HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-04-13, Page 67
Whom tgaie the.mie, of the bau. Jnd 0 .1 001)RAICAIL T's4rif8m. P. vo.
it by, itis- qq�ri ot G Mat 13eltafn -and Ire. JusT AlituvElf—Auy.
wairinflormed Oat the 1-rowdieg'"were 6-lef. 7. ATS
4L�%- 11ts g fill; one by the, Riulperor of Bragili, ons ky dress -goo s, gloves, hogiery TS
in Or a rMP aV T. S. IT
t The dil-s Red Aprltlotli, isn ESTABLIS =-CLUB
and Stim
Auy at, Members of- Mr H-cDonigh's own !dmily.
the Presidert A18 Republic *I'Switurland, $tA1# Of OW40*0 'We and rb�dy,.-niarl'a clothing -at D.Ferjusun!i. T= SUBSCRIBIZHAVM
I 4y
V as a a arce to attend there 93 a
pal4tint -bRllft RMTbii,,-As the sk"t U always roo �to
and one by the X109 Of lliahy- 1011 have long WAT, CAP,*& Y'UB STORP,
OtI1,1 ]LS7]L mission shall meat, in Washingtion *1thin stir with constable, and ptit down this rowilyhnn, and, ailvoeuitat�e iieopies rWhtsil bopa'you willallow ma -now
regret, and" ftere will I houth Mr, M, DpItagh."livular as be does a Mau p4ei In its cc er, -,04"West Side, 31aikettq
mouths after the ratification 46t this collivren. glaa 0.1aa tbeni Ifflums, to express !by Opfalan,la In the newlibiffiding, -erected by kimself2 Isattumm
be a spCial ill Tuesday 25th
,mmissitia shall decide the re. iiow . attracti thtj fIclious itt ' - close toltbe Hal� should bov' laid 'in illf0r' regard to the 33rd, Huron BAttialOn Ifrg4ftpellal,'and
Au Expiring Colam ition. tion. Irhe C� Out= 011 for the benefit of the Sabbath School., motion against 60 parties who!" be "0 duuht Company No. -7 in I'Aftlet,*ar. As 4hq,-thmCforo11r JS NOW RECEIVING 0D WIZI OPEN
ility of (bvitt Britaiwinvach cam, and -ia =413 awzrd =Tb
d theIndethilitylbilt tn1kv-b_e'r0uIId PPO our Towlt fail., At jilctleit Rbsolar, TxmPP_uwxuaL1coTujts--V.r. KePendrieif knew, had -,th�lft,punished, I thought it aimmaldrill Iq arIfrr�und.01Xce1uQr0.sVdbo flame for the Inspeaflon d 40 puillie, 'On
We expect nothing 16at vernem from the, "war 1, -me Of the authorized agents ON110 4. 0. betlei to shut the holl--even against such oad sinesir of our young county will pitch ttietr tents
rxer. If eit, er of tire threv vowtbre last.men. mcetil* alflat -bodyion-Velday,28th.
'Sfar. Tti, all-sm '�its rejected favurlt's to, iioned fail to appollit c6thulissioners, the 0. G. T, will lecture oll Teipperafice, in de6rable meetings as those that have been oil the banks of the witle-mouthed Maitland (whicullor On Saturday the 4th -day Of March, 1871,
it'st, th"Ill"11140,11114981; ifilisoussion trio Basolikent ofthe WesloyanChurch, 1,41d tlieA.:-Hll I brought the matter before beautiful scenery =notbe silrPaeseil.) 1writfto0ay ads X
into pnliti;N)l oblivion with eveji� vacancy ell:111 bLs hile"I by the Kin-, 'of gwe� will n6 doV6 Caps., and Farnioif?W rer b"aught to
a i�nship Council, Thosabjoinedl#her -that I think it a pity that say liquors are allowed to
0 _�arpest aud best Stock of Hats,
-ry- den and Nonxify. 1 )0 the XOort, which- the ihis Cgues,I&Y) vgl)ijlgOa the To besoldto themenon the grcpad�l- it helps to der consisting of the Neweak, StTkN Of
-an approach to dignity, Would be contra ConventionJ told the
F vurth—lu case oI Tacrumv it) the loom. Harbor Com, ittee was inst,ructed to twilr A-249 WrsT &RnTs Hood is will AM that 'It the '43
-uth about the matter and that moraIJoetbomwhUe6u4zatanditdoemuotiooicvarynico
to its nature. T.> puevent.laini front evur invarnished tt -GaU9AU4aU FaShionable SMC� A; j3ear4aj.
M.S8.011, tl;o vzicaney sivall 6 filled in the prepare and, ubmit. -We tting uut,fr?A,)Ijl the bligh hard md soft V DagUoh, Now York, . ?I a
-emergisig ag in fr�.ni t1yat oblivitni I is the i Alliak the' go it, it,. W About Mr McDonagh's are entirely bus. reviel� ft� to see even a few staggering in the igical app-Autmellt, map ajtb off these streats. %Z1_,ZCt:CS t -
e. tnann(-r ai tke or,, -causing annoyance and allusion. itaas.bya
8a runks, CA ein e -se,
L-lubtirs of the Comm'611101 shall Oouncv,ir cherigh uired, atfid. he -has now on false. 131 gublishing thii notg and the ac- -knowleage of drill, and strict military' dtsLl#- + HatS, Fur & WOW Felt RatS
,task it is now applying its nor ow witid to atly'expectatioa4 400 will be reci 11 perfect M
ompan)ing letter from Messrs MeDonagh I 31cat 61 n
tie that, the russians su guipkly conrinered ins A%anwn at-;.oniplish. We re ra not to be 4pr4adieA in o4varice. that t will build dock,accomo. the grounti. over half thei lquantity iteces A 180, Silk.and Ojoth Caps, of the latest Stylob and Patterns fdr spring
,quite suro it Dir be sivo go�ernm rinlent of and Symington yGn4ill db'iLye, French. Maccurate-shooting Is now the giandest nn e isf trying the expi A-2, this Stock has �eea made specialty to my ordez� andaslclaint tObaVe llthoronLl 'of It IMMOG
a ad to decide each cla,fair evideure present. sary. ;H achievineut in the art or war. I think, it possible. we 11 Gibson's, election could -hmve %een'l dation for 66ould at- once disabuse planting protty -large tiees,' by which -.it Yours obediently, ., 'WK. YOUNG. should bve more targot practice, And while It Isthe knowledge -of the HAT.and CAP business will be able f(with the Jurge -and -varied sto A to them, toing0aided. howtver, by thl fe2t 12
I ow, of r minds o thikt idea, even thougli we successful, both shade and oritament vill er each company to vio with t1is other in keepilig have on 'band asia -amebutinually W2, Cut V.0
with th 81 1 rule laid dqwn in *the 111rdt astiele , I this tU be secured almost skonce. 12=1 rifles bright and in good order, I dont think It the tria -e:ied prok-st wouldereno -touveutfou, lianiely. that a aut'uu -that bre way be 611tit: ad to h. jVheu John La CAKLOW, March 30th, 1871. , fair that soome viilqgL- companies should,befurmshed EYE AN]). rIT T= HFAD OF THE JL0$T
ha7e been, it. W, --therefore, raspou ible for depreditim commilted on a. TA1T0RING.---r'W0 Would CXU littenti011' KII WITILL'Xiif YOlf, with good now alothes. before their old onen -ate half TO PIMASE THE
�j worn. While gallant no. 7 liastouppear,onpdradefu and m prices &at will defY Competition.
_luok upon, the cuuk-and-bull :stiDric the. fri.-Irdly" power �y vsmelx fitted Out and' 8. oss &sq., ;th FubljcvW0rkS DO* toMirf](Dunlop'-sadvertisement.' D have a vey. troublesom Plrtv a tttered garb, which thry'lfavi been. wiaring.these
..)rgan is now grbillijigont *a tho watliciutis. manlied at a neutral port. ll ditimll. shall partmetit. wair-here with'Che Harbor plans -received a large supply of seasonable &Ook. Assembling arond here eilery night -thy are five or six years, and wbich was never agibinvextm:
and wonstr-ma iuventimi of 4.1, nted' be filed uith the Comraissiou within all pallina, -down fences breaking windows and X am sariouslyatrald If thisnuitter hinot remediedvery
vxplaitliag tjjjV SU4 is prepared to* iva his customers mat- Z -
A. to i4tendin; contrietoil , 9L 'hy have -tile $'Tomh�p Hull" soon, Colonel Ross, when the 88rd will again appear chwye mulaths after their invelink'utileAs good isfaction. I I 'nj. f W- M- 'GAVCE.
1jnr tie, will have occasion to ask with wonder and
Ora p A
Y con- liniont. Whora is No P
bLen delighting aurselves with the belief rer'son 1 con be .8bown for dtklav i the harbor 6ay was ape;iult; marked Hultox BAS&BALL Cfrf.—At a 'meeting ublic place to gather to and th God6richj 31arelfist'-1871.
e A 'Yours truly-' r C
ttl;4t, at the late electiott, the 0junt y of wbiLb ecs# A,* Cuifuj:adoln mit la, the draugili find 'pointed -out to ui as- a hold on Wednesday evening- it the ' WitiA sider they can do w bat they wigh I hope you A LOYAL VOLUNTLER, 'Exchange, this club was organize C I.tx= Nurt-ii, in 6,th ridings, was ilia scene f tIe the time f&r pivilentadju of d for the will not allow any wight qftea qs in it any
I . dilapid&te
al onotest �1.ins lqual decitioce upon all �laimq d potitche repairs on which
and fairest pj,!itic, coming seaitin. The following ulfi more My think thy have A public privelage 190ADS.
-over within its buituds ; and West �e mW14 mithin two years from' nouldihave to.be carried out lify the wereelected. - Wi T. HayqEsq, Presidszt; there and we can not getting sleepinj in oar
t1jut the martner -A carrying ons the hattle the titue of first meeting of the 01mir i- Uorporation. 'Mr. A C�Simmous, Vic�--Presidetit bedd at night wi"e noise that is carried on Goderich Township, April 100, Wt.
We-- Wak the and
%V�,arej.an- Allsuma ofirtaney in payment if as- To The Hattor of the Huron Signal. ashould accet this position, bocauge it is :Mr. A: b:Cameron, 8eciretary and Tre I rtmam Yours most respectifely HATS 191ALTS! 1 HATS I I
stlil l,f tile Gqdle pinl(m nut a-laimil shall be paid in guld at Washington of the Utmost; importance that government urer. JAMRs XcDONAGR. Dr4n Sia -Yon and other reforta newspapers keep ZAders woe twithstatidiag- thia arlds, baseless auAl! cou- in such a tuanner as the Commission iu&Y LAW SocIETY—We see Ipy the, Toronto q -c.,nt rai qp vdthI`Jr no. longer. elease thundering, frumulne to1ime, Ac�ut the Pateo ANOTMRLARGE CONSIGNXENT JUT RECEIVED BY.. Vntt ac_
shoull be inJacd,tf4r*the futu. a security
teuptibleitisinuatilins tlf-etw C4,11tclupor direct NO dec!siun of the Commission as we.previnuitly heard pcivately, Put,&Stoptolt; Youratrully Combination. jobbery, corruption and. the scandalous
-amil, in a Con- of the harbor works nd to prevent the expenditure of the public money, but I think In no W.M. SAVAGE
411117. It is in"y to bla& eneral !,hall be binding on either of thehigh pt81ptora S. Sinclair, Esq., Barrister of thli ;TA8 SYMINGTON.
.tr resent ex . case has the abo e been more -fully etemplifted than
!Fay, . anti we know -the Itar dare notnaine acting parties, unless agf-aed to by one of. p penditure, or, dred,6,iT(g from town, has beeit elected one of the Bob- , vcoaneil. , 1 have refb;auvxe tie t see tlwm,,
any one as having beett witilty of the prac- tile two 0numissioners represetifWj WOW, being twitaWd, to make a new outlet for chars of the Law Society. This. is an. The Railway 0nestloaL in oar Township Come
ticea in kahield sonse nameless individual high coutracting.pWtia the Maitland 111're r - to the north of the enviable position for Mr. Sin�lair, to hs�a Couneii-men of folmer d$y4, who have retired or been
To the; Editor of the 51pal. -loft at home, and the Reovsand Dqputy Rueve of the ODY-ants a3utat this
'Cam -
is by i t. aconsed of. The c- wrd litsi., cut of all sixth—'Ilhit artictompowers, the projocted north'� pier. This failemar ittikined 50.8arly in his professional career. -0 Place to get your fj&A at 20 percent IM than Clij-1 rices. eoufffj� h2
Sts, if we am to believe History,ancieut present day, The centre road qr the Vowmbtp has ShirtgandTies:or-thesewedj)aters&,Lxdits$mdovvmmduohoul(iirjs.Aatsaud-PlaWAugmtyadety�
e.s that stritak at "a _14r. Gsirtion," of West' missivnitti4emplay all-necenary clarisi and work!* notincluded inthepreiesicon. MX HANIZA STMAM BA4G3 is findingi up now about thirty years, and-conxider. 'c
an viodern, and our own experl.011069 We been opened Goderich, Much 25rii, ISM
Wawan-ssh, who is said to have usett out. asastants, pro% ides that expenses of the oonstatit, employment and is-. a graht Ing that great length of time azf�4,tha moo of wo&U
traet� and the Alin4ter of Public Works must -come to the conclusign that all
-dive induence with parties indebted tu'hifil. Cinutuisision shall be borno eqnaily by the " ition o those in -this -to en stiqlf-in the same, Veople naturall ask
quis wn requiring that has be
will be all the more ready to undertake nature, animate, and inanimate, seems to
VVe ask tite $tmr or the christiun name of high coutracting paj:tieEr, and that all bills transporting facilities. Her Wit trip was why h"yo we noCs good road ? I w1lb begin down
this 'Ar. Gordon.' We know sevoral shll be paid on rauhurs of the Coultnis- ikwhn he sees Fus willing to 2fisame, be su?� IN, D
d6wix to Sarnia witk Salt, foe which she !A to certain kinds of natural . r the Bayfield i&A4 �vhere a job of gravelling was
refor- hai ho may pirliaps with sonij reason l6jj u We" - - mat , and the human rae, jk*re* not Deft Here is a steady old church -goer dows, IN
(;.orrivimin West Wavansh whoare honor- sioneks, nd enturi into details with caday last. t1f6m, the same general laws of let some yearsgo When the zontractwasliggemors
able;nen, held in high esteem by the com- eace to thclser,�matters. urcre to be, our own ahAre Of the bur4ea, 4ax Judf finished wlthdn� gravel and sand, It was East: that is to, -3z*, in Seareport Me-- And
monity iu which tht:y resicte. If there il Eaventh—This artic't pror4dei that in We#' are. quite a�are that the Toffa in not -WZSTIIR* WHMAT.—During - this week, aaturei At the present time, -there 8ppears, taken offthe Coutractr4ell band, Coining V 10 th6 his name is Deacon Andrew Leach. He
I usarly-30,000 bushels arrived, by lake, at to. be a m&Wy of a --very Virulent kind gBig hills,,the met useless witste of nionerwas h'as been in his pow 2,698 out of 2,600
anr nismlines ii otkr contemporary it vrill case the Commission should fail to aree at prestut able to expend the mo, WALL P"R"
V neY Goderichi unloaded at the Gramd Tum -k ratig t1hroughout the counties of Weltingm m3de from time to time ; especially -the -tirue that tht Iet the pub:ic kn..wn -.it whoin it is strilc- on an s,-eeiou claiwe, such claltus shall necefistury to put the dock in a proper nell-mau was ltr;lthat hired ils friends to �get the 4aonaeoutiye sunaso, Wang a period of
y levatt)r. Part of it wlf for Clinton but too, Urey, Huron,' and Bruce, know as con M iRtercst.
Ing We Itave always c--nsidere,l As"s- be referred to a b.)ard of three meniltno, condition. We repeat, 6t Vt alffeady the greatar -portion iato -be ground in town. the Railway feyer, which originated some '�dar railing on, and agmin when the bridge was swept fifty years. If 4he attended in the afternoon
80-13 mliable men, ekosen by the Town- t* ty. and keptitipmsable all urainer, because ilia in the morning he musthare list-. ft the sprin lleu
one totea ointed by tike Pretident of stated ome timeago, that there is no ex- two years ago in the City of Trquto, and Cotitractor was not bound. by good security to do iL 11 11
-Ing the v wr
ship C.nincilt as abo-re suspicion of being The -latest report from the 1-ttlimus of ultimately spread to the cities of Hamilton c6ming along to johnsteiia. hem the DePuty Roeve ened to 5,06 sermons, to 10,W2 prayers o
iziltience-4 in their duties by p,ilitical nio- the United Statees, with the sanction of' penditure necessary on the part of the Darien represents that the-newly-diasover. himself let a job to his fziend, and w1m than Aas ad as utany bouedictions, and to the sing he , mend"ouz
r;w:.es. Yet the tar &,.y.s that th _11f as the Senate; one bf (lie Queen of Great C orporation, excep and London, and a few of the idle Physi- nothing like bdIng fluldbed'(he having to put iniL eedar 8 'being (.--nt hem,
t tho orinary fixing of o
ed tones for the Conal'is only 22 miles cifins of these cities, . iiallied forth to in- culvert instead of which he puts beecU.IoSsIn. and to ing of over 60,000 hymns. Taking the get -
I e
-an 1jm,z4e_,_se number of votes left iff the Britain and Irelanti; and oue ty* the Ew- the harbor street. Several property and tun mons alone, Ous experience
, rike It and levela Bill, neither of which he did,and
loug and the deepest cuttiho, necessary coulate the pe6ple of the Counties libeve e _what an enorm
I M the ew inches of gravel he Pat= soon lot the wbeols he must liave If
-R.ill in simost every towriship,' and adds peror or Russia. . Tbiv board dhall meet shipowners are, we believ, ready to build ad of ifiteresting,dry, bright, New Patterns of Parlor PapeN
will be not' more than 150 feet, and per. named, in order that they might fia their through to the mud) the job is taken off his friend's
iatsatii)n townships and also the at Now YorL hands and the nigney is lost to the pegple, There is sitipid, short-, long, exhortatory, peronasive
OPIDOsitc theiv Own haps only 75 or 100 feet. This in. own pockets, by pretending to 'Cure. the further on, in
MU111cs of th�se wililty of this di-srepittable - within sit months after the and muititain 1rhafves still -aitather job, apiece -6f the- way -other doctrinal, and-ftneral discourses, to say week be 'e Iml
i0journmeat1bf the o1h6r Cawnfission, property, if they could oilly, got a riasou" OV_el di�qase thew tbaluxelv6s in nerated. But which -the Reeve himself officiated, and vrbich, if , New Style$ of Satin-Paper4 time, bas, =5t zhi�
trick ; hilt andi-Ia it to &,Ay those gikilty are shall t&kc testirtiqny at length and decide able cQdtrol' of them, wl en bu he telligence is not less gratifying and n it appears 1hat when the malady reached. jobs were half done with gravel this one was done nothing of 100 Fast Day -and Thanksgiving &-r a &ate ni4rketl, and their puniihaxient is not far ilt. T than' the first aptiouncement by Coln'. London, (London being an inland WithStOnell, asUr. aead.tycan testify bythequan- Day sermons At is to be hoped that Deacon
11) oreggs he. breaks taking them (rami Lis store to
as to the racts, afn6ants, Tiis pro- clear and stinple dutyofthe Town Council TO tity -can
ai-taut.' ThIsisarareaccov-4tionth mauder St-Iffidge] of the'discovery of the the syraptonis became more rabid for they Clinton. it is sincerely hoped that the now Council Leach is �ne of those equable pew-occapiers New Gold Paperv, -century. W -M
-r iti the North ritlingleft vision u evidently intended to cover the then is to �Kke CA4ps to get fromgovern- will look better after our interests.
1t40s'tverv' Assess, routo. seem evidqutly afraid of the water f IAka to whom all sermous am sermims, whatever
nzL ties ,� u�le IR.ill' tar th d0ubtftil cases with referenco to which tapat the cautrol of the dockage. They Yours -truly may be their -quality.
z. X GpouGL?-.AoHEsoNbjtist'receiying and 0 aron, as Da Woods of Stanley, bs3'of- �.. RATEPAYER. Nei� Oak F2pers, Wzlrd at dboat
sectirint, the defeat f r. Hays. We the other Uc�wwiak�on has not 6ine to could then trant- ;r that control to parties 'e'ly to be enabled to P. .9—Theabove is only a small item in the vmt 'n-1,
nmn nnl
opening out a large and complets st;36k of fered to pay hansom Sombody advertiaos for agents.to sell a thivk w& see the faceand the tretrib- tdke the uccessury tewitnony. illing to,bijd tb ' �ay_ army ofjobbery and eoilraption. if people will take
ems eves to build and supable, drown the malady in -Lak4i ffneon, at I Y40an Mims
w Dry Goods, Boots and Shoasxftc., jobs at ruinous rates they must be compelled to ao iy6rk, entitled "Hymeneul Instructor." NOW 33i7ain 9 Rvotm Rap
ling lirnU� of these officlals %v hen they bear a $ . . _,ers, highth, The last article relates to the mkintaiii - Wharvis, accor(h to plans for the season, which he is determined to field, wd the Town of Goderich, has even them, as they onuht to be done, aud not have the r0ails
that tile 0 'caderich Ktar is n thuir track A Contemoary addv. *The beat hymeneal
expenses of the basird last named and - i3s agreed on, and get i at prices that will defy competition. offered the, London Doctors $50,000 to be svoitwL 'tale anti has sworn - to annihilate thern. The - ., I instructor we know of -is a yo.uugg widow, NeW.Warble Paperfig V&Mo
sinjilar to article sixtk in all essential 'Jasiod by whith these parties could be Look out for advertisment next weeic. allowed. to &own it at oderiolL But it whole affitir is e;Ayiteiaptible, and wi t, seems that a Mr Williams, a vendor of What she don't know there is no use in
culars." allowed to charge a reasonble rate for MCI=
ninch nore barin to 1r. Hay and his SUAD13 Titiaz&-We would draw par, patent medicines fromLondon, has been learning." I New Bedroom Papers, Uear=ce of tho laii
sijly -advocate �han to anybody else. %Ve do not place er.6re eliance upon wharfage. The ;.own w6uld thus be saved
ticalar attention to the communication in practising on the Editor of the Clinton Domiuion, Parliameat Mr at
thit as authentic, althlingh some such de- the coat of -building docks, saved Blyth, Stewart, late Bank Manager Perth Now Hall Papwzo
lVe, Bra, and a Mr McGregor of AP the cost of keepipg them in repair and: another column from MrThomas' Hood and failed, but succeeded very successful has been overtaken at Rome, X. Y.
cision will very probably be arrived at. THE PROROGATION. -is said that over $12,000 were found on
The "fir-stclause," by conceding so veri asy0d thecost of employing a harbor' The premiumofferedby the I ly. in' thoroughly -inoculating Mr John New Office Papers, vo how the nevily
Far in the rear of pablic opinio thngh superintondent #bd coffector-of tarbor for trees planted now, aed -alive two years Leckie of Ainleyville Reeve of Grey, and his person, which lias been �laced in the Mrs Gcrilmor t)rcset
much, destroys to w3 the truthful appear- dues, while at the same � time creditable he has communicated the disease to a few GOVIEU-NOA-G ENE FLALI�-S -FUCH. hands of the Chief Magistrate at Rome,
with a f ae
ence, ba4 inven an impetus to the'erna. a waitin- legal proceiadingii.
tEepulicy of the Cutario Government has aucefr the whole. Several rtiniors have dock aecomoda4on could be see BORDER, Ifli .ured. more Reeves of theC ositiv, con equently NEW beer, it is strikingly in advance of the '4aked-outs which indicate that on the Fish- meatatios of our streos, an a we see loads meeting was hold in Seaforth t.) devise Ottawa, April 14. We recommend,4his plia to theealn G.,vernuient, as wntri-fled by ery questiou Sir John A 5-1a-c,lonald is toivn. means to effeet a cure. And, t1w fesult Fallo-Wit' Compound Sfrap of ]�Vpop- T11 -he making a noble stand for Cana&L Our consideradva of our "city fathem" of trees Aitily blain lbreqght into This day- at three o'clock p. M., His
0 . Was, a requisition was sent post hasti to hosphites is an excellent nervous tonic. it
-Ike eienient which is allowed, to Ezoelleney the Governor-General pro- 0aad
C01115111s hare apparently given tip the idea Every one doeit not know bow and What the Warden W -call a special meeting of the. exerts a direct influence an the nervou's allicsmtz, aud ber
&a jlleggitimate extent,- to mould the thev Cal! ha the suggestions caeded in'state to, the Chamber of the
that ve Canadian fisheries kind to plant and ofered County Cotincil, on- the 26ih to frame a system, and t4rough it it invigairates the ares f the Q�mznons. have nwvv tbrown into them in part payment of their Bon. Jr; 15aeMmaid. Senote, io the Parliament Buildings, and body- az thettas
mesa by Mr Hood should be tir4ully attended 'By-law to raise 6250,000 to "as given as a a Provincial law, which t the lare elec- clairnsonDritain. Some American papers nty Bonus ta'ai the London Huron, took hiseat upon the Throne. The
have said that a money compensation We to. Ele has studied arboriculture efolidy Cott y -
regrat toheAr tbat.tke Atiortiqy- and Bruce Railway, and in (;rder to maker members 9f the Senate being assembled. M0 0 afte
0anda. Others,claim- General is Be carrying of the By-law doubly sure by His Excellency was pleased to command Pulmonic Waters' have maintained ibei
ti.,u was found, with all i's faults, to ly-r-, would be made tr and is qualified to jileak with atithority iW For over twenty years 'Bryan's
ing tiz be well-ififortned, have in-licated 9, of tho yer. riou*Ul There � is one foolish ibioa inparticulde,, tb* r ,nit more pnro and - spontaneous expre' fi h 'securing the votes of parties deeply inter- rho, colds, and
Sion of the peoples wiU f han ever before. we remark -a disinclination to plant t e -the attendacce of thia House of Oofnmbn8, reputation for curing cout,
Reciprocity treaty as the best and most ested, Mk Arc� B49hop, Reeve Of Usbarne i
A strong effurt was made, by the prty of and that Haase being present, His Ex- palm -nary &soans, Those suffiring, or
probable settlement. Weareat any rate most graccfal and beautiful shade tree we suggested that it Would be well to ad 3
t, assitnitaxe t�t cellency was pleased to prorogue the threatened with tiny of the sytnftows or,
'ress at Ottawa, sAmfied that the inter'qsts of Canada are have, because fomoth'it is too common, other 40,000 to purchase the Northern Mema-armt md Iona.
law, to that of Ontario, bit& %Ak. f the polmopary com.
-Dominion ament of bronchitis. or any r
in gotitt hands; all the inore satisfied that namely the Maple.- 8ome,.cities would Gravel Road, a very pfttfiotic scheme in fourth session of the first.Parlii opillintp, shouldat oncegive deptmitcd without succes-3. The Government Bill, with the them a -trial.
his V. And well might NI lfiowzw to
r the Dominion - of 04nada
ed, by the help of such 'dead hurse' Sir John A Macdonald is bein- abused in be crazy for the boauty which we are view certaint They givealmost immediate relief, and if
paa% no measure terms by the tabid portiun of Ouli Agent diposed to undervalue, -only biosuse � George Sproat an ex -Reeve of Tucker- ing representatives as t5proat of Bruce, is a the American Pres�, w!iich would have at- Of Lt. we antith exclaim through the. list weeks'Pa- taken in time generally effect a cure. Re- RiTF4S. anclaso Crowd 07 U0
SPEECH FROWTHE THRONE member that a common cold or cough, ir
4tt%183 abnztion. Tj every ameti4manCsir have abundance positori "that t frant to t'he Purtols
pressed great admiration of him, if he had We have app.6nted kr. GavinStr he thing was too flat -
and inam. uthers so 42 not attended t� in. time, often leads to that
tlesirga Cartier nrged. a shallow been willing to concede arerythingaud ask 0 0331TUARY.-W6 W-01'di *ith , rrow, reqv t" and Honoiable Members of the Senate distftssing artd fatal disesse-consumption. Clad ta
. ur aggint to ii4qt, subscriptious, collect tire either argument or commen %L-4,
.1.3'Ejess obitotirmand was ins .1. SL Mr John. Nairn ask,iAy all this flurry and haste and extra Gentlemm of the Home of 0- Sold by all Druggiats add country d
nothing in return. accountor, and 4olbusiness generally for in this insue, the death of C mntm � A T Mol-l"HOUSE
t all &nerateloc- Price ?5 cents per box.
placo an one-- and the this office We W 'our friends and the
lions atutild take f3*nr, at �be--Rje of 6Q yeara. Deceased expenso, when the County Council. will L ;P# "4mma
.S3,ma chy (Algoma, 5%uitoba and Mitish THE VXPLA14ATIO.T. 1 4 cama-to this vicinity 64ut 30 years iiro, hareanordinary meeting in about six In relieving you from fartlitir attelidande V
genera �uillie gite him a hearty Y my warm Value of Vfe-'-Life has no value exce
.43alambia excepted) the- Minister of Mili- suffwas, the first school 6aeltor in the weeks' hence. But they are evidentl afraid in Parliament, I beg to express pt to no far
KC. Oameron,Esq., Al. P. has informed reception., 4 ofs p0lic; discussion-, and "nt to darry acknowledgments fbi theldiligence with as.we nailit for parfeetingourouls, or for enriching Godertch, April MINI, swr+tt
-tis, igmorifiZ the fact that'thedifttAnt Towtiship of - Colborbs. After two -or ourminds with no'ble'ifnalitles andfor. In
this By-law before it gets thoroughly venti- which you have applied Vburselves to -the bappinoso around ust butwe have iially 7-M-90ro
provinces were hreaL- ears, lie raloved. 'tw w thegreat venefthe causittan-lWri.Destrofeein to Ills sPeCiallv' as that on the evening when the division To- a aird lated. Mr Gibbous the Wartim told us dischargoot-yonr publio duties for, foutided on. the tv ova left at 4 W.� taught forseveral Years. Be then*e'nt not long ago through the Public Press' ha's been brelfjut work of importanc neuraillw 40 a rein vfng sl of
Independence ofSenat," Bill THEt Wx 8 -The session subduing the tirturiac pains � of
every vatank
litin that immedoesurns of money vrere blunder- from the body. 'For sale by all Druggists and country
-an absnrd ar ament on the extent of Ca- onday, With fiarga, for Kincardion into Goderich Township and. tin,, nd o - P n
that took place, he paired off with )fr. %yrigh
nadian territory. Mr Mills' moti,on and neithwaids. She is now running h has been accomplished, and I may congra- deslers Prim 26 cents per battle. A711fle wth-11a
three sections; whenhe W,30 app6wea odaway thiough thi incapacity of the
awa ; so that, though it would have ragulair trips and.miking splendid time,
eztuon shovld be held on one day of'Ott, talate you on the prospect whieh�s fores'll.
County Superinten wfdoh* Cilanty Council end that some of t1reif. f(gcgr=4. 1010
dent ot Huron, Have You a Cough, Cold, Pala in the Chest, or
thronghout one Province and allowin& it been pleasant. to have seen his llama fature,the'sessions of the TL
a generallyaveragitigl4milesan hour. Soe
(,n, (wfiich -'jj leavei Goderich e4rer. included -Biddalph doings was involved in mystery. Now Mr dowed thatinath Wourliltis ? In fact, have you the preinorilto
_4eerned tieemary, different day for each the jrght side in thaf divisi f. aftorhoon, for the then k symuto-ol thellu8stuite ar.-her,' Coneumption?'W1
provinc% was aIsor without a sembliuce !M,ports, 41i�pt o6 Frida when Latterly, wbin the schools inoregsofl le Editor 1 can assure you that the farmers Parliament oftbe Dominion will not ma e theshape 0-,r Tim soun of the Texas And Pelfia
Nr)rthi �11 so know that relief is within your reach in lit) of Huron want to Day forno more of these the inconvenient dei ands on the time of f r. w f Railroad ie s"pleasing site tot a cemetaig
ofrewom�refvised by tife overnment;7and watild hare beeit if he h" bearr press' she goes Sarnia� at't y -ich' m
he same hour. O&pt was appointed L.S.:Oi Godir 08tunlaY7 'Leb the County thenlembers, () istar'sBalsanto VVtIdCI1ETTy,whIcbjn 4=2 --en nrma
mvstcii)us blunderings. Which it haS done in the cases where hotm had ficil.has imatChed the vmicatifuly, Btiiked Floin, seventy miles wide, without
thal ReformL party did not lose a vote by Henry bilto * commaild of her, in Hrilett, Whom, NVawanosh a oil give ample time to discuss through a spear 6T.A 3,*Or JdVQP of Vat4cr, 4u(1
they got the narrow majority of seven to r a, J, fid Asli� Coutil from theyawaluggrave.
their refusal. Rajectin4 the ex- pieibselice. We would advise the Expo. very_,popular. ffeld T6wnships. About 5 -years agll 1 past.
amp!e of England, and the present practice Si the County press, the propriety of granting The arriv;tj in OttqWa of the represed. overed �y. the mummy4ike careasses.,of
its thunder iiiitit4thas S. ToLsXA's TqG im rapidly nearing health, fitiled him and he viss oompelled'to iho- 0250,000 bonus, and then if if; be Cott- SZMVT Wait= _Scure hoM_dcalers �01 NOW Brun3sizk and Ontario, the pro- completion ud wi.0 boi'rpady abrvant sidered to, be for ther -general intere Of I-ativeli'-for the ProviTloe of Kanitoba and h -ova discovered that by the ussof -Darleys .4rablau. aU the erestures that iver pet
for launching resum. 'Another 1hithful pu Heave Remedy and Condition Medicine' theirborsee Coyote and ra
moo occasion to use it- blic , it. Even the 4 Men Aun the
Ito ref4r wntested electirin3- to tha in two weeks. �ho the County, I say by at 8118 8 -0 I)Artj
;i, verj graceful t om their takino, their" sists 'la Parliament are so much improvoit'la every respect that they will f sta region. The' r
gone to his rest I a writee 1of
=jc;r of the judges of the land, was model. The Zn&es wirs, built in Buff it with a sufficient guarantee that the mark signally the completion of the union readily sell for from $26 to $0 each more than they: over part of it *itb a vastdrove ;tAyp tbcro Vasa f.-:11,
1110 have would otherwise, amd at a cost of not trore than $1 of trauLre
voted down by the goTernmert-=1 their bartc to Ills First Love, by the same niakeir of tfie ftmosir's an(I Tme WZA.Taica.-The'hot weither of Road will not. only be built, but be kept of that Province with, the Dominioth The each. We consider this a secrilt worth knowing. and unrlwhell 6 ir,cam� insight of the PNOIS k it'll tblt�t,
one which all who own horses should not fail to profit Itiver the li�rd, inadaeried *I f zovmca aown �by t
45a, alsOr was a motion azainst were shipped on. f4ondt Jor Goderish. 10 days ago gave place to* cold winds, in good running order without any further cri6inal, military and- other statute laws rko djual renre3ant�eton, iiimilar to tbatcarried Tho Bon. E. B. NVood has shown at whiall, , during'a week pastobave licoi -very. subs at as M . rSproat says "we have by Itiannquestionably the bestborse mediclue ever
onibly, ANoTirisit Now Tuo.-T a keel is being a ;I not in their nature inappliableto Afanibobs sola. italted into the,pools of cry.&WAIW2 jind" -on. t7
in the Ontario Ass Of all these 'Ottawa, decided intention to be off with laikand the fram�.sawedoub for another keen and piercing. As they have blown dear for oni whistle alread
f this Progince have V have been extended to that Province. The Remisinbertlie name,audseethatthe signature of, drank until they fell -dead in thpir tiaike
th% now love and on with iaid experience should teach us to Hurd & Co. to on each package, -CVn=C1
points the people,, - he did, giving new tug, to be'.bult for Ur Brown the. chiefly from -North and South West thelr� nd ?trh;itty', -- or else plunged beadlong iuto flie aism;i i MA - M, att TO r
expresseduntnist-akableapprovtiI andYet adhesiun,.both by -vote and vigorous cor4ractor for thel dredgiak of the harbor. defer the mAtter for a few years, until we regulations for the survey an i Untillo' Of Northrop & Lyman. Newcastle, -0. W , proprietow blood -river, and wereswelpt.fariwn by kullo
not Lt few of their representatives in *$ Coldness is no doubt due to the, dzistence . 9 a the0anadas. Soldby all medicine dealem
fivid T -E of ice in some p-kyt ofthe take. To. wipe out obtrie more of our present indebt- lands iti Manitoba werd. modelled on on 01
- !3peech, to the policy of trio -Opposition. to Frsmfi(;�--jour tialf4riltien are -meet- -day-, dreas in iti swift and trestcherous s%irl.
deff=caofthe wishes -of their constitu having edness. The actions of tile Reeves at the system tested by experience, and will by When'wakit the Ilecom at iasttivelvehun-
enta trattingonttavot-aaa(;artietuadded ing ithabout tho usual i6ciess, (Tuesday) the Barometer and the clouds a free home to all,
ll - We don't believe in political (ostracism and special meetin' of the Courity 66tilloil 0
it i time now that Ontario 9hould be ablo commenced howe* four, k their liberality ffer drea head from Our drove -alone la� ead A Dz�&tzr Qir
s6 Wrlov both prophesy of rain. a ously watched, as the - ir
should like to see, a man possessed.of such than ordinary L t week hould he jeal' rate- ofue along its Joathsiome balike, or fed thei
to exercise itA properinfluence in directing ;e catch- Was without restriction, Who dc4re W settle in C,%3MROZ;-Slgr,.G3tiLLEEt-Atthe residence
le-64hattoin and there vrill soon be sound - judgment and so Inuch FainT Tltgxs.�-Mr W. Campball has payeraof Huron wan 40ign
seneral comparatively 1i 6 ;a pay,for no more the couxftry and aail thilmselsis of the brides rtither. Charles-Zaineron, Esq. �of Lincoln. festering fiesb to its wayes,,'
-ilthe various con%titu- ability return to his own party. He has n,s scows is received hit stock of fruit Lrees, e -e- of tbeifedisreputablefardes, such as wail Louise. youngen daughter of 'Jacob
_sin opportnuity.1fol E. Bro enacted 4yllr; Green wayAoeveofst hen advantage held oat to �them. It shall. be NZqebZ'ie1"r0,F�q, Goderich.
ende.- to chao3a meh vwbo will not b8traY been,we are sor 1-0 1 9, andithe frame of his advt. atid g6 him a call. ep tie of djy earliest oar& during B1. SmurVs is tbs be
ry to sayspillar ofatrexqggth ready. for lant who, was one of the.chief an 0 recess to womb at, wi d urgent atip- er a n. gd
07 lleylezt their interests. The census at Combittation, * in On- another is upa i & 'ad progOss. Tinxi.-Mir Jdes Stawar aitland- -aw fo eps to negotiate oa equitable prioe'l- place ib buy or sell Greenbacks,
to the-- Pate orters of the late By -1 r the purob.84 t9kest Larviently. being taken will no doubt show rio, which coul t�aking T -1,11i les with 11latittotba ta 4 not bstar his Ifiss, Of M& Ls6NAXDS1l?aoPs&tru is willlavc his Beastip"s StOck," FtQit of the Northern GrVet R6ad while blin the indian tribes in
-Saerk au increase of popniation, as will on- steady progress in construction. The and s-Ornainflutal Trope '6 hand. '� assed by the -counb1l, and than returifed and the North-west territory in order to GORDOX-M Godeiich, on 10th imt.,
title us toslargely increand reptexenta- courso, considericy wiU demand from him A ro4ed onion bouildli litpon tha-paTme
famous, fins, iuten ad to pifivilitt,
as at Ottawa. her rot- Wednesday next,arR will hairs &,-quantity home',and itsfied hand bills recommending quiet their titles to lan& wfllism' 411110i, Aged 7 7026 AU41 7 4�the vrist All stop the u"t jgutOata
ling are now attac ca
tion. in view of that fact, and the tieves, the sametcourse, at Toronto Ed to ltbr sides. Some todispose- ofte.partics Who havenot- the!,�,%tepayera of his o' a Township to vote The session which'we are now closing inouths, son of Mr. Robert Gordon. -19V illiAtes. mr-7 of being properly represented, it' be The Lea&r having undertaken to preach sceZgly wise pe,ple shake their- -heads ilready 6raeted. down the said By-law which must have has wititessed the oon Aim Ill
contep the tteform. party to be aud to him, his conversion bck 4o his. first love but Ki Lonard "if cost ihe county over $3,00 was, ation of the At Godellich, Ont. on the 15th of -April,
Iff Confident they 0. This
Mfni3terjlista are dstir svery6 is cert4in. will be 96 811 artainly discreditable in the extreme, , union of Kabitoba, and adoptign of the John Nairn Senr. Late Local Superlit- have the advantage ia the deass. I iiv e- hope the -may Farewell C4 ju Young Townsman tendent of Schools.t Aged 69 Yean-
where, aiii-will, in his 6iley paints Yours &a. nceessar 1, r sures to facilitate and
10 hich they'did not turn out 1 4 f 11114111 M A Robert flouter, native of Northumberland FUgLaud lob) W how ID
Daniiaiun �31ecf a, The Slege oll Parts. HAWLEXS BLOO _T I n. ho
have ia the Provincial oner,,cf a miserablo _,he cop or �otfla On Mmday eiatiltb'.il out young towns-' THOMAS No MICHAEL, , id admisiionoC Briti;h Columbia settlol in Tackerstulth'in the year-issi. Dred
hicli thick) -imp. W4, -froon. Eng afl. for inETullett, Ap-nl 10th, 18% in I the Dominifai � The address pasted Aptit Uth 141L Aged 03years.
jaw, - Wo hope the proper steps prcs anMrJames Doyle, brother of8,L,. or UU7 xus�z
election eMkrepnrts are extremely coatradiot- 'an,- -orrived from To- FRUIT
an early day for the tho- Mr. KnFley'ssalb Doyle Req.'i Barristai, was - ent�ri a nd House of Commons,
Witt be taken at by the Senate a #jMeioat organizatids of the. To tlkq -Editorof the Huron Exparito Oolonial Secretary fi
ory. The Rebels are dirlde'd among r( THE 3gA-ARETp have -Dow received my Sprint? stock twA,
sitipperju. thetBriish Ex -change, Hotel. will submit to tile 01oplo -
ind I 1�ti6�I noticed in your last '1101le that olle cro 41=t
orowds are endeavor- shape) bn FrRmy liiaz, severaL. work- Some forty ireadhtf-and Vi�c, W111) t v 0
__9f his frie�dll were agbinisdon to Her Most Gracious b1a. limited 0 -
ee' pit' 'Goded* April 18th. 1871. tjage4 p6tink. them 0- h )ro had I)eeh a meeting hold in Seaforth X. ast l3fteet G
ing toleaya the� city.. '11iiers seems caluily mOrt SrO-110w 01 vening nod jest, and I trust Parliamert will, at its, Fau w1leat ....... #. $1:15 1:25
whiq is ee 11 a fro' tleallantly in toant of tho-ifelf-apjainted Directors of the Lon- 45*0-2�—
waiting outside for the rebellion tok die out geth or, inspeech and song. -.T e jeapo.4 of the jilli - Qod�rlch, Aprit'l
next session, L have of jpr*0 wboat_ - I. foor to five weeks timait a few the satisfaction .1-5 1,25 13th. ISM
of it3elf.-t Meantime tuutdo�, famine and 6 - ' Ur -Disyle'ii 'd iolij _don,,`H1tton7audBruceRai1*ay, nds - a , 11 a
The Joint w9h. is al- 6r4tion %M epartlare :04ja any a
kit - -loderioli, tojoin aijother brother in Xal Of t4O Rfflliefl as an acoomplished fact the union F16iiii. 5:50 a 6:09
tairether likely a ;i a xtritek at the wolf theCountycif Huron, aiad f Pen.
a D18jesty's 0
61itne arestalking thriuOtle streets- of 'Te as tile wurIkL S'now, ro 'east' g iatis- I pop. Oats ................ 43 - 0.48 mail aia miffteeis -801, Ur
al lUoultiliesiton or ttw �r- 0 litinenta 4A
'Tha- the bettitiful dity, which his witnessed n 0, Michigan, hf�4 Ougago 'with hiln, that ill. at said meating, were in fa:v6r iff *f all He
iving a ounty b a to -said railway but sessions in Xorth *Amelrica-lin -object ........ a.70 4g e-.80
ifi the su of Peas
'fit good coligny,3
Lhington worse scones busitipAls"WB16b -50
ghylnVUthe oirlmof WaL Say Worb ea�dcia 0,52 heed..
L will be 'he is there onfduc;int�'; 11o.. is A in f aVor of which the aitela 'epr eLveti-- the most
WXSLZ'rAN Oln sodisl a bx- the., 113 't hoary Wir Was, dabbled in Wail., aoff h , .40 flas - - eh -on Iiiiia th%c esday) tiloining 4 proVb4itl0n, to give i Comity -4.19tIfederation -did the bg-wip d it af�gnr 945 fieudish human natureX" hold fA thoi blo lefit of f1hi Chat - r
S. whelklet loose h' llngilline adV608togLor
crowd waii preaeut td to 'him -off. e
is tittill 1114 AM* The t:om ths, testralitts of- rallgifin AndsaftO14 Thursday evoifitin iflWinat. 'g' the'voild- and't6 make it
Butter...,,,...; 0:16 T3a7,k Pc
not anticipate for. many years b 0011110t E firab
l*igii0noi11jhtdbvyup th'sMorthern0ravel gG ...... fwxzl� V181 of arkglia,tili hope liflet:With 11111110h' ancowin
lux it satia. i To I ;_ - - 8-00
fact1hat" they coutinual titt an --mat A ft 1111i 403F -6eurethe goodwiII of thqse- 0. Ififf
nee courters of a nu of Outerp 60
O_ RoW� o, expect out�hatther0sult Z1100
-that the.A&VA ri :,will domonstrite that the aides (Sreft) I.-00 , ..
h&V"* ratintoitlalities. Sudhapropilsitiou. Us worthy' of the Onsus Irw JIT
rkan - fainill o 1�44fTih.Afi'durifig
gtou" Gre�- and Bruce &me ST b is o6verdl,"P Jim rl
&n&hav6,ing&ge4 privixt oard- ilecarporAtion of St. of 60 41A. 0 th iovidoes of- 6c, POIllinion have of
.40turralkd. T,* Alt m ;eag- without the eek who Mae it, And- th �-)
ing-houseii-for-the accotundatiou; so t1to%j. yardwitAo Ale 50 --,flento' for treg ory oimentor made advkme ill POPUIR 4nd Beef, perowt, 5:(* :00 ra; quarratkng.with etolt delial ants of uAtelial proiperity Pork.Weit ...... 7-.00
A special meeting' of 6o Countf %linoil we will bare it iiis mantal shade -tree pr6perljrplanted In.fhe,
ddritrg'the sitm� i vote of the rystf)PAYO in all t a i Obickens per pair
Ahly blife to 8140", is�* su ludidaffift �f Bf &jay merj*not only. tile rgd unjUbbr our houls, Ukiiii- ago, And *-it during the Iast.deoade. ....... 0180"19' 00
to m6ifths
to a more easible wool .......
ube was field at krton. on r
besidek.� - . i Thq Fihef*e iss under ........
th tw - -1. s- quelition M1 -00
can iccomoda coaw to, ......... . 3-.M 4.
P mwANTL 91,
governments fitharre lit ibrlastinj 'hotat. 'Al'bat now. a e conider0ion. High Com- Lambs ....... #jr ...... 2:00 2:25
bat, 6 cofisidertheL pr6posA oxtend. th it. n, W io form t6r j)rmnfAt1V9 h io
-Wes ingtous, and J�ltm -0
was. inseta; n witigiaKn4i's h 0:65
f a Very jee"10 and in6rMting ties and friondi Itj, li�ht has�-�Kr )3 oxk tit ....... OZ9
-most. 77��, - - .0��got,
.3ir Is . t uj�o its owji Merits flilent, thatever virdri; a bT0�pjz; -a ill Vag tr
g was of ave is be!' g made to- rich Salt, -w4okesaW, i ok. POT P-slobotrA
Am& '1§8V iii.
Aetjo tok"t wid, ilia, Cauncit iiparated as na an Injan a Ifffi?V613111111 nlroltfiffb"*`�'1300U" ry JAOIX - fA i public Bat 0 secure such a result,.�sp will, meet'$e, I. -A
ture, a d Its
jhey nIA;, ]tOportsL8$Ly Jbab an,8XtOn5j0tC outi, vem
lia4l't t1letuliog- M1044044 deliberat CARLOWj 16th" muld not tit toy opirtion nally thev, of thi�en&rtain- Sfrllo easdr4pble expectations AftheUntiadian Also RODERTIM
41001111 LGUSON VIXTAdL'r entyle he annowniv%. thjjt-A4her,& is wultl h&Fe Ue tt v4 tell do *g bj, a majon y To -the WiterolVAUnron 61 ealiulated t&defeat'fhe raij_� GIB$& Eec
IT holples, PCQP�0, to the preset v&tion of qj1]Xf04 Xqr"Tal C00, V t!D Optnt`i t-0 ment, but they w 14 -have beffix ) he inaife I . -
Silly -111 ifie"I"t jafffffirL Of Way bonus than the oilti -and*hat d Vieftlis
4 flo 0 bilp f Abs. ladiess laiotililit. amity,'and gobd feeling betwcon. C, �-, Ps t is to b 3 Irk
tit f" to one- 111ax bierl
rag, titj statgogent th b�ttt
all,this hoate and Surrynd elipttiset
U 00 -
ch and e nityreittlered. After h. i-jisefta'a tfie' Qcue Gtqat &itainand e, Iliaed Sti
notice wletter froia M r - ja ni is -th TelegraA for #8 819W.I. ;!Tf
lot's ard he
R811#ry 4fleSt"On, nuil-abo th qaestio� u. offli;s To�ashlp, confaiiiing staWmerija to. calling 0 18k IBM
Cliriiton, April Reffe"ed Oests W
-twroprify in 00derictU An ce tit' the. intellectual 1;ro heiato will hiaye dieir ordiha Gentlemen of tho House 0 In in adifit ins which, iie a pu;e,fiib�, 0Oi1IWdtw ry 0 Aw"w
y rall Wheat. Gode
la I at&,Teic�hersl boi�v I,teuder yyu ial thailks_ % the reidi. 8p;jag do Wealiesda last we wwo. %69rdeX i Ithe cba*, 'antl +t O,Rdi� IV' A I 9[ation held in7 metttingAf,'�qbmifaixrweeks' h0lWe, 1-A5_. a 4.45 so far disposed -Oris* r* loorr me-iifter;Lth I,thi�icw�,illadetitteefaoughto ifet-up uels�, iviiir -the Oats engaging in pr e e reie; ith h,ypa Ijave raited -fir: Aye Ur Wi14 pt of a
h 3 191to tdj,. Young stateci that -he 1jtfeh`a,. jjb�oxious' s4d corr Brle 0-50
toVtt L,&S'Sf' j fjoin U , I
in -it lon at 111 'brilit R�Aawj NoTia for of 47mmg0i a. very allnei alt Opening upplies for, the progent year. _Cjdat 14;rl te walTk r�, ho(
heavidirtato. thibIr-'the ratej* .1 - �' , V,' Ir
had been ordered by. one of.tha yera shoT Peas. Ust, Gogrl yowf art d get ii, litile
d 0*51) the Town;sIgn or TmbelTy i I VIUL
now P8'kU1`at6 '78 TEm I
Italfg7sihic TOWS Kj;Nifunui. to-.'e4tuilder o1reitlife matter' befdre Bonorab -06 9 0 L � "0ujE`T0F=_vj81()"'A"DAPrr
7 a -pirstittlii township to potmaeo....m'. - ---- - - 040 conyutiod -said to, to 1. her usual t h4ve 4e siw_ th' ri,foriheif L taLl buis of 1 .0 and xjv6atness; sang a -t cause tWiijoiclog Floor ..... 1-00
As certain4)y th; kpowi i48asi excluded- fro;i tho AuY by�.ls was-foreed upon e Whave abdildart 1-00
ng ~4� V oii��Zexv, 000 hourvt tm ho bowitifid solo, -,h orupanyina, 1wrself tin C, told Ali 'U a jl�jd protty dealt $or. olur At thb pr_,,-seitt moment in the favorable 0:16 0:16 �ju�fuoit Can be set% At 7-joS ;0HN$'j1()N -Pork.
den't ii'properr iy# 4fL �r the lod 4A
settl. - of tb# ki 'We ha
110�. the.ilistruni Ate. -JAmes Young read vote.
4. 4o, for t Ur Trapaisit, 4,-A4t e t, r Onven ton
allot*-cormn r ven Wthe e
id. St his iiwilfs -`lUeSiecusiati f Untarose;`_ Visit, ju was sorry to sny, tin whiAtI00 41r6a ailway
tbowate of th ;at 'Pit e4j. had- gi tate of ftoo, WBI Lg?0
the. use of the "If. TWO, jr.Avirl We sho ti eotv to tho MeA ka;
payers ........
-1 111to rite. bOutist 04 1 Af
lot Mtfr�kei_Sqflutia 41141 HAIMI OL ,quick suacmi coodidoniih,%qbrajWhes of the nati6pal 4764 f4et along ethe a oni Ces were ton we c "Ay doingo :Caug . 4 _ - . . . I
are *s:f01l6W5-- hid wriji and look out 6'we don ot �in
qrm, a and 61*9111'119 Of ItHolt
owship e could '- e not
to tin �T Dr. and I brought tho.'maiter bef6ro, the T flit 'knowledo, . a th 10YAlty of ka$o Ito Th 4upsou letolsiv�itaxahi a l$.e.*f0jfth X
'4,4'Duett, f( I. very ably rea4e �ollnglk U would not be4b tho-samo trap -49811, 4 Cann
and -11. I;Pirxt-- The ligb partAhatrany bonus wat. W, ra", vioi4ld iorder and lre,.
il in Gdr conduct by 11t rule of tile 19ter "im; 0011"ted 16 jeople and An Alltr1t, sw4al T4100,01ito fX9 till lok Witt t by No It. 13. %nitli, bir, sna Mrs. t6 be oppreagi The lotif Irera stold ouncitt" Wont- tfis Ji vim le seen lie on the rate
,Wj4 3VO-Buill 'd fade pi
. _�ex am .040 Thomson ; - i 4 -'.0 fr eit
for d6pra TheScols Itbat. Xr- WDOnj la - jjlpj�t f6 -r the iaw -which re *j. - A ItFr t8AWiA#
tuts oat" sball bo"Onsible 'eh wig ye,%,r Old,
AS corro- lot 6f 151 tftt4* Ent itf-� SeiforA Apt
., I 406res'W"lubted fitfadly pyweib by 31iegea 9OKay, Uzzi a644-- - OT �(`[ yontaslatemarlit wbielf,'I Gir mA ift ndr tire shne); to t and' am, pray vrjth �all frnin. -,&rply 00
tit A" MY. Iivk a W494 Ims 1154 on ffamiuft litteek at If R Uartilli, and, TOW 15 fitted as t alldfln ited at a e a tral V9 (a a -Trio, by m. thou Charges me whil'Orallehoodyl ip� icaking, thb', u%TdinR of �a "frai wa� from t thouil b1essT4gt'*ay beof 4 -a -
o frutasep suotkilak thO A Dr. and Mrs. onto tue$ but ing.
par foot f. it, I was vety #Orr -.7 td have �ja 'reri the 'we Ora
n 04 *(111aft Flour Lorria
ob go SU XMIj7
,*ct114 Coat of tbie, frolstso in Thompson, 'We ;hare,*4dalt heard 'so -t4l Z ). - useor.the hall t6 arty. good- jee4"VatMj for to let the 11L
Carhk* thisrulf iii Mr, troatios mach; supentof music corat'r,e"jiltosa - 8*.�L 2 17011101182%,to look I'M& ...... mo -94�
1agtojj.wr0j4.nf� on it# all good May $120 por falot; to MoDolle.-ti and Mr Sy4d I P�Oposlti
ilt %i- t if sucb'z
owers awl till tu&3fror nej� 1,** on tile a feet I . I with favorp DOM14ion. r-4
sis-relieduponto force t1i tv -
short a 4tijuei Th. intarftls vrers Bisop* 0. ilt-*;Aisiu the Tot Of
fit ;when meedugej in AIr 0 !3 �C,
nial remarks 0:45
ption ef tbilifule ssx V) fxl. F. Stowart. Esq., tIr rsr*v�4 by go th there,weri flaigli fdlArllbb
ia i,4U!;e cle 840 j^tM- the Halt, "i sroublesomi� iarty th-9project, wil art arted tlia at this tima tbem All
.00 per F_jjf1 entT CmTcml
mounrin; 21 footf, at $55 1 IWO& W. $nlyth was i th� ing
a4mal L4*0 listf-I rom Peas ... 0;17 or vrifieipleor toter" is se. blod�r 15 -years ld, viumn two Ininutts to tKANt#
�,law of clisims kit( OV6nits-auilifir wilITAbgret, otijing s,;%4 jartibulars. an) Y
so Ow fe(4,. ali, requaning lot, tneaff"rinS I andth6'C After a closing pfieffe "y"Of Assemitig raundpilllingd6wifea�es find, iii.its present shape it, The Empoibir WillisTa was and WWII, andof Pork
by Mr. an bia.bitthday, the 2 6,
Sink nor- 4
Of1haiio" Gim is. -00 171116ml,
I wa,'Coas- Ott af %S.00 per f4iot. 11%030 lot i 0"n wilkeoii 46' bettediotibn tbat blo&, matsot 116 e7onju
*hich: Uri nauttood, And tho'nilietini
01 fire be�Wln 0 #1 pifirr* 11ill 89 (140 5f 1h -olber-rewetable, pardei 14 Tfickerbrait'lif 4prik 12� 18712'
of smses, refitima us". Won
1W, 0