HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-05-25, Page 3us=, wig a IGZ.-AD R7 34 I .A E EDI' 'Zho Zar,V WITIII THE WffOtH RANGE of- tonie "URLIAL SUMAIA Y. k&-.L-a1W. M71r v 1864 anti ltera.tive medicines Icnowti, roeia W I . . par ob , 4� . -So T HIN G Tlic rafts begin to reach Q11"be INZTERrSTING TO WrURLU13 Of ARTIFICIAL en more tit cc tq cousidration than thek such' �s c6ughs, Coles, Whop, Kings'ozi is' distracted by Aktleetinust- Peruvian Syrup. In all cses of enfeebled ID Ccuzh, 33ranchlt�_-i A�3.11=, AT Ian -4 1 1 THE couvy urzr "to T I- and Conewh Fdon. and,debil H'S C L 0,T t 6 co S. -cmedy it ad f BOY'S' A 0 -YO vd constitution it.is the very new exam f re c"_ i Having. recozitly dis ed. The tuost positive. proo , 4 COUINly op'EURO.NT. i1robabir riever before in ,cust4ed the modern i TIedivine, Lis fashions of wearni-, the hair, it inny licit be of this ci be adduced. 11prill tile Colluldence of waakind, ds ailliss to say a fi�' rit ihe matter YJ7emcln TV in Oi w-, �is. being w words respecting the zwd ttiong vi -I oftpe rMwsof iver's Vi'i'k t iier � I o inode bv which tile artitical linir, fruin, 1103pecial Notift#o 4sen mg, tud bigim PUILWAXTtowicti ton, as it hab becaine better lmolvili It* nd chi,-nons xe made is CkL of Src­rEvt men It It" The rin :a ro ill 1.4) . Uire. Judge of file lu've Court dht character anti Power to rilre tile vill In' ate, ' . uobtailled. - 111 recent number of the A ha.-e,made It knowii ab a re -i the eighth day 8 ving till 's appeared along and 'FFELLOWS' ChildriOn's Knieker-Bo­ er nvabe at'G�odorich. (Iftlie blogis an(I till ! London Dailli Xe ed at dif s - -,,t ilt 31uple Itwitectur again The interesting account from its ,own com- of.,N�wy' instant,^,tbedebts of the aid Ins -1- to RM and finished. tit tile sainetima the inubt eintual renw4b Mal, C-Ul p!4titilln (if in tile subjett, ffi which lie n6atly and tastefully braids& ven . t v�ill be kollf by' -Public Atleton P t Ve I begiveir for ineipiciat 1.14le senses overcome by he e A 7% E, - Amongst tile di, t us all account of his visit to tille largest 7the < inti"Rooms of gcri,luts aftecitittils of tl; � giroatwal hu, Ats a A titien inat' i'l i S' . I .4 of _ uct warchoust a. A L! TUST. Kitiaiston Sire�t Gode.ieb, viL-ionigainitt suden att It. London hair-iniporting of of, C;W -illuubf joir 06. ` b lit oil Iind Ili every aild U- ;,',I: or timllc` 'I Compound By-rup of Condensation of ilia to ative will be as rel`owr ov, i - co YS". COATS Al' ZE -jeet 10 CoWs 4aid icozl4�z. U61, vin- our readers an On FlUDAY, tile 9th' daY Of, J E �omethncs I Should be provided Nrith t1fis ne. t. r w.fh A list )f the sai i debts toir-ethe I 'to 'I NN'inl- Ide:t of tile ilatu're nd,extent of the busi- 11YPUHOSPHITES1 W. in. gooda way as an v of i te for oun-S Vill be A toam. Ttirinit,v�,_'.-)O. Oil entering t1he preinises lie saw ARE tha books contaiiiin the ace Cui-Mile -istill --reat number6 of C-a,es &, (Ilb-, A tire in (in Carponters Wip 4, e d 1 Sort of 1IL-114211. f011iv or five feet i Constipation, A,;thmn. Consumption Laryngitis. pen to inspection at ib� ttffi -P of .WaItgr AOTCAI to bc)llra hQ.d!U bi- LLU: "S ll Ille BrolliNhItIA, lug& -q., till- assi�ruees 15 ad the patlint-re -omi)lete ie31. aid Nervolis))iowitv, I I A -f ul-L assortment of Ne a Cloth' oliqlcor, Wet idth exteuding the whole length of I)i.ltr - TO BUY THE LARGE STOCk OF Ketingr, Es Qzrry -So ts hira, clatielloly Debility rastilting - . street, Godarich, frotu this qat;3 up to licu,� twr the diEcirdons (T Ille'Lungs and tinit. faet Lo,�s whliouso front, a number of what Ty-plit'M juld other h..v revers. Diphtheritic Prost� tbeinostobs[iii-qLeel't',iL,*.-.2�,'i4lltttoit- of sle. big- else could reach the 1%tails, Toolsi and other A NEW. STOCK OF - CHM MjN'S -STRAWJ 1ND icalled ofliair, re- illy"uj�t. 1iV!1oVll0lldfUl, Antenorrh(ra, D . Auteni il'. Nervous xxcitabinty, Ls Da -ed this 9Lrbill dav nr civ, A.D. 1871. P-st ail settl­r and in ul. of died: sinall horsetais,andtightly bound %lara,1111n; -ir wastitit, of the ItIllseles. Aphoala, or A79RUA - JOHN HADAN, ggels anti .1"ablic swearmiro fflact Loss o_M3 U-IT—ifM X—X-ArMG9- [46 4 g tit it. TheselicaLis, I tozil moI ness or lilt- lilveri and Feehle Aetion of Witich we havt jutt received. ssignee. ra is lways r0jorzil tnd oPon Fif-v-six 1", -in(! nine girlS reach were ill lengths off eall,led by lancolls L A DIESI 'HATS TRLUME -17 N ­ i to twenty ilielies, Soft and ail -il by talm 0 26t�, from elgilteel ky in obsti tictions �-f the Lungs Air Passages 1(-afliDg nronchitis is generally cur, 11�1 th nd mily wt,-rtl of r tht-rPto `iin,1 Tjebilit3- from varions canses, wany casel; in sinll nd G-equent llo-oe4- t, -axe shades of -Uraw and Feit a s. ire, fivldcl-aplw�red - - I t So generally are its r1rallas mlorlil 1"IZZITO ut"t, tLX 0 Zeas: 40 1 W I �ltt - 41" color : therc were alsoclicsnut, auburn, OLD BY APUTnECARIES.. thompublish the certiftlate8 of thellilre, (11 slink t!4 a " 't asstire the public that its qualities lq %xell, palen, ro,J, brown, blacknd ray. Prl� Pairtters Wanted ill W;6 20,000 -Tin They 0 e, $1 .50, Six for U� - - :B, SM111111 0-1 were heaped in hundreds ok tile JA MP,$ I. Ff EL F, 0 t P, Chemist, To clear out tIA Large natior . tinent of aints. Of!;; Colors, G:ass and Putty, all of tile best Quality. r of ,vere', made on asSt. John. N. B. Ayer's gue G ze, A munie It. i another beach 'similarly ladun ; ll 6odericb, April 25"ths t371 Tuesday it Queb-tc, t 0 around there vi-crel racks thickly "toow2d for lads brought out per Prusafiin tut were IfuAnnd (Teturned f -.-,)-.n Per TIGve? end Ague, lnt3r-mtf�at 71—P. under tile great bench were bales packed tile villngr :)-SMry beremy Chll 3? ever Row-ift-srit etro?, Bmm`ir 'Inv* arge as trusses i0is Vovev, &C., refused. In. C. s, Some of thent s 1, an, , 17inve just relbriied Ague, Perictaical or B9. from t. wn und brought with and indeed I the St.), Blarrsmid Wanted al%claons Wh:&l Ian from of hay, and the warehouse-iii-aii, ii ith bare VIL Tills marsh, or tile. your ruLire ivit—Tra -om C"fr�eL I fe mularious, Mr D B Read, Toronto, Vear �Iago' �as anus, was pullizio, out lialid-tuls Of tile Sugar. Calien and it, To -select their H Nail s. Iron and Ilioiaons. found on lVednesdav on the- slinrt R wagir upplies of lJorso I'lunclas Road, , tightly -packed heads" and sortin(7 them. oil fid oil- Steel -.m. which we can give theal the very best value. As it nttTn6 implies, It Acl.­s C414 -o. arcl 4,1pe rint zlily)-M4 Tor- buried, by solne bo�. 5 who went ta hunt 1 he hall just opened -it conssiguillento of two fail. C, mmothe O)sPart chillinionks. hundredweight, andsaid therewasseven- ttoCO 'lit forget that: lt:s the most NEW SPRING GOODSAT E tyliateviT., if in nowise initires anY tintlenT." lite teen hundred weight more waiting for him mil Ininortnum of its eares irt the '_%Ir Sills, of Port Dover, put tip at the o object in rwer3! Dumb-(. Queen's Toronto, tin _N1 " , I t at the docks. The weight of liair an- stop it -?,:w I * and be-ittes, the fences aod st-masrild fricts. ;ire literally beyorld ecount,,anll we ond�ayllg I , nually imported ii1to Lon(ton is estimated al linve pitinted or linsted oil f�ithoitt liftrallel In the or A7ve meil' blew out the gasin his rown. and,��as itV, rrtishio olie of it every nininte.-Toe to'e- youdGenufne uniesssigned L Bintu Our pride is grialliptl by tbe WO very To suit themsttives out of a great var hy of -the Tools r next day uneonzelous ironi asphVkI'la. by tons ; but the 'Coninlissiutter" appears lit er' !a reveive of the ettres �vficcted in nb5n,810 cases, cl where olber remcf1e, ad V,hol!vTftVCfl. not to have scertained how many are I ail:] wheremie call put invir hand oit it ill ilia of their trade. c-iiher il recove :1 , dar), ifneed K. CIO =� R, Jn, r I received. The principal prLof it cbmes Wife :-Itn'tti-thertiluable. else ilia Parson's wife it is 'Mr Alfred 'W,*ldington U A travelling tbronen mLasmati:- wi!l lie Pro - !from South Germany, as that quarter of wouldn1t.'p-ai:e, it in Ili,, skie-n.- lit doe& teeted bf taking tile -4 G rr CTT has been empowered by the Goternitient ance of -W 40, 1z I -E_ For Drer arisii,- from to-PiAit? the world yie!(Is reter abund (Tobe Continuedi. cifffm t is ii to lav the Pacific Rail�vay proJqp t bef, ire 20'The PArN-l;LlLL.R "s ail imernal and external i__ the , — I healthy netiv;tv. the fashionble , colo"r, yellow than any ve, i I. t'. Briti:�h and thathe ly forilzoi. F,,r p"in. cramps SpasnT, La�ies Wanted I I For 1311ions Disciftlers misl _ 4 shortly , other. The German girls, how"ver, nevEr -;u#`ldt(-nCo'&4nd13uwe d a few dro-pst Ill 00 an xcellent remedy, lnei-nq leare for Unidon with that view. I very large stock Of the BEST PLTED, R. J. WHITELY & . many lyrily rP- part with the entire crop ; they generally %%*nter%viliRz%,J iinnizdiaill relief. sa linimenth is To I nsIiect a very IT. a- =Wljoml & 006 inarkable eurel, liad The L�qht of Orillia, 6 enter- wil ail rquhl ; it -i.ops pain fornost in,wntly.9 lie WARE. by Mi. J. C. AY�F.r. & (X)., J�rattir.11 sell only a piece out of the ecntrt�3 of their tire a o onulne muee by Perry Davis Son aw] nalrdeil Meralsts, Lowell, Blass,, and eal(T in- its fifth vear, makes its foii rt bck ha ir. The average value of a 'head' slid s,k�lb�ryeaiflli�e rm fZ61, uggi.,tsliud A large Quantity of 110ple on hand.' ,,11 round -theorl(l. nient ad improvement, and is 07 Pub- w is bout 75 eehts. file hair- buyers, or Gq', on, Bro. ST 'Ito V -AL CASS lished in, I lie.st oetavo forict. .1, 'eutters,' as they are technically. tormed, ZY-A-MM.,M) ]RAW1 JUVO SEVER 01.,00 The dav the Toronto tile are pedlaarsas wull, and never pay witlieash DW-navdware of all kinds, in NEW SPRING TWEEDS 'of the treatv, the Tde raph dc- arter for a shearing. They endless variety. N FANCY - COATINGS. ALent, tvir vaniln. full text when they can b, It BIAN OIL in Uolcrieh 1,,e Ceiii. ..d i precatud the criticisms of Caand.Lali jour -'are not the exporters, however. They Gardiner,,. I I -MANILES. Rodervilln. nalson the ground thiLt no infor- reiuthecniplo�of the wholesaledealer, FOA HORSES & CATTLE. N. B.-Eerything sold at the Very Lowest A CHOICE LOT OF FA SE IO U 'BLt ton. 6 -eorfl, Lucke- w 'E. Riekson melifinth, rtiflf mation had been received fxvni 1,A-ashin, i who entrusts them with money and goods, rates at IN SILK, VELVETEEX AND ULOTH- o -111 Medic: Lie r. ton. Fand allows them a L0lllllliSSi0n on the R. J. WIIITELY, 3011IN KNOX. W-17 Robertson nd Coolc have ilissoIved harvest. Hadir is also iwpoi�ted from Italy 1k NEV�R PARING REATEDY R. GARDINER & Co -'s, A Large quantit y &�c now manufa,vturing, and Rouniania. U ttempt has been pa,rtnership. _NIr Robertson reiains the Market Square, Goderich. r-PnIS VALUABLE PREPARAT 3TBIITES O0-191es- a Tete tra: -h. INIr Cook is to at another Japan ; but, L -,It the r,le,jleillal virtues of ihase'a eg Which 45 nade to open trade with ION r. thou -'i the Japaese frirls were willing to it,- experien has fir , ved to po 1 S 14- 1 M I 9, T E AC R U, o Wf," a," Godericb, 5th StaT,1871. ing Wagans. 111sic for Plall'Ifol-te and C-11hillef Daily i� Toronto. efricient proo for tile . !� . se:1 their hair, it was ')uiid to be too much , of Fie,, ids, ItVilson, a Lt-mclon mri tith "n pni,n4, Bru -SPRING AND S'U MINT SR T M REDS, 0 Galls. of till kinox, CrackFAReels, which'for nppera�ee and�lnrqbillty eimnt lie 9-%rpa5;- OrgAn. per ctnarte? fi� f laltw, -i I lie bottoill Af the Re-. like horse hair to sui tile Euglish market. aingB,me, -,r -in]-, Sweeney, Inte,rn,7 GEINTS' HATS, (NEWEST STYLES) red. andre ser-uraug tile Ptrjilage of all who W 2111 place t�, went to t, The most hair of ll, owing to tit P -so- or Gre i,e, Strins, Lameness, first-class art I icle, tvelir call -111. Canada would beia, betteri Wlwii�jw-.'Corno, Sand Cracks, Foundered 0 I its I scareitv P7?1 All W irk WarmnfeA. f,,r the honz-cless. . I is grey. The trade pay a Feet, I -rn U�lemper, and mauv other high price for this article, beeausL it is in whi -it hor�.-s find c title ;r� subject to7. Thi- 1?,,inmeni hit, GR 0 IRRIAGE in 7 years, records I iiiverce to been used. for mail)- i,'rvat dtinand tile elderly inall its trinelies woll and ta4tefUlly eXeeU!erJ, wlt�, a re silloroughly teied, de -a"" "Tchep-st at N JUST AT HAD every 21 and it is very difficult. to Obtin a sufficient it oTWO BALES COTT01 despatch, under the or 1,11ir John Kz-ux(formt;riy,,flfztnat:tt)n)t;ne,)f tile firm. un(lersl7ne,l the egl.-� in 4 yers, hd divorce Supply of it. mo I ALAROE STOCK T er 9 LA -M 01" CARPETS TY TAPE13TRY. ALI., WOOL3, (2 ply and 3 ply) oile wllflid�it tievr f.l� when timely used Rat. of rIlillglld i'mdIng the County tf to 4-1 faithlull), Rppi!�d. Bes'de2; the ha'r cut from tile' 1�=Ldsoi i li ill llravipoe of D.C. .4 4-ortAd all Druggists and Country Uprehants THE NEW VIENNA CARPET, 45c PE 9 YARD. Orders -n this line corefully attendea to. r hit nd G A TP laienria is tha, T'Al it in Disraeli voted for wol-rian criffrige in tile te livin(-, the importers. purehase 'dead tu I recent divisi-m. The Bri.tish eviostituti-in hjDaminion. Price 25c. pi�r.brittle. Nbbing and 7;intit in.,! 1,nunivil by one Joint Gray orToyontill. hair.' But tis technical terin does not 'N'ORTHRUP& LYAX, ANOTHER LARGE SUPPLY or Rop-iringg. i3 in dan,-er. signif3: that the hair had been cut from the e -s 0111 Proprietors NE W TES AIND G XERA G ROCERMS. trietattention paid to ll orders entrusted to us. right as Ill o dulng they will bc lllsemltM. I IL dead Pa ComftETE'STOCK im Ff' '4old in Gdoerich dv alt X B. Inspection of tle work nuw beint., tu-n X AN As A monster All'i-Stte Cartroh MV83 as the word might s_�em to impy. in Tord.,n 1 Uardiiier Co. Sa xj:,;. ; James is earne,;tly solicited. 13 -For Township rights. Apply A FRAS"rr ty meeting was held a few days a r. ahair" is that u hi --h has been pulled Bentham, ltod,.erville; J. Pickard Exetir w3o erietrP o. count I 9, e Goderlehlstlifaylllil. . I bprirryeon's C-hrel. out of the scalp in the ordinary proce3s Of j. H. C4111 Clinton ; Secord, 1,11C Marrh",Vt. 1871. - of ewilb;n- and brushing, and is removed r. o w; E '-_afort!�, and art AfedieE The N -ova 'Scotia electom Justained -Iroin - o Tit,- the b and the brush when the the L,-c;tl Goverzin-iRrit nd rehiiked ti -,e TIZIE IS XONBY.' coin A,- 1E1 1E) W J%_ Dominion Cbinet. Full retarliS are not operat:(:,n is over. These ,de+ached waifs EXCEIORGH) OCERY� in. of hair are usually throw-ri way ; but C. AM913131 ?All DESROUR _o it aperars tliat in. Italy, whence the prinei- NEARLY EvFa,yT-jirNG REQUIRED IN TIIIS LINE. Fuf tile Conn--�c,,�ci-t ertpped he clirrax' in -New In pal supply- of 'dead hair' comes, poor A Fnnilv Medicine, welland favorablykno F= -'slid. in 8 'years, I voree to YATESS FATT Z X r MiO OITED women have a habit ofthrowing them into for Vie past ten yea rs. never falling in a slugle every 11 murriages. 'he st�eet litter ; out of this they are instance to ve perria"nent A NTD A V H AR 1110 W F§ L relie en timely 64GRE4TPLEASUPE IN 1.1%. NCUNG 170 by I lithe IJ%blic oftown and country.thatht, has bought Cnm7m.rl,k, .S. C., 31a 16. 2 fishiad up the. scavenger, whosells used, and we have never known a sinle case oatibein;erest of Mr. A. H. I -rem Ili the hem 'to pefsons skilled in disentangling party 01 -SOLD CHEA Grocery. aad now intends to ran it on his 6wn account the 11-t peAc r r , i Cantia.. 00Ku-1Du:. -,-Lsited New 6erry Cou'rt to eash, vrcrth *220.0 lnslve�tioir Invited at -House _ui&satisfact n where The direct"ns have be,!n TOBE Lie has on [land, 0 arev oil for the piu-poze;6f killi these de tufts, and they sort them as t' I MLO'01ING DROAR-riviar. -roporlytol1q.wed,biron the eodirary a. CUSTOX '" GU I"JLER 'T Vle Repliblican County , 0 C -al n': lengt4.md co)or, and send them to market. with its optrations, --nil speak in tb; FIR,' -CLASS First-zlus Tailors constantly ainployed. A� GOOD; STO= f.vilcrl0t. Xane Mill, IST, 1; TM It- e Asa rule, thc_�je tufts of dead It lir e Surrounded the house of Si e Yz�,� ar hiablett Pirms of is Virtite and Magical effets.. OF, a colored man, Chair -Ulan Of , ,ezd of Shorter than the live hair, and w,lrth about THE CAXA DIAN PA IiV D E, S TRO Y.Pi R loners, thre-W entine one-third . less ; but they are cleanor, amd. fins won [or iiselfa reput-tiou, as a blood purt ,n� terativIv stornach ton e,-unsurptimsed in the -room, IR, .4& 104o, Cominiss, any hundreds weight of them art used bans lo his bed and fired! a volley ma, annually. It takes about t; 'RGUSON9 J" i Young's England we Be Fr 00i ISTINI BOB through the wiadow, shoo i , o ofriletlicalpreparations. it saidornfails ounces of false hair to make a respectable to enre Liver Complainit, ludiru.- T7- =d iis% c' "d ug FACT01, ,h the chignon, but this is done by the professional lion, Hea�lbdrn, Sick Headavile, T�idney Com- tPEAS f. t s, Acitit3tomach Plitlusic o'r Asthma, and has just Tinilted'trieenlarg6thedbb Ploderl'oh, karch 24t1l,' 18M or, and, SWrd�WIMMF ly, artist in hair,' who, by hismachin 'for I ctivityrtie Sytem debilltdted its runner eapacity, and has opened out in thiglL This ns they. ent-nel, Young 11.- e cry res or -is to x itR] TOBAMOES. forelpost, w mghim VIV", -h-n the preparation of it, ensures its absolute by Illfleriag Fuld dist-silie. re y, cleanliness. NVere it not forthi�, itu would 'Its magical and ;a onderint sr,cres in eurin. S GA jumped through the and rap,, re- sulden colds, ;ore throat, Coughs, Dipthirri., rhe Ladies' DepartmLint SYR. -U) P. not L,,- pleasant to think of What might be ceiving -m-o wounds, but mfiki-&. hi � escape. of virearin'--ir Otined pa"' s in the �Qr,lejinris and back.-nellralgia,toctill Ku-Klpr. zent to tl ',I' the consequen ache, rheu matic-and otiler pains in any part of id Mails ock, an- The :e holises A Tyi I in the manner bove elels,;.-ibed. the bw�,,tna rroar vvilatever cansei bai givert it- . Alt UA I S� I N .14 sallemed-, Justice and Dan� a p --e irfevery hons.ehold -nnd is fast CUf?h1AN1TS,_ I other County Commissioner, 1; it they i n g it 11 otber D a el:onq of the kind.- sa=eted hemselves and camped., e Pro- , TuE GooD Ti'mr-3 IIAVZ CO�IE T U ETY Or NEW COTTO S1 NEWCOTTONS.1 SPICE-, Itisak-oart, Ictlaiand prompt -rome.ly for 09 bate Jud -o as warned the ni -Anfl a,, lips that wbich has hitherto been sueh dit Girtft- R naiij;Jile 4., _E LS. gh before, Hums, Bruises, Sprains, Chilblains! i 'E ana !eft t'he ttywn. The- r, ounded looked.for ill vain, narliely a inedicine that ('rost Bites, Cramilin in the Sto-noeb, Diarlicea, -'13miriier Dress Goods NEW COTTONS I! I Tbipy fromtheir -�xperienee In wns taken off L- a bu2,--v, a -id. . iut- Tatux i coul,1 be relied upon forctiring-theumatisru, Ltiolera morbps, Billions Cn­tic, Cholera lnlau- CROCKERY ND GUSSWARE, thF?v Ccin to Alit enids, cou(,bs, 'netivflgiii, tic doiflonreux, may favor theri- with a f-z!ls hou-se four miles from the town, here he Price only 25 ceniq per 'irtfle. Summer Prints AT JOHN ITARRISS. burnsawl frost -bites, bowelctimplaints, tkc )OO fett of Dry inch al�d n Tnsrter� was discovered yesterday by thell'Sti-HIf ORTHROP � LYMAN, CONSISTING OP, I It iscallcd the ­Cana,lian PainliDesir, Floorilrig ti� band.- I marrested, and found to be a mai�_Jl med 'Neweastle. 0. W. NEW PPLINITS! NW PRINTS! 1 NEW YRIN 8111 ssess - umi�Ler siery 11IN A SE TTS; TOILET 9ETTS. FauUm,r, all known in Newbe 11,1 He is it, bottle Genera I Agent for Canada. ' ' ' C' nd everyone shotild reallv po, T 3 OA�T IRIARRIS ST71710TVT CASH,- 'out will F rbsoued a-ciolci in r -11 of it withrint del-ty. It yea relief the bv Parker N-, Cattle and STONE COMMON moment yoti apply it, nd wi I . mer Boots andshoos by It re ades to-nii,_rtr. 11 effectually F. Jordan; Cxardine7'*3F Vio 13avile.1d; James sum -1871 cilre your disease; in fact it is the most, Bentharn, Ro4gQrv!lle;J- Pi,?ko rd, - _ J1 —Ats, Spring -8 ','-,-ter, J, H. New 7L - - Ybe Reptil,licans in Columb dtr C) DAVID LAWSO AXD Q END OV, IT, son rnmed to inake- this a test case. �uder the wonderftil medicine ever brought before -o;be, Clinton; �-ecbrd) LRC, now; k; Mirk C. �-jrtrl_ aoiti aU ?J03;-y1vL De-nlars. W38 SeasonA-871,i Kn-K lit x law cif COng -and wi�jehdiaav- the,public.-Sold by all medicine de;tlers. OW-08PS, Sprind 43 oderitili, Atig IS. IIS -70 gress And by 0he Dozo.i. nr to have a United State's Warra-It issued MEDIC -qE.-The sale of Mr New Paper collars, Spring pea -son, 1871., A GOOD I- THE GREA.T FENALEREMEDY "for Fatilkneri, and -it Marshal ivi h sqna,,d Fellow'sComporind Syrup -if Hypophos- Pik" our, of aldiers sebt to bnng hiin er for trial Newlin, pringseason, 187J., 171 ' Veed, 0atincal, Co�nnleal- Duck-- phiten has been quadriij)[ed within ayear or Job Moses' Periodical PiHs wileat and Provisions generlly, al- = apted to build up the system and irn,,art if this is cl-ine he will give evidem -e impli- in the Fefler4 Court. It i4 b lie ed that so. It is really agood triedicaip, well d- X L,131,ftACx AND IN 1XXXSE V &RIETY AT ways hand. -Y SENVALUARLE MTDICIN-t ISUNFAILING IT." JOHN HARRIS' s catinq the other outlaws with vhom he vigor of body and mind. It is recommend- Till I the cure or all those pa mfil and dngeyous nd Oth r KnickM6Uack r1q I 1. - . AL 10 S-1 - I dif,enses to ,wh iph the female canstitaijon is subject. I NEW TEAS!. W AS - THE BU % ed bionir best Physician, and we are glad 8 -- NEW TE A*S! NB.W TRAS! 4-%T-- t 4 It moderates all. excess and removes all obstructions, All D. awl for the sake of the public as well as of tile At the Lowest Prices. I mid a speedy c4re ma' be relied (in. AccouUt. g - I � I . . OF DELICIOUS FLAV03, ALMOST AT COST. manufacturer, who is orida of our best Chein TO MARRIED LA35TV4 AT joaN HARRISIS. CHEAP AS 'THE U17TEAT6 Lit, 911 though ists, that Air. Fellows Compound SYMIP it is pecultariviniVd. It will, In a hort time, bring FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. SPECIAL GENERPIL, tie Charlie was at school, I HE GBNTS' DEP.4 B TkEIMT of the flypoollosplites are ill 917ch demand in all on the monthly peiiod with regularhy. Unrival—led Cofee, Fiesh ground dailvis just twelve years old he was hea I 0:j- Opposite the MarIcet, and next N0TIf:R ri parts (if the Doininion.-Owint, to fiscal ob- View Pills should not be taken by Females durin the A17 JO EIN HARRIS' S, as class in arithinetic. His fath 1i (I Out r1RSTT1iRrZ MONTHS ofPr4maney, as they are 1,; FILLED WITK' door to Joritan's Drog Store. struetions thQycannot be sold in the United sure to brbigan �11=rriage. but at any other ti -ma thty Goderich March 23rd, 1871. SW51 tf- V Company, Unit a Speeftal ricnPrill bleeibiG flf Me rnid home from his viork, his mot or 4w Stat�s, whose patent-niedicine-afflieted arc �Eqle. i Goderict 4th May, 1811. %rill be Mid lit thm (Vim.9 nf Ilia sild' that evening isiting a neighbor vthose boy Company lit the eity offirontio n' t4i'mtlaf 11to fifth. citizens are thus denfivPd- oftbead­vPntag6 In nil Cazes or'servoris and Spinal Affecticip-, Fain ir. ]ELANDSOME TWEEDS2 &V of Jr -was ill of ingammation of th.4 lung-.. the Backaad tLibs, Faique oil slightexertion Palplin- tin A. 3).1871, tit Illo bwar 4 U74vo OPI), of using really food inviffnrating medi- Will i noon for tj1PrU7PtlNP0i7gi%-in!! lo 13143 Itting with hic slate S&OOL lion of the heart, HyleneS. O!, P if t1fe said Company, the milt:410T, of Ilia nAlIr Charles a A les, th;s a F �UU7V H0 11 IN UvE, AD to tl-e is near his father, said cine. --St. ohn, X, B,, Joitryial, 7th Deci., whieffeck a cati. all other mean., have failed; STYLISH CLOTHING, R111.11,1F - _sup, by� t t 1 11 i1nd alihoozh a� �oweflul rmedv, do not Contain 1ron, SU0T for 1134�0 Sua%. Is sp d of "Now w ill you please ive mealkaecount 1868. the Ilrinds of tile Comparv, imaer, in f.' caloniel,aittimdny,oranytliinghnrtfultotlieconstiiu- and for the pitrposes def�fafcfl in tile 23st settinik of'. A factory fias since been establizhod. in lion. ATS & CA TRY THEM AND sLEEe IN rEACE will 4?) it 11, the pvt oftbo ortlio 'r-rovir-ca Df Viltarle, ond yon will sel3 hosy soon I ach package# FASHIONABLE H PSI sw&WIGA incorpornting the I mid Coinp:iny. - the United Snales.-Edltpr. Fulldirectionp in the pamphlet around a "Well I will," hiz father repU,�. - which sho i 14 be carefully preserved. 141y once Glenene has crot tip it first-class sensation "Are you ready? A'rich' JOT] MOSE;U, NNW YORK, 86LIC PROPn=0R. SERVICEABLE BOOTS& SHOES FASHIO.NABLE TAILORING. Sit ORE T(� RE M onn& lying, at liar dooriono sumAlerinorn- in thp shape ofan elopement the parties 1.00 and Meents -for-postit'ga,vilelwed to,NorfhT0P d I ',Lva !,` ing, aJitflel baby:wrapped in an shawl. being, a farmer of Metcalfe, name,! Jas. & i, N weastle, ont., grineral agents for the, '.mllated ztbronto Valo!21811iday ingover i$0 rifle, VSEFUL !�MRTS &.SHIRTING; 'IR COMMODIOUS ST RE - RUERLT Dominion, wilvinsure a botte,rardtain I 6123 ei;nld -Plaid i lartd the wife ef it neighbor uy'rettim mail., ctinupled by Mr. Win,lCurr, Groperand not find vdif 't th#e ; but NIZow, out to nnrs? -is the c4fr- she re3olva-, to let it heep- named %Veils. Morrow hasa wife liVing, NORTHRUP & I YNAN� pr �ently. lze of,the 11UPON $10- , a NLL, waicli is to be renicived nert,400r. 01able'49M When from whom he was seliarated, owing to hifs N ewcastle. U. W.,gentria d' p I AT ccoinodatilin and a first-el.m,,9 dwx:,Uii)- ' 401110 -11r.11 Srs1;Za(1lJ, 11hGVP no. an t of all it cost her And all the otber necessaries ofa complete �bv ha4 rown up � agent forVang use. For terms a, -ply to this billee nr to A lLp. the little b ?, fi5pi boy of cruelty towards her. The affair hm caused dr, fl. A fl T1 3rtlpm 14w, er A Ontfle ano' 0 "R, oin tfit,� Gd'nts wMinitAo stir Toonejr'*ill' IV twelve yeam of agoeshe wrote t1i . e,1 acc6dint a,,Ood deal of excitement. Sold i Goilerich bv #ar1r HAVE MIXTAUXUD A MRSTAMASS CUFLE dive D, F., a call before' buying. notifte-i to pay i" Vvn or it;t i F.Jordan; rraidinv.r cz 'Co., Baytfld Yanies Goderleb,Xarch3rd.1871, IVII-if- the!' 71,110 lint into vollA for Vo3ecillsil, card,[, ceter; J.H. zwg? Him. Rcl�eiville ; J. Picic I'm nFee, yearaat $100,.. .8300 Z An=x� e. , M(alon, S, cord, Lue-Inow; E. H ick, Flo FUR SAIjUl Gilder] April !Vth. IS' .1. Olothe3 for twelve yearA;, at 82 ..240 We have heard of a inan whn owned it won. owu forth'.. pn4,0: bledicine0jabirs. WS� I Tq fir ILI F; AND ARE. PREPARE D TO XA.KE SUITS TO 10-RDER, AN CHEAPEST RATES- snan of havy bay horses, six Toar r, ond �or twelve yean. at $50'. - ....600 hor-,� which ad been for a - loug time af-- A' Ts, year old, suitable W vitiler tiiatRing Lodgiug for twelTayean at � P .... 300 Grocery De�ailtmentb,, flectqd 131-16h a Chronic Cough, and was -THEEY, HAVE VED, NEW rfarntrig. Apply to, Teaching, books�,et-..,fbr six yea at, Nrow TALP. otherwie in-. poor condi COX&TCDON ... 60 tion; he at lencrtb' t Goder Ap 7th IR71 resolve to sell him,,, -and did so 1)oct3y aid linc4icifies, tbee t, .... 25 q'he sathe full .shorfmfsnt sm urinal of all trifling Sum. Some 5 or (; weeksafterwatd FDS A1VD COATINGS, "WIALP i the person to whom hehad . sold 0 -STAN Fy 4inds of Ae1AS,=W PRINTS ft A90101RIN LIT ving mitifulorsoli full. of life, 9 fin a be. 'Now tell me the Sn I - or. art, to be Mid 44 :llf se�t to, and:concluded he had eitber -exchanged Tea viff Pon rD- all jw55-tf 2 TAVEN J%1rA N fluill flie him for this or- pnrahitg�d anither -, ullt Oth, I 7 IN nres 'ge .. � 47131))a t!.P %till I;6 11do6 of Ilia. supirise on . learnin fr -that the opposi. eae �o � was the settle he had ';revioiisly in fttc�fl 03 't 0 Me -------------- 'rh VlA !9 fonnd Out that the 13Y Dat, I In �-.n lr�ri . tn q Owned and considered of so litile value,. G.W. Truematl is instinetcd Ily. tho Prop-Waki, On enquiry as to 4AL%t'liad effected so Insqeotion Inviltod.: Tairerh to R6u+. MR. T.HONIA'S L 6013UILDING LOT.9 "How inu& Foney tho'b6y. 9 ROUDFOOT i -Ag - rreat a change, be -wap+ told thvLt "Dr'leyiis R, A Z1. I A NE- I & ES - Peo ro sell Ii� public n ' .110 PITllilse-3. rn T�ep Arabian Heave, Remedy and Conditi it ig inaleed, aald 10 Goalarte' i- xxyj� w, i Qh All hVIng, Nedicine," ba -1 done it. -Z-fllis propaTa- TKingsbiidge. nn�the gravel beuieen, Oade IfATERINARYst- ".Da you think you cou pay so rich,and, 11day, Fr. 261h d'y' f )tPl i8 tit)ji ha effected some remarkable curea. K!ziea�dtna wliere a, large busiliess ba4 b0tf Ocilla And- I . . U, - -TllcLSt6rebas bteii entirely refitted and a CO couldbeincireased. Thebuildinglitalar -substa, rrp� 11-1 Rem ge litial. &-:I toCk ftaerg hl -,n a V7' rsq, or "Olt no I I Im7a just One. h ember the name, and see that the assortm0tof Stale -and Slied 'ieenmodotion, the Household ill 'Colliwetion crow V31 it- signatureof Hitrd & Ca. FUSH A R --UT VA Nolic LIU . LS - - faroadmoa,blvaletkhsei�iic6Mllietitiot , is on. each pack- 1),buthe prietrile6g; prescfiti�- cie, ntl knowulto tho p3pa gave Me." Milled, nnd: -461tij a .-large bmfineill, Ths vifte gl� -rolr_ . - h store Is Iturnalliate-ly opposite. XP.PIY on thaprtlailsei 0 M bci do yqa know yi?, ave to RAILINAY HOTICE.L., to f il'i pjorarj -to p� kind Northrop& Lyman, Newcastle,' a -jw�, 4 WX CRUfg;]nU ,2y all t5at mn LY G21 07 3 Read]�'X g .n. -%t.toy IT-' Sitft-itedinillictoria Street. TiezribP proprietoni for the Quadas. Sold 4y all FAXI_ adet :01othi 1�&VXN�-G ATXE,NDEP THF, REQUIRED XM Ahm 0cliesf laiiil. atLicht dessionsatthe and��%)Inprlsiqgou -le 'ore nd tile I miflm;,e of d. '4 =105 atared. Aledicine dele-s. Ofali -dwreflelve, which *ill �ha 961d* , Kitigabridge,12 m. and doing -L goofil businK 13 health r5 vETEP1N.A_RY UCLLEGE "Yo. Are yon not e e riefor - I o SUPER -1911 -,QUALITY, the Teatift for tile pr). givi up, wha." 'kind lady ncirsed ll't othed The ad -venturous persons,,�tvh hurried being 174; '01 0 mal exMillinitiOn. anWobtaina AL dipbliulp. SALFTOCO'AIBIFN.Cl,;ATTW;7,,TA'EO'CLO NL 6n, n OR 'p, 04tbef =,Noon, -V'I. 'AS W jXu,)w,.rer2dytOAttQRd fo theilfseitse&And sacidiluts Pr* I Apr:! Amd fanerlat yon thoughlb I-SmA forg"Pt off to Afriai in'tInea- of ditillonds, Ik. ve VERY 0AEARFOR.-Cy'' 10th it tbe, ^ iul'. roin t1v -tt ' "ALE. A , "Mil Nvj= 1ULCHINE latest mlc� OYS, -1-1 provomenf�,ctitxbom . orkod, -with j.T4rgq or I esti, �anluials. -Call roniptlattendeii T 11 rLi RV SItiam 10i - I I - i: vareg ; for'flia Tark, r LAR_ GE VARXI fe tit rof Sjultli V,. CA,311 for Furnituroa;d. r WT2,� di, - - Ut on a i up .or h13 fo i him Zhan lie met with sall. di' pillitlifni �tj - SOMe � fiVe in� P rrbf Ila -y f,= tilfs quel"ven Igo Slow- stoitilioutiatin t Sulk allorn Town Jw39UZVAL= IN. -TEA. li�eariiftha rat uncklandxir of Tomato. Its appit-rtvilanteS.1112103 alld The renidirider andther towng, livinct'in paveLfty officLe. I �­ 2y on ormni to. tho bak lr P' GOCT111 enceand-Stbloonand aftir'Ist.,11a). inthreo�quaiani)iialin-st�tinients, F wag 10U�dowuta exo no nioney to .rarffou)fir att . ti;nd linuger. beevinse they' h- antfon will be.1nifl. to th6 Goderlcl� 197L Vr SfoAd 40MU an(- of oarrwilt 1. . - I BiLGIM, 01,0TRS1 i�vlott, On on nert.131ork to r. the rate 'Usti 5. IT il pposl Qy�i; Live v Thoz. Lue, pt awayafterlindingth4 t3u, eovez;a with bi e tau tile diamonds' so (fi�r L,,� Wo see Yr% area : mentioned coitIrl be held, in, 'a thintblo.. TV T �_AL For 1 41%1 jt� Jr#*lzt t'!t-ref'r f.T f�(, licit ie-;W4uJr1ug3L Chr.relliti's services WX N, B -A n, 7 T -7.11 And All X B Until hogets Possession Of bill OVIMPremisea tit (lo n Tlig E nglish p apers want �Tlo govsrunlent _0,01 AD orya sametbin,i IT' 0 011-11, , Mora to P I ­ .. - -pl�lls' ri twelva ye:173 m3mmliasloved V watch- ta send a ship for the fract' ' f I I . I Vs Co1born&H6te1-,' xtures It bu Lou 0 ca. -and m Wt -valuation. �blgll willibe madet on. short nbtf I mactil LX boller jn gond order itnd�, don A, FIFTH N ROUSE %POVVEAt -ENIND !AD W14 -1y r the forti=4201v) S QdovQryor, prayedfor you co.stantrgu4ife, ,ill to 'kept disband gna deUv.er4(_l iditton, the. proputy ofs of the Kincofto Oil anti' Mining .*linpany will -ba, tinywhere Iii, tow 4,Lockporb dog, gat P, needh fast 1ji his -T-antlWorkmanatilp guarAtit6eid.or. WF�ea votE J'�irmv up, Kiicardine at fvelve o"doilknoonll toni, tie, sit t e ant W., ano n yo,j MiAU p.ay- tile bill. Aow will -MARX. FOR 91. . . - . . I 0 - in order 'attho, neildle rulf,litt, be ztTjc� TOOKOF lhdrsdij,46 firSt doqW �J au'.187 yott 9:�y -=fnaa for her love a succem �lmy 8 �GENTSI.l -T I 10 2. ice# 10 ASM ing-Utr 'by, Ur, Ro rLf' - 05 50ftrts eeared rmidrtl6ttla -NOTIOE4" but the Q1110 ki dth 18,11 told. efillm- a a rf6on Wa eires ffilect wit'll tors. 1�, � - 02 16 4%WiU, e7 dog, FUR ­ : L - ­ � .:! A - " -Cortilictilyf6r, that4larpoli& - - - - mi a-ain 1'4�u itlevarl rewfran l tie 1,, Cit-4,eirs-g6orl #wyoftnt. Moto -i A x tbronh t e to 3y a CITRAYED IN 4TiTF, ORLif­ ring fitwt Tho Wow* z!s ournal sensibly `Xayisi I11 19 OF T.7M �T, i.-" 0 im'berfin I tit -k NP.44r. ini: 1p Z�) gTher- ca not -wallit tvoinejiwhr� XkILI. I?t;TTY A" GLASS, n r it illihOod4-rualle Jr a' 2mic., 0 miles GE t1:9, are twit year old Co.1 t1v 07 fir �1­ �,::J It:?. J> T,. .4 Sewin - g or dirtherpaolculawappliolbet 4ifetione iar;.Von no neirer, clever I aiawe rurievitbl-tbo'bPat I -7 f t thi'Kh irritktft 10 1.1, � - 4, 7 7 -- t, I 11or tLo 'good Uwj4Drs and h.0 mothors, 9-.P �ir b I I Tho n 'UTnF W. I a 0orstantly ;n hand. and takeher away. orm',jr6ifje1wrccL P,nt4^� ZJ _�p ol S-50 k1med 11wi..'allf r,clear head- 10S 01016001fath , M I oh'�! Inv I phyalmans as-4nnfaidiful wive P 0'�M Ora HAWL -51 AQ.0 MT n4LdAv.. -t; f P4 and-emptylloarted for not rom, -the$ rawq tiv t),� be a go04 ABRA MITH. Lt 4. Port. A P. D. We. W.* - A 11 0