HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-03-02, Page 1own itnporix�hf.* Tlw gu�t thi it is nten�e& tb,. 0.1�c the other fileas as errata JV01740 7S I'. A_ MclDougall = US AT no. NtE uoR coxsULTATION itig +Ito W UD to 11 Glazack, a. M. 6VcrY7daT- Will visit aigttt or day V614 oDE= ZYSCAX.St� &c. i&c., 00 y P nWn IIYSICT.&N�, surm=N. COROXEIL kc. Otfic* ;s a god P i -in' arLd R1szdPuCe'tMrd dooreast ofCcutral School. 49 mtarlos good me 0 very , . ... . .......... thby did I'lot flo gand whed od jo the'Grgatest PossibleY-gfnber- AMES..OUXG, EdftOr ther,h)dueed'a tuacher to nog1g3t U"N�Tl�kTOCOLLECIXPIXYSICI-A',NS AVID SETR- it -na Grea� Itille GSON-8-0. 2. Resienm the house formerly GEt). COX & ABRAHAM SMITH, Propriptors. GZZIAP-d by Mr. J. P. 01, Tialdan e rt 6 tn& Oil FAgin Street. W, 1_1 R41EbUT8,6X AMS C]E[.) O,N� NO 6 1.00 1P -4.,nv �&WCJM, , I C TAURSDAY� MARCIL2,1871., DERI It Az 111 O. ticu (of ITeGill College) $%.-.00 M-PlEOW13 op WIMA-U. GOI Ks'rock bopka t1T0 R V 8: ic would gAvel the Oqilaventi.n tho,lh6itefl, S of sw The WardeliYA RP to 2�-j. X(,- indebtedness, say $10,000, which I don't been aeW that tile Eietii. ieople wer6 have 'it would, still leave A selfish, but le did -not i tkeiropi But. flz4y 41fil't.1 all VCT think thev were ,c)mmon with B% WAIUDEN, . R. aughless fay�qr,ef 850�,ADOO. ld ffrCl.aik lie wn�lncfined' 19 Now. more so than the Credidon. people.' The gan� . s I)ANIELr GORD to belic7a tha� wqr1r Que f t�6 #.I distant WYSICIAN, SURG130N, ACCOUCHOUR &O- ON2 To Editortbe-o' 0 bef"O'clOsing this reply', I back part ofthet `insl igw4gonly ' JL OMc3atd Residence (Late Widow Macpherson, jurou Signa Mt-2dit argest w0inall llotelN Araberly Out,. —All6w me after a short delAyLo *dnId �ask_zny vorthy- friend, in justice to from -,the OrandTrdA ab�utbmlleqj lf"lf w44 -6m IGdderkh, to wit men: 30 NA7, INSURE YOUR' PROPERTY continue Piy reply t- Mr. McMidiaers 66T�wr. bf hdraw his vile he thought, no donot, a idetional bo�is, . 966i a lAtle 17g THE adi),apInst the Tow, and 4t t, the rown Idid. tat he UPHOWERER, 'Of , aspersion M would be given, but could n�tsny ii-beter sin g of a hvinn. iniquit6us Call it by its right.name,a � R. All Ira rowls. charge agains ud 4. It J Wa'ggon and Carriaze I it would ll� right for all the township to. UEninirodnevd the siablert P-ARMSTIM AND ATURNEY-ALT-LAW, A'TD Agrioultural INSTIRANCE Company n bid aecond letter, with refer- will come -out - houestly and tell the rate- T.C?nuty Crown Altura y AS l I r HAVIBw Goderteli i payers t at h let 'as to rant one. He then I utries h i was q�'Ai)rniataken nade -some in4 thougl:& gnod M`�Juyf tlae� 0 c in Court House. vl4r, to *A"bq up with nlicipal Loan FunAindebted- He i townocoujidi in relation as to the calculation made, showin- tb'e- e timei purellasea' the position th STOCMCOMPANY. Insures only Vann Build- ted up the stor ness of the Town to the Governifient. As it to the County, and that if the By-Lawl, to books at present in S'.- Z., libyhries BATES & ELLIOTT amount - each farmer of I 00 acres would 1riv&on§stoi1eS`tbmt ffiled TO4 M. C. Cayneron. A In" and Isolated Town Residences, Chartered ors west of the emarks that he has found luine &I-MUSTUP R, &c., appears from his r pure -base the Northern Gravel Road iras bav3 to pay if prop�sed idd were granted, ATTORNEY. CO.WRYANCR TJAVE pleasure Itilutimat- and commencledbusuiess, in 31.853. Office as$ .0. vith ideas tbA cdold &�er B Kinx­ston, a�-. Godericb, Out. 4 JA * Ing to the public of town ridorful discovery - against the again submitted, he wolild come forlWard IV "I and country that they have CAPITAL ..... 6100,W0 F NUFRIE out a we like. an honest man and vote for itas a acd on *ther matters connected with the it wai to &O'Partl6l opened a Waggon ard var Ton, by telling the people of Huroli tiat (jamerori riage SURPLW9.... ....... .... 425,000 matter6tsimple justice to the Town.— c6hittuetion of the road, which being matter of and hb vv'"nld rako t6 see' Shop on 'borrowba avid's 14 WARBRolv8s CHANCERY, &c. tile graspingTown of Goderich answered 9affifidturily by the, several! a luore libc�df iuv�ply. 6y gi)nd, 1 ciders .... ... lots de 4,5.00 t out of biog:aPhy. It JDARRISTERS, SOLICITORS IN It..i.E d staud.M! NpGsitted with the Dominion Government for benefit Hoping yonwill. find space to in,;ert this-] Is medintely adioining the from tie 3ffuriie'llal ifi y'6ur itext issue', and with thanks .0 rich. Western Hatel. B. & E. of Canadian Policy H the Governmen. m m rs of the de,,f t* JU Oalce, Kll;igstoa street, C to them, To be -Increased where he will In future 4rry on th y - . I e be good b1loks should heidgciud Al. QXAXUItO' V. -1vio. J. T. GAuRow. attend personally to aif the work entrusted y e above business il000, and goes on to show for-pyast ors, b S*Mzn 'Tthe meeting, ...................... 31,4130000 t fav and are prepared to turn out on the first of e 1871, more extensively than ever. While tbilakfal for past Loan Valid $10 0 elieve,me, try addreesd prevent roughly used 14 patr e etatteuti)n to meilta urs most reaTectfully, ...gg , I . dwelling especially on the , benefit ob- ifie children in adectiovi, lie e ,be hopes by stri how they bruke-faith: with the 'Government CT)Rnmend, ITTOVIN EV -AT -TAW, S OLI C ITO R IN CH ANCERT Waggous, Buggies, 11EAD-OFFICE FOR CANADA and Increase ofaupporE bv n I ot paying up both Interefl� and Siuk- R.OB rxi BBONS, Warden. taivable �y the farmers in increased ed the system of Zigtribution adiopted in 'Notary Public, Conve, Incer, &c., c_ Godorich. Cutters, Sleighs, X1%T40W9!rMC> 1%T HE HAS NOW ON HAWD ares�s 46 - prices, which woula enable them to pay the WAeygn C'ai%' OaL, O"Ece, on the south side of West Street, third Ig in ibeir line, of the very. best miterlat w49 and e7erythn ,its � one of the I th furniture in thecouuty ing fund, shOwing amount of to or, and strongly riedut by Wr5loore. A catalogno was doorfrara Cotm-House S=re. and %vorkmall-ship PAesoude cited Town restdenti-from,75a to $2 6n and hortestlintite. prepared dodle the amimilt uked f and at the very, lowest remunerative Mies on VaT propaity 89 Per sio0o for 8 ye etal cks f I .8 .30th June, A. D. JC868 to bO $29i693- MY T in 1:t,&ILWAY rates. ad-voeated u county bonus, coutanding pre&redzutil distributed. each $too for 3 years, according to class of building supply custOlueP wizlk evrytht"19 in hW "lie- Much as at plea6*ie In I - - ITOR T c�� 3E3 33 X 1%T GIrl DralylogroQUI, and , rarlor Setts friend appears to skO We County WaSentitic.d n,,,i,t tn the book case and -ech bnatr Won? BAr.1RTST5% _kTTORNEy_,%V_LAW. SOLIC Promptly attended to. A, CASH 0OMPANY1 Bedroom Sotte in . Walvut� world the Mu that this end of the setting fnrth to the nici�al MEETING AT,CRED1TON. numbered to correspond %vith eadh other�, in Chaut!ery, &c., Goderich. Ontario. Office— to consideration, a's the county, in years sw77, do ao in Cheftnt; When a book is giv6n Out a card is plaved ON HAND, a lare assortment of NO PREMIUbt NOTES, N(f ASSESS- do do. tn White wood, iridebteduess of the poor Town of Goaarich Mattresses of every description, . i. A meeting of the ratepiyers of the town- past, had lkov stock in the Buffalo and ill the I conipmrtinent tvith the Battle Of the MENTS.' ink almost every personan ;h,i�'of Stephen was held st.thbwn bake Huron Railway, to the extant qr i:iooyle, 8z Sq�nlerq M Zi IM X C?w Xk 99 Feather B61sters, rillows. &c., &n. which I th 11, - child who qot it, Wh6n the Child waaotw rORS- A firsc-class brick house 70 feet isolated for $1000. in- reads e th ill f Creditdti. on-Thuid- IrIU111, TIS AIIIIFR­IES� 1.0' I.C.In. rd use Ontario must have known whd in 0 v) -age to receiTe a deput:� 00 !hich had been of Do benefit a nqw book, it brings bc ilip '614 litch will be sold Cheap for Cash or Co. A frame ho ONHAND AIARGE AS- , q0 0 ; o. w L durameefor $years costs only $7,50 cent. for 8 SuRTMENT OF 16th Febrtlary4, t hiV virooc -ditorallow moberwto doy, Ile EL A. W30 50 or To rent, Isolated costs ORIV 11 per publieprints. Mr. F sectic n of the county. placinginhanatUrcrfl Withits D' interests of the Godericb, Aug 1 1870. yeqrs insurance, and ation. from Loridon in the tLondon, Huron & Bruce Railway, which ov i as Oil Paintings, Chromos; Lithographs explain in. &few words how w ' 6came to b Jelidiied that ibe County burthens having written oil it th number.of Rover ]Elwood, CY & SURVEY fEE CHAR H.vingmadearrangements A ul, GED Ph.torpl.-..f th a1cs, any one of bict will A,RRISTE:Et& ATTOR-MyZ-AT-LA1V, OLT_ with . to, Manufacturing, House can -supply row the above mentiolued sum. Aftei 0 consisted -of M.�Anderroh, Esq., President w uld be iveatly diminished in the course ba Goderiel Der, 0 All losses paid promptly. The 11 Agricultural" stands Picture Frames n any style requ in i1tolvency,or nve%r r cer, &c. '19,1870 NO POLI Ired at Toronto an boub B �500,0.00, borrowed by the United 0 - 6f the 1;6ndon & Port Stnley Railway of two ur three years, whitili would thus The librari replaces the " Mone -7 W[Aend- 011-cr,: Grabb's 81 ck, Ovcr the head- of the list of the 74 lns�rance Compan leg prices. compartment, havin, removecl tb,) P-1rit Mr. ArcUbaWs Stom swS1. 13f the State at New York, and the stock Is worth double and a complete assort 'tissof Huron, Perth and 'Bruce, wwas ' 11 Co. ; 0. P. Smith; Esq.,. President of the enable thdm to meet this nowdemana that of any other Company in the slate- Kf- Has always.on It :0 placed there, takes out One of tho buals VOTE EARLY AND expende&bYl the Bldralo; rantford and London Board of Trade' -and MessrA. without inciessed tasadon. e card in thnt c6E4'fWV_ ment of 9 Williams dud Nviltiamot Tt. IR -art, Losses in Canada payable in Gold. pany, the road VFas Rowland -illness preventing askea, places h Goderich Railway 001111 The Deputy Reeve, Mr -Yearly; having mel,t -and the ,other card �Tiththd 'CHANC911Y AND LAW OFFICE. 01tAB11'a NEW VOTE 01 TEN. A. M. HARDY, Agent, Goderich, ol�t. Coffins & ShrolldS in, the Latest Style. nly finished. t6 Parisi andthere it sttick the attendance of Th6s. I Churcher, Esqi , ; , I i Goderich. in Te mg, expressed baddings, Kingston, Stree February 16tb, isn. SW51 ars, Aien 'the people of the The Reeve Thos. Greenway, Esq., hav- 'Ply. to Mr Mann' hiA flaul in: tudbodk� N. B. _ccm,eywicing, money ient on reasonable for over two ye willingness to Atipport the soheoie, Air R. ants carry ihe d1 ilonks frohd f W &assesz defectEte tnies to real estate A1809 11EA1tAEq tO h1re- - their z6al. nobly ing been callek to the Vhair, and a Socret� errn& Dispateesud Town of Goderich, in a fe* fpMarkai proposed and after the &iSoh V carry M6 Vow qaticted. Cloderich, Aug. 14 ISSO. -30 T11B COMING ELECTION, X;1 - ue, and altho' pledged aky being appointed, the Reeve briefly ex- M af ter ANTNA 407�X0JrLJP FO 40ELg53X- came to the resc the last mentioned plained to the meeting -m -which was numir- th=ing resolution - gebUirded by Mr bnoks to them, 46� that llfbto ig ma 6St of post off* - iare for ing into booili aamig GREAT EXCITEZUT Ce. their. full al ously Atende of its be sion or peep RLNnE Cgpkp. 2 Dlors W 8111112 took upon 'themselves the respond- , d -the _. object Ing Sivitzer time of lesson, nGr DENTIST. FIRE INSU b U:5z- lAtinber and 10ordivood taken in Ex- bility of borrowing the further sum,:of oalled, and then introduced That havingeceived the stateidents RMS, Rry R Uru wished t,) know IlowVJ6 n1H N Subscriber having just eompl %ted the e -s-too000 with the'rull intention of having ..- Murray� Auaerson,�: Esq., who in a dear Of the dipulAtiou from London, Huron boo�i were s6lected-if an OT110"was genw I ment of his store, in order to accommortIM. H&RTFORD CONN- Mange. ney spent in getting and pointed manuer explai-ned the advant- Rooms over the Post Office, West Street - gwl eyery cent oi the mo and Bruce Railwfiv, tiils meeting desi"68 eraHy given, to selld certain bilOy's 41ccora- 'increasing demand for clothing is now PrePared to of- Goderlo4l)ec, 23rd. 1870. Gloderich. fer indt cements superloz to a;�y Clothing k1ouse Wefit the roaa finished to - Goderich, we taking ages to - aectne to t4e, farming community s its Nearty .,approval of the the yub:7 August 14th, 1S70 of Toronto. The Subsciiber not being asked to ran CASH CAPIIAL .......... $.1;000,000 care this time that our. mondy should only by -the construction of rail to expr" ing tothe catalogues issued b3r Won't ways generally, unertaking and its reVinewto aid in ishers' withont for Mayor of the Town of Goderich of course CASH ASSETS .......... 5,782,635.09 be pai over as the road progressed west- aid particularly of'one between London ran;but helsdetermined to ran off hislargeaud a 0 at such prices LO of it out, -whibb Wdg baftled 31-a complete st eK ot First-class Overcoats SSES PAID IN 51 YEAR'S 281000,060, I dable and Xhicardinli passing through or near the carryin, CAIFFORD ELLIOT. ward. And no doubt for thesame au linton� suld the &4j dtiiy as will defy competition. purpose the Town of Stratford borrowed the township of 'Stephen, by opening up of unanimou*ly. .3fu &rm, w The LargeSt Capital, the same amount Out Of the sarne fund, for new, markets, &c. But it would afford It -was then proposed by Mr.- David had The Polling places for St. Pat' at Uw, solicitor in Chaneezy. con- I AMANCE inniod tioti thau'any railway Johns, - s-eonded by,Ur Parsons, That select by the natnes in thelpablisherscra: r1ck7ti Ward wUl be at Abra S Now-ISYOUR which linfortunately both Municipalities greater mo a A 7veyancer, &c* THE LARGEST ASSET lo,,gueidouble tile :number of biwks thev�' WINGRANT, OT. ham Smith7sq AND suffier to day. I would here remark on the of similai lefigth in Ontario. It was prit- this- 'meeting would resectfutly Wk tile tea -Bay 200 valumes� hed* the$ $200,OW, being borrowed, the Compauy� pasid touild it on the narrow gauste of Ivan 'Moucy to laud. Disputed Titles quieted. Crown Open to -morrow morning from 8 86 m 'to 9 m., and ' 12,000 per county conned to submit a a w- to the wishecl to purelto3e 100. They thed av:, RE LARGEST NNUAL INCOVE again tarted the work, grading the roadbe- 3ft., 6 in., at a -cost of about I continudd untilfarther notice. T P Lind Patents obtained ch=LDIY. dvant- people, grbliting a county 'bonus of 800e ointed a �izwitiwo atia mected ihed Paris an& tratfordjwhen a demand He then, pointed out the a Jul 225th, 1870. w27-ly The Returning officer on reeordine' your vote, OJANY tweens 00 to the London, Hurork and B req Moo Will return you a first-classOVERCOAT 0 pired ui� FIRE INSURANOE COMPANY H wasinadeuponusfor4lo,000ivhichtrdpaid ages of thearrow gauge ; tho'cheapne , ebLtion nece&stary, the cash no scrutincer. otion, and the keeping of it -they added 0 t i the progress of of its coustru -in Railway, and that our Recve and DeputS Ir. 3B. smith,merchant TailnrandC. asourfirlitinstat;d 'n *1 "podiiatisWtion- Thabooks TUPLAL IN AMERICA ds on the road as an repair, when compared with the broad, Reeve be requested to tupport the tame %I-' )RD AGRICUL Neit door to A- Martin's Dry Gcods Store Mark -91 joy oraered toolt bac the balan 0 proprietor), ReSideXICe. t:jp- Deposit made with th-e Domb Secure.the. the work. taking b me, rrangeme wbom-tl A Z. Squre. Goderich. -ILalf;) the carty- which was ala U In a r --If this should take your eye, Gov mtinent for the 3hadw ere the. "f Bxydeld �szph $hat., benefit of Canadian rits gauge (being less than one ovarriedu ani o slw� for, security. About this ti jRnv JpHN WboD, 73rdid i, said in jw:' were being made to s611 the rtlad- to our ing of produce at a, cheaper rate, &c. I hat The Reeve, on motio ving quitted iectift for a library it w" all but inavoR-, You. will call. see and buy. Policy holders exelmifly. AubtancefaAde�-. 1, the prospocts- of constriieting thel r6d were- , "I 13 English coinpaur and finally' completel 1 chair, Mr.'Williams"Iaki Recent failures sbovi 5 000 er r the impor- JA -other matbrials good ; what thay required was 8 p Ille - ng'the same, ibletv read- every book thron-gh. Hid` the r a pos a b Aude 2 tb N -BY, SOLICITOR, &f- c- a pro e jr Air' roon, tind plan *as to flurn. orer the pages, finr 0.kRP.TSTRP,.tTTOM & tance of patronizi�gtfie Companies that af- M ad, rolling stock and I.P Canton, Out. W35 NEW CABINET "S were transferred over to tbem-�� soon as mile, from. the;nunicipalitieA through . which It IT, tord the most -reliable indemnity and the -.4 econded by G, P. Mitb-. Esq., That "Chrisi " -.seol what as' MOSEY TO LEND, N they got possession of the roadaud com- tie road will ran. -They hoped to obtain is. r, with it and If that Wns� AND value of an na Policy must be apparent. 94 r gave no notica:that no from 1he government,assistaice to the ex- tha thanks -of A6 liaeftug, be jiven, to the, 11 Strong Scinier- N. B. -Especial. attention given to the Insurame of 0 mehced work, �hel )uld be, required, t7ent o f at least $2,000 a mile, and the re-' Reeve for his'abt"opduct in the chair, satisfactory-, he found tht ho,con1d gene.7 TM J%V STIR D Setfoot and Fablic. Onildin for more of our-*,moueY w( fidly rely upou --the book b one that: AN6 INSUR&N-CS Ahr %,o UJU te Pflvevears. at rates as low f)-a_41.,ESTATI� - xTs, . - UX H ERING iS 10P as, ey ind tipon giving up the bonds hold. by the mainder-by takin of stock and on 69nds, and to the Beer' ld be properly placed it, tile hands ot a, Arcade Building, Buffalo, N. Y. can be made with safety to the Company. etary, which beltig carried of) C. irk -a -M. Attame-at-J'aw. H. R. samEn. W9ST STRMT Prices to Suit the TtMe- To*n of Goderich, the,- $10,1000. advan !on based'on unanimously., the �a;eflo ced That' according to a� i3slouldt _g began to sepe- W30 DIXIE WATSONY u. Aug- 13th Wf- would Ise "aidb&ck, -which- wisdo-ae, and the'"sessed vejue.ofthe township, all that 1`�: p -expresal n eing that of'. fter prake andrserr K OF -NONTREAL, rate. the general 9 b The -meeting ur OPPOSITE BANT Agent. there the matter end6d- 'NOW Mr. -Editor, each own6r'af 100 acres w6itld have topay safisfqation athe�succeqs of the mecitiq.g djourned till -7.30,P. in. n. e lyouai--u 10togravils nduced te 1.11.00 perDoz. Goderiall.1an. 2Sth, l8nr V2.1y !tie people of Goderich­ diF imiathing would� oij -a Uhus of $46 OW,'spread over Cp,-.%SE0 ATCHoN-F.El?, BA,YFIELD, 0-myof GODERIOM _4� -a period ot'20 years, be'&m $4 to $4.50 all objection -1iiherto mentin in the 1211amn actually at OF, 75ets. rzIL HALF DOZ3N.. more than I have yet explalud& Private intinds of 'some beenientirely dia- . S31es in village or country pa W9_iTr1l X04343s, l ah - tooktstockto the: amount of a ear -not more thau hali the price of Th* f, to. ividu 'onyentioll ERIOMOKAYY M ind . 'three At- turkeys in the LondQrLxaarket. sipqed by thejandidnd buinembaracter fesumei, the president Large Photograph Reducect i id over,to the old company THE LIVERPOOL& LONDON 181-2,00v and pa He, then"'6duchiaea by uvging upon -his of the information affordtd�' the chair. El Tn OULD RESPECTFULLY AN- considerable- portion .ofthaabd�eiumy in There were ontftel)lat- 'A' , W noutice that he has opened a ssityof ispeedy acti6, itud seperated Sohn W00a, Brantford, W.' �, �m 'suit - AND G -LOBE Ajs6 win maice ti sw -hearers the nece Bero a -the. meeting form Rerds _e-lCmcardine. I nevanopiELTrtt�abov&litle.'-im� Vest Street,'opposite ii=Fhatogrobstriddeits Gode but -0hen the Toad chang d hands the no If C eatand convevanr -to* offered, thtBankof.51011treal, Where he will keep constantly "UR,A,N9E COMPANY! Ich, velT chear. pletans f1rola, oner,dollr ompany gaVe us to undefstandtbA. no elubra�ing the Opportunity, 1, mitted, -contistifig-of reeidntsin lack-' I N S upvrardsat ioney woula-be ri or' q1tured which, ifldtslip, mihtnot-bepresbitted f 'T"loull M!UarJ, T.- Efflylib, 11, UT -VW. S. 8 onhauct Ormake to order .of I ther IoWnshipp wds appoititc-A fiir � -votioual imerelse 1pBELVS more our a parts o stock and AV. Par. Du Ei.s been in existence Thirty-two vears, and to zhem. 4in. The remarks seemed to RE OF ALL KMS- vided. th!a sum aNea7ay paid should be FU during that oeriod- Nis paid Los3es 'exceeding Pictograph Cutlery. pro any having !he purpose of watchitig or-erund farther-' were conducted by Rev W. 13injill. T111cp Aug. Mill. 1870. W80 LV.eu a& -a bonulf--which wAs-done &-jitt-, meet with general approval, ME BRAIDE11 AHO CLUCAS. Having on hana un ag-lortment, of Upholstering Five and a half millfoit, pounds steftg, (werich ;d Oery been evidently enlightened on a very Ing the, iniereits of the nloartaking. minutes of previvils atlision wen�rrxa and' zinaterial, he vrillbepreparedtafill P—PtIYall0rders Thp disburpement of thm enormous sum ever xr� � Editor I would isk you a materiatwiut . I viz.. -the co#;ofcornstrue- mte-payer in the County of Rurovafter a In that Hub a wide area, has without doubt c6ntribute6 to impression aving be proved. q-utity of Gilt and Rosewood'Houldings on' the e-ttablishment of this Infitittitieq, in the eying the above -explanation, is & nottoo tiOn ; the It en thattbe &;se, onaental PainteMp � P3- A lig all t"t lay in our power t uld Oil liand. confidence ot Public Corporations, Merchants, bad after doi o burdeli to be Oast on the ratepayers wo �TH 4resswhich be staidwautefpeparation vro. 1USABBA Homneholderst, and business men generally, rest& of, the railway, which be much greater thant as shown by actual. COUN= OF HU01 P APERHan�usandlmitators-OfWODU4z43Eubl6 Fictule ramlf!g to Order. wherever it isrepreserted. further the inte -Aiion ��- � - - - 150HA301i CONVE uld iiecessitate that he Ainuld make Amt.,; street. L1 raised the value of avery acre of land in 8ince the adopillou znd Ict stelition to business 40 in its Ist ieary 18369 the Fire Premilim-s' the County from. three to Mr. Will1ams then Tollownd. After ex-, five ',dolZa 4 " Cry C> 3c> 3EI 3EL X CY 33C. q3- He trasts b7 tri, -1 to. t,61 A9,970 NEW TOOK61 ", OIDEATIC Coaventions by lie IV. Millard he R 3.and mar axtiare orpabile patronage. alone amounte Inish- pressing regrekat the loss sustained by the Ei, -�Feb. 23, 18qu.' Go6mcb. -Lug. 1870 30-tr a its 10th year, 1446 XA7 713 *V_A.X e of Mr..Churcher from illness, lie work in:Ud -been Agents for JacksoWs univerja%rg _A]L ]p. whereas, froin'the day the toad was f zC-222:279 more than one, half of the absenc School % 20th V�aar, 1856! ed� to GoAerich" AConvention A the Sabbath Wrincrer.' successfully -advocated Such meetings Aw tht:xldea a 69 zC8z9.332 y stated that having sem- Az 30th year 1866 .0 -c business done in the Town as cbmple-tel- Teachers of the'C6uutY Of Huron a. ite Sarmders Hardwar& StOM C? .6 dc OPPIDsr no year i.trl'1867'- TH. cut off, and for the -first _wVen years- the the 'Construction of the road in the North- bled at 9.30 in tke Wealoyun *6rk -Yoy much. As the Selonaproz GcP-ez!ch. Aug 11th, 1979. ownship3, they were nqw looking W. town went to tuin,'aud decay. And now ern. t Methodist -0horch,.-GoadiF, the Church wouldprogren, To 4 3 ; that the road. The Fire ftoserv., Fund is now $4-727 - -the meet- R19TAiL ir -7 bud, rli�fd WHOLESALE & neater home for assisWao eid to the cha I the * lm�pre �Ible muteital -R]='S PATENT, seive Fund is now $9,282,468 air, instiad of getting some slight ackn4w Sinyth was call The I;Ife He led tbr ladgment forthe ac'thve part we.took, in wasintended for local traffic, and with is represen oughout, 0n. AT BUTLEWS. 9 tbenopenedVith praiseand pr;wer, rk on it whou W. G. WMSON The compan ta tons would be frequent hat the 'ng ws" WD MM, to &nybytheir led by Rev W S. Blacklito4kiand reodingpf l c, b v influentiai Aga this matter,. we are met in the rudest that 11 i: charter will be obliged to � usuer of AMage no and que could not reach it, w%om 3ppltedti n for hisurduce may be made. sping Coin S A CHEAP AND EFFICIENT 3MANS ()FHF- (+.k,c;.sMilHiAesidentSecretary, dvan 'do nof 0oruity. t%Surmce Real Estate'Ageut I ;cts. - per cord per mile, OIL m,)tion, Mr. &T manner possible, and styled the gra the Soly Scriptures by Rev. W. Xilldr& ould'notba 134mat'lld V. it'. llbrts6n. wagp- $60018 did c inavalrd yo Town of- Goderich. I shall leave h� ciirryr�, cordwood at fhft-ch to- IN B. R: MONTizA% and recapitulated wn� of the a 'And Air. �l .of pointed Recording Secretary. 17- ilp i the ba�da" ofthe rate payers Vo the farmers by the open' ie�'retary. Oil the �Sabhatb,cnd a Stblth-' CH &C matter ill ROSS� Ag accruing thekeepingof A' -�nt for Cod6iich *, B V. Ing up -MORT Eligolt,,Ofor Exoter; V� N. Watso-li the County of Huron for heir'deoWion, James. Young,) .Aeporting 'S -DEEDS; GILGtS, &0-, SCHOOLS, - totSentorhi filler, � 'D F PUBLIC HURD465,_ ih,-Au-, 15, ISTO W30 after * this Controversy closes betweenthe x)f,'aevr �marketa; that each municipality 'on, Messrs'- J" R' A Geo. Cox i- tountv was a happ, DRAWN a I __ n of. Ww smy-th, war* keop )phpiand myseV,as to wh-et- wak expect -bear its fair AN MCUTED. bdto propprtiri %ppointed a 10 th philos( , and Rev. county, Let to.,,chers speak Rd, a.,LQANAV S per cent, tjOEL13� AN -ID PRIV&TH DWELLING& i of the cost i of 4constraction, as each would BlIsiness. Cgramittee, with. power to add to , Assortmen T-6yrn'.of Goderich is Worth Ile children I il� -1 I BeautifUl %he strdn'"th un Dwerp? CA io,- SWIT-li ZEW011. Ont Ifurninsr-eithr wood or. coal. e ary read re- 10 Ilame whI4 he so graphically giv:ew it. be ted. , Ri explained the proposed Tile secret I � CL it their number" God. i . ..'s or A heavy respansi� lity tests UM ih? le 1110 e -itmuen "P Parties in this section can refer told.0 Calftrou I below. On. h raisin uu an 3 3,LF.,wmiloseresideticotba P4�=Whmere.t­ Again siy"for �ufofulation of t e p.eqp spus in London were Portof Schools, w was adopt. US. proud of ur ALL KINDS I wUj talte the liberty oj 9pplaritig. notes m2any e er Secretary'$ ;rZIOrt *EWAIT d JEWELLERY Of prepared stoik. ­Pointe4 out the (I to tile Coin - School Bysi�m, bat there ITO eatet Tile i ot �. $7 re to the Patenteei few Premis tobe liande Forf*therpartreularg.. Appl _--ensivel iltario, W�ioh ed, an PIZ JUST RECEIVE with the different Towns in 0 mmittea ANb t P, - of " iodlar localities withhold- ionsf w i On re-ligibus instruction. 7A3Mf9 33MEWIEL borrowed -from the Municipal Loon Fund bstl mittee oil Resluti . bid I . - . I I . ' ' the exact course of the road 1)f the ame perSQUE 98 tILO Aehool iSWb0r8 tile COMMM sellcol N* pillimont. 18thmov. and to be sold to the extent Of .100,000 and tip 4ar(Ij, P* lug A% '914 WHIPLESALE "ACIENT lff--STOCK 6 fliat it would be impossible be composed shlen Com- 9PL�NDID 'B- LJT3[jEj:VS_ hown, ae w Bliginees Co�mittce. The supplemented. But thodaticl or Dth Jul tiolilar business for C JJE AP AW ill he public accounts. I the ,oraer:of paily to anypar D. 1867, o . - 'I Itc-6 tor Generals 'to I �ei the Audi 51edia & com r WeW. IIEADMZSQ�- the following schedule vi eak T6108, but that ntiisesil;n- 0011liuittQ0 OR Com "On shoulil not b ut,,elher to dae' signature, & -_0 -anted, tbelfixe would be determitied on nt' Ime rx-famed;�Ad t.egable- Catligiliel-A $--7 .ill sli afte l orris L I Messrs. W. ininister slid' `Tei�.her. Zct pare Lazarass Iff ' 0 -iven n�� i,[Tr, itself. an.1 P Folt ALL WDS.40- ith the aid of. the E�grineer, - zad ihe w Warner H., McQuarriet 14, Treleaven, C41,13aOryM Oro., Amara Of wishes �f 'the -municipalities connected. (le - ller .'and ROV. W. 40"' WE) hav 11 'ADble _,7or;E tf)4do. L`Ct JIS? RurT AND ORNAMENTALTREES. GUMN- interest.' -He oudeO to the advantages of a narrow 0, eox, `�, . R. 'Ali minute4engag We 11MU Gtnpevaes. rantfora tovm: borrow"d o the London and Smyth. After a f4W Aett� t we in it idare to be do i -$22Oi757- gall devotional ex18i7d1ses,Re`y- e. Higher yet- ar r r llum- eabortes Cabinet Makels, 1JIldertakers &,,Wood Fishing, Tokle$) D ije line, and referred t XELS, - .850Q,000 � (late to be tr it KINDS. f,,o,,qSISTIXG or. P %4 ad Livrpool R,)ad (England,) which is quested that those 1815t, . Turners F ALL 40q,000 270,255 a' re ractically ANUM Ilt- That' Brockvilto, , to"itter'its gauge arrow bcrs yet -more PrIlYier-Ature Goderieh, Aug 15,1870 W30 "I 599?0DO -427i 285 proposing to an � - 1, with sabha�_h school work would, for tho 2%dX3C&WjC>W AM BASKSTS, Cobourg, ?,112 by which the proportion of dead ie vausei7mal should be ouraim. Lot Us tens in tbo ,0i o re o�ed across the street to the s1tZre'_ e'xt door hatham, -100, 00D, 22' advanceineut bf tl ce practical good Inectillo, - 6 found. 'ht io'the,fr6ifthteFtr7heava's^greatly their successeS UOOXS - r6luarlcA upon their state,. r thI12"131stflf eas Shop,41ir. il6nd 'Niagara, 2801000 1 200951 ea, lie furtheralludea totheuse- oulties. Rev. W. Millara to -night but Wc grelto Vort.-Hope, f a successful �Ccnvelltion� - A INV 34A�E LIM 8 i 657 838 _Wedesiro hilyi FOR ENT IONS J&3M - 63,60 lesson' and1heir diffi AreT delo %VItH:_X vmv, TO XEET fils =_ 4.',GqQV SS011TXNNT I less�exp�nse iucurreil. in'tbe construction 0 JqO,�doly, 8d,266 w,asopeful Pnallsel cal:11 Oth�r. , fsuc!� rfected ilvetlof kl4d, J?r88dDtt, o see so m i� IFIACRO&SED der.,*nd roi tite celebrated Fe rior Sur f most �ailroads by the in6de of letting a t any at their Let --f of,gitsheu,;Badroom,,DJ41;igr,00r4,'*Ud PA 100,00,0 2�,778 And was lilese would bea grana 011.11t jas al Spem6leir, appillitted P. JOPJM))T, 4311010118V And nit otetborougb, -he, wo*s. b.kas the intention pf this MEDNIOUSLY & PROURLY h. Qg..r -as their "a to, sqob AND 1)enlug session ---over thirty being prei;4 esitharlues 199,000- 1�.f-,028 Assneition inevery tolvIIAMPUlld f 0 Initeo @tate� a4i rgrye, gent for this place" They ive takeitcare to, T413LES T loo, -,000: 70,028 ,company to lot the works in small seotion erlof W. M. we May A X[T- 'Varu each ellell h(m ustomers. �to 16calnen;.a.ild t unito 'at se=ad in CA494 tlw-1 needful instractloar. smil havi, confiderLde 10 t4d 'ibillty hult g.et the road coust. -ent URN gumuwornQ _RBOA 8 100 -M 6r,1402 retted -that, their report had J�Ot Qt thetrAgonts tn�tbe igemora* of all, from it) nionths tdil years. He to -to procurit, at *I. T"9UTL191V8. tea in, they -had .a prosperous school,blit ter carryn. I us F A 7, a, DST Ali opportunity, will bHeA ech Vy sh9wing lved d IW tall- lor their strength- 1001000 _6077 ruc a forcible sple tnre t,6. ullequalls 9 ST& D$p 0od4*4 19tit Aug., 1810 con (Jec he coui4 u4i -van -give an exact r right -dare to 50 trnu�you have -4 worie I Goderigh, )00 -23,617 Meeb=s* �pn&wr, sollator of Fateuts and th�at the oqtlay veca&ned by t,be farmers -Verene, Fresbp '7 Toomach.cannot ,s*idaw1o4heJr.sU"rI9ntT 07e� I would ask my worthy friend to look tbat. no atherran dn.� laryglass"worn. efterp Iff',to glimmeriniz, crterian,_ -hud'point taking their zr driz markets port fr6utmemory.,Xr. the. ordi ain, ft.., to exis Rih,eaia that -their leii. or other 00imsaut NY. -SMYTH. -by fiPp3intment L1 L wgyFerlugorthesi fit dizzi h . we're aski. 7, r V HATN s muohxa the �ouyilex � py Anut '20 seniRt.tic,A), bilto on -the ctintwy, firom be Poculw cmA­ KI G_ RAISE$ the abovQ,_Was numbered lip, a(ldreea of W01C01110 tO the COU)ItY NUT OT to� gj�ej'and thit t 21b of ptea"tit'.. 'ea I hose Irounicipalities than the -common..selichl, slid structiodof thsl,eiis-esAbev, qrs s*0111hig AhA. ­ pt-bettler faith itili years afage vincial delegates, He had only notice , qwrlo 66 wister-, litid pf6ducing FRA3=0. �enefit of 14 camings; fechne of 1`4 rail- T0T1I1CWOFMNGCLA5S�.W 14 wpn, 4S.;n 1he listurif )Adtfir. -1tad-experiOnce, thefir adiolirs were "or 16 &Arsn we 'he;_gtwernment than1he., "gmsping t0vM Whit tle jilat lip was to be called. nyon at, ro o'clock = pared atlestard d0tinetv Gi Sr4tll 06paud to W40 ovelywT _&1rat___ onuses in aid' ho inAted-grOwn owe, pectateles ;bat.' .,f.deiich;':hasd . 6 - im.-notwithstandingths -be deprived up people ta come to i1hauelwaswithassu A sight, WitoyariiFtheonlyS st d -not .7iolrf f -them for and llad not hwj thac to Prepare an lvi-, tOVS LL AS _n *- sabbath ichool and 4112ity grvwo t-bein. a licarl.T PRESERVE ASSIST THE dress. PtQA*bl& Is" ski qf VopuVrilXethotow the amount even. 'The Businel's Continittee report that the I : weleome. Althtnigh not ;cTa L P Cheap for tOa. be three tithes' "MIza - T in Jijuiation. ..of �t .T*enj UW Lowa' -Fund ]Debt.- LIM up.; d #if 061111iiAnd ill is :01- owlaud -'was then introduced, open gtt the hour appointed"Rud, the worlzingof all lvidiAl"41 Dec. 3ff. , MdUst kwe 'knew little 0-frailways, except in losedat 12, -and the 111WkY5 1)11111�=4 A H'Mrs! " li#er 0 the a. tn. SeksiOli 40 �s rnia it flicro mattv Yttt% without, ellinge thd year - �85,5 to in. After tileir best to ninke it 9UC-M A, WJ ILT Uing .16yAars, f -resp&t of ill on-lifforded in"; afternoo . SZ-rlion. 101680 dt 5 ol ):3-WAeAftPioy Ila Pedlarg. It- - ill res tho dele"Patwe o e" accculmodat he advantages of carrYkn- sincn" a adji)u pard BEEEZZ _. he Towil paid, �re ally faila v Zi%erwy Cmspanjoa--one a the ts�jest =4 50 Ai 1)� l$70j. Ure. pr4itionneed the Rra. -by warons and sl�ighl 1B one Debt or or -addenchl' I.I.-F, tbilse,yearatlie, xuln freights *00 Nunicil?al- tiavelling, and t theT* 11 oil them. it dw 'Li hea,re orn - . e diction. and fin(l tilat Amongst the first oil the PR44:19h"* ZIP'. ld�rsss .-A Agealfi � , instead?, a STA. X"3136 aii4ri* l�. _- . , I I 2p. tu, gooi lie contended, that -thd railway Is -till, �gatb;� 41ko way froin' ground wnq a del. pod, ia filiame years that it i1boula be ths'poliev nat fliese, Th. is r,, And Londesboro. Th4 showed PIE10TO-GRPHIS vil' tetf theth ; thal' Th6 Convention resumed. Rev. XV. rk, oe of.the 6ountry, to,constri: wcre in silo wo b wed -from. thil o ir. The'Minates of for- ut thig, Sinyth tn the obai s desirous - of ciiiyin� behalf -of Godelie'll, 40 9VQ1 tli�'d All 1� 413" tond6n wi 100 bo' were read' a cPL- zeii.,,. 11*1 approved. a -ad that' its Concil h1id arer n%mefund. UndertAing J. $. sINCLAM B3r earty welool��'i 1q.". 23rd. Im. -=2"m- d the extut,4%1,000 The inhaitteenn at, to titntion. which uitted a t. draft of 'oorm subt Ise by clausoi. et,(3opnty rates permile- that thlemunicipalitiew throu, was read Aud adoptdd: ag ho Qnj� 04. to� this �th� dat 'ab 2� . ;j,� Wer, aidin immet ye -Us, The Co . M- r Ifflonev P01000 whiell tite road - will pass ill be greatly ininittee tin NoininAtiolis'xi'll heafil OF libb ,ddi� fpce&d Df hill, as llt7 Q& particularly y -beiTg --that air, llpoint- men0a J_ R. Miller he d Presidenti tud other r rtsdn,, dameirt'nt tile &,.v::sb1.;*=15 APP100 --- --- brougbt into toonectior, �Witll tnesj Xr, IV. tt, RvbL -b -of the Vony gigtulitted thb p66�'c of G-3 leflbh ou tk- It Ffridna Alsputei Sevretary in retl'fo� give thid de -e 4 I am. piepai two bilt Wns not in the ­ 4w. iiattheadvaub year, , bul. , 4-14aL tQ its it] Jr. in- optilition" ith, Fort w�s tak.en'bY Nr. =lous Of G013evibh havi a% ot nids.abbub t He W. -If vay wort 3 Itild that thl -of London shipping Air Smyth then vaetted:.th Wh'ch fbi4- Year Aor dt cnti�u; which ilolll� I)OT -F LdPfit$ should ,$FLV*J6 .#DOW 3se derivine tile b tails izatch b'140'-wo; facbmtrwotit'. ,ITO pcinze4 ina0was were till4ilifil"1131Y Sustained- in. fhi� st�p-' CNI t W U, AL &Zr Town of StrAtf0rd ftcFes as a -thanked the Aeati i poik 1ro.m,,1tR connQcjion h lie . e We omvtntion for . e honor &,ife him �jroweil - the -i e, aillQuIlt d he- 411crease in' euiatfor. 11'etbaliked tilb peoplb of 0ZP9FROXBAC ndshall just compitre ley. taillable y said his heart *as 11Y the Work; and UND . h ioitgh th Ud tan C-ral -articles 01. ight lia;ve been got for, the feeel. One�, fbi tbalt; warin and hearti WeI. 51 cents, postago 'tha�radianta&x df tile -'iXdo A disdi-argo ion pf: all price on Bev, bettpr men w siifpfact b"k !nGtezwiW1ier for -S farmbrs on t free, e win 'Office e Wo A GENT. I s Impum. P FALUM AND Ajlq V tdbb :t' grea It WnI5 tb`d4id et and' as wiaomodull, -its d_4 leg. no 03114 go -to Jeglls finil h - w4le Their nrrearsof i4ert beingt'.. .03,577 1.lonaon, mark tro.anded: thd** e toff -,d- Fr 7 d rreanitsalne lailld br-oiightneater tothlen� Rzv,. Mli. 11CLUNs Qrd in zill tn bria- szouls koo­ Town b,f Go ee It it subiect, of,", TUo: tidi%dieez individual pre J0r1e1dh4; i'llilt' 0 I � QW abicylbe b4vIniiemn1r;dJotht'A Y -to �101 , . proyerty 11 ceiinecrto 4 I? r Tli &eact all Ambrotyp& HiCS' . for, -0 le he Wuldall le g and quaers' hyal, T wapkdbyA, N%skilb,West Strept, Itat.'a f genflemWs Ve _h,was ;.It GORDON, ft,11 photoiipu. Ti�, - , , ..: W4. rhii Weil -a viiy diffibult duct ot 4rge or -sr P I I_ subject lie OOH6 ruejurianigii jand rike(14� oz 41 commod M -A . �9 ro�elcysrl- 4 r _ - oderich. V - I at so arta rrister.*q_.,G Balancein h v *SP,29601 al received withmArJCza attcuti0n' yet one on which iveiv uiftlide;pwded )r the liberal "04tofilcer wis"s to I *ni[ 41% 1=11 swi, subeeilbar in-rdurnilM thanks ft .0*s libersIsUPPOrkWith h1mrov.thajast, , and to es il�ot sho W, tv'lllir 111-1all0e, Even t is, 01 Mr. P or 40viadit* th - Efis,cmitj '6 W0111a phtform. O' t)ehlf pf the a -of sabbat.b. xclinalt. 11 stftt or d' the mecilog-. He amildered ­11'llmd'& that p onage. here I - I f , ,Ae qdta heartily refurlithanks., llvwis 'b�7 - . EA 0 can have one oo, afformilfbe spired to ituOnt a 101 IT - foi -this: r6118013.1 12' ID--t1i J, __ Uke he, �Julq Vita WHiDLESALN RZTAT itfor zrauted tLat all 4�" de Stich im AND Lo iiIi hyhave inj a just may thiM ou", - I -11 ­ . ertli, -hat ilig proposad aclier must b& a& W, 0 - Couut�r Of , I tu 4stAnt7w I , - OL 8 a t thii xii&"Aul to k funie rail - The hearty thC4 '&6 Coal Oi Lamps; &o., '* .lbeu�efit.tea terWilt' - r bis experienoba1he grace of God. � ; .. tO - L&ND* Pti'nou-anceofthassmeo ohiterisk 01 1. =1 tan- roll to the pwilisisor, p` 1��* 4 pt L-ot XJ X ourit,6_,bui are-ni-arrew- 1if ll� *ill gire"tFAM011 in to tho whole of ieadkei raust Also be PrAYOff 6l; I r, 0", jli. ttgutly engaging vlape ta RNV W. 2-itebwbelandode In Vy 114;--*- lreaa � the C tie towmIlip, I prAyet in con ad pp boWltietOlt -and fund it , r we -,d"lddt etpWt that ther ereat Vt4lesl tallk, -th-the 4`19ictilarwork. 'Th" in. oS Wlvilf 0.1 the gar A to It ho to�ll; It haa. noc ion v4 odstworitnimt or d,smd Pleted JewaltO sim of th.. Large (loal 'Oil tut aw, aford gAsy smMS. Larget r1koogropbo, iiie� tept :A11(41 Ism. 7 i -Should 110 llro*t Ito �*Jii#entreparatiow of 0 J"son i Ter.Y A-4 �5 JIM. ON. of- volutto, -AZR SO U ell, _.P