HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-04-13, Page 4MM 4 --T , ! ! ! 4 ! ! — 0 Iq I . I OEM= I N I I I RIM 111111 littleregarallais been paid to thQ eltoti III of A auriousstory., ccepted. Oftallbtga, A FARM FOAZALE !:A t: it Gaveru%ftt, iva% fqrcod,� to,4q,- n To the, E Elitor of the Siguall. lie L�' "!nln -Tot of[6�; *titea. tht�church�.ard of *Teivin, SIR,- Robert Gibcr� alarshall cnirs tA correspor clent ot I 6tcs' alid =Or Ofthe FrAcomasoxx -0 the blaidls�bttho4xi tot 47.Z�c fl� TILOLOVZOP= Irl d at 0% Bert bw TCR '�Illn ton I o=6 b0k fl. Vatli dMi- kgro*10-44t' Z L-,, 21 DA 3 T* 4ikole ashfrei atowotp; tyry At IN Anslolut langm M-tclh vr c ami At* the -tomb v Lady Aunt u riards T Jt AN Wxa;> Goo I fa ght, showing how, thochiefai rinlotbue Ztli� toU1500 or o 4 9 1 'whon PK61 T wnsinp I -falxagN SpefteeleMR Al�skPorter c,f Thiftown, dau er of Lady Tharlet, affarlipt any inai in the DomiWon. If fie .1 whit S. lie steainer was just aib-60, to the WhaVf 4PV,6: burbing. al h- wtusfivIsumat sall when huriving,,46wn d�ed 1712 o tr4d1tJtAv 13,44� rticles to u e, 41>,Jut'll forfoftlif 40inco niall's liand aro tumkll� t1baipj � Jil a 310arii dre.;Si?d as follows black doubtful oi a, uttirgisf. a W: all t 11 -h. I Let leric V andiswil.6otty Joint; wolatleys of Thy Itand, frockenai, black waistcoat, black sill"hat'; wish. or pruve! that Jr taters. I -will �Iuajfe,,Qi o match. ' I w ed,,0 � riberd i3taut'v, %tbdolu. bimigth. ons terms. t irnv t! whito shirt and fancy neck-tia, , in oue state a tree I gat grow out ot Rhip iaonfutl I'lig MtGESS. 1Oatdbi*,' 'for parti6lars wid 4aws.. *0 1 Aj4'21;�' hard all utlt�roll% 1pid ei� A4 W10 a ne%v What founda it is itre, fur hilitradidniiff., 08riog* AJe$ I �-­r ito tuetw*v or Thy eternal voige- p lgl)033 'in 211ii 1PARRONSforlteli T. Wt. ue-wit? t !ics it does in Lleavvu rejoleft- I �4dly 0110141;11 -the fool- Goderich. Abgr I portmanteau, but -:witliont pantaloons or The editor a 9: 1 -" 1-... — � S , oheon,,bamls and Ii. 167,0 I k anno, See. boom. They were brobably in the port, lowing parag ph,e+Ar-4cttd frointho 4.1f, to. naa Spirit 1 who haa I STA —is IM rht ye , t manteftn. -Ul t.-avellers carried bagg,�g.6, 045d Time$. ecomber 23io j6do I viat I rano and Thee. fatIter. 'jj�llea log, wr n.6 OT(,)H .-AM ()T, iitf, has roueu; A 441�# i�+,p 'k zo'.Ve, t or dq ai rritnrn� 5 -hie tly, beal 60DE up I tz,in;Za;try.er hv so, lie thought he must do it, even if it ,a -ter ay, al -11 pil tiruip'l P1JQ'y04F- I, I n;li rek Thte, and ill Child will Ion rat:ter who arot iii ucaveu'" necessitated the* takibg 6e of soule'ory�R Italy with thl 1 abovo. To use the ivords of W -, 77 1 6" Z, :A0i34N80fJA0-­G-0*j­ 9()me-!one elucidate this. marvellorisjogen p4jeej th5qugh. �l CfR A X pilir 0spondeat, Mr, Axou,coo(Jau any dred an uW6fy'.i&e VbMe 0 ARKET�SQUARK.' I rratsq anri mn6 of 'salutation !a he canal NI'vi The lil. 0 -GEO. th: JW P, e. 07 7 - is t!i,- mrn ne 704hemrs own r lally so when the reference to A is made in at' - 1 FA law rench, 20 Austrain, 18 clothing. COIT 70� fear 11%61 d Of these 3.74 T" pranmr" eft the G wboat peculiar and, espee T sinin- Tl,,in ozi c.wth by manT "Alnes art ku"WIL Liman, 10 Italian,,2 American, 2 Russi- W9derighX�n. 10 1871. a tut lhwk�:h thQv k-411hel. 1�; , Allah. Brawlt, friend% have not met for sodie titne. In- Matoryand.Antiquitieu of the Coll Otto TAYQR'� Ill ieli..w Ilan, E4 1 koE is %Z M-0STCGXPLETE - nt3r 9f. -Pat In . T h U vin4. J,� 11j. r It thus ap. Lt. -tn -01 %L Au. JireLi, stead. of shaking- or kissing, hey Hortford: N,ry f -the whol n rue t, xwt. Thy rZ 'EVING HEN Eq will ia pivotzq =V, Cre t -ugta", Weis Ion or. � 4, r'� . 8 - R � SAM :COMENM W 1; 411i*,im �-A - , - :1., A.C. TAI rn, rub their unses, together for several init An Atheist., ProRhecy Fulfilled.—The pears tiIldtku ie6ifour 6 a 'pipilbor wQre -British.,� ]Av1p Ar Itern L tes, an on thq i id ?,tiia otmrv�irvi% qu­p - Y, d then, sitting, ;round, away OV & A I I P.1 MI to me 1"It Vtobi t6iouff,66,lil, f 74 -A-MERICA QHA THAIWMIS Aril) NOW 'Llerofthe 11rulantent, �Nlwzdd call Ou their bqdiezi to'and fro, proportion' which the trade AMATM NCE-� .5. 1'� . at o4redt lde&oof lib rv.q But. all the time shed- spot of go ever., 4&& to 6Avej ODOM J00 T)Iace of -UPPE' DE Thre. ding torks dopiciftly" aiid Wkii1W, �A risft�lie fact of its I b the resting qvapwholming I NOR, whak� ctanav I'm 1eq lie Uront. and lomy, TM15 'LATE ANDRLIV P""ElTy or ELI mournfully in a. sing ong str4ti e . - I r . ars to T13marvey -tro -the mortal repiains A vLady i 41111; 614 a it, f t B n )Vith the East be Q. r �f it ct�yiug isnut necessarily because , soma stone. Tile 'IdAd 6h� that 1 0 bdng the South 1141MTLot, No. 28 nortk t er -it -it is well ofthe towh Plot. Ashileld, CoA Ituron. ICO neres P 4, it i* simply t% bQrhQod is to ith J5.0Q0 F d4 with madingsanc. -e tp we the eght 31 tMd A41LIE1. JJA T`L1Ei6 WITH TRIS'NUfATO -firsftlassand.- 10-aeres oleare friend or relative has died e;e thii� ity WWrage -tonii�ge of the that trade 0 A custom of the people. Anne Grimst�ue was ill Atheist, withotir,jr vdSsel4,vvhich sho empluyes in jeiri, I-hnd i 1106 -made lor themselies hostwof friends and rtaWl fav- ut 14 'rermas 'Very lReasoiftsible. Full pm 0:1 ii�t mping is greatql- tha It I - it ted. the reputation ofbeiti,,A ThbV;'Ifflnes a% 'be bad at the Offled They began 0,eir var-dance by in shado%i (if belief in the Deity,and that a() 1i indispenq al the modest Fartneillh�ivds ana Daughters to the Nc aii BoyaT �ticaG as to pfice&Woc. to bell'2%ia -Q R. ;%nil Thy iai.;bt. rco I tali �t. �Jc%et­s feet j"..y gitin lappint, the huds'on the thihs, and givo -wq have aim deaX-ted 6'rlagtwo�dl e t"t nni'o ff�kt%ue T" vac, which passed thronqhl P4&he whole ton' r Gogvrj^� A01e1S94qQTS§ OCAS destroy; into, litr1raticato a short, peculiar it .ialk ou str=d altCyear lik :�C -A simplest, will do the. greatest varletyPef v -HuA Ilu I" They were to thee ect that,ifGai existed, a v�n the canal from the throat, like 11 7ortiis�iore"utbiandged, -less liqble t,get out 6forder, and th.1iling C.'d, ll keep perfect time in t1iis, and, as -they plin trees wmilit gro)vtout , of ker, opib, were Britisli. ligliter. Man any aherdin 0$le �-:ewhgmiichine. mannfaetured. , Every-1faeffilne Islompletp,,0111ITucking Gange. Quilting 'Self-'e-ver.Yriller-b idlioldAr."'Tin-ead Oiler," OilCau filled with oil,;-Sorsw The revenue of the canal was about sl - runs 'FOR SALE' tT x 1:1� S. - continue the motions become quicker ftnZ1 1tone. %Vhetlier such kords ire ,aill, Henithei, 1% IN Driver 4 So bb iM. 6 ekd1is; I fp06 ot� ad more excitingt Soon smile horrible gr ;trkd k4p tho 3fab Ins In 0 er. . I - t y, Wid.,tn, and in such a manner,it is impossible to de' 014,000—a' most inadequate return on the jind Printed Instruction& be. tall astonable-attypersonto use A N OPEN BUGGY. AS GOOD AS NEW FOLDfNG T.VM ASS TME `(W otNT -file 81 b, and packed in a neatlittle case, andds,.sold for ........ $25 00 acei, ro et enorruouprefatTp � -4 . ".11 1 1, rW1 rY Renzi Blachille is mounted on a Mar lliugofthc eyes until4he white termine but: Whether the tale �bo corre T -1, C f Vito 'Le:tprs "hid -1i LEWANZER, bu anicdl"n Stand, with a ASEY, repairs 0 ....... ................... . .............. 30 00 I trn4t in Thee I orlv an be see further necessary improvements. We 7.* .......... 01 ................. 3200 me en.loet] by Thy gra"; n, thrusting out the tongue or not,seven elur.treqs7h"o sp large Stand and Wood Case, Goderich V7 n nothing 6 or gh the solid io 'h 4 - lraVb'bf1dkd YU anti yellingg ; in their fury and excitement- throu� large half case ........................ ly y away tb e solid daresay,. howe% er, that the present year if fir full Case.: ........... .................. ........... 4000 they sometimes tear off what clothing the� masonry in. all directions, ....................................... .......... . . ....... 50 00 A'TWjO STORY RAM N'S' of the .1 will exhibit'a- great.lucreq Z:ho e7' Inemr. tha Market Ike of If chai, inay have' on, and with violent aeatures niakin eading of the inseriptioit a 109, t -n:, -t itte -it, lv',�tIIL -ns of the even if a heavy falliiig'Off-libli'taken JpIdlid M. WATTSZER t T" jutte, dunand c,antortio bodythey cl;� ible 1q, i. 9Qh-D - French commerce with tbe.East. IV', gs ihat snrrouliaaa il�e - " in TACTOAY—; CORNM-KING AND CANIJARINE 18 "paunds OF C�JRRATNTS FOk 1-4 nity It -0 us lh=nty. uutil exhaustion compels the to desist. Iron rat in moutt- We commend the#o xeturns �q thbl* Tile., r,r, ti -e "lay will done in heayen itiont are in diany places firmly itubedded 26hAYi) sw52-tf a Ra �Mvs!rofl$2.00. r and on tention of the pressbfW C -U BA. in. the trunks,of the tre :, r�e. D names car 0 'all, IKO in it TAW for years has rejoiced i pi6dicting that"SHOW ROOMS -64 KIIN tor ... - - 7 W"Lit Thiae is &ine should be. ved in 8,11 avN, r Of the Suez Canal wai a si 0 ST RJEET EAj -,�STW A MAN ROASTBD ALIVE. e Wiwi- the opening ,,c a .4 Lq.. , t I � � -�-i TWO PM- - I I, osity has dra�vg kq��k 9:z. Appp Aq� Gp - , ! A gol trunks attestth' hu-mber f visitors. Iit.tt Itray fo lw%rLr � , .4 : nalize the sp�@y JhA trAe axe tal4wo -very =aittal)Te tti- suporiority in Asiatic commerce. Never iZRAZA6* 1111EITHY IT-avana, March 31 —A ritmor prevails each distind 4nd "Sol V�tekdid 11=112g tint where 1) Tn V shipofGo A large gy of 4*1t _ _pAter �rty niore fully falsiflied. Hamilton, An 30th, 1-870. derich. For particulars applyo R4d. here, which is ener afthe -sFa geties 'tltol Jopajity" :T0SEPH$UA&., Iluroa A, -.Woderich lly credited, thathe stin4li;ig of San, aPP 46 -thrik wetl1 A larg,est audCbeap 107h4o i tll.e I rairtires see, Ig ,rhood 40 est Stock of0rothery volunteers in the ne hobt take ocow hp lion by the hand,' we shall men- Augugt 15, IPTO.'i 4 i 0 Juan De Lois Remedies roaited a to account for their growth have been '�h one fact. A Glasgow firm, had a. 0 G derichDpy 13th, -M&� --,swS-t.f Oplestil4 0';i 10NT Olt BELL .,i ii l,rqtb bot-dy. Itissa�dtlievi)luiieers-,verecatight alant; guta'rly''e-luployied ln�'fhe C�Iotitti trade. -7 ,agged in to their fay� Lady X[$UTE3 WALK "IN TQ %'i. officers while eng, ate4914 §4orT. RY1 running a stake througal 8 started,but some are of so improbublQ. a. alive, firs'. nattire that the country pe '&Ips ofJ,00010 1.,500 tons!�Oach re- HOUSE TO good Anue's, . doZen T, ON OUN the 0 PURT Roush, contain .1 U, by the Spatii. biliti W120 dearl,-jrtl, give As thisFday I" this actoferuiltv. The outrage has great. Athilim.' capa es of the canal were and we Xploly at this arden7eeft�� censtad the people, and many livirders 11ce, duly ascertained, they set to woA to build IV iR, er e ring, of light drdngb t oil 3Nfi. 28thq87V-1 (in both sides have resulted. An Ameri- Th a havAe �'ii6ctedda th� pht joAra� T%� day yearnofewerthan2G new lighto houses, the Clyde , and more than one oflioNe i's dblhl c gentleman stving at a hotel ozie T and ar already making..�bg6laitrips between.-Glas- 7 tit i) tier wrto, my cal in the be-inuino, of the week heard of two urce beacons and 5 tog whiatleq, 44 its hayle been- made for the erec- go%v and Calcutta. Many other firms have v(,Iuiitepxs bein- murdered in their beds in 0 - This' - VALUAM "1 *9 &PARK I oo: "W uwr, same thing. 44 L 1: �i c vtn 1.ini 1,..%,:r a sin�gle night. Four hundmil persons tioii�of-wffrsl �laks diriptric li(rlif oil -bable :done aftd are doing'tge I - �. , negmes, who recently Island, about 100�jmiles frol t1e: Np�g is but A.soljtary fnst&nGe ofi Dritish mari- LOTS sa *Mv Scoda coast, %#hbr� tbii na�i6tion is se M- time drid. commbroial agn and we ty at PuertoPprincic, have r4tuned to the L =fiLh�sbeen any- )adS87 on Bri ita Triad, and about woods, impelled by hunger. Thev thon-ht times difficult ;. the extensive,snd bam may venture to ask if tt T O'Xs 390. 889 a it pref�rable to (lie by Spnnish bollets wbiNcTextitid a rong'distanc6 into th itii�,,this coViVyPiluftil V .'6ii JLJ thirteen tN a Mattlaud Cvit-es-; i -A Q ­I Ht us sin , e AJ� thini-like siou in ofGoderlelu w1flila. -rue-ileof the. L, Lmr L-cj-u be purLed W:thiu. than years r TQ%VU$Ijp I - lan4j�0ba4dq&o, iVoix;i of th-d mqsb-,dan�.;ior last.,�e k:A �0- - .7. 4"3L ROSS, is Town. For particulars aply-to front want (or *of smallpox, which is rag-tily AMAENGIoNE-WORKS0 . 1 0 - Gnble ns, 0 Drd so fetLrfullv? A fc%v were seized while at- oug localitlesi in the Dominion. Goderieli,.Fb.4th. 1 r, The Extravagance of Amerlean t 101- i -0ft -4 Itep. if ife be flaec tir fi to escApe, Mi tenfutimr -'lip Women,* K TO SXL'� 31 R VA anitoba News, The Cape Ann Advertiser A f9 -The �7 Ttie li.7bt we in w I�t this he in vain: Ply mouth fiihingfleet is fallifig off in uqm- Wery iuon�h or- so newspapers contain MANURACTI M!FJR 0 HE EAST HALT Z UMBER 8, FOUR a4 usf-um siu awl Oro!.: t-1- far. Tteenth tioncession f-Hullett, on the boundary PAW% to sgt 41 Time. ;,rethren are. hers. Of tRe fifty-five endQe-1 in:the co& a6c'out ts�df`aome bTide'g butfit for married Latest advicesfromManitob predict an U0 line between Blythe and Valtov,post office each way - k. WIS.) Art. V71,) velt. w oi e'erZrill be, fishery fotlr ivue 104lillm, 11(0011Q, life,., her-Jawels, hersilks, heragtiris,,,her rep tailing ereek in s sei.-e&a# th.. v, finery, looks 'an'd i�ads ill Also474-tiosebythelicUSE) r.y, var pure Fre�:ntasonry, early ummer. Emi�,rants are pourinfri Good hardwood, wateredwith a Ine S. meverta rigspping Iva _4 i -and *ftaorapts te',1100per Forty,acre.% cleared% w4ell-tenced, 77 acrea-inall. I�qg -as val, very much like.-,e:;tr&VPg-4nCe,L ;an(VJq4*4 and the whole valley of th Dcrth jirbeiiq orities. Th? catch last y ued at -UR rK house and barn. a thriving orcharil, 8 klhds0efp & oil $A 050 va u -at 1,ui r. iL:x hand gra� a�hzing' upzon ie Wae e- P blaclt�-wbltemnd red,cilrrants, Tears, red ud, rapidly settled. From presInt inaications $211,800, a d tht mi:lr(� ; totair It ve mor' I 15ets. Xuley and Sash Saw-XiUs, Steam Engines -and Boilers r partic',lulars-tkii,ply,on he far Ian -1. goos�berriedi Far furthe there will be a number of lines to`Xamto- 224,850. T 6 herrim.4 Ifeett, mostry be- f �f� ess of American women. No doubt U 1 L"'n liene.L. it the 111 wament: 4re ss his Mothei Irs 5025 Wr� 1-91 a ag 7a, Ph oVA-Ph TO r `Wdouleifi --rbut Uter Pte lete. -it of Hill, Groggs cl�- fo., Cana rtb �ehrlf 31k000; - fishing a14 lopt, at ibis-, The value o i1rators 3? ro ierition; ara I 11V ;tu Mja lArst us to uto far-oir ba- from Fort Abercrorub;e., Fi t,thenew longed i0iq -d htlin r'' �t 9, ciucip ras h i - M a b:N n'e S Wh steamboo. iatio rel". wo The f 'adle"ind Th i-le's hall pe 5 forwarders, which is beinz pushed raDidly Teet of Mai e list 786 -theizinanuWfurefs-4 silk ir�ported into the PARK F.01 i$ALF56, PIS midft ift iR a&P, w,,rs".jt �!verui.)r� is our eelesLtl ci�tlf �vIII&nte the largestPhotogr4 ovim.0 522 JE) -Parcelain picmva ftm .Q;LP 41pup:1 Tiiine is the inbuite, Thine the poiw�r, towards completion, and will be ready by 'vess- 1 8 ffien. United States for,the Re rhine the g:ory. the time the ice is out of the river. asS22,3344624. No ACA 1869, w g ouse. nine, ado -re Tlt�,e 13 THE OLDiFLA.G.—A Scotch resident in Of #ew York, 1865, there were 1.,467,636 I �JLOVGHS- -wih"at =ious kitchen d.' o go- d a attached. Am2n. tliq- officers beiogr 01pta" Paris, who bad very reluctantlyL to quit his an.4 shed-aceommodiation3 good-beurlrg �o well Goderich. Z%V.'10tb.A8-'0. ,tru. veNers, vv�oiiCeu and girls, over ton years of age, si cs rnnningthrou3 With Cast or Stee I Bords, !1i!PJ1o.;. .Gan,, Plough She in tred, go bowm" 100 And fmm itow to all eternity Orgy croat fitted up with a view to the comfort of �Aa this f" "-- I e and" Griggs,iu comaldnA, and X Th"um of $22,334 good wells One mile fromgravel ioad. jet Mi -A.-Dickensou, shop when tlI4 siege commenced, happily bp, ,q54, the totat'value of watered by two creel good, Ut-te ars kffpWo Tfte, Pan-rsof Circumstantial nivi­ -cleA, wellknownto tfie public as tr 1 Eli I '&40ed af��njl iftiese wom- 4 wRou W $ar arri-ageAShop, thoug-ht bims�lfthat in a counlry. where tic 31 L Jdra n aw-C M, 010 j� . dence. reliable and courteous gentlemen, and the p of our State alone, would urious flugslor 6@ oly-aing- 1#00i. A4 tultura1Fuvna!e�1 pta$�,Zqttlesi Sqr6'0'kettles, $%I �itlWs waa it and i -'likely to be 1 0 n Coo tourist and emigranfare c0m- . I y fifteen dollars and twenty-twq Uoiou Jack�' wculu be respected. After give Oul August, 1870, lFrom, the Clevelnd Herald.] fortable. The fare by this line is, it is 3-cking up ano taking an anxious leaVq OL centsUnited Statescurrency tocach. This is COOKIM-3 AND"' BOX A remarkable cass, shomile, the dngre 5 frwim St. Paul to %vinnipe"W &t hicl rty i4 the uay city of his adoption -tre ;alai of two gallons of fine brandy 'iui- 0 ?the tnostii�coroveakindb. I 1,,ami a.is prope Bradis Castings ma,I]le, and" M66 t1P.tork and Repi2i II M, AND LOAX OF]Fwsi� ,ffiCA;t UZOUGH of trusting'implicitly to irctilstantial evi ancei .18 T y r8-Is011- he caused to �e boisted over the tenement ported from Fran6e,' but in fact oftenest ;*dffce. Call and see-the-STE19L-MOTl1-I)--ff0 -9 done ou, short ARD, St/as y0i Can deuce, has been concluded in Toledo able, The Northern Pacific Railroad mein the British sta"ndard. VV lien: the gates of the made at home. This simple fact seems to 471i few -w, �Ortey to" Zietid an at one ver say thetr line will be open from Duluth to it y theApfor Cash. Aii " i e pne, -as Io1v can us putatopp. anywum. -Neariv three vears ago 14,152ert Sharp was b0eagued@ Lt Goderldh Utrz. =m As jo7bfte� , 'and sola. Town and illaip wbote are 01 Filey ure 13r —0 bought lots' found deacL with shotandslugs inhis brain. 'S �.' . -­ — � -- .1 ��n RedRivdrinJuiyneV& ArchdeaconlrV- tiot iU� the capit1lat ietprxkqd t1a.find. Ilis 'sale, to have ht for Canada on the ouipaufs 8, In! th6 b6st 66011difibiti, Is A man named Hrringtoa. who had been Lean was property, —3 , s;anU-1p�dr`.L',:b9tfreJy i '40 , Sales f Canada Q I Lots NA90 jke-in6ll linba9i'id Wilber in their own 4test Lists of Lauds to be sea, na intimate terms with the deceased, was 16th March e olises and'shirlps itf Th-te. I �b oth r h ed, 6reii - 130atitaaa. - Y., arrested fQr the Ttinrder. The testimany �,had b. en tho rioughly ransack J)Pi*7�- _h0ir,10us" LEWIS. IV. ORD 'th - w. -m wholly. circuaista�iizial,, but 4 -so, skil- Acoom torn up in th4ppargh of bi tre Ll �!;i "GO-RXRjcn,wol),ILIEX,,,o--IPATCT, ure. An I eeW, fully worked up" by the datecsives. th. AN =CITDFG CONTEs"r kme+ad �*116 oHarrington was convicted and sent to the No organ of thought or action ean be Boat the star4 andaripes had u s of rl d- AMA tftarg -4u*do Penitentiary. His lawyers had became orth of0verplate jind other v- ua es 160pToWflithout the assistance of the CAM.BRIDGE AGAIN VICTORIOUS. &low* . I . (KNOW.�, S PIPRRI18� N1 intereste-A in the case ; and although Har- carried off. 41ocs�7aVo or-apyanbe employed A 0 ho ringtion WCZ a poor nt; 150 Bruce. 7 acre. I A o �gafily�br pudity-without a supply L:,M, -Hat e-0 0 - ngg! e, 9 mined uh 4a ,in, ihey det r ondon,Aprill,1 ?I., do The great bc -a or the' cha kidhia �D- District A uumlnr off! kd, P �ship of etitois is lie eco Wviiff Uourts, an Order_ for a :pew - M6 Uniparsfileicame off this rti Is 'to %Oki I iv, > ing on Jhe Thames cohrae, which was the ess, who preset ves his hitegrity, who -lives pplyt" ed, whether they be muscular or in- trial'was obtained, and that trial has just BRAO 'i r_151 Ail work wam'Mtea to fight his cans& to the 1-�st. Afteralong, The young an. who will distance his of healthy blood. With healthy blood t -zuid arcluous struggle, through the and-lbe reft In comp -b develop. an ertent 7. � erchan arly and purely, who devotes feistire -to- -telleetad. By the use of Fellows' Oom--; i . Fartcular attentionvald closed. usual fte from Putney to Mortlake. The cle 0, W*�o ba twior bilowing i to waganand I pound Syr". of Hypophosphites the 4vidence, 6T-- .,thlev it were the latesst weights of the the acquisitich of konwledge,who never Tz�e main points in the lj�mbri4 hdi;ig- avM s in. debt, who zains friends bX deserv- FUL-Iffnitifilift6s to'nimers 4ud.otherp t Igre -crew, am go tit 12 at. ge R. 1J WHITSILY.-� which he was convicted, were the P blodd is speedilyjvit�aUzed and_ purified, Ilbs. pol in- them,and jVQ,s,%J.0s 4JA.,aparQ- =0 appal 1,j ent- correspondence of the shot in the, bod 11 � i Q abk,'-,4j � 4dij�ing a Godericb, 2% U7 n .- . . q BayReld neetion, in Itle d int qd qjid qlpp enAA Ad PT Ailiill y , i-� - St. lbs. of t1a dead man with thatt in the shot bag Among the i a In eirrks e.]p ese" QLL!.� C-ARD11W M AN Vf A � Lo Ja -1 I J. S Follett, Third Trinity... 11 6htk ot these ayei:B0 neMsel ir 40f' Harrington ; the corresCoondence, of 2 ftouse. of Re irdisWhAk a ficiie I go pieces of a, newspaper found near the acerto 2 J.B Close 01out Dressiligi Custom, ,First Trinity... 11 10 hundred and t iirty-one lawyers,tiveny-five There have been 47 steam vessels Added Barn, and Log WpqsS, .24 frilkis -from of the supposed murder, and assumetl to 3 -11.4 Loiaix.Firit Tiin ity. 12 5 fkirmers tweT ty-four merchants, eleven Q'inton., For--nrins ols ftttheDivimov 1RQ AVRE0 VP RUSH 1A'ND IN it? F totbe,li owned by ills Dominion during VourtDffleii at Co&rieh, or t4 -31r. WIGGING ' - * SM.p Op r0LpoRNr,-7 MIX,$ r,,Rb�t be part of the gan-riadding, with a toru 4 E.A.AigpencerSecond Trinity 12 7 'physici ev nkets TO`1V1tC TGaM For to W.H Lowe,Uhrist's .......... 12 ­,f6ur ill Ueriibr�, ait b�riit An, average value of 620,00v TUN oh the premiAes. Pulled five manitfaZt reis drach, giving an aggregate value of $940,- firieli 15 10 kv8q­ 3"In f'. U K paper. in Ha 6ngtori!s residence, bind 12 low T plecer in his vest pocket ; and that the 6 E.PhilipsSidney ............. 12 0p!the!sJiortest notice. Birfles "Gg to. exchange their -wool Xbr'goG6 a 1�mii -'Made, 2 railroad mana�ers three general business 000 The -num erPfW*ksO0,A1J0aPAr r9T -eitfi�itied! goods will find it to their inb G6derich 1-2 Nov', 18'70. :1 -call. as we are Satisfied we have the mo tive toz the murder vre4i. to he - foufid in 7 E.SL Radolpob,Second Trinity 11 10 mentwo cle men and one teachtr. arest to give u4.a ia� co6ts last J�Ar *6ra­ I thLe 10 'distance in u- rqoas you, require. artiei*eom 'TV allegged fact of Sharp hitying come. to T Lt D Goldie,St John's(stroke). 12 The North Adains Chinamag, -e 911 loss,,000,000. x d * ing from)m hav _bpep uw M some new. an on.gatting their wool home with them the same 2 Toledo . with several hundred dollars; of E.H Gordon, (c -x)-' XN W I d-iieiseh, io4; e-stfftiifia instance. rely- d ny. monay,which Harrington knew ; and that The latest weights of the Oxford Ore— EXT- NS wrinicles in re rd to the causes of earth- -0. IV ItNat I` On de al AT BAYFItLD. no Due else was go intimate with Sharp. gave an average of 12 at 41 lbs per tuall, as III whether there- was a sim " iluity in the 'jijfi#e196* Pemba .1 - - fol quakes.1 Th' t -'- �� M- A (I WORK WARRNTED T 0 the secunl zrial it V. as reudered.doubt iws. tt-p thb chtsi4dd -iiisid Atul' olen Factory, - f 11 gutstfie, S Goatericif wo P alive, snmetin�ps he gE -turus. --,A:ND- A8701 4,,j6ESSii0DN1 bdh�oase "'Unf4ersify7 owmskl shol It wasolearly proven that thapiece 61 146noresefthe its tire4,ancl 9 , fGoderichrconuirsinp. 1. A 1:1 * o them is satisf, tot' F ekdla� dver,' which t 4oftyr 9410 bestquzo Of a-Reged to have been picked up at 2. E Giles, Christ Church ........ 12 10 natitin of how the -old thin oqt E Nb I D JN E W S the scene of the murder were not t5ere t S. T 8 Baker, Queen's 13 3 wor 0. TO 0- K ace -'there is a cleu"Wbf: r Z,tne'XoVvn 61`33aylieTti; which eouldreadilyVirproparedforerop. The� -cester ........ 13 1 the Uind tha body wasfound,nor for a day 4. E D ala6, remaiuderofkheb=dJ&,.eI;J§ rmred-with, theli in- �imh or] did -14-wth iatox- 'JAY; -*4eftandniqpletimber6f $pie Id gtbw%4tL or two aflozwatd, and the infereAca .5. J EdWards-Mow,. Baliql, 12 12 41,ri' 4 P� J! was. �4 I , fe: % 100' .1 e, Pa JoViis, a g".. "�onef tliehospitals,when tJ is 11-4 1=1 oud'Well 86t tied -beizilbbighpo ttiat they. ere put there. by the detectives 6.'J.D _yno, $t to.--ifl theim in "wcirking, up" the cte 7. J'*'9uu`bu'ry,i`traaenoaS 9 ro. - I was rerdirkeidl tliit 1�t �& I'Lea en- C. Barry & 13 against Earringtoli. It was further proven Stroke—J Lesley, Penibroke ...... 11 containing3v acres orwell reserved'Timli6r Jan v c T RI G t4 vould produce ala equautityafOiewood. to the aer Ant, die that morning Tj I- ivOr Ba'yfield vdt.b. acoas. that, Sliapp, was destitato wheA he came tA) Cox—F H Hall, Ompas-, 8 gjb where, is he I * bet m%ses nil I wil ST STREETI Di Toledo,and thab Harrington, i�s doinghW Both crewavjejg�or Ed waterfall which could Umadecov#R019,16; 9 me r 1ALVtgex,,promptly at Let Liss him fo his mother Vexcla* CA ma�lpketialll r , TK of poViqn REAL,, A best to aid him in procuring, emplayingut. the call of Tile choice d the maiden. 08FTD, M OP XON T. FotTo czawn all, �n alibE was clearly and ak- ivas won by the Oxfords, who tok the Alid- The attendaht le4ifff' fitq A d* t tinctly pruvew. Harrinlrticu�was declared dlesexpi& Qf ta river. Roth ere 0 a Ward when dis'cov ring Dientenant kl.---;, ItieveA10—vect f-. 0% 0 ore ReXe ud or W, W. COXNO% Esq. lrayfield. Aeb43 U40- innocent, and the j! ly gave �plen&4, staiibu'i ffie'UmbiI46 �m k if towla liar, -Ag-fs Wo ir vinotari a - f the F th - 'fa on Kansas, lying fast asleep ERIC McKAY9 ell, an"hit h -m a letter, br evory',mein her, re- ali,ht lead up -an the intwit.and malutained it TXENT I peating-in, emphatic terms their belief in throughout the race. The dis was slac!c lump ee,,pojute '-hiih on Va gir fKitchen. Bedt An, `A-Eg -Y rOUL15 f`:k0TFtF= PA hizendroinnozeucoofan knaledge of' y. Taeraoewa3well, ,00m, Dlnlngioom, and Parlor Fur. "WoUnce thatheo'bas agened- a a the supposed mu bending- over niture, such as Se abo, , r,aud bearing teati-I the finish but,th4ii insit"Qubt t e st �F u0AV S=n de as to h him, Jsg r i;: muftl!v P, e' 'hi sesult, as it was early apparent that the Cani- mony to lits-nuifarm, �goaA charact r. PB air, olibandormake to order public sentiment unanimously coin det! -idg -bribge Itelte MA lot in?) rJAXPBEI+,BRP1S Uve constantly*n bi re, men were the batter crew, Cam F]MOR f "71P 1 ?'- 11 -1 you for your other r .44.N AT 'mer e heropP i'tq'iF * E UlUIREV L wlt4 iho verdict. The for In r. 4 - L�britiiiivally, li 3ying -,,ureoh Hoo qPA4 . W '4 a STATI DS. 1, W-Vbdvebver!1,:60V09 lor sale,ali'-present. . Applyb inglq took and gh�t -uncrcr the area ZoVCrat L Wlmf -'Upib y A, rAen the the, aw WASEE of Harrin--ton accord gtIIS �kened goorps arden 1wrtri's lVatford.- will be prepaT?d " All promptlyall orders V :Watfob4 Jawary qr4 that line.J ;Lhead. The time, Tof the winning amw was iit muses an unple=A6 sl�iuclaer in, re- .43 mi-ofites yer WHATNOTStil LQ8K1NGw,,%ASSE& ht3- A queAtt"t JlLtJqdR* -K?q1#-Tgs on dg,es. Prob t mpisb ed I f'Miiit a perfestly itinceeat man, of good erbadkia andwfillect,�%Iie bii yooq hind. n. flee acco b 0 ilightsSiobjecli6 charnter, stifercil two, yeals of degrding GILT FRAMIN6. n, tr punbslkaant�, ana narrowly escaped 'an in, tbewildest exeitonidutprevailed amov, j �Mar� elL e.0 uZA T -171S. W �Er-p 7-7 e no,- tod _X M the sp6at5toV ent.-husiastic. i T&M—r "T wel tus id Us trusts li� 'to business to It 'it nonthdomdeath, foracrime. of were7 a r strict wltentlon*, ORK)US a ofXt AT against implicit trust in wholly circtimstviii- e epfi. -44 StI," tial evf&-66, ana, a ainst the 0 A 7 emptied of-its'po6k. The�--bettiag­-Just protest a. paralial I, e always on andallearse onlrelationreasourbi new er o st- ­, 'i;-!Pheap-fpr,�, . 4 k -uafldng. it is another warAi 11 of Qn or oth- f'- to -the, London. F t bUqpatrouap. h' Ae6ided: ier a #.hare �.o 214 a iii -AM Da aL ,Th 1I.Q11 �sonr bly a to take yvith 'i and terins, ("ARLYK PPOSITFF-30 detcrStfoa -brlo, of if lost il.wa, npi, 4 - ;RT they C'house, to suspect. 1: -6 up a case against one he: A Ch�� -TED, POLIO I pany, must be mado-ti :ir W30 -t =0. NeV7 Ze Would be 6 aland Vauvo=69 T-heia are i4aral ag to d plan� �o have such, a the if OELN PR* me aficY distatic we -110-, UOL- e fa TTa% are-ttail 4ml riell-fornie&i the 0 urea reaufmri compolo'kion: from 0, Zlir'bLt Say 114XV140C L (0) eaua �thlilija -ping brown ifa;rkw shadei of that color Imir meetino, u, gtol�tll PTt Lamps;;%Ad OU rr6li vw n Ir Picking ES 0 Toliwi, w We, :dij4il s? ig. and Sheep Sk It Ilona bi ftn4,'3DVftP't ittaidiiY66 A: !,wera pie pipu�11cau i.w 5-,-fe I, i J�OPFEIRO ,=T TilidGAJ�!�I"4 "11 Op.% dd sour, I )r the aso of groiVoting. 'the nil* . ' ;; I - aver V er�7sa 4h,, ion 0 w,., 'sp ondid. looking fellows; iiith noLL el #"WORK "WILt pq their m= they &llycorreabj '01 Christian 'W�Sh LARGID QUAN. Sign. of th Large Coal Oil Barril A S THU 8UBSC=El1*A look evety- inclt the, nobta savag T�eir UAL.' 0 I Godf b" dA, M* roof-riadelf, and 198610SIP L ?p pApe '0 Paz ducanca'aw very greb,+,; ther. Bveryneditoeis his ow&p describing the e& to'learn.,,-=4 have no editor in-thti huiryof',dij d ate iatqh!ryont, quick ttion c eds, eint to -5,peadia 0 A tgado, theyy avo, dis- XX 'AL Ut 1141L colL Godedch TowW, �u 146113 All a .1 aowriia�o 1. i� � ;� O]RIW a vp OAT. arrA emgnkofJ&jel1 Cos in Inarals; ficauti(A13" ng kizipped of thet; feat 6v OW14 inspol ad "heir , .� .. Z� -", � ;;:� con. Tackersmitb. has tor inkly AND ", SUBSC m ar a very I T rooted by thredditf -readers y� 'MOXIS. tO D6 _aAa proof e c.elebmted N3111VAY OATB,'ja L -lqUU1tiia'iQt. When way) o the V ar Godg*b, Ist Is cor- toverod miles in entirebr T4_ rtEsmIwGTiN 1,W n4a, ?Ja Was one b3fore, they are givun- io, the -world. Fe�j, th� ljurriqtne, 6, force, of 0 day store aud s-.Itv me, World= arrison, Eatly Goodrlch� and G -leas OTATOE8 -orbeed, w! I�cc he will FellxAr &i.00- ar.Ainglabdphel P mon o3 -a red thoir bisil p600fs Well, Thiij MELODEON% M — T R %AT pros oiriy the thoug#b that tQy A -yo inittee in N' TO=, jittore 4 5%J watchea soma time, ind 061 . ppwayds c4; ial -dat ashoa, gTROU0 , for In their ruind%rs4- in Alaste a 46nd fico itiom other seeds. true to Aarn that iflei- -dmi "d to. be a its, clas audsayscolat&iAS-,a�te�tbatdato4U accounts -villbb ��J)N. RD "N ROE All CHIMOR ORGAN21i eqies&d to settle iip"with i�eon or in. For Ddhitic�ati k Itest ei, VV*is ou� th* beforetWil; correspoudii WM -a ma3 h4' no ith. f1l 41111. 20th, Ilan. w72a ,�J, ia vro&4 tL ,prebend to vr6ll. 41hoo re aringthe',pi4 A -n- — - VEST 81m SQUARZ,.G01)BR10X' a11t1;a1Ji5r13. Tthinklar they cod T01-tOiNT-o.' oderft 12 3)Pc. 8701. W*EC3 armand chme to 3ca tba maellilto, nd or dan 26mew It Tilomostextensive ,nia&eys intbe uotainlou.'. My V.TMRAQZ� POTTLE$- DAY xRos. YE, bathe his teen, TI nlrbw t4,,om hi the- storo. nd the surrounding TO LENI X Z teaconsnd 5 fqgwWWt10 Jtnd,-arr fituts, ou"fit, to sileqi�4 oAticisto gfyht It L'1134q tTI13Y tQCV110 8110411 a 1) -thatl- m�iir h OTEL that exedion a AT ucia21 athwestqxrt r qjIlf. age ter falmele t %V R 0 ake S-itua #4 them, aro -ooa apeakors, sO na outfoi Goderich a T r' ." , j, ­ 1 .1 ­ ortha ve ustly celebrated nrm,; and to lira- ,,iii6bo t It Nov& Sao" tr6 4aforiv iii A -ThY miat vary, claverin, argumeub. trtkAe&*A",-by, can �m I Iowa, who bad, ukeft it stitii - VIDA tho )0 mile f EARLY a EuiaTfpot, he �otlioi day M a ear -saearf at katthirty fact, slid at to . I At ur-- C -rin; Mo, raZi -for' ii' I rine eXTOXISLY0 W_Q Qx- Of 4 ever; -o the spea' distauft, odation for a trayell anp Sub- ker runs, 11111pa"cove ag th' . . . . . . . . AV M and ternISASCerM AND W 'J�k CHANOEHY, 6i WOt Street and d3lices &*.a this spaco. Rtmning' 9no of the most dai Fogs loc !as M A PTLY SUPPLIED' 0 tb., 0 i tory dheese. OF49MOVALl has beeb-4k T07 to tiony mvvarro natiou 1 i rot the islaiard at the Fsatoxoy 10T 'A ..* I ­ . if 'i .4 GO Faril lie time10 think of vrbat bu,ura in iross.o.- thii grewd oj! 'ppointi� sole agents at k wap. A sin! tritia w' t . I nee into tb# X9410tief re. t16 Do 14 0, i ebeen w:t11 3joeler sentence. As warriors, diev ownswue$- 0 - of t, ,- Ot der!4 P, 840kii9ft4es Alld J9m16kiu&fr18k ii(4 One T bf Dadq 311perlor Wi #Fort upon the #craaf hillsides. ­ H, ROTICE or thirtY 1*4, An wal tber-ye4lcuticta$04- tend .10110b:i*qk��-1 no a HT0KS.rPrOpri*tOr,-, TWO ixth mee li 00. TIS vr Pxx ipfitut trotit. va*. spQrgivaii 0, oor iimotAt dh bare �6 y"t1t knowt. TL Hdtal iA an. bora,v,o and actilwo. to continue - ru ift lijtwA6 to thq�pastom(w a ada.and onarges as moderates an lions STIR ACHAN. SREPHARD4 Address 0 for q N%ebell. St goPro rietor -Godste�b ugfor W, r'ALLIM' At rine 3Uorl is mors than Wit thi mere f6tee, 41� 1 Wd let but there is it tilnt'nellr At erldh white S�Jldicrs. 4',wAul is rr 00H2to,on Vod hi d Wh lthfa4w"culm"d Prim n a ,jAuSI6 187f., 4 'Watt U0 t X11; 1% f#;r 'tive lu oil as his fr 4 low 156 44 Will bO "CRUX14-OUto 0: fly.' SQIV4�A 1 P11