Huron Signal, 1871-02-02, Page 3A
Q ".
N - D
V W-7
To'%V-U' OkNow-,, rw AV V&WgO 4f 1
-incil nict in the Tow'R G 19AT DISC .714
,I The, Coo MASONIC. 10th inst.
liall On --:-On Wednesday an
Preswit the Reeve ill the officers of OU Light Lodge7 No. 84 mine Is r6rF
qaIrbd'b:r. every r W
ridav 2, ill ii,at. lessrs Clifford AT- THZ,
tile cl;air, Deputy Reeve IN G. R. 0. A. R A. Al. were inst 11 by D. TO $2000
Sinith, Gardiner, D.G.M. J.F.Toms, assistedbyWBro. 00 Anto use
e' Crabb, Dancy,- -INSTAL- ly adoptoB4 14
Detior B Trainer P. M. Maitland Lo (re No. 112 N MORTGAGE, REPAYABLE BY
ic, I)avison, a,yle, Sinai d
ments (not tu advance) In from 2 to 16 years. M�
-an - Be
iug Wero read anti apimoved. W. Bro Walter Treleaven W. Al blouthly 5 per cent Iyut afticient 1-rPAIT.
2piu. no vb*ious TeA*
.,nd PaSsulOre- The minutes of last meet- Goderich, as follows 0 40 At'l
J Yeady 6
Application Of Juha McPherson, for Bro R. L. Hunter P. N11 'Yearly 7
liable sudAWmo revraft
read and Broil. S. TQnnant S. W
ffice of License Inspector was Ito edy ill= any
receiv d. Henry Gledhill J. W. WALKEU =Jvose who U'ra
e - Sullcitur & c., -them' lose who bAro
Tire License Inspector's report was read James Somerville S. Goderich 23 January 1871, sw44-21n it -know-that it aured 1V
.4pon JC70440 ) Wi!Gjitpurei theirjuilighborSAndftiendsi
4T Lot, jZ
co,t&i1ling following paTtjculai4o� License Charles Alooney,,T. N�
A.'.M A'.R T alllmQw-thawhat jL-does -once It doesAIWAYS
I Hotels at �43 473 George Burges S. D. -thatit,everhigibro4h agy-Naltoroagwtoc-
3 Saloons at $100 390 A rare chancefor Sillers. ^"a
Itsco Qsitiou. w.cilavethousandsupouthous,
U regor McLean J D. OFFEIL THEIR sandaiInpleertineates-orth6iir.emarkablecuregof
i 10 Liquor Stores at 138 380 Al Bill gess chaphlin I.CE"y 1,0P, THE HOifflATS" IbUowlnj� complatfats, butsuch -cures We'k]161174,111
6 Billiard Tables 135 it T Lawrence and John Macpher- THE GODERIGH STEW FLOUR
Adaptedtoslia Andr us in
an carna".
3�1 $1319 son Stewards. &GRIST MILL FOR SALE ges econditio _ugp.
License of Exhibitions rontiiwnCwidr�exiomeloranydeleteiiousdr
" Samnel Robertson I. G., READY MADE CLOTHING they�pqf taken with saWbyanybodyw. Thek
0:— Preshauduskes
I in view ofellanging -his busineis, t" isugar'edatingpreserves themever,
n of stones, Gang of Mt reh- the pleasmttotakewhitebelngP'utlyr4e
Conijrmrs APPOLNTED " Charles McLean Tyler. nomp6sEq of two ru tabld
ruours Bolt for gristiag and every determined O'n WZ. can arise from -their use in anvitumatylt 1,
F N- mwcm - Ree v e, Deputy -Reeve, Sinclair ki aues Bolts. 1 Fa Flouring or Griating. anti 'Thoyoperate by their -pow
Detlor and Crabb, "ZURICEI.
tillm, useful foe either erfid inluetwe on
ythe blood and stimulate ig
e, XMI is situated i C
(IrLV.0 by 40 borse pu%vcr fagh.e - and Boiler. This tenidyiscers,topurif
u fuc best business street In Gode- ISC(jU' T -of thd.
C,,URT or RkvisioT, Reeve, Savar, AT TEN -PEP NT :D healthyaction-renl9ve tha obstructions
bowcis,uvei; ind other ow
RUNAWAY -31r. D. 8 Bechtel Lessee riLh occupyiug We to%'nL iots and together with the stomach, ans
Davison, Sinclair, Deputy Reeve, CiAbli, sheds. The 'bSt, bodysestoring.t -heir irregu Z
nf the Zurich %%oolen mills has been alis- mill' aretw,)�iveiiinghuuses,stablusaritt his .,whole itobk bf Dryigoods-at C _ lar actionto health,- - -
Detlur. subscriber being compelled to retire fl -0111 t..e business ]DO, E90 SON J)y correcting, whegaver -they exist, imch derange
sing for some days and it is supposed that ca acceulitur his heaith will make a sacrifice to sell.
l3y-L.xws AND A.sszss.mEw.. Doyle, mentsas are theirstoriffinefoliseam
he has bid adieu7to Zurich taking with him J�vr Particulars. apply to XiTinte oll tions Ara -given in the Wra
J. 1J. SUMERVILLE, Box,99, "To
Davison, Sinclair, Gardi-mer, and Crabb. a borrowed cutter and harness and leaving IjADIE'� 'AND fG_1E2jNTS FURS bie-box,for o followb* cQuipulnUivId %how
NIVORKs. Clifford Passmure, is d be iiiiight iin�ippired to supply FUN rapidly cure.-
Wbilud him a large amount of debt. Not- G,d,rfch, Jan. 24th. 1871.' wl-Im- For ]Dyapepsia or Xudigemoss, 3rAsoesU
'Ntoe ppetite'they
havage�, Crabb, Sulith,Dancy ILI Gibbons. ttl!s alitoniers with egejthing
CEmFTErty. Gordon, Davison, Clifford withstanding the short time he resided IAT TEN PER 'OFENT DISOOO mom X&xi_-4er and so of Al
sho7fd be taken moderaltvely- to stimulate IbCs
I tomp
here lie is in debt t6 almost every one in INSOLVENT ACTOF 1869 ihey re re foi achand restorcits healthy Itone and action.
Darev and Gardiner. 'i�:
the %illa(re in slims varying from $2.00 or For JLl"rV*=p1a1j*t ind -its varioussym-
MARKET. Clifford, Savage,Smith, Pass� TH18 I's -No HUMBULF tonis'alifeas lReat"Jite, nick ue-dil
$3.00 up to �40.00 or $50.100, making in I.YTH-EAEATTER OF CHARLESDA
kness, J309
more and Gordon. that Ladies' lto6ds, Clouds, Sontagos,.Brea�fmt Sha*l� Wavindice or Green Sic
T=� C.11c and Rilloiio. F---irs,theyahonld
RELIF-F. CliffOr�, Smith Savage, Pass- all a goudly sum. We understand 0111lar, An jusolveat C H- -R I'S T M AS T0rF=VEfMDrLr iiielouslytakenfor.eachesse,,toc4Dr-.-.�--
all his valuables hav been seized afid two cotoo?a By VIMue of a tided of action orxemove thoobstruetions *hlc'h cause It.-
more- men are oone in search uf the cutter slid Huro% To will Assignment duly made For IDyseaterr or islarkboea, bat -one RM
HARBoR. Horton, Daticy, Detlor,Davi- harness. 0 As to the runaway the greater UP, ABOVE NAMED INSOLVTNT To Mis' kND APT.9NPER CENT:Dt8C0uVTi. SELL THEM GOODS dose Is generallFrequireiL
son; Doyle Tall other powets emobihig mv, i shau off6r for X 3E)
ciumbers of his creditors wish hint -'god Lie at the ttuoins of mr. Benjounis, Hazielturst A'tcti- alpor'. .. s1ke Ueart, Wain Sa the slog:
The 11avor ex offl�io a member of all
Conis. B�irry & Bro. ace. far coffin and speed" on his journey to Uncle SaIll'16 boau'eer in the ru,41 of (joderich at noon on Tuesday,the R -At the Uvual rater, 13atk and X*Ins, t�ey should be cobtinuously,
territory i the very &pet for such as he� fourth day of Afiril 1871. All and singular that uertaiu SP VDICIAL BARGUNS IN DRY' GOODS takenas required,to ab"ge'the
-.7.50referred to Fin- gilu9ted, lymg the system. 'With Vach 611=S0 those complAintil
hearse for Mr PriceA parcel or tract of land, and premires NEW T16A lisapp
nd being in the Tuwnship ofTuruberry in the county mar.
ance 4_oin. A GOOD -HORSE. -"There is mnek " f Lturon, anti Province of Outano ; Being composed Fardlora
psy And 32ro I
ou� betaken in large An, queatdows to pvo-
N. Davis Vf.25. D Ferguson (Relief) id But an actu eariu?
pleasure and paodt in the nrvice of a good ut, part of lot No, 24, - ConcessiolL "d" in the o;a
1,uwttship of T-arnberry Containing two ac. dueo the t9reetpts 4rA#tle:pu
horie,and but ve murs rZ, _' oiddb.Uk@a
little of either in S ba'd particularly de- Just recelivea a thir lot Iroffiappriiislonalirge
rev ul land a of Canadian sh-dirts and
to be paid. be tile santemore or Icss, und 31Er JIF'
The By -Law appointin, officers of the ne ;" no personrilom cheice will retain a scribed in a -lecd flom the crown to enarlev Days as it produossthe desired effect by sympathy.
was tilled up and passed as ful- bad horse, many, however, are in possegai- bearnitig date thEliotb day of �Iarck- in the year 'of As a DfnnerP.99, take one or-tw,o TWIN lbws:
vur Lord latJ4. U i tile above Landil are a fint class 0iote digestion andri6lieve-thestomach.
low's on of such whit need not be. We think hotel known an Days Hotel will' stable. DRAWIERS1 EXW3ELA GOOD VALUE He has nOW TeCeived W TO , Au occasional doseetimulates the stomseb =4
A" PARTIES WIS11 bo"s Into bealthy.action, restores the- appeaw
CLEPX James Thomson, salary $325 00 there are few horses so bad but that their 1he property Is on We 31ahl Gravel Read and, Is a 11
TRzAsU REP. RovChas Fletcher" $140.00 very desirable a and. aidlilvigorateAtbasysternh Hence ttisoffena&
condition a -n be improved and rendered ars a Splendid stock of- -WAINS v=us *here tLo sdriodi,doranoment exw
Angus McKay " $130.00 M,)re va . luable and useful to their owners,. For Vurther Partiaul J -fl, DETLOR C SECUREBA"11 %lu One o feels tolerablywelloften ftds thMadosoiii
4 0.
AssFssoRs Jales Watso-n and Anuns of -these Polltsmakes himfeel decidefflybetter fto4
it toeffectwhich, thereis liothitiaequalto Apply to J. B. GORDUN soncitor Gotierich, to the their-cleausink and renovating effect *U&4�W
McKay each $75.00 "Darley's Arabian Heave ReiZedy and .4 actioncer or 10 the unodersigued the Assignee, -will-
STitnETI-NsPEL-rop..&--iDCQ--ST-tBLE Condition Medicine ;" it has effected SAMUAL POLLOCK Assigue&. Goderich, Jan. 24th, 1871.
Goderich January 21st 1811. WI -2m - SA," 20 per CENT VA. J. 0. AYER & CO., Pradio%4 Chemi"
Thomas Hood " $250.00 astonishin.- results in thousands of cases. 44 ZOWEZZ. MAOS., V. S. A.
1--sp. J McPhersan " 40.00 LUTH , J
BFI.I.-RUNGER John Morris 91 $100.00 BE wism.-Too often a cold or slight A AIKELL ] DRY CHRISTMA.S -BY- fotcanaln.
IS!" Sold in 1,",derlch by fti&aet a txttle ara
4100.00 ary, trifl-
couah is considered a very ordin rpUg_ NZW monpl, 11,' COMPLETE FRPSH AND CRE G AND PUROHASIN G Jordan. GardtnerA en.. liavQd. 3,niaes liculba.
SmxTo.,i John Phairis —:0: fU B JIT AP. CALLIN
-TOR OF WEIGHTS AND ina 9:iair, just as Irell left to go as it came, be
REASUREs B Trainer S20.00 a cally neglected until a ROBINSON &.Coll LL L -Rodgerville. J. Piet ard. Ex�Tvr.
I U FROM ton. Speord Luchmow E. 11161isdu4 beffoitla,
nd hence systemati
PorvD KEEPER. John Doyle simple curable affection in converted into UAVU PLF,,LSUIZEI-,4.1,iTIMATING,'FLIAT THKY W47
wv,�ro l.,;spECTor_ R Young -Fee for a serious pulmonary disease. The more
ud awav from tbe,' arket 10c ARE EOW SUPPLI
fineas"Zim- Wo DA ent,aware that a cough or cold should
prud. a
' a for every 91EIARS-E ACIRRS§ ON A. Al A DRUIT I N
per cord' up to 5 cords and never be trifled with, promptly use EVERYTHlNG U TMTORT.
additional cuTd. "Bryan's Pulmoni,- Wafers," wkicb have SUITABLE FORTHE COMING 0— t 'door to A.Smilth's Clothing, Store
Ar DITORS-W Mackay and F A Robert- sustained their reputation for over 30 J 111 (Nex VOR _1,1,LE, IN 2 ACRV
d in M New Store and doinLy a rush- Market Square.)
son salary each S13.00 yeari. They are always efficacious, and 1311PLISTM-18 IND NEW Y-Eitt Is now setue s BLOCKS.ON RATLAVA
Tmex,immelintely out-i-esudaa-
Doyle m,)ved and Mr Savage
Mr, B. T exert a most beneficial influence oil all the SEASONS. gtbe Co)-poration & Gederiell
sec. that Messrs J. V. Detlor,Sinclair and from Market
bronchial and pulmonary Organs. gold by Goderl1oh, D,o. 26M 1870 =3 quartersoufaini o
a go to London all Drua(Tists and country merchants. I -WHICH THEY ARE PRErAP.ZD TO BELL so Flanne4 and .=and cAnumanding a lca&4
the Re"a be a (;ommittee to Nititer Clothing, Boots and Shoe everything in
.0 CHEAP. HIS stock of Dry -goods, town. -
and ascertain the views of the London Price 25 cents per box.
Railway promoters. Lost. Professor rr25::B -LAIMq M! is In Chris mas fruits, be is fully amorted. - -0 most- TAlaiwa
This Is oneof tb
prepared to sell as low as any other House in
40akley's petition, for $25 to carry family and town locations for Salt Works in
to London and tpr.ayiln for vood and FRESHP GOOD A01"D CHEAP. section for th e 4;ayingofteamitog and thoec
A STtp rN ADVAXC&-Those who ha 40etsg 600111. purohas64of wood.
sustenance, sent ief committee. Ad- si, 74ets ;iud $1.00 For fartlict lissluddinru A -111Y
thought with the Free Press these man —0 1 . SPLENDID, GROCERIES S. T.'"
journed. years past that it would be a good and
: F 1=: t T—T I rZ 8
wholesome thing to secure the abolition of C In' OICE _�anderieh, N�V. l9t4, liiol; NW.274t
the toile (on the county roads, will be glad 81 WANTE 0
Eng-ineer's Offlee. I.,. El. B. R. C&PPERS
to see that the Council.have got to far in A FULL -ASSOILTMENT- Ok THE- finest Chlisimas FRits at N V811 lowest NICK C
mmittee to I - - I . — .
in the matter as to appoint a so Chri ina-as Presents I 06UP 200 or 300 goias of wo0a. Afailly to.
st M
London, Ont., Jan. 276 th 1871. V0101k LLYLVIRI, & RED' 11AILVEY UINCXLS1;CsT A
ire to the subject, and suggest some Goderich, Dec. 20th, 1810,
q,, in
-13ditor of the Huron signal. in "it,
To the q ble manner by which the much de- AW
Sir. --I ootice� in your last issne some LESS RAIS043 Godericb. Nov.,23rd 1870,
If the FEE
sired result can be brought about
-correspondence from one Someryillegiving c,)miittee does its work faithfully good WA
a very untrrithful report of a Railway _NTXD,
11111st resulit, thouah we have little faith in 18 pounda OF CURRkNTS FOP. $1.00
As he has allowed
Meetin in Lucknow. being able convince the majority -of the 13 p3nada of Raisin. -fee OLOO. WINTER
himseli'Lo be so carried away by anger as Councilthat keeping idleri at the toll -gates PREPARE FOR B A Millar.eapatile of taking zhitizo of 1i GrIstist-
PfEE].15. of aT X9ND-2-1 business. for raiticulari, Apply In PetdOhIO y
notonlytamake mistatements but also is not true econofny,Fre4 Preu.
call names and do other silly and useless
Porl. Abat gov. lgtls7Q;
things, an answer is harctly necessary, for GOOD AND CHEAP. AX7v
all those who were at the meeting
could 0:2- A large quantity of salt water Herring NORWAT DATS.,
see by his passicn there, that he felt him- MARRIED. on band. .1 -
self beaten and the anger displayed in his MI iain."Prev* -
URE VertftylOxig F -r.,
Ths Largest and Cheapest Stock of Crockery In town, _AM5 tout,
4nftllls justly'vele
letter only shows how deeply he feels the thefresi&,nce of the S*g ur orders lo jeed Lj�U!.Vlftfio o
injury I did to his pet scheme, -He com- COX 'COLLrNs-At Goderich Dec. 13th, 1870. ovr3-tf te4 variety. Farmers -wauti*g.
bride's father On the 24th in-st, by the GLEAR"- OUT TUMEIR ALL or a, 11twol, R WJ b a 93P TX - inly iii1aildwhed lo orde,
dertarly as they will A
plains of my beina- at the meeting. Now W. 3P. Fe S X A;
0 Rev. W. 81�myth, Mr. James A. C. Cox, NXI C> Al. Howl-IlArd,
;%ll railway meatin-3 alre supposed A0 be .1Q0Ar.US-
e of the whole Merchant, to Miss Jouaima E. Collins, _,G oderich,
public, this meeting was on both of Gtiderich. HAS JUSTJ
village and as I was desired by a - villager mom a R10
to artend itJ did so, no.3t for one moment Al EE) Ti, Z, M A FULL STOCK -Received a Manificent Stiock-of Stj3aji * .,gMe
supposing that the broad gauge men felt Special NoticeS.
V their cause so bad that they could be
frightened by one opponenr.. � ad&ressed -COST9 GoLa BRoocnFNI
the mdet�ncbecailsoa tke meeting decided C>3P
unanimously thit I should ak, and 's, M or
8 a
aAd also 43
har; the pleasure of Lnowinv that I have -Job Hoses" Periiiidleal Pills. BEST L&YER RAISINS 9cets per pound avyffincev Si- 1 rtiner for one dollar.
gaitied some friends in Luck ts VALENCIA -9 8- 41 it Syda ou in., he JET BRoobAE9,. �12
the pleasure of seeing my, opponents very -FAILINd SEEDLESS be 110t !1 11 Godericb, Nov.28th, 1-870. v43- .1,0
angry. This bomervills hu iir realitv INVALUABLE MEDICINE ISUN SCARF PINS,
rp.181he cure of ail t1tose paulf,l and dangerous ro"
injured his owneause by his Of digeases to which the female constitution is rEhiect. erGALLON ONI; Is horrffpnll��;; mle-Iiiiii. -w te
It moderates -111 excess and removelo &B -obstructions, MOLASSES 35ets P JEWELLEDRDME, 1 c Br"Iford Ibi*, Efigine =4 1,00i'tAre SIta-dita
upholdingitani pew wherever You go 6th, 1870. M0 de . . t . -, -" 1y;l)r!cc*5
and a speedy cure rna* be relied on. Godericb, Der HEY t LEND Pgether a7inlAre errec , W
g.,or i
One 11 (,4", +ooilerbasbes
GoLo RM-adi,
throtiall the country the people Will tell
-you t9a TO XAMELIED LADIES Lot 962, St. ratrick Sts X a day's notice and on reasonable terms. V_io V we'r.
t the b:oad gauge men are atraid It is peculiarivsuited. 11 will, in a short time, bring F"Iff FOR SALE. 0 J. S. SINCLAIR, Bar liscolvery "cc V275.-Jdo dopyiilioutboiter
GOD E R I -CA -14 -it b - ' - nl�tft�n, j,&_6 $2510-� - �tliiioal:vizlnek
ry,�Iil ee ois, ,p
-of the Lo-adon. Road and endeavaur to n the mouthl� period with regularity. Goderichi Nor. 23rd, 1870.' ew28-3m- SELV'ER VW's', i'd2b,* d r.11 at the4veepiiMaU4
t Ili ' ni , a
-ument by calling their oppon- Th,,, pills shoualool he taken by PemaUs durf7sg the re to itiv.i -For %ar wula
upset their arg A RARE I.CIEEAXCE- cri. .1-HRUILET,
4 and eudeavorin.; to prevent FIRST -THREE M0,YTHS of P gaaney, as mey are
-outs name. I the public are notified tbett
sure tobria.-an Af"="iagC_&at41 any other fitne they rVHE pRopE 1 8 for sale, au� PLATED WARE,
Ty OF THE LATE ANDREW 1 .10 - 61640ilsld.
i lam the only In I
their being heard. are safe. No. 18 north persou who has a good �L - 4aeagaell, Dec
I oarrey. being the S,,ufh Half otLot, XL 30 CY%r -AL X-8 At GREAUY REDUCED prices
Ehave the hdbour to be Sir In all CaAes or N'ervous and SpinalATections, Pain in of the town Plot. Ashfield. Co. Huron, ICO acres of will be prose -
Yours very Respectfully, -the B3ckand Limbs. Faiirue on sh,�h -saud title' to 06 same. Trespassers
xertion Palpim- first cla" Land. 70 acres cleared; with building 0 a
TUOMIS W DYAS. tion ot the heart, hn there Pi is orhard. Full par cuted. Dundas. BUTTLi D:413t;
whi effect a care wb-a all other means have failed; rrerzn§g 'Very ni6a-sonable. ICA A Wy-'-PERSOIC
arul ahhough* poxvetful r--medy, do not contamiron, ticuiars as to price dc., cte, to be had at the �011lee n aw.0aw-604t- -or zuttingtituber.,on,Wc-t half otlotH,
carcomel, antmonF, aranythiul; hurtful to the'coustim- January, 3rd, 1871.- CAKE BA:sam, _2 1*k*"osb, *Mbe1imicautearccording
TtFUA..K9.-NVe are %uite willing that DOYLF& SQUIER :Z 0- gill V6
Barristers Gohericb.
all sides of the Railway questiaAV should Fullilirectioni- in the pamphlet around each package. XPHOLVERER,
which shoild be carefully preserved. Goderich.December 23rd 1970 NIUSIC —0— 70.
hive the fullest hearin and therefore JOB 3108M, NEW YORK, SOLIC PBGPR=OR. INYQUINTITY Of
although Air. ][JAS WftH AVIEW FiLAGREz SFTTj�
give pablicity to theabove. $1.00 and Ili cents for postage, enclosed to Nortbrop N 0-T-1-0. 1847LETCHER'Si class for instruction In toi keep up- with
Dyas'assnmpti t the anthorshipot & Lvrilarl, Ntwaast!e, Ont., pmeral agents for the rqdiments of instrumental musio:6 meets every the times purchased & Isis
0 Demmitia. will insure a bottle,containhiRover 50 rills, -aturoley at 2 o,cloak, p. mi. '"Verin"24,00 Pdr NIG�
the comin
,qe replies to is quite fitted up the store two NAirllf 01 A.
uy.elarnmail. RETOFORY, EXISTING qua te dooTs west of the Post 14 ITIAKIT A
gratnitous. stis either -one 8,omer NORTHRUP &I YMAN, Tbetween the undenigned under the style or firm =r�ich, Jan. 16tb. 1870. IF52-tt- Office as a
of 9trachan and McKinnon. as Blackarpiths in tho
. I I
e'; nor this Sodierville" that wrote it. In I Pro;
vill Newcastle G W geners. V
, . .1 Town of Goderich, has this day een sso ved y and if it had emanated from Mr Tames agentforCan.a& mutual c�)nseut. Allparties indebted to us must FU I Itil 1,1: U Do b
Somervine we should have been certain 13- Sold in Godeneb by Parker Cattle dnQ 43eltle up by the 15th February next. in order to save . Salt lk Flour Barrel
F itto Mr. Alexander Adam Fa%t Street, Goderich, all of the newest (hiignil
�00ks, that he, being a, 'ex- Jordan, Gaidinvor cc Co., Bayt,Ad ;'Janyes Costs, W 140OPS. "st ins 43- j.
who ishereby authibrized Ito grant receipts in our be -
pressed the opinions of a large section of Benthum, Roxeiville ; J. Vickard,k ceter; J.H half. All -parties to whovathefirm is indebted wilt 'abovir business' risls�i suitable ibr 6e coniltij
('ombe, G linton, S. cord, Lazltnow; E. H Ick flendi
the conimauity. TheeEtteemedcorrespon- =,tendintheir claims to Mr. Adam at once. wherelieillin futnrecaTTyon the Dkful for past season, en
Bookla, son.3e0orth-and nl. Medicine-Oealars. w3s at Goderich this fourteenth day of January &3lpBELL BILUS of wetford have constantly on m9re extensively than ever. While the are iiiiiar.
a 0 4. D. i8n. band, and are continually buying Green HOOPS, patronage, fthopes by 9ftietattentin to men ' * - - - .!
dent who was the author of tile versto C A SECOND SU-UPLY JUST TO h' -sfth eeach Otter.
0 for sale at present. Apply by continuance and 1acrPaseofBuppGrt. -C aa�,riqg preWnfj
-tincr to which
the Lucknow Railway mee WITNFgq D. K. STRACHIN We haveover 200,00
the London Engrineer takes exception, is CLNI JOHN ROB4RTSON HUGH31eKMNoN. letter to�Campbell Bros, Box 2&, WatfOuL
P111.9 DESTROYER w&241;-�* HE HAS NOW ON 11AND t
Watford, January 1871.
ba -ad o6ohisliting of She Natest 'rq shscrlberb�pgs to Inform llk� jnilill� IbAi
equglly intellient, well-informed and re- one- of thelatgest stqcks of furniture In the County -4
st6ck t earryfol; va the AXP- _XqPlifatori. 4
A Fami I y Mje&eine, well and favorably known ana ii 11 e shortest notice. prepared to "o larre 6 b Is old standgn Ught061gog'Siftit
SIGNAL. ; 0oderich. lei*
liable. fortne past terk yearx,never failing�i. a single supply customers with everything in h1s line, such as LUIL,
Tenders Wanted. Of LTWISAILY6 ATS 160
L Drawingro-Sta and Parlor Setts rofiflUntwi Pmj*perjo� lie Jil,
Instance. to give -permanent relie -vJlen timely Bedroom Aetts in Wall-ut, styles or BPJG11T',& 00-L
1MLows! Conpou--D symup or 19yropaospurrizz will ve never knowa a ringle ease SUBSCRIBER, RBSIDING ON LOT 26; 8rd do 110 n ;Givp him x-truil beforepurdhaSki.- used and we ha
-not only supply the waste going on In the brait�, bat PXDMSwRnted by the-Boara of 51choolTrustees; T WC rga�qualltltyaf do do in White Wood, ca
on. Tue rsmith, has for salea. lai tj
wiii enable the mind to eadure a�&r-_atcr tax than be- otilissatisfacuen where the 4i?eet!oons have been Tor the Town iof Goderich for the delivery of 100 the celebraM, N�)RWAY OATS. also, sfrly Rose, 131attresseei d 'every description, JEWELLERY it. BETTS,' Aore, Clinton.
aploo and Weeh) soulid and- Harriso .4, 1 ath
Green W000l,(T�l a, Early Goodrich. and Gleason POTATOE I ' 1. WFe r -Bolsters, pillow,% &L 'D
by *e eingTe
1twin strengthen the n GEN -To I or
fore. It %vdl impart vigor and primote clear cocep` rroperly toollowed, but on the eontrary all are cor
erves god,on or before the 15th (lay cot April next, 75 coids or w*d. which he Will cell for &J'AD per singletush I)i�ce, lit
.f ten bu -or upwaffle can RE00 tions to 'he intellect. ntral Schn5l. sill bushels LADES TIOX. IN I 108
Le and give-pawer to all the involuntary as well 29 the deliglged with its opeTations, and spealrin.the which tobedelivered attheCe U.h.l. - Oats arel 0 N_ HA -N D A L A R Q P_ AS-
st the balance at thp Ward Sehrools. Tenders wil,.be re- 10 reh: The Norway mxkk
'of tts; Virtue and.M gloat elmect �gr b WATC:H-.ES CLOCKS'_
voluntary nougeles of the body. lngheo thrms a to fto. other sesai' 4ENTOP
ceiveft by the undersignel unti I noon of Thursday 2d
Sold by apothe- HE cA1vADrANPA1N DESTR07BR -Board, digiol, zm 40"
Prie5$L50a bottle; 6 for3150. T Febr�arynert. Byorderefthe EDWAR D TOOE19- Picturis such as O"aintingd, Chrolm6s: V fthoiraplits
dexeS, cariesandbyl?. Caudill &. Co., wilplesale agents hzs wn for itself a reputation, as a -blood port W. MiLcKAY, See. w -2m Vholof�p otthr. Best fr*kei� guaranteed as ri�r&efited, Mid..
Montreal. de4, alterative stomach ton a, unsurpassedi" the Goderich, 19th 48xu�Lry, 1771. w53 -td- JdIL20th1871. r t uu Ouse 0sa supply- lakeip for a" histoiyofmedicalpreparations. It xeldonifails PW*tare Frames ally ld ' Teron hi. dwrofflip estatO Oftill) lRt0j WIT -
3 r o u g h 9 L -t, a a u
Ov= ExERTio-;, either of body or mind- Inoduces; epsia, Liver Complainix, IndigLs T_ prices. Veit Boys: -liam liawkis, %'sq :PX f3.j-,of1lw - C. lty,.of Toronts�
to cure Dysp- m: L11solvent Act vt 18". it 5 :! ; � );D T
.jo.b 0-1fas !A4 ays on hina �oiilple"ie Assert, Tly andolismse. The usual remedyis totake
timulant, the effect of which is the same- tion, Hearlburn� Sicir tleadSiChe, Kidney Uo I$ J)JftT.3VLX , GTFO A� decease AsthM2, and gatw5
aints, Acl Stbmach Flitilisic or meat oh, W. F. P.. S. rmsiaixgbusiness In thlsline,- 'JA . aibc�oaim Atfors Will besailrcssed ip J
giving a tired horse the whip instead of oats. The Pli ital activity Me systefif debldtated- In the maWr of WiUiam Stanbtlffy, looff 'UntaMplorMeSalol 4iMjs
tru end wi!L 91Tq Will every 9140 wOrti"r JSwellery a
t T w ye is to rortify the system with a permanent rWofo`s to V ins Shroids in tblit
2& cent �pfeoe stsiistic.9mUs. till After UP N6W es strengM Its magical and 96 conderfat suceess in miring
the P r to v an Syrup (a protoxide of iron), by suffering and disease. BurgessviW, an Insolveni,
and vigor to the whole system,
BO O -K Whichaiv A 'OF ERid
sudded colds, te poftr vestea in rite is Assignee of ILEARSES to hire� -;. 1 1 ;
Sore throat, Coughs, DiptheriA Y Virtue df tI AiS61
pains in the sidd.lions and back. neuralwa,toqtV B -theestate andeffects of the above I moed Insol
1rusipallin thoTown bf(la.deiitch, <Mti46601�0` ASTONI1919111GLY On
WRY WML You Su"ER.—The"Canadi- ache, rheumatic and other #am's in any,yoartq� vent, i win offer for sale at the qal R6 - � etot)46 of George M.
::an Pain Destroyer" instantly 'and per- the body 4na rrom whatever cause, bv;k given ft in the County of Exe"i in 11is bftt ',Atyl"qd -V?kA 'des
Huron, Ontario. ch. 'of PoSt 40f
manently removes all pin from theL sva- 5r ks We3t tratcb;. by !*!Wr 44
a plaea in ew y household and isfast iu&r$e&- 2 Do
e ing all other pieparations of tile kind. Vmrsday, the Second Da of February next, arWX.41Dxi
-teml and is decidedly the best medicin It is also an alleclualaad prompt remejy�tor 22aktr area a .
atthe houroftwelve 4Yelock wyon,alt therightand Goderich. Dee: 23r(l, ISM
known tor thecureofrheumatisim,ple -,Su
nrisyl Scalds, Barns, Bruisiks, Spraias, Chilblains, Interestofthe said Jusaftentin. lat certain parcelor '160,* m ia
- -neuralgia, tic douloureux, tOgth-20he- rrostRites,CrampAin the.9ton trskt of liflot and ptemises situate. lying afid being in ein. Dymentery, Peovince
-ebolic, burnis. frost bites, &o., an4 is - sin' r-tiolera morbus, Billions Chwic, Cholera go. 4, jn Bridge -end
Intan- the Township of Colbornet imtheCQunty and f. R_ SM A R.
cheap that all can Afford to buy it. Sold In aforesaid. fid known as Lot, XMAS &-NEW Y---,fR -
bottle. �ownshlp of Colborne, being part -by aH Medicine Dealers. Price only cein _k letter G. 1, -ton. Yani per� -
place, in tbamid. I lefttage of five Rods more cot
N aRop 4� LYMAR, ofBtoc stern.Pids of, tll9 Northeril Gravel Poe, lbth, 1674
r 0yerco-atinirsAid
Newcastl�. 0. W. Ness on the Ba t able, be
OR , containing bradmeasureviet halfL. it
3DWreaSing.Populataon During v7ar General Agent for Canada; the same mbre (); lots.
CoderiA y'Parker fiv Cattle-aad E* pirticuls 'to Messrs. -Bicliardson
as So I
The Zlepressing effect of war on popa F., Jordan; Gardiner Uo. Jamej Finkle, S6llclt0rs,'W
� I., .. . . F., EEO! WEM
orTo tkaundersigueol. JAXES31019 BRANTF 'oodstoe, Mr. Lefroy; Goderich,
:stinir, exhibits itself in thel 0 n Beutham, RodgervAle;.Piekard, Exete 01ficia, G ODS & WOOL iNd DRY -
k w2 -td- zlro�osir ooftfw
nuer. 1el: January27th; 1871, Ath-Qu TH `3 47L -1 .4
E . '0� States census in'& Striking mp_ oabe, Clinton; Swor(I)Lucknow,
013 -arta and all Madieftno, Dealers. W38
The aggregate populationof the country - ----- Tflo
4s FePorted to haye been ss'follawa AUCTIO14 `8ALE:
Tn IS& 19j669,03 t 44as rjoeliFa a. tary j"Tedt stock, whICUs vi'
S In 1860- 21
fto:it 12
-SXtT ds V - . .
Unto .1670 R Tine cd*,AIOUi� Mid, driw-goo, anar
-874 'Spenoer�s W. ce' -fr 121 i6to Wanted
In 1850 tRARIAN :#IL yo om 2
crease in 'CATTIM fro%250tis,� -;,41k:6ltpaM 6ROOR IES 11 AMS d
FOR E(ORSEG AT Thug froni 1840 to 1850 t1te in call via -*0 Swiss ^Ad
population was 6,122,423. or a Whit-
pef U-
LA 3
ibakelg. 4Sjftd'
cen.L ftom, is56 to 1860 it wa* 6-2ii,4- A..' NI&VU �FA RJNa,� :nWri 6 1Rg Pday li�- at the -ZANTIA
1860 to _r6 I- . I - , -. I .
4 -46 or -35.5S per tent. But4rom, ar I . - . " - I
I 710�tanitt -TID TLND
6vjtep b7iii 2inmetous'patraw
I r"Clk
elfidefit Propertidw care of Vlsh it h9a been but 6, P, L A -ON IMPROVED FARMS I the medicinal Virtues of' thivi'mrticl4a whicii 1A=HU'R$T K
, - : B
le Of couise is. POPUTXBOA. iffereases ;ntifastockli etl4fi. 0mmendinir 'oak Gaills of all a charges lCraciseCV-1leolsi p13 -
ala- 21til-Allst, 1twithin 40 �p - -1. - - 40f;LU (eslieclaliy .0tin or 11110s
I Wil
-ress'CaTifidt e -M ant eblltifiuftjg� daily, until.00 C>IE Llg�F luteril; Tht, st;63k wift b6
-a vhof ;BELTMI A
mingwimsp T
-'erv&--to biader;
the fallinv�Tfrom sit advance cotthe� 0 is -cleared ut .1 1 140110401% SKift SJUfFEist irade rgoluctlDn. In tile kkdb to E"� or Greaee,. Stram�, lamene fu1W at t e the Tate of 35. to 21 &riien L ip, - a �Eod inq dot life 16=413
o pri
Mo ces, Nis
-77777777777-, TICIX-J. (rour
aM Feet, Writ Distv _90VI 'n Wks
want yuur own pri Q not fil o atten 6 'Von- Lojig Ohftwh
"iso, t0bie attri it& aud many' I AZDNIUWT� . , . . i�pm one
alitesma whith hor5ekand e noti DE
TWeeli--b4ied:le.fumoUt,k44,.beeti Used. foi.,`nia pneera
Va : 11 1 . F-4 .........
co, for ............
yearoo, I Its; cun 4ite
!afteeded. to, be ther,,qbeapea and most- ra- ioneat- b W-bitsineggi 'FAIJtY G
U_V;QB9f300D iCULAVATl0X, 1.0entlemah's 2vfiAag'Tk et .........
an't JtlW Ito c Ante from Oran Nithe ouilic-it n eruO complains MOWUs 50:Acres 10M Or leis 40 ur"
Uidys-Evoiift Tiektt .....
fli%t �the blerarWytoreille -leired,20acresplouglie-laid.
A R-efir.,
i. e1cr; emed "is eE inb:; r S- -
ed and icriWr U tcotiWm.ata t6`--tha publia Alist lie ho NM av6rfaila whou, timely us TY
og to ,
x - tady lorzrdp; w i-bbse Vations of tber ecif psa at flathtullyapplie& purz-hased A large and Varied fiatq, V10T
e 2k. per Witte.. sufiuker wearmblelt he wilt open."fos r -VATUIS 10DUCED T from -Goaericb. TAnd 4, 'pe(Utors inspcOloo aml: uality.wlik,it Wv t
*eke entik6; he gouts' 'd �Iootx,671nvon 5. Township of "barAe" Ji .10' ................. A*
-y riistrated. Dam elondb Tdbethail of all DM99111ts and dqdatiY�Xiic ........
i dwelft 9104= ',eXtTa on Bandnigi ......
"lei on the i4ji; of.March, naxr� Iftving'a thojouth its .......
ilieds Attached 10 it, i1SQ ii AfJ4Vfidl4 IDZIUrd find 'N "Y41 xi A is Q 1 (" k r, t 10 1 d ep
in thatlIn
the Paw of totalit Ni vlw 0 L. io let; knowledgeorthellst,coanar"t 4hel4sett
Ilo �nfj -ti
V& All abers ......
_g that business 1. - vidAa day the uatsl�d 4 -Tog in: Goderich.d)t Pa a k oeduattliepub"Id"n W P]�! 40
t4t. it, WVA P vevix Is:
V _:qym �Oa ths pro: kii-tetter-su e *111, ply or tw6rXtymiu%texbefo' throligh"tthaD06hilon. Pne k e is Rind W pre la ed WH* fA a f i
xod ed sto d
1104-, rs V;11
Co. B&,Vjfitfd;.JaMe# 111,A50'r6dom exclusively, 4 y TinernAn, 456derteb, �qr iT*uiw
�`Qaw�% were bl6viii dOwn, but, thodaii f ES.Kik_, ..TIC
.._ Pickard Eeteir larg6a T$A C-11 6wwj j7�161axtos i tberal Itowel outhe tee, spil ca I t h*4
i r1ilt j) 4�.
"g -tosele -fromAndat PrIc
V, I t It di Itze Vw repax M dintf for 01% iftsum. ;Qmt)e, Clintpia-;. Seoiiord*�_ ne Aw0o" 0 r r sit .17 q0i*titldu. Mick will 187P.
0. FR
iments t0bo usod if the' weather -14a, boon ;. .
_ft oiL W. lit 1