HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-05-04, Page 20. f ul to 01T no Old,; rich TOWO U JUUAI- Afterthe usual' 0 0 HANS FOR Tai-XILLION others the Plicenix I sUranct outea ljy IM Parisi -an popullic .1' - J fy the skin lie a leln merle aP- � . . o by chance. The THE SUBSURIBLR HAVING MOTIABLISHM AN EXCLUSINk R4� pally of B ��oklyn, New York, the Uourt ad-Vall br any fo: broke up at' leven o'clock. -to ave origin, t le jary to return a verdict for The Regular Meeting IYRS held 1U the LXCTur.-Rev. Jas Soiyaright gave the pears t 0 best estiewe Of cod inou,,h yet f d errinlent.but azespotism. 'sopus Spir erg - FUB $TOBB Alth,)ugh the instritiction was Pd*a -flail on Friday, 28th inst. , Preile4tj last of aseries of lectures on Popery, ycs- ID opu . 0 . - so 8.0right. HA T. CA P, 4. ourapp d At piry retired, and retuain.-d at allourap rivyinat in the chair, Dty 001111- lerday� 16velaing in the Town Hall -ct Squtdi GODBIUCH, 111AY -Cth, .1871 -explicit, fit tho.-Ruaro bb, Doncy, Deltior,Pass-, Sluith's Bill, w a large andietics. 'Tile -ally the , utc , on the ud§Ou 1n the new building, erteted by hirdself, last summer, on Wesi Side,Xark absent b�rp it"th'ree-4wirters of an hour Sprilig Assizes-ColiAlty OfUnron cillgrz 01iffordCrii-I r the tuore, Siiicliai�Eptsyison, Gordon, stuith, subject Was ATILC Roman Catholic cl;rgy., Y�r. e Islan reenin �o 'nitruetton IS NOV�RECEIVG AND WILL OPEN beU,re they � beyed the i Baldwin, and 1�orthcern Spy and other -t Thi h d bcen (in tri,,tl since the Thb Court of Assize, Nisi Prns r an or , rdiner and Savage. Minutes Of -i-in in the sanle OrU DOCK A.G'U_ -ve was lasi; ,ult and spe,:ial meetings were read Mr. Bislttap9a RCPIY to Dyj�, Sprent. gi.)o4,'qll liti had their ot for the inspection ot the publid, on Illry C.111111 li-It.11 conrt on. Tne&:11y ; and Teiminer, ind getiekal Gala! d"I com Ai Ed. Shar- way. 6nd.thon new seedliwas appear; "I'Me Tou Uouncil holds its regii'Mr this trial the third'time the G -e had open�d itt the Court -House, Goderic Ott sindup ro d. Pilp�itiohf To the Editor of the Huro—ItEilliesiter.. lie London Pippin,introduc- On SaturdaY the 4th day of March, 1871, no of thelie, t been presco Ch'speAk of the argu- *1 tialad iy, 2tid Kily, at noon, Rig onor mants-) rade ';46m---ror.�44.,agteeilIgtOPaY 7011. 'kQTiM9 little of London is much e-r- ateating this evening, aud tfe ted, not t Z e a the cbivt I Justice Ricnards, presiding. ng ctst.Koed by ji lllinatioi, to appear as A newsliaver ed by Mr. -1 The Largest and best Stock of Hats, Cap$, a�d ParUish,719 Goods ever broulAt to "rk d ]#,,is in,- nients thatijitreceded ad aLcotow.ot, $10, towardli defrayii pear is a tic less ancient 0,yle tkat it writis-r 'Its omly at tile carliest; ­liultafl= of oulue tootnia, Thi TUF SAR Gousipiting of the Newest Styles of _d again take the liberty 'if ranevring suveral hea�,ings tipon the Ur Sinclair "ccpnd�a by Mr r d and Bridge Commit- qf my friend,j Shut I couselit tilp ait4wer Mr sproat" iruit thou the apple, an& was triiinsplant mr -our ft.Veatitirl as to the mode of impro- an to rewiver up. n presen ted by C Robinson. E 4q IQ.'Q be reforred to letter. elinskloriug it hardly worth tk� P-Mielt. ed fro42 Geeo'ce into Italy. 1uportionsof El y eaver -wilt) live ili'91ass Lglish,, New York, & Gaixa4aU Fashiouable Bilk, & B o( I a-anto, far the Crowit, And Ira civil,, tee with power. iogney w.ts received of 6at should remember that tlivia I I id I'll, )Wilsg stau" A. Europe and Wester" lAsia it grows in a ving tlmdoc" We think it would �e un- on a policy4jf ittsitnoico isitiu,l bY tleftH lat, john MeRardy Esq , it. jag si.oilid a -it be tim rew !y ill On, mit im* the Ifirst of Apr; Alto, U.-ki Countir Crown Attoruey, C IC -me- 420 00 frotil the it their naltzlibui%- and Mr S. should W -esP"'alli care- wild state, and ilithere tha must astring- Hats, Fur & *0017'elt Rats wise to ask Government aid f,r the pur :.Xihii Diviion, Esq., A . t dAe to $21,13. e season pf! G4oLliu9i allioullting with mteles rut witest lie in(liti-,es im sunila lia"ime- A little call- ts. it, is not a native of this A LSQ. S a nibaxt Kaloolipli, for th j;�rt it reference to ifiakilig assertions ent of all frui ilk nd Clotfi Caps, of the latest Rtyles andl Patterns for spring wear. Most ar p4ase. lVhert the Govern-2nent ham dredgtd lui"� F I ) brought here M ti 1-8 Stock has been made k-)ecially- to iiiy order, and us I plaim to have -a thorough - Novell- oyle, Esq*.. 3 6 Si,)e I All , was inoved by Nr lJorton and ouconded tton. too, on tit continent. �xt hai . been to A. 'Esq,. J ould not be out e &%we yeillr, whereby tko coth by NI r Doyle fliat N r them to the public tilrough the presa w that 1 bad irs- through the agency of the Huguenots, pro - knowl2ge of the HAT and CAP business W'JiI be able (with the large and varied stoof I I - or place. W hat I I aid I& was, ird,3u, Esq., J Y Elwut& 1 9 84d 0 ludipting for d with them in their exile have on hand slid am continually receiving the harbor and built the pitrs, they i% ill no ber 30 of t� J E3q., H Nfacd­r.ne �lctlanly*g COM, "bout m"tters be doeg not un'turktand, aw J;lviisu - ry, in orer to pro- p-ny iit%tir�d tke %tex,ljor the per- inuideatib �epubli4hcd it, tile local preen, doubt find itnecess. . 11 Isa n ceived a -circular askin o to (Ittes"t th formilly a bably, who carrie 08,01l Ravi be en- IF Tom -i, Laq, l'of Goderic . a It was aho resolved to place t1pe legaci lo the ptirlitiae of cousiAlerim the propriLty �. B_ seeds of t'he cboiceat� -varieties. Belium fect the cypenditure thus mda, to extend d thtit-moson'rs MuCaugh an altu- group (of municipalities 0 give It bnuus ths . To rLEASE THE E YE AND FIT THE HEAD OF TIME MOST igect in al'general-, freight and pits,4enger g,le hullag 'of the Iteler cotumittee to lbe d 13, It that L did iiat believe ill the BreupilkA prin- and Holland have produced finer - varie�tka 9 ClAu. le, therefore, woul so U6 That I - bad Vic nowi,�;orth piorto the eresent emb&r intended. cif this fruit than the rest of the world, and o 'etition. blisille3s,upon the watcra of L:%kej Salwri- at- ofSeaforth mud 3�lalcol sou Fastidious, and at prices that will defy c mp out s% th!,, upeuiag, lof the applied 0 the laudable obja�t at it points t ci� all Rri ana Untario, IT4 irove pros li'l-Troin kfd at tile same *pillion I had very aged troes, the seedsof which were eleator, aniii byl th�t tr. ) M-02us take' the riv,,r clear out into the %ad tkcir �-Y.. river; aud canals, for the A letter' tl� the Treasurer was re ,-aom. a nd was liely, t1lat the fair way was by brotigiTt froin those countries, are to be, -rred JVRT mas ilob.,rtson, Dundas Cwa)p; taineit na, d My The oun, ! lit -but that I did not lies h.oW a COQUtY Long Islayid, in blichigan v the works Ile 1"larati.iii av on*, 13 �; e?irried under the cireumsts"cliAL I foiind at n W. MR.. AVAGE. ting danger Lt Ill flowing Grand Jury Was elnp�uqlled: anu#� -es iii Englandtre t, h policy as in full f,me,and plaiain of lots baing Placed ou the n the W also qald- w,,, had mde a luititake tiCuot buY iUg Illinois. 14onis pear tr( i;:e coming down in che spring, and J hn Iluebuirm, Culliorne, they were occupied by Road. _ Th:A the County Coum,:il had Goderich, March lat, 1871. Whi h day, of Angnst, 1362, recideSt VD11, WI)CH Nordiern Gravel j known to be 400 years oid, and ()no in Now 'e 181 4 'beph C�Jdlpy, do ud that 1. as out Of that Council. thopericidic -d dreaginghitliertoneces tIlle I'll- it _L3d in a gew made a litistake, *I fill it as Via other ulerabers.asid. York, destroyed' it 1867, was plaLted 200 I . r.,,e s engag aral freight Metylortan.-Y4 Sxvagelwho stiatt-d from the. sihing-Up occas;o le'd by Jin b -a iig it, tkie krbor Ain Chureltill, Goderich Townall' P, there Wgre ue birilding&on w2l, wr inucli to blame buying of Via N. pears ago -by the Dutch Governor on what the meeting, of the oraters of lakeand ii -or willAm Case, Bay, i and he of that ne"take was.the coupling the %016. 1 said then his hiirin,now ailargeand populous of S.)�tha�lptfplq, at 'the mouth of the the latit and nobody resi-leut tiravi Read witirthe Caking off of the insidle the bartxm. This will take a large D4vid Campbell, Tue,erstinith, I lillat if they had been Voted on separately the reloult was liaugeen Itivtr, tile Captain of the Ka- soured'ptit it oil the uowresidi�nt rollp and n ditteratit--lit least su far as the Iowa city. A -s an instance of productiveness 1 Sam of ratiney, anil we wmild be Jak!k Defg. do wt r. Rabortson,was the owner, lie ae might liave bee ed, 116 ratepayers Of was mentioned that a pear tt"* in lllinois� 8"rry r I locilall W Applied tq UY the 0:4ptai a of tile blip of U&borns wag concern tha Public Works DepnIrtnienk Jatiuz�s H Finl,�y,' G idetich, t reasonable for I Doyle that township angued in this way -Is i HATS! AFT &J.JM Urig Chair s A NA -mer t.) aid im savil" entitld to Pay the taxes- gated, us to vote free r4lads to the county of Hurov, when we not even a foot of girtbr, yield d, in 1834, ny portion of it, by an be investij %ayo to pay toile going to tuean (pur market t - owu) from expendittg a brig, lich was then strandwil on a i;:r Tkoinu Holmes, blorris, lit the ulatter sh no le% than 184-bushe r.9, % a"" in ANOTHER LAIWE COSIOME" JUST RECEIVED B appearance of selfishness ont our part. At -a�the mo'.t-h rif tkt river ; lilind that, ii, U, -,h L-lvt:, Hay, and Oaloved, iteewided by Mr. sine air, 'uUiddip4e%.Auda1::io toot maqv'sja Perth: lasked .'__Ahi�t was given 'enr U ustelyalitis to give us 1840 &latest Qa many be repair- 01 iorris, that -it " refea d to the Finance C`n't' 110-3 we 89"d osys"' %ties@ m we bad tiot which may prove useful, which was that Secordam. With the ilbage &ad fair play with regaril to railways when, I W.M. SAVA (I j-1, s:1me tule, the dazks M115t be d I John r Naltal Gderich Towashiot e lit of Ro-btmaii and- 14; T,or ourshipping trattec,,innot tee. Carried. Accon fair playin tile matter of gravel roadit. A pears ohould'n,)t be allowed to ripen fully t. , .3d, HAT'liating the la k- ei, the Captain of 'le - d 9'vea the"' The C-1 to theexteut -hich1t now 0001t, be, the K410( 4611 Went ti) tke a-44istallee of the J 1ittv R luo!ds, Hut t, wijitiligoa, fo Relief,'ordered to be Pat _- very good test tills for htr Sproat's tol,tila ))rain. asks what new light 44lave but gathered tea dAys ID�fore mi�turitj, C and which would redounel ima' V�',u,grywowr, Goderich, ouat GfStar oince for priiting and ex-licove of Tuckeramith ome & see them, 1�ellg'aly us bri?, aud,while im the attempt A.0c inotanes of ur and ripened in the kouse, a hWher flavor U IV Sitep, do or to W Paid. XT go" Let me answer by &-.citing &us -VVER-Y BOIFYwantii a Hat at this sentient of tite- year:, and this is the -luity. t) iq tke 2: th)OWIL llwiyzelf st4tionory $3,50, oril N:proat's juind being litraugely tiluiplimited;-A few tile of the vph!ole com Several peara were ..# u a develop4d. Oje Of LbLe first tlaings. necess;Lry is to g4-1: U Scott, mulietty a Harry Uee4i's aliplizatiolill f4 a sal0ou- 00derich People ones compelled l4in to diagorgO 9011140 be' I thn - JU place to get �yuur Hat -i at 2D per cent less than City 1 rices. Collam ott Vhe'ha�a`tirl v6m theralby wrecktA And a -Urs Scott, McKil OPP- i ls, St. aQ.tcollntittee money il:tgallyrotained. immodlilie, here named as. excellent, the Bartlett e- shirtg aud Ties afthe newest patermi. Ladies Sundowtts and, ichool Girls bats and Flatstin great variety . frivat G-ivcra�nelit tho c,,ntrol v,f the wharf wasUl. liva3jae ipi di"edford block Ki- lost,of WFA,iukbits properprotjst au Pr"a ly afterwards for reason ur, doubt obvious t's himself, i g'tha raost popular, known in England God,rial, Xurch23rd, 1873, t ora ich To ,Pl wag yea Ur Crabb moved In T,his thty world no doubt rea,fily grant. I J.ul- T nee, odet room an f-- lie canvassed ilia different mernben to liav4 the 00till .1; tw lt&�aa facte tb:ora was to Huder the name of Williams' Bonchretien. obe tatted guflicieut % ere madirl. ItS41 the town in a potu at) ser1l)"ll coutrovor4y. A eontliet of testi- A I -Ir Watson. G*ricb, Garcliner secisudeli th&A it be graki that otteet. Whou r 1111017few But as 1,0140 varietis of pears have been ia -ina year tu complet haworksirequired? molly9xi4lodnatothastteut the wiUrl Jatuec Watt, HuJlettp' I le approval upport a lit mating at Ciiutoa, Unaglult I , P..8 . provided tile application met t1 moved to held the be arowgimeat p an ted in this country 'We think not. Tile Completion Uf the anl sea %Olteu tho Kalolah Watt to aid the T I'm to N hit*, I the more ehumera- Ur J T NAFTAL was chosen F'QUL*,L2T. of the kwzpetstor. Moved bj Mr Detlor, il-�r surprLsip to It �r ,* vlerf ClsonliatillaboNvold in, Qodtlrieh, -tion of 'thern wofald be tedious. The at mulched That is the surface of the gro ud bt -by Mr BiWtk tlaut usual, waila asked his now uadcrtakon will be bri, it in the yiew the Court took ef the jutiolg's it be laot t the "Olt '"eating iressoll-1) Po acting so method of dwarfing the pear by grafting barr&n eiaough for us to k.ear, for gnme case this ecame immaterial. strngely.his reply was, that he lind recelvell Uew it on the roots of the .§nincs, has greatly ikround them covered with som& mat.. -641 6zne to Com-_ l"or we bt;l eye, could e- His Lo-d.4bip adr-ased the Qrasd�'j_gry t) granted-. 2fr SiDdAir said the house must light uelainout it tiewliess. 'Mr Sproat Says h4l ban whieb will retain the moisture in the soil, uplid pretty dear for his whilittlop already tu the way sUmulated pear -culture ; for by this plan -wdust Or Tlw d'fence was ll-isd on'two grounds the t.)ifowing efrect:� be statea itall the same juspected by the WALL PAPERS& bentnres lefriliv be Lsued for the purpo3e, t a f county of such as manure, ch -p rti�bish, sa� relau:li indebted to the Municipal Firstp t*t the steavi�vr was lost while tZe was hap we intimal inspector, before the Council took any milway lines *,'hat mould bir Sprcat'ps farm W worth y"rs for fruit, the cvfttivatur usually reaps we py �0 ift olkly f or wera there so railway? or seaftleth, orl Upe instead of waiting from four to fifteen mail stones. These'all operate beneficially' Ln= Fund. Should we not, then turu '14 2 di&reytt employinimt front ca.:%, on the valendar, only orto Wkigh actioit. The application was then Qui�nded Harla without itz if he considers be ho,4 paid too by preventing the surface of the grontid L, , - nrack for the railway, liviag 3141 he #10" withis 2 JUH4 some roward iA the sesand or third season. our atteuti-m to what'cau be done by pri- that pTr�'ittelf under tke Secowl, might perhaps coilao-bolorq thma. One ot as above- Illy Gordon thouglitt there was of a station. what maet phe ratepayers of U.-4bosue, from becoming dry to any depth, whi& 1 1 the parties was I rhargpd with lamex Ur Reed Stephen, Hay gild Howick think, who have never been The filter varieties of plums aro,,of very ____o ca y- by it ?- would cause the young and tender root vate " pital, in the furm of it J­illt bt­ck the polfiy eantuitned it ctam*e tk-.it a!l e4e- no restson sat to grant licanae is direutly banefitted to the value of ten Qeigt� recent Origin, not dating in &rnrica farth- or by property-holdon; I . q The evilittual ilit4jilt wal al ea�evttia lets near the surface to wither, and such Harbor c.aims ai)dertt &howld 6,� viiii UnItas when otbai-s were grauted. He V4uld at or even those of Stas' eY, Grey. Morris. l'ur"Wry", erbck 0llin fiftyyem-3. Of tbew are'the woott to Gollatitilto the Crime. ! It i porrin travel from too aloi.,ig the -vh.trf T In bither of those ways, Al every tive mile --to Washington, the Lombard -the most proli materials as will decav slo;siy and enrich the neded repain could pro-4ccuttid wittlin a year from thtll ti 'Be belivveil lie had a right " t4 -.e property, any tirae go a;ain%t all saloons, but lie W"w'"'ol" aud AshReld, who ha, -a to What he the soil would be a benefit in -that w4y tot irty miles -and pay 12C tf vre are satisficd, 17 Money the lolBlilecurred, nad no pro-,woutioa had raight be u," ught there khe ild ito no" farr- ­otto tile station f mrsproutsh-auld Just E&Y fioand profitable variety grown -the Im- also. sirntile as the operation may seeitil N-ew Patterns of Parlor Papers be mzde, if the ptirfies iDY04ti.110 opinioll i3tl@.jvjs it fir w , Mui;, which Is, I bave got all r want at Your ox AU varieties of this a?. t Notiou Carried. mr Crabb "I an a if you want any thing more, just periel, Jefferw)n, &c. there are many people that, arf whou within the term efa ye' arceily but trespass. A nian itism. peuse. gentlemen -aniets to have do noi know coulti sii get. control of the Kh� tkat for it yours Ives frrit are believed by bot lv�selve% The Oloart revi,!wed theRt positions. take pert with tho vie * of pay- said it was understood. r oftlie L, H andB. ]%-for the how to nt a tree properly -a deep hole builti as to reirabnrse tl llow, Sir, 1 aim in lavo sprung from the sloe; and the wild plum tn�l Papes,, hainf, allowed to mtke a faii- 4-h-irge f -;r First il�iat of the plaimiff that the act ing, a! due h4n, with , the belief all streets and Bidewal;�s leading W reasoun:-Bileallse I belie've oppusition is is of scarcely large enough to c.fj%-d Now Styles of Satin by !Xxigbt tdd4) this his was the life of trade -and via i.eed It badiy in this matter*- of this country Would, if properly expert - This seems, ts) us the btt so- of rendel"Ing esis!anca wa-!rja accordance that ChaTebes should be kept in repqir. Tke the roots into. These, when stuffed into because I believe we wool,) get, 2c a buditei wors for inented upon, be capable of much. ita- d be arrived at to save th4t the ji�ry mid6 � ewalk on St. David St to the Methodist Now Gold Papers, lation that cou! I with a neral ewtow at usagi ol' thoso ' Sid our grain and 50c a hundred morb for our pork had we this small aperture, have the soil well, the ratepa) ers from boing undisly burden- unf.ivurabplu ippizition of. It was well parties itate com1wting line Of raiiway,� because I believe it would PT!ement. The cultivated v'herry Caine n:1vlati1,iz the lakes, wherclore sach &M B iscopil Church was in a bad i re than ht to packed dow above them, *and they are aw thenletaloiteto struggleou'as best-thply me, to get the Lllll)rove(., Should uot be iucouritged to "It" the 1, lil raise the price of I)t,)Perty in the aggre;,,ata ino li�.11y from Asia, and was broug ed and. at the sa D, d. 71 AtPin 01 dcpartare from t!,e abb InOTA,seconded by Mr SaVa�q, doulAe what it would Cost of$ ha thO vFay of bouus; be- by Lucullaa, in 69 -B 0. ts culture New- Oak Papers, the increasim, trde of I' intu tfieir own hands. -, Reft;rv,bringing in IN r Or I n believe il woula. in a sitort, time, make the taly cavi, and when the tieesfail. togrow ,hirh dack accoulcitlation- a, -w4lk of St David a st passed incorporated Till s soon Spread allover Hitrope, and ro3ched is very commonly the case -the unfortlin- ctllployn!tent permitted by the teriu, of verdict of *'.4o Bili in any allL Wlly that the South side hamlets through which it the port urgently deniand& the poli4 be gravelled fro oria, and tke incorporatud villages would becolus towns. . America in the some waT. as otter fruit. ate ioursetynian who may have furnished Now Dining ao0MP&pers3,. In other words, thttlo renlur- should havi all fla itlforinatioll before m Kingston St to Viet thus ppetalug local marketr for our sow ungalrable- liuch sJ-ii,tance, as was actemPted to be thent that c3uld be givau by ths� Crown Carried. Mr Clifford 0�roposed to put up garden and lialuisproducts. Cull1nod as we are to the Avenues of this 4kee are t) be -found in the m gets all the blaine. Before planting a. UNJUt Tir. 1ABLE. jent11 to ail vcssels of 1) . reason tor. Thq otlier charge was one of g of 'Wheat, whisli dou!t pay, and a 'few of the some parts of the continent -of Europe, the tree ift roots should -be examined, and if 1jew Marble P;apers, rcadeiej -was incl. notification that parties destroyieg shade growin,.,ne, our awl has becolue exhallsiod. With coarse g fruit of which is free to the traveller. etubezzloulont, an o&uce very tnuch akin uld prosecuted to the utmoat markets for roots au such other iiacessarie,4 domand- there are any among them injured or pamb- the c*� -icter ani oh.@ )f the K -iloolab, treeq she manufneturilig populaLions we wight, m There are no less than 187 varie46 of this it is str-,nge how often the Xeiv Bra to larceny. They. wouill have to cousider that a ad by Iargc soil to vigor, such a result fruit with us, many of v ly broken, those should bee,at qff back to e&OOM PapeS, I its na-yoth, only to pt�its foot in it. As tbis poitiybe C6url iusub4anc­ the evidence in butla cases. Tite ifituesses rigors of the I iw. Ili Moved store our imptiverished flount) bonus. I* it was _�hich are of Ameri- the sound part, with a sharp, knife. A lible :B o tens ;0Q would alone be. woftha good ca ori& a Ir -id it J10own to be iaw,0 that' to establish lvar;l now utually xamiusd beforo the. rewa4_or sv.00 be off4ed to any pen t to give a bonus to a railvyaY running 30 miles in Pr"Ofe-sa(tr Kirtland, of Cleve, s4iould be di)g somewhat larger than ihe ing lu describing the result of the vote on tho iou as W*oQlci lead to , sCoupity how tuuch more so to give one to a road land ; ttas been very successful. in rats' New Hall Papers, --ucb a ottstorn it must be gho*n that it i, Gr %nd J ury and- sworn by - tile Vorepulaa t,ivin such inforinat It"hi I entire circumferece of the oots when jest,6:1 of ui viu- a bonns to the Lonclon nit I e wlicii, wi.1 run 60 mil a i then)- Though the tenderpeach does not .uni'vers#1 an busittest to Aa�:pther paxt of their duty would be the conviction of offaders. Mr &v& I laid out in a naturalposition.,Thesesbovild Mr. Editor, I believe it is good POHOY general in th, the pruject was voted a) aq te h%ve exmination of the Ga�ol. Us had UG woved and hIr Sinabdr- seeonde that Wh success in the northern New Office Papers, railway it says Which it is applied ; so gener w buy the- Northern Gravel 113ad not- prmise' ml then be spread, and fine soil worked in u;incI4s-its f. and a dwnbt the gaolor did big duty, but a Pori- the reward W $5.00. Carried. Ur nding, ]VIr."Sproat'i -new light p�rtious of tho country, it may be grown down tv6o to one the vote (if the becomer'a part of the b el withsta with succem on the shores of Lake E rie, among the smaller fibres with the han4, so ,a also so th.,t t e clion as to preventtheir bei4g crowded togeth-ar. Wairde h aicAscruti-ay iva de3ii-able. He then Savage drew atientlaii tv the destra and the everlasting hoist he speaks of and =larly from a point rear Fingal to If n. which would hae, bep matteir 01 coursell, dw-nined them to1hoir ditties.. committeed -by piggs Ott the streets an4 I will -just point out wby Ithink so. I find stburg. Soule of onr enter?rising proper care is taken in this way the Wo would like to know on What grOlIlld seniw� 1� r Of those in the buqiucss would Dney aTi. edy. Mr Crabb thought in the minutes, June, 1860, pp. 57, that roots will occupy, after planting, much the our contemporary f enitled co i:oidej, it file dutl of thoge in charge Or The following 114 the civil cases asked I*or a rem citi2ene have purchased farms at the west saine relative position as they did in the corsiders itsel he duty or,the litreot jusoctor, to Tuckersmith received -47.200 out of the ch on to Eatake such an extmiordi-ary a3sertioo -the K.tfbolah to have sought ts render the Holden v Preston. it wag t erly portion, and are planting the pea wed for gravel rovd,-pur- nursery row� from which. the trebs svas abo,ar, a vote that was not 0-1ven. Certainly a-,k:!d, anil would have -b?ld thti Runctiman v, Oliver. atteud'to having t1je pigs igitpounded. by U00,000 borrG an exten-siye scale, *ith eery prospect of iken. Th: ole should be filled up with net Irom the cauduct of "te Warden, in 11 himself or somae one else. AIr Sinclair poses; Uaborne, $34,460; Goderiob tow success. There is pr�tabply no, country in t' PAPERS Captai� blameworthy il he �id sat re- Mitc6ll.v OrawfQrd- Ul- or rich $2 663. On PP.' 52 1 find there were the orld in which thoe peach is grown in are -soil, no manure tL.e chair, which was as free from bias, ad f spolid ji A single instance, or i few suea,. Foster sp McQuarde et al. Ur Gardiner drew npost b4g allowed to come in contact aireed wit� thii. 64� 213'raised. iR this County 0 forAbe; pur inore abundance than in the United States cot as fir to ail sides� as that of any chairman Sparling v Trainor. to another nuisance. the - ny- ititerestand establishinait wich the roots. If any such is used, it is Te ofg 0;1 beartc� men going to the relief ot 2U atteution 0 and it Would be impossible t(r use the fruit welever&-tvill andwe think the.Nw Era - 15 Latnp�.e v loafifig of boys about the streets. .4r Crabb acts very -unjusti ycliselsilin dT&tr V; Gold not Q0rAtit&4 a ;O;e Of Pfiaiyid best placed on the surface after planting. inkig )r the liqiiidati-.)u ofthe Gra- so raised if it were n&t for the extensive fiably in. makint, I anch a UcCanca v Williams. Lad ilways advocAedtka idea of' having vel Road& debentures, and also for the it is not uncommon when planting tree� or w to custola. it rc L'sm factories in which it is preserved by can- ust have resolved it3,lf into _�10111 st-,,,Iement The NY ardon. is not slo, Robertson t,;Kee. chief -const vines to look out the ric8 JU'3%T MENU MD_ V one Ulau to act- as *M" 4`14 improvement of :road& and b�ridges with- eat and strongest express his opinionB, whep he thinks it such, 6usto'll tw- t the service woulil bq Butler v Buchanan. a salary of say U5, iR the Conuty. 02 P11. ning. An establishnieut of this kind, em- manures that can be got, and to put plenty %-YAP -ise - - Lee v Tolsmai. striixit, inspector at plo�viag 20hands, having been noticed, bis drity to do g,>, and we would ad% , the expect d to'.be rendered L,.T Illose who -0 og it in the holes around the rootff to stint r that would enable him to devoW his wk0le Tuokeramith raised of this mum, $2.483; th@ lecturer proceeded to speak of the o 1 5 do to cr&tui- H id Usborne, $2,546; and nectarlue, and aprisot, delicious New Era not so rash!y to jump have, rigght to comment on tlae eondGet AI�Gregorv'rowushipof uilett Goderick town alate their growth The young ro t et t.ius con6isious. I uan refusing. - 1rBach a Keitk et at V: Gibbs et aL time to the work. -Mr,Crabb moved, a (DIFFEpu of the i Mr Sinalair sewrided, that the Street In- 82 770, -Bo- that the -town of- Goderich Littk- cultivated kowa ver, owing to being not thrive in�such over feeding, bfit often Stewart V Agrioult. Mutual Ass. Co. t) hire help to have ;_ala out $202 more that Te&r � than er decay, and the plantor tree is killed by A Head for FIgures. as t1tio exhAed, then it becatne a part of spector be empowered 5� particularly liablo to the attack of the Elliott V mucoutiell. the P,ggs, running, at large itupewidect---Car' got alt,gether. There are nineteen e ' The grape. its rigin and cul kindness. -From the commencement of the the coktract of insuranco ; if it was aught urt. urculio. for all time tocome, a RATES. less, p el -I Kelly 9 Rareo rled. Xoved Sinclair, seconded by ninnicipalities, Rud it will be seen ture, Belt occupied attention, and au in- growth of the tree, it is not often that literary gerlitises who the company coald not be It Kerr v Tonis et at. Ur Savage,, that the . Road and Bridge fp0m the following- figmea that Goderiell. thod of close watch should be kept for intsect ene- und ritten the vessel with a Tiew to teresting -description of the we Ought to shun everything vulg2r are, Clarke 9 M (;Ornnlittes, be empowered to repair tke Town paid raor-8 tlaah the niaeteenth part crossring varieties given. The Europea mies, for their naive is legion. Often when the, -a, ded risk. 01110illy V "Reilly. Bridge Hill -Carried. Ur Doyle said he a tile ,hole' atnount; Usborne and Tuck- a young tree has becoine nicely. established AT MOORROUSSE96" ezVerts inithedreary mystericsof fractions. , d positian, the plaintiffi eg'or. grape does not succeed well in Canada, 0 A ',to the secon Totten v K ' Iaw othef towns taking the ball UY the eranlith about a nineteenth each. I am, having been foand vither too. tender, or and made a fair growth, sonie wandering Oar high-strun- contemporary, the QT Stewart Tagart. atch the tberefore, p6rfeotly safe in son6ludin- 0 arou eir at. within a year from the time of horns and employing a M&n to w C, toosybjectionsildew. -The native Ameri. moth flies ' rild -it and deposits in the Kincardine P,, 0 loafers. I CPU varieties Ate quita, distinct 1rom the se. p rter, hasi evideiatly an- the 14 s. they preseemted their claim. - No f NUr Rood said ba would accept ,hat Goderich pays the nineteenth V"t of leaves or twigs a hundred or two of eggsi Godetich. April 4th IS edit t law not jadicilil proceeding was the duties, his wenli aidjiti" Of the 84111,1�* which in round nuniVers, is whicIf in a few days beccine greedy cater - I move aft There .4ro four of them, three of which are "head for figarer.." Fin - extraordinary $50 to hi s lary, a wh� ry he '000. if the Cmunty does not give -�The fox, frost il re them,and. ifnot y v�d to have'liteca pronesuted within,& A, Gode. left Man In Coforado. a a Ild eu neceasa $21 . N �. proper to the north, riz p lars devouringall nefo dug over 175 misty pagesof Geological Pro made a question as to Could OUID10y Assistance. Ur Gardiner the Town some relief the $60-000 which noticed in time and -destroyed, will make P yp 9C r1l'but plainfiffe andunitnergrapee. Byjudiciouscultiva- 8 cy-es gliaten as they - r -age She has paid to the lNorthern Gravel Road 1"lle? otion. Mr SaN a clean sweep of every ureen thing whieb reporl" the _ , Mr John McPlieraon,lato'.of �ha ;Axe would second the m . tion thew are 6eliunling a dessert fruitiand taAeutcrit. the W'eafil 06he word "prosecate"am I ed and blr Dancy seconded, tha� Mir ane the $21 000 -her proportion of the . orhardinessand productive- comes in their - way. Or again a boring ali,;�ht oa a delicious tabulated 8 Goa -crick i fei W'eeks 1110T posg#53 supen !d in --tlepolicy, insitting that ax used Factory, who left er beetle alights at the base near the ground 7: wered t h 1. make $81,000 paid by b made to the quanti- the, scissors and -the unexpebtqd Vulbuy, has Ifood be elope nc U00,00.0-wil ness. , Reference ww, 8nip go It W�Fi euivalcut to the w6rdi; "follow, a -o fur the Chicago Culorad�� wkere they soon hatch inQ small grilbs, A&gem" is rescuod from "the dark un- 0 IS _t when rMaired to IoL after the loifers And for o-Tvel roads it, the C-innty, having only ty of lnd un&r grape. cultivation in er term now arrived iliere, and writes his brother ght purAze, insist uron" or any ot 'pay those he hire& $1.00 each per ui receiveil froin the loan $27 , 70.- Us borne will EUr e. estimatad at twelve 'millions of which bore their way throirgA the gatire -falhomed cavve" of a bluabook tolithine for ie iel -in thb liv- GO; ae ai�n�fyiag an effort to obtain payment. AIr James 3L-Phersoul'. of tlli4lace. From TIm lat ip,4. Adjourn having received, $34,46 bark, and burfow and excavati ter motion carr pay $21000 ding 3,107 millions of �gallons of 'ever in the "setting" provided by types I - a The �derence eon tended thattlieworditleant his letter we are permitlei t4_taiie -the Tuckersn'lith'will Pay $21000 and receiv- I ing under birk., stilutingthe growth� and FollowiDw -3uoh ine unnuall y. - Our space will not permit :for =any o1ber shadows the, I roseetition of a 3uitorthe instittltioll POUT ALBE UT. ed $17,200; ffullett raceived i37,600 �-lt often entirely destroying the affecte4 free. COMPLETE ST a 4�.Sn,wli fikewisel and followin- extracts which will be of ititerest more than a reference to tke interesting 4 wise example, W of a?judicial prooceding in korse firm for 0 of the same fund aid PAid 62,825 as hea description given of the method of hybridiz- The lecturer, in coneltision,referred to the 0 to our readers- Victoria Lodge'l. 0. 0: G. T. ppuporfion of the $46,213 raised As, above ing the grape, iin its quality and good that had been effected by the Fruit prioduce thf.- resalt thus. thie: eisforceulao. or the elliliu. Tho This Galtr7ah Clinton Ki.wardine. 1 11 1 have jint retlirne4 fr6m a. tour over Lodge was orgailized on the 14 th Faby mentionad.Thetounship of West Waw-. yield. It Phoul'd'Ve�t'L at length or not Growrs' Association of Ontario in dissem- ch, - 236A10 20z.070 Cc rt hel-ithatthe viAr of th6d-,fendantps the colony lands tryin�� to inake a so' r for gravel at all. The str6wberry, blackberry and inating accurate knowledge eif such matters 07fd5ofsadlurn IGO 470 840 jeoton- last with crily 12 inembors; There are an;sh sever receired a dolla ch:arl& of ca:t inn, cot sel was carreelt as to the conqtruction It is the�lncst wearisome thing I have un- etermined road purposes, still alm pays her ah�ire of origiating from wild pareuts and,to the -liberal aid granted bp the gov- ][34C> W 410. 134 230 at ' sent -34, who are fully d - raspberry y pre ernment, and wound up a most interesting �Lszs 5,58S 9-'264 of �,he word as q"d in the policy. lit th-ti d,rtal-en in- my trarols, and I sm ver When the to do ll in their -power for the promotion the cost of their zontructio. have beeh improved by judicious selem, and instructive lectime. by some excillent stale of the case it was the duty or the tired. I will endeavor to give, yolit an idea of the order. This Lodge has been the ,evenue from tolls does not ki�top the roads tions nil crossings. The most profitalife remarks upon the pleasure'to b6 found, as AND n ar from the about the West ai)d hoyr we got th;�re. On 0 . hi-reDair we tke-06unty nrioneY and make and ftoductive variety of strawberry is a - 1 ME pla atiffg to sue within o'e ye us, since its comvaencemcnt,� of doin up the deficiency-chargiii-ic, W CAWilson's, Albany which is of good 01 0 well as theprofitsenjoyod by effig. -irk da of the loss. 1Xot haTin,7 proot'of this Thursday, abciut 10 P.M. , we 11oftTletroit Res 9 awallosh i 10 0 0 A W 9Z, so, - 1 -6 . at Qrgo,)d in ;m of that the cultivation of a fruit gardea. TO 13E SOLD M about 9 next mor- a g r share. while deep crimson coBr and brisk acid flavolir. JL %p and arrived at Chica this, VicinitY' he the ratapa so far the Be the book, pl , ntiffs had sought to prover a waiver. ol . . 90 . --to. get The' following officers rere instalfed- by m6nicipalit� are compelled to travel over Tort, -r speaks b) ning. It touk the most of the Jay The Triumph do L Gaud Tanks next, and next sen-, th*_ - execati-In by tf-e agents -of the erim -the eveni -keot road and pay more The first approachesf consumption are sip,d is quite proper, but in the our rrallgements inade, and at 9 P. IVI the W. P. D, on nrr of the 26th, a rhisei;�ble; half . though not so productive as the 'other, ]'is so insidioui that thousands remain lullcon- tatca our confrc-re swearing biy the pa.. . But in offorieg proef of thiq they we got under way, travelling till Mouday April tolls than we- do. I believe in dealing large, sweet, and has a luscious flavour. cious of its presen�e until it has bronght dings TbOY- at noon, At the squarely with munici which js� Tory improper, aays:-'�Fronl ha 'passed beyond their plea end of the ris.il-road' W. 0. T Annic, �palities -as well s with Cravrfora so Several other kinds were, spoken of as be- them toAhe yerge of the grave. The im above alulysest (by D--- 8t0rrY ha' averred 'compliance, but had not i miles from the Towa site, we hid to lea re john Smale, W. U. indkiduals. Tfie ratepayers of- Usborne ra" Fjt'R' the longing to the first rank, the introduction mediate use of"' Bryans Pulnionii Wafe Hnnt) it fa evident -that Goderich all d it waiver. In the ubsence �uf that tb4cara b5 jumping down Wo feetino as Crav�ford U.T. T.2 tr.-%,vel over one of those glorious Company of' �'hich has given a wonderful stimulus upon the first appearance of the .0#Ugh, contains 25 per - cent 'A. U. John B. Hawkins 'know what it is. salt clay as you ever. saw�'tliiiire to roads and arliest fruit. pain or.soreness of the throat 'or vbest, air to the oultivationt of this thO'C) im JvA finigheatheenlargement 41 -big StAtiristo twim matt;r tf,an that of 1�ip y ruient, they could not prove it, where. t .11 1, more, extranebas Pard of a lumber wagou. rloftun. W. T. Tboa Riebardson; W. F. I see by your last'issue that Mr. "Ntc_ A few years sinap we could Only` get an woulcl geqeraUy preclude a -fatal result- Itsiformer eapacity, -and has operiednout Ju fol the suit must fall.� The Court 9"Ab W. -IN., 00 Dreuny,� caXaminel, while tBe slt oE Clinton contains fO r' ie 'of the testiraony, ately about thirty coloirists irriv0d to- H011r;1 Ilaydew Michael, ex -Reeve of HillIett, BaYs thxt occasional qtiart or two in our own market therefore; when yall talie a cold use ,Bry- 23early 50 percent mor%-, tbalt Elie salt pro. ru ther, upon a ev W I ­ " W. , F. flawkirip, iw. 0. G., A. some of the Orprincil daings are enveloped , Y.9 , gether in a bunch. 1twas asaold,aggreen- 1.0 and that at a high price ; nov the annual ail�'s 1�rilmonio-Waf�ra and thus prevent d _a here, atter t fo nd that� the evidence did not warrat rhe Ladles IDepartinent Uc_ _xmosb impartant m ln, and) by the time, We 61 IM Bmw% W. A:.. S. Gcofge LN14uonnall, in mystery. Very urprising, indeed! conslumption IvorAge 59f) blishels. and is the necessity oltaling? them in more dan- 1�alk of25 or er a beth 11tyllow, take rapidly increasing. '�Brinckle's 'Orange" To be obtained tBaconsurner."' It luoks big to .-ding that th e 4a.i be a a waiver by we alere, ribatly frozen. Vlieu we W. A. M. )' I !iZ1 Meld. will the able to scrolls complaints. AN Zo =ut� an the intention is, no doubt, ^. thh arri vad at the Colony Huse -a two-story 0athrigoNaaH, W. g'xiice, at a minut4 of 22nd December, stands at flie Koad of raspberries. It is f, ofatt Druggip-to andcountry dealers. Price -iol - . . - 1 good size, raised b y 26 cents per bvx. to it I -big. To reduce the thiii building about - 60 x -40- we founo,_it fult 'when he. was will finA arge yellow berrylp of icii its ae-traxi armensional:-Accordiam WgATHn.-Tho . beautiful Apil to, at uir on, unanfinonsly carried, thatwill Dt Briackle,of Philadelphia. The "Phila IMUSUAL TIRETY Or, al�d more too. Th ,M my iikbad to -'analysis, in every leolba�offfineardtne t � shoWeillr Which 6ve - occurred these- last pu him I 'or any. other man" to un- fta�j par,.( Figl1q, sleep on a carpet on th9L -floo�, ,Ops airs zZle is among the� hardiest of the culti- TiGisp, MSDIOMES. 1g For , MIt thero is within a. very small fracCon with the women, and caught a cpj4t, I slept f, cad zand. a is euirmously productive, It is gratifying to kuow th&t there is At w days have made the in ows assaaae ders vtedsorts, . nd foreil : ummer Dreis GoQdX per Ce gn matter; while in d! twinstairs- with the men. It lookiaprody .5ours, &a and will--pro-bably -be for inany, years the 1pastne which has stood the. test and luile a new dress. -,, Farmerh 2re Go tbat, vehea the German viy 'Anciai'AAzIl BxsHor. ods and- -the confidence rep derich Salt'the 1 4red with vioini , Pr?,,S,00,11i variety for the mill n, As onr wd ' lre ia xbout 21 per cent '10 r "'Med tonoli to see thd ground. ting.thei walik in jhjs ty proved stself worthy _kp 3 - 0 summer Prints I 'tTsboriio, April 24, 1 -we know of -no other arti le -whibb uldcla w, hjimbly olpin is it diatter of not kdft'iexroted Pari the people of snow. It storme.d all dAy Sunday, in a fields become better cultivated,and thesup ed in A4. tha slightest importance to the'e-onsumer. I k th possible- There will be a lar has proved so generally successful or --iv& ar oi e 0 � t �ity w0ald, list set thefhodyes to most terrific manner. It- .06 . a starch - this ply of the wild fruit cut off, thes&� torts will Inever f Oil SaItthere-is,-by quantitl -of8pring grairl sawn la selection of a ,y 100lbs 0 of, f�q out we i Et4g %ToTB,_Ws publish the above such universal satisfaetto we. are confid- r Hosier -y 3i,1,3,R11d of us pretry iell. When made h17, EDITO supply their place. In the it SUMMID tbeagaylsia 3J per cent of fitireign. nlattor� r istr1he ravages neighborhood as the weather has been so reasons.-Ist. Because we ' iss quiry, the old settlers sad a atom al- letter -for two suitable spat for a fruit garden, the so nt there is inore'Of it used than all othors .8th: , I . favorable foi ly Bu - But Clap percmtageil �411 is soilifinitestmV 74,ach, Icas did atily one imagine that thu witye. coyres, about fr6m Iia�ifth April, r the iroseciltion of the published rvir 15proatooletter on the rail-:- matter of ini ortance, -for. if fayorable c' nd that it -will ultimat d Aorne p On- combined, a "doubt. ATI opatbi,- W quan'.1tyVint GIAK one t6, vez� life f66"country, 6rinei's work The it scarcely 2 n3o, whiclithis is a reply� 2n& not provided pe ede allbther,3 ihere can be no SummarBootsitUdshoefi, domoa of socialism would sot itstute tear andthatitig re By wav il'tt'le, stio at- are witil such a llhea4 foriflipires!' and such a Cr . f111 N.heat sown aWat'�horq but IN'hat is Wcanse U isb'op is manly enough to ditions in this irespe re Arabian fleave Reined -AND �W WD OV -7-, eaicii as the Kineardino 6f the YOUR 1, the labor 1will be great17 il�lcresse&, and It is " Darley's public, They wareglid. -to see h. We�. were told bY i� " we a .faculty for exaga I cliedutiour. Heas the Zi -sil -4buixts, and others that, aud, -looks vory well., have looked the flnancl�l relations between disappoifitnient, frequent. The first and Condition Medicine, dviset ,Voifer- would silr1rously reUr .0 it, ift a tile the 0ounty df -all wilitar�* tflewbathiili had 1, k mouths irifact Town of Goderlik and of the - last contitiry alfe loose requisite it; dryness, Nojile of the plints who require any trhiv,�, of muiercig p*iUtzf vieW. thill mistik* li� been i6xcollisnt; and the say it a trial -we -know they will be 'satisfied' fo .9 Hilron sq sly in the face andtf;conclude* crolmove U a"Ai sila Onto. -more 0e tra,vid draMA or fruit will.grbw uses 2, m1i that thy1ave, not steftv�sliqh w sanosli ftilical' th of being a "grasping corpor 4nd teeswo cultivate f at ihatelid with the result, Bit Ine3tias lot . e; Arahfield and WnW t is, but leavesia readers i:bc1c9.eUacte&,,vbiAh. 1;4dthe41' A April.. -11 anty i7own ha-3,paid- 01,000 th t1leir roots confinually immersed �n &RIOU115 or for ybars)io in A 41,111 . ation".". the 041 WL Remember the nnne, a,4d keeitha W 6 r it; g4latral figum. sad a har!4 for, its, to, - matruction: of � gray -al roadsi water, so if the's6iljs wet it should be a on eae� package. to stippoov, that ha describes ths size of r It was such a hat we towards. the 4 Co.'i sighature of Hurd Wng* a th0jr tilv)p 0 ar t 0 t h 0 U A 0 a eye,. :ddexg of reasoce. Whille tho� mmthva and had seen, !"n placcif" we 'Passea thipti. SP* ON oeived-onb $2,770, -being- the It often happe iNG SNOW-VAV D UX6_kN .'-This and ns. tl�ab Aose re- Lyman, Nevycastle, aw., Show took plac -fi Vas well in -Xr'BishoVZ.opiJA0n ontitled- io I'monle rained. S��Itcrq 44 daucitte re the *,Ueqt woo *Xvx X L W the ey.6stertWy a rx of Parixt, roUA in whe cutive solls when drained ars the very prop d by �11[ And, Other :nieku. Ulm tbarlf 200 being- pi6slifit, which -relief. 11" HM6 is equally just to Wealb Waw- -t reetora for t1ke CaUdas. Sol kournin slid , bowatt-down, witli Badness, brerzes and the pelch-trjs�61 to 1:110211110M. l't-iladed- the best for 'tbe Vurpose, and as the labor and Meadne,4ealers. -the Lowest Plim. %rle kiic�llrjg a tlaoldt rfir -Qf` the clikirches, Notwitbotandia- 211 these 'drk�b-,btki and c0a3ide.ring the ratayday und the busy sw arlosh. We-&Witnend the figures to., W* &jva Wl->W Z r4apoe. Oft]210� to"W51111f Of ration ol all'iuterested. expense connected ivith drafixii you n: think., A,,3u wai bet-tipr'than -.could havc- een. ex- caadi&.-consiae� ptaveri teurg for grgulitcred 11"lit Vill t6id is generally the t1drd vial f Ur T R VaueverY* suit Vh6 prize -list -follows� ordibary aizedl garden plot National Unification, as it is villed-the kinsltnen,,.+i� . lv)pulac�af. the other.s�wx.4 this 048 of the %nolit beatiffal "ji 1� joining to 2 HE ENTS 'Llup ARrMENT ag 71' g -� swall i location-otherwi e saitable -need geather of the varloud portions A Ctilliture0f I , - JUtOZk1Ltcd With the hope� of unbrI41, d ever saw. � T�be er�pi.-0 giai' an roots U"U� - . ' %. Many 6 - f a racd into innecompact whofe-is one X. Y. Many of out readera will � � ., 0 notbe relootbil on tbisaccotth 4 � - � Sixntrites, 3st prize "Trounef Count" i-' - ' I I of the avorib ]Xro6r. - - I " '_ it thrive well ofi alight sandy s i6liticaltheories Of the day, 1s FnLED WITH �tcensO, de tho 1trects y rown; re For with noili are equrtii�. ilird Mr. Alan ;.2d priid "You% oT WK. 41UNDERSo sorts of frilt A dollars have been�sacrificea but the growth 'Milifferent c6uAtries for that . q:lajoct; but RANDSOME-TIUEDS, Ze millions il 'Tioutillgo, all(I applalid tllt�_ddfnao�gijes think, of 900 bushels Off0tutpes gad': bunelf Ali. R.- Tiffin. Orii6 "Con4ner. soil even witil, little tare, Ir aineil ftiiiwirt tith a loolsb7' bei wra&ed at.ga;figeenin 1862, law that "pr1operty is the( 4id bwjlids or wheat pot acre_' hethiog a. oung Evral ... ia ustially � -pliorbDth in wood and fruit whether the result wM justify th e 9 -W . 4* Pi�ach!-'Xr. Johiii G, ax. -P otlior ve r4 '4is we di) hilev endeavotmg ta Xescue an 15. -art1t:sg aboud -'I)Xo -tatoes and A)ur-arlst 00m] ree in fimialonecan. tell. B,utt LOTH t vag, of the gutter as cart oarea with. slin1far t s , a richer diture lip 1110% po onn Aall wa-4 I 'ca XkAeraf St Oatho;ineil, 00 Vil linaili I ever saw. orate, Thd ig OPI Vt idianFain Vgstrv�e - STYLISH 0 -W' a3 any ottim 'AhiiJu-4i 'the BULL h' a str6lagers6il. -.& rich dee� &ty and know. illafthe"Cant ING an from flistrells. The __Inhr,aneo� co M-, Wth utdli�red buy.. lity filled las.4,evening br a�vbry intellig-; rtainlythe 1�esb -medicine fQr curing y, -prize, oroi u'Uriz4rl - txposwoa of !,lowounist lartners donot balf work, 'ibe � tira -iifi :111sar -the ledara-. on the pirtli of-a'pandy'charaoter, with an is ce "1 1 .. . I - .- 1 6 k 'Wita Drall0s. ePt-jiudience inneuralgiaounitmer com- FABIOINABLE HATS & CAP�3 P . 1: Ilauti. coAtenlod thatin so 4oing the r1aiiP141 =dy vellstartle us Uerp froin'our. worthy fe owI, r tain. ot'gravel or g4velli colds, T'lellm%tls rich, Hors4s. sell Y_ Unaer-lyip- st a rZ -Xor $20Q, t q $30 �e'ell UX D iX it W plaints, &a;, can be had for 25 cents 0 q� YLus lat prize in. "padeil �above. - glib per tile policy, 1 04 -,Ura worth. Wm. at desirable forthe departed from t1laintontion. of law-abilifing Canada, und not extm4it -thut, at zia i washingtA, U prize'Ur" Tiffids. pB �the 1110 11 clay,, is.p.6rlia, bottle of all Drugists and dealers. a StRVICEABLEBOOTS&SHOBS 1,y Teai&sJL,_- w3a iasurad ortly to angago eu.. 0 th,tt pro bluleal C6 i "y i"ot priona)) about SiL50,. per p2ir, he. pear and Tlu'w es�eclally ry faw' purpose.. - T 000 lUla;t $700'perfair, and inil�h 10 M.. 211 the puwuger trads. Thi Company �UtiaAional; that Ovic oi� fro Ing. iich but dae�apple "&TaoP]Kr nUE MM-1?9LT.0We C0=60,p syltvp g 0 the delilit ia a. stro f 1timues of tho 4- for that o'bivet, muil UNEFULSHIRTS SHIRTINGi, Tellftarkiig tha it: VA liddyisarioAtedthemuiielesm4de firm, slid the Elterve the regWmtheirpo,,Ycrbyugiilg'FellowVQoiu�u=d 3,yrup riDnt $0�jetiVa it I,- piropcst"dr ptiiijoiVegAnli Atw %0Qk rue twhincal objection that fil; #U Cioin one of the $40 to $15. each aucl uwardi;,-P�Aitoes 11 �row an alr W . aosf any iortf or Tear $ 4,IQ' The le toter Y 811it was not "rosouted"' within aneye&r 14 ZL to,orgatl� at S. canto . per 14,' the _gfewi oil. A.'sultable'spot Win.- ptovIlled -h4 Nde Lodi( pleasing -to �r nl� -interest s P r`buq, ifested in . rUit tillIfUrd the next W -aypophosphites. Ube in, Ago - c �ze. Tiiiue soc dea Will be inlosted wIth ;,,00d at that, dud is the prcparation�. ct� the front tb(# date oi the Ifmt. The, firat -b- ilom�lars- col6btate& their, 41inivereary in that is, man And, Q the ptheremmliesof a e0TAP drea. . 'llie ch lo� 'like heie f th Z � tjQU of'tl I jer ca. ltano.lon, ordiind, which sholild be well stirred) and r outfit. Gent% wi4hin, to ljaye Inongy Will i6r%in powers. lec-pingAnd'- Edon- 3�.,Ta Yer heldr qH=BXA2m1sIi v.bwappl�ed to the�' 1,Wt:oZL Was raivea, oix it �beia.- extabl islhc4 i retne4iVranc& 0 a - organi a out-thaproyin rr 0 - hough science has ;i07 ilul". toom. 4rd to -and I t-tfil P0r,3j1adj4rJ ii- jg�' g iiiiiiil -,to the dilpanumil1y c(Consumption.alt bo, model! d a4tuuwhat well 'Thioiiaay eVenitig as-possiblit.' A small piece can oflalf. Y, give.D. Y., a call b ;a bu*9. fqa� it, WKS the uni.yerss! 4uiltorn of , 4� i 166t; which _6e, Zlj�iate of,G In, iii, 'IDA deeply eargr Sell4lbly dimittished -ther number. It was a-d4eide I ilacbeds irLsplte bAd ro4di ir it is: beifi 4"' mi use of�Dr Wivrar Aor thhad of ancient SpAr-la, Physical and' pilasalit! 1, 4� ier frliitsi�fc .9: ith the spade to the depth I= In,- petrailition Ofthe fit 0 a - Sri --ind rith he eierelaeodl!A littl- betrenclica ich iK a r list v npt , , eulize& t' We wiliceh'Ill wh rr mu -t be perforuwd-ict rotatinik by'all when pvofl� ki-, t forted ilp J.a U toile ibis jimethod toga ta tba Anistance of' veaswlz in t�L El= %�U]?A u. The cue then 'turA4,4, on 4he filled, aev"Drypne ies.biiit on -,a Illize odioas now building' may Bit, lierally A must be, a-almrs. The relationa *11l Ly Froe, lind, eamethiag to do. Thei6. no an&�tbe ploug 3"ming oftba wor-1 "prooccutek, which coexcessby -tile -6%vn vine atid eiijorbesidel ch and is --too. expensM aTJ aiiti,�easl narr and ri-mi?'ry itsoften as 'warcity ofwork. Laborers eiiIit to I �bil practic- A a . rd d upon. 11'.'a �bod furrow, say 9 A big fish story comes roti Otta 1UF don-, rho Curt rled tLe pWntiffs hAd nGt citina �fiey y tile 0'ublio, at 7.30 found liko. Jurispradence,, polica raligiou bbardi or and -bo hoinselVda. .�by Uj� inches.,�13 turnea.,ovier' with an ordinaty. 11 boy -fts dabbling his feet imth"Atel wititin Cie stipit!ated yisax� although beffit William.Xi4lifili'the Worthy Chief,- -1bie to cultivato.', TaUing.',&-retr6ispective 0 wep aw:17. KOO tb -�red a glio the his- � iqugh; and second team -14110711 in slid w1ler, a maskinongesdued Wim 'suddrew Me Are AU to b.- 0 t Girl&.sre Id at'�from, % rt addresi lltn,06 �46_leeturepr_toiiched_1110011, e zMe UU 4330TtMeat BM�iltsuaj of All 0 m the importanae caus the sur. tno oWiry of that Unie Wy had ier �Ua cannoi � tpple'. known t hi Better than this was the myst(etons, $7.00 per we gate jkt 40. me -line with _in undur water. thio dfaixL-uts ri'.h & writ We thi-ilk ii i�ale of&polzonj . or the irou heil Pf Bls- I n e vo r ow sq. maq ba 601 o W fo re, Sad' 40 tho duty of the. phurcli'_towards 29.,varitics, were zofanion., flace miay' b4thorou9bly .100800W to the atlion - w b An- Nwrlish court -has dai6a that a i uportant that SVPOWU- era Jew -TUO 'loath all Hell- I imike'd one th Own and hc� le't a is. It- ngtivsi Of Englml.al thu4 leave -th gowe O -r' � th# acidety. lie.'ilsotatcd.that thet Lodge e a I depth of Winches, and Veto 06 4 t -i 4,10mmun d, and oiAli­'t r9liud: thai there, Me to'niake' StarWA: OUO' Ye&f ;igo �Vitli 'Only 11 moln- it 'of othiSr nropeanoutitriies,,%nd stesm E;&i;er isu numauM . "A21114 4;b.!!)c1ion# Uumirsoce corlipan � W ism it, =41y dises" _e aconditionforplantipp we. iot live, wid Its elleauslst it now Omit 0 , mepi4iilrs, Um. lli�stnry. nietions that �hl .973 King Editar groundinaverygoo The New York tesinsterskeelil very 00 of prepw*a t, take to the , Matti of loop is are -the wives of blotley is of grw importance n ler � kinar - otandua-apple, treessholtUbe pay 0 fordassisted.15yViss'lihompaq then tbecliasauc the 'braniiiheO '00 - y Lw�a-dmys. I There is a 1110'eBorgh which loweqt raS tas LiLl ooto6tiera M Mr. Vanevery, %ftw t1le dodA.04, consul- oft�a lowest Ruftbaf.This h a ra a n drantage braye & Uvmq.- The- cultivationIA -this �nlaoted - aboa feet 4part. each way accounts lor it, it song Of's wild one. fruit Was _00 q n"j, M4 tLo wa, will p4k:% it all 4readfol, while it than 'in anvot 5. IeF. Awarf Witit hia Out.: or Roll gaineil� greatapolanod; after whi6h acl laulvergallyapprovis standard p6ars sad chvirice 1i it; d qeotlen nVted. is, t�i4 sgxin in the Superior 0.,nrt m drag out itif I-mitionous exAtenk. We thexe W44 --a 11111#ber of. ridtatioli% and itrol;uously iiii;tticite(l.thteehlindrelyiATsI peal, about 10 llee4- Plums, Imolies And Ins 4*fpe T tir Pasla, mulanau of tbe, fa�rt. with the soldim ofthe -0m 4g,-, Due- worthy.-reconiptendingit at-ong 1 UNI-r1l) 4-.ArXp; clamr 4 The British Governwe�t Alis siij�endea dialoglies :4�1, n4lierous speakers, with R rQM 16 u 20 fee, &f urkish field forces, is deada Frollilces at Us b will sactu be xbls to tbo writ of t akimber �fiongs by Mrs. Cmwfdr4l, Mi -4m other tpaons oil ACAUNSDADOXAp LAW7JI1117. .the boild '00 4D 30mr thit "an oin pricoti.'f I UaYzi Arabeffs CO*14 id one distric stroy it. It w.wx as if Fxamitj reret 'Mrs L. 0,, Ric& aud thers, ment'idadeith the of lit Cie ft" of T. f�&rny V4U Every A-14 "prot 01711is co*UtT p r , d h T r UL iV7 d d, l�� Our Lwafal- iappalratca 11!7.4 it to, rolkl pZj'1JU0 Wil'] -!:'lV4Q .-W w7ae CoEtmly C< , 'erteUtly tb 4, _Sion. Ala We 1-4,)I)i imi fainy VG rel;rint ft On th( this L -sue, Abat 1U MY t� was caid a6d d0jac. TEE CC�SAUZA SA -117 WO ,01 the uew blocit �Zzst ta mattlan,aville, . Ewell the A- jccsm 16o T,3u=l & NN, tho crderly CInd 8378t4enlatie t.he srorks s7ere bid 0114 - Is intVU4P to eantain�tv Ono of WIAC111 is Mulpleto laer dqy- The heat is "als t1le, pan jDa tlie returnflfie7 Jir,� 010 W11010 le119VU UP -_ before Bm", & 0 hcat aud c fuel—The c economy an 1)r!10tUT3 &IhM fOr t110iW Fa Inere ealt with a gr,* -ea (2, t'lltan ZM7.6ther pan G1 its , furytirt3ut amest Zow priocsgorEalt. The c. stabUsbmen't ol our vm=, Bunciman. tvrf,ur tize Weed watal atad ma'son Wo2h. 1M.'re:17 ld two zajge zadks C3Psb!n of bazr&,,tu1b-dr,obUd,tby , T&O UtLre_,�Z, Weluce well, at pre.R2nt ,barn, ­3 L micke-h'andiwau'veyed U -distance of703"t WID 13tteec-cs. A vmi'�tlwu a*1 an ln.4mrcst no Ang" will bot 21-adly wcicum, T.EE no -2&f. ZAZ� wo rim-TaMt 02; the rlbov-0 No& TLO, V :50 and, the Pan Zeso 'ai mauufa!�ture) 5-1f) ._��Iy 20. Fro"Itlet-on is 25 �i—wzclbs o vu,pjOlyof b-:1no is 1,07 Al 1,� zlr� vvmtkiu- for t:lm intm wookpfasezuald, tmly, Lot 1.1% a8vn* Btan jbavlug 310".,ans Uetcl, Bay way, tt U0 in. ZAOTM D, . S. G=%n Tzr, B� our % "Ie"Ii lum ell, giff 'IsEcn;ers Ma - �1 n v -no#_ fthi- IT, W60 f -a 1vot"!e fc? 1) T_ *121 just U, VD i1a "amle 2tb-6 silult Et, kcr'ie C I'lace on 5th kEt. 8 _ �q, X,cal% nLXt aoor­to Mr wa 73 PlaTtics ywycbai. of thear 1,41TO the -f_q9au,:t =2"ut;d1t. L. . They inutt nuw taknn ee! 'L tivcs, as, the Town C= Znwpa ih,? ne:Eance. weirlms t4t tLe 8 -ac' - Catholic CLUmb, t-�kr_3 'y peo. few daY4 moza tth�raa 4-af-1h, bc-,A 711he T;i,1FeAVqyt2Ud"Jt0 ., late 10ES. Utell Fevera-l'ol Cae Sto Und tbreatslxd, E 8;"=13 one 110 c nvrA , CTC rowil 'm ca Snoxr. rou Irzir, WTO Vr-ry 112TDOY itic-ICC tract, �Ur M8 d, VIIVCTY -%t0M,0i0.T the Uai,41�r I --- on it-o,McFEra'17BI l,ake froin illimnlun-v7ut and ftolni-,D quk-ed" to 4;&= sell Mc jtluii� CUD pn=k ca 2 1 -totow -t!W Can, lake, auua, V, 0 A it h" be ftU�g C -n j�Vjjn_ t74" 0 M, n � I rely Z, �4, i oaaly fcy igf Cho Wu7k WN64 won1a Vaci drelmu- Win! vne .6"e, Vill L 'L tAlre D W! 4911, Eno T-X'a)db:,� k1h esmws mow 'bU7� LZ . InL11.1hez-o. -CrC&,:nn.- East_ TEE AKATk� PIR -Iclelcd, Lo" r5 tLUq1.1kC-r enargap C, I the Vaun't-,�3'a ton., w�v7crt,!Ccj, M�4z ,�A vc!�- at vcek au A WNzoa�ln 2 LeaCII&3-1: 1 0 -� n t,,�Z no C'ma'n"I I: IC21n5m P—