Huron Signal, 1871-04-27, Page 2N
q X
"Italltray sullipl Oats.—Vor the best -two bilaw of Oats:
ld prize, I�Obt. C' lurrie; 2nd, I= Robert- HATS FOR TMULL ONA 11
ill at I STATISTIM OF TH& Towx or Gojmmlcltii� PpmsZNTa- The Teacher, son,
Thit o'*r,'stibboribersLmay'gat'tlio result of, A HANDSOME THE SUBSORIBLEt HAVING E STABLISHED AN EXULVSIVFj
Our Agent. tlie.,Raihsay discussio�,iu the do. Council,. Plipili, 'and ratepayers of 81 8 No 1. Peas.—For the beat two bush. Pens; !at
Our Assessors, Messrs Angus 1Z1c%%T ITownship of Colborne, take 'this'oppor- HAT, CAP,4 FUBSTORR
0 - . at the earliest, InOment, we solid Out a full Ize; Robeit Currie; 2nd, Peter Deans,
CCREIRIM.1.11 Ell 27th, 1871 and Jda,es'Watson, have now finished their We hA*0 a tea 11r. Gain Strotheys, report along with this i;isuc, in the form of jr, . I - -
'Poin trinity to express their, ��r� thults to n the how building, erected by himself, last jaummer, on West Side, Market ,qqz=
- labors and last night deposited their rous otir agent to solicit subscriptions, cellL,'et a supplomeat. Barley--t1st prize, Jag. Wilson; 2nd,
Two plaigin Win, Yonng, Esq., Reave Colb6ine for jag, Wits Dlfflinp-r hm tzten Q:
112ceiat laconunt2,and do buainess 'genet -all oo., These were two different RECEIVING ANDTILL OPEY
with the Town Clerk. -The perusal Of I y ro r ew ei lit day I IS NOW
this office. We hope our friends g, kinds,
atring the qurtrter ending the present of, a splen'did n ImpLrZ
i e ee 318t BJ arph, there �%'as dep,,sited in the Post clock,' for the use of the Sultool. inaf ore JL
lit one of his prophetic fliglits, Tennys- of them has v'n us the d peat grati and- the Qover� Seed—1 at prize W. H. Leech. f4 tile inspection of the public, on �h tire 21
deneral publio-will. give ..him it hearky an zhzch ble �Ltiv refi
via glawing:y b,recasts. the erit, cation ; affi)rdin he most 102. said Tiniothy. Seed,—Best one' bush, of
g, as they do, t Office Sui-higs Bank the stiiii'of $2,C Section. Ttioclgok-'��.a�l.-ptireliaiedat On Sotdriday the 4th -day of March, 10871, os tho 11da-12%lo Lead
%V'Lwa thl, war drums throN no longer, striking evidence, that the prosper4y of I reception. Th� atuoutit alss) inxested during tbati "Wullace, Esq., Timothy �iied; Istprize, Robt. Kelly; 2nd;
the establishment of Alex. Vie Largest ana beat stock of Hatg, Vaps, and Farnishing Goods ever broitjht t de 1,�
And tLe mttle luss are furted, 1periotllf�`u the purchase of town-lotii'lliw! 11obert. Culrie,—New Bra..
)it the Parliament ot Man. the Towti of Goderich, which we have Tui: PIROPPLLER Chicklicna camolinto the be,,, Illillanally lar,,Q. Goderituh, and is a cry ban6onio girt. - I , dug ru2az�b:=Coe to 4:
1 - ofthe7Xswest Styles of
PaL 1kleration of the worla." felt it our d 1lntrbortoA1ay(Tuesdtiy) front Sotithanir, Consisting mksive�tu the Hclv-
uty to exp%piate upon from- A iATISFAcTony FEATURE. —All over [lie J, 0. WARDj Teacher. The Civil War inRea;1100 Eng'Ush,,.New York, Gana&au Fashionable. Bilk,& 33eaver linger rmys mat lie ',6
Are the Ages really sliding along the 'rinz- time to time, was . not the "Baseldss fabrie lt-nand intermediate ports, w to complete town, we i0tice the greater portion of the ecif that.'clo 63ttzlnc .
in- greoves of cliangz' t(;wards sorne such I her mrga, for Montreal.
f a vision."I To be able now to givd?otir lobs recently purchased -,ire, biling at once, Hats, Fur & Wool Felt Rat3 forwar'! in ithe pal�
ARSOUTATION. —Tho A LSO. Silk and Cloth Caps, of the latei
vinsainniation ? Philosapliers areatleast S. -Tn,&,cnrRs1
readers facts and 6 rurts, to support our Lenced andotberwise improved. This is a st Stylesand Patterns for -spring wear. 3tcsj of 17hijh OMC3, L-Lf411-0
one shade more practical th- ir�olitli�viiigetiiigii-aisbeldonM(oiidit nialit, 18th April 187L split ita Cie Germani
an their rhyth- provious c,�)nclusionas, allords us the tit- satisfactory indication that the ptircka�?ra Lo�nda, April 22. -A Paris special to the Miles -Ll- 648tock bas been made slOP-cially -to my order, and as I claim to have a cho7our?h
inie brethren, and it is we'll, ii9xv and most pleasure. We propose to show the i ilk the Now Contlectit-tt Church, and- was intend to occupy them and are Lot SpOCU- To the Pdltor of tile Signal. a Yotho Communii han ileltzgnted its powers tea knowledge of the flAT-and CAP business vid be able (with 1he *large and varied sj,3�f really 6-;z�_lpted by
enhatice-1 value of propurty anit I;rgelv attended. - TA r J R 51i'ller, Presi. lators whuonly want -to. ',turn a penuy.' �DnAn Sin :—In your Correspondent's a a -
again, to seriansly nole the thoughts born the in- Connuitteecifilineofits members. have on hand and am corktinually receiving.) cli��Inuw duott occ�upi id, tho.ohair- The sobcot for (IREAT - IMPROVFMICN' n this place, in y . our issue of pbe . A,company',ofscrolulatA is being formed in Paris 0
of their diedittitins. crease of poptilation,tintonly for the whole 1 a T.—Mr eorge remarks o The '.Times' corresp:)ndent at Versailles says it 'is' , Ylw
Iii1deterred by the �tnwn but for each individuail ward an4 04 vventuLy t, The TeacherW meeting for' re is something at) mean that reported the Prustianis will surreaer. the fi,rt still TO PLEASE THE E AND FIT THE HEAD OF THE X0S11
fact that hosts are even now marching by gliallcommence will, lluStdy of the lesson," s introduced McKenzie hag novi finished on Hamilton 13th inst. thoi vrithont a remark held by them to the Versailles troops du Sunday. Fastidious, and at prices that will def com etition.
I �Wa St,, next door tollieoldistand,a spaciou and I cannot allow it to -Pass Y - P lir Goo Cox. From the. importance s Paris will k hortly be com illaely isolated. not aczejpl, tuck of drum in various lauds, and rival PROPERTY- which I iill notice in the me.. t3holl1kiroin the insurgent -batteries fail short of
tachpa to it the discussion? was adjourn- ele-ant store measuring 24x5O feet. The lie- says morality is Moat Vaterien. n tags, being unforled, on lmost every 1870. �1:1 . I issub of your paper.
, Wards. Rost Property. Personal Ptiriorty 4 -&t till lioxt meeting, hich- will he held on stock he has nopived, for the seawn's Ilotdvancing much :here. As there are A Newsspeaial f;vm ParW says there are fibrious B�Shps, ff -'I
continent, to wave over victory to one &faxableti,com" I ho Nst Moutlay"ofhlay, ia St Audraw's trade in quantity and varieiy I three fAmilies (if -its aftogether, I diseenslons among citizens. Communication )vith the W. rs A VAC a 'ace, F ;a, as
I , Is COW' only am -provinces iscutoff. Allcitizens undir55 yearsare 4j, at -,U,f
aide, dafeat tit anothor, ancl, carnge to Sit- Georgip's ... $1R3,850 ..... $40,600 Cliurch. men suratewith his ealarged-and im- Certain aet far as moralibiv is concerned, We obliged to servo Goderich, March Ist, 187L conference of thoolu", .
23,300 0 nable bi,th ; and undeterred. by the knowledge t. An ire. -'a - %NAXENT,<RE;E-,.-The planting of, proved protaiia's. Step in and �s(jo the at least Carl stand the tust with the pe,)ple Tefegtaph's si�;eial from �orsalllcs says'the Prussians
I are preparing to evacaale Charenton.
ation in the t. Putrid -'a.... 226,301)..... 25,800 West street' is conip'leted, and Esr, street change. tif Guilerich,
t1lat the laqgest existing iieder for sice the time that a Ducrot has arrived 'at Versailles with 20,000 men of QT ftlfaMNE
t. David's� 241,740..... 30,200 i% auranctug. We hope every citizen will It is annottilced that MtiottiGarlbaldiwill at onae
raised here for a -store the late Imperial army. thworld is compelled to bear in its bos.)m, THE STEAx TIUG Mintile Walker of ne'v house was . ,6,the workmen7of which return to MIT.
vigilantly combine ivith tile autlin j i i about ten years ag C3 tothe dninkerrull
through the Ku-Kl,.%x savagery of the *814,050 $119,900 r"'s "' - Alon treat, was in the harbor on Tit ursday ca -me from Goderich, I have never seen an Versailles� April 22,The news isunimportant A c
protectiig them from iujiir�. Any Party night on -tier *ay from Buffalo to lnilicar- slight cannonade is lit progress at, the advanced post. HATS 1111A T 83 -HAVS! South, a uleadly element of discuttion 18411. perpetrating an 0 one i be inimoral act corn�mitted by its few inhabit- A decisive battle is Imminent.
dino, She belongs to Mr. Walker, the Twul AGE 6ONSIGNMENT JUST RECRIVED RY
the nien d )t. Goorge's w the all a. ANOTHER LA
.4s,925 front $1 to $�O, autt' e t It is true that we have a good many The lb i.o truth in the rumors of ratuiskrial modi-
ar o" t Kincardino, and is to ficatious and sui3piemcntar� elections to the
thought are end avoring t4) M Andrew's ... 1686,680..... 23,950 1, 1 h, b - ontractor a wor4b apa�lied by M a
impress upon the men of action two ideas trates in'town. are d1sposed to be anything bo stationed there4 visitors here from various places,and upon
Patrick's .... 28,210 :, - . - h and the W. M. SA
hat lenient. �the , whole, considering yout Tillers Ims vlaaltA the wounded gaverilment soldiers. VAGLE
Tun STEAN He Id arriyed on visitors mostly out for sport, we have -tittle A ineetut d among tile
-BAzoz ra �Ccmllju j g is reportPed to have occarre &rctull�
�t. avid's ...... 26�,9437 27,400, G%A_10 $ACRED 0OXVERT st
We Would troops. the Pope. As it i
Ist A Fuderati-in of Eitropeart Nations Thuraday from',the Sauble with 70,000 feet reason -for complaint. I have lived here The town of Neuillv haz been set on fire by shells %jume see them,'
direct special att,?�ition to the ad -
to prevent war. of lujilber and 40,000 lath for Mr. James now for 19 years and ;is this is th.0 0U1Y and is now burning lowlon. April 22, 4 1) m -In arepurt made tothe VVERYBODYwants aH of the y�:nrj,anafhigjgjjW
2 1. A Federation of the British C-ilon- 9850,985 $126,52.5 trLisement, in alto her Column, of a Oun- remark I have' seen about the pl;-Ace in t at t this".so. will induco K= ',.?or each- Ward this shows the following ccrt of Sacred musi�l to be given' Cole mune yesterday General - Cluseret claims to have il�vcst paterns. JUj place toget your Hat,4 at 20 per cent less than Ctit 3 rices. Con"
througlu,ut the world. in the be rry that it is o;e calchlated ShNsandTies ofthe n Ladies Sundowns and School Girls huts and Flatsdn zzeat vvrkty !a ppito id their hi
I-VC.11F.A.S3. Ban Slairma-cr or SALT.—V110 P11C print, I feel no: repialsed the Veriailles army at all lJoints. other prcteq
The first idua its'pronitilgated hv Profes- Catholic Church here, on Wednesday ' Lx remove under
Cathariae is loading- at Detlor's dock . with to convey a very. false impression of its accouata declare that the fighting was murderous, and Goderich, Much 23rd, iSTI. I
Personal Firo. & weLk, %t 8 p. in. $olections will be roll- --d few inhabitants.' Take' it for a n say that the village of courcelles; oil the right bank of Dallm4e
a.,r Seeley. "Ile priiiposes. nothing sh,qrt Re'41 Property. Taxable Income iie T,
t v,325 dared fr�tmthe orafln4o of the most, dis- 1500 barrels of salt for . Collingwood 8�u -have not known even a Pety theSeiue, between Neui . Ily and Clichy, is filled with iuf the ubt,lition of &atL-armies, a d the $18,110 ...... around I wounded.,
c. Andrew's ...... 6,520 ....... 650 tinguishedcomposeis by the choir, which Oweu . Sound. difficult t-3 Bee how i
conceritratiii-n of the wlitile millitary ti,ree Qwcrrel among themfor anutuber of years. It is stated that anarmistle has been concluded to-
arop ill ()no centr4l armv urder. ill be conlposiid of t6 best local talent, THz STFAM-BARGEY J. R. Crow, wa� day for the burial of tile dead, and to allow the in- Once More a EerzC3
�y '� it. Patrick's .2,500 ......... 2,450 W I hbDo. i&r Editor the remarks you made habitants or Neuilly, uIlelly-and other towns under Goderich vrownship. -
In sueli umanDa,vid's ...... 9A 205 ......... aided by ladies tf gentlemen from load on Thursday night, at SenlyoUr's t caused by youi own obsor- lidInbarduient to remoe to places of safely.- Bar- g&- Remember I Smares is the best to tho-214DY0 _-nat
BrantTord, Strut"'? and Parts, and under wharfand ready to sail with bver 1000 0111111 were no
nation could wit rise agpirist natitin,., aiiql vation, as the place they oboupy -on the ricades are in epurse of ereetlua. Place to buy or sell Greenbacks. ottack on the attar of
A demonstration has been made by the English The Council met'to-day (April 13th,) bj
the leaership of N1 as Filziano, of B:alit- barrels of sa'* for Uhatham. pointment of the Reeve. Members nA � j� And the iutcndc-,,21�
war, as betiveen Fra ermany, or 851-,335 $8,425 1 ,--Ci would convey -if you have democrats in Paris, at vhich resolutions were adolited
ace and (j -aei,, was Signal
- . ionit woulT �congr the Reeve do, and is -i
ford.- who has a provicial reputation.- APPnsqxxTivE--As o takenome other persons opin atulating the Commune upon its success. Voss of Appetite in Horses. -Horses lose. ' "'I'd that Cm, tale of the Qlristb
Britain and X%kl4sia, would become inlp)s- t. David's, Decreiase of por*1 pro. 2,800 ur 4orebylmtm��
Thi Official Joumai of Versaines to -aay publishes a most ed to employ the Counv Enginein to dmwn pirq md
NilraSimms, Mrs WSaymour and Mi3sN round the' wharf 'takin' notes,'.a flock of their appetite from various causes, but specification of a Bridge on the 3rst cences9zen be an obligation if you could give a name largt umber ot appohments to the Leglonof Honor.
&yuiour, wit n Me Lot No 79
11 coni'ribute favorite selec- Wa unlis flow -across the harbor screiniturp Knownas tiawsBridge, to
That this will issue in practic-al results for czi,625. We do not know anything about Bolton �dr to eclualize tile rewards grautrd to theA I b hepproach of some diseaet-. POA tiens, oil the organ, 1whitill has been very a welcome to him. - We have no doubt the I Rhin rmy requeut y y t . R�eve get 50 uoiticesi of the Bame printed m. ii (hs.
with those of Paris. the Loire and the this circumstance ought not to be over tributed, end give notice of letting con*=ct by pzlt�- P. lon- time ti, come is tao much to . be Over the wh-,Oe town, taerefore, in one much improvel we feel satisfied this evaporating odor of the oalt-works feel- Street 7 North. GonerakChaugarnler, Bourbaki, Cisseyaud looked by those who owp horses, but should ting two insertions inte Goderich fta7 tir-4
hopei for. SLill it is noue the less worthy ear., the increase ia the value, of eeal Pro- lam Dear Sir, Hisson, are. awardtid G . raud Crosses f tLe Order . New Ena newspapers, rhe petition of H
of, being pur on recorl -in that accoutit, e A is of -Pers nal Property and Sacred Ouncert will. he aknusical f�stival ingly'reminded them of the aaline breezes A. P. M. BREWST=. be immediately attended to as by so doing ellry 3110TIE t!hnfi the bistlq)P3 V
wit an indication that the slaugh� of a. very MAI order. the diease may be checked, - und and otiers wnslaid overuntil next axable Income $5,625,and Of both S56,964. theyhad left far behind them. Tne Gerinau Helchist I jr- . the Resolved that all School ections, fallirg to cc�hdm. Vill taho was not ag d their applications for School Mcneys by fbilLest `o 42elib
ter in France is lading ingmv tboilghtful, 'a would here remark that the Increase in THE ININITABLM "06OL AIM fils TuF, DREDGMG.-Mr. Brown's trig the EDITOR'S NoTz. 'he remark vendoo and Ule IPO]�IeE. life of the htqrs� saved. To owlitchweare' r, icertaiu. Th 21
_L - positive there is nothing eqlial to "Darley',s tieg of Council in A ugust in each year. ply tLe Qe7k aTo to extend Over --
pers:ins spri usly to en-juire how the 'dogs at Property rtpxesents only the estimated Ttt�, up E, 7
aveanentertainmentin Cr�ibb's Minvio Battle is expected to -d the result of our own observation and we the =in ef$4.01)i each for making out
ay Ir Arabian Heave Remedy and Condition Mie&- roll. The County Ei.gineer to be instractrd by no
-of war' car bo ellahved and ninzz!ed. We lue-of actual improvemetita male tl-jrmg Hall on Monday tatg,lit. 'The audientie Welland Ganal. Dredging WO are i= are glad to hae the p rtunity of Plit- A Berlin correspondent furnishes a e, The cantent
are 8Z t 17un in less than a week. inc, Brew t in ;e eyos'of the, mme of the debate iti the Gerdian Reich- e vear. 'I'llen in re-ard to ster righ it purifies the blood. cerrects al� Reeve tosurveytho side road running between Iota c�
arry to hear fr,)iti almost. 4ay Lre to be
13 Was about the.largoi;t we'liare ever seen ed will be bee t 0 derangements of the degi and 36 in 14 con. and that the Reeve accommamy thi,
that the periodical mania PqPULATIOX there, and the programme ' was of a yery THE, HARBOR CoNuuoTon- -Mr. Brown world. stag on tile address to be presented to the a5dye organs, Engimbtrs and give notice to the parties coniemfd of vj�mtly� voexcjve:
,uy hazi a throne. From tile debateson such ub- 'be appetite 2a the time in which the survey may be made. Tllecia=-
fq,r ar. -aam tal;en Pos- appreciated by our as a neresary. consequence t 1pricmts and layman C
sassi-)n of the natinn and the leaialatnfe., � ire find the results as Nlows superior order. Aft Burgess, himself -t deserves to- lRe highly Exeter. jects asintervention aurl iibri-intervention restored, the skin become8seft, And the coat cA then adjourned. T. B. STOKES, Cjcrk, ledge the Pb.7e tn in�
The secon-1 idea of t1w Federation WARDS. lizo' Is7l 1v wag in one of his happiest n;uods .&nd townsmen. He i3 doiaia all the work he . 0 - - ire of other nations, assumes a s6ft and Shining, appearance. rel
9 . cilE�sr can here, buying all. 7he supplies he can us- in the domestic iffi the
of the British Colzjuies was first inot-ted. I. George 3 523 65i '128 kept the assem I ill a contibuous ror of am- * SpRIN& SHow.-Te Stephen and Pope, the army and education, we are Remember the name afid see *that the Archilleadon McLean and Ednj-,W.*
e - . here and in additi6n to his own hands, tion in the
by an Edinbungh lawyer, some two years t A ndrcw's 7 X-4 95,5 160 lauggliteer, while!41 was on lhe stacre. His borne Sprihgshow, for the exhibition Of enabled to form a fair estimate of the im- at anature of Hurd & Sorth Wt%t.
ago, and is now seemingly abfjut to be t Patrick's 1153 . - - p1loying Lr tradesmen to a "yy great ex- 0 , Co. is on teach packa-ze. 1233 Eo nig-er sketches wire unapproachably tent. The fact shobld be acknowledged entire stock, was beld at Drew's Hotel, on p,)rt-.n-.o of the parliambiltary session so Northrcp &Lyman, Neweastle, 0. W�f
ay,-20thinstanr. Theattend recently entered upon. Tho Catholic party proprilet6irs. for the'�Canadus. gold bs all
taken tip by those in autIt wity, if we are t- David's ' 1035 1.1400 265 droll an I the "local I;t*," heale always and appreciated, as he had it in his 'power Tbyrad ance, (Mrain the Otta�raTlmosj -German, Luctrim" _.
both of spectators and exhibitors, was very. has already she% n its hand, and has given Medicine doub-m. As our readers have already -been ln�
t,j judge f their intentions, which it is bap . Foroerselves, we' aduai red fully to do oterivise.
pmera Py Ltir. A reasonable aniount-of stock was on ample evidence of its intention to do good formed Archdeacon McLean of Rup ertl#, d Ild b. or the , Pope, and hep him, if it UlTel univil,
t1eiron,panqthrowout. Itisniost1v thi's ality of which cot ttle f VIRMF.-�-Virtue rarelypasses iunreCoff- Land, preapbedon Sand aylast, in thor-
By sfe to do. by the premonitions Total 3509 4139 6.13 njoro what he calls the"white SPOCiAt 'I" ilk Pi.vm Lumilmt.-Messra Bchanan Law- tile ground, the qui $
the year of the last deconnia.1 I which be introduced the entirely new son -3 son ard Robinsonhave, this week, receiy- hardly be surpassed in any part of the his ;ed by the w.)rld. A Isiv distorted optics
that events cast' thgir can, to thp restoration of temporal n12. morning ot'Cliriat 0hurch ai the
ensus, Godeelch gels credit for 3227 1 '�Joct and Chandois," "Good as Gol" Oil ve car -loads of pine lumber, and, dur- couutry. The following is a list of the power. At all events it will not be the mav fail to recoirnize her features, but it
shadows beforic,"and we shall expect soon I inor the next two iliontEs, will receive cther Chapel of Ease in the evenlon, 213,uid4
uls. At that time the 1)ating popu- 1 and a laughable parody on JiPat me in alleciessful competitors, and the numberof fault of ffie Cat wuc I:n
to bear 31r. Gladstone nxic,unce his holic 4embers of the Gee- wo;ld be as easy"to onceal the face Of the 9
opinion. Tbeencoui-,z.-ementtt)en,tertaiiL-, lition,iti. connection with the RiilwaY[my little bed." WrR,,)b1V.Fer'lyusou is taiirbty car -loads. It will be all wanted - entrie. , in each class man Parlill, ment if the imperial govern- noon -day suit under a-mislc as to' hide her the St. John"'S College in X-anitoba. Wi
M and more. notwith8tanirm" the -,23d, f1at fh�
the scherne,is no doubt obtained from the I rorks, wobl,l huTe amounted W cot le. -s a capital' comedian, with rare biat rionic I RORtpEg. inent of the country does not *interest it- resplendent features. Andsaitis withthe are glad to her that 4
CAMBRIL RoAp-.- It should certainly be. Best Entire Draught W6iso -Three en- self in the restoration of the States of the "Canadian Pain Destrojen" every one who sboit notice which was given, thO ZUM DiT !a Great B snecess of Canadiit Confederation. The han 300. Deducting these, who nearly ability to become the charaoterhe assumes.
great Wy of the Canadian people, we gratifyin.. to the Town Council to see that 1),ries ; lst. R. Rorthooll ; 2d,, Chas- Church to the Voly Father. The work us -ell it speaks in tbe' higbest terms of its 82 19 was collected Qt the -two services, ja - I left when their oce upatioa was -one, Miss Agmes Sutherland is the. possessor
t3 -their enterprise in r7adinu this street is *an. bef a herculean labor. virtues alid removing qualities For *addition to which. His Excellency lard 1asf-3 cT Le
bulieve,are-averse ta having the connection ore them is,however,
e result is as follows of a pleasing acd Cultivated VoiOG alld now being amply rec!)n1pensed, in a man- Best horse for general purposes-FLye The Cathoiics of the Empire scarcely ndm- rheumatism, nenralii� colds, cholic, erumPa Ligg-or, with his usudl liberality, vontr b
Z3 - i � -_ greot =6 ZMEr
-witli the mother -land severed, for the 'i Population in and sang reverial Scottish Songs �With tier that will return the outlay ten times entries ; 1st, Richard Netter.4 ; 2d, L. ber two fifths of 'the entice-population,and and summer tomplaints, it has noequal.
&,,&-e of the fustire of Britain as much as 4N Uted $100. Those who, bave had tw kid in thocar lt�61
and feeling. Mimi' Lottie over. - In Passing alone it the other day Hunter. that the in-Anence of the Temainino, three-
ftir that of Canada. A writer in the Con- in 1861 ............. 2900 munh taste For Saleby Druggists and country deakers.
P I opportunity of 4eariall; tind -gonversing 0=, Depa t temporary Reuiew proposes the confedera- Wade is a clever eomedieurio and we noticed five lots ne.*ly fenced, or plough- - Best Carriage- Horse -Three entries ; fifths, whicb are ..composed entirely of P<icn� 25 die. per bottle.
Iigin of all collinies adiii,ining each ner3ase in 10 years ................ 1239 da7,3 d, or both ; ti�ro new linuses erected and 1st. John Hellow ; 2d, James, Willis., with A:rchdeacoa �IcLean, linve come tv r -,us CT EA
other "se und made everybody Icel ihat, . othet cre-ods, will be arrayed to a great to 2nt" a distinct Dominion, each Dominion We may 'reasonably say that all tbia in WinisteTing to their pleasure she was inhabited.; and two handsome, larger cot- Best Twoyear-old-Two -entries; Ist, extent such a measure is not for a moment - The United States garshals, While at_ the conclusion that he is eminently fitted, the ta form imrt of a grand Imperi f tages in course of -. el-ection. Quito a Thos. Wilson ; 2d, Win. Keut. to bu doubted. T ate tempting to execute- aprocess upon keepers u��
al Combina- a Sclub he days of an in tint for the position assigned to him by Rrovi-
n 1) it
whirO, as will be seen above, member of the Troupe was
riftelase has Viken place within the hat as she Face, 'Happy go eam.' E�er number of other lots -have also been taken BULLS. connection bet�eh Chujrch and State are of ill White C
tiun, while preset ring its own antonomy. y illicit distilleries unty, Tenn, dence ; that hei,& not only at& Ale,zealous repeated ly up'on this street. 0�ad beatem servant of the O�urch bat zhathe is, and to be properly represented in an lui� Best Eurham. Bull -Two entries ; 19t, passin away,uad it is hardly possible that the other day, were set upon ect
o Putira half of it,and 6 over, took place E neored, and We are #tire there will be an L. -We -ire glad to Jas. Pickard ; 2d, Richard Marquis. so intellient, proh-pess've, and healthy a nearly to, death. 6 year"
p.:rial Prliament. We should like tit see ithlu PEOPLE'S JOUR -.4A I man of 611lrgell "compreh-meive i4kas nua, cheme cartied out by v% hich the last year. LIT GODERICH immense crowd atIthe entertainment to- our Toronto contemporary in its No�wo-year--olds (with pedigree)shown nation as tlie Getmany of to -day is
sr -me E al the 'liberal' view.' We mro glad t0i MOilV4D tba kv-_0 j2mi
colt-nies would be bound by a securo liga- LO fiandsouietlew dressand foliojorm,each of Beat ouo-ypar-old Bull-Oue entry,; atte-apt to restore -the ternporalities of his
'be at Points supporting the use of fla 0 t tire to) the old 'ffeart of Oak' froin which BATT Ft. -We con-ritulati Messrs, 1L. and which we-r-6gtirdasan improyoutent. We' James Elder. EfolinBas. That the exclusion of the ope T roll - from him Be favorable = account ofnlli
havethe fortune to I disagree w d grade Bull Fellow's CoInpound of Hypophosphitesre, matters conueeted with Manitoba. Re n d tLe V
they took their birth, and shall watch the Ilecon1d, bat wouldn"t. 0, no .11 F. kudrews and Geortre Htlton!ou ill public _#h the Beat age -Three entries.; from wordly rule will have any inj urious -
<IaTolopment of the idea, vrith much inter- ; - a 1urnaPs protection procIrvities, -but the John Gardiner 2d, J allies Oke. that while it takes -iwmed�lite hold upon the -considera that our Nor4h Wfst isdestined
svirit ir�hich has induced thein' to erect, no & - effect on the Catholic religion we do not yay lei est. Our miaisteri&I contemporary hasnot peculiar opinions are advocated with such No two-year-old grades shown. foi a moment imaoine ; on the coittrary, systeuit, in altmulatipg the Liver, regulating to be tbegarden ind graner_y of the� tanIN f
and strenathenih&
ill are now doing, a lur rre slati,,liter-bouse, ihe muscles � the He�rt, world, and is loud aui ILO
Grades -Three entries; Ist,' his retirement from golitical life, by en- Stomach,oLun "&c.. it has no:debilita
�he manliness to tell as whom it accused at a safe outside the norf
d:stance a trencliantauddead-in-earnest pan that Yeart in praise of the
2d, John flrnon.-Ex abling him to devole his entiro time to re- .-'at
we should be sorry to yiqint its weekly vie- Robert B t'n'- brity of its climate and the fertflity of its, V� Lich Th'i
The =aUw;jy o es, at the late ele-,tion in where neither the health nor olfactory nerves to effect under any circumstances, 7 ard while
Corrupt practic of ill.-- coulmunity call be injured or Offended. positor. ligion, will mote active and eh- its continued 6se is marked by: the gameral soil: The social una pouticai conaition'
a North Riding, to t" prejudica of Mr. TEMPBRANor, LEcTunE-A IeAturo was ergetic, and will also tend to infuse ne I w toning 4 the
The County Council meets to -day to con- Hays ; and, tbongh it aaserts that it could PLLTT'S SALT TOO GOOD PO4 �04TCAGO.- delivered in the basement of the Wesleyan BlY111. life ;nto the labors -of its n)iisions athome stem, withoui, producin, of the people of Alanitobabe also decrlbeR 1ho
constipating effects, it may be t�lpped at an ;. as befng eneecdingly ftisfactery. o- the VVI&A- uiu-ac�
4der the question of a, bonus to the Lon- f, ive the chriitian name of 'the Mr. Gor- hir VauEery who returned from Chj�=o Church, on Tuesday last, by Mr.'McFed- an(fabroad. Onthe other subjects re- titagwithout theustial. disagri6lable effect whcre throughoia thewhole-of'Behish �22,0 � 2.C, D I i
on Satmrdajrinight, itiforits-usthat-thoO ries, anAgent oftholudep NORTIT HURON -SPRING IbHOW--Thl--forred t�irs the debate in the Reichstag rDU6Win&
endent Order r disconttuunuc� Oi 80m;d NbrtliXtue-rica does deep�rieeliuef �!)s 887. At -bulk,takenover re as an of Good Templars. On -the motion of
don, Huron and Ernee'Railwai-Wo-have (,on-: who used intimidation in Wawanash,' cargn of salt in iAnnulil Sprin 'the had a Conversation with Mr Dias, the en- rither-thanface the conseqijenzes of so do- g Show of entire stock unde there is an evident lack of unanimity otherwise valuable tonks. -These cb.vacte
experiment, was not sold. It -the aus?iceB Zf t1te North Huron , Aoricul-
gincer of the line, who was alt -0- Mr. Stephen Yates, seconded by Nir Samuel aniong the members, even a ; ong those of iatics are particularly valuable 'to col, - r- i0alty exisi, and nowhere Ji.- the idea of but Al tot untl
41 ;sump- annexation more abhorent to the grvat 2 78 rZ =122 C 1! 12 8, C V)
infornis, us that it it; pref&.- to end. a general slander get -her too white and free from itnPunities- Pollock, the Rev. W S Blackstock took the turalSociety was -hold in Myth, on.Wed- the same pi?,rty. The sudden accession of- 'lives and tber delitated itivah slid is inLmdel to ran 63 miles through the! inst all the Gordonst in that"Township.. tj permit the suspicious denizens of that chair and, -after devotitia tiesday, the 1901 inst. In horses, the allow Germany to the grepower It now. wields 0 InDjority of thepeople.
city t6believe t1at ithad not been d I exercises,.intro- Was - a decided illiproventent on former - peculiar to thig preparation.
ofRnron,and thattheboutis skerl 1hen it says: .. �" Had Mr. Hays choosai OOtOr-- duced thQ lecturer. Mr. McFedries is an .. in a measure ac6ounts for -this staie of On Wdnesday evening mext Anih�
ed for their special benefit. Oncethe-oar- earnest, forcible speaker, with a large fund b th . in nuipber and quality of stock. things. - Xew parties will sprin-up, or the
$250,00() or a trifle less t1 an could easily hae unseated Nlr Gibson." bed aulon-C 0 ich Without Money. deacon MZeah intends foold a publiv 'a go has been distril3u' ,at dairyinea of informAtion, gathei-ed both from read- rheL*5io'1'10o'%vl11g is the prize list old ones must be modernized o"
p -r taile. r r reorgan- mectinn, at the Uhn
Seteral directors of the t�otet augh, dear. reader. We predict, and packers, thig pL-culiar s6picion will inct HOMES. ized. Thiele has not been sufficient time on sussej:
and experience, whichhe putabefore pial ofkw, es, es man
or% uf C -tel Hmnilton, Grey -aud Rrucel head 0dregbr, owner -2d priz6, r 7
hi, -audience in a pungent and telling form, ist priz; -e a Manito)�4 znd th-c North -Qnd flae�
Ime, and aho soWe of the project- t iafjust� in propt,irtion. as the time when soon be erailicated and Goderich'prod"O Freav Draught Horses -.Five entri forthis)et. Thesucc seioftlieGer- Alany*a mania richwithouf mney. trept, wbea he will Aeliver- an fbilovs. 10 t
tion will, have a fair field. Theshipping -,a, W. Af� a Inleali Thousands ofmen with nothing in their 381
ie electicva could h&ve been contruverted i his illustrations Wilily -frequently very- peac ad the accessi-on of -new
cedaz into the distance of the past, so' e way of the good. "Rob Roy,' owner W, Robson ; 3rd,
ed bY Mr. Adana Br,.wn, are in tawn ; and r; ill bulk would no�t ataad in th hapliy. The visit will ao territory are not the final trillinph of Qer, pockets, and tliousands.-witliout even a Cali tiopal nsvect or;bhe suestion, after
we e.1 and more till- sale,and- we have no doubt, instea of bav- "Young Comef." owner E.� Marr. many.. There is something more than- this pocket are rich, - A man born with a' wh1ich a collection will be vado in mid 14
ill be the case, y pilent that Mr. Hayg could have unspat- - come something high
'pect alively tinivbeteen the rival 9 ill the cry become louder
i usy LrsE IT. �The Star, with itg- usual
orat.vrs,if, a% no donbt w- ing to ask for order4l, ordq� wil Gendal Purpoje. Horses -Five entries -Mr. Gibson, but, in the exercise ofrare ay- a tain, Wall5Ce 'owner John M sound constituflon, i good stomach, St. John's Theoljectforw.Mol�
unfairness, refers at lenicith to the remark, Ist,'C, er-and i�ooer than military good
representatives of the two schemes are at- e pouring in at no distant d P ason, glory, and it is, the advancement of the
to-addres;3 the C6uncil. about �lr. Cartleron's-abseuce froifi the 2d, Hard, Furtftiie,'o�vner Goo. AskwUli; a g)od'.,heart and good limbs,�afid pretty this been ostabliihed nra er :Tme that in Grcat j
Bruce and - d forbearing charity, ,wouldn'ttivit. 0, House, on -the occasion . the Ivislon-on
Dummiox TELFORAP owhole German race toward a moreadvane- ood head -piece is -rich. Oood bond2 thred6ld character, viz: -first tte fiauy YC
Grey have both trown, cold water on the 0, f pany, 3d, "King Alfred,1 owuer, T. -Broadfoot. ed civilization.- The excellent personal
Small E sq., accountant of this Com the 'Independence 'of Senate' Bill, but Roadsters -Five entries 1st, . 'Hard rela tios existing betweenf Pilis 13� anti. are muscles edud2tibu fyOun in lm!nnd tbe
Hamiltonproject,and we are estrious to Then the StdIr trio-sto wri.-leontof better than gold ; tough g men to the -workof
know wherathey will now propose to have othe 'Yfr was in . town on Friday and Satuidtiy omits, very.mitocent-ty,61 course, to give� Fortune,'o.wner P. -G. White ; 2d-, 'Young 2id than silver, and nerves that flash fire and Ministry. &-condly., t avc-r =ace Tynns in r accusa�tohL which it made against wo a n e the Emper6t will, we feel satisfied, he rrepanr f
theterminns. According -totheSeafortlii rtaiu pul I A last, tosee what Stoo� -uld besubseiibed Mr. C�werofa's explanation of is I has 0 St Lawrence,' owner, J. Thomson ; 3d, greatly iwacuring this grand end. 'at 8,2. .95P�5 11 1
ic iifficers. The f,)Ilowin� is by our ousiness m6n, as aguarantee.tha IA -L. -On Thursda - I r earry energy to every functio are bettpr Indian youths for niiswnpry vork-
-RT-Dsifor the&parties, whl augge8ted th� defence. .,We never accused- A _t INVESIiiEYAN , SOC -v 'B,�yal Georgia " owner W. Pothik. .0
asessfira than houses and land. It iis better than Thirdly, to give a high clde4eal aucl - We -able amount evellIncy a Very- pleasant social was heldjn I viopriety of adding to the Railway brbonus leaving names off the Voter's It, Me company would do reason CATTLE.
ist. M a landed estate to have the -right kind of 'atlientatical education to th i
taipurchasetLe ver knew before that Assessors. ha of telegraphiag if the lin6 were extended -the Wesleyan' Church. The creature - Thorougli-br d Darhaim. Biill,over three Uen Conventito rieug
d any-, M 10 0
Messrs Bishvp� and, t in(., to do with such TA5ts.- The original bere. Tile directors 'ut dowd $1200 ai'thti co&f6rts werb, as usual, excellent, and th; years hil 1st, H Snell father, and in, 4
Prayel Roaa -Three c lines 2d, ither. Good breeds znd generation -,cfthe Nortb West, vithotlb Greemmy. -We-donos, wish to expi;ess,�a usation was' . that in 'altdost every P -Tbotnas Taylor ; 3d, Ed. Manning. Old Starks, an honest Q7rman.had a bad breeds exist among.mon *as Veally as Aistioctiod ofereed, -We :are quite �aro 0 In c-ie-sfi-ledor selfhh opinjun in ti� matter, amount thej expected, to onablo� tbalh to intiellectual and ioal . outertiii�en t of Thorougli-bred Dttrha�rn Billls, under
tkwinahip names werb left off the R6 thim about three mile from the viiiage of among herds and horses. Education that -there refew amon- -is who will not
LL - brin the line1rout Clinton, an s juin audience -was r-eeably ministe]r`6
Tw to entiies'- lit 8 Bowden may do itch to' 'evil tendencies or at or. the vlafn:4 mbich
d thi" the,' d to I
anti wait the furtherlight which 47moussion none but the Assessora- have anything twoyegrs- 4chuok cf,
t was readij_y sutSonb4d. Mr a' all st4tetl by' - Naples, _9n the Illinis River and like ice achowl�dge
this afternoon veiIr tie likely toithrow, up6ilt 1* In the Mikes TrA iter,'514rtinand.1la'r - 2d, John Woshinaton. .. I- I -
_t ao with the making tip Of the 'roll' we 7 s dy M most of his. countrymen Who seitleli" this to .evelope pod ones ; but it is a great such an ipstitu4n as npnn us.' Aning
it. We hol.a justice will ggaide the de&ib- 01! leaving 'that the' line -would b,�` Grade Bulls-Tw entries ; 1st prize,
c0i Jude it was, a thing. to -iuhe.rit the ritolit prop'ortion of all the dutiestad res'
d necessaifly to a,, Tim N -9W SALT BtOoK.--,-T I was great on g4rden truck., ponsibilitiesLich
crations, =d only a woheine so founde-d' s doubt ly built to oderich this summdr. -he Build ng Robt. Rei ; 2d, Ed. Manning.
ed , ' eou tr� faculties to The man is rich
�qqia - - for I&ArnosjMarliul'ssajt-block� is no' - buitor starp with. .
anti having a reasonabl& commercial basis t at the ilandefs wore dire w The Ju, es were John Ratteribifty, W. have deieloped upon us ith the eted The Star e9982 ete., which -he carried
I Sffoo-ri Ly BAsr, 13Ajt _CLUBi--,ZThsre fluihed, -and i4 a go Anderson. regularly to-towe to sell oi who has Agood I disposition-4ho is na-- ficent 41errit6ry 4 the Nerth West, the
Will recefira 611r support. We desire Uy '0w shifti, its oro, compact, substafitial G aingstan and GooKt fc:ao -
g, und tQ 'the 'Voter's Lists r barter ter
sea the Whole- Cong oie turally kind, pAtient,. cheer'ful, hopeful
,rl will be a� meetin- held of this.Club'bri -atructure of4he dim ions r>f. 63x97 ell ; vic-e-P family -supplies. Ooe day he came in as duty of furnishing the In ans of aducation _jity devol,)Pefl as fa r 02 ch are copiect. by the'Town-thip, is feet. President,,. H. Sn - resi-
in ya
IxotuWdld e m in I -'a ffill, 'for Vhi� Carps' -ect*6, Cr P and who hs, a flavor of -wit and'fau in his to the people of pfa3iMe. but at ther samec time thwAssessment Rqlls. The Clerk of Thursday 27th lust L'Taol ilter work was done by Mr John dent, J. Biggins ; Dh roctor, ua�.aud Peter CritseT, the storekeepe tEat one of the
Nathi Taylor, J Fisher and InLll)g
The 41 asrs G,,Ll C?
lath that amy section or sectionashould,be Iniost every Township' in the North Rid-- the purpose ofamt4eiicing to la on the e NUVicar It. e John Kasoii; Thomas' composition. I�Iihe hardest . thitig � to get most _ ions and :*Important, Thokeya
th to -get a 'saw' on the oldman,
ttqiiefound�tioin for tbdau nearly finllsih�- R Cole; Secretary, 8 Afaloolinson, Clin.
bil I wn. self. is thuza_ccusedhythsStd� -of -the dis, Ist'Of May. along, within this 11eiff -a mans o wbich is
:�'W Starks j 'got some more stone of' th;it unch f hmire
a g And destaine I Aortli to -,pan the rontirient,
Z&m !a up willbeputirlbyUrRuntibilan. Wisto ve few.' 11 paid
rantilifafa $100 000 bonU3. by pintable, trieW of- intentionally lea 6d and WS as40031 9.6 theyare done, thq'p4n -Ex ?1' 1�a T ha A cross, selfish flellow, a desp6adin WS0 - posVoi
for the &WING eggs
ow advertisedo mes, 6fftbe Votir a Lisf8 pur- i5mi'll ijustpening in fis'e'*ant part Of you a b t tpr the Vast sah Otitser, 'but COMPlaiiIing fellow -a. tithid ana ca is education and intelligenep, a6 -we
Like, lqnestl=3 arebeing- discua3qd in. all se of seouring, becifthe patern. usua]4, made by"him - Z_ 1 '1& 3, H u L -n tf%
PO the defeat of Mr. un .. !�zhcse are alU born dO- believe, tbafqur *future �sacg-�R and w6l OC -70
Farfs of-tho country and the similarity be h1r W.1yorden's �Wce ind next door toklr which has given, very - good' satisfaction vre have- h4d a convention ofthe store
limu added 'those guilty are marked, a;4. r' Store -an -wh6re. i . ittroduebid, P, BALL. -A, n keepers, and -they have resolved to give
twen our situation and that ; tha Cuun-� Milt, Ri6bertsoni 1;inilliner %sl liase ball clitb has bee formed on the inciAc. Their feet inaY 1ping very much deptlid upo mnulier t4
In eir punishment la not far distint." We and wiffte 60 feet-lniig nd t110 f-ro 06,y 6
striking that we re-� Ija the Star wilt find flu'& hqi4 of the czte'nsiva Sewipj.,1behine establisliment. by 12 feet wide. The most--ofthe mat0ri 0ii-yinated'at kintail, called the Kintail ten eqnts -in- future.' 1Y h Vell not limp, but'their thoughts do. whiC ge the trud ton
a� h we citmhar Red to a3 to Csc__
produce the 6onclusion of the, Grand Jury's ma- softer than he other. Re will ke:4 all'thd 1pittling ma'chities of Ala for it are already on the. -gr -1
atind. atid Lakp Stiarb Base Ball Olub. The officeri m1he hens ��ve 4111cotia',replied Starks, us of tearing, zlid right of Chr*;WAR., report theis will be'no, delay in putti�j;,' them to- appointed are Messrs.' David D Yule, Pre- ia�'., dey resolves wd
Canadian mllnuflititare,vlth ill the latot they wob"t wear.
TRB 3ik,
"Add havin- now tonchetl u 3�ysTrri&=c,,v.--The, ii1lawing, froal gether,, so that. Ur blartin iiill' probablY, sident,, Win. Carrick, Vice President, Civilization. with us in our prcgrcss WC5t
ta-1 Jod] plate ttockor
n the improvemeh a Cpl. ac uring in daj.s. or i� ani emselves out egs for less is fooftagn F u3na; topfC3, Zmay be permitted tqrefer tior0tr4iford, Herald, being aeport, of a I Roderfick MolCeuzio, Secretary and ft two Enavemeutsnow I lie as3fzes just xittinjr, - seeitir Treaitirer. - "I low -appRy inangura- machine ncedles-a�djhread All'kinds fortitight. !he VtlneisifibeaupplMb lv�o -gilles have beL-n, played sheut�l' 'And�tho old man stalkcd 6ff,.,; oaaerich, April 25th. -1871.
c td& tried at t 41, st 1rh0,X0jnt ]Rjglk4CoIujn7x8810n;
tod. The ano frea rials, no mariot. tolls,a i > indicate t4at Go , �tclln- will beldonc, On, the premites tile Victoria, Well. W which clearly el owed'that- thie,646 6 well leaving P�Aie to stand tho 1 -4 of. the Fall'Wha.. ....... ;Kl: 15, (a, 1:30 fmid, 11 Eay derielt peopla are. too� e nofjc6. b6-' -large 4ug
Inea3ura a 8 a and crowd
'of great importance to brith'city r th jpry ed operiiti6r.' Ile ill also sell stock of wood laid i ;'lOuks supplied,wittf -dbundance of 'muscl wlioaf ........ 1:15 1,30 kitcli forthe hazy intelle-otg of Per n and everytWit, Spring
aa B will a so unce g Ion .;— — ist and trato o 4e- )CCIal coTinty, _C f alacrity; and only -wants piFilotidg, to devol- Flour ......... 5.50 The POWs NYwhititon.,B1,
ornVol 8 scVgah4. Va' Sbu7der like, businoss. At the prosQu 6:00 25 r-11
T� , I -IV-
of g7eat aunoyanz frictiona Davidsog, V1. Johnston'. The parties rtn Olt rt, an invulaubib ai I to'dr6k�,make mand till salt -men will bokeptho '�Pe those late - PdV�c4 (as fir aa ball is The Hall of Shaftesbury, speaking at U- fs Tenc-7aTa":0 67,�
a�ky romovingres a oxii ........ 0.48 T rece
0A3 -he British Higb.Conimiasion
a - diipatoh from thei ligavrra
t 1-:5 action reaide in Godaich. The'ac P, recent mdeti4gof the, Femalp Medical Pea -8 ....... ........ P - 010 f—a),
to, ind -if recipiocity, as do expect,�'.
upoi id ment, AP
ulid a happy invenkion by which. Ppijts' concemed) to'Ativincibiliq.. 0.80 I�Tsw
soon it wiA take �Suoioty said of course he did no't suppose-
eoover. mono, their oivn mahiles eall" rey' I
and giving ffier ity th6bengfit6f a. free wad brou t to r them all, thoirtinto tb.keep Barl ving Of the'treaty re�enfly Tvado by fie i.ho q ue�,
gh V allogaa�46" makin, d'esses and sup ............. 0:50 0452 Aement tion
parket, The otBer, the orzaing- ilp, ef our I a in tha hzn(U of defendant.: biti owinj 0:45 0;50 111gh (.,Ommissionets, forthoE01
I �Iy.,. TiXr11VeKVY- 'bwk Secure a, perfect fif, without the' Wdious, ia.&6 �Ould aspire to the higher class Of - of the Alabama claims question. Thefull
canaftyby means of tha Kilipton t#tts complicateduature—tio one bcing B er .......... -16 4 ;20 up in Zvo
-g 04 uft ..... 0.
'9111, Peinbr,;I-e Rai process, of _�Itrj lit SPAING Sqow. "-The, Spring. Show of the BUT91cal 00fitions, but wo: @d be willitig details of this treaty aresY lInknGwA 60 1way,'and ur& feel sure- ble, af 66r 'the extrafadinary atenietits. 0 0:25 jg .00
An important' despatch h4s,be6ti re- Turnberrk Agrictiltur'Al Society. was Itei'd'I�o"b,,whi-t.6ne.pradtitiqnerbont
omptuouSly 8 -OG a 10.00
ed f0in WasliGgton "to. the'o President,
that your LairJAWp will uite wit4'11- Irt t1lo, witncssev, to, Comprehend it,—it VziEiNA%y.—Xr. W, c& except tofew persons whohaveoge Oic Ino YCI
alo, fraught with, FrIJ I I . freot that atthe"Villaciaof dh Wednesdah asigaitted ai 10iiursiu. rela V4t and one of
that a sahe - Doy,16 ilri& Scl, � 0 . . I . , - ffldes 7:00 Cd� 7:00 torv!
�m withdrawn. pier for j1hurchilU has' oianged. with'. Messrs- the burefairy of the. Treasury - hita, q I - - -
. C� - I - deUd-� th f of course, e ice these - is the Authority of tilis -statement
n4bealloweil'tio e 5th in4tafit;-The state o. the - roaas ptionsamongymuien in- this wood-.... Z
Sinclair for defend- Duncan, 4 Cittlipbell, to carry on, on s, 3:50, .9, 3:75
11i e4 ilifit cattle for breeditilg pfirposea.may . 5 A - hat the -treaty provides -A fixd COlimis"'
fall throagil, lack of�int;onragznent, Thia k2t, iii accoc tit, in Gi6dirich', the vateiiiiaq be iin , ortb'd fiont, Canada into- - . . was all that -odild be-desited, Ao induce matter. lie Was jou. one vecaslo;L Putting that Beef,perpwt. :00 a T:00 t C_=L3
0 the United the -occasion. view otthe M�qttQr to,,A f�tiiajb medial�piact- oik Xett ....... 'no o. . 1% xamf auxl pasa th(
proic3t Win son ha sabraitted ta the rate- ree of duty, and instructions to tj jjooplet6,iijru6utand enjoy ::�:, .00 7�.00 sion to o , , Z business whf,-,�, th navprt* ed.-Aheir 1�b --be —alitue -Chickens 'PAyers or Cie city of Kingston and the DAMN RBV=W.Mr. Joseph "Lang, This being the firstSpiing jshow�yihieh Tias: Agoner, andjsaid that of alllaitfispresentea, and �that thoj3inperr 11 v �C. have , e 'given to'tha Ctlij* erpair 0.130 0:30
111 ea, 10 ell or" ` I -
torlif in -m 31r, Churchill -in that r ro j g VL A to ths
Founty of *an�enac; and, it is epterfaired b6vinii;Fsecuted comfqrtabile government ge, womaIL— i not s ire to I -C as 9 .................. 0:03
1 -
ts -itnpor- Ouse the Thia-de n h6l very o in it mig)ir, 6�e or h; Sheep ......... *__... 3,00
xaa- spirit commensurate- witlij b�rth_ is gold out tho-Rcriew to our old after . t efldij,-, three sessitilis of" ra b liub., 01 sucodss; and tions, '40h," s there Ideat I thoug 4:00 tr�aty in quettion it i � ronounce
siom',will,po o b i7end raTge Increase
ond Mr C:Vlifte, latef Luckpo. Mr untario- eterinary College, has: lthofighthe is tir- imals and just you steo into thi mext room, and if you Limbs 2:00 2-25 fayuraVe to the United tatesfilble tas im thd expogtatioii -bf th-orotihbried'-st6i;rk. Seed V now or for =d, c3f,
e'as' u -0eex- wal
diplomaafter paid �3 L( I - ly., t 0.50 0.55 favorable as can be iegoAate
rgy, witilds a facile iyea 'a wd tar ity6urldgtaken�oXI'll, otforyouv9"Y Apples .......... .
iffe ii7a inan of ene ree Ing a-'V"Y from thig coutiti
rij -to Ithe �eiglibcurtng, �Iaet a ti n- 10,39 time.
peoted An secti a o th6cou q
Id nd, the material 'inter examination. He also' praotiswd R ublI6 Qbderich Salt, wholesale, o,;bi p�l 1b].
a vigetroux pea, a
op -ei aw - a Ahe a�gtioulturistz led :L-90 t been. star,
tryl yo A �"-661&1`newspaperliasjus
e;ts of Kincardina-in. particular and- Bruce the art'durlug the aunimei with jicrtl�s E -_-
fu V. - 0`0 Good Food _�Itd -Pjenty,,O�f it, prc auca ftd
hereare lly1all wi0titerests, in Louisfana' alled-theBagle, ii
If thatinatilmity of the Councl julj ji eral will ba safe in, hia-- li�ads. 'We throughout seem t �:uild 6�d the0itor a&et upon aerson 'Who LIWI)RU
Mr Upshall -of Clititon a -ad It -th ' d'atitage 6f f=�-CaZ-
be Such t1rat, a ByJaw is a2reed fo, be wtU- y ish Will very much successi, altholikh, we ..ea y 1!us. tothe public:�" 'Once. Clinton Maricets. same A ;ymp, an Ica'! . I I . lbat. the Perlivian -f
mittelfar a tionas to tha London line, it a vould like to see him Olt a his �rholio colle-�e courae ndet Pofif$sor . ....... . producing'aritst- Z.
political plat- fe tit -&Wbelm, -we fear _Aho stdrma, -.110 f )rm, more consomint with g1ja Cali Andrew. -Smith. Thal he mlight roodive. As we n6ticed last i�eakf tle'- County,coun- One'very-grAifyiqg,� foj4firo.oi.the show, tile IVea% and DebMlutei[4.
ghtened e wiaft may -roar and r Tonic, does upon
wou' =t boa badpra&autidn topledge, the Dws. T), Z�y Sp�clalTelegmph fib ibb 1 'fisn.,14 -or& in, V idwaof the majority of thffelectom of his, all the latest light'ja. the treatment of oil of Brure. �14 not-agr' I -%76sthe dlteerfulndqpiet-,dem@'A` ur'of. -ors, C
eer - Q #Ive Up exl6nt� tiareer upheave Clinton "April wth, 1871. it m4kes them. striona and vigol its e, b t i, il aid L
e hs,Weljintorr, reyan, sencoof:afty n until, I Fall Wheat
etractiun CwultaacouAy *it Lonlon -6 io t d eF 0 tical 1,25 Cd,) 1.40 Ln
disease and accident, he utt ridad the S16a of tim all reent, thetiare wbaku as and sug UltO ldrgn,
were als
Nvinghlm,if the latter is tobe tT D, a o'clipmei and now,the County'bf. re iiggasof iat;xicatioui, We a iliasod' a- !boartn6untain heigghtWO wild Spring qo L* I -health.
ofths' 'Nr6littITTaiversity b) Rrue lare seen a
. 1. 7 �25 35
The Cenllu& to noti the -4t interest 64en in ib'b
As the, Toroatit Grey xud Bruce Co, SarreM oaThyaiolb-q 'D�I,Tfiorbutv on Carries.- a, bonus to.tii` 'T1-',ronto,-GreTafid , 1 00 - . . 'confusion" th$-billowa and ths,bill6ws' spray. 0-44 0:45
the,'young fartners,' a�n&firmer sona
majo cloild ta cloittl tbei reilding lightning %iley' 0.48 0.50 -D
'edgtd tqdo for tlia ]peopl eaotiothei and competing flu From, 0
a of Orey Hattria, Wedica -Pro :DiE
HutWiningenuity eoidiil a6t make atia:6- roft on for unly ragre, u4til.the -heavens appeai one broad Peas ............ -0:75 0;8'0
01homistrl- an& Profin or Buekland.oli.
1 4 Air. ij.�. 0 Ue pour inu6brok Ptatces.-� ........ ca), tE 33DY. Atdolborwo,
ttoi ti� thetiqlidou Tji?46s Lonotirs of fic-rricUlturaldisti h tf fire - "!;� 1. POLICE C009T. s� complicated, and lb othe F4rjn Animals We d4ld dirte Re W ti. Gi �ursuitsppn, to fouuintellikj let t nzyi 'Sanitary- -"Comlitiss], the ewflools, a gol The oc� al raie,, Flour ....... 7;00. '0 %u m--, Z5 41 deceased vas a d A'thd. viry 43litter.. fdriner in Dellavine Parjr-lof -Str Al'
1*�ople, and wherittlia popul4ion 'to, be tention to Mr 0hurchill'i. advertis youvgukq,6�of i Pd�jahj� thinks. it uapfol� to,bring. under alid-hir bilji�w% strive tar rewc INSURT TO $11A lathe �elasff, Of entire horses th rat sburo Scotland. An
—On t�ken io-notwhat actually'wakiu aartaiii filinp thopatrouage of 110tice the Idos of life 0 fl iheavene, yLet�� safely, a COPY.
and, recowmen roiidlv,�fdiirlessly. will I a 7:2'
t pfiio.w wellknowstallion, westeeroarisi .10 1 P,;o
at 4 p, w., Ur. Widliam McLean, was 0ace, Olt a, certAin, ay, but, n addition, t4wa and toun annuall� in the Ftj�jja4, vmrded to the Eggs. C 4%1�0 7=m auneb,' st$ihMoisad barqud ..... .... counir as a' brought up before 1:4 iVorahip, tile may. tho "rollitig xtonex.�" "that may oldim ql bk- vace a On, -In 11ird Fortune,, _L3`tlatly "fatillea as a us ilitif we 1tave'unchorid in the Placid walett
that place for their home. We UOURr of aZV18io%--Thi9 court will
that piovillce,jivith a pOpjlj&t aLriCUjtjjjaj. gnimalf Owned by ad the hatliou'r of Coustitatitinal Uberty." or, chargwt with tying hi horic, to one of ion'6f 1-8000 -a be helcl ild fourears, six moatbs, and one day.
t'hink the' goernment made for the, Towa of 100%'ithe deaths from oi-- �Thesoco rizew gii,06dtoMri the liada imm on West street to tho in,. are, over� lSigul. VIDMN,�AtGmledeb, Via the 23thjd!�t.
1*4 liot, adopting thiiBritisy blou4ay, 15tlt N' '-'in the Town Hall.. loss thlin.20,0 TobOs , 0hesuitt Sigition,- pr6m first By �Ofojr� _00 iaing St. T4ouis had a AhoWer of what ab
A04r; in 1869 the wgcd j_lrY "f t -ft# MO, .0 it WASU.6 fir4t Qifellft,, IA(Kle ;�but, at the Xms, $ime, we see us Tax CiTr Paemi--We Are wry UILach b.6red theae j h6m; t' obe-.aulphur, since it ap- Seaforth, April2fth I
ibl(i io�nqtl�4j ames Eratid -Vay. jjis WrAhip, i1ppowd the obit should Ill t tU on.: peared on the sidewolks 'us a yllowish- pall, V
jjjwest penalty r6aw)u why thle M tup, 0 to -M thii bpipy.' evatling daily - 10tAlit With the small -pox niortality tofEnj, beat 1:2o ca 1-30 -c,- in- u
x, allowed—$1,00 fine, and 4L,35) onclusion that � the goernmoitt rua4e the Und lit vi ithita 'Df the 4bor6o'gh btilj�,,, Ate fat -green polvdibr.' The �people were struck .2,pringWbeat .... * ..... 1.25 ®
hichwi ppulAtion of 21� 000,
tile la IL isistake with tile juidister motive"of cur- publisht�.d for enome, timi lit Toronto, 'was awarded- to Xr,� GxewigaMcKay's 1 . 'with wondet.gathered,the powder, burnt. -1:00 00UXT OF REVISION. wate, Im giving judgtaont, his lVorsbip, ta,1,0. keof 9mall-p4deAths.doesnot DrIZ Flour por-ts ....
4 , tile future risprexelitaticift of Out&- Coming 0 B q1 t6L a itti and melte the
W an *,tare", *$I lit in an eal�rged form. l3park "exceed 5, 000 a_yf�jr, at the Be 1pliur. Dr. Oats 0- 0. TFEM ComtofuOvislou for tho 1OWL -_T
9) 113W though.previousicelebrated Durlia d odor of ICU the -45 1 Will
'nix caN. Wit keeps on its to the 1ntrCdtt6tbn bf vaccill !hall o-imed Jphu Grien; however, put undet?' ...... baield hinj at eyerysinall straw and yet without friith, �ar_hhi�_ _�ay bly Ar. it 13arley 0:48 a 0,00
ation it wa* .b;, and he
g4 rou it will gain a tquite as it is ow in;the Pudjo the pollen potatoes tha biisMB g of thq p l; ten s. f;f Sprin ree, probably blo% 0:77
tors -are dcing theii woik well, Cla in the metropolN iud i4oincludes tfactiliketbeseviust ine t %--n from the Pe 0:77, Maynent,
'jr4A,ntnitA1 trots on our strveti could not eitu"i"A convince
' Oth
frk. dea;t with, as Me do,tru�tiux of tb* kts to be tiruxprite. 'In this vicinity -.he d � live �Cou Robor F inioroocopenodfouridit p 547 Town ROL oulkelldo-Yi 16fli.
r'V. __I,
-1 all sensible pe Wheat awarded t� Xr.' forest bed ig, 1):17
41.1red. putilif'-w-'rltimelit SM tup-talid if anything liko the sama, c4ra in exer 'Eke, it'suctir--oa name"And fame throughout raous that theist Prize was H 'Of the
Mceination iwone Wsthe gre b 40aroltnal anC
ate$t boon W'hich 1, Puter-Deaus jr�; 2id- jtboi*ti St. L a �y Pork.
rn .4 W".1-4ij), iIX Ctrryiw -tit thil 131 14ea d%where, the reault will otbs so as; ever Con to Afr� -theatir-ospli0re Oil) ....... 6:00 a 6:00 the kovince erred iTf farastray. od lntr�kitid, , 14rd, 31r. Currie;'
er or mus
R 21 y
a t idnaid e&%
d play of e
)t%a g
d ed