Huron Signal, 1871-05-04, Page 41W,
Ao Z�
2 -
lot Wo 00o, -The Council ngajil �lktinto'coalla titcooftheNni0lo,
10 ridon. . ques�toilof glin es with usI' Iris a �ju."Von soon as'llo, wi as wit ofhis depth ill any
. y
the SALE
N he Colild ' r1o. ofc��qso throw aside a e-DaI4 310FRANTFORD H"WERY
1111s,- Mr Cresl%�011411 the elial
Government bo 20.0 Uniniltdn' I'*
VOVNTV U Coukity -boans _,000 tr vag Sorry he lad to,$peak, as of narrow gnu 0 or, no road at -all. Are.we lo Other sheal; (if water, wbrld is,
I ngth' of onebc )rbitthingia ti) I lu
0 ULL. ...... 500,00,0 in thb � or.
did not In, Kne,measuring the Ie. st, il'ttexi ft . -SION FARX FG1
th k in it �do what h i 1�
-kilex after that they would only' Murt'to beliell -t of tile tile colluty, fmone ritn6itig, -alf-toss a corner He, sin ew ON THE
e South pal clainiot
-SPECU 1k I LNTI Ay County. He. spota th, the'NOrtijeju roev6s
ttnETl9'G,. $500,000 more ta raiselly stock- and bond". pelted tile assurance of it-lift-showedVerY badflipte-in Ifni .9 as if he were
If an efficient railway could 11hat,the-iine would bo'surveyed 0 PAYFI-im 01-M-WrL MAD.
be o tace and built, if tl DIDS. - SPENCER, FRO.
(at for- that -at O� ey 906 bonuses. 'They ]till 8014 men to-do Its t1ey had done, They were Hat- ZN0A8FD;IN _LTFE�RtLTS,
THE REV17. IDPATorut ON'T i';TRZ STidairl expenditure, they were puttin ll,%rtofilieti-botiiiiin�l,;ilglan(lat par, paying25per ened to not of right, but of courtesy, and -or -sprawling on 4 0—
Leat Of tile u9st Of thelr_-Kills lit bundi at par, 0 feather bed. If be leall, essip
boon in the way of this coutity. roferred to tile Wele.111 11allwa3, which tvljs only asIngle th,,y presumpd-ion The plivilegge. back.andL throw his -feet let to vr fb5liqg-
Do-Tus To np,.itisaxi ly as -�Spenoer'_'S�'XXX A] -a a
ivas not eqnivaleilt es & Porter. crecicrun.4tilou".1, I-cland. The
I na a ri
Ta� 1oi to Ruron's line rutirthig'iYoni-a-sinte qua4y to the sea Shure and AIR- PA3TON AIW,WS th0light it required a majority if he were restingin R
notag-reitt I peculiarly wellstitffed tile Gravel read io��out b miles Ir.lin the town of-GO11-
vu-lz!) DoNy's" ruft I tell ag Was wantet I for U it- (if the 0-1111tV CoIttl;AI to clill -a special -,meating A S
I tllhl o�iivr,' orminorlt meating-1vaq.1tif litIr ry it
Lowlint popuhtfoll ..... ............ . -n Wlhdiaa'��'tiu uleawM between a nortow Iholc und c y easy chair, iv.ith a loo, rest to match. Ile pencor'sTotfled Ale in crich. IGa, _ve L It -
It in o Tje lot x7m berazi
au're an "',,I fill would eriuresi t1iii narrow, ee rt.h midagived -to wifit they would I&P. What may fold his arms, turii oil olie� side lie flat Fine condition,
That 'Ir Ilar,41 ...... g� �� I
Go-rInR-.Cfr, 25tI1 and th Ap--il, 1 7.. 'all"' even %v",' llettet than all -ox-cart. T14, narrow, of I illr3" cliupandone4s)
i Said --doll's S1011."'00
fr. dreenway know bitttl,L-li'cliiti&tun.Grf�,an(I
, upon his stomach, of- back, slasp his knees (A October for p4WIeuInrsnpd' 1-06. IL
',lie fill Tito -,its ',In exPel-illient, anu thn Toronto, Grey and- lirliew Bailwa), iniglitbe tile line of tlio majo-rity ? If
TheXiouncil llipt at the Court flo Ile wun!d ivit'lown alNess't of 1111roll.. Bruce, while litiastill, annilt havirm their line, oprn tile uJinority Otto call & weeting and (to abtimy jilop, with both hands, w. draw ioes and head F.-nencer's AI(38 in Fuli-, -PARSOkS Or to.j. Q04crich.
and rolling Stock read! ---ffld 'lot velituro to ran it ill Whatliso,ro ot'g,dut, by' a majority at oil chean, barrels and Gdderjeb. Aur,,15, 0�70
'T iesday. 25th inst,, at 4 in., Robert' or, this titer ir�-rc ii:qhig their share. To I,no %vintu: and NVIlen tile I c I together in the shape tit
E,,R(I., tile Wardeh in the chair. kon ti f. llll� wo"Id not be ait ullulixed gaill. 111t., AjVaswerefatIIlI,r oil t1lu track blt�. Prrn;aNs A IV I mc Unix of tile Reeves was calA e bull sit body
Avere Iu% tting I , would.assume ifurammed h 11alf bafteals, at the
In tit tkot�; it it I i'lley "old to Sault -000thills? Ott %4`f -13 to final' Ied at Clinton and-toey were egainNt a County iionus.', astily into a jar
uIrAz0ft Iloulit -f* com-oi thutil Ott. * 1.10 SflorrLd in the _%-aule , tertim Tile �jean)rtb Ineeting was a pi(:k(,d no -with itsiaxtrruinities left otit, aud with no!
tion. White ttao-ve"I11011'.1 Iltar"ll w.luld have all 'N,- as Nlr Bro NV n, t1i'a t it vi leg R -eves unfinorable to.rhe sellianie fiotllled. Ileithou
Florton, Gtidetieli, me li:4te gain, %.vory 1.4riner ivfthin reat-It of tile 0 Ill be 100 ini glit 00DERICH DEPOT,
TTf irace y u more possibility of sialcing than if he were' 'A
w"Ithl liv i5ljo th-111, rat uilt%. L.mIloij Iva, do z,,- t... viearer to parts Of ti t lose townslaps whose offleers �Ot tile speWal %eet-
W W Farran, Clinton; Ilitty, Ile thoilght they w el III agree with bini. il vvr, to State hy 11antilton Ing calledshotild pay tbe expense of it. ' . so much soft sand. Woo to him if lib be MARKET- SQUARE. —:0: —
than Loulton. ' rhl�y astlet! the extension Xr. IlEssca thought Ur Greelaway:wAs tinder a mi tempted by these imusu al facilities to sta & Co.;
S 0 'WiCanahey Seaftiril i; .1il-vatured L ings wor,, �aid about tht�m 'by a geno: of tiniefroin a proh,usion in jap.rd to Via Townships to be beneho' y ROBINSOW'
W 'Shoppard .I(- . D liattol, Odderich Tip; man at Cliiitoi,., They ioq eit.-ry I t,. &IIN foi th main -lilte-oilly lono, in the water with hiaheaililncovered!�t 0 GEO. GRANT. ' -IMATI rJJ L!p
Siniluon eVery t of bythe IV. G. & B.* IL R. Morris. Grey, Turtillerry Iff AVE PLEASUP�Ell.q INT
11 3,oderichJau,
JIlAI1*s'(I-r. Ito ha -I expirv,,1 t1w opint-oi to enable -the c,ititractor to pwill. -on the 11 Them bare and rocky walls of the Iow-lyino, 1 rth: 187L
w to, J a, ille, I,O%Vi(-k thetwowawanoshes and Ashlield would all -PIM
Ve aw. The oiia, NV.1s throw... - Cott 11 ly sh"I ILI, - Pr rich froin H rriston to Kincard abenelitted, Seven t,)wnsliips wore interested and
13ri,wilaud Czr6ek, Bar ARE 10W SUP. D WIM
I'll theill 'Jy thle I ev". cauldron which holds the,8ea-,of'D-eath re
at'd thv� (tlic I-l"j"t tdl�') 1,vatmr it.. TIv,y (lid s-�� ]';It lie 'Ili -flit no be cramped, and f ir no "'s
Grrvenway and 1�1'-;'trl v, S! .,phen; t of thein were praparbol totflyeas large bonuses to
tile 11ellill.ton as Stephen wouTd ilve to the London. flects back The burningsun and concentmte( HTERYTHING 'I
Dishop and Wili "I"r t"11,11t 1-,t I"y Ille -111:11ez,ol,lers. 'I Other r-i�,,' "D A Min
is, Usbottle; %%vrl Imt, h,iwvAr. howt-1 hv tilit lo(.ation. Jj_ )it. Tli6yareprepared to finish,' 51H. KELLY- MrMesser must be better posted about' it.'s rays, and a coup de soliel will be the, J: XRX -ir OR SALF. SUITABIX FORTHE COMING
"Cre-swell! and 11,11h) -i Tit !1 ersmitb; were to r,,tm a to 11:01' old 110,ition an.l tile road withil,418 ' h of the titue the Hamilton line than the projeaurs thems all bui Lievitable consequence td his imprn
Leck'e will tiw l0taLe it' lie t.1,jaght giont Tliv %votild not s4y where it was goingarter it left
, it %vas too b., I t che bon113 *
111, icy; esared6posited with the I,oveiii- Hai'itston, He thought the 11 ne'was just a lingus con- dance. Two of our party entered the water' 40D f
(I'llt"It I,) tul*11 an I thi - w -y, tor supper, lll(,nt. ILI tell dAYS.they will be pi . 1, A RARE CHANCE. CHRISTHAS .'Iv 03V JEAR
and 11,14-11. 111111!eu: their faces. His wil) reau,0waiwe ,f a!i oyster, I -epared to cern to 'burke' the London line. theY Spoke -like bag and rem
ver iv,ts tilie HE 'PROPEi!rY OF- THE LATE ANDRM,
Wallted ey Garrey. being the Soot], Half of Lot, No, .28 nora
'I Killorr; gil�en thein at C,I was nothingeanie out of thern but'llamboozie., T
P , survey the TOnte !colme forward with -plans ne3i men but w lion -tile Hand [ton Mensloodupthere
,hannon and [I tile stock to ' I and s*ificationli and ask for boutise%. mit. mEasga ained in it some seconds before; of the town Plot Aglilleld, Co. WHICH w= A=. vunnimzD xo SELL,
Kelly and lie divid;.- th recoyered their heads, and the result;
�Vorl` -said the route -of the road was rery well Huron Iro acres) f i
11 4 1 amonIcall interested in the n I 'ithotit 6or known and lie-umn I was severe shootill
'Neciti E W- I lakillfof tl I VV n- th g pains, sickness, and firstelassland 70acrese, -A
ey could not. bad the r. c y new it himself. bundings.-rac
W Wa lillo, alitt tho rate-lmyers of Huron' wou," : line lld woul bill. Giasoz; thought it was too bad to speak (if the. dizzuess, which lasted until their -immer d not pret6ni% to. Haiiiihoit depretaiton as niterkliers.1 hese, gvllllemell sion, an hour laterin.the refreshing waters -Wer-4 -Very llealsonabl. Full pax
�Iet tt) have their fti!l sh tro. Their iculus as to pricei0e, &e. to be had at the Office
Et-s-er ml Coriiy hit Tit ATr ATKIN'SON, o on, Was not sorry to of llumilion came here b"equest OrHowick Couned of the Jordon.
refkins aml (Iths II, 11,p% ilictto in t %I-uilla be prompt- Illeet their The flowick people woula have to p V $ 17,000 Ot-
143 -1 at to o PrInents s the 51MUO as toell' proportion, if IbIsBy-law %vas carried. JDOYLLE & SQUIEF1,
iiess atid dusI)atLb. Theie nould be n6 rivalry betWeellci a Matristurs Godarfeb. 4.0 ets, -Goetl�,79 70ca anti
Armstron!Z and. Dalton, i i1cited to enterprise. Sirill..'e llo%v faelm, c-,tjld warp the. iudgment.1 Mr. GLUE WHI01FOILL UNITE EVFNPOLISHW. -Goderich December 23rd ISTO
111"re ill) of at Graud Trunk Ile upheld Loldo" as a distribubint., When he said' STEBL.-4Turkish receipt for a cement used!
Colbt,rii-e. Greeii%vi.y %%,its delifflitfully ,smiple,,
these rentleinen hu no I Ight t6laddress this Council
4 that be 8 - uW1110IL expi I centre 1listead fig� produce renlaitiict at iaveinsias good a right as the manotteplion,' fasten diamonds and other preclo
SaidaS there vasa I-Taiii"od Pork-Staii ley lie to FOR ISALE. _'P M T -T 3: '2? S,
lad, treceive'd a, rt,(Iii3t icn sigil uld say that at Loa'don enoice. I I o wick $20,0400 to seen rc accomodal ion -stones to metalic surfaces, and which is N OPEN BUGGY. AS GOOD AS NETV'FOLDLAIG
ed IV lit"O it Iiii-111t; be best to hear there would be four means of exit t -o the tor iiself, while 8tephea, which already has better,
Reev(,,s, skin(r �hini to, call tl,,,,, tit ru abo lien it vmriLsittoreaccomodation asks thewhole coul� said to unite even surfaces of polished Aseat behind. forlBale cheap. A FULL ASSORTTAENT-01'
tlt� United States. ! Tke ein of broad w t. I.twouldbe pretty nice, under these' steel, although exposed to moisture, is as 'L. CAREY,
the 'CoUn- Mr ADAM BRoWN, Hamilton, said their ,augls for - Jodal trflic hall Pass- GDderIehMarch 24:11871 w7 -
lees, Ifor.Mr Greenway to 4hut-the mouthof
%Vhat meant Howtek'
-cil to crinsider the PrOdriet P? grntin- a Object was notto eliteritito discussion witti ed away f0lIO%VS;-DissoIve five or six bits of gum L
County bonus to tile Low n 11uron a" i - mastio, each of the size of a large pea, in Ily F.,
r d the Lmidon men. They only wished t.l, o build was a. 1000 line -for the -conveni- Wired by AW.Mooll,see. by AIr Castle that a vote as much sDirits of wine as will suffice to LESS- RAIS)
Bru�p Railway. ITt: thall! it t req nis make a plain busineis statcriien6 i -i refei b to -eta whether or not th�,y should subluit a by -la w to house, near the Market
Rruce, !Huron and Middlesex. tile people to grant a liolaujor$250,00,0,to render it liquid. In another vessel dissolve JM'FJ10 LET, A TWO STORY
ition of suflicii:Int iluportrime to warrant ence to tl'C WobingtOn, Grey and Brticc T'he divi.iends or, the Great Western and jifuron and Bruce RaAwiy. the Lovolon -in. brandy as much isinglass, previuEly Square. Apply to
line throu�,h Kort.1iHuron. 'khey woul't (" Dr HOLMES was sorry Air Leckie's molion was ruled L. McINTOSTI. 1-8 ounds or, crRRANTS FORIV.00
him in callinl- thi- mectir)_�- They were rand Trunk Iver� paid from lo'cal freight. out of order. He would be inclined to help the s6f tened in water, -as Willmake'a two -ounce Godench 20th, Feb. 1871. sw52-tf
ein t wlen The rails would �ba 3 feet wide but the lington rayand'Bruce,and when it would be legal phial of strorigglue, adding two -bits of 28 pound of Ra sins >r $1.AG9.
now asseml led nd it was for ill 0 be very llaill)v to inaku this SLatement, Wel-
.110 CIAlAnCil was pleased to hbr he would bring up a ll�olion for a L-ollus, He did not
,Ivrif t1le state of the 'und,+7hn,I the them. Oars would be 8 �6nd 9 feet wide. He believr ii would be built, sun if it was not, it could do ctumammoniae which must berubbedurrtil [EEL@ of au 11UNIM I
ben�fi- lobe dc:-ired frou tile :-ailway Ito harm to vole a sum that would a aissolved. The'
,%IrGRr--.EN'WAy thought the Hamiltonpea- read -in extract ' ever be required n mix the whole, with heat. TWO FARKS.for SAIMAJ;
ftom the Telescope (The Will Ic if it was builFand the molney had to be, paid, ii Keep in a phial closley stopped.- When it
would justify them it, granrkz -a bonus. pie hail an equal ititerest in comining here RaEuilton . men fesponding by ironical %voum lo a good 1hing for some of the Northern tolviiships is to be used set the phial in boilinc, water. OR sale two very valuable FARxS in fhe'To an IG001TAND 0HEAB
'If a majority of tht Al' tbc�,_ht, so, tha- aud it would only be right to- hear the' criA of Rear Heax r, - Alr BisHor thought INIr Patton shatild Fallip-of0oderich. For particqlars apply to A'Iarge quanmy of Salt water Hcn*
He then de,,cribed a a
question wcul go to the pl�ople. At last deputations torn a'b:),,:t. have taken his stan of to -day at the TOSEPH PEIA W, Huron Road.
the service to be I obtained by t - on hand.
re_ular ine-lin.- a resulu,ioE'l wis ' paQsed Mr WouD, Hamilton, they did not come h -e LOOP essiou yesterday. wrong, to vote to- - When a farmer loses -a horse, or !I6n ox, Godevidb Township
to lav this matter ovt M d urL I day it was wro 030
-r till une, here askig . County boatis. Thoy di, line and Southern Hne to Buffalo,claiwing ll� to �slcllss'yeaterday - or any other animal,. instead Of I&avlz)9 the 'August;15, 18io q`hR11argestand_ChcEpestStobD ie �gcl-eqjnftwxi,
but he ish to enter ino it controversy. They. He was sorry for Hr TN16sser's posit carcass to be devoured by do -s or crows.ho ,A, . that -it, was shortdir thanto Buffalo via� ion.- laoderich Die. 13tb, 1870.
1811pDr,sed this would not in.ty-rFrire. Tile
were asked by RouVL-Sto C,, Hamilton. The Goderich Salt was the At Seaforth lie said. he had sliduld cover it with six or eio(rht times. its HOUSE TO RENT OR BELL
Me here. What given tip hope cr, TES WALK- Zbl-
.clt.rk would read the rxqni�ition. - they wmild ask would be township be- the finest in theik'nown world and they t3f the Hamilton line, and "" would go in bulk of earth, and thus ar-rest Othe fertiliskng 117A
r+ eC')URT ROUSE, contai NOW OU -11% 0HANCE
Then gases which. -will bethrown off in the process 8 room kitchen nd pantry. witli gi064
rHE REQUISIT nuses frout, the Nortlier.i ToNvilships it,- wanted convenienc6 to takeit to Ohio and 'heart and soul for the London.
Vq r dt A of t It e Co teri�sted, and it woold be almost imper- New York. again, ffr Gibson says it would be out- of decomposition. 1�y s6 doing lie would: garden ce and wu.' Apply'at this
70 17M U, t o/ 17nr6n
office, r to
ir, We untler.�i�,ned,� Ueeves and tillent ill them to speak now. Mr CHISEIOLM, 1%fa or of Hamilton rapous t6do now whathemovedor se- secure 9. quantity of mantire which mould ROBERT WILFON. ;2*
.t lizmiltonl conded should be done in a'nuary. J%lr pay him five times over for the trouble 'it!
it- �sted thriA there was a :1ppeared in the !interests ot Goderich, Feb. 281111, 1871. 6w,54-lia-0
1)�ePut? Reeves or the Coulity of fluron., Est y
certa.,n riv.dry between tie two�llines and Gibson kad no right to speak against the W�Otld coe. him; for there is Yclry litfle: W
request you to call a p;.ci�tl inectinI, o The London �eopl� had a spceial meeting Seaforth meeting; there all expressed 13- h' VALUA13LE TOWN PARK
he thow,lit it woiild otily be light to hear nd-in the older portions of the state, whia
County Colanclil,, at :is eaply a day as tile deputtions turn about. The c:;Iled for them a6d they (of Hamilton) their desire to leave out Howick froincon-
practic arcru- m igb t, not be greatly improved by the ap-
-Able, forhe purpose P 17 Submitting ifieiits of bota parties should be b ef U�r e thought they sliould be represebted. tribulion to the County bonu-3. The plicatiOn of fertilisers. LOTS FOR SALE.
I Z� I - Secure the
a By-Laa to tile ratepayeri to grant aid them. They were now in a position to continue southern part of the County urgtvratly re- �ha
dov7 ere the
bi wai of bonus to the L don, Huron NIR AD.ku B�Rowx Wasreadv and wotild and ccmplete t1leijr line. He dilated at quired 0le London line. T OTS $90, 389 and 3$7 on Brittania road, and about facles.
und Bruce Rtilway -Twelve inches of snow f`eH 1-3
begin. is d tit was very pleaant Eo hVin, len Mr AlEssER took the same stand no at Here- hirteen acres on lot No. live on 3%&land conces-
-th on the adv,;bta-es of Hamilton as w I u tin Township of Goderich. within cne mile of the
n . n Ford, Quebec, Sunday last.
to plac it phi it, business, matter of f ct increasing in poAlation, proper y and 1 &
Seaforth 6tb A�ffl 1871. a at the Seaforth meetin, and was not M! GARDINER Co., vlozwn. For particadlim apply to A, M. RO I�S r
John Leckit-, Reeve of Gi statLitie it before tbein., He hall not iu- put about regarding his positioll'as some GoderIcIL
derid�, Feb. fth-� 1872- auv48-tf`_
wealth, always ab]6 to meet her iu�.ebted- -the first Free Masdn's lodge has been Market Squ re, Goderich
�'of I? t e pla tended refer to tile statements of tile! of the Reeves seemed. to be. Why were installed in Rome.
Thomas (;rcenway, Re ve" 'n Lundon-nien until they went to the ni ness, and to curry 6ut any obligation she 1-3
they were uDwilhilg to vote the i 00,000 Au,. 26th, 1870. TO SELL inThomas Kelly, Reev�� of -orris lities. The %V. G. -B. is now in caillso lit undertake. , He then thou,ght the for ti:le Hamilton line, wben,they asserted HE EAST HALF'OF LOT 1%-MrBER 8, FOUR
nf Hallett, on the boundary
George Wiilis, Dep, Ree�b of Usborne ul7constriletion. He liad to anticipate rL- iNorthern Reeves should sep it to be to it would never be needed ? T Prices -to Saft the Thit-Iiiit-'
I - tenth concessiota
S. G. MeCanuhey, Heeve�� 'f Seaforth. itiark that iniolit be made by 'speakers their inter st to. in port the Hamilton M r- BisHop said they were not unwilling Dissoluflon of Partnersb1p. YOUR W A N NOW, e between Blythe and Walton, -post office each aa,
. I P.
ArcibibJd Hishop, Re(ve f Usborne from London to follow hiat. The first project. to grant the0 00,000, but Howick refused Goodhardwood: wateredwith a never failing creek
and never failing spring; Alsoell close by the hQuso
W. J. R. Holme -7t, Dep.Re' ve olAorris ch;trtLr was Ot in 1854 -no ffaillilton. men MR. FLdVK, London, retorted on the Hantiltrin met, to take it. Why? Because the Harbil OTICE is hereby given that the partnerghiphere- SUPPLIED.' i Forty nei-es cleared. %Iall yenned, 7.7 acres in all, -Lo.- Photographs reduced le 61.400 jer Nz
P bouse and barn, athqving,orchard, 8 kinds *9
,ere tbon ou it. I u 1864 another'charter as sticking theurioses iiiwherever a railway bonus was. ton eople were afraid of it, and yvoulcin't —0—
James Dal -las, Dop..Reeve �l N tofore-existing between :CHARL914 CHTJ[trH of PIUM6.
uckerstnitTi was ^)t, bur Ito Hamilton ineh were on it. aske. They even went dolva far as Kent on otte all and WILLIAM H. FISHER as Faziners; in Colborne blabk,white and red cjarr�'nts, pear. red at d yelloi� OIL 75Cb, rFR WA IF DOZM.
Jameg Hay, Dt�p. Reeve Mclifflop to oppose the Caha(la Southern It too ow them to accept. I m� been this day dissolved by Mutual Conserd HE Stabs(ziber havIng purchmed a dholee lot of gooseberries. For I'd
All Debts owing -to thesaid partnorshtp, aretobe ytber particulars apply on tile
Ili 1867 the 11amiltun-people took hold lAte to come heresir.eering,- before an intelligent audi- LEckiE urged the matter on' the T timber and also having the mosapprovzdmlaob�_ prerulses. To RAN�EUX.LAWSON and his Mothei
J. hpnou, Reeve Mcll,ifiop nce, �btiut narrow, winch had tile high9st en- 11 to Charles Church. who Still remains bete. All. inery, will be able to supply aiky -qumrtfty of Aug;L5th, HIM V3 arge rhotogTph Reducoa in
it and s.Lved the charter by vaying$30 000 round of generosity and. fair play, and Pl O-tf
. n -i gineerinputtiority on their sitle. Tile Hamilton people ' claims a,,dtn.-t said vartnership are to be presented to
Arch 31cDo,ald, D.�p. Re,,ve of' Grey on account of the assistance the quarters
11) er cent an �-3iW) 0(* of st, Ick. U never asked for the aineudinemt of their charter until Charles Church by whom the same will be settled. Pro ortion.
thou--bt the c!i D at last feiCow in the city tried to put the atfair they saw the London neople coming up to grant rail, to be benefitted had given to schemes for March 24th, 1871 W10 -3t-0 a Msoi7111malce t-be-aawstPhotogmplwmrdejnaeac-r
way facilities to Huron and Bruce. He did not come lot, very cheay. Porceldn Pictures from ere couail,
Board remained intact. Co0i they, at into chancery to stelp the work. This cauS- here to dietate the. location, the benefit of other sections. The InIr- at the shottest notice at d the lowest prim. He Is al-
so prepared to pay the highest rriee forpine or any 10, COX. 10, W, D. COLBORN7, 100 ACBES, UPWalraigat
delay for mll y precious nion tbs, be had at2intas they gave the aid, to locate tbu lille.. en IJOHN BELL GORDON. other timber suitaiWe for n"ng shingles delivered at TD. CA'DEPBELLNS
t1is special meetiri�-, rescind, the resolu- ed fore but thought tile County d' would uotbe evere. L OgTo cleared, gaod� dwelltug house. frine 22x3u.
that mean fellow could befouglit and beat- The e f distances was in favor of the Londcn, . Ma. G-LFENWAY corralinated %I with a commodious KJWben attached. also good barn
I -t they were willing to support Mr. Leckie's OTICE is H 13 the Nile. ph CAM
tion pz!;eed to lay ilia mader over till ro te. Froin lVin-harn to Buffalo ia Hamilton wai' tl Ir. Blsbafspo ition REBY GIVEN, THAT J. B. GOR. and s�bed Acconintodgtion, good bearfrg orcherd, ell Goderleb. ug. 15th. is -,O. -June ? ell. In cimseque �rs, got a carcul;na as don. Barrister of Goderich, is not my agent and PETER LEONARD. 't-ia Ioudoll. HeexplaLned that he, like otfi` n
nee of that delay a sutil- 180 miles, w1ule fr;;�� Winqham. to Buffalo. N
iner of immeme rain and a whiter - -Va8 167 miles. The Umni . ilton!people canie the Loudon directiors calling h watered Uy two creeks runningthrough the flarni, and b ame- read ad glibly about bavingthe Great Western attheir lie su,`gesL�d therethat if the ratepayers G I , Ian apply on tble-li'roe'.' -o Carri Shoini.
Il of im. talk he,e anti afq no authority to receive any aroney for me or on Wile. Feb. 4th, 1871. sw48-2m* goodwells, One nilleftore gravel la
31 R ACDONALD li-�,ard the meeting at Sea or tit, Wcount. -
Ftern in England never 914 of Howick. had cumini -if tile Town. D. MCDONALD, ftgf3
aq h S;_�ner of the re' mense sn,)w catne on theni. However their back The Great We- .0irectors oderich. For Part Ontari
tted theluielves f -,r $20 000 undersigned, Or to .41 D Ftrguso, cer. Goderich.
the March 1871. 0
0 . but dis- completed their firsk section to Grand gave aAhiglepromiseor gu*eallteC. in themutter. The to the W. G. and B. R. they shoa!d be left out Toronto slat U I 1-140T Li STEWART.
clailled it. Ile was not pre cut -at the River. Then theyliaa t6-colitand vrith an 1-am"Itoill PeOPle Wasted that their bonds scheme, now proposed. swft-lya
ZURICH, Co. HURON Angust,15, 1870
sold 85 leents file W30
,.:n i t. interdict froni Elora and also the Toronto dol'ar, and in-h.tiated that Ciy of L-ndon debentures A R x bm 1-3 N T. EXCELFNT LAND.
me. -ting -wd did nOt'si
31 It A R31STRO-No Wo�l-1 lik6 to have the men, wh,-, lie was infuraied, were 6 inches w,,uld not ell for that much, He could 'ell them that MS. GREEN -WAV moved and Mr Bishop seconded that JOUN !?RANG, Proprietor. LAND AND" LOAN OFFICE.
, i t"'I'r than the 'Joladoil men. They linc he sold the. City of-Lotidin, tionds a few days see for 94 o action be at present taken on the -question of a BV_ OVERED with Maple and Beeela, 10 miles from
Warden's opinion ab(ut the, le
gality of aents on the doiitkr. There %ias a iitiie bifttlei he %vish- Law: to grant a bonus to the L. H and B. R but that Goderleh, For sale cheap, being elderly Ill
ad to call attention to. The Hamilton ]!lie mould not I C -Money to T�bnd on 3TIortgages,
dizFcas�dng the question no�, after the wa-1 1ow opeavil. to Alma runuiur, three the matter be deferred till next meeting of Cornell,thAt acres of lot 5, con 4. Basiern Division. Ashfleld, This house is fIttedL up with evry-'couvenlenc .
y cord %vocd atany rice. The Lonlou line vials more definite tufarination be got in sTf6ence to the e fo' At, as low ratesj�as an be obtained anywherc.
eepint, ti -me the whole 5 in- car I
.-olatiott in regurl to it at �;Ist reaular ' ren y to oarry it at a fixed rate. This would !,a no route of both tile Apply to THOS WEATHERALD, the travelling public, 03- Lands bought D�nd sold. Town anti
re Orains per day;k
r Tlley'w`lill open to Harm �nd B and ty G I and H illage lots
T tonbAiveen mail lo a cown v where cord wood abounded. AIR 6REENWAY made this motion with Efig-titeer & Surveyor sale,
RDF -If thought thqre . aotiid b, " ' of gettin a view
Z5 Ist and 15th Sept and they Dr Ho— wi,h6dio know, wheii thev snoke aborn el,u 9 tbile 090 to Townbip and see how they Goderich, 19'GoodStabling, and,%romptttendance Sales of- Canada Cov)pany�s Lots Xegottatc2 and
i. locating the route where 1he County pleased, it they 'Feb, l6th, 1870; Aug 15. 1670.
no O�,Jfttion. will be ill III best got aid to carry out theirsellemo. just as W15 4t; - atest Vists of Lands t�D be seen at the office of the
il Paisley within the time of the BV'_ Law. want they,rvould accept an), route fixed upon -to God- soon as * he read his moli in lie heard Mrt Gibson sa s1scriber.
3111 YtU--\-G after, a,paupe, illou-bt the The contract was now being let thronuEL erich for cxEimille. - 'it's no use -rhat just shows that lie came here With LEWIS `W, ORD.
his inind made up vote do an the By MASONIC APRONS West -Street., Goderleb
vere instrumental in thew;iole County of Bruce. The coo R FLOGK tolly al.0ed to what were lInown as the -law, whiell ill be. .gentlemen who r cal- In- Eastern and Western rputes fly t5eaforth or Clinton. line mail preteading to seek the developifieut of Hur- AiRS. IJAYS HOT*E.L Deceraver 2nd is", EWSO-tf
]in-, the meetinc, nenced their road on the principle of bon- DrHoLnEs. Is there no other a:ternadye? on- -111OR SALE AT I -
should explail1l' themselves. R. J. WRL7 ELY9
usesfrom. Ulunicipalities thebouds deposited M' rLOcs. He had ouly htlird the easternlur western MR- PATTON couldn't see the of calling this 14 H. -GAUDIN ER, VROXETEP..
They were not in C4ureb and with the Treas routespuken of.: meeting and then resolving to deferthe matt�r, just A BOGAM still in fullolieration, and is tumincat VUX10
urer of Ont.,payable onlyotif Ma ADAM Br:ow_% spoke in explanation. In reference. as they did in Jon W
the members need Ot Sit Silent. tile cerzificate of the Engineer that work III tire Telesmile quoted liv Mr Flock. The press. types to -day. nary. - Wbuld be better to settle the )P�k Qoderich, 5JII11187% ON the direct road from Seaforth to
ir the parties `wbu, rail
1_1, ea the.neetinz ACRES, East J a Lot 29, 10fb con. Culroasq, CO,
Np_ S -i -ELL suggested to b". n wit':l the was being doite in that munibipality a and Editor were all eent up iti Walk.rton from Toron- iouht the Con "ell would a W41kerton.
0 nd -be pre -4 to vGte to-dar. film Every necessary. accom 5OBruce. -7 acreas� cleawd Quil good Iogg house. Va"lages., warmit
Zrat si,,ner OF the resolution. � to, for the pa - Hamilton scheme, .1,vliy are they afraid of the vote? If IMPORTAN NOTI 1 991- io interest till that ti .,,go�e if killing Out the 'woui thby-thougttthey modation tor the travelling public. Cleaf title for 6500 cl�sh or for $600 one:tbird down all kInds SLr, I
bearinc, I me and not and rem,d Walkerta subsidized They had go d not be prepare:i to vote why did they. call the
0 er, 4neeting?, HANNAH DAYS. and the rentainderin 4 platial justalments with interest GHS CUTTRS, tc,
'31r. LEcxiE said the requisition origin- before. When the By -Law was first be- theli'lle chap into a 'Corn now, that he Ivi at 6 pex cent pe A number offmatclassBugglo
ated in a meeting at -Seafo� It was fore the Cullutv Of Bruce he could only say, the station at -Walkerton -a LECKIE objected to the latter plift - F. It. XANXF r allu 0eap forrish Pfices of all artiees In the Ifilt, 1b
th, was sent to 491M r
ABRAHAM SBUTS *111 compare favorably vith nny ill ifie C unty
considered better to have . meet- Kincardine. bj went unwillingly, b.:t was not properly located. He could tiot --qf Mr Greenway's amendment, about the H -Mm Sip Carriage Painte.0 CommexcialgoteMMItCD e I IC 'M L- eY 5 SePt 1870 W33 -10t MerChantTailtir All V,1Tkwnrrauted
in-, of Council. The L,,udaia �eople saiti, gave them a history of the road. From deny that the road was rot going on-, and roate. It'WaS perfectly *well understood . Particular attention liald t6 Waganclad C Rev
if the COUntV Was to give a br'�nus, which that he went to Luckuow and propounded trains ran into Walkerton, e o routes in aispute Dhe'llas fitted up a shop on'North streetnextto
he thought they should do,11�it would be
to Sir Campbell the identical scileme they bably a 14 he would be able to say would be 4nd he was quite willincr Methodist Chureb. with varnish roo Godericb, Aug,15, IF'70 FarMfor SIn 1,& R-. J NVEITPLy.
eyan fOHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th PL_
now wanted to cairy out thrughl North that the cars were nQt"properl y: painted. sfand or fall n attached where he is prepared to fill all orders prom
advisable to haie. it lVen at oAce, that the to let the thing' the-wesl
0 It had bseu endeavored on itst merits. argestand beatCourary Hotel in Wester TS 63 and 54, Myfield Conce,-,qo
-work might de one on with tliis summer. Huron and Son th Bruce. The people were - to make capital Ow tly, and at reasonable prices I'hmkful for the patron M11 n,
'Ere said a deputmtion was , lie Toronto line out of the fact that. t Mr GR-EENWAYjust brought his Motion age of the last 7 years solkits a Igoutinuance of the cnarges as moderate as any Hong 7TshiP 01 0043ifirleh 113'Ont"Ining 68 acreL�'
pr ent and it t --o wild then about ti to hey, had not with . Uot gains. titchell. Stage Proprietor. (foodste.blingfor ot these ver 50 a=es cleared with goed Frantle
-mi-ht be desirable to hear the listen them. When the Torrinto eople them a written miarantee of suppurt from o get out of the muss. He did
1) 0 y6ar GattefS 0011orses Rorsesand0amagesfor Hille,013 Barn, and Log Hotise, about 21 Fnles from
frn the E nalish directors bf the Gre-at We,tem ish the Council to vote down Now is the time to Paint -14,-7 (Vinton. . Fol
bla BISHOP glaVe his reasoUs for i - broke faith and withdrew, then they came 0 - the scheme r Terms� of'sale apply attlie Division Salt F lour Parrel
k, �Railway. HO could ilssure them that the le put the Motion to get aW!ky Court offiela at Goderich, or to 2i. WIGGING
ingtha requisition, He got Ila notireoto 'back all(I took up the territory, and mear. from the Sleighs, and Carriages. TUN on he remises, 1400pal.�
a weeting at Clinton, but was not to keep faith with the people and carry ontIthe Executive in Canada was with them.heart "0111161 and let the Towns he ER—SensiveNew Premises Goderich!lAug 16, 1870 JW30
able to be present. I urldertakin-. Ill and soul, as he read a letter fro& bIr Own business.. hips do t ir geOrders from country Carriago shops attendedto
We sa however, ey were now prepaked to,
Price to show, an4 the consent, of the ffith o1hpatch. AND
11 "Tpj3r,
through the -Dr-ss, that niothi g was done locate aline, taveit surveyed, and come i�R CRESSWFLLthobgb t the matter should Of gn Painting, Gilding, -Graining, Glazing :Paper- baq,and nrR continually buyina Grom
there. Ila then --ot a notic to attend bef6re the municipalities to ask their aid Enalish board was an� absolute certainty. TOWNLOTS
&Z. , We bare over 00,09 for 43alp at presen . A
the Seaforth meeting and did so. They have power in their chartei: to issue Ife begged to call atlefition to clau;e id Pe'voted on Ilyal' or 4finay and not have. SIPLENDED NEW STOCK letter to Campbell Brois, t IVY ty
Three �n June a re.ha XN.� BOM20., IvArts of Usbarne werezread give a bo- -as good as of the London, Hurod -and Bruce- charter all of dle R. MA SOLD.IX GODERICH. A11PLY To
Watford, Jazivary IL671. y bonds of 12,000 per mile,. whole qaeltion TOBE
'The - Goderich, All,-, 15, 1870' awl
all& At Seaforth the groupin of certi narauteed by the Great Western. The. -a verV mlFsterious, and� misolievious . action here would IlGit in torfere with
8.3 �Iau e indeed: It bo6d. the Trustees to the action Of the Townships. ()a the Goderich lot Feb
tawnshft& witz taked of. H 'said there estsale of these bonds has been
eents on the dollar. It was all nonsense get f -tom Mirnici6alities viving bonuses 411tendment b6in NOTWE OF.- REMOVAL) rnaM Im. that he did not. believe in tb 3 grouph . I g, put against the motion, G. Barry!-,& Bro.
W11 oleconinty ron-g,
system. In his opinion, th to ay a railway could be built without the bonds within 'six weeG from the adop- Th-,reroted for the amendment -Willi R Frederick Armst L'and Agent. bag removed FOR'SALE,
.1 foreign capital. They would as sooil ex- tion of bheli.y.Lmw andturritheminto cash. V ) IU his office to Mr. Hugh Dunlop's building, Y ext Uudertakers Wood KX3LIPENSIVE
shoniol build thi� line did 'the arly, Sim ' 6.9bint Makers,
.7 - pson, Kelly, Dr Holmes, door to the PostOffice.first flat. ParansandN12ld ACRES 01�, BUSH MAD 1X
Itst. Theml-l'airuay was togL e aC i&y pect to sail tip the falls of Nig tra, as build Interest would,�ommdnce at once, and, if Messer, Hacdonald, Greenway. Bishop Lands for sale anl Money to Loan on �yery reasonablal urliers, 196
,0 it Cou,ty the Wellington, Grey and Br�ti'ce without the pyO-ress of the 1&-ilwav was stopped tlays, RETOWNSHIPOPCOLBORNE7 3niES F,.HOM
bonus. He was prepared> to �g Shannon, DdIlas, La'ckie Me., ernis
bonus whether the ronte was fl)�, (gillton or he assurance that they had the. Great in any way, the 6on4 of the- Alunicipali- I Goderieb, Nov. 28th -1870 sw282U-46-- TGodexicIL Forpardeidarg. Applyto NEW
Seaforth. -The London depu� . tatian wag Western at�thcir backs to maketheirboads ties havino, passed itleb the hands -of pur- clitighey, Brown,_15 Have removed across tue street� to tke store next door W. D. ALLEN, glutron Hotel I Antitbrthemotion-"Dalton Arm
saleable and run the line when built. The chas&rs, thei iniaht bb called upon to pay ()Omyu, strong W., AellestizesHarnoas,91topwhra, will 1). found
ounty ga al,[bonua, t.) .0 1 Goderl&12Nov.,187,0� market of Huron is not L611d011, or HaImi�l the rincipal, though was not a sod Carrick,
allow the County to say e the line Sheppar4, P A GOOD ASSORTMENT I
if. Uibson atton)
should be lo=te Gaudt, GirVill,
ttirned the 03unty. Castle, Snell
ton al- Toronto. Thq market isthe States Maitland Sa . It ell of;Kitohen. Bedroom Diningroom, aud rarlor
Kps nd the criterion of the best line is theolie . AIr CHU=IlEli. in ropl,y, iaid Mr 13rown Moon, Horton, IN
-.'Ur Gj_,P,_-_-4wAy fell in with M LEO' Cott, Perkins ure, such as Fur LANDS PORSALE
, Farra
-vie vs that it -would - be- �est t hear -the to "iVe you the hig
hest prices at your own offered- the acco' famodation of his line to Cresswell, Youllir--18
a represen- itation. The Reeves will be told London 0 TA%rC!kS (hair, eane and wood seate AT BAYFiELD.
-deputation. He carne, there t0 tOWnShipli" f 'the County, A majority for the motion of 3. The d)'
llistolwnahp paid -a p in a eqner o CUPBOARDS
a 0 B91)ISTEADS.-
tative of Ster1left. aid higher prices for produce.- Com- the rest of the townships be gh es tip. to 1110600 Wag, then put when ther v ted T OTIS NOIS. 71 & 72 bAYFIE III) %,,VNCE13810N
large shareI)f the Bur -al.) aild ke 11uron !nollt sense would tell th9m, that &line tak. the tender mercies of the Grnd Trunk WASH STANDS.
zA-L"kie,. flays, Bishop MATTRESSE.9
bonns. Stephen was read aye' its ingaroute like a very crooked elbow They, knetv what tb� Gra-lalgI Trunk did, ,, Greenway. JU Township of Goderielf, icompx1simg, jje.c�resoftbe:
D - y t. it:ii - _ - llesser, Pr bestqualityof land, within about 2 iniles Of the 3larliet, k-
allare,but so fe.v",rownships wot d receive would have to charge inare- freight ; which for them, leaving their prognee at ' the Holmes, Kelli, Zearly, place of the Town of Bayfliald. There 1saplearailreof
0 Cornyo, SOFAS.
ould come. old reduce 'prices. What,' 23 acres which cculddrie, lybepireparedtorctop. The
accutliiudation that teburde confidence stations, while the! produce of the Willis, H00aughey';- I remEtander�of the jail � r bse!y of
, - L-00KINt GLASSES. oyertd xyltli the best
heavy. and a County buntis could they have And I roung, brown, Cresswell, of beechand maple be of Splendid- growth, awax.
wo-ii U be the in the success of a line sol States is being catried through, till IIAY - 1.
GJLT FRAMN&. ceheat o 8911 Wslda-Jof the property-owbich
,fairestplan. Hedidnutc; built. He claimed that liallailtioil w4a the the markets are glutte and prices. Dallas, Shannon P�rkins, Scott Jfao ..passe
Ira w lather the is situ Inano and llsett!Bd rurigbbourbood.
aseither n 'Eloron, PLATTIS PATENT EVAPORATOR,:, 13- G_ B t B, are prepared t sell everythifi� in _&y_ Lot ago A Township tailley,
ne contmInng3o eso 'ervedi tunber land rbich
way woula benefit Stehen'. Tie people ever n " reference, to t4e narrow Ca
great outlet forthe seaboard. He %vollld fall. life-contradipteU the assertionsof dotial, Girvi loon, 'Snell their li
stand for ficiprocal trade with our' Mr. Wood i
would to ceala-r firevoodto
stle, Gaunt, Siallison, GibsQlli I I tity of
A mericau neighbors, each countr fit.. all oyt of hi Patton'
vwho�p%y the frioney should locat-p y stand- gauge, Citing is views the Sheppard. io A Cheapifor Dagb. The 8 to theR r rT
tha road, Uarr k, rmstrong, Dalton ayfleld with aicon
andi opinions of the Inc riineers, as Farrani-722 IT. B A complete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds waterfall which o
'When thev votea for a boh could Ig to its * own alf., I , oistievilevite eil;ide available for i
vot,iforw4h-9 rorte. amicably e vressed at the mee [bgs of the Briti*h manufacturing e
i n s t i t U t i I> n a but i i So tk' The unddrs alwaya cinhand and a Hearse to hire ; all oareasonrble
Assoiciazion. the motion was lost 'a igned is prepaed to
fh, Council iaterchan;-noproducts. They would be told at by terms, For to- upply to, . �14AX
be moved into C!ommi-th ei of the -the g.-w,,,re is 5 feet 6. There will not be Adjourned to 9 a, M to morrow. majority of I -I. FURNISIECM6. 1 SALT, L 6 ALLSOLICITED.. 4QU;Iph.
or W, W. CON i
hole. 4t would give greater f itedom Of &-ritherrail laidmore than 4f t 8 1 and those' Aloved.bjDrffolmes, NIOR, 94.
2 -That ;%'By-law b' IN.ANT QUA�VnTY AT THE Goderich; 15 Guefpb,.Aug 15, ltl7b WS
&cnssfinti and they could- he&rt iedb-pnta-1 already laid. will be, changed by Dominion a subitt�d to- the rate. 0 ek_ 40
will. carr:Fcattle in,Grnat Westerli cars" n u
-Ap6il, 9, a. M. 1871. - payers to grant a bonus of 15'20 he NEW- AB
tiou. He maived acco.rdinggly, -se wnded by ay, and the-cattle-buveyisof the Union T - he Council -in 0 to 1-a o w, e s t: JP 3r i
r the Warden London, lum
ir ;all ille embers presen Huro a d 'Bruce Q�ailwayt _
thoe ihe
b�nion jtLe� straigghbfr6in ydiu� doors tott t'- No Seconder.: -WELL,
111P. 31CO&U ican Minutes,of 'yesfirdiy tead and approved.
: I i4tle fair wa%�,being held
as cajiled together fpr &: spechil:
Council w. narket_ If i� c Mir 0HUROHER thanked the Council fo New Butelier �hop AigD
apurp:Ds2. itrid it was not cal lit to gfq could. 8�H. DEWX, OPPO XARTIN's
ey orecalled. -beasts get'I 1102�
-oil earth Moved'by Mr:D. Pafton, sec'd by Mr T, the kind atten tion -the Olt here-ellese3ft what Simpson, that this 06uncil & now' a&- don deput . y1adgivbnthe Lon- s4th thbin 7 If the big —withdrawn: atiall . BrB E 'By UPHOLSTEILING U
intoextraneou's anatterg. h � S . , Alla assured tb`6se'who Goderioll, Aug 15, IF70 w30
togelther to Ve lld �' the &ttle-buyerfi, ved. by A( x Castle, see N ST-
t1liought, ihey could, 11ra ey A W G
te,and he into 1;,,ow—wot supported the London- line t at-th did H6iEL1'XM1LT6 LIE
pot do nything ltake them, even if he gqt them tin 10 by Mr not, go. Miay discouraged, -being confident N
_re� Subseriber'bas pleasure in Intimating
anship, the for that a v4te, W talii Ti 'for -or aginst a ill tile OLBORNE HOTEL OPPOSITE, BA4 OF XON, Mir, &E�i po�SrrU, r, jo
The generd- feeling was iu&74 lrufhear'�Lond �0033�-of th; appeal They woiad RX)ANT*
lltr, nsue that h
County Fortas to' the -I ondon, Huron. and �n k Vmhasopeneda Butcher Shop at the above addresg
thence to guspensirin ri or Brue'a Railway—withi rawn. And he will be irepared tosup]Ay the cholsest quality
ing the deputation and thb- ni ition was, rot et ow ma. e to the. townships.
-in knMr ItIone th better that, 6y ATr Nes- Xr ADAM BitoWN'thiuked the Coilndl AMOGSTORE)
CODERICH of meats at a lowerprice than elsewhere intown.
Moved�by Mr sbc�
air and, ljp� _
X a SUAN.VD-Wthen took tlk6 that, Lle.:would try. to find the- nerest or, that this Council 4iibmi�.a By -Law to, lqn�ilton jlo�utaton qvenle�� i&- I
for he patient, Ilearinq grainted, to the Give him an e4rly WL
(rrav s
theni on the li 0. fran. 9n northerilt reeves that tb e work *.ould go OKAY"
eilled on elRoadtotheB.-I&L. 11tivon. n& iild assured the P3- Orders delivered In all p" of the town, a vralitw "b-' npof.,q�200,lq6O.tuthe']London,' E.. MARTIN, Proprietor. hours, of the day,
a Caur of La ne-reolij- - -
n Taon& mmz, i'(1ftJFWJW �ring, u atirvno�ticl!3rtic6R�ilivay.auda,�bbniisofi X��WDPJ.ID RESPECTFULLY .K.
hipinent.- ItWasallvery wellto.' ROBERT NoLEAN. lbaVb . came foinvard with ',pleasurei 'a id would talk w, nOn just as he lfad�pfomised. Enirieeis , 0 opened A of tove's
$,wo,,Owto he �Yoingtori, Oxey would be dut to sl WeA Street, osit#
rackke Lis rainaiks = brief as pe �Ible Port Stanley- It was not bad fox watel � 1 1. _. . irvey within the BanIc-of-MontreA. wheke- lbowill
trace -Railway. 10 daa and R G Gode'rich Marelalth,
ood.AcoomlnVdations. Ample Stable ota hand oriftakoi to order y
sminer bot wEat use is�- Portr XrXC0An`aA bat n OU A-NI-�rEILVG1
in winter. Afs their wheat was sidd,suln -met 1' . er, Baia t Moti was SOOT 0 Of th4lins commenced as _V
no, MQa -at oh-Aracter wore O�t of oiaer, as 6is -ineetin,; Avas 'talled I as necessary aid was granted. .,A:d- AT I I M - L
With the London t willter� they wautc-4 to craclIc , it (,ff aul,' � bout ioura6d, -UNDS,
kelr for the slI.eciflopurposopif grinthig. is This is admitted. -to be w Firit class
di va ept theil Having on hand -an -afisditinent of
joseil nioda, was certainly, erent 13birgotamarket.. Theyli, lonsa',kept in Good Sfyle�. FOR SALE Vpbolstcritg 'KINDS,BF
o the London, .Huro4 And Biruce Rail-, I - WORK &ILL
-es ind promises nd we vreparell.' Augnst 15th,18'10. awl -.Cf
the usual. They - had pone tc Viledg Z-19 . 12
A Inthatline, I A
wa I i I - . . I. J%fTffE -S ME AS JX At.
_-rlo who 1-3a IFIt tbta 4(4r�.It: Westariez aid rad The. Dead �Ja� VaIuAle Tavern Stand -
n Gftaiidl�us to. DebtWa 171q the Tillagi of Dungalanonlinown as zbe 11?rince hand. e4ve the -auestilon- of A q4autlty of
'to 170
y6ry coWiderable, benefit to t $elves tosur,76y otth- ffavort and South f.,ri ce�, ."Alr ..!Wood
�arden. No
4 -der t -tile tice -where a good and Increasing bust -
r or WAlps! If olteli
ib come. befora-theluuniqipa]Ltie-r� it
co:�ursej, 3 W le the rna- A:BkTH 1N ITS 114—, �iesslt#sbeen.,doneforthepastlOyem.
ey bad taken tl Itz . 2L ouldiiotbritru _WATF hallre FT1111111irg b) Order
beed an e sterti to -run tion 833i OF DATH I LT, PARTIES INDEBTEDVO TH
would hve ag-Teepient. from the Great We TJ�M ALRORtGHTJAC VI
4 0,4ft taifus of the otice, RE LLAGX
L-1 of'Rebinson * Tate and.fRobingo:& J16,well, are'
nds, anif Xrft�Ex% -The Tdainiltoji&p ,%,,,Ud tosettle up with me on or
o76r to t1fa capitalist and his fr!( line, and to build. th the t tit' traiv�Nr 10, Phibstine'thus de t3-Hetrasts by Rtrietittetition to buitk�Lrs$ 0
UK- scribes an eiperienee,�hie all situate on: tFe Malustreet of the Village, al epq roorlikge.
the ac& innicipalities. Under theise cirquirist beforeSist Don. boluin -nerasliareofpubli t GUINNEWS
ivoidd.hve Oa- mite. h those It he and saelaostsaas-leaertfiaWato all accounts. willbe' theTheraI and Trysultable-foi stiolas or 6thirbesi' Godeach.-Aug. 15.187a tably ne.
Such am aiqlaudiftica wou14 inev ,V!illld they �6pprjrt thia London.threeftiot, 'Ito comiheretto make, a --simple �,hive shared it ate in little darijbIr of for-... ue��.. ties d r&y heavy., shown fh* Dead S vin, Roamsox-
j, ea, pro-
�Auce as novel it s6risationas -1-2 Acres of land
L beplitl4n, but 6bstrdc,- yo, 06-0, _`ATEDDUBL"N-P^
I . getti-n4-:—'Bathii6g in the Siva �ariffs, an �P, wrpL . ngamezit businesg. sfavemen't, rfisteiddf thOt" they kid E�
'111 impa.1t oil trio Cauaty. Comirg.for a, It: tionis, a in . evetjr, UER 1.
Arlina to be under.tb 'he wora,if-evex tw TE, R. -
ad till, &,tntrol oFan3..road 1�,fise' Of(
bomuf, undersqC11 lt,;Voilld T40y ttiteadvil it to be liho1cpander it 116W Kincatdire-brainelt of thd Wi4liagtonio _-Gr4ay el soad,
tonqo, Ab6litiamaiiiSouthotibe'Villageo
01WE the best cla y,.35 xcres cleared andihe balance in fine
ad Rtiice, was built, he jould sugar bush' and bamandgood TMI ORTE D DIRBCT Excelilantm4w haftse 0;ftemely low by
khe south Af Brace 9 D WXTR *EiGg -, 'C _�H �AVjee have dl&appeired into Me peelketi, of em. dO113 fO IV tIOULi tha tmOutt -Y builAing and r-4
'OHM 8
=1=3. The the, uwvd tbet. an"! eniulatill , th� Teats of E, EEcd
It f)f' looth411-He. Cin' W itimbler
rGai chpaply 311l. ly(rL- it to carty oat tho. enterpri , less- intimaiely'and there. *49- r( -plgeou in mid-air� You become urrili
Th,ey they, were, doin lovl fecliu;-dud or the geriaiaoves ]gar. To be sold io
gather or separate. Aply, 4q,,Ae
- hilay, a'swollencork;'th6 or1y-letter GRANVO
c e 0- cearldPInce in- 90A it to h ]GLOFIGE AUCH,
ctof the I i-deput fnr�xir �risely- in) Ld iniv,11 faras tht t!lag hem';ibere. Tha ;Ji1&reuc& between ITT -TS
fiX116 on 0TVaieground 1110� coodit, ?OIU tire in its waters, all 1
J,NZ2 4 iall. if Huron enou It tr.
itindon -iti -dthe�, lega god bl*ylilr�&pparentljr enidowedwith: 01WOB39, GIDDRE 03)EJLICX
Gf Tile En fWar- 0 1 1
Iauroa Nklailton was veryl attikh_aim WT.'Ch-.*ah0r4$ ircidwith mu;gpuou, xnrcb%U6�18n. 'the stagge� ro h it
I'll"ICcr 4�f tile lvulcli line flaitl 6 ft .-Shephardli; :St. PRIMONLY _$4.75PEJ1 ID07.
r miie tvorld be spent !nth(- AtIement -asj is �as if fieqivy.�
ful and BOTTLES.
Goaao L-1 cmlap=3011 Wi',114481,;3uge Ille'd lie�wd it sald t1m I tfeights jed. to. each Aireqtlj yb wall' liki. UrBiowti?�,simp' wasto speak I WD
ionstrue _'�xpe
n�,v re�luira haN c1lat I - WItltit- 1twould, Ile Ueltb&a beitaIllor aull. -,Goaerichf6r e tile -of the.c6lebrated .71, 20 TJDNS OF "RAX. ILI
a.32:11ailt") ifilro,4 01(i Soho' me-w the sechme, %bat is -to 6Dari
r to onh and; South reason Iff EARLY f 6,ji ril c ont- of wor. 4:0 Vzc�r bttmlle3a ill, their Counts., 0 'AAbecetitlty it xe al dealeig's . upplied it' the N&6ry
It - - give t -Fu
a.14 f;tdt�,l a W. U.,vatl Pzwo 0 tikeoutof tuOrCouldT,, tuia1-'btI0yAnbY y6th which 9%
Nailted . 0
&U tb'L Ficly ca It Fir i�j' lnil�, t9 a' P. 10. behept t
at 7 P, M. the Warden itittl for over aa 4GOUlt SALT WELT' WaL
-uhat a foo., ;irrai4emitnt and I'lubS ar" 'To'b -or E
01 lit, on with Bach un&tiifated 46se 'ley ba'" �tG `;1ltd4d. Your I hi Wad 0jt16
a e!zxr. movell I#vMr Parity, gierorded e air with
bour. I pity -Air 1�rown if �ver thestirlme, wul,you� leave th' A- it�v!WbOidings�reded,)pr6fened.-Ad
till Th r;W be CO
Y( L try
to ynor hands thar�ofn 41 -
_to HWIM ;Ith Inal.pArtidularlip4l Price. ffi;i Sel 10
�e so ent I Che4p, r Casb. jiouLs Tly
xithern �,part of tfle cogtq: It ;4 -not a 41111 tla MIM ho Vould be d PROMP 1)
b 4W1
Rmt. 2
0" 4b::
- 4111