HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-02-23, Page 1--A change was deforatinol tin, nry 1vI%*:, if.that is the 1."1311 of the people 2t e time of iL RK thin I a Ill lizie ,,,t Ift l6it as i1oli i I ill' teachers. 13RAbEft A1VD MUCAS. And --raising the zdli4til Jt�p Sign & Ornamenlal Painters, brosijerity anq acaflu)g bi class 'Peadh6ra, I think t1i 1,j.12q4gAn in torso—ousandalarble -'s A littic. It is 11 X StrL �oz -k-t- 01119114 d my feellug 4C�P 4:�o XL X 40 3EE. u!1der'Ally. circumstakiccis, to have ft �.youwereturned_,bff. ft6w liludi Agents for Jack -son's universal 'Mnp and destrading aftcz Wringur. zerving so Iiiih, and t confcf6_htu*qfi`kiyih . tv y fitill ifu I ly I b 6 il ()PI -Alto Skilmd6s, nardwardo Store. nedaway�.Nfty ii;�ttelliiieivlietitlieTi�.I.:'!. M& deddb& lilafi*r niontlis before tl:s i !!vn The*Greatest Poss'ible Goo4 to the Greatest PossibleNumben"' JAM99 YOUNG, Edft6r i di�x & ABRAIRAX _SK1,rH, Proprietors. vmlildiiotifiitairi U4ran,4iery*-,r­..J m 41 ar -IL W. G. wnsou courseldid0the. -butfiketuut:! I& Pat thelf friiat V16 eiecatioll. - ii 'V-- 0 1\7 0 5 kno-wit. theirdietermination E'�_ICHj ONTARI09'PoV69 THURSDAY9 FEB. 2-3)-1 L. XX1V_ ISMCI; of Marriage Licenses, 9 1 -00 1=11 ir, "z -Vr..T -T- I -,T A-" C r -Ob 871 dven n)o a litlity I 6uld he'. 'nsurancs & Real Estate Agent $!a'00 '&'r ]EXJD might bavc:g i CO,nW,r&sioxEPt is B. R. residtforl, Avh1th I'Wiyuld, have Abli- tI.I.- .out arl -Ad 11 e'r e 4 being furtied ­azz: X� 31112, WX CP"Nr —AL X -A Dr., or=stone bave been fortm�atelkrealiz'd. Tlietrool)3 DZEDS, MORTGAGES, &e., 1311sinols 13-irectorp. mirtdorp" Legislature - Bur' A Be el lfing�liluch (if mounted the difficulties. of thelong and a' prevei DRAWN vND RXEcurED, The many Admirers of Dr; Ormiston uAlsome rolite vith endurance and -Intel- Ila MONEY To LOA?+ A#P 6 Tar, -cent. PAISTIEL. GOADON 'fito, Feb. 14: t � in Whefi I ro 1,1gotice. The -ered no armed op- to uBtdo I U;X17e I Mean, the b,% y encount will read with pl'asure the fo wing from Thenous Oct Isth ISM swl-,-ly ZURICH, 01111 e met at I -o'clock. Lion, vw5d iheir arrival at the )led whose iia -ties wbrh attached to the Pnsii A o 1M/UG1;A8 ';3ff1DX&NZ1E Extensive New PremUes the Now Yorke corresponden* t the . After routine the owing Bills were River was cordially welconfed.,by the in' Above Teforred to.* --With reg-ul t tLe Chicaqo Times 'a' AND UPHOLS IM RERS read q third tim J afie divisions :-Bill to 4abitants. The people of tile new Proviuce three montbB thud' to look for uifuher* 0 close He is our lateA eeclpsiasG3 attmOibn part of Church ati �0, in -the city- of. liavej lixt "ILY reas,ns - -to iachool. All tl.e s6h ' , I JAMES ST E e ART i under the conqideration Accorded ty entlinFAaam that. London and iiest the -so - e in the corpora- them last year, Assumed all the diiii6s' of aHo dintance of,my Vesiden -e wero' Vdwi? AS WITH AVIEW and is worthy of -all the A SPLEND D NEW STOQK _7z� t tkeep up - h I ti 'V' I t is folt an and- also all- that - n A1r Carling; Bill self-government, and every appearance lee uyellased d said is tion of the said city o lip. unless I would jo out of the Townihil� -Common w, Sintr e. T %WNHOLESALF. 'ACENT ...... F spidand not felt' -because- of the shallow� to incorporate ther Grai imar And arrants the hope that they are ented 0 tt d r f.V fi ors stib store tw 3r Tkiwpiffiip�bwainrz hey OF do of tile Pos - 11, Y A!0 n -man a I Schools in Onteuvid- I on. Mr Cameron;, 110 41kply eitilek if, on ess df ea steadily upon a career of peace and pfoi --y, vho, became z "'I' "I' Bill to Amend the Agri ultural and Art -s perity. w Ing Vrgire tlfe'ilk. if 4fimaMii thrit tee as a The far-famed'and reliable St Calberine's Nursery FrUltE when it is t�e scyle-td.he be. 7his 1). W. BEADLE, ESQ. HAS THE 110\,OR dri ANNOUX(MNG C. Btirryl& Biro. RNI A6b--HoaMrCat1ihg1, 3LIl respecti#gthe Tile Legislature of British Columbialia4 I si d to r6lul� *.Itcratrii -__dYd.-iAV� F U name is Ornlistod" and he was- a reinadiiin I 1 13, Her ItNesty praying ever hearaily thingao Absurd, that he has entered into -possession of the stand -RftU - eat ' ablishing of Rekistrj ()ffices ill Ri4ing passed an address t FOR A.LL KINDS OF occ WAUBHOUSE by residence and a Booteliman b- - ' I upied for tile last 8 years by Cabinet Makers, Undertakers ood y i, kna to amend the reg! itration of tibles- for' diniision intolloie union. On.thi terw; iii-etlit)yu-evogt)iugtoc4allgi,, adviaTtite"I. a d his tongue the sweetest- A- ' 'GQW F PXIT AND ORIfAMENTAL TRESS, GREmv- MR. ISANO FREDRICK Turners, which gives to Alacal6mil 1111 to provide for and conditions therdin stated. 'Ali the- fot anoth'UrToather, house Plants Grapevines. &,., ac, wh Pill in fatur I cloorry on tile above b 'T -,hen!expx-ct4 .4hat' sively nave While tliainful IT'ness bro4ue that was ever articulated. For th,'estabIrihm"t.-, " , _atid government of 'a napers on this impoAM subject will be I would iw_i� Apf)1!&06-a lof io Why more f 3EX ALMS patro a ast !�-Z- Anv steel-, not on hand, ortiered,)n the shortes 3:3tmW4011V V� c p wooing or preaching t in not do.as iiff4mer y row. c E has pu chased an entirclv new and emftiUy Ilt hero is nothint, that Central Prison-Hoze.- S biaidguald-, Bill ;ubmitted, and your earnest attention'is notice. House-31zitl=dville. Goderich P. 03 seleetedistock of el lie opes by strietattentiln'to In haitwaW16111-, H Have removed acress the street to the store nex ; d c relating,tdgrs';,�In? of kl&`�to,o et 001! ont a in increase ofsuiport. will so perfectly and entirely take h ail invited to them, I hope you will iffuct -the- fg:ridble practice of tl �rtikteeato aFk-jil to Win. Acheson$ Harness Shop, where will be found earts d Goderich. Aug 15, 1870 i3O JEWELLERY, WATCHE9 AND H&SNOW ON IT/kND captive up those a ds which Hon J t"accloba d; Bi IrelatlVe- 3rins areso fair as to justify you In if I fittondeil to new a or woi%Id_v'4wiW_' perg asive wor OT tj Pass Ament Road A.116wa:aaes and granki g' of 4uq a similaraddress, so that That-frow too much busic&�._14illly "4p -VV CLOOKS, A GOOD ASSORTMENT I one of tile. stocks of furniture III tile county a iariby Aootchtuan known, so well how or the bound-- :Oil. of all qualities and prices suitable. for the trade o and ii"Netsh, 'ell tri (rownT-imberLioon�esi�therefor- H e shortest notice. prel)" u ai4i�g'OW_anada may -at no distant day e&. mindi thayeoa7y, I wag neglectiu- schom -Kitchen. Bedroom. - I)iningroom, and ParI Far P I �!� f �of snpp] y customers witli everythbig Ili his line, Such as -to use. Richards; Bill to encou age the settlein Frst ihA Y&fly 1he =4r, diiij the this section niturc, such as tend. from 11i"i4ores of the AtIontioocon, I i Waggon ar-d Carriage Dri �vfngroom and Parlor Setts Dr. Onnistolvs -cblii@i is. at the corner t Free Grants.: i i�'ThoAhpres nominal one. 14,6ffy th 4 i. -d, 4 ARED TO GIVE CUSTOIN1. TABLES. Betts In wall'ut, on the one aldt of the Pacift thift AND IS PREP ClIAi RS (hair, cane ond wood sn.ated) Bc(rooni of Fifth a'venue and Tvventy-ni�ih'slreet, 0 Hon dr carling's B 11, respecting es- * neglected the s4hoR at at" F A 0 T 0 FL Y ers,old and now, the same urdforin satisfaction CUPBOARDS d no in Chestnut; ontheothor. .8houlditich-tiW_aaaressbe And.befor" BFL)STEADS, d])L do in whito.wobil, and its seats are not only filled, batallfffte&Nms willilrawn ly Hun Sandfiald Adopted it will be necessary fd� -A'Tlou to thoy'slioii]4,diveptt,blicit3-/io such a-efitte: hich.11r, Fredrick liasso long (lone. Ha�inghad% 31aftesses, of every description, years experienve as take steps to secure the exploration lih& went �1%o -111jurluns xur.me-,Aa: VT w WASH STANDS. Fecther Bolsters, Pillows, &c., &P. -*-they. BATES ELLIOr the passage vays with chairs and stools,. t -&in.-_tbe items of survey ofa, route for an itIteroceauic rail- �'hb by 3L The House. c)ficiiiia U14 give t4ie Ila %.TTRESSE,S many stunding, without we so HAVE pleasnre iuintimat- WHCH-MNKER & JEWELLER,, LOUNES. ON HAND A LARGE A S. and arymg, supply, aft&--numerouk,d[4�� in all Way with a view to its conacructio.4atoo* whol ing to the public of town SOFA.S. stimulating is his eloquence, and so power - and oolantry that they haie which the was austLidd -by- a SURTMENT OF quverament Would it not (if tbt? pe,�, ietter ti WH aryinga majorities. '"The-Actidisition of the Norlhwc4t Tern- �Trtls*. ha 0 u 1fle-VOY-, opened a Waggou ard Carriage in ScoUand and -2 years with Mr. Fredrick he is pro ATNOTS, LOOKING GLAIRSES fill are his: magnetiEms. Although he is -by jug to the termsiif union. ' payeq to exeente all jobs entrusted to him in a lwork- Pictuiressuii as oil Paintings, chromos: Lithographs v ps du fh shop on St. 13aviclls -4, mmilikemannerand atthe most inoderaterates, o I Pli;t?graphofthoQueen. Having made arDingeigenti aPresbyterian of some sort or other, he i :".<_ old stana,) im- GILT FRAMING. a Toronto danufacturing House can slipplY ritories li-rdwaupon the Government - and Much'V1111111W. 0� Hotel. B. & E, recess, 10 meffiately adioinin.- th� Western -it"ire Frames n any style revircii at Toronto draws his alidience from the most ex- After Parliament of tfie`DDT�u lie to relh4quisilf city- other Ui* �3- G. D '�� D are prepared to qell evoring.in Plot _1qjoil the duty of I s�i rad V an,en r Aftiamic-)by The I would n aa�- 7W _ att d personally to all the work entrusted to them, With reference. to the above. I have great pleasnre In. thei line. -price4. elusive as well as the most liberal of othdr In reply -to Mr Laoder, Who asked wheth- providingfor th6ir early -46 otdozo theulp. Uh-W I are prepared to turn out J - , I . certifying thtt.%Ir, Donglas3leKenzie was in my em t the goverAtne� t intended to tak they neyei me Waggons,'Bugg:ies, plovment for two yeaNand that I congider him a first- C- heap for, -0a n- Hasalwayson hand aeomplete assert denominations, and'the mo,5t wonderful er or mi e encouragement of immigration. This day, A. lvg to tile - t . -any steps before tho ne rt meeting of the can be bestdi4eharged bv a J ei I I ad neither -did, I 3fthfiig . ofi;4; ' - t class jeweller, capal to of doing as good work as any men. of ib -b� -hear An rh'l' wes of Toronto N. B A complete assortment Of Cof!�and SLouds part of the story is. that he infatuatds both Legislature, Jo secure at ell au adj ust'hient policy, or by'op'eidng lip com nicatinns f1ting till aulto A time after"Uey iufarulpik, Cutters, Sleighs, [F[R[En [R U (0 X'. alvays ouluind and . Hearseto hire; alloarealo-bi. Voffins & Shrouds in the Latest Style. men and woman with equal force. Those itku t awl arerythiugg in their line, of the very best material U S, _1!13 A (0 terms, or settlement of the corr tuQn Bahool land through our ow*n country, to '11puitoba. me my services ).would not be requirea . an I workmazlihip, and at the very lowest iremunerative of Beechea's admirers who have heard 'fund, as willplace all mhool lands within 'Ihe means- �roposcd f;i an.coniO, after the clbse of th rates. A CALL SOLICITED. It I Also, 11110ARSES10 bilre. 1 'The ivrite N, __e_-y6r, 'The ivrite Goderic)2, Nov. 17tb, 1870- him are trembliagiest hisnow,ideassbould the Province hilly ande , our owao9ntrol; these purpoBes will be submitted tor ggr says A *aprip.1biulk, ftiend ',9f -the +It-. 110 %T C� 3B 3B X MW Goderich. 1r) W304 I I ry of the 61 p Tro -16� MA, 436 Pon dim the glo- ir ' d one, And. vet -and whether, in view of such adjnstnient consideration. Her ATAjesty's Govefw, When th steesdo , t f� iW' Promptly attended to. they arb in no way comparable. The or settlement being effei ted, anyBteps are merit has decided upon- referringt , h -' "u. they'Call lial nly tap ous, friQ' d) f PIELOTOGRAPH8 2 Doors West of Post Office.. eFish , act ON ITAXD, a large assortment of thoughts and utterances of Dr. Ormigtou to bb,taken to ascertain the r. "ItiTe value 6ry Question, along with othor unW.19jit iit�p ign9rant who the Voter is as ill BX- D or quality of sellool. Iau Is when compared penditig between the two countriii to a P6 I fiihw ferm-alildenblit �ouly t1rat: O:J� Lumber a?td '(Wd-tvood taken are alwaysreverent in,respeot to our fa 3r—. M X 4C!- 3EEL 9E44 $1.00 Per D-Ozel-1. R E M 0 VA' &�. ads in the am localities, in Joint Commission to be Her- rJ�IiWEIouscteutiou, public dntv. ThL-1- 'hich will be sold Cbetp for Ca. -.h ox- Cc3�d_ with other la n6nad A%ain-% w G�derih, Dec. 23rd, 1171. sacred prej.udices, while- he teaches his Ace order that a just and 0 titanle abatement Nfajesty7fr GDvernineut and the Vniied Trustees i wil" illy ititir hearers to be unworldly-und that is an - , -t Goderich, Aug 1 1870. Nso ri -Canada W1111 advised ALE X. WALL�CE may -be made of princip I and inteiest due States. On this Commission pit liteetin- be -- idea which is rpfreshing in a Now York for actual s and.refoliv WA.TCHMAXF, church, you know. ettlers or in rior school lauds. -be represented. mods of dealing with � fure Ais S g A, au aluca Hon Mr RicharAs s id- it was upt the the various matters in -controversy will, I for couscientiot PUDIIG dittv. -Thtr AND JEWE;ER, i TNA gove ment to interfere truatleadtcLtheirsati,3factory-adinatnient.- q'WO FAARRIES forl SALE I i T 6 --c— He despises vanity, an4 frivolity, and intention of the in iiiisclifef STREET, ady friends, witit. these lands. &ddcdon&AfiotherQM)dA� do M16 -luil, in the To orn A WEST dieplay, and frgnkiv tells his I t'auadaiiegesnodemv4Lds,b*eyond.thoga�to a Fff)R sale two very valuab!e FA'9Xq I - t- nil iflj7v iii shipofGoderich. For%partieulars apply to C�r 0 -1 > IMMEn. Ina ill :U. NSURANCECOMPANY from the - pulp�t t9at he is anuoyed with Hon J 8 Macdonald, in. reply to Mr. v7bich she is plainly entitled -by t WIL �_ -ery oii6*uowB re-upma IOSEPH SHAW, Huron Road. Goderich Town hip [E subscriber li�tving remova to tile store,.iately the found of rustlibur aiks, and that it IiFt Scott (Gray), said it wx not the Intention Ihe law of nations. She bas pushed fict, hiMBAY3 Yoter,04a the trriteavr-Tritateeir Tlecullied byA-waysmitli, West Street,oppe) iteffic HARTFORD CONN, All tlA 1870 d 30s of thb government to make any change -in and only sought to maintain -the I !sheers at, as though'l hadnotreiJ50-7oUf Post Office, wishes to ihank his friends and I he in C, jrreveren o Ina c an a no or. , PC!; othfy issuing bf timber liec nces to actual set- righl-iof her own people or the liberal support with which they have f Lvored CAH CAP11A1.....-.. $1,000,000 house of God. He'd6n't ke the waving 0 fairly and firmly.,l 5, 801 it, la�j 'heir tlers on unpatented la that 1partie% but in a Mendly and considerate pir !7 Put't iiamenader all srtid16-441'_.- NEW CABINET, HIUDOZENFROMBICKNEGAT17VE him fur the last 25 years.and begs toissure the n that QASH ASSETS .......... 5,782,635.09 -h allil r1papect, - t, - - � I - - .1 1 1 effort will be spared to zn�rlt acontinuance c r their of plumes ill front of his church altar; nor settling on lauds since t e 1Bt �Ttily, f867, and wit -lie to foreign. poweA pbficatioil, -e m no apeoUllIr when ritteid Iky 51 cents, postage free. One dozen fro p nage, his aaxious study will be tosupply LOSSES PAID IN.51 YEAR'S 28,000,000. 1� alro does he like those imit�tione of the lilies. may have theben4fib of timber and international oblivatione. The than" jLuother. Th6-writer very contoln ftond;r back necative87 cents, postage free, toany p - AND Watches Cracks and Jewele ;The Largest Capital, of the field, which toil fiot., but whidVare t hereon, the proce ds of ' h shall be al�- of tile country are dZ'to the Adiiiiial on zp6k 16f INAil4i ex-saplier. Now address. wbich will give satisfaction to the purchaser, ang! as nil toiled over Ivith scantiness ofstrength add propriated as', paiment f the lands; nor the station- and those under his command anclnsloiL f , or -the -.preaept, - -1 think 11ii? work has be6n done by myself, customers THE LARGESi A toW of -he government to for the valuable a -ad fficient id which Trusteesmig'ht, d r PROLSITE NG Is TOP., D3' Particular Attention paid to Copy- poverty of life. Ife despises all such was it the inteifti tug - wl eir op U SSETS WMT STREET on having it well executed. ar A good assortment of Gold and Plaited Jelveirvy AID introduce Bill to makE any change -An the they rendered to our figbefies during. the Toter -wlthdubcallilig�Aj-r ing old Ambrotypes, things. and but for -pity's Bake he would wliqul* f1i -Watches, Ciocks&c. I aivvayson hnnd:, sale of lands for taxes, so !bat the sale of past season in maintaining order �aua pro- I -think the inanner in, wh W 81 i1ir OPPOSITE UNK OF MONTREAL, For either larcre or small photographs. The 01 THE LAGEST ANNU11L INCOME despise the wearers. He tells llose who ALEX WALLA.? such lands shall be taker from the jurisdie- fectuig the irshore fulteries fromencroach, oror TruateWAamrafers to !n0` 14 1110 niiag thanks for t' e liberal coderieb Aug. 15th OF ANY have pionnuent and cost s in the tion of the County Treo sur9r, - and trans- ments. advsed _Vl�ter A. GODERICH. subscriber.in retur tended to bim . W30 ly, pe nie. Had I a ATIRE INSUR--kINCE 002PADY sanctuary, that if they come and fipd the ferred to the Sheriffof tI e c uuty in which The prospect of the Adoption of an 'inr wrlt6ti lie did things ldhvvp patronaae- heretofore ex I - �Ww - or the poor, in them, td, -form 'tilt! 'kaia4 lim stranger, uate, at Vi 6 differeld Iwould just say that be has made such im- IN AMEBICA. 1. thank said lands are -sit' 6� er-lY the ternational currenqy seems in. the presetif qi!ito EIRMWOKAY9 provements in his gallery as will merit a con- E JJp- Deposit made with the Dominion God that the cliur-Wi has reeeiveti them case. state of Earope to -be an remote -that I re-- tut -from tbo oaner 4r i0rding 4)f 11W lating to the stual Insuran 1 le I -should judge h6, m1ould -be vo�tY SWOViaD- RF.-PEdMLLY A,4- tinuance of the sale. NOW is. YOUR UP Goventiw-nt for the benefit of Canadin and be grateful that they have even that A Bill re ce eommeud i;ptt to coidider the propriety bf attic C injuating the gurrency of the Dminion s indi6rdido, thethreO dneZ Mt *ht� bmpened a Policy. holde? s exclusively. o.'s,­Mr Carnegie -w, �s ordered to be ass row new shop inthe above llw� on 'Veit Street, opposite Great Rednetion on privilee. 1 .0 -bla-wiltma the Bank of11outreal. where he will keep constantly 0:3?- Recent failures show the impor- On Friday he reads and 'expounds the printed. witout further 'delay iuum:Wlihood. *Y on hand ormk to order Large Photographs. t4 ta�ce of patronizing the Companies that af- A Supply Bill read third-Aime and -The eitension to Znitob a theinilitW, their �accusation of falseiltood,,, lid *ill -not' 1.0 Scriptures to�the women -he never says. passed. aAd, . other law . &of the Doini. the keitsotalmlyaslonalorae , r occsVink YURNUUM OF ALL XM3- E. L. JOHNSOX., 0 M toid the inost reliable indemilfty and the H vallie of an Atna 119licy mast be apparent. ladies, for which I am grateful -and the 'Ille-House adjourne at 8.20 p. in, till adaptation to the present o r t ry that-th4disagreedbIt . ceR of did. 14m, very or Having q asortment, of Upholstering Goderith. Aug. 15. 1870. w30 A 'brought i'atopziat for -pt-, n�hand ILM P, 0 attentiolh given to the insurande of house is filleA by eager fades, who are in- n a.' in. to- morrow (We esday), and wiff thAj youn will a ),our af­ htwill be prep�wdd to fill pfomptlyhIl orders 0; 14 Dwellings. Churches, School and Public Buildings for gprDvince, will I plmk ci ti ill that line. on Anding the ways of wisdom, be prorogued at 3 o'clo ttion. �oocCvztx'_votncof it, I h t. pitter 1�i Secure the t�wns of iree and five years. .it rates ps low as tent up 0 The decennial onsus Vill e and spiritual life. 13p, A quantity of Gilt andilosewood, Mouldings on can be made with safety to the company. Aprilmextan it I , 3 Shadow ere the t1lis, m f Substance irlies. XIE WATSONY This audience- forms a "remarkabl. con. -the third day of ley- y0l. 1-3 ed zhat a more thoizougb*-and c urate sys- ive thima�p�,miin'yoArvolumbl6paptt,- Picture Framig to Order. OOR �4 6 -the one w h--ioh D1 Agent, tratst, in its appmrance, tem has been i!joZt-d-than that b N�2 ly gathers in pdiitical couvc�iiaflons; aud al Dominion liament A J?qb 14161; D:r11etrnst3 bv trict a'tertioalto business to FACTORY* dodorich,.Tau. 28tb, 1871. hitherto 1b, - - Mel! a sbue of public patronage. Lzi though theO listeners to the scriptures -It mV be nece'ssai-y to amend A* Acts. LivIng -on httle',Lunr. Godrach, Aag. 15. ISM P4 after THE FOURTH SH SSION. may be scorned by the hunter of last sessidn n some rrticidara. Amongl, notoriety, yet I -aonfs to the profoundest other measures .4ill- -be -esentod. Tb ow ittle� lung .U,pensou JTt9& IFHE undersigned bavingpilrehased1the Haiti- D: rGovk two GEMRATI* to you relating to Parliamentxiv�lect kxws an - Axi-7 -,r. MONEY��TO LEN p2z ions oni . Lit inghil and Sash Factory ownedl and oc- re3pect -'and admiration of them, as they OEI Olf now prepared 19 1 eupiad by Donald cuunraing, arc, Prices to Sait the T ON EASY TERMS 10 v�eights �u4 measures, Ifisurqnee com gat listening- to the gospel of eace from itawa Feb. 15. ]my banks,'Aad for- thmoas"rj�da-: euJoyiug;_roodhe to carry on the business of manufacturing des, savings- iirvout 'S PATM' 14CORPORATED] MMM an o 9qat tell Te'attendance of sj -P A. D_ 1864 the weird400kin, in 11) tion -and Amelidmeni; of -thp inspection Sash, Doors, Blinds, you sometbing, o?his personality..- albeit the openiug of Parliament, was lai ationk;who has not more than Photographs reduced te T1. -O0 per OZ-, -9URON & EM9 rger hin laws. He Itist his� left luilig _lErC3ot ]PX2W2X -I- " s ever. k � own before. 13� one o'clock, offibegouse of Lomvw2w.- ---i I he act does not seem as reverant as we a Gentlemen offects of*;gun-ahoz wohnd ieceivm.i S A CH9APmNDEFFIClEN YEAM UFHE-IT- mouldin- Flowing, oR 75otS. IRER r 4mod for the ' I have given dirdetions that the public battle �of The'U11, nte� s: 0! ing and ven. -9 952 HALF DOZ%N. sincerely n Siding, 4AV190 LOAN -SOCIETY desire it to be while writino, it. two hours before the hou n ! $700,000. � $1.1 n d y shoulder, blade -lind I 'CHrRCHES. iarge Photograph Reduceil in APIrAL, He is tall, very tall, - square, and un-: arrival of Lord Li ar, crowds Qf persons ac�ounts skall � a I id before ' ou ;tbat`you fii SCHOOLS, and all kinds of laiS F30METYil)VANCES MONEY N SE�� Pro ortion U_ graceful, but neither his gnor his Were- wondin their way towards the will learn 'withatildactio. that thlo We thelung, ))i. Guild. of Tu 0; PUBLIO BUILDI�Nqq, niie for the past 'was in, excessf ull C1 TIC 11 1E _VV 4D Irt 1< I AU. win.. th largp-tPhe, pb in i God ritr of Real Estate, and on Terms very favorable figure, nor 'yet his motions, Attract your Parliament Baildiqg _year At bania ' an ;eminentsureft togra s ado n ell _s. 3 o orrowers. . and that t�hiros&cts for t At such as Circle and Gothic Sash and Franies ich. very cheap. Peridw pictures from on( dollar 0 was eatimatedi we' nr thrd months' ; out, Sqa],13 AND PkIVAT9 DWELLINGS. tiention wl�en youlook into h�isfhee, and As the hour fur the commencement of s OLAWYERS' CQSTSARECHARGED a the current yearrea-aaacparaging. That. finallycune xmilir'.my vare�.41 1 -had They think fromtheir experience in j?aetory upward at Burning either wood or coal. Vircirk.thatthey cart ivesatisfac%ion to all who D. CAMPBELL'9 listen to his delicious voice. There is'an the proceedings approached moreitearly Bereral months-u'atil i;... .01. C Cameron In Photograph I tallery Society pays its Solicitor's charges. Amy Fzum of ao of members of the notwithstanding the eictehAve ublic intei ey, from $;NO upwards, is lent S r any numb& of honesty !,of utterance- with -whicli the the well known f es d . ou -proverneuts whi"It.'arecontaTp 7 Xr Parties ia t9issection can iefer t favor them viith a call. ZGoderich Aug. 15th. 1870. wso from one to fifteen. Money may be obtaineO at I -late W.Uftlor lust All the left lung, 3L P.�txvhoseirldeueathe patezteg has orcet B—A libera discount to the trade. y the slectest Senate and Cotam-ons might be seen =6 r -le th soundshatmonizei and make Will probably. be able to Aiminiih the taxa- 1)e a me with little or no delay beyond the fluid oe- iiithel6w6i IQ rhigithe ;f th t . The astnazteslor-the e ,Fo;r faxtuer particulam Apply to the Patentee. 20,000 Aet f Dry inch and a quarter t I way -towards the House. 0 c led In investigating the title and piepa n e' d -head stiggest making their No 'mor I diiiiie tga e, the cost ofwhich is paid by the Society. of music. His fac n , :F tion e coll 6fthe moo - . __ai� begubtaittbil tci�du, and allrely than he�. '-ffA2�nrgs ia:EcirrE3, Flooring op. hand. f n a The galleries, and even the* corridors, ansuino ye -J.; fill amount ofthe loan is advanced-1-iie dedudp6n those peculiar photocyrapba -barges. wilich UP. razi4-ont. Im Nov.11r.0 sw27-3m* made for conquission. or other t that abow a light hilfwhich deepens -Jinto were literally crowded, so iiiach so that I teel assured -what yonwilI be asked 0 lieicke fle4b, z:).mmenced 0 u add so materially to the cost of a loan from ean b� giaut�a wifilout --lP'c0llVeuIenc6 ia, DAVID LAWSON, 0 r Soafotles or from individuals. The b6rrowii.can shadow on the lower edge; His -head is even the stopsofboth sides weresojainmea vot !=E of z merdhnat,,got marie -ail - ROBINSOM. ropay his loan by yearly, half -yearly. or monthly pay-. to'tho people. bad arim' thildron. He livei, At r. tnstalments uclude, besides a hi,,h' smooth dome, around which his with people', desirous to, get up that, there - 114 9 a �8 I ments. The periodical m � Mon. Gentlemen ofth� Senate and Gentle- K tore' in -190r.riki C 0 0,deich, Aug 15, 1870 W30 i6terest, &small sum for principal, and they are- so hair frizzes to a beiglit equal to that of was no'ouch thiqg asassitig beyond the a - his LaZa.]W_� melbf Aeffouse of COMM -021i; Alai) 1 7 inAcla N e that by their payment the debt Is entirely bx- nd it radiates lik .311 all - trguished. and the mortgage dischargtd ac tile end (.f his immense forehead, a e bottom, and irk short time the ave I 'lay these Tartoft n4weighty mat- Mitchell, and well l"It9m 41,, v, rr IMPORTAN NOTICE. t R6 thm stipulated. a halo' in every direction. It i4- of e - Ao� the Senate Chamber and to the Coul- ters -before yon in full tha, eptintry.l. - X - t the) ob Borrower obtains $500 or tibordinary texture, suggieiting a. fleecy- 1 mons, and. oowu ill 15 years; h6 �ays $66.70 each year, and at the and of ray that the TOSU 'Of, YOUreliborations y6ur niattlia Attention; and 3?. 3EL. MANN, gage is paid off. The rapidly in- Ma -impedfloss' la which are. the vestibule, were culpleillilled, and yet p` it TRY $e time his Mort, ss of er 91i OOLM Q 1reasing-blialuess of this society is the best Indicati �in 0 'd prove �con- on d ti st touches of silver, 'This dark to'ere were large,�rowd? o tsi e unable to maT, With 610 Divine -bles House ign re Inter arming duciveinal4rispectstothe advancementand 1 ,Ill m bring intellience -of th and its pepiilarlty "I become greater as baokaround assists im to -a greater simi� obtain admittance br-a i3arria, Pa of the favor with which it isegarded by the. fi pro mdoo d- �0 m.n 1.uli� . f I is . y. te m eeome better known happin6ss 6f.the country. all lerin. hi 0 StS2 ESIBBS TO ACQUAINT Tip� pUBLIC T12AT ..fiendingh �-.e o'c o4 the -that on 0)16 &-31 to lidunderstood Bythesman payments of principal larity. to the pboto,",raph of the ooll, Just before tbrc guns an, Tiondoil; It U stated 0 0 if . , . he has fitted up a she NQrth rstroet next e members 6f 616 p Ith varnish room W Excellency. the fewetfian. thirfeeir P11 D Chrh. - C) 1 included in the yearly lustah�ent, the bomwefgradu ere nounced the arrival of At 3.40 th, t1lere'vero no M where he is Pt d to fill an Orden pronii).- 0 -in tbap. his head would furnish if. he w returned from the Sen4f.,-and.fhd Senae, _ =cyaa Method illy, and without t1rouble. pays. off his lo. -thus I - 43&- incluests held on I)er3ons W111; �112C! 4PX- ir 10 3MT 2M prepare -to often bald, -3 eyLbro:ws are like elilTs, which Governor-General, wh was accompanied. audthe Ali� rhaii. ble prims Than ill fot the Patron! e risk oflobidA big property, which filt Speaker took 0 due in a large sum �t Fiveii6w memb- t SASMderand for the eel K -i herfected ly, and at reasoni cipal falls - U I P 0A, Oro were iatro , T_ solicits a continuance of the,- - y " oiding th -ad WiEh furze, and ande whose by l. )IoNeilk'an on. Mr. ons chemist 4ud- otthe last 7years ppenn when the pxm vwak-Attion- -4 - jjpe-_Iackz� appoulted F. JORIXON, f 4ifficts of -exces*e cold oil Out as ill— So!e same, 02 end of the term. He can, at any time' pay off his are bordO d Goderb -Vrugg�sk . E--- 0 ;4 Joafi in advance on favoi Weirs bum unquen4able lain ind struck UR r Mackenzie then a4ked i �j -was 'thelie Sevralalso able terms (which call be set- all ps, The- On their arrivd], th b art. u 13.0-1 'to 41sA in -the streetsor in their They 4ava zaken.care, to give ali tied at.ag mo tthfy meeting by the Directors. on the i fitention of4he government to bring down 1Feedrq1N1=_- � a in ihe ability Now is thO time to Paint your Cutters 28 Agent _,ist4ncp flioln. his eea to his - lips is un- ilGod Save the queen. of dicatio of the borrower,) and intci�st at six t t -the�borr6spudeneeeaitding the, 04 pdpr no, , - Xdd;ess: The rAUreaa,,,,,,nArda suffored "rCl r A-enLvlo the requirement3 of all cutomers. i �Pp of atthei ;4 " cent. per annum wiUbtallowed onallpaymentsin sually great, giving great le th to his Senate - Ohambqr a s ninions w M 4DOU t��yr will be. tbus afforded to proc u o as sea L1 =es before -the debth on -the 14 - a d' n, the' hisvan.—Titpre fiavff An oppoiF re, at al, Sleighs, and Carriage& co ir A times.Speelacles anequaW by any for their . stren.-th- orders from country Carriage shops attended to E4 F4 Fait parti�, through w4iieh he takes slow, Iong, the 100441non ' "' I I . I - . "I Vlars and loan table may be obtained at nose -a from f4i in ,e;�M�aad resemn- qualftle4& uperionty over 94 beSodilty'sOffice, orby totter p( ators e -also beenanir TLZo maelt cannot Se saidas to their 5 with dispatch.. 0 t )stpald, addressed to and steady respirations. tenclanae at iebdrl,�i shortly after th ierous injoflc Secretary, or from any of the society's vain a Si Jhu A Macdonald said -the couisP no glimmenngr, Paper- would be -au unusual one, and �wou, ; the ordinmy giasseiwara. Mere is; sign Painting, Gilding, Graining, Glazing,' 110 flis upper lip is also very Ion arxived,. led by the S eaker. A&m swoon ad not tbealippery slri5elw, �mnd sorgeons i� tile, other unpleasant & it 11A�S fLETCHER. Valuator at -Goderich 91 �metropDlitanhopitalx , hai-4 had a bitsy- dizzine&% or hang ng -c- &G, C -had. taken. th ir plaaes, His H -be followed- by the Gove -e fim,"f itttodingtofra ure . d limbi; mw& all the peenhar - cQn- deep line in itscentre, sod the �x ression. they MITI :fit., sbacii�#A there- F. R. Ilency reiid, flr$ Falglish and then lite Efoueo, a4 4,at 4 05 -p— zs��thjv, are footbing,andn.premnt. 0 of his mouth is both. firmilld'piti ul. i ep _1ourne awl D-6atlis nre allo cawnigi feeling ofrellefto, ae wearer, and -producing oil 'as hi the -at Godericb, A29i 15, 1870 f arat heJ-tby e spoeoh ollows cInrund distinct vnr smile is like thb suhilline passing oil ill French, t� asbAultiii-g- fro -in ebXplovioil6f 6 sight. Th" are the Z;N�ctacles lba4 ly over a Toiky surface, and, then leavid Bon drable df the Irdllpr� in -conseq, once pf th - ilipply-PiRee -THE paitial gloom again. His chin is- Gaitlemen of Me- H4use- of Commons: Alai 76 w PRESENVE-AS WELLAS ASSIST TOHEVORKINGOLASS� tordnowilrepadto it almhaneizomvitheandantemptoyment at homoitite I�Ibihe-RdltQr of thsHiiion��fgnai; halorthespne moments; Mudaeunewi massivei as becomes. face. it iilch great I have MUCIL $!%ti Action in meeting PenaiTsofelthere P always taming eltr earn fom bdingthrown out of-wo ibey aftiba cheapest because the best, And.spr6yordonla � d= -a of sac magnitude. I obierve 'vith orrow i h JDdYlsmadgirbiarrive power,,, ancl a heft you at the psual aga most -convenient -of tile -ius&llsiou of nWeendthaX :e our pap'er bf Feb. 9th -An 9ver the M&n7 yean wAhout change being necesary. a wwo empby, no reftTs. You watell hini in his:dcuunoiatbry mQQ - 0, season of the jear,' ind'under the presogit I F. JOTVD�AW, 6businew, we MQU IhW UniiU111131134' signature of Trnst0e.av . mve-a ivas fAill elco 1iotW8Uutld61!�WeW1lIvend:$Ito pity e mills of - - A - ii wis reply I I Pfall boildin- opr�ttinxw' SArAgenift, Ooeer7chl fing. - Fullparticulm,avalidablemain. and imagine that he is bae of th auspicious cirettinstance's of the country. Stephen. 31y ob]je.6t inxiakir 4)f tlro cessation virls I 11MCL nd that his Words',could grind nouzh GoderiekAng CO23panfo*--pne Or V110 A the godp. 'a The hope, -1-was sarkgiiine e is only tacorreot;0rne lbbsorvo whilethointensezoldinit d, rl MUM,* pu ed-all,gent fr 4 Aleflutila vm*�iiddrcss, ou-0, 'pow �Ia session, wan -er., e*p icle in. questlm!, itot -10 givo a; too, thecold is reportoato be vzry 0 reas at the,cl in tue 01 f &,CO.. VQVATA.-XA3XX.7 , -the droumstancoo that 'Ant1painfol litories roti)ld of the � i _ Ike e Wbope�.Fplrit has. th further al 'o -mad detailed zccount,46f t empt,w d e 'hooll the ledtei my is)iissatfrora saso ad isoldipiz beimy fro&it to death a and was r, doo a possej�ion:,o s.-gian to disturb our. fro take n e was mcd to an THE LtV R001 & LON ON' canae of said dbmiasal According t; Tow pga - a ., iii:_Itaswea ness and te1haeraoss unells t. :The session had ANW-GkLOB�E early diiappoiRt:nl_ ia t- drop by.saicl Trustees to. pork bands as- by-the�bugebodyltllye a. '-�ely - closed w en lawless ays the re. A United jn 6 44 M P is, the man iw sembled w-fithill onversation with.hent, lead's me to -come Perth County -$fibbath U4;lvenfi S U R -A N G. E a, andl". 4ork lo*4 �ambcrp A renewed the to a differekt vonclusio frOm th;Lt t f New Y hat Bus yeen In ve ligiouizopirit 0, on—The 4anifitt mecting of the a artiidie- paid Los3da exde�tdjng! niss. It duridi that Oeritld has le uft6r JAM; A 't -i� id. to nalne Perhaps -on. 4oule -19 UEIVAGLE or Puft and heap Over gait COD 0 InyqsIon. The Iveatfirp c D - f Five and h&I a It ross ntalxuoth!ug�1Wur1( we OP- bord �r at- tivo poi a plaWing the Aargebuillbe IEWBINSON & ROi -without doubi '"o-wo -but thi 0 rMimoia polu -stekhriv, o-24tlt u 261T t1ii � )uzi va"ale. by the Grciler Is b t vwo promptly,. futjira&i� I mair-bezonstiniu to -trouble and is vizrante to co F -or this etef, .,or g tei -am c i man. -wit'stand, to, New witlianothiriarliple, ex rf tn' contrib tea tiv�," met I and rep So gomplets and a *1deareat has ;r attendancr,. The war*7 tu 11i a thi NrGode�c�-' the itAIAZent OfAllfs 11140 or -as h I h lAgents uniiliatin�� was1he repuse, - at- ille. reasons re fully 'why' 'we r. bpt i would r�thir lief ilm mattbr Zrop, held in the NV. U re lrgeli 1PL UMME R it - CO., vonfidewe ot 114bliCC-orporatiolis�r- r nyl . B G( .6pinion tbgt -the TrWre usine )RDOX; 119�, MOM asts- invia ant 6on4at L0340i, Ont Householdem and, 13 ss.. gue e etally�, lo �s ders losi hear and t' a"Y beg4use -1 -of the Attended byrneinbe '44' A0 - - AMANW, gtdi� a q�antitv J-.&urihs an d fell -back to eo- ail lip vero IjitIlIv -P) es ea .40 th I he jwocic Q. fierei.mi WM)ut; the -luatter fliff wrset, Go -70 i willbeeolue.- WaTU t. timber ihe villsfiest in *61r, Aatha iv, ti t themiggest! a to gait jor� cashi.-xt.the ,moralizod'4ases, sidera, mount -fool And t1laf, Am an -silip- oilhe 1:a rzop4 -'state of thin arkia lix" 0a %40 7,71 zaran West rates.. k its, loth: yiar,,184& fir if' 63 ions zeif by file aL%0k.1lr*tk0rA _44 lie. at tlie.. I & C-4 w6tnob to%bein -a iteighborhood.of 'Wve C -iilaorityj. 92,270- aillifli --,rat d Arat- dallto (Hawi ar . I . . go PIO theatue-widem, nd tend to AL RMS go- �tr wit - i4. t.30thear."t T tIltito IS R_ , % - -,: - , , FrOl"a the Xew. . �e 40, OF FURN 3' or thaninmitner1fartheeft as arti- gross wig 7-1 � 46*ortb year later,'01867i -to on the enlightened p'. .-The official i6,�oft' on _e vountr to, not -r T, XcPharz4h,of lStratfovl, e porlad ppearod,'orhailit not. plug ugly, I would: Athitsewoll opp6eta theF 6'mbers---_vvUh� -VoluntepTs 40 PtAwidelit forhs tandog YM Pev A 1b4,7 Hurow Hotel, (fodertch. filo Ina Th�: pfre-geteM IrFuna referred W.4ne so contl!6aptno 46 Y- H irlbert and Mr, J 11 --Flag, 6 Keserve,'Fand� o 19t �128 who e ja�A makeanf.r6ply but Iet Voter defend' pur� 946poits far A46� Y�eai 0 suam PUL h.- at 47, r sea .-Ifficl t a 141mielf. tke party Mr. J llo.,gi Treasurar, Per. - A rouin t 111kinilton, Secretary. Tbe woXt mftf� Py lauttenp4i A9 # : ay cent; for - tither b the h�&st ISC64- irl -ray; ing will be held at Listowel. -b ea beoil p ado X 09 d eation.lor insurance in ee y T lid 4,6 ? �ftlt . - 01., �ult I , 1'860 our selazgemg - ounAgo Vitfl;Y4,1111 'A of Improyea FAIrms *11W. litsetimaty dh6�orii4 'in gritti- tionlUllby In -that one 1 now UW, wben. I efrom Rze ,rV Lam for our� has illc6 _6fflifty per c4n i fying. ermsi E lOnk or, Oodmel asect 7, one bundreil ps cou recatiou by G la, for V O:R E ilafiU bes-ifiore, X tem *1)6'lt 40�116t-fcveT� -whid ng eje- 117w raclo -ally FIlto1LtforZxeferL Y&WfUt U&ViAg donj&lerxtion uo*o when that i�' U Ai M� RO;50, - a IDID Aj�tgll Or eftfOr T, � --ortalit -Illy As i'llefor bA, a -0 walew ProT! Yoile _00 _ L � a , i govi fifty per Call .-11 beyoud #bat let 4,NYL11Kr#-_ 'inattbrl as,gain lrume -indurred-lilk,out- upon ua,one., 4%bari man bo no &�tj�)t AIR *Ifh- Glas'- ayIt is walls, w1d* b"i),h=d, I �.1 &Ud' - Wrt=_1ifd#�UP01Q' M& My 'covar y ca*t up -to-, Ina EL 'TT� ingstare, can hior NIONKY t -��Lgf 'o vbr� day who'li If% skiv iw JAM d prepoiablotOM& unt, of c$W ir, Al Ora laid b0foTo JEW= 4ftfit Olt efiA911"AS 0 OU41 b =113 0, aliyt -Ing CUTrZB% JV� 0. our fhei lieads'vf sc-1 &A.% *tould VXP NTZD -but 0 ome M A, 1*110yefsaU wl A 114144oiifidelittli3t you Wit roa _4� b*,,'awaf& of the WA n L k0te fay fl� di� 3 lify to, 1W swaba* otkst elitait BOW." = 60Y the edst. to re 'h toFL Z0bfM&k1.1y_ 'Jiftr 'j*h Q190A Sw end W1 g 01. 71 1 1. 11 1 1 1 �.. 1- .. at of MdfAT*r&b1TW1tJL= itt4COU2Zy puto, the ry M= totii0je Ws.- *Aeab ow 0.1131� A- Iftiffe poewss low- , OfEui Ab4a­ Wo. 'PIC malu-tolip. vm0hkr X -ort -Vot torrit think it -woxild, be quito U Witit )Wpatoh. A "00 - _ L -ct,pravid�qf6rfJw! ;hwd. WAS the rittov her A =t'r4l to 40 t id t diy, to Jm burped irlien they haro,, oN a up ityr: in - it - rly A IT LE L 1 60 .' " i and 11 nil I T RIC, WhIeM%&T r p*qKw, W prdtec&,?- 11110e�uever wgsbeforo _At, WL Q�f now] Il t ' ­ `� � y o