HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-03-02, Page 4'LANDSuu
i; Thet doing ht tho Sousip'M
z ., Yoth- friendt 1, f hil easel,' one -O
d$er tlib arrival of the,%
T oui orsent on
0;,r. Before I left 006rdt, I'hav%3' b illWA share an&in-
G p. o1red iill ISPLAV AT'BAYFIELDO.
f theresist- I . I -
e, pofice atithorities-O seen you, carrying that- little venomous- -proapects.' . . , i. 1.1 BID
!armed t1i
tongued liqap of bones, about in our �jTki be 621 6tt Of 4f ZY�H=Q4= KL arm$!. Ye.
Tlots wet�e d%pitd
InardAbo WePtllllae:�
vol y hed to th6--YVsi!el,: tqual ty a�%
this is the zi�othoei;, an OV -Ana OW n ilidid hir ttvb&�scAo
Roland was more agltitst th er, I bubiu e' o tbeUtY HOsPit"I was sent NEVV AM� wccou'd adlly-ce I � I IF 2
nd Lord 8— intensely -� enjoyed his g day �ix werb re- remainder of the irt d U clescly coyered vith the bcz$
e fbIlowin
lo -t -he l5rditor,ofthe,Hdroa. Signal.. ely :-Cbas; of beech and mople timb3r of splendid groxyt!i. nneu-
conrusion. I DRE8S GOODS
D9ARSX1L ftUtieqLilj.yoITr imle. I'moved to that institution,nam Geo. celient road posics un two sides orthe -This snrt of thing often happens x%ith frst-bibten in the hands is situated in an old and %yell settled velglibourtaod-.
r1ASTWA.11b I Tha Ifeav old man, ot oar Vople,l said Lora 8--; but why tlib-Oth inat. wliat purports to be an ,a He" ty Bail �� irt. the hands *q- 4,3LSCX- Lot 16,1tange A Towndhip S
'Edward Pridd,'-haud would produee a larzo Igunritity ofErevaud to the acie.
'Waterloo, un away and 'list because Iti a
Blvor to aty letior of the 19t
as dead, and, his voice was to Jossamy is to r artinct-herent lot of balder -dash and such �and hand Ntiles foA and hand The lot runs to the Wi %Tr eld v ith aomCiderable
mother has mancouvred for a nutubur (if untinishect sentences, comi ".i '
be b(z2M no worp forever by. the son who Ji ing V, foot ar�d hand. Three waterfall which could be rhd. l.ble for mildez An
Assor-m-entf. u It- brancis Oldbo manutacturingpurposes-11
another thousand a year or So, I can not from tile pen of oac who',suts himse 107A tilm go WL otpor ,lore& 17, AMES D. ALLUN.
For terms app
not et see- Don't do it; don't 'list. - WA want I as a critic, I have seldout seen. He seems Ab hidi
RoTind was in Londonand hacT y lie 3CJ
follows like you. You know how I hate to possess in a ver :i,degrqe,�h
beew bome- At ten o'iclock one int jo private
morning extreme democracy; I have had no also been friistm�bitten, wc cases �will NE W Frenell Herim 0 fram or W, W. CONNO16s(l. 2'ayf3eld.
Guelph, Aug 15, 1870
mmend ed-, go 700
to were many strange men 'oullow I love you.' EW �4cla E i _B
ht was shown into'a somewhat dingy ante� your would in a kindly spirit rec critic as gfkngr.6no;it is, feat WANZER
boarding-houses. 'Some of the
ZACM what& the chance of. showing, y turn out seriously, n TTXJEJ A
to take a course or two at $01110 uotntuon ha set in ARGAW.
almost, all in unifbrm, few of There %ias nothing in Roland which school whero I have-rio doubt he will-fin'd and anlputlt*10 'will be per yard-.
filary. INEW.sancen clots -Beautiful
whom seemed to know one another, bat could malre him resist this brave man, talent enough to illuminate even. his bright , I - .
1. - I ��, r falgoods. , -. - ', � - : - THf$ LITTLE FAVORITE 19 THE MOST COMPLE ACRIZA, East J of Lot 29. 10th con. Caliess, Co�
and lie said, sranding up, and speak-ing in and analyti;;l mind on' co u�t re Bruce. 7 acteas Pleared and good lo.- bouEe.
vho were all loun-ing, about, and looking in -position. and
Clear title for 8500eashorfor �$50onc thlrdf2ov�m
ititelliguilt English. If the actual writer very ch and the remainderin 4 nitnualUmuzzient3vith InterWo
a whisper, 11 have wade a fool of wi;cl 't - . eap.
cat of the windox. 0 Forihe Iignal.' F MILY SEWING AlACHINE41
Oqa man who took his eye' was a elsewhere.' T,*cepn6riti'g,a-$-e-t-.fi'Oii�-' d
.9� stu yjfik at 6 per cent per aimum.
'pp'y B[ApTE WREATH- NEW Black Lusitralf &114i, t 80
grammar, 1..thinlz�;he wool ave
gigantia cavalry officer, with X300 worth 'I hope not,' said Lord S ey4,rd,. EVER INTRODUCED; INTO NORTH AMERICA OIURUPE ABRAUNM MTH
t r e ployed I might as well say Mr. Mhr a N Lumlev 5 Sept 1870
liripperies upon him, who stood iki the "I mean in this way,' said Roland, ea- 11 in 0 me a wrqifl� Of 11 E;W Black Silks from 80 CILN
ot Editor, -that I do tiot profess to be a graiii- To dock my nut brown tair, yard. 0
middle of the rooni, and had found two gerly : $I begin to think that-th:lt- arian, but if that is a specitnezi oci the in their rich autumnal b6autY wiTn inis MACHINE NOTICE OF REMOVA4
ht have been diff.;rent in
men whom he knew. This officer -ga ve thiffl-ys nJ,,Ag ano'.h- N W silk ies prices
Of colors bright and raro, ,oplin Dres� OVER 15,000 VAMILIES F1AV7E 13EEN sUPPLI
proctuctions of so many bright in tellects. cilm n
Do you see P - n greeg"'I t gradesof toclety
Trustees, surely'l rowu; the wo� -years, and. have made for the hosts� of friends, and
tense delk-ght to Roland. At last he had er quurter. g il, ad b nieso'blachines UTO Pa
Priest, Teacher and, - th.r - Ivfroutzed br all Frederick Armstrong, Land Aent. b n-
witlit last rua� temoved
emblein S C) earne4 the relgitatlon of beibg in indispenstoblertiole. I is office to M r. Hugh Dnnloplo bn1lding, I:= I
Of ngse f-- the diodes Fa mer'a Wives
T' '
seen a Plunger. And this Plun-er act- Lord S— nodded, and the look in I so obscure" might be excused if I shoold Can altd Daughters to the Nobilityatid. Royll Faml!Psof Europe` door to the Post office. first flat. T,�arzas and WiI4
eave me, a rustic orbwa. of sib4irlet Flannels from _t; r .
I rilbp� -VV-_A,-MTz
wdly amid "Hiw I" bLfore, as Wand put his eYes-be waa a bridegroom of two make a griumatical blunder. The Trus- conts.11 -EitzX- :Bit atids for sale an.1 Voucy to Loau on vel7 rezzaadb
U:MT:B , 2`J�P;E term&
-it, he went into the major terin of ills months' statiding-encoaraed. Roland.to tee's try,to oxplaaltheik tue4tifiess hitdri&4, Th,ro [a verdirre in the Shamrock v managed.. leps liable to get out of Orq,1STI . Sw1
e y And fragranceinthe Rose #ILES otrancy Flannels from In GWeriali, Nov. %Ili 2670
soy wore. aw 34. ieroutyby uyi6g that th g4ve th in.1pe sturdy Thlitle, -25 cents Vayd. Is tilealrapiest,,will.-do the greatest variety of work,is more e"ll, -with Th g
Fzi Ilogism. He was the only offie;r whotfj &pd stVa P 'very 3lachlue is complete, ekip
11flean win bon himnoticeon3dOct. mark Mr. Editor boatft In.iAell of 01606. IL ES'01 WifiledY4 lr�� de yjid runs- lighter. than =y other shuttle FewiLg Machine maunractur d id Oiler."'Otl Can filled with il, scr��
gran(re ors,' said Roland, the 3rd Oct. arid dame runiour, or rather full. asto enable any person to use LAM "D LOAN OFFICE.
Roland ever met who used that �rfivre grandeui In the 1311gle ShaWls from
haterjection. My experiened, =117-r hislpering to him, 11 will bring then, �Iaiue rruth says -that it was 16ft until "s.ring s5 gay and free -, PILES of Wool Bold for ........ this S1 Is children $2.40 erch. ewe, and id 30 my to T_,end p3l I%Zortgiges,
Yet of all fair nature - ........... I ..............
Give me the Maple Tree
than Roland's 'confirms tHs. I have back, and lay them at her feet. I will late datc,s that tha retiring trustee. might ot Bed Blankets from ........... -3200 AN At as lovr rates no Pan be obtaiteA nnyw):�crr.
her, 'Ethel I rauver understood have no voico in the inatter. -it �struck ....... 140 00 0- Lands bought and sold. Twnwid illagolqt§
I Verd an officer sa.7, i Rum t Haw I say to $1.00 pair. a I to They sihnillike migliW sentinght .......................
I me that the two worthies'in 'their tea I
amme I' o2t tu stage- But, (Save this you, Iin our woodlanla and bmices, ALL GOODS SOLD Sales of Canada COMP24Y is Lots -Sc-'aff ated =4
41 turn out the teacher % ere arraid to 'trust Crowning with their stately presence atest Lists of Lan tobezeentlitheef2ce elthv
one) not off it 'And all that.' said Lord S--, each other. It was suggested to these "con- our tair Canadian Lakes. -YVANZFR & C91 subscriber. -ais
This tremendously great man stood think your really had bAter 'list, for a - AT Low:gST OASH PRICES - ��TJIARINZ_ ZEWIS V ORD
in acelitious " public servahts tbatbefore they A gentle sweetilem lingers TORY-CO47U�11 klliG AND
tll-ino, in the middle of the room to two, - "I'll!- 13ut it is very strange; I asked Around the Fleur-de-lis FAC daileAk.
d - me turned off one wholind.-served then so long yet gather for my forehend R. -B. MITHI �gfjjjTSj'kA1iMT030J C*TAMO- DpcemlIer 2nd 1970. zwf',04T
other officers. There atust have been Fitzgerald about yon, and lie tol arid so well, they should call a meetili.- of A wreath from the Alaple Tree. Goderich 7th OcL. 1870. some argamerst k -fore the time Roland that You were so -self containeil and 110 the ratepayQFis Qf the, sectil^ -64 EASTO -OWN
came in,.- for the first hL_ hL-ard of it wa& silent. How is it that you h;1vp let out much for'the public -duty" 'Whf6h thbiii INGSTREET F VALUABLE. T
the a%Mry officer r-c-opetritig the prevloia& so "Inch to tue nbout your private affairs; niodel Trustees had- to perform. � rather Pat ent� XT
-eu T H. =RIC
think they were afraid of a vote of waut of UA -C ABRATETAX SIKIT 11AIT `.rAIL01L
to a titan you have hardly at. case by 82yia- w4-3mos
W himself, and confidence. The fact is it -was not,the O67 on Brittaula piad, gtdbout
Hamilton, Aug. 30th, 1870.
Roland was woudering I !,� I V OTS $Go, 580 andS
M 4. as ottawaj Febz 1, -ces,
supermbandanceof labor"that w I thq L thirteen acres on lot No. five on Malt and co,
'Now I shall hear a real Plun-er said as tUing to an-mver, when a clork cattle ile of tho
cause of the teacher's beingturned out Uh 1he Speaker took the chair at 3 p. ni. BiOnMT0V7MhipLOfGGder1Cb. within Vneta
out of the ititter room, and coming up to The Postiaaster-;encral moved for the appointme4t r Iished XS45-140
Town. For particulars apply to A, 3LON
Ruland, and he liatened inteialy. d 8-- , sail, 'The miaister waits that a certain � little saw llst, er I in of Standing Committees. �U! : tELli, e Y - Han. Air. wassier moved for the producflor�of papers
6.uaw ! You par, it so,' said, the piung- or conuection. with a certil; child a ra 'It I �11 � 1! T Ry I GoAeric1i,,Feb.Gtb. 1671-
11aneous Property in Groderich
er. 11 on my bart put it in the thiA Lord 8--s pleasure.' ai e whole thing. 1 -he faci is, I having reference to t.66 arbitration between Ontario QA LES ofMisce FOt 0
Ig M'h and Quebec. �,7 every Saturday, send in Clinton every Wed N
off 'at once, and Lad I h well be plain, it was aH to satisfy R [i R:O D
manatr. 1 saw that mart (nizirried you Lord S--- went P' t a, Hen. Mr. Ryan moved- fdr ',papers concerning the nesdA 1 - - - TO Sm
-1) walking with a bummogy we- nearly got to the inner rolin, when he,. the vindictivemetwitesiof theaetwounardi c Mlit and republication Of English works in the Xonc;y;dvanced on Property for immediate
J�py 8, M�VIT
understan TheFostir EM, I,;AST EALF OF LOT 1%
M ans of the ptiblic interests of S. S. lio. J._ ninion, ate 4bd prompt ritiirns nia&
man in the streets : and I did my best, turned and -earn.- Ilitickly liziek to Rolall aiier-G6ueral�-Ove an -ad, reast r4 Tteenthconcession. of Eullett,,,ca the bxazdErf
the Senate lie prose 1%tor-Gen,"l, toix- Farm stock ana p6er Sates puncluallya I ttend line between B1ythe end Valtohwst offies each way -
to get him kicked out. And igot. him 'Do yoa want iorantry qr cavalry ht:' %Voe to the commfnity who have no better otted "he G411ior I thep4juge.' edloil rougbouttkeVoniitys�_ W 0
gitardian's than these. A teacheris expect- gratulating him upon his dlevatign tQ Good hardwi)hd -, watered vAth a neyer tallf rg vrccX
buded the motion
whispered, hurriedl non A& Latel.vi de St, Ast anduever fallingiTring. Also well 40so'by tL
kicked out.' Y. etl by some people to cram into their thick high ti ibuto to His Yxeca In&1i It wa iaid Roland. and paid to�iiiency as one who G.21. ELUEMAW'S Auction Mart. Foluaclescleare well fenced, 77acm
'But as fAther of the regiment, you nt service, headed chilrent. if he cannot succeed -ill had always been true to the in to in lim fandly-08t, lilarket bouare, Gud�nch bousenud b=.a thrivimg Orchard, S kinds 011)1=13,
'There is no _��ance of service. The this surgical operation', he must e turn The motion was earried. black,whiteand red currants, pears; 1Xa =d YQU
should havr ,iven Lim more hearing, The Postmaster -general moed. seconded by Hen,.
Just, That the address be presented to His gooseberries. For further iculm 0 lyem ttf
premises. TO RAIUM, AlTbUXi M Ills WOtbcz
talkiu- Mr do St.
said a week little officer who w Crimea is only a break -,down lorious t ed out of the school. How domes it,,,if the 1VW 2"N
Aug 15th, IE70.
members of the Privy Council-LCitil!ied, .......
v3 him. but still a break-4own. - Yclu Cau't get cause given ba the real onethatlfir Prouty Excellency by members of tbi Senate who wem service. lye shall not med4le again ill has had this "superabundance" of labo: TherHotise adjourned at 3,25- =U� , TIM 'Sii,'Aag father of -the' regiment, I got European aftairs. You can't get ervice for the last twelve years and nothincr come HOUSE OF COMMONS. Ce FORRALE.
md out. I would have kicked 'ity Of it�until ttow. '!�Success in what' I We are Ottawa, Feb. 20. ST NGINE:-WORX�Sv lj.-: Z
Quards In the Roi;ise of.coinons this afternoon, r
Lnm. -on out-of-deorsfoi such a f hin- had ti-unt pliantly asked, how any one knowing XrXrawf6rd asked Jeav to ntrodnee & Bill to 126 AOMS OF 33USIX LAND IN
said RolanJ. apything of the real condition of the amend the Acts relating bollanks and baukin
.O!w Cf My S0133 been Capable of it. I am U -N C U K A N
you*7uight -eta chance Ot seeing sc.4oulwould havethe audacity to ask The Bill was oreered for a second reading Taoderith. ror,pardeubrs- Applyto
=t -inerely father' or V OffiCerf� I row. OF
Service cey said LOrd suph a (litestion is more than I can under- $1 r Prancis Blacks laid upon the table a copy of the MAqUFACTURER
:6ther-of a� Arid my pen would -r of thelloyal Canadian Bank. 19-ONTRE-AL OCEILN W. D_ ALLEN, auron 110tE4
Goderleb 122TQV., 1870.
althougli. the stand. I pity the man who has such an charte
and he uause , 0 Air Cartwrightasked leave to introduce . Bill for
neither foll-owwrior re' t ug, if we obtuse intellect so such an elastic consci- STFAMSHIP-UO
Spec -eams and rivers. the better protection or navigablesh
Eaw SUOL thi* do6e and made no mgn ? reat men vas waiti4 the do rkest Once- The school occupies lba."hi-hest Mr. Mills f,,r a Bill to provide iorthe extradition of FARM OR 5 01
"It WaS a '141! it funs about, tha� -in ther Townghl*P in criminals from the United States and other foreign OR TICKETS to and from JAVURENG
31:11de irregulai, was it not T 1:iusitiorf df any'schoot GAL
�,,k,which ever For Glasgow by the aboic Slexru%bip Coy, apply to
10, -CON. IQ, W. D. GOLBO=, 100 ACEESp,
midni-ht of the darkest Big intelligence- =d balaviodr oa has been -1r,1rvine presented the final report of the H. CARTJ�R.,, 'Yes, sit;. -said the great Plunger 11 eI Y -X-1 Steami 'Vnginw and Zoilers, nerm-
upon& nation,fell' n-tftiS fully tested at a Tovlrhs�ip eamination, ElectionlCommittee dn Slochelaga, elections. Agei, 4=4 Truu)i RailwaY. auld Sash S2LW 110, cleared, goOd dy
.1 �_ e p1so
doubt it wa& I doab.t that the irregUl- fClI Uld 11':Ubc and th sitting member. was declared duly, Godefidb, Aug 15','18TO 'w30. vith4 coinniodious-kiteben Otackel';
ram, Aud
would yo ? Yes, YOIL WO _Wo e present, teacher who. b;As tanght for Mrs DOri0a- the 'hi. esv ovehm, wO
antY -Of thatwairt�ma-rtial means (to 'me) 0 elected. .$, e- wftg
td _number of yeazilias saicW the govern i'g M ep Irators, watered by twocrecks ra tbreugb the 1
I 10th do? they ais an ol -fashio,00 a several oc- mer& whether a -7 1 �', " %.0
a 1�de of t9n thousanct pounds. Mr.Steplienshilb now in lfardtoU had Thrash n a good wells onemi1v frorazravool nsid. r) n5kstim
They 4s,ons he nerek s&Wu. sc �Ooliu- a more portion of the volunteer force
will take the regimesit from me', 'bu* regiment, and still wear Cowry shells:on t, Godcrich. For p"culrs alilply on %be Jvrewbt� to
t my 'icien' . state; this ought to be good eVi. been recalled, and w1lat �ortlon thereof. and whether. Gedeffcb.�
tnose,-voluutcers who remabled'wera j� have i - free 1E)Jr__t9 4,q9LW4;, urkd
pr,, ersigned, orto Mr. 3D
Lned from the (ID PL O'UG. HS August 15. 1$70 W;Q
-Men will rern r that I only tried to their trappin,,&' �Ihe school has'no.been n7eglected. ant olkind given to them. QUINNES'S' ', 1. '
'Any regiment which will, allow Me, ;dence can grair Ge., Lattier saId that at the end of Janu AAD _Uevent thelrrbcja�g Commanded by a Siailar e�. be obta the government took Into, considetEktion, tbo question RON
ocoundrel.' service, S.' said Rolind. il able supe ?ndeut 6f schools for Stephen of the two battallowi, aud-theycusicr6ed that 'hey G"PELEBRATMUBLIN Purill I I
red to I With Cast or Ste Drill 'Ploug'ho, Gang Plouglin, vlaAGE im roR SAFM
,93ut it was irrrZWar &-lid ie little- 'And Ethel T Lord5. whispe )me years ast. - L understand that should be disbanded on the fir -1; of May,'with the ex el Boarcls,
tj -for aL rj!e&qhier� found it in such ceptlon that there should be two co!p,.vanles or room. bv.i3
he (tO froffi=eadli Irattallmi. "e comifiand.
him, and went his way to the ion present cultivatorsy ]Lnd It.611ers, 'Straw Cuttersy 0
And Roland was left to k that he wished to be vice--Aud a Chaplain'). SirI;@oECartiQr11. ffersfoesale four e%lBle rcl�sffh
his Owla an. advanat;.'l State 3 ul! Koiiies, Suirar kettles, Salt Kettles, Pipp BOXes, HE sub;crfber o
41t was,' said tl.,e dragoon, land I mast - ' - trustees would not let to know who made that remark - i -I a 0'. Agriri,_ultural Furnaces, F0t4s t
gelieved. butetu, in the Viiiageofftyftld. -Onthe uremlsmnro a
9 good frame dwelling, bAM;4Yd VILIM61T adlv
thou hts; but not for long Fur be was, �Chaj��Jlj;" he'desGid iiiitfetilarrf ej;* sold e3c, emelilowlby t� .�i
t1m ter. Ifhe bad not been VIES9
-pif retain an inefficient G
for the time, amon-, a aectiou of the men him go -preferring thisaiiianited troft: b4ore the" 0 8 st P OUR
E Co
never have said a word. t id thd*,; thereliroald besonietbingnare s "h bJ e GLORG 8
to havL'Io' 1 $9, E R A J31ae"mithis' Wolik.and'Repairing
he help to governo our E inpire of I nearly teacher in preforenge tion- Femark Caine from tLe bon, r froin Glen- -BraSS 10-2stingS.,111ade, and 0 rc But I won't, demoralize the w ju4icio�a 'se, WEST SIDF ;80,VALAEJ GOID X wed'kjndfi� l% moULD-BOA nOV0H31 as yqu iggkil
200,000jQ00 of QOUIS. He was naturally they had not mide a cesterauda! qalili'Ned that be suppo the hue And rthe4a t-iinn' 6rieb, July 22th 18-.0
'having ruarried officers I heard -ft ternarkd tfie-otherday that the nry which hail bwa raisOdAbOut a cha aln. e doue��ahort;&icq.
211 - -.1mapfor Cash.
interested; he wai soon more interest6d. �;Wevpr, qnswerthe que-3tiou ofMr Stephe o h
his am ent incumbent is an ex- slave driver. Be -two regimenU were to be disbanded o ay, PfliCt ONLY $1.75 PER DOZ. B077T .-et one ary
degrading their order in t way.� of pm n e to v An-,. 15th, 1870 'Farm S
Novir t as it may,he has already been muleted �ut two compameb
not like YOU, air, but I see that i III sit ear' it on the Stone tha vropld be f:)rmed rema ere Goderich,
Blarney,' �aid a sruellish, haudsome man oats in. all $10.00 for a farthe� period of -gix months. aDd if the goveTn-� 0:rs.52 and Z4, i3ayfield Concesdon. In 40V e,
moral,101de is kept up among in the stim. of 84 add c nicut shoult, require their aefYices longer_they�zhblild IN UILY CILL SOL11401TED.
-Norse-Oclt, if it mattered ; 'I swear it fdr combing a youths bead with a atick of L ToWnship02 Goderjob Contemini 68 iter0s,
�mainafiothcrOtxlrohths. Respeotiugtho question cod Firame
-Zbe-mazirlecl efllc�rs, our regiment, any rs the interrogator thaf-the 61 tbeoe over 59 acres clegrod. 'Witt 9
- it is r, 1, 2J wiles Trolo
.r4mwt, win --To to of land Rain, and Lug Hot"t zbOut 1
�thedevil.._ tet.Nlike ju"Iawly Mit school N(�, 1,7,,has gOve ent had decided tL
4, en so-,
is to -have the , I free grants �f lan(l,'and -01
on the very Stone of Blarney itself that rather a large diameter. It appe;_x I& rs V heould inform gaant to th� bmvp ' V01un- T.o_be Had in Wood or Bottle C
e % he went ontbatduty W -21erma you're wron�& 6Tiv West -0 1) IE InK FACT tY, boys into action next s 'Couli office lat Cb&flch, r 1� Ar. WIGGINO,
J15pimil take- ily tl� was not was to etaialre
subc6 sttit in m' Vhb(�V(311 the commanding officer of that force
the awes Qqbose menho doatred reinatalug.'Inblit the premises.
n ia Mublial (toile without a f4ir trial f6r the teacher HOTELS - PPOMIYfLy SUP'PLIED-
aum He jA a better man than ever I recroote and East is to. have
the Igightieth.' il defended by one who has lateJy rr flinc�, and they j1hulk raWyp free grants withoUt
as any additional cast whatever, those who wished jGcderich Be 23,1870. swlQ-tf Gdorich, Aug 15, 1870 W30
Tha e4vialry-colonel, to whom tis w was w* 4.4o, --the law. The is place and claim tbqj� discharge would be Dt (KNOWN AS PIPEWS MILLS)
And Pteland said 'I Mte this. This 6 turned from the gf.4pt (a leave tl
-Roland had tefsiwa aid first of all Hav� I' (I ral impression Win�r,-tltat lie will suc- 'darded to their homes at the axiieuve Of 09 901`011- 'Bit Flour Evarl
WM do. These are men! $ gene fuent- I S__
bare -met doned before that he was tile ceed better in this latterealling, of Course Aed to lmo* tf those men whorbad
ht hii silly boat, racing to a strange Kenzie wish
only. offieer I ever met who did.) And you would notiw that I said nothing about ' obtained their Jischarge alreadywould be entitled to 14
Echool. -If he had wanted to attend to t fr a fourth trustee and I otiect to the presen ee gmut aware that sowo of the
when. he had said 'Haw P he sail] 'That e- � Sir George E. :Cartier w uked C(AXPULZIER(rs.
his interest,-!, he had better �ave teen far inen of the volunteer. force stationed there W
is a mistake ; East should liave had the school law be�attse itdoes not give ihe r IL bi elf tirin, trustee.&-Yoice.,in,'hiriuir a teacher for their discharge, butonly. those who rilpained in. haud,.and are ont nigally buYJ�g. 6reen Hco*
awa�.y. If lid'had w;tnteif io joi 01dest.-Establishmeot in Town, 000 loi tale at Txsen+t Ar�J-11 tj
recruiting. and %Yest the odlo'neloy.' the country would be entitled to a free grant. There u prepued to tm Ve lisviiever 00,
to� the heait oFa great natiog, er after tt%e lit Oct. � I did iiotj�j that he t Compainee at are letter to Campbell Bros, Watfbad-
12 were also a company and the two Depo, ULLY intimates to farmers and others that the
Tire short - man . said, e,,Bedad its all asettle In Watford, Zauunu 1871. deadliee, darkest hour, he w e could do a4ything 4 Of Thunder Bay, and any. of them degirin
betux and bettine-six of one, ani half a the Board' but suppose' that 411 Boards, Manitoba would lillctylse bd ontitledto 4.5o's grant. all. qr�ders in
theFishery Qqestionwere-
other. lik 'cl we are,
ri ht place. dozen of the Kiss thO Blarney, were not 2 e the -13oard with whi I The papers in relation to MANUFk TURING11, FOR tA=
then �roduced CARDINC- FARX
door aH alone, an pose the two � Sir Jol:nA,I-4itcdoua1d,; kv� at some -length, in
'&one, Colofid; it i%3 yourself that has blessed (or rather cursed) slip ausn iL
Aq sat ne2r the TS �Saeinntto,,"
-wait until the e0oanhiC#JiJryftM-S A�T.Galt C Simnin Dpil3g,
did not a-ree what . asl astorn ON TE
',watched. PAslight, very handsome man never kissed that same.' -then Ur MOX9=0 'ceii-�.&,queitf6uinx8ferftoa.to.ithe- ()loth Divssinv
-S. Plati, dfid tho'cat
and found. t16 g are you talking Irish all,11113,
eat:ca:valry. bfficer. W hy on earth Ste�hen fiashdd to do in this case, take Siriobn %. Macdonald-tis'-govsrusient had the Wince y84 FlanueL%. BATF3XrD GPAVZL 204IN
This man also WaS doticeab -'Very It 1"said a very . solemn and Une Fulled 010TD5
inattar under consi(leration, Adwem utou'alih sub -i AMANX Wool -for goo1lionte made crs"Oncessiou Go2t MV -P
It therefuseutOntario or send to pondenee with the Imperial goprnme
noticeable indeed, in a military way, for quiet voice; a A 11oland, looking up,saw- 1. ... TMARI I �shing to exe-hange-thcIr c1�
Sam for a teacherI WUld-1 Could aullihi` jeet.. DMERS, test notice.- Yarries t EC have, the B
be had Been an objeetionabla - Russian a blonde, quiet mail looking over . the; late all I 'petty tyrants" not for thepurpose in answer t9 a question as to . he settlement of r .8 TO J NFORM HIS OLD CUST 0 the her us a- call., as we are.satisfied ft -
aSlrFrxwisMnelcksh1d thatsome t> that fia' is till able'W siell f6r cash, at- the their interest to give h theiand, Tbo let 186�tudedvz
aiajuis In Manitob goods, will find it to ueck runs throng
battery. dist:iuce" witli Wool to get -varded - may in- the Gravel ioud about bpilr frmtbo town rTGQ&.
which was playing clainig bad been set&dv4 mischief with shoulder of the short, haudsome man who jif alilo.wing teachers toneglect theit duties, TO othqs �wero, nder the, p�t rz�
oonside erieb. Thelandisa x1chclay 11oat
ration ofthe ii$tl&_Qf�jilbdde� Of JIM-- goc their wool home with them -the ganie d -
lt ds you- require. Parties 00miucr froni`! a. b0r,-, YOT-ildt-
our. people, and some one' s-iid that it was talking frisk; butithat %0,000-ki�dthathe,tirFiancis Hine. ance rely on getting ableforulie4torfirmAgiviviag. TaolOt *Mb416414
01ii 44sellultzr(r, ALL KIN OY VRNITI�jt �e �irlv eveiy lust
'Only keeping In he t4ce'of it j!Y;Jdl;l1T11Mthe r6isibitsibility to 119 -n& the in,' said ibe flylii4l Jhe;� " ' ' v 32 'October, for particularsarA le=13*
ht to be taken; a young man y tongue npp�y too.
Ong and hiiii'altoildthe Pago
Said that he would take it if they - would sh,)rt man. ' 'I am f6feed to talk 'all are air 0%A e�ciieiises of Dr. Schultz and Dr. Lynch. it e- I, posite the I&- A (,L WORK WARRANTEJ)' -VARSONS 'or tn,�. DAV1SGfi.EE%. "CrW-1.
e4 At hiii stkqp on Kiqg�to Sir Q op Godeflch,Atuz 15,180 WSO
House then adiora*4 HurdtrHoreL;God6rfch.-: Givilum, acah.
es, as -you know. West has got dee the interesti; of the people to th, The A _W�ooie niFdotom
follow him. And they follo-ed him, . Iang a, at Dublin andif th4,, private feelings- of revenge. When'I read Goderich, Aug w Giia�erieh W11
lbutheI missedthem, andt4oughtthey tha recruiting 15th, laTo
, that last chavIge-that threat, my courage An.
gi*n it to a art who i6uld talk
Lad gone back; and so leaped into the had nearly failia me,andj hesitared doko titne
lbattery -,, alond,, shootin- -right and left befor" k '�p my mirif N=WaYoats.
Irish, as I cart, we should have ahou �&U4,oa Is wer A WRRY CEMSTMALS
ay %T. ry,%
lavi 610rr My feAT8 arose
vith his revolver, bell iii- Atilt t6e sand more reci nits evei y year.' ENSIVE -0:
bonny broad acres were gone to his bro -the last from te- MILL BY 0 fl- E S RA K i K G. AMR-E(;EIVING A CONSIGNVENT OF TM
0- 'True enonwh, foryou,' sai &9t that I could not filti unAer- rJV 1-11 IPA I true VorlvaYOAts from the Origulai linporters and
er for , stand the impo Zrow" which I WM
t ; I said to W T "EMISES
evermr,re. But no. Ills men were comer i rt of the threa wpipg to. �zzaa n T) IIATE PLEASU;�.SIN.;ENTnUTOG,tfilATTEMT
it w `h6'r�'e'ab W.L ORE 7 e it b!). cents -per Pec,
'Haw I " ! NET. On"11Y.."T . , ,- -;
witk hhzi� and tbe�good young gentle- &,Ii,,. Elie cavalry colonel M, myself e.,Whab�they al %XjLb U1241 REWART
M ti., s6iiid my
man wears Lis aross at on -hole to felloim, -would alwayi; hive; ;o thegenuine Sanford corlir;v1deb ripens In Sept ARE NOW sUPPLD WITIE
his butt' hat that I I still alia at, u loss to kubw ers itt once, alsO13aXqRoeffor3#On
01ATE "UTTf MY *AVk!RlZ*�M
this day. to the- devil. I can' k taik Irish to ttem, what -it implies. One reaikiinfor my answer EThe Store oli-the Market uare,,Ap%tdoor tomrs EVERYTMNG
ti Store,. exqt WUMAN CAXM =J.
[,,h. I'd learn it it i *"could. I like WAS Co be Olaerr -yl pare, s=ABLE FoRTHE OKWG
'What a prefty fellow youarel'thqught tholl nii6rja t6"bP6i4on. I. T. E ELLIOTT Me:e --- SW470-tr - . - -
t6ozeefife"J2011rdersfdr nullhierjailit ��CssqhWdfig� iii Mdei:14 lit Fab., Ian.
Maud, who was a prettier fellow than themen, andiba men-likeme. There ai ways anxious -to learn. 'ButMz,.Editor W k
be. 11likethis., Roland, lookinglatore-arabalf adozen men ininy regimen', jokingaside. Iwillnot-41low myself til The I evest t L
elo3ely, came to the conclusion that the who woa"t 'getra deceatly without a� ba- written down while I have truth -Justice. arid the majority of those reprez6nted on PROVIMNS', XIB. Several apprentlee.3 W11#4 iramedlii.t�y-
V. 0. was 2s pretty a fellow as. he had flog˚ and there s two offi--eq in my G;deriah 12 Sept. 187 H40T� WHICH w= A= 113=4axl) T6 SELTA
ray. si&r � rordon, me qg trespasging. at WINES & LIQUOR3.
ever seen. Only tuere came in prettier regiment that I thould dearly like to flog
such 40 Hi
one. Bu&J can't, Ji7 the� rule 2_7 -bf th Shop
.pA vice. it to vindicate &.man:sSit haii 6eii mean WM 30 10
all -Iiid -and- done I can take
A tall -and sclein young man, with a Howcve�, I ly dealt wiih a's is well known' by every GODERICH4 Ito St., Goderich.
re-riment Jinro� ned Ibld' kt- s-�Kusiuted ' It .40clog ooctsq Iracts RU41 black beard a very delibmute young, mpn,. my On voilhOU 1111Y� fair and ho � 6'r -A a J1111.1 U Qoderfelf-Tune 20th 1870- sw87-tf
who knevi his own mind. The yount, chauce,- a -shot froul behind.: with the cirelliniii- "0- any
of ances. one
et flawe�- Roland had, satstariu- his eyes oat could be found to' try and jqstifv such
TT 1: 4W S.
man, aceirig, before kikir a perfe
'hmystery to me. -.'41lip�
rden ofEcarlet and gold, gerairliqui and all this; but rlow he. saw what hb condu�t is simply Rop- 'GOA- j Sfable
92 V
Y sdi-t this in.yourippX 124�1. --YUL
alceolaria turned to Roland SnUirg ayb, wiqh d -to gce-4�really great In. on Will in JA
I reman. yours truly..
itear the door, and bending. down his fhalf. This m admitted tobe v. JRrst t1us
well turned bead said He vru a grear, man. in more genies 'VOTF
Februar i6th-1871-
,'Ara you the clerk than one. for he wait- aix foot Wo, over-
. f ------------ LESS RAISINS,
42 valpeoload. And hi?
No " ffaid i1oland
bebind Vis 1and.: toppin- the Cal
tely--ap leis Vi -e -MRS4 OTEL
come here b -very More jBMV&1#Y-4
11 ami -is pounas
y appointment, after knevr evc
corum! I sdoq.� WTR IT f LY -1
body qz�ept �Rolatidi slid h4 iF4,141011 XADZ T�* W4DJULK. Upounds 00
Iredt oa In
IHM! saut. Lord "Yon and 1, GZLW REM EAT= AND still In, anil Is tumiN 11 qupm'Qr di
.� iw_. F the
d f to Sesfotth to
to him
rc$q� Bald iwi The ship Neptuner,,,C -Peabody Isan Sit together -t hen. 7 Is it a fall d of lk DDIOU- a xh itowd4a tl[44id the Black BalfLW wVcharri-e4afNely W 1k Every necelsAry accom
Th opt leg i S_
ov g ivelljog po
r s privato- ro6ai 1 ork on Satu rd%y -bli �GODDIAND CE11KA1
- - I . 1,had one half
I believe that.it sai HANNAH DAYS.
ea!t seem,taktrow whw-r 4 'tau$ salt wate
ly0a d lit fh�ikl I r"tbitteii,,aud� those urifor! andl�andfdiisale ; r 11cr&
Wr6zeter4 Aug
er.cro ifirT, W30 4ml the wA the I a that A large qu�nity of
804 so- re elea in NG
man,, itad via 19'r"W�M, 114*nt to 9 Zu a.
S UNRI iz the County
ITkFUMMA-19 ad Car
whother you Id ti;i' VrAitcd, their el 1C. W Godel�leh Dee. 13fh, �870,4 been 665erin�jier ri§Tj from warit of proper
91reet, in medii ti* N A:g]�Y;Alpros Til, imd0hWpCst Bto& 'Cl CKOAC
WA rd1 co would, remember _99 GSTORK)
the 19 182 OWN I& R14 U
ardumii ditties. This'vessell, lihi�h 4ailli 0
my 10
-thiis"Vort and Uyerpoo4had,oa ftfor GOdd C
swel 0*,rd -frigad; Zord's, -efiveen, 'T WAITtLY
Maud an el,, coelly, "mO 4 � mor& Clogell, and str wg..
Lr -.9— looked , - - ". -1 P - , 0 PIANO. 6L -'fo eric
,ejr�IvQ gtyottl&vj� i1i .0 - I . I 1 .1 6irietor. This ix t1 "1d_'Wb -YOULL alance ao or- CheuilPuLOp4ou, OnC JOKS, Pr
ofwhom. wKeir� 'CLASS CT.&VE are PAyans, - of paul's, hand od.1-Holiad,i all6ulder, whiteandthe�b COHN H
TWO r, AIIXS:- tbfis` X -1 �argeunA4 besvCpfintry Hotel in Wester
-U1-g:,,,vJt00k_ of Stoves Ch, ITC=e; Rosc_wood rime, ty W" CQA
ed men. 'One of th- iihite -mew Jinada.and onargeis as moderateag;an Holfs Mark n Wade,
Yon don't mean fell from A=
y that you hayo, feft oball the ves
for sale by lir
e Town 011PIXTE -Sage Propnietbr. OoLodstobititgror ]p t, b een Vt BiltiBb No, ni- -1 he white very tb-W,�- ART]MS rNWA=',OF ANYTOING19
the University I ,What dbat thou frout: I ot, of the -a few T valulible'VA11310 SLAWE Obl �0
I sal- h4d' beon oat days. P ,
Gotienberg, oldfrunct?' Ythougt, you family who A�nge their Winds easily� er 100kome, Floram Auda0itazosror Hue,on C'ederieb, fithAuut, 2870
Jerew took tha-llight watcli a4d the �olored 10SEPg Fl1ANV Haron. Bond. P his line will -TO 1490Y"11 4Bpect:-9 his Goilerich'Township ,tok before purchasing eblOW112M,
weregoing to stick to the paternal-acresi 'Ethet ill, sbc,vhalke, her the dxf,�66* tatly th' dfferiirit'i
6i.One., %atrife
and t*- throu�gk the real tourw oftrAiai C, the Vesierw4t A KIND, SUAL.. HTJRON
L out throe irbektaw 0 al 'DONE THE zV=4.CG,; 11URO J;tmchanp
ifir "It viafits ribi, chart, . w, said'vRoland. q(te 8 W JWWORK WILI I . "HE -i4 -6,E REESE.
fTheix -you mustgo, said- ord- Maj LL SAME AS U
-dark-, dim which is coming(O God.' L -1 am x1ek of it all,' =11 ola 'arid God V&$Vth youl 11ui,_'Bvans,Ja the. Jyjng off cast -6fthci,'�Gr Barlik-, thebl&
-d watch T A
I am 0100 into the army. .-az: hit+IngpUre6W114e viam Shephi
W been blowing a heavy gaI6 durlig We lig Or -linit Saifi, and OC, .. .... ............ . JOEIN PRANG) :P;!0prtP-t*r. 1La=.4tckofitaW1 vaid-theyoung tility morritog.coti2e think GL� riggIng Wag. fnIlLof ibe, and cjlpad� by Doaq�ld Cum�lif,, d
What_ night, and -th p1pitfe
We Ulit, 4�tlif'jng
Jordi exy- gra-rdy ; Illat I am gcioi to, thii. Thin ht el SoVeralf to carry on tli6'buviiie" of maull JgL 7&99': Engines P12 been re-appoUttra �1101e ligints'At
the weather was bitterty ooldr-
ho�jso�is fittecl up with ev f4cr celsbr&W
stay at bovie slid try to mend it. How India if we kcp� ber.-and, think of what the colored men wiro,- u EWITIMS rerETHANK This �ry couvouience for H
I ! Goderichfor the
__U�hek say, saint p wirsB H" "05T"'liragementhoh thotrav4pUltIgpublic,
Sash, IDC U344
very roolish thi miaiittbe." QUeWouldr b"if lit hoi. 'If you aret' aloft to do unnocemary, work-andsome
7 101ild lonimelloect, t)vsmess ljiLrGogfe JTGoQdbtsbJWgAa(13)roiq tstb6ndimed eterFactory1011L d at Ille F"10"
$Wbat. YoUnk lattyr?, We
VX5_0 ,
said IlIolana to diaj die for *a- InditV until we in4 Won -kepi. there iti -the extreme cold -71 te �Ove :Shins. dep-ply. have eivilisud her, -You, willfiud -it till fokt upward of 'an hour,� nine-ou � 0 zt> firm 1"lls-68804--iisiving 7 prices.
_17010 OF
Tim -young lady who his eauxe4 -yqu straight- in there:. J have come -to hiiii got trost-bitterr. The i�jured Inew W, nOF D1,S)SOL
itapelled- NOTIACE elieved trqm dut$rbut, war4co.
to tak* such a xhigultr rewlation: �1_io�petitionjr er
and I thave, even ov during the lat thr L 4e, weAs to attend to. 4b it XL Da you know then --i clid 1101ando to , own aud urged 3pur _' Aurd w Lord Y Ines all th$ir avoct�tioni whilextifferiiiX from
Not a word s44 Lord -GrVEN'that tbe7arfn
i 'only S. departed, and was, &-eq no mot rhey ;&iok froulft, *q)enett Retory'' ig
thee rind, l5tlngbetwq?12rARKER&CATTLU
Av In Dwen,15riiiiiii. Diiiham
whett I we a young follow of taleat and Poland ste,iped throoch, a --w-h6, Lhdouflors ex
1 Alln
WorkitintittheyftI19'Y61118, Itel, o W1 le to Debtorfil.
: Notic
softly rmn6is old66VIcould not,46t h4 boo on, �ayof tJJenJVriJb'qL,0J&Jl. rov�ne*
buo" eatering the army, I gum" there shutting door, and walt in the presettee of as his,feat w- Alibar& dM w y. %ey by beeiijbis
*)ijut to trailtong lkam,power. 310 Waterous of _ydWw1ve4.bYzautUsl
eger,yeq and 139de*h, bAs THF LATEFIMM
OFF, &-iselull ll� -E W - L, L"' I . 1. . - , .. I I t7;XS P03313133) To
0 n me and boiler ire attached
to _bWiUS_tOi;UsL1&11?-tnor6
xis young lady it the bottowof it -7 tile minister, a paU -and very thou 01 1- uotwiths hlp3n Goderieb JJT. PA �t_XteVm(1R8b1ur,=*Howel2,4n
gh a tAndifigild# injitry'the
ra 8� Suitt e 4ther lovki-mg , inu-% of &Wat forty, deeply itutik 44 M_ 40 "'lled * 1tilt L W� g olie 12 h"" Ik GBOUGN &3!6 itoli in Stith F, 'State, tbA4 -loorin AsIrtRO-40 a u0ed-f0lT little. pr. arpto be paid F h ud' Edlaburgb Sootlancl, he il=lt ice J.do do witboutb6licr tinue the Busingso in the old stand), and all claims 11 -ca=ts
be '�b ke rahl inL(;OdcTJcbaretobeFmscnt-
it a Han Bald r4rtue
In an e4$Y-6hU1r; he wits readiag it r, 't'o
boir hail been egt of Dry itibh' ge'lk#'�'.41tre '41, a AUFe�tli 5B (who *111 ron-
is th JQ-te&lai dity_ 2%00O:f luiterin 00e Otlieprincipit I ralabliiii W�,w d,
in tl war neam�utAttou-� mily necessary,. _ZAS BU R In God&ddh at the Above 13]ie% and -qaL whomho sarno will be acd.
Roland, fairly off his bsl*w with wou- which be beld'in hi% hatidi and lie turflod ed to Boa -Gkorg6 Catt e 'by
,OLO to WaD4,
ie band to, Aew. For PWiculat3 liettled.
who w*ts,frost-bittell, kny LAWN. Wig to 19 HUXEY, Tu1Y. Iffo "95t 1810.
der, said, withnitt bevit3tiou, saying; %asked 'th*,C&pW* t4vealimtolue'oint- pat44 ii; (Joarirb t1it 10h.- 2.
Captain kicked, him, US A 1870 ment, whereupon th rich, -4
&U!r -15. 1, W3
so,"rial times, arid mml* him
L the Arjay, 4o loa A st Go
Ar Jasper Meredith. 'So you wish 'to, k4y#
rAW415 lit
liread C
BeF thtI
e 'db der, "T
d n
e '
h -da d
e in
'"�"ln�a"gNeed -
I"ui't g 'S
D ver, 4 0
. I U h r d .dke.p le 1. 1
e and u ed ITrea . .........
Ll W litoad it die.-
WLE A, R I I t..d ad ad hD .......
hr 1. ..... I ......... .. .... ...
. se .............................