HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-02-09, Page 277 rititt, or y i either 16Y. 'us f itistincil vordi nor gaV yst�ted in my 10t' the town .90t,00V B� n,R, C j%-apiny anj �jt lie wettteEL .tne tion that,,.Ibat was Wbat their -A Lat, 4�4r_;Tkpt to 0X.Ui6ULai& .(Ir- Tb Atioll ana I- presu a me vi 0 Sch6qj At it- to du 'time -4, oftho --odginall $4001. the roads within the J�x -that it grAve 14NV A It A I tract hike bue.t euteted iato since iditoral in ye iCIL lie" - is- engaged: Our -oa oau fol- the cod-Ritrattitin of which -a citi - � - 11ay_- 11 -z5, , DiAit SxR:_',1U rdadilig six ; statisiiiient ad - 11.e. Cuellh Advertiserdewiio's t6,rae U* f)ur cone usiou to, ch41190), were T -own Corporation, his U0XA The Srv�dhr 0 equ 7111 From our�o%vu correspoutleptj., thd - S�gndl of the 2nil inst, my "itt-41tion son 6ssments slid dfintion quarters of a colu uni, in it-Onst issue, tn'the uoll ro a want of 4confiddloe in verts to the a Qodjor tho Town - "H, ral-f-i 9fi, 1671 Railway Cumpativ conarg under any f-th&. all Ary ieeinli$ detdr- was, called to an article in ancither colulilli ificatiell,Vut from v-nm.6roIl$joftV-.Tbnof" ich add GD1210 sible represent- WEATIZER-014- 4 ' U y,,,jersqua , M 0 Optliolj amillilation. of the irreVI768 c(I . 111plault to a too _uIlett,and Morris, from the Year After rnnthie, I cl,.isseaht,�ciubc.loiomt3tiLt.4t%cd and auth miad& to bold'hifs icy gi-rip to thelast '�JIQ purporting to be from - ibe-pon. of.. Tho-Afts �s against him that owin ships of a e Qur content- [Rdi�ii6.eototherbtiE�i'ne'si,onilSdr) jol�59, but hats no collilectiolf Whit- 'aueed a Bill to nmeu ortzect by oixter i, th orth Riding Irall; EST11 f the Lieutonant-Govor- ative iJf to die hai d-vathey SAY of those 0 - V. Dyes' In, his remarks, the writer of groat supemij.11 ge Act: n1sa a UNI nor in Coutitil to be�cittitled tb receive tLe, por&eytsopejIju(, assertion thaOOntaric, ren 11110348 as6 nind heivas Itoaleeling tIt"Interests of ever witli the purchase of the Northern Z, v ivelt ows -11tiusbal �his at I die- tw-al and ArIt Act. hardeifed wretches; the � ictillis- 'of - J this ieritaible, Q) epistle�j sh his sch,4ol; for Nvojv we Were -giving, him a Gravel Road, it'wasusubject th Saint" shall not be less than or mc.ra Legislature'l is wo.think. o'pe pirlti cular NZ Alr lqnys h.%,s favorvd us with t crilly. o I joices III t i � ik 4owp , the, gus q xbigb displeasurd, and y1berat salary. 'T Man Out of the �cussed during these years through-Ahe III reply to 'Mir ile. , as it in '011 1 urning a the &-tit,sates f,r 1$71, ilit'r-,dulecd to Olt than thousand dollars per mi to grave doubt, ighf; be sorioulily Kotdil, who. are Sent k ckit I I - the J tlier the Goverai "V1. That bet-ircany part of the saitl h6jupon path of doom, without iinyboin- of a--keneral-Utickilowphobiu. schol �,i eFpci lbui,hini.before Ilis, time Ox- olu.nins.of the Hitron Siglwl,_ana was T7he J`i%4]gln- , frout r� T)yas's temperament, -pired, but r 18 directuleans El.illsc �n Xltirdav last by the Hon., E. B. Railway R.ind shall be paid to any' Coni. questioned, �yhother the best'denizonq of 16i'tllo`r.+,14 TLacher, Tt"T Ili c of forming the basis, -that the, ny'steps, in conjwne ptin(I loll .14 I nd in the ifact that Ontario Of the County, are now Government, wi W..� The Hon. Treasurer asks cc. pany the Commissioner i,f Politic' Works the Province f 64 Ou'sOcWty., d6 no t hb IjIjjSt_h�Ye 114d: r Nvillday-vo (T41 aoa QITY "VOtOr". assess-m-eut rolls .tXallge mr -1 lay L 11% ViSjrjIjS of his frien� .!a HcL also s, %il ricq)ort for the informatimi of - Ill.- lkqa a Lo islature more call8c, for j(ky or :k 11fliot who it 'fal"hood. oqtialized )V. ay'S that My State. contrcl­ over the prt.�.Zktativcs, to entrust Itim with the ex- "It. NO. r-rovillea, so ns to I-' mcellency in emincii that such company kno-w1ow you q6ro hIktQry.-iuconnectkon- with the proposed cars, -in School secti-in mqnt relative to the amount of TuoneYdx- .9 )rr(,.,. We quitelagr With the Advtr. For folirteeny hntri. of the f-flou ill't amounts : - 0 1 pum. hare complo-col their road in accordance on in(,' roderiab 6A I ran of'or.1nion-that: railwaj, - befix-0, 96luff -to uis�aesu to Pell 1 - Stej)j-jeU Lt%e Teacher -uiludea to by pended on the Maitland 11111, and bildgo, the rules and reg��l ro,iiv v�jtoi User that the Asactubly Hikll is ligliteti 111) e 4 er 0. -supported and Sustained -at Godefich and,lako.shoreroad. 4arek not 1ands Dep--rtmenti viLith the conditions and requirements coll- 8, kilthough - all the forests around Aiiiberly that articlej -Rdmust have been visit d I�V)t 11h '!been ;& r PAT. 1. 41 . I f, reator and less r f A_ en le or —0 . Lained in the fourtlipreceding resohition. witu uni naL .. 1 6 he'number of '$10 bets' 'without nin ance, 11-om ei . 1, r t4jem, a v 41 Civil G wernment .......... $122.1 1 2 21 d were turii6d into cordw(iod,j Vest With" visions of 1 -1 ","'Ve and few sto trouble, du his tr 0' tj v. lossqe. Ila 17, C6 ...... ......... . 143. 194 a We call unh-asitatingly endorsa'3the magnitude,' and, if 'ni 6 . MadeL tin I - ---- _1 without any rtified by­tbab L,7 I blazing it) evepy domicilo there Woula still he his tour, ofthefaii promises "Ild every year, Teceiveil. the clerk of the Couittv to 1�e Zorrect But - Go O(N) nc. beenadded,weshould have seen still fur- part, each a + - I 0$:oI1-'Zkti­I1 1Z.1"As ...... plic ants are he cred4lous, on his trip, th rom all 'incumbrance, the Warden goeslon t0shOW, thlittl)e 01,13 y here propounded, if tho or, ho cold enough to make- a Spitzbergetter lie walle to t e liberal salary, free f Sir� A -I if J ast ice. 196 � 11�" cipal it %.I alle only t-) well -consider- ther reason to corroborate the assertio.m. ent trustees that, -the Muni Account',50,311 o7 c"n'smentimisIv nw -Zerabla don �n various kinds of apparel lie wore in order and woujd by us,the pre5 amwint of $69.075., N'.0 %Vurkq, t-alli'al 25,31Y) oo i ed enterprises, property organized and I rhe wtive admission is plade that cprecisoly skiver, 4uia nat�iv6 of Nova of his different been sustained during our term of" office tion field, Colborne, and E") extrasealskin pea -jacket. it, tact 1 am to oniist the sympatty - I a " sh 0a - 20 2, 9 7 1 3'2 cvlculiitt)dtoserviea')Ivcontiectriew vet %%hn Mr. 1-1-tys is,orwha0lr. ?easolis stated abover Then 2rdpric ece2d, as certified by Mr. Asv'li u VailltvI.&VIce ....... a b"s 9 January, andalinost countrymen, and of the mannor in which only for the; I Teacher to Adamsons letter, cannot be considered as 2 tors w4h the bes( for a capricious friend of the HAS -y ...... . 1, 100. 00 t1oments and itilaril xa- beon, we cannot say.' We ho,, befol;e heartily sick of thi, of a IR-f.,riaintok ....... I 11(y oo A sick of wtiting about its freaks and 0011- his childish arguments bad failed. at dif, use epitkets beneath the diartity, an equivalent, simply because it did.ndt L r- - It,, � e and distribtuing markets in the Domin, '10 sentiment Arts ..... ... 1 a tleman, because I n it' t A Ireautod the beautiful, 'elegi, ho t gall he Fu;charge of all conie out of the orig nal $400,000, bor- - 30,003 00 t sufficient nui-Aber of schonics is ii:)%V' on the cominitant episodes. I ain seriouslydils, foi ent railway meetings to bring it I I -III-ration, ......... Lhat 'fAl illaily 11 flower is dooiniud to. r ds. What logical awl, Clvarit��s ........ 40,12 '1 () 00 tapts to answer all the prosent doillands of suen on posed 4o think that tinless February the desired results. Thinking of the latter a consciencic?'is public dutv, for the well Ir.;wed fur thegnavel. oa 4's 1.3--1') 0" the country fortransporting faciUties. We lil"Al I and waste its s%% he ates -being of obr school chdso a changre (if reasonin" tomanate from the Wardenof 111sti- brings about w)me atmosplierical ainelior� should be H uron. would ask where did he expect 00, well (I have been apr4ied to coupled with Luckne)w ej acit eacher. Ruch picativiption ....... 30,30) trilst the particular beneficiarics, its the desert iP ation the very nhannels which lead to the 11 Somery a moment To by both To aicherand Poo too, as the price of the Vin E ille !11 Let us for couatenaiieed t ret the $40 C 46W 20,000 00 as the reecive the 'llays within a hundred miles of Gode- haven of matrimonial life will UltimatelY imagine Mr. tefore takiD,, dii; oeived fidl Supplie. n Dyas' solll(,(Itiv; )I wish to depreciate the Erthern Gravel road Surely -not out ef 31,097 41i the fit) e. To save the the partof a become as ,,,navigable as Sumerville 'as he said pie. We d(i no ........ ..... !13 , ny of the POW lip 6 rich. " Th- Ignorance on t which Voter" .9400,000. 1 againTepeatthat 4" h ol exatiiination' of t le Original. ience st allows stich, laniontable, raits. I wish y a would try to himself would not bet with capa- 01- ......... 7 L.), Gie inkp'ntttion jourtiali fool nor take writes, bit t certainly judging from the the Curnortious of Godench Town, C' 271 n, 0 nso the ,ratits f.)r electionour ';Ao coin- m%ney from me, every argument that Sam -Platt or the ther alt 62 t' I ad- citv of his rticlA on Stephen he has no borne, ;nd Ashfield, received of County ki be the prillier nd digni- det*tion of botnici-il knowledre� o as that li,irpisei it W0111 4 abou� uience boring for coal, utust "on diessed in favor of my peot schelue he took deside 9 frout me, and from the C., to either good or bad money ed cotu�se to ask parliament, before pro- on Iiis part that we fear lie is incompet-eirt -�Uconlo th great ratam ; seeill, use for which I the to I e �Y!infltions for he on the Lake Shore Road, the Mai cl�itn the sain of $69,04:2 which was spent -OF THE - to deoitle how mally of nd which Schoo XIM is no correct tland '�'2, 6J 0 rogation, disciisz the questitin at. issue that the tilliber will A be lik,)Iy out down a matyr�in short he certified by o am about to become vice to VYter is tugo s0me- bride aua hill at Goderich, as Ints ilt!y projected rotes, assistance will be we RIIUII subsequetitIv refer- to. For the judge. Out ad To ervnp'ete the service.nof nd burned, or converted into harbourit of left me at a heavy discount in the railway I . position. be- Mr.' Adamson's letter, let the Warden 'Municipal Insiftutions of Ojitarfe to and 17 rn the art of cora 41,33,t. 0 i -irou to airiount of such sub- information ofthobe. knialit of the refuge, before 11alf thefrigrid riour� of SuIely it was he who wrote an whe ea 17�3 n-.1 1970 ...... market. es to write opiions on any again deny it,and I -will publish his letter. ;,e;:t of conrhe to the capital bein-c- rised by we wotild say tfit Mr iiays has winter haye slibsided. Speak them 'fvr, aedount of my ve.rdancy at Lucknow." But fore he presurn proportionate share of the _)2,4 1-.t 77 Jill' Ill; ­i n I h, -n or private . investments brea'a very aiiecessful that lie has ive N1 r Dyas all subject.- I'Voter'says that theteacber T A -,%I .... ......... sl�,6 there is no time shoold be lost, the %,cry 9 - hing, t While their Tie 'tevenue ftir 18'10 ,:tn(I the construction ot-the Iiiies. This w-cended every romul of tile nitinicipill in ' Our Joe's demijohn Pet haps itis notprudc illiant ef- has been teab lie Voting- idea for four $400,000 borro wed, would only be accord grog. is frozen the credit for producing.that br Succesgin what? ing 0 the last equalization of the County nSihool T riistee tipward; that teen years With 4i10CeSS- ,jere 5� that appeared oyer hissignature. tl e ould'alo prevent the pr,,jfeti the public �61,453. 1 am redly sorry for my old .111.3 to 0 urse w beon CHARIVARF�Asaseueltn my last week's fusion or ought he leads III misellief,ic onary scheinvs for the otere purpose he -.s a prosporoas that liq is -(re- U0MILED 11 Y THORS I,' ry slini caeo of te ti,;ni'- v13' paragraph on this tripie, I may again state One Mr IV illiam a Coin mercial man of the who is evidently be- ve Of seenring part of the surplus. We think elected hv acclamatioi;) Mayor of the town City to unddrs.tand. friend, the Warden, aving stir more to hr­aLl I - that the 'unrestrainable prec;city of the l-ee Pe.S3 petaxision frorg tile Forest A&VOter" FX I ays t6who every ne, know,, wilderedinbis own finaticil statement. adwav if Goderich; that he i, -At ch eeting in qnes- I W try h, e Wellington Grey and Bruce R, aia�genottuu ne_u e "to t r s-l'ite tinne to) Ron. iiptlieNurthoq Ills County and the oN er the thirtie-i­N1. P P. for the North youths in our neighbour lood matkifested stated after the Lucknow In account- of -h,m respects.' What does he nosds that The Warden then aski how I cam for s,,111A ��, 0, of Tuesday -last, tion that nE! wouldgive an ening Tr�%%arer -.,,-;k% this Year tiron Ridill- of Huron; that he is file indkvidnal itself again, on the lli�.Iit Perhaps, We 811poose he rueaiks, that all the leaveout of my calculations, West Waw- S-tith of firnee,and conn -ctingjLakeH xtened dern refore, -the pro - t, 'last ve. by another and more: e the meeting. at the examination in. question - were anosh, a Township that got, over ten miles Ile,lid, r. The Lh!tit gut an increased with eastern markets, and the London who trot li�. the famotis petition to) the stration. of the same nature opposite 1he duction in the Sigiial (if t1je 2nd waa the , were is to v-_rwir Fluron and Bruce Railway opening, upour Houic of Cumnions, sined by every mem- -respectable oneaj but his, if lie were prt& of its front gravelled by 1 the Northern is [loase 1 einises of the same party and although ombined w isdoul of many, rather than the is situp - al ovallce f 6750 for h iont'iern Townships and Lake ber o -r justice pr ent, if tL(A- 11,ow could he tell? Gravel Road Company, my reply re no) f the Odtario liegislature fo. entire vi ve-ighty and important porti- ly because theTownship of West Wawan-" a to) c"st 3 -lie wind ble%v as 1twould blawn Its last t� t of one. Mr Dyas thinks,however, f r his ffiee; Htir,)n with Lake Eric, come notbly into, to) thq salt interests of Huron; that"he is Wait rattlin showers rose on the blast, The most B,.It this and his that his speech was not correctly reported on (if 'Voters article,is his attack upon the fish, was not inexistence when the gravel r woc PRICE I D-OLLAR. SiSO) vearly. the (if "well-cmisier-0, and ore einiiientl in the tati-ttage ef the syrn Andthough the keen Inctellient frost "A change Is sup- C.-).n!itn_ to.) pay for ( *jolly We Might freeze a shadow to h Post, ' or properly appreciated. lberefore, lie, the school Act. Mark hiseloquenre, roads were hizilt, or in othe, 2 1 are lilt: to)F(slitail haio brina-le enterprises" to which the At posiae chorus, spirit of young Canada Free Press & Co., have set to work to . . i s,.Mh t -rnament%I ilently' 'nee'ded in the School Law toy i -I torney-Genera! considers it expedient that are sorry to htve to alt that lie iN an in- the indefatigable 1 se rta d ventilate therf ull partictilam of the Hami-It- is evil poise for instance that the ratepayers of as % real, live Exceller ;t da t will. pr6tect the faithful" (ex -teacher Hullett toukiitto tbeir heads, that the ssistance shmild be it will he the tense admirer of J c ifin Sand field Macdonald, having embarked in so civili ve determ5ined tq tha rincial i'13.,itutimis. of Fairfield1who Iieglected his ditties Towusbip was too large, -and petitioned N. 33j—T0TMhjp Jerk t4r.-vv ran I oar prik diitv vf our rigbresetilatives, for the but tries to hideis adiniration under able an enterprise, bravely determined oil interview --they Ila i t (if the engineer's 0 ir lin-1 Tha et- an extra olhoc c thonis-Aves, heb. Their effmts however ive the pulie the benefi the' attend to other -business, Wkv the[Outai, Legislature to divide the aild South Rfdin usparent guise of indel.enden6e.- 'lot to succlial i, 0 soul stirring oration ard.to ive a f till ac - the Trc;xstirer ititto; rorly, the gentle- Id?)teadher fronithe power Township. would the grant an of tha stibjeA anol give the inter- We might go on indefiTlitely bnt have said were as abortive as forn hv hisScobehlion- did not Votpr a( Oblig by sending in their countof thepnWicsympat ditt..; thJ I t1lasters of t, tt t nts Then with another eolnivalent to East Ijullett I He would. be &1-a %linister of Agric c,instinients dn�3 prurnifience -,his inuch that the dvertiser uay no man for whom they vieaut.all their not'sy 8110 & pe yra the I os!s "' tlle't histle clihsted at tucknow. But f :Iitizt!iydisetiss:Lonthzttiu-.iyetisue. ion,ter siy :-"We are sotU we are not honors stating to them in very significant net and t -es& has given two ac- burst of eloquence,hesays. "Why. deprive the first to tell us that the Township had act are of the W0,000, al - r with the creittleman." - terms, that he ould give the Signat's re- 'this tuan o6nd'Free F,� the retiring trustee of the power to received their sh Orders for the same at Seere"ri. an.1 ere is, a strik- receival bY the nequairite counts (if thii-s-meetini, and th witi in wo doubt, seeing the ga ally porter a couple' of dollars to procure, them durinZ the last three nionths of his term Of ready. But if the Warden, and the Town orate c:) npil,Ltions Un-Lappy F rance. Wo trust, after radii expect t1w doll-rs, inia contrast, betwec-atl4d' in hict.. In office?" Sitpposebet�,idthepo%vertoact) of Godericli, are so very desirous of hav- c.eiatry in ths elah asendhig scale by %%'i N1( mr, Hays a place ip that papi-r, o tr�ed dele- oncle. nf forthnse o to his present elevation, �nafetv days. I thin ntle- the one he.Ealysthat, 'therett bi�cks w' i,;il we k a certain ge liatconlol heethird Trustee do against ing free roads all over the Coptity,letthem .1 poil-ler ap,, )sr All the in ton-sted parties are now get- has risen ho keeps a g,-�teshelcliyn-ie(,�tingbLereto-n-ittht. 1phave w I dati contemporary wilt rotrct the-di3- man of literary celebritv, w inr, and at- the majorit ofithe Board? V,oter's premises prove their sincerity by abolishing the. -nit to re-%. I all our ght determillfd togo toi the, ilieet njittire f,,r new nist Princes have are rut es' which-expuses his ignorance. I I , r 11-. Alei . them back.' In the o - till t w� The Orle rta,,erie in the Isle of Wi f ti tolls on the Northern Gravel Road, and the tar,e uxpe g reniark that 'his genins lb-ts burst little f other w i ragill -fowl and tenipt ta hold Then in am of brilliant oratory It ex- of farmers' Market fees,their P. I ' the co3lection e 0 to kno made up their minds to become c.aididate; f,,rth fliti-flod.guLl at ncc;' and perhaps al- (consisting of guinea -pigs, giiinea sirdd by a vitla&Ar .1 s to this so- he says , as I was- de to d1why not allow the maj.-rit where their b;%1-1ttatiiin is to) ! f -)r election te, the National Assembly. so, oa further c,,usideration, modify the rabbits, �&c ) woula if witues T CLItiras ; "a Y example might have a baueficialeff�ctin be, awl whether they are intendel by their I atertorotis out -pouring of attend it (the meeting), I did so. he oi the sectibn to decide on any important atenient -.-,%Ve findmen open- norous Qp influencing the.ratepaypra of the County, I They ex pect, if electe(f, th�Lt , hey call thus 'folit),% ing at, e. Now it is Qvideut f"m hole tf�, aboli bell it Itlics is of interest to the W s,,!Ile oithur rep i no Ionger bo exIntriated. The Emperor in., their ino-itlis to"malce sttements, ap- palithumpian. melody have descri are unn oipc�ations, that sh the tolls on the County Gravel zt:?sence to lion.sl 4 - I a the 'tollowing model of these quolations that theic is a visible section thereby set a limit to the power of Roads. But Nlr-. Editor, it appears that Hamilton, or by their presenc,3 to re ;, f Garmaitv h-ts sunt three mill;on rations palaently only to esta blish their own igno- somewhat fter se him to have newly fasellood somewbera--th A either he or the Ily he orst the Warden coald not d4se his wonderful sm:lla other obedient L�A to tile f ullishill" ilillintants of Paris The ralize, and to) proclaiiii to the world their versification, suppo two or three wiio are genera Free Press'if I can deal with it thiisfr�ely, ection." What an important production, without -a taunt about my fol - for %is the newwCentr- I men in the terins of reace prescribed by Biunrck to utter unfitness for the position into which gone to bed. allised fibbing, but as they at Prison (ior which our sim-16,11 ;a on- Farreare sitl to embrace the cessiop of f,)rtilitous circunistancps have unaccoutit- Hist! -what iinunds of janl _,drumail is anitty of di% ws they can arringe it modificv�tiod in so short a space. The lowers repeatedly leavIng me out in the ti) coat $130.000 ; or the We have notable 'in what the diciteiis can it ='rn' aret'on amicable ter o majority of -the sejion at the annual does cold, it was zeally too hard of myola friend (tba Rid;,,, Alsacend Lorraine, with Belf-,rt and -ably foisted thcal. Pnobably the. Feuians col"Ing betweei'l t1l"emselves and put the saddle on Agricialtnral 00 000 francs stances of this. Only the other day, for decide on. important operations, of the as he knows that I am very thin skinned, Mez ; the pavilient of 10,0 over, over, the. higllteuD." the right horse. Dyas hiluself says that I miahb return the -compli be;n,_, t O.Zarrlen of as fur the expenses of the war example, a Air. Hays sigrlized himself in Mew I niew I inew section. Bt.it afourth 'trustee is ind's [inent, but that Whatthe devil a that? ho, was invited to attend this-ineting, and . -ag-to Voter to would be no a t.%;Ce builil it othe colle-,e ny of Pondi- this manner. lie -emphatically declared, Hark I a snort like frightewd saw, o. his pensably nepessary aceordi xgument agaiustthe purchase of faa1Inoj,,-.Cv (no fit-.er location bein., o'b_ Ivan; the cession of the Ui4o ti don to *ak t thwart the designs cf two or three Other of the Northern Gravel Road, I can assure I ' German in that-inew, inew, mew I iat he wascalle It deny that cherry nj tile transfer to the if tle Globe's reporter is to be relied upon, And list ag; of is not to be relied By Boz I this caterwauling's odd I content. Evh furthor lie caun( Trustee in t1licir choice of a T46acher. What him that I am not in the cold,but viewing tamable than the town -)Vere-1, I navy of 2iJ first-cass friates. Favre re and, what in the Globe Our- Feline s1ceps-she's wit abroad he expressed histhanks to the atidience toiceq where the best Ftalt was disc( fers these terms to the ational seembly tition ? that some of the graduates of our I hear liar purring on the inat such at. importance I Voter intends by his School matters as they turnup quitellphilosophi- for h Bill to mako grattril times for his teache- if cally." invented, the first That Inust be Sajan's old'rom-cat I aving listened to him with the best evap-nrator princip'o c-111- tn meet at Bordeatix. At the same time 11niversities I cotild not take a Common tention. Then what more could he re- be succeeds' to). the Chief Superiutending Yours truly, prinpellor on the coniposit, 4 it is rumored tit a senret understanding Schooil third class certificate.) In our opi- o " on vened for I pasaps off He stinicted, antl where such a graceful model 1 Zhadc of Brahma : what's the matter? quire. The meeting was n t c f after the pr6seni incumbent TitolitAs M'3110HAEL. i exists betweenhim nd Bismarck. The, nion this is a startling discoverv, if true." Every blast wore blatant still I the pu Lrin­'the claims o 111�1%ifieeut, I rpose of coinsit], o - to iinnibilate all betty tyrants wbo of clas%ic architecture A a wrlike The Globe is not lway to -be relied on, Tout of trump, and taitvbuur,s clatter is goilig Rullett, Jan. 28th, 1871. th-) civi-- oictag(m) irrepressiblQ Gambetta has issuc All the air with clangor 1111. the differont railway schemes, or to- con-' . 11 not allow teachers to. neglect their - BLANK BOOKS arket House allorns proclamation -which reads as tollaws':- bitt we decidttdly think it is so in this case. Tink a-tink I Tink a -link sider which scheme Would best serve the wi 2 f�.r which 850,000 are- set Part ; ,Frenchaien, PrUSAia believes the armis- r Hays' utterance is,)ne of those Olympic -,oibiin ch mes interests of this section of country, of busitiess. All despicable m. en, are to be R531ARKS.-Though Mr 31cMich el Asylivil for AdnIt bliot.3 tic will dissolve -our arniies nd secure the flashes of genuitic and sensihle inight B " I I s - L nni o"y1'1 hattished fruni. the earth,then will set in a hadn't the courtresy To send its a copy,of see, considering 1 I,u-lli-llt I -wih not sleep a %i ink, this the people are already aware. If then glorious millonium for aH eachers. A his reply to the WaTdeii's letter, we pub- -on- rthicb, we re -ret to eledtion of a Chamber ready to cmiclude a similar to ni'any others with which he of 111 bL:t' a thousand dinws. he was not the cliecktest of all cheekies, I'Voter Pity 118 lish it as it appeared in the New Bra. The A CONFUETE ASSORTXSNT -j�omodatiou thak wiil the imine se - If he did %onderful mail that resinire I it is only proposed to spend 1 shaineful peace. lt depenason France to tedregales us at home. The 'discovery' Clang of bell. aud toidt of horn wnat more could be desire ? Should I'Voter" reply to subject will likely receive further elucida awould not be lipSet 'hese calculations. It is necessaky is neither startling nor new, amd so Lchu from her sleep hatll.tOrll. Is so Obscure. 0 o - not. possess the brazen andacity his physiog, this. his whereabouts will be searched and tion &nd it is necessary the public should QjojVP. If to make the armistice a period far tile ill- as to have IiLcome a truism. We are re- Screnh ofowl, and dro of rooster, claiihs fi)r him, he would not try to pre - who knows what ould a deviia-ud of him will be made for an ex- have an opportunity of see'ing both sides so very independe7d, . struction if our young' trotips. Continue minded of an old, old story. The father Brary ot'jackass, thump ofdrutin, OF E 17M Y 11 1 , The following appropri.- ter vent the Object of the meeting, he w planation ol h4epithecs,- inost ignorant, of the argument. ED. SIGNAL. might liaptiu with tiarchixed viaor the ort,ani-i-ation for of a -College-bied' voting man was exceed- Mingling with the squalls loud blue o I tic -ii. has been inade for educatian. spver- Zary while you o with which Louder -nearer. still they come' not try to force the meeting to promise to and inust d6spicable oi inen, and whom defence and for war if neces- ingly irate at the eool contenirt Gubble-gubble- gubble-gubbLe I support a scheine whose very shadow is DUNGANNON- -ntiv in anticipation a I or he means.' r.1 items be -.n,, appare I it Assembly willintr to make such an honest and hard-headed f rner ro ard- I hat canxiot.be old N igger P.ip -of Le passage of the New School Bill ly as is copatible with tbe 11,04017, ed the airs -and racesof his son, and the lie has more sense than take such trouble, yet ki, the future instead of one which Vf I LLIAM BAKER peace on ie. requirement P': Altho'by day for sport hell bubble, promises to meet all tI pf Trnstees The-annilal meeting of the Dungannon To lie vnted cank and hitegrity-of France. sire souht tD oyerwhelin the yerman with THOMAS WHITE SIZE SHIPE Like a gobbler in a trap: to'be complet7 for lirl, idition to this I e urgei; the Pr6fects the annouticement that his fled -ling had lie's at orisons much nobler:- this se, -tion -of country and School S. No. 2 Branch Bible Society. wax held- rnhid awl Sara=to Schools $175-M3 00 si&q,952 90 In 1 ed in two years after the grntin, of the Stephen January 30bli 1871. liurch i ... .............. 8.0000 MuO 00 to incessantly (Irld the recruits. eantime been edticated at1twacolloges.' The friner '.ris sot . ud old Flutonian gobbler r -Ee L. H. & B. line bas in the Wesleyan, Methodist P-o- dcha4L bonus. As yet t For vno Eavoizimturnt of ..... the war -fiend has suspended his rarages: caustically replied that 'lie hd calf that ]Irish I the air Is full of voices attranted 4ut little attention in this see- on the evening of the 28th January. Rev AzricnItural 16truction .... 5.00000 w AS a gneater Nor-nal;and Mode! Snh SiLnries 13,842 CO 00 the. Armistio has extended throtownt the wassucIdedb twa kye and ve r� Alternating as tlicy swell tion of-etitintry, and what little notice has, Mr. WeNwhiael Reply to the 'War- W. Barr, President, in the chair. Rev. Va 1a Qjlltingncie� 6,040 00 6,30T t I north and east, and ruilitary operations caft than ever.' It is notorioris that in the 3lixed of all fantastic noises deWs Letter. 0. Ricewas first called upon to speak. h.............. 00 57,500 00 Pipe, horn, druir, and brutal yell ? been called to it is now considerably dim- ho . .. nteresting speech. The next have ceased. Wa hope that wisdom and exaluirlatifill Of graduates, of even Oxford tile visit, of the evnipfity's favor- gave an I Librries. Apparatus. and Squeak I squeak I squeal, I inifshed by To th Ed w Era Prizes ....... ............. 35,000 &3 32-414 Ia. ebarity may control coming deliberations. and 0anil-ridac, for Civil Service appoint- I guess I no U$t I u M out When here he did not itor of the 01inton Ne was the agent, Dr. Gaulfeill who delh ered ....3,405 00 3 Oa6 IDO 0 'Id dash you off Grumplit ;ronlph i 6rumph! ite champion Depasila7y. Slarie-1 ........ 1417 T7 ments, the yojll� wh� call NI y are all about know of one municipality from which they an eloquent address in behalf of the British 6,5eo 00 rovas tint tt�day_j tix'd their peu,* arly tter from R - obrt Gi6bous, Esq., Es ...... 1-710 00 any number of Greek jambics, render a The breachy brutes arepan my ken could secure a bouirs, but he natned ne SIR,_In the last week's Sigiml appears and Foreigii Bible Society. It was P*8ed Suparp-mirtated Teachers ...... 6 500 00 1671 00 clisteat Horatian that a vote of thanks be given to the ladies T 0 "WE T Pt A .... ............ 3,850 03 London Huron and Bruce Railway. satire of Pope into the all in Huroa'anyl till in South Bruce, ex- a Iong, le Joamall of nArtraltion .... 00' I.S0003 verse, . or -esolve the 4t-listrusest problem A ad ringed, them, every suoi4t- ving promised to con- Warden of ille County if Unroll in reply who collected in Lehalf of the society. The 2.000 00 1 uept,Kinloss, as ha = Ijig% S.��oaj juspaction, ........ 4,OM 00 ly published in At a meeting of the London Board U rfectly a sea till English isers were I to my coin ijunication, late] meeting . closed by 'the Rev. L. 0. Rice rairue. Schioi) Instmetion.. of Euclid, was pe Surely 0'aclifit street is haunted tribute to thescheine. file prom C. -I Institutes ............ 750009, d could*notl- your paper, relative to the pnrchase of the pronouncing the benediction. 334=3tfoll o4fto;p- S4ftrieS ...... 12,01300 11,813 00 Trade, Mr. Atkinson said it was time to orthoarapliv and syntax an Wiza-d- and sprite Tom, Uick, and flrryl-all in genera:, tea u OraVel Road, and froal tile tone ipher Out a simple qn6stion in commer- Wildest stra�ns that O'er were ebaul rticular. The proposed Norther I 'The Rev- Dr. Alyesworth 00 2,583 08 know what London manut to do in regard C t join inrevrel route to -night/ butnoo--4e in- pa eevidentlythinks that 116 LFCTUF.Y,- CONSTINO OP. 1 liaLari h etic. We believe itia+ters tire Bow -wow, Bow -WOW route too is- woRhy of- notice. He tnen­ of his letter, h "conceited will deliver a lecture in the Temperance '05 00 Htllett Hall on the e% eniag of Thursday 9th inst., no,� 315,85, . 92 to the line. He w6uld movek that a com- as yet not entirely different in qjs-Atlalitic Dogs a barking too tioned Flarriston, Listowell, Winghatil, has at jazt got the We— don't object to any neces -to thick6n now ; in pjlilosophei�," entirely within his sary in- mittee ofthreebeappointed to wait on univeraitiea'tand that.Mr Hays was proty near The disVord seems, -e grasT. on the sul�jectof I Temperance.' It is but we shouldlike A fiendish hulaballoo. TeeswateIr, Bayfield But, Sir, the "Jiullett philosopher, has ere? -Re of expenditure, the City Council and ask them for a bonus right when he said - th3,t "soire grratlnate� That barking's not injI patle Nero's fact ary corn.r gr-'!Perj from Dan to Beer- rt arduous expected that a larce nurtiber'will attend tri, see the ministry squarely tell th7a Mouse, I tjloll�ght - -nmon Belikethatgrowling"e Cerliciiii everas yet, cop5idered it' I as the Rev. gentleman, is -an able speaker, Day Book% rks they ask motiev to of -$100,000. llo�r Ander301 -it o.i4lizviniversWes couldnot taken Co. My Canine friend to rest is gona- Sheba that would hold lip a 9al4 of distress CPIY to the Warden of H urou's wherethe Ppblic We School tf4d class, Certificate." We hearti- st Opre- task to) r ind lecturittg. is his bus -mess at the present. are to be Iticated. It will be the would be better to wait and see what the Tht's just trie dog of Acheron? was entitled to a depot. He inu He says firFt that there carry out -;iser that "it is fy ow a shot frum gull o- pistol -LLgerst people tip Northwoulddo. Hewouldal Iyagreewith the Advei f.)ro have the facility fo Please under any �()Mmutll Lis -3 dutv of the Legislature to carefully sift e Now a screech like railway whistle i not a w�i rd Of truth in my statement, -I the like a puhlic moseting �alled to pass a re- i time' somethinc, sere dtine. to wipe off th and ebrn,,rq his hud at pleas- Is LANGSIDE. o N ow a t -ac, ling, gabble �gabble circumstances ofoojLrich 12uilt theNorth eacii item; and every ineinberwho ha, tion. tn Se CRY Ciluncil. Mr I'staill that tarafshe (itir;.educaLionat esclit- All conriusion nuise all nbble tire. If there is ally troth in the Darw-ini- that t1e jUwn i itera-ts of his con-st-itnents at heari, win comineu& n cbeou." That cannot' be Like what once broke forth at Babel ern Gravel Road-- Well, we all kiiaw that TEA.-Umnso. -7 Pursuant to notice a OUals, rigidly set hiss facal a,,aiustthe Churcher'sirongly urged immediate actio tink an theory, lie mu�t, be nearly Tehitecl to such aillor as a gravel Road don k.- within the universit As those in- Now a tinklin; tink, tink ssesses the won- there 1vas tea -meeting was bel.4 in the Presbyteri2m -ce. The 'head and and fdr Atkinson�ff­ resolution wasi.i4amill- LiKB stoues upon -a Curling rink the- ch meloon, . which Po tempt at extraagar F a --reed to.- The quesion of temin tic tended forcla3sic walk-, are rareiygioanded INovalouticurnmingled shout a 00nipany, In connee'Jiun with- it. Bit t he Church, L&ngside, on the evening of thl: Cwh Books, trind"] sel[-glorific- OU -91) Like Pandenioniumiust let out, derful property of suiting its hue to its froviV (if folin, 8�9 pe on Schools, we are plemed to see says "the facts are these, the Municipal - was W-Gn up and Kincardine was propus- t C0111111 This strife of auunds, r gin to guess, platform. aud of crooking to suit the 2ud inst,and notwithstandinlieseveritycif Ation will be found in the follotting invest ion 34 of the amended -School Bill, ation of the Town, lent to.i jnint ed, but this hiatter was judiciously left in by scct is nothin, either more or leis times. But he has stated in his letter Corpor, the weather there was a full house. Every Minute BookS$ meat open (inestirm., We would respectfully which I we have just received,. that in High Than Daeonou imps upcto a spree that he has gained adminera in Lucknow stock oi n paiiy, the sitin of $60,000, and indication showed that the ladies had done -,jcbools it is, proposed to be enacted that 'ris Sa-thims auniyersary. re. the Company.advanceLl $20,000 .3f' their By speeial deposit in Montreal point out to the Board that the line will , - and on this -1. will take hilu tip and if the their part in catering to the wants of the THis Fon nriTATiov. the Town also gave have to make itsrouteand termination ac- "provisionshall be made for teaching the is as much of the bet in him. as forUlerly own tuottey., ana that de, as evervillina in thii form of Invoice 'jBjV__ toencourage them -Mtllt'tu Roval Canadian 2,980.25 'f an English au'd Com- A-34BERLY can now boast the accession of them a boans (if $3,OUO, olibles and drinkables, except cording to the attiount of local id that can biher Ilianches o - o . he call have a ahance to indulge his favorite . o b That is the, Very a shoemaker. �Ir. 0ashen late of Kings- 'He inay visit this place again.111c, mhi& amounts cons' ituted the surplus at triercial education." irrying.out the work, from this state- seal,1 waspresent, an when the pro- be secured and if � a few members are at- iff "the stain, tarnishes bri' proctivity. I would ask t1le "Hullett gr-ee" _XeMorand=MB0Gk2.9 tLe credit of the Province of Ontario. thin, to keep 1 that dge has istarted business in one of the pertime a!rrived the crowd did not appeal towed tobind down the compariv to their o and fter canvassing if -be has gaiiiad;mentsoff4cts, ay' be abipa our- educational escuitchoon," which is late Mrs. McPhersmis Tavern stands. It I fillosophet- )if 640,90i was- not. enough pet ideas, the whole cause in friends I yrill. pay his expenses,, providing P the To and COMPUlly to Jose N��W I backward in doing justice to he g,.iod wrecked at the outset. much easier than to Iwlpe. it Off* when it is also anderstood' that aMr Buchannan agne if he for things before them. After tea Mr Fair the his Inst any. 'If it was he wliG gave -t.c i ullett Philosopher" adopts T12a Surplus Po has been soiled.- means commencing here gliortly, in that he agrees49 pay the champ the Sir, if I balru- the Teeswa ter, Newsboy was ap- Pass '8001ral— urou'sAyie hecan with -same line. They may both succeed very inspiration to the F�-se'Press nn the 26th the Wit e nted chairman. Thiii he occupied. with several y the above Pot Up.- Hrin J. S. Macdonald oit well as the children around Amberly still ul t lit , Pock Boocks SCOUNDRELLRM.-011 Sabbath evemna, iy Five Yeaxa� Reprieve. inst, the delegates did not bide the result equal t justic�, sa. pleasure, and. �, the duties he-dischairgea On true, slrn�'Iy, because the 4 -se - R ateuient i wexpres A the intention of the last while"Mr Harry continue to be "burn harefooted.-Vive st, e of ir mission from him, but the wonder with credit. Mr 0 Cliffe, Luck wag Pds' horses were .)I, want z foreshadowe1 in the Lient. tied up mi the Mr Jordan's te, Grislitanus. t publicatioh cnubt Tell iriners pf Huron does n theirroad tform. He WiA.Ibd square besie A letter. is publishZd n the Tribur is that be and tha ey say le � them keep it, and" if the Town first called on to occupy the PIA overunr7s, address, -to devote pait of the druo, store, soine meu�apiritiIdlufflau ent al of Prussia, by spoke at length on the suclal qualities of ex addressed, from the-capit the trn�h between them. Thdnforni.ation t nest, a Tarter th-i martingale and seyeral silver buckles has found in tbeircogy little nian. - When proIie-rly cultivated he deeni- lated in the f the Hrin John Bigelow to the Hoia Roscoe EMIT Zatk& that the deleo, tes received was nothing surp!us, whie has, acennin on m oa tead of the goose, that was to lay the Narrow Indexes, r 3 ithe harness. We� hope it will be possible for from New York. more nor less than, -that the W. G. & B. ed the foundation of much thAt is good . treasury of Ontario, to the encoura.-emeat to itiTow up the cities which have �een S. Sena �n Co. -would f golden eggs, what have we to do with it, hut when perverted, the basis of muell :1 is callefl to the fact thai on Co. aid�d by thp GteatWeste, ts of the case are these It it attentiol But, Sir Ne real faq of new railway enterprises within the got,and secure the conviction of the guilty Fnu[T GuowEits AsSOCIArION OF 0,. _h to Kiticardine in thatisevil. The Rev Air Ferrier of Tees - arty the 4th July 1876 the American people T.&Po-Ho I rfict Iturists'r build'the road throng - To'11f Goderich, burro wed from the water, the 'next speaker,aoeed with tit, 30th illst., lie P tv first centenary of their lickuld take notice two�years, after the time of grauting the. overnme t out of the Municipal- LOAN CEj will celebrate f - that this Association'offer frfe to now and ' boaus amd. any wheedlingt the Bree PrAs G views of the firmer speaker and spoke on ore noti;�,- thata will on a day to E -e SERv-i .-We uld national existence. Ardingst other- niod bid suWribe ' 11 b fil let March a In FUND, th a slim of $100,000, and $60i000, the duty of man to his fellow being and to rs paying e, re into Coln. gain -call ttention to the anniversary est Nope.s exp6eted to be realized by that can do can ui:�ke the promise no less. aker. Th& Rev Air Wardrob move the -P $401- his M f NIONT IMLY TIME BOO X after us-ned House tree of Beurre de Anjou. cir, and plants was spell t � s above stated, the balance e -of Rev. W Smvth�s eringregation. atwe fitid the following -- conclusion I would say that instead of W� dered away * in local illIz -services of tarly.Wilson Blaclibemy, anaMarri- . Teswater, the Jost §peaker confined his mitteeif the whole, to comider the ful, iug angry at tile courre Mr. Dyas pursued 000 ' was 8( "all Sermons will be preacl�ed Qn Sabba first i provement� within the Town, and for the "It is to be hoped and. presuined that n0tt0 Cluster Raspberry. Yearly sub- aonly remarks to the advao&ges�uf indepeudenee Joidng reinlutions during his visit as -lie asserts I they agreea to pay the at 1-1 --m. and 6:30 p.m. - A Tea- inciatirtg 'by 18" the continent of use of sai&m-one , and to the benefits of being clear of debt. 1D 1 6 no, portion of Aonid dep,ndeW, 8CrIP.t10U is 81�- which . can be paid to A - sorry that the comp . any did -.-not send a I r annual for in- WEEKLY "MiLEV 111. Tli�st the aid grar-ted in the Past by will lie held on,the Tuesday fullOwill." at America, will be im ci Governmint 6 per cent, pe A very efficient th 0-ir with Messrs. Reid, I 4L AU Al , Ross', Esq., Lore, or to the Secretary more reliable advocate (if their cause ; one . 8111kiilg -fund,. 'anada to railrol 7.30 p.m. upon all t. St. Ca terbst, au&2 Pe Nd fin-eign. Power, but that we shall therines. possessin sonieknowledge of the policy r cent, for Gleeson. Hunphrqy, McKenzie and4toss. the chief centres, of O -up. Tumix are due to Blessrs. Hays Constitute one compact fatnily of iddopen- a .9 -ing, settle 111til the was. paitt, atid. how- the as bass;'Misses Reil And Hum Y'Alto.. and trade, has been largely in- under sitch form ofgovernillent THP HABBon WpTtxs,�We are pleea they intend to pursue one has . Cupporation, fulfilled their agi ee- PI -11!e - y copies, of d6nt States grasping, Alisses McKenzie, Reid, %HVup trey and and Carling, M. P. P. for earl ler, to hear that tlie. dred-gin, idea of t1fe cost of building a road -in eqjlII will 'show- On the 30ch Mr Gordon,' str­u,M-.jtjj inhi-.rc?.iingthed6vel,?p.ment!of various sessional dognmentg. shall, best suit the people, living u n: go. of the-barbor is dud settle went Treble; Mess Richardsou ecount Lwoa with the vht� W e31th -thcml� and all- in-frien short one-haviur, colit mon sense their a IL-IfIresources of thfil, Province. dlyalliance -with the -etitrusted by the contradtors to Mrjohil P . . of Jan. and Cliffe, Tenor, contrioitted in no 9rdi- BOOK119 ft. ThAt loking to the beneficist re- SAr.R-_H ScHooi. TeAcams' AssoatA.- -tunity' knowledge of his mission. llows ;-Uoder- Tiox.-A rpryinterestitig weeting tylitdti 'State.5. No -'better - oppni, Browh, who has has perhaps the -best fa� )EA Municipal an full& as fo -nary degree to 'the entertainment ofthc of this YOUR CoitRESPO_N�l !kPs ontofthat policy, than tblit could be s6lected for cilities.ofany man in Canuda,furiatis. ich Town, owea as principal 6100iOOO evening. Pro 'ds uniountea to some gn1t* WhiA have w;ciety was held in the bsement, ofKnox's er"I Ing up a cee app3rent �6f no - P factorily-crqing on the work. -Vueoif latig holding all &moricairs'Congress for s6ttlitigg -Luckilow, Feb.Uh, 1871. monta of imehr'O. .$29,693, inaki $.260, to be applied -to, the oonipletionof -the T LEDGE 10burch-, on the evening of Monily 30th a] questione w 129,693. Wherb- lik-c' assistariel. to ' ' many grave intstnation bk011 his dredges. is presently herei- having been suln'total t that date of * Built- ulto.' . An able, essay was read by Ur. J. -'it by a -Atirni in the faii, Old To the Editor of th Church. Fie les Soirets. I%r7 ntrR. - Milleron "The�history and pititt, suc- Ettra?9 seentiton distracted byzonaicftg driven 1 W.0 eHdrou big t us, the Co nty (if, Unroft borrowed from undertaken thkough -h r Are -'-pleaeo insert this ar icle in ne�xt on the same eon it to decide., f ud, $253jOOO, p6jetthat, may. b% interests audjealousies,6ve uderstand o is, to build-anothe jl�' to an urtieW in 'your LUGH.NoW CORRESPONDENCE 4& th c6neisely introducell. the sit I _�epara io _a11nd two scowsat this . T I 61a tiumberi in rej. ditions, v ich ioift�or the, countmviira remota frout cess of Sabbatlx- Schook2l The_-R,v. W e. amijunt they ijiveisted a; Shall we tell oor be c 1.871 headed 33in-a I number ofj9th January I i) 'Shares inr. be P�v buity ljcc� of ued I'Voter. Btiliiilo and Goderich. il- 1�q-p by itlexo.-able fate The WesUvans 0 this late have p yjiettfed tra­�ts ami lemd , r ST. ANDRAW's, Utfitaon.-A M -gin way. an are butlilioi�'shriff, a;ld it '18 '08tephW,aU4 di tiiiiatPIY Va -Org&n in their elicited an itisttuctiire. isi�uasion. The Five Years If out foil L, "i -t-first'after reading, e ocin­. said --to our -inland- R)narymectiii_ e. held on. AVedi& A b� thearticle w Vollus to t e 0001pallY that hiiished cured a onew abiu; t Free Ilkau`� r Church which Will dold largely to the music veit- meatina- will be-lield hi the basi3mont hilo-we �viire begn. Per lips dl,jdel it, beitoath oili.IiOtice- . because no, 'Vollus to t Wateio, thliscreati m . titiort !3viia.ing, in aid- of the, PreobyterfS I oad d attl)o saine date narriely, ereare wars and rum - 6f the- Wesloyan Church, Oil Monday Zoth em 0�4 d. ' A drd 30, 1868, 'their' aceouI;it Atood - Avith �'Inilljon of pe6ple wereitittedly.- tn pe �ajl ptejeudiug�, to iter4fure of their choir. Th ebuting &M _)iere, but InUll -and 'railr February at 7;30 ji. in, -tlfe 'pro6fltomd . �y ild be-guilly of t publishing -JAn, tit, ours of wars in Fiance and elsew verbidtir &e-n0rona At 'M -Eaki extendlif settement of 6ur Ris*$ �s3r.s G6 the Municipal -16an-fund ad follows are t a re Ld big arti- there I marriago anarumours if I o Dytilinjn hj a, hard* --ancl intTqatrianist w as ai6 written in atuo'unt of loan, $203,00, are pleas -Adh falseibod, �Uut_ refuse to listem to the pray. orl more Huron Cov, Uk, here of late. The- frosty presedt and the this vessel pro- reply ed to geothe constr. uctiou of vtileifow Ni;g fund,4129,762, there- eatly fuilitating the at credit of Bill] . ion, and- ger., cupid to fib - correct ced' iti iinpre.asio cheorfulfutu, are causing OF mussing fvoravy'. it will b fcailmr romu desire tp,,--*123,238, or FERED AT' bg, their debt vote alihis tvire &,.is Iiicatity At present. t(f 82;y 1 11 11ML to mw , Is- 0'r in in thecap' of'Goderidiby The.- signot. zhat e yer onehalf. Now Mr. -1i of Y Teach6r out-ofthe School vf1th- III Sue -an& -forestit o ..wart, ousidera In my next Luill, acquainty c Dj.&Lj�SR"' The Rey i "(f jur mine.% propellero -entered, 0.0 this t�ertity 14ilrth ties Seveak e' Zdivn­1 a. -dih 11111 0 ��F twe ttitrnO ,ye.rl - see Editor, is. t not �ery c, A, 4nd audaciw% cess. [y king, the iiame. 'a a. wiit,htlilt, here. leetui -6ter tys. .kWUrijI., th" de_ bi ja C it d ;4ih. pryjxla�s-,short. r dip- out V -the% rJen nfffurdn,.and the. gra b The�eafter'tbbrI31�Ljll 'terth bit the!ium proveAtO. , - df: Goderibh� after br Ing in d wi�jjojt warning,,.. eak" wf4ith ;ith the Trtis FELLOWs' 3014r'Ou" - 'YRUP LOWE8 S 'And -advertis -aluiouncing the rilt- of 44 4a the 'C(overntueut, nd -fro aropearatie, )y lip) day -of tbeli-examination HojrBjTLeS'_CFejUmen who were obliged of"torthe ement vf��!Opaj& be set aiiart -tees -expire '600 ' borTowe- 4PE 6111. Siviat, r. tbc�ediloiial. cdn'trol -_0 r. Airil H � P ;was allowed to 'Ac oun ar -fund to tu'13� Toun an 'fro eta Uergymen!s Sore Throxthave recovered by, t ar- 22- d' tiway the -q109 n Ion It I hatii& its, edtiodits -'e to withdraw fr6im the Tujolt V G6A h an UZ . - - IkI ;� a:jra _ood, fheL . , _0 from Xiiiiiicipal, Lan tioll rwav Yonj., Ably aud spiritedly. wrhieti, dud r6 L eetluefit. New ray -OPT11 Iurou,( -olvgs underitif bau, T, 10-11me . I no - are esss. e Aue v U0110 eparation, an e city arrit Iota tjilli,of Tur. - Ponx -BtWNF-SS here thia, ly, dopiC4� by th tjnw'-this�(Tueif usin-i. S ll I . �� ­. _ , ­ - - b niat ur8blVqS: bnd- a it.. ein-an -eiftellent' trugt, --our co"I a' d-. eL Cyj Iiiseatitled. to sue "% ' t * on.- n A aid #11471 thejr s4all Lomrurgry _j�.&iidpreao RATES TOFU VT all �� to t� the bee Iva beer! immense, PH him oil aulls . 4 -1.1 -. X, 'hil nervous to te rtgadiiect influeuce on 4 t47 th satisfaction Of the proilk,-audl timsaccess: u6��obiigaidiiil ift dilap rsvelL A -Y. 1AST d ti)-. h II at wage eac -rvou ste, roa 'fit - t d 1be, Vac6ij� .Y f,vxish a Lie, to, re. 41 t e the -been Ruch, as. haw paid the faru:16 -itim lighitiaviloriate ott, the,.� even D norvoug a alf- rice cy iiovo 6yident-i S the usiial lbae di16:�Frid# It 'Ye#,,� Vis ebody. lok allot Or heir Alith- already come An. If our pr0ent k! In% t 40 s u P4jea g�LSUiiottle, _y apoithe All Go' il#JeUge agQUtS f? the, -1 Ay 0-AsItittue constrlietic aad"lle, or B the aays zaain darrjq� slid by F., D= oh -Pon 7,o U , 1 gi410 eouSir, )hel) a4r4wkmofoar Pes. vrant-territury, r distait. parat (it 11firon"will -lint find it to Will''take wInq- 4L -44- waters 1�10 tjii�d of 01A. Or� aand i SRU to our it. th�ir dioadvantago t a0 is B, hfj ta e� s -_T)y thlibur# iudiqatilq� pjAcii on Prid' d k, e 4CanvAl- 'heim -Piarad to -that his- statementS with -,UsBs7 T4 ays anz a Ion ofs, tlie $400 - cotirby lustiantIly ,and perm - r -- dies, Ard Ce ttlioOdOn-, 101, Oct., 04 L 0. 0 CL TexPrxvto Gojirich­ Officer& -ri fi� 4 bw the third, b illiant t 0 light _throilgli,- ing great pral, V PO )STAtidnot U4 juth -btilditig- thd" -county maueritly. -1 called tit purg , r -for movea allpaia from 6D 'bor �bd ' villuiviiQ �tjlojj, and - fro -tit the elected for the eurresit quarter.. are- A'9_ the persqna y in orme ji-,vaudis "I b.*AU t(Ibe, Gr, I Rd. dit A Arne. ei�n 4nd ii dtm�jdeMy-jlie� libit-,meilicine' v I lit alsiAi dwrW, jeave% ntj rw I Amble 0, Templar, -Walter Ud notL it ick aft 3fe It - . . -0; W47 Wild drL 13a�, AbTPOSed �,au­ jkUQWn for shocureof'rheumilitiStfiI)IC Tan 24th ,w WIa. elftDiat, mite lt,� - W $oc-ty, A. _T" AnituAl' dinner-, UJOUre url'sy, aoderi& nor- three, tublith'sAd, look,- d 11U thvA NA P.*d 001 be C4,911fthOlId �)iipqaitithj Woj�yta h UX a -. conclusion: -to 'diaii-7146 T tell. him A at neuralgia,,* tie Ut Th,,irid tjine�Vaanuf us siad Voinplow, jW -git 61111 Teihora tor. the to be res(ly 7' il'vlfa- tit. tot or if -,oETorGn1 -- , � 4_ . . e Sold 234 ,rdb. AV 4 else, ju he d thaSau -el Curtin j V)IV n'T A either, raminj rwedly . 1� (11jari, XiW. S. eiimtjotij ity t, Uv 41and, "d _Qthei'*pQA an ffbirrl inx, ther Sit" sawk witbin the ris dot ii, 4 i4ti�r 41 O xiyir ' &0 Gnrkl; JAILION ROY F W T� vV n H 11 of 168 b benefits wifia thote ALI on the Crown Law MacdounM said thet com6milication V�hmf In reply to 51r. 'I inquiredif the Gov intended to take, -M ing of the 66un& Provinces of 111mli torney- General N appropriation had b juates for that purp Mr. 25kke the:i solutions :- - Virst-Tbat the� (for Ids Outspoken 10 Thos. Scott, I'Vaely Province, andan e ligmth-'West, has- �� with a &i eep feehnZ nation ; and, in th( every effort shoiili trial theprepetrat T� ho X'3 yet go tlnn� Semnd-That al pmsented to 'His E ant Govemor, earil resolution' and prs dateps as may be besi its views. Mr. Blake, liftez I affain under the -gty ,son�s Bav company., that Campauy fo? I He Y,,onld admit tL- toba had -at the f ittz cause for conip i Dominion Parliamc violation of theft -di to Mmtoba, f6r it lbf representation maintained that Ri rested long 'agowit red bepause he Ay,� country. Tus'Ho, at tbo W� being enrul 'express its serrowl the sons of Ontarioi was the duty of �lw row for the'mardi solve to nvengeUs. Hon 31r. Uamerl wrere brfught forj6 miaking political I vlectious. The,= f3eepiy deplored, jurisliction,01 Ontn be,extraffited from ally of the 1pome Treaty. He moq�i Blakes ruclutilin, "that", in the re und the following il _11YUbillst thie H01, Unt-talely ftte of 4 Thomas 'q=tt, *V W a British subjed grettingy that Wel have escaped coreo uhilo this.Hduee� uade by the U 3,jaZjjt0Da_jU iSR firust; End wlul the flivines of os 'beinging " 2111 -feets that it woul -p-mt, Ind tozLii Well this 11Z-48e`� 5on Xt Won3 12a _ftv Lara I prifftsut 1119 iimi T-ep ng 510SYS came 2S. 13turVa -relating t i Ron Ur vhw� 0ent had to brbr,4 Mr jVfl� 114LMS j The mrion -0 ou �- 5' =, E -6. I -17 &gulate the 8,A' Tile HC115e, V4� the An'to =Cld proccaure vribe ommi5n Irm jan� The -Cemmi-f-to WA the W., W-Ja=1 f anunlci.pul lwhal The Committe, v.,,kca ieaw to mt AIr -,Of ihe Bill -to fur ,odeneecf ti V. Lcgb Mr Uskatmw x1ellar Xill B34 by the mcwb-�r fe The Houso w -the Bill -to Umen ithe WOUT�gtcn, C - and to akild tb ThoBid,-was Tie Hc ase *d.� The Spdakerl A�ltcr Tv;Aigg prosentiad tbe-rq I -on Rowaosui rimilag f4mmr , Mr. Mko rtdi tniandineut on t lueni'lPhtte com, On M31j'al), 40'f-1 -Wati towlIvra to - Grwr Tvuby-,-Y e4oula be held tc _*rV041 Ronj. & 31-. 110ase fesoula j lft&io *n Tuc-i trespeetkg the gi Ou �Uollvu 1.0 is!'Coting The P-2 L aw S_Z�wy pr to Elru-M'oLii zu -4, fa Hvusij thqn r"'s, 1"ro1a_111h* for I fme4 the ttird 7 '110 9�,Ujw IN 41