HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-02-23, Page 2r
i DUN '(Wedneo-
�Qnostix:lir, that pragraph statefl, fliab the House Was Tu BJIDT,'�--TO 'day
r ropretentatives ST. AitD11'MW1$ 0AUILdIt. 0 11 1harsday f Any -on'thd Fisher the enfranchised
IIVIINEDS, RALLY1 which the majority of on ocoatric rdit- dy)IL goodly number of
ounh ' to ovenin 16tliiiist..adoordin(vtoAniioiiiiee- asked it iltx� G60rnruent wouffl alloVir him. obliged to construct ' It' in r -o -horse teams
41if have been Pbulisli or tritorous oil t the ii our neighborhood set out in
'11ho constituone cherhe that. would c( t
-in the fibw an early day for ,v aub-stantive motion. way., He enteredhis protestagains,
A -oda ie will iio%y have menb a tea-meetl4was haTd -hem to build and ox -t
't havintr now' con. earns in orderto vote for or against
The Ontario Parliamen I npul t
the suQ`ect,. Sir Johii A. Macdonald would a in-Mallough Bill.
-orogued, at the close uf its statutory the matter in their own hands. Mause, Every room wAsIbrilliantlklight, mes longer the redoubtl6ble Dunk
trotho 01
pt ad for the occisio unded with as desirable' a y Intercol. lial Ine six ti It is -very funny Ito find some per3ons who
v, and atirra be leaviiiii shdrtly, aud it w
is no sayin- %�hcn we in y tabloi hauttgompli d6comted, -cat wb.4 tlmt vve aFu�uld strengthen' his hnds In thavillib, present one. ad, by Sir have -literally enriched themselves on the
GODE'R.10H, Feli-, 23A, 1871- e - Reaf t.he QU!36X1!3 R1912%vay- sible. The Gtivbrament had The liaragraph wma amend. MOORIFIOUSE,
find Gursclv a in the beat of an election wals - spread a -stimptuotis supply of 6verY11- every waypo.. id of such imotioul the moral spoliation of their fellow beings by
1 recipes and the skilftiNG- & way of getti log t i by John.A. Alac4ouald, -.as to niodify
Whether tht event may take place in six That is the sharo. of the -public road,every thing that goor trafflAing tor half a lifetime in the liquor
The J�Unt Elgh Con=sslon. weeks or six itiontlis, it is of the 11 . igliest a juld ptovilo, As-tho moving previous qudationa, which _W, did- an address, trade,,and others who virtually live by
ecent traveller has a rirht to usk, recaive of th6 ladies c, not ivish to see done in this -base. The Committee re�� orted avrn stands,
t coiniiiany got tea, they passed into the -go so Temor-
Gruat Britin has lately done a good 161purtaftce that the Reforiners of Huron rid give, T�c crusty, old atirmud,reon or Tohn A. Maudonald.promised Mon- wbich' was adopted, and the members of fipeculating in t
Church, where they were entertained by , Sir (me nber of this House) selessly info the sudden muzzling up of
dezd to earu the ble-zin, 4 TV Itich is said to should commence- at once energetically to the impudent yountr vneal and instrumental music 'from* Mrs day f( ir the diso4asion,to. wh vse ftelfinterestm settle shape
as Tuakday ich the Privyq -sent, others,
roysterer who re beca
mt oil oil tho "peace-iriakers.", I n th" orginize for the comina contest. We wit- this!e�al right to a fellow -traveller is a dis- Simms and the choir, until till had partak- he had no objection at,- ppointed its 'a C immittdo to pro
Mr. Lacoste xuove� van adaptir If 'the iwt to, his txcelleircy. or other, or a principle of inordinate vanity
suntruversy with the �uitcd St%te, which Iles3 r tile clost of this session the unu- grace Zo his :enlighte an of the phyateal. comforts. - Aftelf-the 0-inotice of tiiay lead them to suppose that mankind
o tied era. We 1protest Juldietice hail sting the old Illindied reply to the Spocch froin the-,.Tbiptre, of Sir. Johii A. Mae ald gv ount of
ha3 "dragge-d its slov; length along" aver axial apectcle of all increase instead of a a all address to'his will give them credit for an am
against parties, either from Mlice 6 ib lie Zhair: which if was but iin a-cho. intentitin to,'mo
heriffMaedmald WaLs called t 6gratulating hill, oil his moral patriotism to which it is doubtful if HAS
years, she his waited objectioll dimilintion of miniterial stippQrters.- chie f, from desire to* manifest their itinate Mr. Xirptrick secundo'd it. E xdellency, .,c AD -
70 the dutiep 6f which he discharged in a I they have any rational cl-im. Perhaps it
after orbjcction, an given up point after John S.til'ollield 'llac,lonald has ub4oubted- i,,ivi,,Ity or t(,, (Iiiplay heir cleverness in ge. Both went over. various paragraphs, con- elevlation to the Peerage.
nit niann-ar. ��,Addresses characterised The House adiourni: d at 9 o'cloelf. mi,,ht be argued that they have been
point, in order to arrive at -in arnigzb10 1v secured this by his vowed purpose to gratulating the Govqrfinierit on its action' a kened to' a horrifying consciousness of
handlim., the ribbons, imperilling the livbs by mu�:h ability and not a little hurnotirl 0
W'ith regar74 to the repulse of Qui Fenianst tawa,'Feb. 17, wa
opertyofthelie-t,sby furlotisdrinag Sulyth Re
The bear- grant the money -of tite people, which, and pr were deli,tered by Rev R re, Rev Mr. the e#,,)rs,of their former habits, and w
I- settleme.ntofthe'Alaiiitob,,t.trotiblesp and
v Nlr Alullen (an d.d companim The House of Qomnions operiedat 3. 15.
a others by legis tion;
'druls 7of the pastor's), diid Rev James the Policy respbatim , thi! Fisheries. . C, Received fhU
iug�of the nei libur-larld has not bee al- by a number of fortuitous circumstances in passlu T.teams,or refusitxg half the Qdeerl'a iii ad to sav lative restric
atory as that of nd no merit (,f his, has accumulated inthe In Mr Kirpatrick hoped tlid�kinistry would The Hoti. -Mr. BoItc n theti brought for- but even xantina Eat such should be Supplaes
ways as di�mi fled and concili. . We recently reported t-wo cases Zoiveri�aht. The ch6ir rdridered some ward his'm - otion, wb(ther permission had their moti it wootild comemitli much bet -
our mother-lnd, but, that bas been due Ontario Tronsury, for public worlis -only tried bel'oreMr. Ctabb It
ad in th!"sue beautiful nthems, avid Mrs Sitntirs-and nada's olnitus to indemnity for te been granted to the �'. T. R. to eriet-aiii
We Mr Pixie W4on sun� severa Caoutrues before the Inter -national tergrace h&dtboyenteredan appearance be-
i dac6ion. which he reserved. F ellian i to' Wiel,,acltine�Caiial
hi, adilit onal bridge ac �, s ad virtuilly enriched themselves
sit opinion oil near the line of Welli igto
less to American ministers than to the in those municipalities that return 'i's do them as the 1 pieces on. fore they It
11" withill thGir usual 6ste and feeling; which Conventi n street ;,if so by the very system they now so lustily
-doniancigues supporters. IV, ith this end in view be has Ju -,ice hits done ao in all unniistalieable man. were warmly and deservedly applutided by P111. Alackenzib then reviewed the ad- when applied for, an(F,when granted.
whih Wild 8 ty of the -OF THE.;-
to,,pxercise in the got th representatives of the people to ner. When we think tat Air. Mullwain's he deprecate. I think a majori
Seem, solnetimes able the audience. 'Votes of thanks to the dress and administrative conduct of t Hon. Mr. Laugevih gave the required vo, urter will opposethe
enate. Both Gurernmonts bar% now abnegate their most sacred functions and sleigh, which ris upset, contained 12 child choir and spoaker were proposed -by J B Government. He sharply criticized the information. - - I i
I movement, fortified as 1 know so
ran mid 3adults, we are tbaili-ftil to Provi chofDr. Tupper to hiscob- Mr. bia&emie moved an address con -
decided to mutually appoint a Higk Com- voie large sums of money, without know- . . 1- Gordon, Esq., seconded by P Adamson, recent spee twitted'him and the House n. Mr. them will be by the i ei
dence that there vas n,, more serious injury Esq.. an enthusiastically resoonded-to; -stitudlats, and tstructions Ito the Ho Municipal Imfitations of OntaT19,
adies iv o got up with past and present inconsistency. Elei spouses who, -Aa e to b tron
wissiurt for the cousilorn,tion, and settle- ing the locality of its expendituro ; in the than the of a clerical nose, the *o w ' that of the "L ITT Lieutcnaut-QovernorofMani�o- It and have accompanied
I - is als as
xecu bove tlytt if they unquestioningly Ilow a d ther"Mari-. ba ; ttlao, copies of ag Orders in Council minded 4,63he
fu splittillar, open of a ,irVs knee, a 'enot at
ment, of t1ireseions" at issue bet, m -the enertainment in the Manse, propos- bantered Hon: Afr..-Tilley an o
xla�licir leader, their conmtituencios distribution of bruises and the destructian of ed by Rev W Sinyth, and secon' specting _profe§?dd e' husbands to.the poll. One ox -s
-and copies of all reports to the Dom
hmby Goo time Province men re lor. nsis
then ' r. The -h 6haracter, �cuerl l Lwill could anxiety forad A&att'o- of load passed by here this mor
s . as in for a share of the spoil. Some properl.-v. Al to say to traiel- Acheson, Esq. Rev Air Alulle s�id it Government. iitg�,of males and fernales who ang eerily jILA10M
you ar%as2sn 1 1; , or w lie i they' changed
and snecil �idaptatiori of the gentlemen late -am, or al- tile Antial® 'llic rl id before the
We thiuk the farmers (if Hurtinare patrio- lers is, wixen would be a great omission t9 forgot to _3,Kprth-WaE Sir John AL Macdonald an
as they whipt' the bucks alon etbi U0 LED B Y TU
to lie williti- to do without lowing a team to pass yoll. do the entle- T, AteWs'as, to the Intercolonial R4ilvvay. der th6 U. fa. they aro I tic- en tha k th chairman wh6 he shoill(I say motion. was, put, and while nii
wliole-sotded� ighl-icler, Both from personal ingpection. and public like the following Canzcnet te. ii I ta, e
that honor and jiistice will tdegratut3 where such are not fountled i manly aud ite-ighborly thing; he sure to w -As at &e1luirte) liar'dircunistances of.the formation of that o
11 - I - Province, be hai to be the composition of Tom Kelly.
their researvIles and decisions.- The, in- right and- justiiie. Wo t1iink also that honorably (rive halt tite Queen's Highway and he 'would therefore- proise a voto of facts he could condemn, wholly tire modi as general rule, wlien
vuu ' ill ba d(,iil' ofl, fications of4ha:t route as ii�njurious to New 'nsidor 70chl the time are sore altped wid now fangled Salldfleld'S promisies and %v ig your,pakt to save ac thanksi which the audience heartily - ve. correspondence was asked for.- to co
tarests of Great Britain will be watched. are of the de-scriptit'm that are niore cident to both life and property. In over xespect the meeting was , success, Brunswick,and expensive to the Dominion whether it was advisable to briixg dawn ilie plans
When men have turn'd praichers who used to tura
over by Earl do Grey an Ripin, Sir Ed- r, b ilo beneficial to a certain Minister. He k
speciously pleasant to the ear"tIvin likely mind we.should judge the clear proceeds, to i t.
correspondence or no Ile would as crans I
re ndemued the. G6vernment's fled River
ward. Thurlibm, ProN:?sor Mornard, Lord too be ed. Asho cinnot 90WIT applyto the ManseFand, would not be 0( tilrly the remissuos respect- what cerrespotktlence *as required. Can a bird be a swan, that had once been a crow 2
Godurich antl Lord Teuterdeti. The Do- Place fine public work in every coxistitnitucy less than $1.50. Policy, pat -tic Mr. Mackenzie wanted the papers stated That's a quistion I'd ask at you, blister M -1-h.
ither railway or wherivise, there Avill be ing scotes.murderera, atict a i peessed fear in the order of the day; and all papers con- I once knew a fellow who kept a Sbebeen
witilati ia to -be represented bT Sir John e FA,.Ncy Dams (;ARILVAL-We wefe CHE&p. 1NsunA_vcl,-Soo adverdsment 1, in the forthcoming I aternational Com- Corning the Providence of Manituba. In a town not far distant - you Irnow where I mean-
ux.tuy a survilo constituency betrayed in rx%il- tha PRICE I DOLLA
A. Nfacdonaldaud Sir Staft,)rd Northcote. the fiffliltuctit,-ul! t�bo promises for which wrong in giving briday itext as the even- by Mr. Hardy of the Agricultural.. I mission Canada's rihts and interests might Sir George E Cartier said the Flon. Mr. Where he sold PIR rpd ruin and praised it up so,
ing (if tire :�)kating Carnival. It takes rance Compbaly. He offar�to ins.ure $1000 be sacrificed to England's advantage vvith A hibald a - Wasn't that good Merallt) Mister M -1-h ?
Inited States' representatives are they sold themselves. A specimen of the rc was Governor of the North- West
Anil the L or :615 or only the States. Afte power was give Anon lie i esolved to go right at the trade, N. Ili --Township Clerks will
-Mr Fish, Mr Schenck, Jiu:tice Nels.,111 waY in which ho prolu)ses to bestow hisg1ts place this (Tuesday) evening and we hope on h;olated housle, 3 years r some further criticism erritory, and n hi nt to act
ru�4 of the govothruent, policy, and an exj)res
h-t.,b -eii.ifor�ludiiithtuiijttstdiici,itiliniticin will be well attended. one-half par cant per a in- both capacities. If the qviestion was So'be built a big tavern, an'd quit the ould abed
Judge Hoar and Senator NVilliaraq. ion of syinpathy with France, Britans it But a license u`as proper I in those days you know
ade bativeeii Common 8,,hool PROFFS80F. WILKINS, of-Hanlilt0l), who ; I�W SALT Bi _I -West Territa.
which he in. .009.S. hear of several asked for theNorth ry,
Univemil approbation is expre�scd iii.i lands, Ulurgv Crown is grivinginstruction in instruttioutut music o be rim" up.* if we neighbor anct ally. would. suit everything. But its irot proper Pow, is t Mister M
.1 -nowli that the re blocks contemplated t �, ld replied in a oblize by sending in their
regard Vi, the appuin truent; and we, i f t I to in'to %vn, wishes it to be, -1. it that the re- et reciprocity in spring which is almost bir John A. Macdon, sowld plenty drink.and betippledandslang
o he, Rch,,L%l lands ia his hii(ltlit011s 1, Sir Francis -1 H incks handed in a report imilar strahl of f-riendship for France,and gue
Doinutiou, have no reasom to be dissatis- give 11 poitthathei tenda-61oaveinApfflisin-1 it is - ertain- a of the public accounts. Several members And the praise ofthe licker was lend on his ton
elief to settlers oil the latEcr nd re. t3)Q soon toexpec" it, although. c I And a treat to all present lie oft' wQuld bestow
I defended the policy of the government.
f se.1tto those on the former who equally correeL all.
fied with the talentand fitnegs of Sir John it ly )mincr there will be market' for would receive all information _(hea, hear.) He bad three days allow- For sprats off catch mackrePdear Al ister M -1--h
cleserved [Iiiiian natcre isipt tu be -poraeR CouRT-On lTonday at 10 in. 7 Otherwise we fear there may be a tomor. Tl�e House ad him to do so, therefore he had a day or Orders for the same 0
A. acdonald ard Sir Staffor -Northeote, n the Fishery Question, and should not two. left yet,but he�considered it was ad&- He prosperd in bu!,Iness- grew jolly and 'fat
selfish and the fact is owitious that Sand- his WorshiD Chr�.stovlier Crabb, Esq., J. lary glut. 0
-who are specially det-ailed to adrocite and field has ill his (rift give way, t' the' Ill t impressions. And a trifle ambitious. but what about that ?
P., gave his dec'isbin in the cases we re- ' I a As to able to hand them in now.
S. & TEcrr-ER's AssociAVIo_,,-The_r,- ille claim, a -for F (iia:ii damages, govern. Its a circumstance common to success we know
secure fair play to Quinda. Whtever; $1,;:00 ()I)o f,,r bonuses, orted last week, as follows :-Nlcllwaine , After some further discussion Sir Fran- And its not to be woaderld at Mister BE -1-h I onceii,
I . I P tilr ineetint, will be held ment had made a 4resetitation, arid if
reasou we tnay have to be -dissatisfied with -60,0(10 for Colonization Roads, v Johit McDorrogh,, for. refusing half the, t7 the basement cis desired to explain the polici of the
the Wesleyan C-litirch, A 7.30 p. in-. on Canada failed it wpMd not be the iault of GoVerriniant in relation to the eu So be quit the big tavern and Tinted it out.
f,yr 1-ric"Itilral college, highn-ay, flue $20.00, colts $5.00. Ri ardl of I rrency
the ti�remier`s internal policy, we think Monday, 20th inst. Subjects pertai " zif inagistrate lamed and stoat 1
InIng its government. Tberewas no fear of And -lie turned ch(
50,000 for (if Techilul2gr ParkQr v McDO110.1111 for damage to Violon- t question, which had �assed ihe House at And lie drank a(,the publics e4i= then you know
Y) o fhe work will be introduced by Rev. NV- Engiatid. sacriflaing our. interests for her
that,asan rbiter in tho grave in!ernation- I - -
00,1000 f,ir Central Urisen, cello, fine 20 cents, daniges and costs the last Session. Reviewing tbelossand Wasn't that gooldipb1losoptly Mister Al -1-b I
. I S Blackstook and Mr. Young. own advantage. As --to,' Red'River, tl
al questions about to be discussed, he is and 10,000 for all s0uni ; all which $13.75. depreciation of tictitious currency,be show --
the- riht man in the right place: Sir he can spetid in the localities where lie re plel government had no right or power to in- ad that each year there was a sum amonnt, Hat now he's foraken the magistrate -trade
WESLEYAN Cuncu-On 21foridy,'21 tb MkITLANDV1tLr.-NVe a sed.a, see Forbe-friund it ws-playing the deuce wid his head
fore in internal affairs. The question - in -all to $72,000,000 changed hands ot 11 is hat wouldilt sit ont at tniies, as you know
$taffiord -Nordicuto we have alsso much Plea -%P-% which he may prinliso his stippor- itiet., an Anniversary Tea-Neeting will bx� the prosperity of out pretty little suburb. to' Inir
could ouly do, hTnt by a discussion at Ot- th ; then there was 'Twas time to reform a bit Mister Al-l-li I
tersto duinthe:r c)'ustittrencie. 13-uthe held in tlie WeslVall Church. Addresses Every -body seems brigh t and cheerful oy-er $6,000,000 per mon
reascia to be satisfied with. Oil several can oulv do this, if he is returned to pow- will 'be delivered by Revs. W. Bri .... s, of there, and a rushing business is goill-y on- tawa. . We must leave Manitoba to in i an- brokers' discount, besides exchange, and
ffairs, and protect our So now he comes out on the temperance plan
-Z�ecent oocas.Ous-, both by speech andletter, er. Would there not be acre her own a Own
nore London, T. W. Jeffrey, of Milto and particularly in cord wood. Wetinderstand o also a discount of 4, 5, or 6 per cent. his All grog -shops to shut hom Beersheba to Dan I
liehwshotyns-,justanapproca�ionofinatters prospect of evcn�handcd justim All them. Oil Sabbath first, the former 200 teams per day delivering wood has people* was a seriokis loss to the country. The Wei e hip tortune tonlake yet. it wolildret be so,
At 6 o'clock the Hoiise rose for recess. six millions per month of American money Isn't t a qumr patriot Mister
Cauaian, that at his ll�ands we Inav be roVud, nd a pro:)er recognition of the gentleman will pr,3aeb -,it 11 a. in., and been quite a common vcrag�e. Go ahead,
certain of receiviu- notbim, neeessities and ad . vanta,-Ps of the various the lattt!r at 6.30 p. in. All the services neihbors, and never iforget to thank 0 n active eirculation ciis�'.aced that adl-olint T a sleigh slid on, and I heard no more
t� but justice. After recess, - - J I
In addition to the Alabaura claiulq, no lacilities and schemesgthc rtformers of[ wilt bA well worth tiendin,g and we have Providence for placing the Bridue hill j list in Bhuk notes. When he saw this state of it,, but Echo, for a long time at the usu-
where it is. Dr. Bowen resn Tried the debate, on the of things, be entered itito a agreement I intorvals of the tune, kept murmuring
Ontario were to rally and place a govern- there ddress. n speaking' of the Manitoba
.41v�ill oe.,a crowd!bd house on each cc -
&UM the. Fisheiy and Canal questions casiok has A -that he would not have voted -with Mt. Weir, of Montreal, with a view low, Ipw, low, which indicated that a BLAN151 BOOKS -
',v -dl crop up for disposAL a. power that does no, act on the HAWLEYS WELL.- The contractor Bill, be said of transporting all theAmerican currenev
It is tiuie that ru�"t 1 consiflorable number of stanzas more of it
W#,0 WANTS A HUSBAND? -The notice of (got into a little difficulty in a bed of tough for it but that it was nece%sary to secure from this country. Owing to the ittflux Of had been suAg as they glided along.
Ca , me. Ca' thee" pyinciple ? The style
a fair understanding were come. to on all sucU * -we wofild call to advertisement else- mitd. This is an linusual experience, in the territory in the best manner possible. this coin in the Neir Ynrkumarket, the dis
in whi,�h he courers his favors and the
these. It will be the duty of our rey:re- where�# Dead earnest well -boring bijt we hope the obstruction The loal men of the country Lid been 'count fell in consequence. lie then show -
reliability of hit promises mag ba learned ?3
sentative3, while acting as conciliatory a r will only be temporary. called out in mid -winter to defend their
TuF J-F--,.NIE WATSUY Co-YUP.T.-SOnle e the standard of Eng w
,Iish e4n, hich was A 003UWTE ASS
lolm the histor of the Deaf and Dumb weeks ago, scamp of thn euphonious loyalty and had been, bsely deserted.. 12 a�rta silver and I part alloy, and con- MANITbi3A-
part as possible, to uphold the rights of sylum which ha prom ise(;l I I amilton :.nd AMALGABUTION OF SALT Co's.iiWe un- The stood not only unrewarded, but had
Trask " advertised this lady to eerstand the Salt companies of Gode'rich y tra7sfe&this with the'American coin, show-
Canada, anti secure.. for anytbing we are 'yet onve to Belleville ; and of the ria"10 of. Goderich, without her ktiow- haye not been able, this o�r, to enter into suffered conturitely ; and he wished lo' ing, the depreciation of the latter in cause- (From Witnew Corres ondmi.)
ked to give up a quid pro q?w. appear it know what was to be done by h p.
It would, Lun:itic Asylum which for political edge and consent, and then skedaddled an amalgamation, and each eampany will quence.
for example, ba gross injustice, to the he located in a malarious and xv o ment.forthem. He condamneO the action Hon. Mr. Holton never impeached the MANITOBA, Jan. 16. OF ErkBy
ith fluids of hers in his possession. Hav' therefore do its 'best on itsownhook.-
of.'Ar. Archibald in his position of Gover- policy.of the hon. gentleman; oil the con- Governor krehibald has issued his
Dominion fur the -Commission tat concede dismal London swaulp, which, to spite ing made other engagements'she could At present salt can be had for a] per bbl.
nor of Manitoba, and his wilpability in al- trary, he thought it was a good7one, to a certain roclamation calling together the first
-t fill the programme TrasK had sketched i
to tholUnited States the rittlit of fishing of the cxparte report of an illANCtor is nol was it not-doue before if the country
COT-NTY SABBATH SOHOOL CoNVFI;Tl(#Z;. lowing the murderers of Scott to eseape tent. But why . Le-islative Assembly of Manitoba. on the
to be a deu of typhus fever. we out and was compelled to disappoint the much -by it Z
th ough there was "'
inotirwaters asan offset in connection prove of Huron, if they public, who were aux"ous to Lear her.- The Convention of 9abb. School from the territory, alth Tile lion. bihirister ofFinauce, could not but admit second day of Febritary next, thou and
mistake the RLrorniers the enorm,;xis ssthe country sustained by not hav-
with .41alia-ina damages. A great interna- teachers, of which we gave all eitended 6very chance to arrest thern. He gave as Etty W SIZE. -SHAPE &
get their prin(iples for the deceit. She v�ili appear,� in nor S,:ottiali entertin- ing,sione what might have been done years airo. Sir there to havo'conference and tre ith
tionalpolicy may now be inaugurated and itill &r nieut -assisted by Mr Hardy, in Crbb's notice in last issue, meets at the Wesleyan thq reasons for the Governor's carelessness F ifincks stated that the govcrnment was not in a the areat men and tne Legislative Council
ful promiscof government-ratits- Church,. ou Thursday 23 iust., andat Bishop Tache positio to (to so before.
"we hare sometbing, like a hope that it will W�p Hall !on Moxiday� 27th inst., at 8 o'clock. _d on thisoitit the influence of n
Church on Friday, 24th ins He also tought it a to Hen wir Hoktou said reference h -d been made to the
agL the reformera"to, or,-anize inEo Town i t. A 11 of our Province. I Fend a copy of the
when we are sure the audience will at ouc� Xnox's and his people. amount of allay in American coin, but itwas not ex
be. It would be well if the Commission . crested will please bear this in mind. ma,rkable thing that the elections werg proclitmation in full, and may say,. for
Lut actl of the same proportion as the Engliph KNOWN
had, as it bm not, the final disposal of an ship -and It iding associations without del;iy confess that she well deserves the title of I
and be able to prcbeDt a united fronC when the " Scottish Nightingale."' Front al ' pit in which they vere, SIT- Dufresne said in 1AG8.69 Ife liad called the atten- -the benefit ofthqsc, who are not thor-
o ov-.mciAm FRUIT Gitowpas' Ass'),PIA- caused in the mariner
-questions. The doughty genatorsof Wash- 't1be time cows. The lc--' latiou of the number of ve d three Inerl plavid it' the Cabinet who tion of Hoin Sir John Roseto the amount of American iough]7 posted in our geagraphy that the
�s ry favorable notices, wel TIOY- We are very happyto hearthattthe an win -in the Canadian market, and that tliegovernment i 7
ington could not exist without being allow- select the follwvin� -"The entertain- ;qualified for the eottlig-theirliest proclamation is ddted at Fort Garry,
past Eessiou, we freely confesp, might n meetiucf held. ',it Hamilton, it was agreed were totally dif Oflacc- assured him at the time that they were
=1 Miss men whose intereits would be 0 abet the to rcinove it. AfU.r what lihd beeL stated by Sir
ad to pirk hles in the understanding that have been worse; and, we positively assert, ment stamps Watson -and Mr Hard to hold the Annual Fall eeting of the Francis Hineks. be (the il�eaiicr) considerol. that the which is the re-ide" ce of the Governor
as two of the best, olligers ever heard in Provincial Association at Goderieli. This escape of criminal$ who war() �prominent eber for ebateaugatty4ught; to be satls�hqd, and be
'inay be come to. We; trust, however, would worse'but for it, Seven of the would coingratu�ate the golvernment upon their mea- and his Private Secretary. It is alro, the T 0 TOULE TRADE
-have been infinitel the Hall, and Aliss WZon ranks second, will brine., amonost its the leading borti- leaders in the insurrectio 3
that the unusually hih order of talent the constant vigilance and surpassing to none that ever ippeared he t of twelve were opposed W the whatever the expenses y might be to tlle gov--- headquarters of the Hudson R2y Com
i oulturists of the rovinze, and we hope men on ment Howassatislied.the had done what was right
policy of the Dbiminion Government, and pany and the Ontario� Battartonl and with-
11MIcharacter which enters into tile join- cellical and -debating talen't of the we have not heard her equl, and hope ifl -arrangements will `6q made in due time to R,, and for the best.
P&sitioss of the Commission, vrill duly im- liberal oRposition. The measures actually they c�n visit Hamilton agin they will do give.them a fitting'willcome. will control the other in the Lower Bouse. Str-A T Ualt thert. mova; for an address to His,Ux- in its hospitable walls Jadge JAnston
-Hamilton Evening Times. With respect to the policy of thp Govern- "'lleady for all coltrespoddrice relating to the defence
of the comatryand Hen MY! Campbells mission to Eng- also finds shelter ; while the town of
'igth ..n the question. ae
prm the senators and for once passed are but the mutilated galev ts of so." CONUSTING OP.
MAPLE LPAr- NB&TiNG SOCIETY.- ment on, immigrationi he trusted the Gov- land.' He lie at some I� 'Winnipeg, where Parliament is to meet,
aog een the Im-
Ue overnment schemes and well it is for PF-vxy READI.NdS in the Temperance referred to rieettleat ed at _beuv
them to =t as sensible men and patriotic Z:� VV a were agreeably surprisca to fid that ernment would confine itself t a policy in perial and the Dominion a thcrities relative to the de- is fibout a quarterf a idile from Fort
populat rights they are so. The count Hall on the evening of Thursday, 23rd.
citizens. ry good faith -that will tend to the immediate fence of the cou11#7 in -18 5, and thought as there was
has good reason to be grateful for the inst., at 7.30 1 o'clock. the young, gentlemen connected with the settlement of the cfaitnt; of the present loy- feeling of uneasifie. 1 t country relative to thii. Garry, from which ft h divided by a re.
Fair Redprov-1 trade, we are willinv� to Grammar School are &re )arincir -themselves matter,it would he el fo the Gove, Pat to state
pure par MANN, THE� PAtNTrR.-F or a handsome �erve claimed by the Hudson Bay Com'
tyism and pattiotism of the win al settlers, ane. the inimediate opening up whotheratly change had be in the rela- Day Book%
graub the usL oi our fisheri ging'the know- h7 any. The Pos d
as tind canals eciueu of his work- in sign for the battle of life, . rin. sold t t -office address an
vokea and tasteful an isting on this sold
nd would even, thr, in our chtims tor ority who, if they had not been f the country tq; immi,,ratits. tions ex p
d- !edS
Fenian ittrasit ald have itisefibed on the statute Pain.ting-, and a spleadid imitation of got ;a they are acquiring into prwtioal*use 0 durtages thmugh utt. All do%-o,.wr in weekly, debato on topics of the day. Sir. Massou (Terre Bonne) said It * p Mat- name is Fort Garry, althouli the Post-
right-illinded peuPe oftoth countries con-' book measures for sectirina the indepen- U o - ruent
work, see'the shingle he has &epared for ter what the opinions of-ItIle Gove offide is realljy kept in'tbe town of Win-
n' By iuv
which is hunt, out . itatift, we were presentou the nipegg, whdre a new building,- belonging Ledgers
aiv & 31ullexi, ext a on the subjeet of tire Red ]River - S
sider that sormething like this w' L evening ofi Friday last. The question mer Wrair our ow. Correspondent.3
Ould be & dence ofParliament and the purity oE door to the Post office. 6nlv (front our ow to Mr. Bannatyne, has been rented fol'd
fair adjustmeot cc�mmercial reltions, was : 4hich was right in the present trouble, the murderers of Scott were i
and we don't thfit], - Great Brit,. elee-tion,-ofwLich po-;terity. would have 6tites of a people who, offered six WEATIO)II-The eather just. pow is the pre'son t accomodation ofthe legislators
in would S. 8.* UEAcnErts' AssOCIATION.--Al war -France or Prussia V Those on the representa btinues
at aU stdrid in tfie way f E;,! -(:h - envied then the honor. we say- W. conntios to the men who a -re oha�tred with very. dry and stead , but still co Jourals,
an ar- very pleasant meeting was ll�,Id iu the side of Prussia were Messrs. Carey, o until proper quaTtgra can be -built next
Reformers. rallj I Ci There was a 31 loildid display of the
raugreritent. ' SiTs John and Stafford have basement of the Wesleyau �,hurch on Macara, John acar, and S. Hick , on theeed. He asked what reward the hon. cold. season.
now art opportunity of immortalisingthem- the side ofFrance. Messrs. Blackstock member wanted fo-k the loyalists. He Aurora Borealis a fe ff nlights ago, extend
d The Xr%itokn, Government organ, re.
Mosiday night. The teachers of all zeles. by opeuing a new-Rra in the history thou -ht the lion. member was not justified ing in a beautifully urvedarvh of vrie
Trainei, Moleswortli, Cameron and Hamil- -Cash Bookss
derlowinatibris w6ro strongly represented of the Legis -
can cotyserce. May ditery go the VrorOgatl0n- ton. After much fluent speaking and i c�roliching the Government for a tifit.s, and of dazz] g brigytness, across marks raparding, the calling,
(if Amen, and the question of "how to retain the �n re which he had supported him . self, the northern sky an touching in one un ature together at this time, that it isj
ay to vvur-l- =d be ewinentiy suc_- er lqgical reasoning, that would have shoamed measure on. kinute Boo-k—a.
Tbe Out arlir anxid eld D-th. Manitoba Bill. If broken spa� the li it of either hertz
confur! ano P, ment was prorog pupils" was discussed at le 11 - older assemblies, the chairman (Mr.'A D. by voting in favor of the doubtfal whether any business will be I
ou Wednesday after tioun bV Ais Excellencv THE Brsuop oF HUEtoN ivill preaeli Cameron) 4,ave his decisiotf rut those on public rumor was to be believed, Riel had People who reckan themselves weather- transacted for some finte afterwards.
the herald of a
who mme rattl;ng -side of France had the best of tile not pub his foot in the connt�y since the wise felt confident t. was
the Lion t..Govertior, a-.,, the opening of SL Stephen's k, hurch the �11 Qantime the Cabinet is completed, ana
0 0 a' the
10 a r
o-- o th
glorious event of the entrance of the sudden tbaw but tb a iuler of Atmosphe-
te 'Wind Pontical Blows in down instate to read a few haA Hur ent. Go on, boys. The "Maple troops. In a fe tv weeks there vv ill be re- vic Phenomena seen is to have had some is composed of Hart AlPred Boyd, Pro- Iuvoice Books-
sentencesexpressir- b6 entire tipproval on R-jad, on Sabbath first at I I a. m. furlever.
Ills Lordship will also Leaf" i'� ubjectbr purilpose. in view
Y Tintry seeking a othe as the vlheial Seertary ; Hon Hare Giraid, Pro.
hrough- and r6entatives from that co
of everythin that had been done t
The List Qiifecn's� speech i4 a remarkable out . the session. * The exact work which preach. irt St George'll Church, Cludericb, seat in this House, and the. quest; on for morning brought 'sime-very biting proofs vincial Treasurer; 11on Thomas Howard,
document. has bee performed, it worild tlZe a wiser at 7; P. III, Dominion Prliament. the g Iltit was, whether, they -have a that there may uulI4 certain appearances Minister.of-Publie Works anti Agrioul.'
Instealtof abounding, as usti-
&I, in bd, English an4 iTisipid generalities, head than extra to suin up at present. So right to such a seat or not. He knew the be more -, frigidity III the elemental mag- ture ; flon Henry Joseph Clarke, At- XemorandlmM BWkas
'r (fed DisTRESSING AcclillkNT.-WC regret HOUSE OlicommONS. _ no right to in- azine,than is dre%med of in our philosophy -
My ituriortant meastires were crow Dominion government had torney7Generftl, and Hon Jas MacKa3r.
Lex -401v cuts tu, the heart of thin- and V fb +1 - I Leoislature of On- It is on the main an excellent season for
into, the last sitting. and au awmainied and to ua!Ze to recok a Laress n. tkuv VnE Ottawa, Fel). I.D. .. -1 0 The latter is awealthy..Ei nalistl half-breed
progoses measureat which forty Years ago mutilated as far as their first proportions ' Commons metat the usual rario ; and for th RD 2
which occurred on Thursday afternooti The. House of e same reason they had the prosecution of many of the purposes of .
er and has been en
iployed by Government RLSS 7800ka
no right to interfere yvith that of 41anito life, the Bnow is no
WattI4 have beent.dubbed chartist anct re- were enricertied by aittendments at very, to our esteemed. townsman S. H. Petlor hour.
15'ill takd soine, time to gat er ni- ba. He wished to know why the question and -is so compactly d tribate.inall iree- beforein theeapacity ofIndianAgent
folutionary. Amongst other things� Uni- St-agci'that it Esq. H6�vasdr"ia,,upfi-oinMaitlaild- The new members.includiiig Mr Four
1,, 1:1, 1. wag brought.befbrothe House thenr--ata tidna, as to afford everyconvehience, both and Superintendent of Public 'Works he
dp and connect the. broken threads. It is ht sleiah-add had tAken '011 er., ware introduced.
ville in a lia adquatnted7 wit Pocket Books -
Varsity test� are proposed to be abolished; very kind of His E-zeellency to Bay to our In 0 1 tinte when such a discussi6n was calculaled for timber cho i and sleighing purpos- is, consequently, well h
Ur -Mackenzie askel if any arrangements pprug
Tatim, by ballot i2i recommended "at board a girl named Lizzic Kerr, who was to cause a feellnu of uneasiness in the new as. Indeed in som respe6ti (considering all the Indian tribes, and has great in.
an"I a representatives, of ey3ry stripe, that - for walkirigfrom'0614orne to town When had been madd for a representation of tile
national system of education for Scotland -thia close of thr. last session of ther term people of Maaitoba in Parliament. this territory. He spoke of the Fenian raid the awful crowdy of malgamated rand and fluence with them. Three of the m'em-
lives of man
ted. We cannot understand tiis which you sere clected, I cannot help 0 posit session. bars of the Government are entire strang- WideI-ndexos
sugges 2 D e. 11"4fIN'Grocery some bo s ohak& the defences of' the Dominion, ind the sand, which endan ered the
-on' the wirdom and the'Sleigh wiilf the view of jumping oq S withdrawal of the Imperial troops. He and wife, and invoil ng the wreck of goods
ir John- A. Maldoijald replied that they +b Saugeen line of ours rs to the c6m' munity in so far as their
od his -horse t,)rward expee'ted to learn byevery mail the result 8 d, and have, there
ce, wb ch have guided yourdelibera- and �ilp Detlornr- aid the best feeling that artimated the and vrehicles on -th
Advise= set-, som% crisis approaching which Pruden Tan f th I tiou for the Ottawa Legislature. Volunteers when 'clifled out for duty was. previous to 'the sloi hing season) the pre- past career is concerne
they una--masuch cuncessians will avert. tious." And to tharcoustituoucies there is to avoid them. - The animal at once a c -of makin- a
The firist prop(4-31 is the remedying of, a a- fatherly ring ab�ut. the following"advice, V, turred a# the street* to the side era b9cked by British troops. nut state of travel redounds much'more fore, wbetter opportunity NaXkOW I-Adexes.,
awk L relards th� legali"f the, Betts of,
,he, that -they w
Ve-then referred to the feelipg of Canadi- to the. creditbf old patbmaker Jack clear record herearter; but they are
cryingr,in�jusficei to which disl�uiers_ h%ve slic4slJould surely challenge our . filial hon. entlemen, and of the, representation
�valk at Mr. Pentland's Boot and Slibe 02 tractors, than it did
,7- he conduct of the mother country Frost, as a roa& already known among us as gentlemen ef
beam subjected, in being re%Tred reverence '—"In parting With you I trnsf system provided in the Ma�itoba Act. he sea at t
tu sign tfie thiray-nine article of the - Epia- that t6 good sense of your constituent4, Ntore,and dashed along under Mr qeorge (the Pr6inier)bad stated there . I leavin&the Doniinioninantinprotect- hitherto to that - James Dimas. - The
was a doubt, 11 1 ability and education.
ex f, ad positi'-; nter feed for cg
I 11C 5hent to continue at all - times' 31eKenzi& ver-andab, r, �Dctlor hold. as to the ppoilitinent of the members o oli by the withdrawal of her troors Wi 4ttl �of -ill sort,% is becom- The friends of Mr. D. B. Whimster,
dopaliart Clvirc& before being allowed to Will i d 0 d, airy people. are com-,
to Llilevv violent and extreme menStl-re-q. in- on to the lines. A team belonging to the Senate,, and perhaps as' to other -_po�- and stores from Canada. By the corres. ing very sear", and
Matriculate- at Oxford dnd Cambriftoxi. The 0 at present teaching at Kildonan, will b
to observe re-3pect for lawand order,%rid to " d nee, it wai* tol�e ieen that the: Im- palled. to kilL, I � stock 'f differetit
mpiled success of th6 Universi , of Mr Jones was aandin- at the ColbornO tions of the Act ; and that they would be pon e a -very XONT-M TME B0.0,11
rmexvi; trill id or 2,41uld other' pleased to learn, that he passed
Joinduri, and ift affiliated colleqex- fzf, eilltivi%te, totv;irds each other feelings of . a � Irial government wds dissatisfied. The kinds.whichthey rb wise be dis inatl6n at the last . me ting
at, [' atf- Hotel and against this Mr Detlor's,tjlorigh- c,re .. y colisi ored, and Ahat if it wa.- Pe
kindne.,is--Pndtittitllal000tivvill.�� Wi ' - Z5 seen througp a more mature comidar�tion' Dominion goyeinment were not proceed- Posed- to kee . Q1,14act, if a thaw does creditable exam
ic and I P
ille4erand other places, in turning ont r, struck and was lifted ift the arr, throwing. I ni;iny of -our of the Manitoba Presbytery as a Divinity
t4q- inen of the time, paterr:al Excellency! The "atmosphere o theiii was any' doubt as to t i with the * �uilding of fortrifications for not very soon ocei#, a gool,
is no doubt, nfixkin- it ve, nine out Air Detlor cuid- the girl against 'the heconstitujion- ng S 11 10
0 a aces n tudbni - that he also - labors in the W EEKLY TIMJVA
ga orna ria lity of those provisions, steps we Ill 'be the defenize of a ; it was difficult for best quadrupidso-sQeaking comparatively,
the An6etit univermities wake up. bq the 0 1 'k'ig aifinity of look
wall. Thaglrl was severely hurt.- a -bout iolly independent, to will soon. eviricp a ari. it ield, ancT is to deliverthe
soot g ect; on for or hot-headed po- taken to secure tb6irtbeing constitutibrial- a country not wl raimioplani f
a a - '4jajion thM will be perfectly to*those lean kine d cribed iti one of the
aelciwAity of throwing off th- eir narrow re i ce, but Pat so serious b
mand openiii-their atesta the!best liticians, i a el,-VgCted - location of tile -'tire head d f Y�4 ized by an Act of the ImpeiialParliament. frame Iq next lecture for the Y. rd. 0. A-. early, in
intrtulue.: juditialb a ion former rauting bar- U r 1�etlo sd fbire-head c4me� III After ccinsidering these points, he report sarisfailtorytoall'partles. Hethoughtthe dreams of Pharaoh
xon ofall denatuirto-d-ons. The Tt 9 —Rev. W Grant February. In connection With iliesQ,
ge- a 0overmuefir were entitled to ic.now, how- " LA.UDABLIC GENZ osivy
tiop of mting 6y bi'llot. ii a propul, *e rist&rs. Ond.iYouldthink wben one sees sontact w th the ed 5 f. a -water ad and his Tepurt was made a basis of an the Free Presbytirian-Church, Ashfield, meetitigs, and ql,.Qo the missionaiy meet-
tieu,-G6riernor Howland so patly Paton barrol. In the (.011 'before bringing down tho,militia of
Cannot tDo� Upon with aity degrea of sAtis- . . bion, the shaft df mr., Order in Council, subsequently tranamit. dVqr, ngs -lately held by the Canada Prbsbv �
�Itha gnivet and, re�rerend-siguorfi to, pro- Detlor's sleigh caught in the back band of tedto England.. They hiid received in re- estimates, what. ti; 111porial Goverlime, having unfortunately. lost his horse some I BOOKS
7�go by a and b)ing disabled terian niinistei
fxction. Wiih; Tammary itall' niani QU - ris, it ia ZrACIrlyitig to"Aa
tio lb�tiurld'.Ilwise satva?' without illustratitix -.tni when the�yhole three turn a draft of a Bill is to d&for us. A greatertAny-ailmit that time cc,
ZW go. close to, usarid xhuif;ir experience's them llihoderr . tinstances," that, he'had bno!s ti for the purpote of there i . sn, feelittg tending- to independene.9 by other pecuniiary plications from pro- the interest shown by, Wth the 0ntaria:
W6 cannot ex , i horses wh-ii led rigbt round. and dashed to-, qpn�flrtnina the ManitowVaAit and all- pro. OC)M 110 act
'k Francoix 000 y. (orids 6f viding himself i The main.- -Baftalions in such matttrE,_ P
-d above' the -Pal
alwaya beeri thus r6itiove )Ateside-tvalk doirr iieedin�,a rfiereunto, lind'aIso of !"king all a' gh the' x6ountr and Quebec
to conatica. toF the- puri:,i - of elle )n W, tearing proadingihion f his con' ivi pirt
he MVIYO49 Mr -1 Sig ess. Thf Orovisibirs for the-fi a would no, no..)— quitea nuvAer OP an aefi in
or the niaoly- ind- -nUm- ild say Ye d t, inbscription forthe
- 4 'Au� - I a �o=-r;iery consider
ependeric t e sionslant1prklitidicexof thep.) He wou il, yes, yes,! beis:� P tl tikip
a i� theii. Rogr Aict'li of anxiety oes exis -a
tw, t- discit t�.ugloxl here.;. Mr, 1n`ot-trox:f6l6.-Jhe-Hons6 with now.- This purpose of present
at to a cr� of me"b3,m, ar4(ttheiroonsti,+'tieftts,4rAdhiid It'is tely set in drderfm
W1641i o teu Ao��thxe feeling rthering the good cauffeby speaking lit
Thesu arit sentibg him anotherp This
'b and th' of the,l.mporial the meetings -'and irctlycy ul
-*k4ld- 0 traits. since.
t4pr& ve experienced at, the 00 te Dedor's, tewni - ning full'-spead into -Mr, araf t of tli6'0 madian Bill a dirigin Oil-
rbr 'a in an, an-, I It . I
b piesont, �nt�riuk lAa details 1he 61r,". 'Sa ther, t d:- for, -�Cahadians- feel -they &A6 a L vijy xion4isteni And highly honorabile
domineeriff- larril ov"ll H,6niy Arti table 11:11141 the n mitted by the m at -t Imail to - Enulart troops,',
It It a Tosilact for t.heir,aged Past tainin.g. subscriptions.
rulitil 'Hamilton a w - is d bv the
is, -one 14damuirW. hereiv" -which. T1111S, roet' are Y jjtjsfAct&y and limproteeteFd-p6sition. He, token d t6lrl
,,king4out comeo' to th�i de-radatiorl "that n,,,!,. up subin 41on to the'.Uporial Parliament..
throught ther legislation
StIL*' were cang t I by obibald: MiiGutdy, Mr Mackenzie asked if it was m, -very longjox�
ultfront seaetV07�ing� 1ye, of tlie past v3s!6n It Mr. At tended fWited - to -the policy of �- X:rr ' Cardwell, or, who has �Uten; trueys to ' 1�n'brderbaiMuit been issue
may res ddr a t6 his make in the iroslii ution of his minis railitary.au thoritiestliat all tolun teers who
annot a too g.trongly ariimadyerf� , Dr�.%' 1&11Y�ugill wits in attendance InI_- otba,�*` a--Se6reta�Ty;of Wariiihis a as terial FFERTED A -T.
however. anch natiou wiU ot be whig4ire. f�r cam . , 1. : . L_ * rougizoat the whole rangeof 0
1,�_",;�v r sed It a�utiels, th the wish to remain and settle inthis Provinca
mon. We weall a 0 Due -yea- ngland. collat, I'Llen � IL
;ontfaiiii witu the, bxjparieneo of offilfirls but- mediatoly.r. and didwhat-Irecould rtiii Ald *e cartobtain their dischafge by- -proper a -
defend year. Lowj Jfve tim, lwrsaga
inouey by� the paciplea. rapregoll.ta, su&rora. -6pinion, that the colonies should d long, the rider p
Al Mri Datlor is-wiw under Sir John A. -Mae i
M%ust iwit put thiong ple's . I t4f (1.4 �plicd, thit -,it
the ' demomlisitig. of th, o - (koverhm' flia Mother Country, indtead,. of �;lier de- too. I - knov� ano ;her very vortliv -old ion through their officers toOttaws
procm fore. ko with -it ivoi for. cor.tain tinceruilh purpose�j, pro wareurett(y.sa Y'vastheigitistitiow d4tbatfhe a time leav
of ab-
di�ptsted M. plideat
15Z _0 �� ; I an
a- the duty member of so oietyt whose earthly eircum- that, in the rill an a
bablylauda, dth f6d1bg 'Aism.- Ho,thouglit'if wai
$row, Mr. G"tond will lave b, that he c6fisidei.3-.ther base one of conoidei a 1 0
R be v4ry favourably mbancdd seneg,' -or passes, will be.granted to all
uat -, I oat hsiviaab�;Fkp then! jilsns',ana Ideali- othlitauches-of the Logislatliire 'duri - of his 04Dvernmg�ni.-�-,.to.'�as�ertain the policy stances would 'SIBLE
tfl� h�e'st enoug�L in principlai vK kaniiob 6ople sliould ho LOWESt-POS
will W t1be juiposing 'of 2, tona ing _ ,, I
my pers- sliwapplicint's on good behavior -until -t
the present sessxon.,� erh4r, pit I
'011 ties &U(l knowiltioxactly how, Wken;wItefif 6 -y Me
to, lhdo� 0_�iikawitfie-Domilrion, with �b theredeip � f -
,by concert Of England It of io dfisch' arrii
at so Ic ove- arge, res to' -that meanwhile,:
-tha.gra Lts" CIETY Toellave 414the, Qp fps, eartotsack- t6
of the vr�naiple,, vie mid in what #ropurtion, uts, r4 �Cj it So Wk Taava� . eace.,
heartily arprover -p.6sition Wmighb on tak�._ the f
-me - Inent In# a wid, f a or parti ywill'It4me-athlinceo seeingthevoun-
- lip I [at
fyajd of tha feeling the _g, anyz 9,uestimi pf con,- -go6d. lo love
.4 be applied. U- parlialudit Us Piom - 31r*41 rhou 1116 fts ;ed viithout.-ra in 4 4eceh-of some length,'
AoU14 UA carry ocutivo�olireuif it, that bv erl car- �ii:andserecting,a eatloniatfr m.
ttir jt�,wiil eugonder im a la�rxd *bere, NaP0401bility to an 0* 'nIi;Imber cf-m1logiizirril Ui4tionality, A4A the' iep r`ogeutatives- of 6xilained that thxij�wrqmentbad.
oott but'� )0' reabF911dif ense, as theirli 15 -
jug Olt _ty�, , r _ I M;4t,6-XP iay will not be 4'
&nomjnat�juol feeling still runs, A10 high., was -a trust -worthy ono why, put .66. lit b6A,116weid fl:ilakii -their t6= It& mufdoforls'of 9� 811, -
IS --d �xig purkwi i is FOIL CA
. ocie -,:a 'been or -that erime'i Akisrwkss rho
Provinc;ti tq the expense of 'Zolita fppararl ' ' 1. t� fbiiii�ht if it h'dd_-,_n6t' gristing and saweill continued until,forinii1ij, disclharged. This RAZZ
a pla th H�iiiestpa�dinlf
in aration. large is an excellent arianggomet&4orintendilng
d bulliness are in ' rong - 91),
-a -this, -people-ha
will ineiijor a" *0- it,
After flis will foll -ow tha r
- ag, -fr" the'inAnuer -in4hit:li
df&y. for eveV d As3embi
flalisci tha of , # tb -Billfrofit Ennl4n, ofolers for-lu nbe era, and quite a numberef both. Ba -t -
the mr 0.iff lcomdrt6te& Y, -1 e f(b) pf 0 r- - � - -, - - . A- . !* � �, �"": - -14 saftwork-e setti
4 This votingolt llllil�piumx 1wVitho �V,. sooicpy
chiveches uf and
b Lr tallifulfillea. talio - liave' ay -themselves lot
le to The
!ssii�10_116 _61 -us tire being,l! it*bY AT
gllwhio4 inustgotLa w�y_ the ab� in-thodataffif of eXpenditufamn 'r ConsidaiAIDA, _M' d t6- t&., that,t V-o6ri d: i6f batoriadel�,00i;IdOmu. ana frame- rA �jled
t* wM-1N,,Ysnd,aq1t
ti; faef, ittatead of sotlin"', t of.(., US: frell'. atr-,our iilspe( akitig-.1mmediate application
li0distaila bbi- P': _oA 5a
It 13 4 1 A ot is that -we -quite umber
liaW allurch of IroWidlia stinady gone. tit0drfdr HarAb ra of Refuge� tord*o
.64 a ri"
blayr tt�ta And M -046s- life. S464", 5 Sir 'b�o itnient I ims er - o ;rl oleo a -a fhb-
'AeAml peoe whial hits 00 f4mraut plie3trikeAmdoadly "I haye
1111g, 16r'Salt'W-orlid, - a a",multitudvi3O,othaV vilitable wing fromthis
those', of JTume 66itwbod :,,W -�secu settlersby tho 81
it hope the L ngdot� will atie�ponxiblsg&v�inmdht. Whatwoilildth Id b- 'd _p �,Df - -
siv;*Wed the Vikited Ici td watt owW't'ha:, ip 10"Us
ois� Via �1 -life --,-of them tfa4eAme%_ w1ho are
ia th lit searchAfter 1 404' , tio-t flu, sourbe—man.3 00RHO
of Hilrou think: of th debate on; tha6lid-A- 6,f -41ti-i ��k -icisti, Ais"-i4s� hiefbusilitoss,-of
6 "au"ti *IJih 0" --," , , , " - - - 44 S real at
e:nlnonot. I wa
U.4 sm omire C' InAhm til'a-6ch-OW for6afaa
Ve ily, It to 1 -xhike,A_m6oh'bettoih r. William. Ygiing, of No.--.
P"ier lxw*.,,, rt 0,;Uncil, if the Road And U440o C6mmi entered-, 11port. 'The at present. T
he -i
miic� troaded( andwrill. do well he �. Pe
Sir J o i�A.,. H -ad diIQd Aal 1.0"! Or - rapern
te-a *era iranted a matter- of t,;Onty-thou, dj�vetnment vesv - out of � tbe![*A;iva41indi-this7-_ winter
faimers4noan - o a
in Roulsuld *A00b tu� reddingl, ind t os
plitim - , tut the Aadr ii Wilt -.16 1 5vw Rifles receivU his."clarcre dirta rorW
WV*46 *Alth *U!l.turaoth sibAutilutor the laud dollars taw --Q Ia an.Cp is
#end, within tha h erso.44
-i-bihiieraiyfdroiss, inig It 'ilty !6fhi er, as ib-iutli��didt�oiii-tlidirE�gi7��itiirAleiforts coada' ' aturdi tg� first man of;
Xoc* it whirlath 561 _4n,�m �d - - - 6 w a. were. gu, on 8 y
grid t10 Voutial wore.- not -to t6ll- them td -f n ment *",, 111� ._J .. --lut,
ik iind. brash' -of falling theBattaliou Vho, hasdone so. -
h tran 0 for, a eta
IA, it, but,wergi, to womiat da tey-the%ittle.-S -last - yaar�411, i � �
ile" VA III wberosn& how to e%p8nd, Of cortfid ansdemeartory i at
ell eAr 1 lorgob t
thogov,or n1m en't o&(Ililonaa Qr1zot a 1 *' -
X* 413A - " da -breeze- and - at ille #!no, j
to content *34, tte Committesta xaur-o -fr,6jrT0 —Thauow-gr'n vi - arr's --illt this-ilibjt. , ^ _prese - s -, 4il*ldfialaa leygle on ev
orsallsour, - ct , t, I � , "I.. � -.1 f -i - , _ -1. avi - te
suw t1lat -'they would do the beat they teldl, � A f"RA--auAd-_it1mrA V it does indoild in4ftable,- lhafide-
ar tes an .-GoVernorAral
Um of -)Wagaw mid1lAlulfun have been lsc4t be A t - th! 0-'
'Lientei, itt,,Govartior ma;rid fa_-coalf v- aiiiii (Monday o"89 0 servid
Dr ffid- ia U9 muStatleasVinafe*TYb
0396ftsreblwd With % and, tut the 0ounbil Umst t�ring,Qekbills far -and ivitlb�,*Anzinse rpoixt thikg. d gt�,' f,
t -1-Teau for -(as 'he - and bis Iaay- redeivad,�A 1, Jan, -24*1, 1870.,
4 reetinfidenesintbeirg(gA-i they howe done 4 rus in -Jur I on of years� a,
hidg 1:tnaineid- ora cap;mblobf fsubiilisa�b4i.. wi t- of Wnitoba; t6aak f6r 4.goildra it our ch,) whon.
quence, .- i ', , - -p gly observes)- Zf laige,urimber of the
;Mying,tbat itL.U,4$,j%,: tu thap IlWof . ; , 0 - :� - W a. very- - principal inhabitants
"Toi t
-0 r.X, -layers Would wunt be ruakib 6'*oW6 crti'm -
TAOWX, TOV, 12 Ths rate .9 _tbaii oustomem I ablie service, all Aelighted
-Pal e jig ew trte* v6di the att
Q yes nipm Sir & T, aftep ratio Ad - - 40 1 the f lity of
tPKrt*WAt of 5(liao'noise x1slut the 14tter, 001PPOring *4pls t1W 14,ouqU Meni. T-bose.-who, oifiler d04. -114 'e -Pio rinbe --an, -ot rdiality of
Roa'� tion, 6 *he Y- fla - ol wito
0&4,,A rAftw In"a 64 1) is tILQ 4ho priimir*s ink h co, gernt hi; z 1043-4ir- ir antion,
0*X,"kx1N,wW t%at *At# X,a^w1iml lxW,niAttara with vrovhwilif.' this f4pins I* n I th y4reir I I
ftr�_ A4. _71 I -
wo aWare,aa-_ -6
g I Pori 40
X14414 i - eitx a? WI4
vn*u3taroux ftqcmt the Ontario fkrrmu t4o, *F00 Britt*
1%,Wo AW t1w Rm*Wi of itu expraselm o _14001
la"t jp NN 0M to timo 111WO& WA 4
t_h Ob.
ur Arab
d er
a a c
- �gl
kW -A tar. 45,
IEN mw
"k e
the public to md -cud
the inclueemezits ,a5i
Horris, U his zdvctE
column. i
TE;YPF.nA_ncr, Lv�
Ayleswor-th, delivznali
in the Tempemnea J
evening, t� a ccnsiderd
HAnr.qu Wonn-Tk z
Imen aro at iTcrk in ti
Lake Ghore nor.4%v,-a?Z
la& timber for tho Ru
busy setting ti z! mej6
1mve been rewaraloa
perch in abmida=
lusty trout.
%TEcrarsvrm Wrm-
eructin--at the well a I
rl,tea own Frarciple, f
wDrkmcmlike MI-Inne?.
To give a histurV �of A
!Age wonL<4erhapst-aki
In year paper, but I g�
sAmount of its origin, hn'
prxispeds for the jut=-
mch more than tcn
2 it ha
113 _-s
eile wealth rind zo!amcr
4 rapidity.
'The business mou of
elterl-letic and 41,so sq
Itticipally to f4c-ii-is di
00. There wra n4w
&-at wills
IX this trade alc�ze t -hey
0�mrty. Themure a
mirchanN methanics, I
fit,a sorry to my a fe-wla
ray be found in.my Idi
]Am i's excusable.
TO judge fromi&c. V,(
Undon'ild f 1� mUton �
E�cn to have a RaUrmo
e,4 'Joberminea
triIi!U11Z fte
X0 gi and peopic
nd backwar-Atin kneadr
Vinghami&s am tot'
r4dy to gives larbahz
mplanies, but As yet
-Will U1bMatd4y-Zn
Ulked of NvarAIM&TC
ATnual UP the maithi�
Zteat b-Gon is na��cl- i
Aience expec-tto Isce Ivi
Progres.5 i's mr
otr Motto,
]M% FlaUkiDUrWq1b$ J
ok by a lar�v, ourriki
qWyfram the vM�ago
Orr-011naing to, =try n
*th a plarse cant4nAng
t I a i r - rat it n d o, tl� � - Y, _13� 01
Mr. Fljwk Nm lab=='
o for Ae WUsloynn X
]*A fire loriibK yeav, c�
&�If wertby 'of Vaeregin
4nfe=4, up= UFO.'
liondon, Hmnn
*F S!= Cowl
On re41*area1r_",!,-- i
low lug ireve
J. JJ-Ltkft
Atda=n Z AI%MUSM. Ut
Andm- vrs� fT41f=_i7nKu&
Ximtes UffZZv1m:s1::CZEi
teatca as
AIT. C. F;FM!tb.Wp3T1cd fl
Reev,-3 '01
1�rea ly r" -c -1?. 8�1
. ruLwxye p3mim-
mInch eves -prarapt.
in aeases tf the -4
Tubes. 1+,,W&rej;41
the muous, mcmbr-q
t.ertain teuie dy lor D
Fun 4dhC- �t-!QA ala=
,Ca4cs afia kv V. C=Ull
yam?ls Ful
fiem, tO �'bD thlD MG-zt
anusual c
10 slkal
M �d%-,t
freedom f-ro�a aR
zanders � ' Bune-z -I
congi-J'aguil VN�a L--0
for the - Uost �dCULQ
vaulsed GWIn 40 bek,
AU -419
THE FrNmw pvjrL
aps. Evenob-on U�
are no�b-&i1culat'va tp
Able, Tibeli para&E
JHish vatrl�fs are
U -et Ik arSil thd
V4 imPasird
-yorktumerlwat iz
honor. -Hew, we,
*0 Tenew their wldla�
;&Ji&�.riotfho will -I
,deedl�.T- Y. TfRul
VJW 1,11431" in Iq
i: �or learl, or fy. Cr ed
J�u mw3n1ca- pro
'VenWerth. 0ae #
4 orres aawitbri
ss'ked llra'fiowlo
- iav
viv be= jaicianin,
'The newspapers I
-go je-4gue hat been
with brxnehes txt�:t
me -et!
lWeafterra,imp. A
A Aetilmaicleztu
bady alvmys tert4s
Zide. Itisnotpas
01111t, to w4K fu a
leidt ltinle� JA
peixins , �
1W 41a 110s,
t1.1=4 to f