HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-04-13, Page 8- � � I -, I . . - . % � . . � I . , I . ;4 - . - � . - . � - . . . - - I . - % . � . - � - � : . � . . . — � I ­ - I - . . : , . . -b � . . I . I � I I " I y � I - � � . - -1 �. , I — . . '� �_ I � . . . . - I . � . . � � . -, --,- i : , � . � I . I . . I — 11 I I . I I . . . , 9 ­ _-1 I - _1___=;& ­_�­_. , ...- _� � � - . - � ­­­­­ - ­ .--- ­ -­ ­­idl . . . - � _­ . ­ -- ­ - I—- ­.. ­­­­ - ­��_. I - V- �_ ­ ;�� I., - - I - .- - __ _4*3I3ek2"9&e�1ftb6&0W6N-_ d.Q,Xlwl!� 11ii: M - ------ * � QX , I __ __ .-- __ - - — — , .— ____ ------- I I . n!!!nL-_�!!!!!���, . ­ I � � . - - . I ZScosli C- enter. The BrItish'Face In AustraRa. . - I . I FAR X F03a S E _. I he Civil War i Fean 9 1 ` . . LANDS FOR 8ALE � 1_1_.11_____________- . a 0 1 - , . BRANTFORD HUM I . - lire A-mgIn- Saxon or I ­ . E I . Wec.Xtraetthe folim.%ingr ptient, called Anione thes--of ii I . ­ A --;-F_ , . ---. I AT BAYFIELD. - T . , ... �� .... � I - � ­� - � - I E --- 4-The ' ,-;i%nl-;e Wift, " front i�-e 011i'le tc, tile A nglo-C', Itio desseent- are seen some of , , � - __ ­ - ��_� - - - � �­ `k�09�t- :;�--� , . BAYFIELD GRAVY,L ROADI ­__ - -. - 1;1-e,&,, 1,1 �.!,fcra (litti 0i?i;rve6,_o:s for kats tht,'fiiiiist wen nlipicallY consi-l"ref.i. the . - ' � . *_ .. I , - . - . THOS, SPENCER,no. i . 11 .,j1j!j. it Is fn,.&, the f.t,nle peo tit Mr. Paris -_ _W a— - CITS NO'S. 71 & 72 BAYFTELD �uNCFSSjo�V lilln!-i-ill r.ce"is, -capable of prolvei-mv. London, April J 2. 5 n. M. --A I - - � __ — EINGIot22, first concession Goderleb Township L TowluddV of 6oderich, comprising 14o nereil altbe . -l'j, N 4 .I., %,� 11, �st) ut,tiso is, if a It %I tit,)- ' . , a rel)nrL � . er falling ber,tqun;ityofl,.md,trithitinbout2iiiile,s6ftlie3itirlipt j,.St 1,11 - sipteizil of the London Pinies says B116 acres. 50 of%videb are cleared. a net .� ­elltle I Tailor h tit i I eir Briti,-h-born breth"ell, . . Spenedr's XXX Alos & Portor creek runs through tile land. The lot is situated on placeof the Town ofBayfield. 71ere is a elenramer or I "lls disi-f-sitio'll. We 11'et,Fet ailt th, " was widely slitead .last night that X'oll- - . I rail 0 1 with st,ficr voices and more. rcli,lular I 0 d ab ,r., I the Gravel ul b ,,,I,,. fr.,m the triwit of God, 23.cr�!,,"bl,,I,,.uldre.dil,*I,,,,,r,pnrmi,ortc p 141-ts % I I is . Spencer's Bottled Ale in erfeb. Trielaud is a rich clay lonin. being very suft. rernailid r ofthe . . ,e :at;je, j lit %lro afr;.i,1 sodi chariotm, sitti- i - e Ind is closely covered wi 11 I I V 1A I'Al k . " djkN 3 � I*t - c poweritil frim,s i t'"L'I" h"d bcen taken. A grem fiffeDbive I best V . .� It ­lIg 'A 1% t's ill the,b, Zltllrt'�, tit, V iLlherit tit L� I � I � able for i%beatur fruitgrowing. Tile lot will be8old of beech and maple timber of splendid g3 owth. na Ex. - - . . . ' -tr dvvelopiluent of, move-neut by tile Velsailles tronpS WaS I Fine condition, cheap and oil e4sy terms. Possession ran lut givelt bit celient road passes on tuo&ides of tile propet-tv. vrbich I . - C)i full.ill't.e tIj,l�V,.kTV!r.u'kot. dild un,(l-i..11,.,l njuscul cxpecwtl to take Pil-Q9 16-ddji-WLd4os- I is Ala 8 October, � for pirticulars and ierms. apply to G. H is situated ' .it an --ld and uell settled ul-ighbaltrhoo,j. iliL 60.11r'LL NV�F& I lie bri,t d. Lt adillIr IIV',!s Clli- ft)' (11 V- 40 I JQ.-%encer in rUn- PARSONS or to J. DAVISON, Esq. Goderieb. _41L.S50.-Lot 14, Range A TownAblp .giant I ; t�l :i,_,rico11tur.d �ahour, t1ley elljfjy I;tr,-er I du .., . - . W30 1 - cheon, barrels and 6 oderich. Auk 15, 1870 7 eontalnini;39 acresof well reserved tutil,er lailid, wbte& New York, April 12.-A speo ill on- - . would prodaven lnrVe quantity offiremood to tile acre, ' I. � r,y ,?(i,,EV11 TAYLOR. � ii-tk,ry il., oI' lt,i,u:e than i-i,rerajis,i')1-- to � " 0 ­ . Half barrels, at the The lot runs to the River Ba3 field %vith a eonsideruMe I . � t1w 1-lb,u. , . I . . . . . . __1 - �1­ . waterfall which could lie made available fur mildr.- oz - , a . I -_ I I ... 111anuf t rIugpW;u.,ez.. � __ -, - __ I � I. lit tulegraph­d froin P� is . - . . - ____ - � -_ -_ k GODERICH DEPOT.9 . io�r Cl;!99CS Of F41.1r0re. The, `( B." . 4 ac U pf"w V.eT,v late it is, Oie sighs ; liv, �tjl - ye.1torday afEertioun that oil Monday I . I � _. m - - - . For terms appTto. JAMIE1,4 D. ALLEN. . �',+11,:jte. is oijid zmnd f.j"ouritble to * - . . . j 1�.,ttneil forhilil ll�-Ilis avo ; cl,ild�� night five ­ui;boats at Pont de la Uolluu..-d MARKET'SQUARR. It i,g niq rl,�Jlj, lj�L,I%t 4;vr iii ; ,ri,t�% irtvc t)e.n;:ck:ustou:e,1, from In I I I - AMERRY CHRISTMIS Guelph. ! ght, i . 'rot up Steam aull Went into uction., There or W, W. CONNOR, Esq. Paylield. �.. � B is busaitiss z­'Alid !,eep hilli so -wits titeav) firing. The result is unknown. G E 0 A:' GRANT. L:O: — Guelpli, Aug 15, 1870 WSO 11) I -jes of' intercol0iIii'l I I Idl L E Ir -1. JAGoderich, Jan. 10th. I i 1.0 :1, to ill ulld'ill 0 of' tho 1�e,E food ; 8 4 I . . . :.,j.j,,irjujji travel ar4e- . TA " - LirfT' E 'WANZ � .1871. sw4l-ly� I - " '. Ii �t% fi;% l"vilig, an k -in"I conallon. 11tence tile A -i-10- YesteFday wo-ning at 6 a. m.' firing . r- � . - ROBINSON & CO- - - 5ions heart, ; � 1'1'k (111:, 11 - O . — . I I Salt & '01our ]Barrel � � " ' from the lorts V%tisfuriously rbaewed. Th" I M k X I � ! t on the )no I 0 . . * . HAVEPLEASUREIN INTI'SiATING TBATTHEY . . %, .; % lie bunis the turk"Ill-jit oil - . AU:-trali.-to labi)itrer, Will'Ou -o accused of using THIS LITTLE' FAVORITE IS THE DJOST COMPLETE � - HOOPS. `i.\ , ";e .-,ains los care olitallis, ca,-_,crI * FAIRDI FOP. SAL FS. ARE how suPrLIEjD'WITH � - li�nd, tile ,haipcned Ile,s wl:iuh Verstjilles_ troops at . I .. .1 , "t lite itself a toil. , explosive bullets, some twetits' being .na I ks 1:i� Trm�atl7in'ic c011sill, his yet - 0 — EVERYTHING * I found at Full; VauVr,!.z. At Fork issy it F VAHLY SEWING MIACHINE, A RARE CHANCE. q AMPBELL BR&S of Watford have constantly ea . - ­nce, . ' SUITABLE FOR THE COMING hand. and -are continually buying Green Hoolm. I i v. " t t k. I I ;! t t, te tI.1 I% 11 I 'f da V, .in air of' h0el-t-nil-111--c 30d intchl, Was discovered tivat the bolts oil khe gates ' EVER INT-RODUCED INTO NORTH AMERICA OEUROPE ROPEITY OF THE LATE ANDREW C .,jril ,,race Of IUoVkl- I I We have over :X0,000 for sale at present. Apply by l,t!t%%*etIl flik.'Luitis t'%: ti:rce'allil t"Ilt, ' I �.-o,oj)ij.t,-,l nith it nA1 �� , -itain were drawn or broken off, proving the . VI-Er,,Xy� heing the South HalfofLot, No. 28 no rtl CHRISTNIS AIND TNEW YEAR letter to Campbell Brag, Box 28., Watfoid. .� ,, - . Watford, January 1871. %V62-0-* - I lurlit link-nov%li t'O.tl)t ,7- asalitrY of*B; - .5 ,)fthe tx)wn Plot. Ailffilield, Co. Huron, Ire acres i I NN_III . tit ,n il�lnd lie fails t,i fi!,tl, . . elli,tanco ortraltors amonost tile National f --a- - . first class land. 70 acres cleared; with buildingsard; . — - Ti,e ki2� %%here%%it1l to Lille tile tlwrr. - I I ID) ca i �4 1) I, va' e I I t ti.at the Australvins . 0 # on -hard. - SEASONS. - _� zire, as Z4 r,X-1, pily,ic Ily ild".1-i ir to tho Guards. A lut " till-" 0 t _Ilrom_�u was to nVER 1.5,000 1"AMILLE9 FIAVE 13EEN SUPPLIED WITH THIS MACHINE 'rerlins 'Very lZensonable. Full pat WHICH THET ARE PREPARED To SELL fpu IDT have been hel t.-IIii-Ilit rotthe purnose or I within tile last two years, and have made for themselves hosts.of frjends,-and ticulars as to price &C , &c. to be had lit the Office Hew often, in UsgrOzit fat i,_,11P, � B li ii ted I li it they -ro%N, . . * , M . . SIGN or I HE mg � )riii�h -; ;I ' �svl ?. orilaolzill� - earned thereputation nfbeingan ind!sponsableartlele. TheseMachines are patronized bv all grades.of society DOYLF & ;3QLIIER, CHEAP. , wue3, I .no ra.,t, tk,ll.l .1 I 11 ',; Wives aud PaughLers to the Nobility and Ro a F I or Europe. . . - oll.es. ­ ei "I. -'it -d 1-Y all his dit and , :1 i.� tha defence of Paris. . Barristers Goderich, -_ lie to lj�i�_ slen(lortless, I ., from the ,Ilo(lcst 1�ariner y I am lies . I S&nIte r -SE tO ,%e� I", 11 -it is 80 " 0.1' and d, [lot P)s�css aj'((lU,Ite stdIllitia, aild L)ciubiouski I -is issued an order that no � - -L-1-3::E M, I '-V 'T T -,:E -WA-s W-!Z:E IR, Goderich December 23rd 100 JPA1D1-X>401EK- . 1-f 0 �;ues to N.eep in .111 his ClLtl!��es. , I tims,le. Tho itle:1 is L,rroueOUS The one �-liall leave PL,rls without leave. The � -" 3 0 '.^."g 3 '. Prussians at St. Denis hd;a been rein- Is ths almnlest, will 410 tile greatest varlety of w�rk, Is more easilv managed, less liable to getout of o0er, and FOR SALE. 40 CIS, 60C199 75cts and 91 .00i - - I tit,, it re:ii*t,d ill tile citit s on tile Sea -board, Wiil not runs lighter. tlianati3,i)tlici-Slititt.le-le,%%'il-931fit-ilille manufactured. �Evcry Machine is complete, w! tit Tueking . . How often, :,it tlie de -id of ii:!�,11'. :. f'orecti With 5,000 men. Th?y (4a11ge,QniltlngG­�1e, IP-innicr,Self-Se'ver, Friller.43rddholder. ­Thrend'011cr," (-IlCanfilled witboll,Screw A N OPEN BUGGY. AS GOOD AS NEW FOLDING —0— Ve toss,s nmnd 1%ilt-11 *11'i i's .;.ill, ,lying, stdvi,taiy livts in diop�, banks, or I , nable any person to use .A scatbehind. for Sale chcap. . I . Driver, 4 tiolilmis. 6 Needles, I SPool of thrd4d, and Printed Instructions so full as to e � respvct tile treaty of V'ersailles. Thiers I I L. CAREY, ,_1 �Q%Z_1�0 And I,;t%­; LIS be,l %vit!l :i�lllllg head, � (outiti:,g lioiiscs, are doub tl,L:;.,i niore or tiled a frobli proolaw:ition,. in Which 11"a keep the �I,jeldne lit order. :F :P. -U 3: rr S. W % V lids 1.4§ Every linuil Akeldne is mounted on a lilarble Siall, and packed Ina neatlittle case, and Is sold for ........ $211 00 GoderichMarch 2ad 1871. w7- yi.11" Ii"11r, an scCilis so ill. ' 11 5 LITTLE WANZER, "I'a Iliefill-OL Stand, %vith Tpeadle ........... ..30 00 * At ato I .-,.,S p�ile :111.1 ,,jI_­h! ol' for ). So arti tile . zi 0, wit(, live under ,sucil cooLlitions zillover 0,0, tie bilys that Gen.g. 'NIO.N.1aholl, .Ladlui, 11 .. larvo stand and Wood Case. with Drawers ..... *.*.'.*.'.*.'.*.'.'.*.'.'.'.'.*.*.""', ­­­­­.,'* .32 00 . — A FULL ASSORTMENT OF 0 . I ruult atid ,Jissay , have all takon their ' ',', . :: laixe hair Caso........................ ,............................................................., .40 00 a 1`110 LET, A TWO STORY I I co % How ,,fton, t,iri, wlivil lie e 41a N s, world . But those youni,sters Who have full Case .................. : ........................................................ *. W 00 . house, nemr the Market P" , I - Itil,r--ken word -i Inv ti,-I'L It, LCU I , n commayAs, and Ebut Gen. Vinoy heads . I V111161A, LIM, & ITED. - . Oi a I #Ike car -s f ­r :11 . e hd lytYrls, fol�owed t lie I'low on tile upland farms, or the reserves. I I . - R. M. WAN ZER& C911 Square. Apply to . %N � , .ivcd a wiidcr lile 0:1 tile S�jjtii)jjs of the . . I . L. MoINTOSH. ' LESS RAISINS 1z - I I.....1 -L lilidel's%,li 'I 111to il�:,;I. Lir inleriur, who have had their fill (4 Last ni,,I-,t a correspondent telegraphed I - FACTORY -CORNER KING AND CATHARINE Godencls 20th, reb. 1871. SW52-tf I . 0 0 from Verditilles that tu-ni,,ht a blow is to '. STREETS, HAMILTON) ONTARIO. . - , 0 at I -­�, a I --acii brvatl an] beel'slwiks s:ihce they . - Ono& OF CURRANTS FOWi $1.00 , A -A tilt ill t1lev jv", hor tit . he gi-52, w lit struck which tho authoritTes have reason, 18 1p I - CL E,.Lcil 11%."I't %N lilt ilti ,ivlit ell.alls tit ('.i!kkt- could Nva�k', an I sunifed u the rr -s i busli to believe will resture Paris to 'a lawful mwo rAIRMS tir SALE ' * ISHOW RODWR-64 KINC -STREET EAST. d� __ __ — () 13 pounds of Ra sins:for $1.06. I - T, � s i , 1 " � - a 0,11' ,1: "'. f" �, i i, 11 A�, E t, I thli;". bCt:LZ S lI'0ZIj infillcy, al-ly- ard well— M)MID111011t. , . -1 . . 4 . to � , 0 � . AGENT AT GODERICI OR sale two very valuAble FAR.nf; In the Town ' PERLO of 'all KENIDO 0 Aud t"'Lre L LLMLI.��11 of E00 lotlei'l A 1110 - .,t, ut ,.( licart and rv­.dy ,r I, Ind. .-There uyu 80,000 men now at -Versailles. FlihipofGoderich. For particulars apply to 1111 ". . 1:1 is I .N., ,',-r.l.­ e 1,1'ry fr,�,i, C1jLI11krl1Lnd ; Placards of cutic-entration was �Wrlj- do%vn � - ABRAHAM SMITIK, MERCHANT TAILOR. . � JOSEPH H 11A %V, Huron Road. a � Rlike wn'v ..;;_,!.%, [Iov . Goderich Township GOOD A:ND CHEAP- - . , , . , o it .1 '6,I,ir,,­s, I luay rewdrk, at which many yesterday morning. lite insurgents ' un- Hamilton, Ang. 30tb. 1870. . . . w4-3mos 3 gust 15, 1870 I d3o i ..s a-: - . Aut, I �,S,Lnvq &W, 111111 ip.ot , I W cii. lit w, u',d have distin,_,uiell,-d them, successfully atteniptod. to draw . the Vat- .- � I __ I — K�- A . laree quantity of salt water Hcrdng % � It iS Li-, 1�1_'10, 1114111 'be,,_ ll�* t, � lv,.i- --NIt,aiinq in R;v� rina, X"11 sltiil es troolla mW a trap at Asnieres. on band. , . .- I E�s �a­iiz.7s silould 1�eep litin So." Tile Prussians have established a bat- - HOUSE TO R -'NT OR SELL 'thi, ('0j 117 I 'I _j Ths Largest and Cheapest Stocir of Crockery In town. o - -_ __ . S-tith JI'LlIcs"' ij, -)j,1jjjj jjaqa!�ia . e. tery lit ht. Denis, tile guns of which point - T? ITHIN 10 MINUTES WALK 01� -tf k,n,%%_A-d11 ;ten] i. 0 1 W the C PURT floUSE, containin Goderich Dec. 13th, 1870., sw3 - Callip:ng-iint p.ir*,iei are going to be ,ill toward Paris. s. kitchen and j I - . .1 - ) lILS The Lillie Geonle - 11 U -i k 0 .. -- �L OUND RY ! arden, cellar and w Apply at this I , , IN I - — — 8 room eyLantry. with goo - . I tilt! rl"..'le I I .s-miniur. I . 9 so . i ' office, or to . Th-� 'r I i 11;,, gl. i't, f r ' Ln r - Iviric n lia' 1 1 I-e'�;I­ll IS 1,1111CIL fAVOR'd by I;tdies ft,r this The Power 4of Saliered song.] _+_"-D I 0 I ,I I II. ROBERT WILFON. . - 2 . L,fcl, ilizittitin. . __ CL narr­%V I imi io,!! sm 11 b,;ijd. - . 44 Goderich, Feb. 28th, 1871. sw54-lm-* .,J�I'JIU.;U, d,sj_1Li1I,'NVi:llLn,;aI1 . '%T1)i;1q_fr it.-; blil.l lilt co,ors nre 11:)w in I . - ___ - - C I (W .. ­ _A Hunprian nobleman lost a dau�b- � - I . � W . .� C01 . r - .; r whom lie most tenderly, loved. The I JOWN & rARR L . " ri, -I ,-t th-_, een:rc of 'portlo" Well 9 te "I'. '. . VALUABLE . . a , - A EvI41 A-4o.atisintitioll, . F -A I L ­ . - 0 0-f "i � Circumstance of her death tio-ravated his - -4-:) - I ..... , . h,j; �,'k; � ch, t: Es. - M15 ___� . ,I . . . 4--N i__ � LOTS POR SALE. ANCE I - Elctleaster cu�­iw"V_CTAS, %A 1*01 floumv (Froin the Kansas Dii:lviiii-) zrief, and lie beqame quite inconsolable. � .1, iL4 . NOW IS YOUR OHAN C42 -, I � b . !b . z .� 'Two Vearg passed away, aP Cr , - _. ill I - I ... I (V ^ Dzuk and bblot� a 0 .. I - . . � -BrIttalita road, and about . , , wd I A .d brou ht no I Fql . . . ly was the ,I, . ... L OTS 890-389 and 387 on - *6 st:illjis ;nd wid,j collars are ill rtjle for 4-:) = ­_ . No. five oil Maitland C,.nees W �, I-11 fecli:i,, (it' horror thrilled throtlull the relief"li-s arier sl�ttled dow'n into a fix- M ­ . r :.',�Avi , fjIVff(j41,�?Tj4.r 9-1 I "."`=, �_Vllv_ ra$ L thirteen acres on lot I spring costuiloc-3. C� , I n .. I- - - ... I Ilion in Township ofGoderich. within cue little of the 0 0 til - Z, I _1110A distieftiag niebnoholy, ten. �. .. il .11, ..11.1�;;, ,"..'olli - .!iqi.,I]6i,,tiiii;ll."-ii.,!.,.- ) - .. [E!lliiii�;,,Iii),L;!11!111"1111!1,�tiI _W15 f� 0 Town. For particulars apply to A, bi. ROSS, j in � hearts of tile ni.inj WitaeSSI.S Wh�0 stood' o.d and pi�,_ - . & - o -u I, e -1."q,,;,.1li!' .1N.., 111!1:1.1 . f_*-�k - Goderich. W , ,� �,l lj,,rne se- -; J, Cd '' f; 'g. i�l+"111111.1'1 , I," I _� - 0 1 - L, " arts and Viiiievs; . - ,jincr to a permanent mental derangement �_ _ -Nu" .,..— - - I n , 5 E A ; &:�/ 3 . � - by and saw a youn­ an -1 happy bride n ,,,.+d,,-,STEAM,E NIGINE-WO 5 r, 14- �� C) Goderich, Feb. 6th. 1871- sw4li-tf- 11 I,- I - ade tht Ir ap- - I . * bonat's I.h:iye u1n.ady In, ., - , wealth or PQ . 0 r,,otu sliot down, and without ;lay ap Every moaUs*z,S tiied which' wa , - C; - IM111 � . I pe"Iruntle. Weare alsolavored wi:h the � iiifluence could secure, or on eat nest friend- Z TO SELL .: -- Secufe the L4 . - I-Lo;d L-irne .-hirts." . par-, n t c:iuse, by the han-1 ofa slicali-ing, . J? . � R U mll' C I M A 'N ,,i - . - - sin. A ii.-rry ani j -yt�uS .130111pany ship devise, but without effect. Lying, on _� _� HE EAST HALF OF -LOT NUMBER 8, FOUR . , dss:1:1; - ?5 . �, , rn Ahadow ere th W .. ' h) news Comes.- from Europe 11111 , . MANUFA:CTURER OF Tteenth concegsion of Hullett, on the boundary- � T laz5t eyL.Ilill-, i.1 tl,e parlor his couch in a room draped wi',h black, I . 17ibstance fad t hail ;is4, mbled C� 3 - - �,j - . . line between Blythe and-Walton,post ofte'each way- , 11 �_3 C. - - bonnets are soon to be larg,cr. It is St. Nicholas flu honor to t-ioul wbi ,lit w,ts excluded, he d M _,&I h, ,_ ,el to do ell the li� Goo hardwood; wateredwith a never Mining creek . . Dc;Irl : the union of' two luvin­ hvarts-. the mar- neither smiled nor wept, and j,,y- seemed &A and never failing spring. Also well close by the house 90 I td - . y t'nie for the - Lshiozls to rhan­v, acies cleared. well fenced, 77 acres in all. Log 12301 . I. hite, of Bowli " and barn, a tit riving orchard, 8 kinds ofplums, and they cinoot W,.li be wade SU]al',Lr. ria.,e of Mr. J. C. Fo�J' . �nc, fl.,d frotu his breast. At that, time I'vjara OR I � got 2 If - & 101 PLUAD" R I 14 9 Bi I L LS I E -ants, prars, red and -4 1 �, - I 1-11 y - % . - black white and red curi yellow C4 SeaL--ss kid AeVes arecuutingg into 'Gr'tc.n, Ky, to 31 iss Ruse Bird, of thi-i was the delight of the Prussian Court, . gooseberries. For further particulars apply OL the . 1 31 4_3 �, I favor ag­:%in. 0 city. Father ITonuelly had just perrarmed and oi t e musical world -for her -vocal 'Muley and Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers, premises. TO RANKIN.LAWSON and his Mothet 0 . . - a . - `1 . I Aug 15th, fe7O. �. W30-tf . . . japlint ,e silk-, m -He of s4lk ar;-I linen, tile marria,ye Ceremony. The bi He wit La ratorio and opera. It - — 7 . ." wi�l te much worn -.hi6 L'Zp:i::,,, illso LI!,ck in the pirl.,)r attended by a bevy O� was proposed that she should sing within Thrashi ng Machines, Sepelrators-, FARM� POR ISALE. - Pirlens to Suit the Time- - a n ' 25 . I . iv � gre.11a,linei Xyi-hfi,;ured strIPLS .1 very boautics and merry young Widens. The hearing ofthe afllicted Father, whose grief � - br;_.­IZ ' ir) 0 Uc3irse ]Pow,evs, 13r-ag S'ai*s, _ OT 10, COW. 10, - W. D. COLBORNE, 100 ACRES, 80 .,. _e%,Ir_)rs. i)ratld br:de,-room had b6t j-ist passed [lad now nearly worn him into the -rave, L90 cleared, good dwelling house. frme 22x36, Photographs reduced te �1.00 per Doz, 0 � . r, ' 0 ' ' I Apr�;n-pnlon-dse walking suits are n:)w out to the saloon to rcc,-ive -tile plcd,,es Handel's 'Mcssiah' waschosen I*or the vi-ith a commodious kitchen attached. also good barn W % -1 " _ - I and shed accommodation, good bearirg orchard, well OR 75CtS. PER H_XLF DOZ�N. rt . is ,of his fri' eriment ; and in all adjohiing room IRON AUD WOORIMEly PLOU01S ! . � I. ver f­sl,ionable and exceediz-gly stylish. and com,ratulation �nds, whi-D CXP . 0 watered by two creeks runningthroughthe farm, and , C . y �. I I. C, that sweet and marvellous voice be -an in With Cast or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Ploighs good wells One mile from gravel toad. .5 miles from- juaige Photo aph Reduced in - - . inv ted ,,nest, a Air. 0 1 . -9T � A nov,11ty fur %oun- ladt-,-S is the there (-u,i;r,d an ut, i n it , ' " " " Goderich. For particulars apply on the premises to % Pr M . I , . Thomas Smith, or Independence, who at I Most more than human strains. At - undersigned, orto Mr. D Ferguson, gro.epr. Goduitich. dow . . W3. in�, costume in ,To contrasuri- ealors- !, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, rro innion. - �_ .0 on.ze .accosted Foster. Vc�ry few words first it had no apparent effect on the 1C. STEWART. Also willmake the largest Photographs made in Goder - 3 as hav­ne with p-�le blue, li,ut. green AifnLultural Furnaces, Potash Kettles, Sapir Kettles, Salt Kettles, Wazon,,and Pipe Boxes, ,, August'15. 1870 W30 �sed betwe(ri thtm. A b, standtr nobleman. As .3ho proceeded, he slowly. ft 0 - " -_ - ich, very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar I - A . I with lilao -rey with ruby, bluo, or coral Pa" 09OTrT upwardsat . . . (a - 0 Uverherd - the l'o.lowi ug - conversation- raised hi'tuselffrom his couch to listeD, Z%J.NGt PARLOUR AND -', 1BOX STLOVES. — B. CA,MPBELL'S a c-jior, vic,let with sl.ite, bro%ya v�ith d a r k , LAND ANI) LOAN OFFICE. the menii-in- thereof is sti I shrouded in and tile heart, that had been dead to gf the most iintiroved kindb. Brass Castings Inade, and Blarchmiths' WSrk and Repairin ,Photograph Gallery. I blue, ol Violet %iiEh brorz-� M 9 Goderich Aug. 15th. 1870. 1 wso W story. Fost--r was stalidino- at th-. emotion ll-,,_�an to r,well with the risin,", done on short -notice. Call and see the STEEL MOULD -BOARD PLOUOHS, as you can one7 to T.end on Mortgages, . . . ' M 4 . I At At as low rates ,as can be obtained anywherf. I SF_XRCUI_NG,Z Fult. THE SITE op Kixc corner of the bar when Swi�h sai(4,you tide. When slie cattle to the passag,e. 2et one very iheap for Cash. � � g:311 Lands bought and sold. Town and illage lots X iq_CLOMON's TF-AiPLF--The flon. Rich- do not mean It.' 'I do.' 'Then prep -are 'Look and' see if their be any sorro.v like f1roderich. Aug. l5th. 18*0 VV30 Sale. d and I � - - - I . � - - --- __09201111111? Sales bf Canada Company's Lots Negotiate 10 . ard Vadx, Past E. W. Or-ind 111aster of purself.' At the sanie time he prod need my sorrow,' which was rerviered with a s qf Lands to be seen at the offlGe of the I . I i .9test L%t 0 GARDINER-lik,0o., _. � . I H � (9 the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, A' Y. a navy revolver and fired at Foster . subdued pathos which brom,lit tears into I . � 3absefiber, . . F-4 . .- . V I . IXWIS W. ORD. Market Square, Goderich M., in his valedictory address, stated Turnin- around, rithout a word -of theeye3 oftbose present,- sighs escaped West Street, Gc,den*cb - Ontario Carriage Shnin . L, ' Decem1her 2nd 18". S;vss-tf , yljl that -during the past few yt;ars a scientifio explanation, tha ass d out of from the suff,ring fattier, tt-zkrs the flowed GOD11"UPWICH WOOLEN FACTORY, - Au,g. 26th, 1870. - � = assin walke 0 . - . . - (Hamiltou St., God,er". I .association ia London has vo!nntarily the saloon, putting up his pistol as he floui his C� es, and raising himself to his . � - . M 1 . A BARGALW., � I � .nndert2ken to institute , is-coverics on the walke!l cooliy acrole the s.reet past tile f et, bi! . prustrated himself before a Ora- . (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MIftS) . w . I NOTIVE OF REMOVAL, . . � -sitte of Kin- Solpmoii's Temple, for the court-housG. s - between the cidx. But when the full choir struck the . . ACRES, East j of Lot 29, 10th con. Culrosg, Co. 4 , . , . � ­­ I - I . 0 Tornio. ed ilijs ll'aliz.-jujah chorus, his voioe mingled wiih . 5OBruce 7 acreas cleared and good log house. . -_ R F!rvIerick Armstrong, Land AgLnt. bas itilito"d . purpse oe agoertainit)- what yet remains 11arket, and Court hous� he mount - I N I gins, .Eext , 0 - . Clear. title for '9500 cash or for $600 one third down � his office to 31r. Hugh D I I bul] I of the foundation and supmtructurg of ljorse and fled. out into the darklibess of theivs, aud, his spirit wits free. Henceforth - I . —0— and the remainderin 4 annual instabheaU with interest '-- door to the Post Office. first'a 'F... .d Wild that wooderful edifice. It is beyond. the night, uuwolcsZed, UnparsuRd. Tile he too cou4A Ising of weroy and c fjudg- ;1 . at6 pereent-per almum. . I .. .. Tonds for sde aul Money to Luau en,veryrmoualle I M � I I n ­ �Apply t U. erms . I do ibt that enodak has on(F to bride -room stw­ered backward as he tnent,' camly subuli,isive to the hand that ABRA*TAM bli= � �� GodaricI4 'Nov. �Sth 1870 8W.11841-4- - n CM - 11 . I .-T. 11-N G� 11_j 11 S dk S " W S.) Luisalf,T5 Sept 1870 w33-1.Gt ill erchant Tailor � 1�_j "I satisfy the Freemn in -low li.td switteiJI him. I ason that the sacred and rcceived the shot, and 1'ell upon a w � - - ' —_ — --- I _11. " NOW profane history of this temple is corro. 11rdical atteo-laliCe WUS 130011 - ESPEOTP4 ULLY intimates to farmers and others that they are prepared to fill . YOUR WAYM - - b-,n(.h T . I � Farm for -.6,11e. � bratcd. %'Vhe-i we hear from all.eyc urou the scene, and the wouiidcd man � It 1, sa�,� th-vt the creation of a royal PI) all orders in - . or - ' 51 and 54, Fayfield Conceassion, In tile R. J. WMTELY, SUPPLIEDS . uitness that the stones of the foundatiou, irried up stair�. Ais cries were con- residence An Dablin ill beling seriously .40T:� " which have beea brought to light, are' %inuu,us. His only exclamations being . n t 11 er R00"LL .CARDH`V10- M AARS1 U F A 0 1 U R I INI C., L ToWnship ej Godtiricir-Contsining 68 acres, I still in f4ll operation, and is tummg. out Bliperio —0 . I I - n n : I 0 _h - I . ot these over 50 acres cleared with good Frame - I � .- , : . � ,,� u- t of,: nor is it improbable thn riber having purchasoZ It &oleo lot cf � eqkl:h designated by. a significant mark, -T(Yui Sm;tb, villy did you murder me ?' ajesty will pay a visit to Ireland this Cloth Dressing, Custom, Spinning, Dyeing Satiriatts, Barn, and Log ffouse, about 21 iniles from ; C� - � . - . - . V 01, timber and also having the most appro7ed m&cb, out into e-ich stone, whicit has defi,--d the -0h ' to a marriage - ; ("InL Carriages, , suggies, wagons THE Sabs' %,,Iiy have you shot we L wit uf,'011 m: �r. It is-- reported that ' on. For Terms ol sale apply at The Division . _ inery. will be able to supply any quantity of Q . I , i, ) I ho wa Su m - Courtofficeat .3oderich, orto Mr. . WIqUI N G faUldnds SLEIGHS CUTTERS. I;c. ­ learnim, of the philolo- . t and art I_wolo- tl..is my wedjin-?' I w 8 50ur has been arranged between -the Princess F a -1 -1 -ed ,rqoths, Winceys, Flannels., Blankets 0 the � I � . M . 0 , IVL %.' , —_ TUN o premises. - A numbei,ol first class Bugoes on hand , and for sale PINE AND CEDARA SHINGLES gist, v4e are arliMatcd wan a joy in which, best flien,j amd loved you 1 ()It, Tom, Beatrice, the fiftil dau,,bter and ninth - - Goderich, Aug 16, 1870 w3O cheap for cash Prices of all articles in the line- that a . . *4 only the 31as,)ns can participate. Evvr� lyliv hjvPyou murdered tile It' 2L ha-ity n On the shortest r�otice. P-4rties wishin to exeban-e tteir at-tbe shortest notice aT.d the lowest price. Erelsall- � c1lil,11 of Queen Victoria, and the 111arqui __ . 9 M _wool for good home made, . will compare favorably with any in the County ' effirt, should be niade to coatii,ue -tticsf, , x ' ination ufti e wcuud by D s Milli,an of Ely. is goods, will firid it to tberr- interest to ,,ive us a call. as we are satisfied we have the I I tr_4- Ali w rk warranted so prepared --to pay the highest rrice forplue,or any I am .n The Princess Beatrice iF now in' Z5 . I 0 . I .1 Particular attention pald to Wagon and Carriage Re. other timber suitabie for nulking Fbiagles dellvend *% � Ill . . -roods you require. Parties comin- from a distance with wool in get carded mav in .jrIng the Nile. -.explorations. Free jasons have mos T,qlor, and oth,.lr �uro,eo;is who,e nanjes her fourte th year, having been born on r, 0 1 k - � = Pn 0 uearl;V every instance rely on gptting their wool home -vith them the same day.- rpri R. J WHITELY. PETE R LEOXARD. direct intt re. -:t in tho result. 1. therefore, ive were una-b!e to Icarn showed that tild 1857. John ffenry . JL%IFWN LOTS - Nile, Feb. 4tht 187L - EW48,-M-* Ilia 14th brApril, - Goderich, Au.& 15, 18,70 -.v3O - I invita mv brethren, the Grand M-isterb ballot entLred tile zrbaudcnmea ricar t' -e lFP?1in,rton"Graham Loftus, _Blarquis and I . -A U' WORX WARRANTED. IrTm_ . I ' i' . of the Giand Lod,,t:s of the Unite'! �r,oin, and had g1janced obliq,vl) down- E ,rl of �!Y, wag born , on - the 20th of' I bG� 0 T 0 BE SOLVIN GODERICH. APPLY TO --� -Dissolution of Farinership. � I - n , " Z5 � I Godlerich Woolen Factor . y, � Y7, D. A LLEN. o— . States, to takdsueh action as will supply wards, iodi,iu-. aboat three inulies I`rQm March, in I the year, 1849.. Should .tb:s Au-. 15tb,-.1870 . I wl] I - 7 7 - , 0 � . Huron Hotel. V - — I with materi:jl aiil these explorers, gince where it h -a -d entered. The opiniOn of union be jecomi!lished, Ireland will bo Goderich 1st February, 1871. sw4T-t OnCE, Is hereby given that the?a rrenlAphere. . ej I th3 craft r. ill 1 e rewarded by evidLne,' the-sur-weoris was that '-the wou-nd wa-s honoied _t�e ceremony just as will � Ntoforo el -ting between :CHA tLES CERJACH � � . and WILUIAM H1. ,Fjr3HE R as Farmers In Colbome � I r, e �, . . . - - hasbeen thisday dissialvcd by RutuAl Coraent n 0 _ lau( 5 the marr;age of the Marquis . '. V 1hus grasped rroin the destroyini, powt.r lawy rous, but riot nece"-arily r6tal. Scot ­ 7 �, I. - ,jrE . . YXICiPLENSIVP Ail Debts owingto theiiaid parttership, aretobe I & 0 LB0111, - L411 patI to Oharles,Church who still rellilitna1e2e. AIL oftime, centirmatory or many of our Tho sc,-he in tile pallur"-was bi-yond or Lorne �ith the Princess Isodise. The '.V;� NE H 0 Na 0 . `i�F-Ili K� claims against I sai . Ni'llit it- 'lot be we,! -lescriptiou. The fair and eleg,;tu Iternat U V ' . wboini,the Fame wHI be settled. esoteric teachin;�s. n tlY Marquis bfEly resides a ely 'at P1 A N 0, 3 9 M- -, , . NEW PREMISE'S A partnership ere to be prmloted to . - . CODERICH. - Charles Churcb�by for thoge Past Grand Masters Nyho tak, auired bride, stri-Aen down in her griet L,yfi us A'41' W10 -12t_41, I n - , County- of Wexford, and . March %th, ISTI . MELODEONS) � . - FOR SALE. an interest in this subj,ct. to unite iii and horror,was sn"ounded by her brides Ely Castle; County Fermanagh. . I _2111 . � Securlll!� meaus to eff-et'tbis most de- - HOUSE ORGANS) , . I i 0 H!N PELL GOWDONS . maj& and relativos. Here' and there �� . I CHURCH ORGANS, : 19..- MARTIN, Froprietoe. 126 ACRES OF BUSH LAND IN I �� J, - Fir -bi object ? The symbology of llas:- -vere fair girls lyin , —1 theeminetdNort- I HE T I OWNSM,P OF COLBORNE 7 MILES YROM . �, � OTIcE is H I&Rr�BV GIVEN. THAT J. B. 60)11�.- . g.prostrate and itisell- INTIL. Ru"WARD NTIALL)- Piano Stools, &c., &c,, � , . — !, . j I Ndon. Barrister of Goderich, Is notuy agmt itud oz.TV isa most intaresting s.uAiy. Tile si ,le from , fri.; tit. Sobs and whispers c6riforritist['preacher and ivriter, hasalven TGoderleh. For parriculariV Apply to " , - Ci I n Manufactured bv the celebrated Finn of J! - h6 no authority to re2elvezinyM01101 fGT =810rVu I - I . � i I - tru-hs wh;ch are, bidden under ill s, �ero the only sounds to be heart). All riotice in the Honse of Commons that on Good Accommodations. Ample Stable . W. D. ALLEN, Huron Hotel my account. . _- � gymbf.ils may yet receive renewed lifu it) was sadnc-ss and-griet wherejo ' atid gle, Ehe 18tb .ustant, immediately after the R. S. WILLIAMS & - CO., TORONTO. Room. 61 Goderich 12NOv., 1874, . stw �� il 11 I 3). NeDONALD. 11 . . � - y , utes close rif the Easter holiday adjournment. The mostextensive makers in tile no . mrWon. . - . - 11� I i �11' - - Toro&o 31st March 1871. Awst-211:1 , a resurri:06011 Which would corifirm thl ;,ad, resigned supreme not twenty mi ' — K�r This is admitted to be a First class I I'll 11 � � I " I*aitb of the fraternity. I would earnestly b --fore.. Tom Smith is now under in hq will tnovef�rtbajdiSest,ablishrrtent of [IF undersigned' begs to intimate that he has teen house kept in Good Spyle. � 1-1 - the Enolish ch'trob. , Some sixteen years Tappointed agent for Goderich and the surrounding � � , _ � - N(IRWAY OAT. . inv-te "or tills subj�ot the early and . August 15th, 187'0. swl-tf — � - - _ - 11 . - - diatment lbr,robbitsir Stone. & Thornton'., ago :he..so moved for tile disestablishinent conatry ofthe abovejustly celebiated firm, and is pre- 1`1� li� � . ------- 0 1 . pvacticalconsi-leration of the distia �uishoa B,Ink ia,1867, oa . pared to sell,all articles made by them, at'. I SUBSCRIBER RUBIDINGON LOT 29,0W M Information g.ven by - 6f the Irish church. Tben, as llow, Ills f1ANUFACTVREft!i§jPl31UES- -6 - : * ` ' THCEOU. Tuckersinith,'has ior sale a la te �Vntity of - brethren to whom I now appeal for Effort Jim Crow Childs. h3tilith �has been a motion wad received with lam,literaiid � ­ MONEY the celebrated N.)RWnY CIA78. 4�_, lif �11-" . � . - I SamV. f -a may lie seen and terms ascertain!, "4'- [ -i TO LEND AT LOWEST I ."'till ! - � Harrison, Early Goodrich. and Glcuon FOXATOM, to this end.' i efugee fr9iti justice, in 0anad a, for abor t ironical cheers. The probability is that RATES. NEW -CABINET ' ------ . . C bat recently returiied Mr. kliall wiH not have to wait sixteen Ware -Rooms, West Street. . . . .1i i f� � or beed. which he will sell for 0,00persInglabdshe2 . - two years, hoving � I . DANIEL GORDON. . - . - .41. ; q;, Aud person en bashels or upwar& M J. B, GORDON9 AND - I .", ;.4 ,purchasing t , - . I, , have A poor fd1low, w4use Dame was Georire Hj_ e.p years in: this instance for his motion to I IT � them at 75c. per hushel. The Norway Otto A% - .. "Kiel �,,r, lying ii, prison, under ae..tenLe of dealh to his home at Independence. I I . Godericb, An.- 15, 1870 W30 � if , tme to =me and free It= other sem. . I . . - - AND ATTouls-EY AT LAW .1, 1; ; � .tve carry- \ - - , BARRISTER . in Kiis', Guor_­ s rei.,n, sent h:s majesty ture is vlonsidered boubcfuF We h - - --mil.- I . UP.H0i&TER%1NG,S10P!I EDWARD TMM'S been unable to learn the eause that 61 to * AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, . . __ . . �, the fAlowing simple but earnest petition- Lor It is a grod, sigin-of tVe Aimes to find Extensive'Iffew I WEST STREETI &UP91111 Jan. 20th. 287L W,-24 . ­ . pardoW 0 - this deed of blood. The whole aff-iii that the old Bqnk of Uppe , h AND Premises - - . - G ODERICH. . . --- -, - 1.��' I . OPPOSITE' BA,ATK OF MONTREAL, C, I . Ceorge Kingti: Xinq Ceorge riMains unshrouded 'in a wil of mystery. been able'l o� d*sptise of the red estate with Goderlqy, March 20th. 1871,1 wir-tf­!, ,N, I I � -, � ][).A- VZS I Seads his hunl6le pqtition, . � . vilhicli it had bee . orne encumbe ed to such I RPLENDID TVEW )SIVOCK � GODERI01H. ­ . a A � L, . . Houbl- Kin, G"Orgfe vVill Pity . . advantage.as. to enable it to pa ' ere long, I Notice to Debtors I . 3EIC .,6L 93 ZURICH, co..HU40�i � - . 0 � . , . I .� . . I 1. � .. . I - Poor George Kin -'s mudition, T11E 'nkswuu 0_,vATQ'UE-:r, nriff less than $300,000 ofthe d t due by .Z� - . -1 . I . . IHIS DAY '. ­ - And if Kin; Georvc to Georve K;ug - , it J�o ,the Dominion. This wonld ave been ) . . 11 . . REKOVM � D A LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE LATE PIRMS ERIC MOKAYy JOEW P44NG, -r I.- . _TQ I-I'T S Will irrant, a [on,, day, � Washington, April 10. -Earl de Grey's imppssible� had matters 'renlailIll as Stag- ' 0214 i26 am 'e-- and Robinson & Howell, are � 111ii np,vcoziet�T_? � , ,M of Robinson & Tat - reiluested to settle tip with lite on or before lit'st Do- CTFULLY AN- speee4 at ttie I'slazoute barr.litet, last-niaht, nant as they were at the itrime fjts fail- , nounce that he has . �_ George Kin, for King Ge, rge .t$ . ate a1l ace6unts vrill bill - � � 0 1 . - ppositii Forever will pray. - - ued. - . I . � was con%tailtly ititetApted by the applause -tire., ant a great cliange for .6 better I - Q.*.Barry & Bro, and save coits, as after that d .Z.h.bluthe above line, on West �Strcet, o , - - � tht Bank o0lontreat, where he wjU keep cp4f4AA ly . " (Im MOID This house is fitted up .wIth,QVe1f.j(i0llV0niftc8 fQ I 'bisauditorz;. Ill .response tothe ad- has only has the � . Wm. ROBINS . ON- on,haudiormaXii to Qrdqr . � ( TOUS the travelling public, . . . - Such. a p6et wws noi; to be bari-ei Hi- of set in, under which not Vabine-f Makers 'UrldertakeTs & Wood . I � . . mlijt sly acktiuvAedicil the wit by ,-,turai�, -.1ress of welcome the Earl'm de a neat price of real estate gone tip, but - 2 I Unre . I- � . I C ) -a - the l5ossi Godertch 12 Dec. 187T SW33 GoodStablin atten, . . � . . � 1. . . ,FU .--- 1016ING !."-. I W15-4 Turne s,. RNITUR OF ALL I NEW KINICK "S' V5.1670. I - a iiull and Lee pa; don. speecill, in which 'he congrattilate-1 the bi.lity 91�effoctin& sales. itlereased ten -fold. ' . I I - . IB aNDS W9 � � . . tp - I - - . I � . - - world on the orighteniug prospects -for a 1�, . - if ' Having on hand an assortment of Upholstering SDAN*S -_ � - � 11 . X-X.ALM3X&WNc>jV' g5rM. e v -*1 be pqepared to fill propilptlyall orders (NEARLY OPPOSITE F JO 1� &,molete iiiiity betvivean. the tw"o The Amberst Alumni in llostmA, at their Have removed across tile street to the store upict door material, It DRUG ISTORE) .LNJ I I A Mariled V7oman Uoas to S01I001 � Ill Ore inthatlitle. RS,i, VAY& 110ZLEL - t ,great English speaking com, ilitinities. recent dinner, Tnade th-emisolves, nier . � � � - 1. �y tolTul. Acbeson% Harness Shop, whe;o wlU be,found Maitland Salt W ell 113- A quantity of Gilt and Roselwood. Mouldinp on Convenient to .the Market. Iff to X ET Fr3- - - I __ . -1 . � . . The Men�phis -Appeal' sayk The love � I .. .- . -ithnitt the aidt.fiviiier, and, until the I A GODD ASSORTMENT I - .- � ha4d. . .. . - - . -1 . . Two - . � . . - - - . t oflearair- i-1 some minds dois not di,- � Free- lAove and 1111-Arder. . v�ry_end of the feaA, without eigars, I . -"- - ,, I V � " I I wine,glasseg wore placed at each of the one *.of,Kitohelj, Bedroom, Dintlagroom, and Parlo; Fur __ ,� I I Picture - Framirg t6 Order. HiS ,, t,oek of St,oVeS &C, tr4DM Seaf9rilk tq � � out after marriage, %nd perha' n't unth _.b." . .1 I - - , ON the direct road I � - 01 - ps 0 . - . 1111ndred and ., altare, such As - - . I S . --Walkerton, E very negenary iseppra: . r T � eight or ten plates, but not. . TABI�]33' ' . . � I - I 1-3-lHe trusts by strict atterition to bqNinuss to TE - - � L dca'.k. Thcre is a little person ",th l'ing' , An extraordin'L& seene occurred in,a San . P I - �_­_ I mer a ahoire, of ptxbUe patron�lge.W - IS LARGE -A C6XPLE t4olifafm tor ;he �r4velljng pgbllil. f - . WD1 ­ . I � CiSODL "' ea - of-th(iin wds used, One ,slamuns said - E5,11,R8 (hair, cane gndwoGa se4te . - - __ - � . - -YTHING,IN - L r ,4) - -_ - I Godeld4. Aug.. 16. 1874 - 2041 . I - I - ­ - qe, and watet- � Fran eaurt ,durin,; the trial of the t , "Another, 'I should like. a glass of wine, - BOARDS - -1 1*1. . I � - I - , , Va' - P'Tl� a wil' .. by I.Jeecting ki. , I . l - . i flixen hair, Straight, thia,no. V3 .. � -_ , b IN WANT OF AN - g&NWAII DAYS. . 'blue eyo Rn ho r BRDSTRADS � ,- � I I I&Z4 I save in ey ,_ __-�_ � --- - ,;,attend _­ ourcityac 11701111110 F�fr fb -the. murder of Colonel bat it 06, ld-n.b- . - -_ ­ -11 . y . 11 ,be in md'od taste here! WASH S�ArJDS ' . . � pfore purchasipg-SINflwheri I . I . 11 �ear. Her-' t - � . . I �1 I . . - I i ato.ek b ­ I ­ -_ - - - I Who, has been war. led over a _Oriitenden., Alie.testified III ha 6wa be- 4his'admiiable, example is w6rtby'of imit-� � , X4-TTRE88h,FJ , ' ,, - . r . -_ . . I �_ _E . I ., . . . - . . � I . ALL KINDS OF 100 W. ORX WILL -; ,Comm jgkjjgo;ejk jtcjjVjjvfW =4 har &aFq�,d man (th&t'iombined half, admitted -Itavirq, &ea married a ,atinn notionly, ab'Altillani dinn�rs but o- I � LOUNE8.1 I . L - . ill I 821f - � I I -1 , n - � � . � 80FA.S. � � � . � . . -1. . - , -DONE IRE SAME AS USUAL. t , z . ere - ____ij � ; eir atflat 85 ars),eawe L,era- from A'- 4, Mwed the -most ad- other- festive g _. _. . � . -_ _L.'�� � a- ye , nuiubtr bf timef . I . athbringgs. ,Tbe carilul I - . - I � I - I � ., i_ . to partake 9 . - . . I I I I ]Peed ! Vee Goderi . 6 I . i1voidailce", of ill incentives f - ' LOOKING: f 11, . d I I I - uly� 7870 wW -.ma, shoctVafter tb - ade on&, vane , WHATNOTSi . I . � .:lb. my were iu . ed free love Sentiments, and- declared I � - . " . I 8 I . . I . � . - 1.�pelff,-M.tteiidenls true Wife in the,'4mht. in' I � . I . . . PLAITT'S PAT, E.NT EVAPOUTOR, � ­ ­ OHN HICKS, - Tbis is A _- . I intoiicat' 9 dri0m on tho e Occasions w I 0 10-- �ey wira ,jollslderobly ann ,ed at first' .. i GjLT FRAX[ � . propriptor, 211 oy - - I 1. . - � n ' Nr*. . . I . - � . I - . . i . ;argeslaud bestpDalutry Half -W . - * g *ureatly- b,ellp,to pionlote gelierAl sobrie . - . . � ,I & 'ister , - haF, . allor(lod. fl-�r last marriage -she r-aR, did * 0 , 1. I *-G. B 1-:01 ate ' . prepamed tg� � ,sell 6verytb,jljgjt# . � I - I I I . . . , ­ . . X T -T S rX IM -80:s -V-p - . ty tba bnll,y cl m5of unscrup,fdo 0 __ � . x __10 ,aazda.and unitj . � I ZiI � � �� _' . I - - -thair 116 - I . . . . GUI NN EES'S . �ez .as moderafolilis .aRy lieu* - � 11, 110j,arding hatzpa L-eep,-r,%, and *eta -Uept I not awL-a the man'she married hil-A h1s. � "� . - �, - . . . I - . � I - . - ' . I , . . . - I � � - _� . ­ - I ,aMttehell. Stage.Proprietor. (jypdsfcj:Ihzgfoj- . I . . - - - The, Ziggli.,n Whig � za� 9'-s C'There Te - . . . , AT - .1 P d . - �� 11, ba-_ � � are . '. ZaSbi, I . � � I 0 .1 . 001forses norsexaft CiarniqgAilfft flile#04 . - ' ; . . I T.-noej-jr, - flyouna rjL-e a 41oa,l ia� - a 1�.Ie nil, beciusa, she did' nut lowr him. 9no mjuio� bu.shels oi grF.2T­*aa4y_.Ioad.- - ,Cheapffor. . .I I %dtjce* 14:7 - I . - c Thefra s- �rufm*f'o'u'uv, struq'ge- , 'top Sa, , tvi,re eda � t Chicago fb� tho 'Ea. t. . Buffa 0 , * N. B Aco'mpl*eteassortr#entofeoffll)saglSbroudw' . The underalped. is prep�ed te? - - 4 Strachain"e.- .UDLEBRATED'DUBEN POR _ Saioftallitl .� - . orwind for same mont4& Finally, -lub,w- '00,ephard � . - 4p�, ro - 41101 . I . � I - - - ­ . I . =ys1Q0aR,14R4 a ffisarse to Nre;anoareasoarblp I � TEPI& - . . . �, . oa th� m ' - 'i le � � . : - - - FUR$ SA, ii - . I I � I . �i - , - I Bi ns aver, r,eaoa sen! I ill ,a tv 4D arlplanddd- t,y.a.vutuber�:Or fetnik­t' in' receive th-4 liou"js sliaie". but We6n . I . . . . I - A, up 11 qlt * . I I I I.. - Nf - -"-"- . I . i � I 0 - SALT - - -Age in a 4- . al ey, where antity.ij hold. 011.1can- I - I � . � . I 20-4ONS 01F Bn 911ORTs: * ­ - i � -0-P .1 ourt, � Here we have anothq, i*-,st4nce� � I aillsn-r lunt, an . I , - raujl;i��!J. eott, . ba ._ ,COO 'OLI . ' . I . T1 S ­ � . � A'CAUA GIT1411j, . TAPORTM - �B'j C11EES Jj . - tLey pall live eberip. ,Qhe Uad bqj�'_ goin­ where,free to, e z ud . taurder g - It -,ad in I w . ill, co -nits to King'sto". Besicle t.'* great . � I - . 4 � I - I . . IN ANY� Q1V.�NT1T,r-.&T'=H � -Xidling.b) ,- DIREcT FRO31THE XLNUVILCTUlt - i2jiZo _4 _ V I I . . It �o tit.r0i'are. are ' , ... __ �(Ioddjilcjt. 1.6 . .1 I 0.4 ,. ­ I - I , I . - - _L or, and sold e*tremelylow by �; - I - . -of mt!sithsf. ar-d hand. 1,11051, -*lla. in t1lis comillunit , Vall neatly' to . I Ulion , - . I . I I ., . - .� I �. .. I � .. . I I - � � ­ � I .. � - I � . 1� . I I I - __ I � I . - . 31�d - 0 -W le ig t - ' .9 � - W'-, -� L ': . . - � ta cer;cai f9ra eclujile ., I y bushols in J049.4t Chiongo t ala I ..' I . .. . ILI I � � _. � . IP 317- ILA3 e -.I .1! ,, jMWH THEN JW.11 . I . 91.0111GE GRANT-# CRUCRi, , I I I . . . I I I . � ­ I .1 I C_ �. - . 4 wheaevor the weathcr,is �ua her Nub coulAteifiallide ar.4 advoe4ta this 15.1tockill-i, million mQrWth,An were. jal 'store it - -the - ­�'FREDE;R10 I � ­ . ­ .. �. _. I WL78T -SID39 Sh'UAIM 66.,Pk:�WH She I � n1ka-m , I - . , - K Al[�M§TROXQ, - - X THE ABf)V,U WEW - - - - ­ ­ . phara Stf I pegro S.,,m=* goal out ta wer 'llree -nny, cougraldlate same� date la4 At �ijt __ - - - FRO � - .,� % I ". I � ell -cheap for Nub 4- . I - axlwaaj . hir ,wkh doetrina ot . I , love yo . Thi� inoreaze w ! - , , - , , I . � 4 * .. . � - - ED- � U - - � - _. - -1 ­ I . . - . I � - o i ODS , 60 IIJ4 3 "Of)". themselves up�;rttlie pointithaart;ughad jead to the ' IL I,b Annul �. - ! I . - - : -1 - I I I I .iil : PRICE ONLY $1 PER 001. 907R98 :dR0C)&99j 6ODS � , . f about 3 0!�104 ia tile 001% � � - I greatest - activity ift. grain - U , G .J I I ­yRu xv.�- 1. - -.1 I -rnd6jjCll;';4n' 16,L�1871Q�� - .�fi I I . . I . ' - � I -1 . I I -1 I I 7 1 9 I -1 - � . , . � . *W3M ­ L ', . - . I I I I 1. - 1� js as etmow.. as luteresti;1K to- obsery ia VaIjibran.-X. Y. Zurafcl.,! - - . freight.s. I It is expeote4 vesseh .�WU re� .- . - _q.!1W.1'DEWn0RA - �, been re.app6ioted salb isgoals at . . . . �_ ` ' Ayag Af 0 � I - - - - 1. ' '. . ' I - ' - �. . ' . - - I C, 'Xin, � � SW sw.i G�0k30P:Wj-tj:0 a' - - I 1 15 1 '. . � I - . 1. � . - - - I I um& bairad modier ,ezehan-­� h.,r ceive, 18o to aptou, -, Alread PrQVej- . i , __ - �, � t' � �Goliericb� WR- _. sh fl,�vn - M �, ... � -.4— - � I . .. y -, -1, I .. , . .11 , - , , - � _ . i'_ * ;1 i tJ -Goderich fdr ite 4ile'of *6 ,6elebmted . .. � � lers t I � , � 11 In �Ypa . CIMPP'VE .-- - . - - I - )JL � 1 - -1 -­ * I _�, � , I - - . .0Tj IJLNF & 11 EIRIY CAM, 90LI 'I Exeter FAdtory Cheege.; , - _. tl;e ban i a arrive.are being engalged at� 16o. W4DNiE:.V ro"T'j@ 2_ . I � 1. . - MTED - . dleorshalff" . . 1. � 11 . - __­_ I ,- - I - I ., _L , -& tlie, -U.yof - ­_-� I TqX�9 L , I . � . . , I . . , �,) Is and, sliti f4yr ' - ?da�ny hundreds.,of girla, fix -"W- 0 1 - : Agent vir-tho Cinatildit, Lan ,� d j�e'jjjt L . I ' . . I 2iodal &tkldo Itippili a 'At ttb Fattort I LA.RGIR QUAN- I lk I - _ kute - - . -tj�yrofCO.T,DWOOD. He now ore to. c1top, __ 1. i ­ - wMi a f.-, flog out�nofait- at 068',rtit . I . I dell df'643-6o., an � jj1djR_WANtS 11 - - I el � , % ae P -'o , , I 6 vhni; '- Th9v latosttL iorolty iii firuoi-als ig I to . ­ � � pers; T110 V.. � o9a io'r Bottle -pj,;jdp6. - - - I - 'r, tqP,b-.erV,Ct lat , iLhe T(i ' . - " - � . ' ' I To I . - -, . , their juarriage for the - date -a . , T tfle, , lay �-I)er'#Bulllrll�g,L§8,Vlngg'audluvekltm,eutijo d `toftre4asei: � A ,ugsci b- Had !n- W e5m�-,V.. It !, -4�4*"-ffvfln t - - o � ull 4 - - I L_ 1, 1. . W, , . ,* a Tiltr _ , j ­ -11ar4ldis of Lorne * la -i iftdted,to I at, prin r�sieh ciaipat around id I , � '.6'""-0-0 L -. - I � : 'afeVreents1i er.per cordthan has been paid ,yet br . 'Ll , - - U � I . � ., 1PM"LVXj2,W '_r_4=0X' L JS .,e I � I I . . . � 191, L- - 1-,0.1_ .'­�­ ­�r�-.� r(A ufIor tte mullipliud I .aj 11 I . on I - . . I . . I ' ­ ­ ' - � ues&j�ouise. T.hora would have I ivelle(I -k� bueldew Urar -lately . bewme -, , L . rxo0j) �SALT WELL. . � .� Any bne. _. L I �. I I . - ; - - q " ; I nore I L � Ckb*rt -F - I I fe"j, A�d It VrAeS 8 , � � I ' I 310TEL9 PROMPTIT .SUPPLIED I SHEPH411f) & STRACHANt I - . 'i Usses fof ihe tsoiiwl as t6e-i UN &j�F'IIL 1, I if thc:e had been' wore young inCii inelin. Und ,ateilts-ta�%jotit, b4to A if with b4ildingaerectedi Pre ;0 - . - R. HINCK& . I I , -1 , . . .� 'L - e 0 1 �J.r) -BI : ,­ ! , . � - . - I � � - I ,I - . very fazllicjn�Wjo 'hilailies, house filip*�* Collected , L ,- - - -'price I I - L4N'AL I . Lot It 4tk,con. GodeAch Townt1p, � T.0- =i,xialthed f4vor, day afia djyJ ji 4- "juatibiviniiill. , � . I . _r - I . r ' . - . , I I wit,11 full, jayelculgirs,und .. . � I L � � I . - . . - L 1WV , ". . . T . _ -- -V _ . - ,Qoflerkilift)L43,1870.� 1*1004 jj;Ode*4,b.,,j5 is- T� -, , .. . _. � I _ . b , , .0111i". . � I - ... L -7 4 Q., . _� L- . , � '�_ , , -: - � perso v . . '__ �(;41'1�ylo .&Itg U+1810 L . J)"., '%,,18-1� �- ns,kf-, . � � .1 - . . . , I . Gbdsrich, Ut Feb.1-STIs . W&q�; , - '20 - -1 , - I - - 1� . -1 I . . . � ' ' ' LOW'- � . ' I I � . z I'' � � - ', - � ­ , - I I � � $ , I . . .1 � . - I � I .L. t' ' ' � I I . I ­ . . 4 ��, I I ­ _, . - - .1 I . . 1. . � - . - L . 1. L � . I., I . . . - �' . 1_. I .1 I I - I � - . - - L . - . . - - - ., - I � t, I I - . . , � - I _� . I . � . .� . .�, -L L I . L -,%-, I I I I - . .. � � . � � . i � � L . - . I':_ � . ,---- - I ... I I � ..L I � . I ... 1. L - L_' : . ". �, I I . I � � .. - - L . - � - I � L .L � . . . I I . ­ - . . . . - . I - I A E I __ . . . I . ,�x" � . . 1� I I I �__._� 'L : .1, 4_ � - - . - I . . � � . . . ." . � , - - � - . - . . I li I . �, I � . � I . . .1. 11 I., .. . I.. � .1 . . � . _ �1 - I I � .. - - 11 . . - I . I I - - I - I . - � � I - . - , I I , L . I . � . . L ., -� - - 11 � . . � . I . .- 11 , _ I . I : .1 � I . � -, . � . � . . . . � - ;� .- I - I 1 14 - .1 - I . 1. . � . � - L, � I . I . � . _._., I _­- � . L . . . � � . I L . �� � - I . � . . - �, I - : � - ' ,� ' I _ ' L L - , ' - '­ I .. � . ­ i � , �,, - - I -1 . I I L L . I I I . . . I I . I L . . I - � � j . I . I I �, " r � L I I I I . , - I , . � I I � . . . � .. � I . . . I . L- � I � - L � I I I . . I � . I . 1 5 1 . I : - 1. I I . . 'L . . . � I I .- . I - % . L * I . . I . , : _� I L _. - I , . . � . . I I V - - I . I L 11 - . I I I - . - . . . . . . . . . . . � . - . I - . I . - . 4 , - . � . _� tA �, , . . . , - � - - . � ,; , L I f I I - I I . I - I I I , , I I I � . L I .� - I . : � . - I I , . I I I . . I _'__ - I . � � I - I . . . L' . - - I . . . I I I I I I * I I ___� ",v I, Z-%�, r4s qj� — I 1 -4M *: , �� . ill, ! L * .f � : , I . . I . - . . � -L I I I 0 . I � L L L � . . , . . I 1. . I L . . . - ze r - 01� . � � i . I , , I ­ �. , . - .� � - I . I . I I . � I . � I - . � . � . . � I � , . . . I I - I I - � � L . I . . ;'% ��, � - . . � ,_� � . . � . - . . . I ­ * , . � . - - . � ; 1 4 - � �11 � ,;� _.' L i- : -04, I I I . I I I I I - - . : - � . . I I . - I . . I . .� - 1% . I � . �*, .. - I � - . . . . � I I I k I . I ,A / . I . I _. I ­ 11 . I I . . . . - - - . 4% V I . . .. � . I . � .1 . - . I I L . . . . I I L z� .. - . . . � . I I , -, , I ;, - .. ,4. .1 -2 . 4k . I . . I I . . . . I I - - . 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