HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-02-09, Page 3Lit -;r77 # P =7 - For AU t2w VwWow'a fA=AVZ From-' XAnitdba al Notices'* LE&F.1atUro ()f Ont'alia bill rcsp(eting the Courtof C6neeryand "Istiuckout thoclause referrinn, to�the Z, The corresnorident of the tl.Ontm�l Wit- -no remuneration or. rVattori. V: Via cme Is 00 Toronto, Feb., 2. itess writ6s, from Manitoba as fullosvia THE OREA2, FENALE, REMEDY, d. li:r,pi Tito committee then rose and reported. 44uire The tooL the chair at 3.15 JUSTICU 81111ITTWO HER EYES- anj* vefore 0 The [louse wetit into cquitilittee and Justice in this cofintry, for the preagntp Job-Mlosal Periodical P1111s, 011 MURTGAGIff, ly adop0d. -utions respecting the Ro'ek weut,5 (not Ito advaRcojiltifidin 2 to it years, KS E IV, . - _ .Wzuv � - I � -, Aij b - - .11 , - - Xj After rrintine, Hon, Mr. Carlinry intro- p-issed resol winks tit tanity irregularities; the policY I t ACYlilry wood Asylum� conciliation is"carried out to the ftille.st per gent.'... Ali ullase$o duced a Bill to amend the Ontario Drain- HIS INVALUIA911b 311M.10INE. IS TINPAILTNG I at Ily 6 Yearly Attorney -General Macdonald fn one aide of the YU I IV o ve d extent, and as crime on Tjix the on inf.1 "sold dda-erous age Act a Bill to amend the A-ricul- rc� - pul 0 1 it is hardl� WItrh1eillfethl'afile I is Apply to the second i eading or thp Bill respecting house has not been punished. discases, to -Nwhi e constitution tural and Arts Act. fair to expect the orh�r side to be -tnor�e It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, —0— tuat. remed3 Police. lt if the law is to In repls to) Nlr Scott (Grov,) who asked the Commissioners 6 ri-orously dealt with, bt and a speedy ct to raw be relio,d on. - 0 TO MARRIED LADIES Goderich 23 Januar� U71, The Bill was read a second time. ured itiellif th0h whether the Government purposed taking be respectc�l, this cmirso must k10 changed It IS liectiliarIvsuited. It Will,' III a short time, bring 11 ow - -it it X any steps,ill colijillicrion witti. thQ Doriiiiii-, The House then went into CommIttee and all exaltiplo made to strike terror into khe ifinallify period uith-regalitrRy. thatitrure3 thcjrjjejgjjbor_q; I Olt � .1 A R T VNI, -it, w -doers. One of the TA,. p le -econd thelleartsof till evil A. M oil" Goverintlel ith a view to acquire ilts should not he tafom, by .1"e"Jaze.3 durlag- she t" e la -.01104911 any fault( lion J. 8_ Macdonal� moved a c A rare c anceA rXillersi, colitnol over �he Indian Lands in this r6ding orthe Bill icbpecting Asj1ualS partioj who last winter nprisoned by FIRSTTHREP, MONTHS qfAreynanay, as they are 0511:10% V� have AhOli-ands -ovilic 0 1:1 1 �vas it d . sure 67 bringonAUSCaPriage. but at any other time they Ti o riffioat4eq ofutopirrCmarkable %a to I ring, the saitto tinder for tEe insane. robbe "f a valua- are Y POR -TH HOLI P1 !e, so Riel and his g ing, and the rnles and r%,iilations oU the Crown ble liorse, fluding it impossible to get any-, THE GODERIGH STEAM FLOW E DAYS iii-aii casea orwTorvonswid Spinal Afrectlono,, Pain i1i __O Cveryni�lghboraood,hnd We nted notp, The House' then went into colituittee satisfaction, a sh-ort time since took aborse hiulbs, F,tt If u e ouAfigh tox anion, palp, In. AKUtited �w all Agej hureby securilm, to the B-tc[cR A E 1-inds Department, t 0 &�GRIST MILL -FOR 8 L a and-coaditions in u t: I from a French half-breecl to 'replace his Tion at the heirt,. Hysterics. and Whiles, -these Pi. i- --:0:— , 11oraVdeldt on the r� maining clauses of' tile 811-hoOl I 'CoutainiligneltherrAlomb the settlers on such Intliati Lauds -qual will elTect a care wHn all oilinr ineani have failed; they marlic takettlVith gafety'Vy "Yh 3 NI r. Lount ill the chair. -Clauses 32 rich itian � at oil 03frOSED of tWO run Of StOUCS, Gang Of'A" rch' in view benefits with tl,.,)sc tinjoyed by tha set ders own. The Fro ce got out a I and althouah a poweaul rwnedi (1,) 1 t contain iron, of clianging Ids busineys bus augar edatingpreservestlicin everfr6i I "I iting and every them pleasant to t Attorticy-General and 33, attictided, were w,rced to, and the I I C -EnWs Bolts. 1 Farmers Bait ftor grir on tile Crown Lands, warrant for his apprehension; the Uief ',crtlaiiielatitimozii,oraiiythiii,,'Itirtfu tothe collatilu- d6termined nji to 1 11,011, - tiling useful for eiihor FlourIng or oristing. iind no haim callarMe fromitheir use in any -iogclauseU, rererring of Polico and several men went to execti Fulldirecti,moi in the Parnphleturound each package (triv-cn by 40 borse poWer Fngit.e and hoiler. - 11is Macdonald said tbere bad been no such Rouse wascousidei M rnil land whiulishoildintearefully proserveo. IM11 is situated in tfm best business street ht G44e- 'They loperate by their powt riternill viscera to parify the bloo�tand coninim to the aducation to be taug '%Lee of 20 miles,) but fnaird -on other with Illb `SELLIM4, OUT - - I �naovie t1jo �U4 lication i%hatever lit in Grammar it (a diSt, rich, occupying two town lots and tog -into healthy action -r-c J:,,_fra In re[)I.v to Mr. Sctoft_(0rev,) who also qohoolls, whzu it rose f;Dr recess. ai�rival that the -bird was fluw ' n, ' and were JOB Moses, NEW YORK, SOLIC PROPRIETOR. ptiji aretw,)(1w�oiiin�i,otties.stit'blesatid sheds. Us stoma -ch, bowels, live; and othei brj inquirvi�lf the Goveri oronto, Feb. 4tli. by t hole stock d D ' oods tkt- (!os, body, re8toring their,riquiar acition -tc intended to take, i -Y stcPs for the defin- rit, full & Lynirui, Nroveastle. oni., 'g-nieral il,,,iits for the on accountof Ilia beafth wfilanaki;'a sacrifice to -be, "'a -TERGUSON his w ry ,nent li�%jj taken or T inet at the doorof the house lie father $1.00 and 121 cents for postage, encluied to Northrop subscriber being compelled to retire frOm me tiusinc by correefing,wherever thev exist� Ed im, of the boundary line between the The Speaker took the chair at 11 u'olock. mother, arid aister of Ahe culp Diatinion, wiir Insure a bottle,containingovec 50 rolls, For Particutars, apply to ulents.as are the firstoriginof disease. armed wfth rifle, knife, and rdvolver, and OY aeturn mail. j, B. sumERVILLE, Box 99, Minute dirgdons are given in the (juderich, I - y p'villees of Yanitoba and ontatio. At- After routine Mr. Rykert pi-esented the NORTHRUP & I YNTAN, ro ordered at once to leave the - promises.- W14in- the box, for - e following complaints oililld sai,I that an reports of st:ucial committees ()it municipal Goderl�h. Jan; 24th. 1871i PiUsTatioldlyeare:- torliev- General Mixed Nat wishing to go to extremities, thoy Newcastle, G - W.,genera is not to be cu"lugbt unpri-pared to supply For JDyspe*la or Nudig*s1lon placed in the Esti- institutions andassessincat law. agentforVanadr likess, NAX r and Xiossv.f.AjpV appropriation had been complied with this request, so forcibly - his' dustoffiers wifh-ev�p-qtbing A Bill tu aniend the 33 Vic., chap. 71, t3- Sold In Gooprich bv Parker % Cattle�anu IN 8 0 L V A*PJN?.V T A C T 0 Ino I urg4 and returned to Fort Garry, whero, shouldbela ed moderatelyto stituala mates for that rurpose. I I I ibey require fidi tone and AW Mr. t3l'sk-o tht;n moved the followin- re- entitled an. Act Lb exempt front municipal F. Jordan , 14ai dinhe cc 'Co., Buy(. _-Id ; i auji--a achand restore itslicalthyl taxation ftir a edrtain 1;eriod a sugar re- in the meantime, the young nianr had gone Betithunt, itogei ville ; J. Fickard,b �eter; J.H. INTHEMATTERO-y C.HABLESDAYS For Kraver Complalsitdad itsva supplio 0 11 and dn'iyered up the dispute(t h(torse to the Combe, Chriton, $- cord, Lucknow; E. filckoi nis, Uillious solutions �- I An insolvent arauvidicel or - faros*w Alic"e" �a , arti.,o . f , croers, they 491 First -That the cold-blooded murder, finery oposed to) be erected in the. city of C. THI" IS NO HUMMU" 0 magistrate, after wltich.the matter was al- ion. 3F,0urth_. and i K Medicuie 0drilars. w3,51 By virtue of it deed Rf 40,91tile and IMIllous W by Mr. Wallis, wait read a Uffird mdd didously taken foreadl emqto corre-.t ior his outspoken lo3 to the Queen, of I I ,nmeat duly a by G H R I S T N.I. A Th.*. Scott, latelY this tittic. lowc(Itudrop. i1ttron, To �vitl Ass!. resident of T actijonor remove theolistructiSus'whic of the Bill to le(ralize III;' ABOVE NAKED INSOLVEbrr TO �ij[F. AND TODECEIVD, PEICIPLE, & Myr M I For Uysentery or 301avirkQe4i b c, amd all cinigratit hence to the The tliifd readin VANI-91IN-Til"N IDESTROTE at Zose. is ja�enoerully required; Pmvine Townip cat GoderieW T other powels enabling MO- I sliall oTer ; for] A_ W 1I matum, Gout, Grav _N&rth-Wttst, has in,pressed this House certain by-laws passed b, the corporation role at tile Rooms of air. Benjamill liolzielitirst A'jeti A Fainily. Medicine, well and favorablyknuwn at noon on Tuesdayithe ratl6n of Ske �J[Keartj, 3Pain In W and indig- of the town of 13ratitiord, anti. certain Holniesville 30th Jan. 1871. ouoiier in tile'r�wn of Godariell darthatcerpain SELL THETH 60CIDS Yr ""'on with a deep feeling of sorro �pril 1871'. All and singli fd�.tue patit teq years. never failing in a single fourth day of," ]Back and jLoj&, they should be c nation ; and, in the opinion 'of his House, agreements made between said c6rpuration. The Council met to -day pursuant to parcel or tract of lqtj d and premiees situated, ]$!in 1119) 1 of Ontarfor I- to) and the G. W. R. Conip instanco to give perinatient r0le, *hen ti LaIlip ofTnruberry in tile C001, X; 4:R) taken, as requif4iid, -to �ehaia he d' eam every effort should be made to brit any, of Canada. I ad jourum Mely unit beinti: in the Tom). -,c of ontario ; B-ing compose tile systetii., IVRA such owgic thl8osc. ent. All the members present. used,and wahavenever know'n a' Qingle cage irtiurtm audProvim AW 'MA, R, At the Usual rates, lisappear, tri%1 the prepetrators of this _-reat crime, I and the G. T. R. Company, of Canada, I T -ho minutes oj last ineeting ivere read and ' �fpart ti� lut; No. 24) , colle-siou "C" 'it the 4"a" !For ID id etions have be" Townallip tof Twiberry containing two acres. of laU4 should It all freque4l n ho as yet go IInN% hipt of j tistic-0. respectively) was niuved by Hen. Mr. approved. Resolved that the follnwing 1 Of , dissiatiatacuon where I be dire, rIT dt- 'i. Large G � it A 1. . t� 4 the same more o)r les., und more Particul" duce the c0et ofa drastic pur� te the §tom. 102# f 11allens iould be JR. thedisip-ued: li,cansio, It. . at Ono mult ell, 3PWItIpii., itlike joldo; antinuottAr. ;ed M�O? Ot- loose* to Dro- Proper y to owe , it, on eeon rary at 0 1 Se,-ond-Ttiat all numule aduTess uo 1T (9- i lots be taken from No. 38 road division cribed in a 116ed from the crown tO ciiarles Days QtL?j all U4;'LUt&L UIUM11ILM'' - F or S,p ession a larlfeWsZt sliduld 11�tijzal presented to His Excellency, the. Lieuten- Mr. Boyd wired in amendment that the deligh.ed wit,% its operations, and speak- in ibe r' 0tIj day of AIRM11-:1m the year of 0---0— us it produrl�� the desired efrect Vy srmpailtv to cVnstitute a new division bearning date thE I a #tea firstf class ow- Lord 1864 Oil thQ aboye land As a ZiltziW- PiUj, tabp One or WO r4a:eo ing said Bill be referred back to a committee 16, 17, 18, 19,,& 20 in the- C> THOW ant Governor, embodying the forego 15con iilnuixios. I hig-hoit ttirm-i )I a3 Virtue jand Magical eftets, a Ddygip I te %vi a ote digestion and relieve the stomach� o` hot9I known a I -th table. resolution, and praying him to take such f the %Vhole, with instructions to aniend 1 16. 17, 18, 19 & 20 iir the 16 con. Thb, TME CA IVA DIAN PAIN D E S TR 0 YE, R 'file propert: �he MiLift Graydl 1wad and is a Ho. has now receiv*ed An occasional dose stimulates the ptorditch jidif steps as may be best calculated tu further the same by inserting the pruviso, "Pro 'Petition of Henry Ball and others, relative has won lor itself a reputation,as a blood purt titq, �ery desirable stand. _Weis into healthy action, restorwrthe appe _ its views. 11 ei, alterative stoinach ton c, tinstirp9h.§ed in the I ther . Parti=iirg u invigorates the systeuL Hence it is oflim ad- vided always that nothing in this act shall to Stitt n te- labor, was granted. Resolved h,,L,,,y of inedical preparations Adom I For Fur A N 1) AVIS.91I.ViG -ra dtageoms wkere no serions derangement e2dsu' - It's, aili i. Mr. Blake, aftey describing the state of be construed to atithunze the advancement arich, to the a splendid 60ck of- Due who feels tolerablywell, Often thids thgadose' I th4 Edw'd Sheppard be allowed to per- to cure Dysp�psin, Liver Complatrim, Indwt-L Apply to J. B. GORDa,% Solicitor God, government of the Hud- of any moneys accruing front the safe of fortil his Statute- labor on the 9 & 10th iort, Heam bulin, Sick Headache, RidneyCom- Auctionuer or to the untie b PUls makes himfeel decidedlybetterfror% I t rsiguell'the Assignee. C J AIN" 'hes affairs tinder the E JREBA111'U 1 beir cleansing and renovating elrect on the diges. son's Bay tompany, blamed the officialsof I any securities which may have been held, cons. and thit johti McMullen be allowed pl,,,nts,Ae-.(18tonlacti-Plitt�isicor Asthina,and SAmuAL POLLOCK Assignee. ive apparatus. that Company for Tanning the discontent. by the said town of Brantford in respect of Siattite-laboron the 13 & restor-s to i ital activity I lie system debtAldted Uoderich Januaij 21st 1911. IT14M _Pit. J. 0. AYER & 100.,.FraeficachemW : to erform -his I il bvsufleringfstid disease. . He would admit that the people of Mani- any moneys borrowed from the Municipal 14 con. The Overseers of tAight.-ays, for , Its ran,- . i . calandAonderful success in puring .LLAR. tutoal hall at the titne of the transfer some Luan Fund.' thectirrent year, were then appointed. suddenzolds, -;ore-th'rolit, Coughs, Diptlic,ria -calise for complaint. The Bill (if the After some discussion the arVendment rhe followingaccounts . were ordered to be pains in (he side,hrons and baok. _euralgii�tooih.3 Dominion Parliament of last session was a: was lost by 17 to 48. paid y.iz : Henry Beacom $4 Itobert Pol- ache, rheinnatic nud other pains in any partot the body dnil front whatever cati4e, be' viulatiou of the fe4eral princi pie as applied The Bill was then read a third time. hock, 85 Joseph Proctor $1. Resolved a gIvell it Clark Er wil aylace in every household and is fasi isuperged- to 11anitoba, fuir it desecrated the principle The fillowing bills were read a third that Dr. Stokes and-&-nsandbisbort-in-law ing all other prepli-efions of the kind. I . 1 in their of representation by population. He time :-A Bill to make the nienibers of Mr Smith be allowed to perforin their It is also an wilec iaillaed prompt rerne,ly(or ave, been ar- the Law Society of Ontario elective by the Stattite-laboron the side -road running be- vist, zziaintained that Riel stiould h, 8calda, Burns, fix -s, Spraitis. Chilblains, Vrost Bites, Cramp., in - the Stomach, Diarlima, rested lont; aggo,and that Scott was nitirde- bar thereof -Hon. J. S. Macdonald ; a tween lots 15 & 16 in the tat con. l71ltler Lnolei-aniorbus,iiilliuusChotit!.Cliolara Wait-, red beeatQe he was loyal to Queen aiid Bill to amend the la x relative to election ert a same at I the Supervisian of the Fathmaster. Rol" sum, Dysentery, Lvre, country. This Roiise lately expressed its petitions,and for providing more effectual- Henry was refunded the sum A 82 Sallil. Price only 26 ven is per bottlli� 0 pleasure at the word of the Governor- ly for the prevention of cupirtipt imactices Sturdy 61 Jf,seph Proctor $1 being w7ong, 011 L Ll INJ r dr 1, YNI A N General bein- enrt,lled, and itshould now A elections for the Legislative Assembly asse3sment of Dogs. The deficiency of Neweastle.C. W: 0 iie ef of Ontario-Hor, J. S. Macdonald ; a Bill GeneralA entforCanada. -express its sorrow at the �lood of 0 625 for the Drill -shed contract was order- 9 - the sons of Ontario having been %,�llcd. It to pro% ide for the legislation of the terri� ed to be Vaid. Francis ),VhtUiin_gham was WT3-Sold in roderieli by Parker & Ontile and was the duty of the House, to) express %or- torial dist riet of niurrider Bay - Run F. Jordan; 'Gardiner ;V, Co. Bavileld; Jaines J- allowed 88 for gravel, aud Arthur Knox Bentham, RodzervtIle; J. Piz�kard, Exeter; J. H. ro% for the morder of Scott, and to re- Sandfleid Ractl(inald. $2.50 for- injuries sustained by his borse .,o�be, Vlha6n; Sosoord,Luckaow; H Hickson solve to avenge bis death, (Cheers ) The House pasied. a Bill raspecting Com- in consocilience of the rroads being in a bad bz_.:.�jrta and all MMic:htt Doalars. W.3 8 tions missioners of Police through committee Hon Mr. Cameron said the resolu state. 'The connoil then adjotirried to were bri:,ught forward for the purpose of The House went ilito committee and meet acain at Colelongh's Hotel, Holmesw ville oil the first MundLy in March next. making political capital at one of the passed a Bill to amend the Act to regulate elections.' The murder of Scott, which -he proctAure of Superior Courts �4 Common T_ B. STOKES. deeply deplored, took place out of Law 'and of County CuuTts, the 7 Clerk. jur,�adiction of Ontarit), and Riel could not The House adjournedat 2:25 p. m. BIAX Q I L be extradited froal the United States bj, From Aspinwall, Capit Sel'kridge, of I% ARAL AIM ally of tfie powers of the Ashburton A STAP.Tiasoa TFUTH I Thoui,inds die art- Darien expedition reportA that lie !jas Treaty. He moVd in amendment to '.%Ir nuallpfiOtll Deglected choughs and colds covered it route for a canal the summit of FOR HORSES & CATTLE, e. word . 0. Blake's, resolution, that all after th . which soon ripen inzo consumption�, or Other which.is 300 feet above the ocean. 11that," in the resolution, be struck ont. eqally fatal diseases of the lun,-s : when by An Ipswich fanatic tore out his right eye A NEVER FAILING REMEDY and the following inserted in lieu thereof: tbe iimeiv use of it sinzir bottle ofDr. 'Whil, and tried. thesaine proce as with his iongue, A this Houge deeply deploriii the Wistar's )3alsam of Wild Charry their lives VALUABLE PREPARATION COMBINES untimely fate of our fellow-countr - -in, "T"HalUstliv medicinal virtues of those articles which ym, could bayn been preseived to a green old bemuse, he said, the Lord had or, Thomas Szott. while exercising his' rights age. bird. Ong rxiierien-e has pruved to lins6es the most sate sun " - 0 eflleient properties For we cure of Flesh wounds, j as a British subject ; and1while deeply r. sprains, Bruises, Galls of all Itinds, Ciacked 11 eels, gretting that Riel and his co -murderers 0::) -Is hPalth worth havira ? If it is protect. Bing Bone, Sliavin Callmus,Fislui-, Sweeney, fnt�rn- 1110MMS `5 at Poisons. scratches or Gren�e, strains, Lameness hive escaped condi-ri punishment ; and it -it is a jewel as easily lost as virtue, and 31,ing , �Whitfowx, Corar, Sand Cracks, rjundered %vLile this House r . ejoices in the efforts in many cases as difficu:t to recover, III THE 211ARKETS Feet,"BE,,orn Disieiripe.�, it . ad many other jiAelims wbi.-h hotows Hnd made by the Lieu t(4nant-G ovem3r Of this climet, ai,d more particularly at th,s Godericb, Feb. 7. 1871 This celebrated fonitniew hm bcn`uuhsjcde'r'uOt mot LSBORTE= Manitoba in i:,suing warrants for their season the veur, people are very apt to year-, and, its curative propertiei; illoroughly le Fall Wheat ............ .1-1:25 r& 1.41 all 1 it 1,; conceded to be the chen pest and most' re- arrest and while we feel it to be our take co suder from soar ti?roat. coughs. 4, Spring Wheat . ....... 1:25 ta-). 1:41 able rzatedytor-all external complaint-; ever offer --d spittinw of blood and pulmo8arV complaints Nithe public -it never fails when tan �Iy ustsd and 4duty Is representative8 �If the people of 0 Flour .......... 6:50 rc� 6:00 jeneralfy, whi,-h if not checked iinulediatel� faithtully appiIed. tile Prvince of Ontario, to lend o,,,r aid in Oats ................... 0:40 a 0:451 To:;,hcjhad of oil Druggists and Count -y Merchants. % EBY ;t -iead to serious cosequenceg- The question bringim, these murderera to justice, Peas ............ ..... 0.65 (c,� 0:69 thro-1911OLIt the Dominion. Price 25c; pe �bottle. r, r� 1`18ts-which is the quickest and most I NORTHRUP &"LY.%IAN hat it would be unwise and in- % Barley ..... .......... 0:50 (a) 0:50 No A. - �s Olit. . 11ruprietors fees t iffcctual rernedy ? Brvan's Pu!monio Wafers r., Potatoes 0:35 @ 0:40 Sold in Goderich dy Pa -C ittle and r espediefit to interfere with.theprero.,zative have be'en befure the public for twenLy Butter ....... 0:16 Q r:20 Jord,.)n 6, �Uardfner &7 Co. Ba itit -,Q years, and have a'waya -given perfect satis 0.00 Bentham, Rodgerville; J Picka -Exeter which properly belongs to another . Govern Eggs ........... . .w 0:25 �A rd ; Janie and invariably effect permanent H, Cumt)ej ()IInLOnj Secord,, LLc ipE & Mont, and todiscass a queRticia over faction, Hay, r ton ............ 8:00 11.00 J cures when taken in aeason. Sold by all now; E. litekson, k9eaforth, and alij Medif-S Nhich this House has no control. atedici ne dealers and country storcal at 2 5cts Hid-es�green) .... ...... 5:00 5:00 wo- Hon Mr Wood Qaid-the mover of the p I er_box. Wood ...... 3:50 3:75 —KNOWN resolation had repeated, almost word for Beef, per cwt . ......... 5:00 7:00 TNA vDrd, what had been cffered by certain Pork Nett ............ 7:25 (a,) 7:50 prints at the time the murder was coin- VERY SESSIBLE.-Fleme dealers who are Chickens per pair ....... 0.30 0:30 ;iitted. supflosed to know wh,.t effects their interest, Wool ................... 0:00 0:03 Sheep ................ 3:00 4:00 -INERATIR COMPANY X.rr Blake replied to the statements of puri!base "Darley's Arabian Heava Remedv FIRE tf R A -0 Eli 51essrs Cameron and Wood, and the and C..dition Medicine" by the dozen and Lambs ................ 2:00 (a) 2:2-5- fee-d,it �o heir horses for the purpose - i Apples ............... 0:50 9, 0:55 amendment was put and carried, Yeas, it. 1,, at , Goderich Salt, wholesale, f o.b. per' Ibb HARTFORB CONN - 47 ;. uays� 28. improving their condition, which triple. 1:20. does-othersbould pruve by their exa CASH CAPFIAL ........ �..V)000,000 lk) moved for certain Remember the natite, and see that the CASH ASSETS ........... �782,635.09 M r 211 cLoll (Norfo 013 eturtis relatln& to Lhe Loa- Point si7n-ttare of ITurd & Co is on each page. LOSSES PAID IN 51 YEAWS 28,000,000, VG OFil Company- 0 . 0 . - UlInto n Markets. Yorithrop & Lyman, Newcastloi, C. W.�,,. - n-nital flon 31z Vaweron said the Govern. proprietor for the Canadas. gold by all The Largest Qjlp iment had no information on the matter. Medicine dealers. [By Special Telegraph for the Signal. A Clinton, Feb. 7, 1871. 1 THE LARGES"' ASSETS Mr Williams tHamilton) delended the Fall, Wheat ............. 1:30 G@ -1:40 AYD I Company. - ; '-N T.H9 LARGEST ANNUL INCOME .Ir O'Neil, of Met"illivray, caught a S�-rinado._... 1:30 1:42 The motion was eamea- large eagld all -.e, meitau'ring 7 feet 7 inches 0:42 0:44 The House rose for recess at 6 O'clock. frj tip to tip. Barley . -47 OF ANY ....... .. 0. 0:50 Pl�as ......... 0:§2 0 0:65 FIRE IMSURANCE COMPARY Potatoes ................ 0:40 Go 0:40 .!Ar AMERYCA. After recess, the House received the ttee on the, Aill to 2/1ARRiBiD. Flour .................. 4:00 4:00 report of the ComnA 0:18 0:::�-Deposit made with -the Domhtion le ot �Poisoris- Butter ....... ....... 0:16 Government for the bcnefit of Clinadion Regulate the Sal `*: Pork ............... j 50 8:2.5 rhe House� weus.ir-to Committee on At the Maitland Hotel, Goderieb, by the ............ 0:15 Cm' 0:15 Policy holdeis exchwively. ;e Isooksli the Bill to amerld the Act to, regulate thc7 Rev. Thomas Jackson, of Lucknow, Mr. 0:3j- Recent -failures -s�oiv the impor- n Neil McMillan to Miss Agnes Jane, I procedure of the Supeficir Coults of Seaforth Xuricets tance of patronizingthe Conipanies that af- -Comin dallahterof John Stru t�hers,Esq., both of tord ttfe ttio?.t reliable indemnity 'and the HOID Books,,- on Law and of th& Coiliaty Courts. the Township of Ashleld. By Special Telewaph to tire 'Slgaal.' value ot an iErna. 1"clicy intilst be apparent. The Clammitte rose and reported pro - At Goderich, on Ist inst., by Rev. E. L. N. B. -Especial attention given to the Insurance of gress, and asked lewire-to sit agair) Seaforth,. Feb. 7, 1871 bloon. n_ . Dwellings, Churches, School and Public Buildings for I he House went into Committee on Elwood, Rural Dean, F. F. Lawrence, Faill Wheat ..... ...... 1:38 1:44 terms of three and five vears. at rates as low as they in Bookay Esq.. to Emilyeldest, daughter of 'Thos. - can be Loade with safety to the Company. Spring Wheit ........... 1:40 1:48 t%e BiH toamend the Act respecting Dark', Esq., Goderich. 0 - s in Upper Canada. Flour bor Ths ............ 6-00 6:50 DIXIE WAT8.4 Xnubj�jp-Al institution Oats: .................. 0.41 (a) 0:40 / .. Agent. The Committe reported progzess and RFirley ....... 0:45 -0:50 Goderioll, I J - an. 28th, 1871. w2 ly asked lea -re to sit again. - 5.1bebrUsements 0 * d. a second readincr -Potatoes ........ 0:45 0:45 -Made b Lonig Girard INIr Anderson move el Peas ........ .0:70- ID:73 OTE LOST. y of the Bill to further secure the indepen- Hutte- ...... t- 0:18 -0:18 in favor of Frederick Merrier, for the s Pork.' surn of 44 dollars, dated Ist February, dence of the Legislative -Assembly. Dissolution oTaxtnership ........... I ....... 7:75 '8:00 1870, payable 3 days after date. The pub - Mr Rykert moved a pQint of ortim A —0 . .................. 0:18 (a) 0:00 lie is herebv cautioned not -to purobise or dexem, % .1milb— - similar Bill.had-been -introduced before He partnership heretofore existing under the fif M_ necrotiate the saine. ,by the member for South -Bruce. T of Verity and Ross. A.-rtealtural Works Exeter M01ITTREAL MARKNTS. NICHOLAS DEICEIERD, out ot has this day been moltually disolved, and the litusluess 1*3t. The Speaker iulzd - the Bill wit1j now becarried on as usual by %V. H, Verity and (By Special- Telegraph to thot Isigiial.1 Hay, 24th Jan., 18711.' all Ac,;i, unLs and Notes must be paid. to W. H. Veritv, order- andaill debtsof thelate firm will be settled bywig. JHE CHEAPEST- TEMPERANCE PAPER IN The House went -into Committee on VER LTY & ROSS. Montr-ml, Feb. 7, 1811. CANADA the Bill to amend the Aet incorporating Flour market dull and heavy wt?l no lathe' JDVV136 -business of consequen'ce to repot t; the on- BBfTISH.AHER1GJZV GOOD TEMX the Wellington, Grey and Bracii1tailway, I am thankful to the public. ia general, for the sup- ly transaction reported in � ban re being port extznoled to me in past years aul I shall endeav- 1000 out down fancy M c LAB. and to extend the time or at all times to give my naineidus nast,,nierg r first� 6.65. �r�irt dull- It has already Won golden opinions'and duiling 18771 TheBill was reported with amend. classarticle. I have a large stock 6�41 kh.ds of steel Peas --buyers offer. for -May dilivery at 95 no efflort will U spared to make it the best. -Editorials -ments. Ploughs and Reapers with all the lafea Improvituents per 66 16. Provisions -pork s4vaaf, con- and Selections Of the highest Order and Terripplance which I wilL warrant a first-class article. and prices to - 7 Intelligence from all parfs 6f the world. , IssOod The Hotise a4journod at 11.30 0�'01013k. defy competition for Cash of -Credit.- All -Orders Uy snmative demand 'at late rates. Hogs monthly at pO cents perannum. for� single coifies.- letter will be promptly attended th lind satisfaction range from 8 to 8.50, broken parcels of -twenty to Rixty copies, each 25 cellts. sixty n9ples Toronto, Fob, 3. guilranteed. c):1jice range tip tr') 8.75.- Larduncha;ngea and over,. &,tell 20 cents, Postage preipedd, j?remiui:j W, ff- VEIRITY. for every Clul), of T*euty, '$t- worth of Standard The Speaker took thel ebair at 3.15. r. Feb. 611� Ism Sw-18-st- Ashes -Pots- dull ab 5.80 -a 6.85, Pe' ­ Clitib of 'Fifty- PA2 worth. Exete &IS Temperance Books 13,6�0 After routinje, 11on J; S. Itlacdonald quiet at 6.10 a 6.15. Clubs. ofone huu(ired 1,43 worth. Clubs of two hand - presented ther rep6rtz ok the (-.ommittees - red $7 Worth. Adverriscluentr, fusert6d at a unifewin Y01-T-Ift -WANTS ..NOW Tate 6f 10 cents -per line,for each insertion. Five -on Railways and PrivateBills altso of the TORONTO MONEY 2a.&nX:ET- thousand snbsuriberi; wantelLbLy thplIrst of Apr�. EDGE-VARM-P 2 Send for a free specimen cop Printin- Committee. SUPPLIED- Y. M - I Feb. so isn -Address Mr. Blake Wid that h6 should- move an Greenbacks- and New York Exchange_ bifyffig ap 90 JAMES 9TUTTOX, Peterborough, polling at q0j. SlIver buviiig large. it 5 ; aqUitigat Ontario., -of tic Railway. He ffuliscriber -baving- purtitued a 431116ilid lot 6f J4 Aiscount- Sinall-baying at L 8 . irell US Feb. 6th, 18il. ' Pablisber-for tluiP�r6pilefoz arichtimeat-on the report tiouber and alaobaving the -most approved ifiach­ count. f, at 6 dis-' Uolulpiate comingupfor ilioneurreincei T I be a6le to supply Oy 4ugutity of Gold opened sit 1104: aildWied at jl0j inery, wil -LIST1I bayby.- nkference to a gill am6ndib-' the 10 -&at lecorporatiug the 1:o-runto, Grq and PINE AND CEDAR, SHINGLES .13raw Railwav Comparty. at-the�iffiortesknoticear-iltlialowe,;tirice, ITeis4l RMUINING. IN GODE91-1H POST OPFICE 09, -e forpine or any L 0. 11. ITHEAhFcb. 1871' gred Ito pay the hlghest.��. On- motion of'flon. &TA3. Macdocald, it 80 Piell 'ather titabergulaijofe for waking.0hingles dellveredub Cooke Davia bleKay Aim Christ� vas resolveii ta Ifold three. sessions daily- the Nite. auunnis�tliimry 1. 31coorrie Puticart I HURON LODGE NO. 62 after Ideattay next, and that fl. sittin- -,PETER -LEONARD, Cregair James McGibbon John 1871.. Campbell -Walter 11tobliartifuJ sbould be hold to-moriow fralla. eleveti iifl 1,1�0- Feb- Pit- David 4hnios- 'XeDfinalojes.' AT Meets 'at their Hall; Albion' Darelsou ew Julbi Mrs. WGurdiep'Jas. three. -sday , Block, Goderich, ev6pyThat . 'evqnjpg, Denob"Vi A1561voll 16hu Hon il.� Xacd=44-�zaoyed� that the 1ROWIN TH 1,11i6it3ir (3d'Con 316MMW A 07131 ok. Entrance on King%zoli Flettiller. Robert 31c'Auley Houseshoxild, galinta-CouUnitteeortho- Is ree iting Bk6threu are cordially Fisho , rThomas AWLeolud utileI 31 XcDO44'Na'r -le on Ttesd%., on the resollition/a invite b -Grathan"Moy Itri4� Di WPBEL lesli6ctlng the granting of auto, tailw4ysr 2 Glocitia, 211611 MeAlpley $.,arritalk Secretary-, MeAfalion. Gibbon AlcD�audW,6rjn, i1%;JWde irtattgroaticii orAerkalaTo. 064�rich 76b., 3rd, igli , :�jk - HanAlton Robert Noeparnolt.4,, U1, gel use 0 cquorles; atiouTiM cla 'karkinsou. A�ft nor P�a tic� for tbei words tsinqe�thett T.OW. fT Johnstoti Robert 00 OuMOU00 if Mr Blike th� hi I T, LivifiloWile linticia keacock johil - CASIL -Lavjy. 0.011beft -I?Aliillv C -Qrn, ad 00 M. &13it�z�n _D AlIkLy -of , I � 1. - I v. . ropecting, 007 elictiort of mombeva , the 1771 Ali reir Law S�dety okou �91rfd who itfir do it- 3 Bits SwAk6tzAw_-- rciii W'' D. Montgain to, (76mmitfeo of esthewfakstm op�ki uron Natilay Win, Tztak_w��Ge the suid opeLidl:WWbYflupplyiugtmbl-ood,wl.m:. a; lonk `tV 944 a �,Olalm pric� NATIOUVA OWX TtrAtUM6 Z wlisba :dko: l'yolung .;Vi iliiiig th Avaaffon.." sure C BeacterawhafaileA toat.te done't 4* - OMAY neefiwlor inkaPerhviantA fo , in - PTO= _=Whip t$ frm, T. DUM31101 dur.ag tbs year should r g1redd to-' -aacl'the, T AM REC W NV TOR- VALVAB Liz -To".- 1&.: 1* *0.# *L - . W0.9 elrft Z XT04-1 OVSE vtoceloff. Th, Sold BI I conymm L true ra a d,-, lion" then rw Auld ijo 7 FOR, SA STPme'-f. % The Hoill* raoifed a reportoil the bill pro fvr the, erg-taitatiog" of 'tho &ME ISNYTHE P31MISES OF IRE V'IDBA- tbi-senull s1w 0L�04IIr0rd'C6ftvb10yr*Wn BOA &fsWoo,ps imillIll'oft, Brl,, "I' f4d, "t*1-i:biiut territo 'y f, 1 aWrlot of Tbuitdor B _Id sip", Lot 30. 3rd coo. Z.Vawxpco, obout lleolv Sad In-yourprile: a, $it 011cei Also'AtTly Rose, ;arrisZoli 00, A 6 041ki Owas 0 V - �W, .-t 4xed iho, t*d. Uftt rising, 2 ya4m old,. spotted i&I suit wh1W and sH kading, '4§6of r4otafoeg, 4maintle'OfAlle P, resdida for T%tadItY. Goded t - Woe *gut, inioommitwi en'the Who, CA*#ta %,he J p, 1 0 MERRY -CH9IST_MXS —:0: — ROBINS ON & 00-t 1AVE PLEASURE IN -.1,4TIMATING ­rHAT TAPY IRE'NOW SUPPLIEL WIiil FAIERYTIaiNG - I SUITABLE FORTHE CGMING URISTRIS AID NEW YEAR SEASONS. VRICH TIMXS� ARE PREPAUED To SELL CHEAP. tocts, 60ets, 75ets and $1.010 0— Y XL 'U A FULL AS9t)1tTX . ENT 01 VALENG11", LLYER, &_ RUIEU LESi'RAISINS 8 pounds OF CURRANTS FOR $1100 - 13 p3tinds oiltalsins:fOr 01.00. IREELS of all XON089 GOOD:AND CHEAP- 0::Y- A large quantity of salt water Hcrr Der on hand. Tits Largest and i3heapest Styk ot Crockery in ic�wfl* Goderich Dec. 13th, %870. �svvll-lf F-A—EX FOR SALE A RARE CHANCE. r[IHE PROPE�TY OF THE LATE AND I Garrey. being tile South Halfofliot, NO, -98 Wrth of the town PloWAshiloild, Co. Huron. IN acX of first class land. -70 acres ceared; with buildings ad orchard. lrerltnooi; 'Ver.v 311easonable. Vail �sr ticulars as tDpriepote j &c. to be liddat the Offte .4 DOXLF & - I Barristers Goilor,14. Goderiell December 23rd 1870 Tenders Wanted. I r i TENT) MR wanted by the Board - Illool eas of theTowtkof Goderich for tb.deli"c,;�41 cords Green Wood,(Waple a"4 B' 60 no good,A or before the l5t1t day of ., - )f %Nbieb tobedoilvered attlibeentral school. U4 the balance atthe Ward S,!Iinots. Tenders wit.' e-, ceived by the undersignel until n -non of Wed 2d February uez.t. By order of the Board' W. MacKAY, 0. Goderich, 19th �auuary, 1771. W5 d - V M U.91 0 IISS PLETCHER'S eilpuss for instruction In: rudiments- of' Instrumental litusic, mee-ts 0ery ,;aturd*y at 2 O'clock, p. m. , 'Eerras--82,00 jper quarter. Goderich, Jan. 16th, 1870. W52-tf- AUCTION 11SOAALE C it )OD 1� QROCRRIES, HAT$, CAPS, FURS! Commencing Friday eVillgo, 271 ln�t. 0— BHAZLEHURST Is hattrueted by -W.'V- av- age, to sell Iris eneve stock by Auction, Commen Ing on the 27til inst, and coutinaii g daily, until the wholo.it the stock is cleared 'out. Tits stwook %W�ni be sold without reserve to the"highest bidder:' If oil want goods atyoliro%%,n prices do notfailto at'jud thii sale, B. HAZLEHTjR-,3T- ' Auetionec Goderich, Jim, 27tb, 1871, AN'entire change or business, Oats, Caps. -Fa & Gents' farnishiag goois excjuqively.� The a b - scriber begs to intimate to the public thit ble as paribased. a large, and varied assurtment of.' fil I Caps, and g, nts' furnishing goods &c.,'for spring seat er wear. which he �v'tjl opZ for insliectiPU �d in th sitle, On the first of March next- I14ng a knowledge of 'the Hat, Cap and Far trade, he is IIa is- Ded that the public can be better suited jh -that 1�jie_ 4n a store doing that lousines exclusi'vely-botAil' a lsr�eand voided took of the nolvest andibost'fash'iAn- able goods to select from. and at prices that' --011 ito compotitirn. 0 W. X.SATAGE, I NOTIOE. I'DRE ANNUAL 3l:ErTEXG OFTHI,,.8HAREHOW- Ji, orsofthe Huroa Salt Company Will bebeld in pe, oflieeaf R.RuncImAuEs4.,E'Ajt8treeton Tues 14th February.. at 7 pm, Preside Goderleli, Ist Feb. Is -m. NOTICE -To 19HOPPEALN7.11, qtj A -LARG4,QU A 8 TIM SUBSCRIBZd*Al-, J"L11ty of,.QO'hD1V00I)._ Heoow,011rels to cliop'li. ria: ajd*7Ceatg laglier has b002' Paid yet suy- Ode rich Town' L,,t 11AL Con. Gods Godedell, Isi PebJ6711 t., Iderie I FL 01- t of p1wic* Fmit,T a 0. e (0) r 9 0 s.old,tefidalp. if h us NtAolz" Q,i a nd good will or t sit -A:nd W0111 estaDillilked Boot to. -STLAND. a Sot"; _3A_LE'G.F'_V-AL ULABLE JOW! �e. datfd_ t I d it , �sqyept Ar(v 0 c;NVf"d%, :Regjstfy Ofttes- j)rt%L CohAW_ of 11�5690 iyjll be 46dWed - i10 tilculidlorooignea will 9liter,joTsalosepq hitlitv pub, to _A-4vjjoimby Mr 13, Razleli in-AtAurtlonell Town otGodbriell. .OF; -Lt, FOR VARY;' X 11 ntit�foflot - aid.. 0 -060 1431111308L, 33% Im 2119411M. ISSO.'_Tdims-Orlehalf Oaab;� curild',by'gort.-age.ok 'Which. 4 YaUon "Taudits, a .0-M 0 (" .11EMIMS CENT X03VZZZ;. 3E"S..; V. S. A; boderlell Ven. Ist 181-0. W6 -.111114k SAVE 20 NORTH . .. � ­%, — .. j—., gear AX E. ]ATIAKINE4 .�er AltntsfoWanada. UOR.UXTE FEES11 AND CHEAP. �.xBy_ I TV- Suld in (.ioderielt 1A, Parker 4 C-attle RVIA1 _Jurdtm. Gardhlvr,� 0- A.,F.,4d. 3.ai.es 14�itgll GOLD BROOCHES., OALLINGAND IlUACHAM G P.,odgerr,;I,. J. PleLard Exc4,,. J, 133. 0,10A. VA ton. 6:�coirol, Litekti, w E. 1.11ti-Ziru, Senforilt, 9iLvzuBR000HEs, all Medicine I traiei L. C CS JET BROCCHES,: F r, on grg—E SQAIFF PINS, TFIE Subsdriterbegs..0 in orm to Ittilic Aliat is JEwELLEj) R�Kos, 2. SUB carTylbi; On theA�2��W bifialdstand on Ughtjfoljli�btivet, 1; GOLD RINGS, .2-0 rd Erm VATT "t R "If L luutual SILVErt RiNG92 A; IM A n" T I N ab o79 C ext door to A. Smith's Uotiiing -e, 14AUR A"ItIT BLOCK' 0,\l 11-111,tVAY X wpururso.N., g Uarkrtt IS Square.) r el'. jillinellia"ely nut -I,e F�d_vjl; f -he (i0ledo4 GoUrich, Nov, BAS&ETS C: 'Ready au'l* ANY QUANTITTOF 0,iRli SMVFnsf Gooleilch; tite. 20tb. IS70: li�V37-tjo— road to to -n. In Chrl.-Amas fruits he is fully as,iorted s Eld Vrepai,q t w as any otlier Hbuso iti X-3: :0T__TM I W_-5:tW. 441, 7[3- This is one of On moit v4lunlolo rv;p -itious top Salt %Torks in thii F1LAGHR8 SETTS, -Has now", receivoa . 4 �Iaf'40-, i tilig zinc seetion. for th e saving of tvam the tcoll-intok NAPKI" G81 of - L parchise of Wood. For furth t par elf.'ars nl)pjj -at' inter -eeds) Ir -All. ansi -aR Of the newest desigli's, & best 11114te- THE S-IGNISL 0 110 4 CHOICE" rials,; suitable fit;,the coMih-,, season, when Dieu& A FABIHOINAILY A111 OEM' A SECOND SUUPLY JUST TO are inter - Goolarieli, Nov. l0th, 1811). sim_ If chan h each other. ging prieseam Fvil T SST nandvonsIsting 0 -1 the latest "0 a 1 e Stock Of ar IN'REAVY INIAOIT-S.I. 51!� has received a. v -sPle4Nt4oelc,-hl0l1J10 Y,- A" ` A A BRIGHT COLORED2.0011) Christimas Pres' sT THE SUBSCRIBEa ALIIBRralli�6*, BVA Miter ualrible of talking c:ui,,e of 6ristilug, In AW low-= LAND, GENT"' 'WINTER .4 business. for partiuttlars. �PIIIY per.-II)IL 0 JA31138 1081WFORD. 0--t: 1-nii. wig -4 Par'. AlMrt. Nov. UtI570. WATCHES& 01-0t),Ks" XURW.AY 0AIS. Beat Makes, guaranteed -as represented, and EWE HARTFORD Ba, MH (I It F�lt il3oys cheap fbi cash. ""') TO'Do" SPENCE VIM. R, �Ra. PURE. Norway Onts for seeil. jain Orloparel-*W444. .-inierstofiliiiisliagilw.;-tit5'nft1liN justlyieetiall;,lo - W1. F. P: 0.-- 2wil'AUFbalsineis in thisline, EAR 11 rated variety. Farmers irat'll Aug seed will plelao ar. dur early astlicy 0111 Zuly be fulaWled 10 Jrda add ;viq- or Jeweltery a j` New Ye= 25t is, ti I after Q6 Cut ttV:e MUS OVS _ P Spehaer XXX A es ALL -OFF ERE D Sn -B d iu Goderich. Ui:c. 8th,1870. W47.0 Fxjecnie4 in lh� best .-tkyle 6d with des' Fi;M 400ndltiq�i; . . ,, -,- - I I � . 4 . bhcers S 'in va, CAUTTON.. Ad L PIM12"Ba nm: W, an P itso.N OR PrILSONS FOUN _17U. ANY .13 '03, L -k passliq cuttine timber. oil Wist half oflulk 14,. — t— W AVaw osh will be vro:5e=zeoIrccoWI riant UK zw*b- V I - SAIN WAUJI4 , I - - - � -;� I V, I 1 11 'At - if AVjth buildings verectcd, prefenvI. A,44 -s' '41idscatlet'llapne rouLzots. Irit)) fall I)artiettuys imil. fri, M "A-'-' 8I.;XAL 29, 0 jL 40, 1), Dea; ui .187u, if- Raw tile, 6A* ­5. X IN LENI; js Aor vrowarjU ftw, ION. IMPRPYE-D, F A r ailf, 4)*Ar# AAMSI"""�4 "" 1.1 40 t�> mmot .404 fro A= Ot4 r X"91101j; roml jan 9 Ism— q . IANT) '10 ina R, 3&- 1 A CitayZoapirbrate, ap t on. r 0 Tomato, - , I t Ladie� JAM 3 a"�11 r lot,69 oil, 111134 Farm for Sa -'aiii-s SW 'tVAV A 13VALL FARM ITNDBR,15003) 41 X ow __11010 �tj � this 11twavontatiln ZO itQreu -or "sAQj Im . by ti I - 7poV I '4� th's i.plvbt,�j to 4a; litinpli anti reWy for - inkarlo Coil Innfl, A , 11 Val top. Dying V'.t �,Zt'4 VF'.v1Wy Wx1 in Oroitj to pse, "tio VD 1)�, ens:s isitli, Zlr.A1;,xnadrrAtl;.u3 J ltfit',�,tjoLvt, Goatlich. RURE ft;� C.'Qui4efi'l li-il'a gaod 666ill y witjf a 041110w, 11-11r. .411 pa-,11CAU W"'UU.;c t-ral to 16wel.&A will llrj& hoilsp and $110 Ult, A arol ad f -CALL 0 01Y -110 - - so A iiiii, s* *Atadhlid, - 1spleitilld 0. bi , and raj pirticulars 'Spitly to t-,) Mr. Ajd4w At *Niloolt. DaUd �It 6"Jerlwit lyte fmiric". 11 day 4or 4ANUMI Ak V*46taii;Goderlell or Jii Coat o"k 4own, billusues -on Ul�b 1), X.ATRAW&A" M�_- 124a 178 e064rh W. Ir. P, X An X Al 4 _IrMLX STEWAUT. boderlell Ven. Ist 181-0. W6 -.111114k A FULL STOCK HAS JUS11 AX E. ]ATIAKINE4 Received a Magafficent Stook of C>3P GOLD BROOCHES., tol L 9iLvzuBR000HEs, ^4 A&ta C CS JET BROCCHES,: grg—E SQAIFF PINS, TFIE Subsdriterbegs..0 in orm to Ittilic Aliat is JEwELLEj) R�Kos, 2. SUB carTylbi; On theA�2��W bifialdstand on Ughtjfoljli�btivet, 1; GOLD RINGS, .2-0 confident with the eqierienoija lie finso' R. 13 c Wall allptter axe than Is sold -by any 4t' jcr 1�takerj�- SILVErt RiNG92 113- 31y A."sran be o1jtalneC;df K&CS's Daidirlixf-' ices At'GRRAtly REDUCEDpir" PLATED WASE, sture. Clinton. IMUC ON IN"FRIMES T1 ­ . - r X wpururso.N., BUTTrm DisuE.B. GoUrich, Nov, BAS&ETS C: 'Ready foil Winter,. ANY QUANTITTOF 0,iRli SMVFnsf X-3: :0T__TM I F1LAGHR8 SETTS, -Has now", receivoa . 4 �Iaf'40-, i NAPKI" G81 of - BIJT'TER LNIVE, 9, SPOW &c., inter -eeds) Ir -All. ansi -aR Of the newest desigli's, & best 11114te- 7- rials,; suitable fit;,the coMih-,, season, when Dieu& A FABIHOINAILY A111 OEM' A SECOND SUUPLY JUST TO are inter - chan h each other. ging prieseam Fvil T SST nandvonsIsting 0 -1 the latest "0 a 1 e Stock Of ar IN'REAVY INIAOIT-S.I. 51!� has received a. v -sPle4Nt4oelc,-hl0l1J10 Y,- A" istyles of BRIGHT COLORED2.0011) _tr3 .-MAPPaRVAS TTS, LAND, GENT"' 'WINTER JE WELLBRY SE or by the siingle piuce, all warra,rited. �CaU ancl see StylloZnUd 0--t: 1-nii. wig -4 WATCHES& 01-0t),Ks" Beat Makes, guaranteed -as represented, and EWE HARTFORD Ba, MH (I It F�lt il3oys cheap fbi cash. ""') TO'Do" SPENCE VIM. R, �Ra. Children's - W1. F. P: 0.-- 2wil'AUFbalsineis in thisline, add ;viq- or Jeweltery a j` New Ye= 25t is, ti I after Q6 Cut ttV:e MUS OVS _ P Spehaer XXX A es ALL -OFF ERE D Sn -B d iu -A_8j0Nj9B-jNVTLY- CH-EXA11D Fxjecnie4 in lh� best .-tkyle 6d with des' Fi;M 400ndltiq�i; . . ,, -,- - I I � . 4 . bhcers S 'in va, b _y a fit -st,;'elaSs, jew.ell6r -and nm: W, an Half rAlIxt, 0i 6; WA F4 P. SM ART, .60DE-R,10a DEPOT Got oil. yaiA' -per MAUX T, ARF,,.- R 'RQU. .680 Pe' .3810, zTVa4-­8na 0. iI5t1& 'PE0. 4 3 R A NT; OR SALE!, SHIRIINGS) -14 DIVY-VOW NOOL hjuse+ Apillyto W� ?,.T. -RAY, Gods 161130 Oze ISM hand, pn4src eanUnual;y J)itytjig tj�rfgu aliteff, to -ch laTT OML Wiubluiiy -Acf, front 12.4, v 191114 Xf A V riant UK zw*b- V I - SAIN WAUJI4 , I - - - � -;� I V, I 1 11 'At - if AVjth buildings verectcd, prefenvI. A,44 -s' '41idscatlet'llapne rouLzots. Irit)) fall I)artiettuys imil. fri, M "A-'-' 8I.;XAL 29, 0 jL 40, 1), Dea; ui .187u, if- Raw tile, 6A* ­5. X IN LENI; js Aor vrowarjU ftw, ION. IMPRPYE-D, F A r ailf, 4)*Ar# AAMSI"""�4 "" 1.1 40 t�> mmot .404 fro A= Ot4 r X"91101j; roml jan 9 Ism— q . IANT) '10 ina R, 3&- 1 A CitayZoapirbrate, ap t on. r 0 Tomato, - , I t Ladie� JAM 3 a"�11 r lot,69 oil, 111134 Farm for Sa -'aiii-s SW 'tVAV A 13VALL FARM ITNDBR,15003) 41 X ow __11010 �tj � this 11twavontatiln ZO itQreu -or "sAQj Im . by ti I - 7poV I '4� th's i.plvbt,�j to 4a; litinpli anti reWy for - inkarlo Coil Innfl, A , 11 Val top. Dying V'.t �,Zt'4 VF'.v1Wy Wx1 in Oroitj to pse, "tio VD 1)�, ens:s isitli, Zlr.A1;,xnadrrAtl;.u3 J ltfit',�,tjoLvt, Goatlich. RURE ft;� C.'Qui4efi'l li-il'a gaod 666ill y witjf a 041110w, 11-11r. .411 pa-,11CAU W"'UU.;c t-ral to 16wel.&A will llrj& hoilsp and $110 Ult, A arol ad f -CALL 0 01Y -110 - - so A iiiii, s* *Atadhlid, - 1spleitilld 0. bi , and raj pirticulars 'Spitly to t-,) Mr. Ajd4w At *Niloolt. DaUd �It 6"Jerlwit lyte fmiric". 11 day 4or 4ANUMI Ak V*46taii;Goderlell or Jii Coat o"k 4own, billusues -on Ul�b 1), X.ATRAW&A" M�_- 124a 178 e064rh - . '11 r W re I 4 tol ^4 A&ta 'it 0o a 464 os, 4 - . '11 r W re I 4