HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-02-02, Page 477�� `7— -7 —W ;7-7"` 4
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Awve -7
*AM Wt'li LV JANUARY iaQD1i 1$71�_ 0_0
-W -0 xr -rmr
ot gursu. NE -DIXIX r[WE' VIST HAIF bi rn v, r0rV
Tlio.00nncji� rA jut fq atAttto ' - L teenth comMsrjo
on n -f Ilailcu, ori lite i-ouIWL37
riMe 01,dXlwalces solluoquy 'Erzola out Owir7dorrespolidciitl 15. 1 line Wbwce)) L'lyt�w and oA oll:ep trell %=X;
TVIOndav tho 46th. ilist- The the.
I Tit Tl Council elected- for the-current'vea GOOdburtirtood; --vateltolv'itil a liever inilling cletTI,
T haint' Y0 ilalve.now, aftoi the �1_ - I'D srinit.
neigh ho! 1 -have tived-4et n10 se oil- q8-70�v—i consisting of, Charles Girvin, , Esq. � B004 and ner,erfalling
fenced, 772cres ii all. Log
Ula I 17111ir a w, xfiodiff6d relay of wintbt a EawiitQaiiiit-MI�g.:-DePuty.lt-m%op;�, CIIDIqE SELE MOAN 0 OODS 18 JUST T01MM bwm.g thriving oreliat a,b kinds of pl
le tni Tand BEALUTIFUL G 11
11 (Sould filtv yers, if the truth be
viz AVni "opperd Esq. Ree -e black,libito and red currants, icd vnd ycl!ow
And now men -leave me out in th" snowy. tre sures; and the general busi- Wilson Diiihil _10a4lAn a 1101
David Patton. Esq. Deputy Reeve find gooseberries. For fluthe
rich, AprM2th1870.# W12- premises. TO RANXIN L.1AYSON andli's Ylothm.
neinbers. inalle"Altil su L 'bade
at 1110' McKee Cook ud Cu'x' Councill ra o seemil'to glide afolig With more met t4 vd4y --td� 0
lVhile 'sweet 'sixteen'tuaks lij-
C old maid" ba ug lbth, U70.
.11Y Resolved that' the foliowi pereom b� eclat than hitherto, Tho roaT, are in e5c- th 0 A
"llatefulofil jade;" AA
deelarations of Office and qualiocation, no
Well—I'm not- what I waraiiAl ---a spit u i, -sleighin— purposes, im to law, th
cor o. council bF ing, oruatiz
iintzle of ueWbolls keep$ and the Reeve ht�vitjg fakon the . 0 C"
a spade.i, and 'the bus d culltinued in oflice for the current 'ycaT collent condition for -
viz. T. B. Siokea Olerti Salary $11 ii
;Jag. Patton, Ticasurer Sillary $65. Win read fro'
an almost incessant cadence, both by lettor was ai W. T. Hall, As easor, salry $70. Adam Calltalon T BAYFIELDIN
I've loft no feminine art untried kand Franviti Whittinglian, auditors!'; 3 ly and night; -and fatted pigs i4 evory P. P., announcing the ilitouttort -of 0ov-` A
ns lips'
Paddedand laced grnment to pay over:to' ible tow I
;hesuiveil tht-!Josei�h PrOcturbo Tavern stage 9f abundance, are fast avdfkilriously
s !D
ar, and -that dlija (TRerc?s no girl round with a suka4r 11ispector for the current Antbre tedaportion of the School T OTS NO'S. 71 72 rAYrirl D' waist) : fund, ordered to be. fyled. Orders - Wre lie no paid the suill of 62 for each avern it of lival, tvitMrl t �out 2 nifles of t tic Blji li, t
Twisted my I cried t steel) Places "]to the sca,—as issued for the following'Biltris to I)arties
Low. neck, thin shoes, gs bedeillcd of , ore,: did inspected. Tito followAng pomons were tile invingo6ritracts foe tu%vA*htp. work btib� 2 -s wl ii r hreas3cs o Every new rilse fur the curretit the itiarkot will r 11 i, llrcaSY ell reillaindcr fth it —For Ward X). I Salkeld, who have not beeti able to complete their of beee Will iiliandin.wlefiiiiiiero iouth, ant%-
ve!,ent road pas�e.i (,I) I -That tortures and. kills I have not John Tohnstou ; For tuld possibly oil account of bad weather viz'
to Ilse. tad tiivy c,, to Goo. Cli�rio &a 2ud .4k 3rd con. line i5 is 4ituatca '.ii welt;&tct d, lie, Seui�idal Plops -tA)t 14, Range -hip sja 1py.
iv ',;our ; For. WardNo. 4 ph, not bvztig c,mlilludity mu$13.39. Win Wilson -on same line '$10X& Y t I I h
Accomplishment.-, r certainly, a score Robcrt�-rlii n(I Joseph N1. 1�furph oil bridge oil 6th con. between would produve a large qunl,ti ll;cavle.
Harp nd: wonted ai 'del.
id oils, by moderii epicures. The lot mus to the Rivcr EL able
Young For Ward No. 5 Waidgmte Tub. Lot 121 & 23 $12. 00 on samo job to Char..
1 '41 -ason seems favor- svaterfaUwl)i(ht-,ouldbi�iiiatleu% lablefo a
Boarding school Freuch, stitall. part of st, _r , or
zt, Ro'blilsou $13.95. Moyed. by Alr,. Gaun%, anufacturing liurlio-�s.�
mbutt, V. In and ' J,ihll dole for the dislicns:Ltion bf the sue by 4r. Kiiiahan,' that Robt MUIT&Y For terms ar.p!v tq$ JAMES,J). AI,1,17N.
11C-3OlVCd thaL Ille folowint, Reti.rning a m
a buru. tficers be p:tid the sum of XiltS Of WUL11OCk. -my la t c n-
Xe�. er all el for nitutiention: we have�had two more wed be auditor. Carriea. The Reeve app oint. Bayfi
Esq. cld.
D anced like r their sery ices its stwh viz :- T li StokLs, our i icinity, the ed Jas. Truax as the second Auditor. The or W, W. CONN
I% self Thomas Rudd, Thouias thu fulli.41t�g oflicers ivere lso appointed Jas CL Gueiph, Aug 1.), 1870 %T30
is it, th en, that I'm li�d on the shelf one C,ISO, and the oride-in tne other
Nvou-.1s antl James Richardion. Resolved belag' Scott Work Win Ournin treasurer, John
memoem of he sanio family, whii
Gordon- A Williant. Orr, tavern -WA-1\TZ E 13
Benum I hae the) were; Ellat the parties be paid the anal We suppose from niotives of economy at'- and Li�eucossfl)nspector.- The- followin TELE LITTLE
Of ��) cach f.,r thoo use of house for elec- rang
spoollov bill Jones, 1% 110 thnight I was of.1 tO llo:d tilo;,r lthiiI saille 9
lion purp osys Vi salaries to be paid for the performance of
rich, z : Trustees NO. (;school day and at the sarne,place, thlishino th6 all the lawful duties of the rospoctive offices THIS LITTLE FAVORITEJS THE 310ST COMPLETE astly bani, Black,,(% -.ho died diun sec. 1irs Livin, Trustees of No. 8 sellool celoLratio-tis with tho unavoidable sproe ;
Be, in see. and Jw%. Kelly and butay tOngued. runior of two Or viz : Clerk 0, Ireasurer $�Q, Assessor
aditch) I threu more bouilu On the t.qIis. - These $65, Auditors $6 each, License Inspector SE XVING 10 _U The far-fmedland relible ',t CnMerine's Nursery
Horso-juck-e Tom.—the impuent car beint, ft'ir Noniinatioli Rild Elietion. F AMILY A Jr- A CT I N E, 1.). W. 13E.ADLE, E:�Q
I'lie im, accou uts wore orilerod ta be little events are very as be- 62 for each licqnse,- granted. Dlovett by
Anti John—itiv side ! r. see. by Mr. Dtyrnin that the EVER INTROEUGEDONTO K IFUE FOR ALL KINDS OF
p7tid viz : U-iberit 1,);tkcr ��G. Robert Pliaris sides the usual niount'lif hil-ar"iy they P11TH INEFICA OLL
And, tras itpll'40 clerk dvortLze foi tenders for the offices That kept nio from beiu a shoearakee's Resolved that occasion in a snowed tip noighbourliocirl ; i (if Ouilector and Chief LibrariaLl. WBI. RLTIT AND ORNAMENrALTREES, GTEEN_
get the PL-iiitill.- of the they also ovinee a moru stato Of -PPLrED WITH THIS MACHINE. FhousePlauts GrlleVilicq.
bride ? n . Flood's bill for mending suraper certified OVER, 15,000 VAM-ILIE RAVE BEYX SU
r—usil) for tho current year: rlie fol- socitity. I dra this remark Loin the ' tl in the last two years, and have made for themselves hosts of friends, and P3= Anv stock not on hand, ordered )n file shortest
bm in, reatissions of Dot I by John Bayley. P. N1. was ordered to be V, I
Well,bere I am—fifty. How titne flies -tax w.�ro made cirenni3tance, that in s,nuo Of the cases earne III reputation of being an I lidispensable artiele. hese Maebines are patrotirzed by all �Arades Of society notice. Godench P. #I
viz : Johii Deari:s 1,�2 Win Me2abe $1 alluded to, the (If Fortitne, bad pmd. by Mr Durnin, see. by Mr. from the,tiodest Farmer's Wives and Daughtersto the Nobility and Royal Families ofEurope. i Godericb, Aug 15, 1?770 T.-30
I Wilon, thattlie clerk procure six copies,of
aWill Proctor rl. Win Jervis $1 John postponed, toan almost file
bre. OaEard The following Petitions were niatrittionial aivirations -tit Nlunicilml Institutionsfor the -ijidarice
IV ruskles and rlieumatisfil tell no hes. of the pai or ag get out of oT 4er, and DDSOLU110, - of ARTIBIERS111P.
of the cou acil. Carried. Taxes r is thg simplest, will do the greatcq variety of work, is more man ged. less liable to ,
laid Over until next me o f saveral bNke to whoili'we may in 19-1 lot /Machine manufactured- nvery Machine is conli lete, with Tocking
0 14 con. 8 were order�:d to be remitted in runs It ster. than ally othei.S11111thl -I!V!L�
viz . R,,bert 'rhumps(in and Others. Henry (thank Cupid) look forward, as sooil oalige, luilting Gailgi, Henivier. Self -Sewer. Friller, Bmidliolder. "Tbrend Oiler," ojican filled with oil, crew
Truer than trut-, B-Ilt Trnst , favotir of Alrs Welsh Moved by. 40 Dl-ivcr,4 t3odibins, 6 Needleq, I Spool ofthread,and Printed Instractiolisso full astoenableauypersoutouse OTICE Is berobv given that the Partnei ship here-
ecs No. 6 School to boewuc the huads of a risin-, (,onertion . $3.78. Ntofore exirting bvtwi�n the taidersigntil as
That it's better tu-wurk tt,"u to dandle life See r Kirialixii, see. by Mr Durnin that Mt bine in corder.
b 82,1 00 General Merchants in the Town of r
V ed tll:tt th e widow of the late Fire * i I packed in a neit little case, and is sold for ... ... leri -1, une
'vzolt'p n. '..nounted oil a Marble Slab, and
throu,h I and N ............. 30 00 ti rtin ond obertson, L4 thim4ny
32 00 by mutual consent. All debts or.e the faid
ScOtt be paid 66 for services its returning niaelror Stand, with Treadle ................. ............... . ... d essIt c or firm of 3L
Peter be exempt from taxe f.)r CHARIVARi—The echoes tbat s!eep ar- is 0 y,
tl 167L� V�e Concil tLen adjourn- komi the Banks nd Brives of the Ei.-liteen Carried. A Memorial from trustees. lame Stand and Wood(' ase, with Drawers ... ........................
... 40 00 firm ore to lie paid to A. Martin who will settle the
Too late for nie,—Yes, too late for nic, 3 -e. -r I e half Case .............................
of3c!iool See. 4 was Ini(I over forconsider- *:.::'::'::'-::':::-- 50 00 liabilities ofthe same.
t to meet at Knox's Hotel, Holmes- litile river ; afi.d' souie of the gcmts hiDniv f2CItse ......................................................... .
Thvsa'-i-.o,.lcusri_,hts' ;—the right u f �1' Witric s, D. IdeMARTIN. XO AlAhl-IN
Ville (111 the last Mun-lay ei the ' currant likewise tke their natural qliotaof at'013 at r1ext aileet'ng 0 council. Moved co
a heart, an, that o It- Me W - NZER& C91 Godsclich All.- 70. JOHN ROM 11TRON
The r -i -r -t to) -n indepenent part the council adjourn t� meet a-ain. on Mon- —CO nN' With �'Peferene" abovthe Aui,�c.rlerbeprqto
muitth. indtiloence iii sw"A refr,�shiwr by %lr Diii-nin, 8ac. by Mr Kinah
T. B. STOKES, Clerk. slumbers vithii7 its proki,icts we're all( - FACTORY RNJE G AND CATHARINE av thaVIse will herafter ean. on the la siness, on his
it luan Tir
Ofall 'hat y choosu ti� be, denly startled from t heir lead. a monotSity day the 27th February uext."
]bt in all It';
Were not for ino on the night of'fues,Uy bist, by astartling JAMES SCOTT, STIKtUTS, HAMILTON, CNTAR10- ullysolici acontiiivanceofo ui�ijr-I.Lti(ivage_
you see, As aFi FT.D. Tip Clerk. A. A14W11N.
and suiri-Aliai alanning outborst (1-i SHOW ROORBS-64 K11"12C ASTREF.
Be called stron-, taindud, unfaminine" Goderich August'15th. 1870.
The mombers of tho now Council inet'at strangely gr(Aesque, and frailticall dis- 9% AGENT AT GODERIC11 she) ! y EAST WAWANOS11-
�q��b Tavern, n. Mondav, the 16th strains, not by any means resenib-
CD ILOR-. XGTICr,� GFertisso-Tm) Ion _0F
ry, 1871, it 12 o'clock- noon,— nything that might be expected. to
Heigh hirl once morb to the ch-irge, I sy Council Boom Jan. 16th 1871 w4-3mos
Present, G Armstrong, Pleete, H Dalton, ain mate from " Choir Seraphic " but Hamilton, An,-. 30th, 1870.
I'd hide tlios�e grkv bairs undor ttie blac.
, I D'v Rleve P -Clare J F Andrew and Jas rather (its described by �hose, who liclard it) The Council met this day ccording
A little more pitste t-� tdt up th:tt . " I - T E 03 H REBY G117EN that the Pa�iuersblp
Crwtoid, (AminciJIum. The necessary de- like the screeching.iroans and wailing of to law, at noon at 211r. Port erfield's — The existing hetween PArREiti-CATTLP
§Vhere a my n -ow silk—Lue tee, ! I as Chemists and in Owen -ound. Durham
clarations havin- been made. Tho min- some infernal conclave, which would re- menibers being David Scott Esq. Reeve GARDIXER &Co., and Godericb, has been this day 46 -solved by mutual
11 tes of las � niceting (If last year were road quire the powersof pen, inure likethat nd i1fessrs. thos Taylor, Edvy'd James,
An fool. consent,
and approved. Market Squar e, Gcdcric
Move I by Dzdtoa, sec. (if Dante or 21ilton to rather co )I I All debts owing to thx- said Par. Ze, ship in Goderich If be ihould ask me,_bew, die, and leAv . cKay-sind Jas. Potter, (touricillors
Q by J Craford,, That P 11birphy b.., Audi- tha my poor coniul"Uplace gouse quill "I Aug. 26th, 187P. Y are to he paid to GEORGE CATTLE (vho vill con-
i"_ ' who were all present and took the dec. titine the in the old s�jnd), :rnd all claims
tor—carried. The 13ecre Thos After the first setisati,,iis of alarm had .1 21
agmiust said Pail ner.161) In Codes ich are to 1* p-eserit-
larations ofqualification and of office. IL -11-
Howth;c_iri �Ofyne FeriodXc%ke z3, -litor. littlQstibsidedhowever, it wasdiscovered. f office. 1J . _ 0 ed to said Ueore Cattle, by %i hom the same unl bo
eark I it N1 Wed by J i2, 1T U -R 0 N 11 0 _r
by '31 DaltOn, that the accomit . of W to bein party of the light-licaded. represent- After routine, it was moved by 111r. James, settled
GUINNES'S Dated in Goderi,h the 19th Julv. 1870 sv705t
Nloorhoase for stationerv, 2.43, be paid a-ive Of 'Youtiff coine forth seconded by 31r. McKay that, that 85 be
William Smith - was-payng attcnt�ion to —crried. by soo by aruied with liouie'ly i'tistrunients of varied refunded to Gco. Elowiti,.. being the
o dinst.)n be refundo . I sound.:;, consistint, of such s,old kettles, - 25 Notice to Deb -,Ors.
Molly Perkins. He was a freshm-in in 2tl Dalton, that _N, J,' amount -he paid the* Co. Treaurer for Ell E B R A T X 11' DUBL'I'N POR, college, and she a broarder at a fashim- the amount (if his Statuto Labor fir th., pieces of sfope-pipes,-fiO trumpets, nd Statute labour an S-1 37 con, 2 for 1870 TER. LL PARTrE9 rYDEXTED TO THE TATE pTRUS
IT year 1870, lie havin Yate
One evening Wiliam saw
g, paid it in his taxei ox bellli, &c., for the ostens'.ble and highly nd that 84 be refu'lided to P. D,)nohue 01 - - - - - ---- A ofTlobinson and fi,�bhiscu 6* Hoxyell, able iu-Qtitute. requestea to settieup ioth ineou qr herore_.W Det.
and saye costs, as after tLat date all accounts -will be
tile And also b.iv'nf,done worl—cirried Moved civilived purposes, of screiitding a newly MVORTED DTRFCT FROM THE MANUF ACTUR
his sweetheart home from, a leaure at for statute labor paU Co. Treasurer on er, and sold cxLremely Jow by
e lie nvirried couple who have fixed their do- t 1;
by J F Andr w, see by P Clare., that t sued.
Young Christian Association, and , IV� 29 con. 8, for 18
0 rwwnship officer's salaries be as f,,Ilfiws:— mestic tencinclit On one of those little 68—the pthainsters
as, he had been introduced to the matrou ORGE GRANT, GROCER,
Clerk 100, 'Ireasurer Assessor reen plamau, that here nd there pre:td -havina certified thai the work wis per. Goderleh 12 Dec. IMI, .
as a cusin he felt at -liberty to accept an Collec-t-ir*73, Rotmirti out to decorate the stumpy ravine of our formed in both cses. The following Cd invitation to -0 in and take tea. JE was I ing 011icers, azh �4, Selectors of J urots, local river. The ,on t1urnan for whoin this accounts wete ordered to be p3id 4:5 - rather late—the servants had retired, an -1 each oved by J Crawford, sonorous species of honotir' was designed
Melly found herself driven to the necessi- see by,.A Dalton, that R Clendenning the however notrelisbing such lioisLy eliter- John Carroll $14 f)r wo.-k on tile roads TownshipTreasurerfor 1870, if wishing tainment .cry cooly andphilos-)phically Watson 8 12 for do. Jas. Clow 8 15 for tyof- ltell)ing herelf. She found the 117m. Stackhousc� $21.60 for do. Jas. AN EIRLY CALL Hill f? U N C I N1 A N Isla whethei _iprodueediri!itoug or avaiened from
M to continue in otlice during 1871, do come' put on his window shutters, bolted his nuthe mute h-cys of a Piaro by the touch otan ar.
kettle and alcohol 13nip on their proper J h do.' Thos Finiin $6.35) for' doiaAeo KAIUFACTURER-OF tist, is elevating to tbet.�stn, refining in
forward and renew his security fI;Tthwit duor and together with his guiet little jitsinfitienco
and oneof the richestenjoymet. sitcan nthe privilege
to Nork- to heat To - be Rid in -Wood or Bottle t, I
shelf, acA went bravely —carried. Moved br J Crawford, see by i spouse retired to rest ard was soon in J. Moorhouse Esq. 85.80 for a niinu� r- "_ attyliouselicId to possess. Yet how any deny
oh' Iver and their bousebo:d this rarest of tusurleg
31 Dalton, that a-, IC Wall in indebted to spirit q. t
Alter the lapse of a quarter of an the MunicipalA for a small balance on'- away to a sphere unmolested by any ef fok printed -forms. ay HOTELS PROMPTLY SUPPLIED. .9 Ing a single satliflec. Bluch -might III: said oftLe value
some wat (wehope) as itwere transpnrted for Statiorcry, IV. T. Cox E 84 50
whn at-- amplyble to prili ide the witlintit it UL -
Ly y Mr. cK
Moved b hour [Ftiliam obscirve samlino- coming locted by him %v hen he was Collebtor, that earth's rustic serenaders. The Ama&cur seconded by Mr. Jamen, that the taxes Goderich Sent. 23, 1870. SW10-tf of music but bur space -,viU sen t. us
a", , "Mrs Wm James on NI of -Mills, Steam Enp--ines and Boilers, B T T out of the spout, and �wodvsdy remarked belbe allowed four months to pay it to the tuinistrols, after an hour 6r -so of heavy (7.67) , ah st Xuley aniL Sash Saw
that he believed the water was boiling. Tornship Treastirerand therebf save fur- blowin and drumming. dispersed pe- 2 — I
on his th�r tr,ubl,—c,-rried. M,ivd_by 3 Craw o oh S-�� 30 corf. 8,be remi:ted. Carried. Mored j3y making known t'liat W. 1P. x�. S
is - ceably, althoug a trife crestfallen dofibt- by GODERIo Sepetrators
Thi assumption of knowledge Mr. Taylor, seconded by bIr �IcXa
0 of their Thrashi ng . M achi n es, inst received over ICOO copies or New i
yart wasp ir dams ford, see by 31 Dalton, tat R Clenden- less, at the very cool termination T% i Y C sing Waltz,'Galoi, Quadrilleand instm..
.ut down b�y the 1 el, that Wm Bcngough be rc-appointe� iv
-er, a r. N 1= PetcS I'll Of.0liCh he Will sell at V:�—; Half
Township Treasui b. hereby unappreciated musical performances. PJ
vho stated that it was necessary to wait & a Prim e;_4 The music will be
authorized to get the old books belonging Auditor. Cakripa. The Reeve then nom- fovildto be -the Vro-
until all that %Thite 'clou,l had' ce-ised to the Treasurer's office, -from Mrs J OBITURY-m-_Mth011gh Jnury is rich inated Jas E dmond as the other Auditor. ductions tbe
rs there -ire neyertheless before pouring oat the water. Fifteen son, relict of T John3on, lat-3 Treasurer, i%loved by Mr. James, see "ON An 0 c! intervals when the mind is called. awat W
LhO Potter, that the Clerk recelve $7.50 for wp-
minutes later spoat fell off, having nd that he give a receipt fur delivery of With Cast or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Ploughs,
i ponder over subiects of a graver tendency. ded by D - W Offln"T PLOUGHS!
n its festive affai
ed. Moved by J Craford
6es Authors. —Mu.-ic,Books--Mnsiea1 Instruments, Violin
t,ec by J F Andrew, that this Co-ancil do Cultivatorsq Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, and Guitar Strings, constantly in stwh- and for E913
leen melted by,the beat.
Th2 stream Pursuant to the remark,the uncertainty of registerina'Birtlis Ike. and $6 for servi
r 'had coased to appear and the young -lady hui�an life manifests itself more partical- as Meturning-officerat the last Nominatijn cheap.
P . now adjourn, until 20th February, 1871, 3T and Pipe Boxes
r10 Agril-ulturl Fdruaces, Potash Kettles, tiag ) This la a rare chance Z�r persons to get a that,the wat.-,r was boili as arly at this than at an v od c Kettles, Salt Ketties, Wagon
now said 03 t C?,peiand's Hotel, Lucknow --carried. 1r season of the and ElectiOn. Carried. Moved by blr' ran album as by taliingsl vrortb, a furtbter
the spoitt was gone, it was pioposed co f this truth we have had lately one James seconded by COO XPAZ;4 G9 PAPIL D
JOHN COOKE, Tip Clerk, Wr Taylor, tEat ofl pernent will be allowede.
pour the water out of the lid, not an ea -3y very striking proof in our neighbourhood. Tenders be called tr moStLinto Ae Don't forn-et the pl-co t the Exchange pilice;
A farmer narned Duncan Cameron, on the to be received at
ofthe roved Tands; Brass Castings made, and lllac�smithsl Work and Repairing West street. Goderich. lughest price. paillfor Green -
thing to do, but William was ready t 1311 concession,tvas suddenly stricken down ntxt meeting, for the officas of A�sessor done op shirirt-notice. Call and see the STEEL MOULD -BOARD PLOUGHS, ar, you can backs. Draf c.
risk anything -for his sweethart ; be and Collector, Carried. The - Clerk a 33 XX :f ZL 0 t C31i 2- -V Xet one very Aean for Cash. Goder Nov. Xtb. IR70,
HAY AND TRe R. R. Oar plucky by death in the very strength of his man- A
lifted up the kettle, removed the cever, tende-red his resi-natiou wF V30
little township altliou.-h not speaking hood's prime, after a few hours of intense iich. was ac. Goderieb. An 15th, 1870
much,on this t ubji ct is act it!,-. Shedoes siffering on the night of Friday, the I33th moved by Air lie Ot Lluron and Bruce� Oint he isnow -man- "am fir 91.,ale.
o H C, Subscriber would announce tothe pub -
and tried to. pour out th?Water, when, lo cept-A, when it was Y1 T and beholdl it was empty ; a-4 of the W11- dat call mass meetin-9 (?) afp which cab- inst. His death is sn"ppose to be the re- seconded by Mr. Potter, th ufacturing firist-class
at tenders be OTS 63 and 54, Ea'yfield Concesion, in the
ter-bact been boiled awcsv,ao�-a drop could sultof a ruptured bloud-vestel. The deceas- now receiycd for --the office and Carriagesq %ggas, Sleighs To7 nc
ba!ze headed orators make stump orations, of Clerk, _vuship ei Goderich Containing -X MS
s quetzea *out oni� z�ad the kettle was- ed Waa to -at 39 years cf agge, and leaves a if not satisfact recidive 2 of these oer 50 acres cleared vith gucd Frame
aslf they would bring by their eloq that tenders be Barn, and Lqg House, 2bout 2j wiles from
rained. I uen wife and fivb little children to mourn his Lor
(if sound embo, heseloqueace) the Railw'Y loss; The deceased was attended to the at next meelkinl-. Carried. Tenders, for hch will be sold CHEAP roR CAAR., Q'inton. For Terrusolsate:appiv�ittbeD.v,�sion
William did not wait to repnir damages, -igej and even the city- of Lonion tO Presbyterian burying ground bva litirge the cffice ofClerk, ware received and Court officent Gcderich, or to f1r. WIGUINQ4
but discreetly left * the field of a ther concourse of people, and the Rev. Alex. read from'tle- followin TUN do the premise8.
Ainleyville or Southampton or Some- o g person, viz: JOB N PASN El"141 E N F ACTUME JR 'Poderich, An,-, 15, ISTO Viso
that ifthe-girl ofthe such
ft place almost as su :table as Houg Grant, preached the funeral sermon. Geo. Quinn $00, John Porter 860 Samuel Victoria S,reel, Goderich period, ;ere tauabti more common s�:use 11-oncr She hs however "cut her depsitaff SoTREz—the 1., 0 T Meridin Loa,,6- Kee $56 and Peter Porterfield $60. 2nd fewer gecomplishmuntsf, it would be 'ti, I Goderleb, Aug 15, 1870 AR
n to London, zind we- think their gave Ashfield, No 251 last niht (Friday) ooell'- Moved by Mr James, seconded by Mr (KNOWN AS PIPEWS MILLS) __Y1 FOR 5=11
better for all concerned. them to know that, Hay only PaYS71nonev ed theirnew ladgp, by. holding there'
I in a Tdylbr that Peter Parterlield be appointed
public soiree, chanAng tot admissi+n only ON THE
for valne received and is the ratepayers C, Ulerk. Carried. The Council thep ad -4
of Bay consider a rddwa running along thesmallsum ofi75 �ents. Mr.' Stewart 0— FIELD GRAV4L-ri).
Manitoba is divided into 4 electoral . . y o to meet fl,craia on the second 4-11HE"ESE, CREE�8& 13AY
the fron outbampton or Kin- of the Township of Hurou being unanun-
t and tip to S
district& vizt :—Selkirk, cardinewoiildbaoinaa(lvant-z<yeto Jier, ousliv called to the chair, very soon, by Tue;:dav (14th)hpfFebrury next. on ' cesslon, Gndertch Townslilp
cher and Marquette. The results of cor 7 his bland and humorou manner, as well as MS. TISDALE ]LA isequently keep her money in her BElIN66ztclroets225,0"orfs%tvhcich are cleared, a mever Wl,rg
From. informtion frour Shenhara: Strachan creel- runs tbrougli theland. The lot issituaWtIon
the Census raturas in, that Prov" caa e reliable by his eloquencefarld, general alenis as a tic
pvcket E lerk.
is fo?ows:— sourtei; we find the feelings of Stant speaker, readilycoavin,�ed all present, -that GROCERS, GODEMICH T) ESPECTO ULLY intimates to farmerivand others that they are prepared to fill the -Gravel road about. b miles Tram the town ofVod.
VY erich. Thelaudisa ricliclay loam, being very suit -
Stephen McGilliray accord with Hays so the right man was in the place, as
5 757 AVE been re.appointed oole agents at Lb all orders in ble f6r wheat or fruit gro %lic-lot ill be sold
gi ace p to
Goderich for the sale of the celebrated N FACTUINC., .............. being pronounced, the audience which WgATHER.— be cold for the last - 21% U r d day ROLL !.00R, wu X, r gil. profitable route, thAt is, wost of the Lon that unless the R. R.Coi, choose the most your penny a liners say,' After,
Whites ............. 1,56' Exeter Factory Cheese. 0 lb ]rr
5, C so Wso
'ravel Road to Exeter, thence or twQ has been most intense: 1ast niht T ocal dealers sup; ed at the Facitory I'lotir Dre_,,sing, Custom Spinning, Dyeing, Satiri-ttsl� C U; 1,5, 7o
don G A 1.8
to consisted of about 200 persons. of b)th ode,
Indian 558 sexes, whl'oh completely filled th6 house (Sunday) b P4
Baytield or Goderich, that they will he ein;, the sharpest. fro t we- Prices.
a�t l%ast was entertained toan excellent and liberal lve experienced this season. Bleighing
citt off from all all aid from fQ e Ann
to - --tiOn
'Total 11,963 (ftry pilbbly-Goderich Town and Town- tea, with it variety of choicely Pulled th'll lvinceYS5 I innels,, Blanke
service of -is good and busine�s lively.'. SIIEPEIARDk STRACHAN. VU3 -1
Quebec is �$ufferin(r for want of water ship also) of the best municipalities in tb c sweetened cakes and offier racy viands-, to) - I wishing to exchange *eir. wool for odbomemaclp GODFM1013 &01,ANTON
�0 - Wroxcler - v�-80 On shortest notice. Parties 90
by the bursting Df -the. maim p4e b County, not to speak of loss of trade and which, by all appearance the amplest of RAILWAY. —The. people' of GodeFici, A'
illfirld it to thei- i6ter'est to give us a call. as weare satis4ed we have the
feeding the GrandTkunk. We underostnd justice was done. Aft6r tea the musical and vicinity aTe almost'unaminously. 'in goods, w 1 C-4 Stalbdiiglied
which the city n FuDplied. o, Ods you require. Parties coming from a distance with wool to get carded �mav in
and- oratorical talents (if the persons cilled. favor of the Woii,,ton Grey & B r6ce R * "A LBS ofMiscellaneous Property in Godgwoh
th'dy are about to send deputation 0 0.
1). - If they VF, 1:) 61 home with them the sai
Dairmen!a: Associa-tion. to "feel the W w.- upon to entertain the company gave th Athig their we mb day.
e R. The report of the deputation so E ' 'ENS1 T every Saturday, and in Clintoti every We.
at t; nearlv pvery instance relv on gf
tempt to move Hay -s restvd they will, utmost evidence, of their beloilgring to no I . I I nesday.
E[amilton labl; week cofifirm file hopes of fle-A.0 W0AX- WARRANTED. Monevadvainced On PropertA for immediate
on uge advocates anif th ter
The DhirimeleiF A�ssiicf�ii ivill hol only I'Dash their proud foam like a wave mean standard, 'The chirmaWa ii" P
acir fcit�rth nnual meet I ing tory speeches, -the singing of t are EMISES sale andprompt reluEns made.
in the Town on the, Flock." be wel ey Goilekell Woolen Fo-c _Y,
lary. Com: ercibre guite'enthusiastio. I Au,,,,. 15tV, 1870. Farin Stop -Ir and otber Sales punctuallyattena-
an(I 2& ofFebri -trained Pine Wirtir choir; the.varioa W11
1LIOrdertoadda nire ;nter- other songs and r6citations; 'and tbecirts.. Soip=;—The Pr6sbyteriansofWroxe. edtothrougho4tthe Countyj
e9zor tile pro'Tednivi seveial COUNCIL AIEFTI-.1G.—Illiantes 41i 1he sical as well " homely -e-laquence of the ter and ncigbborbood intend holding 2 G.M. k RUEBIANIIS Auction 31art.
e 9 - a'
Volition addrcZ;5..%. efirst meeting GJ, he Council of 11my held in diffe,r it lecturers, 'auto of whom came all Soiree n the church on We srivare,Oodoir io
'!Ark will protinounea- the way from. Lq6know, . were altqge
IG tile annual adtlieag. the Towm Halt ory Vondmy the 16ch of Jan. . ther in Feb. I St. We hope to fice a
Prof Rtickland willspeak QIi 18171' Prp . excellent keeping with the religi =mber THE ZONE-=
Seat Robert 1i;0FWR -Esq. Reeve, ous, social
Tmikdry- as and- intellectual' present. as We have no doubt that the
affec#ng Cainadi= Agriculture,.` Reevej- spirit of human progress
Chni6k Esq. Deputy
Salith On thi of Councillors Robert Ferguson, John B. and will und,,ubtedly' prove productl' "spread"' both eatable add intellectual _C0MM!t;RCJ A T_ ()0fjLEnT'V
vb of
Ucl!rN ffcolDi�eas-e% &-G And-amou- otlier beneficial resul& ;- and, Mad, it igW be, Will be enjoyable.
Geiuer and Isq.- The
s MISSIONARY MEr-,TING.—The regular
1111114ccft ilia be dig u sed;� Reevo, DQI�uy ficave and Councillors hf e t3 a still greater uniom, of effort in
_, nd,the cl '?ari�cr fromtbe- path offaturegeneration-% TEtEGRAPHIC INSTITUM.
of jajr.teil: inifk CARPS BILDHEA 0
a retaedv h,%vin(; made and, -subscrib6d their respec- missionary tneeting, of the Canada kfe.,- eLgreatlaan'y of th6stumblin—b
Sytem of Ve I utfilin- c -tiv declarficins and office looks whicK byterian Church WAS Kid 'in this place,
_tiri4 1!�buses the. minntes� of last meetinq were read and pset, and lay in ruinous prostrittioa, so
ft -over tonstrac,fign of choege� factories, �ai many of the moral virtues ofthe present. on Wednesday evening Jaix. 18th. The B0b00U-7bK1e-1Ecn1mm3PTw(3i& By sm, GLE A?`P
�pproved. Moved by- Win tirribull see 0 ut -es Alatual Business a loupetior 1lan f
hot, Inalph Brown be an "ergusen of Ainleyvilie and- PWA,.aiid Fancy- ity, Rat T170rough lastructlora
1"Hug OPou tho, quality of theF prodfict by,B.'Yerttusott, t It would he too tedious td individitaliso or Rev. Jiio. 1 PA ed at
in Commercial LaW, Arithmetic. Business Correk-
ALklitorr for the- carre: make points of peirs6nal referenco,
-urenience-and at year, Garried. with re Rev. Goo BroWif add rdsgod -the audience
00 eso� wid the, pro
g trd to the abilities of th pondence, retimausiiip, Banking. Tt-legraphipg,lShoit
86iAd -not every da-iryman The odwick aw e different per- I at conisiderablei length advoeatinci � fhe� HandWriting, &�_, &-c, Address,
lifil" formers in., this - instance. I th; , a m
cows, - caliu�cgQlu Auditor �tftlithe lipbroval of -the council. chtiis`- Of a �e L11 i JONES j& BELL
crop V-0pinpu,thit-a-great
ra-ga, anti what. eyer, statehbr
. son, see. b.3r, W Carrick,
or Movett hy R, F�F, Cf�ifege- on the. gecerosir of' thii, - eople.
'ba C
T4CP Wb�jt eXt6at that Win, on 31ork at W6.'00 4moilint of pr
sre best for 4116 purpose Q_�mas Uot,.,fAr i0ladon
WILL Thong the audien� ami, 48iWN
large Ontario,
Owing Curds, and 'Salary for the. ycar,'and- Michael Zeiler VW
4y a person pr n
=Akidg,��heW.OnWadl been pi Qviblis to ;nteiin the ba'dsome 0:
�'-SO._00 Salary for the, ear. g into the ar. was.
hear -h 04 Treasurer atl
_The� I! 13k cook A collected. - � - .0 _ . 190neV tO Lend4i
thp nd, t qrosulta; arrick, see irit ISE his tubject has a. very. bad -.effect
-Q Movo1b WC, 3W Of the pash year—have fl*jating WX1&Pft7AiW S
ipem- 11 D. Ilowed next .0nan E
to le- _. - 11 1 sery may,. oometimes,tid,c6n kil
wYat tent--�au the ason to perfo :into affee- DA
2TMedy,. laceofIxiast �TJEIIM. r .
tation,'rind any. orator or other 110former
M". - 11 -1
Y Godcri;b, A -ug -15.'1670
Templais, li�!
CAITIed. 'i V4.rctlsf)n,., � sea, acc�unls
lai;f. and real
by ',u ch, sts Totel sl,'- Lists
as, detraWoo�; o;7%Inhoh froiii aT '0 Y
Ulf hil Oat
bo&id vizJai9)1i.-,R0eder- itimbi-eir for v KIN S
siftger or spexkeri� heire. was, aa-�Mjl a
e e -
Or -it' otilvert0 011,TJ RcicIrh6age ik(�, $6.00-
00 "he
T 19aftland ilt Well
W MOWS. 8hnlla Town ig Notice of AbDointmeiat
-(N AR 7- 1
y firinga in 13 1
'Lut Opring- I ptrA w I( on S
Daniel Zoler;-Rcoad Tnpecto� ofolds fro reliable Xiarlei Vaudr�,
iGodar 0 a
tities one W-tc to, isix buklif-U. AO: inWilsolyDivn. -whose dig�,-
olf 14th 0( 0 �
astara wer .-Anble, tToe '_Rtib Burns,' aV,
I pya. thein vq=l cultur he amaiembatiA41t. b er6 I -the Xrgi� - ath ef
I.- �i'l T- 0
Ogkilknola4an h
kma the crroith Ilia- �4k ijot oVes b &6h- w t
119 7 4`6
a f "M 'tl 0 "Dts- of --h
Uoi4c! by W'Carricki,see 'by- �, I
fArried I ".. Al
:ba ifiv- fla�Ndjrin
no l4gonce, Tam—bull, ihatAliix 116Ltriiu ber aslfs�or Clot voila t I
connetiolosq- P -At
led �s ina8 � - A�
-in,. erey: -A& the f4my sorit TM !Nj� V �OF
--al - awat 93 W Inspector, ataif4ry of %2i Dlra;Wo s1% liu�j b t erage�l sio;r. a i 04( mitt
purohased, from differenip4Lrd". It, iTi_jIejn- - -
od - on-tte islae, s0ia of Ph lz� in- i1i due A*
#or busId, ym *111 be ablo_ to -J Hall kikier at'K and W Wilsonvotil. sly oil a proffier of,tVJ�0 &611.JrA� wiputhe t be, at Cai�d Moved
or �grg I Y,
i woultl all ship an
tal-cous, to MILL
sod- sawaue fa ?Lmt thv-w." tiy V rurit 1, Ur.1 Qvitriok� that ;-nine,
estQouotry- of,61.ij. '-USUAL
the isura a *4� per nionth be' slldwod,u W" �- - �_ ; t �;� E SANIE%AS�
JOHNATrOX itsli and tickets
ght-L- Harriet L I% lgen
d t
aI bit$471. 74 by W. Tarnu% soo by JJ it
A,f4y n
do npi� a4i6tu raisilig Iiisstatla Mheunaersimed is pteparq
282�� MR - ,
in, t1a 76wrii-Hall on Tuesdasr the,,, Misr, of sr� Th&entirs 44
-SH Ro. .1 SALTt
Feb. next A 106'elock, it., in.. for the piti. M5� Whielt Willie: 000 i;,i, RX
t of nt, g Gortiric T I th
the�ba ace on-
e Atea -for: avert -0 rom-. oi-ch '0
accom jj�jana,.Prii i'modeate we
�-.11MOK'OottagdYn hiargiioxclj ej
tha the Work put ijp Ao t D Qu K
AUJ tiCellk thereof
nl� il espa WELL.
tlie� Froijoh 40wh_ from %rui, *a"
'A ti�,
aeut it maradnK upon Abb#jJ -i,
.49 151, IfTo
or b