HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-05-11, Page 2'taken p1b -AIMBE S -TOA THE MILLION I'
tue, 36.00 large logs comid6wit bofbi� 18671 Am, i The work was howeer, 41
g ollorl ifia Vurattilliats ausea
evlouate, by
at �Ilterauegl; pelilo Of on an britl s, saw -logs, rail-4ittel a long Way 5th 187L -CLUSIV2
6agement, The injury to t�e k1n4 of rubbAh,,bb osure tothe lire,of Fort 1'7L THE SU33S RIBLU HAVING ESTA33LIBRED AN EX
peepplon qilkncc�of its expp Ireather has beenyery
2nd %as any 0 . a 'th6 Woo. their asyinclettleraisince, thestip , - : w anaxit.—The jTA2.. J04P, FUB STORE
Ind by thechtiiinel mplaint OC Vauvres.
whe7dw plaintiff statelitubafrom
April to cat of Samnaber =74 at Wpor 'I . vet,close 4u4 sultry forAwO days past;�ud
stat least 150.0- _ of the $qutlern rebellion, have een Now fork, may 6--.A special verstim
era the bridge a, ood'o*4 tind- aw tions, haveiherebylisensote- In the new west'sidev Maiket
Cleariag upbayfield d death ,to, the 4iiWch says that J tiles Favre a Q6er� farnlingopers buil4ingrerected byLimself, last summer, on squat
a se 5- -aII �Sym6lz_.of Aervor an 14 but as� i�', o'business of, the:
Verdict Swb*,V%ivVF, asimages $150. V -nuce a d to what lttaV
ourpoies. The btid�j at Ili iier, Mwater of Finance,
c Robinsim ind J Y Elwood for plaintilE 4 after driftwood and, Ote, r trid--j It+ hii u- -DixWs Land. Where a season bas for t" inosb art zlrepAy got is NOW RECEIVING AND WILL OPEN,
N L Wyle, for defeadsut. Motion for IrePairi0r. fences. 1200 about tEi same and there, �atinof Mill meet Bismarck it Fraii1ifurt. It ishought. - b likely to,
ch not6e,,se, headed, has goen serve(toa an thitt the causa of the meeting has reference thrugh, the hitidrinde r is no
grante4i. ariftwood added betwealli'We two -i Had no affect the getierill interest to any very Berl. for the laspeattn of the public, .04
special Around of 100.afpjaint individiul and disrpgardedti- armed men Ito money matter%.,
It ut his
�QUMN a' MAKOIL—LAIV610y. Ptill0ner th man autkor- ous degree- The woo*nds are coming On Saturday he 4th day of March, 1871,
bridge- Th6ri are jams. Wh rie, 1 6-0 zko in ied off I The truth is,. thot the Oer e " of tKe.
asked and., disguisedt have harr out stroggly in the leafe4. grand ur -oads ever brougAe to GoArich.
wag accuseR of4dwwcoff and shitTing oil 7lisykad pkever any trouble till 48, WdKok, His I HYR4 I - womai -&Aed that it the V"Lsaille 2u Loiroat and best Stock of Hats, 04w, and FurigAing 9
f6liess the Victim, man. or i to axony and ities b#ve talegi d all thusugnrj�x of Ayers-bama
Cle cars at Lucala a heifer'the pzlo� jaq i occured at the bridge. tic ". All
has over, is do not enter. Paris by- Monday, the 30"017
tarried'away by the waQ of t iftAliets doom. The Ku Klrx Kluu re blopes P ConsIsOug uf the Neymirt Stliss of
-icould xt, Fashiouable Bilk, Beavr
Priissians will oil as
peirty of a Mr. Prior, Usburue. 14 Tusiday. 7&v arilla almanackarelik " toholdgennine.
11- 01toss *EX*D ably by N. 0. CatsefOn alitiojit every year. Did �u 6 they
acia for the Crown, C H Jones St. M r ' ' ' I" ths. view of showin that, nor damage 111646M but the freshets.1, r1adeb RIf law', get aside the verdicts of to gain an extersiOn, of time, but he is Vhe Bullfrogs -are as hap ZngUsk Ne* YOX
. , 9i: wit broken open prisons, either to . ; benee * ing daily, and
L �ossibly desix-e to ber
fi-Ai&fence. Verdict "fiot guilty ", to unlikely to oticbeed. It is probable the Prus- &, Wool Felt Hats
LA*dvLip thought Mahon would in future hall, occurred through the brid&e up to Chose EXAMINE0. . ff"-seen, the. lard rescue ot destroy.'the prison�rs, disor- kth E i nightly, . oil their mutt' ' us waterpim
in verymvltd about allowingstrav cattle 186 ry . and - the' jajs weru ioxosA b$ ovordtiwedon-soveral 4ut. c9uld sians will bring bic 0 rupire if. They alithe malodiis of theii buoyant souls in Stylea and Patterns for spr!ng wear. Mottof
anized, civil society and made life more enter. &�SO, Silk and Cloth Cape, of the lateel
'Asi hems as varied as th4ir musi-�XlcategOrY I to my order, and as I
It lap the river in AIcKillop throwing: -not state the times' " LJ. ant [claim to have a thorough
elalUine 6, P W. &t Such
to mix wiA bis droves an all jaries might Pool! I �-s " by aid the pursaits of peace, than Fevre and Simon are 'likely this Stock has beeni u;%de special y
IW(Ire,t,ur to insecure.111 - to raxWn 6in hirnish;a circumstance of no mean coa- knowledge f the HAT a6d CAP baldness, ill be'ablie (with the large "'and Tariedt& I
wA take t1kesasize view. The offence was thober into the rivr; tilvex. . I I , the. thunders of the battlefield. Shefiffs shortly, in coudequance. of dissaiision.,in sideration iu* a country like Ontario to eye on hand aad am continually receiving.)
too common, an the countrr. With thiscau- T�e following Witnesses were also el- It ichard Raits bad . It1hard iale were have appealed in deefair to Goornors.ol tfie -which'the Old World t ale "has not
simn Le was dift-harged. *Aii4ed Enr the plaintiff, -but the --main court �djourued States for aid, bui 'authority' has as yet GodertelifilanJnVolera- as yet found means of TOPLEAETREEYEADPIT THE TMA OF THE XOST
ele.+uts tit the came were brought out then examitied aad dtiO Another ition
McGanom a Yr or HuLr-=T.-An ac.; 4 i I - emigrating. I an thinking
tilm fur datiagm cmised to the plaintiffs before; -Francis Vettie, Jno Wiggingtcn) �at G:30 P- m- iy hiled to baulk. the designs of this wicked 4do� have ju a Fastidiousi, and at Prices that will defy competi
property by a bridra bufli-opposito his lot�- Juo cRillen,GeQbicPhillip3,Gv(iUlarke, Mond. ay' Gy 9 A. orgaAation. Congress took the matter that if my old friend an quondarq here,
j. I dp; at its, reeefi t session, and placed in the From a letter received by Mr Win Som- thf, immortkftailorof bounteous memory,
novan, James Walsl , James Carro The court.oponud th volant
&Ueged to be, improperly cdu3tructed, by 14 0 on mo4aing and era of -this town from his son John, who couW,.be persuaded to blow up his W. M. SAVAGE.
John McGregor. ug tucsse4 for. tkc�,dcrenca hvids- of plellary powers
theabutuientinutbeingfir enough open er Hick), the'rollowi - wi, the executive
.Iixx,Tu M.&oLz-,-zt9 Q. 0. submitted Drispiracy at yll is well-known to our reader�, we are allow- vehicle the far famed Ba eon, and moo
cousin- a jain by which his r4is and felless veto exuallned I to supprems the. secret a -and Goderich, March let, 1871.,
tha there was no cais to go to the J ary,as ed ta make the following extract an aerial voyage over the Atlantic
were peri-Aically carried away. 0. Ro�in- AV, ax 4s. - Pregideut Grant is not a man Ist.May, 187L I Arrived safely at Den- forthwith return with s
the efendaues woulti. not be liable unless harles 314jk4w h as _� cargo of Nightin-
Sion: and B.L. Davie for plaintiff. Kenneth umenus. -Da of many words, and prefers a straight line vei City.. Colorado a week ago last Satur- gales, he �would he conferring on the musi-
no ed that the bents were too Johp le I
31=-Kenzis and M. C. 1&anieran for dofence Tha the j&rA &rose from ra -all, cauZes. Ralph ste4sft to a circle, when be has a goal in view. day beiue four days on the ZDy from 0 ' hica- oil populati6n. of Ontario, a boon of much
takes 'but higher poetical grandeur, and importance
TEiz PLAL"zrirsworn,said that ialWd': Tha parties above niust litra illogaliv Shodrach A 4Ae Takin up the duty imposed on him by go. three is the usual. time it f -
4law �bnilt gave wayand theaccututtlation i tar, d timber ito the river. That tliu All-th,@ evidence . tendlu4 to,sjow that coqgress the President officially tells the we were detained at owalls, five 'hours by than he possibly could by any of hose
it came down and lodged against the bridge, aefiltioant, are not bound to build a bridge a hurricane that had bl6wti 14r three days Leonardi flights iA whicL hd has wbilorne HATs! HAW
there was as. much water padle on Mo. 4. K. Kthat "he will not hesitate to and stopped the ferry boat. Such temp" been indulging: If he still continti I es to TIM LARGE CONSIGNIIENT JUST
W 1 33Y
and caused the water to fill up from batik t,, I' �ot such contizencies. That it has Gregor a f irm iti -fro lots 1k6re the etbaust the power vested in the executize sweep ovei the plains with great' force, vegetate at the establishment of Mr H. ANO
tu bank and duw on field No I facing the beat i proved the bridge wassufficieu4,for the 4ridge, was-bailt as aft . _Mr evenson wh6never and wherever A &hall become W. M. 8AVAGZ
ruad, destroying the road. Ira 1868 a por- nati rvJ flow of the river, and well built. where theta is not, a tr2e, hundreds of Ddrilop.please convey hidt this useful hiui
ticin of the crib of the dam, on the south Tha ; the old bridge was up a great many In his testiony de 4t. Mr D, iltecesSfAry to do go, for - U16 purpose bf miles. lVest of Omaha to Cheyenne, alvagg en, assant. If be undertake the project
y 0 -
side gave way. The plank of the bridi4e harl years and nodainage resulted and that, McGregor Jr. said kQo seouriam to ail - bitiviens of the United. the Platte Tiy9r, the soil. is of the worst and carry it out successfully he - will goon
% ld no� take -the a acoral enjoyment of 4 deseriptibn and fitfornothinglDut the Ant(W become as famous as Miss Bye who has Come see them
to be cut to ease the jam that was caused. the defendants were justified in making respow-ibility ofthe dritt cod States, tho pe _he 'VVERY BODY want
Ap Will; takell; 9 a Udat this season of the yc&4. and tUf Is tba
by which theratuff cut kWay was 'scattered the pew bridge of the same dhadilsions. &Waj. tkorithe- drift. rightsguaranteed them by the CoilstitittionL lopes that roam ovor it. The nver is a virtually handed her f4me down to posteri- Hat4 at 20*per cent less than city Celt"
I - Canadian Society, JU placeto get your
All a by introducing ShirtsandTieg ofthm newestpzterz�& LadiesBundowns andbehoolGirls hats and Flatotin gnAtvarlety-.
1 0 cut 0 way to sure the bridw o. it in a tKe BurplAs -petticoated nightlarks of so
ever all his field&. This injur had occurred Th th d - y ool a 4 the p wile shallow stream,flowing dyer a bed of ty into
a Le i 1867 was caused b tb Do. and t6 laws:' That . reai,lollt
fruat, 1qVg to 1,,ri o. It was trifling this yvear. 0 reaking of the data and that it was I�Ieaus n4- will with unfilhohing seV rit mAnd afid nor, a creek running %at 00derich, Much 23rd, 18".
J.mes Saunders, lives in Qooerilifi, and 0 y hundred miles. Tt. has . numerous sand nialay British Cities.,") Verily there it noth-
lt happened twice ial.869. On 3rd June 110VIthe fault of the bridge. His Lot' 'ship know Aft Bays umility Engin4f . rr. met carry aut wbat'6 proclaims, we have no bluffs on either side and the soil is of a ing like patriotism I
1869 Kart of the bridge was carried away rill that pritua facie the bridge
-ula was him last week, JkskqtI him � if he was oubt. rhat he will succeed is. only saudy nature all the way and 'the, winds TzsmxoxEA1. -*A few dayll ago a depu-
lAy a eavy freshet and all the z�=;Qzmula- pro erly constructed up to 1867. That the
tian spro3d on his fields. The bridge was ace mulation of drift wood oil the dam Engiaeor oa this brid go. - fi� said ke prdbable-if the -smouldering rpirit of blovr it in thick clouds over the coiLmtry. tation of thd young men residing in and
--,replaced and oalv made 8 inclier. higher. 3ho," ed that danger was to be aDnrebeu. wat uot. Re said the bildge was a goo rebellion is iiot -- strong enough to burst The flourishing' towns and villages you ate, around the north section of the Township
�-Tize bridge was jnst calculated to cateb all ded,1 and if theAufalidauts did'nc�tl suard subtautial bridge. He 64d'ho 44 heard' into open fLame. We should have had marked on the map. exist only on paper,aa of Ashfield, called at the residence of the
more hope of a happy issue it the Preid, they lionsiat without exceptioit of three or - p Veteran Poletical Correspondent,
dWtwood, with 4, beads in the river and I ag4nt that within a reasonable timo the there were cow�laiuts iabout he bridge. oigna s G. MCKENZIE, WALL
cuLy 20 to 40 feet apart. def6ndants would beliable. The cause of the Ile didti't s�y of his n- 0 ion that dent bad been instructed to couple with four'saloons built of-prairiia sods, roof and Mr. W. B46nnatyne, whom they found PAPEU00
f, a clamation of. ll, together with a grocery bf the same (Philometus like�chopping woed and pro 7
if th� were, wider &part the jam inj�ry he would leave t6 the -iury and also
the briJge was too narr this propcied action, a pro style of Architecture, and a frame house aented him with a ti y little purse, well
would not occur. And if there was no, leaJ# to them whethor the co�istruction (,,f id
-am. thiipBrlige wu reasonable or not. Mr Alucketizie deliver an able address universal indemnity to all who took part where the section men of the R. Road plugged with dollar bills, as an earnest of
bridge there waald be noi When THE DEFM�CE. for the defence. in the rebellion. The following are spact- live. From-thi3 you may form &it idea of the high respect which they eiatertaill. for AS PLEASURE IN , INTIMATING TO HIS
oke Urido wa* carried awn.the jam was 11custotners and the Px1 blic generally, that he b" o—
A BAY, County Engineer, knows the M r Robinson, in his usual keen and% mens of It served last mouth on. portion the great and rich Platte valley that the him on account of his many estimable a Now store next door to the old - where they.
Itesped tap above his fence an excavated �L who had me obnoxious to the Klan, government and R. R, Co. puff and lie
t3te b2ak. soma 30 or 40 rtet maki l&n4. Survayed the river L%st Sept. and logical mianner followed 1br the,plaintiff. principles both as a man and a neighbour, _d constantly on hand, a full SuPPIY of
and also for his merits as a poet and news -
ng a fou�d a jil] of 21 inchs from the brid-e , After the judg*s 6ha e t jury and a lamentable conlession. of enforced about. dbeydfine is a miserable little
nt,w "awnel thorougzx his plaw, some 61. town and likely - stopped growing in its paper paragraphW. This is surely hand
d f 60 reds anAno fill to t6 Wester�n retired foraboUt 15 'm- i0itt an s by the Sheriff of a county in WWI Now Patterns of Parlor Paper$
r urnea weeklies childhood, because it drank too much DDV G,00nq
weathe of 1869 to 1870. 'rhe aerage some way of recognising a person of Mr. JLb JL
M I South Carolina :-
I ilit. of, regqr's property- Knows the with a verdict for the aefend t. whiskey, ot wm born in the wrong place, Ban in a social as well as
iri na,�yne�s standing
water of the ri-er witEout ikuis would be
ion--acowl.mon frame bridge,
bri gpinquest GtNERAL ORDER X0. 97--1E X. K. as rpost ot thshouses are vacant. I 'got mental capacity, than that resorted to a �READY ]�WE CLOTHING, Now Styles of Satin P apsYs.
about, 2 fort anui about five feet in d like the other
a ng and substant&I an The other cases on dlickett were -Attention, John Martin, Fairfield Co'y. the tirst view of theRocky Mountaitissome few days previou�,mhen a certain prosy
floods. Thi- �e!d with new channel b " as in the Township. Thia is one of the Patience has ceased to be a virtue. rude east of them, and they are in full but p,ecoULOI18 little Dayid,spught to over
'he biidge laid over to! 3,=4 the Court TWEEDS & CLOTHS;
he might z.7y was peruiaently injurea, 3tt'sgqst and Wst. The flouir of L next asiiO z Baware. Btiware I' si-ht Denver. I was greatly deceived throw the Poletical Goliath, by hurling at New Gold Papers,
and utlitir two racire or less ink, i has adjourned at 11.30-a,m. You are ordered to resign yoa office at
rolit e water. lt4spams of 2 iwtheatdistauce they appeai;pd fromthe hia� time honored , erdlijum 4dertain 111115siles,
by dxiftwood, the 1'3nces bfing:=rried i d on, of .21 feet stiffictentfor 0 or- once. Or in. ton days you *ill be visited. track. I noticed one higb peak with a too condensed ia their deiree, of cousisten- New0ak Papers,,
-ize3 very hii;!l ig d-jwn front the top and cy to be mistaken for dollar bills.
di lary purposes. The water r By order of GRANI) CHLYr K. K.. K ravine runntr
aw&T. The ft;a=s have been carried 'd HATS & CAPS,
away ffery year since 1867- 19 rods spring -in that river especially. 0. D. Secretary. thoughtitabout five iniles off, but after THF, MD(ISTZR:S flolwz.-A good many Now Ifting RoOm PapOrIls
tont Take beed while you have a ohancep And riding forty miles it seemed no further
�llydriftwoodcomes down, greatbr o I people in this neighborhood, who have BOOTS & SHOR4
carrie4 away in t867-21 in 1868-18 patt of it from,RcKihop.-1t4,:omes from old shun the penalty. It a cill!d Lung's Peak and is one
'I subicribed.for a purchase of a horse fortbe
tht first ticne in 1869 -and 19 rods 'a da0is and bridges� and peopke, choppinM NVinusboro, Fairfield- r 71e highest in the range and can be seen Now 3warb' Papers*
n - 3o., S. U., Rev. Mr Grent, are wearying very much
the second freiliek -of 1869 -and 8 alOngthe river. Great part comes to'the OD ]BiJOH9 - X
#T lith, Z871 April 30th, 1871- jL60 miles off.. - PikelsPeak is the most lof- fo- obtain an occular glimpse of theanimaL
redit were carried away in 1870 -and in- laqe.Thervis difficulty with jams in all the is-B=ellewy the HQuID. 1r. &,�H,GQW- ty and liti .70 miles soutb,. but can't be If the person or persons entrusted withthe N. B. The old Stori W beept Uclusiv& Now zeftoom Papers,
bldge*,. township And 09unty. At the nor of theState of South Varoltm:- seen from Denver -on accotifib of hills that
August a 870, 8 reds were carried away The Hat,40on l0eleffation. purchase of the. critter have been suc�essful ly for-'
Qc�uty bridge at Lqudesboro-a- bent had f3rit:-This is to- certify that certain intervene. Iflud, that -to know what the
tucl part ofbis place was made acommon. in Making. a suitable selection for the put NewHgai:pipem
torp tak4miw-ay to lot down -the jam, au(t county officers of the county andState climate of a country is you mt:at 4joe it, to mid certainly
Husides this tbera was a great 4cal more *4imbeen venied f. 0
29 replaceti, The cause' of the flooding ot a little ill -hate 1, have been threatened publicly 'me this has beenlany thing butau agreeable p se -of hii'reverence, it w(
be satitifactcry to'all interested therein, if
rofted out, some day soon.
feade carried away the tails of which Wa;k the smallness. of the ch4nnel for the against Adam Brown &.'6j1 -m6 addressed by posted orders on the Court house dook, one so, far a,3 I have. seen.he- first Sunday he could be t HA RDWARIE NOW.Office PAPOrsi,
. . . t T
-d wo-ti,14 have been It.,oded, Vealucij signed K.K.K., posted -by.& body of dis-
were recovered. It ould take 100 rails wdeter. The IaL the Special me4ting of the w;� very fine, but the two following days. d he witimot be too slow
to fence field No. 5 alone. He could not l ough there been- wo bridge at all. Part puty guised. men who paraded the streets on - . I frost, while last Friday was !t isto'be hope
i t1dWS J "'t rain #now aw in making his appearanceur debut drama& and is now fall Of
think of f6ricin-, it, avain, until he had a oft, he London Saturday I ,
!- a I he old dam above the bridge a ro the Hamilton and, co4 11 -night, the 29th inst., nnmbering as hot as a. July day I in Canada. VVheu catty opeakbig.
remedy. He would claim $397, of artil tends to stop the water before it gets sch!ame._ It In 'i �aturq from fifty to 100 that if they did noti NEW '301DERNI
is needfol Ifer ho wn A r8, the wind blow& strong, as I am told it does
damages, but he had lost twice that to bridge and tends ta inklie the wat, sign their several offices forthwith, they e
'to find some scapegoa on irbidi t6 invgery third day, there is so much Band -fly- very d tressin
lay that -is v- an a a Ciro
or ow the banks before it gets to -the would be visited a second timei and that d f t I i unistance
b at all, and crones the nad the blame of the ull warq turtf taken people are half blinded. Still it tirred at pirI6 Ji�er on the,afternoon of such as Bench Plains, Chiselef BjUI R4M--]
they might fear the worst. And that-Ij is never colla in winter and snow lasts but C 'lot U't. A little airl two -drier1p.
Monday the i mers, Saw, Squareli, Screw PAPER'S
To ajuryman-tbt bank of the ri ; v6r Felands. Therbanksbetwecathe dam by events. Tt is our dio thit-siace as Sheriffof the cbuhty aforesid, consider a few c4ye. The.trees are -not in leaf yet,
e bridge are about 6 feet an& also 111owick chose these ve a6t. f8mP-Oratuts myself utterly urliible to preserve the slid arg'1hree Weeks behind Illill9is, Detivei yeirs of ago, thi daughter Of Mr- yal�;4 Builders, will -find a fall supply �or Nails,
i6ere averlowed would, be about 5 feet in the bridge to the head of the river, rits advocate t h a eight to 6 n"k, nd protect the threatened officers,' CamplieU,wililstaratiging herself with some
f a - X - he nearly as large as Brantford aull I -think 6, aim F
cet oa both sides, a trifle highest on 304,& further down. And beyond the bond ' )a -'a though at hey�spokd ge city. Ihadspme.dif-
a gh t =the disguised body carry out their will fibcome a lar. beaus ulif9ptunatelyr - iii �ndeavourivg to looks, Hinges, Paints) Oil uttY
Abe South eide. Owns 200 acres of land. i" banks are -high on the Satith I it it Volubly strid threat. ficulty in finding work, there are so mwiy swallow on'ti,received -it into her windpipe. 40. &c.
a li distance and 1ongand, W' h ot a Il tle bitt r emphasis., Very res atfully, your ob't serv't, looking for it. I met with a German who Medical iiidwas zodured with as much dis- JUST OWNED AND
Uoss Ex7i> Hal lived23 years a- thin Lztwlng quite low an the North side, th!y. wake not suce6sifid itt. changing The 1'. TDvVALL, Sheriff Fairfiel&Co. em - lo ad myself and conumdd, an Eng- patch as possible but' proved of no avail,
f a -single -Reelre t dr Diputy � i a toursof agonizing tortures.
Tr&A-M. Tbebridoewas-built2yearsafter. to 16e limit, of 04r McGiegor's property, opinion 0 K. K. K, - . I liallman with whom I'goi ac' and at ter severe A
present at the meatini. OAi quainted com- yints which thd poor 11c. Wped to furnish material and build on kis,.property partly thing they during the parox
The water gets H�&&Quarters-Ath division. ing from Omdha. I may leive soon for
Arbrid-e. It was taken down ia'64. Theold. fr,6 the daiii. Tbe breastwork erected did good servic, in wasto3ittijet.attentl6a `cj$ ordets.-L-S. M. Stuart, you Qold& Uity a mining town in the moun- little suffarir is said to have probed out one TAKEN MRANG E- (OFIFERED AIT (DREAP
r of its own eyes, death was the melancholy
4ridge bad font abutments.- courd not say pr1i"vents thewaterfromdPwing inastmight to the 16th clause of t6 L ad Ilaron are herubg ekder6d- to reidgti, the officapf lins,as Ihad alatierfrom another travel- - alt. The surroundiul(inbabitants deep-
liq'!s and throws is on the 10 field on the and Brute charter, as. to tZ, ;,�er and s, 'el for 'this county forth- ling comoanion who informed ti�e work in ree
-&ow aiamy abatments in the new bridqe. Represeitlativd t;i ioget ili with th �- !y sympathies with Mr. and bin. Campbell- RATES*
Xverything wu new. Part. of the dam solith side of the river between -the rirer duty of the Trustees a#poi4tbd under the tvA, which 6Qce OU hold in opposition plenty there. I will i e their berenconit.
an4theroad. &very large jam is formed act to turn the al hief builder here who hsa given me a- n- sn usfortnuatf iWFor-you Carpet warp, �hite and
utlicipg!. bondio into to the wishes of Pybrl I.ionest man �in the C . r
spoken of is still kept up. It was up below Mr MeGiregor a. property and a ortial- ente ' have from three Mr. Andrew Hafiday,tbe long establish -
cash at once ; which wit tW couragement. , Carp 170 coloied.
some effort community. a a ee e blacksmith of- Arab
when he went, there. The dala- w3s let one on. his side, both tending to keep erly, AT MOOR1101-78-V'S
in,t ghould be made to ame4d. IL Leb o" ira;rXiDX'suffie8th9 cy's 6 four dollars per day, board* 88.00 Rer ed nd re p t d
-partly the cause of "the overfl0m. It ti -I water back a little. the-jam3aga of the Order is upon wher, we week s1?me of the saloons ive it for six. lies at present ia a very precarlous and ex -
T the break*g of sto of illness. The doctors GO TO G.-MCKENtins
foodit Martiri's Ia'nd first. There ilt an old th4 bridge were caused by out minslan WAl be of a differ- My heilth is good but I find it harder to hausting at
come #gain
c6unal by which the water runs over thi- Martin',% data and another farther up in I- -bireath here thou at Goderich or -.014 divided in their opinions- ra- Dodexleb. A�rll ith IS alroPt,
M�Killap, about 4-yearsgo. These dams Very Coissfile out character, �cago, seam much
r4te inj his complaint, and Whirs eye thing is Cheaper every
road- into his place. This ii the -south drift up and siuca their destrue- B order of VIB. 01100min&UCY14- 'it is so high and the air thin. gat g tife nature of
hisaltiiiim�tarewvery seems . iq the mean -
bank. Theta, wax no water'14oded the Mr Hatiday hall Goderieh4th H!ty, 1811.
ti-tNth"e6 dfift, cotfibi,, more fteely. The The London mush 0. L., A. A. G. �Vhe Synod emondon.
time,.rather doubtful
north bank before or after March and 3L.4 IL I __1 I I
larifte is sufficient for every ordinary pur- -r— long eajoyal the good will of all who know
obliged to the New Brm fbi boing this
June 7869, but the eattanz of th ex( Head-Qaartarg4oh, Aferour report of Wednesday the 'hilkl,and townywould fain indii1ja the, Bri4a, is extei0ed to the 1 A he
mpt when the civer overflows its ditnora coup " Ideratoid its re.
away -ma-16 it overidow "?,211 ks, when the water sprea�ts 1eyond the weak It tri General orders, ynod took up anil considered xn*oveitue pleasing hope that they may yet lave the Reeve to givernotiee through the erich 'DzFAvmzi--8ev. Geo Broilzr
Me _ I
met, mostly in June. The fences of the bridge. The water now can: 'marks on B. MIJ jVe Partite, G W%Bs:rberj -john DoiwilL Xrz ewi era, tcrian alillistir of this placep last Sabbath an -
the L..H. k, rpm the Rev. Mr. Proudfoot, recommend- pleasure of witne isin SWr and Clinton New. Brz
L 6 .g the glow
ng-thaf the representation of PreBby terle sd get notices printed and nounced his -congmsarion -via iatecition at
ridge. That fred Moor6, 8 X Sui4i� _. . radiating from his sounding an and uted to
alon- the road and the bank havarbeea no got up to the floor of tts b would takeityery-Mod `f ou'isontimlibroy Dunlop an on 5&ro oach to
73 ;7,e JLn t 4. Henry$myth# y
ki efdriftwoodjanizatalmosteverybrid6-e brLi changeafrom ond third to ond-half, and mote it be. that effect. takinga-irip to Sebtlaud, w he tas for vino.
Wit for t5 or 16 years. The brid tiny broadarnarrow, catching first- if it would not"sound', and s6verally� ordered to rbatti thiB offices alst,, that no elaera be -elected to the As- News is rathergab at
present ia., our Council adjourned to meet age* on the time been conerderablyzat of 'hant. He
1864-. was good, bat the tipans too narrow. llt� 90mez to, They harshly sh6ok.6i ziervou� 9yot ".1y, save those wbo'my beat the vidinityr,. but in the absenbef other* par&-- 15 inst. in Jinie.
oultha* banks or an a pier and jammiax up . , am y.ou. now hold. Wo to semb lakes -his departure
It- had ' been ths. some since 1864. The and are by no means bli..4'amv 11.--nLet �kina warning sufffee. time �! eleei t thb`:f6lI6wiu9 verses,
th�piplau*j. The county- bridge& averae F& aqf!�a ion members of Presbytery. graphs please inset NzARLY A Wednesday, rd,
&U, spact 4o orders. Port *11beit.
jitw at the 'bridge was can -sed by drift-� �sizez frDin 2.5 feeto 150. fie attribut- listener as the dulcet itot Yit- to sgreed to transmit, and hit. as they 4re the c6tapneitioil, �of your own inst., a spark fectrithe farnsee of IrtlauTs
The 83
Wood-soinetImes trees from 12 ta 40 IJI.�_The Sheriff, Tremure'r and Audi - Pro
dd� e,water getting Da the land to its the Railwly promat�js� thei A'irly udfudi, Dr. Waters were poetical correstiond ni,'aud-aiil somewhat sonwib
e .
We -regret to record the eath, in the
au at one time a lon small switch, to*nau and the narrowness -2f thechannel'; history, Of. -the projebt, tor we trust;.yet they, mait.heiiare I We d th support the overture in the in unison with the -sentimentsf the sea - land was socalino blaze. Bypromptaudener-
,,p,, All good men; y�t they must act in life,'of Mr Jtames Sbie148L Of the
looks more Uhristiati4like � =Ass�'tubly.-. ... are� adopted is prime of -a was putout*_
of an extra length. Thew trees came &no not at all to tha bridge. when, iuk,- at. son. The.airto Township of - Aakfield, near this iplace, on zetle szortion,,however, Abe fir
COIRROS&S Ex . -Had nothin good.taith. This islfiis first. notie6i and
fross the flat p1mw on the Mill properti-* g to do with pf6sent, smilingiy, thbligh 1i gly- ic Mr. Praudfo�t,wo heard in support of "Lhad a harse I ha ow maii-"
if these bridow. ea!itqti6 must be obeyed. v Monday, let imt., 4 typhoid f6er. He but it wass. narrow escalle.
-them were cu t 'buildim, o . an overture, irecomniending considerable Now wintees surly reign Is oer, I
Some of % someofthem had ats things en tile 1ack:'thaa,*16iitg' Oy order of T B C, (36mmandi Denomination. 7hotlow hath left the mountains; was attended by two ;iedical j�enf hilt RODRIcity��0onvidorsible extitemelit wok
' ' ks at al:i�it every bridzem' the conntry P V . - . . . . 'US' hanies iuthe-RecurJ or
rants. Tbere weia als6 limbs of trees. cheeks are distended i)i th6actot blo 0 L., A. A. G. Fair spring unrolds her,Verdgnt stm, thbir!help was of no avafl Thet deceased caused hk our village this (Monday) woraims,
ald call 0. Huron. The -Maitland bidge, in one al Organ of the Chur&- And sunshiue gilds tte fQuntains. by the report -that Mr 'T" asm ar -who WPIL
slabs- and broken, rails. He sppin,.w" one season the scene f the a warlike pibroub., There" ii one -thing ifis Southern St2tes urgorltl�. iiee4 an Thd Synod adjouriiall to meet it half.: Adov had 6en a respected meaer of. Athfield. a opping at XclAu . glilitils Rot . el, bad lad
I m the woodlands windlirg 9W8
the stuff -driftwood. He could u0t�"Y t jaut he eyersaw. ieer. nid Lb we* would like to knoir oh what. ground. impor Dear Ifty let ug wander, . L. 0. L. 14o. 383 tQr several years; and t Tko
c. n of capital, operIV, enterprise last seveft- And shhr6 thep , ys by natare sp
how the trees came there, be was noi tatio After the opezong exeroysea in the even- 'by his upright Q11arNter and agreeable, hijtrackepened and 93OLO abstrailed
of, in was insufficleu of �apwity to let the Nzw Era says tl(at 14rger township deLof, In wild, TyeetA�mple grandeur. i of all by facts vf Illeaseso, fox as -we hava beert-abl*
- Ana muscle$ bat at, proieiit -the, most manners 'had wou the eteom
oniniprasent. Tke bridjp is adc as th driftwood through. Only said to nuses could be got for the Loud.oix 4ne ing -the Relior several Presbyteries -was known.' The deceased leaves to lascertainare as lollows;-Mr Hoveliwito
Sa4viderh other Mple were complain- annot Inake the velltare. - The were ordered to W Attested as carefully Byradn -VtM and hazel sereen whom We
large as others in the T i3ty foolhard c 'b t -we
4waship. ViA lilintou than Scafiirth. eus 0 awife and helpless family tomournbis iptended starting for 31aig.t6 It 1 his rlaing,
ofit. io. immigratioll, in ly kept. The Nowle ormay an sprimellig
5orough ulth 50 11 please j fcr_igfojmj��n. -enedurginent, estardav evening,hotieed that his trunk bid
�-Xotsomuchdriftwoodcomqx pat
There wai4ne at LondesT the I Aad iong6irds gav, thro' every scene. death. " Wa remains were iatifted in the
I I forribly depicted in the recent There was read quextrAqt from the sess- eir laq-s of I f i opened or ;at Joist tampered *itb, but
f lRe bad seem nothef brld�qe Land wiw lag* Goderioll. Oemeteryu We4ne4day Ordinst "d
eet, xpsa. hless Iliqw
just like the one be complained of. The* n Ifiti;trij�cIpsper. Aravelle ion -of 'the firs
nowi ae 6raterly. The biggest ProudEbot's) t Vrilt6yteriaii Church (Mr. .tot being at all saijidous at' fon' pay'
wn for 15 years took place in vh.W "iou attributing.,.the 4rcumstan
ta kno -it,- P Ir low. to the w
during -the nat 'the xomdoa "'llway. Talisoin -transmitting& nfemorial to re rk pf
ural vlg AsMelld PiridrIft
was no -damage done -il Assenilily, przyg th�it leave Beyon qW., waith. M -did
sid 1W. The e also, ery high the Genar
low of the streem. On 24 Augus Thq $100100D 'ga - has begait in -beaut-iful va,11ey an the 6, the firat Presbyteri' to power 1- on to it. But
i� camm� JAtzaailaurbltlon�
$here while. two mitoked assasoks-st4nd bebWd cong go g use -an InFitrilment, in pub �Ui" pride its tins 0 graaeur eon t inking the matter overhe botti,
fliawimay Ssity., Deputy Reeve tho Forest City audw"' Carrk on rith -and 'afinds their golden (Iowa Th the Editor of was the U2417the beata of the Srige, being a tree, With their rif LL -4. 'Pre4ented to V!Orrs d praying the Synod t,6 ivasodidt h out e0untllemoneybatwhealiepon-
'The ac- 01. ulletk, has been living there 23 y6are eftergyl-at-Ward. meetings 'by the prod6lit- . rera on ".the tA . - - I I - � t morial to the a' And.Wb(on. halls at BPIBnOur W-WhenceAlle orikin of the. above ap- inus'the iironoy
t their fidg are, -waiting for' rgl
iiairifig too narrow a spad. 'Deputy Reere for IT or 18 years. irra leafy groy-
(ave we ontar 4 the trunic he found it asm
era of the line. fev operty-iolier hil* to come witlAn aii;�e. Therd'is III so' I.. P.ud thou my *ary, by inep, pellation is not kdownto your',. hutuble to the extnt. f $300 in gold and
*U=ulaiioo in the, mi one. - 7
was all removed and itie or p
t* trifle !are contribitor ;'bikt, 4�fiioo it for tho present
3*01r, occur in the' -are disposedi to reiief i2gier4on 71n Tie piature, bu jt�!, on foot,wae heard -on behalf of To rLogi gt�wlll ijid talk of love larie bills. On -ruskint -tite tager
d McGregor's propirty. It&ix low a trin Ing e ght aW 31ill.
und #6,w if th : -,
. - L_ . I at, there may be in future 'A stri jug -known to Xr Nell wilghlin and -others
libiamt *gfell 0 in fraphets. Tit h&W any frealist iltould overflow it Maer J�o buttl ina, ilf
nus, Jo the rate-px an el of ufh�
y0r� - en
W Maep noved, seconded "giants of thO forep
a Isla,
elnent tr' as well, N after whidli Rev. Thos.
em. tor V X semblance wh poinf
thers wher� we% Stray till arryprk., their susildionsat onie id td a pel-
4l#ht1zt at
beewita. jicimmulitiort riftwo" Mind &aWle
of',d ari, ividently inchine u al oulder the ze-i 0 u Utbarti. U, t at 6i momqxial W: trans. Untold a b ung 4ave mingled their =hex wit OOMMOR namedhom In. Froyn, a pasterq,
-hallow V's our eourse surdt gdds� pra1homlock 200
0 -of . thbit 6u- that spon4bility, h: , he Truth mother eath When -the a
widw, it1ii About ther beat oz,
wnskip In(l_ho, lijght,__'bef�we udl d drooping ljoif Mr XcLaug&
the 4im sinct it z putlap, His bad it ith ihe whohadboen working at
1hr are 1867. more or it wa* omoved in amendment by R97. E e eutbreast to
r. Sairal'am,* agulast the bridgp, it Tii lin!# viid� .0 lUe theft ho
,the To w"t got T -The Civll-.W�i All
A *eed Amdedbet in, bQ a bturde��bntt ptilL qaes- _fh. Wait a
- Rd�, ieconed'by- Alr�*,,FutherinZham with -f it eer�mnvary. _� al r er
f Mr. luarm -%16vjti)n: fohft�presjed beecb, birch iad maple, _14V bo d On being i
nd *0
lempieryyear he resAcd- tbvro f row IS48 9 but A6 water- overflowixg., it 1wis timitasbeen�CiftensS 000" on to the fiir -field of human i no have denied y ki
that the-8yii6d 41, bl io vitki -Alay.
Parisj,B y:6 rea to trinamit the peti-:
r Tat, to for the dered'theimined-late- roleallel�4&1 nfi it to the favorable money, but 1)y int oft-brotali,
gentralli itt 4-14 June after meeting. of celtaefl Meat'& L01140 Ile 1� V8.1tum :Mbless V vanished away ; then, il upon theiaiixe
tion. and rear key
t Who r4e J�r* `m*nt . of the, - Commin4rd -of -Yore' of theL may we hear the wind saymi -to Bad the purse,�lxt Am
and oni summer about 16L Yea�rs a . he tho matter wa&, spoken oL Wen
-Teeet vout era mu� GAme ef.sembly rr,--G,6der1cU.TpWjnshJv-
mom Arst carried akffl 1867 M_ th with Mr Stephenson to have banefit to' U rset d at last'Lgot Iftil
:�a Qua
ed. 1) MeOrregarjithrbatened, ni- very iia�t� -I faithis whenj with Vindenuelt,41to A� dikussion 6 prev-V 'Sow for a frolic I mow for a 1'eap I
thei Afte spirite He Wid that TA014
own th.6 me Y�,ind if the money vU
isloyalty to t 0, m iove an ca The' .1at 18n. '�maa - p gallopitrigchap 1* rl W94 no money'a It'
b ithorffio4,� -d' -'d - e''. -vote towfor a -ca;
[a -no is
ikeahet. b the breliking of Suspicion of j may
-wi law it they let aay&ing %ter of,Wjtr�_ae and ", aiaunulitimat coming alwN put n. nialte, comootionin overy Place.. not take Lthe %aon�
T"� � . -1 . W Midi- ii whe� inaill .
haul .11 as, a. I 'motion, The Cotoibil, mi
The'y letthe job z party t� opinix 08820-0-m-9 the A.t� ASYL pursuant to Fla. -b not in the Pam it must have �Iheeu taken
-Tnil e-Coi�unffiue. The ow 1". -_ �.S. - -Bit& the moligraptirtan
it,�,wdi wirried-over the
4"* ow tim Wder,4L 1[r tU4 dam had not 'tec wA4 kr with thi IMUGRA r1ox.
Mot 'Pub num
ou nd pile- up but the wa; too tt * 06tirtof evision. Mem had lers OW
not lutra -faway is that aat a bil triviat and n&nt.offfibirt, d, xnmen. � L . feature in thigparbf Ashfield4s; the late by some one else, after 114
ma, mit ind recolminei.id ;It pfesent.,�'� Reso1v
L aw erk;WtImwitterfell, the fieshet.4siae tisoiibli the b one- by t,6 � I : . I -takeft-li a -U d puris. ' Th1*sf course wat 46 believed
jrgilpificen�, in conipi bon, I nel f6r UiOborditiittion.- - Th % � I
immigration that has . .
hippene.J. Nftwwd oitaxe, down only *a* carried env an a to of Johh Inglis rewdirt as asseased. r'"0111'..; n er
to 'M - 1 . I - * - ThbCoinalitteesppointe t e
Ue bridga AW4;. 'If 111% tbal;-'irilf be d ;' ed, " wastituting -Getatap thb kinA careaud "callout -1-021 f Dr, but iboigh every fWale means of set-#
was a, cum lbe, liad allow*& them -ed that the .4ollovdiaw Person be exempt
- t 010jamllnei Treasa very
year whatker then IG London morf: "plL-W4� a�hasj ja a commutfleatioti to theL the -emigrazits are, -in e ging jffi�'to find it r aq mhere
re -f ported that it �was xatio -
VIZ . Argare
Or- A; biik-� e oL "4qGibboM5r` ifi4taluLpej dolog ran They was tried$
orot. Jobit Dsk c4tat there in 18-0. W, ;4 at ikey j)mpowd,in 1. of building
14 timiets ot mrinkIly, vr@!L
th biidga dim kept; that imafi )rth., ALU5! milton Jashua, he
ptoWwtl art,
in the Berry ongm ppy homes, kino� Inothem would di neither. but it
)1qr wis patlmasiwv. Plimitlit did adt, th ate;iA"d-cord- J 'have lonail
swoon, -of Fort'- Valteyn�i. Tli� Prue -
d aid IT* f reshot wass the Itaide seen Which, the, ongregations bk& iot' 'do - BrA.V L jk* John Panne- WWr0Un4,,byXrRoberflKirr un
I respit in ttbeckej '11h asqi�zs-tdeut._xoUbav1ng been ink'frota a pile
'is , i ntaAW 121)16yment. Out of, the"
-hiuder'kin from doing adythlog oz; th at mat it
in'*hat pait of the cijuuq� Had heard building of the Gta Tru k; tathe north a ns� e amoni, t red'frd' ih6m,,and thai �oard projecii of 111131t,
a ra000n h Jout-sx.
not thrextes to hang biss, like Wuragorcomplairlof&jAhL Jet Patizi,�aud refusiv t0thO the -aniqutit ofe"tribixtion, 'i6quired fro -f6isea atid aiiienaed, Was-oonfirmed. Z;r; , hosaillnen er 1
his of Ila tatk1i sna� eiria _in . ber ause 4f them " Lou, Ions, C -S�ynod urt otlt6vim on tee -of two in
aParis May 6.-hOgro'et' (if th� 10� c1W A 1010 ro- tbief, we are sorry to sa vas allowed to
threa tor kick hitg butibitt, -hA* tbakwitli, �,, , - , t, - ` �*- - - - - - , - &,�A 1he edi fratetni - r at Mr McULughIi4!,a stable, - Vile'
toned damming the . watei bacit, . - f, ..f f irttiffrstyear6f the E( Of
didet trouldek intellectual �e, ra pt oseli the t tI* or l-hJi3uf5c16l1if6` -were rced. pLwove .. an iseAwho I
, aA also, of thi obstructions &We d d x4orted as
jeice over -A Do -boy w4c esope as 34r Rillpel heing in a hurry to
. _2v upled1he PA'k dult DO P1010 4 Tlf,
could tand "itunt a b0p b Ho wits, not compUining of the ti 0 tT. ptieion.bf Airs.. rown and
Iva A
ommune, ecit that.76ft Vwrei U_ nill1we �gw
csnt passe e.] -fair
U was, notthe bentsof the, �.rtdge Wid, cirerulitil ne: wayof, recovery,
0 been il4like iio� learri, _arelin ed-jouiney, would 1101
use., to owli Avira the drift, bia Kt. indeting prospalitshis mterA4
ka4iad.Daild Patton
as the brids wanted Martitirw da -removod-1 6tio �of'16Re�,4h'ox�' take iiny., iteps' Jowar4i prosecittlaz thq
didult zed to doit bad th n.i. He -be 61A �Cal 0 �wded, thq�.'b *U po�11,:whs . qeceived,iiid utfopfed.� . heh taost- -A
T around ex )u_'the,i3laud, Awoolfnzb, Ism About 1A TOM* Of
uld- go away,4t_ rob soni, the I ry and ascertsu)
ratt Jel -thea�k -iof the Olac; f4p gif4bliqUing a ixittua
sital roof, and sought
afraii lba brito wo
generd 6ritir r uteittgY nod
4imt. X-awn9t sure, ho said the beat& a nd Cueau *06! �d that, thathani age'llis left hei pare 614 iil,14 on blo'blandir-fo I? fe 41 refuge in isome �ulakawu Part. M
Ralgz!v. raA*Z1869hapetitionoil of br!(Tp veto too, close together. �- Was
r(d 14. F L liald 1� !th 'Blad . *hot, me mbiii'Aliho Commu Api. f6 ul and' efficAo'n- n6ar 016derich, and p art t toieon at next dauglApirpt one who was seat to 34agdou,
40 the COUU& to tiftQ4 Aaftwood aboya ing� The fiest-it *xt,-hisk Xune�.ae U y Vidill - f4 Uitlif and
Ispr Aid _taer" his ".k '14 di ha
has be 'd Oe�-.to, --pefforlit the Statute -lab. t
w oiler tko rdAA but -40-uld We jngt4ji� %U4 t� �11(jd tie A,22 ijt'lpt Con. -on Te
as n watir London,,, 281h pirth, 29to. Waterloo. Wth on. Arre laAfinef, in W hol
Gjain. &wthattho D al
#ud. �Ilrd ran the sk T* us a
Una Rev. He never shmil fmber the Refoinj
EVI to FAamidei-Tho prospedgof Ao"Arift-
rhenextuiaeting-ofthi gy=dwss�Ap bright in- the xtrajnb.� T1181411 no��:�ifxt odedbloGregaeafarot. The Are to, road etien,aaid.'lot0jundiqt thii Sdper
Balttsliol* ir�- ad 22)0 11#0us 00 tfie� wrZilitia, o6idial ti8e1eASAeAttU&, 1)emonstratioxe-iti honor of
loW ibe river, i �44naiter. lohnDempsey 1wit -never looked bettor st this season the 1"t elsc�
t 0 60 took away saany culvorts M -n (if the -Pal achie'ved in 19uront
he r et canvas.. ion�of "Dre , sbyter!in_,'C Id--perfor bisr-st'stute- a or on of the year n -dr in
001�d RQ6 or 16 C I -thV41st �r 06Y I b the side- , *31ty- athe bar 4, ou ues;1 &eed well c'
The brld ipeo
i1§0 orphill- dayst 601'onw:tfia lot J118. Maitland. Of tM�& I' 'Iot� 35 X th Con. oat ioui blado gee. " I 71.1-872149-T-3011). roadbetweet' iftei y be Seen with
T the for ring or. an 0 Aeld In ST01p,_Mr.
I lines says that Gein. is:,. raps Dan - - � . �
tiff ilh him. Mis evidence Tg(6rA&KC]ft0NAXZ, ITAglived. 30 his- will bo� The rewrils -of the'.Preabiitifillond it har4a, iiind
tyear. TargotL 0 his -wite"dr'deted�t(jLbe-*.ittest-d NafinfaulTerid by the b094i1PZ,in4KGn0e -new Store in Gorrid.
orroborated Viato' bisfather. The 2 M H ett, -about ' lnile ul�_frbtft which ammblid thete I tra t V NZsta:ttite-lebor on
Stairs 0111 0 to pcal�rm
t]i best 'iliori. The Coffililuutsiff XCIII, retain epprd4k.Frost. Thespring c1rapastiro.
Antrebents were the 'etim _V#G th tho -13& Xu John HuSbers r
f ri rego& Xner it wall xud'liaA loon 0 tint
yf; ew Shinite I
e -*est effl'of
rart.10y; And vi been ad�an- on 4a amduat'of littendom- 100d hiji big, ractori*41ifill
110 th-sught 50 faet spat WQUAI avoid the t 44m. , The.19ad, U low and haF, has 16, 4mituds, ball atO mulail Tracaderdlil baktiriii:h Reports 04m. V"shyteries on'tha SW6 coseley to
abstraction, ght the ez!tx 604 it Aood�t with watei sayeral �rsi to be:2"j'!'j00 60Q , oded in plaoillo at the - t. him his life, ibut fortu:6041Y h6
of,religion weim-receiveA), and, 6rdered (u, sucoe
L � I nearly cqx
timos, ranges thioido-roa. IeAlng'frotu hig residence many bate
0 r
i �he
s t
P* pap
,q flI
to M31
i tha 1,
144 40 yam' Saw it before ilio and W P wen y pra" WIU "a, opined, fire AgamV
of sailkiiis it s* would. be veiy *"in the. - i4 doie Bfill'iti, 00o. IT-ta following so- disposal of the Air hr-owo �eltrtbi or Ym t ariand again.
-, *FOO hS tr4usluitte46 'Convener,, of' -the to tbi.'., t d
Tar" t in the-com. vallerielk.
V W94 0arriedway. Hex scanit. 00 min the State in th Uptism-The taking of -his
tt"'ht Wid - eA Colinto -*.are id 'Viz , W e1i orap
be g14". bor Oeat,Ao emblylit Oo
H# sollziskd tht dtimag"t as tolkirs -V olered to be lix
with WAW thk Apr=* is, thit WhlWa $IQ
ou the Relfilon. egid $9.60, Joseph roung $7.0 bejo,#. duo f the dnight. - Thit, m Titwnp
067 15.00
tit sidai outs All eietture on. &Ubadi-S&Ootlibisdei Amoll Bike 00, noted,pik ra0en in this part, has. allesolt '11, sold before he
wa� rece1yed, - ad6pted and o h4tj . 4rought fol
t giax Ila-, a rdeked to b�- RoberVIDianey, ji 60 QeqJ3teeI.S50.J`p59,Ph -pigso litter. a sjuta& ffi loom
INS 14.00 1 011 Appeal iemf eagMtom way sinoe"ifte 3d of A
Theftaft low 116es, throtigh durin t! ThoilL Zljott S30,'
go bod, Itsvitis an, ralloo. prir4 there were '40 All 18 It- 04M gets around,#
tough ibonwors no-bridpis risittra, off tothe - bo 6tich6g. "(1-410.1110 -P601160. were take VX* bivitt nd 4ohn t as the
.46 in VW pontinion.- tr tian4mitW,to,tb,aGenpr!il Asjembly� no
from her tful numbor,
umituicatibn 1eb*oen man fond of qftxto IS70, 27.(* tbia ftt Portion' won1,.1 be ovored with educ ban: *,ill 4 IL splendid one, Alt ne4a bf. 00 RA*.. .Thos. M41iersoh 'and Rii. -tJ , :
Tht i Wi, Tr etant0oraWation for the Hemu"'be X Elan twn -2 &
v, allym 41 1kroy-,
if w4terruitkaz sotith. saw&iftw�odeftth6 'a I. year jb6 tarAt suit- irorm foy Ann AVO antid to. sappOk :f870. -The *tition of HenryXiorlay tubtifor sow well X110WE.
fam , Notheringliammir6 appo . . with at , litiruzz,�Hltgn Willi
usith 'Ado after1iter litifts mw airriod in 0 intof View. ritic�,oftm vd. being,coux. the ov�r.tgre, At th6 0306u! AmsfilN fini xj7zle 081T48 from 000 opened a PhotogratAlic Galley
are' 'k; 0oW.,(;thJnk y in GarHe
10411 tri kwy� pleW dio-pite'tho h9sVJ fire kel?Clap bi J.othm cannot, be coing ka 01cl Abrahim.1 as Which w#
ral hit: IVA Ald Itij wing W@re p"d- astbeloag to, At %ad has tak n some likeness
W Away. Beliet votes of thank preientax it irpuldvequiret oexpa
ndituit m 'have inspeoted
W1441 is aballud 41,00 t*wwasaobrid -DrWwoodbuslipisys lot.- To the, Menae in Ui4ou foi of a lari -1surn of Money, 'to make ihe road - �Pot.-LVOAL',—The oammunii iroana, goid,
_1* *takes in Vh 'The Isloctions, ta. fin the Taft'lides in th [6 -dowu to i
X11AMIN 40 tk4 0=8 —The frall f rillser irh oilt ot - s -hospitality. bio. , re , f
down in large quaittitim 114,;j* , mlnr#, - f I =*-iuestio� At ill, xiss" here J;i settled L pe� got 0611m, Tsextit-ror Itainsioxfor Howict.Wediaes#
NwtIL book I IiAo UrOxilhiganisa,0010"a Asuitably-bavi boom -postponed Iiatil, aftef 2nd. To the witi,jaid the
"A mxtlagel%� of Jamei HitiCks -But, KU 'Hurou after -a h u_!#c& ie Los &yOMay 17th atGaftonA Hotel AVroXeter#
#Who" min, sum of V-50
4 no,")mpuintz of" isarcow. Premiums in Woe U. , wtii *,ad -
-day L the,.0 waa h St. An4raw!s--Church, ob -0. M,
t noon L611119,11, for t4e,use 'for keeping a. foundling. f�r aqt�
Qf the bwv,. ljxeept in law more 113411 uAlned Stidib, who cami from usnada. 6,1mrma-Air,of Pig ten weeks --
I breast iu� I If 0
a tile -.flum, of urne1her-placil
He Otstbought f6urAcrat'of lAnd for B of their building. win i1all assessori *as ptid
drkartiod iliod ta'aoi)* down than now. -in fro I M might have licard InIvy a ckep A Mau in Henry county, Ind., ba
�&Ay**wlerataod X*tialxditta btoke cents su we, - He upir owns W Acres And ant in Aq trenches 3rd.1cithli Utjortheilreo
uttesy t 50,1011pre as Part wineutof salary, forthe
fever 40 45.W tI covereda,an"WfLyof
0 riw The Ve -troops Members of Ivinst I le Y�11
9 W All Uke, W4 and Vanv d. lit yaai.7 'I 10h
V WAS ogrrk4 xv;&T, has tbirtv aftm in frhit�-lfe expecto to sell Cy the Syno 11 1
tu "din defen_ The 110a curre Thei time for
0" 2^bushels fif pea�hos ��aud apples this Ift44ad a sma aratorthonaddresitod theS Moor's &t IOU& He 'bites Vff twir headc.,
114 bofttw6ve Ar polpmullLstij whii,,were 4ulelm the V I yn tenders for- vhe� conatracti,
41 -5 ly 'np wth
W so SM4 44a a �=Iq d roceedt
'?�_fory 4 or
1 7
ttl -cmy Imt lm:,Ily issue, "'a
xanqn4tbe ROM 301.
waf2e=,angements with,
vJ iLo lj=�_V -,-T,0NAL
'b& -
,vt do not, I
zmem_ a
ftwaa t10 jmurz g laffir'S.4
Int M -d'19 gave a8azzra I
Than&y nut, il_
,Con, neetc d 'AIZ-11 ;�Mzh.
to be efa -suPenQr f3yde
buying, at the derelet, �
via sinden 1M
DICUO 201128 L
� Ut,
Tin Asslkm &_14,—g�-
ataxnere tc4eousetzir
SU21 pwrle ibould I
b�= lntocmaclvaq�
to so c 26113y ectflO C. U1
Audeammm #c-aEower
es I Vie t Feme
32ess 4M, C-1 -4ka'aum, M1
uty. 312. mm-k-kcd,
asme insTp2cmn�- lalb
serrim meilms. J. a �t
*&Egon is peE-Ieal CfitSi
Imow sevend tungg�es, V
" W, M t a ju J� to, ca, M of M, z U
femnt 'p&T4 C1 t-110 C31
t4 -leated-H& waggi
R�U�i;taketn MP4V
ish lndeV4 alwf�eto
fdt theivvemdel shgn�
led CIA -at Lome.
wxnlz�jov caur-m-
'at the caligwgdkton r(11
.AmnAl ftr:,M� MAke ie
zotb inst.;
iumn,of the tMQEt vfl
Ing &MCI lmMrgbCtaV0
W&a-1 thene a fc. r Lake
, MM IK!ERAXII�, Etmlll
p6it an Tuepr1w, nigu
1reetef Z�Mbci
fLsumG.-Th-c vel
Wftkt',, haz azi
ttke &al
4WID tM% f-SVIa
f1tem f.01=
We hope uey WM Wk�
leave us,
-tm We&
frem tul-I
I-V ion 01
which. ft -T 1
lbo amouut
IDUNTse lkwftl
lie aafert"MEtbe CPO
Isnui IF* sr& -9541!
tormtota T'ruld
gas to tLe- Grancl 1�1
.vUed �A Mr ebates A
.un Thuriaty, Ath. I
tots, caerka E0112 le
unw"s.&Oat 15 act
LOT 24, 'Fz�n EEE
:t4 auas to,&51 putzi
. 12 apw to V
IRuft FT'AV, abr
Mosr� pAq,. - 1-tv VM5
FIG iiml3w 19E
acrea toszhcKff .1ilso
vem" telow tbe ffgT
Nom UK. for Sl,'.LO
04, -acre to Mr.
to Mews �,tanaly)
.2 Lo�,U BMW
AorEz about ��Z at
P -66u; JIGNEa.—I
poor aerves dragg!
U k6ir
ee, offerIng ift
jreraeT1nk Abeta AIM,
1,6 XfOPITC1 W A -kel
#Pda I-slue"'ten
iowners veircy &C
mezr,3 WXL'n ti
prod 06
pKiried to lik Iket.
Ramemser coo
*]�g�mtwe of Hit -a
propnetcys ter ific
Is p;;r' thr,
ty a fDtm
11rompuy "B11=70
Qf13bJe8* IsrICTACO
1 71+
,!F#U%wM beM.
zv�4. A 2MCT
ait bo oW c�z n
vpen to .nFPe0!C