HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-02-23, Page 471 -Wgw TO, BELL L7 `0710T xmirft FOU.t r l.f" 0 N alive" 8111id- Rolapd. 'There Was 110 Essence -of the Vpws. HE EAST H r ul�s ?, - . - . L Q�Aam - r 6 :-'Yvs missi,, I do,' iiald Aunt Eleanor company ilke 11' .-Katuyr in" was A T he .1 y A regular daily. 4110 of steani�rs from line betwe Wa re a"n CH i, 1v -049 -Itud ho�-,Vus in lo-io ith- me once, and I true�btorn I NVhatdo Spu By�yhi h it may be seen that aj this ntreal to Piticati N o, calling at interme. r i17 113NUX 1vsLE,v. in ove With hiul 11OW. tim 0 diate ports, is to 1�1; started on til open- T.orty ae. le 8 kinds of -I think. of that, lor instance e Oland was -as good a Wical ss house fill and ykW-Av in,, ,f navigation. ack an bla white t'es. Alothel 9thel ead notbin.- tosay on-tilis sub- the rest of us. Mr, Disraeli was no NEW AND FASMONABLE I.; ly oz it The Dominion Rarliiineqt assembled tit It %Vzo-tf Cowtimted� jrct'� but for want of somot-hin?v to say, better Raaicni than Roland. Mr Bright ottawa'on Wednesday Augili:b, Iri a. -as ceritinly a "hit" tor John 31or- site said that ahe scented, from Atiat was Conservitive compared -to Min. ge This The bankers of Paris are prepared to DRE SS GOODS lie charge.- I leanoes description, to have had a happy had asked hims0v the questi-n which fill lend the city the -200f inillion francs in- alaunt; but he returned to t y6ung men of any go ask thouist,401. domility.dettianded by Prussia. LAND 8 F.10 R LE "You dont speaK up for the French Re- escape from Roland. yulutit'll, old follow T" Has the ocan or St. I Paul's a. cob- '��Vhat is it all, about ? What does it The disarmament. in France is proress- 1R. Be @N9 U-NP80 Af BAYFtIELDS Ruland ad, "I do. It is tile finest web in his brain, Miss Evans 7' asked mean ?, Andt, hnd answered to i1jor The treatY is to bu, signed " once thin- that everhappened in Europe. Som Lind did not wean it mar Assoftment Unusuall that it- was -all words and the jGerman troors will the ch OT8 N - Ethel. 01.3. 71 X t�jem than I should be III- 'rich, 41 imprising 346 affes Oft]"Ll werit farther 1110 is� no old man, 'and'I am an old any Ehing. through Paris to the Strasbourg station L Township of 6ode 2 np,ortlieblarhet clined to go, now. hiarat err%:d in intense and leave s quickly asjrains can ve pro- earinice of , wontan and we are not ��oing to marry,' FTO be coutilated.. piace of the Town of Bayfie�ld. There is Cl The love of his species; Robespierre in his I cured to convey them: NIEW French Blerillos from ; which could readily be prepared tor cro 23 aerc!i 'Don't be pert, and )f the nnd is C10-1 covered with c bcs puritanism; Dantoix in his wordy ferocitv. said Aunt Eleanor. Sir John Rose and Sir Stafford North- 371c yrd, remainder < C-(rrier should never have been sent to exchnge shots, and I will tell you some. I. 0. 0. F. cote have been offered positions in the N ru%V Clan PSaids 19c to 70c TLE' 'WANZER. of beech fffid maplefiniber of Wendid growth. an ex' TH"El IT qosides of the property. which Nantes; he committed errors there, and thing. jRulaud is mad. Roland is per yard, cellent road passes on t High Commission appoittted for the set- is situated in an old andell settleff "eighbOurbood' -was -,I, dr-drikard, Camille Desmoulius was Range A Toilmahip St, madder than all the hatt Tho 1. 0. 0. F. is with inar- clo(s-B eantif nt ers at Lincoln n tietuent of till questions t iss-ie between A EW Saitf ell jv�lj reserved timber land, which zj p�#jfnt fool; but we exist by these men's and Beinnett's : he is in one of his moods vellotis rapidity in' Oiitario. -For litany Great Britain and the Urnited States.- fill goods. E MOST COMPLETE containing39 acres of Itity of firewood tb the acre. deeds, and yet we spit when we luention ye*rs -London has taken the lead [in NEWSerge9i'laepps & Lustre TIH S LITTLE�PAV,q�,-ITE IS TH would -produce a large qual _one of these moods in which he has won the three The former declines and the latter ac- Thelot runs to the River Bayfield ,vith a cnsidemlO embership, and we understand, y SgWMG NIACHINE411 cheap waterfall which,pould be made available for milliag 2 them V' the succes,ion to r1oland," said John 'Mordaunt, bi-4 boat -races. lwlges there are now in a tiettithy and pro- 00pts. NEW U la ek L.nqtrf s 7c to 80 Mill' tuanufaeturingfurpusesI -- III OEURUPE AXES ! - The Chinese troubles ha'vd by the, latest D. ALLEN the property i% ill be disp ted %and he gr'saivo State. 'rllo Forest Oity Lodge per Xa�d. EVER INTRODUCIED ATO NORTH MERICA For terms apply to, Guellillb Just-- =d his addre to his BO- h a (it nY. dvices, entirely subsided. all this infernal nonsense about St won't evens SS its the lar�fest number of nieuib rs NEW Black Silks from 60 etq. Bayfi0d. Boton has contributed $70 000 t or W, W. CONNOR, Esq. Lodoe fif this -io, and its O the yarti. .0 did nqt mentirm HIM at all azii,l Ro- Icitors.' 0 � Order in � Out&' esses pirlees E Guelph,, Aug 15, 187.0 Wo land, 11volt mentioned bim; it wsyou who 611is succession diputed 1'� said E thel. roll is constantly increasing. The Eureka relief of ffie Freuch sufferers. NET6V Silk Poplin Dr 15,000 FAMLIE,3 FIA',V.E jLjEEN SUPPLIED WITH THIS MACHIN low. and Dominion L dges ar , lso in a satis A curlittry tch for the Royal Caldo- A BARGAINt, brouglA the name of that Autinous of the Ay ' said iss Evans lan-i waria'y 0 % j 0:71blin the last two years, and have -made for themselves hostsof friends,and factory condition. Front statements put)- da' ma earned the reputation of being an ii c. hese Machines are patronized bv all grades of s0cietY Revt,luti- -it int too. iour father b.:s bL' dian me I was played on Tuesday at In- �A. Xj 8 0, - adispensable artiel 6 the discussion. Iuppose en with me to lislied we observe Air now and powerful gersoll, Woodstock scoied 63 for',the two pI tEf% of scariet Flannels from fr6m the �ucdest ifarmer's wives and Daughters to the Nobility and Royal raraines of Europe. 10th con. CalrOsE, C0- arge his beauty t V. - 5A ACRES, East i Of Lot ", you will ch. against Imday, and hasccuse we of lying which winter tit U Bruce. 7 acreas cleared end good 109 11011M, waDavi-174 t5) Lod-es ll�ve been instituted his rinks 6nd Ingersoll 45. 16 Conte. - - A N next. Ilia hand is red; but t: 0- I - Vi -3:m i=rrjim W, ocashorfor $60one thirildorm pure I , Xivrat slew; but what did Joshual'i I never did. I told him, what I beli ve Bo%-viliativitle, Exeter, Han, ilton and Petr A rich harvest of maple sugar is pre. PILES of Fancy Flannels from ut of or4er. and clear title for $60 instaimentsith interest be the truth at the time, thut lia. I ive niorto have applied, and wilf be 25 centi; yard. Is ths simplest; will do the greatest variety of ork, is more easlIv managed, less liable to get 0 and the remainderin 4 annual Every Machine is Complete, -with Tucking at o percent per UnUMIL "What is the nicaning of this fantastic to ted for this spring. er. in Machine manufactured. SCr1w the 'claint was the old claim inaligarated in -the nextfu%y weeks -Galt, die ILES of W1n%!eyi; from Ge yard ns iige,, Cramer. Self-Se-Yer, Friller, Braidbolder -Thread Oiler," Oil can fifled,witb oil, Apply to �alavrdash, Roland 1" A relative of Father Richot' has arriv- P ilti g 6N d S Cot oft ad, and Frin ins' ctions so fun an to enable any person to use ABRAHAM b3HTH Es of Wool hawls from w33 -10t WerchautTillor my lile, an(f that there was no dan er frow it. He Guelph, Whitby, Uxbridge and Harriets- rl c 4 0 1 [lesj ISpool of t -Sep� 1870 know. I am sick of .3 ed at Ottawa from Fort Garry on a secret PM an ; , c '....825 00 Lumley 5 YLUe. I $2.40 evch. �p Zinc in order. and packed in a neatuttle case, and Is sold for .... and for no reason -at leaRt for itoeasun does not like the look of matters at all, mission to the Cabinet. v 4n achifie is ounted on a ar le I 'PILEs of Bed Blankets from Li R, on a ice Iron 8 ... .................................... .......... which theiw wretched Philistines can ive mid he,says that, unless w�- can move 3000 FARIA FOR SA LA = L. 0. CouNTY LODGE OF SOUTEt HURON. Alice Cary, the well-known poetess died $1.90 pair. lavie Stand and W ase, with Drawers ............................................ 82 00 have alays had every thing which RI,u(L from his donkey moot], .................. 4000 evcr 'New Yor4�, aged 90 years. y -The annul meetbia was hold at their in large balf ease ................................................... 50 00 ALL GOODS SOLD fun case ................................................................... could make life beautiful since I was a tilino, will go E!eriously wrong. Nhd the Hall in Varzia,-on Tuesday 7th inst., when LIDT 24- CON 4. child, owdl am sick of it. NY hat is before rhe Imperial Parliament unanimously LOWMI ST CAS31 P R, M. WAN7 OR& CO) been here with the the iollowing officers were electod, for the A T RICES- LjjL9 solicitors have 0 voted a dowry of 230,000 to the Princess v.,nship of 80 acres me? Theschools? Bah! Adouble-Ust D IN I If. HARINE :r10 provisions of his father's will. Why, I current year -.-F. joper, Louise and an -annual allowance of 26,000. FAOTORY-CORNER KING AND -CAT and the'compliments due to the -honor of R. B. ts"M I I H i - iny college. - And then to drop back oil my have denounced them as idiotic for these Whitely, Cliaplain ; W. Donghy, Secre- A white deer was caught near the Gati- - STREETS, HAXMTON, ONTARIO. RNM GOIfSE. ON TAE GROUN he promised to alter Chew, tary ; J. Joslin, 1reasurer ; R. Gordon; Goderich 7th Oct.. 1870, q STORY CONO on, Parlor, Kithen, " and Bed. position as a country gentieniali ? I tell ten years, acd lea river this winter. A floor, Dini:ngRo County DireRory of Curemouies. The I EAST. oom ; on the second floor jBifting Room'. Large Falr4 that I but he.. has riot done so. Your Vother;- ileyan Methodist Bus- On SHOW ROOMS -64 KiKC STREET Dows ; on the' Base!" you that I am utterly sick of, and mecting was, very larguly atteuded and The tanada, We aotion & Comnssil IV Bedroom, and four other US ment, Dalry Room, Fruit r0onl�Store ioom, Meat room utterly loathe, my whole future career- t for an iGENT T GODERICH �Njojdaunt, says the estat6 won't carry the sionary societv, Toronto, are asking clid 7from mos harmonious. Fra e6=52a2feet 71132-fro-Pni'ton * -01-bve- 300 superior 'AB MERCHANT TAMOR. taderje.ji. Goodlargeo- -11, Froul this momen I give it up. F,r ,, lawyer's expenses, if Roland don't -move. actof Incorporation from the Dominion GODIERWH &0I1N'.r0N RAHAN' SKITIE, atty loani. -well--atered by to drop back on to Oxford hotiors and fruittrees. son. -P 0 u It will be the greatest succession case Parliament. w4-3mos spring creek and flowing wCII, UOPro e fit Vivo la Hamilton, Aug. Both, 1870. turuips-IM have nbAo of it. sI Est:xblished U. of Will U gcoud vievir everinown.' Th6 stylish slipper for gentlemen ated Ij miles from Zak* to j B wilkin, 1tevolution ! I am for India." 'Bat who claims Roland's. estates 9' IVQITEST—A few days ago an inqiiest ad, of fine black cloth, with a light em- can be had from the door- Apply Ho !" said old Alrdaunt. "Yon are was held ti;i the body of James Balkwill, "ALES of Miscellaneous Property in Coerich Es%., on the premises or brdidery in gold. son, very Saturday, and in Clinton' every Wed- 0. K TRUE N iartdOfflee Gtiderieb I - going to neglect the ditate which God has asked Ethel. person of tin-gound miudj aged about 0 nt Meanor, ' s of Gen Prim have been dis - our hands, to go a swash- 'One Allan Gray,' said Au wand0d. awa; from his The assassin nesday. W30 giori into y seventy, who had Property for immediate Aug 15, 1870 bucklerintr among half -armed natives, are rubbing her nose- ind a week at, vered, but their names are meantime - Monoyadva.need on Godericb, home near Exeter, a 0 Satur- -0) the authorities. It is suic and prompt returns made. LOAN OFICE- kept 8ecre," by LA" AM You 'Allan Gray I' said Ethel, 11 never clay stayed at Rattenbnry's hotel 'here. He' Farm Stock and other Sales punctuallyattend- &&I suppose that is about it, put your heard of him. And who are the witnesses left zanio day, which was a very cold one, thought they were in the pay of persons ed to throughout the county, way," said Roland. --and was found on the following, Wed,1108- 111 high official positiou. 2ey to 31jend on A10 9 "And about Karat now I" said John to his claim el Crich, They skin bides in Buenos Ay by GM.%, %UBMA-NIS Auction Mart, BAT- NOT a- low rates as Can be obtaine(r am ere. ofie,l day (in the farm of 2%ir. Samu ' ch sorry to say that I am Karkei isquare,,Goderi am GKOAT DISCOUNT R -said that he an in-juest pumping cold air between the ski and Mordaunt. "I think you 'Old Mother Gray and Tuckorsmith. Dr. Reeve held proposea his thirty thousand assassina- sai,1 Aiiss Evans. sh. A, minute per hide is the- tithe re- NOTICE OF DISSOLI�TIOX OF Canada company's Lots Negotiated and and 2Mr. Manning, of Exeter, who chanced fle ers. The case IS BEron- I latest Lists of Lands to be seep. at the office of the tions. on the round of his intense love for 31yrtla 'are oth to hear of. the inquest, and knowing that quired. PARTNERSHIP- AT THE subscriber. '? �Ewjs w. OB:D. 'A well was sruck a his speciea! Your father says it is a lie from be Balkwill was missirig,weitt over and identi-, t Petrolia, on Thurs- West Street, Godericb. Uoland said, You are travellin- out father is your father.' EW30-tr to end -but your fied the, bot.1y, which was'"removed by 'the day last, which his since yielded 250 bar- OTICE IS UYREBY GIVEN that the Partngrship December 2nd 1870. f the record, Johnny; you don't know 'Will Roland be left a beggar ?' asked friends on he f,;llowint, day. This is the rels per day.. It is on a property of 75 N -heretofore existing between.PARKER &CATTLE 11 as Chemists and Druggists in Owen Round, Durham every thing.. I wi11 liv4juw­R here and go Ethel. third case -of death from cold in this vici- acres belon'.-ing to Pal -son Bros and The s been this day disisolved by nuitnal and Goderielt, ha to sleep." 1 don't know about beggars.' s -aid, nity this winteri Lailey of Torcrito. consent. FOUR And he went to sleep, and honest John 0 . All debts owing to the said Partnership in Godench FMT CLBS --won't have any I:DEITT-On Tues(14,aboilt When' CATTLE (who will con- Miss Evans. 110 FnARPrL Ace the St. -James Hotel, Ottawa, are to.be paid A corner Rosewood Piano, by Veber,& Co., Mordaunt w'tched hi 1, and said, from old stand), and all claims round Wade., -Piano Fomte and Or inuethe Business in the f6r sale by Xr- Mark R it a. m., a little boy aout five years old, Howe t tiTue to tit%, .,Poor" lad! and ao he has money. burnt downi 'the Ron Joseph against said Partnership in Goderich are to be present- Tiner; tobeseenat British Ex-lauge Hotel be for son of Mr.* David Heney, cattle buyeT,met ed to - said -Ueorge Cattle, by whom the same vill be C43 0 Gderibb. 5th Autrust. 1870 .2D- broken out just like James. You never W bat a splendid thin that wil opened his House for the' -unfortunates. *T - 400 ,Why. it wil.1 be the, with a sad and probably fatal accident settled - Know what is in them. I It is the Norse him I' said Ethel. turned oat in the streets. Dated il'l. Goderich the 19th July. X870 sw95t jp j from a load of lumber-pt"s ing over his lbf0i) ALE taking of him.' 13-o-ve the knee, and- ornshinu it to pieces. b� "done" at -OFIFER -rPrr JEL �EKTIRE STOCK blood. I ivionder when this unreasoning In n A bogus petition said to eb el IC VIV A A& FOR 9 Berserk strain in it wil.1 be brd out, and a he? said Aunt m Jed we shall have, peace! It onlycomes, in 117ants making, doe Drs. Cola, AleNifurclue and Reeve are in Red River rays President Grant, for 126 ACRES OF MIE 1AND IN new when the w&rld gets between them Elearor. I lVell, perhapahe does ; as for. cons,1t,tion on the case, and amputation F COLBOB�3�4X[Lti TIV can bear it. protection from the exterminating Cana- HE TOWNSHIP 0 go- r10 'ffT TGoderieb. For particul rs.- Apply and their %omen. Brit fancy Roland b?og a be pr, he don't come of a beg- will be performed if the child Wx ing Berserk gin- sort, He sha'n't want money The father has been telegraphed to Chics, dians; OHN HICKS7 Proprietor. This is th A ny NA"DrE CLOULM I would nev'er have &eam- M argestand bestcountry Hotel in Wester W. D. A1109,.HUr0u--H0te11 A universal feelrug of sympathy is ox- The Chioagw Tri�une - wantsCanada ed of that." though, even if I have to rob Eddy. But Pgo. Janadaland caarges as moder-ate as any H wus Goderich 12 Nov., 1670. s5W2 Edd shaa give it to him. I don't ap- pressed. t.)ward the afflicted parents and not to be looked upon as a "set of imbecile n Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. Gooditeblingfor 9 little child. It is am opportune coloqists," and counsels "amity, macr- 1(joliorses Rorses and Carriages for Hne,on FAR* FOR SALE.. CHAPTER XXIV., Vrov! of Roland, myself, I allow. And the poor n Saortesliltliotitie* not for all the Rolands on earth shall time to speak of. the dangf.-rs children in naniffliity, good reatment, fair under' AT TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT in our public streets from furious and care- 10, CON. Ito, W. 1). COLBORE, -10 ACRES, wer. I will on ehi4les. standing and mutual respect." Amen 11 LITo leared, good dwialling house, ftme 2W.6. P.0- Eddy. be oss driving, and hauging The finteral was oxiar a week, and one penny tne po( commodious HURON HOTELI wie kitchen, Aftached, also good bum land was in possession, de. - work more int y I A accommodation, good U jure, not de dear, if things Paeritsshould strictly. forbid their child- eatirg orchard, vdl ey A -n1E go wrong with 0 pivf off, h th z ujUOH. Co. HURON I AND GIENT& FURS Ifacto, for Roland was in London, and had n 11.011a . 1 hate pig but ren to get on sleig s, and thereby I wateredby two creeks raimingtbrough the 14ml, ;tot left b.6 addriess- aceiRents to the little onis Goderiel. Dee, 19,18706 dwells One ratio from gravel x6ad. 5 lulles from - into the pig busi- would prevent g�' rich. . Ir partirulm apply on the Pi es they paj. I will work C de enils to, This was extremely thwome; becanse all ff.0 and annoyance to the farmers. And would J0 HN PRANG, Pr9prietor. T. nadcrsigned, or to Mr. D Ferguou,,grocer. Goderich. ke it uv to Eddy, if tbings T DIS00UN sorts of thina-a had to be done which could ness to in . t not be weU for our chief magistrate to ord- T TEN -PER'CEN 0,-6TEWART. n, -with Roland. Eddy sha'nt suffer 1 wao not be dnue�without him; the wiI1 had to WrOf ict walch on gast 15. 1870 er the constables to keep a str This house is fitted up With every convenience for Y. be proved, among other things, for which in any wa ilibse who drive furiously thrbugh our OTE 01 TEN. tAe travelling public, Roland was necessary.' Mrs Evans, being IE[ow -you loye Eddyj' said E thel, in main itreets, orleave theirteams untied, jr GoodStabling and iDrompt attendance es' Hoods, Cloilds, SontAg8j, Break -fast Shawls VILLAGE LOTS -FOR BAZE in a stais of imbecile grief, was of no nse a wondering way. and have them finecl once or twice, as a Aug 15,1670 715 -ft Latki iwitatever.- The famfly solicitor took the You must love something, and I love gent16 reminder that the by-laws should THt COMING ELPCTTON, IN DAYZI=- will over to Aunt Eleanor, at Polverbatch, 3 'I not -be infringed T Somethin h' Id b HOTELI) TTENFE.P. 0B1VTDIW0TjNT. jeubscriber offers -for sale Ibmi,:eliglble lotsia. ere him, said Aunt Eleanor, suddenly. g -VX t)O-LRORNE A gef Bayfield. 011the VfemISe8=C* and asked her advice as to what they w ass ;ith.alt GREArP CjTV,XFNT in the Villa have stores of suppressed love in my do�e or not a winter will A Xi good ft to do, no answer being procurable from erio' accidents. -Neiv Efra. CIODERICHI ame dwefting. bam sad vinegar fadory, For heart and 1 have given all that I could 3 us Roland. Aunt Eleanor told them it was r[1H 9 Subscriber having just completed the enlarge- no business of hers, and v�anted to know spare from "CIA1 BADGAINS IN DRY GOODS the Dean of St. Paul's, and NiLig.-On Thurgday, February 9th, I ment of his Store, in order to accommodate the Goderich. July JUh 1870 Vw2ft hiLreasing1demaird for: Clothing.1s now uhat they would take after their drive.- from Ton, and from your brother, John prepared -id of- E, XAICTIN, Proprietor. there was a grand Orange demonstration fer indt cements superior W - any-dothing fitnise wtit It3hind's jictionl were becoming Mardaunt to Eddy. And I promise you M run held in the Union Hall. in this villae of Toronto. The subscriber- not being asked. to Farm for for Mayor of the Town of Goderich of course won't CcQntric. The solicitors ask that there is precious little left for you run off his large and d �ot of anadianshilits'" fLnd under the auspices �f L. 0. 1,. No. 1.052, ran;, but he is determined to �.a - odations. Ample Stablejust receivea a4hir S b1l and B4, Bayfield Concenion, the she give them Rol�Lud!s ad- three "VIde among you.' G� d Accomm and notwithstanding the 'storm that was, complete stocK or First-class Overcoats at such Prim Up - ntaining 6.8 acres, dTm I' ai�d sbe answered, "Lord bless as will defy c6nipetition. Boo L Township of (.1oderich A -of these over 50 acris �eleured* with good Frame you,tio." knd the saheitersdeparted. as a grand ra-ine the en The -Polling places 10i St. Pat- 0:2- This is Admitted to be a First class Barn, and LogHouset about 21 olles from 0 03 - : i Aunt Eleanor had her trusty ally, CHAeTEA XXV. r clock p. m. the people r1el0s Ward,%vill-beat Abra- house. kept in Good Style. -3)3&AWERS., EXTRA GOOD, VAT-Iff-m- Clinton. 'Fr Terinsofstlea�ply,titibeDAVXBIOD ,access. Abolit (b o' Ethel 31ardaunt� with,her, and 'she told owl-tf Co.firi oftice atzoderi* THAT Roland behaved like a fool I do began to gather from all parts, and in a bam mit1k7s, August 15th, 1870. � 5 or lo, 21r. WIGUINQ to -her a deal inore than she fol to the not deny. Had. he made such a fool ' ded t6 it's uf- I - TUN qu the premises. of short time the hall was crow Open to -morrow morning from 8 9, 111 tq 9-p. ra., grid solicitora. Notioe �0 Debtors, J, 0. DETLOR Coo Godezich, Aug 16, 1870 W3.0 himself at thirty, he would not have been most capacity. Shortly after seven, re- continued untilfurtheyn4lee. These two so singularly alike in char- about. But-hewasonly fresbatentswere served in the hall.' The The Returning officer on recordina your vote, worth writing AT LL PARTIES 11, DEBTED TO THE LAT,E FIRMS ar removed from. onean 3 were all Will riturn yo6 a first-class OVERCO Gode Jan. 24th,11871. FARX FOR. S acter, but so f inimbers. of L. No. 3b ation necessary and Robbison & Howell, are twenty,one. �,�the cash ho serat neer. Ant Robwon & Yate ,withmeonor befbre3tstDe otherin years, flat before thefire, in I; I am exeusi q:4� Rev. Mr. Jackson, of -Abraham-*,-ftm# ,Alerchant Talloraud.C. requested to settle up I am not excusin-'hin ng pre4ent. atiliteall accounts willbe ON THE Next door to A Mar�. s Dry Goods Store Market and save costs. as after tb ob, e i- 'BUD. Evans!& room, at Pulverbat myself from o of improbability. 'Lucknow, and Sqnre. G a dharo Rev. Mr. Smyth, of ic In sued. Win. ROBINSON- and Effid knew that Aunt Eleanor was Rolund was a very.,extraordinary young, Goderich, entertained the audience with N. B-Irtbis sb6uld take your eye, I 13AYPIM going to tell. sometinng-, because she was If he had not Veen, we would nooti addresses oa Orilngeisim. After the usual You will can, see and buy. Goderich 12 Dec. 4870. 1 EJKGIotV,%rstconecss!oA Goilerleh-TownsIlp so very cross. have told this story, but another- compliments the Band played "God Save B116 acres. 60 ofwhich am cleared, a-mair failing 'Get some mine and water, child, and the Queen, a-tid1the meeting closed. Salt Earrel creek runs through theland. �Tllo lot IsBituatedon Flour the Gravel roadabout-6 miles fram the town�vfGod- rich- Thel4ndisa -richelay )oam, peing very sult- lqt us go to bed. Don't sit there lookinlor He waff sick of it- all. Ife ia looked HOPPS. Ale fox wheat or fruit growt -� The lot will be,sold so ridiculously handsome. What have at it all, and it seemed that there was There was a bri1liant weding in Sulliv- 1!�, ch 'i V terms. PoNessiou tam begivenist th accompanied t A31PBBLL BROS of Watford have ta t! CIL. a gifi. Have you done any. thiug wi ning to end. His qualities were,a sharp, be happy c6uple-to the de- C hand, and are continually buying nulily. P10.1 *30 IV pot, where I We have over oo,000 fur sale at present. App y by tj R jou. done wi tger fo ati LtWjoi�r beauty, child I;js not one spark of trath in it from begin. an County the other d4v� and i1i parties o60 erje ul 16 1�870 �b,Q new husbaild tenderly bade. N IDRY 0* �,.A it ? if so, what clear brain, a, powerful, well-orderea body, his� bride faiiewell for-Ae MONEY TO LEND witer to Cainlibell Bros, Box 28., Watfold. "bluch the same as you. have done with and a never -ceasing lon-pping foe excite. time, and she d iivar wb2-4t-*e started �off, ob tour' with hei. At. Greatly -reducel RzteS of. Uterest- w�tfdr' . 3a Y' 1871. iss EvanN' answered Etbel ment - and power over his fellows. As unal.e. The -.gentleman's--busitiess Ivuuld s- -Sale ChOap..- A MERRY CHRISM IS steam Mugine on- silent and as beautiful as a fox, but with not permit h HE, undersigned has any ammut of Money � loin Eddy all the largeheartedneEs of the do-, -the ub mourgim, Possible losses; pert ; don't be Ort. e 0 iT they ar witho Tfrom two to fifteen years, at a low rate of lutereet ROINSON CO. is pert but I allow him liberties which gnimal ho can not be taught cl )rtnui. and favourable terms of repavinent, p#able bY YOUlY losing important business oppc t -Les and he believes in, attending to busi- instalments rate of expenses will defy equipietitod. HAVEPLEASURRIN;INTIMATINQ ff]aATqMY I shoul4 neyer dream of allowing to you, tineff ons. He had been Often excitia by nes3 Wore pI ;e. HORACE HORTON CD Did YoP , ever get it into yOuPhead thdt his father'saqiy stories; theyhad warmed ApIpratser forlhe Canada Peri, ARE WOW SUPIM WITIL you veta-a reat fool an enthusiasm which needed no, warmincy- � f , - of manent Building & Sav! BVEIIYT=G The latest novelties are evening soea "9? - 'I ha!W thou,ght so for a long me: and he had tried to reduce them to ill -IF, h 1111W111 for ladies which ire made % ce SUITAB�E FOUTHE 400MING itli gift heels Soclety,- of Toronto ".. Lill'. -that, in spite of all you -ico, by boat-racin'g. i.'Itii �'ji$TEAMXEN I -W0P1C8T-T-1JL 41- and have: thought pract When he won and very great deal of gold embroidery have said top me, you encouraged me more the University sculls he thought himself over,the instep and -Qbeap�to.thetpes. INSURANCE OARD. CIRRISTRU ANDIEW YEAR in'my fQl1y than any one else.' as fine- afellow as any who. fought at The ubscriber is agent for'. the . �fblt . owing first-class torous of -N "Areyougoing togiva up your follyT Waterloo. -Butall this vrasinsufficien A WiBeonsin man, who was bitten -by NE 15 h6fie-power; nearly -new, by WA R U C I M A or Are attao ed t 1nonirstuce Cox#panfes 0 Brantford. -this Engine.,and, boil er* , 11 WH�ICH-Timy ARE i%NPAWI) To$= three weeks -ago,. became ap-' L �PAOENIXof London, England. together mlareln perfect -working:oi Ce 5 Miss Evans. There are some for Hui, was fairly before ! death by hydrophobiwi nARTFORD of Hartford. as been, YANUFLOTUR9 nd his f uture ' prehensive of One Is h(Ase power with detached boi at- t .1 follies which we canvotgive up. I sup- him . novr­ He hated it. And the to a b that catastroPh com,mitted aul- PROVINCIAL of Torntb. used very little, price $S75. I do do wit' e 0 ade BRITISH AMERICA, of Toronto. by Becket pf HaIntOR riep $250. 9-hoqe Engines log It - Orse cide 01 at will . badoliveredinGode: ch at theabove prices and pose that you. are the ooly one wh knows man who had m him hate' w 'IT - lic anythin& of mine. Yilix have never be- than. any -one was little Sir Jasper Mere- are in no respect inferior to new. For partle apply to J. ]a KILLEY, t trayed me dith. Florence, Feb. 14y Th� Cham Wire, Or D12mint6 business dono at the lowe Machinist, Godbrieh. W FL 40et9j 60C ll� VAIdto-Un �$1.00 of the HORAOP, HORTON W41$-tf- Ou ur. a �pprdjWjd of the policy of the Goderich, Dec. 19tb, 1870. $aw-MIUS; Steam Migines alld BAerz,, 'ChUd� child I you haTo betraye&yo Sir J gper Meredith had a very stri6ng deputieshas a Office Market �guare, Goderich. - SUCL self a, hun(trea times. - Child ' relotiva'W the inyiolablility -:F MT -T T W S. where it lovilan almost famiulno love, for Roland ministry " the Papal -residences. 26% V ich p6r Jim ciat f ww m; v .e% - Irators, A 7FITIM ASSORTKYM OF the curl of hi"Wh rom Roland %1ay*sjhisgof.. Thelittle, VAL'U0LZ,T0*N &.rARV, MAChin 5ep We bi.n. -OTS FOR d At last- a cufo ii found for cold in the. L Iiiitheactj and,aut toyott'jualetter-1 man Id makeno' yscal effort,an SALE ph i 9 Where is that curl bad a large brain, and so he usea to lie h oillon, a French pji_ysidiAn, jrr!, ead. Dr T 'It it, is M -desk. Has Jim betrayed and dream. Ana be- usea to lid And says it can be- �ured'by inhaling�-hirtshorn. ;4, )TS396,889ahilg8lon Brittatita TOad,st4about 'a be woul-4 46 -if ho *4fo �Ao� The inhilation, by the nose slid thirttieri acrei on 16t No. iive*dn Maitland Conceff- 11io W001m, V ulilbe seien- I PILOU�ZS AISINS a 80 ­' -, I , - ioninTowushipofGoaerich. within enemileof the %q, -my. dear: rily you told me the and; -and.inorcoveri whathe would not dr eight. times in firer�minut 04 For particulate apply to A. IL ROS, ng oughs. 4 itl.i, ait or Steel Boarisf.Drill .-Plon#q, 08 21 FO. 6th. 18U- Pan Toit. know. W& loland­ AfaiLhe came�to iday oderfelt; sw48-tf- di OF CURRANTS )FOR eIIAM; nd Reliefs, Straw Citttery whole- busineaff -Tou, 4.cx if 'he. 'gain '�16t has been - ,yourseF, 13 pou nds'orlts sms:(or* 'O DQQa lovehiM the co-neldslom- that, -Rolandt -was-waBting Yoik tiltri-fashiortables as reczption ight. really shoulcIzimember. Cultivatorso L t '��-`, tillhk eneTj,,1es �y thisridi6d1dushoat4Aoing e nante of the oldesr, of the. R ei, ilt.Kettles� W9.4onand Pipe I Q:xes, IDEMILS of ILII N 0 2 I Shu i A4 ri Itural Farxiacesi­ '00 merick or s ei ie in A s na, . me Oau=gf-o -A 'STOVES sj- bat h- gob r0ipre4 "Yes, Miss 19,vans.1- �aud pa 'the m2at4 hi Several Chj!ie' a d NR, Brass Castings- me 0001"D: A?, e or dozens fdl;, :C11E -dont belleye lie cam twop f ARLOUR de, afid 131 &O mce f ortilchiii; which, 44 -one.matterq Piano —4 It I 'SM+LL FAAm UNDBPWO61) CULTIVAT mod Imu St 0,18 0 of th PrAdkitt1 You.,.Tqw; know,, Baia Dropowd-Roiau&� - eer fbr'.hii4 - �c MO=�BOAR PLOU6118, A-11' 'Ton Can' Aunt Eleanor. I'M butbej­ oat : �r less 40 ac tL a ortV ;;�� oi,,-� Attila, farm contiins, 56 acres ritiord 0 d.s'e the ZTEEL 0dri Maimfilditiv done 0::3,- A large -quantity of salt water Her611 ibiihi el;ia heap for Cash. 'thou fit ladiiII'dsaywq butt -ddn% acres ploughed 4nd. zeady f i Zrop. cleaied - 20, q R.� IF & -60 , 4011"o 2et'.--.�'ne vary t' on land. 970. Lot jq;�7 Tow 6, iu!� it, -and so I. waart- on urn ��but a- ship of4bolfiorae. W30 saj it and j Ty. caraer I' siticl 11plancl t 'hiniti, iA The Suez Gnal 4' Dromis 711 t yrom �-Goderjoh.i -.Laid 4. 6iid quAlity til 4-goca Clo-derich.- Aug. 15th 1870 The 1ugest of Croelcery In Imm, 611103 nsivd Diakerain. 66 Dominfoia. alaz4-post, stock d� that mad The, 'i6Vbn. -inda djidj&. ceiiar-b u� remun arw, stables-ahil art well out of it.. Lord :s like. jA il -yO eriadie iaveitmeat� -aPI an ji-bo"dddt do what he: toia. ire. 136601S o -retelpts-fioni. tlIK-for t1le-month- of Decet#- sheds Attachfid to Wpay, cou I - - - 9 - n ply ber amofiiqte&t6- or�At i1p,rate,of ito 11!or-PArtiq . 4 $16f An age a me Barron .or, jap si. to r XTrueman,itiodench,, pies 0 rio 'U* 6 above justly celebrated. fir rd -ppy _m, u- I 1. �� 11:, I 'GU I N N E WIS th. farm Aell!AMarticlbo. -9�b ca. o, b resenting an,experidituror ot forty �i$ f 'Yes, 311 grim- illions o attb- rta' te r ad ittly 61 il Q b 41 a c I 6 y dar; buthabas a terjible ft be g r D -one abuld 0W- i Ka is, t 'I sp60,g&Q Gr4t. Bri dol lai ,64of 416noe. ffecaahol&K Mani. my, j6'.suz route mdm IWague for day go Aff timf dap together; And An MY. TrCjQ ea- are 6�tjoa j W I mtonsequence--ofiteir- 00LIENL'F pos.6heri ncl let -off W -co -every na-11 U tbAt, qUality will madderk- a .1 0 81ftyll I0-0nTED �DMEtT FROX2EW MolpF,&CTI�M towirp. whl& ohoula fi�y to th (KNOWN AS MEWS Mllts) RZ, 0003MICK. W, tbe Suei Ginal. 4on Or ver -3t 'thiet ciraisia - h gh-apirite& -slidula at tk _4UkA5;."6 i W01621li- into eithii utter satrwis tqua�fter-sjejl reedfiti di th =Zold­extremelylo*by� furibus-relellio n ; it ia st Sionj *&ar mon"I d fl Wail PTI� you; Ges O'rk of eepe ceeds 4 OU, call$ at t A vermy audletusgqt'16 PU$ir a ' aetoutiojrode4s An Inq LBOT -dry lealim, �Aacl t4 the� petty j I 'Yed bafal- PA1158AL be larjge IF'A10EO1kY$1,7-5,PER!00 , sbxquy ;,you "let undersfau&of course.. 'thuladering-.06ts, ityqiiiic� tgorahi­ kat, FKVj T2 � * , ­ -Bad -ith- R111 tilt - Bola som X0,01M, Avai 10-4. �ould but rc;w iftet your -lafit�Or&t. y imitafo, t fk �o foMera'suather ey Are preparea 0.94 heir, W.. lict 0 8irl, wit fiien bigb. A016-idimae boa�rgce4h& ne'ver'knoWs To- W Had b WW -or ftle thy- country i A tlllkt la r - ' UU i e Sbat ihien'tki Iot 'bna o 'kno I'd Xigk the in Tti u_d'S 4etig*qatfl th4 wo. aw. -but Pottr' IIHOTELS 11032TLY 'SUPPLTRD.`,L And Jai of 1irbitmeA, -MANUFFAACITU AM. )�r, stibIetfiller j am, arta, A�R bkd with- Alki, - - in I pother th6 Utter ekod �LL tjje� do t 4:�� thoollud'r to�j ���iqnkj, G-paeiidh And apift, him Is a lettiar o,w froft S. INdii I ola And W us that -bost, I bald tell Whit he ton"&it it ha ;%Wa 'Wra", 44=- Writ, 11 laid y in ,4111 wouldfl&.1ligh twdys thousancTe-wtaU She. -0fran< t0 Pot it S gg j*tW'-wishijkk to A INA te taotloe, You diamot, k X 'HOTJ�L DA 6W.Yoni'fatife -a now; did, but thatxh6 ititc7adetilt RS40L Y& A wool for goo parhr, you k �.Tour Rid 11Nq1 I sailcl sjpirt to -morrow, " till, arr age, -home mikae he,.Shot' billIL. ja­?SAW6 he katitlirs- Kday I $your Rohn4 tdoBt it�e g Ve ided we havaAe 140 'I We are nt YY 'tto 1. In tance. n wh 1. or Thmpa don7t1now The clew goo, _a__ get eirdea -may in- tWhich es!&'t 1 46 bh"4WteAI6 of -thliln di A Un& rom 'home tkem -the a= ir get Cing 4hei --W001 don. '-E*err liecaustry Mcora LhC]* jS SiWo f .&rect �66*rortll Vjill X$,-MP%rUZLk wbatit. 1co. Wlke bcainswith 211his Tole"M And "Fou, me4a th6I Vird Beecher whim congregation, haye tion ev thirs is o I d noda in the M00 00VUVMWVk, ma .0 W. AX W a Wroxeter, In.-. 10i, ISAT. - W34 t 4 'You come into e4;h DAYS. 08 t thowana I. od hiat to appepi S4 Aus&' Y %Awr, rabb 10 iU with t� 11%, btr 00 yeo t1le *try Sj \d; OW -1- SSIA, Sir J�Tr. _M 4 'WU en tit his W bi id -th 46 DAP, Of t 'Ana hly'V it U -P tO kQQP MM t0