisheries. wil Oxres& rds, and sun-- water, and Around one of them wraps a They're alays teased by Ouiebody, dry other things of an inflm mable nature, C6urbet poisoned hims6lf after he was
dry their nets anA cure fish on thoge moist blanket. Iffe-finds that the water "I DRESS GOODS is
which wasoon wrapped in the devouring captured. New Oak Papers,
sbor-es; snilAo n the M.ik,_,dzd1en Islands, Gro me the loanilulhnur�screne, the kettle thus surrounded cools much he birnie's bank and baxlel sereeL elemen making such a conflagaration as Rochefort and Assy aie to be tried b -a nire rapidly than thd other---:demonstrat- Provided, hi*wever, that the rirhts f -f pri-
Am ERLY. Wi'opening glints o'light between was only equalled by the one burnt on the civil courk as cAmin@s. HATS CAPS, New ]lining Aoom Papersq tQ 4 L TLO
vate property shall respecttA. Corres- Aildlooks, ingthatit has -the better -radiation of the
Awa, wi forotl same spot the night of last election. After The Belgians have arrested several the
p-ingling privileges are extended to Can- nne, pride and opower two. Applying this demonstration to is �UL-o May 26th, 18M Those transient glininivrjugs ol an botir- the bonfire had ceased to light the streets Re&, and have telegraphed to the go -em- BOOTS & SHONS,
allian fishermen to -fish in American har- Ftym our S' Corr?syondtnt. Even. 1Kame may silent pass my bower. of the -village those of the crowd who did ment here that thpy will hold Client. at its e%rth I let us consider our globe a kettle New3ffarble Paperas
bi�rs, nd off tllt� ctnsmts far North as the But rami; me aye my som.0body. - disposal. of larger proportions -not filled with warm '01?
39th p. rallel tf kitiftide- But this privil- remarkably sudden not take part in the terpsichorean festiv s7ateF, but with incandescent fluid matter (MROO:Smims, za- lCsurt,**z lie -Ad to h insur Now 33edroom :Papen,
worthless, and it is chanres'j-hich the weather has undergone ities sought the solitude of their homes, Whenever the troops ca I h t 6 -
-arou�d three-folirths of, which is placed Fr-a-2at the Mya:�.,
,:f no vAtie -eicher to Antericians or Cana- %viihin th"ourse of the last tw.) weeks, FORTALBEIVV� where ;eD hope they- enjoyed a refreshing gentstheiiiaughtek is frightful. To -day (not a blanketwerely) aniLqueons envel N. B. The old Store tobekept Exclusive -
b J rest pillowed on the bosom of Morpheus. 6,000 insurgents surrendered in a -body.- ope ly for Now Hall Papers and
dians, fi,r thesimple reas,in, that there is ave bee" prodactive of a varietyOf effects i�Df icy coldhess at the bottom, with wonder- P 'lily -AL
0 earance of field and MAPT.E Lp. Owever, did Amy is badly frightened at the proBpec"f. In, p wers of radiationt the surface, and
-very little fish off the -American coast, and t ea. iard6g-, ir,,LotthE ��,A new Lodge of The votaries of terpsichore,
I eflsp�. ire wo
none atall taat is valtiable in commerce. -ills dTheextreme dryness of thq-�; the B. A. U.. G ir-. organized )erate, and we doubt not that his trial. Theiusurgents still hold B
; Evet n the not so soon sel ill then have no difficulty in debermirt- New Mce Papers., tho rol 1�3 All the fisbitig that are ot value soilfroml a entire abseace-ofrain areViit]t ting ot the 2511 'to- be held in �he celebration of Her Majesty's birth- villa, Pere J.a Chaise, Metiff-Mortant and, ing how the water2 Of the ocean have, 1ftJDV�A1ftE Shanmam, -MCI
lie off the British American ef)asr. dew ha!� 'parched and baked the earthe Mr. D6upg4larty's S( 001 - Athfield every day (or rather next day) will be remain- the Ma�vm. ' . W ,
J alway`3 received their temperature, and 'Of M, surface t a mther seriQtts extent, and Friday Evening at o"o1Odk-. j. -m. We bered in after years by more than one lov- There �xe,great feats for the fate of the how
a theinterior loses its heat. -From and is now full of
In the face (if this, re w4mder any party atan other cereals, which have l4a that our younng, ieridaii-thisvicinity ing swain who whiled away the hours hostages. The Gulf Stream and the Trade-wia," by
been t.7,�LeCrMr-.
journl can dare be unpntri!1tic; enough Whe di:lmiqg: and nat*e desiguedlor sleep in swinging his NEW B ORDER
illiainZ. WaMej� in Hapees Magazzine CAltlD vNTB]RS-)T60L
a thia I Age by A tremendous fire is burning in Paris. Rio
0 sown, fo three, and even four weeks, still will patroni7
av,-n to insinuate that it m;911t; not- be so seem s. at to be in many instanct;s as un- enlistiog under itsanners, because e, fair�jFbno 4 gh tl;e giddy mazes of There has been great slauihter in, the for AP41. N;ugh the "wee houses at La Villette. The Mairie of au cm ei�-77 m,4v- a 7sn ,a
vary inin6ous-to Gmadian, interests to atoved b� the priccipe of veetation s if believe"that, t t bli f0i a good -the Altz Or qukdrille
lit N6r did this Percy is in flame such as Rench Plisims, chim-Is, Bit ----0 -kiln-driedprbvious to hav- cause. The offi,c"e"res"were lin4tal- li�;� hours!' of the ni s. The sight is awful. PAPERS ,Cts
they had been Esm grant Lke uss of the fisheries -without any ins-rbeensown. -Fruit trees led for the eative party separateuiiill daylight warned Aubervffliers,Map27, evening. -The, FnL0WBCoXMMM8T3Vr0r9Tr0M Fm, pa youkg 110
Also,' which cuttrTrent uarter by Bro. A. f I offl`vrr=� mers, Sawis, Squams, Serew-driveri.
rettarn. Here is the Terdict of -an Ameri- each to their respective homesi, the tric6lo-r now floats over La Villette The CleWmen wbo wem obliged 'to withdraw front t1to bo ZO mean
, ) ago, given strong indica- Forhes W. P. D., vi - R. Brown W. C. SaxeThroat, have re.
s ofligtxuoling-at an earlier poeriod. of T., and NV. P. D , J. ughe The Zond-Z Peouiirpeirtodojblywuxovi�nmgtthollsoyles-luwibmleeVpx Buildext will lind ft fall Sapply Of Nail$y
,can commercial. journal of standiag, per- ti,,,m r V. T., whole the day's proceedifigs rpilecte eat inrnrr�dtion is expiring. ralmmUM and an In Ti)pai c I
ty 6 th Fire Brigade has vntered Paris. ladu6Hingei4 Paints, ON, (31ass, rotty YX tainlyby no means likely to ex-aggerate the seasoit than in former years, have run A. Peacock, W. C., S. Woodman W. S., credit on'the ability and voirappatence 6 a
row risk ef frost blight, but J. Hurray, W. T., a L Thurlow, W. F. IS., committee of matiagement, and o
a`ppily, provi- W.11). Murray, W. �K., Jas. Thurlw,W, cot tho- wisely a- , atttak- a a very n4 V�rsailles, May 27,,evening.-A circular AmerLcam deficiencies, to the effect cautiously, or h source andno otherthe Vast 6oncourse of fror4 Thiers acouses the insurgents of hav--P JUST OrCAED M9 the rig I . . t-=d, CT to n, 0 ad�K
,ht of -fishing in American waters S. G., E. Woo nn, people who visited the village o� a debt ing-collected a lar&e &untity of poisonous qVJMNp5 B
0 de6tiajly,� they seem to haipe restraided dman, 0. G-, M. McCa a, mTxD4T.-The* was quite a
"is of no valne either to Americans or Cart, th9r pre W. A. S., J. bffalone� of gratitude for the. amusements of the day. liquids foi a Ogg. the goverment T= Summm E vEN-Mc
.+city and sheltered their infatt A. -M., 24. Wood- turn out here in, boom' of -Her Gracious -& a -'a 6'16'j ,Junq, 37r, E. ians, for the simple reasou that therw- 14 -ids witfi�n a cosy bitk of leave which ZIA W. R. H. S., Dougherty, W. L. Majesty,and all the usual q" of florw
Gen T -*1C mmauders of 'the
is very little fish off the American coast, 9u sa, ffsheltered their fruit gorm frorn one of the W' and foot -racing indulged in, The 'firmt TAM IN EOR"GE.
wroxerer, "Vemailles -troops, was killed in the a
and none atll that is vainable; in com- what woulf) otherwise have P ell, inevit- BAn 13ALL CilunD,1 Club bearing the the object to attract the visitors wj�& the largo , 11
11 - -Ccm Ecou- action to -day. - RATES. ho g� ho mcm
therefom. abla destr#,rtion ; and, now that che earth apppellation the Port Albert Invinci- QUEEN% BIRTIMAY, Union Jack flying at tl�e residonre of W
ha,4-at lenith been blessed with a dopions ble" was organized Alonday 8th May. The Birth London, May 27, evening. -The Grand. W. Connor Esq. A good mah lad ;;
th;nks that tf. arsch na -zrdn-ement _4y of our gracious wvfH, eign Duke of V19dimir second son of Czar Alex -1 and -geutlemenr indulged in tyh'ebq0tuhiet pas- lwvoir your, 0wol 17 nfri.,d warm. thunder raifl ' 4 Ther, 23 members. The thooeh -not cilebrated with quite z6 Iii
am can be no V-afid ahje�;tious, by the SUPP "Oil ituder of Russia, has arrived- in London. WWPI -"'to A rV
Is an- befLao, Pres., W. Mil
"tris very' phrase , 0L JL
I - Madrid, May -27.-The iniiiisters have
coatintia*,.of heat and moi3tra is 6P- officers are D. roy, eclat"as on former occasions, did not pass time of fi8hingg, but all, ho wever they were colmcd, M01 J T eaiga to iadite that the. raisins in the P ti b. Pi tineoldnessanddrought, Vice Pros.,- A. Fnrtie' . See. & Trev., off ab quietl as exp decided to stop all French refugees io the employed, seemed in th' best possible
they are- encouraiging MUM o Kuox�s
SALE.- r. G.M. Trneman ha.,§ Cim, uBRATtoN AT MRS. DiVs HOTEL,- Vefouiliesuthoritieg, GO `.MG, MbRENZIP11's
pudding itave all been put On one side of the most, spirits. A slight aecideut ,d at the
the dish. There are "vali1Zobj,-ctions- by i Pro�fa Of 'tpin dinZ their gio%- in=(,,F and been instructed by D. MaRae, Hotel There was no celebration of any kind in London, May 28. 10 a. m.;,-.PoBpatchea horse racing to a yoting man of the name
of s�E,12
in all the profusion
Cattadatouivingso selfish an mdividual I beautiful It a of Agnew, who, howevar, is recovering all
If keeper, to sell by p0lic auction all the WroxeteritBelf (unless the hoisting of the reeeiv ad -during the nightfrom Vaiis and
Ithill ' a I
4 was a largely attinbed ball in
z Uncle Sam the sli litest ca-amee of over- he- and bl)6oua whi h mott household furniture zo of' the Port Al- Union Jack alone in its glory may' be Versaitte., all fepresent JhiLt the Cammune right There Whers, eveUthnig is ChezWer thu ever.
remehin- ms in a bargain, and the Canadian eOthusi�s i or fatidiotls Jlorti�ctllturit bert Hotel on Tuesdw'r the 30th May, � called a celebraion) but at Mrs the evening and a good sipper atMoCanife Goderich 4tb Mayr, 2871
Days, is dying- hard. The insurgents. fogglit
could pf bly 41esixa. Potato planting
etateaman, wh% to either British or Am- Mr. iv ordan a tenan b Hotal, on the graiel road near the v Hote4 CON.
the is. now th rdbl; of the Jay, And many illage, with desbtk4tion in the cemetery -of- Iiije
emeam press=�, yieds, cir advises m DOW. - of W. Graham Esq. I t on, the night of there were some athlet'OLS'portS, a Hiiae IS-Chabje.
yielding, of one iot4& of Canadma rights seem to at ter into the spirit of root rails' ZV
* the 20th MayiF fort land "where the race, and a Bitse Ball match, which indi- The departure of the Prusslid-gM&
ia general with mure alacrity this seuvn,,
x7ithout a fall camaut be coa weary fin4,Lrost.&-c." a success attend vidually.and jointly had the effect ofdraw-. from France has been deferred.
e opimons or temper 'Of thau at an p former periocL vezmnt vnth th him ing qnite a crowd.
6rIWIlles, oon, 28.�The-, insur.- Qu=z;"raTHDAT. Theational
our people. or aware of the indta-ati-4a lie TATsam �.Y. -A Young AWs Literary 31ATMNONM. s-,,yesterd[ay shot the Archbishop of as opened b till ry salute, accom- RARE CHANO FOR IMSMINT 1INSTSWITZI) BY TM QUM% rnn"M
-Th ofQxtmio-toisefl)3tatutesto3(nidelpaI otelalser atfiftyceuts por volume. smd to mon- has lately-beenformed inthi nuptials of Mr W. THE s. -These consisted of some 9Z IV an ar rie well-trained every clam, fbx4ffi
%-M call dovii, on himself- Cuada 13, As,-ncatiog . Is Morris to MissAl. �L!Fhurlow, occurred in foob-races, wrestling, jumping etc. and in Paris. The Abbe I�ugerry and sixty other pan!L-d by mnsic frEt I
reallproval tyeaty with lozaMy JJtXV L m- dy t-) tn�tke a fair Pheir plam of mjeetin�v I the IF in officlab at atte drAlarrer yolume. *nd is the this neighborhbod. on �he 24th; May which. many instances %yere keenly contisted. We -hostages remaining iii. their possession:- brags baud. Then follow d a well contested R+dom zae is MCI VC
-a" JU. JUr ofAM thelOnfariottottites on Ittsod. f a
the U tritedStates, or to give 41juthitig for new, ;a L8 mile wvks the onl' ebrate th&-Xatal day faaled in obtaining a list of the successful The troovs had -previously--captured La borse-race, and -foot -races; 'the latter, be" XX a Lodg4of the L 0. G.T. iteart A UCTION -SA peaces fice. 21� y
y Air to ce ce
creeL 11nderstand that a good number of j:Eej AIty the Queen. We compelitorsinthe difteretit efforts. The Rouquette and saved -169 hostages detained earied bk a running contest betweon some OF ur el a,�:,
Formosa 3 is membars of the gentle svx.� Tvr
Jiftil. solous have enrolld them- wish" friend properity ank Brat ID6fid d' coursed sweet there. owki4yew o Gemaui AALT BLOCK, 'Gderlb 16M XT, ISn'
-selvesas toembers and guessing frOm Past happinsas wfth his lovkly Bride. music most effectively during the -day. Versailles, Sunday morning. -The ilf- Imatrons footA h brsively for 50 yards
hnprQs&V) zurreetion-ia cibmpletely suppressed. Not nearly neck and neck. An old Tiiifoh TO 33UMDERS.
regarding the itellectual .-he V�aiitifd showers "Of 'HonsE-RAol:NG.--�-Inouropinio�nit would tion -to L to,
calibre of Jarious parties therewith win- last week ty h the very warm be givifig this part ofthe day's pioceedings one band -of insurgents is left. A greai matron allowed hetself to be inwlt- more AND
AraHabla man from Michigan, Well- Aher + it!
nected, it *' - ]BIWIRGLOT IN
y be inf�orred that wo umber axe prisoners. light foofed, than &I young girl of the -same ERS WILL BERECEMED 13Y THF rsv
weathersueceedingha; 'eadded considerably an undaserved proniiji� 0 t in
kni3wa in Goderi4 who, came across the zoill be, left,, tur?tedfior the adnatiti2xee of deregned gtow� on. There is a the rtilumnal of the'SidNi, or nationality. As it became dusk, the fire-
rbp- -ng. lighted'ors, to I - U M- out ve, ��4= vm
respectable. jourx�l, unlesi it were to con- has several articles ofinteiest. Anew serial one of the priucipaltreets, lighting up the
Wk % fiaMng boat, =t% that this the human undffdkt�a42 me y other The NEw Do3ftmoN upiqTHLY for BLE a twostory Brick CottaO. PlAnsirud SPecifleation
works,began and. a bonfirawaa tobeseen between tbelioursDfl and 61?.hL at tht
cious patatu bug has eaten jug evexy-' Theirc
411f ences will be held on the even- bz,
var" -Z" to the th �-of ve;etati and J)weMg Honsm�en V1 t
fr"I& rwitt, Ju �IAITLADVI
demn *it. There is; however one part of
in ternateFriday, at fheLafore- tale, entitled "The Clialloners," is cOm- country for miles aronnd tot nearly day- tYh�g in that State, that it has ormimenced the proceedings that it would be - well per- Vperve�enorals. The President elect a menced. "TheLeuenda offhe, Miethacs" light. The vroceedjr�s wire appropriately Godex1oh, W.33.NotbouudtQaompt.thelowastunder
said t hap.4 to notice; and it ilixa ther remarkable are continued
ift ges iia the- ne�ghborhpad of Sarnia, presant is r. David Yuill School'reachar "MzNewfohndland Seal finished offby sGrandBalljnCai;par1F1ill1* Goderich 2119th Xay18M' swwt4
TIM TwM 0�q4H nr AsUMEELD._ horse racb passes Off, Fwiheryz" graphic description of an Victoria lu
and tbatit, wa% f1trating Gz the lake in S. S. No.,J AshfielL MY f � that scarcely ofte The Kiatail. Lake 00ro Base Ball lub without -some. such, record'- hav' a4 ivhicLhwas , �towned with4�- G.39.
invrfilds, within fifteett =1esL. Of P. F&TRAORDIWAKY. ing to be exciting nd d6tierons trade..The departr maynifidpnt 811 Mrs. OTED J%Y THE IFE
-A a Queen'�!Birt' inade. One of the horses hile carver' pper iA Mr.: To INSTRU TO
hday by turn. w ing ment for "Youna Folks" contains, besides at JL sell by Rublio Auction du the FremImA JWtlAnd,
,celebrated th I as Lie a-aded up hera. He foun-4 some debatin-al along the public -road at a yl�. R.Bron Esq.,waiiiinatorofthevere-
cipty has recently been =11ed
ing, out an mass6 AnCpliy -ag a 1peenly br4ak-neck rate. a continuation o*f "Moth and Rust," an momes as 11sualy, and I Also - noticeELyour
-a , j xUle oderich on, low Wo eGuld 1�ko to in a ey'l ice al As stumbled foll,and-threwthe rider�,young Original tale, end Ga ck lookiak Paiticularly Toe. day Wtk' Jun e �jvext 1811'
spezimens, so lively tiat trzeyjumped aboat t at- ift- a loc itY in 11604, contestedl game.%' Th�-*amel commented entitled 11J6.say1s Valse Step." old fr.,
an,namedMonroe..6n the ardroad. Of The "Home"depaAment is v in' gappi and smiling. The 'CommencingatIlelockam.
TZ minutes aftnr being deeapitatecL The nominal y yc1cptFgdd1e-drRary; the erad- at -half -past -one p;. in,,','� lim-l'was, witnessed m t t rder ;
'ite asj -c,in TOWN GLERKIS OFFI-Or. erY rich
sfitutei 1xinc, that he ha n3
itiran4i tologgical oratory who by -a large voncoitrielf',ani6iis sipacta- course there was a rush of the cro�wd, inf6rmat" 08 r SEALTD TENDERS WILL BE RE0MXDJ3T G., 3Toufkfs4ssv9 of the Em Prm'xecorda tdir spirit& of ;he.,wordy -L,)rj. AS LiS natn'J�j air sym�alhy was p - r oue.fea d- been killed ton. "Little Roie" is ther piece of was observed all day aud -all 'In d
the appea-mateof the, pestonMajor Drace7s, musiofor We month,.and there are several 'themselves.' Co3L na4n@wlyereetedSaU331mklmpmasth the undersign ii VLHEh 11 h C, -e t, ov
Jm� . espot bat by whakappearecl Almoat a. -dgp eamarrit ed until five -of the elocl; ze
aear. lonflag. 'Tile ]Detroit ?ad ali situated near tbeJQjtlandPn ilaitland. i
mstitptiort Jiave very wisely arranged that divied hab, saltworksst e3rdluitesoidwo, for the servIces ofa. might
ival. titor ,
reviews- of new books, with extractT,
cle he escaped vuhurt., Surel ;;I fdDt raap, ail topiim issne for debate shall have no which were dilitilixinilih d by -id. Ind blue Tille, with aiilli�4vptwtewmm complete_ liow in full an.' Ho of -duty D*#. 7 o'clock in the
-y it is, among which the mbst prominent-Tlace., is Ce as etwozk !a that. zonnexton religions, or political mat- time that these diagmeeffil affairs were put eration together *Uh ab*ut 80-c6rd of.good lir _t
spsa 0 o e. eye I ulftal- ftentonil1g. fttLeouncil 'a,010- '01 Wa I; tnt W
ribbons-amlvat jatij,�ea'to. -thee4ateSb ven, to "My First Year im.- Canada by Wood which are on theP=m#1;w,,Vdd **i&' of he*V y ves aedep r Imy tenoer
world T�-- we;1 for o4r peopl er to bL- prepar- 9L, _tOe lowest o
b I ini�.rably eonsist of secular down by legal enactment ; but height of exciteiiient - 4i lbe, _yifig're- it 'a not -the X6trppoli mute 'considered satisfae ed, as far u pc3siWe�, ta weet the scourge. cially such as ar, tati Bishop,6fMo eugagement Duey Iba, PILapure Q: tho
I a based a likely such will be the case until oxW04n* iKL78
t_eel n sults of thegam% Af -hav'ing' five in- This c9nclude&,Pari First -oft ff
is- the ranzedy that has been subi a TEE MAX
sohtime�lt4f` a nominally domestic tend. nings Ofi ead fau'press,ofrota the bio, rkbt:4
-oide* di nto Dailies;' That luge bric Tavem with Dial t6m, Ittrue �'ftm THOMISM
h. -av
/As they.wara
� , A Goderiolt, Afjy 301h 1871. and Dnving-house, known as the Mzijtlandvffle�Hotel fonow�n- i t3le sa far. by scientifle. agricultu- ency andfr4m, which the misty atmosphere dowat6 thd.@mallest "eigght-by-tatn-locaP. TOW32CIePt. a tie, -The jz4i need with ing to promise,, we fiirniA with it an index eve Salt Block, and at rMeat the ab d
gdoubta. requires s�ientifie FallWheat ............ $1:20 Q 1-25 near -s ts of Iong pen4ing comme instead Zf 'Lgiving' soh, prommencer to reneweit vim Nev. stag -the ball -Aped and title- 'page. The six numbers, from Springy Isaac3lartin. IT!& riarertyiavu situated fronting -
"Take, say'"onna of Pari3 Green, irradiadon.�j! - On their last; nieetiu,", night sporting' d taib, shall giye. t4eth) 'Int;- MeQt ......... 1:20 0 1:25 the bridge end and'Will-alwAtys conimaud a large ri=or ha,! *,!:A+, a January. to-Jnne1uclusive will form a Flour ......... 6.W business. ItIsinauvwtUritstateofrepain-
it 610r"-927 With iscussion was held or. the ixt�- quart�r" in Teir columns at jll. .,Even 5:50
WW�fvht X. 7eiy 41)10
Env the musclam t handsom ffes. lf sab lmd for aloo
110=,, and then dustlha- miiture thron-11k vartantglie tion - Whether is.theartof the Is pow . I as, the itifluence of.tlie. a volume of '380 JJa - Oats 4D.45 .0'.46 WaE anyd n= --to L-7, ma 2a
armsZf the UNm* lik;licl 4V scribers; canno "4 theu�- boud' in "their peas ......... The gulldida lotfrontingthe Main 13t and adjoinin
ZL ('?3UXS3 masli ity hyL fh& I ti� a taccomplish- a -dfo
of tha;landsc�po 1prdenei rotuta;.d,wWi 7 0.80 the Ta�ern,presentl umd as �a "any over- the affectqd Sculptcr �sr, Jourt to"* miahtno .............. 0: 0
'Own neigbborlibod, th�y may., fpTward Barl6y tL ......... rly 1ftL tTaa m ruing wWle�atill wet. be8t calcid d to represent tho physi6al fields-melft, attet A VALUABLE
parts ea- iiae,of public sentiment in - the, 111, L 0.-50. '0:52 4
Again ant i" Paid --five �c
J� 4,66in the hbai to- us.VoA enti, Will pay ivita dow the beatIcs -nJ L- rr�e eab of aturelAslatisnalin. all such the lijait) so on- a�s those who -occupy "hih places"' 0.60 The superior Prame Dwe'llin %1NGYJD3T2T; !!d COJN� V. AVAWANOS31i bontVie sL Of atoes .............. 0:55 Ig 11useorner oMetoxia C y, a= -Z:5 v Ti Y*Ogruiis . dti:U444iij,the an (1110, the six bnnlbersm-with thii dints for B - BioCacres,65vleiredand the balance
t, JeaTe, . t utter ....
and. dilictiSgiolij., t propondei and Angleses, street (oppositeresidence)%of Samuel
Meg gv a, to. FlatrsSsqf-on,1p
tht- oustls2x
the poisom adher�n- t-,) I b vi� their na ...... ..... 6: ad the ;najori when:. fiZli� reurn postage. uning S rooms kiteheb, Pantry,garden FrTneb Y LpQaterf of, ard.,w -ed V 'etles 01 tr0s In
df�- im a fa�r -Tiours. The quautity uiett- ment 4 'most poiats, the palla of in l4ige glariftf,, ........ 0:11 IF the re& , --Thrce� presi.;- .4 0:00 with Cho trees -&e; together with good stable. ell Btork ith -,sit 0 or van
victory wa!� otelaril ri a magpikine for UZi wW Hay, ............ . 8:00, r "a -- ,riu- r iswoll.
timel w91 suffica fur aa acre. Thia is a tory dents or I 'patrone -of' T It is -a - I & 10.00 g odliearing, The si a I I ilc-. uHT clu , * ene�t or4nlyLnuml) , W. B. -A verandah hai� been contracted for unil win t9
Uan prb d commence 7.;00 probably be up before, -the day of sale.
dry ro!3'aft, and. ravd- to. the landadape f "tioni cheers.'were �1:00
,In failing spring bd is
phl�eolo, -stiindinop disgrace to olir 4 that an. er, C11 r dl therefore, gra4 aare . rmn -dcal old"allair- 30antr jren) 2 es 4 10
'i , roi ' o-Queert and -then ki - vest� 'or it sccms - �11-4RY zlcm
thia Red, the Uinpi aud.novV a era are invited t6 begin This is a elamee seldom to be met with for w beoldata, r R b
olue -isf -
=31,1 ba exere-gal in it4 age do not lob an w cle' ies his to I on all wuh ladie institution like the-Harse which, 1 er,Toml -4 Y6 1 ar?4 Wood,'! 3;5& (a) 3:75 ment as the proprietors ara-about icavit.- Catada, PIS. to 111P14gs lo f oulk a prelik ght, 3�1b.3drip�iion, 7-00 forThe West ludlea. B. YATES. will no 4,��
Ea% baeaappHe, -pn any a000Ullit bei�*Are- Other .. *7, iud,be d aWett ...... 0,00 9- 0 :A 01 Mt,;b&15;
a; so ended the d a balh X'Ab ft.- The,* Adtfldran n=" or the, plants tty which it specific with the tr Ii.- to, . th bal!, .2h in truth lifflo �botter than th I al ize 11
'tpai commodious- 8 L 3., a i4 that althottgk iselscut patrouize by govern rs mayor,%�
then repaire oriptioh� 15 -c �ntg�� ok ifilley. *alljorm-
an halt; spleo iid�othir.- prominent P I orso a These' 9hickeris bar 0:00 ."0.30 wit4f
faluat to ia5aleny�of tha dus�; and ap- keener flind ades, the latter--i4strarn' -pair. For the WtWoek, A 1*4111tig willbe imade knq*n amurivh'-12M May. 167L
t'he (1,)e&th L Wei p�'avid bettittiful.1y nee, th6,pricil Wo , - f waa held in th e Town plylt t tIzzliald ia such a way that a id after hvq�ving Q. -W, 6 � O.SG attimoo.rsale.forthe"ToLverifStand imd Buitilin.
A , clilbs of- - fiye.;.rentifting at o
;hptiest digfjiqZ Raeoij6rm a.medium for gainbih;g �of thjl� Will ortli � be �ud -do nuu the laud" in
na I, -of SU Ped Je 091r.a -0:20
f 9tyenteMedbrinortppouthepre .�MT, TW4WVWcZ;crc�
J)" padakeii b description, with what, -at), ther Wool Toliwasect . .. '. *TeasnabJe:len th ol time
wind llpy blow it Emm yon, &Ad not over must betrall ps; ! The b, t h a tre y onefourth ftsh, Wance an.
,Dfthe choice* will be'
ai es,:all as *dk.: The stra mental qftrWt te, w,
1FITIa. Aslws maye, n refras a whichoon6tia ieral prominent Zngl sh , 6oble' ok half ji dollar foilhe -half ear.,,*-.. 4:00� Fw cent per annum
_"t nighN1 Zontest is I, undefstai ruin of �oy
- -DOMIN'ON N'Dlq'HVV tolitaAs 2-
f oze C6nV0M!AnV" IiWhetherc�idvrqyormuil akffl-sifieb t ��indl ftbawithin the past.few years, uffict4ntl X -2,25. Goderich Sky 29M WL :w19 -td
le arms 0 he 'The y axich formed. Mr. Chat. B
vift road? 1i There seems varieti of alekant,'��ter�uiuibk, and ..... 0A. moo r7on wMatto dotwo.-,:i&yawar'kUe"&,r.
nd the. seldom pass witho t accident u'his lob,
a aolution-ofji unaefinea�,Vroblem; aLSWep aWl
%1Dm0`r0;i90nfOr the gllants a attest, eful . lbeiAtura, iminbeir -it "7% Do" C1 �N
ne f a Moril'Ji if,
fy-roundluthdmazzyd som kind;-andL Ot legally mbellialted-with-thipoitrait otsdine pro- PAT= J!L C an Cnc*�,
_ GodViA '
S"4hol6sale.' o.b. pw W3
V in$ -
cow a .2 _ t , . , ,
as. both the inaterhals in questi6n ha;%� L-: "04Cj r� J:L -:'jFJj C%'* nvx:
was kept up without av, ntatmissiqn, ex- Ot -other ptdtorial,ilftft� AND- tl_F , I f ah6, 'i,
ce was bou I piece o -4 Ida nWIC. io�
trie(1in;[*he, vidnitr foi&- Ionit SUd_ RAILA FOit HARROWS 4it"JIF WC21 temlvea.
cQpt,bv way of opisodi�f tration, some voi
ia orgap tmaud, to, ofyev6, and at an almost- rul tO,_bs,jfto , Clinton Xaricets.
&NMI MOut heard giving, forth b ectr
y IV minidet, �,daf(ae or atroniz r - ainifiefitly British', me'� chule JkL . , ;X e8p also A, rican niaip� CaraVs. 0A17 I ton ic
oul be it the patr- the UA and cheapest ever effey(14 ill
zin6, c,,jfi,,Fcrth $25.0.
peak out dearly =d manhil 1, Pad Seis' blo hotir-�thi �Ale peopple,�-b imper,.Uor. imited ALt Ily ta.l. D�gganfferinx denezin" faiisir. �fiuite success has, as party_ bro, ketches�atid Qes .111ustrative 'of lUxudiki rghta t-,ZVM MW3Y', by 4- dledrery, no d Wei ken -up auar XetrbdL - to onae- of rolighs Am! rowdies ZY1640111'relegrapIC Pvt�*Jftnat.
theit I - t a tting s '110V *ere
the A Othet, Al, L IN Sh'o, mr
home"veiyonii bearih� '91PUTe- t c�s, le& nds bif a, ay *hei� xz- i:ga lar aq�a ther improisicin patrons 6U)io�Mug an oth -- 4. Clinton, 30th; 1871. -
rvarious pr;Dvid i Godetich IUTCA l0th, 1874 W1141-
Puddle-drearianef ti��t the programme- of -1 V ian0ibes 16 &c.TheHorr. all Vhsat .. 1:25 .0, 1:80
telDbpartment� Ilia was -yorrliaclisai 06
4n,% may gapavate somer aticks mated in a splendid succoss.- -BAt, —An6ther'p4*b,o - Mae ait blue of tha witfle, a d
a -family tse--A 0:42,L, 3
led iteu -0
'y t1wn,;ht; =d falt and spoka Me slmplo� to liav Iting erinngh a h and.sin plers 0.0 Oi43 ERICH WOMEN
�jfU b1titile, to I . it& -worth-oo
t i!4 BASA t fATeR. f
the day's pr;;�ee'dingsiiaa-im tolo su6cripti�Osi. "T be-Ohila- (9� 0.4 FACI kin I
ent 41 Also 6,67ibIU& very. Sarly, GOD" L bcca
IvIlidived in no A-lumYVILLA. an fta.marr 414 Dipartt —C
lth-- * h . , .
of thor; (,Shoo Fly04B, B, Cltlbi-* .............. 0:70- 0,15 mile
L(melt citigeng, an&Uffere it occ;=Od ta Oxete XfIbClel . aPe
rashed with-4in tlle�streftms of your own upi )It -which -'the: x wa., 0160 aua*n
CAorg.-4110 extremely-wbil The ground
Eli= as rONWle ihat C= :00
far ka C
a n f 4ow tfiction in thia "Ambe Y' aame And. -a long ��acoro OR 7:00 o
14 Cure imsowilig the! re plairing r — a treble solos py
ce-9,1 -&e3ra of bot:�,,,Nbg Ainadian -fu� z4ed ry un�!r�trwblch -.V making ...... g Cap, Ale L aps 'o ILS71
in this pa 'li eng -hreo 'Z
rt., hrme�s. bitsi Flour ...... 650 1 T C�
Idittig, _tb�, Moo U in inim t4 oi%i&
no wor(l It" ijTpr�nfly;'Ibe r-' Lrgergusutities thiwse4 len Roij,& %IEO LEKM 110 ISFATS
ou. than formerly AWFAT
suBsonmzRS, vumt; mumm TnATiES FOR
Pawl &C= t1la admiroffs to, trila; Ily of ailI44 intended f unde as agrost Uumbarf -th' are. Ot $I go. Thi bjWi)g'was 000sually The� Gulf lismothing 4nore nor ............ 0:10 1 ! 4011-hIT fra into that during th%-paO winter, they havo less tlian 2Not nt
rrqArAtay to XX94" the -VW aa a goneral store good ; vie board[ ulany bn"- thd ........ 0- Q;00 , - ; , I r
to stock raisind� kh aud C(row.`-
lam=from. , 'zt olng att1UgLthoyba(1 U6-Vek- 'Oft&,T 1 11 and Is 'jilt L 'Wary -T85p00t4iMi1Ar, W 41 gaa was 4:& -mtelt7whabtuigswith markthatforl b 1�ext iian,
hiln ijIto, ideti it e on laud. To Orodti& this'gr at:o6eabic
ircry or aAddeda �el TheirManufactuflugX"b'nery
gan -u WCO11tin", Fztv.—There- are gmater prospects. tit ' I
amiount of JJ�Hif in thia part J ualled..'Tfie� oneu -L- alrortai e zmg Fo%�
and ripice, ara a �was Oyer b0f,04 beafou bi. a, majority. of: 7 rung -',for - tjt6 phenomenon v I v o y ving UCU entirel refitted, dVring tN wrenin, ar."I bsta:
mffz, re apolw,, giving a wtij;�,qpe a Its. e, . ul " to s4l;Utute
W ihi.itratiebAz�m"foran-elevtifedmouu in- Prepared to Zxemte Order,#
fb"hAVO of caltital. This with blossoms
grcat deal i rubluiiy to Aa:C "Q11 gorrealOnd- known. BvOiJr little ihiu"s OOVIOrA Dultalr,' The $40 Are
A4 I All auta is 'not ing is the t f1j�=b"ll"PIkto the sAd, insteadof undftwund- tempera ure elm, sxuaetts, pluneis, Vnesvis, Bitakets, 110r*6 Covers, St -W 5-ol 0. 1 D��,
ventitring the usual cTiti- slj�Ows z healthy. and p m wit .Tn Twews, -Ttill
4m INWinotti 'porous state f to be troubleT th- 41.Ja6k Froitt" Una 0 Senfortli, 30th; 1871,, f 5VRA=1TYs, -Z�Clr
Matero irtD4, juveDlla api derived from & few $quire ro - -the i Too*.. An -Koue hey will cut* V Black 12 Am V�aal take-thl Fall W beat faug 1, ff 'Alt which is will have a rich and, baaujrsf;4 crop.- �t afffided. by 146000.'000 WITH 0REATAR DESPATCH, OF XOR19 I
t ThRl- in r0'It of tra &I and population UBTU. � ) 1,20
TWZ=�Fo _16 T"Ja r X I weat VV Paulin 9L, Doubledo6 9 is bf square mfl6t '20 000 feet wearer the in- Spring Wheat. fteater in Pattern ThanF6iinle'riv Xang "17U Wandercein a vc-,r�j
after ill their prcite*Wions, shon ibif JOIM 1:20-.- 1.25
, �UOVZ Forsyt
C134 Of quiet th*N jieasov, there. bN D RWJkQj, 8 -*4- terior, and the, thermal spring ia,the ocoap 6;50 8,-50 Tolep, and W"
wanAwlt c the gr4*t paY44tk4 screfth owls, who always threaten - They Woull $Isti ftupartletiur xtt�ntfm to
In 11140'st all the athisr.villages arallnai IV coilaell- 5 it Kerr, 9 44 isfattmedl W� Ailrbience Ig only 4ttshtl� OAts oloo- Xarg 41
t,hC-X& to 'UUt#b' Of C4UUrS# tj&ey 16 - — &e. 'firm Nattires ;�iy I
One thim breaks up. the 4 eyoxy�- ell here, Nit, nevertheless there Were quite. .4 UYVA IST014 SPINNINIVro ROLL -GADINCT.9 -CLOTH DRESM
�onotonjy .9 � VR Carroll'10 '.4$ ti%t ........ 0:46 ClMoert _g we am of eeirown octur. 0.00
-W1tkWQ01 togetc, C, J7� 4
larlb-sh ad spirits. 2; utimbar of tho neighboring fheiiiem came 0 Leslis .2, 449 jr4ed,bykV1n
0.50 For whicb4beirmskebineryi0l"lally adaVtod.PartJe0:e0nJ11jft0?0SdiJ1ta
it th&t Jfjokso These'-ouire-uts; T"'t On the but- pea 0.40 ce -0 wat fit
alilt 110 tom, of the &as, are colder And de thating theirivIis home viththem t sng t�,
OV hal d us lo ael�,bra a lirbbday bf Gilroy - 11 R ftu n 0,7,3'- t-00 the same withRr. D. iFergtisonXtrolmut.Ooderi�b,cau rely on
-SaMli 10 J�cra r i 'rhosewishinto excbwagetbeir wool for goodswll, tint be lifted to the su ...... 1 t Jw8n ior* wp# ins; irited. around tiold. t nCe;j" -'4.1 "
AZO insisting 11106A IL PsZRO, S, J . -12 eave W
3nen aft not dispowd to �pors CwmAixn of a oft pu t v ra�L eve %t b ti fee, and could , Q. - 15 b
on the
fQueou ugi 600 B.P*LeXUW. Jjnt�-Cbmwork
V14 the interi. ,?at th= 4�ft SALT._TherV
moutAgy diwuoif)a pmvious io ratifics- thiX IOC4ty Much moreV 3re it notlor thii foroes front tralty, ving r4trong in4lationg of Abstractinj that beat from the' ru b wh P-994 0'.10L ha 4peciallyinview formiker yim";- iindI mviy people who hid JWN INGLIS SOL
134040164 T'Runs anderliait the s", it mill nmatil -Oioo
"pro"d jsiarsj;��Jihe Dominion 3# alt struck tQ-41&y1:t1ie'borer* expent L to a r-c7owded li�;uw. 14, woe iao
Mier PMSOUW ottached any impoAvve, bvy# thg, well 't
finishoil before 1000 fotk- ;ZDr.-S. D. Smp4o of Wroxotor.- 44d Void tho th RAY.- ZU11cla fne. f4t the to process. mug
_t a
the la