HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-04-13, Page 4MM
--T , ! ! ! 4 ! ! — 0 Iq I . I
OEM= I N I I I RIM 111111
littleregarallais been paid to thQ eltoti III of A auriousstory., ccepted.
Oftallbtga, A FARM FOAZALE
t: it Gaveru%ftt, iva% fqrcod,� to,4q,- n To the, E Elitor of the Siguall.
lie L�' "!nln -Tot
of[6�; *titea. tht�church�.ard of *Teivin, SIR,- Robert Gibcr� alarshall cnirs
tA correspor clent ot I 6tcs' alid
=Or Ofthe FrAcomasoxx -0 the blaidls�bttho4xi tot 47.Z�c fl�
at 0%
Bert bw
'�Illn ton I o=6 b0k fl. Vatli dMi- kgro*10-44t' Z L-,, 21 DA 3 T*
4ikole ashfrei atowotp; tyry
At IN Anslolut langm M-tclh
vr c ami At* the -tomb v Lady Aunt u riards T Jt
AN Wxa;> Goo
I fa ght, showing how, thochiefai rinlotbue Ztli� toU1500 or o 4 9 1
'whon PK61 T wnsinp
I -falxagN
SpefteeleMR Al�skPorter
c,f Thiftown, dau er of Lady Tharlet, affarlipt any inai in the DomiWon. If fie
.1 whit S. lie steainer was just aib-60, to
the WhaVf 4PV,6:
burbing. al
h- wtusfivIsumat sall when huriving,,46wn d�ed 1712 o tr4d1tJtAv 13,44� rticles to u e, 41>,Jut'll
forfoftlif 40inco niall's liand
aro tumkll� t1baipj � Jil
a 310arii dre.;Si?d as follows black doubtful oi a, uttirgisf.
a W: all t 11
-h. I Let
leric V andiswil.6otty Joint;
wolatleys of Thy Itand, frockenai, black waistcoat, black sill"hat'; wish. or pruve! that Jr taters. I -will �Iuajfe,,Qi o match. ' I
w ed,,0 �
i3taut'v, %tbdolu. bimigth. ons terms.
t irnv t! whito shirt and fancy neck-tia, , in oue state a tree I gat grow out ot Rhip iaonfutl
I'lig MtGESS.
1Oatdbi*,' 'for parti6lars wid 4aws.. *0 1 Aj4'21;�'
hard all utlt�roll% 1pid ei� A4 W10 a ne%v What founda it is itre, fur hilitradidniiff., 08riog* AJe$
I �-r ito tuetw*v or Thy eternal voige- p lgl)033 'in 211ii 1PARRONSforlteli
T. Wt. ue-wit? t !ics it does in Lleavvu rejoleft- I �4dly 0110141;11 -the
fool- Goderich. Abgr I
portmanteau, but -:witliont pantaloons or The editor a 9: 1 -" 1-... — � S , oheon,,bamls and Ii. 167,0
I k anno, See.
boom. They were brobably in the port, lowing parag ph,e+Ar-4cttd frointho 4.1f,
to. naa Spirit 1 who haa I STA —is
rht ye , t manteftn. -Ul t.-avellers carried bagg,�g.6, 045d Time$. ecomber 23io j6do
I viat I rano and Thee. fatIter. 'jj�llea log, wr n.6 OT(,)H .-AM ()T,
iitf, has roueu; A 441�# i�+,p
'k zo'.Ve, t or dq ai rritnrn� 5 -hie tly, beal 60DE up
I tz,in;Za;try.er hv so, lie thought he must do it, even if it
-ter ay, al -11 pil tiruip'l P1JQ'y04F-
I, I n;li rek Thte, and ill Child will Ion
rat:ter who arot iii ucaveu'" necessitated the* takibg 6e of soule'ory�R Italy with thl 1 abovo. To use the ivords of W -, 77
1 6" Z,
9()me-!one elucidate this. marvellorisjogen p4jeej th5qugh. �l
pilir 0spondeat, Mr, Axou,coo(Jau any dred an uW6fy'.i&e VbMe 0 ARKET�SQUARK.'
I rratsq anri mn6 of 'salutation !a he canal
NI'vi The lil. 0 -GEO.
th: JW
P, e. 07 7 -
is t!i,- mrn ne 704hemrs own r lally so when the reference to A is made in at' - 1 FA
law rench, 20 Austrain, 18
clothing. COIT 70� fear 11%61 d Of these 3.74 T"
pranmr" eft the G wboat peculiar and, espee T
sinin- Tl,,in ozi c.wth by manT "Alnes art ku"WIL Liman, 10 Italian,,2 American, 2 Russi- W9derighX�n. 10 1871.
a tut lhwk�:h thQv k-411hel. 1�; , Allah. Brawlt, friend% have not met for sodie titne. In- Matoryand.Antiquitieu of the Coll Otto
Ill ieli..w Ilan, E4 1 koE is %Z M-0STCGXPLETE -
nt3r 9f. -Pat In . T h
U vin4. J,� 11j. r It thus ap.
-tn -01
%L Au. JireLi, stead. of shaking- or kissing, hey Hortford:
N,ry f -the whol
n rue t, xwt. Thy rZ
will ia pivotzq =V, Cre t -ugta", Weis Ion or. � 4, r'� . 8 - R � SAM :COMENM
W 1; 411i*,im �-A - , - :1., A.C. TAI
rn, rub their unses, together for several init An Atheist., ProRhecy Fulfilled.—The pears tiIldtku ie6ifour 6 a
'pipilbor wQre -British.,� ]Av1p
Ar Itern L tes, an on thq i id
?,tiia otmrv�irvi% qup - Y, d then, sitting, ;round, away OV & A I I P.1 MI
me 1"It Vtobi t6iouff,66,lil, f 74 -A-MERICA
'Llerofthe 11rulantent, �Nlwzdd call Ou their bqdiezi to'and fro, proportion' which the trade AMATM NCE-�
.5. 1'� . at o4redt lde&oof lib
rv.q But. all the time shed- spot of go ever., 4&& to 6Avej ODOM J00
T)Iace of -UPPE'
Thre. ding torks dopiciftly" aiid Wkii1W, �A risft�lie fact of its I b the resting qvapwholming I NOR,
whak� ctanav I'm 1eq lie Uront. and lomy,
P""ElTy or
ELI mournfully in a. sing ong str4ti e . - I r .
ars to T13marvey -tro
-the mortal repiains A vLady i 41111; 614
a it, f t B n )Vith the East be
Q. r �f it
ct�yiug isnut necessarily because , soma stone. Tile 'IdAd 6h� that 1 0 bdng the South 1141MTLot, No. 28 nortk
t er -it -it is well ofthe towh Plot. Ashileld, CoA Ituron. ICO neres P 4, it i* simply t% bQrhQod is to ith J5.0Q0 F d4 with madingsanc.
-e tp we the eght 31 tMd A41LIE1. JJA T`L1Ei6 WITH TRIS'NUfATO -firsftlassand.- 10-aeres oleare
friend or relative has died e;e thii� ity WWrage -tonii�ge of the
that trade 0 A
custom of the people. Anne Grimst�ue was ill Atheist, withotir,jr vdSsel4,vvhich sho empluyes in jeiri, I-hnd i 1106 -made lor themselies hostwof friends and
rtaWl fav- ut 14 'rermas 'Very lReasoiftsible. Full pm
0:1 ii�t mping is greatql- tha It I - it ted. the reputation ofbeiti,,A ThbV;'Ifflnes a% 'be bad at the Offled
They began 0,eir var-dance by in shado%i (if belief in the Deity,and that a() 1i indispenq
al the modest Fartneillh�ivds ana Daughters to the Nc aii BoyaT
�ticaG as to pfice&Woc. to
bell'2%ia -Q R.
;%nil Thy iai.;bt. rco
I tali �t. �Jc%ets feet j"..y gitin
lappint, the huds'on the thihs, and givo -wq have aim
deaX-ted 6'rlagtwo�dl e
t"t nni'o ff�kt%ue
T" vac, which passed thronqhl
P4&he whole ton' r Gogvrj^� A01e1S94qQTS§ OCAS destroy; into, litr1raticato a short, peculiar it .ialk ou str=d altCyear lik :�C -A simplest, will do the. greatest varletyPef v
-HuA Ilu I" They were to thee ect that,ifGai existed, a v�n the canal
from the throat, like 11 7ortiis�iore"utbiandged, -less liqble t,get out 6forder, and
th.1iling C.'d, ll keep perfect time in t1iis, and, as -they plin trees wmilit gro)vtout , of ker, opib, were Britisli. ligliter. Man any aherdin 0$le �-:ewhgmiichine. mannfaetured. , Every-1faeffilne Islompletp,,0111ITucking Gange. Quilting 'Self-'e-ver.Yriller-b idlioldAr."'Tin-ead Oiler," OilCau filled with oil,;-Sorsw
The revenue of the canal was about sl - runs 'FOR SALE' tT x 1:1� S. -
continue the motions become quicker ftnZ1 1tone. %Vhetlier such kords ire ,aill, Henithei, 1% IN
Driver 4 So bb iM. 6 ekd1is; I fp06 ot� ad
more excitingt Soon smile horrible gr ;trkd k4p tho 3fab Ins In 0 er. . I -
t y, Wid.,tn, and in such a manner,it is impossible to de' 014,000—a' most inadequate return on the jind Printed Instruction& be. tall astonable-attypersonto use A N OPEN BUGGY. AS GOOD AS NEW FOLDfNG
-file 81 b, and packed in a neatlittle case, andds,.sold for ........ $25 00
acei, ro et enorruouprefatTp
� -4 . ".11 1 1, rW1 rY Renzi Blachille is mounted on a Mar
lliugofthc eyes until4he white termine but: Whether the tale �bo corre T -1, C f Vito 'Le:tprs "hid -1i LEWANZER, bu anicdl"n Stand, with a ASEY,
repairs 0 ....... ................... . .............. 30 00
I trn4t in Thee I orlv an be see further necessary improvements. We 7.* .......... 01 ................. 3200 me en.loet] by Thy gra"; n, thrusting out the tongue or not,seven elur.treqs7h"o sp large Stand and Wood Case, Goderich V7
n nothing 6 or
gh the solid io 'h 4 - lraVb'bf1dkd YU anti yellingg ; in their fury and excitement- throu� large half case ........................
ly y away tb e solid daresay,. howe% er, that the present year if fir full Case.: ........... .................. ........... 4000
they sometimes tear off what clothing the� masonry in. all directions, ....................................... .......... . . ....... 50 00 A'TWjO STORY RAM N'S'
of the .1
will exhibit'a- great.lucreq Z:ho e7' Inemr. tha Market
Ike of If chai, inay have' on, and with violent aeatures niakin eading of the inseriptioit a 109,
t -n:, -t itte -it, lv',�tIIL -ns of the even if a heavy falliiig'Off-libli'taken JpIdlid M. WATTSZER t T" jutte, dunand c,antortio bodythey cl;� ible 1q,
i. 9Qh-D - French commerce with tbe.East.
IV', gs ihat snrrouliaaa il�e - " in TACTOAY—; CORNM-KING AND CANIJARINE 18 "paunds OF C�JRRATNTS FOk
1-4 nity It -0 us lh=nty. uutil exhaustion compels the to desist. Iron rat in moutt- We commend the#o xeturns �q thbl* Tile., r,r, ti -e "lay will done in heayen itiont are in diany places firmly itubedded
26hAYi) sw52-tf a Ra �Mvs!rofl$2.00.
and on tention of the pressbfW
C -U BA. in. the trunks,of the tre :, r�e. D
names car 0 'all, IKO
in it TAW
for years has rejoiced i pi6dicting that"SHOW ROOMS -64 KIIN tor ... - - 7
W"Lit Thiae is &ine should be. ved in 8,11 avN, r Of the Suez Canal wai a si 0 ST RJEET EAj -,�STW A MAN ROASTBD ALIVE. e Wiwi- the opening ,,c a .4 Lq.. , t I � � -�-i TWO PM-
- I I,
osity has dra�vg kq��k 9:z. Appp Aq� Gp - , ! A gol trunks attestth' hu-mber f visitors. Iit.tt Itray fo lw%rLr � , .4 : nalize the sp�@y JhA trAe axe tal4wo -very =aittal)Te tti- suporiority in Asiatic commerce. Never iZRAZA6* 1111EITHY IT-avana, March 31 —A ritmor prevails each distind 4nd "Sol V�tekdid 11=112g
tint where 1) Tn V shipofGo A large gy of 4*1t _
�rty niore fully falsiflied. Hamilton, An 30th, 1-870. derich. For particulars applyo R4d. here, which is ener afthe -sFa geties 'tltol Jopajity" :T0SEPH$UA&., Iluroa
A, -.Woderich
lly credited, thathe stin4li;ig of San, aPP 46 -thrik wetl1 A larg,est audCbeap
107h4o i tll.e I rairtires see, Ig ,rhood 40 est Stock of0rothery
volunteers in the ne hobt take ocow
hp lion by the hand,' we shall men- Augugt 15, IPTO.'i 4 i 0
Juan De Lois Remedies roaited a to account for their growth have been
'�h one fact. A Glasgow firm, had a. 0
G derichDpy 13th, -M&� --,swS-t.f
Oplestil4 0';i 10NT Olt BELL
.,i ii l,rqtb bot-dy. Itissa�dtlievi)luiieers-,verecatight alant; guta'rly''e-luployied ln�'fhe C�Iotitti trade. -7
,agged in to their fay� Lady X[$UTE3 WALK "IN TQ %'i. officers while eng, ate4914 §4orT. RY1
running a stake througal 8 started,but some are of so improbublQ. a.
alive, firs'.
nattire that the country pe '&Ips ofJ,00010 1.,500 tons!�Oach re- HOUSE TO
Anue's, . doZen T, ON OUN the 0 PURT Roush, contain
.1 U,
by the Spatii. biliti W120 dearl,-jrtl, give As thisFday I" this actoferuiltv. The outrage has great. Athilim.' capa es of the canal were and we Xploly at this
censtad the people, and many livirders 11ce,
duly ascertained, they set to woA to build IV iR,
er e ring, of light drdngb t oil
3Nfi. 28thq87V-1
(in both sides have resulted. An Ameri- Th a havAe �'ii6ctedda
th� pht joAra�
T%� day yearnofewerthan2G new lighto houses, the Clyde , and more than one oflioNe i's dblhl c
gentleman stving at a hotel ozie
T and ar already making..�bg6laitrips between.-Glas- 7 tit i) tier wrto, my cal in the be-inuino, of the week heard of two urce beacons and 5 tog whiatleq,
its hayle been- made for the erec- go%v and Calcutta. Many other firms have
v(,Iuiitepxs bein- murdered in their beds in 0 - This' - VALUAM "1 *9 &PARK
I oo: "W uwr, same thing. 44
L 1: �i c vtn 1.ini 1,..%,:r a sin�gle night. Four hundmil persons tioii�of-wffrsl �laks diriptric li(rlif oil -bable :done aftd are doing'tge I - �. ,
negmes, who recently Island, about 100�jmiles frol t1e: Np�g is but A.soljtary fnst&nGe ofi Dritish mari- LOTS sa *Mv
Scoda coast, %#hbr� tbii na�i6tion is se M- time drid. commbroial agn and we ty
at PuertoPprincic, have r4tuned to the
L =fiLh�sbeen any-
)adS87 on Bri ita Triad, and about woods, impelled by hunger. Thev thon-ht times difficult ;. the extensive,snd bam may venture to ask if tt T O'Xs 390. 889 a
it pref�rable to (lie by Spnnish bollets wbiNcTextitid a rong'distanc6 into th itii�,,this coViVyPiluftil V .'6ii JLJ thirteen tN a Mattlaud Cvit-es-; i -A Q I Ht us sin , e AJ� thini-like siou in ofGoderlelu w1flila. -rue-ileof the.
L, Lmr L-cj-u be purLed W:thiu. than years r TQ%VU$Ijp I -
lan4j�0ba4dq&o, iVoix;i of th-d mqsb-,dan�.;ior last.,�e k:A �0- - .7. 4"3L ROSS,
is Town. For particulars aply-to
front want (or *of smallpox, which is rag-tily AMAENGIoNE-WORKS0 . 1 0 -
Gnble ns, 0 Drd so fetLrfullv? A fc%v were seized while at- oug localitlesi in the Dominion. Goderieli,.Fb.4th. 1
r, The Extravagance of Amerlean t 101-
-0ft -4 Itep. if ife be flaec tir fi to escApe,
Mi tenfutimr
-'lip Women,* K TO SXL'�
R VA anitoba News, The Cape Ann Advertiser A f9 -The �7 Ttie li.7bt we in w I�t this he in vain: Ply mouth fiihingfleet is fallifig off in uqm- Wery iuon�h or- so newspapers contain MANURACTI M!FJR 0 HE EAST HALT Z UMBER 8, FOUR
a4 usf-um siu awl Oro!.: t-1- far. Tteenth tioncession f-Hullett, on the boundary PAW% to sgt 41 Time.
;,rethren are. hers. Of tRe fifty-five endQe-1 in:the co& a6c'out ts�df`aome bTide'g butfit for married
Latest advicesfromManitob predict an U0 line between Blythe and Valtov,post office each way -
k. WIS.) Art. V71,) velt. w oi e'erZrill be, fishery fotlr ivue 104lillm, 11(0011Q, life,., her-Jawels, hersilks, heragtiris,,,her rep tailing ereek
in s sei.-e&a# th.. v, finery, looks 'an'd i�ads ill Also474-tiosebythelicUSE)
r.y, var pure Fre�:ntasonry, early ummer. Emi�,rants are pourinfri Good hardwood, wateredwith a Ine
S. meverta rigspping
Iva _4 i -and *ftaorapts te',1100per
Forty,acre.% cleared% w4ell-tenced, 77 acrea-inall. I�qg
-as val, very much like.-,e:;tr&VPg-4nCe,L ;an(VJq4*4
and the whole valley of th Dcrth jirbeiiq orities. Th? catch last y ued at
-UR rK house and barn. a thriving orcharil, 8 klhds0efp
oil $A 050
va u -at 1,ui r. iL:x hand gra� a�hzing' upzon ie Wae e- P blaclt�-wbltemnd red,cilrrants, Tears, red ud,
rapidly settled. From presInt inaications $211,800, a d tht mi:lr(� ; totair It ve mor' I 15ets.
Xuley and Sash Saw-XiUs, Steam Engines -and Boilers r partic',lulars-tkii,ply,on he
far Ian -1. goos�berriedi Far furthe there will be a number of lines to`Xamto- 224,850. T 6 herrim.4 Ifeett, mostry be- f �f�
ess of American women. No doubt U 1 L"'n liene.L. it the 111 wament: 4re ss his Mothei
Irs 5025 Wr� 1-91 a ag 7a, Ph oVA-Ph
TO r
`Wdouleifi --rbut Uter Pte lete.
-it of Hill, Groggs cl�- fo., Cana rtb �ehrlf 31k000; - fishing a14 lopt, at ibis-, The value o i1rators 3? ro ierition; ara I 11V ;tu Mja lArst us to uto far-oir ba- from Fort Abercrorub;e., Fi t,thenew longed i0iq -d htlin r'' �t 9, ciucip
ras h i - M a b:N n'e S
Wh steamboo. iatio rel". wo The f 'adle"ind Th
i-le's hall pe
5 forwarders, which is beinz pushed raDidly Teet of Mai e list 786 -theizinanuWfurefs-4 silk ir�ported into the PARK F.01 i$ALF56, PIS midft ift iR a&P,
w,,rs".jt �!verui.)r� is our eelesLtl ci�tlf �vIII&nte the largestPhotogr4
ovim.0 522 JE) -Parcelain picmva ftm .Q;LP 41pup:1
Tiiine is the inbuite, Thine the poiw�r, towards completion, and will be ready by 'vess- 1 8 ffien. United States for,the Re
rhine the g:ory. the time the ice is out of the river. asS22,3344624. No ACA
1869, w g ouse. nine,
ado -re Tlt�,e 13 THE OLDiFLA.G.—A Scotch resident in Of #ew York, 1865, there were 1.,467,636 I �JLOVGHS- -wih"at =ious kitchen d.' o go- d a
Am2n. tliq- officers beiogr 01pta" Paris, who bad very reluctantlyL to quit his an.4 shed-aceommodiation3 good-beurlrg �o well Goderich. Z%V.'10tb.A8-'0.
,tru. veNers, vv�oiiCeu and girls, over ton years of age,
si cs rnnningthrou3
With Cast or Stee I Bords, !1i!PJ1o.;. .Gan,, Plough
She in tred, go bowm" 100
And fmm itow to all eternity Orgy croat fitted up with a view to the comfort of �Aa this f" "-- I e and"
Griggs,iu comaldnA, and X Th"um of $22,334 good wells One mile fromgravel ioad. jet Mi
-A.-Dickensou, shop when tlI4 siege commenced, happily bp, ,q54, the totat'value of watered by two creel
good, Ut-te ars kffpWo
Tfte, Pan-rsof Circumstantial nivi -cleA, wellknownto tfie public as tr 1 Eli I '&40ed af��njl iftiese wom- 4 wRou W $ar arri-ageAShop,
thoug-ht bims�lfthat in a counlry. where tic 31 L Jdra n aw-C M, 010
j� .
dence. reliable and courteous gentlemen, and the p of our State alone, would
urious flugslor 6@ oly-aing- 1#00i. A4 tultura1Fuvna!e�1 pta$�,Zqttlesi Sqr6'0'kettles, $%I �itlWs waa it and i
-'likely to be 1 0 n Coo
tourist and emigranfare c0m- . I y fifteen dollars and twenty-twq
Uoiou Jack�' wculu be respected. After give Oul August, 1870,
lFrom, the Clevelnd Herald.] fortable. The fare by this line is, it is 3-cking up ano taking an anxious leaVq OL centsUnited Statescurrency tocach. This is COOKIM-3 AND"' BOX
A remarkable cass, shomile, the dngre 5 frwim St. Paul to %vinnipe"W &t
hicl rty i4 the uay city of his adoption -tre ;alai of two gallons of fine brandy 'iui- 0 ?the tnostii�coroveakindb. I 1,,ami
a.is prope Bradis Castings ma,I]le, and" M66 t1P.tork and Repi2i II M, AND LOAX OF]Fwsi�
of trusting'implicitly to irctilstantial evi ancei .18 T y r8-Is011- he caused to �e boisted over the tenement ported from Fran6e,' but in fact oftenest ;*dffce. Call and see-the-STE19L-MOTl1-I)--ff0 -9
done ou, short ARD, St/as y0i Can
deuce, has been concluded in Toledo able, The Northern Pacific Railroad mein the British sta"ndard. VV lien: the gates of the made at home. This simple fact seems to 471i few -w, �Ortey to" Zietid an at one ver
say thetr line will be open from Duluth to it y theApfor Cash. Aii
" i e pne, -as Io1v can us putatopp. anywum.
-Neariv three vears ago 14,152ert Sharp was b0eagued@ Lt Goderldh Utrz. =m As
jo7bfte� , 'and sola. Town and illaip
wbote are 01 Filey ure 13r —0 bought lots'
found deacL with shotandslugs inhis brain. 'S �.' . - — � -- .1 ��n
RedRivdrinJuiyneV& ArchdeaconlrV- tiot iU�
the capit1lat ietprxkqd t1a.find. Ilis 'sale,
to have ht for Canada on the ouipaufs
8, In! th6 b6st 66011difibiti, Is
A man named Hrringtoa. who had been Lean was property, —3 , s;anU-1p�dr`.L',:b9tfreJy i '40 , Sales f Canada Q I Lots NA90
jke-in6ll linba9i'id Wilber in their own 4test Lists of Lauds to be sea, na intimate terms with the deceased, was 16th March e olises and'shirlps itf Th-te. I �b
oth r h
ed, 6reii -
130atitaaa. - Y.,
arrested fQr the Ttinrder. The testimany �,had b. en tho rioughly ransack J)Pi*7�- _h0ir,10us" LEWIS. IV. ORD
'th - w. -m wholly. circuaista�iizial,, but 4 -so, skil- Acoom torn up in th4ppargh of bi tre Ll �!;i "GO-RXRjcn,wol),ILIEX,,,o--IPATCT, ure. An I eeW,
fully worked up" by the datecsives. th. AN =CITDFG CONTEs"r kme+ad �*116 oHarrington was convicted and sent to the No organ of thought or action ean be
Boat the star4 andaripes had u s of
rl d- AMA tftarg -4u*do
Penitentiary. His lawyers had became orth of0verplate jind other v- ua es 160pToWflithout the assistance of the
intereste-A in the case ; and although Har- carried off. 41ocs�7aVo or-apyanbe employed A
ringtion WCZ a poor nt; 150 Bruce. 7 acre. I
o �gafily�br pudity-without a supply L:,M, -Hat e-0
0 - ngg! e, 9
mined uh 4a
,in, ihey det r
ondon,Aprill,1 ?I., do
The great bc -a or the' cha kidhia
�D- District A uumlnr off! kd,
�ship of etitois is lie eco Wviiff
Uourts, an Order_ for a :pew - M6 Uniparsfileicame off this rti Is 'to %Oki I iv, >
ing on Jhe Thames cohrae, which was the ess, who preset ves his hitegrity, who -lives pplyt" ed, whether they be muscular or in-
trial'was obtained, and that trial has just BRAO
'i r_151 Ail work wam'Mtea
to fight his cans& to the 1-�st. Afteralong, The young an. who will distance his of healthy blood. With healthy blood t -zuid arcluous struggle, through the and-lbe reft In comp -b develop. an ertent
7. � erchan
arly and purely, who devotes feistire -to- -telleetad. By the use of Fellows' Oom--; i . Fartcular attentionvald
closed. usual fte from Putney to Mortlake. The cle 0, W*�o ba twior
bilowing i to waganand I pound Syr". of Hypophosphites the
4vidence, 6T-- .,thlev it were the latesst weights of the the acquisitich of konwledge,who never
Tz�e main points in the lj�mbri4 hdi;ig- avM s in. debt, who zains friends bX deserv- FUL-Iffnitifilift6s to'nimers 4ud.otherp t
Igre -crew, am go tit 12 at. ge R. 1J WHITSILY.-�
which he was convicted, were the P blodd is speedilyjvit�aUzed and_ purified,
Ilbs. pol in- them,and jVQ,s,%J.0s 4JA.,aparQ- =0
appal 1,j
ent- correspondence of the shot in the, bod 11 � i Q abk,'-,4j � 4dij�ing a Godericb, 2% U7
n .- . . q BayReld neetion, in Itle
d int qd qjid qlpp enAA Ad PT Ailiill
y , i-� -
St. lbs.
of t1a dead man with thatt in the shot bag Among the i a In eirrks e.]p ese" QLL!.� C-ARD11W M AN Vf A �
Ja -1
I J. S Follett, Third Trinity... 11 6htk ot these ayei:B0 neMsel ir
40f' Harrington ; the corresCoondence, of 2 ftouse. of Re irdisWhAk a ficiie I go
pieces of a, newspaper found near the acerto 2 J.B Close 01out Dressiligi Custom, ,First Trinity... 11 10 hundred and t iirty-one lawyers,tiveny-five There have been 47 steam vessels Added Barn, and Log WpqsS, .24 frilkis -from
of the supposed murder, and assumetl to 3 -11.4 Loiaix.Firit Tiin ity. 12 5 fkirmers tweT ty-four merchants, eleven Q'inton., For--nrins ols ftttheDivimov 1RQ AVRE0 VP RUSH 1A'ND IN
it? F totbe,li owned by ills Dominion during VourtDffleii at Co&rieh, or t4 -31r. WIGGING ' - * SM.p Op r0LpoRNr,-7 MIX,$ r,,Rb�t
be part of the gan-riadding, with a toru 4 E.A.AigpencerSecond Trinity 12 7 'physici ev nkets TO`1V1tC
TGaM For to
W.H Lowe,Uhrist's .......... 12 ,f6ur ill Ueriibr�, ait b�riit An, average value of 620,00v TUN oh the premiAes.
Pulled five manitfaZt reis drach, giving an aggregate value of $940,- firieli 15 10 kv8q
3"In f'. U K
paper. in Ha 6ngtori!s residence, bind 12 low T
plecer in his vest pocket ; and that the 6 E.PhilipsSidney ............. 12 0p!the!sJiortest notice. Birfles "Gg to. exchange their -wool Xbr'goG6 a 1�mii -'Made, 2 railroad mana�ers three general business 000 The -num erPfW*ksO0,A1J0aPAr r9T -eitfi�itied! goods will find it to their inb G6derich 1-2 Nov', 18'70.
:1 -call. as we are Satisfied we have the
mo tive toz the murder vre4i. to he - foufid in 7 E.SL Radolpob,Second Trinity 11 10 mentwo cle men and one teachtr. arest to give u4.a
ia� co6ts last J�Ar *6ra I
thLe 10 'distance in
u- rqoas you, require. artiei*eom 'TV
allegged fact of Sharp hitying come. to T Lt D Goldie,St John's(stroke). 12 The North Adains Chinamag, -e 911 loss,,000,000. x d * ing from)m
hav _bpep
M some new. an on.gatting their wool home with them the same
2 Toledo . with several hundred dollars; of E.H Gordon, (c -x)-' XN W I d-iieiseh, io4; e-stfftiifia instance. rely- d ny. monay,which Harrington knew ; and that The latest weights of the Oxford Ore— EXT- NS wrinicles in re rd to the causes of earth-
-0. IV ItNat I` On de al AT BAYFItLD.
no Due else was go intimate with Sharp. gave an average of 12 at 41 lbs per tuall, as
III whether there- was a sim " iluity in the 'jijfi#e196* Pemba
.1 - - fol quakes.1 Th' t -'- �� M- A (I WORK WARRNTED
T 0 the secunl zrial it V. as reudered.doubt iws. tt-p thb chtsi4dd -iiisid Atul' olen Factory, - f 11 gutstfie, S Goatericif wo P
alive, snmetin�ps he gE -turus. --,A:ND- A8701 4,,j6ESSii0DN1
bdh�oase "'Unf4ersify7 owmskl
shol It wasolearly proven that thapiece 61 146noresefthe
its tire4,ancl
9 , fGoderichrconuirsinp.
1. A 1:1 * o them is satisf, tot' F ekdla� dver,' which t 4oftyr 9410 bestquzo Of a-Reged to have been picked up at 2. E Giles, Christ Church ........ 12 10
natitin of how the -old thin oqt E Nb I D JN E W S
the scene of the murder were not t5ere t S. T 8 Baker, Queen's 13 3 wor 0. TO 0- K
ace -'there is a cleu"Wbf:
Z,tne'XoVvn 61`33aylieTti;
which eouldreadilyVirproparedforerop. The�
-cester ........ 13 1
the Uind tha body wasfound,nor for a day 4. E D ala6, remaiuderofkheb=dJ&,.eI;J§
rmred-with, theli
in- �imh
or] did -14-wth iatox-
-*4eftandniqpletimber6f $pie Id gtbw%4tL
or two aflozwatd, and the infereAca .5. J EdWards-Mow,. Baliql, 12 12 41,ri' 4 P� J!
was. �4 I , fe: %
100' .1 e,
Pa JoViis, a g".. "�onef tliehospitals,when tJ is 11-4 1=1 oud'Well 86t tied -beizilbbighpo
ttiat they. ere put there. by the detectives 6.'J.D _yno, $t
to.--ifl theim in "wcirking, up" the cte 7. J'*'9uu`bu'ry,i`traaenoaS 9 ro.
- I was rerdirkeidl tliit 1�t �& I'Lea en- C. Barry & 13
against Earringtoli. It was further proven Stroke—J Lesley, Penibroke ...... 11 containing3v acres orwell reserved'Timli6r Jan v c
T RI G t4 vould produce ala equautityafOiewood. to the aer
Ant, die that morning Tj I-
ivOr Ba'yfield vdt.b. acoas.
that, Sliapp, was destitato wheA he came tA) Cox—F H Hall, Ompas-, 8 gjb where, is he I * bet m%ses nil I wil ST STREETI Di
Toledo,and thab Harrington, i�s doinghW Both crewavjejg�or Ed waterfall which could Umadecov#R019,16; 9
me r 1ALVtgex,,promptly at Let Liss him fo his mother Vexcla* CA ma�lpketialll
r , TK
of poViqn REAL,, A
best to aid him in procuring, emplayingut. the call of Tile choice d the maiden. 08FTD, M OP XON T.
FotTo czawn all, �n alibE was clearly and ak- ivas won by the Oxfords, who tok the Alid- The attendaht le4ifff' fitq A d* t
tinctly pruvew. Harrinlrticu�was declared dlesexpi& Qf ta river. Roth ere 0 a Ward when dis'cov ring Dientenant kl.---;, ItieveA10—vect f-. 0% 0 ore ReXe ud or W, W. COXNO% Esq. lrayfield.
Aeb43 U40- innocent, and the j! ly gave �plen&4, staiibu'i ffie'UmbiI46 �m k if towla liar, -Ag-fs Wo ir vinotari a - f the F th - 'fa on
Kansas, lying fast asleep
ell, an"hit
h -m a letter, br evory',mein her, re- ali,ht lead up -an the intwit.and malutained it TXENT I
peating-in, emphatic terms their belief in throughout the race. The dis was slac!c lump ee,,pojute '-hiih on Va gir fKitchen. Bedt
An, `A-Eg -Y
rOUL15 f`:k0TFtF= PA hizendroinnozeucoofan knaledge of' y. Taeraoewa3well, ,00m, Dlnlngioom, and Parlor Fur. "WoUnce thatheo'bas agened- a a
the supposed mu bending- over niture, such as Se abo,
r,aud bearing teati-I the finish but,th4ii insit"Qubt t e st
�F u0AV S=n
de as to h him, Jsg r i;: muftl!v P,
e' 'hi sesult, as it was early apparent that the Cani-
mony to lits-nuifarm, �goaA charact r.
PB air, olibandormake to order
public sentiment unanimously coin det! -idg -bribge Itelte MA lot in?) rJAXPBEI+,BRP1S Uve constantly*n
bi re, men were the batter crew, Cam F]MOR f "71P 1 ?'- 11 -1 you for your other r .44.N AT 'mer e heropP i'tq'iF * E UlUIREV L wlt4 iho verdict. The for In r. 4 - L�britiiiivally, li 3ying -,,ureoh Hoo
qPA4 . W '4 a STATI DS. 1, W-Vbdvebver!1,:60V09 lor sale,ali'-present. . Applyb
inglq took and gh�t -uncrcr the area ZoVCrat L Wlmf -'Upib y A, rAen the the, aw WASEE
of Harrin--ton accord gtIIS �kened goorps arden 1wrtri's lVatford.- will be prepaT?d " All promptlyall orders
:Watfob4 Jawary qr4 that line.J
;Lhead. The time, Tof the winning amw was iit muses an unple=A6 sl�iuclaer in, re- .43 mi-ofites
yer WHATNOTStil LQ8K1NGw,,%ASSE& ht3- A queAtt"t JlLtJqdR* -K?q1#-Tgs on
dg,es. Prob t mpisb ed I
f'Miiit a perfestly itinceeat man, of good erbadkia andwfillect,�%Iie bii yooq
flee acco b 0
charnter, stifercil two, yeals of degrding GILT FRAMIN6.
punbslkaant�, ana narrowly escaped 'an in, tbewildest exeitonidutprevailed amov, j �Mar� elL e.0 uZA T -171S. W �Er-p 7-7 e no,- tod
_X M
the sp6at5toV ent.-husiastic. i T&M—r "T wel tus id Us trusts li� 'to business to It 'it nonthdomdeath, foracrime. of were7 a r strict wltentlon*, ORK)US
a ofXt AT
against implicit trust in wholly circtimstviii-
e epfi. -44 StI,"
tial evf&-66, ana, a ainst the 0 A 7
emptied of-its'po6k. The�--bettiag-Just protest a. paralial I,
e always on andallearse onlrelationreasourbi
new er o st- , 'i;-!Pheap-fpr,�, . 4 k -uafldng. it is another warAi 11 of Qn or oth- f'- to -the, London. F t bUqpatrouap.
h' Ae6ided: ier a #.hare
�.o 214 a iii -AM Da
aL ,Th 1I.Q11
�sonr bly a to take yvith 'i and terins,
detcrStfoa -brlo,
of if lost il.wa,
npi, 4 -
they C'house, to suspect. 1: -6
up a case against one he:
A Ch�� -TED,
pany, must be mado-ti :ir W30 -t =0. NeV7 Ze Would be 6 aland Vauvo=69 T-heia are i4aral ag to d plan� �o have such, a
the if OELN PR* me aficY distatic we -110-, UOL- e
fa TTa% are-ttail 4ml riell-fornie&i the 0
urea reaufmri compolo'kion: from 0, Zlir'bLt Say 114XV140C L (0)
eaua �thlilija -ping brown ifa;rkw shadei of that color Imir meetino, u, gtol�tll PTt Lamps;;%Ad OU rr6li vw
n Ir Picking
0 Toliwi, w We, :dij4il s? ig. and Sheep Sk It Ilona
bi ftn4,'3DVftP't ittaidiiY66 A: !,wera pie pipu�11cau
i.w 5-,-fe I, i J�OPFEIRO
TilidGAJ�!�I"4 "11 Op.% dd sour, I )r the aso of groiVoting.
'the nil* . ' ;; I - aver V
er�7sa 4h,, ion 0
w,., 'sp ondid. looking fellows; iiith noLL el #"WORK "WILt pq
their m= they
&llycorreabj '01 Christian 'W�Sh LARGID QUAN.
Sign. of th Large Coal Oil Barril
look evety- inclt the, nobta savag T�eir UAL.'
I Godf b"
dA, M* roof-riadelf, and 198610SIP L ?p
Paz ducanca'aw very greb,+,; ther. Bveryneditoeis his ow&p describing the e&
to'learn.,,-=4 have no editor in-thti huiryof',dij d
ate iatqh!ryont, quick ttion c eds, eint to -5,peadia 0
A tgado, theyy avo, dis- XX 'AL Ut 1141L colL Godedch TowW,
�u 146113 All a .1
aowriia�o 1. i� � ;� O]RIW a vp OAT. arrA emgnkofJ&jel1 Cos
in Inarals; ficauti(A13" ng
kizipped of thet; feat 6v OW14 inspol
ad "heir , .� .. Z� -", � ;;:� con. Tackersmitb. has tor inkly
m ar a very I T
rooted by thredditf -readers y� 'MOXIS.
tO D6
_aAa proof e c.elebmted N3111VAY OATB,'ja L
-lqUU1tiia'iQt. When way) o the V ar Godg*b, Ist
Is cor- toverod miles in entirebr T4_ rtEsmIwGTiN
1,W n4a, ?Ja Was one b3fore, they are givun- io, the -world. Fe�j, th� ljurriqtne, 6, force, of 0
day store aud s-.Itv me, World= arrison, Eatly Goodrlch� and G -leas OTATOE8 -orbeed, w! I�cc he will FellxAr &i.00- ar.Ainglabdphel
mon o3 -a red thoir bisil p600fs Well, Thiij MELODEON% M — T R
pros oiriy the thoug#b that tQy A -yo inittee in N' TO=,
jittore 4 5%J watchea soma time, ind 061 . ppwayds c4; ial
-dat ashoa, gTROU0 ,
In their ruind%rs4- in Alaste
a 46nd fico itiom other seeds.
true to Aarn
that iflei- -dmi "d to. be a its, clas audsayscolat&iAS-,a�te�tbatdato4U accounts -villbb
��J)N. RD "N
ROE All CHIMOR ORGAN21i eqies&d to settle iip"with i�eon or
in. For Ddhitic�ati k Itest ei, VV*is ou� th* beforetWil; correspoudii WM
-a ma3 h4' no ith. f1l 41111. 20th, Ilan. w72a
,�J, ia vro&4 tL
,prebend to vr6ll. 41hoo re aringthe',pi4 A -n- — - VEST 81m SQUARZ,.G01)BR10X'
a11t1;a1Ji5r13. Tthinklar they cod T01-tOiNT-o.' oderft 12 3)Pc. 8701.
W*EC3 armand chme to 3ca tba maellilto, nd or dan 26mew It
Tilomostextensive ,nia&eys intbe uotainlou.'.
bathe his teen, TI nlrbw t4,,om hi the- storo. nd the surrounding TO LENI
teaconsnd 5 fqgwWWt10 Jtnd,-arr
fituts, ou"fit, to sileqi�4 oAticisto gfyht It
L'1134q tTI13Y tQCV110 8110411 a 1) -thatl- m�iir h OTEL
that exedion a AT
ucia21 athwestqxrt r qjIlf. age ter falmele t %V R 0 ake S-itua #4 them, aro -ooa apeakors, sO na outfoi Goderich a T r'
." , j, 1 .1
ortha ve ustly celebrated nrm,; and to lira-
,,iii6bo t It Nov& Sao" tr6 4aforiv iii A
-ThY miat
vary, claverin, argumeub. trtkAe&*A",-by,
can �m I
Iowa, who bad, ukeft it stitii - VIDA tho )0 mile f EARLY a EuiaTfpot,
he �otlioi day M a ear -saearf at katthirty fact, slid at to . I At
ur-- C -rin; Mo, raZi -for' ii' I rine eXTOXISLY0 W_Q Qx-
Of 4
ever; -o the spea' distauft, odation for a trayell anp Sub-
ker runs, 11111pa"cove
ag th' . . . . . . . . AV M and ternISASCerM AND W 'J�k CHANOEHY, 6i WOt Street
and d3lices &*.a this spaco. Rtmning'
9no of the most dai Fogs loc !as M A PTLY SUPPLIED'
tb., 0
i tory dheese.
has beeb-4k T07
to tiony mvvarro natiou 1 i rot the islaiard at the Fsatoxoy 10T
'A ..* I . if 'i .4 GO Faril lie time10 think of vrbat bu,ura in iross.o.- thii grewd oj! 'ppointi� sole agents at
k wap. A sin! tritia w' t . I nee into tb# X9410tief re. t16 Do 14 0, i ebeen
w:t11 3joeler sentence. As warriors, diev ownswue$- 0 -
of t, ,-
Ot der!4 P,
840kii9ft4es Alld J9m16kiu&fr18k ii(4 One T bf Dadq
311perlor Wi #Fort upon the #craaf hillsides. H, ROTICE
or thirtY 1*4, An wal
tber-ye4lcuticta$04- tend .10110b:i*qk��-1 no a HT0KS.rPrOpri*tOr,-, TWO ixth
mee li 00. TIS vr Pxx
ipfitut trotit. va*. spQrgivaii 0, oor
iimotAt dh
bare �6 y"t1t knowt. TL Hdtal iA an. bora,v,o and actilwo. to continue - ru ift lijtwA6 to thq�pastom(w a ada.and onarges as moderates an lions STIR ACHAN.
Address 0 for q N%ebell. St goPro rietor -Godste�b ugfor W, r'ALLIM'
At rine 3Uorl is mors than Wit thi mere f6tee, 41� 1 Wd let but there is it tilnt'nellr At erldh white S�Jldicrs. 4',wAul is rr 00H2to,on Vod
hi d Wh lthfa4w"culm"d Prim n a ,jAuSI6 187f., 4
'Watt U0 t X11;
1% f#;r 'tive lu oil as his fr
4 low 156
44 Will bO "CRUX14-OUto 0: fly.' SQIV4�A 1