Huron Signal, 1871-02-09, Page 1iti . . . . . . . . tru -27 ft jl*, rel5tored. it thesignat forytIle,mbd it or The inotion fe watj__ then carrie-1. IR14A- 1 �N 9C X _*k f3- 11-111,011 laughter cAlled llp,�#, Air. fla.%s t I ciltundt(CLI. A. T11-8 I act as chairmanof tilt: BRADMM AIVE) CLUCAS. I p()iIlt tile - Attorney -C. im lbeen'bscut from lite C urud and totolk his Beat. House, Shru & Ornamental Painters, divisioll, rcUt ITAll and3larble P street. Spraker to, ii tirc- ehair 'it C—" C> M M:L X r,—, mm. After i tt. jrtley-& -ter.;- I Agents forJackson's universal�.Alipand that trijis will -W IF, 1E TK 11 -A-V I Wringer: solve I its,;If iLto .1 to cousidt.x JA Oro,Po,it� uarovarte Store. TABS YOr -Gj Edillbr ithe G 11on,-%.'Aug 17-th, 1870. lywnl G0. C0'4X' & ABRAHAVI SHUH, Proprietors. 11 Tlie Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest PossibleNumber." First the, Ix li-e if all %v,, -)d Aavluin for fl ed of the insalle or,,f th -,L-T C F_- )VO of I-Isrriage Licenses, 91-00 T-Fnz .,k, THURSDAY FEB. 9,1 the Prilvince, I 737. G. WiLgoN L. XXIAT— NO I,., tile D-maini CTIODERICHS ONTA11,101 D.Ce d) it expe,ltent tiott tIjt5 InSUrance & Real Estate Agent tht institlition ane "Yes; Nei Nay." A striktqg ins' B. R. AFTER THE BATTLE. CLASSIFICATION oi inaepeouci.eAt; membassaij - It,, tber than DEEDS, HOATGAGES, Shopq No of pupils in Ist Book .......... W tivc rleastn i—be vtzb-d in the PI-tivillm Busiliv3s mirectorp. Ontario Carriaogo(.3 '0 BY JOHN CARRICK- ZRXECUrEV, I 11 *- 2tid I. ............ 312 (jorne now" says one, -let its toss f0i Government. If - 3rd If ............ 254 . I "Allright" rtipliestlieliAr- Secon-I --That, with tlint vit-, it is 6xz Y TO LOAN AT 8 per cent. (Hamilton St Goderich. Por &e Sinal. It )4'lhe oysters. MONE I 4th .. ............ V I he gnlitti�cl to t1lep Oct I SLh is -,a. ZURICH, 0 F%'EW NNET 1, dresaed. "Heads or tailgy"'asks the C ' *e Woo, Tile evening wind dispelled the . if Villjd to I t", at suli'llurYsm"ke ........... 86 t, d CA`% d to; roar. If Heads !" shouts the latter W late for the purc -case "TLxtenjsive Xpw Premises Vhe cannon's voiiey,(i thunders ( e Arithmetic ........... 755 former. oleasill- d Slid AND Tho sun'B expiringraVr, 'With m(k&u',e brok If -_ - -il the laud r AN6 �el;ojlobdlou beds of gore I Grammar. . 443 it. - V.1c e On dying soldiers, st� the coin spins iu the air, CNo; tails," he' instituti,in, Geography ........... 7�;5 too, upon sawli* teraii. a.3 U13V Ve greed up-" [CO 1) E P., I C b4l. SPLENDID NEW STOCK UPHOLSTERING S 102� Thosewho for devastated lands and homes it 13iitish History ...... . 86 adds as he seesthe famaie si-le of the quar- Hd ivt.,n their lifeblood twiervitol and save, Writing - -755 ter turned lip t4r, the sky. Then the un j Thit-al—Th-tt an -tit for the litlica iheir liated foes tlecided individtfals proceeds to "Lxplaill' Lay side bylde, amoi g k a&oni, the brare. 69 Book-keeping ..... .. 16 lease thereof still! be Subject td 1TREA1 Who fought fir fame - toan that when he sai,l "Heads " he nievLt OPPOSITE BANK OF MON 19 E.' 11ARTIN, Proprietor.' " -- M —� -1 � . L, '100my n1gU, ............... 968 But blest are those, from whom ---ere g Military Drill ........ 90 GODETRICIL if . "Tails." At jtf.qt suell another gunlo of the ratificati,ni of the I;cgislativc Assettib- C. Barry] & Bro. Pia abbing st r,ellll, of st(jrlay life hath flown; As will be seen from the above, the pitch and toss" plays the.,i-called. ­ind I e- IV- 14-eargiled that ti I le of file Ruck: Who. ere the c ill Deceiiii,er's night dre-w o'er, representative—who kicks'OVer Good Act. jantitoolations. Ample Stable J. WITITELYS Didcease. in agony. to writhe a* Inuan. time of teachers is principally occupied Pell w-bod A -whim, which was mAder the -conz Etoom. Cabinet Makers, UrdertakerS Wodd ERIC MCKAYy JR. the tra-es when he dare but goes the 8 still in fall operation, and is turning oat superid with teaching what is frequently called the But for 0 hole iniisterial' hog when be -must; trv- flovertitnent, OULD RESPECTFULLY AN- the maimed who. bleeding, helpless in ated to pre w en the otlim, As3 r 3 Ws—the studies best calcul, more to the Prwin v tit C:�- This is admitted to be P6 First class Turners, W utoquee that lie has opened ik Mid ming -led go oans of colarade. alit' of foe- ing to slip out of certain liteminas by the new shop in the above litte. on West :�treet, opposite Wbo lie licatl -doonity ni.,hes dark canoiy; pare our youth for the real business of lite, ! luin put t For -this and the other house kept in Good Style. Itozons extraordinary vote of "Yea; no I . n - MM ".02Lmamr-MV-78 1ZX_NT Wrm. tilt Bank of ontreal. where he 'will keep constantly Carelages, 6119210cs 1) Dying, and titruing in t3eir coach of snow? which is the trua aitu of educatio. The � nd reasmis it was deSirable that the Provined August 13th, ls. 0. Sri-tt I ake to order The only.diffarence between the ,am. ave control t -f the Asylum. Hav reniovea acroAs tae street to the store next door on hand or in. s Shop, where %Y'll be found fall kinds, SLEIGHS CUTTERS. Iofpin, the nuirbedlinabs. class in military drill tuade considerable the vote appears to be that the B71eaker of 6.oud IL, Land Office, toVux. Acheson's Uarnes FURNITURE OF A6LL KINDS- –h number of lirst eldfis Bu--ies on hand, and forsalc The harrowing thro( ogresi, aud the exercise seemed to afford Mr BlIalie snid it ;tr1Ltlg(- illat illd holed warrior's train, pr the ssemblv is much more caq-ily satisfied A GOOD ASSORTMENT Aeapforeash Priocsofalt a;ticies in, the line,that Serve to distract the wou REGIRTER of Improved Farmsand Wild Having on hand an assortment of Upholstering will compare ravorably Nvith any in te County.. BLIVIliangled bodies, ar defeat pleasure. as well as real benefit to thoe with the "explanation, than the party Attorney-(,'etieral ull-Ild boast so talleb of AlAndior Sale, of Kitchen, BL&oom. Diningroom, and Parlor Fur material, lie will be prepared to fill promptlyall orders W_?- All work warranted Can ne'er allay the warrior's mental pain I e'n"aged. The application for arms, made done out of hi�' oysters would be. For his ecrinumv, and not be able to) prevail oil G 7*1 TRUSIdIN, ni,ure, such as in thal, line. Particular attention vald to Wagov�aud Carriage Re- t, the Minister of Militia, I regret to say, tyoverantent to be morq I 'iring . rhis, victory ar�defeat c;n never cbuld.not be entertained at that time, but further particulars vide our Legislative re the Domini -i 4 Goderich, Anal5, I70 swl TABLES. r -j- A quantity of Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings on R. j WHITEiLY His troubled mind reverts to thoughts t f 30th Jdnuary. This will be an in- economical. With re- -rd to the RAickwbod eflAi R8 (b.11r, v,,ne Pad wocd seated) hand. Tile childless mother, or the widowed wilb I trnst'we shall Vet be provided. F,(,)rl 4,syliini, lie wotild opptise the mc -tion, ultz rL Tal lover, wa grsphy cu r no -4 P ps Godericb, Au_ ­15, 1S70 m3O Or teal iting his return. sting itam for the G14,be's bio, DOUGLAS IffiCIMN Z 1E BKOSTFADS, Picture Framirtrr to Order. The standard of the Christmas examin- ,en f the less there wrs full inforaintion be: WASH STAND!% Alas I the friends, who wait the laurelild youth, ationa was raised soine what, tbrou (rhout the, ()f Mr'Hays promised at'the b defeted brave o fore tlob 14diise sessin. The'At o.-ncy MATTRESSE,S 'T3* He tr7t3tg by trint.a.'tertion to business to Or yet the noble. thou, classes abbve that adopted at the last ex General said itifirtuatid-i 'ES, mera. s�vtre or pablic patronage. I I I LOU\ totoves Stove S Will ere the dawn, [Intl nought, o'er which to weep, le4 and the 1,lvould be o'.itained. The motion was c.af- ithin its nameless 9 -rave. an-duation. The prizes awaro: ISOFAS. Godeich, Aug. 15.1870 Save his cold corpse, w TheraiiinofCashmere goatsfortheir 'A. lilethod pursued in awarding theIn" so fa riea. WHATNOTS, LOOKINC, GLASSES "L-retlif.4all-butno,thesipirit rinks as1have learned, -have given complete wool has become an established ptirs-iit in Tne follnwir.- Bills were read thint And 11 Nebraska. One geutlqivan has a gock of GILT FRAMING. cenesof blood. and dcain, wUh terror wild, Frot ,astaled bouies, satisfaction, and will, no doubt, accomp, time and passed oughtc, of de% Soul harn-w,u." th , XTILATUG p 200. 4 1- lI3- G. B B are prep, red to, sell everythiag'in The ravished mother -or the starving child; liph the *6nd for which therwere givikirt- A Bill toalipoint trustres-for cer' ti ii their linel E-4 Upon thewhole I think the pro.ress inade laudsbehingingto the Presbyterian Cliurcif nAS THE H0_N0R-0FANN0UN'CI.%TG REITH'S PAYENT, How long will those discordant passions rage, d uring-khe year has been,yery satisfactory. - Cheap for!oas�- And rule supretue, within the human breast Legislature of Ontario* ill, ef itill-eti-it with the 0-ittrah of So-tla, that he has enrered into of the stand B. A complete asAoitment of cuffin4and 8arouds =4C)Pt ,i2L:iX" 3PXX:V3MVLC,-0, 0 dernall wart in additioll, tO my report forthe yearending in the town of Cornwall ' and authurb, ug And war, thatiQatlisome. hell -born oco. upicd for the last S years by always onhand anti a Hearse to hire ; all -on reasourble S A CIfE,AP AND EFFICIENT MEANS 1jFIIET- C1 Be in such_.fus I cingting cultours drest 7 1st 1 1870. 1 propose giving a 00111- Tor.onto, �Tan. 30. such trustees to sell a p ti-wi thereof statemen raig (Glenmtrry FREDRICK msing and yen 8 0 - The Speaker took the chair at 3.15 Pee - �arative t of numbers on Roll and MR. ISAAO A CALIT, SOLIGITED. Till weapons till the soil, or prune thetre(s, average attendance during, my trm. of A Bill' t,i ena' uses of thd E has prorebased an entjielv now ind carefully Anpe= shall reign sul,reine. throughout thO wOrld, orrespondiu- months of o'clock. Sta, an Ch if rch to sell ti- ndt s f ri w3O-t SCROOLS, -one. within the human heart Zffice, with the c a niford Presbyteri et --ted tock 0 Goidench. Till fimit histlil led. the previous year A [ter rou tine, Mr Graham (York) intro- lle!d bv them for t' e u9t, Of tile coiligrega- JEWELLE.RY, WATCHES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, &n The despot wa�, unworshipped, belhur to r duced a, -Bill to atuend an Act respocting tion, 'nd for other Beattp a CLOCKS, 0 Ambition mu;t forsake the human heart, 11jullicipalinstitutions. The Bill, lie ex- A Bill to the Irest: Alioldlesex 0 And pride bg thrown unto the wjud* of heaven I Q;i N o. I I Manth plined, had reference to draina,o in Till- Ageicultural Society to sill certain lands— the past, e 3 1,�N .1'%V) PRIVNTP-, DWEMLINGS, �4 of all qualities and p,ices suitable. for the trade of E AM 0 Alf Burnin&-eittier w;od or coal. W Revevge be ofidie future. or -oil 0. And each tow,give: as he ivould be forgiven. Mr (,tirrie. this se. -tion D3- Parties in thkqe,tioneanrefei tom.0 camei A Es patentee has crect- :-- at ri� ages. ,q -, M. P., in whuse residence the a c: Attorney -General introduced a Bill After some discu-�ion tile followiti# ANND IS PREPAItED TU GIVE CUSTOM- ALEX. WALLACE, (I a furnace. cl Then will the drunk's discordant soundneer taLo 1870-1 09-70 I87(;--1 '60 70 Lite I For ruither particulars, Apply to the Patentee, oTheliusband.or the father,fromids limac, FeVy 655 64 D19 543 520 1.23 respectiLlgCoutinissioners ofPulice. He orders %vere allowed t� stand :— ame uniform satisfaction 4 assed Receiving the report qf the Cbrumitted ers. old anot. new, the A. WATCHMKER I a Then by ilia trumpet's note. LI) R10M Oft HNvain I 1 523 545 D22 explained that the Govertittient had,p M.r. Fredri,',- has so 1-ing Liaving had 5 AND J H W.E, IrEl R 14ullryli. )'d its ­ Imloved fair" lie called to roam. March 667 Z6 -P19 a Police Act, an(I the preent Bill wiv.; to on a Bill to aniend the law relating ta years exi�rieuee as 11i "o" . I ) Paris ont. istil NOV. 1870 sw27-3m From I April 694 6.S2 112 -537 555 e, WES '3TRFXT, Zurich, Jan. 191:1L. 1871. 3 IL 48 give effect to, that Act. The Bill propos- Blection Petitious, anud for providing ifib�67 CH -MAKER & JEWELLER, 4. (A %W 4 I Kay. 7.03 632 171 b5l 50 w.k r 160 od that certain powers shuuld be givel, to effectually far the prevention of corrupt un8q,4 680 1154 590 530 0 in S,�otland an,l 2 veirs with Mr. Fredrick be is pre' 514 at the el �uly 651 623 128 451 137 Commissioners of Police, revakable practices at eletions for the Legislative k- r criber having removed to the Store InielY TATOW 1.9 YOU I CHANCE 501 498 1 6 pleasure -Governor. Aesem Ay of On io-Hon J S Alacdone e te all j -,h4 entrn�te-1 to hint in a of the Lieutenant pare ke, . 11HE Sub, - Street, oPPsile tile Pd 648 609 139 1: L T "llauer and at the most moderave ratts. q, A. Naysunih, Wt August 1113 se i nittitissume to 1hank his frieads and the publ c, �Septrjj 9 -518 506 112 The powers given to the C, rs aid. ;Liport with which they have favored b r666 6V I 27 4 or lite liberil i iv%ssure thenk uml 613 40 402 4T7 would be situilar to those Xercised by Receiving the report of the Committe Wi.h refe, to the above. I have relit �Ieasnre in hi for the last *25 ears and begS Z Ff October 653 Mt- Keoi/iC %V,LS in my em- no, effortwill lie sp:ired i, m.-rit acontinuallee of their 11.% I .ence Ur I)j)jlgjaj Board of8chool Trustees. N4emb'r688 577 I Ill 554 401. I 11% magistrates ill towns and ci es. He had on Resolution, 51a8ter in Ordii I oiat I c,m,i,iee him a first- patronage, his alix,pus study will be tosupply Decenib'r 691 585� I 106 5G9 4 78 191- found Mr. MjMicken's services very valu- Beferp-a of the Court of (3hay_cery--:R n J 'Plovaieut A,r "w') class jeweller, calmble of doing asgood. woik as -any '_3 rM X .106 MUI January 730 625 1105 3ill would enable them to wes of Toronto Watchos. Clocks and Jewelery 0 —0— The Board met on Thursday, �,nd inst., 570 457 1 1 113 able ; and the I D which wilLgive slisfaciinn to the purchaser, and as nil X COR T Presehl; Messrs W. Kay, lin thechair, J. From the bove, it will be seen that tile be utilized to the greatest extent. Hou Mr Cameron rroposed to go od d Secure the c ool � a S, AXLA OIL Nairn, L Elliot, D. Fergusou, G Swanson In reply to obsert, ations from lion. mem,- with the f h Bill, but, at the suggaeke w--rk has been done bv myself, custorneis may depen o I school is"'increasing in nlimbers and it will tion of AL boyd, the discusslion vras posV -ericb, Nov oil havin-, it %%-11 execuied. 4hadow ere the Cc and C. Crabb. The minutes of last meet- �how too . that the town must be on the tip- bers; God 17tb, 187C c�.,l as.�ortment of Gold and Plated Jeweir fq(JPF!. 'The Attorney -General said -he had a poned. yston hand. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. iD,r were read approved. Sundry aceuums Ward The number in the various Watches, alwa a grad�. that, sooher or later, they A Bill to prvide for the org,aniiaddli of X WALLACE. :;I were pastied. A tender- was read from D. classes for the past month averages 7*3 for 3trang opinion Ion w systein of policeto %37 ALk Old Iran the Territoril DistrW of Thunder Bay W30 Coal Oil Larops, &e. &e. offering to supply the 3 f,l- had better have a doderich Auff.-15th 18-0. and D. AlcLarenf 5,j couper, Bralos, wool Pickiltigs. and 8heep Skin each teacher, and were distributed a eirough T' --------- Schnulalwith dry hard wood for $3.25 per stipercede the present mude of arrests,and tion taken in exchange, lows obviate the difference of mag6trates. Commictee. J. Sc J. STORY, cord. It was agreed to continue the Miss Newton, 6-2. Miss �tcLean 7.1. 11 RED GUN SHOP TO -R 1 Oil Barrel advertisement three Necks longtr and leave 11 McMahan 100. L.,')gan 78. After remarks by Messrs. Lyons, WOOd A Bill to incorporate tl ' to isters of te- Si -n of th Large Coa tho matter in the hands of the Conting e., Joseph, of the D�Ilcese rof London -Hon. LWEST OF TORIONTO) ent Longworth 94. Biilev 61. and Lount, the Bi% was read a 1i rt ti h Committee. awl Rithards introduced a j3iU, j Carling,_ $1.00 Per Dozen. prices Suit the Godutich. An.- 15, 1S70 Committee. The fullowilig. reports from 66 Trainer 73. Aft: Patte'rson, 64 11M. Mr- . passed throu.- Dr. McLean, L. S., and Air. Miller, Prin- I- Dixon 72. Air. Miller 5.3. founded on his resolutions, respectingar- The House then went into Committed -adopted :- mrages on Clergy, Crown and GranimAr on the Bill to make ttle timinbers of thd cipal, were read aT,d suggest to the re LOO P�r DOZ., MONEY TO LEND I would resvectfulty School Lands. Law Society of Qntrio elective by the batr Photographs reduced te T At Greatly reduceol Fates of Interest. L. 6UPFRINTEVIDEAT'S B.PPORT. Board the advisability of providin-gr a Bell Ron. J. S Macdonald introduced a Bill tliereof-Aon J 8 Blacatnald--andassed OR 75cts. rER HLF DOZ7N. Goderich, February 2nd, Irl 1. for the Central SC11001. We labour un- providing for - the establishment and the vaijous clauses. educed hi 2,y amount of mency to loan Tothe Board of Coin mon SchoolTrustees der difliculties at preheut which inight par- government of Central Prisons in the - Some clauseg of The Chancork Bill Weid 1,; e'- t it tow rate of interest Large rhotograph R passed bythe Houso.in Committee. "ME YNDE80ON72D i's PRI�_-ARED -TO MA_Nr for the Town of-Goderich. tially. be obviated if the pupils k�ew the Province of Ontario. tile by yearly -artion. GENTLF.Us-N-1 beg leave to present a school time better. I introduced a Bill . The Ferfelon Falb RailivaY. GoTapanY _L faetarc rro Pya The Attorney -Genera .oil p t n. argest rii-togriphs made in Gode� intaimetas, rat e of expenses wil I deo'y I Ito gh 01ommidid. e Board my w RIFLES, Also will make the I short report of the condition of your I o tb, armest thanics are respecting Asylums for the Insane, With a Bill passed throng SAOT GUNS, ich, very cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar HORACE IffORTOX schools at the close of the year 1870. due for the generous construction invri- view to brivg these institutions under one Th.) House rose for reepessat 6 �Pjock., upwards at -BELL'S Appraiser for tile canada Per. control. zoinmendations, and . CAMP My time haviii- been very much occupi ably put on ll MY rez Toronto, Febj Ist. OF all kinAs, ITALF DOZEN FROM BACKNEGATIVz Fho��ph Gallery. m-situent Billijiding & Savings;E ed by other engagements, I was unable to tile -cordial support &� invariably given NI r Blake cidled ttention to the late day The Speaker took the chair it SA M -coderith Aug. 15tb.18'0- w3o oversiht which I had during the past year. when the estimates were brought down. iand every thing in his line, on the sboAest notice. J -L 51 cents, postage free. One dozen fro -Socliety. of I.Forontoo. giVe the schools the O'clock. and present fear I am I have the honor to be Mr Boyd also referred tQ the fact that Repairing of&'J ��ds done on the shoitest notice, intended, and for the Y. 'Blake said that tD-marorow lfd warranted.' baA neptive 87 c�.ts, postage free, to any rr 1--X M INSURANCE CARD� unw[Ilina to undert.ake anythin.- more Gentlemen, the press had been furnished -with a opy -jugy exalbia- Your obedient sprvant, wol addrCQA. The Subscriber is agent for the following first-class than too give assist;ince dut before the hoa. members. A bring up(his refrilutionsin referevei MBER THMPLACE. D3, Part iculm- Atiention paid to COPY- Oldest [stablisboot 1P.Tool Insurance ComPanies ations with occasional visiting of the schoabo J. R. KILLER, Principal. Several, private Bills Were forwarded a' to the murder of Thos. Secitt. 11r. Griihant(YorO (in rear of F. Jo4dan's, Drug Store.) PHOENIXof London, Erqtan(L or wh6n the -Priticip-11 requires assistance Feb. 2nd, 1871. stacre. moved the novel iml, old AinbrotYPeS, HRTFORD 'of llartfoid nad and on J Carlin moved a third re, fowin;f J. C. 3ie1NT0qH- 0 PROVINCIAL cfToronto. As Mj� Nlillt�r willgive atatiltit�w, I will The Librarian's report was al$o r, c ding of into C,)Vamittee to cov!idLr t4e fol ERICA, ,)I Tlromto.. merely gi I P of the efficiency of adopted and (in the incition of Mr Crahb. the Bill respecting the' Goodline estate. resolution: -That wher.av--rany purchaser' For eitber large or !mail pho�-:,zrap I its. The, ive my opi. . nion -, I .aw a of t Zoder'eh Au�;ust �th- 1870- Subscriber in returning thanks for to,; liberal Vire Jz 11olarine business done at thelowest the teadbers. secondeA by hir Nairn, the thanks of the Hon Mr Rich, rd8 nifived for a third 1rown Lndscretoloresald heretofore- extendpol to him, ates Mr. Miller has succeeded in improving Board were conveyed t 0 Mr ,Miller for his reading of the Bill, No. 12, intituled 'Ali IC A P RON say that he hai made such im- JIG" 4 CE HORTON the discipline of his own department and careful attenti-on to the duties -It was Acttoconfirm thedeedforthe distribu­ thecondiiions ofsettlernent baspaHalf MASON rovenxents inhi3 mallery as will merit a con- alsotheconduct ofallthe childrenvfthe ,(,vqa by Mr Vertrusort, seconed by Air estate of the arrearsfthe purchase money ab;d fnierest tATOR SAL13 AT p Of ket :�quare, Goderic.h. -grounds and on Nairn, that $20 be gra 6111111 tion. and settlement of tilt * due to the Crown thereon a ti '�Qf the same. Centr%I School in the play uted the Libra Hon. Geotge Jervis Goodhue, deceased, j . nuance -ace Mar Dd adduC4 H. aARDINER, & Co's. 1'-70- v 3 6 -1 Y. a in�lihi as a small acknowledgment of extra work sufficient evidence that the lands.so s.old th3 streets. -The various studio and Goderich, Wal.0870. w Great Reduction. 011 MARTIN AMANN in re-arrancring the Library. Therevoted Moved- that the said -*Bill be referred unlersai conditionsare actuallytilifif 7�t --room have also bLen prosecuted with mark- - . -we rh E(-�S To I -JFORM HIS OLD cus,rwl ER%�; ONEY tO LIEND especially Gramil-kar, Writin,g,, nay Messrs. Crabb Swanson and Elliot ; back to a Committee of the hole House, otographs. be ell -­-uccuss, forseftlement cannot baperform-ed, itio - Lar B that he i. -I tifl able to seil for cash, at t Arifhm Lie Qcngraphy, Darivation and yea 316ssrs Fergus.r., Nairn and the chair- with instructions to amenct the same by 11 E.L. JOAN90N. owest rates, ON EASY TERMS 01 st and equitable that. -a patent do iffstd )JONTEY To LEND. Meauitig of words. tuan. The motion wals lost. inserting a fourth sectio� in the said B. -to-sneb purchaser thereof. Goderich. Aug. 15. 1870. -30 ILL KINDS OF - FURNITUIRE. jNCOgPORATED1 A. D. 1864 -Mr. Thompson's room there was some i ed by ' Mr Crabb, secondeil by in these woids, or o the effect following, -all and Lauacmp�osed HURON & ZAI I E excellent reading, and the pupils did very that Dr A . IcLeau be appointed L. S. for prpvided al ways, and it is hereby deelar- . �Iessrs. McDau n he modrately the a salary of $100 -car- auy the resolutions f on the groual that th-ey EASY TFRY–S. At bill sbop on Kingston S. reel, 0 GAVIN in Arithmetic, but onfi.. current year at. ed 'That the foregoin eactments, or (ime him ritod. Adjourned. f Huron Fjotet, Godencto. , shall not take efiect uu til it shall would open the d-jor to recula ton afid TT I pposl'e LOAN SOCIffy. wT a.. w in the otherstudies. (if ther J. B. GORDON. Goderich. An 15,1870 w3`1 CAPirAL, $700,000. Miss Dixon*s class was in a pretty have beendecided bya majority ofthll- operate ag,ifinst actual ECtdPrS Godench, A.�iZ. 15. 1870 AND DOOR t luitted them-! 3 udges of the *Superior Courts in thi§ 113n Mr Richards opposed -the resod HIS SOCIETY ADVANCES luoNEY ON SECU- fair eta e. - Her pupils ae( rothe Editor of the Huron Signal. Iriting and rovince that the interests ilith jetittor's' -y favorable selves very well in Reading, N) P o -a the same round. Trit., Or Real n ms vej lutiolis VAC 0 Et y 9 4 DEAR Sip.-Havin.(r received a COMMU11I.- 3 borrowey's. Arithmetic. estate by the said will, bequeathed in trust !fhe Attoruey-Geticral Said t1le i& -, in I ss Morg niporters a;nd . RS' COSTSARECHARGED The Read ing an's class was cation frorif the Original I for all his children, who shall be living oil they 'BY TO e, were on his t.rlb Mai LEND red with the Crown domain, vr� HE undersigned having purchasee the mam- rl,be Society pays its Solicitor's cha�ges. Any stlin, Of Yery good ; in the other studies tile Pu- Growers of' the Fine Norway Oats, that the death of his said wif he could not be introduced Wttlioutth)e con-�' 0.%T IRPROVLD FARMSr __ and oc- Inolley, flnlnq*2oo upwaras, is lent f- r ativriumber ol pits did pretty wel), on the whole, there they would forward to me on the open iIlg death, (or at any 4itne hereafter before t. ing Mill and sash Factory ownetiq yeals . polljoiletoght.,n. %ioiLcvmaybeob'.ahiedat i - vested interests lit sent of the' G(.vernmeot f lfldch WOUICT cup low prepared s 'been a decided improvement n this, of Xavi-ation. a sufficient quantity to sup passing of this Act, ied iq Dona!d Culnlnillg� are I file with little -or no delav* bevomol the oc- ha to carry n ti to 0 I' 'th on -the business of manufacturing y 'eroari"g ti lass. e zParmers in this neigh borhood, and audlso by inserting it, said ppose-the resuluti riipied in investigfilir,'the thle iind In p y such ebildren, -AL$O,- ost Of%�%Ilivh is paid by tile Soi-lely. i the The resoludoug Were witbdrnW�n.- linds, c is advancen-6 deduction Miss MeLellan'siclass (lid very well, i3x as I have not time to attend to the distri- Bill'furtber provision for obtainit. Someto Invest in Town PropertN Sash, Doors, B The full amount ofthe. Inan beiug inatle for cominission or,ptiter charges. whiel cept in Qeograpli v. bution ot same. I bave handed the sale del. 11 ision (If.such juages., INIr Make mrivid reffrillitios to flief J. F GORDON, ng,. GfLCH sold so matci wily t" Cis cost of YL loan froit. 51iss Logan's class wai in an excellent )bell, PDsq., Hon' Mr. Itichards. defended hiS T0110111- Moulffings,, Floor, The iic.ri ower can of them ever to William Oamj ff:cL tbat the House o inlo 0onimittfd !%arr1st@rAc.,Go,iericb otierstocletiesor from Individuals. �roundtliat the Legislature ' c' ft repay his loan by 3'eariv or monflily PaY- state in all respects, Secretary of the Goderich Salt Co., who is tions on tbia g it is v edient to pr4lds - 0 awl Siding, lments include, bw0des Miss Trainer is succeediur, admiiably in prepared to take all orders. I will warrant had no right to alter Lite siffl. to piovide that ZP eriah, Au 15, 187 njentg. The pentlaicaFinst 5 for the XPference to a ju h6d eluaecj�oe and sit kinda of jin�ei"t., a small sum for principal, ar-A they are an the -will wa diviled that, by their pymentuie debt her departmeLt. them as the true Norway Oats. See his Hoit. Air Wood said that that the officers. of pOvate Bille, in ordcT to th0li Real Estate, tinguisbed. and the mortgage diseborgtd, ariheeo�iduf Atiss Lonaworth still maintains her advertisement. not property understood. and I Money to Toloan dn pany - such aq Circle and (Zothiq Sash and Frames tlaj time 8tiI)UIaLCd. . I - n . ency. Dear Sir, children, should etij,,Y the pral.-arty, sa�ed reponing to the [Ions--- --before ibe sdild schools in the hi-liest state of effici Ireniain, PPPCAISEK to t he Trumand LoanCom . 11. livibre They think from their P in Factory Miss N ewtori is also. doing very we Yotirs very tritely, the rights,of tbe willow. Bill., the "Irivate B11'.s 0,)m - A01 U pper vanuoia. perienee obtains $1500 for I �G M faIMMAN, %'Veric y can ive satisfaction to all who 15 years : he pays q(36.70 each year, and at the end of Were Layin't .thatthe -for Putity and beapness. it the time lots is paid off. Tile rapidly in- in St. David's Ward, Mi�s McMahon is� RLTURJOHIMON. Mr. coy!ie and Al r. Nal:e 11c said tlint it Wits neem,gdry; o:Vlari.t Szjuare Coderich May favor Elletin wiLh a call. IS VNUIVALLED there w - cliatub-.8r, -t& N.B.-Alibera disuount tothe trade. saves Eqgs, Butter Mflk,,eth., an(bis warmute to cres4ing business of this Soiciets is the best Indication working hard andis succeeding prettZ wll.1; ef the Bill. would sill where --s Il'ut one countaita nailing injurious. Fur sale by the Grocers. of the favoir with which it is re,mr(lea by tile fill'IlLing This teacher -has liaU a diffictilt _sltion� , Mr. Blake stated that he avor great cam in ROBIN80N & 'ROvVEL1,, community. dud its pqpul�r . UT will bemme greater as po great valoe kcrclse'. 20,000 feet of Dry inch and a quarter themeritscifitsaYstein oflentlLng liceowe bettgr known -till lately. She has now a.commodious, After so many reports of tit e a three montlis' iijist if it ruse on the ( Floorin olr� band. Agents for Goderielt. Of7principal ' of South Afrioan diamonds, it is startling tbird reading. - 6utj,ct of private estatc-s. lit Bngliaa� anduriolerstood Bythejuiall payments school -room, and will be able to managad, B. PLUMMELt & CO., Included in the year!y instalment, the borrower rau they are only lumps of The amendment was lost by 45 to 7. where there retwo chamVers, fh� C> 11%T jAS BUCfTANAN, n- Out off his P)aot-thU8 better than she could before. I to see another that W87 Chemists, Lop4o ally, dthwillmut trout)[e. pays d tht London lapid- r the Bill to ofLords referred these miturstd*4 1Y. which to of�en I have the4-Lonuur to ba 'translucent quarts, an On itiotion of Mr. Barke , AT DAVID LAWSON, riskoflo8inglils propel I MiltL n and (ipal falls ducin alarge suin �t t ore nothing %to do with them. judues belbre taking WM. ROBINISOM. perin when the prili Gentlemen aries will hal incorporate the Oakviliel alp lid of the tern t1h lie can. at any t line! pay off his is further- I elph Aaffivay Copany was reported, lion J. S. Macdonaki 'r -aid &P *90 ch, Au 15, 1870 w3O ms *(which caa be set- 'Your obedient servant, It sad that, large stiones are (;u 1(�an in advance oil favorable to, LENT -ON MORTGAGE. (;`Dler' liont;li�oilliect!ng- by the Directors, an Thos. F, McLE AN, -L. S. i generally of dqnbtful va1fte. the cpitalbeing reduced from $350,000 to lution's were oriby aff V**U tied at any, I tile application of tile rroweT) anti interest atIx per . . __.[__ $200,000. gIlre flonse went into 40omidittee Apply at ill Wed on all paymonts in ad- 4 cent. per anuum be allo, RERURT or THE PRINCIPAL tothe Chalr� W4. R. BAIN'S ETY.-A -Cable n motion that the House go into Coin- SAF s Ur 31cL- V1 W iho chatie. TO THE WORKING CLASS-Ve are nqwpreiltrt vanee. winbers of Common Sr oul Boar� DR. LIV .? At homet 10 13 ohtoined at matt and n h in by -;-j thO V050111'liull I o ek, furnish all rialls" with eclustoult employment, Full particulars and loan table may b mittea on the ]fill to egalize certa whoic.ofthe time arfo ut dize-ussoa AV tiouidtirviltabliu ]L7er9ausof`e"erseXegj.earnft�. ti Society's 0(fice, or by istierpostpaid,addresqedto Trustees, Goderich. d Londo�n, Jail. 25th frays : "ions It Chanceryand Law Offitee, Crabb's It. �rthe spare mpiuentoo�' Audnessnew, telegram 'date ' ;;�tiolj of the Ton TJ,c resol ent andaproportion2dauln ydevoting the Secret ary, or froin ally of tile ociet's valuators I as received a laws passed by the corpt Godarich. M - MONTREAL OCE&N 'e Gentlenien. I have the honor to sub� .31ir Roderick Muraisen If intel j- of 1.,rantford, and certain i owl the1r0wV0=tont1e'budnes& Boyeand girlacun near vaivator at Goderich Fing positive areexacut lent1f and adorlted; Goderieh. Aa.7 15tb, I&TO. !el m id, torporation Xr Blake *'itrodiio:ccT- a -Will on --itig men. Thatooll'Khowe thisnocealaysendthe r STEAMSHIp.CoMpANT C9ARL1i FLETHEIL. its intichas : businesil, we Tnake tflis untinmileled - -------------------------- it for � 6ur consideration the following. letter from Africa, gil made between he sa ud ad an I test the tate.nents and tabulated views,einbracing gence of the sfety of Dr. Livingstone . - 1-11 Railway Company of offey h.,arenotwensithfied wovillsend0topm the; Great NVeste olutions. It ratca a first litne--Z -. Fun ;&4ra�,ftvlduable$AM­ nIfertlie trouble ofwtitin, le, fiazarus, Ifforis & Co- k Ralway Of wirken.andscopYeIrTha, VOR TICKETS to and from Diverpool Landori the important features connected wtth 11 th6 d the Grand Trutt' could readin tovinortow. MVV Canada, an Ve which wiltdo to commence i iterary Compan: t �- enii.f.�Ie hip C0'Y,.aP1llY,t0 Central and Ward Schools,durin --The Anglo-American 11.1j.dT. 4gat and jf: 6r0lasgowby the above Slearn the year r, I 1 neviopererill Pill 7 =21L London, Jan. 26. Canada, rbspectively-Hon. bir Wood- Se 'The Rous.., ro I': ' 1 � P. H. CA LITER, 6c t 6 �o`clock fbi Tecef 1karl" I on ermarlent, - I" Waggon ard Carriage b th�A profitable, work Agent Grand Irruuk Rail 1W I. ed of em inent political, Mr. Boyd inoved three months' hoist) V way. I C. &CQq illauvwxA. �_Z. w3O Themember�of pupils rogisteredbettveou Gimmittee, comPOS ly Pub- R Y_- Goderich, Aug 10 1870 le,ral and military men, will short which was lost by 15 to 30. r Louni mo'vQd a 11114 0 T 0 the ages of 5 and 16 was 9&4 ;, other agep JL71tiaon' expansive re�part on the fishing -six o cluck-, tile 11 c ros r A-fti.r recess, M OUE A ints It bein, 14. 958. Of difference Bill qRWO r-ARVIS tor SALE mpoRTAN NOTICE. question and other reacing, of the Spra,,- The -Der centatte in attendance (lit- recess. BATES & ELL10TV in& nitd States and Canad. bIr Lyon coved on aoaidm4t to th i time specified vvu, uLaarly W -that i.% between the U are generally OR sale two very valuable FARAS fit the Town ft The conclusions of the report A fter TCess. effoct that the tritswics should no! be -al- ing o the ublic of W11 particulars apply to p" It. B�ANNI d Oculistst tll� �avorableto the Americans, went ilito tdo�nZitteeon owed to Bell Ing ' jh � n It d i FshipofGaderich- Fol fiblans an of every onehundred entered , .r - I somewhat unl The House 1`13 a. 0 0- ule xiptt an4 c ey have jos&pa p IIA tv, Huron Road. roll, 60. %vpre present every day. und . tat d the var- openeoia onar . varriaze Godericli Township House S�ij�j Uarriagejointex - .-&xc>jv-o3�L:M AX v 1110 but ndvort6less take the gr Hon. Mi. Wood's Bill, aud-Irause pfopert Without the cu --Seat in Sho on it f F Kt, 0 - number is not so high as it p nestion ef (Lewis itiotVsoldstan )im- Auga 15, 1870 0 VIEV To MEET THE IN "-"It to 64, 0anadianpreltetasionson the q s clauses. a st , PUBLIC THAT AVE. %VITH A celebrated 11criected- and we trust that, J110 e.trorts "now bein &founded. Lou , iuj() ()f)m,mitteo on the thb parti�s interested. este & F. __fNESIRES, TO -ACQUAINT Tnr TICREASED der.and for the I . . - headlauds ara ul "The House wen] IT.- iate y adiolninga the ip a shop on - Nortir street next to 8 chemist 'and niade, wilL bQ the me securing an I After0me, dilcuFsinnific y f4u, all thl work. entrus tQ them, jF4e4ed I I JU he has fitthd i ectacles, apponited V.-JORDON, e.r Sco'e ails A)f empower the trnstec's� under the attend per � Veed the Wesleyan Yebodist Chtifeb. with v uggist, Goderich, Oat - as th increase. At is the daily average atten4 ii4ie teleera If c-able.between Bill tO 61- t0quU01 arnish room I), sp are to give nl; The subm, Joseph' B. Sjilragge, tr) 13011 Was lost I by a vote of I& io 41. jand are lattaelipol where he is Prepared to fill all orders proon Agent for thit lace. They have 4aket , ill of the late Cle in the ability anceand-notthe numbers eur�lled thtit w -s* at reasonable priceq Thainkful. f6r the patro needful inqtrucliou�. and have cnnfidetl� V. and the French island -n4s in the ttfwIjsljiV of enheim, The t1w,Lb uronthEe hoi uggiefi, tts pideential N. ertain la a sontinuance of the 0 tomers. age ot the last 7 yeaxs 8011C f their Agents to tile requiremints of all Cas r before yester- TTTSrr ty, �ure, at al. affords thc*criterii)h I)'&. the real atiolint, of of St. Pierre, failed the da3 f t)xford - Nir. Li iunt. Ir Lyon, ivad lokt, ty.-17 to 41. Ontters" Sleighs, same., Amoppoikullity will be thus liforded to pro in the county ii Wes, Specutel4r, unequalled I))* all)- for their strength- labor beifurnied by the Teachers and tUle d a three mouths'� hoist,. The Bill was then read A ffirJ 110W 'Now s the fte to Pki general eff6cts of the system. rthing in thdr line, ofthe very best material AT at your Cutters- ei on d Preservint qualities, day. The-acclide-Tit will not interfere with: Mr Lyon move ainst 26 6",r TIF01muchemina a saiduslon their superior, Y which was defeated by 27 ybas a,, and Passed and q glimmering, The number ofB(lysf)u the Roll, *was the . E.uropeaii busincssrr� r4tes. 19filephaft- Sliraahany�e,, sleigh , and: Caftiageso the nordtfiary glaspegworro. I'llere Is 11 I s clecks of tostoff re in- nays. lion J."g. 351i,tejouzili o�ca ipiz an 515 ; girls, 453. The &I good �jr, OLIVE -R called attention to the 3: MT G1.1 Waverilig of the SlOw dizzilless. or Other unpleasant _33� 3E3 y C from 1he'pectilhir con- 9 less than �O digntrit because BOMP of tb, pyomptly attended to. Sr orderii, fronicountr. arringeshopsattendedto sensation, liot, on Filel dhim-ary, The Ro. 4 Pupils attendin elf empi"ers Violeliail eft the Chablile CuFrclice iq 10he rqcort 20 TW-Wo"r BRINI SHORV with dispatch. 4tr uctitia of -the Lenses, they are sothing allol ple"s"llt. fact that r. V � I . V P rapq- caushigh feeling of relief tolte wearar,and producing days, Was",. ... 46 have itivited a clergyman to deliver a lee ere reaA, tid that h,s C101111111 c (W NANDI, a large assortment of Sign Painting, GiNing, Graining, Glazin a u th6 lkaturai bealthy L 6 Fast Young Xen-j for their sp-d- before the names w 1 Midlingg g., elOarard distilict vision, as - . 11 between 20 and 50 1�0 ture oil till be struckiroin the list 31r B'Aii -�`l oi-bing to test ih-p Oodo* Right. They art, the conlY SpectlTelcol that- I -Iy protest thaf nanic sho a tj 0 99 At 5o 11oo 206 cial b efit, They public 51r. BLAKE 4 fownsliips, cal. THZI 'WILL 8 en Corr()brjratL his, and 3ftbe,4pouping of hat to�iticheap fdr card% PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE 1.00 11-150 20 they, do noi �eed any such leez scussi-mi. the derk -removi-A wbj,T2 wia b% or Cord-. G' ri li,-Aagi 16j,-1870_,_ awl short di of Chia Toronto, Gr�� ode c 1L SIGHT, is 150 200 266 turing. after In'the division list, 0. 'W30 -for 41' NIT� Bruce Railway always lastin & whoo'lle vr. 1�9 %87 T they are the reapest. hLeawe the best, 20a St Bar0 in rr anlro licingr numbumt -27 on ,ithoui change pqin; neeessary� 'erage attendanbe for the hr iste Goderich, Aug I NA rf erolt, the PrUEAI .31 u s equal Inderigh, Aug 15, IS7 many, ears -m The ay.. ea& simer. fww anuoncement Was re- relbirred tile ConlwixtOO, R:pwe cmpioy:no Pedlarp. My$ that -there is any frutb halftear was 5�319f denls, Pfficia �JQP_�A langliter. _ESA .9 r - LOUNT T4e.ave 'I aaendance for- theLzat It so extensi , c( MeM.Rmt.; W NO Lot L iACENTU 4V ttll ln.tht�, report offte.Bill) lf� 3 70. W11- (jebte In the HURON :HOTEL, 8 ......... .5�9 flien Nfen't inlo� Goderich . A' it�Year Was 4 -8a Uo ,ZURfCTF�, - - The a-,46ragetteindaace for thil *11�10 1-_ was anxious, to, securo sale,% of 1101Z-063 Dill, 31T AA-�rt - that IN, upn* Mr. ffiys on Alic , yoar, 118,665 d� by 222- divi eoJ Pur� it Pao ,cl. T -VIA LAGE ?�, ftolv�)tee - - (�JcLWXS. OLD STAND USI��STJ - Thetar-faike&L V id Senate, FOR" -SAE was'. ffoHN[ P -RA T�' -0 ;T4 A, Y'S -1 3,ta` f�r, the %V�st In6es by' h-_ Varloue ZIAUSCO 'wtaW JTTSR,. TO -1 with mmulaiment f to h(f: - T Olt. ALL KI prqzent on is not NPS -OV -an iiiata there. Prussia &ii 'us tc I tro jain� a0V ie . tory -voiihich 6 TSTnto 'bl ob rri ed to VM- AN Onx4nXTAL th�'oilerg fbi: shle� to aa,y -wais'. with ovexy- conteillo or K wtY Vase -Shel A ton ett V; IE5_undry pwivate Bl"HiVere late I i ha§Uim1maitiferrip fteft iculote . r Zo I I- ousa . an For' 1P do 4oul be s� pdu_(Or�'-'a ti t G ,F]i 71 tw GrAplivi oe 11 u d in one ia_�q Is to w,. I :." - - inliet elar6l -ctn I - I 1) thoe ii!*, otice. I shout G0015tablilix-atta V , - is -u, . I - st4bIjisbirignt, WeboliveldtfOrfifid t4 ill rt Goilerichr.. ot 71