HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-04-06, Page 3% I - 4�1 I . - � � 1.� . � . � � - . . I . r_ — .�� ,ITS, . .. - sx--,Jy� _P�� f� Z�-­�_ - --' 7 � _�' T 12 - - f- 5 -1 - 11 _��_ - . - AT -7 be:- MI, - JJ -211-U 7 - � - e � CaAR-1-yz . T � 7211.1;� r-i'l fk=::Oo�. � I A:��_,j, a. t24 H -V �� - vr_-t:_ [ap� M. AM.'; on - I � .- �* - . �t , '=I * ana. 2Tm2cir , . � r�odlll - � 11 .... W� -Ily-101 W swe"Af -_ r'� I -r . I i I . lu� ST - 11 I E-,�-Vn,�:!E3,.!V. . . I . -J;_� — � - - I K;A­W� ,T,_3,ft" DOOM , � ,K AdNillli� A W bV09i if - . � . - � - . I � . .1 - ­ I '-- ------------" - _1 . I . - - —,- _�_ _. . �� I I -_ . � 1, I . . -.. - - . . ,W,t - -7 -- - . -- � � — - I �, : -. -, , ­ ­.�: , , . .- " I '11- I . I � I .... -1-0, - �, � 11 I .. I -- _�.­ . - . 11 � ­ - I . � 11 .. � . - ... I I.- -1 ��� ­ . . I - I . . �` ___ . � . . .. I 4� - . -- � . -"q . �, I '.. , - � � . . ­ ��- .. 1. . I . . I - I 1. ,. � ­, I . I . � I-_: - � � . - . . . . . . . . . I - . I .1 � - I , . I - . , � I - . � I . - � I . . . . . �_ q I . , - I ­ I I I , . . ... p � I � - . I - - I - I ­ . . . � I . . -1 . . . I � . �. �, 1� .. . . . . � ,. , , . . I . I I . I .. . � .. � . . I . . . I ­ . - � - . __ 1. 1. . . r � I ­ ': I , - I . - . '. , *. �.. : , - I. .1 I . , - I � I . .� I .. I � � . . . - � � - . - 6 . . I � .:�'. I I . � � - I . . . � . . !. . � . - . .1. '. . I I I . . .� -1 I 1, I ,- - I , . -_ I . - .1� - � . .1 . -_ I . 1. I - � : I � . . . I ., . - _. . I . . _� � . ... .. .1 .. - . � d ,. � . I . � I . . . , . I ­ . . I � - 4 -1. . . I . - . .. �. - . � . .. - .. � . I � ,� - I __ � . � . - � - � I . � . , 1. 71_11�'' '. - 11 � . - � . � - � I .. " , 7- ; � - , 11 4'�: . �__ � . .- 1.� ­._­ � . �. �.�..� . - I ,.:. _� .- � ,. I, .- I __­ - I. I I .... I . 1�1� I . . ... I .... - � I .1 - : 1_. -1 I - . � �- ;_ I . I—?. � I I .. .. I � I - . : L I:_ ., �_ ol,-, . - I ­ .1 .. .1_111.� . - " - I . - I . . I �- . . - . .. � . . . � ­_ -_ . , � .. . . I � I . �_­ � _. . I . � .: .1. I � - I I . � I � 3 , I - I � ... I . I . I � I � - ­ . I � .. I .: . .. I �. ­ 1._. - ­.. � - � �.. - - I . . I I � - . o . I . . � I I I .. � % /, - II � -_ I � . . - . . I � .� I . . . . . _ �.'' I I ,"*I 11_._.�. . .� ." I . - i 9 I � - _. . . , , . - . - � I - I . - .1 ­ � . I � I � - I � . I � I 1. .�i . ". �. � .. - - . . , I - � - , . -, �, I .� I I . ­­-,­­� - . �, I . . . :_I I L.. _ - .1�1.­__1'=__" � __� I . ­ : .. � .,�- __., _,�._­�.?-i�� ___����,J, I - .. '. . - ­�t��'­�- _i !­..I-,­�,�.,tP!_� pl:­��­=*, �_ !!&-5,_­­�--_".�­� - �, , ��t_ Z_�__ I __��_,­ - I . I � - _.'__r-f-�,�-_y ;F �­� - � - - . . I - I -11 � - . - I , I . - . . I - -, ___ - -7�-.n�--.'�-,v,��n�;��,f� � . I I , I .:-,�- . I - -111,�--(tn;�!,;..�-�-�.",----",.,-,*', — . g's 0 . - ­ - ly . - , , .� ­ -.- I . . _­ � . . , i� 1-k1l"_'i'll __._�_ - 1- � . . --11.-- W�­­;tt�­ ­­­�',,­," -_ I �_ - - -- - ,40 . I . � . . L . - .1 $��o�-' - ! I - - _=-z —t __ - __ �­ . �' - - . . . __ Goodit Bankin0filce -1 A y"er 9 XTANC DEAD.-'&fr. I - �. : -,AheA'd-- _T . , 1� . ,- 11 I � " AN OLD ACQUAIN % Special, Noticei -, - - � LOOK OUT FOR T E ,--of Time. AYES STREET, GODERICH, I . - � imis M the majority? I I .1 - - ,� . � I 0 �.­ I lo Thomas Beavau Woodliff, who was well. t,: - - ______� � n ffins . . . t, . .1 WY I . OM - . ­ 7 1 - - FZnlitteks; Ainf-rican Silvtr And B�I�91 , k . � I . . . � - � � 1. - � I I . . I ­.. �'. 1.� . mersy Not Oba50'l, -16 ^_1% . I L I I ap age, - Deposlis 'Tecel-d I . Inis is a qnol; ion that is deeply agitat- known in Goderich, some 20 ye. 3310 WATO - I � eq discounted 81111 PUT` � . , - I - � I - I . � I money loaned -on thafteumortgage- � � I list contemporaries. h%s died, as will be seen by our obituary, FELLOWS' . - . at 5 per, cent interest Ible -1 .t,E4l: 411, j,4 our ministeriOl in California. - I I I .! I I . AR;& wAvbELL. Agent. I �, . . ;_ . . � . � ' . To I lVe ourselves are quite satisfied vrith the - I I ' - I � � I Goaderieb, 10th Feb . 187.1. sw 49YI . or restotinj tray liate td - t ait infinite improve- EXPAXR0-,1T-Mr. George Alackenzie bag IFYFOPOSMITES, � I . . I I �_ � 1:1 - I - " .0sult, considering I - mhde an additiou, to big store on Hamilton Amongst the dilielilea overcome by the��uso I .1 � - - FARX TO REST- - I Its natural Vitality and C-blor. ment over that of 18f)-'- " We now propose Street that will no doubt double his no-, . . 11 of . . � � � . 5600003 � nmedlatelr.for aterni or three . years , . A dri6k.:afii iwell. I _. I tojohn Sandfield Macdonald to test comodation. He rdquires it for bisin- Fellows' Compound SyrUp 01 - . I . It an expellent varn) in tit -7 t-ownsbip loft I � ___ 13 cleared cull In a 11; �t Lb,nco fl-ar6able; � i b � > . � Vnwanosb, 75 t,crL 0 , thequeqtion, bys"Inmoning the Legisla-1 creasing usiness. . � 58112 , 9 � � lose gooll state of -Itivatlon. Large new .1 I at all , - � am ! ioWo___ IMUPHOSPMEst - I I � . -1 X TORA10 Y-ESTERDAY, FROM TaB NA,sT-. ii i frame, barn, fraznc�t:lwes, dr1ringbollst" 11 healthy,, 4hol.eff.ectat"a tiTo .A,s4e-bly (It Olt'riO to meet . - — - � thd Dr 1VIA117,11 Bals-am of Wild Cherry is "a combi- ,ARE - SS OUR GOODS -CAME SAF91 for preserving I d,y. He hurri elections I nation and a form Indeed" for beating ana- curing .. I - ... �. . .to x e7 fine bearing orchard, which hastalt- . I .. ' early diseases. of the throat, lungs and chest. It cures a pation, Asthma; consumption Laryngitis, ERN MARKETS BY THF, - first pr for fruit forsoverai Y,an U,10,' dwellinf! I Ilair. FL711red or 9-mv. . _� a airy hoase, pum amodi(jus and 1 -42 with the very shortest noti�-a,and it would evoigh. bv loosening and cleansing tne lungs, and Co"N"ervous Debility, Dyspepata, Chroule Broncliltl.4, I . house, p,,, &c. Alt 0011 � "I � hair is soon res�;,, g . aying Irritation ; thust reiiioving,tbo cause, instead Chronic- Diarrhoa. Melancholy. . Debility resulting . convenient . rent this I , I be extremely inconsistent to put off the "I L id and other low fevers� Diphtheritic Prost- GRAND.. TRUNK 'R. R .- fo thoselooking for a res.115' gnod place to f drying up 'be cough 3nd leaving. the disease behind, frou, Typho . � too its Griginal coki. niectiniz of Parlo'n'13ut till fall. . - ration kiysteria. Hypironliondria, Atirenorrhma, Chi()- - I - �- I � . Is a,chance which does not aft -ell 0"ur. ro,41Q. Aureinia. Luawrilicea,, Ne'rvous Excitability, � Pr to . � � Apply personally or by I ett ! wia the gloss- aod- I Nfarasniliq or Wastinir ofthe 11�4cles, Aphonin,or � EAD OF. Y=,- - - ' Ir ,N. .41 cH,A RDY. fteshnees %ry to all pre , . I of $rout&- c,,urse �vnllld be colltr, ce'10"t- ' The Quebec Elections, -The Pro- te, Sluggish- 0 , E - st Iffidens R. 10. - . .. Loss of Voice, Clonrea or St. Vitua k Dane I . TElf X.INU f S All , Thin hair is thick,; When tile 6,ppecli. has bec,n made to the villell I elect ons for Quebec will -lake ness ofthe Liver. Int(Irruptod and Feeble Action Of I . 9greb, 17th, 1811. W9 -3t- . 4A -- the ieart, 'Suffneating Feelings naused by mucons 0 0 iNK "' IMPROVING --- _� ! people, the reins of government shoulc I .11 leading - V hair checkedl alld W14; I I - I at place in June. Mr Cartier, Mr Perking, clistructions, of the Lungs and Air PassagO 1. - ened, -falling 0 thereto. and DebilitY ftin various causes, Many caseal 0 0 .. T R E GRAND TM . - I &L�6d the earliest moment -be placed in the hands and Dr Bernard are spoken of for Nlon- f whiel appeared. hopeless. - I . . - " . -A.ND- I I . t,t c r uess oftdni though tot alw#ys; I ; - cso the people's representatives are -AVestern D' i i 0 SOLD BY APOTRECARIES, . , . - - ; 01V ttd of t1i treal- Centre. In the ivision � .9 0 . I I , it k by its use. NothiY19 tan 2'�st "' d I Nlr 0,,ilvie will retire. Aid. Rodden Price, $1.50 ,'Six for $7. 50, I � Ii ` hair wheie thd &IRCIISS7 Ure &Stroyc ; prepared to trust, �vhuther the present M � - ' ­ 9 0 ri DIDA IN- PRICE. . - GREAT GLEARP i - I dCC*70d-' ministry or the former opposition. We will come out, but his support of the JAMES 1. FELLOR'S, Chemisti - - - GRUIRIES AR ,or the glands atiopkidd 'Pbrl , a Par- Grand Trunk Canal Bridge sebettle has St, John, N. B. .� - .�O­ I I � .- I But such as rbmaill Can be 6ared fei - ask the Premier, then, to assembl. t, . I AS YOU GO TO THE POST OFFICE. � , � - - . - At' Iuj�f4Z4 delay, and test the ques- scriousiv damag —: 0 :�-__ � Black and Green Teast . ' --- I I usefulne3s 'by this applic -On; ItY E -; ged bis previous popularity , listatent-withcont, INIr Brydges is mentionelt :ks.,a certain EXTIZALOPLIDINikILY ltlft,ik, I . uling the hair 'with a paS _G& tien (,f -Who is in th6 majority ? If lie -nOUGLASS MOKENzin returns lilq sincere thanks I . I . of fo candidate for this division at. the next �0A_1=.1T_A:B"5r-1S IJ to the public far tile generous patronage extend, . I IFERGUSION m6nt, it " will keep it clean and 'V1201%6U5, � Its - - ionul use will prevent the Lay shrink from the ordeal,we will know right . d him.. sincehe commenced business last tall, and is - ED 0 . . Dominion electious. determined to deserve it more and ninre. , $1.00 Young HYSOnq -FOR-75 -CENTS : occas well that he is afraid Of the OcOple's ChOiC8 ARABIAN OIL e (I call special attention to the � * from turning gray ok , fiffling cei =41 and wishes to p0stpone his political (16- The report of the Canal Commissioners . He went ' was laid upon the table. It is a bulky FOR HORSES & CATTLE. RUSSELL WATUR � SELLING OFF oc,onsequently prevent baldness; Fred mi,e,byanundignifted hangingonto his volume, and with appendices will extend . . for the sale of which he is Sule-agent tn Goderleb. Ire I - . . fiom those deleterious substances WhI00 - I ____ � has on band a very large stocli of this reliable time- 75 cent -Young Hysoll � position, contrary to the example Of all to over 300 pages. The Conin,lioners itian too sell cheap, and to FOR 60 CENTS- - rillike some preparntions dangerous 8324 statesmen acknowledging their responsi- recommended the immediate const,,,tion k NEVER FAILING REME" keeper which he .a Ill a pos . . . - .UY guarantee satisfaction to the purchaser. There is . I I �� injurious to the bairl thp- Vigor eaa� I oftheSaultSte. TVIarie Canal. The en- nothing more tantalising than a load watch and there , - I A6 only benefit but not lwjn it- 9;�Ati�Jl bility to the tonstituencies. I iganoyed with st.ch, when - . � — largement of the Welland Canal at a cost rrRIS VALUABLE PREPARATION COMR1NES is no . excuse for beir . all tile inedicinal virtues (if those articles which rr. yj ]M ]RUSSlif'rAT� is to be had cheap. 0 dk Tea, - - merply for i a - I $1, 0 101a%.X6 kOR 75 CENTS, T113 -,Nl�yo,L&Linz-Tbe� Star, in the is- of$6,550,OOD. The improvement of the ong ,­xperieupe has pruved to pollses the most safe ana D3- A complete assortment Of go)ld ai.d plated . Woonds, ewellery. Watehesaud . Cloeks repaired in a work- I - . R DRE S Gi sprains, Bruises, GRIln of all kinds, Critoked Herls, ' .1 - - ' _8o - 1�i ' navia tion tit the river St. Lawrence. The efficieut fortmertie. (,,r tile dure of Flesh i . in C1 ga manlike manner. Call and See. . HAI I - gue Taefore last, authoritativelY a,lan0unced enlargement of the St. Lawrence Canals" Ring Bone, Spavin. Calloug,Fidiuln, Sweeney, Int-ru- . I L1,11 ays, Esq., had resigned the and the construction of tne Bay Verte nipoisoins. Scratches or Grea�e, strains, Lameness, bOUGLASS MOKENZIR si.124 imperial fioiiiii.,; bigii Can be fo-�P,d so,des"W. that W. T. El, e Whitlow%, _Carns-, Band Ciacks, Foundered Goideitch, March 28th, 18'TO. I - FOR $I -00 . - . . . containiag toither ouil r.Or dyej ii d0eO I Alayoralty, and in to -day's issue says he Canal. These are the w,)rks which are V1-1�11-� iL)rii Dii1empar, Swellings, and maity other - - -_ - has withdrawn that resignation. As no considered of the first importance. ji,qensoos whi!h borj�s and cittle are aubject 10. — _. . TV1 I I I 0 " ' '11- not soil vlhitd Wilbrici tMd Yct lug- - ing Of Council has taken place, at Thha celebrated Lintniant ha- been used for many A Capital TvMn XPLY __ � a . oll t e airi n1laut FRESH ARItIVA FOR 50 CENTS- - ENTIRE ST0019: 'long h h - ivit- it d riak &Uy . year% and its curative properties thoroughly lested, , to which either fact could have been properly LAte in the Old Lion Yet. all I it s conceded to be life cheapest and most re- I -OF- . . 0 4 lustre and a graX perfume. � - rnade public, will the Star favor us with ,hie remedy tor all external complaints ever offered Pro -pro * the c1rcumstances ? An English of rpcent date saYs :- f�tithe public -it never failx when timely used and ' all other Family XiBeessarlos in tioll - . -OF- RD - , . paper Clot - - And ___ - I -, � � thing I ,-I, & Co. soon in the -deadlof faith!uIly applied. ReadrXade Prepared by 6r. is doo �y r � f - --------------- Mo— In order to test how To,l)c1had of all Druggists and Country Merchants -.kT- - . night and without previous warning the throughout the Dominion, Prico25c,peilocitle. - OF- I - � I -CHEMUT17 - - be brought into an active - N U LL9 N'09- - PARIS- . � hAMCA7, AND ."AL=CAL . . , ell- NORTHRUP & LYM AN ' ' - M909AW &RD , . fleet could Ne �, - 's Out. - Proprietors SUPERIOR QUALITY. . ev LOW M,L, MASS.- . - i ,. 01, Republi=nism is rampant in Pans, gagement, at about lo:36 at night the -sold in Goderich dy Pa cattle and E � I . ]Next Door to the Post Office. D rty a 0) 0 DiS - arews of the varintis ships of war stittioned iord�,n - oardiner & Co. Ba vb.' ; James —0 � ' RZICE 4L00i; and the Coa�muniSt Committee is pre- Portland were roused- by an order froin Benthaml, Rodgerville; J., Pickard Exeter Rose, i2loolrich and Harrison,, Forsale I - � . - at � -at i 11. Colnt)e, Clinton; Secord, l,uc LARGE VARIETY U:Y-Choiee Seed i3otatoes,811ch as Early � . . . WORTH F'F & L " " _`11 � U.. U,,Obt- UQ& -a) tend1nm to regulate the affairs of the the A.diniral's ship to practice at getter - . . A"n'ts for Ctincic'[s. . - � M E;. BAckson, Seaforth, and all MedicE at low prices. � tell by Parltci a �A& . of tive now; I ',:E3-_-S1301d it GO&I . .10 C'�d F. CoUntrV. Meantime Thiers and the quarters. In the short space lealers. - wt- or . I BOOTS"AAD S.ROES Jordan. Gardiner& Co.-Hayfleld. Jtisn" B"Itb%w.' - . utes after the signal %vas give. the first ' � Godericb, Afarch 28th, 1R71- . . . Roldgerville.- J.Pleba - rol. Bxetvr: J, lk- cal'abe, o;,,� authonzed government have eajl�d to rilin ,,,, fi d with blank I This BROAD CLOTHS, . a.iiker­.U. atnt ,ann re eatridge ton. Socord;LuckUov7 'R. HiCkgUil I M - .. their resede- the tra,ops in which they was immediately followed by such a Can- . , CASSIMERS - 11111111111111 r I I &O.S. � &C. !lu .qcfficiae I)CAWC. _k_17 Ila -re cougdence. On Ist April' the er before heard in this CATNA-91AN PAIN DESTROYER and TWEED9, NEW SSMING GOODS AT THE . I — - . ____ , of the world. The night being very � - I _. I . - r Journal des D,bats reports a collision at part . , ider - A Wainily Medicine) well and favorablyknown LL of which will be made on short notice and in - . . _U 11 XL1 dark and still, the noise caused c us Afiral,class style. - I � the bridge of Sevios with Duerot's men able mstonishruent and ct)nsternation in the Forthe past Left yea rs, never fa,hug in a single � _QM � instance to give perma relie when timely FIT and Workmanship guaratiteed or ki 10 3al gima = 0. t a 11 FI: and adds ; The battalions ff,of the Com- neighboring town of Wevmoutb, and a nent 0:1- = &J I NE W* GROCjMY "' I. ' . 0 no sale. inittee were on the alert last night fearing large number of persons rushed to the hil's used, and we have never knowo a single case I PREPARATORY _�_� - an attael-, There were 10,000 men in round the harbor. Amid the -din the sul- -at dissatis(action where the directions have been MY STO CK OF GENTS' . I . . I - - � . � I . I � __ ]ell boom of the enormfius grins of the -,ropertYtollowed,bui on the eontrary all are ______ %"- . ; _%) * I �he Bois de Boulo_�L,Q and a large number ,,110,1arch and Hercules could be easily dis- delighled vrith its operatinits, and speak in the FURNISHING GOODS ' � . . I * 1TO - WHITELY 4 ELLIOT. . . bivouacked in the C'hainpa Elysses. The . ,uished trom the sharp TepOltS Of SMal' hi -hest Porous of its Virtue and Magical efrects, LETE. - , � 7Err1_,0M & 009 � . 11 DE'ALLES 114 gates of Maillot Auteil aud Point du Jour ting non. The firinZ wa.s kept tip with 'TRE CANADIANPAIN DESTROYER QUILTE- COXr �� . IT. C!_ ID— - 9 � . . ­ I re closed. The .Not orOrdrC says the ler can n . t of the beat Sewing - . - GROCERIBA. We great spirit for, about 20 minutes, and then, has won loritselfa reputatio ,as a blood purl N. B. -An assortmen RVE AL . ',h ton c, unsurpamed tit NAVE JUST'n"IVED, S nt of PrIe of pg PR,)Vrisio,yg�j -_ dei alterative stomae -the -on hand. . Ill'iVivilu . - - En - . - -, sIttin- of the Communes will soon be suddenly ceased. I . I � Machines corbtantly Elargeme MIS. , �VlNzr,s & mquddi- = � histotyofrnediealpre,�oarations- it salli0in falls - I - � I _. - to cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complai, ABUAHAN SMITH. NEW SPRIN(3- TWEF,1)8'1 " I . . . public n no"=- - C "jitoey C -:1 ' Corner Kingston'.9trectZ N3rkVt.,8q;if'k1R 'The nme paper states that the battali- — tion,Hea,lbarn,Sick'Headache, � ,", , - . TANCY 00ATINGS. - � TE[il MARK -UT -5 - . olli _L ons pravided withL camping material plaints, Acal Stornnob Phth isic or Aqt� ma, an In restores to vital activity Elie system debt,iLdted Godertch, March 23rd, 1871. W9.- A CHOICE LOT OF FA119,13IONAUR MANTLES . -AND- Go] i'm Lti(" .11, I . . . viplifiF� - Marched out yesterday in the direction of - . . 1871 -NI bygfleri.r�gajnd diseifse- . - Ix SILIK, VELVETEEN A" CLOTR. GodeeLchJune �:Zrtb 187Q; - ------- =­­` J?osjy, rho Comin-Vue desiring & eOneila, Fall Wheat ............ $i:23 r& 1:3) ma,lca and wonderful sonecoss in curing - � -1 Z5 ' . - " e question. � Spring Wheat ......... : 1:23 'A 1:28 sudden colds, gore throut, Coughs, Dipthcria HOTELFORSALE - I tory settlement-ofth 5:r)O (c 6:00 pains in tile side,lions'and back. neuralgla,tooltk5 A Large quantity '_ - . . Bismarck has informed ThierS that un- Flour ................ _� ache, rheumatic nod Qt her pains in any partoof : 0:-7 1 1 Ai[iyal - d Soring St t � RF. Norwav Oats for lie � ad , - I I - I I . 1,flM�xc,3MT3z01* ...... 0:43 R 0.48 has given it I I - -OF- 4. . oi,diirs to ialrnloh a quantity GTthin j'uxtl:y cait � less indemnity is paid before the 15th Oats ....... ­­ the hady,ind from whatever cattee, is — ' � PU . I Peas .................. 0:70 (_4 0:80 a place in every household and is fast supersW- AT Well knoWn, brick building, thO . I . ty. Farmers wantirig �GPX-la 1A'""13';a- 0�` .. 1()D arts, g all .ther D - z6d t6'0 -'e M&O., 80)L Germans will enter . P i Barley ................ 0:50 (C� 0:52 in reparal tons of tile kind. '. or early as they will only be fat,al.1 ­ - w3ppress the tevoliltion, and remalla UU Potatoes .............. 0:45 9 0:50 it is also an *tte(tutil and prompt; rerne3y for VMLEMOTEL SPRING ANDSUMMOR TWEEDS. - -� .H. Jftow"Lb. . Q r:20 Scalds, Burns, Britises, Spraiiis. Chilblains, - MAITLAND I OEIVFD . Go6ricb, Via;- th. 167v ­ . - ,� .Y41.4 - til the Money is all paid- Butter .......... ..... 0-16 0:Q0 Crost. Bites, Cramps tit the Stomach, Diarheeal .,Ituated at font Of Bridge, in the thriving -villar . GENTS' HATS, (NEWEST. STYLES) I .L- Juii - - — __ . E g gf-s .................. 0:25 uncolara morbus, Billibus Cholie, Cholera Intati- Mattlandville, in the be -art of the salt district a I - ,_ . - I I - Ray, ;�� ton ............ 8:00 a 10,00 &c. I t - Goderich, stable. Driving shed and __ .. - .. I . � - -mu-sici I . ' I in 11) rileg, . LaT ' om attached I . � - ])UNOANNUN- 'u P�"ne B0. . . Hides (green) .... ..... 7:00 @ 7:00 .ly ceniq or bottle. icularsapplv to Mr. JAMES La, To , . - S SkiKKUNGS; TEL -CHER 6i t I , * ' 3:50 � HROP 4- LTMAN 9 r ar , SW57-tf I at) Wood ................. � NOR ro p . I � KORTMENT llf§ sic for Pannuforto and C I hwi 'To t"h Eator of the Huron Sleal. (c4 3:75 1 : Nevreastle. 0 - W. G.deilb . STI. . . - A 1AHE k9U . Mu. I DFAEL SM: - Sinea I last saw yoll we Beef, per cwt . ......... 5..00 R 7:00 Qeneril Agent for Canada .- March sth, I ____________________� - . Organ. TE -R -NTS -46.90 per qnarur id I Pork Nett ............ . 7:00 R 7:00 �3-,Rold in Coderi�h by Parker & Cattle —and , COTTONow JUST AT HA�D � a6ande;. , . . �. . . . ^. have been, enjoying the weather, the pro- - 0:3 iq'ew Jautrubbe, r ,Shop TWO BALES . -,-OF- -I-Iiui­� ' Chickens per pAir ....... 0:30 @ 0 F. Jordan; Gardiniir M 00. Bayfield; James I L% �(_2 ply and 3 ply) . Goderich March Ist, 1871. swki - L � I pects of an early spring. the i in provemeu t I Wool ................. 0:00 @� 0:03 &ntham, Rodgervil t.e; 3 . Pick-ard,'Exeter; J. H. orrOSITE HEIVR'T MART IN'S A LARGE STOCIC OL4, CARPETS TN TAPERTRY. ALL WOO " — . - . ofthe roa.ds� the pleasures jDf &.1d labour, I Sheep ................ 3: *00 be, Glinton; secoTd,Lucknow; E Hickson � THE NBW VrENNA CARPET, 45C PER"YARD. - I . -1 - I 00 a 42-25 C.'t=ta afid all Nedioinl. Nalerit- w38 HOTEL, HAMILTON ST. . ! EXCELEN7 LA 0, and above all a quiet repose after a sharp Lambs ................ 2:00 n .1 � . _0.�_ ANOTHER . LARCE SUPPLYor ' SuMmer Tweed-& -' I . .­ _.. . ;- - . ..n PoNexal CO 711 t e4l t. APP14S ............... 0:50 g 0:55 GENEPAL GROCEMES.; - Goderich Salt, wholesale, f &.b. per lbb Stibscriber bas plea§ure in intirl;sting that it NEW TEAS AND I i-JOVERso with� Wt,P!t3=T Beecla. '20 MECRfra&Zj The affairs in . has opened a Butcher Shop at the a _ bove addres% - I - I -U 4GOderleb. Forvalo clicap, being instcr2y 2LIr the neighborhood are as ThE GRE,kT FEMALE ]REMEDY PE . viustern DIVIsio;I: AsIlle'd. mina ra%her an emulouscharacter. Each 1;20. - � And he will be prepared to supply the cholaest quality I - - - ;iteras oflot 6, con 4. � - .Apply to WN04 WrATHETZALD; JIM - to be trying to Make his I - - � . I pillS. of meats at a lower price than eltiewbere it, tow]L . � I . EATHER �---, � ; Hi; . I bligband seems Clinton Markets. Job NosW Feriodleal Give him an early call. . � SLOPPY Wh . . . Wn spouse the 8WeeteSt WOMan, in the . , n- Orders delivered in 1111 parts of the town, at . ]a _& 3R,1D W .4- U 10 : Feb. I.Gth� W . _ � I o - I I � 9 . — ! � C4Du,ntzy. The c that pail , ,DlCLN-E IS !UNFAILING hours of the day. - . . . I . , � - � . . [By*SPcclaa Tp.legraph for'the SIPAL IpHIS INVALUABLE M� COXING11' --.P � �. in the cure or all those painfat and dangerous ROBERT MoLEAff. I � - . . . Irpitt to her 1 18 . IJE&RLY EVERYTHING ,REQUIRED IN THIS .IME- . . :NJjTICE1­OF D.-LEOLty-161 Vir Rfter pail oF rich syrup is brot , � Clinton, April 4th 71. d WT- I i (�� 1:4(l Iscases to which tha,femolle constitnunto is subject. I . - to be c3averted into Sligar ; nor does 't Fall Wheat ............. 1:20 - It moderates all excess and ,remove* all obstritetiona, L. Goderleh 71fifell7til. 1871. � - - 0 44 - . rARTX-=SMP4 end hem. Even the boys have become Spring do ....... ....... 1:20 (,i* 1:40 and a speedy cure ma- be r. led on. FOR -SALE . . I . ... . and have Oats ........ ......... 0:45 g 0:45 TO X&RTITED LADIZ5 . . - . FOR CHEAP RUBBERS � retofera emstin - f' " lo��,' . . N01T,,r"r,`9u"?R""�TGf%`F1 �"'tl- _'��-"`�` (i� 0. - g11stWcen-T,ARKF-X11&0AVT ffc,zted with the contagion . r)� it is peculiarlvsuited. it will, In a short time, bring . - . t bushesia Barley ................. 0:50 on the monlidy period with regularity. That ,Valu&U e - Tavem Sialla - I ,� :ctumflly m3de raids OD differan @ 0:75 77v,se Po7ls should not be taken by Pe=?zs durine the the village of Dungannon, known as rIle 'FrIllft .1 I I GO TO . as ClAemists Gncl Vrzlg&!6tS in owen.1-0ZIPC2, Dulla'- . I �"_ Peas ................... 0:72 - . . . and Goderich, has been thig id�y QUrIvill 4 fUizloa I . the shape of nigbt lgjjwling. . easing bust .1 Qonscnt. . , , f Pregnancy, as thcy are f Writes, 11otel, where a good and iner Potatoes ................ 0:40 (2� 0:50 FIRSTTHREEAroiffRSo IX. 0ST019 TAMOPLING DEPARTMENT sak�'r�itncfnbiplti' ,L:6aenek In Conclusion Nlr.�Editor. allow me to 3Urt toWngon Miscarriage, bite at any other time they . ness has been dona forthepast 10 years, � 9--i t.0 dc.bts owing to the I I Flour .................. 7:00 Qt 7:00 . utly emplcoyed. .0. F4 S S, .are to be liald Zo GEPROE CATTLU (wro W121 ook- - a- safe. CUTTER, &o* irat-claill, Tai�oj 11011st'll _ . ask you for a statement -of the wood an- Butter ................... 0:16 @ 0:16 in all Cases of Nervous and Spinal Afrections, Pain in ALSO ELGHT J ACRE VILLAGE LOTS F"'Ass _ ER- W1 ON lg'tllc Ealijn�sa 1h'tJ,a � ,61d etagd),,ar�d ell dtilmn latially consumed in - Goderich. . t" nIGUerhill 1f, -e tn be ptoiecav- Pork ................... 7:00 0a 7:25 the Bacicand Limbs. Fatig, ue on slightexertion, Palplin- - I wtindf,said Fartr6rshl� I - Y�ura truly, ABUS. item, these Pills ,tit situate on tpe main street of the, Village, adjbining I -0 Ekl&Ucaiogo Cqt+,10, by whe-PA tt,o illit-13 *Z1114 0:16 a 0:16 'ion of the heart, Hysterics, and Wh -for stores or other busi* . � 'ch - U. -98 .............. 7"" falled ; tile Tavern. and very suitable - . _or _. ari - -iiii. iwid-tf_ ettled - " " 3 k-'4 ii�d' " - . . I will effect a cure wl�inall other meaux havo liesspurpoSes. . X)�_ _ .rX, 40�a 0 S.., Coo* God , ifareii ist, I Dated In Golleile'It' tboi 10th znrv. � April lat, 1871. - - - and althouzh a powerful r inift do not contain iron, I i _ - I .calomel, antimony, oranyLhing nrifultothecon3titu. Also 50 &cres of Land . . . . . . . � - . I I �, Seaforth MarkOtS tLon. I � - I . - . -ftnt ,iei oi IZ69.- - . - I Fulldirectionsinthe parnphletarround eltelipacklige- - yel road, . I ,Tnsdl . Disraeli- A R mileSouth of the Vill%e, on the gm * . � In -the milt I tor of - 13y special Tellegraloll to the 'Signal. which shoild be'6nrefully preserved. t t 'clearedau theloalance In fine Godericb, March 24th, 1871. . , . 'til.41AMB A'rAlm=�,-Gffuie-bi � - li�Lt Jay 85 acres - . C 'Excellent new house and bkrn and good - Vim, an Ingulvent. Ilia DRE93 ' Seaforth, April 4th, 1871,'Noon ' ion X08FS, NEW Yonx, Sowc PROPRIV370T. sugar bush. �, . - - - - I i ])1g3&XL1 AS -Ag ORATOEL- .z�' ' $1 - 00 and 111 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop water. - . I Z, 0AUTION. - T virtue fit th'4 powdi vc,'Wd in r.0 V3 A:si4i;roe,d_ � I -,iEsS WITEI HIS HANDS. - F'ajj Wheat ..... ...... 1:25 (t% 1:30 6, c)nt,, goneral agents (0 he the B t7he e9tat ,;,T cud'efffcp�ts & thD Wi3ve 11tr"Cl 3tSOW . Lyman, Newcastle r To be sold together or saperate. Apply on . -1 AWKWARD W 0, 1:40 Dominion, will insure'a bottle,contabling over 50 As, - I . - _� . vento:1 will offer fcr�Esde at t�m salaralml of Gc�)YZCX . . � — Spring beat .... �----- 1:29 Uy _pMes or by letter prepaid to T S . 1 1 MIM itildersigned having 1purelissed thet -whole r;gbt Trucalaulln'ttl) Top,iyn DfGo&nq�i, th no Cojwtylior 4 A. . �Jttroil,ontayllo.00n I Flour 13Pr thEP ........... ; 46,00 R 7:00 return mail. _'. . - I D. SIWIFT. , I'NEW -� � The London( corres1pondenca of the NORTHRUP & I YMAN, W114ol- , NEW OTTO N -COTTON JL otselling and vending1hrmigh. all the County of You must Oats .................. 0:46 a 0:47 Newcastle, G . W.,genern Dungsianou, March 24th, 1871. 1 1 . - Huron In the Provinaeof:Oatario, D.C. Aeertnin ThUzsd�yf the 1914 dai of .Zpf-diii'47 I - DOOR and G,1TE SPRINrx known &a theT_,ittle � P'. I , Bestc, '.Advertiser Writes :- Barley ................ 0:48 Ca&' 0:48 . agentforCanade - - tn. at the bour,oftwelve p'eloilc `Wrar), c1l t'tj�24,9,1�% RiCT * � I . I (31-iantand-patentedby o,nb-Johu Gray ofToron -cf� W. ait near'�Ir. Disraeli before you can dis- Potatoes .............. 0:49 R, 0:50 "-Sold in Godench by Parker % Cattle anG I A ��� TEAM � I NEW COTTONS Il I I be=lon all parties agalrat itiftinging this interestof t,',e s�ld lb�satvtnt in V -9t c�'rt&a �4t -t , - __ I . At a little 0:75 @ 0:77 F.Jordan; r,Aidint,r 06 Co., Bayt,.31d -, James - . . I I - tract bf 1,m4 nl;fl pr&zndsci situate, ryjr,g md tr'elrg tU7 covpr that he is growing old. I Peas ...... ........... -OF- . doing they will .'I' -ne, in t6lcourty n1nd �.'rov�'11�00, - M -e 6f middle B.tte-. . .. - . . - . N HARRIS'& - t'gb '&"'1'r'D86_atc ASH*. 5.6'To.."Itilp Of ("Zolbot , ........ 0: (a) afbreqaia,' ,-,Pit kno*zi na LOL NO.'4, ta' KY�0 '0� - .diStance he has the appearanc 13 , 0:15 Bentham, Rogeiville; J. Fickardil- ceter; J.H. -' I AT JOH I ALI N ER FR ge-eA_ r, * - .. r - Combe, 0hutort, S, cord, LucArnow; E. HicK SALE. CrXjffB-For Township rights, -Apply to A-FRASUR in thosaid To%vDsbip of Co6lbprrze. bo�lrg 11.4it ,talus the pork ................ 5.50 R 6'.QJO � le - . . - � - age; and in hisoratO e I . . Mediolne.0ealorol. VIS HORSES FOR , � RINTS H! . 0. County 'Wellington. VIIBIC.ellk lettor 0. I.avf�lg a fi-ontlae of Ilvd P�Olx =&n. . - von,Onafurth- mnd A I TS! NEW PRINTS! I f NEW P - I Satin a- 10%V gg.ai ......... �­­­­ 0:12 a 0:00 0 I I . NEWPRIN March. 704 I STL EW57'-tf- or tess ozi tIW EQSWrn A40 Of t%�D I NGZ!he7,l V�MVP� I FeenHarities of his vouth. - __ . - AT JOHN El "MIS S- Raid, containing by adtavasurement lmllstrwom; W . Jer r night, and ___ � __ � - LSO a goo(I Waggon. and Harness. App to 1imed - . . . � . . I thesame more or IeEs. . � . _V opp.csite hiM the othe I . WE is MONEY. AL c7g Caledonia Terra,30- opposite - 1&e,R- (3 * . I . watched bis inethr - TI a ' ' CORDWOOD � - For particulars apply to) 1%,sgrn.' 7111cii7ii7sa* k, . for an hour ad and - . — �. church, oderich . Wlo-lt--* Now 1[ats,,Sprll1()*',90&3on 1811i . Finkle, SollcIt9rs,'W08dst4)&, Mv. 1Xft0y,4iW-1c?ek" vr.- all thin, admired. the JFyon vrantto dotwo dayswork in ritiedity, get a set blarph 27�h, isn. I I . . Z) . I nor to the uadeyel�lncd: JAMES �IPXWIUTHR.' manner. Abo , gs I RED RIVER- : Will I 1. . I I Cordwood I's Voydwood 1 1 . uElibw Asf�PA,*_ as there a One ni Wards' first class Steamers of the patent orabled Iran Harrows, tne best and � - artof his tallO-T. Never W red in C Only $18,00 cub. 02ps, Spring sea -son 1871, —0— I Wooastoel­"FCVy8tb.l871., W44*1 about the 15th 2otaV next, cheapest ever D& -Pa. rnENDEPS will be received up till the third day of Now, , ' ' - � , ­ -- L - - - 1'9 FrO01- call %t Goderich rth ,11.00. Inspention inVited at I . I c-ottages In — - _ _ . fireir tiiamph than in �olr Disraeli I parties des- . D. K, SIBACHAN'S I JL April 1871. forthe erection of Three, , ion can New Paper -Collars, Spining season, 1871., . ARTIES wantIng dry.wool can buylt,S dellvercol . - wat The fit is perfect, out it is not the for the pnrpose of taking o6n Blacksmith Shop. tile Town of G )derich. Plans and SPeeiticat . � . any whereltil Towu by AI)plyiug to , . � , , M _. 'O 0 1 tined for Red River Te o tory, by way (if wil ti- bo.seen at MY oface. I JAMES XeCORT. - Norway ats - 6 -Et." There is a,finish and a Poetry I Duluth at the head of Lake Superior.- Godertalt, March 8fth. 1871. JAMES S-MAILL ' NewTias, Springseason, 1871, - . Acsfaence Pkear the Drill Shed. — . .. - ..5 . * � definition. . - -Arct. - Goderich, X3rchl7th IM. SWr_9_*t­ - `97% .. -t4- . . --+ almut his clothes wbich es0ape From that point etingrants will have their . 1!30 -A ND � IN XMIKENSE V &RIETY -&T . T All UP,CFIVING A Ca,,V.91ir;,1,q'X IT -OF TR� And, oh, the ea:-.eleAness of othP-t men- tearns,. luggage, &o., bonded through U- - 0-RMLT CREDIT SALE Godarich Mamb, 28th- 1871. . I JOHN HAR RIS'S I I I true Norway Cats from tho 0�10ad TEDPO!Urs RICV I There is Mr Fester just oppo-cite, with a S. territ(iry by the owners'Of the beat.- -or- . — __ --- ��__ — . I . - - K � rowers, which I will I � - I * roUgh ant_!yway Coat, bobtailed and badly This is, by far the best, quickest and cheap I AUCTION— si-ALE, - '- , ' TEASA - , NOW TEASH NEW TEAS I. 1. . I POTATOES.' � I 87eJ1atb06.-ljtS 'Per reci. , NEW - 111HE Subscriberhas a quantity of Wnrriscon - Oh son of the estroute-fo Red River,. Parties intend- FARM STOCKi IMPLEXENTS, � . I . JL and XUarly G�o.oclrxoeh Totatoes. which lie ' '_11' "enforol Cmm -v,Melh �-,m,pq W c4t-11,. li'ke a roug � mselves of this fine-' . . . OF. DELMIOUS FLAVOR, ALMOST AT COST, V'Zo'�ean made, looking eVen - - _�bp_ I . - cNers for sAlwat 75 cents l'ur bushel, and 14' .arly &,-diti .mr_.',d8-,s,1 G;Ice, alga 0_,,r:yV0�,n*r*aqit an&aIl? cadi offer . ETC-,; ETC. - . . . . AT JOHN HARRIS'S. ,., , . ", weeds. There's Mf Gladgton9j I ing to a,vail the . . - I � . . - � . ­­ . fLose Potatoeg for $i ci liar bnshell W&franted 'e,� e a in ilGlitam.,I, - - vyitf, a eare;lessnesis that 'Would I would do well to call ii-pon Xr C'B Slackq � . - ' � . � � - . . .. ` trun-to name. Orders supplied by �[ F McKINNON, V,ML14X,0AXMRW * - - . dressed t at,Dark!s Hotel Godericli, for filirtlipr par. � � - -0- I VUUABLE WOOLEN FACTORY, . . I ' . .riber Goderiel. " 6 W.: ; I I - UiATIValled Coffee' -'- gorpund dail Blyth,.or GEO, GRANT. Goidellell. or the BuW igerel�., 1811. . - - - artist's )[leart. �]3%1 in the .- I 1. 62 ] josegh 33rine has received filstrijetionx . . . I , Fresli 1600IN HARRIS'S, , . G0,RDOX YOUNG: Colborne, Carlaw F 0 . . . '. Z� . I distrets the ticulars. fro Z. 61raltussellt6 sea - I IN TRE . - . . I . 16,TJ 3wahlftb, i871. - ws*st - - . way of drest we havehad nothincr for . _ . - I- n - . Goderjoh, UST07a 23rd, 1871. awsl tf- . � . STEPREM .. I ".1 '... .. I yens fike the ripectacle of a Lyobd, piong - I . . BY PUBLIC AUCTION9 -1 Town of - Goderich--y �- - - - I I . . . . - I . . - - . I � . . - . � . . I .. I 1. . rpHE CJURT OF REXISM rztn IrEz dissenter. a in � Spoke*in the G.X. Triulamau's FalOR.091ster ' - �, . . .- . � I .� I - I -THE-GLOOI)a ' X Town0aip-of Steplleq will hP hP'�d vJ1 an of 60, wbc ON LUT 41 2ND CON. �TUCXBRSMIT* H, �, - � - . , � I � I - -IN ME 9OUNTY - - Of HURON-- - IROWIN I Houne ok Commons last vreek, wearing a . I ' - � - - . 0� _� I . � . . I - . . . . I Town H-410 credit.cu'an the Lrel'sai6dai rt� � a the history April, Tuesdayg I Ith April 1-871 � ...— . . I 11 . - 15SAN . - � sc_2r:._; uniform- Neveril I I . I - I I I 11 31q,y 1871. - 1. I ... " I , ofmasquerades was Ehere, _SU 'on r of Sale c6litained fit ft 0 . C. 1PR11UTY.*, I . I .ents, &a,. viz. BUortgage wb)ch Ivill be -produced attho Saloon. TA -1L - . . . Ty ce4�� -, ch a rious is 6 Farm Stock, Rupert Mo,aro, Lond. Commencing at 12 olclo6k, noou, tlio following valu&b y Virtue of a po-6 GArtain Is Farm Stock Tmplem I LE 11111 I , I " A I 9 gh t. The hono7ible � geut1CWaU WU On Roa'd,, near Clinton. - 2 magnificent Horses, irom. Fishch; celebrated horap � I � . . . . I. ��_ yaroll 'W.il: , ' 2 1 1 . . I � . , :is' ­ W-__ . . , e coat. was ahernatelY 100se 69 8 99 - 44 69 49 insolvent Sale 1. Hard Fortune." rising four and live vc1Fv_vId-; 2 Tilesday �* 5th day Agat I ,:V. 1 '71, � FASIXONAB . . . I . . I I AN �24n ,I . . stout, and th 7 I d i . of Real, Estate in N[aitlanayille Mares,"$ COWS. 4 Heirers, 4 Steers, 20 Shemp, and *Is& � . - , - . -'r; ; I � . � - � - , . � . IRO ()4ANCERY SALE . ,ea .crosse bill . all necessary,Implernen.ts for the working of a 3rat- ATTWELVE O'CLOCK NOON. - .1 1 ,&- ori. - IEK,k,v - . . ! - and tight. Lofig, U91T ridi ' I .pital Fife . � - 11 . . � . . . -wo . � . HIC � � Hisgrins; were aS if Clothed in & StansbaWs Store, ' I class farih_ algo.about 100 busbelp of ea . I I i . . . . treast. I 64 12 -Mork. -age, Sale at Kingsbridge Int Spring Wheat, for seed, will be sold for cash. AtTrwlizates.Aud" Bdow iii'the Town ., .. I . I : I - - . I . �, i -or" � �4 � jand the ludicrous e%� - . . I - 'L -, I I . . I . - . red night-abirr,, N �J of NJ lot 1, T Con, Ashlield W ,Tr,nms oir SA4x�-All suma under $5 cull; ever that . I Of Gode'rich. - I - . . n A -PTD! ST_nT 0 � *1 . 009 . - " . preggcn of fibs face made the picture - - tor',_ amount, tan months, creditwill be given by furnIsh7 � I . , . . . IJAVIR M IGED A A;.LjLb V4JASS CUTTER, ' � PSY U 0 ERfY he Tory leader, R.'MeDonald Solici Ing approved security. , 8 per cent, discount for cub. X2"_A.1:;.'0:S3'j Is , U.ft . , �., . . -1 - - � � . I . . FARM PR F , � . I . . . � � I .1 . ccmplete. Returning to tl 1-Tamilton. , REFF,ESHRENTSAT ONE O'CriOM I thePLMUVTA_7fSXR0 egthew"X9Wmr. , IN Tim . . - � � . rk that his wiee is Clearer . 4 " At 31art. 3. valuable �nildiz* lots.. m,jrcu "th, _ 18710 171144- . - - The Easterly half (of Lot running _'Numbef Toorenty ' - . . - . , ."", I . � . . and eXpelg aseamby suppWng the blood'Willi . 4 ­ .., - I - . AXE ;SUIT$'TO ORDBA 1XA'orl=13 OWN Trrkl�ZMG AGIM-f-41101K , ,TO-WXSHR OF A n =0 - . I may raina I I . I , I . __ nino, Southof East'Street in tits Town of Gaderich XPARED " T.9 M_ . A.� CHEAPEST RA,TES- ' � �1 thanitwDs,snd the affectatiOn ia'hiB acatnt N�arkot, Square, GodericIL! . ;; .County of Huron slid Vrovince, ofOritirlo. bontatning AND ARE TP� I a Cilliarity iS - . . . i I b,y admeasurement -twenty perche;r the same more , , 1� . .. ; � L I � . cmacon.-Be nre you get rernViall ayrilp- - . ois not so Apparent. His Pe . I I ! I . unless and which said l4ot may br.otberwise known . I - . YUzpbletz frft .T. P. DINSMORE. Px4rietorp —0---;; . � . . .- I ___�. and ileseribedas followsalis$ Istb �gi)r -commencing . :- - _E0 - . , Wo.,35 D I . . � . ag to his hands. . 0- .. __1 .- . . _ - THI&S HAVE�`x`Lu NBIV 111 cy�ft, NeW yOry- � jp,�. � , 1 4 1 his restlessness I 1. . . . , - at a point in thallorth kaitaugld%of said, -Lot Num- . � I - I , - , MAvD0N.i_LD_V.,,. iFiTidlyRA-Y'D.- I � - dicaril is a maik of'nervousnesi but -1 ', � - 1, - I I � her Twenty nine, 1hopeo -due NY . est along tho South side I I I I � - . � - 61- gold bf 3)ru9&i5t*8=6r94 , " , " - * � - , . -1) by � ,RaTi T ��fin I 0 HU 8f)L Am ,n. � in . y this X,UL-n�4 . 0 �! Disraeli one would think) is not afflicted .. . I � ot East street, slxty'thres atia, three ffili'links indre . I 11 1 I 11 I � � I - - � 01 otleostQapoint midwaybetween theriortheiiiVand .' . . I � I I . -1 I TDeerpeofthe Cmwt 4;1 0-nnu�V­6m,"o ;nNO, . i - By miser at deileription. 110-werer ' � I � � I . . . — �, I , _1 � ' . � . - I c i ft.c 10) e,.,."G?.K,1�!A�_ ID, �840 . : I - I I Northwest angles of said LotNturlber Twent I NEWPRINT31*0 , -1 - . I . ,,y Nine. =AVASs , � End afinrl ovitr of,mle beaviqg da -to ��.o t4tV,A&V cf, -7 " saseawl bvzring ilate . FEEI..-��,,, DR � . - . _y of tb EE&P I T' WEEDISAND _00ATINGSs NZW� Tor Eale � R - -c �1. . . - p his l3ands for . 0 ,thelice,duaSolithtwo,ohains two aucjthr6d�luirter T I I ? . ". � - I . nolznr� �fARR dr'f'1;t;, that way be, he cannot kee . I I . . - . - - : . � � 1. I links met* or loss to IL pollit situate mid*ay ow -the. 1. 1. . i � ; ,.r ' . �, , . � . , rebruarv, A.D. 1571 TI -v1-120 id 1',WT" I �% -r . , I I � - I . - W two minutes together. He� p-,Itg them On ­ . __ I : � . . Xtraight line jolnlaj� tho l8outheast luldtioutbWast .- . � I � .� . �� I I - RE one losIfinterest in Schounpr,Ti3voenlng ,tit,btl,�p,n,nl,r,,bztinn.-)IW:L,*f,v��o, E&Tn�:C�WEW4 . . __ , � I . -; : . . . ; :�� . . atgles ofsaid Lot, Numlioer Twenty Nitte tj�lplxefdue . . . I . I � I . I . I 49tar, now lylugin tl,eFort of.Godench, Pro" iho mid Cowt Lt fla"AIMT), cil I the box ,which ia�on the iable beh himi t . � . I I ,6t4) 1871; . L. �', � � . alidtProm; lil*r4 e -,alam� 11"J'AlytU - " . I I ro . I . . - , 1. � __ �__ . . ­ � . " 1� . I . I . east along the straight 11lie- aforesaid sigitbroe and (;� olf#rie�, lf&re,k - � I OW551tr I - the subsetiber, , Forlartb r partl( . i 4 . I . I - . , be shuts thein; 8opens them ; places One - � three fifths linka moro or less to the BtAt east angleo . . ,�,_. S� . - �L� - I � . � �. . 'goRAClsr nURTON. , y i4tb day -of April A. D: isfi- - . . . I Frida � , . . . Rlll�_ Ov SMITH * ' - I ,aid Lot -Number Twenty Nine tjlpitcaijuo�$otth � . . I -1 - , . - . � . . . I I I . . . , , I in, hi,s coat poket behind ; puts two I .1 - ­_� I of I � , � I - . � I zW5&st­ . 1, " . �... . . I - .� I � I tisochiliustwo and three-quarUT 1hplismor6dr less - . I .. . I.- . � - � 4&reh6tb, 187L v. .. I t " ".. �,� 1; . i " , ' , I - - � I � . . - ecurge; - � - . � . __ � � � I Ati2erinckibal� byG mcna Tme=.&�;Auel:5 I . :� 1� 'i, � . . � j tbeft ; takes out his bandkerehler ana . � � . - ,� - , . . .. I to the,plwe of teiloulng, I � - - A� - . I . . There ra th re it Brick 13aildlig two '. I �� I � I � oneer at .. . , . . I as - P a. rear ' I I ­ � � I Iftsoliltion .of farinem-bip. � �, 04?,ej i��r, � , & � ­ �y 0 r1a. b, on " vila9li �b " . -do big bjndg,, opens ., - H op - out 26 Cases land Trunks of . New - �d - . en Filet,ork. ,t Cloth CM tn � . ' in again ; fol - ened . - I 1�1 � at o` .1 i - , � � T. D., ,e,7r I . � Puts bis fingersmerely on 4 table , I - . , an and story Im. � IM _ .01 . .�_o - � , z . - , _41a.jj6ifa�, of,26,horsle __ . 1 �79� . . I 14 - � I �. , . I - -_ � , t. . - I or" i! - BLAST - '11 - zlfwrid . i _it - .1 t - It brl,,k dolit mto � Writs iuug,�olaitblml, . Nem , . ,V; .8,T R �; IN rut eym. - . . power. . - - � I - I . - . Jb7at the riirtnifmT��'bero- ; .. .. . , 'jfj ' � � . I � I . . I . I ­ . � I � . � a; r �,� "I' I ��_ ii, th' collar of,bill-'.00at , - I - � I . I . . . . . �, ­ - . I � 'R Ware extstiuib4ween' .01Al2 "3, -).t�'ot9V0;T= mjproio&rNoft� � - r ,*4 nn4 .SU403MS I & if . eTICE As bosretl� boldijiti,eko ilisthumbs uOer hit�armi J340,Or T - ' pits ancl, tose, e r. - -WHIC131 AM- q- I - . I rr]M1=,- MS_One fouth of4bi p4robaga money to . I I . . � L L" ClIfJ"';H To,noibipcf-Ah."Celi V . � WILLIAM a. I,Hgpr air Faime,irs 1'J�\,QoIh,)=0 " ' ' .1 - _ r . : . - . , _ - . -1 .1 � .. � I I - 1�� I . I - . ' and . tAjUI,lg FIPTX Aol-��,$ jr,n,io.e�i�zaz�tk,;r*fr"v�VI*K . _ , , . , back; sgain. drops them it -bis slide- r I I - I I � � �L . . * " be id down on the day ofsale, fa, balanoe, ��$ I I I .�, , . � I . I & - I iolvea',J)y -4tittitl" cdase6t of t!le Noft� ZW1 CY tL­e_nMV.1 ;Z14r rif " _04 a is' o - � , 'IM k9birit at tu. ala.,� -ir6r,tu,tuer1wti..lm ap- . -" - . . . 4 Q - L .--' basbem this 6*y dis. , : I , � � . All Debts owingt , , e ,eps- .,:� � . , ply to 11 I I I . 1 j7 ­ Itne: All. of Aodhbd_,�'L coi,utyDr liulim Aurl llrovfz� 4-00tao, liue� Ve some of the racyem pts he ke A , : Varenii � . , , , , - D the italld; paftnefth!t�; itreto be � t 1, �,-, t,z I' C,v � n 'a_5fc-,-'1' Nv�,,Iafi 41 ffp*46�"tw � - Vab . I � . � I � I Is$ Chu . &I" ,T,�Cs_ mjj� - - . - . � t I - . . . I � ,.111 r to.Im prmuted to 7.0, forplarly vie nyia,w�!.v �Cfzwacsl Vft,XzVTr,,M, T* I - . g one bis set orations. , ' , � ' . 11: I . , . 19 � , :� - . � � . - � ,. � . t d a I - A 4 . � 81 11w, , . I . .. I PT, t1ire 4T "Ic JrV to V;c Venear, I - �_-AL80-4 . " " ,�: : � - ! . ­ . I , i h I it will -be setyed.' ' ',ofti*n -17oi­m V6& 1 1 Orin I . - � I - � J01VAS4P JOY05" , . , -6itok-L ; _: 4F . _. I :� 14 -, � - , USK, GOOD AIR "I" P-' ,.I . . � . � . ,)In ; up while derty ' ' - of STY : � I all. , .� ��L!Lilrlilses Eh b r�,%RV.,-.N-,wii1nt Czo L iialiatori lffawnl�-, z4ai '' - , - � - . . Anotlier pe I - d 7' go -ts - ,"reb 2.2, A,, 41lD41t___A�� __.. hi� 64�31!�ItGr,2:40!1)�;t.ln tbc pra;, - : � icularity 1Wi3jot dmn for � ew , ��A 4 - ,* . . � I . --- or - f I , -is AOW ,. - . .. - . - =9 . 'bjsp:l1V-h*K6ln�X67 ar)(7 S'!',,I�l ", T., fnr% Itt-Viorn .. in tbe orator's & 11 ' Y. - I I - ' OR TO- . , - , , tottlodin Wt . I the benefit of the 00FIOUS , , P'A - ­ ,� , � I I I - - - , I 1*i�qfjf, - tt - , I 1: " I I ii,im�ss,w,jllwi�l-htl-,O.za!taDeliosit.;irGrD 00:mV:51,F3 . , . , - � ;. I ha,ve ubilervett that wben he SEVERALGASIS AR BALI' ,_ - . ._ �'- IrORA OR HORTON, B, � - ", , . , , "' - - , ,__ . __ . I - -1 14111VID. 9 19 � . .:, -. - - � 1; YO , -B WANT. T S- NO W - ,Vt& ,p.',:,�hii��-,-,Y-Iliti�tB'-CL6 Inctilt . .hcrlioatei. - *ddrestes � I �__ I . ,i:, I ., I , � , I IN 4G� 131U . �U 2 - . I .� I I � . - . I I A ­ � . . ­ I , one . * ; � . .- . . � � I - � - . . , I '� . .� I � I 11 . I I, *4 1 - I :211.�, t'lle rcn'.'-3iU!x4, il� lue lods-cita-111 mel&y ,ray itt uw� , ling satirical, Goodg. � in. the . foll * � � lines� . ,,, � I . � 11 61�t'G-j 4-1'12C -1JJr--J12Eo`1* be ,tX,',J37f,,'l Lly U 31(1,10W�� 1, � I I . Tli . - � . - S', Ifoots .1 SUPPLIEOW % � � ", , - - � I ­ I ,� - - iV - ' r C11 o thin ; - , - is about to say somett .1 ---owing- � � kar�t slot, is ­ ­ , .*itvo�_�- a Of Drj-ji�W; . ihte & 9ho4;11`"i!0U JMCT 6 . & ttlfil.�,V��IiWt��. � -. in"f .ofthowt witq phrms that rest in the - � I � I � . . - - 11 - . tow�, � I - - . . I . � . - I- I i I I D rnzal";o at tile cx�-,14��Ci �ff" A I � 4 1 . 9 - . / . � r � �� . . ID ST . .X1 -_1.-3s �X_-i:L1*,3 � : . , , . , - � . . fbe Ir"fipaf ', J , . I -- . : � ,�. - yro� at tl,,.e rai� Ott 7 r,cr i,.j�11+.'.16 . 1. - . - I � - z � :Y. ar; ;;w _ . I I . �. � -1 - I ­ - . . I I � . ­ � I 0�* 8ibWzjbej_ �k 4hics lot 'llpm jviym�- f� � . - - W hiv,XJ Pit�a�' 4 , *` , ----, * -A 1� _-�6� firk'�' !Wzil q�� th" ��tlrrlutoe . ' Inemory, sna,whieh ire oettAiDly Dot the . '70 tl I'S - _--]_ " 5'.4 WS P'k M 4, � Q &Y 4) f - 9R IC V� 1 1 rl' � r tkTft t 17�! T Y'6tfl'y i 6 � Bress G601LO, PAUU, Gro-ey & , : it6aaottonsy ,-, ': - 0 00SEMM. �­- .­�, . I - �1 .1 - � , . � I . . I - _"_Ii�l , � I - , _V 0- � I U,r�bwAAd,*4()Jiiyingtbkm?jxtst-pye;vatuiiL�L .1r6l)jy �_nrl 'lJoRvermci - -W '4"rit", , : - 11 . . I . - - . . # � I ;?�,.� swe � . -Ut. , , aw-, ,-,171, I - ati, be slightly - 'n . .. I - .- -1 I . . . -,.--" _- � �. .,- r I .`f AND A - - , _f � =4412td V R*m.`,V&,��a-i�o J�;4,14)11�, 1 - . I - - - � I , waroely perclept- - &6 f. , , __ - � 4 ... , I ir " . , - �­ . . . * 11 beabl t9 supply any olualt vof I I -1 , . ' ' , , I - I - , ­ * * ­_ " t , . M. - ; ESH � V ;C . vr"tures Of the momell 1101aands, _&e.."". - , -, , I GOO 1� � H E IR I ­ , . tn r,,Tlz,�� i -Z'. �, - ,opens bit lem and in a i ilu Wy. I.." I I -A . , V - J_ . - - * - 1� . � - I � - - 7 ' , , I - � 1� 11 I - ­ I 11, - . if ,�� : ,� jau'D , . . � . _� �. - I -, - . � � 11. . . . . . lair ., _,$';fJD ftlj� ii7olnnitv, , in,-,%',--�?.ryg�,64% .1 .. I �' , . , � ­ I �' . . 1044 . . . I - , � ANA VEDARi SHIMUS J i ' , -1 koanfteeai` §21,47'r.0'r aulmsortat, WA last - � , I , ' I � . . � 71Nh I -4 : :&Ill. H " I lit 111S, igum V*E -�. � . . . . - ­_ . � - _* � � - � . .0 ir r a ry .* - � - �� ev theen bro* 0 11 " , , b . 6, �of Tb*n- - "OnLENDID- -8 -I iblef fashion bowsdo*d er - 4e one� 04 Sal- , - .! , a$ 116 T0.20 ' eent.0 Be* , - I I ERIE ,,, P I , , I . � - - � I, * . . .4 I.;; 1 . - . . . I i -Y , , � - A, % . - 4iLd thi lo;�"� rmc.' K� is al- ' . ', T'-�' , l � � . at 04 'er 1�1'.enlu-sm-A ]r,tn1.�tt!r,r.*- 01`-E&!�' � - � I I . � I � � , � I - - I I =. - - any bad ­& 6 - 'IdTl* C:t,- - � I . , I 11 � � 11 3UApVi:3q' re, eodoiri6h',_-, 1 � i to pay tile highoist.pripi forpine oi: ,, -at V ­ ft,"eyv�:. , !�W, n,'s 2�0 atfti .�, - . - ­ . ! I stifoialbraiski4 �ahia;lsa delivered it c �! t�i�qk�?,'Vt%q .- 4!r.-X�F,tf_-,. Tkoke", I . I , , I - I - � � . . � ii � - ftllj Tuesday [a unairold . �04 110 '011 . _ � � - � , ' . - . "of � I cie "";T_ay06!,z_1,�, A. V. "t.". . - 330tidS 9 4 itT, . � - I � - -8,MITH ; Tarzol * "A , tha-4taiof A14- litta - I . . I Im L I 81 � - v , . -A I - . I . � -, �, I -0 k W4!4ie" M ipri4 ish., &t io etdoek It. =; . WAT TF,R`V,-3fw--1:T)NArw 3 'Wlz�%�G(!,;�-, Rtely. file #,G- � _ 4ilij __ . Y,1�1 �, . - :bSup immedi . I " - , "t, P.-Mis * la . . I , ; I " , I I � 1. _., - wo, fks.s 0M I � , I JUX - . . ., f - , It tbit xV0aili6ip`0t1o4 �� I. .- May 4. . , qu�kened. Ifyom ara behind him YO I I � . 1� 1! . I , . " , - . I � 'R __-, tj - . I - �- __J . . Iu , , - . t , i I 1 [ post . Ohl [gas , W. , i � . Ell 4. . .691"I at, 1 � ,�, I Pa . I . , .. - . - � � . . I- . I . I - . . .- _. PETEX UOXARV� I ­endol's,,C�K*1,1r, M,m',`:1;1 . � � , I V-.- 4 . .. I � I � . - �#-. - , lrijue)il: W,', , , , ,I--,- , , . - � . . i'14. ,� .��, ` , W- I � � - 'k I b. _;Z�,: 11 -.1- - I I I I a I I '. I i -.1 1.11 i k I vigby I , I 1 17k , �\,� , I r_1 , X, L , , il I I 1i - 1� I I , i � : , . I , - , I I - � , , I I 4401-41 -.� � I stotlo I I i i I I - & Minute or two , I I I � ber. -_ I . - �� , a rot or : - . I , - - it; _ _ I , � - I I -do I --�� An bo 1PPWS to 0411tiat *rA tntki w7f 1-Jow . � - . . - I , �. P_ 11 . 1% Fr, 011, 187T. 1 - , ,vva - c=towel oonfideDw 1*0 latd Audae , , �� , , " ,�R - � - I I . . i - , 11 - � . " 7 . � I .1 I - _� . . . . . . I - - . 0 � - . � .. . .. :. I I �, ��, , I � � 1)fta_20ibf . ,_ --- - I -, , 7- . . ,"— I - . � . rok Isif Audiez", - 1� I.. I I 11 � 7,��,f� , , , , , iST6 , . I i � t . I m , Obdtr�h, � , - , - i . I . � H � - - I . � - I - . . . . . . .., . � 1, - , , . 4 r - . � r - � * .� . I - I I . � . J i : � , �'- . I � . '. � . - .11 �. I � 1� - I . - � .­ - 1. �, � � I - . - �_- � . 11 .� ­ . . - . I . I . - . I . . . i . � I - - . I I � . I - . . I . i .1 . I 1. . . .­ . . - 11 1. . � . I I � I � - . , . . : .. I , . 1. � . - I , . . � � . t �7. . I - 11.1. . I � I . � I I .1 . � � �. ": 4 � ' . . - � I - . . . � ; 1. . I �­ , - , I - I r . . . � I I I . " - �; . . , '. . I I - ,� .. , . - 41;, �, I � � . . . � I . ; . . . I � I I- ; .: . .. � , I I I . I .. I � - . I., . . . - �_ I . . � . . I I I I - � I - . . I i i17- . ,. - I I �f � , - . r � ' � . I � - - � � - ". : '. , - 1� . . I . - - -: " . - , - � , � - . I .. . - . . 1. . .. . . � - - I - � . . I . .. I � I . .� � . I . - a � ! I . �' ; - . . . . ,- I . . , .. � I - - � : I I I . � I I � I I � . . I � - 1 'j. I . I . - I -. �.. ". I . � , . ... .1 . ,- ,_ . � - � , .,- . - . � - � . ., � . .� - � . . - - . � I �, .1. .1. I I . ., . . I I . I - 1 4 ,� , I . . - , I � �, - . - I � � � _ : - � . .1 "I ­ . � . I . � �_ '� - . - I . I. - I , .1 . A v I � . I - � I . � - . , Iz � . . I � � - - , . � .- , _� � . . , � . _� � . . . , I . . . � . I . - . . - 1. . � I . I I . . - . . . " , I . � --- � . - � � � � , I , . - . �. , . . � I I , �i - I - I - - - . - - L * - � . T � � . - I - . it.: . I � � J �­_ I . . ... . , - 1''. I . __ - ._.,i... � � . . - ­ � ­ �;,._� I .­ I I . � . . ,I I I A . w . : . , I ;1. � . __ 1,