HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-04-13, Page 5!.*1 F. -*.M � \ � \1 I . I . � N\ -, - - "--.., . - i I � I . . . I � #",. � tZ , I !� � _ .- � " 11 11 I . — A. ��_ - . . I � - .1 � I . . . I . . . , '' I - I - "'. � �11". _:t -'-.-__.._._,_-_7-n_ I I . � - __ , . .,-,., _­__­_._.-_ ., - � 1 __ .__'­---. "r- - - ­ - , __ - , i;Q,;�;­ —­- __ " "! ', _.�.. ­­ ­.. - .. ­­- --,..---... ____ - - - - --.-.,- .. �­_­. .. '_ ­ - - -.--,- � � ---.-.-------�.-.-.--..----�..--.---... '. .., __ . - _. .. I --r,-7:, r .� 1*�:1.77,�___Z�;*!__��,7_ - - - . . . . - - - __7_=_1=.= " . . . 7: - - - I ­ '..". . . .. . ­ - ­ -- - .0..�� . - - , - , � - - - 1 , ­ - ­ ­ , . - ­ --- _;,____. i;�;Q� ___ I — _� � ­ - ., � . I - �� IL . _--�. .Z__;��_ ...;__ _. - �_ __ , . ,__� I . I : - "'�,_ &e1fl; - . - I - . . . . - I I I - . . . . __ 6 - , � Dominion- . . I -0- - --k*APN"io- - --- i " a--, , , , -, " I q2 � —_ . I - I -f- � /_ I . I . . I . . I - - - , _. - . I %� r I I � ,_; ; - A - * I - . ­ - — I - , ushic- 33'rett0q). I , I ; , ; -13 ,05 I - ,,!,�­­.­ . , , , ­­,­ V, I . I . - I fl:10_ .1 ­ '. . . ; .- . I . . I I . . . A I I � - I � . - � . 3 -1. . � - *. I ; I noma OF cc- 45. . — �___ It I , � I 11 , 49� * . =======Ez:���� �, � 7 1, . I ; . .11 .1. I I .� 1, 1. . . 'I'mon : , � . I . I . . . I i I � - I . . . - I . � . I , I - I ­ , .. . I ! I � - - . 7 . . � ,,; 1. I I . . - ; 0 0 ; I . �_';;, I . � . - - . 11 . � I 11, . ­ . I . . . � - - . I I � -1 N�ural nl�,til-.%-.tywm.-,Iittvgr,c-emetaoft;I I . . ', � . I - 5 .. - . Is 0. 0. Fe I - D.- � -Oltawi Allril -IM * , �­ - �,,��: . I � - - , I - RON LODdE Nn G2. -1 r,�,- � � - . �. _. . . I - I . leasinz .11111 the v*NRing (it tile lines got � I i -1 ff'.- F"< ,-5, -,- I . 1 -4 t; to z I M ets at their tiall, . .. 11 . _. I . � . . - � - . , . I , . I other ionipanies was read ii t1iii 0 mid � HU A' , 7 1 . � . I . � � -c . , . ...� , I I ' I -Ibion Block. 6oderich, ,/, .. pw9sfA. 11:9 lboss f1inise'O E, dwnrd] mid ay evening, at !. .11" - . I ! [,f, 11� I I . - very Thisrsti. ,�) ;z, , � . A � - j ,;,,, � I . - �AIWK- znMInce on Kingston strect. Visitlug �1`1 � pr,x ".. I . tieft a protepedincy any further tvith tk" I - ? . . 0 i"Ilre . , 9' ,4 1, "I . . I I 1, . - . . -) � �/4 t - I .. --�, cozulalky invited, -1 I I I . . I . . I - .Ob - I;llbl iO busilless Ite wislie-d t.4 draw littenZ I ,D. 0.x_%LrnrLL, Secretary. - , . . . � - - I * a . Godeliets, Feb. M. Is . - - . I � ,loll tot zh TaWthat'the alientlipr for MsT I - I : As, IV3-ly- 1 1. I , . - . - I . — I . . . - 'tlr Deloritte], %v;-9 r-purted tu . . . I . . . I � 1, . i I . Lvau 1er . � . . I . I have bec It niv.�Olk�r -if tht- sit ntal-fia ;I , . - I I , 11 "VV I 044 IP41 TK r__1'V1 -10 I)i 11 rip 11 40i TV � - ; . . - 11 . col i W. G. uritswa , . I % . - :1 I . — which hado-ndenitled SC11tE to dt- I - � - - - - Or--- --�. I - I - —.— -_ -_ - - - —_ —_ __�_ .- — -_ ' I 1�su'3-r of -Marria.ge Licenses, __ _____ - ---- ___ __ --.-----,---- . - - . I . . . bad been a met-im:r,if Ricl*x gtrevatrant'l . F di"OX, if s, 1. l. ! . e Greatest PossibleNamber." - I _7Gv L _f ili;zll Ire - , t Iusurance & Real Estate Agent GMU. COX & ABRAHAM SXITH, I ors. I . 4, The Greatest Possible Good to tA - 1, -TATdZS'7:0U1 .e was gl;iity A ason And . . 1. - . I . - i , - . I --- . . - � . I I . . I __.�__ - i it ur, 1,-r, at is] was it, -t 4 i nald fied t4 P 91 t in twt : COMMISSIONEIL IN B. R. ::::;z::;::;:=�_ I I ----.------- 2 . ? i I j - - - - I I � � . . . V f ljjul;c fllr Dul,irisw said lie kll(!Vr 2l3t1j;'; ) 1. . � ; i I I a : I A�U. ! 3 ODERICH., ONTAIII09 D.C.,. THURSDAY., A -P '20,3871- . OL.:KX. - .4 i I I V.&XCIE, 14 I)MDS, NOW11GAGES, &C-, $1.00 Tnbv.T7.b ._-�NNT- V41-V,OLn ' IV- N� () JS itlgr.illont t1w insider 11111il till, days, ft * DEIAWK AND rxECUTED, 9!2. -_0 .-L,r IEW13 OF, -VIC ; . G . R111 0 )v � .1 1. was committed. (Cheer.j.) He hi, j , , :: . . - � - .. I , MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 per cent. . - - ! . I - — __ - i -..-. . ----- — ___. _. __ "."'T"""'00-0-2 had nothi-sa %% hatever tia At! with Riel!6 __ i � ' ' ' I loet, Isth 1810. - — __ _T!0" __ __ � I I , I (ini cr a grumble OT -two at the awkward uji5- Council. -When Mr Smith waB sullr..*6 i � .:. 3 i awl7-ty ZIMICH, Ont - I GODEfilull TROW.N COVNCIL. 1 iieed Tlbt be delayed;- TAIr Sinclair moved ,, --;n#wr ttj ii -e t':in.-dian GAivern- i . . . . ­ 1 ! . I . I . Itake, lie bad -mado. _A1rs---Srru"­1ed alive 0-manis I I — , . '311011011re -1 - I ilielit, 1! A: i l),: -4--.,w - � v.'_-, a (h..'e!ratc. -at Al j 'i — - Ousilues RRICedo,Q]. - 111011cp to-flenb. I in Pn;endm6't 6 the Arnendment an;'d Aft, - I j ; . ., - I ---- - _- - - .. . . 0 . econ q. It , , . t - 1 j ? : A special meatill of theTovrn Council Davison s � ded that . t6 ROM an d I :41a, ;,iser ,.it i . - __ __ ____ __ ___ � I rid a ... I ,-aranded bet %say home ; if 1 � � JAN123 SIIEWAW —7:. , -_ - - . ; — . I leAtii- wetter woman than %�ljin -, -.. � 6- ' .Mr S. i.h 1�.�::-,-'1;-;)-AtvA1 Del, . � I I . . . was-hald on Wednesday evening. Presets. Briage -Oommittee make up a jenerat -Irl:-k�:! .;".!*.-.-�:;�-W. 'J -t Lvvi lievin heant ! r —7- 1%T in ,%7v 1 . when she left- , j � I , ; � . the -Mayor in the chair, Messri. Clifford, repqTt of towrtimprovements and tha"o I - Pr,BDT,r,8 ,,,Lo3r BENREVITLA. --A ceitain any-�1.ri, m-:)�t�t� �,�:!Al!!" .1ifil 111161a d , : I . nip I . � 1 �j - - � ALE :ACENT Waggion ard 0 � . INSURE Toul PROPEUJY Crabb, Savage, Dancy, Smithi Sintlair, improyessients bagoneinto untilthatrepDrt I precarious sCi011 Of the Bentiecidan genjis .r I W'. 61 l 7.;... N he ;,Ik-1 be - .� MY H 0 L E 5 C trriago I i . . 11 guiltyl I I OF . , . . : i ; 7!! Ell . � Gordon, Davison, Doyle more. be received. Mr Smith thought Mr. rysa;- w . . .. Ot , .. 1 t be far-famed'anATeliable St Cailier*zle's.9ursery . -_ ' ima pasi who havin',113telY iverged from the ch y :­.0;":",oi.!,l ii� t'... re4ellion, lt� k j I " - 11 1). W. BFADI,E ESQ. FACTORY- MONEY TO LEND UN T IT .. . . - Ile* a this 11 I hs eiicaseitictit" ,of j"VellilitY. now flutters (*Stits: � ', v..'.4.0 noot !- , , '. hast nEyOubg PD . �. � The Mayor explained that he ca! -Sinclair had goi ieiy eco omical to-nigglit. 'ociety re- do w.. -ii 'n!:-, ,it -.-i;, a,tr-. - - "" -" 1! - . I- i At Greatly roduee4 Rates of Interest. Agrin T11 .around tbesurill, imecitets of S I A 1110111b, Into 412 1 'i, . ,ulfa. A. INSURANCE (70mip'any "matting iu connection with sundry little Lasi night the Counclil triet, lie wfiii . . . inallthe full bloirn p1mittude oi r 1pi-3 0 . - .,., -. ­.:e;v�zA HAsti MrUnEion- I FOR ALI, KI.VljS OF BATES & ELLIOTT . I I I .., I . � I --------t !I I kVE pleasuTA illintimat- . . - —0so— town improy' He i -Rad the followc. generous enough to propose t� p]A�i shade 30teing . � - - . . I j : ! Ing to the public of town film underst �d has any amount of money to lann - biitterflY _Oostusst� 4 Ali'.Jt�a!vlltly, f",rgeTful �pitl ni��­- �, ,:,:,-. ,N;c Wait,er It,iss havaniZ . � ! � ements. I i ALTHEES, GREEN- . IF Tfrom two fteen years, at a low rate of Interest . trees on several streets, which nould cost 6f.eve�j:oiher considerttion in'life than stated itiat lie liml reas-tus t-, Uhr that Atir � i I Fhouse Plants Gr.qle Vblc�i. &',,, &e. . . and roiintry that they have ST0rKC0NIP%N1T. Trsum-t only Farm Bnil(l. Mg report ,bf the Road and,,Brid a Com. . . ; and favourable rms of repaiment, payable by ye,trly ,9 1 ; i opened a Waggon a -d Uarriave A inosptndls(klateATniv,n.ne.Ridenies, Chartered a great deal more thorn the works recom- the one imperative j4ot viz : that he hitit- .%lr Delorme h;jd ticen concerned in tbU i- 11:?' A nr stock not on band, ordered -)n the shortes . lustalments rate t expensesr will defy competiton. . - I 3 � f I , , 0 1 Shop on St. I Inv-id'sz Fit. and commenced busissess hi 1 858. mittee, who had been all round town dur mended to ni- - Scott, h� R? ,j i 00ticL. House-Maitlar0ille. Goderich P. - Eiii-otesold stand,) im- .. l I ­ ina th;a day t At. ,A1r Doyle said it was self is the unly legitins. ae represeutntiv� rebelliviti Mid itsttrdc� Alf wit he . * - ;' � . i � ; 870 .W30 ioining (MArstern Hotel. B. & E. CE HORTON I 0 - — . I Goderich. Avg 15, 1 mediat - CALPTTAT ...... L ............ 8100,0" I , laimant (if perfect royalty now extant rewilved that a select emalliftive i i 11 the work entrusted to them, kppralsei for I ite Canada Per. � 0 i . el Goderich, April 12cb, 1&71. no argument honinst the reportfora or a AP-. w __- -- — at.endp . inally . ........ 42-5.000 . within the entire dbmini�)n of MothdoM. ir-iuted to enquire itits, ,he truth of thi; �? � 3 To the Town Council of the Town of member to ug:,trest a posribillity that there ; to tulwout " 8 41 . �nd arme ar itn'Ans-in,'"uIldl-lia & _44avings nennotm win, p, nomwon noysrnmi-ni, TIT bellpfit . . This s1mcious hisinan',knowt for he isactually oliarge. Sir Get) E 0artier moved id I . . . fi i SALT 16ERRITORT. Goderich. . . might be more necessary Improvements I � Waggons, Buggies, � soefe�-,T. of Toronto. . of Canftdian Polrwy Holders ............ f.& --,4.5.Q0 i � v a biped of sernihnulan proportions : and (if amentl nient tbat the inatt�--r Le r0crita i;)' ; i � I ILOO-000 (;NN,TL8MR,.v-Your Road and Bridge, It w -is absurd 6 say io, ut lecs evidence ather large to the Ste Ii g o.amilt - A, * 11 � . . . LE, I LIT 2 ACRE . � . I To lie Increased ......................... I 11 ,stature, ,,it least in altitude� r. ill. " 0 ee --i. Privileges, ti; ii ; Cutters, Sleighs,"I � owthe tirstot inne lan. I 1 4v I - . I ; � I Committee have pleasure in tepeirtifig that could be broug, f6t alrd that such WIL11 '�ojtceal himealf beneith tb; depressed bevnisillured fAirthwith. . - I FOR ,% h, . I ght. Mr Blake said ii , 11 . � _ � BLOCK-;- 01 RAILWAY and ere thing !n their line, of the very est material INSURANCE CARD - - READ OFFTGE FOR OA.NADk they have this day examined Anglesea 81; the - .' 0 lks 0 � - � - The Subscriber is I agent for the tallowing first -e - . - Ii � - _�k I - e -_ "" , case - It -should be presume -I that di mansions of an fle, in that thestatetnent. matio ltv -Niass - 18nut a I -i'le ' d ad wo7mansh I ilive�ted socin,*P& ., - Traek. ini'llediatelv Out 3n and ip and at the very lowest remuuerativ . , 1 ! : 1 =5 the Corporation of Gederieb rates . , and recommend the openigg tit gal -lie t, to lass � �; j '_ ' . Insumance Compvmtes% .10M�, rVeoffimended by the Committee cases of danger,; as ,.certain of.,-h1i­p�;de­ anid Del Is-ruic wit-, quitu S-aigfn�rtiwy 1 1 a 0 , j 1 � .. - - =,, qusrtersofarai�efrom Market C)i 33 3S 3[ W 4C�'rj , ' PHOi-N-0:6fLondon, Eastland. xrb.. X I%T CA- iR ITO C> T�7 from North street to Victoria street Th were tho rriost necessary unldss there was cossfms,Are inill'to have done in daj a of Old. inirid. H-, th-iugla, bowever. that tb ' � I . ; leading IT . . - j I I to and-cominandlug a , - . HART#ORD of Hartford. Rates on rx�m propprty So ppr SIM for 3 Tears - 0n2t will be about W. We also recom- ' I I ' -du � i I I ) town. . Promptly attended to. PROVINCIAL of zoronto. RAtp-lon detAcbw1'Tn%vn residents from no to 82 on mend the gravell.ing of the 11ill at Cam- evidence -to the eontrary, 9 idaving;6f late years got crainmedbydown- 4,41n,ernillsin't were t�l blattie, for Ri t pur - � ! I . I � � - M3- This is one of the most valuable ON HAND, a large assortment of � BRITISH A,MERICA, of Toronto. _ each Mo for$ yeari, 'according to class of building . rmlit dint ef force into his otherwise misty, inj'and trying t,, w. -rest the aturderers 41 i i - � - � paigne's stone house on cloticester Terrace Kr Davison seconaed the amendment - I � , or airblown bratu-box,a ki tid ot incoherent &vtt. Dr �',�&ttlt� isaid lit- shpuld vote it r : , - -PANY, ' so as to allow Father Boubat and E. Gam- to the amen(lin,crit and supported it in a . � - locations for Salt Works in this S-4 Ms JM J1 40w T.-.-&' _' E"""a 8-tesm""' business done [at I'llelowest A CASH COM - i� � a * - outline of a few of the princip' les or ra li- 8irGeorgt, E flartivi's auieli%liltcait. Af- i ,zebion for the saving of teamilig and the economic3 which will be sold Cheap for Ca.%h or Cerd- t trees and think it would be few remarks He objected toAhe principle rve�t$ Of an English Bitication, in -order tersonie t1iscossion, the House dividea ail 1 I ,zra hase of wood. For furthei particulars apply at . HORACE HORTON No PREMIUM NOTES-, No ASStSS- ?aigne- to plan * � ! L i. L . - . e - ! zz xv,noc ,if vast importarics to the Town in the ad- i i � ' ATENTS. of making improvain lits only because to -ratify Ids own vaiik-glory-and the greed -.tit upiendutent tritived by Mr 1) on, Aj F - 94 TH - _g ade I I E SIGNAL OFFIC G." Goderich, Aug 1 1870. W30 Offiq-e Market tquare, Goderich. ditional-bqAtity that would be given to the on for i 1. . A tlrgt.clrtq,; hrielchnus- 70 fhet Tgolated Vc 8100n. In- -_ people asked for them. orctipidityof,cert%ia other members of the vffeot Quit lit) case had been � - Goderiels, Noy, I9tl:6 1870. sw27- tf Sept 26th. 18i O� Tra&ly. to that �the : z . . sairanee for syears Posts only 87.lil) A frame house Terrace. We would sta i 7 i . i � . 50or70fe,,t.TsoIatedcosts oalv liper cent for s cost would be about $35. .% f - I Mr Sinclair's amendmerst to the amend. that "antiquated fiihily, of'which he is the sealiin, tile case to -a 011111-litier.. ye. -d" - - - - .6 ismt H Stoves ! -Stoves! veam Insuranve. and � ment was lost on a division. pet ; he fias, like the many more of our 94; jja'j,s 44. Dir 'White, (Z astingsl - � , We ha% e also te re,port tthp.t at the re- . " � MONEY TO LEND coycothbiC;L1 twiths (if the genus lwnlo,at- asked ..'hether We extriottioii Alf Riqj foi, i MIL 7G Ma C>17 .aLjLA 1 NO POLICY & SURVEY FEE CHARGED 'quest of Mr. Standly of Standly & Co., we AIr Davison's ameadmen; ffas also lost , _____O_ I � ON EAST TIMMS- I All1asses paid promptly. The"Agrinuitural"stands: called and hadan interview with hint,ax on a divigion. � t:tilled & the privilege of figntring fora few flie'linur-ler (if .8cott hms been demBudd . I M I L1. 11 � . 64 de- years past in the capacity of a caninion and %% hether ally steps ir a(f been takeli N; ' ­ I .11 I CORPORA7*1D I -ria-M A. *P. Is at the head of the list of the 74 Insuranee comr-all-eS to a drain he is erecting from the Hfiron Air Fassmore's motion was then _: 1^ . I oe ,r IN .1 ­ , . % . . . . . "I -E % DANIEL GORDON' A - ,­�: , school tbacber- bless the mark! a circ'utn- briva the murderers of Scott 6 trial it' - I Pq :. , �, til HtrRON & E 11.9 - of tile State or New York, and the stoek is worth double Road to the Culvert at the Railway- and clared careled. stance of.such extreme rarity aniong ier'said nt tliii i 4U_&j3'rTqj�:1jr .�.�� -, that of any other Company in the slate. ___ � Ban- Nlauitoba. SirG E Cart , which drain w;ll linve the effect of taking �� M-A� Y -K 1E U E-1 H SAVIN , & LOAN SOCIETY. Lomas in Canp.da p!tyable in Gol.i. * Mr 8-mith moved and Mr Gordon see. beculeaus, as -to make it appeal- almost in- thne of the inurder,A)e Dominion had ni;_ I � - W I � off all the water that flows into -Town al- i UPHOLSITRERS H --& - tV CAPHAL - , - - - $700,000. - A.M. HARDY, Agent, Goderich, Ont. ong t& easterly side of the Huron Road that 144-essrs Standly & Cc be grant,d crellible even to hiniself ; and which seen a atithority in the matter, and thereftift" I . ! 0 0 0 -PHIS SOCIR -YADVANCHS MONEY ON SECU February loti� 1971. BW51 � � $ 1 00.00 in consiliciation that the drain to have elevated hins. so much in'his own, could n-tt ask for the c9tr4dition of Vial.' � ' I - _ 'R%SWITHAVIEw Pd Cf A ritf of Rea Estate, and on Terms very favorable . . . - � wMch does almost all the damage to our ' as well as in his relative's esteent, that the The Extradiction Treaky did not oxz=4 i 1 - � 1� a borrowers. ! . drai it on Brittania Road irk the shape of referred to be constructed to the satii- . � : ___ - _ �o keep up with 0 - Lirfli-West, and if is had, it di,� . I , - _�­, - the times 0 NO LAWYARS'COSTS ARE CHARGED � - driving all sides of the drain over the hill thetion of the Council and ke t in r1pair. very ratepavers at wkose band be derives to the.1% , i: -_ - - �, - purellased & 11 � p Ar .. I . not incIti-le the crime of bigh treason . fitted np the store two V4 - M The Society Pa ;ts Rolicitor's charges. Anv sum; of - . . � that 4alary, over which he feels so inflated, � - R .- , . 4 i - - at Longworth's. Mr Sinclair moved that the matter lie - , .are almost expected to litimbly bow their murder in furtherance of high tmason-­ i � I - - J� dno-s. west of the Post :) &D money, from S Of upwaras, is lent f, r anv number of . , � , ; - 1'r --t'- � I'd � j*IWe would recommend -that Standly & over to next meeting. Ile thoaulit it . - 1. - , � Office as a years from onelto fifteen. Money may be. obWined at XTNA � illiterate phibeian heads at [its ituperions As to the second qliesttoll, tl�o adaninistra' I i , s - , W - i . . . - R. any iime with little nr no delay beyond the time cc- I U,P.. be allowed to jgo free of taxes for ) ! � ­_ � I . should. be ascertained what Mr Eta dly nod ; and hardly dare to draw their till- tion of criminal justice ill Blaltitoba reste2 __ ! : . ! .- � 'FURNITUI&E ;4 4 �, I .0 cupied in inv tigating The title and preparing the 1871 in case' said drain is erected to the i � _f;9r I - Wrtlage,the ostofwbich is paid by thegoeimy. e. __-,gy - - 0 1 1, 1, and with. the - C - i I I � Z�;t was to -expend for otir :advantag N1 r cQuth aud dingy bulk "BetW4 th,- wind ivitb tile Imal authorities ,to -%Aoin no an: _- 1�_- _ WARRaotsE M The full amonn of the loan is advanced -no deduction , . i - I -, Smith id it was once tlisiught to Put in andhisPoraposity" ! We have oftelikstown structioins could be giyen. Mr Afills snov- I . - - . I Sal , - - z being made for commission or other ebarap.q which . understanding that they StartdIV & Co., f �i�� � - ;p- I ." FIRE. INSUP AVE COMPANY, satisfaction of tb6 Counci _ A S j I � ften a so a y 0 the cost Ora ban from HARTFORD CONN- - the drain befbr-. and the c"s!ituate was' cases wherein a perfect abandontilant tts ad the 1-1 onse into Q)u,mittee of the Witoli i�. 'where he will in future carry on the above bus, 8 tj ''! t ke.ap same in good repair The cost of ' s so acted on the weak -intel- to consider certain resolutions on the ad .1 . ., ,e or pmt j_i 1,!� 1:1[ other Societicaa r m individuals. The borrower can - — self-conceit ha �; I � I a -yearly. or monthly pa d drain is estimated at $171.50, 76 rndiL $200. It would have to be done some. - I - more extensively than ver. 'While thankful f ; it �,,�� 11��,.,� . Y_ . . ' Ad v� 11 I Cj repay his loa y yearly, hair le : . � � - . ides - f0009000 k9al ct from which it springgs, as to restilt in mbsion of Provitices into the Uadoia.-t a patronage, hohopes by striptattenti)n to merita . �, 4 !,,� � ments The odical inatalmentg include, beq CASH CAPIIAL .......... $1 i I 1.4 . 1 - digging and filling at 65 cents *49.40 time anti now the Council could ,-,at ltdone . . � p 1`1 . -cotifirrue ' E 0 oved an adjan ,continuance and increase ofsupport. 0 iisterwit�, a sm sum for principal. and thev are an OAS H ASSET9 - - � ....... 5,782,635.09 d iaisanity ; and there appears Sir G brtier tit runlettf I U�,q� I � , I 1- � t'd .. �� �;� 11� P3 diviied that their xyment the debt is entirely ex- 28000000 *11900 feet timber and drawing for S;.00. They climild embrace the strow, reasons for suspecting that bi, ef the debate. On mot-iton �of bIr Mill-; I . � � , . . HE HAs NOW ON HAND m , H tingnished. an the mort-, dischargtd q9 the end of LOSSES PAID IN 511.YEAR'S � , - , A $8.50 0 �� I , . , � ��,�� . 9-15 opportunity. Alr Sincl Us amendmRnt the casd referred to, -.% somethina ,correspondence was ordered iespectisty, � , the time stin led. . . -one of the large9t stocks of fdruiture ill thecountY W ill I , - I The Ldrgest'Capital, .Nails " , 3.60 was withdrawn and the motiQn carried. borderin' Monomaical publ" lands in Ontatio, abant wnichuo � and is on tile shortest notice. prepared to . 14 lmx-v .EA1r_.-A Borrower obtains S500 for 9 on le I '* 10 15vears ; he Mys $66.70 each year, and at the end of 0 - '� supply icr-ustomers with everything in his Rue, such as A) Labor making box &n4 filling 25,00 Mir 8inclair moved and 21ir Gordon sec. abe,r.tion is likely to provetheoverture. sin treaty of reserv,ation had been malt! --- � . . the time his ortgage is paid off The rapidly In- d . -_ I .. � Drawing-roons and , Parlor Setts 0 - , THE LARGEST ASSETS -art zonstraine'd to make the foru-: pri r t t � Bedroom Setts in wah-ut� ; Pd crea:�dng-busine�qs ot this Society is the best indieltion I 1 $171 a the making of the drain down Wilson St. I have be 0 0 lie first of July, 1857. Howse z 1-4 of the favor wills which it is regarded by the farming ' - AND I - � A do (10 in Chestnut; community. d d Its porlislarity will become gmter as I We woNld recommend the remitting f! Carried. 31r Sinclair, in reference -to goihg observations, on accourit of a rumor adjourned at six. � � . � do in White wool, . F? ipr,A.rLr; A.-x*iiD jwA_N4_-w I'd -the merits of Ito lystem of lending hecome bett,tr known 12th April: - I E do 0 OME whiQh hits gained some pievale.Ace here of �_ the Taxes of said Standly & Co., for t the Harbor, suggested that the Road and i 31attresmq of every de,wription. 0 and unders" Bythe imall pavinents of principal M late, as well as around the section where- After routine n. messagp froin his Eki&al: - I � - _ OF AXY , . � I . - . . - I � golslers, Pillows. &e,, &-. . - yeArIS71. Theamosisittiley-areassessed BriJ-e Committee pre'iont a special report .in he teaches ; which i-5 not above ten .1ea- lency the 07,ov. General was receivtid, an.: , � Feather included in thetyearly instalment, the harrower gm4u- FIRE INSU" r, .. , , ally. nd wi� Allit tr,ouble. pays nfr his loan-tbi � � 31,4NCE COMPANY f -r the yearlis $11,000 or thereabont& at nexi- meeCin- of 0,ouncil. It was 44dre in oi� 4p( , ". ,: . S- W X ZT "VV" .ZL XL 3M ,a e ON HAND A LARGE A - avoid ng the rj�, of,o iing his property. which to oftsn�q rgues froin the Pine giver Settlement, ,6z: urinneivig that the , ss - for i : E - 1. —0— ," :, 1. IN AMERIC.A. , , Your committee also examined the Lots agreed to that th"P matter he referred to that ever sinca the world-wide sensation British Columbia with Canada, shou!4 lAo , . SuRTMENT OF I happewt when fhe prineipal falls due in a large stim at 1. � . . . . ; ; the end of the term. He can, at any time. pay off his on belonging to G. H. Parsons, Esq., of 4A, *�� i - 1P 0::) -Deposit made with the Do7nifts the 'Harbor (Jotumittee. Itwas moved arisin� ftohi the reported matrimonial presented to liar Majestv wifilout .,�: 4. .. .i � Pictures gach as Oil Painting-, Chromos. Lithographs (;0 11 T OIL loan in advanecion favorable terms (which cati bp Ret- a - 9 . � . *11 .-, �� i photograph of the queen.- Having made arrange-entq � . Govmw intent for the benefit of ( ,anadian which -he complains that the action of th ratenti4ts taa,q' . ZLM 9 tledathny monthly meptingbvthe Directnrs.nntbe . by MrMssmore,Eeeonded by MrGardiner alli "cc Jately ratified, between the.Alar- Air Make called . 1i i a , Uestupsl � " . i with a Forouto lianufacturing Hofise esu supply I miter from the -dralu proceedin down the ­ � _. I Toronto WUOLESALE AND RETAIL.- application of t�je borrowerj and interest at six per Pol.icy holdeis exchaivel.y. . 9 � Nlanito�ri.. -XO.4d of ", �. 6 rictare Frames n any style required at in ad- ' ihat $ 1 0.00 be spent in opening Tral'Ill-r,jr quis of Lome and the'Princess Louiee,the of privilege its 4 1. pr:�__ I . cent per annmt� will be allowed on al4ayments failures sh w the impor- hill at Hosker's, has injured said Lots, we r3 .�-.�, 1� � . , C:Y- Recent 0 ' chief question at issue in our liero's mind,. vision liaii been made' f4i M6 tf!41 of'oofi- � :i � prices. vanes. J� . � - . . St. ..Mr Amos Nartin ,no - contribute a -, .. ...11 -�;f� i � I m3-- Has always oa hand a complete assort g&- Coal Oil Lamps, &e. &c. 01 Iran. gi�ll particulars and loan table may be obtained at tance of patronizingthe Companies that af- believe that the present course has always ' . .i'-� it d and fustered there by hill frien4s, bas been t.-overtellelections. Therew"'twosuc .%' � ..,A 14 i % - Si - the Spelety's Offt�e_ in by letter postpaid. addressed to tord the niort; reliable isidemnity and -the been the natural course of the water and like aniouct. Carried. Mr Binghafts . ,1-4 .,,�_4, ; raeut of . Copper, Brass, Wool Pickings. and -Sheep zin the Secretary, dr from any of the Society's val ' to the effect, Oiat perhaps Qiieea Victoria cases pending itf 51nnitoba, and priovisitpil ­� 11" . I L il�tors valuo of an Atna 11clicy must be apparent. do..not believe the drain has in any way addressed' the Council iti refereqee to the - " I take. in exchange. . I inight sancticia his proposal, for the hand slGould he made for their trial and settle- 1rj I CHARLES FLETCHER. Taluator at Goderich # I Ills & Shrouds ill the Latest StYle. I - st 'P, a � -- Cof � J.&- J. STORY. . N. B.-Espeelal attention givdis to the insurance of assisted in dOiTig a4y more inj it ry to Raid di ain destroyin- his into. Aloved by 31 r of her remaining daughter Beatrice I And ment. He moved,& resojntion� ii��Vkdl U, . / - - __ . - C � - 9 - 3 Dwellings, Gliurelit-ii, Selzool and Public Buildings far . ,;, - . . terms of three and five years. at rates as low as they . .-.0 , � - Iso, HZAR,4E_,q to hire. oyle and seconded by Hr Davison that - aw to incet'anch cases. ­ 11 � 14- SiVn of th Large Ooal Oil Barrel, Lots than if said drain had not been erect' D wherefore not Worsurely if antiquity,of for a general L .. �i '11 A �� . e with ad. We cannot eittertain any 'claim as to I �� - _. Goderich. All- 15, 1x70 swl can be mad safety to the Company. the drain on Wilson St. agreed to - be race,dignity of lineage and other proud Sir' G E Cartier said this %vas jV miltter W I I � . . - -I FOIL C:4 . � . any damige to said Lots. hereditary diatitickions, added to refine be settled by the Local Hont�j - , , A . , , . i 1zL8;1X --- - - , , 'I 1, 4C:jjX4eg7;i1_ . I . DIXIE WATSONY We also examined the Harbour and find made bd,-referred back to the 'Road and m6nt of manners, and unlimited personal 'Sir A T x4alt Ampffoited,34� 4 11113. �11 2 Doors West -of POst Offtce Agent. it in a very bad state of repair, and took j3ridge .Committee to report. Carried'. ' . ,yW - ` 1�, * 194 . w2-ly . elegance, in form and costuine, recorn- tion . I T. .1 I . TAI L-0. Rl" C Goderich, Jan. 28th, 1871. sotrie pains to ascertain. the Probable esti- Adjourned. ' '-- , V D::3p- Lumbet and (3'Vrdirood take7b in Ez- - - — I m ' I men ded the great HacCaj!eaj� Mhor in the Hon J R,Caineron thought these Wui-' It � ate of what itwould cost toput samein- - � - . " " i � change. - - X500. - (tile case ; they ought logically considered j6ba tp-acis -should be tleilt 'wiih same 4%V I - . <Werich. Dee, MAL 184 . STI - 3:30 . .16L 33� .Z36 M 0 ; - good repair. - - "13ERLY, - also to prQre as efficient riicommendations others, : - . . � . � i THE LIVERPOOL& LONDON It appears to your Committee that by , iry the suit ot the great MacGilkanBeg. Sir -C, Z 41 41 - ----t I . � — ,arti6� move4l in ameliamenf. zemen I he ha06 I placing -it row of piles aloirig the front of . I fort,be very flatteringe acourag . - I f From our own Correspondent.] -So strengthening bit; -prestiniption on the that the petitionK u�lns;f th6 electi4rfs lip, � aceiveditnc�hecommenced business in Godg- ' AND GLOBE the present dock and placing piles at in- — P . ., 41LA1. � �. 11 .� - basis of this peculiar hallocination ; at the -referred to the Coylimit4ept. raynege,te . ; - . ich, not being able to execute over one-hfi I Y ' INSURANCE COMPANY tervals of six feet apart for a distance of WiCATHBR.- The, weather is in most re- I heordersbrought to bint lasiseason having . � - late 4alentine season. it is- asserted that he meet forthwith,and report to the Uoitae' I , - aow securedt actlitielfe I . � . H�* neen in existence Thirty-two vearo� and 560 feet and then placing sleepers ou top speets about as goodasAhe calb of the mea- had his o�vn likeness' taken by a first-cl-as's the proaeduce J�) be Adoptetl with "�arg - I I - . - during that peri6d has paid Lome# exceed#ng _df the oiles a tolerably good jlskrbour could son rpquire. All 14ature seeing astir and p otog pier, all dispa ,a per q W to isticlipetiti � uus,' The aineindinefif *wC - - . I I I , be made (being properly planked.oh I - I . - Five and a, half million pound"tirling, toli-) bustlitiginto,freshvigour. -Thobirdsand N�Iail, irectitltoThe PrincessAfiss � ,t- carried, , . , *-� " 10. � .. I urfligon Business ExtePsivell , . Thodisburpernent lit this enormous sum over The expenge*would be as follows -,- the bees -ve 61ii through all the sunny . . !ph, I - o,rHoizseEJlgtand.Ve ly 1�f�-,Gffhb_Oowl�ilite6. �ustip. . ap i The Irept , � I . ea 10 . __ I 11 . -5 � f � a witle area, bag without doubt contribut Wpilesat Neach put down $1500.00 nooki of ,'the forest and -the happy bnllf rogs -Men descended frain Ap A 'a '1ved, 1he folio * ng �s - i and employing none"but first-etai I . . the eiktablnsbln�uit of this Inbuttilion, in the . 0 as, or Alle e- wall then rpee � . - � . MONTREAL OCEA63 And aq D.A. believes hisex perience as Cutteris I - Tirliber on top ............... 301?.00 throughout the situny gools are perfectly scended front Alen will be found in aII-age-3 w.ere icarxie4 !-Canals, 86 001, F " 4 confidence of l'ublic, Gorporittions, Mercliants, ' , C is ri S i ; 10 - STE Lumber ..... ............... 60u.00 clatuorotiA, piping incessantly the blub- and in all ou t a plafing such fantastic Works, *72.4,69D': ; , '. A, , + I ,Ay ,LS.Hrp COMPAW - . . . econdtononeinthe Province. It avingca tried on - btisines,"-xtensiveiyandsuccessfullyin Hamilton, I Hbulteholders, and businew men geneZallYs . - . 02d i2t, o. .2" ' __ . . .. wherever it is reprewrited. -Spikes.-..;.............. . 200.00 baring siti,tes of their spontaneous mirth ick,.' as inake the Angels. rverr on the vote ' ' i - , !ac'ipallytLrst-classeustiDmers-and having been . __- ' . tri for ,940.000 6, � ` ; S VOR TICXETS to and from Liverpool rjqudqrde� - -pri ierin one of t he Principa I EbL.iblishnien tk i n . - Im Its lot vear, 1836, the Fire Premiums Wurk ....................... 250.00 f urness, ind the general hum of life its all laughter. Elaving never receivea ani un-. parsots -iyho suflered loss iluring, t1iji � F. H. CARTE Edinburgh, 3cotland, he earlesslystattv to a a - ' y ibl& 31r5f4ckenii. I ,� - I i .0 or Glasgow by the above Steamship CeY,alll?ly to Cut . lone , , ....... X91970 1 -, amounted tu . . .;. #6 * — its rainifications, has an unusually happ swer, as to the receipt of this isouvenirthe Alanitobatrot , !01340.1i - I ,I _141 I 1 c4 -417,763 * . . 82750.00 �flect, in compar4on tothe late cold and m(,st plansible reason we -can Imploy,, in. moved. that st:o'fiiemll;�r joi Q16. If1j'a., , , 7 Agein, dian-1 Tr.,uk Railway. tiscerillng nublicLhat � a its loth year 1"46.1 " 6. cc 4222,279� 4 . , . . L�op Goderich, Aug 1-5, 1870 vriq CLOTMING CAN IBE MADF - . . I b 20th vear, 1856, 11 at We believe the Town should tike the boisterous itate of"circtimstances from the , the interim, is that he inust in his hurry 11-i'ly CO."or any liersoa who ll . hlg!,3tablisbLnen�equaito,he?i-ts grtablirb I .�., I . 30th year, VR66, ". " - .X859.332 - , I I lie year lat9r, 1867, " .6 4C .cSle,o56) matter in hand and complete the work, but crust ofnhicb, wahave just so suddenly haye forgotten to send her his additss. (if com zi�llioli Ishoitia to, I - . - . plicity in the I , I-, - I: .� I maniin Toronto or Montrea 1. I - — I � that proper representations should be fliade einerged.. The ()rchud trees, and berry The symptoms of aberration however be- eiltitle&t;]l fZ�npeusufio�. Th6lizuRmL i . . PH url miL 0 GRAPR 8 Goderich. Ang 15. 1870. W.3 I . The Fire Reserv� Fund is novv $A-727,464 to the Ron Alr. Langevin tonscestain if b-tishes of 411`i*�rts,_ are showing strong - , _1 I � - I � . , . . � came -more apparent of late, and especially �*Tijiister,decb;rod in the viost determined, 1 ' ' -- In , 4 ;i , _j The Life Reserve Fnnd in now $9.2S2,468 . ake the I n .- � -as arietY ever sitice .�IewApaper Gossip has made if mansterthat nn person. whose 1q.,ilty WaIR, 0 - NOTICE. I *a 0 'cc Ls The comiany w rep-ressented tbroue.hotit On, the Governmeni would not undeit symp 0 isso�lealftij; and anondlL . v - I I I ve� - nitting, the Harbour in repair befQrt; the of Mile flowers are aeririg forth it' all popular. thrDagh Christendom' rP_c6iv4Qjinyt1'a'1j5C0- *-, to . tarto and t,uebec, li� influential Ag,!nta, tn I - that the' doubtful, xvoiild' ','� *. - . I I . _�,-*� . I a * P 6i.s a .0 ill - Ifou. jai,i . .*,,* , 0 . �� $1.0 Per Dozei . i IMPORTAN , 'O A P4 0-,. wAiom applieRtion Pit insurance may be made. Town won*ld assume the proposed outlay. directiolls, -The farm I and others tip Princess Beatrice is a'6out to be 4flianced to this 1119811rallre e Re . ,led 0 I I - I 0�- �r i - ; I PQ 4 03 TheEngineers %ill shortly be here and herein the country, who live any whaie the Yonthful TrIarquis of Ely, a,yery poor mot:ion iWas carrib(l: I . I F. 3EL. MANN, '. . 0 'a� , (k.k.C'. SMIIH,R6identSacretary, � - I - ,� I - - I � <=5 r. .Q 1 1*1 a - . MONTREAL delay until tbby arrive we would reerim- near to the vicinity of the larger creeks, gort of Goat. and ffa Paddy to boot - but)' _­ � . I . I P 0. I . I .V- - i . - House sig,11 & Carriage Pointer W im -.4 1 A. M. ROSb, Agent for Coderich , B V. mend. We also -would recommend -a small are pretty much divided in Their conjec- who alio 'Actur"islies with hereditary bon- Tlie Internatfoind nrtdges,� , - � . - Im 11 .ter j W. N. lffatso'o, forSeatorh4 box dtain on Wilson street in St. Andrews tures as to whether it is most proper to our, one f hihhveer dt . � = __ ;,- 0 CD . Kitiatt, for Exe s n O w c I os v , a e ils Ur . I . I ,_ . . . . . # _U �_ :_�_ . F,SIRES TO ACQUAINT THE PUBLIC THXr , - W P4 o i47 cq � ' Goderich. Aug 15, 1870. w3O * r usual Springtide avoca- - ___ . . - . I Ward with the understanding that Mr. -push forward thei, kAnte -i-uvi;tn period. The I coa -h ift , . I � _ - I . 1) he has fitted up a shop an North street next to (=� X 14 A 0 - - - � back ,is -the . The 1inn(loss. E wa,Wof 4be 2U I. - I - the Wesleyan Wthodist Church, with varnish room - — 0 1 �_ ,__ - - 6i E-4 0 '&4 . I Swanson and others interested should put tiuns'er go a Zucker fishing, the creek. rumonr it is tilotight, has had sozerious h -the followitig7 remarkg ,on tile Ralsby, �_ - ­� - (=� W..Q N 4 Z -Z 4 las � � -11. - . attached where he is prepared to fill all orders promp.- " n eftect on the normal weakness of poor the . . !if ", .I, . __ tly, and at re.isonable prices Thankful for the patron V2 ." P4 in proper covered drair-s- through their beirkq literalyalive with fish, which, espe- a - Grand"rfunk bouili and,I)n1lertnfit.l. -_ - - . - __ age ot the List 7jears solicits a oontinuance of the' ra P4 _ I Lots to meet said Wilson street drain. ejally in the Eighteen mile creek aTe st) ? Beribecula's'. intelle6t, that it *ould be jjt�,ck litsued to' provide for the;eanstirtic -, � - _. W ,4 . - .i - F Ve no'_"�� I - __ — — same =I W CLU" 'u- 0VT ! ! easily cAttight proper -for his frie - --A - IWID ft ti A . - - - . E.- rq p 42 1 .40 I E. CLI FORD, Chairman. . .,that many who make ittheir nds'to take ,carefid cory. t,ilin .of the atio' wor'k :- I - I . + . I I I � . Cd >4 . I - . purpose to go in pursuit of them�, return t, . I I � � rrAnge-7, . Now isthe time to Paid yourCutters 430 - ni7arice of hi,% outgo' ad injorrihil, last i7tek the cOPIDlitiOD if tliO a ' - - I ni from , � . . 0 . - , , . - anceCommittoe often after a few hours' scoo� I I . �, - .1 n-ALFDOZSYFROMBACKNEGATIVIT ' " al � 1 94 k 0. 9 . - Mr Crabb thbught the Fin ping- with takii% -care tokeep all ML " -, Mt - jsholild first repor 41;1:�.­Protls drugs and merits for platbirs- the bim,ls-ind prifererl6o � ­ JLJL 5t cents, postage tree. One doze I � t on the state- of -the S' Owing 11wat the pubt 3xr.ind Trufik,of 041ai' 1 ­ Sleighs, and "arriagresA, I .f; . veritable wag-iin loads. This Ii ' tQ weapons out -of his.reach, . � , 0 � . . - W stock issiled by the i - baek nega I . 0 - N ID - . � . funds and'inake cdrtain appropriadosis for of Af r PritcNariPs -Saw- � I - � ,,--:five 87 cents, Postage free, to any . I . . gar orders from country Carriage shops attended to to . - / the embankinent alithorities should be put to the painful da. Railway doiiipaiiy f6i 01.0 ,6-;n�trniiifo� . . � :% -certain 4urposes. At present he t4ought -which u . � necessity of parch .-in 4 fe ri f of the i t r .;e ncrois to nuffa: addrem. - - . . - 0 � P 6 w, preel tides the scaly,legions %vith di,zpatch- . - , � � .4 1 1 mill I . .1 j . wy�i 15 o a 0 natiollaITWil- I I - 4� 1. I I Painting, Gliding, Graining� Glaeng, Pape.- -1 0 report out of order, �or at all events should ing 0'eir.,accastomed: journeyings stj)uf cauvass and --opiploying ,our friend Ill. Tlli,.3 wenk aubacripitils tavC 1�xitn n:r par -Opy- sie . Iroln . ,tje�larAtteliflon pald to e an.11139, &a.. me. - � - I I be refeirred:to-tho Finance Committee,. He isila � . - fheBallvo?b.Tail�6rin�ff)rmiti-itinioa - ­ q , -,I . ., I - I typ . . � . I � � A. M A RT I N 9' llo� faitht", " W very invited by Mr lawromet"., Still" antl P4roe,,1, - ? ina, old Anibro es, F. ft. KAN9. � . I also complained of want of sufa ient notill- A SX�jLL �(IISTAKE­An am -rment* -,%vitb a - ,I -tj understood a � * . - � - . . go - using, but tight body -ga n extra strong ,in -�e bosids and st4�ekr aro e I I For e4herlargeor small photographs. T,tte Goderich,Aaa, 15, 1870 swl I catis5h ait a member of theJ"d and Brid- .somewhat-ludierous fracas took place in lacing up the back ; a circumstance wh'oh 1. 'j)eeri jyjare djam fally 4pp;wd 1 . for � - . . ' - — . � . I .1 . Coninfittee. Mr ,, Da 'oou thought this bur neiggliborb. - " ,ould invuh 110it hi4 freedom. it is atat ,are , Lmitti, of ,,��14� -A . I . � Thuv�dnv, � Tl,e ani-intni h � 'b3cribar1wreturnin I —0 . -was a patch -work ffT He thoualit the7 two - a c ood a short time ago,formnig ,v - - ju �g thanks for the libe- at , - GOD F4,RlUjti � 1, . - I a Jr. . . u, slight episode in the life (if one or � - - I - � - heretofore extended -to him, I - . , ad furtte s and on the.' most reliable, autho� %yo 4v�e �-irticnlnra bekow, is -;C2Q5,000.ji% - - 'Mtiag'�A` . . I �� -matter should wait for a general re�,ort Of parties, pppils) at-preserit, in AIr Ward's , I ill stoek, bearing rlpi r ; �_, . . . . I - rity, that �on Rvstur Friday tbesealarming j,,Oj;js, -�jjla ��fj,00f Pa film I � .all impr6vemeuts requilred, see what was singingt.lase Thedircumstancehas`r8feT- symptomshad b6coule more demons eent ititi't-'st, I WoUjdjU3t gay f hat he haj ma4q such i proveriients inhTS gallery aa will meri't "n- - . . . most nec . as � I . trati- vi,01 ivnitat a&ni;_mhtiV*' � .*r - . .. a con- WIG ON, k CARRIAtTs - I � - . sary and di), it well. Mr Clifford ence to th�tirne of the. last heaNy thaw, ,�o that, - � " " - . I ever;,assurning, a More serious drawhig the wbolle being recured. 6 -;1quance,of theaame..� I I � I . � ,3. 1hyll, - I It ' I -1 . . I I spokewithagood cleal of vigbr in. the ,heri.the,rivers; of Ashfield, according to aspeettItnit, formarly'. Ontheiveningtof pr.-ferenlial' Iluvaled 4�olli, 66, Grana 1;a vieW ,of changing his business, has matter,clairning�that the worksrecommend s of use and that day, be was seen stalkingalongtIle Trl;nz j,"6aD3 . g3-_ I Great Red3etion 611 , ., I � - the long, established"pkinciple . 7 . 44, nlfl,fl t116- fl)N' 4 thq - ! I I . _. . . I . -1 4e ad were -absolutely tecessary.- Mr Doyle 'I with,some truth, to b - - , ,U - , '. i.�� .. � . - . . � � I I � / . wont, are saii , 0 Aslifield. road fovvai4s Kintailiequipperl bri(j,�,p, T.ko,sce, , a .--h-se I � I . . W,rmined on I * , t built across th( . . 111,11. 1) bas beeia, firlyi, t� 4ay, t ,� shoved and Mr, Oardin"er seconded tba r1'Y in a very dandified lietot -, the last ,jtj.�31) 'd2.$Dp,,jn, ,Theardih Slitoor As .#rge Ph t0grA-P �� ,� , - �.bridgeB 1 A certain elde - � , .. . I Ar _ HAj., JOHNSOM. �N' - A _% - . SELLING ouT the�portion of thi.�ilqorb in Teference to young femitle of the .-triarriall perstiown, handiwor'c_ Of our leewrl ­ 1� , I ­ � I ricT3. Aug. 15% 1870. 5'.30 . - __ - ,-- - . - . - .. - thestreetVy Mr_-'0au6aigrie`s house be but, ;v;ho i§'�Ot - eucumberedl - 00"t'ampOrary, �nf -the lir4 ha,s 9-gain'Unprovod this' wee,,Vi, . ' k� qOde � � � in Any war- the iir-eprcssiblaTii,itor,wli(isomyzterion-I the traffie returns �­ tutingling 14"�l "I � - . . . I C( 1, � Wo i I - . . loot. ad�pkt& Carried. - Mr- ' dt hoine, bav- � I - � - - � . - . � I . � his whole.stook of Dqy�gooBsat c Fassmore,moved witILit6renite!i�-es.pomiblltt4,efs a d4fa,ppearance is deeply regrefit e4o � throw- �. . A, .. ! 9 -0, , .- - - - , . � . - . . ! . � . . .. I I itsid Url_)oyle sec. that, Anglesea St be in _ a strong tendency to Tocal ing, himself into soide vp W -rid Tf,WXrQ BE ,4vce R'Air", " -,IT I . 1; . .g discovered � pry primpot , a -, c". � � 7 & L � 'WAY.- - ; Lazamst 196tr18&_-. Co. . ..� f I . graded from -gorth Street toVictoria St, . I - I jissalmr no hindrance on I . . . . th We mea- Yesterdsy tli-e SrA train'of 66'Tarimto, - . . ­ __ - - __ . �i - � l recrexr1bris, ant 0 � interests 'or m4jestio attitudes; striding wi 41 I . , . __ - - - __ �,_ ; I ----� I . ,and,0ambria I . -' - -at score to t NiATY gurecl pam.,,f _Unl�n- I % . . � I .! , �oad .to 1tailway Terrace. ,he, pebu �% liezcbck. wh mt �nnjdng his 'Grey assil Brisce Cainpa0v 1_�4 tb�- . - . , � - . . . I � - _tb . -1 I - I .. n. I . I I I Kr -and BUACrab'b - sec MrAt . 4 I . , � I . . - 1W Zt, 3:1 -tX -:r �M_ <!� tr CM i- 'V . . � Daviso'll moyed� -ts-6f her Aliege lord' has pinuiaget�hd-spolitiug inlerAlfai- St%f,ion,T4Dronto.-tudr.iii,t.hi,lug,iltt3,lTiI ­ - I I . . � . � � . personal 6omfor , � I C � f: I m I ­ . , . . . � . - I I i I � Angglepea St be improvdil 6uly'leam Oam f.0jjp:d-- -it. �cwiveniimt 'to enrol bar- ItonescertAill soliloquies -orpr ;oil, a village wjt'�iil .-� niit I - ., -_ I I . I :11 � c � �_ . - = 9 rif 06ingbiihe.' I - I Sliboar"r-would announce to, tbr- pub- � . I a,to the Railwaj Teriace, - plipit 7of Mr." WaiXg class, ation On coming ol.- - . � � - - I & I m . br4 Roa - Mr' self As Is , ., to his owit shadow. I -in: - ­ � . � THL h - . I . - TBIS IS NO -HUMBULT Sinclair thought wo should ,Tj­ - which - gb arjs�. Saturday I a distal;C64 liver fifty MiI63., .The piqi�* ­ - Ila ot (Itzros'and,13ruce, t atheisugwinap ­ � - - - ­ 11 . __z� . '. . -clw- .. � . I , . Z: I � - 1. . � . . � I rat see'the, e ,attends evi � posite tit .tile preikiis�s vt your,old Poetical gar cars,viftliewlinpany -w6iio�ywtk.rt1rl:* . . I - . � . . . f- I . - 4, . - : 't Ituracturing 4r8t . - I . -vivacity of firalb and - __ - � .1 ­ . - - -­ . i . . . . . - - state o imi fillariebitand. thenthe improyrie- "night, with As much, Ab and 0orrespondeat 11Ir.1V. Baun-it . stintr on the I .. and, J��, 1:),�rty - - I - - lit tho.report the 11atbor" Iu`n,, I , � . yno who itre (; i . - � - - _tfirise 11 � & _;J VardageNg - Waggons, Sleighs . - TorknivErEoPLE&THEN' mZ'Man'baded, "iest Virl Of Afteen could hapikiied -it the tiale, - to be euga in qtIontly 0=11F , - 'o ,fif the njaat vaiii 6f, I - I - � . . I . . 1. ­ - as the daiT4 -1 � A 11 . Zed i !cd ta I . . . I I I . Ot . . . , . .1 I I � . jmpro*am6nU*6 � - � runsl- on th ' - .1 j optteiaw ... I I , - � I .. . re put, last though ,ffioy. t)v* B t as the story . .0 chopping 11-01virwod at':,the end of h a c-(0) ag - c(stispany. Privr ' I - r I . . � I I to the trah; I I AX - cftz�t,tO3�ssmq CA -m sst , � __ Jusco. 11 � . - ,e - . 13-bW - I . - . i -, . rr, fral., 0 Aft the pyes of alt -d 'if- is- A,,, -tile. poor ilifittit;Lted�.'--,Lm-atiir,e,'Ijoi,h,tp , i cout -Z fbe Party leaviag the statio)M, Ik,X,C3lW , , I - I . 0, Lim thepro . and W�hell TOturnin .4. � wlu-oh will �r -OR- CASW I . I . � - *Jjw G 'ODS1 obould, - � _ . � " , I ' - sold 0494F " � , . SELL M .' _c,ht iti,. question, that �fi'e . evc - VIE% TQ IMET THKIN- , - . 7 5: 1 .-1 � part -thp town, 'be- put lirZ froul th it was found *q - infidAing Alt. B. fur the unotb;r tr4ii, 1;atl d , th i;iV..f-t;* W VE. WITEE ,& � � , i " .-/ I'' 7 . . .� I.- . . � _ ty of . .money. ictice ; - b.is . naudary . - I. . . � � . � - � b pr. 9� V is i - ei "I effected - . � ; el . . - . ed JF� jpFjDOV., ebemisp and I I At-tho,Wttal rdes, � .1 Abould -not iatprogettt .i . . I -,qq4d0tl1y!1toulsed-doW1i iron, . R, no f3pe,cuerep, appimt JOHN PASAK . I . . I knowiug what we - V . 1. , -1-15k. _r 011t - ag the ­� %v!e . , � TO $20 ' - . . ' w WOut _01ackitt itreet bridge and a great part ,of. Slarquis of -Ely ' 'vi'm' - 6ris! I cwgAsmdpriand or the celebrated Po - I be ;ioted, , inr �box&rs, -mdo 4 , - 11A IRE, $200- ­ - - � � � . are ab.oub. Last year icking tilia coup - i� � , a ion � . ' . PQ li of rough Iq tbe'en;,ibo 'Uflrd�:;,` l4t; the tf - __� ir . t, " 1!�ft �thtgp�aca-. Thoyh*yitakerkoWelo, gmealit . Victoria 91�rep;, Goderich .'. , . .! � '.. I . - - � . thu, gL�ly t both sid6s had become deeply :,nil p - Div- ,' QGdMCh. - . :.1 I . . . .�� . . , � 1� 1? -_ . 5f PatrickAff Wgrd'had a larger share�of im- n st te ,�j the freibet, a circumstance stonm ablo -eight a lJoiglits. 1W 4 . roj . - I . I . � -1 " - - , I . . 'S of . cousitler, I - u -wilaseendedgumboyon.-T ­ . Ar, egeeVafij f an rue a jo n Z an a ti avp 'k � I Y INSTAT4 . .. ­ "., . . t ., - .1 I . . , _, a � . �onfi,( mccia the abilitv MORTGAGE: REP4YAB16M B . I t fjjtoix�tion,Lthe heroism burled thelm, olio afi�6r tl other, at t! - tr,jil hi h boast twenty -ft - 4 Goderich, Aug 16, j8TO '. W30, . % - provementsin pioliortion to'thoir taxe,%, which -Oooss called I . . .10 _LL 1, N c rzn4, . .� - .I.O. miles � _ I rementir of all costomers.. - . OL4 _w_e)jnfroift.2 to:15�&n, A earh�;, than St'G'eqgb1sr . I - ,ofi jtnnr the whole iffietauce., Tet(lnjell.. top pt thete Agent% to The requi , - .. _ . p0qtjp;3v4. bit a abtuifl 01 I ,v &T aL I . - � , . � � -,. - . , and some other ward.s�. ,of s j -of the'�yotjtha of flie� Xasctdine po&c,crantion with isuchorenuous,invinior. ArkQpporttjqjj$rmnjtbdlhv_ drdedtoproeurp � � - I . . _. - , _ ,,at ­ . � .! , . monthl 5 P!,r cent , - - � . - - ow � -5 . . Atmes.'specrocles upequaVed-by any for 1heirstroliSth- - � T 6. � AS . I I � Villesi- tba expenditure was -absolutely Gendey --as a matter of *course, tuman.d whizzing volocity, tha; had either the st Am abnvit bleven ,(Mvek, At a � , . \ . - I _ F,very joe - aii (I"willi - I I I... 'k y�� ­ - " the cases spoken of, we should. � ,.allantry, und' taking, to of thein taken the metlitated 9i � . *Iint onep.promieti r - Arl.againd presgryink qz;3;1Il1Vs. . - . I Nearly . .- . _C>315MjW 11 - ,necessary in n . I - - 7 Is At - - g, - � er T6&=ttc!jeaujiabhes&id*a tothe V .. - - � with genuine I , ;01.eecl I lbeahov,e party en ba.= ir su&rforsty ovdr r - . . � -1 . I �.. I . I - , ., . ' _J ' ,,� " -, � ,� ltl� � - linary -. I i 6 , ­ - A I tq �, -1 I .6arry over'llis ( - tit alaal.for 6 - - A I . lia veiiai( I . . theord _S!aMMWPr1P .%era is no, gl = R_ E190VA16, ., !.!. . V ' , - D PA4T-J1JQ9'WIljSjjI[N0_T0 not expend hiouey unless we bad all Ahe, I . iwa Yeriny.---�B iidePt. that i0ailaflallad beer ed to tile utmostl1int" -of the i I - vrareq:ugafthesight dIx;1uog%_,orotbdr11 - . . I � I - I .- . �, WAZU14 - :AN- . . . - I -1 fideessary lystprovenients in th - __ , hxviu� As Ou i - T . he ft4p,grvertl lie ----- - . in - . q town bd ourdevogd,little heroine. wba AD t�,V�,ir--:.t.'aiid-W,dCa�ayafg2to sifould --lOrnutrev'11di. left* " %Z4 sen"tkilt, bog )JO. PeCllllRr - - -�_. . '0jtb'& It 3 11A _case of Mr StanlrP- let her1q,., . What - ,St. I . qtael�uvfortllleu keowaiiiry,, from I I I - .1 54 r C.9 . %.J V Xx 44, � . I I . . .stasidin st, - . g 11 - . , i I '". -ECTTR-D' A -timwte Lord.Prorector at-' ha,va, aaded to his alrea-ly too nitmorotis soule " el .�q, .- plest.vant, . . � 6.9dar t213 � sl#44.�4 fore -us.- He thoi*bt the � . san - :wes,th hing 14, 7a 1871. , ;,. INS� . ,, % eld ziecliter'l_ , . . -llef;oire wearer. 119 - -_ I 8 ,. lycould only be congiaered at the proper lists ' w left behind, sek bf Jail animals another Caudid4to ­M_�_ ­�� I viv or, , -un , w B JWA _�*oot . gzasfll� . C . - liqle' ,; 5"s re.ating, orre - a act . ALEX. WAhLA 19, . . . � - I _ ,she was no 9 . &!?d dWmet vulou " "a the, n*tu healthy. , - _4 I �� . . . . I . . o I I- - I.., � 1. . . - . � .1 � . ... . � �' court and he woWd 4o4 vOrgeo flood which for the Hoja - - I -1 0 . � -1 . -1 � ­ I I .. ,� w , . I ' ion, s (jen-Tilo Q4;v - - )k,c W I WATOMEAKEIR I . � I � - fop on' , sa; 'on the f tire ruqliint, pe ,,�j� 4i ,�sj�4e " _111 Thejramtha- o;�7417ectaerez thau - � . .1 --will-, ' , , n. ,�114 - ght- . . "Alm � I. 0 I 1. . I , - , . ­ . � . , the prop�iisl. It ivm 9, more,,pressing ared ilorig in foa,miri,gandeircling. eddies �saape wa.s very critical and at tile* same ,lied at'-'�fil.ehholnl fpilnr,�-k * , -_ � I 1. I - �� �, - AXD JXWEMED1. I MONEY t LEND' I - � . -11 . . . - � ­ have--ot; I I TO . I 0 .- I timia'pravidential as the second missiloall .1111 r. 39t W-4 a damda.,* ; . , o -per- --CENT . necessity tous 6 j tha�. full obarazterof - � . , 1.43 I I -ASSIST THE I I I - - - --SKVE _ . ' _ � V. - - terof Willi. .milqirlc�;, a mi-iobersof " PRESERVE 4 WELL AS <3 1111 � �.� 1�0­7_ ,. ,2 , _ � , r harbor.put, in whichUnt it alin s - I , , TREWTV - * . , I ' ' � I I 1� . � . . A � �� tur a — _��. I - I., air aq would -allow ves- :6 perfeckw)-iie, entirelyouillable evi8e oval-shapea and notchy, piece- of -blUIV, ffouSe qf ()r,a trnd tit � icle. of thel p' ' ths - . Pt t It ,1 _& - _ ; fvip , to d � nge, . SIG 7, . bl tertrio. I' � I , Stich a, atate'D _" . � I � , - , -1 - I - - � u L, W4, ,The nay ' � _ 0j, � - , awrarethorliestpost because 2he4est, adway9wting; � . - , G� 0.1), 3P IL i C:ff.. R. Bar- - I - - I r . ­ � . . ,,a edj#a4q q it - She was hbweir6r not porphyry. grazed, on its parsaffe the Yri � � � ? I . I ' I - ly fo nl,o OT: i'lleans.-of fordit I - - P, in Kin- of floPand. She xvfisihisrn 9�;�, S- �____ .--- , Subscribey haviorreninved to the $tot* latelT I � � �, � . � -P . I " r I 11 'a ex' ew way of silaki ' i ­ poatictil, he.�&-ilres,s, it may be re- ' and nisrriecl June 19, , A , - . - %W9 5. enTS �Vilhout change belhir-ni0ex"IYAF . : � . I I ai ail Ing Improvements iery lonk kept = suspense, beforelasmart of the - I 1 1828, 1 a f�) � ompliiy no reillam. .. � � " . . . .ay.,. , , . - - '. vhwilq "-We A14,W A. Naolih, West street,opp4sitethe ­ 'Ap., .!!, , . k I . , 'Wers, th;lt )�V_. th'. , "' . - .1 � occupied by - 1. I _ , � '. �, .�vag aboutt6 be hiatiourited, ffithelfix; of.the . - fueulber6d by some 6f y4ur ro 1W jo . I - , , . her�ic. iteiftwif, caane,along - M 'a, - I , � � . j - - - , Kill"Of S%yederl. ,vb , ` . . . ptiorofflap, wishes to7i It W ffiends and -the publ'a . � , , . . . . .1 I I _. _: � #arcoixt , , ' "111A.gr4n - - , -18 Agettfor 110doncht � I- - I . , . - . . '. ,� - - .1 .__1. the Rbad.,and� Bri d.90118 aud fangyIng, Airs -0 ba,a mice in formerlyeArs theschool - mlidte -e of tit M ,� " I - NobLeir' to'LeIM!" Aga i3tin-iditie -ha . 11 i1support with,whiob they have favore'a - . _ � - . .q k : I p little dear -Mr B tiad .beess __. & % or the lijien . I � . . I - . , - son f;f Usm -, til. 0 Irs't Nxj�t- . l - forike last 23. yeArs, and bep. 1QAp . . . � . I . I 11 - I . -the �equoWof parties ivithou.tan,y whose 16 -true I . tjm1_,r.kAAw:1& =0_- W10 'hi pate Win that I ,j A —­ only at , a6kh lldwlnars leis. Theile -ceased Queen. �, in but , ;g ,of Ce�dei an4 sparkable Years,1 - inastorf und.er r . - - __ — ' I a -."D PUR031"InG hoisti(i quired almasr, all the in - 'xn4 - ,� I � I . � to seq ,,t ey -ohould bi [anati I tellvetual know aTt in podfte,ilaf,"ki , w.,ql� . . .- IL ", no eflors;xvitl be spared tom6nt aciiiiiiiiiince, of tboir - - 'atizole, terms Apply t4 - Gli �' - -- - - for imirovew�uu "if Is. - ons instantly � , , pguonage,hb*nxxousmtgdY'WulbAtosuppiyI � � ory I � , � �, , , - ,, � � . I - . , . I I , r'' . - - previous DXPI A - nevervook-p, Ila, ; XQUY To"UND _. �, ON � It - . � . 1. ­ - � I :.. I . gone j " - ik to the flooc ' 0 - - I I � .. T1. DOYT49 .. �. :.. . AIDU . � - - I I.as 1pd,,e which howas, over known tcy pjazosess Very popili - - .V into. I t ) .ar with tLe Swe ish pw1ge. , . . - - - 1; � I I voula N 'impOssiblil to her ORMs bile" ' aTi4 too - . d - - . � - � - .- -f Ana Simi . � ­ . SILWAKelstijow irockj-�,;_ .�, ', I . � I ,make Ageneritlireport. 'Xi�Da�ismr oaid Cf0IIja�ed(Ij,,.-A- A, kelpie auct Niid bravely (iZolence � aud va;dity_ 16koppted)--and ]a j,bjj�1ljL.jVjIj � . ON IMPFLOVEU FARM -8- Watches Milcks , . , - , 1. � 1, L , , - - � I � � . . .. -jowl, � - . . I , . . . .- I . � �, �., . I * al nn Tuesday, i* t1a " . , , - - I . . 0 WhIc � . � I . � . �� I - � " � I - impravvistent15 Werd 0111y M, . - ti ' thas ollied Coart of Uommon Pleu,severaloraisrd, � . - - -40*4 -Avg �& 1670 . I . , , . , , . . '�de io paities made' - wbety horrid to - into from *W upwardi Atlow, rate !h wol 91'reattIsAiition, ta Illeparobasser, and isaill 60 _ I . _� ­ _� __ ­ I � � 1. . I . if - I Iiij. wiihalf overi istit be now� feels sorry to bJe _ . - I , - I - , . I -1 . -is -jpitef tit iafbes so willed � 41 a of Intent !) by saysolf , / I , . it, that jibo . , 'cula6mersmay depend � I . r I . ... -, i w4o asked- forthem he wo ,once�, k ,relate the rthoj*e csstltftle-�- - :gnr1cWbftndono � , � - 'Z 1jW � , " " I I le , _isi;n, Inesi being an tl�e jury, a white fowl refvs� 1MCh&r9WnVUWjt4o"S4PpjT to ag it well executeil. - _� 9 I - , 'W' - - rul&at. Dii foad�iniste I - 'A Istge-ansount for St A . ar) .ed to serve on that acu-nunt, still wms fin -,j - - I ndrew's Ward - I � I , � 't ,.sce from Tel -i4 Feglia foil -41f'Iris -e Ur is colid-lot ; buz - � . ,ff Akmdasoortme-lito 0 z *, Aw., -. ­., ,.t f I- , � . I zhult - i he whichleaArtiestly � 11 js'o,ll-, . - Holisitors, saxiv St Axt. h _. - , ' ' TIN �', � - � BUT-rY CHADWICK & T4A81f. no hari - AM, - �: <> - .. I I 0 the ab6rd1ty-,*f` Iss - reet F - - f Gold and Plated Jew Irp . � I - I � I &- - 1"R . rB- with the stull � es. V,.Kkf Ate., Alwarson hand I � - . I I . 11 11 � _. I ArCrabI64pprojed,of Nfr SiuclairJo. ' ming intelligence; , hopes wilt do hl; ' - I Towato. , - T � . I I . A I W?M cjmlqrllg � , I , . . . �ly judge LatilloW and, ordered int* t �Ijs_ - - . , . I � �, - � ' . I , , - rVA"721440TO. 1 SW44-2m-* a � � **rks.�-36,'Diiyla ,appro#ed _Ixr silt ;hich habbre,. wasalreadY -goed., 31r Bann . - I - AIMX- WATMAOF0. 'Ala' -1W I . - Of - precioui burdeb. . � styris hasprese0ed bott � I � .� dodarieb-Aim Ikh 2r9,'- - V" � ; 0 F. T G A G As, (.gezi door t6 A. Smitfils 'Clothing ,14joWle - tilf1j. Tlie pri��imer then *x4cjairuj%1 .,��*,lj,�,, - I ,of lanother;- and not "'ft 'ihe stones which- he will leave, lik vviltand . ". I.. . ­ - . Ta -Z XT ON X , : - - - I claies, remarks in reference to tile harbor, ,ther propdrty. I - vntir mvnqyArVs&i'�.qn alviiil-rilt.. i��Tis: - --- , � . . . 11 I , -at a . . . - � - 1 " A fest4nient, eir4will Irt - I - —, _0__ . , � I I 315A . I I I as zu h 9 . I � � � � � I 11is 4,unera- *- - 3 � r;;6 ,' . . - � . at , - _ . I - ."tre.) I ,-. .1, - but, that was� ssomsorlwliy other improve- qrsmoed � sylvall; IffirgI2,� of hi,f dnam "gi Wfore . I` i;J� iis jC jllr J � � 110.1ney to T40an On JtO4�1 Lirgatel .PIANO XOTLTZ . . . � Apply I I Was, '9, wrs � : _", " I - ., I .- . I I . - . - merits . dow Iffe"th6ught The, sliqck -he - coul& not bear ; and ,the I . st for ever.- I .� : - , . IV . 11�'. �y *10a .1, , t_.....;,� , . --- : , should ii6t be e. . Aigger. Tbi�JuAg� ai&,re,i the",.%t3 t#� I -, � ­ � I - - - . . ow ursgall�ntl .-M.; _­_ � ,,, , , M � . . I I;tpt,ilatttsto!ly,l;,.i't*,;ttle"f."�llai,l, �0 - 01hassIN � . I � � . �-, 1� musitAx, , bo -r Co., . . - I I I I a . 1. 11 , - . . � . I � �,Irc,tl FaR ; "Every liale volt T�Iulw t,b W6 - I . 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