HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-04-06, Page 4- _ I I 111.1111l,qlp!,ILIIII - . �
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- I .QSE&adU W CUAIZ � 4 WS- Mit. Doxx PIATT, inot with 11r. Mark . - - - - lrbr� La I -6 . - I The Do*rld, M-ismwe'. I l- - =-= I . - - �, I ., _1_116;";;��
# . ea " 321y. ., . � . I _ . I . I . _. I -—
, I .. f%
. I- . Twnin at a littld. dinner the Other day in T . . _:t,-!:_ . � - _. .. . , I . I
'ter 'weialling three pounds , _� I Wheli-Mr. Dodge, eleotriib physician, � - - _t?, - , I I . :. ,
� An ovs is on Wralfill,Wtou, an -d was inade mertv- br that A quantity of S - - I YARX FOR' SALE
ion titi i4t -,arAved fromi vas leattiring through tile $t;xto onAlio . I
. ex�iibfti inthe window of ,%Newark man. Says Twain wears things, but ovi-, Berlin showa * a Vhtldfi .1: Of Ist . - . . BUNTFORD 'BREWER1 - �
8�doon. . dguttY dOn't think whethertbeyare clothes a ... yl'6s for We lawEf �f health, he happened to meet one I � I ON THE
A milwaS, from end tq end of the Isl3nd 0� not, From:nuder his bushy 'hair his ,pproaching worm wiather 'Without dis- morning at, the breakfast table, a, witty - I . 13ATF13EMD GRAVEL R0A3D,
thing ,espe6jill '_ .. I . - �0. .
. - of Prince Admard has been decided upon face peers ont. Presenting a square, well- I closing any . f novel. 4 To son of Erin of the' better �class. Conver- . - �� . -
. . I _�, , NCER, FRO. I
I -
I propor d,keen gray*yes,and breadths, sation ttirned oh tile Aootor's'favdtite sub- I � . IDET1 -, prstconcession Goderich Tb=nW1J
by the logislature, tinned torellea itbibize : therei% - nolchanoo-inthe ; 11 . . I THOS. SPE
I . �0 � , .- _Plot22
-ed nose, ft well-developed. niouth,1 e -c. 8 0�iiuifsl., Their shape i�" jectas follows : � "_ . I . . JUP 4iiri-acres. 50 of'whicli are cleared: a �ievcr Tailing
The bridial dress ot the Pritteens Lo i hook of-loWer �bkirt . ��� I I . 1171111-11rnstb,0!1�p,b theland. The lot WaitUated on
to be of white, irish T�R'Tlin, with veil "IsO hibitinga good d�%l of deeisioll, and A the flat goredTran� aua,� sides -with fall - Porliaps yon think I Would be unable I . . SpenoerIs XXX Ales. &'Porter the,Gravel road about 6 miles fram the town of Gcd.
� .
and chill tl t d . .. toc,Otivinc I I . SpeneerligEottle& Al,�Ji erich. Thelandisa richeJay ir, being -very suit-
- trimmin-as of, HoniEon lace I'll 1rOull 3 nitt, wipporting the back, their width is1fro i !a you of the deleterious effect of . �
- t f . I - . l&-threean(I a half . I able for wheator fruit growing. T c lot will be cold
11, - 7119le--in 'it, Par o which will You1nd a tea and coftee 7, - - I . , u �Vlcl
Agentleman wholias livvdfu tofour yardsar6uod the bottom � � cheapand onedsy terms. Possession can be give2i Ist *2
1 ars r many particle of t1he hom .-sr Mr which he is dIs- I - I , tied I don't know,' said Erin, 'But I'd like I . - . . Firle condilrion, October, for pa-tticulars and tenais, �tpply to G. ,U.
� ye, in s�ght of tile ocen,ti, &tvs it is .it, tinau-slied. , their lenerth is a mhtter�. of taste. Ultra ' . . I I .: PARSONS or to J. DAVISON Es(j. Goderleb.
. , His face, on the contrary, is * I - Epencer's Ales in Pt33c-
I uwleniable tjict that tile - vicilli ty of the o a, * fashionables and as' , . to be there when yon do it.' -_
. and when ,%It are in roilrs atout Jiats'let the skirt I - -
'sAd one, I i treni 'Well,) said the doctorlif I convince you I I - - _� I'll __�_ Goderich.Aug 15, 1876 U30 .
I - - - "I'll, I ' -barrels and . ...,
I . - -_ - ,cheon, -
,%I va)s niz%hQs it, hilly loehtiwi chiliv. I dra- an inch. or * behliid, while sensible that they are injurious to your health,.Will I . � . . - .
. hini he continues in a st.tto of denso so- ZZ " _____
, .-
The latest dose of sickly sentimental teinnity. His voice if.qo1ilethilig cilli t x- women -malco it . .- I I - . -_ &A. Half barrels, at the A NERIELY
a 0 . j sit short enough to you abstaiti from their use V ' I � . CIRRISTMA-S
- - I
s,ino is entitled, '0ive my button string traor,linary -a svri, of cross hetweeri that. escape the groun _d �, All suitq have- an 'Sure,,and I will, air.' . I . - . . . I � - GODERICEI DEPOT, —:O: —
I Josie.' The author is said to bU -at Of HIRAC13 Gito, ELaY and Mr. LTxCOLY, UPper- skirt, or a Polon: 4ise that has the 111ow of ten do you use coffee and tea I - . ROBINSON & 00,
I � work on 'Lend my chowing' -one. The loni., I LE ARKErSQUARE. 3
I - " 0 - gurn to and lie drawls his words out in the most effect of ,asked the dooto-r. THE , . 14TT WANZEIR4. M..
� Gartie.' . 11 preposterous maniter, that gives a drollery not continue I . overskin will Worningand night, air.' . � I . ". . .1 - HAVE PLEA,SUREJN� INTIMATING T,UATT=.y �
! "Ttio towhathesays uttorly beyond descrip-1 I to bel '80 ..'exclusively I - I m . — , - . GEO. GRANT. ARE NOW SUPPLI =3 WITH
/ riaoner haR a' ve'ry smooth coull- . since very short anO vei' lo 'Well. do you ever experience a slight� derich, Jan. 10th. 187L - sw4l-,Iy�
tenanca�l "Yea he was ironed jIlat Le- .tion. i ag over -is 0 1 . THIS LITTLE:FAV-0111TE IS THE MOST COMPLETE QGo .
. v � 31ilrIt's dizziness of the brain on going to bad V . I .
. ne lie was brought in. That a�cotlnts 0 V I . - � . EVERYTHING
f4 are aluon ;the impOrtations. he fo mer .
_�, On Thiirsday evening, the 1681 ult., ,at 7 1 41ndeed I do.' I 1�
for it." 9:8 o'clock, a Loudon Pstablisliment re- are veri dressy for light� thin f4brics that 'And a sharp pain through the temples, ; F' IMILY "SJEWING ArIACHINE., . s-diTABLE F OR THE COMING
ceived a niessage which bad been sent via. do not drape well, land ,,,iequire to be ar- in, and about the eyes, in the morn- � . __ .
. �
" t Teheran, from Kurrachee, India, on Fri- I ranged in some hnoiQl manner. The ing- I' I . - . . A RUBE CHA:NCE. � ,
who voted for the first and last 'Pr , � .. . � . SEASO&S.
, .'
W-11be 100 years old oil April 13Le� Iav nioraing"It l?.43a. ill. Tile mesaaff� i dths, very-sligghtly gored . 'Troth I do, sir.' - a-- -
health and memory art) yet was thereftire received in Lrindon the �1,aoy and very simply drued�- Mail well,' said the doctor, with an air' of THE LATE A
� 00 - y suits are ng the South Half of Lot N - 28 uortl
hefore it %vas sent from India. The tinie belted, and ornamented. - surance and conhdence in his manner, , of the town Plot. Ashfield, Co.; Huron' ICO acres � f . CHEAP.
, wl . .
Secretary Fish ought not to be 11 th a bow behind ,that is the tea and coffee.' � within the last two -years, and have made for themselves hosts of friends, and. first class land. 70 acres cleared; with buildings ano
I allowed actiudlyoccultied by the niessa.ge ift-firans- but withodt"Sash ends. Elaborate sashes 'Is it indeed 7 And T always thought it earned the reputation of being alt indispenpable artiele. These machines are patronized by all grades of society or�hard- .. ,. -
a voice iu the settling of the fi3htry qnes- iniSsi-111 was 50 luillutes ; the sun would are abandoned, Lo �81 sacques from the modest Farmees Wives and Daughters to the Nobility and Royal Familips df Europe. � 'Eerrias 'V!ar,v lZeasonable. Full par
tion. It is a-fallaily matter. and lie cottltk require fl,tir hoorsaild 26 Minutes to do ion-er and are less v 0 are was the whiskey I drank.' I I ticula.mas to prlc�.&c-, &c. to .be had at the Office . %'n M-3 .1%.149
. �
rior &,pt impartially, tile saine distance, and as the Message was :0 slashed thaJn th6se of _C1 -3::B Mj1'r'1`1L,:2 'VT.,1:LMq=R , . .. DOYLE& SQUIER, 40ets, 60CU9 .175cts and $1.joa -
" � last year. They are closed on ithe sides,, on the Safe Side, AnyhOW9 � . .
A careless printer m3de .1 danci sent Ro soon after midnight the 'ex1raor is the simplest, will do- the- greatest variety of work, Is more m1d1v managed, legs liable to get out of order. and Barristers Godericb, —a— —
,a com
. U1, . ?Ict�,w,th .
master .1 and euly open' ' . runs Jighter. than any othersbuttle -Sewil-gMaChint manufactured. Every Machine C TuSeckrieug Goderich December 23rd 1870
Inu% Lous evening. � t hooping, over the full ton,- , III w __ , _ — 1
s card reatl : " I nifer my r tbltr effect is produced of itearrivim, the in the centro - of the back -Self-Re-ver, Friller, Braidliolder. "Thread Ofilei ,IOU an lied lth 0 :F M T -T 3: U7 S. I
espect- . M ; I
fit[ shanks to all who haye humired ime , to preven mure. Aliss Daborah (a precise - Old ,Maid of Oalige, Quilting-Gailge, Hemmer; �
. . Driver, 4 Bobbins, 6 Needles, lSpool of thread,aud Printed. Inqtructions so full as to enable any person to use
,I with. their patronage." A n Amei ican di led a party of En- CF,. The loose paletot of lw summer and the trice princip?es). 'Why, Rebecca, you and keep the Machine in order. I : FOR SALE. �
� ; - y Every liand Machine is mounted on a Marble Slab, and packed'ina ne4.trittle case, and is sold for .... ; .... 82600 AN OPEN BUGGY.AS GOODAS NEWFO
. I. .Nlamnlit, said a I ittle � ' ;islinien inl,ondon recent - basque of the present seai: n are combined never Cleaned those Windows, and the LDfNG A FULL ASSORTMENT OF
; Oirl to ber mother ly, the prin 0 LITTLEWANZER, on a nice Iron Stand, with Treadle... 30 00 X1 seat behind. for Sale cheap. -
g I 11 ..
I .
,I '-d') FQ" knew bot7 I ,pt to bed quick??' ciple vlan,ls to form a very jaunty wrap- - were actually Dirty on the Sabbath -day.;' 6. . 1, : : larve Stand and Woodrase, with Dra;;�i;. , , , ** * ** , I* * , , " ..... -*--32 00 I L. CAREY, -
an,i delicicies havinz been The front lar half Case ............. ............ ' ,.'.*.*. **." ".'.*.*.*.'.*".*.'.".'.'.*.'., *---7.* * * , GoderichMarch 2nd IM LL -
' was thereply r e fulr ' ' " .......... ... 40 00 - VALENCII, UYER., & t"I'D
! I -N'o VVell, 'said slie in , real transrorted 'from America. On the ii short, loo3e,and squal:6, -Maid-of-all-work (anxious to b qually to Is care ............................................................................... 50 00 W7 .
. � like the sailor .
'Ope� 4-1 put one foi3t over he efil), I'heii I whole, for Enalishmen, tLe . jacket ;- the back is a iegal,ir postili�4 strict). 'Indeed, Mum, I hadn't o time, O� LET, A TWO STORY LESS RAISINS .
� L, venison Una I It
. -rats* and frig I .1, " . i but I'll do 'am To -morrow, if I'm �paredi . R. M. WANZER& C9 ' T
say -fiten Myself ri-dit , basque, with a little fullness added below I a
1� in buffalo steaks, the terrapin, wild turkey, . -.' hen a, near the Market
I I Asan qvidence of the xviluderfal expan prairie chicken, quail, an the waist in and) if not, on Wednesday." IFACTORY-CORNER KING AND CATHARINE Squ - a'
I d cranberries, the side ibrais. The3o I I- . a�r Apply to 38 pounds OF CURRANTS FOICS1.00
. I I
. � " sion of ,11ethodusin in America, the chun-h were very larorably received. Bat the -arments are more frequently made of . STR'BF-Xst IIA3MTON, ONTAMO. : . L. McINTOSH. 23 pounds of Ra sms >r $1.0.
� ' I . In Hot Weather. � . �
i rr,mrt %t,ites the falat th " a4 durijaq the past oyste-s-also A mericiiiii -were somewhat summercloth the color of the suit-thun of . Goderich20th, F6. 187L sw52-tf
i . vear there was a new- . I
k church cotuDleted,on SHOW RdOMS-64 KING STREET EAST. PIEELS of all [KUNIO@ 9
. Lle average, every t ari i icized. On-) critic remarked that the meterial or thd suit.,L' Small r-evers or NLW Zealand has its advantages as a 1"Wo . 0 i
. hree working' hours-- filey AGENT AT GODERICH GOODAND MAP. -
or four for every day in the year. were like ,a very good sort of- Marie Antoine tte'coilars finish the throat place of residence. For -instance, sa�s - INI MARKS for SAIE
I � I
� Later advances from tha Retl Ri7er periwinkle -a nazly litt6 be7ast of a when it is pointed and opened low, but the New Haven Register, near Lake A13RARAN SMITH, MERCHANT 'UnOlt. I OR sale two , very I valuable FARRS in the To"M 0:3- A laree quantity of -salt water Heraing
. .1 uloiluz,k-only bi r Scii know 1' rucheFt and standing hailids close around Taupo boiling springs abound, and when Hamilton, Aug. 30th, 1870. 1 w4r-3mos FshipofGoderich. For particulars apply to . on band. -
� , . settlement assert that inattersare quieting, MOL 23 M . I
i - '
down, and thut there is no prospect of aliv StiADE Turms.-It is very desirable that the throat are in itch use& The sleeve of the natives -wish a boiled dish, tbev put - JOSEPHISHAIV, Huron Road. Ths I _TgeA and Cheapest Stock of Crockery in tovm,
forther trotibles. It is further statea Lll�*�t the bemity and amertitv of the Wwn shoul� the season is the half-flowipg sleeve, fitting up the article to be cooked in a ba; and - . u . Goderieb Township
. %, a3 D Rs h! the arm shloothty hora1he shoulder to put it in a bolling sp-,ing. They believe - . .f3O - , Goderich Dec.- 13th, 1874D. SW34 -
- very few of the Ontario volunteers will re he clittii at -id as fi r o i e. We be- . r% 0 - ' � A gust I , 5, 1870
. th� Province. trees bef"ore their houses, JIOU�E TO K]NT OR SELL
1; . if the streets where it'is widened., and the fullness held -small lake near Tkit�upo, is always ready, I I THIN 10 MINUT'
:; The ab,,ve are all tile offici. they -are sittiated oil were graded. In 6ther in a box -pleat covered b$ a . FO ur N'D R , I " W
ttirn, as they evinced a desire to settle. in fieve a good many citizens wonld plant midfray between the glllOw and *wrist, in bathing proper,, and Lake Tarawera, a R UR 0 N y 0 the C.4URT fi4JUSE, containing
al reUirns re- places,t�e councils are devoting a -good baw or pas. at the temperature� Of a warm batb. . 1 8 room% kitchen and pantry. with good PIANO F03EME
, ceived from the South tip to time of ' ferneliterie ornament . , . I . - - 5621,20, garden, icellAr,and - well. Apply at this — .
to press. 9"119 deal of dttention to this la--.dable object. ,; , or 61so the Eeeve is There is this sli-,ht, Inotinv'enienioe : that 4-2 , � office, or to F1RqT CLASS SEVEN
I n 4L pill
: Onesul,division oflUsborne arid 7 . , OCTAVE. 1TOUn
i We think onr Co Fincil might at least be ut off all around, and" fluished "by a as boilin- water jets up from the bottom (V I -
. 2 vach of Hay and Ttickers-nith are to be ;4 44 -!JtOl3EPTwrLsOX.
I plated ruffle, � es . " . ' . . Around corner Rosewood Piano, by Veber & Co_
i beard froka, i7hich will Make Mr,Gib ,able before grading it street, to.stipulate An or�inal ideafer a' . of the lake rather promiscuously, .the CD � . . C Goderich, Feb. 28tk.1871. . swfil-lui* for sale by Mr- Mark 1�7. Wade, Piano Forbeand* mb--
X wii� the resider ts to be at the cost of . tlits intended for bather who 11strikes out" carelessly may F-4 .. - . - T Imer, to be seenat 713ritisli Ey4lange Hot*I
� bmis' maji,rity nP to 191, as per last an- I � . ' Goderich, 5th August, 1870 V.I;a
thentic axcontlts. oruaniet:tal trees. I summer wear dispenses- with an outer draw back a blistered foot or arm, minas � 4M . � or.4 - VALUA13LE 1OWN & PARK
. --&:!!a -
. Tag ISgUE OF THE co-N-rEsT.-The older A girl of tender sensibilities eloped with wrap, and thus gives but one covoring for perhaps the skin. Even on land there is 00 . . I .. JL4 . It .LOTs roR sAlE.
beads, tired otit with v�orking, received a man near Knoxville, Tenn., recently, and the body - and arms., The waist, which danger of breakingthe crust andauddenly 4.2 --.1 1.11 . . . . . . . . . . ... _.......-..._-1-. � . - - . � (D .
i , .
� �. .4 , ��� , ,�,, � ,I �'. -iii t,4 I. � I . .
theresnitqr.ietly. The b,vvs, hi)-vever, when her father sought to detain her, she uJustbe putonfirst, is 4L chemise Russe finding yourfootin a cauldron of ofhot C40 . ... L ... 1. , .,�.,� ....... -`.'i iiill "I rcl � OTS 390. 389 amd387 on' Brittania mad, and bout
...... a'
__ "' q - -_
alarm- I 1111n.11,11P, .,1411.. ...14111 1; 1i 11 111 - . thirteen acres on lot -No. live on Maitland (
, � I hi o dench. within cnemileof the
kept tip the flin far two nights and kitocked the old goentleman down wit!i a with darts in front, and loose back. This 'w a t e rZ, ca . I . I - 0 sion owu Opt
. - : I 'i . 1_1 L .,..a.- Ontario Carriage Sh'
ed th,- ci tizens by the cr . 1,111,11 III 11ttill.-I _ - mT sa
For p rp
, lare of li�)n fires and a .. .. .� Town. 8 apply to A, M. ROSS, .
';�idrlight. .er cotton satine. - 'I'lle dress skirt,, belted ' I r0R 'S i� QIP . Goderich. (Hamilton St. , Godwixh,.
shovel. Her parent pursued the couple af- corsacr is lined with soft muslin or with � I
M : If'
- of bells at ter marriage. and the linsband alid faT - - � 1�
the ringin ,I) W rri('
, -
It is - havin- exchanged shots, the bliashim, � RECEPTION, Goderich, Feb. 6th. 18n- sw48_tf_
a,eceertaine(l t1ra'. the,Crimean IT . M over the chemise Russe tid'hofd it inplace - . - -
. ,
.1 � cast absut $I,700.000' . ar bride emptied a revolTer at the head of h17 3 � . . - ' RU N C I M A N. 9 * -_
000- the Imerican lieze lord, disabling him cotupletely, and has the apron kront ' R , . TO SELL
civil war, 536,500,000,666;, -fl- n --�-300, - . , of the over -skirt at. On returning to , Wroxeter, Mr. Gib'solit . I I — I
reltalia then returned home with her papa. Who tached to'i C,, an d prettilS caught up at the was met at Ainleyville by a number of , -YANUF.Ab � TUREIR.01? HE EAST HALF OF LOT NUXBER 8, FOUR .
000,000;and1tl a Friisso-Anstrian$330.000 . Tteenth concession of Hulleft, on the boundary -
I ' I I- says the age of chivalry is over in Tennez- sides. To complete the ! an -it a belt --of Howick friends, forming a procession of line between - Blythe and Wulton,�ost ofg 1� I
� . c� pach way- - -
Good hardwood ; watered with a never failing crepk .
GOO. -1,700,000 liveswerelost in the Same see? = folds tound on- each edge! -is added d twenty double teams, eight at- nine and never failing spring. Also'well close by the house
, stru_--les. . � -
. I n - I. The report tbich has been -%dopted from thil I I I house and barn. a thriving orchard, 8 kinds -of plums, I .
The toughest man on record lives i 3 belt'is pend�n4 the bouffaant buggies, and a large troop of cavalry. GRIST & FLOURING MILLS Forty acies weared, well fenced, 77 acres in all. Log .
North Carolina. He is 143 . yeai a old,and . . A 'm' � . . blanck,white ind red currants, pearsi red -and yellow I
by the Loadon. Huron and Btuce Ii.ail, back that completes the OV'r-skirt. This Mr. Gibson addressed his friends from - .XU10y,, and Sash Saw-MiUs, Steam �1333 Rollers,
Way, proposes to take the line from the is a sty t b. gooseberries. For further particulari apply oz tile
hassurvived seven wives, the last (if which lish and convaiiientl degign -for Mr. Leckie's balcony. On arriving a . premises. TV RAN KIN,LAW$QX and his Mother
A lie buried 6 years ago. Efe now wants to village of Ireland to Kippen, !ln,l thence busiaem, - shopping, and I t'ravelinor suits Wroxeter the excitement became fev& , W30-tf
- 0 n , - - orS, Aug 15th, 1e7Q. . . MTELY9
. mariv. Scientfic nien are 'tryincr to crat to Seaforth, on to Ainleyville to Wing. that are don-ncd in a harry, as each. part high, and Gofton's - capacious HAll %vas QP - -
h n M c h Sep -drat R. J. W
him io marry a Boston schoolmarm. '� harn. From thence the route has ne't is so well arra'aged that A is almost im- crowded to excess. Mr- Glibson again . I J I .1 .. - FARM FOR SALE. I still in fall operation, and if; tumm�;out curerio
Messrs. Warin- Broth . ers, ol Loittlon, been determined rpon, and awaits furth,.r Possible to fail , in adjusting, - the dress at addressed the electors briefly- telling them lao3rse ]P�oweirs, JDirag ,Saws, OT 10, CON. 10, W. D. 60LBORNE, 100 It
0 . *
are sending out a staff of eD,7ineers to sur- explanation and eXa n.inal ion on the part once. VYhen worn the suit has the effect that though they had gaitied the victory 90 cleared, goad dwelling- lOuse. frine 22x36. r
vey a railway route of about 1,-900 miles of the engmeer."- Globe, of an elaborate polonaiso add skirt. . they should no� be vain!glorious or by - .0 with a commodious kite -hen attached. also good barn f all Itinds. SLEIGHS CUTTERS, Ile, 9
IRON AUD WOODIEN PLOUGIRS I L J AcIgEs, Cairiages, 11i'lIggies, Wa ons
� fr-)m Buenos Ayres acrva& the Andes, to . The Ch;neae itumigrants are fust bec6m- P,orrespondents at I and shed accommodation, good lbearirg' orchard, vrell A number of brst class Buggies on hand, tnd forsnle .
join the Chilian Railway system from akj,Sball. we trim witir any unguarded ekpressions give offence to . � With 0"I or Steel Boards, Drill Plo�ighs, Gang Ploughs, . watered by two creeks running through the farm, and. cheap forcash Prices of all articles in the line &,at -
- I iak Ame'ricanized. O'ne of them in Portland, ruffles or flat bands ? Do either, or both. We 8 . goo,d wells One mile from gravel zoad. 5 miles from will compare favorably with any in the County
araisri, thsis connecting . those that i had opposed them. hould Cultivatorsp Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, Goderich. For particulars Apply on ibe preipises to
- Santiwzo to Valp. in Oregon, has run away with another China- . . undersip d, orto Mr. DFerguson, rk warranted I
the Smithern hemisphere the Atlantic a 7e,iay in reply, fbr there isno fixed fitsblon� - touch lightly the ashes of the dead, and &-mit,ultural Furnaces, Potash Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Salt Kettlei, Wagon and Pip e der. Goderich. K n-
� � ud man's wife, taking,also,the Chinaman's cash 613ores, . %OBTEWART. 2 ?=o
I the Pacific. and furniture. . in,the matter, and here is the coveted it mattered not whether any voted for or " I . August 15. 1870 W30 .iring .
A Paris c3rrespandent .writing of the C-6 ortunity for a . .,,vnoKrNG, - S, -_ - T., IA. J W11ITELY.
_- It costs the United States Government OPP . display of;individual against -him, he would honestly arid, .JV PARLOUR 'AND -BOX STon --- Goderich, Au.&15, 1F70 V80
. siege says : "They tell of one lady he,e -59,398 a month to ozeupy Alaska. tastes. However, the modisfes IX2&ve A Ftienuousl eavor to do his duty in of the meat imilrovedkin&; Brass Castings made, and blaC1`8111ithil' Work and Repairing LAND AND LOA.V OFFICE.
who was sn overcome by her appetite as to - few rules that it is well mouah . not to all y "' .4_ done onosho'rtnktice. Call and see the STEEL MQU14D-BOARD PLOUGHS, as you can — . . I
-eat her beloved-ldp-dogg. After a hearty During the ppst five yen 6 twenty severi Of fransgre . as. F . M . parts o� th'e I ing. 2nd he, felt he had. 2et one very oheap for Cash. . . ]Le -d on Mort;_rtges. .
X -At". I rates as can be obtained ouywherc-.
meal, she looked down.'at the little h Bri.ahauk YOUng's M0therS-in4a or illstancii, a single do;p a splemn Auty estilig TiPOU him- t0WArJJ9 .-, Goderich, Ang. 15th, 1870 ' W30 jt3- Landsob' ught and sold. *Town azid V4F lots .
eap of I - w bave a' -led. 'a stylish as two, three or 0 . . - .
rom her eyes. Tuor A dentist's office may, not improperly, be 'non ut comniofi c'untry, which it would be � � Sale, '
bt,nes ; fears fell f nee is not in I
"Biinn " she exclaimed,how he would have called his drawing -room. ' four narrower ones ;.'if a deep fi-ounce is his etrnesit he ' Ild prayerful endeavor . . - - - - - - . I Sales ot Canada Company's Lots , Negottatta and FOR SALE, " -
. I
enjoyed them."' -Only a day or two since we received a preferred, it must have a narro-w -ruffle on rightfully' to u I It a recalled -to, the G aterst Lists of Lands to be seen at the office Of the I �
I lefter from a gentleman it' its lower edge, the heading ODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY subscriber. ;
iterested in the must bu ffiihds of his audie 'a, the circnmsta�ces . . I . - . . I . . LEWIS W. .64D, - - 126 ACRES OF EITSH LAND 1N i
. . I I - West Street�' Gode'rieb -
. An impude i nt fellow who insultai thre,e co�l trade of Nora Scotia, wh6 flays that elaborate, and the flounce- must be set und r which fifteen y I Decem'ber 2nd 18". . sw9b-ts " rVEJETOWNSHIP,79F COLBORXE,y3T1LE.S ya,ola
young girls 'M Philadelphia, a feW days preparations are being -made for the estab, abbve the edge of tle dress, 11 I - , _0
Z51 0 while *'U -P . eW,iogo he had (KNOWN AS PIEPEWS MILLS) JL Godericb. For frarderdars. Applyf
. R"Ow -pitched his tedt in the backwoods aa the . . I ! � I . . W. D. I an Hotel:
ago, was attacked by them, tT of a large trade in coal with the pleating or a ruche., finishes the edge. -firs hiliabi ant . .1 . I ALL W., ;41
. arown into a lishment t .of Vroxeter,,Jittlol�mam- . Goderich 12 Nov., 1870. , 55W
show -bank, pounded, scratched, bitten, Province of Ontario and Quebec, and that Side Pleatiog is too heavy; for mlk "' " ` ' I . . I . . . � . I . J
I , nextsummer he kelievea it willassume con- 0113 ingi-that it would send.forth dMemb6r of . a— __ I � . . t"A ACRES, East � of Lot 29 16th con. Calrosu, co-; . . - I . I
xnauled And kicked, and finally rolled siderable proportions. As the President of summer, bat will be retained for lighter Parliamenti mueh less that her would be - - M Bruce. 7 acr�" PleareW ana good log house.-
- elegant style W' Clear title for $500 cash or for �8600 one- third down . . - - - I I
%vbile be eried lust4 f � - r to Put a the five Jrbd one. He concluded by boping and the remainderin 4 annualiustalmentswith interest
,over- and over in a pool of slash. ' Mean- thC(j,)nncil remarked inthe House yea -ter fabries. An
. Q�ta-nce, and day, a trade of this kind between the Pro. -deep - -1 . I - T I 1 4 � I . 7 ,� . .,"I
or ra. treble box-plea.ting id t a eel I I I 1N. at 6 per cent per annum. . -
a passing physician came to his rel ntte Of that at the end of his term of office he' � 9 . . - . . I
. . K�wl 11-4 11 S dSZ S"Ws
I ief, � � . . , Apply to . 1-1 I - I
P vinces cannot be astzblished in a day, or each -of the six gored widths of a skirt, yrould be .spared in health and.streogth - ABRAHAM bMITH, I , 11 I �,
. - .
. I . LLY intimates to farmers and others that-Ahey are prepared to fib Lumlev5 Eept 1870 w33 -10t. Me,rchantibilor, ��o
ters ' fore a ire ' -,come back with clean bands -.1ind' I I
thinking -some one was beiDgI murdered � in six- months Some time must elapse be- place elaborate k6wi, or � as-gementeria to.
v M RX-TENSIV. - E i ,7
but ower of the girls explained mat a interebrngs of products can be ornaments in the, 8 'jitice Ejeeii, -an, thanking the � all orders in w . . . I � I . I I . � — . -
. �
. while the other ',- arranged, but, that being effected, the pros- head all , with told 'of rat d ,pledges -fulfilled. After a ... I I
- . two continued the __ pped sill; and � M-1
ri-hteous battle, and he refused to intere. parity of the whole Dominion must be � 'for their strenuous -efforts in his beh&lf - - .1 W . PREMISE S
n passementerie. For narrower 4u ROLL CARDINC- MANUFACTURINCM, arm for S,alia. - ., -
� fore. very much enhanced thereby,-- Gr their manifestations of good - � I . . - I I
files and f -rS 53 and 64, 13' , I : . , .1
Spinning, Dyeing, Satin -its, � ayfield Concession, in ,ttle �
'01"O" avoid every thing a tematic in arranffe-1. will, he resumed his seat amid thunders ' ' . - . I Tciwnship oi 'oderich Contat-ning V8 acres, ., ,�, -" � .
nr�w. I YO . Oloth Dressing, Custom . �� � �;
: I A Miami coun ty(Ohio)settler objects to SE,URGEON 13 often spoken of as,an extra ment. Gather and plea - t them altertiat@�; as apillause. 'Stirring speeches were then I . of these oyer 50 acres cleared with. goc4 Frame � " I 4; � .
. . ,mill,% I I 1
a proposel railroad in that region in these ord make overlapping or in groups ; use delivered by LGoorge'and Alexander Gib- - . � 9 I �i �
, inary specimen of precocity, baving con] Pulled Clothfil Winceys, Flannels, B fi; Barn, and Log House, about 2J miles from � - I -
I I . ,, 'J
. � ,
- re . . - I 'Uhnton. For 2brulsofsaleapplyattbei),vislon "I % , . I ,.� ':',�! ; J
words: "The People is guing wild on this inenced p achin.- at Feversham when only different shades for alternate ruffies, or son ; Mesqrs.'Hamiltoa, �;eiumill and '0n the shortest notice. Parties wishing to exchange their Wodl for good home made Court office at Goderich, or to Mr. WIGUJNG '_�. -' I . . �� i
- r T(JN on the prgrhises. . -1 I I , �. , I
- 'ere railroad 4ue;cbino. Basses thet iss seventeen,aud making his first appearance in else; different fabrins of the Eame shade. Allan, and afte cheers f9r the Quqe 40- goods, will firid it to their interest to give us a call. as we are satisfied we have the ..�; 1,
I /Pld - � ,;
I rosv wuth ,640 want be wuth 85 a head. L,n4onwheaon!y nineteen. A,similr precocity, Instead'of -double fbl&6 single bias bantIs I& , Gibson, a . ach wended his respictite- gp6da you require. Parties comin- from a distauce.4fith wool to get carded maV in u . . ... . -1 I . 11 . I 7�1 I .11
I Waggin makers will starve to deth. Oats �owever,,s-founifin twoof the most eloqu, are used. 7 � R� Goderich. A g 15, 1870 * W30. � , . .. I� 11,
� -L These are generally finished yyUy.., -�N* Era. - z' - __ _. I A.,;- 1. � � ,
ent oreachefs France bas prodaced-FENEL . . . - , nearly every instance rely on getting their wool h me with them the same .day. . , � � ____ - I
I vontbe wath nathiu,, and well ha'Ve to ow and BUSSUET. The former began to on the uvpei? side, * 00w6times on both - . 9 . I ,I( 6 �. __ __ -
. , - -
I I - . I . - _� I .
. quit raisin on 'em. 'Voottakins wontbe pre-tchatthsCoilegeofPlessis w1en o.nly 'sld�siby ati6ypipiag toldofadar-ker Itis understood that the Dominion' . AW- A Q WORK WARRANTEM. - Salt A Flour-Brkrrel `11_� .
. shade, . X . �
wutb a centand she bellerin steam w1g.51ils se-. 9 teen, and the latter, at the same acre For black gros grain dresses Government proposes inthe Insurance Goalarich Woolen Factory, � - __ ,14 �
� �
. will sk,eer all the game out of the coun try. b, fire the most brilliant assemblage in Pa y rep ad - .00PS.�
g ri; these tiny folds are bf,the heav Bill. to make deposits exacted from . ' Aug. 15th,*18TO i W13 - .. I. . . . . . � - I ., -
111 sell my forty and git for Arkansaw if and with the greatest applause. It is added ottoman silk, and by pay of orour4ent rthe J "' �1 �
I * . American Companies doing business4a I I I � . III, , �, 1,
. you doa%, stop this 'ere railroad. - that Yis sermon was entirely extemporaneous otntre , band oggros grai is dotted ' . I . CAMPAnLL BRO'S Df WatfQrd have constantly on - 41 t
. I f . � In with Cinada availableexclusively foriCanadian - . . __ __ hand,andare continually buying Green Hoops � t � 4111 1!
gab and that he was allowed onl a fev moments I . . - - I � I regeu ApplyV; �, - lil I ,
. _ . ,,area, or with very small insur'drs in the event of failuro. - � * I
CA_xxxG a bay for whistling on the y passemoixterie fi. We have over 200,000 for gate at �a - -_ :
� b%th is perhaps the besf, yea perhaps the I . I 10]1 etter to Campbell Bros, Boxl&, .
� to t.h nh upon the subject he was to discuss- buttons. Wash,popli.as and . many, other - -_ � -_ �- � . I RS. Auction & Commiss � I watfbi$Janudi7 1871. -1 w524t-* .
vi�ry_ best, way to make him cordially de- HERom ENDu.uAxcE.-A woman whose spring goods ere t . - - _-L 'NOTICE TO CHOPPE I - - . : .
ridinfed' with' 6ainds o' -�" - - . . I — I - I . - . I _,_,Ir.illi�
I test that waakly event forever 'afterward ; linsband had been Killed by a bear, tecout- the same Infitorial, of a� darker, shicie. � I ' ,�E 'T QlJrAN- - . __ I .
V.V C- BIN -t.- --,A, Otlt�, GODF,RICIE3 &CI,INTON -
. ;y left Miskoka,whero the %A/ . ers . I I — . . _�
- I
it is quite a-3 sure a, Way as taking h M family had betu This pretty fashion has entirely 4uper. NE M , . _, t, lep t b .
three times to church every Sunday of ais settlad, and started. on foot to reach Lon- . I . . � . :Ost.-Etblished X�S_45�2. - . (I . - 4G�,, WE, ]D-A-NTXS
. . don, in the vicinity of' ivhich some of her sedecl �han plan or trimming - every color - - AND , � . . -I aux.one. . - - _. I .
I . I
handays-.- � ' I . .. I H. HINCKS. . - I I . XX -AL is
� friends lived. She thok - With her four' with black. Fire bias liands, -- each two - . I Lot 114th con,-Goderich Town'p. SA LES of MiscellansousPropCrtvin Goderich I - . I
�, I .
I g , W3.1; * ild in Clin a every Wed- � . .
Mr. W. D. McCloghlon, who shot at children ; the yo*ungest child, a sturdy fel- inches wide, -piped sifth a darker shade, UPSOLSTAIRING '18 FLOP. Goderieb, Ist"Feb,1871. - every $aLurday., a' to - 1HATS DAY REMOVn
. Mont,- � . low of two y6irs, she carried in her arms, or with a diff6ren I I I �; . . — nesday. - . I I
,omery in Detroit, returned to, Lon- : t, mtiterlal, are placed an WIRSr ST23liTT , . Moneyadvanced on Property toy! immediate &_14
. . I I . Im 0 TM7-#;;-.p
1 . don last Saturday, where, he rceeived t P twhile thereat followed a4 best they c6uld inch apart around skirts. . For still p tainer - I I sale and prompt returns made. - � � - � . I "! I
through the f6rest. a distance of 48 miles, dresses twd bafids� oacli hur inche OPPOSITI43.13ANK OP-MOTNITREAL, . - Xotiee'to. DebtorS -, Farm Stock and other &lea punctuallyattend-
. . iii wide . - .1 A 3` US
aympathies; of a. large number of personal until they reached -PanT. Sound, where I * �, � - J ed to throughout the County, XONTREAL WT J, MMOD" -
tie- sh . lied are used. All trtmmlpga. surrdund- I � � . _. I . i. E&F_ -
and basmess fhendk in his late domes app � to the land agent for a pass to � . I � -IGODERICH. �� � , I INDEBMDTOTHE-LATEPM318 . STEAMSHIP COMPANY - Iwo# guill ft'.
* a . � 11 - ... ,
- -
wife q - - " of Rbbinson & Yatewand P (f.M.%,1FLUEMAN2SAuction,Mart.. - - . .
� troubles. It i5 stated that the Collina-vood, which was 1 readily grante( . -garmentias borders, he'r6lgao.elaboiate - I — , ALLP"T's .4inson & Howell, are - � . I I NEW BRIViR LUING -
I confe-kd her infideliti to the chief of Aftdr gain,-, passed on to Cillfingwood, she festooning on skirts,,Or fanciful epaulets � - 1. . . I requested to settle up with meon or before3istDon __ - - �ORTICKETS to d . frqm Liver i I
I -1 , . I and s i costs. as aftertbat dato ab accoints will be - - 1, I _Onol Lnndorder v (N-EARLy .
. I J;DECZ. Mr. b1c0l(ighlon wag liberated was enabled by a subscription to reach Car, or collark 66*iist4. �Tfie" beauty.. of �ERIG MCKAY, uid.ay. . I or Glasgow by the'Lnbovie Steam%lu Cox, oply to . OPPOSITE F JORDAWS
I I .1 . - fIf � - I SPECTFULLY AN- I - - ; - V - P. H. CARTER, P
. I -
on bail, anid the' prellmi tion ronbrook, whence she proceeded, to Lu fletotsils in the'ft�.dndlth . I , nounce.that,h .. . I Win. ROBIM . I �
- inary examina in basques-and pi .�. : �21 shop int . I , a has 6pened a, I � SW83- i . .A.9ent, Grand,.urauk Railway.
-nee this *eo". F p- -trimm- I . 4 the gracdall, the Bank ofAlo r L w ere hdvW keep constantly - - I � - - " 5,1870 Coutenient to theMarhet. \ . I
-a e 4141 *the generous inha solq- Ready- for Vinter,
. will tal ley, where _. IOL-- atterely � o0iii I line; on. West strget, 6pposite- �,- Q�_derlch 22 Dee, 1870. . � -� Goderich, Aug 1 W30
on . . — . -
I - plied her %vants, and thq. Reeve of thel " ar an ' The'on"li ptl6n we.discover . . I I . . . -. . - -
I *W Buy you Groceries at, Megaw & township granted her a pass, on the stage in t. � q4ice . - -, hand or ma or er . . . . - __ - N = . - I
� . 13:,.,:DT_T1T1JQ1 . - - ,� I
. Mullji?s neit door to the Boa& Office. - -to LQndon. . I [-"this is w4hea the,primming outlin&a FURNITURYOF ALL 1- NDS- 'I . - - -- . His'stodk of stoves ft I
.. n . �11
- - Femember t Smares is ille tbi , 'rE,z G � vest on basques, . COLBORNB HOTEL, Has. now received : a large stock -1
�Lnp-no,�[Cjjo6t._ . . � - 1
4 or is p4ssed straight up Having on hand an aissOrtment; of Upholstering . . . I -
s& L ast, � . . . - -T.h6 �-U@! .-A material[I he will belrepared toiUlLpromptlysIlorders - __ . � . " . I - ISLARGE AND] GOMPLEM
1place to bi . - kc,Kenzie T --of Grammar .the.centie' ':Wihe b4bk- - -41`paletof�- ' - - of . . Veed Ink"Cl L -YTJaING=
,, 16411ecto
y or sell Greenbacks. . - -1 1-1 in that line. - - - I . GODER1.00, . ! V0'K--%AL I ! V3P-PARTIDS IN WANT OF AN
I Schools, tuspeetid -the. Gra- Mai Sebo�61, bow or'a brandebour-6 of 6nmp,, i$LplUCe . Winter Needs,
� d I. I I I . his line will save money by ft�s,pmtmgh2R
. m f Gilt andRosewood-HouMings on - i ,% � . - I I Aak before pwchasin
- . ' L, and ,expressed a &_ -.J. ill . I . - � L . . I I . I
year, which baseleared our Bay of ice ful . d,brd - ,iihiddit tha I . E. MARTIN, Pro]#Ietor. - ercoati I I
gr�i t 'Ara . - � Pletllpe Fr . aMip -to 9rd6r. I � . _�r:EM ALL- KINDS'Of JOB- WORK 'WILL ZA
Vdry :r
, this ajor�ble _ ov ngs& M1
ramarkable early opening of Sprin, duesd4y lasti - J! . �
,i � 9n sleevesi Or ai t6 bZkI,o a paSitilion. - hand. L -Meltons; I :p":80. . -gehiewhere
- " - Tai: GvNBr,AT il?Rmcz- ALPREn. ,-The herc on W opididti , ofthe - general .� The - t3- A qualtilty o ,g .L
I I - lly , an . -W - . I I I � ;
aa 40no largely . 4f I -- t . , . . prepared to makeup, , , . ' ; I
- : dition. at the School- .,The - always, popular in ,spr1ang I are very I . — � . . . I AT' DONE THE SAME AS USUAC
. month eqrlier than nanally,releaged, svith , . * exercises - D3- He trusts by qtrict,A' 3e.litioulto..bastiress'to . � ' , . � �
. . , I - TUIA 3 sw WW
- � other *aznpants of the Bay, the snng Gun- in Gramn�ar and DicWtion io6u id represented. Pwssi4re, * Of� dust-0016ri merA silire-bryul;tlic patToutios. . FASHIONABLE 1H CRUP I - . . - Gode � Ae4, Ist. I I
- � ld.he as a "� 4 � . . � , I . - . . ,- . I Shephard & StN0fi.an'c-,,,
God . to-tr Room. ,
1. t - 'a -d GooA Agcommogations. Ampl . . . -
I t boat Prgrxe Alfred, which wili sho;fly be: be-aboat. thebeat-in. the Pro [lie. - fte� as 'of ro' � - tho yellow- - eich,� Aug. 15, 187d .- ON I � - . I -. I �
. wi - dove gray, ash s I , - I a Stable I � I .. - .
I � that, on this becasieff.. he was d ibuffs ca 'T d, � . . ' 20 TqNs'or B,R,AN, $ff 11. , _-� = ,�
� I ,� Fron Frou,-aia , I .1 . . .
- - - I I - �, , 1� , � I .1 I -I THE SHORTEST 390TICE. ' �
. � 1 0::3p- This is a nil ad to, a � I . . I � I
- ant being, IAQ�jto, be. demandedof her, aqtiu6- under the initructiouff " ar�'the, ihe colors. J!Jidst�_,, larip'ly imported.. " Fd*� , . I I 1. d i ,-be a First alas . � . ORT -,V & - - - I
ready for e=ising, nothimg more import- , explaine4 ' 19ownsan
Wo under--.tand t1mt greatimprimamentg 4VI - I I . I -To , , k ' (I -E4 1 tt -1 I .1 . — . X - I � . .
1,X "; -house: kept in Good Stile. � . .- -
� a in th - - - . con, re een , gray - ft, . W I AVguitj5t1tj8T6. , . . - I swi-tt IN RBADY-M&'DES' TIE G INNE ' 8 ,
I - an the deck and balwarks, and als departraaut2_'-4Y4b!c4- 41te,standard of ,_ i ra8ts a S_ SIDark steel, SM A10 YOU I � I I . idlings, ,
I nu ed with nut �rowu is -3 stylish'' I � I — ., - - , — � I ' I
admi sija was rii5ed the safifdL as foi. the . m . . � " ed a very select stock, which he v!U _W=oH Y_ - -
� I- intaior, have beenmadebylifr. Robert . -8 t � y : ' � fZhe favoH . .. 11 . �:;, W.. 1.� - . I "I ��,.� � R ` � 11 - - . . . bas receiv L se T" WICLL 4 ,I
I future Hi4h SichdiolsI B,r_this*ie&lafi0-ft- 'combination.- te ohoke ,for - I , - , - . " CHEAP FOR CASH. - . '
a . ' � . . " VWX - HOTEL9. . � . - Sell -Chdap"fait iaas,h - 13 . I . -
Steed, wbawastheoti-inalbuilderofthe , 41, , !4 � H , , - GREBRATEDDUBOUPOR11
SlIa is now jittaa with platformi to a mistake.in _speiliaj,�r is - sifliaiii 6- �- handsome stJ*,aet-_qtti�e at present is black 0 - I � I . , � - A fall assortment of slilits,underelothing a . , - - ! b ,
boat. I n ta-da I _' � V - , - -, ZURICIT. Co. HURON 11 � es,collars _. I .- 0
. u9d - . . . 0 rE11 - - I
guns,�-ona stern, one bow, and the r ��ctiod of a Candidate. - �u'thii cashmere and bla!* 0. - Goderiahj, Aug 15, 187o,' . I
. � kft to be guopsed4 1.4'.. 1 - . � : .
I - I . . ana0entsRurnishings, gen� evil" - -
- ' " . , �.� 1.3 1 . — . . - . �_ � � . -
m IX g ej - I - � L , I I I I - � I-- , W ! - ��_ � 1
4 %Tldlidpll t4o of these beinz Armstro- way,two or three-wera rejected. summer by � . � 1 1
fo . . , IS' salti 0 black grvbaAlne. � Uall and see, styl I
- � I - - _. s -and prices. � .J.XPOATnD DIRE'= MOM Mu I,TAW-UpACTUP,
- - � . � � C; � - ., - 0 JOHN PRANG, - - j- - Propri t or, apa sold extnigely lor� by
igs pament, - �! . - � � � . .� _ - - . a or.. - r I �; .
I Thi&ha%,�yarr with -the great lbrmerly have passed. A striogent rule - I I -Octi 17th, MO., .. - W39-0 I . .
. . , The rope cqi 9 ' * . - - . - - . - . I I , I �.
syced ilha.F?Ence ATred pe3sesses, makes -in this respect will no doubt be:' u .Cott, tyron and Shaks,- � . :� Secure the . � 1. I '! . I � -.1 1. . I � I . '. - -GEORGE GfiA-NL Q RUCH", I.;,
7 ,
. Ti. A correspond uC',,,'-'6f` the- I'Dill -3 , o"W" " el -1 ", � .*EST,-SM9 2QUAR3, V02ER1(;H
, - 3iibs - .1 oft , . I
� her a very, e1ciant lanat for frontier pro- of much bonefit6 An add t prod enve, Pe - ,; _. I- - W r P .- I Itance i, - 1, - Thfishous'd�is fitted up withevery convenience fo_ STOR SALE - T Al L 0 `1 -
-H-6q; The alterations Fero made under i -ional inspector Tejeg.ra�b,jl doi6ii6i4i � recent -formal , , M- 1110livell ligpublic, .
� - tet; : - . " � I , - PA_ - '�. I L es -i . . - 11 � LAND' K11 .." I � -
. a appolrited,' so that future visit w ich he paid to Ithe �Pope Along witli � , -3 �� - . �. I
� tBe sn�e�tandenae of Ch#t.,Wyatt, G . is about io b - hi . I . 11 F W Goods,tablingaud vrpmptatf�ndance � . * I . N 0 �
- . boat In3pect We are Juspeetions will occupi 100re time-thart anuraber of other . &rsonii_ ssys-:-Tha M , I , W , Aug'15,1879,-, - � 1W25 f% -AT - BAYFI ELID,. - . , -, ---------------.!— PRICE -ONLY $1.75 PER DOZ. BOMES,
, . �.
tor. - glad to see capt, Pope held out I -d;' - . ,-'M : � �� , � ,�- I I .— I � .. - ___1 .� . �
- J11 saffiag they htiv4 -hitherto �one, his.hai!d-t4ma, an , asked '.4 . . .. � '. .. � I � I . . . - I ,
st . - � �, I I A" ZX,
- .. ot-l< 1-1 L � . . .� I
. FTazer 13 - ma#er, than. whom - We are glad melultallau, whe'the�I was apaifiter - "44 . . VMho N - Con3inefrespilillotel,wit - - .1 4k,M)t .AL 3X 93 r
. no otTaaro'na n a- Joinpetent geamart, ,to find the - efforts of ATr Prestpil', .thk. '1_ 1 71 & 112 'BA,YFIEI,D -,vXCESSrON IN .E
I . � � I '. a se . /'V!!77!�7�1.:5�1' . . - I- ..., ., ', I I- , ", ': '_ �_ I . I I T OTS NO'S.
- , -and- gentlemanli , uIptor"I iaplidd il�r!ith - -y- -, - a 1� 'I Q 17r " __ '3 1 1- , .1 �, . .J-L-TowiishipofGoderich,comprisin 146acresofthe ILL-fortlieveryitatteringencoui�gepienthe has , ��
11 . -rivers. . --&rai% fterro; I u ' - 1, � , , -* - � 1. � �. ., INAM, - . - I . I ke
or betttr acquabifed with thalakes P I ,:, or, our -a' If, � , . � 11 _� I . bestquA]ityofjand,WithlUa*bo,ut2�m^e'sot;tTib3rar t I . - . -
- aud'Po ftlar hord-marter; wess: " and addedmfoi'l f� 7nd I was con'- . I - 11 -1 . , . '. I � 1. �'. �'.. 7, ,. . . # acelveasixicp'.1t, -1-Gode
- . �. . . � � 1. -.1 1-1 - . eing, ab ,to execute o �aj*
�23 ac!eg which could read,ly be prepRed fore Th - t!, _ver one.lia j 40 1 . I I
. . orderxbroutht to b4m lasisoason having .
- ud is closely covefed, ,�,p --�=[ "" , , . ..
I . . aino rlaip,,w d b I'], � . .� - -=-= " riet.6r_.' Tliig is th 9commene6d busurestj -
, - F_�_.
� .. - . ayfield, T,kerei1shclParaueoZf.
. I - year by year ineatinvith tbo,,unquafted. tradictfng file. ()b , , ' ' I ' `h' told. im . _-,. .1 11Y Ric . � - place oftbeTb*aof]3. ,
I 1. , I I -1 � - it th' -- - . Ks, Proo To be Rad h,,Wbod -or 130ftle I
Some7 ;in Quebee play kapf6val of the h , -Prices '08a ,� � I I � . . I -
WW 11 artia - wds J10t, ,properly � o I I I I . " largestattid beftGountry Motel'in'.Westeir otbeechand mapletimberef splehdid growth, Amex -4 � I , do securechaoilitreEcR, ,
,eil a rather' �ghesl authority, � I was a. t�that T , I 16 Time � . 1. rertfainder ofthe ia witi, .;;
I he . aking. a � - I � 1. - 11�; - . .1. � � . ��, ZIA - -narges as-'itioderate- a a ',Ono ;01 - .
. 2icU practij.31 j6xa on, tha Quebecers * t- I THE BAN=G 13r.Lt.-S' * F. Hific& , ;1 . artist, iblit �orlly, lk"'Wiltei. , , , ' . - : - . . - ". . I ilqda,and a 110YELS PRONTTLY SUPPLIED 11
othard,ay. Hapaiusedprfitto(l ir � 9, . . � . � , _ - , � �
la(ifiee-N to Banking, BM wa4 ooniddered ift I ere a artists , I words 'as well ii,, , _ , , , - ' Atent road passes on twwsides of theproperty. which 1.3 . -
I I . 'Nit fosit'natedluau7,uldandvvell'settled netigbbourbood. - I I
I the Com- � , _, to Mph redaced te d1l,0 . n MitcIlieM Stage�eroprfefor-.i Go'o F. ll'rkg � , I
- - . T � 00 _0 - ro . .
Le ciratflated in- the city and ivirrounding "'. I Us' ., I- *� _4.T�so-Lot 14,11ange A-Townsbip I I 1.
mittee on Commerce, and th first clallaeJ. . J, ,a 4d IXE -whoii I had -kiis - , C m7x_ -11 , , per Doz.,, w0l-lois6f! RoisesandCarrt I $tan.197 ,teRS11101y � Goclericb.Sel)t 23J870. _ja�710_,ff
. - Le, _ I ad . , I I attairor ne,i2n �, I logn Business [X :1 ]i � . �
ceititc.vAe! ,ting forth that fifty cats wer ise' preparod,by Air. War%, . e Byroni , _ *: -- � . I . - I � �- 1140 ' oiltainings9acresof welt reserved � * 1 % w1i . . .
I lstraqk,�out, andaclat , , � .OR 750til. P= -RAIV ,D . -� I V,40 lto'the aerg, �sn - .
� - ,a nd. "I coWorai fia �i OZ.t,V,. , SA6iteXtNotice,b-. - _ 0- . timberlauc a
I . � - . I , 410 ern'to not
.1 � � � � . I I . I � uld-produce a large quantity of flikwood te bat -firit-einastradeam.n I'll ----------- 9
I 'Wanted' ta deitlov the Vemila ab,Gu� the Blake �ad Mr. Crawford insertal, Which uno, soultore, ma,; Shs�risjii;o, erX tu I 00 , - - - ' — - ..� I __ -1 .�*. Thelot runs tothe River Tfayfield with a eoAsiderabFe An 49 . -believes his-eipirience as Cutteris
� _ .
I Custom House CeTars, 3ud fnr which - One frondes-for the extensio of cert�ia 4bank at4 volt%.'_(Scett_ asj;-_ . "r9e`,Ph6t0#.iph, it INY � - _. ., t fail which could be made AvAilable for m1hingop I I -,
� n ater, , 4 ��. in .1 I ,
- af . 1_. I . ,141.o, mano�eturingputposes;A, - � � . . �
dollar 3'1 ulwe would bei IAW No , 'S. I)A Y81 H-Or.r.]EIr va e' I
- � I I' , Ouctid O' -_R econdtoriglielul eP-r0v111C0shaV1Jl9cafriedon
- alartem until July,1872 ken.411a,4ob- . - -, � .: -_ I - I - I � . I � IV
- � I , &,.A.%y Byroli i ,iciijp 7, . . � , - -Pro "birdon.v , I - .,�".-, �. . -1 . I - - "S'4e$gett6ilsl:veiyaridsuccessfuI I I
- r 4, w t6;, but;,Shak� w both . , � - , � - . 15' CA
a - I is 11 I I . -1 -.1 �, -.1: Forfermsupplyto,.' 4AME8D.AL18N.- . I trifiamilton., , BE0114
lagestPhatograpbsuiWeri,iGoee , .. , - I � .Z 'principaityurst-classcustomer,g. OJPJO
thareop'_e in tht crowded6urt room wer � at onace)), As allU eyvesl inell , , -W R 0 X242:2 R. I
to b6 ilia charter of all bauko.' Zomeimin- - - * d those Of Alsamillimikathe, . I I - . __ , � . I all havmgbeen , 'Xi y .
. i , , � � . 1. �. � 'Gifelph. -' Cutteritione of the Principal Establishmen sin
. - . I
, I - -
- -I .
. I �JVI ar.prrivisions; were included, but� t) I I vv,& - I 11 iftvcrye�4ap� Pprcelaip,j�ikfiiris fkir�-.one. dollar x, _�, I � , -, 11 --"*-I` - 4- -� � . 1- , � . I
startledbrisucha 1'03tirwanlin-" as if AIL - ,ke mailk the caydixiseLNI,were no -w fixi .11p0nme,and � - 11 - - I I _,�
� tatdom ha . u I tp*ardsat - - .� I or�w, W. CONNOR, Esq. , Rtiyfield.. I . � -
principle scouies, a v - 834 ,Gw4r. 0, I .. , __ 1. - road from . Seaforth to . . SO I " . . I
� � .
- I -- Is ,, � Xalkirtoif. - Every necessar'y' ace -OTO . . . �
- � e8t "y �: ,� I ,' , � 1D. .--0AXP%L,T, I �, 1 Gu6lph, Aug.15, 1870 1 V3 - listerning,publieth;it � . I
I at7 Ail �angrjr and pro- -iiiii' � � � . ,.n Im - - I
d g3ne mad. On rushiag o i 16t;� desirable, uniform sa I 'e�,,,,py U446ithi;e � I - 'O I -the 'direct � '., 7 , Edlubargli.,8caland, he earle lystate to a ,
�, I tileyfaftudaboatI00etts of all dvierip- ity in,the r It longer 0 libil'eatte6t; - I inei6l I '. ' , . 11 - - fflhephar,4 - Straodhan,
i I
� I& I
'An �� li � I XA -
- -7 -f ' *
, . vlau-. . dtigiiphdfigery. niddati6ji tai th UOTHINCr CAN, BE
-fion was ca d by Sir A. T. I I , ro�c� � 15th, I � . I lc�. � � � � �
tloim iri-bags lying abont the c0lf4Ji0tI3e::tracteddiadus use lawerp.d., llvel,�barfHolfrtess & Godalch Ati I *K . 1 6 ravellinji publ ' -_ ILDY, GROCERS
,ajew � . . I )_ . . -7-- . 1, 1. I .. .. OAT, I I I Jlixastablisbwene,quaito*,heli,%cay-Ert . 6=340,H
d aw ' .ingIl' at tha top of their I I , . . L, . W80 I.. " � , A .." 'f- - - � - -NORWA Y. - 4 to .&b11jh ., .
4. A .
I I .
, lislir. . 'n-t"the.popet - i. � - � . — I ittinToronto.ormontrevi. . .
I Galt, proposin; muned knob I , JURL not -7- ' - T; " - .. - - -RACMNAH -DAYS. - . . - I �
_C rt -o R - - �" Wrp W30,
. quite,done. � ZI 51tairkpaell, I ho . _ � I . I - . ill SUBSCRUIER'RESM&GON IX)T_W-sra ).1,81s. ira �
lan" A va r , � � I - ------a " -
slys "still tbeycome, � to xtrike out the Mwolith . x6fit'r. Aug. IE. 1891:� �. �. , -bee I
- clawi�, requiring that,on's-half the resir,# ' li, 111 A ou fl. qV1R.0]1 UATE n re�upliamtaa sole Agentast. .
- I
, - I � . - I .Godexic`h. Aux ir
- - -_ -_ - -_ �4 � 1,
- wit 4 the htf I' w, � ITOW'K, I
Atf , 4- - u rows faxt 41111 furious Ib ha ett i;X610med- 4 Ji ' i ` Coll. Tuckergmitb,has lor sale al�qp -Auatitity c4 ,IJ Goderich4or the saloef the telebrutod -
s -ba1eldiriDowiniori.notes. .8irFHijacks Ask f h- �rr�`EMCOURTO,Fit 40w.atit.An: " , , -, , . �` - �4 . �jw , � I
watif stedthatthsc&ts wint;d are Egli - JL: Toymsh , trq to . 1. , 1� �-NQTIPF - tlebrated ,W3RW^T.0_&'T8,-aJso,. Early.Rose, r � . - Rxeti�Victory-Cheoso. I . I
.. �d are evidently fmt his temper; apc( tih,Atei,44 head. "Cho glkantd!Tch,el� tutorielo Is IpofWWW itilosh*IJI :ji-�,�, I - , _',0FV�REX0VA 1. . I
Arpx-evedscrutineenand t1te, r&t&'two,+,1> witlidr&,pi i I Ith day of--ApL poxt, gtla _., I I I L, rrisou,'Barly-GoWrichi Aud�Gleason POTATOZ8 ; , - I .
. t1ft Bill if the,4 aD - "ittee a il'piu grande di tut4., ga' rX - . - � HAI _ - -8 I
. mr ,,-arthtutiCAh ,,Ta6sd*ytk . tEjl4f , _.�-_ I. � or heed, wbichlie willsellfor si Mper singlebdshel . local dedlers supplied at the Twar
0DOL I edlieft$J011, gtl(i 01010eks. th' -� � Rlrnderle Afmatrongi La, '� . _T 1.
� L
__ 1e49#,'*d I I I aftatt wha I taul --- . i -1 8, - 'k ,; id ioe i, li� rsni 0_'ved And - 'INGODEWCn�, APPLYTO . -Prices( - I � -
I �en, , , - - -_ Ilh, jj�m . 3N _Uava , , � . O;k �
, Ixtruck,out the el*nse. The PA"ition"'W"IthakMakapam! Wjja�j,� 'N �t _ next _=n purchasing ten busheils cr upwards car tpo BE Z ,
A-I%_1*_�'L__`L_.&fh___ __ I- -Mot_____ . I— __3 ��L__ _!_- . I '. 1ft4�"_t`TX-___,.LL_ __! � ,0,-;7-,.-. : � I " . � . -
- - . . - .. 11 �� . - _. � L _ 4,715c._Perhushel. - The Norwar OnfA ..
I ,*- - .,R�W�� - -
I I I ,"-T- -
V-. - _� -��(
__�_W� _-,�
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