HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-04-13, Page 27
t atten"i
e rcry glad that the Ju . OJ 16'thu idvj�rtiaenlent of Messra J, T horo by a Iloie in, N- dliverk.- Noved-
GeQ cattle b
Da"Ekohn and Al, 41.. Campbell Are Eprom sea. by Tiles, X�ys, that thy. Weivil War in Ffauce
a zale, ift t tu M 61T .� ,
-the Biyfield
th etitiou of the Trustees, f RATS FOR THE-MILION -11.1
he Fr�& ylts� nanqnst ATr toPralatica'Ahe i�it AT.,
C - :'I
"Blackburn of the Litel it- r 'ng A6 ()()jo n; 'of the
-a�The weather in tbis,lo - t coup iLl t vor t'W nQx't meet!
J01111 Carneron of the fdt,85000 I!hoy - BTU )II0110f 1911parior THE 5 rasdan
past er I - � I ,
ila"lages.' AVe should liavo been, b the - theorl ut been, up'to the the uvw.aut�., 04TI-10a. AloVedby,-Tilos TRBIBLIC5 010141ACT 02; THURSDAX. JTAT, 0AP,4&_FUB4T0RFJ
good op Wark* Keys
portuni CX yDI,._%VQodg,that(
,d still- if the two jurymon whufavor� ties o o
column, the PlbasL 'hin ,. b- -Ander.: In the :hdw build nk,
ti4eLJAToj:uAto�4u& bcautIfIll all
vq,lirt Of Railway mentillf? �Jt y JUy and soil fr0iii his- -beat on, the 7th crectedby himself, lastiummer, on West Side, 31ark6f; Squit,
I b
ed tile plaintiff had 'reen-villi the, otler
con. tothe sida-line between lots, 5 & 6
in W111111111o'by 1 Inbiteinin to 1$ NOW RECEIVING, ARD WILL OPEN
T' Itst the ct,.l.cIlI of ektoild-itig-along bli'lid'llne' Towniiiie si0l' t0n and giving the ca-ae in favor the do- M110h 17 HOMRS OF SHOT AND SHELL
heing, t the callifl- 0 pleaied with are very toli'leub't to nd that lie-bu Patilulister. in tha he j for the iaspecVlon of the
� of felle0- As'it is, Air Canicron will hae, to khe bublieSpirit of thqTotr . '$- - At. PUVRO, on -
00 see -
euial Ineetin th. Woo like "1*ssjtbIa ;Carried'. A -roved 4 Dr. )V
of the C)Ilnf�v Council I his olvil ex retaol to - plant- d iindd!he fields are gettintr into e , olleut n SatUrdby thb4th day f March, 1871,
penses, w1i ic.h. will no doubt Goa C.tstle, thf, this coundl
lirz-privty of givill- tl.c� 'grant half the
_LLog3?L.,8 cree lid best Mo �k of J�afs, Va8, and F -a
int27te Large8t a
ro- OuA.idossl for- cultivation. ' The -�Kaaoe R411TAC15 OF 17M WEDS.
to Consid ble ann. ;The = I . allies ar -brwrg
in certibilt b - tlio-156st Ile link over 00 foe a STUBBORN rui&ing Voodr. 7&t to
thu rn.;Ptritv, if 0- dictows blip seas up � has sioldoin, in, former yeura, -the Rec�e 'bomifiting of tile Newest St3,1e*Pf
�To cents per been In,
s the wst 'illst, arryed oil side troolor. every lorunaiental at$. -Of �Mlde_rliutlf out -if biailroad apl� opriatio
lid feaible way of politicai to -ttec Plante r EngUsh., NeWTOrk, & Gauadial*Fashioiiable Silk,&; 33e
il for ll�irls, April 7, 6 p. mil via L:)ndon aVer
I -prevent then, ind protectoil. thoA0 concerned in it but bein now ib- 1871---, Clrried. - Moved bY Dr. Woods April 8._T11
the There arclich other L Joliposite Property (Ir resi , 0 e( e fighting is
in 811011- all unseemly IJ the p,.ie deticel, iralilre,5 itt.th 0, t their lo I terrible. The Hats, Fur &
t quiii 9 -.-Uv Goo Castle; that thiapoupoil pub.1 Natio , 1 0 Wool Felt Hats
slt�veral thin.-, wra end or er nts a Thursday night Teoce Silk and ClothLcap., Of the latest Styles and Pattarns for spring we
Mild like to k two years. 'it past, mos people have ishatid-submitab upied
Publisl-em- Iverie- libelled ifi the, -ad- We he st�ions in that line offarmi , !y4tw for the considers- the barricade at"Nlattilly, and it was to -day aro _X(At.r
Pc K060t� owners, will now go ng, and have 1 this Stock bas beed made-sP'ecially; to my order, and ss 1,claim to have a 1�
thathave -trill., in, the Adrcrtiier 1nt6.-,the ion,of the -rate-psyers for &,grant in aid fiercely attacked by batteries of -the Ver. Sine afterjhe prosecution of their in this cootity, aad the c"is, over thO. signature of )rri 0. 4"their property varioui of the London Huron& Bruce Railroad- knowledge of the HAT and 6APbusinen whlbeable (withthe -large und -he, as artl he he I sailles army. TI I - aried sto'kii I
1p to 44114490. 'the - appoarauc �of 0 " 110mostead dutiesi - b to Nat orials; defended -the, have.on handi4aw coafinually receivirtgg,)
a, real
para uch as plough� 806y $6006-�:If the line b6 carried to with' itivecost of varionsrvotes. )onsibla mn, should have be"n the the Town. three in post ion with mitrailleu4es which had been To pLE
partyprosectited. Wohope,f-wthtres'- inj, shoop-shearingaud sucker -fishing quarters. m e
in Alcefisld and mounte4on the barricade. There wass ASE THE EYS ANDFIT -THE HEAD OF THE Xoglt
lill- son. the case of BIr Stepheir TliiC' of of a station 111'aintailled. -point, or perfect raiii of a2nd. The route that hs beer. deterr WNCbr SAORED MUSIC 6, cursory way of durveying zhe sta at that
-11"y the I)roper shells from the Fhstiaiotu� and at prices 1hat will defy competition.
feyan Chiikc-i, oil Thursday 0*,-cziin,,,,, rnAters,. in connection batteries until half'pdst four ti�clock in the
ell n. if it is t; the stno dofen lant, appointerl for in the $101000 if the line be extended to within
hearing on Friday n with the geqeral a similar disiance of linton and -it Station afternoon, when it became apparent that
ml if it wi!l, a� tile 8 tiallest co -t, ext, will be- dwioed was..tgreat success. - The now orgau. all- appearance of nature at present, I thi there maintained
1193111stthe plaintiff, ree awdied Allthooxpeottlo provided also that no a direct asiault.was intended by the gov-
�wz%v f-'WilitiLs to the large.st I've decidedly i us of those learned there is every reason for placing -enfiie e for the railrllad,and ernment forces. ent p
des. witli the county grant be mad roved -a
I t is to sfich niattois. Professor Blackburn's provided lastly that the road be co
,,it when it-tirtialiso the mg4m wo 8-AVACkii
drute-lif attacked,by jinalialists, both standifig on Of "110,110 Sweet conadence in the early development of nstruct- feint, however instead offollowingit tip, Goderieli, Marc lot, 1�11.
P, was it
aas to themeaus of setting ra g perf.)rtuanc spring, and the truthful augu ed. before the money le, paid. Carried. the Voriailles'troops sdvanced upon both
e, The vocal depart- ries of Ayer's Mo
lit before the ari ved by Thos Keys, sec. by - 1)r Woods, right and left- flanks of the barricade.
the projec- be as vieIll blic. it would ment was supplied by Mrs Siturns Mrs. S�rsap Ila Almanac. The following that $10.62'be paid io, Goo Stephenson for There was e space of an hour a rapid
eY 11:1-3 that the cunrts011 - Thompson, Dr. Thouipson and Mr. Dixie verses oh the approach of the vernal seas- gravel taken to date.
t f r if e, 8 lould be avoid for-th
a , OL ed."' We further thiulc that hon To WaEsoa.wkth rare abilir Carried. Aloved and effectual,fire of musk6try, and then
81l.,cess of tle:SPonsiWe parties wish tti put)lish erther r4titicat-Ionuf thealidience.. Aft a are from the indefatigable �pe be instv - at the the fighting increasing in intensity the
y,r to, W4�4ntense n of your y GeOCastlu, see by Thos Keys, th
clerk uctdd to direct the pathmast- committee hastily advanced two fresh bat-
i'l it nd I bl* letter or advertisements ,,at Pay old poet cal corres II RATS ter that ing all expenses, the suin of V�0.001 P01146 0 W- BA.ZMATYWE HAT131 HATS! 1 1
h1 ll)a3- -bear the coin pli3xi, uof libel ourfel- oalisd. was ers to have all creckg and ditches opened tallons of infantry, supported by 8 gung;
h' lQw journalists %voltild be wise to ODE TO SPRING and -cleared of driftwood and other ob- Crowds of women andchildien were iii a ANOTHER � LAP -GE (10-YISIGNMW JUST RECEIVED 11y.
AmgERzy.-Ol r friends there must knog- Thoit art coming, g?ntle spring! -; and file clerks dangerou 'near the Arch of W.X 11 ,
togetlb0copies of this motion printed Triumph witching wittlithe utmost anxiety KSAVAGEo
arties a written critarallfee theor With thy Zephyr& suft. and sweet sti-actions in their. beats position'
and wh it the 1 �plzh p et from
of Unidon, witieth will be sl),.Ci;tllv wiiI boai tile pectin that Willie Catul bell i"Illortati6ed 'by our
Ainberly corr Thro the wood, and o'er the mountain and one sent to each pathmastor, Carried. thpollanging s battle field. Come see them,
i -A W c t,j tile under- publication. iary conseq,temes of as "all honest
1.�killg T)y WLv' of b"alls. ;l) town to work for4r. Whispering pleasure every where: Moved by Dr. 'Woods, see by Thee Keys, 11i fire of the art'illery hfts, up to this
We Urghbirillop, m3rchainv Tailor. Thou art conlitigentle spring, that a B.(-Iaw be framed and passed - to time,spreadto the onceinte. The Nationals 7VVERY BODYWants a Hat At thle seliflonof the wlin proposed to, ow. to garitishoeach retreat prohibit all pardes from' lace tog L takin4'-or usin- resist the advances of the Assemblists with ShhtsaudTlex ortbe newe.tpte. .,S..d e1y,,urHat4a1;2Dp0rceDt IM than offlu and dellool.t1irlS hats and FlatsihsSrut T&rldy
%IT Jus not very lively. By shady glade all& fountaidi any timber,gravel, stone or oiter materisi. determination, and will defend every GlibrIch, Much 23rd, is7i,
Ar. He ir'y 51c0au has lately moved lilit With thy wreaklia and pearlings rare off tile 'publib. highwsys or ibads, save 1 -inch f the streets should the - Assemblists
t - the expvnwof L T BAYFIX n -Business is
CffC*r,'_1[.-NVe are requestetl to lin's old stand and keeps a 01,
koad othed in dews and light thou'rt coming. by the authority iii writing of the Reeve cceed ty There is a
�=teringthe c
tration of onab in the
tese C'ev vilVoe, prL-n:;red! vregatio.. Ile price is likely to be ried. Moved by'Thos Xeys, see by Dr Place endome, and many pieces of artil- hi 'neidlibor. and thereby
hal tilt re th.Lt sl�vueal house. The lishim, season 6oinalienc- I can trace thee everywherb. orDepiity Reeve for the time being. Car-1:nr ourignienof this con- d favorably nd t
are up the third of liigh. Sothe dealerafrim, Re
Buffia oftered Thou art corhing lovely spring Woodii,that f allAre imr6Te-d.
n the cao, With thy incense, and thy ligh for injury done his horse by be Royal, and -At a meeting cilled yesterday at I one
vyh;Ch we t -he series Re -unions. It will be �3-50 per 100 Itis delivered o '1 25 be granted to Mr. Collins lery in the Court Yard, Palace
1.1-1d in the basetnent, on Thursday 13th for ay quantity through the sumniel'. A:nd the balmy inspirations in -a, -culvert. Carried. 'Move ing injured inirlint of the Church of Madeline. The o'clock,in the town Hall -at Smi t Is W, 11, f or At 0 erich-ion Sui4aygd Apri
ing prepared and a lar Ll�v 1, Hm ,
Tau pr�*,j,:-*pla of d by Go. utmost bitterness towards the Versailles the purpose of fo a TownshipAgri, R Story of adaughter.
Ali i uteresting. 6rogram ale is be- DRUM Drysdale keeps Which thy vernal pkesence yields Castle', iiec by Dr. Woods, that this council government prevails in the public mind,
!lhou art coining cheerful spri cultural society. rMVWilIi,,.,,u,gw.
J)e.tre tile .4a attondance is ra i cra Wire assisted by her son Robert. rig I do -now adjourn to meet as's Court of He- bu t,the portions of Parts remote
ds go towards the With thy train of gloiies bright NOtt Vice-
visi6n, and subsequently for -general busi- scene of the confict are to all appearance President.'Mr. John Verege
invited, The proe�-e ill a, very ecolufortable stylq, and deserves from tli� elected President, Mr, JRj.
of the 01surclidtilit. e of trvellerK The villa,, And thy sacred scin tillations yess, on .the third Monday in May, at calm. Secretary. Mr.
B-isr-BALL CLUB—The addition a French Protestant Gordon Young TreasurerDirectors Messrs
ftitapinsroiva-" To the foreats and the fields, Mr Ching's Hotelat the hour of 10 o'clock l4ondop, April 8, 11,130p. m. -Advices Jos. Fisher, P. Carroll
has Cell So TaE Hur 1,
hop. orning from
C -11111t, metnUers wiii please ineet in the British Church, and aBlaekswith a And the aon-birds hail thy c a.m. Carried... ' I Williant Oarkel,
to do what ' Exchang n. Weducs-lay, To the fqresto Paris to -day state that Ladislas Dow- W J Harris, John Morris William Can;
OLY . at 8 P. iti. sharp. -�n'Saturday, 9di inst., tile a and. the fields. WILLIAM PLVNKETT, brii ski has been a ... 9
hs ted to succeed Gen ning-balit,
G,., ur n s;) tol ppoill P&erRoWrtsoIj;Edw&rd Stritchn
d fi)rdu-! Caurch tfust erected, TP Clerk. Borgeretin command of the National and James McDon I Then arE coming happy spring Varna, 4th April, 1871. agh. The meeting was
Iv NEmnulAM. --On Friday last; we ed forriaddivIne service The col- I With thy melod and in ALL P A IDIM
I had- an oppQrtnnity v 's a Guards. W
nins' of inspecting the unbiundedlyfliberal, onthe All v -1 - th y irth TheNationals flemained all of well attended by farmers from all parts of
. inicable mode. luoutiment, urecied in the Alaitland.Zceiue- part of �bfr. Doug' oca is a wildwood ALL&zf LuiE Friday the'Townsbip, and all took -a lively interest
o' Elie nil I , tery., at the grave of the lamented partner and friends ( f oth tas. and the managers, With thy welcome bacic again I rom -proposed scheme of sail- nigbt in their positions at the bridge of ih the busillm of the day. The meet,
6tterwondho f,,reeh; qr congregations alsoIon- -puebec to Liverpool for 00111- Neuilly.
inter-te I t adjourried at listf-past three undal
t,ff�r to ooutiivnsillan, Rev tributed liberally, Thou art comittg happy spring mencemea of summer season. - P, H. Despatches from Versailles this evenin Aluz 0% Rubert, Ure, It is from the works of AIr With thy gladness back to earth Ca ter, Esq., a nt for Goderich. 9 my MaY 15th at two o'clock,
1, ty ',I i!Z Zunicu-This i vilia-e is Drogressing ge say the eatire army is now u
uAir steadily. An It. 0 And the goals, and oys of child Kruvian rider the com- Mr. Jalliieveright will,deliver x lwtnre Now Patterits of Parlor paper*
i hood J, 6th May and 17th June. mnd (if Marshal Macmahon,
Chttzr'ch and a Litthero- Richly sparkling in thy train. Moravian and as on Sunday next st three o'clock in the
pure. white his Built -
13th 24th been divided into four corps, 4 which one, Town' hall Smith's Hill on the worshiP 0i Now Styles of Satin Papers,
tli,'.f q tit zlecyne ti, it, wh:ch the uran, his ageili here, and is a an Clittreb are boill. to be built t
I"; ht to extent supplelien'.. We square coluitir. of iner. Rev. Nl;r HOW j-3YO.us rings the 'wild -wood, Austrian, 20th lst Ju
With thy welcome back aain 1 Prussian, 27th the Vir1fin Mary.
niarNe, smile 10 feet Muhl tapering to- Sanday last, hinted the desirabilitToll while the oillers have been ordered into
,!ne tth2%tVIk-iU wh.- 8th 99
c ,pax ia cover Schiller, Lutheran Nest n, 3rd June 15th 11 ly. held in reserve, has Goo Tinny at the head -a a new Church erected active service. under the. command of illens New Gold Papers,
wards Use to�, Th ed with It ving -r ... an liberality a - sit criptiou list Ladmiratilt, Ciorsy and Dubrail. Rallwalr Meetid
C is the slitir into the scallitured drap-,,ry and stinuminted by a true Ge and with Thou art near its blissful spring Scan v
ri7ls -if Tucker3inith n NirKil-'rip. tha,:'burning lankli, of oril, bs' 'With th"boun d ri in's an, lot 22n
, . i. -ntal deiign. The was liandsomelvoloelledat once. y ty-.3peaking smilesi The steamers Of -the Glasgow line are The National Asserably having voted an Now Oak Papersi-
Ti,wi-shilts -are quita wel' riscrintioll is flas And thy hope hispiring radiancer ' intended to be despatched from Quebec amendmefit to the eff�ct th t all the The meefin, between the, Reeves and
memory Onr friend' 11'. Broivu, Esq., Fresh from natures fountain drawn
e�chosen Deputy Ree -yes of the municipaities i
near us, blissful a ring Ottawa, 4th May, St A"adrew, 18th May. by the pe plej the government insisted -forested in the construction of the Londoii
inis, 15, 1815, died Dec. 27th, about to enter the; sbate of matrittiollY. Hark I -the Pea3ant, as he toils 11- Ifew I)ining Boom PaDers,
Mararet 0,00, wife of Rev. Robert just leased his It to Dr KliDre, whils Thou ar' tit the follow%g dates.- Mayors throughout Fralice sball b
t"th their tiresont a
fhon or ibo
nSt David Ilth "- St Patrick, 2:5th -tho Direet0*0
ISG9. Erecteil as a tt,keti of affectionate Friedd B. dare sli.. cinnsel thee to go and Join the universal cade. havin the anpointmen& of some of Huro4 & Bruce Rsilwsy and
Aiey.. il be de. remembrance bv-members a -ad adherents do likewise -? - 1 ce
fill. Howick slid' Of lillox's chrehir As he tills the fertile lawn Goder-ft placed in its hands. Thiera even of that Rail w New Marble Paper4,
le sY was held, according to up.
Mr W Carri he enterprising proprie Woot Trustees, threatened to resign if that power was not pointment, on Thursday last 6th inst.
Elow he siwelis the rapturous cadence
mdess theyliarechanged tl.eirl SALT roz Platt, with his aon hand a large qluan- As he tills the teeming, lawn 1 The following mvnicipalities were Pop.
tor of the Alit confided to the. jovern mect. I
the Hamilou to th illd0lidEable energv that never will usl In bar. In gristing, he is Tne Regn1ar meeting of the Board was , London, April 8, 2.30 ai m. -Friday's New Medroom Paperx,,-
y say die, is making the eff4rt to open tip a t'ty of logs "11 resented : Tuck�i�mitb, James Dallas
therefore, the on] a!a� doin- a large §us*zxess awl his held on Thursda 6th inst. Present A details of the fighting at NeuilLy
V'n,,,k,t for our salt in the United States. . will-er Thdd art -with us, Heavenly spring y3l have been Hay, Messrs BroWn and Wanlesa ; Stan NeWHA11'
Is making good flotir, large ieturna and Filill of prQmise-ftill of -love Lefroy Esq. in"the chair, - Mqssrs Orabb ree ley; Thomas Sirtipson ; Stephep, Thos
allto Chicago giviu- _uod sai�f*tlol:�,
to bes' rtinglv in farorofF He bassent the JeitavBitaib, eived.
for Kay, Sw The communias who were posted in Greenway ; Usborne, Messrs BiBhop� And
=e L--r)n,I,,n line-Uniler t1ler-im.-m-1 con-livitha fulleargoinlitilk, and we look Ever bright'ning, ever blessinl__ ansou and Nairn. Minutes of
Is the progress of thy . 0
be-Csborne, Hay, Stephen the result with much interest. If there reign last meeting read, approved and Big ... d force iat Cnurlevoie were dislodged Willis; Grey, John Leckk - Morris, Thos New office PRROrAr.
Grev is nything like a Prottit on it, the'cotirse 114 V.. Thou art with us Heavenly spring I - by1he guns of Fort Valerien. They Kelly, and Dr Holmes ; Turnberry, Mr.
From the Amounts of G M. Trueman for desks and rail esser ; Me
'%all the unanimitY even it- these for our mas`111fActurers will be clear. r-- . angel -realms above ied in the Avenue de� Neuilly
d6pend Inaterialky on how the Ii AUL��CHOLY-DlfATIX.-W With thy rays of glokY,chaciug forms 65,70,, ordered to be paid. Account , , and ays Seaforl illop, Messrs Shannon and
thraugh them. opened fire on the' Wraitilles' troops who
ter s$9.55. and a 'ed these gentlemen. there w�re present other
N"-)rthern Grat vel on the speot, lerk which took place other sections of the. Coun Seaforth nd
to be paid. Account of we reed 'to retreat behind the btidge
- ase lit t Wilson, son (If N Wilson Esq, the re- That shall burst from death again. John Nairn, for putting up Isaw
to .1; lays. pp� on the heights. The 00mmunibts prominent g6iltienten from
regret to hearof tl' delith f Mr Richard Then bvpe of life i1quiortal $1.25, ordered I
P., has retu, of J'.,4%- J. Story, tinware,
no 0, Cameron, Esq., AT. e very mch Each fell shade of doubt and pain liphIrMcdalighey. Besides
Wheit the rate- rnud to. tf#tvn for the East 0 19W BUREN#
-D.-'Wo. ere very Strips a or.NeaUly,w.
Tnn BATTALTOX BAN ed Towtis4 1,
nly livisellit VF/aty on Frida last. I bie"i they barricaded. * Th q ing, Esq., ooelpiedthe ch ty' aElooks, fixing desks &c. 59.00, ordered to pursuers then shelled and demolished the McLean, of TiiAZxp
r e an -1 part m-sh. muct. delighted, oil he a-ternoon. f Good to ning, of pota- b- �MPERS
ie cause of death ws -PoTATo F_,_TfUUE--The ope sir, and Mr M Y
nore to hear ur Bnd play- 1 'froallarunawy tea n abou caps in these days reveals a very vex- a
� an accideuk ing barricade. The Nationals suffered heavily ed to act as Secretary. 'llientestng was
of Ashfield, we do not Frida "n�ce I ta ceount of R. Black for cutti OaLTOP., was appoint -
y, o paid. A *
ith o-av present li,,,ht, how they week before, notwithst riing the ing state of things, the issue of dry rot and wood 630.20. ordered to I be paid. The
.y coulu ing on the square, under the able leader- I best medical trea:t ent, terminived. fatally the other prevalent blights. Settle of 0: Pri ciPal' juarterIV report was read in attempliog to hold the bridgaland foll opened by the c
0)11si3telit' vole the modest slim of ship of Mr Daukhani. Thou.1h not a full 1 a, tur u a ( 43 propriste int h9rinan making a few ap-
C'U,) LtiLiall about ,as a, bonns-,toliner! t The funeral of Diecliased was attended,, eighbors hare found (similar. in effect to the statistics publish--,-' into it temporary disorder, but they sue- . roduotory romarks;explaming
inamored route wsinid 'only benel the object for which' the meetin
fit a I -showed the reetilts-of ncestown Come in our last issue) received and f vied. corded in extricatina g was
rday last, to We Fia te- itock a complete mass of r,)ttenneas 1 and their cannon, and JUST -,.DPEXFj)
musters the playing was eoxcellent and I Satr ;n n almost their entire
assiduous practice, ryby It called. ana uged strongly the necessity of
seafiln f the cli,-m�y. If Tucker- I durinfr'the winter wouths. larga c.1ritet e of frien Is and neirrit, others have lost quantities, varying from wasmovedby Mr. N-airn, seconded by abandoned thebridge, tking refuge -in the Reeves and Deputy Reeves' going to
May they' here*th outiful lier)-ice -of `Zhe fifry to ahundred 1iishols, will Mr.Elljot that the bell-ringer be paid 'the boages bn thb eastern bank of the woik earitestli to 40visli some 03620,11111
sit-ith and McKillop are indiffierant what I long 01ow ou and never be blowed.11 a be' which
16f1st Stanley, Godericli, Ashfield, 6,Ih E ii,,Idnd of which. he was a doubtless seriotialyaffect the.pablic both �$10.00 a' year to ring the church bell every river. 'The Assembhsts - also occupied' whereby, the necessary, means cA
a im- I duty k our salt interests, gia-re. nonr, and at the planting seton,,as seed ol-day at 8.45 a. Ill., according to th
-d will stapply as with the T
at the tbird ACOLDEN die building on the other aide, mad a sharp to secure the success of thiaroAd as ff'the
it-tt, ver the n be.raised reading, of the Cust ims Astienilmont Bill. myste A PISTOL-sHOT. - A potates will of necessity be v�ry high in school clock. Adjourned. present opportunity was
r. a at present I-ack. rious ac happalled, last week price, and -in fusilade was kept bp across the river. adowea to paw
11.0 and be We hope th -1VTr Cameron did his inember, wase4d cho (01FIFER
But i"a no use! His amendment to I man -t' -Mi. stances not to be They then pushed . across the bridge and another might AoC6ftilr. He tten called
as I to a son of Nlr NY V'ek 'We understand' found-on-any'conaideratiofi, Early viirie- W11AT- O'CLOCK Is IT ?-Nobod RATES.
btrike out 11 salt 1-1 ly lust by 113 nyg to the yoting ma#. i Goda-
I I v�as handling it pistol a ties sepTn'tol e scours . advanced -,'in upon Me Murray Anderson, of London,
31 yeas. * A) i ' -494ye: stood the , Winter, much, rich can tell with anything ey pursuit of the retreatina in- rh e
Ills which nitipt; hmve accidentally better than the cupsi Railway time is one thin surgrents. The guns owad a few remarks,afterwbicisbort
Which ltter - Ban ti of --the rauiparts -
harged, the me addresses were made by Messrs Leckie, A fr A10 T -Ti-%, I to,snppme, that wh ich. 2 thro tghliis bead indeed, . for some ears past, have soother thing, and watchus opened a heavy fife, sweeping the Avenue ";& OR
C0#.VTy akerB time, r Kelly, Bishop. GreenwayDr.Holmes,and
and r6sulting-iw dJack oll, someth, vith 4Aell, afid cheoki
Sunday last, af- been Bhowing, strong indications b.* becom- in(, quite diff6rent. Dar de Neuilly v
10 - 0 e we sug-
tha Lndon, H ron and Bruce is�called,by advurt Isment inlatiotber column terlingpriti-afewdays. Auinqilascw�s in speedily ex In' ct, ng the others,each oi�whoxn advocated thescheme
-it would incur the. hos- for Taeslay, 25th just, f, gait to our "city fathers" the propriety of pursuit. The 06mmunists aga*
�t the Court- to be held ac rt com- warmly, and mad
of- those Pir.ces it (lid not tonch.� it thli bdak. a various propositions as. Goderlch..Alirl I 14thIS21,
house Guilericb, 11ok the purpose of sub- I GLE in�trtiuting the bell-ringer to regulalte his men�cd to -thilow no 16arricades across �he to the beat mod
RIMEWSTeR. locarity is not advanc- in Tiritch,.%rd's nea 0 Of raising the required
pers Witting a By -Law to the rate p2yers to. LttfAar6jy7 ow-
tiums The Clinton pa shifil g apparg a is 'n,ow in, full r1figilIg by some one authoritative time- Avenue, _unj�r the protection of the -,pea&ers,
Legin to pour contemlst uplia the under- Ing much 'irt ol-AlitY, Tile people of 'I - e cul keeper f At the present the irregrilarity sum., The mitjority of the a
and Bol o i streets mather here to runsand is turning, du t great quanti- on t4a walls, 'blu� they were ever, favored raising it -by County. borling.
finest-sliffigles we have ever yet xuts;�pce. 'this juncture it was requestedt4t; the:
to its b-asis, to abuse some I Brace Railwuy. Ratpayers who wish iL ultimately driven. out of -Neuilly, and
rant a bonus o tba London Huron and St3riley _t tllQ artillery
I i2elian-01f of the thin-'
of til celebrate their lllftde�e -le all of the seen InAnlafactured by the iawing o At
the road ndtoca!lin 6 ath y at'
cir views, pre 'tu the b withdrew beneath the ramparts. The it wasass'erted by M
ty of entertaining -3 1 - Lind The comm"unity atlar'ge, who hava for a ;!qpring -
Itclexpress, th vious to the decalogue. FrontheOiJuai Pr des public wi drair. We me here ztaie th
of the Sauble 'River fo#y bho,Ws 02 lCutfre Stock. fi,-,htln,-, which that the
the enterl �t �_,Ja Up to thr,_ tinle th:&t inceting -are ad maple lotic, time past - been at a great di�fal vant W11s: desperate through. n4on bonus for $100i0oo was pass
weluorue to the rse of our Nil. a'
sucrar are allund; t, Lo
colunsus. 0
Y selected, age in procur Out,' commen e ed by
it A- d at 1.6 a. m. a ended the.Council of that city, -on We ties I day
ine the'supplies meecled on6 Exeter, 20t priL nd d
iii- by the mly of SQaforth, ut:ttters t VALUABLE Busi-%FEss 1z require t1b tip him -the order, and L Brucefield, 21st. at slinset, at which hour seven guns still evening last, without w ilissenting voice.
(Angtrin r _TANDS.—'We
ere ls"nouta V7 ELI Tatliamamt malid in eir de protected the gatesi. The forts are A, re"01111tio
I Would call attention to the fact that the 5 will be f0itfico'c 111.9, Kstan,,Vr. Lucknow, k6th n, moved by Mr.' Bishop, Bec TIRAM
-or:111 has up, an -1 people, ave warn. SUPYOSZD 1311,0oir Acoiii�-iw_- Our �oe-_ Dunganiton;'27th" silent. by Mr Leckie, to
od-iubt ffie di-'P-,stpoucd Saluor the lots, corner or fleal friend, !'The irrepresilbleTailor" BlYth, Ifth the effect. that a Countf
reecors kes The House e;t 9 Cos bonus is the most just and feaeible iva
who 111're m;lde ffi'e iticat'rm ould: "I" kit -'4'qi-,re 11� 6 &Ck, 8 1pril 11ittister Picatil officiafly announ LIKE 1UPER1�1 JOUZ.
andtlamiltQn dtre,.-t.ta whose slijo4rii "amon�st" its for sevoi'al 114 brook (Grey), .21st April. raising the requir'ed sum; -was of
h7tTe h.tlpV to hayL. n
the al-
int(le-Csin- � phee to-morrt:w (I" ;e-luesdy) at Lloon mouths past, was at complete-Mccess of the govert
]3uttherLad'3!rTruf--man'sSa.'eR, at Arter -oufjileO discui;4)a arose on the amuoin, the same time both forces, after st hard� stru iment most unanimously. �oms. Election ill. i and - profitable,'baving one day PA=4 ggle lasting two It was further moved by Mir Greenway, Qry,
s,,mudjfth mrze to (10 than to try iid be a rAMEXT will be prorogtied thia -days: Thursday and Friday. -H 1871
PUTTENG IN THF, SEIM. laaV week bee suddenly overtaken by a e admits -see
'IT-ey had tf. -In this bIr Trentlil-ly., spbke S romantic fit, e 7eek. that ended by Dr ffolines, that the rden -
c'Msider u.;t. only thez b-aH of road but vici 1ty the farmers have tlie greater part ithei of love or, gg,ji the lomee'� of the doops Weile serious, f the Guuntk,be
17 in favor Petitioned tocall. a speci-
of votg, by balroit$ ard -Introduce an volatileepideaiioheila'at.6 and reports that -Gen.. Beason Iled. at meeting of the County 060.0611. J� r the,
Val traTc azeruu :trter ir is bilt. oLthtir grain sown. - Th -d I 1 9 , d'hisbal n,,l was ii he Ironlacesit
for tl�,e d stQ` 1 into the host, or basket THE PoWna op ih' a' o the
ervist ofillonday amendment I W OPtiOu of the . oori'4 0 banks to urpose of submitting u'by-lsiv I
rl rum this Pf�lnt- of vie, Cie r(alte, wa Sem night 'Will ha !let of th @xaj&ND�-The 10V e rmy for their -R 9:15" rpw callixt
ve bec;n very opportune. v a y royal Wa
u Canado.' volant ehicl6,iniihi�hhe,isacajigtorn.edth 21imes save:, The p er of great Britaiii an'd,courage. ratepayeratDgrant.a'bontis to the RAU-
to im tile most aAuftn'314--The northern lights were sirmould the dilliculdn'of earths int�ddy with - respeot to t OVI h
a diviilio�n the a a ationals, numbering 4,000 it. wity"Bf-Po"tor'
;able. Ing list ;07 am mandment 1yaE[ pathz�a he Continental nations
T of it a lrger very Urilliltilt on Sunday nigght,__ shi Y ys.; an:1 rising s�qedily above , t. a has in no wise decreased but rather 1 tempt6d a ree 3e on F�Iday to- CAPT. A. X.
eas 39, 41titudo .0 2 0111101spi
fluld for the area down ProWi the zenith into a belt o In _tp
ft-aut f 3 46f-biitbrrestrfal.donip6er,s,--a ut.
jm,711 more f inky naYs 80. The IT11 ters a14 their stip I I I efeasO hithepresent generation. Ouf W81`6hattilfo , but%�d to accomplish]
r-�xtenlled. We sea Mat the vnite b on - an a6iul ramble in hopes to c I I � n WizziGUANT.-At tho R Iffilar will liavelao4erkhon,orabotit
I cloud, which surrounded the'librizon," prrteri votel agalas theltmel)(Iment. choice Be =1 I population has grown more rapi-dly than anythiller. meQting of * the MoldbitiWo Done, )lent 001lW$wovd .. 41sencoleaveVollinZwood ok
tun f-% leqiou of ethereal matter, . a %
.4fter receis, 3ir Piournicr'j�gijjnda t1j, with to 66ibellish a theirs, our wealth is out of all c _Society�, on- Wednesday '4th inst, t w
8;4 -aa of s tha "contral route' where London special.
lig' A new Ballad which be amparison pril 8i 5 a. vlleMay he 2nd of � May Dext,
Ach 151d pon it for that 3rrr-L1!;zR'T--1Ve would direct attention bate on the H moviA by- Mr. Nairn second t r Ur.
nd 19;r de 10 611 oil) tended coilising-on thi:siibj�tofan_ greater, odi b I I ed
to ni-s-% MebolluelPs ad7er.26 and' Paris despatelt to ill : i I
MGve4* rdens rel littively logs than 6 T MW as —The Martin, and litlailimouslyearried, t, the On thp griival7of the rjori,bl,� fratit. Nqrthef� X&R.
other aligh6d love ityli'littirli Aready commenced to, thanks - of the' S Aety bb tander - 40211 T01`012tD.10T DilluthWhilgat Br
it M -6v Ila maze centmf ement -an- (he reenapt ya
as reomir.4 Hurqn, tionnellig the arriv meat," offSee. 82 whicli lately- tiloffs. Fift years ago tile United King. insurgentf 'bave
ed Mr.
84111t4ts 3farle, Fort WMfam, =d.sither inter . makta
ib� would alof seasonable goods iap., 6t of befel. him iti th-e
n -,t f;-- rip ca-amil as t7 and a firs"ass milliner to make t oin up. the. 0onsolid4te4 1, viciui!y of Amber)y, .,He owed 902,000,0001, Whil
he way by Seaforth It ofCoolida. to paiteed over' purl prellaos on thedy 9 the whole Put into excaullotiAheir threats of re- S, IC'Dotlor' or t a do tion PA
orrapt P aa otions, of T Society It na th r1nnt" GaM7�'
G(MrRICH ITO' RED well- huraday and as - nrect
ai� rv-,SnTs businav- f14=1gil- to it. The prevent ices: at-'ele, ening Continent of Europe owed only .670,006 - tailaion od the prisouezzthey have of , tie benefit he Wai euti a
no tidingr�of 'his 0001; whereas aeih if th, T4e Comin-une pre' during, the time he was disabled. Th"119h tickets, andthroug4billsof Wing biltied
lip teamer C7tkwla is, to be. plac�_ Sir G. E. Ont r Ocepted 4he ar6tid. lardf` a downfall
a14 coulq Ande boobt%ified;Athas e Neat* the oliening of for Sorta=7 aud intermediate ports &tNo,f,1VcA
atz41 cauuut Vye'vOnt frM-0 taking a dirce ed iin this ronte. Far particulars apply Went, and 0 Went intef cem- become Sqtle Freodh Empire In Et year the debt of the churches, 4011N NAIR
-a t on of some gravity smangst Torouto.
�tidmslnl Wato the mece�:Sitfes of it. Dv bg Johll.V, IDettor & Son. See. -advt. 11111,W13 on the B his - 'numerot a, Unit ad- Kingdom was 800^0,000L, w cKaholi Wbo coininanded X.
tT2-,,- & ', K, I , which was I friends itfid 31. B. S4
�st, li�� e reported atlinfiers, bile Xqrdhal'� M - For fartLer Inforitiatlob Abply to J. T.
VOL with th whether he has indeed literaally jone to the-Octits of the Continent amounted to the arm�of Versailles, ta
UNTSer. slid' R, IV al 0, Th6 seco s established ------------ ---------------- I ------- Goderic the moon oi-,' or N4 X1
what isper'llaps as 5,430,000& 'In the old war every
in a ujov"e likely �2, 10., his head quarters at the Pet ; Trianon. abbertfogin"as
Communications to6lafe for this week.
vc.�w 117, nizle, nn -r a &Tw.&yrp. o amend rea&
nuici '. on- that
�iat.)t ba_" Wrio hb my4terios 10sence ma,be the Huropeqn State had a n
U111 tilesu trai:14% il, Sea- MIMAWBUMT,-�We like to see penpl�. d Vino hascharge of the reserves. - �spread a �an ameadm-.nt to u'of bavin 'blown raway into the in avy, aa their
Ovefament.. iliall be in I.' pr�bability; goott goo �abb neent southern. 'part, vf'the, State. ay the' viv
0 Spaniards had.' tw I
tu 4d b HE Courtof Revision lerflieowtililhiptifColbom
Purely one. of a former capacit, to his increasing =eolf, t i. at' elcflons. for 2-yee?z qyqd by th
bosom. of 't , he br6ad lake: wilere lie wuid,, Ord) bnee. 'At. tho'bittle of St� Vi Chicago, April i. -Reports fror GO COLBUILNE.-
%irl t a effuct that -u cofg in1he employ. oo- blued force threatened England more
has had' his a -tore enlaar -to douZ it It the
,g got
hoped that no SE0303 ingonL Mr. D. Pergus
off r3rzonal imported -god- of the 1AD11'
mutysail of the breil&h of winter wheat is very large, -Vill -be held at the Townhani Sisilthog Hill 01%
'6raffway diraettra w x Bo ve, 'blymons i * 0 ding -a WAysinz -AcroX0DATrQ.N . r-�+The, K, it I itait, Py, avy FrIfty the 21st 4ayorAllfAj at tha lour -atle Aftlock
r:md. TA trade, and ha osethe Jh T
r=xilslua o do all in, I-huir pov_� or built bebin it., W -p tell a. - thalDanish and �110 genvral � testimony ^,is that 6 In the forexicoii.
fine Of forea- ag usgap. navy, were,..- successively TAXES TEWSLEY'
ce. recently. beco,4t*th6
tit vzaulq�lz tke of the railw 1, . . ' 4 . presehtproiuiA um,
Din . tillfielil, has -i the A Is unpree6dented. SPRING. 8
hGffr�iin` obj-0 against -us by Fritic -0:
h see Ick has op2ned si to -d' to the preper�&y .purrespectedjxeighbour� Xr4 -1q4W York,� Ap'i - .8.;- V
t'o-y CL'M- 1�"Va 110 ailles . Towtahip Ckrk.
an�endment,, tl�'thd prosent'd [iiii fat ap A r V12."
J;referou 35 fivr 9- - Bill before, the Hous 100-M, � is Ilow �Well fi tted up, and in. -says —The govern
hkoffie and will beia thiofficefrmi to - �- -I L� l' e
w1foAh over Clinton, was only a tempok fu 0�61 -_ Mont -troops
RV bnillt bv the fuzon Ttkished ht every do rridd Pont do Xguilly XISS McCONNBLL,
fTaa unad fs evontna partment witk, the _E14'rope. CXCPP,t the-Vreno4i whW1 cit,
Ur Make inove1d necessary . scoomodaloft - Of - wils rday after.
ev. it will zz,tt 10 out 01 ho3fility tu the AlumeAT, TA%_-,kT hx pr..s tifent to the re bqWf resist the ironoldds for a single weik, In floorl-And crossed the Se-ine at 3 0 p. m., XL LadicalLf Goderieb4wd vicinity-, that- ifti-
PECT.-Wo reshments,and., stablitigifor.-thez .3
orvice. naval'. power 'this. coudir�' stands *4"fthe under a" reiine dona- fii,6fro gun 'J1IStXede1%'0dAsp1endId�qW9k of
Mr. Ctiarles Ferguso-a th went !to lir6viae for die disqua.1i. of passerigort. ., Frorif �wl*t ve, know. of
Tba dbava T in Nova �,&64 pfesefit molqevt higber in snd
fiml in the- Fre-, Pr.e--.- of t4chted pli f4riry en of itie Same class 2-r. slid Mrs. M ifiltraille uses of the- insurgents. They & BONNETS,
as n6n6w di ialifild alid-gentlino itrjightforwardtim bf �pnn- Avenue Of 'Neuilly, driving - MANTLIESS
Wa im e rish _e'X gatutalcotiftely.- eany -one ho',blin-ded-1*1 or admeed:up,
agine, phf,-- the HarmOilia rives will shirtly favor us with 16e,.rt.str!�I' the
ituria thl, wurk siga
-qn Ovenint-l-a enter Oi Lost� Yeas. 47, ciple,,' we feel no, hesifAtjoit it,, 111"t- Vitpolion. ---En'gfand the itisurg�nta furloukly, ba0k inside the N 0 T I C
rainule t. Ile -has -not assuring the
-�j p
surronxidingpilblicas well as trAvellors that Carried on illoe wars ty, Bri �d vane d: as fiii asPorte Maillet.
own ayin largo Oil odftlu raw�y iamt it,12,le',za P11yel for a Eng tiole tuily- -in his, d d
Ur-Nake. agil' oved th�gaa the,, everyattention will b,
wi% a, view to file begireatothoepatrorliz 4.1 sidim to 1b Powerdi- _Ud it s n"of. ' r -he Aalitffitar iai, great th4jroops 11old I?JP.AT list
and We -bave no. doubt ho will herearavary, (WROU e . ell 'r -OF T"
election ff)r the 1) jliinioit 1,a.,,1jament_ iuOlibireAablihin6 tj4f �.t It to A Spiuo,'A ZZT'N'G
nso that 40me; Coune*d of flie Uorpo
t hero.Rae recAve a bump r houg,,. Positions right:uuder ramparis. file tile latest litilm AM lial-tablo'"for rl
t�WWaysid,iinns'!'ath'eCoutitt.6f,flilroii- bours who h4ve. ration of the
Willow 08foijili' re'beh in forts1liq wft& Summer sGassilL
Ontario. and Quebe6 under t1l, �gqo oTt lit County of Huronwill. beila utthe Court
Vdnvres haVe
munic!"12 sense," but 0ATmPILIARS v Fiturr same rules da ifical -provided wi&h--,a 111000 c4urteous, landlord, have -pigsed` i The t usortmtnt of0aft and,
I I I— . ti, those dayg d C. Boom in Goderiob., 'upon
and whereas ory' eonsi et, it -to Ladies farnblifusa
go a of vkith roops gre Ad liud goibryand
be our dut p,theiii"-to fiAt-Fraii0e they are grin t,
in New 1fruniwick f6bottationemploy6g, ply of viad* 7iq A�superiijrsgp4 y to hel 'P
tsk ffie Would landlady, is
�Iqrs and- other -rQfreah-- aris, t at g .__Aesdaythej2 thInSt.
B into their tMes 20 ascertafil, if thoir are on are qu-31fied t -i *Lt��,btlt t nantsi' than Th :city continua4y;, -11egreateat --D:3!RJ1is3
ip, 1 111 this way- 0.606 more.. ut,thought *6
of I!
a Hat
aby emb-1 f wakoottse W Kin� McConnell has euga�ad $rxf, for the pur m -law to
natiplipl�,debt4licheigbed constthatioWprovit ass,milliner and niltlitte-Juaker -Who
T )rife a secret, theiefore the goveri'll 'he government !I
t;; b2 davvil a. Wd under- V0002- Is
10 has the Ratepityers to -grant aidbftwayot
04t. - rudst 0&ndid13, -4�.. just strived from Torouto andladies�xn Bolln-J�to the ZDuaou,, Huron sixilram
V4 found* their trees covered -ed� under the depend on having all work��ne
L rdwth be ready at his hand ayo p�qc�, untilrallwap aiia'rree-trade deQ, ith taste, Railway.
witli tLe m f I i , , Gullinet whip g my auld froiWASandyl ears aler t "t
-t1n0i4 Who h4ve m;tdo -sncb� an ex- NoTa 8�0(4 aliall be 0onduot, Gilid proaper; Ian on. the - catintry. t'o-p
cas and despatch-.
S,Zaza- -If Wa duc presmt ov the daitituctivo vermin, Oft'precedin" A4k best yql usqii �a -a- l9ped, ifi -resources tad i�va it hesh ly -pad the
A nd br4n4y !!ab`ee14rrh%
H -i-4 lir� ON
N, B.--aligs Nep, respectfully I
rgy, we- h -d' Jllvfte� ladles to
�eue a nosuo �Armlesengagc in
ant a4herif""g, to riori itsoved toothd 0.1 It thit Ali ca Extol his bar It- - ` -_ , 'd*
Par tolarly iwold le%v3.i- -PE T AIDAM S
s; �art tile, k4nelleff, Do attrato In A, AtYles and work Wore
mz;al Idestect :And ne.vi. may. lo undenuAluetheati), imity clerk.?
elections fil. iohii he tried by 0 nor raudy the ooiif6st 0 ome peop a- Boom- -to f. % -
I' , - aferlrago theirordem, 100
Ulj= lncs3t and burn them, at-ozim, ootirt of - just �`n - . 1 1. , - 1� ` h,,. -
if you. prefe _V0)L§.R0RA'JZ* - -, -0
r as cQat comforts �tnarI 8t -1871.
ba5 V.0 local elecdons w12-1.- Goderich, April 10th, UZI. sw66-2t--
nggiire.� a the lioninsulbl, Felling
Ak3'fer tLzir bavre-i, t,jun-ihipa never uni troops --ApriI5thl8?L-�, 'HOPLSE-, -DT
Uit ta caterll!2p. arla artil Now Bruns- fteff�6,006 lnifiie )3
to wick, and the uiuni�ipal eidjtijus il,-Qu.e�- adefliIii W'111toona witerioe, -he -h d Close
LA1Ro:,SU._,X1 _,S-T-AXJUEV.� - : 1
�,,;w aikvd� fort bon- me( lielfl on Wed- We. -Lost. yeas -60.- a Lists
To thaMtorofthe Hoross, 84w. -of the,
-indeed thiavisiq Ora DZIP, 7�s weailter:
ne-3day evenin, prii, is -now All
filz Hot, Mr Campbell- *ov , Q The 40,.)"hail- in�irpuraUaAt d, :�-The
to -a Joum-
bl. Bayfield time whin Erigldvd s ' surpassingly wish fof.aiid they are itu- 1%
ifra;nchlved by ActiK of TO SH EZ IN THE 1=7
store thel -in 'Rinerid- m6iltf StAir. wigailla-''Hat that farmers cm yarnpwiud that W. T. HayL*. Exq., lie ?,L#e!. tLeLucal Legiatatur4'since Confederation Oil Mondsy,'tII6 Oten� --au&influentiaL is i nief provWg it to thti 'beat adv
Douzford, Vice All the Autage 14 prt- X71SION 16Z PRUMP
to ut no �whltli F lal a
the' es.jJr1",t r )a4wthe A
Aeoting read I 'T It never has beeii a pe d
A Mull fbited in ar hbr*n britton -taunt and rail it be - own 'some grain';. everything is
t,,wn, and A and Tav-isti- �nd approved.." di �,nQ already:5 -
ddition to -their this year than
in ccrZk' POUltion pre4ented from 0AXADA
Olanjerau will call, ion the part" sha1lPik)sk0 119% ofDoulin' the. Traefteos, just the only, difw t twu weeks EMITOY
Lon vothms, tat t io collatry .4
1, its cohinins to it Ws whose -if * tif-ele uyfiela S�hool; I . a now l8at, Many of our, frillortare busy-mAk. I PRINTEDATTHIE Sault
audercias natrics: are #in the list; and per 19 f3re to include the '400flow7praying, tas at in the old auss Buiell h' -: - ' d' -n
of porwus, dts ouncil if�j, rescind s By trello 8 - Ing- syru LFS I. -_ dGE
a private divra..' fruchised. b,; con, -law -Vosed pn the Owe slid they are
in, call d 'sugar SZGWAZ V
0. FICB1
federation. d a. ptkrt irgin n. tronk nililded �and thic"k skin- very u4 this being the belt seuti'a F-STA13LISIHIED 1347-
eo. 'hat the the U
"41'erof this, paper. Eve"-.� n't cntranee fee -ti th 18611 Oct 1858'whicli a6parate
y n
t t
d of. 'y 4
=4 y Vid
he rojec
on' being. for Peace, ras many --years, 1.
AY60111 ieN6ffi;n.afxd sitid I that vie hake lisa- for
r1ing re- T)W; Went in 31r, BlAke!js proviiiing
Mmi 1% IoP0 to see a large club forined in 4t1lis, t nd,- tqo� 8� Aati. annexed it to nocl eirough to disregard that purpose tMEXAsto for the!UthTftt- will be4o"
ronreturns a sc, VENDFiR
I it to betaken Do this peti-- andAhe -Opposid 0 S f so thitt, we inay 4i layie to eflnlit�fe forinnikiti the don next 0108j, e Apd AsintremonrWottihat AstA wwowditalft-
that if revision. -ink pf the wuncil, treachw4ut And - relbrm� did not imake We are glid to 4 e tbzt� fA0 farmeris of _71� we -00 ready to pati I are had elsJ;ised, itshouldb�ez A-Alroag de Colborne ara be an rox rl
the and abno of t toll. *very t, legation, fro ginning tG-tsike te t The gmtswom of tho
in Bruolefieta po out �f lt.:� We iasist that in their profession and ate try Wl"- I it bik DftwOrif
Wil in th, This Mr. Blakex 1110tiolli allleH44 . W" headed by 9r. Brigs prayin IIE16itl capital -4swis Boulls deeUrad lasty"r. vam
!1 0 eva y 0 in to make I X until 4
tte, `1 00t 2"eh As 114116' 9XIll r ite, sh, juld take. 'a* Pta and the flousel %esit ivttiljoul� to thubmit a� by this. eounfry. i�-tiioreable, a - 0or to far.ming- :w
n ado eclook noon Saturday the "a rawmwendiuz Ibis My Illilvd"t
hit it should � be"-. and Uth April for fbo troction-or it d J 41 law to a vate 6f woft1bative.1all,611
tl sit cvm the pmise ot intA,rest in it Xnd Ondeavour to seil,- t the mittoe on the Bi'l -_ja 'oy matter which farinx�f AppItcation and all infOrRAtim IMY bf
&.1 d
,f Y"011119 en in etirrying itout. themselves by foriiiing A, &c,, hithliTowf Ooderich. runivA peemmuous dbuQed at the need 0AIm. or at my of be Avaciw
A majority r ut ilaprove
f -4-1111L P,P iera, offering a loortult tolhe London ziay;4- zoeit at wy u4im, over T. 0- Atior4,ve., ts railroad to indun it to nd. hutiour, wd we socie
4 7f on ii,lk �nt �,,ucitjf avjprow�b� involves her safekY A ty frthat'lp"urposee"% that byineo,,�, store, Dminks.
f r r± Allplioatilm -#p. lug together for 4isc -A, GRAXOAY*
-,to to ic-r Remaubin I 4mlirts,iv th Brueefield. nt i a ilitist e.10 Uaworthv tone which- 4sing, sg&u1tq3:ii1 JAXES 14VAILT.
41�117 0 4 M �11 four routiries Ar, ;ilee,1W pl,ea to 6 MTV, P 0 XA=W. .
buy or K41 GiOenback., lftm� Xr- Cullirls for remull hoes sit bjeztal; 44 by. fair competition at, vmur Act. AV, at at Coderick.
t.11iws 114t. duor to the r0i; ogice. i orali XPOeiself some of oar ';Ppblia men and thelfoo
#103' "qicb, ArrH Oth lt',Ii NARLES FLEM
C* to -.,It -
Use diicii34oa.,,, a.
inclirrOd AU4. injuries nalziollaeto, hi4 ia th unuil fallAdwo Wh oue tel
iu the �reu y Afxil Xb,181 12
. U�Xo.-A�V ern,
st, *,L -o cna
Kier, a, 42,zftnaco 4"
L-Aell;,Z0245 MUCS
S E! M ar,",ra V,
raf,�_-Cnt ra]
i -M he Ll
Lake SuryZiler ZT,
bcfcTe sc,
s -
wafrl tho.—mad is
icoiIutry qrf VuEuq
CrAlre Red RIYET
TAke wicm*��z
.Arackes, am fIr"o
C-_ikrCGt a rani
brar,zh C, I t:Lm_X61
rs� "Thfa VdItcl
C" wetd.� elf Lakv
ttibntaTy to
vidyed au *Ttlem
amireFmg tW rmi
tenie:5te W121nd-li
cl d=U�Ral rer=at
to UlDwa CmEn-,
-ffiefe reirR7,18 0Z
Iunued -by ttw .-
mUd and tv-OyJ
kilown As 40-'e2of 6
--e, I are so Nell 9,
V2211nn r-tozpy C
mveml wecks
aftelft, aLe vicl
Acmembe? ito
rT3,P,r',Ct0.-8 ft?db
MiNclutl lim7fzs.
The Irm-tnmer,
w 'k ff yc
ar , u w6 n -'K
1bythtir V744N,Iam
WhMft'ance of GU�_
,as We.1 as rz�lm - -
expect pa�zfedv� im
Iz right thkt C-, 0 7bb",
&I wityz be I
tbeyo is
And �GuLfty
tiumalleilto 'ever 2el
ane7a�s 1, Cmfu
czuj;�S,, C:J:UQ, t!61
ilen Wilt 6
*ttc-ndad to
ifftur&E, 0 e3tMoml,
ef the V"TargCst _J
The rftlielllt,*n�
ture ciffheee
ly tried f(ar ee tut
�ptter been known
f ilW t�!
j; -,!e 10 few Q
whEtil is to% 4vbe V
gerittitteS4 The F
lexta6sf i7on) ka
were surenug from
r�e Ififfous Syvt:
7 1-ae
rervea bacme &I"
"Tres the rt, 8
Diff"M cf the BT
Gene Muity C,
patyzng tw.na C� v
SYRUP of UTY-rmpi
the tia lbett a
$big Way illovm-c
Putter ... ......
)?0& !ram ..... of
)V011ew T44117
,Bwlel .....
.re" . . . . . . . . . .
By my-aw Tearza �o ia
. StafoAkApr
LiN 90 .........
lono 63f WASkirdas, Ei
for the purp-3se of
Wrath alt 0 - he� IT
Fr=t &I VG�pfv,irl
f� ter
�.tory L_y iho
This is by far fie tv
Awtvautit 0 rwa li�
Rat tp lita:2 Ifieft-A
wouId 4g W* -2 to CA',
it DUMB l®rctca !a
X. Thuelma
At warb �a
'Fifftf-tia t&, t6y C�j