HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-04-06, Page 2�3 4�1 -iino M 4t4 11 frosts have spoiled 2 where tke lato heavy fr OR T MILLION �,Mt f3 f2b I)LAICEI BUYt IIATS F t, Go e oixtenb. Horse and _topsitealthe nd blighted it to son) g dildbarge,.- If the street were chas Oats and Aky, is LISHED AN XX '.'LuSrVrl. U sa �manl Match, a BLSHAVING E thatt, senators should7 rat be *P1=EO 12 0, r It ars would no doubt T.Opair the �Irrom the BWast Lye ws Letar, of �Cattle-feedingl su e, being SUBSORI satisfi i�bb peiltions to the [Ion' A of 019 proiper�y-holdl ionable control ho ivever rather diffics�tlt to prnotir We cunclvcs I dockst if th -pur- HAT. CAP, ;rl oal"'ibtc J�or "Ointmant to offices irs7 the h1lve the're-Poll� i"vis'19 iri general far UB STORY, ICICOU3 'It aa 2nf n and Senate, prayingfor ey got. any real seconded, Ah, we clip the f(`11 to find, and costly to air mov6d, p4.—Yeaterday, t Squarm lions , regalt, cans* gilt, ond which would be likely to raske orojun of the decision Of, the L House of them. Mr. Sinal F, w- Surmit-Lw by hitfiself, summer, on West Side, Marke -ad r6a ling o ra -by Mi. Savage, that the ni19 Tup, 1% in the new building, erected )I Council 0009 chase. ment over that of IEZ7. . We ihem the tools, of the ministry, 'was Committee, at the seco pavation, Were cu1n1n0nd0'I!for raising THF, MI.-TL%TrRQ HORSE. M=racn, Bsity of pubti .which liavo'been erect- or a the nece ng the street along IS NOW RECEIVIN AND WILL OPEN t, Jolm �sqana brought 111D.for disposal. There voted f to take oRtho duty -on MR, pro w docks theroon M the �w she&r-legys r Blake's measud. 57 and - against it Dr. the harbor quay. and the hberoorn B;Lsin tor the fiarbour The a ft -horse hitherto mentioned as the question, by Summculrig ODIRRICH, APRIL 6,th,-1811 I IM, C% - othor impprts. Cole" ate of repair find appoint a ed at the is expectel, they having been, to some extent subscribed- far,the inspection of the public, oa .58 the nearest approach to defeat Zahn. and Ur, Reyes of.Seaforthhave gone rabb and it for by the tile congre- sw tive AE'embly of OntaT110 I vV r� an efficient at Savage, Commissioners, to -day. Thesa mbers of Mr. Grants' this session. Mr clameron's to emerib the petitit ns b i, committee of the Mayor, G con- ill be hoisted into positiou iven to that gentleman on Saturday the 4th,lday of March, 1811, 61" "ed Gn A tiuncxed MIM011- DOUR=- A. has had, and S�nclair to w boilers, &c., 6ation, and to beg i oy'aay. Ho LUT4 X mauth. Ther i room for, ilaint 11 0 entertain Vaps, an4 FU name, did not awar on the division lis sider W4 questiongs�,ert;tin the probable 'appliances foe raising "'rate, t of the as a tribute of the respect thdv rgishing Goods ever bro2vj7d to AN -D A EIVNTD%91).� 51=LWF INTOIZE- vlatithey- may succeed. -t to next to and.from veseelsi tire tile 1111,9es towards him as their pastor, has not yet T7w largest and best Stock of Hats, with the very b�o 0­cst n0ticc�., zind the que-Rition is asked : Wh cost of necessary works and repo' est Stylal of and kind in 1reland. TheyarE, 105 feet -high, I Consisting of the I meeting of C)anaC era wa Tim FIRST Taip.—On Slttu Messrs been�purcliased ; thd'subscription however U -ron ? We have no doubt, on pointment Of and' to lift 111i to 60 tons,which ;o be ptetty well udvanced, F 0 anacli Every true orwar�l with Xr- CamL &.1,71mour lett Godey h Davion deprecated tile al? will be abl. vessel to the is underAtood t ,32giishl New York, & Fashionable Silk, Beaver memberean sati-factrily explain his absn-�e P. m., tile Wnl movo(IfvOlu 0, o can be easily re con "o Cent= 77 to tite when the Domi"1011 of. special committees, whenitheie wt,"e C"m d it is to be hoped the Revd. gentleman Teo "Idd b &!U�-ht to th(, with a ful n r d lowered into the an 01 Felt Hats t1le-Atlantic to ths Pnci- and we should like him to do o at once. lr Xineardine cargo )ose. Mr. lyavistl quay 0 vice an u be equipped to his 00111fort and I Hats, FUr & gao will extend front - — &A ssenk rs. mittees for the purl paxative ease. They will Boo tiles and Patterns for spring wear- Most Of ln-w the high- Freight and a 1&rgo numberof ip, thought the cost wotild be pretty serious- proper place with coml veraible engines. satisfaction, at; the state of the' roads at LSO. Silk and Cloth Caps, of the latest 8 ise a thoron.-h pCople, 4"ho yeiri of gover-am &t. &nd, its main Railroadbec, PDXTMAdTFIR GENERAL;s Rig. mi Mond 4.1 _at thi, St order, and as I claim to hal I She returned to (Ioderich ( It was - our ditty to repair the wharf if it will be worked withtw re lakes his journeyings a very irk A een made specially to mi aried stook I the carljes�, momentbi 3 way of lioth hemispheres. l3nt this much FOXr, the ' out Z2,000. TheyhaVe.beeu present, n ock bw b 3 and left for Sarnia I w sary to as- The cost is ab us task. In -conjunction large and v I . sl me i ours, and it would be neces, kBOwledge of the.HAT sad ZAP business wii-bo able (with the 'It is at ex. Courtenay & Stevenson, some and laborio re- in. to b1degireci result cannot be Duastily c,,n- We h%veeceived, through 'M. 0 Canic- evening. So e. -ly a first tri certain this, and also howthe dredging made by Messr ished by Mr. bizars, C. wit . h the above remarks', it is onfeently have on hand and am continually reeeiv faitheze tho %Ve have beell an xions' to see The oropellor gs wo,111 affect the mattor. Once that was from designs furn gn and work- ported, also, that a testim?)nial of that, THE HEAD OF THE MOST propam-d to t7ust, �?hctacr� summated. ron E sq., M. P., the Pnst,ua.Rter Gonerftl*s ampled on tilts cons&. , iful and! a satisfactorily ascertained, tI16 work should E to ll, of whom the desi IMASE THE EYE AND FIT, Bntt3j� Colnmbii unita her destin ics 'with Report, till to 30th June. 184-0. The bust- rrpaireai behnvc%' baqu" le. These :or a somewhat sitiMar nature is on the TO P compotiCion. tho former col ated : r g be done. Mr. Crabb said in an interview manship are highIr creditab forthe Signal's Amberlycorresponaent Fastidious, and at prices that will defy W6 and would be the reny last to throw ness for three years past is thus tabul much la�gcr capacity for ca i cmk tle Elrcmdon?, then, to -- 33xl+n- with the Minister of Publio Works it Was shear -legs, will -be of great litiliti in connec- -tapis J. Wr -increasifig trade, and 4s a token of the appreciation in which his any needless obstacla in the way. - We y P,-Nouof GEORGg'S SOCIETY.— lit ument would tion with th? r.%pidIY a hold by the readers of Hatnent uniont (Belay. and mt fficos No of ial* distinctly stated that Gover dt�etlso f Wilitiei for the re � contributions ar to sat-rifice not a lettera tor sq.. the- Prvoidont, calls.. e An u t make a Harbor of Refuge without the ill afford in�f d honorable W. M. SAVACEd itionof-vViao is in tho ma:c wnnld have be.en willing t no w th so for thatiournal lhopetheawar meeting of !he StGeorge's Benev 6n f the Harbor, and Mr- Inoval Of sch heavy materials as 0 Shrink EMM 020 entire control o will be maile to the proper person as there little to secure for future 1-4.100poo) 1,05^ t I [ews, that which they are intended. 0 Goderich, March Ist, 1871. IS& ( no � appoi 11 o officers for Brydgea stated, at several intervi in this loeaAit CanadLan sea -board on the Pacific. We isco 3,7ill 21.9-20,000 P73'06 07 ra referred to is the taletit- are more than one V7611 that hO is -�f Mid a' -the 1 at person's coo 010,767 'Oe';e' 'rn�' the transaitin of o1her he was prepared to give -them this colitrol. The Mr. Liza 181.0 s,320 24-500. the Yi On d teemed towinsman D. ?ee , m desirous of d utiug wishcs to =3rPono 'Liz ob�ject however to mortg, The followin- new arrangemenst is pff Mattland tell There could therefore be scarcely any ed son -of our es mistak are e ree ified be- -selves with I important business -at the But the town ,iz,,r:,, ,@gq,, Clerk of the Peace, whose identity ! au �.pnd1guMc--d kmm� -'The 110trod,iction of,,What are u). is t r phun mizo, by for hilf a century, oppress out A doubt about the subject. r ttat idustry, fore they occur. posed Friday., 7t'h April at 7. C itilt in a financial positioti.for a tllo"- 'Icee a ned by'persevering it unreasruable taxeg, and ret b cards' in the United K ing- 0-11 1 was tilt, pleased to have the pyivile-o of -Go ahead patrons I HATS 1 position, y to tho C� p � Inown as 'p6st req ested. repair. A tenipor I ]ff AT9 OWICaging tT tIoul, and the convenience hich is stated full attendance is u ary repair wo Li a .- I hould put ,�c c, Uma3 of evety othdir section, Z)nic n HATS to have attended their use, have induce(I be useless. * But the Council a I bility CONGERT Or SACRED I physician from to t.ho wnstluendcs. am%dditionto our territory. Thescheme ii-enteuts '.'.or (11116130 t newor"all, the street, which was of the width of 55 Dr. Waldon our village ENT JUST RECErVED BY the Dapartaient to make arra . 6 ip- hearing ANOTHER L4F*E CONSI administration- the manufacture oif similar p r 4 zujition of the 'm- F, feet, in thorough repair. Though - the re - COLBORNE. 'his unassuming and gentlemanly Pf the 51acdoun.1ol-oartier e public in Can%da. . These built for the- Wesleyan Chu h by 11 1 oenefit him largely ITWg his re§idence here, as well as from W. M&SAVAGE9 MAYMA±'17_1 1 - the use of th p- ATown- ant and qt4t cards will be sold at one cent, each, R Esq. Toronto, will b celebrated air of the.dock i%,votll' SABBATHSCRO" 8 gue before last, ,no of th,L%s reel -less. eatravag come n 1� qposed to the ex- OLCONVE19TION treatment of his patents,and apr d M he was consoteihi his skill in the nnstat=esmAliko m4aasuTlas, which should Grand'Concert of 8 thouj4t the Council should ship Convention was held at-Smithal Hill insic rherits, is fast becominj a and may be pt sted for tiny address within by a Q penditure. He other intri Come see them, that IV. T. Elays laa� 4ing A; i and instrnet b I favorite ; and although � we cannot should be resisted nd execrat the Domittion-aud will be con7eved to tobe giver, an Wetinesday eZ6 t 0 go into the question at once 3ebools se&qou of the y�ar;. and this Is th& on Vridky, 3lat.ulto, at which six Be 00 8 public and in to -day's h that rcsigz e mail Frfmlo ckburn, org were represented. There were t neighbors more than VERYBODYtsauts anatat this i ty I rices, collaa tholongth&breadthof theland.The proposal destination, and be delivered in lik the Road and Bridge Committee to repair wo oes- natural1v wish our affected Eplaea t, get per Hato at 20 per cent low than Ut Church,- of tht: Xoved by Mr. Passmore see. ourseli so to be ften, or seriouRly, =,�Stlmg Coundl has F�rs- the one cent covering th Holy Trinijy Tor6uto, I thostreet. 2 ol-.Ioc'k; ShirtsandTiesofthenowestpaterne. fAdies Sando�vwlapd School Girls hats and Fiaisan great variety., to ignore a fnudamental Principle in our ner with lett treat $ in. It that the Road and i3ridge sioni, one irf the afternobn at bf sickuess, disaster, or any of the Damer Much 23rd, 1871, cost both of the cArd and of postage. Goderich, eithor Easteould have will presido at the or -an a we cettainly inCongtitution-ttiat principle on which (,it, bjm!1jte 'tvie the harbor street, Racer- h in the evetting at 7 'o'clock. Ous ills which flesh is heir to, 'Publia, Win thozla?, The Packet Unitei trumentallation my_be!4 I and he t er ironage in his service, with the ;K ected df no t 0 parliamentary representatioll'is base -I 1. 1 tain the probable cost of repairs and report 1;th aft on, th' pi'd gur as much pal Kingdom has carried d6ring. *ear Part of the e erno e chair was ocen e au z for him a e voc . . - JO pro ess* the circumstan 9 1!�Ciant alone to cloorvu upon crainary kind. Th 11 nox-t meeting -of Council. Mr. ces resultijig Vrabb suggest wolild ba all LrTT&p_cr-' N.9W6?APBr­; programme has been excel ly prefied to the that MT. Sinclair should r. u Varcoe and theollowin 9 ad f ion,as Jity to the ordinances of pro - condemnation. The 2,321.7!5 � fi od from our liabil it nureserved 1.215,104 11 onaregh ion 1�,`ar­dCt remarked that I was -a-n To wri fron, CaNUIA olr of the R - iquest to the dresses were delivered. -"Sabbath Schools sty for call ,by all %ccolints, T,) Lnd frwm U. 6 91-M for. Tbe Oh in his motion a re vidence may render it necess 213.633 pson embody by the Rev Me. tioa of British Columbir ad by Dr.tind"Mrs Tho. asurer to, make up a state and their organivatiOR" ing his services into requisition. dfiver. Who ever conceived such -an idea, vi B t the United tates and Canada 2,- v7ill be aSSIst4 Clerk and Tre I With the same pro, is rainy The� aad otber able izens ment of our fin' iiieltiolinc, our THAT -MARIAGE- but voter himself is ne-t over 50,000 or 60,000. Of these on' "a ITT iocali to whosii our c� ancial affairs, and the Communist cc, i,� �3, 0 ters were itilterchanged. Dunkley; "Local Conventions" by Mr. H. to Ij030 are whites ild the e in high life, of which y, I might say that I heard it remark - from 12.6W r.s.%ndChinasa. To them it lletter� Registered are estimated a'. 1,.000,- are always delighted to have the pri.. ile-go indebtedness. It might then be possible J. Nott ; "Tha Teacher's Preparati(in and The marriao 1, all ho 4:11anee ITI-lia th publi wi to bairow a few thonsaild dollars for the e mention some weeks ago, has, I a rdeii Voter wished t9 teach schoo TC -C7 of which in p-ny way miscal-7 of listedbtr *too Wetope th Duty7'byRevL.ORico_ Aninterestinz mad need do, is to instruct his many offspring WALL, PAPERS9 to flat tho is pr4lpasefi ;o givea representation of 6 2 . -nod ythe 20 ing a n a little off to nolerstand, been postp-)ned until ament. or V the'se being, n1dole -_6ppqrtanity'­Or elli-) otirpose and throw the burde u of the &)uth- i MQantimo This zuentham in the Daminion, P.trli ri i�, V;f discussion took placa on each- subject. A gyen in a ns 3he not lose fba 'a present ratepayers. inne. The chief canoe of this delay from the female dArkies parties resp.) ible fc�ir thb casualty. that o. I t'm the shoulders of th th a stick of do as then 'tt 'to be Combing -a youths head wi white t)-pil- fealst, that o. the case wf hers' Association w ma er momentous, is behove t� wrory 201W of the musical Mr. Horton thought ?-a getting 'Township Teae his head had 34,291 ; 190,000 at home.; ! I a Passmore's the express wii 14tt"n. Here in Ont;triO we are 6bntent Dead letters nnitiberetl 3' comes in their W complicated an at M r. ollowing officers :--Presi- attributed to ah of the par rather a large diameter- If af nor popu lation, of which were prepaid and the balance by be hold at forme*d with the f although' been similarity combed, he would have ha4 their re-sefle the =2�18 i with one to every 20,00 npaid, The money orcker, busiess is LAcuossz-A meeting amendment should be. passed by the Court- at, -Mr. Job a Varcoo ;. Secretary and ents of the "Fair Intqnded;" vrho -holiam Through chari- Ae tezanso this is the proportion we ate ell- Joitse oil. Mr. Passm6re'smamenament was car- de willing enough to consumtnatethe alliance a better undrsta huTe ?'all J ry U,' woul in thf. Con' t t - rinit of Parlot Papers titled to by the ofederation Act. This snonmarised f 11 wa the Griand, Av � t,, nex! t 7.�o for rie. Petition of Gootcle V.- Parsons to Treasurer, Mr.* H J Nott ; Directors, sttil, in devout obedience to an old estab- � ty for a cure of Voter% obtuse intellect, New Patte I do rc�b7ts lonza with a national cor.- Year of offices. Amount issued on Wednesday evomi g to be muleted out of 't !Cltib. which -tnn lished doctrine in their Code of Natural I would be illii tho bridge o, f -h playing fast w;%5 done in the cae the tirpose of forming a L� Crosse change course of Harbor !till drain, Messrs Andrew Dart, James Htethering 'till" twice ten dollars if I cuuld effect a cure ofitntiam, as 3,342,64 que44cd to was 'washing awa� one of his lots. Re- Nicholas K MorriBh, JDhn Million,and philosophy, object to having the -nu, on New Styles of Satin Papersv adds -e done m the i 615 All lover of VAe game are- Mi ly as was nore acute, toba- 559 ad tmd Bridge Committee. There were celebrated in the mouth of I him and make his senses awl now proposed to' LIM 13,561552 to Re, P a dec . o rasq of Biiiis course of 1-70 5 .747 attend. ferred to meet half-year -ind Of medi- -We W)�ld e4111 the Petition for a plank side -walk. on West St. Barr ; in acertai i wittee werem) ito h Oollim%ia, is a 59 SsD8 present TiSitOrB fro the Nile and Dun- formerly suggested. verring I Ls they do though clionof this k -otir e result of last ARcHITECTITRE Old Scot- ine would no doubt action franght with serinns danger to And the ft llowing was th is�santcnt and offering to pay' half the cost byAlex- with double suavity that do him anod. In Now Goid Paperso a hich was at Voter is a 3cm ae Balillc,_,no lea, )bn, and British on of the public to the advert et: light add, th f -tit -ire. Butween year's bnalnezis attenti ander Wallace and' John Brackenadge gannon. Atthe e�eaiT�g meating w tish proverb, -which runs to the 4 iff -t that, conclusion I n stiffizicut for .... $21,418.71 of R. Hick, Architect. Wo have, fre- e'rooded, Mr. Gif ye marry in X�y, ye,11 ru for oz�e ! Why does he not like a man, ew Oak Papers, blvou"&Cd iu the �12, -=F3 C.Alimbia, there is- territi-wy . Tet Revenue .............. en ain granted.- A petition to the same effect on well-atterided the hall'being int coward. his articles, and not several Drovincos, antl a continuance ot Cost of Managemeat ......... 19,187.07 quently urged upon bIr-HiSk to oo Kingston St. opposite Cox & Macdonald's Rce - eaker, deliverincr a is just as true as beuk rr - Of course sign his name to s of Naffict Aak!l und -ire rights a i of his! plans 'i jor a was the first sp a people claim the distinction of being sneakingly slander decent people -through gatc ased. The Tics 01 anch violatif)ns of relat tnight --- office, havingseen several grocery, granted. The Street Inspec NOWD 9 ROOMPaPersg were Q1 to " 0"Parents." RevJames BOm' -name of cillminete in swamping the legitinia In- Profit $2,230.74 and 'known for years -his abiliiies in repbrt was read and received. Acconnt of canital address endowed -with more microsc?pic powers of the press, under the fictitions laiis Provinces, In the Savis Banx depArtment the to- Wl as a prac- T Andrews. Relief 62.00, ordered to be Stliveright, Goderich, followea, addressing visipu than their -less erudite neighbours ; Voter? I must '15aY thal there is some finence of the nlreadv p -Pu Id be the &8- f' m lot April 1868 to 31st Architectural drawing, as W,( d Mr. Dayi- tb:e 9 gTeachers and Children" in �a very Now Warbls Papers� OIC and -Are doubtless more conversant there- *0111position and nalogy between Voter's 11 and the deplorable entl wool tal deposits ro; 1here 0'y that _�klej sp e borrow 'The nine pnpcy Elfttcs "I at anfl-not the extension of tioal inechunic. We would , pLd. 31r. Sinclair moyed ail ted ner. Air. Da by, -with the laws of fate, which may natu- what the boy said, when sent to moniberme Wo AMOUNT , ted properIV son seconded that shade trees be plan interesting man oom Paperso providca witTa cnrn' of the no building can be Construe I J on the whole of East Street on O'Tomperance" to the children, expres- rally enough account as in the present case, saw. 6,PEt wants a bruad-axe to - saw ou New Beft Confederation. Brit t4lis anpect ere 60,991 $3,353 This is and protecto ee the plodpe -introduc- nuptial engge'ments in this make our fircbcrd is not the most seriolis. '10 it'- Dec. Ir, 01 �,20.:-,.00 itliout a well digested pl;!a nd mi West St. from the Montreal"Bank sing the desire to a for avoiding empty barrel of flour in two to �Vtthdrawals 20,958 1,430,701.40 i 0 Y.tho whol build a Mqved th of May For my Part cow a hog troudit." Mr Editor. the busy New Hall Paperfir, doice &-isish Columbia to nilite with ns, eldom though f b to the Maitland gotel-Glarried. ed into Sabtath Schools. Mr, Nott fol-' inauspicious mon Fcssy. Tho coulmun, a deRh amonnting to stisfiwtory result of about a has a6 idea by I call see i6s far through the lid; of an old times of election prevented me from reply- the debt of the Provine-a Showint, the* small 4ouses. ETery m jopeuded toy. Mr. Prabb lowed up his imbject oftbe afternoon per. hend of the white nosited in stnallaulas, the sea build. by Mr. Savage, on the usefulness. of conventional but ing sooner. You will. oblige me b pub- New oface Papergr $1.665,620 or 130 $2,60J,000 de or the structure which he sea that Air. Philip Nit Ila be avpbinted bT this dilatin emirks on Teakettle as most other people can desires the Do- .50,0.0, no doubt chiefly by 'a rly its C 11clu" g with some happy r through the crust of this old mythological lishing this in your valuable paper. pn vera,,e being He determine&. perh3. ouncil to pound all"I)igs and goose ran- co din. pulatin, the ministry n ps pr ty n yearly inter- eno�fthaconhtry. . the treks and receive the several Sunday Schobl Itopka. Mr. R. problem I really can n6t see. Verilyl good Your &e. less lbdemt mij�on to assume, involving a ent the working in tracts entered form and size, leaving th -detai s to be ning at large on short ad. reader I say areb of intel- March 28 1871 Wm. WAItBURTOX inal.D 8030GD Ilia governm -Carri" A�connt ef Trel unto you, the m ast-charge of Thofollowing.were- the con - adapted as the work, --a ance. The fees ror the same- eavell Teacher of 8-8 No. I aselves and see into for carrying the mails in this neigh illo relief, $16. 64, ordered to. dress oxp.-assing his pleasure at the success lect too often lies through a Wilderness. Ew BORDERINO 0 Stephen tho Inene have fnrther pletiged them of the Co� Ivenijon'and hoping it would be Th following little ndo. y a4mro-ence within 2 consequence oftep is a Bern* f m stakes. . B Somery Re6d, for Emigrants, written not many t,-, ploalga- Farlismenbto cc 00 borhood at make be paid. Harry id. whitely a stimultia to the Sabbath School workers ­ nturies ago by one William (not) Shake - years -and finish within 10 years 30 Amberleyto Lugan $52.00 Nficiencies and. misbrranOmei Daudoa to 8--dorth 1.10.00 sually is too board, $1,00, ordered to be pa of the neighborhood. Mr. %vinyou6c, w2s ce a somewhat apropos tb this y w ,nAp-Ks._the above must no con* appearance, u seem mile3 of milway which they estimate 11 349.00 their hen & Elliot relief 62.79 ovlered $to` be PaW He expressed. himself apeare, Ach is more like- Bayfield to da 30-00 evil. Tte expense of* $30 00 for defending the last speaker. elude this controvers� ; all sides having PAPERS enst sluo,o but wl nel6rave tol.famoch late to corrcet the affair hot, 63,6k, 11T.00 W T Hays account! i' ce (3ommittee. considering that ClinWn to PorteA Hill obj� on of .11'aoti 'very much pleased with the meeting-tbe trike the iron whileMs me; been pretty full heard. -ED. SIGNAL- ly to talre 5200,000,03D, 147.00 obtaining a proper plan is t�e on of revievm. F nan ed by Mr. -en at, and he Tht's a maxim old but ti 19, ronte oroutdr-be do.to winiharn first of the kind Ila had be Prnmises are snop forgot, 4 the greate Exeter -to Luxuley some. The '-short sigVteolness this Moved by Mr. Sinclair second -Very mnch. He was e regaw & -ky countrv. if 9-95.00 ting, shade had enjoyed himself And lucky c1lane 9 few- iff Buy your Groceries at W, thro'n-gh a b­_rrea and rnL do to St. Mary's een shown in the nbeessitY Gordn that every person plan JUST OPENED AND Levo bcc (as 52.00 vievi has b ince he had given the use of D ffie me -I the latt be required do to SarePta 68.00 oulls-sing hey S11% hc� Jor th"wInd *AII the Mullites next door to the Pnst Office - ar amount sh,:)ald do tq Fsxquiiarl which it so often involves of aoditi6n� trees opposite reside nee of property shall sorry to Bay, a )ayers had writ- CZ rain I - - odoubt it would) it -,vnnld cost the Do- Goderich to Kincardine 975-00 Remember I Smart's is the best er snm of$120,- do to Luelmovr, 35G.03 and alterationss wbich,cot per�apst far after the second-year,if they are living and the Hall two of the rate -I I SO) and This worl.Ts but U f3ithlem. wer14 on the wr raanoi Ficasur-cs I ' . main. ell Greenbacks. -c;c minion in interest the furth an fail to protected, receive a prom in m of 25 con to per ten him complaining of his doing place to buy or s oaaa year. The pretext made that Also confining burselTes Ito t1ii neigh- more than an architect's 61391 e -Carrie' )ts Report re- he would not be able to give it, again ; ex (91FIFERIED AT gavornmeat was not to bnild the line but we "find the Salaries &c. -,'Df -after all. We-wiou d rec�Wmotld tre 1. The Audit-, SandAy, until he QUICIC V) lirsat and qd0,10 coo; borh000, satisfy ferred to..Finafice Com. Mr. Rnneiman, the cept for the honr on private p,)stmas-ters up to 30th Jane 1870 to be as $1ve M r eau brought the matter before the Township weliltf-15iroft WTfi10'ftg10WB* Watabes, and Clocks repired at a Lave is a fickle Mile fool, that it would be constructed by quv-,ae that proposes build ng to draina-e contractor proposocl that in I RATES. Qffha in tbo J L C irforined.from thir Smith' d toes. Smares-cheap-the wcrk.guaranteed. In follows Oth aotnpanj,�Ito,ba paid in. grants of land. by Hi k of we fool gat 86.04 OieT Will of pei7onaj sgburity the Council should re- On. tt�i A Ito And owns b winp an an tnley ging he for the Mad and the tj,m of the grants being given a a few dayt, taiu a larger per centage of the contract ffill Scho,)!, contributed bk their sing CHORUS -Sing I huband Fcclus to 130 trylq c.%nsidoara siame of office Ravenna commiul Alr ,olumbia to such a coutpativ fllr Ot repent Ile opens wice. Mr. Crabb moved and Mr. PassmOre very ranch to the pleasure of the meeting. rain I! ion, so prevalent nd so, British 0 pp� heart that may ne!er com. 1W Consum'p ance� for extm lTiS a hai cse,0 e Dominion is asked to PxY daty in Jordan's Bla('k- �egouded that 25 per cent be retaified fata!? is dreaded as the great ecourgeofosr AT -MOORHOUSSEA's this pnrp -�The examin- viain,, rcuutly. AM April4thISTI, thrO Pro1ftea another $1G0,0W a Ye3r 33 SbROOL EXAMN.&TIONP" from hint-Carriel. We believe the drain race, and yet in the formadve stagex� al -Vim pensation. Whether built by a, com- Amborly 101.24 36,80 2.60 ations f the Central and Ward Schools treet wawtheu signed. the mind nary complaints maybe read co", ey day 3110 Idle daMance sours uhuo h Pany Or riot, it is quite obviom t!ke men' -labur 1512,80 39,15 2.00 will be hold on Wodue3dai uilolMurs ErToon our ovrn Correspondent.] rassion is & chailgling known, trolled using - 6BPyan'-s Pulmonic Waferz." into tuvir 10 -vind 1 eve the worst coug cua here. fiven t!L�e bDI -wntild have to bs nusez1by Canadaand the --ayasli 51 117Z 2W2A& Vows are often made of 1U.71 51,65 2.00 of this week. And man to� ireak theWs prone. They will reli rh in a few tinnsl exchequer would be held Belf'st 00 )f spring although evident a most eneficial iu-� 821grave 12-21" 43,03 % CENT Uft-ItUN SrT-�-T- F' The approach( ites, and have SlfoltE TO RENT. �CffC_CZff1 with ft �le for it, for 311 time. Even SiT 61 @3 14,51. 2.00 EASTER -SHOW 07 Etv heT, Idug ho. -for the wind And th$ mint selinuiled he A MkeNIPI hts i�_%volling is -rather tardy, and ver� fitfill in its hd- in I fidence - on fhe bronchial and ptiluionary �.132 re3pousil 103,94 274.2 2.0* 2'. 0, FtcomeEsq, f Toronto, and actually %adericads Franvit- Hincks had to confesi tilat Butchers in. oar mirket h Whatirba alaint used in time. no Berne no dn we have softly-sighitlg �dk� they seldo mend Slauvals 235,43 56,81 2A �;,jncea. 0 organa -but tke must be '� 2.00 elled tr preparati ns a�eat Mt. Greenwood are now engage in MODIOUS SW1MF0RXEKI-r ht cspitalist wollid undeftake t 20M 79.63 exe iltemselves in th 3,�ftog-p2 sunshine, nicely EIE a scheme Slyth briizesipnd m Public speakers and'singers will also derive� cccul�)JedbjrMr. Wln-Retr GrOzEr-9114 ii anb3iEly of 81,250,000per an- Sritnfield 187,40 59.20 2.00 for Easter co6siditaption. ine :splca id . ra t�e girulod! and hapy constant chasing VdIts the rose them. bold by all 0 Eibnow sid- withoub IP -54 21,70 4,00 61 . I the Wesleyan Church, putting together commingled wil I Life is but a little dlay - ffreat benefit 'by usiug t2t heta", Of t" Carl- 6,00 oat' is 66 neigh- Le 61 Pries 25 cents NA" 'y t tar wk yed 1c, 7 U 9tate M Mt C1111ton 9 003,80 ft cow e'd by Mr. tl iruggists and country dealer& PT 'L 17hiCh IS to be TeMoved tic, M48,4 irgtc2ass dwelUug; which ha coolly( iema I rinstorms andstiows ,xpeated the Domi s and heifers, o the spleudi ofgap, construct Blue i Jun 29 lar.X;Oazedation and a f Geuk 140.97 -61 2.00 Cut X -Y. Then when the line was anffiton so. in the chatterings of the u1olodions'-desc,;.,1t of I your p5r box, ror teront, apply to this office Or to, nion to pay. 196A 49,93 2 no borhood of WO, and w hing Ioome for the BOY. W. S. Blackstock's, the ro6kat and the fri6ei Of hp,sing he ! for the wind andthe 0 ABRA'RA161 SWMIT. Yburs trmly, D entapleted, onolvilla M.75 69,57 p rchased the smaller, bui more harmonious if it didL not pay, which it Doingannon 2,00 rogate 14500 lbs have tien QuoBUS-Sing it "� 1.67 agg congregation. The stops, sixteen in-num- nin I i HOMF.-A private abeiter to cover in two Golderieh, March srd. 1871, wnul.1 belittle likely tolor -a qfiarter -Of� rElEnnivitle 40,54 in, the finest lot eve seerk iii, God- feathered vocalists, that meriily lilt about r neer bloonisagaJn, -who wotild keap it up? Whnin- sxeter 833.877 22A 38 8.00 by the 0 as follows $--open diapason, stop -ipray, quoting their 'sweet- And a ivil0d lor -stone of whiell Is century, jf 49 00 11.01 2.00 erieh. Of these Mr. T outar Anorewi ber, ar from spray to ntz hearts, the eorner nion government at 2coo viol di gamba, est anthems honour of. the blooming i of woman, and from whose doom F tli-) virtue deed, bnt the Do;m 3509-43 1212-20 �'bass. stop trable dulciana, 27. 2.00 vilized life are to be 253.31 114. has 4 head ; M.. Steve A d1drew s 3: lies(' impending advent - -all emulous A012A81CL of ci HE maerodgUed W prepared lo forntob Plans SPO, the pro."ble rate of five millions a year ijorrj3 3 LgPi 0.93 2 76 ThJ 6elviest flute, ptincipal, trumpet, tremulantj pedal aeaxonls� all other hbms is complete Teifications,&c.,of'Pubda and Pivate Buiwix, Caririer, HaT s;- no b 984 too and Mr. Gcorge.Uton 2, 'Signal; But y, p ]D;gn�,= ES A -S OP-ML4 nurs Gmen 9-oo 0 to F., Bourdon (16 lt)l; iwthoij, varied strains and warbling cad traced. %nd. all this, Macdonald, 'A�Ilk 1pqa1,0 to rjaperonierd theereetioff jut the same. had the hardihood to a 852 2.00 is a la 7 cow fed by M r. George Qji�stnte ' orian, . 0. otherin the -o the Editor of the Huron without a supply of the 14Cansdiafi. w. JaICK. -Nincks and Ca., 3y Alinson'sMilts �D-21 rge enies,,n6t, 6hi.y o solipse.each . . I-) 'MI y had agreed to do for British Co- Kinbura 53.65 18-56 2.00 Tuckersmitk weighin, 1380 lbs i64 1� Vilon (8 ft), Gamba major (4 ft). The . ngs of their tuneful homage at .1 to prevent dist:pse oi for the _j"danu arack,warket Sqasm. rait the, pitaR 18-15 2.00 butpoury Destroyer, April 4ib, 1611. fflw54 h P;r- 2.60 1) a thi�e ye�r instrument has a pedal couper, pool1i o'of indul6put'hature, but, also, .31st. March 1871. ir complaints Gederitch, Inmbis in the form of a treaty; whic Kippen 131.03 34 90 next (the fattest of the lol th-d shrin cure of coughs, colds. sdmmc approyp but had 110 rkelat 64 GD, is'si 2.00 coition pedals to maintain An iyrtlisput�ble ascandency in Now Misthoi� Iditor, I wud rather spake neuralgia, &c. For Sale�by rzoyrcsl liamentwas bound to oldbeifer fooi by 'vlr. Sal ittel Up4riloolian d i al, two COMP I rheumatism, 1 ge Sale. they f-acku-nr W1.50 2.53-01 2.00 check, win sign over their til ye than rite as I am bad at spiltin. but e Y—ortga right toisonss. W- bell they' found q,T9 2.0 vocal excellence, all Druggists and country dealers, AC7,C �Zw* V02 - or 33-71 2.00 r and swell - 37.75 J .'�Y.eigbing 155.0 lbs. The pedal&ction is new and the scale of *t ncarAlr. t silezeed i1i this line, thev tried 0 d petticoated - rival-Jeanit a rnan�of yure larnin wil no- what i mane. could no dorrisbsuk: 5435 believed to be incapable of getting- olit- of ambitious an 25 cents perottl�'. zfalteff- tha M13ra indecent course of jusbanatinz 2061 2.00 theatedonian, Hege Rpai- I jist want to till ye Reformers a,�bit of my is&. insae by 19,12 2.00 COUNCIL. Cate ilia Ist Much !Pat icover that he G6DnRICH TO XfT ha0 n' order, and no*other organ in Oat�rio -reah- -,,There is something 3ugh it as prop to hold i .? fay we have theground f mind aud-show yox how ye wil, drive the SOXEAODy SAys. -o Us t' tl?At th, ft Heleb 13�43 340- Toy).) Next I Zira= ce L _�,o ou� iyerguran, Yeomen, and purstblit Kitoit, jl�st 1871- like this one; __ 0 stop's 0 0 fJ Ile in I a 0111 id MortgVeAle V- --r= to British ulnlumblaas hav sarepta, 52:s4 1410 200 country to rebilyun. rse. His in- th63% t 20.00 the W11- - ly-'coated. ver with snow ; -and all thL. ec, arly attrae�ive in a he ero, econtattledial -a'urm 2ZO4.80 lq�-71CU agoni lirned out Poor misther Elase Jelli ut r, his lofty carriage, hi� lo n Lt number Fifteen. in theThu- -ehinery, necessarily ilitri- sad of a mid- Yez hav t 10 in thet ParHameat, it did W I e eye and ea Y4 am 2.00 benumbing tea e been agreeit U i - I&' of The internal mt. d it wil be the mans of his tea and ins inst strength ncession oi the M,wnshiP W Stanley, Doniinion shruld hf- Ivi it TZ -40 17jo, 2.00 The Regular meeting the T6%�u Court and and I am afear I' top's te T31 rjtmnt�X riat follow that the brup 26230 4-qO I I oate,is of the very best aorkmanship.-und- winter atinospherer piping, around, se wud lik to kil &I the graefu moti cotintypiharneoi -put. We wrolster 62558 eniny Pjeent the ith. Now ye bundred Md fflve acres land more tr legfi* WUI'bS -lnl -incarryingthera . cil was held thiA ev a tickling onr�ears ai�d noses, in a. mantipi his obedient temper, and big indispensable very partic F thla eyes of thecou6try this 207-99 71,87 zloo - � t ve Sure use, 9,11 endear We love to 166k in the believa that M the chair, the Dep Reevo� er the ready control of tW perfotmer and too�boreal to be.�iisunderatood. Cattie uo imitit min in the same wa, him to us. Id at the lauvo- A-eftOn r0a, At 22 for an kc n A. Thereturnaboverominds ug verirfore Reeve in d shivering it, li(14 the Goveriinin j jist makin , a a� his fine propoirtioua,- sad ta� e rown ot Goderich in the 1COU111Y 'Of Eu - At wi.1 so, A the doom. of Joh ibly iv do its work. The t . mak dolar bils as e in sLh in- olefock'nonn, on the cr. DWI .)f thainsufficient rentuRem tion - Council' cliflu avag . Crab.b) thoroughly adapteat heep and'fowls co�vering all n plinty as fish iu,H spiration ofl�sefkerg scimme which0oun lot's roll places wrapt up in solem nron b y and power," but it is He w a at one reading able 1 9 ft 9 luehetj long by 7J, %eltered J e'vyilin to giv nZ 18714 1-1175 telcr. him, try Postmasters receive for the risponsible Davis n, Gordoi Saxith, Pdis� largest pipe is picter on paper�atid wer -ly eared for- XgStlX 4L3P3rJL11- With Dancy, ph tLn n in to carry a; maorirf of the Hour I clogitationconcernifig the bleak state oi only fi only heathe horse ispropex tidueen-atoll-Mortg8ge toter, smalles )ects, in the altered state Ot --' - r ye. Sure fay� of sale. b . esaonerpaxL er triaml utits they perform. o1e,in r and the rote, resistance of Slacken more; The minnies, of.1 -at m t g we v inches in diarr thiselor our when he is free from dis�ase or inisoundoess unlesslilteamoun of thega, their proal Misther Hase til'tne hi se points Ter"s m%de known,011 A ed in said XGTL- Vogt.. Th.()f2t13pEyfCL1, since Yesterd bleat- -lidut I . -f Deed under Power i)f Bale cntain zieki Bl Angiin, Dorton, rid Sigr ed The resign- 1:)Ug by Itich in c ay ; and lowing, of any ind-tha he will,exhibit the 'TheTo keF, M 11-1 Efultoa, read, approve 96, things uld poket I had wid nu bile if it of attraction, andwithoutIllich he is -o ga--e For further articulars apply to D. S. GOOD. �aI4 j(1.y a:sicJ,,t host of other abli. MO , as tio�oiisa In-, ing tud cackling to all pass t IV, McDom, jaow They Love'HIM- ation. of Johw UcPh _11oome 6asta the metal -Of the pipes and M, by, wi 1. -line ivry o, a(.1ppositicc ibery.down? A packae.-ef "Darley's. Rd: 8011citor ro, Amirace otMertgage- I and hungry 6ant fory, avotin%r - slue. -Dtd 3rd April, 1811. 91 for the gov- and cepNd.� ItL _Wsl' ce, of utter bewilderment, but little v The finat vote was 3pector was read - Toronto. loot suitable to solvt- 3ad In Arabian orbo , seconded r and-- litile pig eke to the min that wil hinder the Heave Remedy and Cofidition makes them1n their onti'OtY iw And b tho tand 70against. In themin _y one of the M011461161 moveTby Mr. 11giace th dolar 7mmen Thw other da Th- 'Whole is enclosed in a hauiliome anticipation of life benea� tht Goverminq from givin a Poor man a Aeolicine," should be in of every e7mramendment, we were pleased zt- "Three gr jor 'by Mr. T. M Diney thatt r. e tigh and the rooting problem ote. mint a rite There is stcr LUS Tolunfieers pr�posetl -cans Gothia ham, 11 feet- wide, Iff feet t -Havnt the Gover fina the, ia me -3 of Cameron and White- be f.appointed License I spectim:for the tly frozen surface of the�soil, ranning for his v man who owns a horse, to be uied in -6se aTair is 3ir George flartier'Xinister of 1, feet deep; to be grained iwaluut. The ligh k wid-the munity they of emerg6hey. Don't failo i-ev-1t. The whole . balance - of Ahe * -year, I w moved in es, in around grunting, snorting - and squeskin-, to dahat they Ii i lie3A, of Huron. a I Served the w tront,pipes�range from 9 fV9'i`o0h' 'thimsilveg?, I wild lik to rite more til ng shalnef itl and pre"teroas and car- Cbey were heartily give Crabl: that k.Thom, _i. acifefous euphony, and nak� 'Remember the name, andsee thatthe amendment0by Ur . Jell-t1i and 7-J in. in diameter; to -5 ft in ineyery key of T� ye about this, butmi blud is bilein. wnroe Theyev I teen I pector pointed I aan effectual barrier against Xow. aentry, little cliap, just right. ait Hood.be ap or ength and 4in. indiamefre, withatielegant al -1 wnd signature� Onurd & Co. is on eachackage. )pealing frantically t6man and to Nature ried, ba a am thaa.Buronin, a thunder storm. C. V d and Prinea 'Edward Isla -ad -sign, rainst the inconsistency of theitievitable fonadlad for the balanceL.Of the in salmon coloiand gold at, ner 4D Canadas. $Old bY sit the seconded the am erminating crisilf, f - disposi- rather swing mi sholaly than the pin By orthrog & Lyman.. Newcastle, oweincr in their Int wita us. , sucli a. firm -12- an 6 If h.' Clerk oz.- 4iapred ai slid showing all mad rietors -ter the motifulgreen grounc t 'and virtu the pow 'Hood, �b era of Black s4akes if I ras n0tq,.ua1ifioad on bi vay of dres we havc con ma 0 fear fudotited. plained thai M t to �accept the situation I?A chase thint. to the Tedicine dealers. eial pollev wolald S at thd. bottom irLfieur-d6­16.; - All of -these 1iou no W. HICK2, the ferfut 0 abb 4c4ordingly 'front' dpes are speaking pipes- and are �a do possess any vsrtue at Al,, �him wid mi shelaly ovow— T �0 '= quicker than Fellowe compoun Syrup of ffypophoshlteA is UnDARPS IBBLOM �ca ike th CaIr'low as heavy a. bt- 1p�3t yesTlo roll. they iver. iE 7 1 p 5ut their own bristlep, in dains o in every city E ntc I= el wihur American on14.remind' those ititeifested drew Ilia amendinei t ana Mi. Brie VAT, W -P r with asefulasoritamental. The weight .�of the �stason;")tixring But excuse. ml, Misth- prescritedby, the lint physicians It t�ill ba am evil day asehold. F urniture &c. 1. 1 eriwas read �s some lately defunct wint to fu dolara for and town *11M It lws b0a intr ced, and it is a ARCHIT-ECT Inr 41her Sa!Wof 110 McKay wai appe?inted. "olo.will be over'2" toils; in tw4,thousaud` hoggish -despairiA olu I torn off theii -r Iditor, I exl)ect�yOae git a thoroughly ortioadox preparation. KarW Feff,, 4 w1ln the Government aT' bl. Trueman Apefioneor 01), from 51r; Ge 11SAC10iing bigi R. RA fellers-atiol-I dout blame ye. )iecet, and the cost S1100. . Vi4 ori, obt-a�tlatfor inoght iatition to-the.governint t fr6m� 109 iesi- ttitsining di9comfi- ritia for, these allowed, without having Weduels&y, 5th Wet (to -morrow,) at the, conipetout judges, im Toronto b- t �'�Oivn hailim6ntWbu- �' 1ut if ye wil jisi COU at mi pl4ce, (1 lives A Sacramento, California, gardener has j, Goderl.cb, was ellf 14a�m u inforfilation an(t On wera e lais MrsDualop, Dunlop's dents of the town.- asking dh in. &onbuueod. 've the reeeut Par e tary elgeticna, Pathrick -bed, spot- ONX. reAtImee ofth as wc 066 de&l the- organ and on the lake Omar and mi. naMe3 found,. in suring up an old hot Imc statistiox. tom plela tTaeluselvda to, rush us flill.Colborna. Vor-partioulars see-sid- the Hirboi plans, V8 on Another Busi-INESS. 0TW, Wee Pat'and ye Tified peach whicli, being -struck bV, his 4. k �:: ombdittionand opinions oe but -thbYsecoll me I ebnt tna *0 czat wf� into debt st the ;& oJ millions of d;Wars lnteriste&of dock .,Commerce On- the, lak6 seems to have ve til a I �bqjf. The fibres of fruit Tec" ly: ev M*eat in another column. those 15_-,'�n ordered for Bishop-Uwisl�--Chich_ia. call me that same) I'll trate spa plit it year aikinKthe 9bundl - to id ity. Several vessels have f6r an object gooa-in it3alf but not I nud tl&�. worth'fa ua-rlt P]Wle of, the posTroNs=Nr.�-9'We direct attention to cformity therewith a it to"k. in- real ek, pass'- drop:of tlke.beSt�j I �oh�re as inj nam is air, Appear as-ptrfect as in -the mat- _nt one -.ithe� nd foti Ottaa.- We'-h�artilyz',con atillatw. th i the past- we mg Mr, coni"gation oti the Mofuisitidli,ou An -%in beetiseen withit ral state. the pitbeifigin the same con - when they per- ale of 0 ---Cam Ejq.,!for p sont4tiOn. le-,nanded, and the adverasoment postponing the -a eron, _dbwnwaids. I!here ppear4. Uri_ -e � ce: :ppwirds and 4ition, We rent: I. tgj prn3titnta our national horir' ge volua4 -te( thel 6§jeot and; atrament;an high�y calonlated 'tor: no 1, solso, in, the Shutter-�O tuitte", la-buvia-slata'ads. V-1304' Horace HOrtonuPPOT o'otthe church a�tid -eunable to. b 'no loose Joe llt)ating about to endang the body of a boy teceutilY. -C,�FES wita-hout b64 bootett down, t1it on at., from after spine discussdon, the appearaile n�t in Banner, that an& al Racket Sqaare SUPHamil* `6li �f gbdng UU er-navigp6tion, -and if the winds do disinterriaiithere, was foundtobepqtrified, RQtUT2'in,,7 _121h i..n(IM e tat,-& 0 M. 60BUILDING LOTIS i 0' the serVic'e'6f 0 g ; capable. 0 imn=4 ar-nmelab t �s4ty ie. DaMacy t000 ve too, boistorons,. tht, ha� 10 object being -ftlesday, 4th, April, tU1 Weaiw 11 - oo*, itistancespr ro-the Editorof the nuvoti Kignal t *-' to. tf�tR the sublimity and, t nd; The head, face, heck, hands glid. body may rLim, wk tuat I presdon lvlaori- Dancy, ex should ba allowed. t. in., at Sfr TmemanSS mittee, consistiug-O.f arsada may SIR :-.111 your isstre. of the 2ad inst. is -VOR Sale in t.he Town of Goderich- Rftdls 6 Alrit at 10 6 it"d .1 uld. - bo�cbira� of flOa%6g,.pr.mai!ae trade of -C retaiuqd their 6riginal form. p Lppointed to erness to The8eLI0tScT6VcU We -are bull n ing purpo The saleF 0 r;"too A�t toi, h�ucrpfojt11,.U0. catriea ou without any, tit-, a him All beirg plefigeg. We a , tis ed of Uoo:u 19 unaoidably ostponed Detior, Doy!6 and )m the -pen favombIli jjJt=tc4 fGr build- than !t wc %,t Ziere. re 8% -tidd heidea,-Stepheb, fr( deelianics an ot Aril ow a iew with the, .,t riitian pjais�. nfiti6fices. ar scribing the -of- sea. for 1 accou ner being nnab within live minuics w6jurnathe 8 'ate, spp to CHAELFA the on draft,w memorial i d 1 -paper, de 4 15ion of'Outirlo, on tho subject, "'I nt of'tho­ Ow te�f _ ng the ridglipt th0asthefiC4 of -'re lgidn� arid, we terr4ption- �rlsihg uf V4ter, id which he fallaciously attNks A Missisaippi a par tf".rMms and partille ow that the membprs who, voted Oitll nist ir i of,P011R, my: du -to reply. Vottir fects of the recent tornado in tion, of -For a his fla we kh, through busin09 eD9496melltas to 161TO wtil- eve Regsilt Daviol-T46irbomand -Bro5thers have me, and it btbat 4c VII)DEM 'Nsq.; orUeo karsons, towc a r it to Ims a hope4his 6ffdrt; 001ne (If -Ak arry-throu.-4 tilis, :sent ntil ihoattei'date. 1fforks t0t_jkqLtho_ in. -u it new, antex-tensive out- B�idiqusiy phar es" of being a mehiter that btate, say& in its repo 4ntirb,eommtinity�-.�.-We.had'th6� riviT it c6qplet6d, I � -1 1. 1 L . - tbw- governmet1b 11 _Gqderleh. Aprilgh, 1871. aom e, wi 'te U meet inst, wach �i A FIN9 UCTIOX,�­WOtvoulddirecL the able -cohsideroti6ik _r'Finatice 1646 of lihtehl hi will. opi.3n -he says, xoIilied Tx. Quiunlik hens were subsequeAtly- dis-. netati0cm sel ag to --thb instrine*ut,'play.� 'Wt f6i thi gilmmer fis -lug, -sit( MI servant irl a gmall MAMUY* I of ihi Trinm-i .1 '0 Com ietiom O� D A sonel 'did last atte Manufacturers to. the aaleL E moild ihF 4 the sumaf; 0 &,p;ay, pait of thom-entirely ution of th: --or, at, as; to his first,a 0 epheit. - Suspicion, ANTID -wages am Ulven.Apply Irecepho e season in'. , fira - t r13L ' *r4erp 4 4", �,Ylsery f)f that -133 te "a ItWinifiates; 1"foir dsys, overed miles l)!eni t! hAjioh ohunbia. 1141- Aa force of Tha ToolFaa advertised in�tbia 06 be,�paid idf till'Of imnAng3 acGd, iti� thi e preen Or of stripped of their fath6rs by at i he Jtot inch as-aonfidonq.�.cin 'be --Pl an *gl -* , on which it wi]:LAiiallk P1010111 the ;hetr Jonathen?s; arins, count-04yrtel.- Sayinvoui tb-aay. �The tioling-Was no eling, gas i * vn-tr- Will fly into Brot issue. 'jet half ti�o p*owp hu �&Trll #14 two miniatf 3 A Be e 11- tj-.asa tilrais ara not gmated, j4 mere, bu- aoceaiioll- R,. Hawle$-, F. bla �j MAJKMG. Avote to i first article. �d il tF Tjix !§poRT. n, - 0, Cr haie. Th,- 4iiitlitY �bi k6uo ii- GttftmelY GAR, ie Stmg course of conolual �-D or & go oft - ito&7 ve Joaldus-onandqd, peoplg, aVe not only ally of a morning, some entliusiastic shoot 41 Ano and the 6froot-bf:the. ry Sugar Making �join ahea�l - at, flill a Nova- �read requesti noil 0 put tie ­ , o - 'g, � � . , � 0— "CLaTing Pat?" oveached. to th I - Tilt ther. 0 1 so of their LolutB thcrn hhis gtM over his shoulder. . So 1 .4 � a: the � cjjp�i flutelike- notes, -itoim. jpst�.now.-w-:After a, temprary dry hamed of tUoms61vQs, hub - 8 eve sweet; some I . I _. 0 EPAFXD -e egirk] IT Qr4ers 19r, ��inj 'of th6 season,' which friellas ; this!' I reet3r there fix% been no Itick-as., though both 400ki, presently dila�ld lu'a otat �,thaoriso with Voter, or his 1HESUBSC, to F;LL ALT4 inclair as a large .'(to at th b aing- it At GodQriC,.'4, Q4 the MOTT 'of 'MOU With the via, W of ob the'famoM Dd Ig iu wbort,irelit-11111 3� would have be@n seen ins have passea. over �repair. Mr. 8 xiei arv_ovcr� the prospeOtsi Of t1lef, )11apte proj�r sigARtur( W114 ducks, and' a Anitis-Pres- 3E* f 'Fdr andsuf tly goes fir in s- Pige, ticli from that -To wdea �vor' AfnalOgy, in -. �thi 3rd inqtaut, the wife m it W-. - 'the -alter- t terterr". ch. ef the portion oflh6'taies . ----------- 060 liei� he O�njlhsiofi pf his artielo..' ruts it in Egialn in, flcwks, thq have been too Y. a4terOf, a .e aUe oil it lot -motie ton.&A.Heajg. dity"imbailding rip liationalit; a qfiartero reason to truth, jud gtTea gialg4djolL Parties sending V 'her wait Aliomwom, wIllpleme give s4-hiMyve" order -to be roachad from toy &Xmidktobm state of the, *eadier liks-bilice prov- �ajbeix�i& 8111!8 grad q -�-Weare anyinstance would. tat be expended tot ii, tUe d6okx i4 0.11011 of a son- leiith �6f well from tforin, namma essiar matten,and wO Why not should hivaria. -first Voier ifffor there Townshfpxg, - - Va. Lequizitism or Brittab drum with pqwdor, and, shoot. vage *m. under ell p4iijon tQ, conitautty pjifeirpalffith ih4so ind i e4.'moro�ospicio��,thAAwajev',Ow at Inforins me, wild _4CQW-"10aA#dT* He some tltni,- forthe in -g boistfug. between his first 'tip h'til w4s,tho.duty- bly.consign th, Ind mahY-whc"- had-'U'reafly hand. columbix tilia a ere, t . . jole'and ,#,ftain character oy the e%poriment of g Z -a imilarity all ntIqlalkileour n tionsil debt of t4oir lab: that oceasion-�, 0190 ions on tilb- beearick6ing file REVERSIBLE MOLE beat part I kebp i in Mt. wishing ta'vehtilatb theitopin ourhood, of the to i tq 'perarftbul4tp our Newfejunlal3U4 and p _vival wrVices of the to favour-: neiglib if SirJohn A. 31acdouild - - SPACUL SrVIVICU � a7l 16,mitterii'whethor they wish thtin hme iirsloit'. Will V, have. been'beld. eve n,,, this, week Crabb said . er; w 4 �Ovanoe as 1 1 1 * - 01 ridaitti6warit' foi theirlime, ich :makca-.�hita ii easy subject 'or At(;0der1ch, OnMonday the Sr"IlEt"t' ft. QQT -SOFFLER81 'ea. with aii sba 6m: to ua llow&n f*64o Town of to appeir or riol une'lion well as a street a some,'having already identityiby anyAeWdtiv6 of only ordinary- ThHo 60vukt-, C, ould aAwl his 01 low era, force, X4011 21X eutr4gL ey'l e r 68 of godd jomqatclif, infaut son of ry Co I �� most iveLth fEa trouble ['000.IbS Of n the CHURNS AND -STAkW CUTTEP "poll us, woo be to th6m, whta k1fo.V come, 3t 7-30 07clock-, t6dericliptitthom be, donfide'l -0 ii Auivi& dr Valor, writino, from am and �,Nl" S; PiestOu- t. bLfory Church. conductid by, Rev;. W. myth, lba to, F -AV10ar,- abili uld gat othe", All 8014 liberal temf� and QTdCM toamunt for treir xtevisr4shil, 1%rged which WO to the tQwn, ThesooronlArk$ X0P1Yt,%1u6u of ojcelliO ;aQf-' - otj,�'eo Of tl�d prfi tiw�whoolp ;J TAA Uk clen03 tttuded to. -mrsions. - r" Goderiell'Tow authority, C and will be c ntinued throughout -next ol t At Colfax, their ma*ter It should beasce tained ni�jp. I that mevidencejKgo6d, WooDtirF alq 011thd 16th, IL St&udprevlcqA1y0ceW1tabyW. E.Doold Q�den says L Thomas BesvAu beloged to, It ilia P ty this'lkl'-s, ja Lairely writteul before he in fKarch, 1871 to hear WX ODDYAzowsa -We are ilad at' a - artot a 6 O#pOsite In9flicient forcierlyf GoderW�j Aged.09 Yom 40at tD Itir the koat-gpeeiila6tiofi�of'iiuterlito,,Ikiaf*. conoid a y states, that I am an, Goderich March MUM -0tho-40 witt Udga is about to be opened in Kin-' yt t1lgy w I in, re- T0, I "I I I I -F P TRE'ROYAL 0 nowledges Ma et the th'prep4rEAiof* for Agri- __a -If Voter, ack. . JUBIL 011oHmplanst.lort V17411t6d, cordine. The instuSuration,will take place !by try then t of A�PRI16 Sidi. 'to. 6m., - farmiii* litire'lipA- fleiontin, -the former casqbe must do 80, 'Soms fimo In M*Y. cultural pursal T1w strxi,4t. course _0f i-oglAngdotie-in the latter, or o(lierw4ys HickauwledgO A OTS $92, a t tit ViTpl J� great. atiiou F, KrurAst Ditntm-The VUPUX of the Psrlia if it _P )410,� �btjon, forlmaing ISUCh g!43Z� 3C itient. bel'o a60egequently -be lovild iii Aireat Cent"# 91S sad 014,A10te tO 'Lis , be wee it to- Tcti,�Vditarofthi 11=611$1911slol! L ROW. 0AkLrY_& L"y 'Of tU' faFhisn bms j; '�Allo Mo. ing.ch 91,OAW, st Ottswa, hIS glTell 00 OMPIA616 C4;1tr%1 Ire 31OW leg k1k put 001, thei no dflou 6 moot ihe ap augeo it to abort a, space, hi is very Attitable lor bu:dalag P"t, WM S3 W: RecturW d Trunk, sn sJoiward4tate-40 0ant gh theirfacitilp by.Abe I'vincipal. jU a;ln a inefflency. Voter _suddeUver theirnewAnd onsitradiation to the Joilouations of his WOO lij.-. "Those, who bave judge. of say�_fcilaq eric L. W64 F theers brkwk la e valuable tne �young prc ovr-beUW- sa d Ctb, 18 - The prastio connotbe too highly c6mmed- ho n L !up All- it r%ht* io.th to iniorm. x6 �chitig, 4bodAl ;g in Cr&bb's VictOris Hill, On Wfanesday am ow giver columus, . 0 yi,,that,be undepstands that I wished to. 43-d 1 4th A1*0' U' seal . next., Atil Sit AU '1?5cu ded ill-widim. Alit be is lew auu6i !eon muchplougUin%etilltodolair Thnimlayeveningg poli ed. Amongst the bwpr boys t comw- gQY4 Iftmailt. If thi Id join this towni that it thOy, Con, ink the school, buf the tros- victorK cbist Men in Bur. N- Me Tho MONO n ag in TO ve th woudd not be, with the property-holdimiiLteir"ted, Sad M41F444 ating - I, I- old, r- JOHN te Rigbw al. Reftwer,mm that vW he asked tht, could be pt UPAW t alinoy the D6 e ; an t e -ginevp -d blit6fit ;rouldnotletme go -&c. S61118 Re Bf_Lt� GORDO Thistle A LP T"rx Ur got a oharterAl s"061, at they 1D 00 11111- 1 ing:ufteu becomes lml?ftu�- lGE is %EPXBY -olypN THIT L U. GOR, Thl '*d in the Ito Of MO& to matter!w Is in the Graids I n e to. 3ona understau4i agentana Id Admis1W lug*" - f !awl N r ol uoderlebl Is not my . I a 1rute t of the bmtk Riding. His Mo Oct SALT MAXtrunum *is dstor- to - bi those interested iod thiy could be 1"t 46* evenings by o s of aros- ed, liti)ugfi, abn1brifisrabeimuou do] �s 7-30 , Ied t6n "id the done *'f4'r. ") I the door, our Oat- sarguin -1waye-Aukmoti L er for we or ox tau" Ifia iNts""ba" �40% *M ily 9"M cm lainea ;o ke" tU* nwket they hao, and reinbursod N, W HOT throwlZf;L heavy stones 244ast u th 11" no iuthcdtF40 We, Z�, Mt#nt W,ik tb*Vay 10W prke ZtL Whkh OWaershf ibliO SS they 4T Or,- at p "U. fuyer -604! el*rly 4da.i­ rous 6f All kinds., Ie-,t1this,uudoubWdJy, lathe taiol-wi 8 My 4CCOUnt, neetl sopelted, AQ04 wo rip QuakEoc. W ill bouls4ept, to -Vo hoi-nevic_ -would a#. do side of the Libwsl jmrty. %a we were Thoy we " to U7 t" od. 33d if the Towu bois orrt itiert it their names w W e 0 age Tolonto %#t Rajolt is1l krition, th t a exception of penuedtllXtfpbeh0,4 r*o8r6*pr.e d so ways sesered t* woull i)�. Wo MI) adt' now is- ks Weft very', P�Omidn with psiriwAnt of shippin in Ulk by whi* skould be ftod. N�W.* Aientservt., )aarshy field*, a desiTtv tio-'any. V110- �fll# Jla�!y 141 NwIt o;w *XOMWflese 0,1 tM 271h alto ex was &4mm- Yow obi $"we wa will doubt so=* a fv�_hold on' a distrAce to tlwtOwn inall� iWilit has X r Waki's mveh-usldeJ ftwurfl t* Ammer 4ame to iolq4*44mopt *0 swats, b, ?ft, TTIV E ;� J�n 0 01 igp es This S t s: mi e� n. a 0 0 aal ns la- atJ ho7 ISO bav'a t ecl ry f* UL 4r