HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-05-18, Page 2t "I V f A ZVI land AAMAMOU461 I Alirroun4ing ,ao4ntry,,-'*6reeIustore L'A..L.S FOR THE 31 ION111 ftht a IEIA IV ILL the -lake shore, and'itiside of the ravilie litiguoill to- th'air Jamaq - but the vio4' - . iturd I jy An ontit finfii the scene -,01 discreet e, THE SUBS0:M1B]6FHAV=1G:EV1AB titt 054011al verbody lookederestfallon auddisipirited, USHEDAN PIX-0111sin 11,�"g co From One point -of tlkiiTreity-or; Unsil last�, th ptor,colebratod aw Vv�,(10118 extent Of lalld, 4111dii(lium that pra- rels, oflager which an,enter- v ously Owlied. and occigied, must iveri eptioij- a bray6ty, tliff�field-o,n.whichthere.wAsoude and it few bar HAT, VAPI 46 MR $-TOP-01 r`tit tx!�� Va3WUgt6rk of -the 25th alin ary'li ita illo A frankeehiLdbroughtalongw ug more 'Intiboilk. hurt after giving , 4re in 160 acres. A peraor, Applyi, -the priaing =,rml t %1a 7SZ:" PI' the christian' vorld, It ii a: Ll Ther- imiderful 014reer &A 4fid. dispbsed of, Tho g0DZ=,0H,, MAY 18th, 1871 c �Xoble-prd,. Wook-ly J;i4rar 00)ltinolltly't�, in the.mewInd1ding, erect a �y himself, 10t �ummiir, on West Side., AUrktt Pquar Cilyc-'C-11 l4ve to be cateri?d for 14tuds. jith the �'frai, goes On. to. � say e ft a View, d;,s a Weekly troopo took 4 position -on the Adge of of:�seduriug a holneateid right therein, cedent to bsfitut6i forf*o, iy peoplei .1 ro �'ty'which it biw1a, ��Ablho,time_vlient la-mentstopped -into s of p sport th ss than the hill, and were but a handful of men 18 NOW 21041VING AND WILL OREN 8611 uial'Li liffid%Vit' th"%fheiS OVerL '01 Yeara Well-equippedlor Var t a Daily; shoxiid beenconk- jile iring,, therd were Probably not lo 0 Walt -p thepresont- Senil-woo y An to jou"alitt fo' persbns oli tbeground, 'Yiearly all of -colupttre and that the ap06 pursuo 2#500r d with tho_vast horde vhtcli ILad 'ation, iw mada d -resort to the cmel & i - i 'I for the inspection of the publie, on ay cision of the, g) uen,1. every 9f tlais Club, C.amnm�2c As ande6mmencoment OfOur foiNexclusiYouse andbCaeft QJJCttlJ&t ad4ioxionible, cour-40. tile worst, possible _appqtonuce� skeddaOdled before thein; �rle's qyor - e- d othorpil�&' TnE BNBAUNATLON the medle-gun; to. settle m4 ova �n disputo ocinsixtent ai purl'ago to make thQ ill apP11T'% tlf�ontry is made for ju f til* `Afath&%vo, Bob Allama aturday the 4th day of March, -1874, rpoie of actual betWe oil Lhe occasion, the, oulp $'o .16rry n rize On. S i - 11 an(t Sim, as - W 01 as in coutenta, (an them by an aigicible, Ol I e low' galubl& scitlenient. U on maklug,, e of lilt, social The, embarkation scetie wais a -stitikilng V r. voko at lwc�s a -nee thia affidavit, qnolav I � � ishmmit hAil- w very P ens. fighters were Vresent,_alid 11 $,.Caps, and-Fitraishing Goo* ever- &.O�Uffllt ito&*rlch. I �% eatabl, I , w La lestand best St fH rnnstc I'Velice and pmsperity gati -Aens and I Ono, and it ift.a wonder that �manv- -were %yarthy of the,intelli- ani, filin., it wit -the Jfljco�, -and 61, plellipotentlaries and, to vrsoL toldiust itrge ing [1'61100 New York, ft - , i Wring, QW-inaTikurated.,oL%,new,� Dti tko Jaugm, -or the atiflia I f the- noli'le County th flurcill, we present h coided the -_-Ma of k not-41fowned. ThAproliellers and'tarls W10 (for � Which lie shalk qlfestions� Of Pociiiiiari dorapositiou,. f&�r- jy1f. oter press,'which. wilil, give � the to re�eive a receipt froid. the offityer -an7raslao—lia Silk, eaver _d it, a no ft dross- ��tuent to hill troib.BuNlo, and tither cities *gUsh, New -xk,-& iq�4eCdi pir, ),hla gh,.tillarising Mt -oj.quytrea entered -into, by proprietors stilittiAlierfadlitick to turili lit sed to avaboomerliptiedforthe general L radually berame -filled with't1eir Iiiin dzith t1oza 2b_v and r4hortly After four 44, permitted to entar the'lalld apecifliatt in: referring them JOL'tile, a first-olasspaper.- -MP.Yth04VU"VS*gO freights of raacal, W00iFelt &ceeft1,2,co7c:,a - =I foll Of Tillers of Mo. ' _ otelo -HatS. FUr ter -of qo. con. W.T1119A 'A ( k steamed ii�i*y-out -of eight. the qpplication. . In wifiies �)f contiguous disinterested P6Vc Aud'prosplir for."Qtll,�r qu-Wr ALSO, Silk and Cloth CAPS, Of the latest Styles and flatterlis for i3pring wear. 3rost -of 'Xythl rend 0 la��ds, the settler must describe in his affi. rs No l6a'n6tewort-hy tury. �elallj to,m), or a I claim 16 h3vie a 1-horougla -a act. tiaiiiers,they this Stock has been made arp der, Still S va%�Wnla While very properly urging the Re- e is the -ecill4al;1 '11be able <with 4he largo and fuel to n d t 0 gav e t ".10 b DPTIS3 a, d 'vit the tv hu 017HA and 44ottled upoa and.admirahl e b agreed 121 ZWOV Z=19=to. ACinalL 1*o am, -4 ar I aid much, cheering, stopped into the mutou edstock r I irmers of Huron to "rouse" fororg-aniz- amli!i his original farm %aidetiee on iupon between.Great BritainandAmerlow 010rical TRAU knowledue of the HIT an&W business wi mc- V4� xoticcid -no - lujadle of m theCtrealarof e k6ith-wisteruibave,on�b�nd'aiid)im continually receiving.Y Int0ic .. land entored-is t required and f Z. B live -ca' RL lum nn t�b contiguous 01,0 the 'rldk, followed Y their (i.;xtmets Lo: t� .1 strongly reconimended� by them clergynierr the. second& �. - - Em%�atiou Aid Society.)' WE x0or Qt bonafide i ti� we give our the *%vhole. party shook hands; =AD OF WE mprovQmellt aild vultiv4tion In Oan*aa jand X Tor ixAsRTHE zYs aw,]D duce an element of discord and,je-lousy to other nations, for thefutlire guidance. of lit manner of hard7 �botl� MonsmJ1laiXuua,96 , ed Im, 0 tA ent, 14Cea ofilit must beshownforthe periell reqi4rad most license to'call us all on! _a that will defy com etition. -r between the divisihns of the South Riding b)',',these regulations. No patent3ball, be neutral powers t4words be 4-igerents. This names front the pulpit, and gon-erally.con' spi ibt(ru pr6bably lbokiriv in Fastidioa% an 't p p iman I rlts,�,. �Cp ore I - I - Wo tvcr�a to aco geog&Piticaily North cedetbat *a come out all the better for -,khc'ghtfu1.,.(6.4-iirnii; �man,ofmarked L There are four routes open to the emi- that happen tolis gi�uted for the land until the expiration basis is comprised,in theJelloqvingthree )u tfou no �enczt-t—ngcd ini, aVLa South of eachother- Yho oft�,'threa years unclergoing � the Operation, although' wo, ligant ; but grant. -ulea -,— -: ; ., - e orm froni the titne of entering x il- n a physiogncljl#,J�bd, Apoks'-44te W, ft SAVAGE. ti.4 aightsometime like the,pr1T_11oge,of­ma­ Xace hat a morold0brinined ook�- Both 1. TorontotoCollingwood, viaNbrthetn Qat partyin ouyMdiu-ispo,.v,,,rfulenou,-,Iito -till"Of it- 'A�tlthticxlilralit)n 1. A nou government isbound to _ylae, kii4 �, r6j()ihder, They look upon . t��sa seeme4,to-be-in 110 WiSe 415concerted by Itailway ; thonce -to 3)uluth by steamer ofithreQ years, 0: within tiii) Years there- due diligence to prevP4 thefitting.out, t qQarse, i4as of their oppon- thence to St. Paul by -rail th6it�e to Ben- Goderich, March let, 1871. be victorious only when it is able, 'Ila settleror his- wida*�4tiit heirs hinp differently in Arkansas. A the Jws And or equi: pping, vAthin. its jurisdic. contemporary professes to urge -there thought pro wr to,, r bliks. A euti,antl acknowloQed wit"�malf 0bnt- on by St. Paul -andthe Northern Pacific "In tion, pf any vesset whichl 1� � ­ I . I . nir from e an on proof, to- the satifacti it has reaso"ble . sisstio�l;atsof;hoir respedtive Rai wa; man inbjs congregAtioll Am,' as hilt ve-en y - present to the that he or fluey have J � ce to aunited. and solid front ground to believe is intended toorpise or =e' oint n Real Riverby M el and - r4ide& lippa dt 641tivated the ixua for the to arry IV - at po or *ith oward,gut b0let, thiviigh his body. backbis., _posit�rdoi rm c Oil ar again A W enemy." What isthe Ea�, ing from thence to Fort Garr:y. by eamer, ��4> the iutemts of Reform- it makes the tll6e years -4�xtnffeethe filing of the AM- which it is 0 pedie, andlso iousolike� its,, '�Ver, HATAS 1 11 12310 3ht Araid greab conf usion the two gladiat ors down the Red_ra ley ve�-=s MM02�y cu, following statement V "It vvill notedo for 44.vit for and upoirhis or t4ir affi. dilience to its, Tr� as before AT$,! HAT -3 42 the Reformers, of the Sciutla t4l't off and c.14,vit that no part of the L hand has been jujisdiction, Iirevent the aeparture f6na placed th6alselves in defencia, and Aliew- , 2. mto to.,Co. O'dk peo 4.xiated, the settler, or his representa- of any'v6ss6liui41ided­to cr .. se- N*hil a9k thenceto fqrt Wpani Wsame, steamers!! ja�PT.TM L A] &G -IONIKENT IUST RECEIVED 33y- waa all the broad gauge railways in fli s led off witha,feint. Cut stepppd b -,T y or carry <0 fai the asali4ve, suchvesselhav-. rdshb corner, fbIlowed ny Mme, above thence to LakeBhebandowzu -frty eto w. the initiative step. They ti4es, sh4ll be entitleAl t3a patent ing beenspecially adapt�d, in*holetir.in, country are reducingtheir width from D.M. W-. M. n as a. g miles by wagon rW ; and thence byboats VACTS In E rnle� have their own ends to serve, -.d we la�',,d. Provided suclik patdutee is then a part, wiithin such juriadictioll to wailikia q.to4ft.8i,wbatniisemblefnily-aixd Where; after n�lnomeut or two spout in. 01 �Yor natur.' use, Whste' looking at one, another,they" both smiled and steamers to the -Xbrth-Wesiv angle of -YLU Zan= ia the -olith. should look OUTOW-R, 84 f er AJ asty by bb ful extruvacance it is on the part t1f the andrestedfora br oocls; Isud from the a I ef. space.' � The brlivil thei Lake of the W Come',imee them, Such % division in the ameat to. -hays theluter- interests-" 1�2atiori. When both pireiAs dieI levr- 2. Notto permit or ouffer eitherbell- Dominiciti gover dxcdllont plav, and both parties over -a, waggOn ciad-to Fort GarTy,u -VvZRYM0DTWa1It@ 01'a"t I -Mg dan, ous in&a chilo or children tt�&rge, the ex- gereuttom M place to get your 1104'at 20 per cent less t camp would be. a more er akause. of its ports or a�ers' as een miles. hall ELY ixli�ea, boam constructed -. 6,feet,6 fyjt satisfied with theirrespective champi- Aistibleacif7betw- 90 iind 00 SUa(r0WfJ*=d --Cbool GirlS hate "d FI&JA dn gren ed7. enemy than the unitell force of the tors or "�vrdi4ns may i;�ll the lands -for the base of u�al qp;�ationa t ag"t the au4Tjes ofthe newestpaterns. Ladies Same as first route, to Duluth ; f i�oni shirts Conservative party. While we are- ready tk& benefit of the infant child or Qhildren, other, or for the piurp- ose of the tenewal of, wide f The government -organs 'eron, in ons. there to St. Paul and St.Cloud by'rail 00ftd*3l,9&Z3v1, 1871- toec" the Exrwitoes counsel, "Rouse bul't for lie other purpoie. - The purchser, augmentation of'military supfilies. or arms Ontario, are averse to the proposq], but lich Zaur�go 6. men of Hurou'" we must alao add, en in uch case, shall Z q - the absolute or theecruitmenj of in they might as "ll whistl'a to the' ad T60 MUCIT 80MOCE. fromthere, across the ountry. inwaggons, en. wi 4ace gacame- for*ird and again did 'to Pembina (the American: Cu4toin House- "06tab WEI qf Huron, shoulder to shoulder I Leave tit by the purchase, and be entitled to . To exercise clue Ailigentie, in its Owu- gLvO expression to their- aftrsion. ir. Coburn: retreat iiito, hia cor4er. This con- ;on the -btirdeo__�hrola that, point' sixty NCO. TZ, Itz,cat dLitarences to be settled in -the County' ob�'Iita a patent for the land from the George E. Cartiorlik4is works f �oristmc-. ports and -Waters, and' as to all persons tinued for teTi'minutes, And the OrOwd- them miles by road to Fort Garry. Et 6 0'002�, Council. Be ready to jin hind in haud C+vn upon payment 5)f the office fees, withiuits jurisdiction to pre*eht-any vio- tion to be going on in the Lowor Rrovin. viaDetroitaAd in for the approaching c -,a- The title to lands to he acquired lation. of the foreg cea, &; d- nothing w6uld- please him 'better became excited, and jeeriwky asked.the C ut t enson. roing oblig4tious and. 6aw '0 have tile -ua&e first made one ombatants, wtiether thiy came fD here Mwauke6 ; thence to St. Paul and B E) ativu titioer the above provisions, remains in auges, M KEm 1, il, to look at one An r� Gr 'to fighf. This by�_ iail ; th 'by team -and coach to il the -issue of the patent at� wat"ver- "people tAe tile init, Zother, alid am ence step-- Tlaat -or of the very., thiCrown unt -till 4,1hen altered to 'followed by a spirited -request to Tw WALL, PAI�Fjuo, is a. inatt Honorablyerried, outtliesb provisions ere- uxti woextraspentonit! wa enty-fiver Milo�� Point, and th�ance by 'the cLs 4 alighte-st importanc* when, in a conven- lhqrefor, and such -lands are not th Would do much to limit tho' -ravages of Coburn to come out ofhia hole like a nihn. steamer to Fort GFi7. nalmaso B�wp tiun, -wery locality of the riding is fully )orb liable to be taken in �execution �:n T" � the � issue of -the patent. would the two parties guilti 6f the folly In respofisq t6 t4ese ahouts, the mpu came The Committee We enquired�, into the RV IN INTM4.13VG TO HIS. -At- mpre-sented. -The Ej�posifor, under the betbre winchaL out. Again,, the same performance rally b e b taus in M. In 61se it is proved to thesatisfqction of -ofengaging idit, to cramp c5iitilitiesby W gone advantages and disadvautages of each. Rcustomersandthe Public; gem that be ba% ly uew regitue, has been often twittud. with throlko- They may be stated s�s follows New -store ne%toor to the olh -whoie they -weak back-blina." Lately it land Acer that *the settler has sea, and to preveni tibm, to com- QuzEN's BinTHDAY.-The people of On observing CtilaurWs second 7moving No. 1. Thisisoo'efth6 mostxpedi- will find constantly on band, a fall auPl)IY Of tO 1130 T,-2CFCn-,1% K it b has awmad atronger in that region, but a Hdoned the land entered by him, for merce. � It would be the gro;iit�st glory of Witigharn and surroundingeotintry, young goujethitfg� Cusick, Mace's -'second, cried tious routes, it being estimated to occupy in lc= little crookedness has evidently accom-- g in one grand -effort that the other should. allow his hands, 0 - eleven 9 r to Fort Garry. t'-- cele�rate the birthday of).our most which MacIntyre -took as an indignity; seco - he emi will besavedany .6 GOODBY mokethan sixinonths atanytime,then the iftlie nations 6fthe eaxth andold, ar allunitifi ,panted -the stren,-thsAiat, process. %v tholands allrevertto thb.'Crown. dir dislill e sh Any could bb� induced tosubmittli' it th 0 if' of the to the amicable adjustment bf reason, illustrious Queen. Our illaub "has al. replying while daing so- "Yon ara a Now Fafterns ofParlor Pipers J" the next - few months will see ilic pel%on whohas availed himse 5 like- trouble, with -reference o the Americaii ir contem- provisions may I =1 �crootc utra!Otene(l out, and oz 'atany time, be- instead of the stern and bloody arbitra.- ways been noted fortrue loyalic; in 0 ' le- ly to do wrong as we- are." This little duties and the bonding h* goods through, READY *ADE CLOTHING, ?.,mry takiivg its stand square io the expiration' of the three years mentofthesword. Naturally :and justly, bratingthismomentous, day,but on thi& incident faithiqlly illustrated the spirit luf by an-' arran 'he 0 ly for the gement t ommittee have New Styles of Satin Papers, .7. rv. Rase Lost ana the party can select, 0 0, patent &r the land entered upon however, the rights and intbiests'lif the occasion we intend toeclipae -and any distiust crenerally prevading the whole made withilills, Griggs, I Co., of St TWEED 8314 S & CLOTHS, n whezhur he cotaes from the eaat or west, �J on paying the pre-emption price Dom" in du and L inion are pre-emment . x eyes, former afflatr of the kind. $10.0 hasalready Assembly, A. little more quizzing at One Paul, - who will bstablishan. agent at Duluth Pet as -dd;4t4,I and nialring proof of settlemeAt we are very sorry that the high contracting gew Gold Papers, 1weth or southf the Riding. That is the beon raised for the occasion.' This -speaks itnother by,the two Men, with no results. department. to Arrange -with the Custours DRESS GOODS, gas_rse We Xhall, ondeavur to pursue. us justice. for itself. Bluevale boasts of beieg able nd-then Mace requestingpermission,went Thirdly-4he ini on from the date of entry to parties should have failed to do grant is prdvided with throughout the man nd. -Zl-'ed or i�gnored,the clainis of one of insignificance when --compared with -the 6raudy. Cubura took a drink 'of water, li ire tostough it, by 4�ampiugout and rret' to feel that Great Britain has to riise $20. for the day but this sinks into to his corner an swallowed a mouthful of slielter trip, And is not re- Now Oak Papers, sea time of payment. Proof of actual We rec- ATS CAPS ent and cultiv-ation is made by the everloo Th%Z=A= to X=ftdb3. affilavittifithe claimant, niade beforether herbrightest dependencies, Ahdthattho slininow collected in Wingliam, and 61 his friends improving the dqcasion- by Jthorwise. 'Fourthly -It is alin0st, ff not BOOTS,& SHO19% Now J)iuing Boom ParrX* v-- pro Lr Land Olficar, corroborated by the United States have shown a s&&h desire course the sum will be doubled before the shouting out ONo Dutch c6uraga wanted,- quite, as cheap as any of the others. Lis lavc who have al- testlitiony oftw6creclibI6 witnesses. Ail to satch privileges froin -4 Youthful day.- The day will be ushered in. by the Joe)' Twenty-five minutes bad nowelalis- No. 2. Asto this route, while it ought to Lis The umber af -inigrant, i c' ar ass� nments and transfers of homestead neighbor wifhout a equivai;nt. It is . sounding of car4ion, the -pealing -of Veils ea 8=6 the men stood up to figlit and TiO be preierred for national. reasbns� be' -Nw WarbI020pergi- re&,Iy started for M anitoba, or propone to Ing -r ark 11 blot On and the sounding, of 4rums anAo'uncing t blow hadbeen'. struck, and some of the thiough Canadian territory iis_.prior to the issuing of the patent axe a pity there should be so d o yet there is no 0 X- 0 in start withka a few weeks, froin all parts of nuil�amdviiid, butwill bedeemedpiimaade siLl an otherwise commen6ble nego- N. B. T4eF oldStDre tobeept Vxcitisive R8 t1a 2 the public that the gala day has arrived. crowd said theyhad all- better go homea to the period when it willbe New Bedroom untario, ixe ormons. This county is not ence tiation. nd certainty as ly for of abandonment andgive cause The sports of the day will bia, opemord ib next week. . Everyone seemed fit f�r travel, and it is very doubtfal if the in tlmt aI I I � y a Cato back, 'exeMEDt general scamper. Rve"n foT e c on of the claim. A settler balkd of'Calithumoians jugglers atia, i�or- disgusted 'at thefact'of being deprived of steamers f6r the navigation of +,be i-dand or Aandoning his claim ris-dancers Parading tip anifao" the street their literal feast, of battery And blood lakes will ba-bompleted,and-placed on these IMF New 4 have grown rich bere I T -he BrItbh A=orlio= -TiovW; 'J aull papers, ft:7 -.9tel ot ereafter make a second entry. exhibiting ill their coi n' HARDWA--- Ano=rn ?RBY7 GtcZr Q rs in the most shodi and seemed to think tl;ey had been lakes before the month of Ally, whereas New oaceapers� Mr. ee� exqeeted to� rest , - I N sud might now hv. b A p�rson who has settled on a tract, and 'fantastic style and amining the spectators defrauded of something they had a rif,,ht both Nos. 1. 3 d 4 routes are'open now. ic�i We publish in another.c4lum Teport, . otjam, from their latim, in every llshystering�' AtherdiffiQt which elinigraiAsby.thp w r 3 of the &ver� faq his application for pre-emption right possible manfier'.' Theywillgrad- to de'uiand the charges and is no' full of 1. 1 picifessedly authenlic, of the t ty, signed an7j, fjre�d with the am ition to bewhio ma at any time substitute thercafbi:6 an ually disappear in aclond ofsmoke. -The and nufqir play were Trebly bandied about, Fort Wil ute mu 110 is busy pioneers of anotker mew oltatry�'have cation for a homestead right. 13y the JointHigh Comn�iss�one If Gieat athletiegames will then cognmencecomprm- especial against Coburn, who was charg living in tents: t ncounter is the tu a 4 ay i�w �(Iq �� M the,'Ope4 air through- ARPEN 'h the the a ngement f ames. L%rge cd with eing interested in several heavy 'out the tr a; S of shelter 'Whic TERSTOOLS ing all manner of imaginable g. 9' into cash, - I �*? ZX=FTLON Oi CERTAIN LA�M)S Britain is satisfied with N11TV1 BORDIN36 turned their household a 11 0.1. prizes will be Awrded t_9 the' successful ti 2143 M -3 ready to take wirg. AN vrer ca do is to Tbe following lands shall not be the for the settling of the Alab4mw claims we moi-befs. lit response to this hill seoonds Government iii end to erect On the rout? slirb as Bench Plains, Chisels, Bits,, Ram, competitors. Let all true1overs of gay and s�id Lie would fight fouf hours if it was upt ffa su�jects of pre-emption or homestead hare are not yet completed. Again itwill - raers, SAws, Squares, Screw to bid-tilem Godspeed, and give t M all no particul. ason to cavil at them. buoyant sport be at Winghain on this day needed.� X-acealthough, a comp�ratively be possible to transport live stockby this 113A JAFE. In It, however, th, =ig4tion of �'our -canals and they will be amply rewardedi.' old man of forty, se4med lighter - on his rights� nor of ordinary sales tinder these S tbe informtion we can to help the on regljlatiaiia�-Lauds alloAted to the Hud- rout6, or bulky freight. This! route will Builders *tll find a full supply of Sails, e nd the use- of our ffiWeries ha (e b be very suitable, andperbaps preferred by 'WAD aert con- mz:ld g2eir way. In another colnmq wil be apnl� Bay Company tinder the terins f th il leggs, and took affairs, remarkably coolly, -Locks, Hinges, F�aiats" Oils, Glasss Patty 0 T, I a rale although- evidolitly chagrined at theltacti;s -Wo -West Territory to ceded, without a sufficiont e nt from parties of young men without families and &a. 4kc. found the sub.,itance of a pamphlet have ti�4fei Of in North of his ad, An( versary. Aher ten i#inutep travelling light. These difficulties will, Y"o Can0a. Lands reserved for se-linols. ibe United States, as the' At�"ericafls are ITEMS. -The ral recelved from thaorth lVesterm Emigja- I _ ands set apart as such for sopplyink 0. Weathe�is f�'"ut too PROI Vassedover, and notwithstanding slave doubtless-, be, all removed byext season, cz2nt�2n. f oements ubilaut in, coucluding,,'we t1jink the 1) for much growth. -Frosts- -take place! at feififs and a little sparring, neither a the when the Government arrgm. willbe Jult"IN 'OPS FJ tj= Aid Saciety of Toronto. On Monday e with building matrials, fuel and MO Law been minion will have reason to -Wt Sp its -voice night.-Roaclsiha*e'drie�upveryi�apidly.-�l- men had yet, touched the other. It - Vras dt ag, we received from the Depart- Leeane' � and pine bids. Portions of the perfected. Farmers will' soon `bla � through with the pub .'eta as selected as the sites of towns in aecided ita to that vartl of the sv,- now A quarter to one, -and - the men had No. 3. The 'Committee are of Opinion ment of pmblic Works %lemcirandum an seeding of -what oats &c.�-Fruit 'buds been staladingin the rina_ forty minutes. that this ro�zo,via St. Paul, Will suit Cali- TAKEN IN EXtRAN E- very wise appe in gre f V ages. Lands actually settled aTId rangement. It As'thereforal dX At mumbere—Stra"elifr-' The crowd by this titue had become furi-. gra intending to talce th ouEjh�oh e a IFIFERZO Air JOREAP thegubject of the Ptiblic Lands in the e PakTt of the Contmissiout rato divide, d"their new stock tif4pring 'Lid, for e ptirposea of trade. Mu- ok th I v ilds. ve reQeive ous, a6d most disgustirg threats and en- stobk� as they willavoid leng-th ad a of ffanitob&, approved by the Elis, I sites. the subjects of tonsideration. ii �to departm . ry 4 goods. -The_ L. 11. & B. Railway route is treaties were used in order to induce one transportation, and can'. drive their 4ttle 4Go,veZM0r-den0rA1inC9MnA 25th Ap'r'i4 ATIONi F0 T-0CAZ%1VR&nWAY. ments, each zu be, dealt with oi W own' er ts, authats tl�ggreement c memo eQnsider6d a one-sided affair for Huroli.- or otlier of the, two men to assiliRe the from St. Paul or St Cloud to Fort Garry- iff For your Carpet varp, vlAte and Vatr:* cl *Iisn 'E c3lrtpj� WWI' - ter he first day of May, in f Point TheXunieipal Councilof the Towasbipof ViLiCT2 Wo proceed to coneme.- !-my tim:1 offensive. Expoatulatins, an(I cries of No. 4. This route by rail- from any cololed. t e need not uccemargy invalidat ,,, agree Morriahad' theiicourt ofReviAiom, inthis ;, Th4 system of survey is� to ba rvc*An2u- ,k, 18'741 ' h vernor in council ineut . on anotharThuaGreatD * inandthe rogue" were ili�e utile, 'however, and point in Onta#a to. St Pau4 will, irobably wrights, with- village on Monday the 7th lust. A rP ma subject to thente ing a bothMaeasn&Cobumn.,geomed the least suit tile donvenionce f- a. 'mitinbift ATOORHOUSPS 'imm the operaL iou ay am pleased to' state GO '.'r". MCKEN i Unitid States m settle to en them prhsoNA1,.___;We ZW8 t I tioms of one Square mile each, with Town- d o the abcve sys- cotizerned,of the w6le crowd. Coburn, who may,nt care to tro, Zfl 2M�Tovc full town_ queetiona of damago and buitu ary, with- Yet by water, or and wtion - roa4 allowances of 11 tem, nd to the wi(4th of that the severely.' injured John Miller- i f - 18 leaut against thq ropes,- and Mace gotinto who may wish to pusIr through IdL . V outanad& beiligg bald h6und, y the pro- till Ji opes aie enterta. I Where everything f3 Ch;;,per eon-'eter. chafils im all aase-3. The- numbers of tht s1ip "du ech side of the lin va�lly same- 'nP4 the'corner out of the slu4s rays, and from St. palli. It is equally suited for- ngl* ArTa 442611L� posalamentuavigationand Ji. ries. The s - ving And that er "a tion -for ihe In er-Oceani a a and for his recover al part 6f the trmt� which con na im may y though as yet -the those positions recrardod one another keen ore travellinz light, and, ois to piixb Goderith 4t May, �18TI. 0XVIC hall not commencaat the S. H. corn nervous system in. the least degkee r -nn Z. t�o IV. fez the firat six sertions; W. maty- o termina e rdter t a th . pparently good therefore belooliod upon, as her a Bug- begun to operate below where-th .1y, and yet A -temperOly, through ra Rver, t -b f I Z V; fot�- thonewrld Sir, seolions, and so free Vid for. for some minutes.. Wcourso -was had 11omes.bead s$stem above pro efracturei - , rive th ;iorr- on the pArt of Great -itain for tooY place. His heighbors, far and nea, se who to TLe luterntional bounary line will ardetitara g,- 4;Eajjq to men,and Pork L�';49 ..... 4.. 17 .20 lul�conclusioa !we give the P our gn tbaiialiaose ei, -which oitnA. Rt idance, In it by p.n pro:- or St Cloud.- 0 .............. none lor.sale. tea a be tha base at tovrn%714�3 I aii-I 2. S7ery Ave prom - 'Cheese per I ppund ....... 4 25 ()0_ we are expectila to b� 'bound.- Ta grant the cordial seemed to exercise greater Great Wstokn Railway 106 h "Tf-breed reaidentinthe Provilwe on Ov unnni-TR01mg. ttate c are g out in full r me -,jeers or timts Of. the ed every facility, 'Aud thi I)etroit -161(Jr thP force aud do' g's work for him Again they faced one -her. Joty, 18,60, an& every ch94 o such half- ighbors theusi of our ca P md do' bffo4l�han -66 1 Butter - do 81 A# fteentb day of June next, p4mentofsuch talis'as are charp crowd i�o* bt Milwaukee Raflway� 64 �150 promi4d, breed witttsut, diatinchotr of Sax (to be as- or the fi ad our a N porZoz Oery scarce� S1 aa by an accTuate censms) is entitled el migiants trili'liv sent. to ort Garry, at own citizens, with nothing in addition but Coburn seoined to ins confidence, and the utmost.diligence. pri'their' art toseclike Ve 8 raltolL having Again retreated to his eorner, look- raWd and tiniaterropteo-il ough, transit quart. ......... "or f lowin rates z - the right to- na�vigate,'Lake Michigan anif Potatoes per Im. bushel 371 00 onto of f�r 60th colon" -text-of the WaaVW9t02X-treX 0 to the approptiAtion of T" Fort William: St. Clair'canal�J% avulpty abstir "a it WBiTBIR.-The weather has been fine ed eastwards with a� puzzled exprission. AR rei sending the The fall tv 1,4W, 00 aem,' without any e5nditiona He leaned wgainst one Of latter, if me A blti�, $5; Children' under 12 yedrs, would. be s'hll itiore pr6postordit- -to grant usflatelybat, beingvory cool, vegetation countenance. ce, ger 'trains, the Lieu** Governor to se- ---qua. IT23 half 'I andappeared td'calcula-to Plank and lumber goner I 50- lbs. persontLl b- ripen the ie rin 'The table of -th ute. will be graphi Xammarte& as progresse 1 very al6w1y. - -Duringthe tathe-Atiferfeanfishe-_ Aght to fish allott"euts. free. -1 Extra itiggage, 35cts. per 1W lbs. in o-ir witlarl a'uticuibfish on Zur coasts how long he entild withstand the jeers ',of found to be'muc kiaduced, and special ally (very scarce) per of the age of 13 and upwards ar; to t feiv nights frost has been rath6r too h, was rates -still isco menftoniheC=slaAAiX, Fo b Williant ta Fort Garry. for t1ii use Of t6if fishorio& lwbich are the crowd- the majority of WY10 low feet. 00 to 8,6Q, 00 'busy to - bieet with a favorable, recOption lower for co as over ten in C line. la�borers waikeiL -c- t�tleir V.,dauts without de4v nder 12,Jh&Z -i Shinglea per 1000 .... 625 0_00 Ri igrants. $25;.Ohildren 11 vorthless, while *v­v4ould our. from. those iiiier6stlid in the growth df evidently going Against'him. ' Mace walk- numbet;7 The 'Detroit ajn Milwaulee ei I friikht and lil 1000 - The American . pa prs approve of the um'n-'y of A&e' _Cla'nts of ln'nora pric%_e, 1050� lbi personal bggage, tree. fishermen attelaAnv�t6 iiell -fish -in- the planis., A, labout the Ting with arms, folded, com- will also bondaI Ve stuckn Lathe sawn.. .750 was strong breeze of wind fronithe placently testfiag hia splendidly developed -productimi of diijilicate - invoices and' a 'm-ths sP lit - 5 OD 625 . treaty. Wo.wilndei. dyin bs.-Sore coming of fuji. age to. be r, xt luggag,6, _$t.50 per 100 1 (No, Amendan marko� �4La alt but, r hbitive jy,est,­i�gethbr with.abrights 'has pro- tre3tel a% re4 elitatelt and to descend ac- Jirse Stonevo ig, - Ang taritY.. The talk muscles, and looking as anxicias. f6i fiht- consular certifidate,.the emigrant Paying r cord... 1500 ll �00 -tailim-9 objec4ons 1UA to x0a 92*sr- Qxen, w, fous, or heavy ttahwai ' to uxoney ducea a telling effect on -the L Toads. and, L�mq per bushel ...... 025 0 00 Ances. Ultappropri- dont-ofvictory- as his ad- bouding chargeB. R'. be taken.) cti�*onsatiion 'it we'e Iblailcom, e;!, fok no W 14 ing and As chuf! The heaviest I h difir wted ;;;Veysi pta until further inipl­ ttow'fW ofthe wilite A libel suit 4gainsi the BelrevMe Nfd* I' MODE CIE' CONVOYA210E. payinc gree- "to- Thdytttrd V6rsary stewed dantitfud. The Committee, therefQre, would Te. int. otir',noigibots a viek ex �.dampened. r untice, May be PTAr e to tha extent of won the Sth April, and was sue- ria ni IvkM by Mv. W; pea in theud, J)y the Granc Jury. make tor the Dombii6_ Id- 4' pens�tg- ina, Again the m6ivfh�ed each other in the commend r"Nol for emigrants desir- came d6W exce p t:ewc I from Toron o ri6g -and -the countryat an.jarly date,. Rye -is b*ging 014t suotheiA�p_ ane section or G4a Aares by one pevuu,,for '96, ilroac r contre of the -ind tried, by feints' �deded by raw, uncomfort6ble weatborfor h iles by ra to the Maritime Provi 0 Jow- they, to'reae)i (;oil' 6�vood. .�Most_ of erw, 0 &,nilie3 and it day or' two. Since thiat date t tute ghd fcca.�, rcLccl a, at tTla rata of one dollar per acro.� ' �% -le d �horo has loadf W. plour mind engaged would sustai 6theidevices to induce each­otlm to a And who niay'be talcingthiii: 3ervant girlso are in. J g the ji -wo t Ue%V steamer from Callinwood Off -with the first blomr, Failing inL this, the been beautiful spri g ather. -M we -theor'ditiary.aihount of emiggrantsluggage. The, Hamilton people think iheir Alder-- seeitio 8 of the two Men' suddenly " uWd It izitnaer onteulplationto erect apon- A-ny person; betng t1te, Lead of a family 23�J.14Z6 in exchai*6 forthe C2aid47`a`1L1' _g of -wheat, poasi, oats,4 seems fare a,*e of 45 miles by wagagoll from Fort William' T 3ome have finisit X0.2fur.young men yvho are not preased toon, bridge over the -Red Rivlarlrottt 4, 'men are poor tools. at pubfic-qvalw i - , . IV. iness, and some for- ti ... e d w�o, as we,have 1�efore -TA-. we have a Demosthenes alla Cicero in Canals, and Fj[sheries,', We ar�: not diB-. ed'afia at the, on of this air as if they intendod buffl an b�ndowau� take. -,week (all going *el) there willbe *ho- -n a Very CSZ im or %sifi iereafter to 13ht posed'to either or, blamo i�Sir John rapidly executed feints sudigniards, I were :light.an4 with point at the jvuctlqla� oftlke Assiuib Ime ye -ma, wha has I Marked0-ravil out inouln- --theGoderichTown0ouncil. williaot h4vethe-saine story-tob a Settlement in person on t1to liltblib I miles brOlivil, navigati4)u in ADPOn f llW �41136 matter,_ The made. ciowlijellid,.with-dolight, And brance. No. .3 route for those taUing livii And. Red Rivers. adw, and wbo, bas I abitel -an-4 !in- fiats Tont'a pd:lvato letter e learn that In- Xua tu Ut o t] Atr�volliiig'�in'bijair bwnwiaggons. am, dians. afe v - il. wa hear - Ill Of 1116 butpartiality-has. ofcoecte beenshownto cries 0 6ug in 'the 'vicinity of Fort Out rapidly. i frmghobando�wan 1!�Lke to north- ifsta amini abover core �lsmva been i�,!Ino [iey are at it," n9battalions m d*fg e� - But no. Again;. oburn -to ail th�.- same, afut who� has- or e of th% Inks of the Woods. ease. We. presom�,. PUrlidine'i-b will,' allover the field the 4dvautaees ofNos Ti -be iiheat ',presenta- a lively. ap- and:OvApg.partly to somia-tuleof Theyare the Sioux,tke Crees and The eat. �_ Fall II gc, azl, a e & 3( dwo on, ulay have- gigo'n frout north ret�e?#', and b6yzna st Pauli n. GA=Y�- qu*ion at wuhIngton is --Which 055 Me3 by cart or'�ra 'Wled t6geth�r ai� wfeiily dAt onsider pearan ce and. prdspects :of a heavy. crop axe to the 5wampe6s. Th . ey a;re 411 painted. up' CommiWomer divulgea the tre to t1w 'meat u. g 0 artly _k poll outarea witlai t, o L4;ui offlixr o� ths -le, uker of t4o wd� tiv Fort the- quQio� ap(I pi" I e ring n p owing to thedange'r-Of nii inli6o quickesftimp to that at. - r, easla ciii, fl�onl entertaine tu en ' ilie. want ret him out. and armed somewith toinallawksl clubs, presal Nobodyaulswers! in whiqh 3=h land is. fui�sny rr TOO t achast p, Mace-refusedtofei ()fh p Uc ift causinggro*thi4311 hl�ded,_ ;Jbout fi ty minutes had -now. elapsed, And mr4mberof a -.m aot e Fmt William ama fort. Garry,, to valk eat kni7es,"rifles. and spears. Somo of us, T b iusixrmt-iou sgainob warily; for the pDaple'ara it, it", posed to t.Lere is an Ara nVrk.-_Ia cbns�quenc& of i6he assume thesir of anic- have .,one out to their camp$ at night t F��ajjcji rule - &lgelia. �k2S (3, quartersee,fou of land, to inulade thares� ­kttts:,'nd tenits, will be.providj�d. for -the ac- 308 ivitboiit-al ff value ree- grQ# thaerowd: began to 231 bArteeprivilog 21=W"ba Tows. gra g -in oxel n match their war dagges #udliungrydances, 7"" being asub- 1ccirt pdation�ofemig ntion-theorta es. umber offi-ditbuds on, treesi areat'drop 'The Duke zi tan te-,. spirit R. and sandwiche 'Vass geta'klitiuldt,,Lketheirovrns-ipplies. z The 14 �la an- 0 ex lbected'Providing the silerif -letters and caubeetheyrea pretitybungry. of Adin))urgh Was coed A Z# . a i&Wnottobeyi011de4Ae1t1hW6r thi,trav-' anded -round The two principals still Ny 4va ieceiyed, papers and of or aleal MftteVideo, won :yby birtk or naturalizae frost; I despitI6 e ars are entertained that there will roW,kina wil4 however. be -- -- ­1� yi ima 7 furnished at �ne 8 of .,em:ezqy*, -doonotiritervene obtain patedt upon iligs: of t 18 leachra­liko cov 3 maintsined-theirair of-mnelbalmicej trom, manitoba to tfie-16th f April. -set. 11 food tbxe& 'ha betrouble Wtw�" somo Of.% z n), C it. - the pri cost he 1ndi emlove' w tbe C F14 X� he other 4natfisn, - oi - to, ani preisure frintXeravingsfthli -respeotiVe�sdp� , Tbef 110 ing en,havebe6ndisc rseft &oOw eaucation is Agitating Auaft" tls_ *h6r, t.ivct or moya�pemos have Frxuos,�and tho, iCorth-west ang1qLake, Zriti* legislators, niigiht b:iug �6 bei%rto porteri, across slid -riU6 at one anotlief,,�-' from tho� ist Ontrio �tuee lAst6port: W. tribes.," zefp� CX-, sWood I =� Qler en are to have the PlOilege, -afte't -a. tt slues$` N - I arne qiiart- AW47VM0,'-' kliey had again assumeXalook-of bil eJ ott the a Cgoll. Of of let easle7ieftnsio, th site' Y cXwer0I,Dorlaudamd C.Cowallof em e, s�� ma era certajiahours, of enterm -he Schools to -,Wb i6knipy 4nd T.* A t on 'f the P4 concer Perificing iti I o.'4 Oom 11y; slia11, be inepirticastan ingin.oner F_,BRAUX 1116, the, raoth d ordary. " �r religious instructil5n. now begin imput 'Do; thi th �ory of 1"P o! A oks of No. 0 (�w MID V, Cd t-) i_� 2 - bim wtlu malle the first iett Alll�ublic Wor-u Se' 6110 2 ompany. o e iij beloug"Ing to, Wagons t4i Aild a: To aroun -to tako-place,, W. -S, Vrol 6juted' Color -Amption rls- Vr 1busirtese dheire, o Mr - Dyas 'jeneral staimpe -,wasAbout, 11me WAS appi oaeA6, May Uth 1871. ir J=ea X4aodL Wposes the P 4), the rigilb of Pre a . edd het ........... As $or t. of No: 4 Ca Flis Terelit _Betttem, shall be nMs. o cothmenced eporatiohs io falqe alarm w ;001- FallVheat -sageof=ImperialPe between X 2"7, Obl"t laying' ollt..t o, �ro flealningli, intermin- .9 ' 'Whe4 Confedemilon. of the Au"lan -Colonim ,settror_t by- the 14=d Offiu6r tA the nnopnee )a 16, .� , .(a) in which the land ia Before tha nthis, ae'fas; Scott ofNo. 2 Out few '� Private 4 this plai;o, 'siz. h I �e - 1:15 2:30 ut, �r ergt, qi No' pring eell h4ie�itl:V_ ai to ...... 5:50 600 t went oft. A arioRiflbs, flour eople of Moiria and h'the sick, flist ituggeJa (sic) f',q righ�, of pr&ewptiou way be lixercized, -"Mr. CumbdilaAd otecl-M.' th" d then-, just -as, while jitanding itileXam6 tvit ..... 048 And upw the Reruw risen to announoo By Artie]* 3S of the Treaty�, the qlirt�oh m6re, 16its;. a r, i 4D:70 0:80 Oartzksw, beem Londatipeolite'ars in'ewrnesb'uboutAhw fcillowijg.CODu 11 olis ii�avtA ok�'hjZ right lei Peas D. for t!, 0, '50 if of sattlome 0.52 found iA Mneardine WJ&h "�MA j ut and improvement ed arrhilgemeur. of the F ish ry que3ff(;� _P trid.: Thei - Tories are Novu: fo �rekn . riv, the compl. bl(k t6rlie�, ilipped'anctlir 6 Aim% wn Is a sfor this m an the Cie. only i4-coine into effect when. a I matter. tries Of 'kit nifying $1�sa present strong indi*tpA i,- T, -,w Ha7 ft so expectid �ihe people�tAtorriaaua-Gtey 0A, '44 Co�pany has been f6ruida itt Potatoes - - __ - __.- 74p, " -n 0:45 .0:50 Fire by the ImperilParltamentandthe -16 (iO r-.2 wear;- k -,first. duty, they perform in, making ow" estimate. e ed, Buttor.. of two credible, witnesies. All Assign- fthe strength -o .0:00 f 4 USE gilidlld Clio J)hio, in 1$66, ga;v"-, divrw --emption rig�hts poffiesl *od theiA TiM. WTo ws, to - pump out a 2mentiglan,J transf�ra of pr, Dftile: patent aTa Will Inioa expressed front oymMn't 15wod, entered been ornamenting tlie ceit:- Hi Y, V, ton., IV.UU ta th#r fSaijibg I no less stron i ulabee -Algama, ime, aitfi one MrLiau in the ei* Jhe ring) acecimpail Y I die t at ad bal- Armst North Almeridau Wili6n- The Shertu. ne"' tu 0 mmi ipf- th6.. ei li�jpal stroOt of the, WQW �01 imel voiA., Beford, Any Farm -on "I than, i�laewhcre, we have'no udg6 A Elides -(green) - '%00 -7.00 f, 3:50 1 3.15- prodliniation, which Wood ......... -hand the low9d enteruA for landit and obta'm Hotel sueceed-ift geflingemploynient for v. !& Inni eg. tow, evei too'Imperial'Parliamelit a at,thi3r, dldte� a Beefperewt. _.ho he road V he ews kVe understan -,00 t1le- right of pre-emptim in re"L.t thera Legisliturra of aurl Pr dwartl he ShAll ulaka 11C ore -ti , .: � :--' - Lbetn received 'from !he .Pork Nott -L A'- 7:0.0 7:00 �ith before, the Lmd t '!:will llahesitatiogly. rejed the pro- He for- . ine lab* - c1laithf- that oraers� bais A late ikumbor f th 'Usto' or QrJ; ag-on, the Chickens perpur ...... Oft* _0:$0 6fruar of the Division in. which thO 13nd 0 a eplayeri hu t iduot �Ia3k, 1 floara-of Works, Ottawa,,to 0mmetice C*ai� It aLAMA- dati., This t6bke TIC ......... . 0:00 ;,ie tliit fie has never had the, T�e giyw eurrencyto A so-calleane*mOve last,Fridiiy Jack ni­0 airsOn-thelb L like the Wool - ­ C�; (Inif r __ g6,1adythe,QTfeon, ch Tp 'n& sh�,op ....... '3:C lmlr� $over! � us soon, whi Alcy sevLg to any right 4 pre-emption under these Wollington,iG taking lbrig. witli. him cl;thes .10, Xr9_ frepiar JeavJ ch, no doubt Directors of- the To d leth being here Tethancicommbni 1� -ftit Mae-00b=n X= -hl; f 'i -this province without excep- Lambli. � .............. 2:00 2-25 CS tiw:Eq "fl -that be 1135 nt settled, n and lo� ria ibe people oter bonefic Bruce Railway, to fitake, th6 pont s4Mb1oaiYdlnQdri8 b '�rathor_ a kind wa )f usin � ielyt6disporoo. tiem- h Applts ...... 0:50 v their h 1011' It is. b6lioved that t o S FO'R VIDLU�Mft' bj�ne . 'die '01 ur setvei, and to- ag roved tho, lands witit a; view to selling FM _1SVP_V= 'wUt a Swirl has be -1 part e of their Kin din ll�ap-%A to Up he 4ill -har ex ect- thi- 44me T 44o, (Jodirigh Salt, rholoaale, f tieb. per IbU. 'nj On Speeldlatrion, but- in good Wth for _ � 1� -, (:Lad �f _t1le W1 '08g' - uon, , + - Ispor on of Paltnrs in W-4 the troops wilLgo nIi CAMP AT C*0DMVC0, JVNE 16th uneft. Tho person who 1 tioakes frour Xt Lee again, Tho-samepa rs�ys:'"Thevorkmen 1 -20_ ffie Ii.g pi ton aa' to their 1 hi* -awn Is". And iia Ainleyville (irotead. of Wroxeter). atles comaimdt in the Act L - S1im J�Aid pains on _Pebf � tsve �bu# prop'"Ting the fdau c7kr, Awm zadi�ind Yanked* n,'We ve to 1 iifha�.4�xlts �iii a daticin Ana ment c�, rweiva% ta� cath 01 file's certiDate Cr space to )Y- t ig rem througliGreY,-Xbrr* Turnbrr3t4hdW6kt, hat 'j�: usill-- -�to-�h- h ti lii)p, to flrENDM.F01A THE UNDERMN- tliis�plltue'ha�vo AO gettii5g *e timber ready foi the new Wes- W 240-mr, ui�&Iao theretif in tb a TAnd Office for the Divi. litiW61pt of the long talked -of prize a lageg, tioned supplies for sbore� camp will Wa-vjamosh; leaving. 31owick-to, bo,provided ally called, 1heir 41 -weil; by. -UnTis Per - road leyah Clluroh� The Rev. Mr. T41 s1t;a, which shall be evidence flat such elli The If fh= ii a ave il may be th#94"4 be received up Wednesday 'the 2406 hw3a duly AdIllialstarled. In ease P. Sol and Coburn. for by the main lE6, PYt planfi:ng a riiii the- woyk��,!) AM; T poplara irotlmd � fravued i -a the folloied the reading we fia,ving been, carectually welljor th� m ;with the men. rlintoli; May 'L6.trh$ IM ddre d to the --undersimed at - om is Ld :L.,gQ penon cutitlea to clatin pre-emptiqn �,Wlne; whiclihas iiiae tVQ "Wiih father to, the forothon�,hf Oft i bub it ' Uo to the so now "pan * G -T die* befeire, giving effect to hat xw4y *= itsBiltish birth -place, Aought tbe pithinasteri .or whoev-� A _interesting to k 1. xQd hat, att.e illpt wall crowd to ksy, t ni made to tho reprmuttives otthe deceased rdmg� America. , Amongst the roughs 1:24 k4 1:36 . 9 aj*te tenapra are Teq*,od for es* thought," 'we ah9l'aOtiii hear r. thO7 pit')motor was.L 0,11_ So. maxketprices�t unipeg, io a_T4 r the orffieerg:Probably the -PY tl 4116111itatill. In the mealatimo-comment having, e c shoidd,.db the maltreatarlidst 4).42 a 0:41% of. the- folloing, person, may couirlow tb6l4mv. Bot the and largo citieg oid n. e'x Itillowing,quototioult from 11s, it f0und is the construction or demoli- mentlihadj; bj_jh6'Shiaf1ffthat he 0.43 or yvilf he hill at, tho o-thre I'th April.- 42- r same, an ethQr lab aun4tinci Tetdcv for XfAt o autry in oucl, cate, sh311 he, wade in faror -euj�dfcsterfatherx, butpuDlicopmOu t4onf imaginary s0hemes is notilingbut be rewarded by ha4itig 16�a 4. the, fines .41 ad- cong, 0*70 'o -7r, son s a xho *As a t ......... 'p6g Apin Of I'div fleinOl of tho deceswil par gainatit,anastrilVentl4As labor lost. lowns in weate, 3 there jU, r%t#Xt $hall jaile, and the title irtall hgve ctj�apellod iihibitors And tlielrbwh urs bi6kh�d io I jueft% to With t* TB It"rrogivol AD. -50 4g igiLca Ed. -------- - - at, 46 S ration, cre! seirral -iS wanted, -6:00 7:W - FA) for Illal, The, 7i0ervo Uwe mcid on"lil to the heirs as it their nmet U4 to use 4 sorts of subterfuges At 100 lba. taevs,4-tite. 5(j, them t& &t fan their It is a diffictift t�sk to give quotation of 44 for WBATUSA-7-1t, atillontinite an b�r, -ftud- Uraer`4 market prices il6lhis countryl, l6peausethere -0:16 40:16 eUsoi tb 6. treea arobiginning clothes And Is ..... this last exEillition, it r, -aa Yartfin tender -th- fill Police, I For sday,' qjh inst., 100 DiiWstabji81$. dam�, riverth iingi, which- teAla 7:00 1:25 al tio 1100 CAJIMUM ItefizacomninTmto bobUived from , VOL IfuNUTSAD J;MJKT9. $Oil, '.But flie On Tue Are ino in of -twjUing of the eye. The -14 0:11 0 ID furththetr� vho, is ths lioad of a uth(iiiiies wre on the alert. and after P -a mentf the, ChUiVh Of ut: ds, anllftou grAen ilficArA rates. -Ana quote igggs, . .......... The probable number of awk $0 'bo 0114 -Was dc - Y Pew* to And stakes -were ll renvoyed,.'aud dr -of the halfQf kraceful Ap illf plied will be about 2M PrObaKII ft=" W b" atta-tie4 tho age of twenty- Itour *d s _&rnng th0 f ,ve aeneral 0es, bated �ajt '.Of thorow Ware� ur�owiiig _pe tmperisl Dk. to the de- aearorRtt Xartala bew of Iffoxies 100. 11, After the first day of M3&y. without strikil*ablow.�. in the, pmnw6ot.-i Ofifim ploe are' thel frienaIt 0 ar efilTin �dde on theiilotileg and &b lake 410je, _sllt#rjj4 fat on# run from the iAon an -a budswile, . for.. 011coil I tided W fw hil 'busilly vinployeil in- pr9pdring, o tll&4, t1lo dowh towards lr,,,, lood 'im alana eifig s�6�btr OR- can bay thia� fino�artjo 0 r f both parties their d 6�-agiirdx Rbi&- obtain ave by n 'Two good andr sullipient xurttit* will iA Au , 08 WASTV1, CY,�n ors less qmautity $MrW *bOn �W, 41*plxycd his cockodhat. in saw eye, to.eye-stnd 'Oppose& that P J.L (jf t1t 1o, -agtifit this sei ' Moll. -the a in "quilced for the fu101mont of' hlic I*u&, for ibelparpove the. Qqeeu* I ere was a Ur livingitone, ha& now'sonto.cor f the ftitit perpetrateil.upan ftentis aix index f what rticles i Seaforth, 3Uy 16th, 1871, Noop` th000str*ok c �c law 1 11. -of cLationa 0 . � 9' plation fronl *0 croWa that twa6ds, and ftuneis which. to in tlieim, aud� , ,Ww0tt&d ',#tit in respect howl 'ot jn4 ton4 --to ub;fion vnll--bl tion iii ar system that, rmjuds'jx� of, uo�h- Aftj *ith-fair supplies swore with great I 'Alt Wheat The undersigned -dot# not bind hbUdf Rcy A MIL- odifice Iold together !e. Ite, iris-' -a perhaps tw 1,14 -W tollest Zg but A 'nag to iboapt the lowext or s4$ teud*V iy iaw. eXP6at4AJofoAJAit40Ye#0 slitli ba dy vigour and �powerf J%my d. uthojistwasubjoi 0 Spring beat. ........... 1:20 and. man Qr only by the moePM9 IVY a wiso satisfactovy. th t. clingli to i jority obudem'4641--Qoblirn or tho failure of rtioloslone, W -and. pot' Vies, XTO all Floui per ba ...... #-.50 (io .&J50 oh" baw 11r2r1,or Ontario, or ix the nosw 'bunedpi�p eY8 mouldering I w A M%J%2YL Of W lterminlL ir_tWIngs, an(I'Telik 0! o:4 a 0 am W"Itte of riflext now und, out of Shape of 16hum= J1 M= XCIZ the Jig -exception to this; state ....... t45 TenOrs will beaAdresabd I it real Y= voted down the rellolution. IR 0: principie tns,%IV" to be so at something r tiier*l blilitiatYDilitrio NO, itato, r (Whetherin tbowr* , , *., Perhaps iothing waX mom -L� sti6n never to eXpose -the J16 ordinary tew- Ross; '0ode*1C)t. 17 RC .01 _:fimj4h0dL Jr 4411044L W Mt Of Telir 11 A. P1 iui Nocollisioutim r- h.. 13" or aa, altd who It" U44 ent theremia" of such bUt, t1liitf the Voluntary AU Spring oowing raiserably-sold agll Wheatperbos. pot-at*es ...... 40�50 v laumber of acre's ha's b oa between the twl) PE 1911 0ouleLvei fiee the eonscienoo. 6hi L WtIes, And, within JO 4 be entittea iT�aw 'bitious thart the be1W of the to*n p. A 1.25 1.34 -Pe tD73005 0. 4 it Was 01i cidgen, And at the "Me UM r ft=,$( We Barley do � ....... Lo, # as ...... ..... 7 to a #ft* I ro ids"Oe, 1�* tbin one,that soWn Wn flax� farmers it ten minuteg aftei flij ippeamuce of the 10 0:12 0.17 t ActnX 30 28 W, E I Steriff tho field Ofbattle�wsxl, Beef per. pound' notint of prodipmty ip'l.#xuroheit. pays Mular than deserted- the OAts , i th# X 'toR I(* "th#r PeZA pw�e� in go =� Ji mo bq do- whole cro-wa; togetherwith a ilirge number =_tliamyK 4 that prmciple from begi lo VZO-S.. cl esiltbis weekt Me in 0; WWI 1WVi*14ftWW4th%8 one lutwiuW swin4l 9 .*I% 4C Upa ba ownot be prevelaW.1, Aesa r4hL Ft 'n, t4+1 QWIPY lot 0 ilwa. tQ 424, r 4( i Dn rea i' t oCa 11 we' f._ d nV em \au d a t to help the we iL at