Huron Signal, 1871-03-16, Page 2X
I-lioulde W0__
S shotilder.
THF- REPO= 0AMPAIUN closed a black-ha�wk, tory vetokar,111oplited r9presefitativotban they have had.for the of- "bie. intended visit 'the old- couple ItedRiverNewa.
tile platform jud called lbildly for'threu p tst four years� more highly %rabm, t6 bave-beett previqualy ap: ised,� ai
If Cmr the'Reformem of Huzon can GtB80N4i1XTtI8Bnr, Bnt- I think M-rT
this pri ]J'ATS FOR YRE
APU- cheers for Kill- Willialuand down with ,f glorious old
!K; thati- andexpopt, thej appear to -b -Ave had thentselves-amply Our esteem d to',�'vqsln
�bllfte -13 eno min,attimated by one resolve, 0 man. Captain 06ok
Popery. T40 � tUies woro quickly turn- to see - the electom come out rn wane for 0
te* strire heart and son! for one el�orious i THE 'ELEC prepared with thu-- various iereatu who is now i HEDANEXCLUSrVE
TORS RESPOND NOBLY ed whonyoung1amei Mel n comin4nd of the Moops at T= SUBSCaMR HAIrMG EST ABL14
11t0sh Att6mpted Robert Gibbous. forts' including � -portly Lid iifell. Pembina, has senliQuartek-master Jordan.
to run for our . unicipal Oo 'Vic FiCarlitigs firlelikilsdetsellt [link. At . I , 6ioil d got' Youre truly, J. C.. dothijilliti, ul-thal; puteub ana far fained' a copy of the Xar4!4an of 18th February,
zzesent oinergoncy defented,'scii-celyrecei%!ingano 'all aoudouse�* the following In the new bull4mvp ky deniandssaah union.' Wo can read in railge Vote*
simply becanse lie aint a "trite I elf.tir known in ophrade by the titie of from which we attietbilbyhimself, lastsumnTer, on West Side, Market,
stt- Helena. Dwral Tile greate items:— ft. 117� WM. Yc::
the ennntenances cf onr oppinients tokens GRAND RALLY IN HY. %W)tlder when- I consider O` v part of tile,
Iva's not IVING AND W11r0PEX
ofilreed dmister, bat thwe is also visititit, however, Iniq&uitig, to be tons-. MEMBERS YOU DONTNIONPARLIAMENT.— is NOW IrICE
until Dun O'Onnuell, by llis�#I�qlldnoe.� got Rsro"nsr Bf METING UNANIM0113 N rk*og '-picuousmembers ofa-society-in which the !he wriisfor their� election have nol ar� for the Inspectfoir of the pub
to (lie hard. VICTURX ASSUUMD, the Catholio Emancitm4on act passed that 110�, on
or MR. -uses of said Donal Gorill'ars dr- at least rived.- Dr. Bob lt� 1 Litter asserts
lid libleast, were allowed
oten convapolident.) aboul&bo strictly prosqribed. witiceCiiiO4 that t Mtion�lly wrong- The rallickn'n- air they wore, aa they wout' (moln 014r Catholics bt Irela here its sum,'Xingitite On Siturday the 4th day. of. March, 1871,
into the fieta, has deserted them and wo to vote at all. Arid it seems so strmige �'A large -ana Inflnentlal -meoting.of the very lilansiblis grace 'whon- the kind ]lost in this. The Maiiitoban says ths't- Ithe
that Catholics in Ontario will role with refordiers of the Northern ofectoral,divis' rh L&rgafndUsf Sto'ckof Hats, Ca�v, and FurniAiff-go�ds ever browjhf to VARNAL I- Vrought ft�rth hif; boveragil, in consequence Simple'truth is theIdails containiticrthern
a -an sea that they expect to win "by tile the prty thot tried- to prevent th(lal �O Consisting of the Newest StYles of t oft of Wawannah was'lieldhero on %VedneK-" - f 104611 After takngr �ff a J611y good have been lost.
iec--rding theif yotes in the days of O'Con- day. evening lasb for -organiding, a united. NVS11�11.4 cordmittee bat -English, XeVrYbik, '& Ganlidiau FasWuable -Silk, Beaver
Ohl skin of their teeth," it t all. They are TtmstoAr, SM AIten—Mr. Gibbons theli r�spec' ivio and collective PdLITICAI neill. Fisr ilthough Randrielif,is at the -and- vigorous conrae'of aAion'daring heF danglin their flso promises �.forc tile had A, caPit4l meetin-here, althoughthe head his. pa' hehlthx�-�,ifid treating a friend or tivo who been appointed togo the rounds- and as- of the inoratit, pplying tile rty is bone and fl6sh of the present contest. Wat G4idon Dqls 'wals- 16'bohr6dundei no pledged resrriction,'the certain the "wants2 and wishes" of the peo Hs.ts., Par & W6ol Felt ats
Staulay clique" dil their be it to raise party that tried to preveut thegi from- ro- Appointed chairman, ani lffr�N No Lardy Ganatp, the -President only - bein S09 Silk andClolh Caps, of the latest Styles and Patterns, for Spring wear. 3fa&t 4f kvier of parson�.% frierulship whom practi- I , le, of redoubtab a' Donal was , littietly stowed. pie. r' A
I)etty corolLng their votes in the da- Vs of ille great Acted as Secretary. Mr Jas Somer' ement lkble to
to ther detriment of vil Away in another portion of the ten conceive the one idea that this Stock bat been made specially to my order, and as I claim, to have a I erev h
cabict, cajoling'or bffl?ying dependents,and I the, mail chose repealer. And I thitik if datholic voters Litakilow, Addressed the I . b Z
it by the unanirtiou voice of -meeting at some throogh which illparties-wighing egress or cattle law 8hteld be hattered" was unseated. knowledge of the HAV and ZAP business, Willbe able (with the large, slid vaTied Etai
usingapall the methods by which at hati any respect for thentielvea, they wonid, length, oriticihing tho� votes and gen4ral ifigress had to piss. Hit successor,. Job Sutherland, said his have o
'Y'llie entim reformers of South Huron. Dr.. eithor ;onie ont at Matters then went n blind slid am continually receivf6my
arch-"Ilem4ia kave been able to iL(L voto for horlost RQbt conduct of the late member Hays, as well on swimmingly as slang. phrase goes and policy was, either. 'the. rampage, or
cOMPUS I Woods wm there aud a* vs -Mr. Ritchie, Ui�bons'or stay at h(Ima. For tile ig=4 as4f the governn TO PLEAS19THE EYEAND FIT THE HEAD OF TEX
ient of which he- has been %many raoy things,wefla-said and sung ; and wheel about nd-tilruibout and do just
11 - - .
their -ends. NVIatovee support the. huit of tic monster as scon as the elechou I's over an abje t* supporter. He especiolly con- fiddling, daubing lind other domonstraft0q8 SO- L=_Czc� or t a exPectation of future and they endeavored to ride out the stalk. I c Fastidious� and at prices that wilf defy competition
tdf !, highorsesof 'gr&velroads,' county debt,' will circle his folds around thetu qain demned and exposed the money votes of of a's`ocial and perhapsamatorynature, THz COVNOIL A? AssENBfy OuAmBMa
bL aryelectom,the - anti crush them as bard as ever. the late sessioq b nfromme n. __y which the government tho +ln scene almost Utopian ! Ithow- are beifig prepared and decorated for the
candidates, whaarenowcanvasaing nrth 'Zmsping town of Godericil' andsoreral
Ymirs, A REPoRmER. places at its own abooluto and irresponsible ever, non bec;Lrqe apparent to the old far- appruching session, in, the "traditional Will, M- 'SAVAOL =a by Lf -.1, fez we and Santh Huron, with the desire to be other of their favorite hobbies, but the disposal verylarge. anmi of the people's t " at a fow of his anests 6f the tew - mode, hub with a Aue regard to, econemy.
001ce nioro attached as shailows to John people, knowing the despicable purix)se DUNGANNON. Goderich, March lat, �87L money. to the utter-subrorsion' of the, -es- persuasion always on a return A B"BER BHup,—A member CMA
of the Sanddeld McdouUld, will do their best to I for which these side issues vero� brought sential. elements and orincipres of reopen- irom an . outdoor airing, whicl t a seenre. They am prepared to pro -mise a BN T El -4 seetudd to Ontario rifles has jpist added this luxury
I lip, did not seeni particularly to appreciate USIASTIC =ETUNG. siblogovernment. The -following resolu- be indulged in withromarka'ble frequency, of civilization to Winipug. o
railway pn�ssil�g every farm in theounty, o 4q' ItC %;�31 =1 f -It
I tion was put to the vaseting . end Carried entered into rho spirit of - the festivities SPEOIAL Co3tuHsro,,toxNTfj.—The Mani- tL-e =az. rm i
aid to erery 6arhor requiring it, and free the steeds or their riders. Robert Gib- UNAIJIMOUS Fox Gmsox. unanimousl :—Moved by N. McHardy with mora vigour of lau'g and limb than tobhn catitions'these 0 - , glishinggentlemen,and E:
drainage to every swunipy lot in every bons stood up maliftally And refitted their 1116coudedb3;E4win Gaunt dep. Reave, and 'seemed to him.consistent with on unliquor- particularly him; of the Montreal 2Vonveau- t"s t�qzcel
ipleadi I maeting was he-I&"are, on resolved, "that this meeting has every ed state'ef things ; and hiiing, --a good monae thus :—"Don't lie,dou't'exaggorate
township. But 'what about the perform- flso charges ina. very, f1mcible, manner. F A R M ER!
%70 COf to =sit
ant -I, -3f these maeg-nificelit prjutisest We Ila di more than hold his own in th is Thursday. 9th inst., at tht confidence in the ability and iptogrity of prosboscisfor Ismelling-e;�"rat'sooiidise6ver- don't get frialitenod, don't make ruoun- IF YOU- WANT RrLALLY A COOD ARTICLE OP
,�PDad not to"ll onr rea&ers thaLtheir frite Mr Gibson to represent the interests of ed thiiihisfriond 'DoualGorm'had been tainsf moleliN -Aun't be stupid. don't
'will te like the canal to Afanchester or the strong conservative locality; whic'i is f,,Ity Gibson. Ovir 200 persons were present the North Riding of this County In the dualmunteating his inspirations in the make it o4t that W'o are in a state of an -
harbnr at Port Alberr, which ill the pre- as encourtigipg, ts the enthusiastic reoiep- I'd -th't chair was occupied by U. Girvin. local legislatie, and pledges itself to use dark! Suffice it, th� deniijoU was again archy in Manitoba, while we are getting You can got it at the store of lut vccuy Tc=
once to prodduq�d, and the bonds of mioral (or shall A -RE -ye -2r -T u sent.,�rbxrnf graea are just i th% 5;161L. tiun he mek with in otber placea. Ishac Eeq. blr Gibson spoke wit all the �Qvery legitimate means and influ along switiaminily.11
stogo of ad vanceinent a& they were in 186Tj Carling did his bes"t look jo mllilines and sincerity, so characteristic secure his election." A committee wait we say hymcritical)-restraint being this far 'CiTizENs'BALL. ---A splendid Big was
whan tho gentleman ^Vgns And biliss in- Ily Nit is of him and was warmly applaudod..Me"I's. aPtointed to canvass the electoral division cra6lcid, .,soon gave way, and by-and-by given to the officers of the ntario I and W. N. SAVAUIL
--% forstump
troduced thum :is capital figure, evidently " down in tile mouth." Thl Totus and Dqmgy, of Goderich, put ill con . sitting of thefollowiVgs:entlomen,-iz*:— the liberal stimulant became so faw a gone- Quabso Battalionsi"'On 15th. inst. Some B -A thee things sometimes 'small Erf that used to follow the Istbut Godorisk Xarch 2&14 1-271, SEOW.—Ta
appearance itk the interest of AIr Hays, the elialiman and Secy. -of the meeting, cat favorite, that instead of &-Teetotal sur- 250 -ladies and gentlemon wore present and
Edwin Gaunt Esq dep. Reeve John Gor. prise it ultimately turned out a To tipsi- it w t o tb i n ff r
Like with the classt�s wilo have not follow- man' have all deserted him and he looks blit as usual Oput the4 foot in it ;" 0- as he In a rill a t a ai ever gLVOn
"Pdsliap" "Y AgOwultur--a E=cy, wv
ed the cutirga--of Imlitics closel? enough to and feels lovely.' would be t don, John Webb, George Dotwiass Donald fidd orqie 1, The, conclusion of the fete, in that latitude. 'Lieut. Governok Ardhi-
know that if the Premier ha not some- the very firatic Cameron, Wi weducAlay. LE& V
he ]i!110 argument be very brave youth sought his lady bald and lady opened the ball and dancing
they advanced ing nAuderson, 03' JEANIE WATSON will give another
o'her destination for the st rplu rat' to aesort the 'sinking effi:otually di�p_osad Mr 121atheson, Wto Concert in Orabb's Hall on Friday e ESTABLISHED the 12an, eB 4'A 810 -R, lie wotild ship� ahol hisabsence looks onlin ft 13;rbour, Geo'Webster, Wesley Far- love in ordev, to escort her home, onepoor was kept up till 4 in. 'Cho roo were Toning,
hare given Hays rling, something 'Gib- of Union, and r Alexander Fruser of rier, nirana Smith,. Donald Rlitherford, young fellovy whohad travelled sevenor handsomely decorated the 24th inst. 01 ess,
and Ca and such mmattoe, R
bons is in gnod spirits and confident of Amb�-rlay. Besides the two Uoderich'm'en Hngh RoPherson, John McCrostie, Gen eight weary miles of bush path,for �the sake as "God Save the Qtfea,ll "Ontario" Qu
ft a- t-anc,ible, to- wor on, and not seut them saccess ; feelitig assisred that the honest
eaut t- the electors to te!I them that if they spoken of, we only know of one oth, Campbell, Jas Somerville, Hugh Rather- of enjoying the society of a young girl, wh m ANGLO AMERICAlq COMMEgroN.
are g yeomen of Solith Ruron will not desert. .r man o bee, liberally dist0ibuted. 2cd, od bovs anti vote fur Hays anti ford, Air Mooney, Peter Campbell, Gee formed one of the company, on pi!affering John Rose is confident the delibera-
him but vindicte their right to have a re- favorable to Mr Hays present t the `Tm ASTONISHIIOG bow 'ciyilization and
Carling. Sandfield t1my send them dowa Weathorhead, Jame&, 011mmingti, Thos his services to see her safe home, was ve oysters progress hand in hand. An eri. tions df-thei Anglo-Amierican Commission
presentative of tf eir own chookin t,. meetiug.—Com- ry Tfi E OLM ST 2nd El �FbVd.
a ph -m We sx Reformers, who ZURICH, WED-VASDAY - Mr. GibZons had Loold, Donald Grant, John Sheriff and tantalizingly repulsed, which so affected terprising Winnipak firm advertises "Fresh -will have a favourable issue. It is slid csj
have shzdioJ the (Inestious involved, to Thus Sonterville,—Com. him 'as to make, him literally weep aloud, Baltimore Uysters."
seek- to- iRforla the less infnrmed. to con- a glnrious reception here. The meetin-, a And give utterance to hfi� deep, deep, that.Sir John and President Grant talked was a Ilrilliant success and [CAL, —Aineeting was held in Lucknow. 'Lae ma' n. was in Washington and age ed as to 2ad Jas indif- he was eno- sorrow in sutintents'something, like those over the uhole matter when the former T I
firm tho� wavering to stir up the thusiantically stiaWned by acclatilatio PoLrr ib JURGERPTL
fevent,,and. euh a to trorks if the fate AMBERLY, coatailied 14 the folloing ditty. Seene7,a the
1he Germans rime out in force, anct are village to-day-allcd by '-Nlr Gibbohs-, I
Of the election depended on himself. t4;, tilizetermined to wh;u . It was attOided by the bulk of the (From our own Correspondent.) bush road—Lysandbr Bolus, leaning Brw-LA.E.Y.—"Ronesty is the best of Vneralharacter of, the ettlement .
Hera45-a-vitalquestion : re tho mini%_ by i) out the sti- gainst an old sturni singing—Air Molly pwicy" but some do not believe it. On
ters nar masters or our servants 1 saa n -etable electors of the township. The BOOK & STATIONEIDY
ilia cast wpoll them , Carling, wbel respe week, a JLbA —
tboy ara otn- ser &'ty he- brou-,lit against them the insulting speakers present were Messrs Gibbans, WEATHER -Ever since the datil of my. Brallagan. Wednesday evening of last ome The appointment of'six gent1gin en' 'a'
A -ants, and that ire cha' O*F�oillg' aliens, and managed to ge' Carlint, J 8 Sinclairand W blalcolm. Mr lastcommuni tion,asortof- indescribable Och I cruel, cruel Molly I hve you really gona and unfortunate son of necessity called into oluding Mr Truteh, as Legislative Count-
Imy' them to d our work, as our repre. r.1,10 t left we now the store of A. Murray, Esq, in the absence cillors for British Columbia hft been ga If the votes
a partix= coramittee to strike 0 Carling's palitiW genii stkch as "Spike" fluctuation of emperament seems to have Scorned, ancl ruined . past allhopo- among the stamps of the inmates, and ap ated % large xctted.
The moment they of 16 worthy residents., H to all 2 propri strcmv-b
tell ns that they ay will nobly "Poolsnap" etc. having deserted him he been waging ; 6 strenuous conflict towards of life and al I the pleasures In't you rudely have bereft quantity of boots,. tobacco and various
rk as do its dut - -tted. As tc; the sp es, a _ZE=13S they plLase,.x-pend. nar money. and ant let y on th nd give a larger was p(_rk�ctly isol - eech gaining the sul reme the at- I. me nuw- kinds,of merchandise tq his own use. It It is saidin Ottawathat all the frontier
the whole As good as any one Ight as Tlefgo hang myself, as lire to tell the tale ; , V
e 21st they were on 7
I majority than ever for Mr. Gibbon. bought you were tile partiest g!rl of all in wide is neei 19 Usk ve�, C C di, 'by 4 T6'4e d
and the There waa ao supporter of eer
us, kn*w anythingab=t the why, Mr. Carlin-ws would expect to - hear from the several mopherical administration. Narch-400k It Ontario dless to say that he -forgot to ask for and Ottawa valley Tolunt alions
tter a bill of Parcels. . He is yet at large.
hoir, and the where, until the siheme, is f present to speak for hi eakers. Vie manner in which Mr. up the sceptre OD Wednesday and mount If all wAll as the Cookshire and St. Andrews' ORT -d OF IXEMOVial tD 1-1 IVEG
rub far advanced that it cannot be stopped rfelt in and lie 3P And I thought no youth within it, had a be he �!ha
Carling attempted to pa!m, off sophistry on chance thau 1--: epwes Ne �Ia the rest ot the "Jerk -
it keertiv and 813 expressed It Ld cavalryi will go into camp at Lapra t
se]E The entausiasm. for Gibhuns is the simple and 'candid electors of the with a tolembly auspicious For tP win your best aftetloas-but alas I ybu tyrifit era k for sheet; to his feet an early period next fali.
ei altered, that mument they are aspiring him ed the throne
tq be our masters ; and the n101ne2l�, alY extrordinary. to grace in good kedping (one would say) Xo,.,fhb7 01 and Cigars in his mouth this winter, but if MAKET SQUARE n T, to ef
of onr representatives are aces&iary to wnship was ludicrous in the -extreme. a a murtherld me wid slighted love, and'lelt me he bappensto be detected probably hevill I
11ODGERVIL14%. WEMNSDAT' NL1gnT._ The oni v utterAce of his worthy of notice with the nature of things, as usually ex- hereto die I PHYSICING HoisEs.—Many �ersens physic
high-handed proceedings, that wits thai : "If the people elected Mr Gib perienced in- most climates belonging to I wish r were envy tile position of the passers-by ext. cin mmea
MoMent they shonlil forfeit our confidence 31r. Gibbons had here the largert meolinto at home in the �town of swate Duupu- — - their hozoes f ently—es�fcially every Paris n a 22,
bons, be womld oppoe.the governmentarif] no PuGiLi.%Tjc VzRiz.—A few fevenings - - re
and be disnAs§-_d__ Sandfields rit- qattibled. There w semi-tempe6te zones, butiu ratherclose tn n spring. This
that -has yet as, , �,
gove go (1w fela great error, and one L�e -
as no therefore Huron would stiffer thereby as I'd 0 bWright straight laway, and never rise since a rencontre of singular beauty oc- 0
Mont has been thu3 high-handed. (;,rling room Inrge cuourb to hold it and thest of the government' proimity to frigid ones ; �ut on Th mrsday ' again ; which has caused the loss of many valuable
and 140 tusve thms farfaitedour con- the speaking had to be don only supported their sup- Or if I had a bloaderbush; or else a rilled'eannou,now chrred in the middle'of one of our prin- horses, as physic as it usully given, often A100-RHOUSE
dence, desim o, re-engag he U" a in the open porters. He sai4l thatmotiQnslike "Blake's an entirely new line of policy seemed to cipal streets. The combatants were "Big wels which
fi I'd 91 -ye some little -bov a cept to 'shoot we thro' the puoduces infiammation ofthe be Gman ltclma
and we dn�z T brain I Dunce and brotherland the twin Sig- HAS IN
them. Let uothing dist ga qir. number of drunken controverted Elpotions Bill" should be, havd been called into operation, and all 'Twas for the sake ofineeting her I came to this da generally proves fatal ;ft also weakens the 1V f1e rcccmt rn-, ters. It Appears that some children met ns f"o"l the rowdies from Eeter tried to make an (anwere onlyptoper when) bronght in by sy;Ipt6ms of the hitherto stereotyped 1 11 horse and thus renders him more liAble to rwd issue, which is :-prsre and rew=,�ible ed sprop tonight 'bility of the disease, or less able to throw it off -what is Folly tEca , Bra MCI
interruption but fail?d. Over two thirds, the government Q) And therefore he voted And broke my plidge to make me bow1d, by drinking the street excited t4o irasci,
goup'nanzent urmus con-upf, Ininistenal for Sandfield apd against Blake. These order,' were, for the time, cast intoalley- . on the sly, "big cbap,", andhe though bent -on a pitch required is a medicin6 which will operate
Let no side issue, no local keel- of those present - were :ror r Gibbons. ance, or -rather hurled off . sort of But of all the boys in Ashfield there are none bo- battle -with theyoung Fry wasadivisedtozo Stock full Supplits tf lye
andsomoother tucherroneons doctrines in 06 or opinion or prejudice iuter- en th usiast ic, § - - guited like me toniglit,
no ndn His friends are ZdAlotif abd composed his speech, at the conclusion of revolutionary- lintburst from the elemental Since luolY3 gone, knot left me all jaone� lor gently epon the bowels, and act upon the
we and are detertit to die I home by his brothep. But no, Sirhe would liver and lungs, removing all obstructions
far- iWith the great bnii,ess hied 'to go in and win. which lie very systematically intimat d magazine, indicating that not do that. No sooner had the brotfier there from, purifying the blood and enabli 9 te CL 4%
have 031 -hand t0id in curbing a corrupt South Karon will be redeemed this that he was the only ma - for the office a brandanateh- The things I rougbt fo treat her wid, thO cost me begun to press him to go home, than they -all the grgaus d DESCRIPTION
and high-h3nded execiative by sendingo two qme. �jd_ from an eqnatorial sunbeam had been half a dollar, shure - is - tc, 0 their work without
Here, Isaw. Carling made the ill South lluron, he being in such favour I bought them o'er III - 1vhidxy Swn,s as I came down act too," and pres1lted one another As
such honest and reliable man to Parlis- andaclous assertion that "He would with the Govern want ed through some the way OveitlixGLF flnY; which is accomplished by Nirch la@
ment as T-homi'ts Gibson ment. During Mr Sin- Resides a -juart oftood poteen and a neW paper col won as the melee becranYhowever,in jumps the use -of "Darley's Arabian Heave Remedy -OF-
and-Robert Gib- reprafflf tjais constitumc the bouncing heroi'o t q as lon as lie plair's speech, y6ur correspondent could chink or. creyice, and had realilted in a Jar. Shure, nes, exclaiming to the and C6nditi )n Medicinel is alivlys safe
buns� wha willa&%ert the right of the peo- liked P' Mr Sinclair administered not help but. uotio bw Mr Carling writh- general blow up of the entire Boreal fab- knol now all these.expluses, bav6 been fairly thrown by-standers. "In the name of Aiollb,tho CIO= 618 twrmft
vle to coixtrattlirougfttheirrepresentatives a away sun.of Jupiter wud none of ye iliterfare and certain. P
Laxes they hava 1) seathin- d demandt(L to ed beneath the dathing charges brought ric ! The forky, and snak-like lightning Cell �.wberefore-djd I Reme 'her -thi6me, and see that the
the disbursing of the aid. rebdke to him an flx my eyes upo Foolsea
against him,and how conspicuous the 5 or dvarted, - hiodbol and kippect from clond to But - cmithur so? a the fickle and save the brothers." However the in
Sinking eierythinbnb the* irrepressible know "if Le r�ot. himsek U.P to De the 6 of his supporter� preseat made them- f ha* signature of Hurd & 04; is oneaclr page.
I alwaYs thought she loved me caueshe binswd "Jerking o tf,*ps - intense for a time. Lefter & Note Papbrs, 4ad longin.; for Pura government, let, our dittator and not the representati-ye of the se ' l4a by their inued interuptions as clond gleaming with -terrific brilliancy, and look'd so sly Peace ww at length. made and. the Wur Northrop & Lymiin, Newcastle, 0. W., jplaij;p Buledt nichj F0
course uatil and on that 21st be "ahoulder people,," and carried the feelluM of the if they would Coi whilst almost in simultaneous accomparn- Bad ess on all the silliness th4t led me tor to treat proprietors for the Catrades, Sold by all reign, nd tLe L-,,ncloa nlilret
fait' stifle the devo her so went home in a cutter., After their arrival
V, shoulder." Cr9rue, ' now. reformers of 'rm;,' ment; the thunder -mouthed ordugnee of Since now she's g�ne and left me all alone for to the i� "they decided that a "soft aaswer.,uirncth Medicine dpalers.
Han -a, let us gee for onom if ho a7holience, entirely with- himi. That is daine' of accusati6n that m as emanating Boalwrqes roared and rattled from all AT LOWESTRATI
not beat pvhcy ; if justice "Osty' can- what the present ministry and- their sup-� from that claque , gentleman, and con- away 7rath' and then began to
p?ints of the sulphurous and reekin wel- 1're to- mysunday breeches too, wid climbing o'ftr 0:ji- Thousands ofBeople are nowcaXtleasly a a
porters from Sandfield downwards are auming their aurt? oramus 9 the fenws sure, "Whatever brawls disturb t serlso cannot prevail oirer chicanery and v.hearts, Ane ign' kill ; and gnst on gust, in quick a he street llowlag tbemselres
I'll e 6 -a blown, from the lusty -winded trumpet of been k nd to 4
aiinin- at "to bo the- dictators jLud got rode the Robb 'Saildfietil 1g utooll3lon Butl *ould'ntgrudgeso much itt that if.Molly lmd there sh a frift throuht the
b7a y cold be peaco at. home,* preliminary symptoms ofjonsamptio
5punder 'at the &,,Rte anot r.'durin,, Air Sinclair's Eurus, bore downwards to earth with 01, Imaek of her swate. darling lips would pa*y the Where sisters dwell and brothers m the fatal delusion That th!,y are . troubled
the representatiiei of the peopfo.'s The reforme whole expinses iurs �*Enfcn until I . refetencelo t e Ilantbeing located at deluvial violence, the watery reightof rho For rd be sow am v Quarrels should nev6r Come. with nothing but a "slight 'cold. How
ele"Ors Of South Huron - -will this gime- I f lot bappliess, the hole I neer
jondon"exclaim. -"ft should h%ve b9en
Y Issue at Goderich." Mammoth-belffad cloddo. This extreme would mind tie
A RZ3LDXXT OF G(IDBRI6a: - teach the "dietatoe' - thit he 11119 hereupon Mr Sinclair cessary is it, then: that I cold iftiould be -MOORHOUSE's
och I I Wish I h;A a hori�-fo
state of matters* fts not however destined . r they say theres con. caried for from its incipiency, and' eiery 'Lich coaflMael until Itc
his uandAte to his allicMILt0a to '-f lilt at boldly told him th t he "thought so as he 80lation Int: RaRway Xaeting at Wintham;
Tho greatemy that is bei ry good sWl�ject,l' and And my spirit's very aintlub., and lAy throat Is very - to get, rid of it. "BryiLn7g
ng raised agairtat all hazards out that they. intend to would make one vt to last long ; for although -,na�uro seemed dry I exertion Psed weathei CnEtinum W4
Pulmonic Wafers" will atop the hacking at home to become "dictator" certainly wi think some of th espoetable ()ch I sure this nuty world, lias an air ofolesolat cough in afew Minn Gibbous is that 1he is a Goderich leave Isaac as if about to be shaken laid shivers by the The inhaoitants of Wirighain -and vicini-
ft eir shocks of the biggest of all eleataie bat-. 'o' ty met in GrifWx hotel on Friday tes, andbytheirinfluenc
To attempt to ereate a prejudice to fi:ts-own housth.)Id i1he dare, attempts of the ting Is th good Mr.
teries, the tough old dame held togother 41111P 31014%. gone and left me, all alone for to die t evenin, "the 3rd March, for t' on the bronchial an
agw:nst a candidate on such grounds i our "at b he purpose d pulmonaryrgang, all a FARQUHA'R.-91-larch.-We had hero a bebavi LQ�)1;10 On the - piano" if we after all, and notwithatandin- that her of arriving at some 4efinife cQndusion ;w foars of do erous results will soon be EMBRACES
would judge by t conduct of some half- old weath-er-beaten-face underairent a very ro d th LD adon, Huron & dissipated
low al9d c0ntemPtl - One, of the noisfeat large and respPetable. meeting. It w bat the'
dozeft electors phIsent. Alran
X4DO y poor heartla broken,. andneverwillget to which 7 mugt be taketi in time.
slid there were only one or two Carlincr Carl gtori, Gray & cf T,-,ei�zaticn ficm
ahoiaters is Thomaa:-Gre No one, r We think Mr unsuspected an process of Th. or th Wellin D
polso, Sodb a
%away. in,, t feelings 4ero spared,conatlIerably d unceremonio�us . tooth of black dogpair in aitiniat ltv core I Bruce Railway Pr! y I rugAts and country 4ealers. 0
men present, and from the appe wasbiug ; and to look abroad on the resur- when next tho soicuin deathliellsJof swate Dungannou Bruce Rail"y-the of W Ice 25 cis per box.
forsometime'PUN wasl6ud,rthauh i arance we by the speakers on I account of the abject 11. 1 �ng_ * .
8 In thinl� the statement correct, Every at- L rected state of old l6gs, stumps and fences, t ham and vicinity sholuld upport or Ame EvElty SIZL?2
request he madeAA his speech. "Don't� Its poor Saminro'llead. and gone forever SHAM COUR
denouncing, Carling's ime-apatiti ; but now tention was- paid to the difflarent sp, I F not to speak of the post deluvial aipect more I theirinfluenceto.,'d.Loyd, Esq., occu. - ealers, be �oo hard ah, a4.1 FzLLOWS
once as his braz -gand his man, Gkeeuvv . on me gentlemen, as I _,' COMPOUND STRUp -0y ]1ypp_
_en Mr Varlin ay, left am alone to-dy."I 'Verilyone wo,ild, think of the fields#and forests in general, and och Love i yoteve done my tarkey-�ott've laid my p�ed the chair, and �t. A. Grall-in acted 336sruiTEs.'-A new ke Gfrwau bosom waste tonight I -discovery - lor tuting
before the ilie�ting xas over. The nrth the circumstance's of tb e rivers, consistent , Is down in the bush, thp� as secretary. The moeting Was then ad- nervousan� debilitating diseases, It improves y U�;V:Tdlcy to
era pa , rho I'lerycroyl ' dressed M. Murphy tind the appitite, awists. digestion, promotesgs, liffalowl le- _,"T V
tra"Puterand QueulnPrOmising supporter, . 0 - that only a case ha4eued villan �ould dare to a novel mode of architecture, being r=ckineinbom
an I is daft- his all rt of Usb,jrne is not the place for to, appea o by the . Rer, abby lbest to exci r n51rC1'lin.,','sshoeiandaskthe built acrosathe bridges, the grand W-hust here, out In this wilderness' rM howlinilike 6 Afessrs R. Carrie Of %Vawauo3h,AAsher, �imilation, rouses the
ple-of Hay whom he or bast. tonight liver, strenothens-tbe e0
'to the Carling. His Supporters there are few su QUALITY P'SOPIC, against Mr. Gibbons, merely be- and far between, of the p
jtally devoid of in- consummating 'break'up of the Frigid Dr-Tamlyn, T u Jac kson G GreeL John nerves and
so foully abused, 40d whose truit he ,Fo3r Molly's gone, and eftme, all alone for to die I muscles rifies t
he a C -0
ICY vis, after which the fol- invigorates ��e blood, `Gse- hO kaPP=s to reside in Goderich. 01pence. basely betrayed. (:ou. so, Monarchs tbraiduln-had not yet been Ansley and H Da the heart actioh,. promotes
inplished. - It was something typical lowing resolution wa., put to the meet, expectoration. and gives tone to all the
is eause is�just Eke his ustial vacillation. FAA:NcasTowx.-The same evening a 0 Th �j . I acco premature attempts TIELE COMING ELECTIQ:�S. -a took place in which giddy S. R is -efficacious in Palmo
- _;_ - —_1 __ ' 'headed ced republicans GmTel-&jud By -L -w, wh�e in Gderich ch countries -, o the Edit.orr the Huron Signal; kored by A 'Fishe�, Esq , seconded b Consumption Bronchitis-, nury D
He is the P u 17120 was in favor of the large gathering Of electors of -certain vital funct;on
the Dininorroom. of Powers* Hotel. Atten! in su T 0 THE TRA
A voio y 10 and nervous Or
tiou was paid by theigreat majority 6 from aay. as rauce,- Spain, Greace, Mexico and -DBARSIt :7-qhe elections, n1ay now be G Green, Eq., That thistin'elatincr is of the general Debility, arisin from whateyer and fur weeks ifter, who helf-ed W put the of the TL N in 2M, r— othei "Benighte-a States" make towarAs said to have- fairly begun. Everywhere opinion that a county nusshoulabegien cause. z)
cunnti to the expense of ftkl*llw & vote on electors present to the -speaking. But ay, Mtrch 8th, 187L es be
tat)lishing a new order of government, the candidates are in the.,field ; und the thie piesent rai(wV enterprise ST S0. Sold by.apothe.
it, and then,, m day layn Signal: , and that Plice *L50 a bottle; 6 tor Common.s.
Ing, a little red-faced Doctor DEAF. Sip Owing warmer 'we [edge ourselves t pe every legiti- c-,Aes and by F. Caudill Co-., whelesgls agent,
or two, be ustial in that locadity, a band of rrwdies To the E11tor of the H' whilst the old order would rahch better contest is gr montreal, WHOLE,
'ore the Yt- from Exeter i7w ith - SAL I R, 91"AL9
-,-Wdn1.1d you be,kifid en-)u.,Yh sni, their interusts ; and consequently, and warraelf
every day. For. r or five mate y 06un L
L'1SU6&P1a=ds' tderb's 5"L'na&urc at their head, tried to disturb and break t allow me throu6 Your columns to ad- like such, i:ery so the next fou' effort toinducepth Count
Q's Re8_ ' Of the Township, denonii Angfithe upthe m6eftin. Such characi�rs are a dress a faw w on biLbbled and bluixd- weeks we thay expect to have a pretty to submit a by4aw to ise the sum
schema-a`U4 prtIcularlYthe-Town of'Goda. dl3grac.e
- ords tt) the'electors of;South red itself out of existence. With a 6w
riA m;t content with this, he actually ttejt th any party. Thank- fortunt, Huron, -more ci ly to those of ively time.7 14irlee.the electors are called $300,000L-629%000 to a nted- as a TiE ERIE MM -AL. AT THE VERY Free ad
c5p LAI this' gra arQ:,Dnly to be'foutill'arnong a certain towns i concernifi temporary: exceptions the weather since upon to Choose their representatives, we bonus to the L.,! H. B. X. R. and $100,- miles in lenth, and ed.mnled * tae dutiex of R�6turjiinx the coming election. the tolls collected upon
portion of the electors. At thoi then has beedless or more subordinate to 006 to be granted to the H.; G. & B. R. I t. it for .18'6.1 amounted to over threi inillion
officer (the person appointed s meeting Mr Carling. as. e vigaronsly pros6cut- the ordinary coll-dit - think they should mqot their former men
his Mr Gibbous'slippolte u is towns ip for the ion of the atmospheric fate to face,and ieceiye their explanations. providing tkat �uch railroads pass throtij i, dollars, wMch is nearly double 16 amcnat LOWE SSIBLE
duties to hiza for a 3oupla of hours) - and were in a majority ing lie ny, STTO T
recor-ded the votez. lie ia of about tkrge to one, Most of the row 'pnags. 6 days,-, wi what result we will laws, as w4elY interpfqpd, faithfully re- We find that Huron is not behind hand, in or within a xeaponallfe distance, Of' the colle6ted in any preYlons. year; and while
now'eugatgod die& had n(, Vote corded and emphatically predicted in bringing out her candidates, Mr.' Gibbons town of Winghv�ur.
im Viug froln meeting to meet' Soon have achance f knowing. His fair SaraqnanI6 AlAofnai is- ut in. the interests -of the people, Mr Moved, in aniendin n; bi R our reighbors have so inuch- to be the ort
Ings sytrl�= -A ?s
--irexYtLinghoczatrump up a MI)SBURGIL-Friday The meetin words and frieudl$ bearing, pass him 69 YO Currie, ple"ed at thts'rk;sult, it is grat reason
9 if now
ying to,k
F-5-PPle utthla towni and his, r-er-e the re- was to eruiens froul as a $;jolly good 1&llrjw and this with PoLrrr"L�The.state of political matters Carling is candidate for the government: Esq. -seconded'by Dr.. Tamlin, that this thatthe �iales of -the $'Canadian rain Des.
Ulposed mostly -Qi If
Stephen and thtt corner -of Hay lyillcr near s0ule will
ulaiks -Welt reze ved the loudest plaudits rocure iratheim!P1300. ButY in Ashfield at'present is in a yery'stirrincr Nihough personally we have n:� objection3 meeting is of opfition i�at a couity bonus troyer.11 for ibe cure of co�gfis,colds sprains,
Ei-eter. .41 p4reie electors of o Mr Carlin& ; yet M supporters of the'
fi�,Jni Isaw 0 ftain. The pramidi's cr�fiy, and suddZ i �ould_be.given- to the preent railroad bruises, rheumatism, tromt-bites, chilblains,
'Arling. A striking contrast a had a good hearing Ha ,. b did he not dur-
y e kAre
t* tho-donSu# of this sri;jsetabl� soul, and verythmg passed, off harnioniously. ing, the last electior prorogatioirof parliament has taken people people We would -'rather see Air Gibbom enterprise, and that im pledge ourselves &c., is increasing much fastdr.
fidrexa ofthe wartfiffealing Of !me 0=31TOx. -Friday eye There kindly greeting _arade soft words and e ears nither'Surriedly Lmid both- 00011. the seat. to use every legitimat6,eflort to induce the Sold by all Copnty
ning. s; a ng make fair promises by th pying -inedicine dealers at 25 cents per bottle. MOORH U
903 Edma yeam-lu of, Hurml is the language wag a. large number of electom gathered in Of -whit he- woula lb ? What fruits hae Tory,and iberal seem to be. putting for- With reference to the North Riding we Council to submit a bylaw to,.;aiiie the3um f Mr. TItomas NaMicitaci. who,' i the.-Towa Hall in this thriving little yil. they borne?- He -Wabused 7our conff- ward their best shank- bones in ordei to think and not without sufficient grounds of $200,VOO, 0100,000 to be. granted as a,
a con-
TLe ilm,-se-cf
c7a4zacontrotrersfirith-Mr. Gibbonsou The Exeter -rowdies were here jurts. dence-he has broVell. his promises and iiieet&.6ts e bricy - 'A ?*?ut&tion frofit that� Mr. Gibson will discharge his d&fy bonus to e4oh read, provid g that said. web) V,
the veryidbiect Mr 06envraV is spiating- tared in force under the e4mmand. f Dr 4espitchis. pledge i'�o*sdppurb any good our district cons of tvio� good-itau tich u'l an honest ind upright- manner, and roads pass through, or witTin a re"on-
tilt They- prevented free aiscusabift measure, " you wili-�ffud his votes T.; reformers to about frankly sctyw say- all succen- intelligent went to Blyth at all- thertfure,merits the confidence of the elec- atle distance of, the town.of Wingham. US Rini)
31r GibbOrts as a,=a1iUtefi;rS�uthurqu, 'a Ove The meetilng ed in favor of was dand the �i�eud_
ry pos�ible Imanner. any 11116tiou. whi6h would in barly h6ur on- Nlon;Uy present at. a torn. His return is certain. The motion
he -will broke up in disorder- -neither C�rliugnur gay way contribnW to the detriment' of- convocation- of the supporters of Gibson Yours sincerely ment lost. * I �y
V . � I � The following gentlemen Were apploint�
arwater the in .1 -'the, Reere --tf the Town who will undoubtedly �' be '_ iho A Reformer. s. c., VIC- ES OF a
terests of Huron in the "reenwaY ship; progress. Who waal iti gentlemliv, who n t
House 46 Torantly M earnestly alld zeal makiug the -slightest exertion to suppress al by 0 representative put forwaird by the re- ed as a local committee to work in the in- Seeds! Seeds
during the tri o Cont uveried Elee- fcy
and.1-slusirely think that& 7
ausly as7ha does thT i eri& the' rOwd--Tlsm, This meeting was a grand dent committee, ptactically said�,_ceoe forin 'party,, terest of the L. H at 1B, P, R. --Rev. p0e,.tEQL1, I Eft2eWQ7.
interests of Ucdi Gc>dexich Townebipe I .
at hame.0 t succe-4 for 3frGibbons. The part played Inans of Hay,. becaAse you did not vote good. many who voted on the Tory (or M Murphy, and Almllirs S. Kent, T. G.
no' ' Londiscript, tilde at last ilection are -about SUBDIVISION -NO.' 1. Jackson BALE TY4141
wm-ons fa EO jUdge](1 by bY_ 'Carknies rowdies that night turned for me, I* will li 41 ?W. you, to me the A Fisher, G Green and 0 Loyd. want any bad need. NO 1 -8 OF REM Sl -
iflany a -voter In. favor of Gi right of British cidid TV it was Iggge, gfi disappointea witfi.,the DO
bbons: �Tha thor gh anou - It being aboitt ttveiveo'clock, the meeting YOd' wsut'auy good seed. Ye Ruforia. Coaven- - t Choi: ion� and - On Saturday, 11t1i Inst, at 8 01a8kr&*eaiagivfug hiln % uranimous People of Stephen are tqo road kf f,,ir play Carling! By -the �diou of that 6mmit theymade enthat o0cas P. in. about heit'broke-Up.-CoN. Thensotp C? my no ect6rs, 'and- a d6zeift bo
to tee the man wbom.YV chosenas -your . I ya
jowinaM)nx by' what he it. afid by, tfie to cl?"'Itellance Such nduct, which Carl- will likely give their iitlue�hce infaior of half- a- dze 1 geneml i tfjq_%z,8 C-5 Fromm ing will find, to his cost on th a polling6day. represei the. -above named gentlemen at the forth. met � in the Orange lo SEARLE .4 DAVIS, e 1prw,�
esha -113kea-which-his' t'career 3tfttLv16 WAS 44 �1�0- �Z"Ix LF9017MAUPAPER
PA3 d- of his seat. dge-on 4th Con: SlIPPressed.- t'l-,
coining election: All - our �political work- Messrs -Roba I,
TiclmlturAl geed Store, 01
of unawervfilg honesty aallr6s, Its that lie EW-3rViLLP-Saturday. A large num- And yet A11r CArlingr1hral7ilis 1,ardihooil rt G(irdon)J61in D**ison, and While. gaii it, -49 inton. The Ga tL e -the triV, of electwixs p -the second again to solicit, the.01 are busy'st the Latho, and will cot William Donnghi -were pie fringe e
WM perfann-and not. by sent1frork God- vofandTimo. th
iresent,- and frages of the peoplo shop attraoiainar publicity to bays,
cn=8tan,!a tBA& lie resfdp in -ica. where -pit out pro t e p loan action of the Grand, Orange 'ec
-am - eiich. Mr. Gootge McKee *Aiiippointad- eed on land.. At low p C
Guderi�h. Uinly, per- banaldatei., Am thy S & large 16t of No I Clo
Carling appeared to have whom he so heartlesil� tr pled on ; and tu Ties$, wholesale en their Mal. -In as dge f. butaTi) th L 6t =d re A. -Also
ty., But -it, is hard fosay birly, superintends tfid�busiuexs. - -cha tai SHIPPEO FROM Erma *0
saontit. at -and his men whozotrusthesobasef Wekt
Vibetrayd. Whow"it, Mi, Nvison to -Uri Donaghy &Jarge lot of
litsy aud we' ArS much HOTEL BusrNEss-Thtf Delhi House, methnig."!-'Mr Dortagily- 8?PPrP%s1 own MAL usually ba -1 ana rowdish an be, 116- who dnrin�- 1�1; eloction, promu�. "Come; Say-so the mWaly and in are dea,l, ifte, Maiarity df th� elgetbra 116mcit ioru;ersthe reverse. All parties. well ell to-suppoik every iil6sure. which in any Amberly, (late Mrs...M&herteils). imicle. "No, I ".61sayanythingio clous r oluti and lodgb f
Are IlMly some&; ons,of the -Gr
li4teried to, luw appeared delighted to got way tended thing." YrDay�ison then s East Ontario, published in ofir last issue. going off �heap.. lap-tory. %V6 are. Cali, to raise. ifie standard of right. cuplell, by 31r. Joseph PJArr;'is fitte'd - 1 iL;' aid, amongst.
a 1 - nil, in for Ito 8ue
place alive. �Her h4d am ndjustfica? it wai!h . th ago -.--'�This meeting was assembled, to HOW, 18 - this th ]LIE
therO 4ROt a siugla -reformer in tho to 0 by w an.elegaut and. coramodi6na-style ap- X
on r
wo wfll su, far for,�ot his `arlin J rganma-Committeeto attend to,,Mr. DAVIS C
-asib'did Iasi. and injustice, disfranciliseclyou-onedi a peais to be� doing a rospectablo an(fthriv� A M37siCAL TR Olinton. V.-M,ciplesi as fo, vota- for a corr;iptinaigt el�vtioa. From allsa;`w'auuhesitat_ thougfi, A stands noIn the's ing baiiiuess__-� 11-1as lately'lleen-made, one CafrJin& rists. He did ot expect the
amo position� inte ---�Onrmusical friends fe-an Exeter, b�.aauso the hnilexi--al,d ro- ingly say. that 8�uth Huron 2.- sound for. comes to. ask;,yea to ravoj� )n the, ef4rmers, t�aii 'to will do well to xamin' Peter',s Mustoal Mafch 13tbo 1811, w8.3w_ EARLY. V117mus mom
k N, , p -of, of the iutQrme.diate mail stitions 4 zeitthem8elm very much
wan now opf)o Mr. Gibbous. '- Our friouds are zealous- itud -whoral ot those.. Ila he, eliudp and if � Mont�lk, a &aga no �ublished by Peterg,
li�14 fi�m should 806ugeen audCoderich"lik' And-pase hard t4y
r ing, L a W re 0 a is th'a sure were ft Committee at three dollars a
enthusiastiG and, Ire k wel W e' n t zero j -�-oh no. --z ners -boild &ther northwartl or #out me to be suce6s a A nil.
sw% itidepenlent of p3rtyf- to rally Ellitti; pro That woul 01 on -the 15th of ever3 - XsE otgate AWD MAY 33E EXPZ
Vith. the must find'it wgfea,6 c6nveniencb.,w W84the fO U1117
this to informed that Spaekinan and Incrin istent a imed yQar_;, A -is issue hou uu�
t utoney* wherev in's in each humberS6 =rs
Ileir own townsman, -who suffin-ing -sl b a
razind bur distributiax er they nalb 0 voted- "nul ozi der the necessit.� of waiting for'the arrival We draw the attention 'of thii Reformeii onth, and con him ut they' -0 W it
T theinstance af-AnCMBAtD McDONA-LD. I ID IL 11*3tly- in their eau3c, and give such ciu do so without it beiiig known, b every 'me u pigtis of -the' late and- best music printed Athe undersignedamin.
rc t At'fwGI1ld bAsten�.And or despatch of thli different -stageilas 3fi� of'Godefich-Township tolhe fact tbat tbe 1he
silerice those and Biro Pat Auction, virtue OfTwo Chsittlelforigm TIM
I , is given VJ36P
rproveibilil for their courtesy Cofisorvatives expect tbeni't6 -H6 idly on by.Togeph Wilkins, to Thomas - V01 and be�Rng dato tive -jkb ore
G'Arliu."ites who, 1mve, no filzber aim In t1lo. ilad for the, col llbljode'Fl murder of, totraVbllers 1b-found.roadyto-aifford their care . , -iud on that. hope build the' t`15616rh Tuhu 1870 and 14th Oct0cr]M,re
watched. Spackaian, h "y n frota full-size qtructed toell by Public
a 11Ajarity alwill effectually are boiug nueve - e that 4ould stifle M -sic; In Thredl'Weft1r
pilioney we are told than, he,hai in In
many )y ir 40�
Of aday. Itwillficsiveverbotioavaft. 6. After it if Ae orangemen the Ro'hirafers, beupand - wrospondent, �Iioltft
-a 4LuVZ54. th.'In t(A excite a m. every comfort of their es - Anesteemed 0 and assigned oybrby-thasald ThclmAsBellt t
stic tablish- 4r6aulsoflucedss 0 be iyardd
prajudfca'ag4ug� If.tha sappartaka of Mr.-Gibliong Work k to tho, goveruma"t thoy will lick the Archibald McDonalif 6ft the 29d dai
will lick the ment 'in'ax hospitable, Art' Col�bdruegivei;W.a.very modest Tqrslon OfFebruary,1871.
I , 4,6rderly amarl- doing -1 If yon cannot'give Robert-014boxis The f0119W1119GODds and Cbsittle&viz_I LargeCaok
4trowlt of Goderieb. with A with hi& election is safe. We hame, hand that trikes them t God, forbid. --L as of Mr. Hays
nor the beA town hotel is capable of of.: akijority in youi.Townsihip,doyour iory roidy r4id into- -the kneet� -tugstoye lindall the furrAture -&lonqlngthereta. A
ho, doubt bitt that they willstrain over 801110 few i4eea wiii--:Oa. i,6 tAkerLthe fovding. , . - .1 best to-reduce.the majoriti i'g:of-jrefoim4i4. 't Smith's What lot of Crockery and�Glasswlirc, quantity of Qt?eting,
lierve, to retnrn the pe ktir Xop And iold their honor r againsthifii in u . 1 4 12 Arm (Nhafiw - 4 Dining Room Tables, 12 �fined
for 154ieces of AcolDENT=Duri�j th� SIASM Can would you- think Ofthe illcheek" hioh
thunder storm, 1861. nbrgy an&withu' Io* back challs, 19 tMmEt Chairs, 24 Spindib Baal;
won erx. -Put your shoulders to a!Seatcd Hockey, C ui2
It 7%ytbe2dinA.' he abled t V wood Heated ncker, I Bair #eated'
A I�AD CAtfSX.- -RoBRUT G rvlwlia� 4ilverwhilootherswit4inanty courage have work -Z, rtea c:Ry fty e
r3d, - C4114-Seated0mirs, I Can K HEN aye
',;vitbdrlwn their XUpF6JbL which raged here ert Th he parIiam!ejAqjr stripling to say to W 40fi, L4� " --at ry Iat 'Tb Ifulcoil a tad cause that bolstcr trsfrom the despotic. the electric fluid Amok one of the stobles w1lboll, eve nei 4f y1i WillisinYoung 'Esq, the Reeve -SeatedChalra, 111fairsentAno- Of 31t R. Falish, A, ehfidld, and ponetiatea take card that, you never write Reare afte Cornered Bcdstegoij,.3 3 _king -whom, they -Iii 0 -past have sorr. 8 Ronxid
ed. A majority of thil COMPLETED
ItMif up h7exa11g,1414ted reports cess Goderich Tovmamp; we fex�, some of, the Tmilding,, on if Frelichil - ittod 4 IRON IN DLOQJV;��When- the 1bJ 4, Lodking Glassos 101141 1 ditto 20x3o. 4 Common
a, assago, raiu.01' The electors of Po
God, yourname ag
t Wo TIM
otir re3poi Looking dlassexd Tout Gum, 1oted citizens, of this township in. Our-,* =V One of his. horses, besides doing Ill vtousupplied 'borne are Tepl p;1, ed,48tmw
t with its alemout, *a take 3IafWXse6, I 8ft Grass ditto. I Wsuh m
yboly yIng 0 W
KAJWK 11th, 1$71. fluded, will be c0nt0fit,t0 be tram1J1o4L(.$n considerable dam wers, 7 TPAsh AftoAds of Vadly" ki 111d With drA- ore
knows, rratl�r well, whays what Tile age, tothe buildin Mr tool vigorous and full'.qf atiin� n that you, W. T. Hays, never write M..
0; - atio . �,Jt in fter�yqur nallne 4ailli.)), ndq, 14 -go rep -0
altint 4 the Ivin- Tele- cousequen . An iusufficiintY ofthis vital elemoqt thit LL BED PZAR RDIT09. -An tbeNknat is devtd still,, And Will turn AO ttriWt6ne While Fariall's J10i Is a Matter of P. a corrcs?o Oakes. US feel Weak and 16V to, t1to, Interee-or the poopla f Huron Ard the- Axogtinder-irt-chid grin !he blade hit. stock JA genetally of I first, c1iWor at r The wthoiof _,!on �Lt tj Y's f ds Tlh een's uo�e4 AlLrket L the
Bilult God
qra rm., perinit me thruggh itt t4at will uality, fhelrorsb alorte'be- suclieasin, thePe W-111 Ic
,pA put* down 11r, Mi. t at of me refo t, 46aAvifal� them. I hope 1 q mmian $yru
Won,, I sar to tile ing recli p We cannot--agrow with the G.lo&e 'on W,
Tbegtcrious;c(oltimirttp"y�st6ww(irds4anevirstections. l%1u-Wr0n9-. In c4;ncl 5ned'w'orth 076 doll _0:3, edl re- e' That of My- other ketha L I am not of iron) can supply thit', defloiendyl, anil-its that Isaac Carlini vitkin the Rouge a _iaxd�j 22d4a!, 64,1871, W_
itews ire, hear frota 211 quartors of"thel"This tuqv party are again on the war h. elpeturtt of South Ifinkla if after the trial in 04"Theanfinte aware wifetherL either use will, invigorate us wonderful Y. L- ct -of A.
Pat rod, hy iur pi ure stolid. stupidity." He. oi- TqrM5dfPAle*"lL To commende AtI101clock
orth Ilidint in-licitte thut 51r Gibson** � and- it is remarkabla that on the evo of they have- beonfoiWl to -give Mr. Carling stock or promism, maybe cove ' W . . � G. 31.'rRt%MAX, Auctic&ftro
A.DelAwir ks of- Senator 'of itolidAn'difflorence Jcnow- dollitich, March 13tb, 1871,
aity wiR takeAhree fi�,-urov to exprew�,,ahnimt every. election tbathwtaken plate *rill tha manner in which he triftedwith- Stirlaued. V Bpis; �here a picture
"t a. glAss of Ms- u'llers, Ing very well thaf
in this township, th* Orange Anaconda ut their interestinoting Ii* tout in the hands �vRpRlgg Saulsbury . I and o - I witatever his own bpiui�
as I- - PARTY A _-RONATIOR �or amiT4 ebilvalryinCongren,,,debatc.,-,. �Ori knore n may be, Aon � the divisiom, comes lie
le. of the G ktreucusly to the;sstj as they arog . foles its coils imm around it& w4holit, vi . overnment, c4* lWal W so foolish zn%-A, number �Fi_jesons of both soxes , tfi=011606011416111 *AtbeTiibi�w, he -has has to trot alone after,"Brotber john;J11 STE4P=N_ IN OMINION,
tints, Arid Again, st, the elose, how PA to u"Ir be 40deved 4 his delusivo pro- and of ag
it tight� 4, differing dom. sweet fifteen to �appejtod on the Ho7r Is thatunjb�r of -the rrItE OXTRT OF REV-ISrOXV0I
&Lqp eniIts. 4:114. 1 r000lloctwben Dickson W" unit," and rasudsoiditit sophistries, and foolish five and, forty, ass6ih%ed by mutual senate.
The Vaijadla� ustr4ted JVfws,' for the ' TOwl'ship of Stephen will be 'held yn
rUnIIHIS In oppImlition 'to Cayley I in I It offered At 1vicestwoUt-dist- C�c
wir t0ms forward -spin to,'neoperthi it, one ight. latelK,'atthed Columbia spealm of the Ireek, is a magnifieelib nuinber and tllo� TOwn Itall 11,01a the first-Saturda in And �,will be T
they upAtch trot& , Creditc
Princo Alfr*d WU41 frost Now Zealand ompgowan and catholics'wout. arm in arm Mei Ibare only, t�,%& tbit-tbeyare �of* worth..y4 "'but so a0ecoett Ires, Non e auce all competitioup
and voted on the toll worthy of no better thtita- tte- present cor. to iles. trit"014 very 'favorable- exbibit- of th6 finttricbs-of illu$tfttlQ 11T ut ftever*i 119y
ju tlig 1'#$4 ult., Juki is expft Aasoon"
�w in I ple not ten m - from Kintaiti osbew- India. 'The rdveliali tor the -year mirn Canadian icanexnd partraits of pt
ho vai of AJOL th# last Yoto was- mordeol and tto poll �Upt goverrize"t Aud 4"oryo no botter olbuly asitutuitt"' 0; be a� surprise p4rtyj bu 0 0. 11901JTY.
IJ41114y t Civadirm; sre#i�ou, TIP Cl eik. Godetit�j, Marth 2ad., 18M
is �80000 iuT