HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-04-06, Page 1W_ i % iiiiiiiiiii'l . --- _ - , , , __ — , - - - _ I - I _ � . - � I . - - .— I -_ -_ I � � - � I I I � '. ______ - -1 �_____ � _���___ - � I I I I - I - I . � . - . � I 1`­�,�" ­ �� __ - . . - I . .1 . . � - . . . - I - . . . I � .. - �. . . 1. I ., I I * , I -. I � . I I - - - - -_ . 1\ , - .- - . . . . I I : 4� I . � � � � . I ,� . . . �` . � I I , I . - : . - . I I . . . � �". . ., . I- - .1 . I - �, I I . � I . i i . I I . \1 - - � I � . . -_ � 'k .. L . - . . . -_ - I I I I � I I - I I . . F, . . - . . . I . I � - . � . I I I : I � - . . . . � I I . - I . . - .1 . I � I I . . � . - - . - I I � . I . . . 11 I . I - � I . . . - -_ I I . - . . . I �. I I . . . . 10 . . - I I I . . . . .\" . I I I . 1. - I * � . . I - I � - I I � I ,. _ . . ­ I . I . . , -1 - � . . - � I I I . , \1 �. . . � I � .� . - . � - - . � . I . . . . 11 � - � - I . - .- . . I I I , . � � I I I � � - 0�1_1 ! - , . . . � . . '. — � I . � I I I . - - - . . I . I � V . . . i . . I . � I-, � , �. I ,I: 1, , � . -_ - I � - I - I , ! I - . I - � I . � I - . . - �,_ - :�01__ - - - . I . - - I I � . � � . I I . - . .. . . ., ! ; I I - I I - - I I . - I I i I I I . � . I - . . - I � . � I . . � - . _. . I . I - ­ I " , - . - i - � . � . . � r I ! I . . - I .1 �- I I . . I .1 . . , . � ! i . .- - . . 1_� . 7 1 � � I . I - � - � . .- I I - I ? I I . . . I - I I I . . . I . I - - . I � i . . I , , I . : . . . , � . � . I . . . - � I � . I - � � - I , . � I " - .­­ .-"-. --.-,.--.---, . . - .,.-f;l ­_�_._­ . ......__ __ . - — -1 � 1- 1-1 - - ­ . - . � , . - , '. -, -,.- - � .1 - - ­ . - --- - � .­ - -"---. - � - _41.- --.I..-.-- _ __ - _.. .. - � I - - , I - _. __ - ­ ­ .. - - _;_­ __;_ ­_ ­­ __ ... - -1- _� - - __ �­­ ­­ .. _____ _�-�-­­� -___,­� 1-2 ,!�.!.? - - - - - __ - 1111111111111111111111011111 . - - __ . - . ....".1. ..­� I �!_. I—— i, . I I ?� .. � - � !i!iir�_ r � �!_�'" ��i - - . I . I - -_ I --- . - I . � a - . .1 .� t - � ­ I , .1 , I .. ? , - " I .r of- Mg Vbtte- - , ! . - 1. . ­_ - . � . � .A, mniimr , n L01grinthal - ' M - - - - - - - - - - - - 11,�'-. - 11 ; � . I . 11 tains and 6d -havo . . 0 ��, I ; I � ; . - ... Bus* ess 01rat ru. i I I - I . - � - I I I . - . ;�01 I - - I I I � . . I - - . I -1 11 . � . I Rrianea lu the com. - 0 __ ___ --- �,'� . . . ; � I .� - I lmlv. I - lio '_ I - - -_ . � - .11 � i � I . - I . 11 . 17 ��_ I - � I - ' � 1 -131--. I-. -5-. Mal3oviann I I I I . � I . I I � I J i4;zz , f,bijo ir I � . � - -1 ­ I . . gAlt 1KRAN MICO, Afdtd� Tile - . '. 1� ­ . . . � . I I ___� . . B AT nomn ron co,isuLTATioN .1 . . . . " begin recOLved froift UaKqpc� Ore; I " . / . � - . I �� - . � ing has ,, WIL-L - 11 0�ctaorehea.w,tn ver,ayt ,d,as,, Will visit - I �; I , � � - . I . � . ,on, dated th6b.yeotug bf -06 21th .- JVh6l paaeuts 7 0 ,,, r ,rz,3 W4 .1 - r, .i .. - : I i� I � < " : ; - ,_ . - I � I . . . . . . � il Perdup.alid Jobii . Beaselby, of 1=M14F ­ �F,;. 1 P . I � I . I I . � , � � Vl i - , . - - , . Glass Vulloy; 1ri ihis countr woft , intd I _�� . - il��. 0. !9h%.nn03M M. 1D. � _ . , I � - - . 1 � � , , _ ! . - + . ,ki. , HYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c. i-- , , , 5� 1 1 , �.- I I I I I , I the coast rap 10 - 6f mountains foi 4 few c., Gommicu. 0. W ��, I?- i i " ( ' - . �, I V . . - . I & I C � 1, � - , I 1i im a to bn 1TitendingtofetzIrfl.V,atc:r,b P 13-40-ly 1 [A . I . 11�tl; !� I - 1. ­ � . / ./ - � - . � - "I night. Diligent search. hat� beeii - inado fivi mcl� � nn. MaTADA,X. � - . - - . .; � ,_ . I . . %� ! t - I I themi but nb ttace has been founil. Some M=SURGEON. CORONER, &c. Otfice i , i I . . tuen who weait insearah nearly pex.shed. - c6third dooreast ofCcutrals400l. 49 . � ; - . ___ � . . Y" - a , . . � � � � I I I 'Three of one party,of five _"Ireialso -salmd-w: . - I I 113`191711`001N . I - - . I - - k*. M_ 1%,1:0-.410TC11-,TC;" M. ID � . I I . I ; 1. . I W110101KI-A-V 10- - - � . - I I � ed to be loA, as they did not riatura. ac-. . . - _____ __ __ I == . — —_ —_ I . _� ­ — --- lording tolagreement. Another palty -ef LICaNTIATV, COLLEGE PHYSICIANSLIM SUR, . I I . I - � . . I TAXES YOUNG, Editor, . GEONS, C. n. Residence, the house formerly GEO. 0 O]K' & ABRAHAM SM ETH, Proprietors. 11 The Greatest Po8sible -Good to the Greate-st POSSibkNumber- ' . . . five is stippoiled to be lost. Large coinz . , mcapied bv Mr. J. R C. Raldan, C1611a Strect. � � � . . . . . I � panics areforntQ to go Into the iholalz � I . I - .__ - I .1 — - — __ __ . S ,.& - - - --rl---- 11 I - tainsaflxrtliern. ItisalmosbtierMiu,tha , . ­ . . 9 "R, OA�S.'�;A,Lll__V, S I .00 'OM n ,A.IVW- 1W -A.'" NVA-WiOlE, ! I , . . . . 1_:�. . . Itus beciii (of McGill College) I I 1VOL. XXIV— NO 11 they have perished with cold. 4--.00 .-L'InEwiDbilip X-M.4LU. I - GODERICH, ONTARIO, D.C89 THURSDAY.) APRIL 6., 18710* - 40 - cold and very fou'ry in the mountaing,uHtZ - . T)E1y8ICTA1-T,9URG13ON,&c.. Offiee� overhis Drug . i � I I � . � . ­ - - . On t I � JL tore,Goderieh, Ontario. SWI02 1 1 . - - --r-WAR Ing and snovVing,colitinually for .tkia pb�s - - . - , 1, , , - — . � . - - - . I ____ —_ - - — — - - - I . - ,eeki afid is still raining; - _— - - , I DUNGANNON— manufacturing'interestis"; with- the namelif The fame of Bret Harte has so brilliantly � . � . - B. WALDEN9 1M. D. Business Jakedorp. 13winC419 MrCC6 '11surance. " q shot to -the zenith as torpnder any- comments -_ rcYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHE1711 &C. - orve - . I � . of Messrs Satiaby, Harris aud Didher. - task. The ver- . - I . I . � REFoRm - CrmERRATI:ox-One - of the Then followelftliki -"Agrictilturil intor- ( on his poems a Baperfluous - Mcoalad Residence (Latc,Widow MacPherson' - --- - � 0 igOVE11E. ,ws tx 0AR&1; 11 Hotel). Araberly out, — , dict of the popular mind has only unticipated Nov -X2Ie,IS-,o. w44 -6m 1NT 30 'NA7 I X=t .-M —A-&, C>"%7 .a. X.A INSURE YOUR PROPERTY I pleaaanteSt little gatherings, we have ever est0 with thenamesof Messrs Waskjogto,nj, - � I . 0. a, 3 A a Morris, John I . _eMb� Girvi thevoice c,fsouud criticism. Rapid as -has - - Waggion aLd Carriage � , I 0— � . THE' attended, was held in Dungannon on the - ew - . Treleaven. . I 11 been his elevation,it is the result of no 1wkys- FORMATIOX OF A SU MAINTRhlif Ira X,0"M-Is. . IINT 41 evening of Tuesday, 28th inst. A few of MR. WimnNGTomr regarded the Agricul- I that are dark and tricks that are vain.' but COA11HITTEE. I B&RRIMR ANI)i ATTORNEY -IT -LAW, AND F A 0 T 0 R -Y - . DAI�Ild I L GORDON, I . rj UL . of rare endowments ofinind and felicities of . - ..... 8,31;-itor-in-Chancery, County Crown Attorney, AgrimItural IN5TIRANCE C'ompany the reformers of I)ungannon and inimedi- tnrid intere3tsas:fi Cand, ow � orftut u -1 -K R - , . IMP oncirable, to his . - _':VEEn81bi:',iT;.- Gaderich, Ca=daWest_ O&ce in Co ri House. vI4n40 C_,&1E3TW1 I F,']P M-A,r M1, . � ate neighborhood having come to the colit- ina4ycottutry. Fromthe.pr(?d tsofthe opportunity. and is 4equally h GARIBALDI 116NORARY � - . I BATES & ELL _rrA . . — 0— I il a nation's greatness C, im. Own fine gitts, and to the taste df !its com- � , ___ . IOT'T UPZL%FLSrERERS 08 lusion that ,all work and lie play makes 80 . %T, he - 1 on 'UAVE pleasure inintimat- STOCKCONIPANY. Insures only Fam Build. c provemeutioLthe last 40, ____ -pre as- PatriOtsfrOm the Pacificto the Ailantic� � JL I Ing to the public oft6wu 1-0 inas and Isolated Tbwn Residences, Chartered Jack adullboy,' gotupauO3 tinishing. Aboutthattimehe came to His ra4y humor is untainted by coarseness or . i, B ARRISTUP, ATTORNEY, CONVEYANCER, &c., " . I . A rster stipper NE W ARMIE 8 TO � Bt ITORMEd: i � Kingston st- Goderich, Out.. w49 I and country thWthey have ASWrTHAVIEW and commenced busatess in 1853. . ­Muod.' affectation, and its robn9t itrength bus the I - — opened a Waggon ard carriage - -_ - _�_. H to keep up with - � in honur ,of the triumphant return Of Toronto a Oniall boy. It wit& then A 0031PLLLNT FROM TURK Y TO 3169f -t � Shop on St. 13EL%rid's st, _ .- _­ . the times purchased & 01APrEAL ..:� .............. 8100,060 Thomas Gibson, Esq,', of Wroxeter, as M. dilittle York' and the country aroundit charm of genuine spontabbity. It is never E ,( Caineroix .ft C_*%rrow. , - (L,exvis Elliott's old standl im. - � fitted up the store two SURPLUS ................... 425,000 ovement soilid by themarkli of We pRie e current, or - I 1, ARPJ8TERS, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c. mediately adioining he Western Hotel. B. E. i doors west of 9e Post � almost -a wildemess. The impr - � �, P. P. A few invitations we're issued (one . ' * ' - ,� . r � - - Oface as a fleporited with the Domlition. Government for beneflt . forced *ut ot a weary brain to fulfil the Paris, March !�-i��-Tbls affeidbbrii ii - B051ce, Kingston street� Goderich. attend personally to all the work entrusted to them, � , � ce then, as they all knew, was amazing. Al. C. CAn=074. w5o. J. T. GAuRow. and are prepared to turn out - = "I � ._1 I . ,of Canadian Policy Holders ............ $r>4,5.00 of which we had the honor of receiving) �siu ' . terms of a -contract. The comic element in sub -central .dominittee.wasIbraluaj,680 . - I . TURE To be increased ...... j ................... 100,000 The success of iast election was beyond . � =� I.& URN . I ,�_ . I .��, - t _ - I- . on the first of June 1871. � everybody'a expectations. When - one � IV, Waggons, Buggies, I - ­ and some nixty tried and true men assenib- Bret Hisrte is tempered by a loving sense of Astle- oftwelve menib'drs D1. AsSy 191 __ lei pathos easily takes . - - llsaac Er.'roms. Cutters, 'Sleighs, — - WAREHOUSE led to congratulate each other, on the hap- filiought of the patronage -the Government hinnadity. and a tent real president, and Gafl�aldi honorarjf . - HEAD MICE FOR CANADA -his fian and frolic. Thepresent - BARRISTRE"' ATMRITEY-at-LAW, SOLICITOR and everything in their line, of the iie , ry best material . ­­ I - � I � . had to bestow and the defeat they had the place of . I prestacut of the conimitt-eq. . im Chancery. &c., Goderich. Ontario. Office- UW6 carry on the above U11811118313 py result of the late election contest. -The . . . a and workmanship and at the very lowest remunerative where he will fall �XC. 3EW4G61R9t1C> 1%T notwithstanding sustained, it spoke well volurine contains fow pieces that are not al- bWs bloak, Kingston, street sw-'7 rates, � more er. While thankfal for past Dining Room of Mr. D. Swift's Hotel (who. for the progress �6he Reform party, That ready widely known tothe public, most of Decrees were issued for tfia fdr:VaeIG21 - . . . opes 1by strietattentim to merita Rates on Farmproperty $9 pa�oaugec a- rgi P;r $1000 for a years - - - - e -five UttalionS ,of infantry; X C)i 3E3 73 X IV C3-1' c. t,. and incre�se of'support. Rates on detached Town ldentsfrom756to$20n b the b 8) party has 'the wealth and intelligence of them indeed having becont us familiaras the of tivinty ]Doyle .ft Squier, T y we ought to mention, has - TKe course of . . on. "BAIMISTERS AND ATTORNIES, SOLICYWRS- promptly attended to. I eabh $100 fof 3 years, a cording to cliss of bullaing within the last two months returned to the comitry in its ,ratiks.' lays of the nursery -by constant rep0titi t*enly batteries of artillery, tind fift-ted 2 � Chancery, &c. Goderich, Ont- HEIKAS NOW ON HAND I c '" - . The followilig-poem has not been reprinted batteries of mitrailleuses. Thel"lationfif L.- ON HAND, a large assortment of I the governmeEt duritig the past four years . B. in DoVLl__ sws W. R_ sciumn. B.A. one of the largest stocks of furniture in the County A CASH C,OMPANyj �his old stand) was closely packed when " i so otten as 'Some -others, though we can Guards are to be pat&Awo apil a haf . -If -1. -C-4 and. on the sltortest notice. ared to . No rREmiux NOTES, NO ASSESS- the company sat clown to a Capital supper. must have been humiliatingto everythink- -,arcely hope to present it to auy of 6ur . Nviiwanx ]a. 13%irt, ]a. Jk. f� 3Ls 30 31 4G!r 3E supply cust".mers wit4 everything IMP line, such as - MENTS. __ . ing man. Re counselled those present to. so fr.=s daily. General Davall iorganisa - . ,bich will be sold Cheap for Onsh ox- 40ord- Drawl groom antl Parlor Setts ' I . Mrs. Sivift had performed her duty famo- be faithful to- themselves and have- fidelity' readers for the first dine : , the artillery, Henry the infantry, an -if ( ' . - VNCERT AND LAW OFFICE. ciaAiisls iqEw viroo(L ,, Bedrollin setta � in Wah-ut, A firsc-claas brtekhouse TO fiet Isolated for $1000. In- - � JOWT BURIM OP GEMEBITEG, , - Clubaudings, Kingston, Street Goderich. Goderich, Aug I 1810. wso d. 0 CLO Ij In Chestnut; surance for Byears costs only $7,60 A frame house usly . the oysters being,done io a, turn, to their principles. . I r ,3 f . 4D Baq;act the cavalry. They nr� zuth,c- . . N. B. --CoaveyancinZ. 31ohey tent on reasonable ___ - - do do i in White wood, � 50 or 70 fe,it, Isolated costs o.niv Ij per cent. fo asired JOHN Mourtis,'Esq., was glia .to be with H%ve you heard tile story that gossips t It I ,� j erm�� Dispateeatid c6factive titles to real estate �, v�ry description, I years insurance, and the concomitants all that could be di P let many intelligent men, and to be. with OfBurn5 ofGett,pbargj-NoV Ali. Well: risedto levy -r- quisitions on iverythbig. 0. ,%vso ide rt 1, a I Brief is the glory that licra eami. . Y, qmieted. Goderich, Aug, 14 188 Feather Bolsters, ]�Ulows, &a., &o� . aR $the �a y e h d supvorted all his life.� Briefer the apltry,ot poor John Biirns� I Lazarus, Morris. & C o - Matt .... Is of ' ' - NO POLICY & SUAVEY FEE CHARGED _da I bountiful supply prov d of every- I -- I Gouruch a ItIcUlGer of 'thecoinmittce�- . � - I . both eatable and drinkable of the He had seen all the elections in the Coun- Ile was the.levow whomoa Itnownf commands the gunboats in the Seine; � 1.1 :� � ON HANDIA LARGE AS- All losses paid promptly. The "Agilcultural"atands thing The only man- I it'ho,41dast Wei; down 5 M. X1C]3r0T,S(:)1%T, I S �IENT OF at the head of the list of the 74 insurance Companies finest quality. 4 astice having been done Huron,' and this was thA , greatest When tile reb�.Is rode tfirgugh his native town : Floarens has resigned, Volgramie igre�r I tings, , Chromes; Lithographs ofthe stateotiqew York,and the stock Is worth doable - the reform party had achieved. It Bat held blo,own -in the fight unt day, - A ) I I fFN 8FRGEWN DENTIST. , __ Pictures such as Oil ' I -slate. to the good things, the cloth was removed, taotolfry. way. . signinop and Garibaldi bag bpeir offere& I Phot gements '""I of any other Companyin the whet. all tils townsfolk ran a, it, J I c graph of the . Havingmadearmi . was something for this --County to -be re- That was it. July, sixty-tbree. supreme command of the Natiobalauardi?; le Rooms over the Post Office, West Street, I - with a Toronto Alan cturing Housw can Losses in Canada payatle in Gold. and the interchange of feeling and opinion I [my that General Lee, I - - ­ rames u t style required at supply 'y d Goderich. I_ --- - - - ­ Picture F Toronto presented by two reformers at Ottawa and. pe vel iouthern. chivalry, It is not known whether he will, nocept. . A. M. HARDY, Agent, Goderich, Ont. began. bwo.at Toronto. They will soon be called Flower of I Augwt 14th, 1870 Wsotf . prices. . ifaftled and beaten, baelmartl reeled The commune will be officially pre.- - . la- Has always i in hand a complete assort February 16th; 1871. . .� - sw5l . Wx. MALLo1uo;u, ESQ., who occupied on to go through the ordeal of a Dominion From a,talibora Meade =dX, barren field, . . I Optiftians and Oculists, ment of . � . I the chair, felt prouato be in the position.- election. Let each gentleman post him- .. I . . claimed on Thursday -next. Of 390.00-6 � I I 4 C11IFFORD ELLIOT. . solf,use hisinfluence,and they willciontinue I ruight tell how, but the day before, registered voters in karis;' ionly 130 . � j They were met to congratulate each other John Bums stood atthe euttage door.., ,,0019 I ` It AVE, WITH .& VIE % TO MEET THE 0- Cqfuas & Shrot,ds in the Latest Style. i . . to bevictoriaus in the future.- . Looking (town the village street, - , voted. . i � 1� 1i I on the victory over Mr. W. T. Hays,, and R. TR:ELEAVhj,T ESQ., was happy to meet Where in the shade of his peaceffil vine, ,, 24th. -The Patr �� CREASED der.and for the celetir - ated Perfected - He heard the low of his gatbered-_Ine, - . . 11 . XL veyancer, &(- Spectacles, appointied F . . -M the"returnof Thomas Gibson, Esq., Wroxe- with all. He wai glall the reformers had And felt their breath wlt1tt bWwen sweet 3 of _00128talltinct -le has ,complained to thiS . I A TTOPNEY-at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Con- If RAES to hire. `ETNA � I .$t. Petersburg ior4 . j0RDON1 chemist and Alsoq,-HE d' \ I Wf.N-GHA.%Tj Ox.T. - Druggist, Goderich, Out . as the.r Stile � Russ . inn synod that the Sublime Pertof I � %, A in for this RInce. They havei taken care to give ali 403aev � ]Rol& 404MOIX ter,by so laree a majority. He wou)[d not beensunsful this time audhopedthey would Or I might say, when tile sunset burned P I rued , . g fiil,iistroction.. and nave confide -nee in the ability koe g together,- always trying to get The old farm gable, liethoug] t It tu . Uoney to lend. Disputed Titles quieted. Crown .ed cast FIRE INSURAKE COMPANY at present doetain them with many remarks. g0% pulling I The milli that fell Ina babbling flood . is disturbjng the order -of the charo'h W * ' Land Patents obtained cheaply. ot their Agents to the -requirements of all omers. 1 2 Doors est of Post OMce. men, sound men, men they could de- Into the milk -pall, red -as blood I � - - Jul 25tli. 187Q, � w27-ly An opportunity %vill thus t.forded to procure, at al. - HARTFORD CONN- � am there were 'plently of 41ife speakers to pond on. If they were deceived. Ur how be fancied the linm bf bees Bulgaria. The answer -ofthe Synod wflP _� times, Spectacles nnrluatled by any for their strength- 0::Jwp. LjtMbe,r ail,10ordwood taken in Ex- .. � L - thst was Were bullets bitzzing pnong the trees. appear in the ,,0fflc1a1,Jow-,-7z,a1 to-molrroWr . � I . enin j — entertain them. He then proposed at in- not their fault anashould not discourage But all such fanciful thoughts as these I T G and(greservinfoqualitirs. L I I I 7r. 13. StolKes, I ,,o inn cannot said as to their superiority over change. I CASH CAPYIAL ........... $3,000,000 them. They should, keep on.trying till were strange to a practical man like Burns. Bucharest, Match 28.�-A now Rouratax FOR STRATFORD AGRICULTURAL the ordinary glasses worn. rhere is n 9 immerin.', Goderich. Dec. 23rg 1870. awl tervals the following toasts .- - Who mindedQnly his , own concerns n I A%M"T J--pl, tlh,—. proprietor). Residence. wavenn.- of the bight dizziness, or other unpleasant — CASHASSETS _,....... 5,782,635.09 they did get good men. � I I& cabinet has Wen formed, WhU &-no-­ tr. - The Queen.- The Prince and . Princess Troubled no more by fancies fine I L . B,yadd "L wil-ly-sp sensation, but, on the contrary, from the peculiar con- I LOSSES PAID IN 51 YEAR'S 28,000,000. R. T-ArLon, Esq., was delighted the're- The, one of his calai-eyed. long-talled-ldne,- ral Tilf as minister of public Wurki5- ad& � st, action of the Lenses they are soothing,_and pleasnat, I of' Wales and the other members of - the formers had made sliely a slaughter.' They Quite old-fashioned and rivitter-of4ad, - F loris as commisbioner of war. Ju cbIfT i (eeling ofrebef to t' -e wearer, and produ Ing I . .The LaTgeSt Capital . �argue, but quich to act. - �f., I ILI . , S. lualcomanon, =d distinct vision, as �n the natural heacl by I Royal Family. Their Exoellencies thy were here to celebtate Ithe victory. He 610wtO on. as Sonic folks say, sequence ofthe Fossago of nit indirect � I QARMSTZp, A.TTOR-, ,nght.. Their are the only Spectacles that� - 11liat was the reas � . � .My, SOLICITOR, &C.,&c. . N BOOM THE LARGEST ASSETS Governor General of Canada and Lieut. was well satisfied with Mr Gibson, but Ile fought so welt on that terrl�le day.� I . j L.0 Clinton, Out. W3Zj i � . . Vote ,of consure, it' is, expectea thtt V-dho%, ( PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE , — -, AND Governor of Ontario. These having- bee4 would like hinitounilerstandthat if he did And it was terriblev Ontheright ., I MONEY TO LE,NTD. FT � 61AUtIOn of thO Ohulm�ersylll beatuloati&f SIG . I I VV.A 1-AlEj IF*_AAP:01R * not do right, it miald be the duty of re- Raged forhourg the deadIffighr, - il � -'. I , INCOME drunk with an �nthusjasm which made formers to call a -convention, and, if he Thundered the battery's ( cable bass; - Stron_-"Ar ScticLiew. they are the cheapest because the best, always Wting I TffE LARGEST ANNWIL - ( t9 morrow.� ' - � �. manv years without change being� necessary. - & 89 &C. , . OF "y - ,roof and raftei ring again,' the chairman could not answer for his conduct, ask him DilflItilt music for men to face -, . - . 4 .- I . - ii, - . TFIdle on theleft-where now the graves � f) EAL ESTATn AND INSURANCE: AGENTS, NO. D: -j -We employ no Pletilars. DAN, 9 The Elections in Mauitob&- 11 V, n d, Arc4p, Building, Buffalo, N. Y. F. JOR WHOLES�%,LE & RETAIL FIRE INSURANCE commsY proposed a brimming bumper to 'Efer to resign. They sh,)ul4 ispeak ofteher and Undulated likethe living waves,' I LLxFs C. S,raox% Attqrney-at-Laiw. H. R. SQU11M. * more freely to their representativesand not Thatall, thut day uncemingswept . 1% Aug. 13th 1810. W30 Sole. Agent for UoeencM, 1i IN AMEBIC.A. 'Majesty's Loyal opposition ;1 -asking -"he U tberebelskept- , - Goderich Aug' - � U9. I VVIS - 'hille4jed ti R itilith.pt'plowed the upland glades. . I ominion let them go on und U election. - Winnepeg, Mar 4, via St Clould gfdii. -15 3870 AT �'UTLEWS. 0::3? -Deposit ma& with the D Messrs William Young, of Colborne, and ti -me came round. -They should go on a sowntylth builets,reaperl with bla4cs ; 1- Mar 21.-Tlio Domiuioa -clectioffig *uf ' ". -14ex:)i0ximall � . � I ! Gove.ritnwnt f(n- the benefit of Canadian James Somerville of Lucknow, to reply. good principle, got w good . a man as pos- shattertil. fences here and there . O . UCENSED ATUTIONEER, BAYPIRLD, County of I . Tossed their snItnters in the air - , ' ff quietly, oti,the Und - lust., Vx6apting I S -ales in village or country panctualt7 at- D10:9� � - PoZicy holde7s exclusivelv. sible, and if he aidn't,do rigght send him T1 ... very trees were stripped anii ban ; - in Lisgar abd Juarquetteb Ju t1pe formcf W9-1yra .-L - ea-Receut failures show ,,,ende to. "Oft— FIANOS9 "" - t about his business. Th�y had enough of The barns that once held yellow grain Haran. the impor. The toast was drunkwith threerousing 11� TyTr I tance of patronizing the Companies that af- chisers. Were heaped -with harvests of the slain , /,-. district ihe vote .Etooa, schuitz snD,� I ; tord the most reliable indemnity and the � � rene,gados already, and. the* eleetora'WhO The cattlebellowed on the plain,. � . - Inkster 64. The -& ns. will bo'prd- _� . __ efic MELODEONS, ' ' - _e, '� ,jh1aild main L I 'of ine , , I tolerated them, were e the kind of T - ti'l _�e�i �cr ane"'w" he lMidatiojf� . .worse than renegades . . I value of an A:tna Policy must be apparent. WILLUM YOUN4, ESQ., on rising to A& ro arn- rt their 'lost . tested on t L 0. 0. F. E ORGANS,' � themselves. Hedid"not lik W -d br .dlag b fo I I. I ith.tratiglishell. .1. grouilC Iffous urauce of b;.tl , 1. ...b It'.& CHURCH ORGANS, A Beauti 1 Assortment N. B. -Especial attention even to the Ing speak, was very warmly applauded, and reformers that the rheumatizI or a bad . bribery, and illegal voting. At vifcP fa -_ Dwellings, Churches, School and Public Buildings -for . � /_ � 10 to bi),&Ed - � Piano'Stools. &c., &c,, OF . terms of three and five years. at rates as ,low as they expressed himself highly obliged -for the cold ! or a pressing necessity to go to town! Just where the tide of battle turns, , polling housethe polUbul � . H,X,M(,,.��'t,�2t,t,h,.ir"H.,o�: � can be made with galety to the Company. receptionhe had.got, and very bappy would, prevent from�Aoiugitheir ,duty at E-c"d lonely ptood oid John rups, . � 'How do you think themlou was dl*ssed 2 6eut� minutes sfterit�opellei�_Ineaffx � ch, Manufactured bv the celebrated Firm oil - , . %lbio Block. GGderi I . � � C%=t)evcrynThu sday evening, at R. S. WILLIAMS & CO.. TORONTO. JEWELLERY OF ALL KINDS DIXIE WATSONY tobepresent. He had been preftfreely the polls. If any such were present, he He wore. anancieptiong. buff vest,! -_ , Sequence. of the violence add indmiia:' - , " Tjecicek; Entrance on Kingston street, visiting The most extensive makers in the Uominion. - TUST jt�CErVED, - . gent abused for the stand lie topk in the - past would just say they rpmi4,d$d hiin of the. Yellow ass4aon,-but his best - � - sed. Ttepoll was re-opelied,-Uffi .1 bretbren are co�r"y invitecLI . - 'I O;y election,, and had been tol;l hehad I And. buttoned over his manly li;c�st, tion U . , D. CAUPBELL, secretary- �� Goderich,.Tan. 2$tb, 1871. w2 . I right Highlander w1io ke'pteafe'V. in the House Was a bright blue coat; with A roildig collar. not by tho.returning,DjEcer. In Xur4fliettt? - and Ito be sold � I to change his opinion. , He frankly con and looked through.skfilot-hole at his wife -And lhrge gilt buttons, -size of a Arffar,� I Gtide4eh. Feb. Sd,1871, W3-ly- HE: undersigned begs to intimate that he bas teen 11 : - fessed that he had been srhat was ;alled a I I With taits that the country-folk,called 1-54aller." the 'vote was, I .Avgus NQK-4y 2-82, Drr,, . - - Tappointed "gent for Goderich and the surrounding 011 -EAP . 1:13 UT]EXIVS- killing a bear, andf1wh6n the wife bad sue- Heworeabroad-brinimed, bell-er6vinedhat, - . � , . freoly 11 country of the above justly celebrated firm, and is pre- I . % . Tory, for the past thirty years. But he ceeded rushed o4and shouted 110ch she White as the looks on which -it sat,� 14ynch '282. Intimidation Was ; pa.d to ' " __ 11�� � , I - "ell all articles made by them, at 0 : saw that that party was every yeakir getting" herself has killeAlit." They could afford Weyer hadsucha,sightbeeniieeia I used) and McKay - was ebaseA froln: the? � , � __��, �: - � :E:111_A"14V9r11 - W<Ewl IWANUF 4.CTURE RIS1 PRICES. I I . '3LB4393. I worse and worse, and,. therefore, be had to givb such reformers in a present to the For forty years on the vivarie green, � English aivision ly ntmed- ,0411%idia&�- ; - SamP14 may he seen and terms ascertain? sub- . i i ehang�d his opinion and was not ashamed t I 11 � I Since old John Burns was a counM beau, . _. . � q Ware -Rooms, West Street. v � . . 7� cry party. te � .- And went to tht I I quittings's loing . ;� . go. I Heonly got.one voteamoqg thip ftlishr ' - �,, t . I � I - I Mr Souzr.*nTZ red a tile "Nick ,O Close atbis Plbows all that day, - ; Although the promaings,were orderly 1W � HEKRY CLUCASY N, DANIEL -GORDON. .THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON' to owt.it and act accordingly. He was - n % � . . - w3O . ]Fishin�, Tackles, . � glad to say. that many others, who had the door I it and"Mr GoRD.ow sang "The viterans of the Peninsula, � . ; 1, 1 . - Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 1 1 -' AND GLOBE� been conservatives, were also COMing to, La I Sunburnt and bearded, charged i . 1� . � 1hQ French districts or -the dill5loili.auidt - � "I 110nW, Sign &-, Ornamental Painter, 7 ALL KINDS. ONSISTING OF R=14 . . ird Of jcockp�)a." ; . . . ­ � v 1, i . . . - I . 1 , � - . ere Antj S iip and ni-- . �, - - . I I ily exceeded our Emace clericrs that the Home Guard- muste din,- PAPar 1� - INSURANCE ;CO,MPAlt Y ' - be -of -the same opinion wi0j.1im. Th .We have alreac triplings, downy of Dr oh was at'the pplls,,� he buly -got I. . C , - I �� n -8 *� , C=q�& vote. elk-irk,'the - I ds andmarble BASKETS, - , gures were'Donald BAUS, H.8 Dedn* In existence Thirty-tWO' vearss and was no better man in the North Riding ,and the furtherspeakers must excuse Ili f0i Glanced, as they passed. at the hat 1e wore. � . . . � � %vell-in- � � fae Then.at the rifle his righ h4nd _b . -- HICKS tittring 11at period has paid bos3es exceeding than- Thomas Gibson. He was not doing more than - mentioning the t f , A 'Sul th 189, JflQ Zay�or JOS,the formel - I CA- C> 3E> 30 :VL X C,- ZZ. , - r An -i hailel hint, from out tbeir y -o I - I �� , 'M,� and million pounds sterlill9p formed man generally, knew the require- . . . iv' . . had a, majority in tvcry Vari 1� Opposita- Sialaders Hardwarde, Stom . ! LINES F" 'e ejud a half that they didspeak. Mr:Jaines G. Truax. with scrapsofa sia - or!- sh". but -as, - . � � . � . . I Goderich. Aug 17th, 1870. . . p r The disbumsemedt of this enormous suin over - ments of tho. -riding intimately, and, was -f ,-Hovr a a gu , at . .. �r thro III . lvw3l 1 4f 8 � -11 ,,,r ieve W 'Fit there only 'two besides 14 the provincialL I - $1.00 irer Dozen, - 01 to -the financial con- gave injis killiesio to the good cause in r ce . I , a . you 1. . I " � � quDerloi kind it It it, o . - - � rea, has without doubt contribute' Closely acquainted with a Very, able' and hearty manner. Mr. Called int" add' I , cc, 'e . , wide,'a ;� i I . I AND . t of this Inestit e e dist i t the figures ritooa for Dellawal I . the eqtabiishmen uhon, in the dition and wants of the country, No one Somerville proposed,"The Press" in very The name in the i'lor,who- made *selothes . ric , Z � � I I 0 p. r . Merchants, I to by And what was thelvalue lie set on those; 1 172, Dean 29. The Local House ha:t 11. confide'wot Public Cur o ations. rho supported him, would bw deceived in flattering term While Burns, unmindful ofjeer and scot; , � I I SIELLIKO ' AT COST Ifouseholders,, and business men generally, 11 s, which was replieti I- I W. G. WILSON . Ir � wherever it is represisr-ted. him, .as he was a perfectly honest man.- Mr. Jaifies ,,�Yioulig of the SignaZ. The* Sto6d therepicking the rebels -off,- ! -been called for the despatou of bul�mese - . � - i , . He would .. make & valuable member of c, ; J 'we With his long brown rifle. and bell own hat, - arch. No­4app7)1ntm1etrVT 3:ssuer of Xa=iage Licenim, � - i In its ist year; 1836, the Fire Premiums Edutatin W- Interests' re replied tc� �_ r- on the Ifth Al - � And the swullow-tallis they were Japolagm ut - lusurance & Real.Estate Agieut �_ __ CN alone .....ted to ............ X9,970 "Her Majesty's IoYal opposition." by Wsirs flarlow� MoVittie and James I � . � - to Whiel! ok the Senut� have beew ,ytv I - � AT BUTLEIVS. $6 Cc ze47,763 JAMES SOI,Mp 9, EsQ., -was received T I %, who all spoke well and pointedly. 'T was bat a moment, forthat re@e�'t announced. I I comyMm'unt IN B. R_ - I -- �_ __ . I n its 10th year, 1446, Iry C. cc JE9.22 279 ,Vjf,L� rua . - 11 I I . . . . . . . . . . I � - - - 1 1970. BW104 6 :532 -with a perfect ovation. He thought there I courage their voicet; checked ; n, a 114 , . - I I Eloderich 19th Aug -I' 20th year, 1856, 16 6* cc I 0. GinviN F,sQ replied to the toast of Which clothes 11 � District elqctions in Ala itob � " , - I -, ildest could understand I BEM, XORTGAdE - __ - - - 1. " . 30th year, 186.6, 14. XV9 not much usefor'him saying anything. And somethingthe wi ­ � . "�. ;� I S; &0.) � . - I i ne year later, 1867, 99 ,'T; .. 'e, ;e818,05r, was 'Reform princi�lm' He said-tb.0 at thelat spaNe 11) the'oldmaesstronlIr jg,. � 1. Llg�r, Dr Sc�iu,11,z*315jllkster 65. - .. DR,LWN AND EXECUTED, . __ - __ - . ------ :.- - He h9A been alwaTs ready 'for a fight dur- Election, OnLr 7 votes.in Wiwahosh were And iscordeaviroat'aaa 6 wit, 0,,rj�, ]D.A jth 2.30, Taylor Ift . I this . _ MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 per cent ' - t The Fire Remerv-, Fund is now %4.727,464 43st, btit now there was nobody 'Wawanosh -0 eyebrows under hi- old. bell- ro . P� , , ing the cont . � -on the Reform side. InI852 unt,l, as they gazed, them crept'an lye � . ovenchcr D la,vara 172,Doau 29. . I Oct ZMur ' jT,ALFD0ZENFR0MBACKNEGATIVB_ The Life Reserve Fund js now - Her Majesty's Cpposition was- -only 'gaye it votes for Hon. Malcolm �Thtough the'ranks in whispers, in so emensaly. , 1 $9,289,468 , I � Istirlm. swI7-jy ,H, . i ' Thg company is represented throughout On. "O fight. �- I . I Wav?anos es -In the antique 11 long ! - ont JA, .51 cents, postage free. One dozen from I I loyal to the hearb's core and composed of Cameron. In 1871 the two vestments 11 I hair, ,11arapette, L-yucli. 2U, McKly 282? - . I . I tano and t4uebec, by influential Aghnts., to The Past ofthe Nation I ,tviet . � � - ' back negative 87 cents, -postage free, to any witont: appliention for insurance may be made. honest, uprijht And sttaight-forward men. gave M�31or Thomas Gibson. 'This was And some of the atildiers . ca eela -, � — I JAKES ISTLEWART address. � � CLOSING OUT ! of , On the other side the member's had prov- . -1hat the gIeani ofhis,-Id white hat far, - - __ . � It . I - (*.k.C. SM11H,ResidentSeeretilTy, gratif�ink progress. I A uInfoTm Uurreamf. � - - — . - I ___ - I . M6NTRiCAL ed themselves to, be the yery reverse.- . The* I 'Professional inteTests" were 1runk- Likethe crestedplume of the brave� Navarre, ., - - D3, ParticularAttentlog Pal tof,opy- � A . That day was their oriflamme of war., Sir F rands RU � . . d � ment to led wit P - Icks, resolutions on t.l,* . I , P dgin from up ' , - . z LOS5.1 Agent for Codench; B V. Last four years of the Ontario Parlia v. i . h the name of Dr. Ale)Kk 5 � ,AQE11T I . Ell j W.iq. Watson, toTSeatorhs -sp ak for themselves, and jud 'IVen car4e the "Health of Thomas -Soragedthgbaftle. Yolflmowmrest- . ., ing old Ambrotnes. .. �� I . at 9t r Exeter - e I . I How the rebels, beaten had backward 1j; e . --Bed, currency provide :-bt. - Thai afttr the - 6 e� � nab wettre ' I I . Auff W30 em. Blake and a,ekenzie, cl There first dayof July 1871, thecurreney of. � OF For either large or small photographs. Th . a 15, 1870 th K I . . .now GibsonEsq.our mem.ber Elect.' j3rokeat the final charge, anti t,jn, . ., . . . I - - Thafar­f,iimeed'aadrellalile� St Cxaffie:rines Nursery - , , work for th ' and setill Sandfiold was here such an exhibition of generous, At which John Burns la practical, man- '. : Nova ScotiashalI be the same as that ot nin- thanks for the liberal eM al . ll� W. BEADLE, Z80, � sub9criber in retur o ` A. M 'A' R T -A N9 - - '_ Macclo'nald "ana Is apporteri into the andmanly c-athusiasm,ad would have done Shouldered his rifle, unbent bistirbwg, the romaindevvifQanada. 2ad._Tbataftee I patronage heretofore extended to him, I I � � � Andthenw6litbacktolitsteesanti cows. I . . I I . I - FOR ALL KINDS 0 9- would �ust say that he has made such im- I � � � . I . ecild ihades of. uppositiou. ,'From. Geor- Mr.,-.0ibadn's heart giSod; if he had been That is the ' - I . that ,date the Beitish ,sovercigashaH pax!3 � - . i . I . to St Clair River, -there was no I 'to witness it. � 71 . . . current � - nts inhis gallery as will merit a con- � The I preseht . . story,ofold .7olm Burng; at $4,62�j cents, And that all VAlot - RU177 AND OR'SAKENTAL TREES, GRBMN- , I .Salt wold &nPh a1i9t returned. Rj0L4ZNDnU4MG ESQ. proposed "the This is the moral,the reader learas - FI;o-gr1_tS G-pervineff, &'..&C. . = of the same.r . - __ . Maitland WWI miniifi�3rxl people hid rn fighting I he battlb,tho quesfien'sviief,her . lie actiounts shalL be kept fi2 Eadd ourrency': � - . via ing his business, has . I ___ . said that right only should Tale and right health of the Hou George Brown the best- Yotellihowts hut that%'WIlIta. oratreatilerl Srol. . All money.paidafterthe ioof,Afly - I . - I ' Hebopedthey would be : I - -Iler.Majesty or to any -patty utider Is . �3- Any stock not an ba -A, craeka nti the shortes ,i . � - - . ' uI abused man in Canad4',which was received I . - . . to - � . � . . laderich k. 0 - D3- A Great Reduetioll OU in w , of Chang . . I ad reyi& ­� . - ny I . - I I y r . . -r witit jaotje_-_ Iffaus--MaithrAvIlle. , C , - det&mined on - fo the next fightm-to purgo the with vociferous theeringliaud three rousing . .. . Act or law in force in Nova scati4, 0 . wo � ea : t., w3o --- Large Irh4togr a i I rai . . . : �. Godeffeb, Av- 15, 1870. al apho- . . rDo nion House, -As they. had 'already' cheers more fc�r the Tor6nto,Globe. - . I , - � . nferpnce tbereto, or which verc jintpudied- ; � . _-, � . E. L.' j0,HN.qoN. - BELLIXC� 'OUT .. 1� purged that.of Ontario. . The . motto of ,an After rem6mbiering"The Ladies," 11'.rbe LcndcnHur,OnAn4Br,4ee� to be, and if such alteradolms �; I . I .. � , -0 , __ . . � . . . ; - 1>een 'jXtenSiVe]fe'V?reMiSeS Goderich'. AujZ. is. 187". - _wso . I I Americau'President' was "Eternal vie- -Host and -Hostess," and "The worthy renoi had notbeen inade w-oullh 46 'car'r - . � - . .j . - . AND . ; � . I his- whole s6ok I of Dry -goods ait codt. .1 I . I � I lance, isthe,priceof liberty." Thityalionid. Chairman, "'wbo �suitably Teplied,the hap- At & recent meetirigr of t1iis Pr,cifiBional payable itt Clio ,present currency of .l';ovw � . - - I SALT TERRITORY FOR SALE . .1 � I � . now,orgauize int6 TownAip and Electoral py hbilsuccessful meeting separated. , � We Directors it wasxesolved that &- Scotia, shall on andafter said - - , 0 V.ay� . . I SPLEND I D_ N E, W .Q. r JVL 0 CK7 I I . . . - � - Division Committees; the latter to meet arqlptouedto-be connected withmen sucli as ' "The Treasurer of the, London, Huron 'alcu 1.5 9 . . Ul I- � ablerespectivelyine lliv". cu u - in tho . . . . - , I � .monthly and the former-say'once a year th�so who were p currency (-f Canada ; that is to fv,yo VP A� UrA ACRES 0 LAND � 'TRI& IS 0"'HUMBN - . �t_ _resent -at thisgathering. -and Bruce Railwaj Company be Instruct- . , , - TO - I . t I . - ' These committees should see to the revi- . ery,one o them, was well,pQste&) hold I ed to receive frold. the ItAlway FinancQ, cont Neva - Scotia ,curreucy, IS Canada, � � � _Zft_ Ne - --the old Railway Station .PLATT'S PATENT: EVAPORATOR, sion'of the voter's lists,'and takeeare that +Ili ukhttbe matter out fof himself, and Committ6e of the 13bard.-of Trade the sum, currency, ,'.L�d, 4th. 04i andafter the Isf � - . . 0 - I , TOR1fCkV.E OPLE&THEN - . I I - 5 � . nithe-of eveyy man entitled to ,%,vote, 'his oi three hundred Andseven dollars,(8307), - " ' -on Rnad. This pro- . I i - � . - I tile I . c,oul s a up and -express ideas witk July no Dominica noto or B3nk note par -7 - - . - - .. __ pe — . 'M,]Zj - tle, e . -They are c able in any othpr currency t1j -C. Barry! & Brot � - I .on he Efur I . . - . no mal ter -what side he was on, shou . � being the balance)6f one thousaird i1ollars - . __ � W has great facilities for a . n I u . apaMid of, re- . - an tile edr- . . -h - inc�tbe senumenti of any -100311-; , I . 04 fortil oharlag of V5 0 tach I V - S I -IT, prci�eriy recorded.' , And atthese meetiu& V -10 � z idiall boUsneacirte - . 4r. ELLT EM GOODS- - , - paid ag oa,14 np ' ttsizied - - Cabinet Makels, 1qEdertakerg . & wood � - _�- Sa . -Block, beingnear.the Rail : k . - . - I reney of Canada I - . I p ad Track and -having four I I " I the al�ctiiiins and votes of the members,could ly, and wi hope th ,nm,their .infla. in. the Lundou, H -and Bruce R-ailway by theQ;vgrnmem -of Q;nadD op by any I- I , � . ty will pif - � . � . mhe nnaersipm;ea is prepicrea to -and criticised,. so tliat people. I � -and judin -, for pa aying the pre. bank .au(Inlikur,l--uot,.,,Sir,sue(IbP,f'r�ofiai--& Turners, - � ' da surroundin ' * At the �Sual rates, - I L I 11- . I be witchelf- . . ence'Versistenily lously, in'the Co. . - pos6of,defr, 11 3 . . - � I . , io J'AMES. LLE11; . I I . ,RN -I . telling stories untry at elec.. nobli 6moeLf Aeformo We Ight- liminagy expense . a of the 'fortaiLtion, Of dateShallbecallciliu-pod reavwID61, 'UrAI - . � . I 4003NT 95"M � ply f ; I Ftf SIBL,--4o. 1 SALT, arbund the'co Were digr - ' . . . I . . tioi% times could at ance'be refuted, whire- having re wesdid ,Company ; =4 that the names uanall)t � G 0 premises, . � . edto�be-jrespnt,. and cionfen to - aft . notes payable bit4o wirre-upy of . I 3Eravemmove4aercsi-tr,osfteettothesWranext 4. or - I �u o to G. ' - ' - ' ' INANY QUANTITY AT'THS '._� ,ti�ver-ffieywent. The Reform.party has � the shall-besubsti, � tuttil funthow, I loupid TRUEbf", m 'oneer &L I AU n LT , - - . colv�d -a fresh incentive,to.keop on unflao�- of the porsonswhoso, subscribed to 15th. G014 L tj� Wra. Ac5e­2!911�$�33 9 . � . Agent. But an a -al ....an - � ' ' - I . �9p,wherawill, be . I ... I I . - ][ I . . I I L - -cause ;f Stock, of theVompany- be plItered in the . . i - ,Tebruarr Uth. I SaML W& . 504111- _J, 4_ ,,mgl,r exerting ourselves in the is be4b)g the Eanio , propf)'Ttion lit , I L .. 40W ,jSt ]prpjoe, got the power and will now have ak chance 9 ) Coll i � - - � A GOOD ASSORTNENT I/ - .1 I— I ,- jj� . 4 . _. I . I I . . of showing wbatj they- can do., -They would ' stoex-book as subscribers formw 'share eack Weight to that Of tile ,Briftsh Isuvefew t) I � , . 'XIf.01W2,B&U=1Z,4. Dinjagroom, jaid. P4rlor FV -1 sIrm am 'O � � . . � . . ; . FROM THNABO'VE WELL,, . have the advantage of Macken 's -i "Itib pare and responsible. government. and -that they be credit -ed on ilia books for jylli - - of, . L . .. OWL M . r , - AND PARTIES .WISAING TO . L . . . zie - . I � - � . ch five dollars bpar tafour dnliar-a(Sl . I _ .11as I ''I . � I- . I . .. I , 'L - ' . and experience,, and thej-71ad.Eaward � - ,$23. each, t1hatbeing the amount"paid by .W�=, = , , . — . � - -and 2j,pervent),Auill kass quiTwit aUflbi$ - -11. I . DangGiOUB Innovation, th�m thereon." L � - . 14 I �� , I % - ' . Blake,,whothough young was ofaurpadiing . , . - - . � I a legal tunder III Ja im I . TA=,3, ' I _.. - k OR C. I . 8.'1U.­DETT,0U. - . . L I � � L � ' . villa, 45, .,&-0.;, -ICV4 V,amEs ct3;r� esne a4dwood waWl . I . BLOCKS.'ON R I _111GAI ability ana,sterliug ifit6grity� I It maybe stated,further that, In order t . . . LE I IN - 2 ACRE '111P _ anvtu 001118shall pass by- . I AILWAY'SE1 . I IE BA RG NS - � I - OUTDOAP,DS - � Track,jm � in � edLstel�,. out slila mind ad- - _ - .V lu . . I Goderich, Aug 15, IF70 VV80, I �. MR. VAcoNER, favored the company. ' A.,'iserftnt girl -in. Easton, Pa., 'rdalci.a to, expedite the operatioris ' . - 81TOIT'nanwis ae . I RDSTI�ADS. - I I L . � . L . . � . I I . tifthe-Company, I jil 'M I W, I I � � - A64 in thepapers whicli tolabow�411& .- ' er - est may a5,�d,(m to tbmit irg f4e - . . inin gorp L -rat of e ill- . . 1. . I � - . lwery.'� rairthmprovoking and f Siberia, . , UP audDeput tell er. t " ,C;Atli aiready in cirewhor f � 91 - I - WAS11 STAND9. , - a uti Ed .% _,4 ?_If _ .�7 . � - .- I . . . . I I with_ai ' - wellla� hunters o ' when they nie hung 4 301r1cufar has been bisned ;to the Reeves procla ion. eclarhiZ,th-cal to b-.3 a f(�;�i I , ­ , I . . - . I . Silas", "o a� � . I - is4 song. ,.- * ". � , - � , a:, have 'food; - g a � . .. .1 . � ;,L rendered.Scotti _ _ no lid' L . y Rqeves',of Turnberry, Morris, � I . � CENT I I - .1. 7 � . . I . I I -down, place -a . - . - i. , SAVE .per , . , tiiaRw6&, then. . boaTd over the stom - � III I . 4:�TT"ReSNO&F45, r6ad to tDWU. , L 2 ,_ . - . THE , 0 propoijd - "the 'an &6h. andgek their com A1,4[illop, Grey, Tuckersmith Hay,SwIll" tion in Cauadar urldcrU6 ricts nou * fareeP � . I - is ` ' i . - . , . - . - Van!Wd L to , e. fileroafiti,le-4riterosts!' coupled -with .the .- we- are to believe #tand.-Usborne, 811,L!i',�stiri,'gtKat.ameetin?,e M.Ontarlo,. N'bw.0ruu*sw1ck andQud3a,7 WgAf$oTst 10OKING � GLASSES . rr Thisis one ofthe �aosi �vxluab I - �BYt- . � I - � . , ,. - � L , Pitricha . nij)ns, to sit o , I � - ....... a-m!t! .- � i .. pa . It it, if take, place at Knoxis 1:110tel, seafort1j,' on ,,hall , - nu, . --amilri g�4 - . � , , . � ,11lames, Of Kessrs.&. Olen4i � .,,,Oti ot.bectirrett tL . �' � . , litigations for Salt Workalia this . . . I � ; , . - . ;Oud: -W'!'7 thanarrative., the -Siberian buntarimrae& - . - _ - L um"(f, . I . - I � I _ IGILT ly - _G 0 VML- ' , 'j&m,Gord* � I ­ - L, �to jAly'. bs mfrrm6 W ".G.� 3% - & t 'RU ,everythinir in 4 for jj;s;&,jjagoff,ea!rri.j:qad tbejeconomlex qALU�G AN� 1"URCHAOING lings;6etea, ,�re - - AdOei _L .. .. .� .. � ateli imes like a, giaA reftieshea with wine Thursday, 6thofAp*ri], between them and shall, after the Ist of 11 - 1 if W! I reited. , - ve It _ , a�g ,egjf�d t 0 (4 10, , I -P I W] I � the representativ . i Of the'Compa .X . . _W;,�a, ae preymn, v, L I � . .�. ,)V . , - I .0 V.4 - ,.- I with - - oc 411. Bug" , was, like the 'feeling just bi *goiia- as ifliad Ire eaten 8, I Y, a srotim at the r4terf MOT _K I , & _ a 0 i Wood.. For farthet particulars -A. � , . . . I and grice. � . JlLiUif QQADON ESQ 1, I . � g1reir Iluej . vre I - OF F I C f 0,;'#f. I . . � . - � - � , - . � .1 1. L -Imeetoomap., ._ ., Now. this, consider and decide upon the bbst means 't1jeju in 0,1.na4a, wIdle, 5, - * . I . I - I I . ii TIM . . - FROM- , I -D -very-, gladto I -- ,istman -dinner. L - - I ' Dot rlellow�ele. flvee W05 ue . I e- lL . I L I -1 ofilee 0 hegrty � . Chi � ,SIGNAL .. i , I . L � ])*_ jj, jjjffl , . L � I � -, - . I I , w32:tOL- -, tors. As-regardi t1he mere4utge interests, in. forsecurin�a bonus fronjI the t"A'Abilis legal.tender to ilr& mrimmt of Ct% aftot - . I -f1c �, I I I . ' omes 01 U I � !0, -apfor Oash. - -: -tf . . -A _. turning th6 matter over, . I - , _ I aod�debi proy, Agtk x870 -i , Awjr . I I . _. i 'been very unfora. pol , 'd for ativ. 01 oror brincze to tile amolno of 2Z� arr 11 g, a. Aeo:.3p�.teasgo-t!rentdf&�in!t=dghroucis . . . . . A$�_ iRTIN , - . "L � - � __ I 1. -1 hq�couldnotsaj hi had I I - -rkest recess ofbor intell4et-could named in aid of the railway, au )t)P , , _ . - . � . I I - - � I 11 I the a . __ --- 1__� — � *1 I - .. .1 . ., Inui&. , Wawano otter busimess necissaxyto tb __ ,djWjoUnAk�la HeArseital&a; slioareuQqibla , . . I � � L� " - . _sh bad, . done Tory: well -principle woiild not � . e success I i 11 L1713 jn00;f�$!8t0nt Wiflt the f(**- . , _ . . . �1� ­ . I . - I . L - I � not perceiv� whi the - 7M 'A . _�. I terms, , � � . I . _ - (;(WER".0-a- . ,- �_' 4' �. f6r Lhi 1'. - L Twe*-two years Agr, it did, not . the'enterprise� Itisquite olear thwt the ,r ig resplutionsare reppaled I - - . _� I ' Z � ; , . I- : - (NeXV 400rL to A., mitti's 'CtOthing, store, 1. � I- 11 � . ­ , L'� , , ' a L 1. . - - .. apply.as vib to an American babe as to a goil . ­.. � . I I i . . . � ­ N __ - nVOr", � I ,,look" very. ptomising.- e lived theii in a I _ L . . ".. _1-1 . I Z .0 , . . H Directors will lose ng fime in pushing oit . . - - .- I - ACAU MUTED- I I OOR I Mark ,,, . � . with the negotiatiods thatmay le � . SAN it . I Scluare.). . r Wil I rover, in Sibbris. So when next the - - C,0,jej*lr. 16 -, 11104 . ': - ' � I � & I . wee bit 6huntY 8 X10 And had'to take it offspring of her ',employer cried with h1uTV- - ad to 4, EASTMAN4 STSTE�I OF %Vjjrr­,jd"� . I � I . �, ­ . L I I .1 I . , � �. - —,' I Q 0E, , , L . . � ,4 W-1601 . �. . OR roujh'at-Ld tuitble. Ho'ba4norcone * . . - I � , FA T"R Y, � - � . .1 - � j - 11 : . �. I � �*- ep , I - initeall Of -giving atiaten- successful issue, -Free Phis.r. - I Ur J. P. Flan. agin Is prese , I . - - I .. I - , ­�, , It 11 -_ Zer, this. woman, I . - . I . - afly at vadelf . . � ___ ' - op .. ria, 1N.c. Ut% SM, Sw3r-tf+ . � , I . . I .,_1 . I 11 - � L ,,, . - �._ � thewthab his head would,'be above.' Oun I �blmmediately fkam, a glass bottle with, . L - I .�H X _. � I , � , � ­ ' I : -, . -aod& � I . , , � - I - I '. ' I I 'L . 11 1 W4 ;1 limprpivem . ental n . anc: on q � . oteij ink , iug *Iers tor tho, ­ , . . . I I . L :Pt � L � lumall's Ai�sistant and iCropy B,Mki. I , , t I - - . . �_ . - � I 6 the . all Irou , tile , a g4m, thing ,on the � nozzle, went and got. . . I I . .. � . r , - � I - I - 4stmajw � I t -virl%puir is am- I IL I . � ­� .�L L 11 L L .- 0010. 'I -, - , '_ - I RK4 OYA 1rH,Kij,ujiirsflqed hit h I __ ., � . : I . . L- -1 t t : L I - . � L . . I I I I 1. ' I - the �i&laoird, te pect- in Londo�, every eight xaitfuW, li!Ag � j - L . lactervowned' an cc- ` . � I aelt L .9 I jr '_ L � . ��- , -R. 0%xyrim * "; ' I I -are now Tj()L - ,� 4, I Nma Esq. *4S.,glail to' mei3t I - - , IMF , No . L , - 1. - contrivalace WWI& Lesur.-S. jJ1,4ji-, wit"ing, .. - � - - � . igg Mill and S . ng, re � _j 0 � i 41, '� I . 3 chil - (� ' I Land sat -on it. a,quartaf Of - afi 's five Minn- Tho AssistanWebeliefetobe �qn jugonialli I . o � - cupW by DonAld Cum 0 - I . ud day,somebody,dies?,'eyery 1. . in, I ..., I L I - 11 i ".. . 1 156 tfi�nf,hciriest faoies. -Iffe - liked social in& . d fes - - . I ALEL WALL104 r4r,ar--yOnthebus, act . *it - -, , . , ! 11 L L I - I � . . hou smile a child b borm This grisht bity eon nes"I'manurget � . . .., I - - i r, LLike Ring Henry, lit never - - - -jr , . F � ' i I I . _ .i I . ­� - . . � - � L�., , � ­ - - - I . - - gatbqrings and espikially,shch a gathering , 'irl told thelasu, isipt ag many PdoPle V e whole,of Sent- to take t6e troubI6 Df ttif �, ic *,A al.�: I � - ,� -, � � , 1 . I � I I � _' � . hid Lfiefin. in � again," and the hired �p as I- . WATCHIUV�Zl� . n, -- ' � � - -must land, twice as many as Denmark, tbree A - . 9 %; X'_ , I - "-tal-S. He mercan tendingto the bstruedfRWAvvn klifif - I LL SWh Doors, Blinds � I ANN, � , . . � tile pur I A 11- - _ 11 * I . . 1. 4 - , , v , I 11 . I , : . - . '. - LLL I I - - ` " -, who has. charge of the jail that- f6ro .., - - , , � i JEWS'LlsR, ,, - I . � I - Auiti n T�ari'araclngst them, and, - liettl no I - copy book, Such a po-iflt.n,��6i.Lfi,ani I - . . � ngs Yloorm , ap, Peal . _ . L I . 11 . be sometWing. wrong itbout -the- Siberi1n times as many as Greece, and 400 tiMeSL as � , I � � A I;, How, ga"', . Uarr otft'l I 11 . I I I I 1. . - I - Of LWant' - success I , , V 'Irm , . � - . � 4741CF4 1. - I . . . . . I ., , ,feasiin to ComplSifi _ 'of ' hitnters -s�em eke the IlewspsPerx'did, many as Georgetown. D. 0. It; itif T"t and body; is will cillible thr2m tr'WrIte't ' � . L � - � � � . . . 11 _. � - I . � . - ' " 1v DTjrc MAT - , . it - . - � - The Insioantile'intirests IPA- grdatly -aided . 1 (3a 01)� 3% n I C:M . . . SIZES ACQ IqT Tim Run 1, - t p� , populatiod of nearly 4,00D,000 it -& , ziti. ! 9br gny . Siding, . ' - ­ 49 ej; i�jtjor I bia Idd,_ lul buelue 3 band . I - Of 7 he his a OP -oil North,4tieeV4�:tt4o( AT 0 21V - *1';'C�-' L -t', "�* t1ib ilevelo&i the couiltvI, 'and -had roperly.' ' - L ;_ andtli kinds . . . L - � re" '4 � - � . wuf�­Of - I - ' I 'tjle,XLttjrjng - aigiemovedtothe SU -49 12telT L . the wo-ley ** Church , wm Yapikh Toom . �. 7. . � '4� � . .- � . - � I .. . ­ , ......"...'_ , OW P#itual gin, drinkers, 100,003 aba-id length'�Ajqe'*I , T� fo T - num SaWribef hay' . . . n;0 te the pub. now grown .to gi4gautie m6tision - � Wometrjo,Wq professional gamble, s, . I * � lwl, I to di, , _%Q _, - .- CWh fill'alt orders proinp- . 4 Wo - JLO"GpWbyA.Zfa=lith,Wtst$tteet,[OP it*thg A01[A4CJLA-E: W�07t . .1 x-ttwanlo&mb I p I : .1rRK 86bootriber would. annou I . �_ "alter -nal ented tea6crs it wotild be' a 4' _ Ir - *I Fog 0&*, wiskiii-ta, I k Itif f0kam ana I oobl*c, - hejx� had %ow our merchant prin 5 P :w611 as There ate 32d deraultin,g, I & u](142 'UM �s or tU Wwral support witk which tbey Ilave faroMt � suck axGircle and (;i1thleLS"hawd Frame$ =' t ... i4 * � 46tiati4V�0 of,tk$. ,,L lic'otHuron andBruce,'that nowman-. 11 M . Akowerimirlalsknown. to the Imlico Do - � _ . L � . . . firit ; L - - jout --'I* 0actor I I r -L,.'*n actuting . - gilt he4vuld pot' dilate revenub oollee I nds 400 M. i r I . � I _Clff" oldorleduntrim, iori in the, Vnited States; tosehin It. A, 'comile:,a get, 4 lowforthalsaw y4P&m�sndbW-tQv=m11tem that They think tionitbeir Axperience nine, � � . . . ­ L I I - . I - - - thieves alacTrectiverflofstolen go , . , .. I I . 'Wa - ess i -houses � j, , " . is Vak,r18g41Sj- .. � _IIL'*hI3 .comior twetitiethe .- writing lin I x* *A6* wia be spir" tox9ent acouttumact of 11kair Work.that thmy r4a givesatisractiOlito "ill whot � on ttlii atibloct, Vitt express his iles4tire at �jhet,,)W, ix4otint of wjj.4o iddebtean 4061talifittfal fr squeft'ters of p1cmats, flMsilf;d -jnj-.�: 5 ,t,-afj JW . I I �"Pj#q L 11flolghff .' �; - I - I , ubH�, I - . rmtwaw litaxntis scady will be tosapply Not- is flie lim wat you Cutte, ,L ____ ,; I b ei n ; :prbs0nt'Q . . i -to *Qic& - I --k had for .& 1.25 Zie tno&-J� e�foy b, ok I . Otio I may favor them with-& coil I I I - . I .1 I - -1' 77- 1 � L I - $20,0o,0,006. Sit an4W, 0* ,street Af,pbs. ki� iiep this I A . . - L - I - - � , - � I . * - witb ffiem,. iii belngablofdr once to isend-A ' . - . A.... � _"9'LCjb0" .L . I iduals, Mr. X1 &raeters in whieltuoieff ,exhaust-VAy j.at,, , jfj� tj� $zyF I 0,-Atibera diso6titut tcit)w trada.­ - . � ' ' ' ' IC hLI'"161L L i -A oigits, ''afia vwao� L _'n rue from ten--indiv y Wakhes 0 t� looks ana Jewelery 0 1 1 � . brY� inch Ruda quVUr - I I � - : . . 4- �f . ,.Ph1v!d HOUB& je6o;'L kst m1ultitti4e of disorderly ejiL ifill tivit"tim"Iftla The pwobow, VAdessit 20M* fed 6f w1tiek wilt be sold CtWAP r0A CAS11 -r ofth4iro**#4Vj?,:tprepr-eient 0101A ,refit". tw anx *er a aomethiiyglikenbedietice�to the ,a-, 6"000 'of peamanshipy 64n &' havl liir:15 e titse � 401i __ ' AcipissfW*0D ! - - , - � 4 1 . - ATt . I I � R0tjt*ellL mls . Me 'fMM00 "­C&=bV L . , � - ,. - , -- . ­ � ec,essaty�. Ofthe pot .; -And the F�Ooft on ban& ,L' � - Orde - . � . � in Parlimillif, , �: _ , ation Pc`1ic6meu`Ar0 2 1 -5 f ' ' Ite"irliubeen4~1iffmr *ewkwerans16"ad - I - . I . - - . xlt At I I .1 I I I I . - - . . .I I vir, '_ ' dizkifjg�Q,dellghtea, I . Utiou'valling j1pon, him,for inform th _­ , I � I 1-1. I ; . . - i - I _ c0lalfilctd *4 of or $Lul), 1 1 LZU � I A�bont 1500 000 *tteftit I 00 haviax it welt #xiiiets". , L jAS BUMANAltr n Ww - . Gra�ftl 01W4.,L]V4lPft- - �. -, , , , : _�_ Toni . - -ha#�! ticn, ofthe 1611 I I vC , - . x the*udi- I sever -prominefit Republicais 0'1'y . Schoolt are supplied with *lp; pe..t,6111 �f . ArAoc4am,nw-ntofoowsm,r*wijgwd.&TI _ . . I I I - , -1 . � - �4 1 f PAS00? # 0 "Oes -hr awe, -Whk4 to -Rill -al . being _^ M111101i I of - , . . . - � � I . . � . . - I VID:L&W80M, I a . I � , . ­ -. - victotfs 81:"at eric L -t"te, an I 161 - � ,a . I . h 1'_ nee witt, "Jock r _ willse*W, CLOiWi;4C., alwayso's bead '_ � I L " D& _1� I I 'r. A� KANN.. 14 � . - � - , J�JjStd I ' 'I r_ q9d - fthuth . an busy in smoothing tho inattergrar 1puislie wership,ttiete - on 6,vbry Sun.; land Altad'imelit 21j" f�, # ;,;Its. .fht$ I � � I I I ; . AST12 Wl d foeliiig. - . . . .1 _ - . - "_jLj,,jfllt &bdente�s fro= ObUr& � - � � - t Ing, 1 ; I J . . WIt. RGBINSIDS. . � , . '. I , . - - .11 A* so* W* $rojw " ghefr . wao "'Who 'but vritho u4 40 o I . , . � I #, , � -** - ' sifI870 , , 00461 _' 'r ' L � - tiov - ,61= WAWA&M LW40, .- . t h it -Wotidr ftjiti4:;.� � � - . dohmk Mr. Ift UYL ' rXodelicits At% 161, ;870 W30 cro&li I Ok I . LL �Wl ­ - '4d��A#Z I . . . I . . I L 1. -51, � . I . � . I - . , j, � � I - " - I � - I I Li . I ,� . _. L I .1 . . - . � I - � . . L . . .L � I . . _. . � � I _. - , . - . I , . , � . - . I ." - . - - - - .. 11 I 1 7 _ � I , � _. . . . . , -1 . . I - . 7 ' ' I . I - � I N I - � � � - _ L . � . I . � . . .1 L I - . . . I - - .1 � I � L L . . I . . I I - - ­_ . . I . I : � . . I . . , , . .� . - . � I . . 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