Huron Signal, 1871-02-02, Page 2M . 7 L aegilaturt, its Rouseliloldftys: 411ell at harA 1.1blr. Re- aj n if fen. Movot'i further in l"011a- I Huron Bruce, Tvwn and County Frat r4l Ifid.. Suba Doi in t to,Jan-26ilt. -10 Tf; is 119pularlV opposed that boys must at the motion !I,, Bill YATTORS.-Shice Vriting m3r oTit onced in favor (-f the Wel ation of -Robort Mblions and Ton nt r ton On the invit, neceosliiily bive 6 'g6deW m-orkalis, secil byArGibson, GMyand Bruce scheme by the 'County C The Speaker took the chair at 3-1 me,%1;.v'c4 by Mr I i op and alliendie, Inicipai last, onnoil of Bruce 5 Horace 11orton, Psqnlres, the Mx the,� � -- be nuisanZ That thj3 conned grant the sum of U-.62000 Messer now read bb laid over until the limited supply of 4c green seal" �placed at i� ou,nfY of Huron . - Wten ve�'yr de- 0,01116k. when 'they imusit, t.1 glradc the Sth and 9th con- weconsiderthe'll Counc and ..been-in*eisim and has fill ettlier be paitif ully.bashful, ameron pre -as to make all w, p Lraut ards supply, lion Mr 0 sented returns,' when they % M-001RIFIOUSE. ,uf Provied therownshi preumtvtrel, in the meantime. Carried their disposal by somp partiem, whom the Town ot-Goderich and A number of lea&i, cisive but laudable iteps tow r or so rude -and boorish Cutunty tiptinatlivisit)nbyani.tiorityof4. Nov- Free Pres is I lities. For shoiting' the minutesof the meetipga 0 �e in tontact with them uncomfortable. and that tile lilcase�d to style 'Flam"to ing oitizens,mot to supper ia the Hurol ing- the county with railway fad et the centraet and soperintend Public Instruction for cTohmis 'is a false idea, and one that is the ed in mendment tothe further aniend MilwayManipitlators.1 Wo miglit repeat �Oth t the Toronto and Hamilton the Council 0 . Referred to Filmlice conlillit- ment by Mr Patton, Bead br Ur Castle, Hotel) on -the ivenin,( v dfATh some time pas I . parentofuntold mischief. If .4 boy in the I the truism niino verilm,andsay thatafter . been competitors for the 1870., tee. iteports f Dr Tennatitall4l 1tr Far- thtthere be u6 County b;llus grianted inst. Some 70 gauttenteii,,,werepresent, companies have House vrent into never Inubbed' at home ; if he is treated i,-,rm,d tochool Coin. Ile es being midl- the champagne had performed -its exhilar- n s Bruce offers to a RAilwaT, After toutinct the - as well as kindly by mother and- roxv, L. t;_ IV for Upr-n the nain for whom Capt. Cox, the debonnaire host, induceme t e of the W We on the Bilt to politely v En-incer read and referred rlielit, ating uth Bruei-410tritnitte iculaily at that trying period ed Nr there voted for the amen oflice, tho Idek9gates, uttered ille un- of the Huron had, ropared.-ainple mid atid (if late the matter, it' 80 and respecting eftemists, sisters ; if �arti ,t.o, Gravel I 'renwa�, Hays, Dalton, Willis, varnished truth when they said the iii- p pper, has but the e- regulate Poi,'O'Mi Eyre in wben he is tteither a little -t 'that his toad all, Bridge Com, Messrs. G well -appreciated supplies. After sit been closely 0 )oy nor a fall referred to Fill ;hop, druggists and apotlAca grown III n, �he is niade to feel -i Kelly, Gibson, esser, Leckie, Bi, I hilbitants of their localities would prefe be is . r soug, toast and story were pleasantly matids'mnde by t61oronto Company were er ujlw.elcOm C.,111. Move;.l by Ntr seod by Cornyu, Pork ins, Scott, Her- the chair. I presence, is he� at R:tilway accolniodation from the . Wellin- wa,-4 created but tenderly Mr McLAowiiey, Th. .1 alternated. rile usual loyal toasts having so exirbitant that none but those who had ton, Youn-, Dallpos, HeValwhey and Gib 0 -I.Considetable amnsemn t neither teased not laughed at, tett:41 to Ilia tile approacties 1) il X illst, ess'-s'Parnin Brown, till Grej and Bruce, and only pay. a bonns hdtrtilv honored, that of thp Art of Mr. McGill, the d wisely helped, he will pass over that 11cer 1)4'1 Instri Illy, local int 3rests at stake, equIll give it their 9- the explanation$ n y qd hebraiges at Patton, Gallitt. to) the London, If itron and Bruce hen Navy and Volunt;ers" twm admirably xe- Bridge of Sighs without knosving it -1 t-0 hearty support, The Toronto people now protdoter of the Bill. utate of repair at "arty. Moon, Girvin, they'weto certain of notbeingserved by plied to by Col. Ross. Commodore Crab I "Idea, may be equally well aP* to b se On the third ctause, Xr Boyd raised The sama e.that they are unable to cope with their Eluron is tlotl�ly called all al"Ph'- 'jo the., c ause )Iieo to girls. Nothing makes an over - P7 lie former. -As fars fab" I V, - illion. The amendinout coming "n concerne( _ I by NIr smd by r Shupson, That the further aniondinerit was lost by a moits anitual) and Capt. Thomatin ; the indefatigable opponentl, and are likely 'to the question as own. girl of thirteen so awkward and tin abandon, the lost causel, flin the bounds of trade and-comindree gr i`S300 be made to improve the j britY of 5. Moved by Mr Horon, sacd the composition of the deputation is as last named pertinently aalting how much 'though. Bruce wit' bejoad the power comfortable as the iiii"If. consciousness partly g-ravell-ed between Ctin. bv ir Cresswell, that the E-witiver and follows :-Howick, Thomas Gibson ; (L. S. D -all) tile . Council valued the brought about by the ridicule and.-barsh is still a gem so highly prized.- In ah&t -consequently bein The &line to. be laid otit Warden s Coin. be empowered to consult Turuberry, John Messer, Reeve, W I[. volunteers and what grant tho� would give se c0n�tilents of older members of the `family. 'n-ineer ill. tifeu when next in Camp. The 0 m, they perceived that their farther effarts to of the Hen where th 1�. ay direct in sonic anthcrit on cousads, in referaneo 0 ttorney-Gencral H recretable ones, grow y T'eech, L. J Brsee &lid J. Gregory Grey At the sug,,eaflon of A, uman plants, like i hills ;'),lid improving tile to improvin, as to sound. wercial Interests' cae next, eliciting a reach the lake throuh Bruce would prove ov r for sunshine. HAS wurst . lviaes Referred to Finan t1ke Couit-room . . found Thomas Str%�Jlau ; East lVawanosh, R. Mae'do"Idl the �lausa, stoo most. freely and gracefully in cO C-0111- Anti if after such consultation it is I very eloquent address fXoM John 'Yqso futile that theydid notcon5ider it -------- liy r P.Ltt'al se,� by Xlr.Farran, that an inipr4.venterik bd I made said Carrioand George AlclCily ; Irest Vair- Datlor, Esq., and sensible remarks from d ke sail this HAVXICA, Jan. 23 ----:An encounter took Drudent; to sond* a deputation to atten 11r Bla lesser and tile last Council session. The result was that the clork faritish this with the niny be authorized to- instruct wwsh, Edwin Gaunt. Dputy Reave ; Messrs John Leckie, , John - A On clause four, I place ill tke Vacificl the e��act locality not and Stirvues-if tlie County Treasitr- the Eugineer to 11, -C.tr- inerville, Alexander .3 ohn fl arris. 74. 0 Cameron, E sq., M I? , that but few held up 'their puny arin5 of Would create a clo3e corporation. being given, about the 26th of Dec. last, 1LA vethO work df�ne I Luck)ww, James go ' e clause was ec, f.,r their bon,ls ried. Ilovool by 51r Sbeppera, sued by in a atid able Bpeoch,- re against the. course pursued, 'by seussion, th bet)veen the Prussian frigate Hdima and 0 1 plied to the rebellion' After some di of the Trens-arer were slibinittod NIr Castle, thztt this Cuuncif adjourn till %furray and M. CLmpbell ; Ashfiel I J . the ;'Dominion ' urg the Several silc� ' ' toast -of Parliament, -- thatbody. Tile'. extdision 'of timsto� defeated, oaa division. two small French gunboats, the Ourieux b-; t,'je c1crkwl referred ti, Finance Cimi- 8 a. in. Andrews. Anything mor4 intelligent, Lit to oonibine to aid the development lialuilton company, which was such a ceeding clauies were agreed to; and, it ultiny in the sinking of and Bruiox, reS Sloved by 1r 1'4*6111, see by lir 28th Jan., trustworthy and thoroughly reprereiLtative of our material resources ; proving, the bugise-ai to Laidlaw. Teeswater Timothy 3k the Hous,3 rose for reces-�'i both the French vessels. q161,::e, that: wherelvs thi Council lilts for The Council met, the Wardezi in tile ould betbrd to fini ;and soundness of his position oil the t#riff & Co',and other -iiidomitable copper heads, beirlEy, Ther deepest eitevati I on in the United r t than T 16 It W and stating kis intention to has been granted without miirmur, save the Ho . usA proetieded to States is said io be YeAMnevIl payill! Ot thL1 cost if hair. The minutes of yestetolay were strange to say those aquainted with tl-9 luestioll ; eel fi in the' would-be After reecom copper, mine near TO THE ihe sL�zarilv, still it', is tile r,a.1 and napproved Report of Special el think, for himailf in the Rouae of Com-, a smaltstill voi ro I a auvong them an mulls, accepting good ineasure's by whom- ceutro of railways. - III a 9 f this t.u� the Tro;Lsurer upon 'INIullit;ipal Act was hidividuala will recogiiiii 11 justice no'o-ther forward several private Bills. Lake periof. It is 1,300 feet deep. the the corporate the North Grey . nsla&y was so� affected f3ril.&:t nritv fol ctirrent, riad and a4lupted. Report of the 00111111 3p- unusual ,repouderauce, of the water -drink- soravoir they iihonld be orignated. The ourse Oould -ho pursned since- they re- A -Bill to ini A very pentITIO own tee tit occasion r. a t, rey- by a charity sermon on a rece Tear. .1 tit the alarics Committee to investigate thle case A)t Aritt, iitg clement Yet theFree Pre -other toasts were replied to as follows �uired all 6xtension to 'complete but so'nO R-,iil*a-y Company -Mr Scot see bv Air Elorton, 0 and dOpted.- ss tl: ink 4 It as to borrow a dollar from her neighbor W]OW Sr-U401ELIM str,,ug and Kerr waa re that tbeise entlemen having been 'dined The 'Conuty Con oil' by K. Gibbous, fifteen miles of rod, But the greatest wa*-read a third fone and passed. Lhi Eagineer Ito to -fence of -tile Finance Esq quandary of all is likely W"be settled ikroni e Streetsville and put it in her own pocket. letuentaxy Rept ABill to incorpoate th tho .veicera of - the tea. Moved wined to their hearts' content' be- John �iho most advantageous terms posgible. - y -Mr The Earl of Orkney has be -en gazetted Ctmimitteet was rt -ad and adop The 'Bar of Canada,' b'V MQssT3 tind Port Credit Aailwal C01111)3n w.d %votild re%>wilimund that tile, by Mr Perkitis see by 1dr Rurtou, tbat this P,. a hands of the Davison and H A-1wdermott. Thq. Council have �ledged thowse His lordship is bile of the re ,t,C 1 C127 in th Ives to ef6rred to Committee bankrupt. sitting saulti Uu d.)ne with oed.Lr liams lustt�ad of I C.,uticil do now adjourn to in The 'Press' by hlr Cox, Air. Donaghy, grant a Conutj bontis-to a railway in South Goyne­n as r enfistive pdacs for Scotland, NEXT TO out again Oil a -Ater to the'Hamiltou Railway Manipul- third time and "res Ionger. b,�tl-dz as t,'iese buaa-d% are lways torn ott', ried. I of the Signal, Bruce, and irs Iong a brand; of 6)zd amended, and the U7 read a tor this present parliatuent and no li-i tirat unday iii June next. V,,inr:ering-wLera the p#-ee pl-ess of the St.ir, Mr Youna got a inspiration which inluced it to Matheson at -ed t.) R,),-xd and th the New Bra and Mr McLean gangs will be located on tile Southern passed. There is a machine in operation in East taLen away. Refer Bridro Collimivae. Adj�jurnCJ to 4 2. in. f tile Expositor. ay will-bebuilt wher�the The House went into i�m'mittee on. Sum mer, Maine, which can make thirteeri sh,.ot this pfaisoued arrow which wilt recoil survey,and arailw 4 r. it. a itse!f and its eunstituents, wo happened The 'Farmen'by Air. Archibald Bishop, naturill outlet (if tile County requireavue. the Bill 10 inoo�rporata the.. OakvilleI thousand toothpicks in a minute .4 Yet the to light on the following paragraph in a of Usborne. Guelp� Railway Co.,,, aud demand is greater thati. the supply.: The Conticil resumed. Accounts f Nlr 6 t 1 10 n enuncial of Goderich' by TR IVJ9P.%A1tY.—Pur3I%Aut Milton, & MOSSIS I C, 0800y U131 referred letter written by r. Dyas, the enginAer, The 'Tow to notice the Good Templars of this village passed. Third YjAng to -morrow. A soi-disant ex -major df the American -he County wit ich I pp3arcd in the Free Press on 27 th Nie%Qra 11orton 4nd Clifford. held their ninth Anniversary -in theirflall Hou Mr Carling moved the House army has just gotie tarough Napanee and t,, Fir. 0)m. Letter ir-ni — The *New County Councillors,"' ISy awa st on the erening of the 26th inst. li) the committee! on,the Bill for tile Osh folks i�r a few thousand and eked - Tr rep % ith detailed s.'atement &if Ex- L. Gibson; into 2ad, 1871. Oil the 20th I ca lie - lo Lucknow, Messrs Mean, Ifolmes an1 absence of Mr, Jas Somerville, W - C I - re:0 and referred to Fitt. I GODERIGH, Feh-, distribution and - settlement of the estate ad led across the line. or mile aillusement fowing I'lu pwts were read There has been 1 deputation down in the last named creatin The chair was taken by Mr. Laurence. -NORTH S!DE ' '111 Court liamilton this week from Idicknow, Wing. by the recitation of rile Very humorous The speakers were the Chairman, Messrs. of Hen. George Je,rvis*Goodhue, deeeased. No surplus policy yet. d - mcCr.eadie, Cliffs, Jackson Hon.Mr ictohaMs moved the tbree And now the Leader denounces Grand iravel RoadJ1?a1Te-n and inany (if the. norThern townsbips Scottish story of " Habbio Simpson and and Kellam 11wise Com_ ham . Ith dead." ' mouth$' hoist. He recited the provisions Trunk mismanagement. if Huron. They have been exceedingly his wife bat la e a A emamunicitiolt was The " Ladies" by Messrs Brqwnof who satisfied the T,expecfedly rgg u- on the from lde�rs Hatbesoll The termination of hostilities the 6ivi- well treated, and I might say treated often, 'lay' dieves, thut intemperance was the 'greatest ortbe will, and stated it as his opinion The Toronto, tel��aph is d by the liamiltoniail3-la grand dinmr, a and Shepperd, of Goderich T'p. of evils, and tba,t temperate habits'were that-ifte ELouse XV ould not interfere with Knights of St. C rispin. S.airlt osnectin-, Gravel Roaa lized wor'd has been praying for has come Fill free drive round the city, and a 0elkefally The 'Officer& of the County Council' by ti associates of! wealth, prosperity, and it.' The sum involved was about 660U,- The Globe oppqses the Goodhue Will Bv-1_%%v. a-ul referred to all Niessrs. P Adamson, and B. Trainer. Is t last. Oil Satip-day, 28th J? he Juvenile �Choir under Mr Goodhue had left Bill as a dang6roas pre�edent. Wood time. They caifie back last night happiness. T 000. 01 this sumi A petiti-al 6.1n Ja.Ule3 111111all and a Messrs. ip of 4v. C. Cliffs rendered forts around Pans surrendere.- Tull of. Hamilton che'er,- 3nil tha -narautee The entertainers of the evening 11 )ently bad � —meetingpf r,;�,Inestingg t1W Cuncil to the a .3 if theyowill raise Gibbons and Horton' ; to which these the leadersh' a numberot the interest of $30,000 to each of his five St Catharines re( OF t,3,tr t therwise to ct)'Iecc tolis None can refuse admiration good service by discoursing to the of s, rail%iay in 18 month aeutlemen responted, expressing the ex- " laughiers, and S.0!2,000 to his son, b.- the veteralis who took pimt, in the battle if to' iate music A number ( g :,cl r,,-Lds of ille, Caltuty Was laxt resisitance of the French, in the face 46,000 per mite. The returned dolo.frates treme pleasure which they expe�ionced ces of appropr ion were *sidea an annulty of $6,000 a year. There Queenston, Heights ; tb�ey,' 3anulberdd the %r ht I have do in songs suitable to the' o0cas 7 hold a ineeting hereto ni,, ��fic on the eight. tt,xtj oved. bi )f defeat, death and-Janxiiie, which with tc) tile meeting and attempt having been instrumental in assembling rious'legal- opinions g;` iss�-s MuKee had been va terinined to tendered in good style by M bv r Bi3h-ip. That ffered to their such a cordial Company, for the seenring of Ur Richard's] opinion On 6ah*day last resolutions- in favor of the energy of despair they o to them back." and Alurray, and by Messrs AlcKee, will, but his f H011 re pawed unam- of E- worer,second- a 0 pity the This itiecting was grIlhicll bettor acquaititance and understanding Canads we Kelly all I Messer Gartumilinva.leri, and all hv y described a Robinson, and . Milirdoch. In the recit- was that it was he intention of the the union with ish Columbia Legisla- b, mistaken enthils:.ui which oil ased by ir estoienied Lucknow correspondent between the-leadin(r men, of town and ations and plays, there was an almost in- testator that the ilterests of the ebildren mouly by the Brit XAR- BT SQUARE, the C'_Se of ly iticre. in on r lst weekly. issue, and Nlr Dyas in county, and the int;rchancre of sentiments describable variety, from an Ethiof5iaL Luand pruloncred the of *110 cull- Af ter were. contingent, and not vested, and D replie% to him. It is very un- On matters of mutual interest. rd, and so,well The owners of the famous steamr Chi- ainl Kerr awl rei rt to tov)r- ed- Moved bv NIr see this ias�v clown to an obliging Landlo e grando�il6en rl ting Ile inevitable, fortunate that both the Free 11'ressand the Auld Lan,, Syne " as in duty wfr those conutu"rfeited that soule little that the interests of th -between Collin -wood and - cora, which plies by Mr Gibs ni, That this 0-inucil rant tile yzered without ver I t sed, having boy a was hear im should be protected. Tile parties shaMd to _r 'a Two montlis ago, the ent'ineor of thp company should have form- boutid, the companir diso is d to ask %Did he kill h Fort William, am haying othor large hst, 12 - .1 d surrender at last., "Are thim napirs tame The have al at Po if the Tou3hip Council �lw n be secured. throughout the evening excellently bloild- d ad I plied so the 100al tribunals, and boiit built rb lRobinson. C-11 Cf struggle should have ceased; but tile Vro_ ed the opini.in that bonuses ca hip and aobriZty. .0 a ny the choirvsing-, not io th6 House.; ggive an slitu. aa tnat tbL-- Co'V visionpd Government dar_�d uot Fropose to either lint: by havinct the rate -payers of ed g0ud-f0lLw2 moeting came to a clus 0 . . t opposed L. The sum of $2,000 has been sen# from ti,is County 11tyeted often" either in ing an appropriate finale, Messrs. Cumberland and Boyd amilton as the first instalment & the E igineer let the c.�nzract an-! saperiLtClId.1 I capitulation to the people,' as they would, flamilton or else'wheres The Wellington, The Famous commissionership. -------------- ff� ------ jy4s suppotted by V1 essrs Macdonald testimonial fund. thu =Ile. Lod oa a divisiou by a in _Lj­ri� n the Bill which 1 ilit-, what the masses might have Grav and Ertice Railwy,running through A CO3-4CoCTI9X OT JOCULARITY A" 'Gill. A ty if 9. -Moval lty 'Ar CAstle '%ec by r i.A exhibit We thougght flieStar would' blurt out ROPARDYf—A fVVY eveuin(,3 since a pante. BeattT, Me McKellar, and Scott, of Mr. ' H.Patton, Plympton, watknocked as and das- the Northern Tovin3bips to Kineardine, i M e' and oad fe r gh 'Yeariv, That this Counc: nth ! sappointment Ottawa ; and a vdt vras takeir, with the clown robbed on the r a w -i ts il adjourn to 10 c ansidered the spirit -of cowar part of the truth at last. Ingbnuousyo mime of jocunditf and dii a. in. to-tticirriw. tards, have imperilled both their offi,,1 wauld be the very line to open up that 0 0 hypothecating Par- followin- rpsult :_'Year's, 13 ; nays, 60. ago, bY a PartYof rafflans- I section of the cotintry to t1fe' beat olvan- Thisxaoraing'a elition. so far owns up with took plac in a certain a real snow-shoers and their lives. For one hnudred- and ta,se, and vi Guelph *woeld be as short a it villaos, not one 100 The Committee. reported the Bill, with A number of the Mont 2",th Jan., 1871-1 r and weary days of wastiu- red to central uninistakeable sincerity when it says"that thenou of an adjacer a 3 which for several amendatents--the report to be ggyt lost on the ountain in Friday's st6rm thirty Ion!. ronte as entild everbeseen miles north of Goderich. i The Cguricil. met, the Warden in the we (the Star) bad d6ver been promised it and wandered Ilelplessly for some hours. litin-yer and �9rnaae, begirtining with the inarkets-tbe difference bvtvee� it and drollery and buffoonery is a fit subject for received to -morrow. The minutes of yeste0a were ,ht was tile London Roall, and in favor of the (the Commissionership) or applied for it thb pen of a�poet laureate. It appears that Yhe House rose.at 2.13. A lipar of gold worth 4bout 86, 000 was 20th of September, the hopkess 6 in the waV be (the SIGNAL) indicated.' s to run,the AVNK BOOKS ving in mi!aaZe broug lifax city last week from the read and approved. 0 - -tit to H Two accounts certifi- fortiier, li,�iao, just the s. the Anas leucopsis who trie maintained- Fitful gleams of vi,otory to just so, we were correct as to the fact blit notorious "sliebeen') was so exercised by Toronto, Jan. 27. ,ed by Engineer were referred toFir. Com. I oetwedu a straight line and a 3emicirle. wrong in snppcsid#. thato was like- th: as Mrs Partinaton would have it, In the House yesterday' the principal Montaefie Mines. the French armies in the open field, now We think the plea,,e of the Wellingt-m a _c.oldl a Report t -f Roa an Brid-�c Coin wa.i.read, ly; to., "work the oracle" with tact and that he was collipc1led to make a wood- matters under discusslory were the bills and ag,�inj fanned the national spirit to a 'Grey and Bruce Directims, and the Mter - as n -when the Council want into Colin of the fresh flame only to ba anew quenched in' of the Great Western officials, which will judgi ent. Let our coiltemporary adopt bee(?) in order to keep his b=cbanaliau respecting djection- petitions,.the resolct- THE'WARKETS AXI ASSORTIUM "the way fre indicated" next token of gov majesty from congestion ot the lungs. I'li Ay hole,31r Farran in the chair. Moved in no 0-onlit be sanctill-ned by tfie- Euglish 0 ti'6 relatin- to rbg w.ster in ordinary blood; while steadily and remorselessly ernment affection he sues for and he will iers resolved 0 0 — - amendment �by Nlr Hort--in, seconded by Board, already published by us, are suf- d the -agony and heart- the evening a few of his court and the secretary!of the Court of Chan- Goderich, Jan. .611871. the Prussian cord -3n closed in roull�,the ficieutto jn�tify the Northern Townsh ipa in pro "to trio the' light fantastic toe," d 1:21 f& 1:33. Air Dallas, That in reference tj the mo burningof e iscarded wooer. Asevery- i It eery, and also t&, resolution respecting Fall Wheat- - - . - �-_ - - - - $ OF EVEBY d,yo..ted, city. Des perae sorties from wce'%; determining to first endeavor to secure a was balunea and bedighted in 's cadew untabt ofthe same court. bIr Spri ag VVItIlat ...... 1:39 0, . the Wellington Grey and body, biit the S has long ago recognised Howeyer, a number the acco -ticu of 31r Kelly, making Boun.lary to week were beaten �back, leavin" tens Of brncli fro in to suit the occasion. Flour ad 11 the South Bid ng lawyer" &lid rememb- boys visited t14 temple in 13LAKE intimated his intention at another Bridoets, of 50 feet sp.-Va a pwards. a they look at of our village Os ....... 0:45 0.45 w*uylded and prison- BruCLtn Kineardine, before we need con- val, a cwItinuous charge livon the C, lint.y. That thousands of dead, any other scheme at present on the capet. unk his visit, we don't think order to join the carni The landlord stae to move amendments to the bills. the 0-muty Ent, iueer be instructed to clas-. eis in the One by descend on par'. etilars for the benefit of Peas ........ ......... 0:61 0:61 d- p a 60, SHAPE hands of the vicbLrs noticed that they had randered'no assist- A number of riv �te bills were ad-van6ed The directom of the London, H uron ;in only one wilful blind individyal in the . Barley 0,50- om SIZE, a. these brid-es -ivinf, their dimensions, ne the P&risiaa forts were silenced, alla Bruce Railway would -do wisely in the ince during the day, exclaimed " byes a stage. The Schbol Bill came up again potatoes ... :" ......... Or35 @ 0:40 ify - community. i e bay to -day?" on being an- 0 - their Rregent condition and the lin mber of 1ded in towards the meantime to pursue the routs, nature has wur ycku -at th for discussion. Butter .......... .. 4— 016 (it (':20 the inabitants 61701 xclaimed -in bridges which -Ir Kelly% motion covers and markeol out for them, an far tip through s ' iv4predinthe negative, he a where suffering u roice 0 Hon. Air Cameron proposed to make an Eggs .................. "15 1 0:00 t the same at the June metin- civiccentre - Motu gatit. amendmentby intr�oducinga clause respec- Hay, ;V ton. 8:00 -and repur as fierce as the fire of the the Southerii Tow-uships of Huron as they i tire cadenza of a'baritone 1 11.00 QUAlITY KNOWN uf Cunucil--carried upon a division UY a briner were call secure the pledge of.fair bowises.- vipers and fiddlers, clateks and blacksmiths, min ting the fund for soperannuation of teach- Hides(green) .......... 5" 5100 ath the last sortie to your tints as Josbu;�. said to his niaj,-rity of 13. Moved in amendment to German -tins. At tell But, whatever they do, don't let them in- ....... 3:50 (64 3:75 era. The amendment pro osed provided Wood .......... Ong, ather spend a Yarker over the baar or lave! the amentillient by Mr Bishop, sec by Mr eould have the Be 5:00 a 7:00 was uiade,­the last fort ceased to reply, siviiate any mots that responsible niell CURLEps, ATTaNTION I Mr. Gibb thatthecoun-, Ko 7 of Lhe.reporrof the byelikeve, I tuk a quar- e' 6:75 9 7:00 Whin I was a P Simpson, -!at ate -payers Ct ....... ed the fultow- sent as delegations by the r I yk and Kina William telezralk the President, requests a meetin-of the right to deduct fri;m the sa ary of a to R,.atl slid B. 0ge Coin be amen,led by each make promises "afturtho champagne which thur with Ine" to. spind in eve" place of ' 5D 0:30 its own bridges, ex- ing message to his Queen : el r inient, but now ould times are er two dollars end of six month ekens pe jair ...... . 0. 'D 19, Municipality k they would not have made without it ;` Goderich Curling Club, in M H 1LI111121 attlie, T OTH T Pt X also if the teachetl withdraw from tgacc wool ................. 0:00 0.03 Horton"a Store, on Thursday 3rd Feb- .ceptinsum'oexceptional. cases, awl tht 2 p.m. Sunday. -Last sly bligr&,�eA- jold manners, gone 10 ternpora, "VERSAILL131; when the fact is that they were expres a 3:00 4.00 4101 that hil'shouldbe entitled to have She ,all armistice for three sent down to take the course they did if Mary -s-&eh case be consIdere upon its merits- night. weers was at 7.30 p. in. Full attendance 0 morej I' Recognizing one of the crowd money returned toi him ; that if - he d d & 2:00 2:2.5 Carried upen a division by a majority df 9. signed. The regulars and Mobiles are to their promises were property reciprocated, expected. he procured hisbook,containiu- acatalo-ue while he wa% a tea6her, his family sho d Apples ....... ....... 0:50 0-55 Moved in atuanduient to No 51 of the Re- be iiiterned in F`aria as prisonem of war. as theyhavebeen,by the We'llingtcon, Gry 7 as as have the money that lie bad paid in. 0 f FAxey DRESS 6ARNIVAL. - The first of offenders, and - liblding it up � weff h . Goderi& Salt. whole*1 , o.b peT lbb V,irt, by Nir Messer' seed by Sir Ourtlyn, The National Guard wiii undertake the and Bruce Di'rectors of the Groat %'Vestern skating carnival of the season, came off at his classic head and trembling frame 7 percent iiLterestl ; if he became all - 1:20. CONST97XNG OP, that the Cuuntv Enzineer be and is hereby maintenance of order. We occupy all the officiais. ath, then he wo d the Skating Rink on Fridar evening last. would permit, he shouted IliVo7t cit cam annuated before his de. iustructed t have the Bridge at Zettand forts. w TORONTO xONEY XfiLnKET- zibuilt anfto ha-ve the coutracts let forth- t will be al- The ice. was in the best order we ever va ,,,swampo. Lave my be entitied to the benefit ot the f und. "Paris remaina invested, bu atibus d 74alium lfpw � f with, and that the Engineer select the lowed,to revictual as soon as arms are our- Ft6per Generosit-y it. The masic was very good from our house.or i Is put you in here along ud the 'wa's a provision eti.tirely in thb interest im sit isn ............. Battalion Band with Mr Duckham as lea- 0 as teachers, a d it was considerad desir Grecubodks and Now York Exchange. buyiag at SO mber possible. Lost on a divisiou aotrards Y" Verily, Joe b teachers, a Pay Book% best ti renlered. ot of the -b tich provisions should be e selling at 901. Silver bliving large at 5J ; setting at - JA discount- Small Afove,l far ot p butthere wasrathera zcarcit� yet a wor r for teacher colant. ther in We wete­very­w� pleased to find the der. - The characters on the ice were w311 re that some 'A national assembly is to be summo d of exho-tation to spare though -buying at 8 ; lielUng at 6 dis- by a, majority of one. I zie, seconded bf V, Mr ar aineudment bv Mr. Lecti ed to meet at Bordeani in a fortnight. County ()ouncil grafiting the sum of *100 twold opezied 41: LedgMt n of ladies in co*tume. The spectators num- lie isweary in well doing. Another Blak *raise4 0point, that it 1; n. 111D;.- aila closed at 110J 9r. Ghlossun that thLsCouncil orrant the sum "All the armies in the field will retain towards . pa ing -the expenses of the consideriucy other wriuse-, character in the dramatic performance in fact a -now ciall e, it cov a �y bored large 0 ,of S;1000.00 toas-sist intheoWnildinS2 itions. The ground at the and -of the � Bill, J0 . Of the respective pos is bein organized meats going on in the town the same was a blushing, '.Youth of Napoleoitic posed 11rals. given a - Zetl,-tn,l bri4-_e. A debentnre to be to lines is to be nent- Canadian team, which 017jebruscments between the DPPOSing evening. Both skaters and sp isage who was advised to return to his versation this view was agreed to by fear the sa-me when said Bridge i3 coulplet- ral. to enter into competition at the ational en- CEISh m "tint 1! playing the 41 Vead match to Saul." 0tmer Book% see ad very much pleased with the ev on, and the.claupe stood over. ed, and that the T%mvin-hips interested, "This is the reward of patriotic. hero- then moved that hire the services of the County Engineer ism and great sacrifices od for Rifle contest at Wimbledon. We have ipg'a performance and hoped that another This' he dd' with his violina (gae Hon Mr Camoron FOA SALE Thank G no-inced. La- clanse32beexpil�ged, and tile following ercy-J May P e soon follow ! a od marksmen amonast "us and should carnival would soon he an and musicus :�'Tbo,publio schools in OUSE audJoot In GnileTieb, a CO111- anti: that no _g=t. whatevef be made to- this fresh in Minute Bookg liciturfidiculd) in one hand dies,get your dresaus ready for next carni- 4 be substituted 11fortable hoilae Withfir001118- Gar' ward.% the'loridge near Morrisbank. Car- Sig It e d) -JILHELM." -0 iber in the other. Since then I under- 6ted .-villages don Pointalus a splendid 601tectiou like our brethren of the United Kingdom yal! cities, towns, aTId iii0orporm ried upon wdivLsitiaby a majority of seven. solicitin- Codeba management of the of choice FruitTree, Vinest &c6, will to B the Prussians could n 7spare 2W.- to see some of our -allant- ioltfnteers who �stand ho'has been Z5 shall be unaer tile, JUVOIC onks. soildaheAp.ifaftplied for wou. 'A130 Moved further inamendment to the amend- THE PE-.zNy RZADYNGS were attended on went by Mr. Kelly, E11COn b Mr. 009 men from 'Paris, to follow those French have dove our co untry such aood Friday.,evening last by an audience of over quitI Aam and Esculapius' for a Board of PublicSollool Trustdes, and sa-.h ,rt 0 of ao n' d, V1 I t 'to re e RZ or dispersed, it is in the iime of invaiiarf, and listen to their' phrmaceutioal preparation ith which to school board shall be a corportion tinder the balance o1stock, Tools. C., and goodwill of the ad and armies not yet captured Board of School busiwess of all old and welt established Boot �Eihlte Yearly, thar, the R -p( 260 persons, who were very much delight the desi-natin of the -to, ridge cd,ttieFrench generals will be talesabout Canada and how th heal his mortified bumpological curiosity. busitless. Appiy ey have alway 'D. U Committee be amen ull. by this to be hop ed with the entertainment. wise enough to lay down their arms. dastardly' foes. BIIL SootsTy-The' The petitions r6- that he may find the Trustees, &c. 8 PETLIN, ow -454f- Xb orandrm 0—t OJUMI rafusinZ amy. aid to th,,se Bound been able to drive cur GlIDytion BnAiteir B, It wal; suggge ted that the proposed J—rrsotk. rs". ary bridges. Rpott the uzmei; 1XIng cal- Surely Prussia, ��tt now afford to be , lto it'be though 'flt takes over the border." We think such Annual eeting was,keld in St. Androwls talisman. So n amendment to th Bill should be printed, t to inagliarrimous , We' hope to hear that sonka- led for, there voted for the amendmen fraternising in friendl contest between Churcl�, im the e ning (if Frid�y 27th inst. a athiong man to tirld baar." when after a gre t deal of desultory--�con- fvATNA the amendment essrs. Willis, Greerriv there will be �o paradin- of the conquer - ay) mern of Great Britain aif&Oanada Rev. A. Mackid in the chair. The Agen "stion was adopted,_ and d versation the sugle through the desolated Boulevards the ride 0 e pANy 11)0.. B001-0- C=Tickf Dalton, Shepperd, Gatint, Castle. ingarmies f the Society - Rev. M 1' Cal"Ifeill -des- and asked perpetuation of o Newtoundland AfrairiL the Committee r e, reported tovfards the rearky, Simpson, Pattn. 31oon, Armste We hope to hear that uo, riid conditions will do more ' - cribed the work tbe' parent Societyr- W42 leave to sit again FIRE' INSUBANCE Com .10- 4-h ort --red be- T 61 connection than the thunderof ir I w...4 ron.4 ulmm, J&Ptly, 15rimn. Horron and WIU UB CXaCLe om . . 4 9 W 1!V, doing, VartlemariyiLin, j3paLn, la Y, 86 ercial Journal of Newfound- Hoii Mr 0a, ed toe esh- XcUauglhey. For the amendinent.. Messrs vond surb, a teinpi-rary ceuioa of territory f3right or the philow-phy, of Gladstone France. Thofollowing officers wore elect- The Comm or fishing last me n- present ey were MUM OW WiLLU-MULLIV2LIVO land reports that the Labrad Inates for the ensliing year, and - th Perkins. Snell, Clibson, Leckie, Bish(,pt iu'AlsAc and Lorraine as will secure the an e6ot I towards a- severance. - We ed for the current year .- President, Com ! tee of Supply on Tues- CASH CApIrIAL .......... $3,0 year maybe classed with the worst ever referred to Wit 00,000 n for the extent of the ontli t, the cod day next. Mesaer,SCbrityn. McDonald, S�cott,' Glb- flilfileutent of the. compaot agreei to. -therefore congratulate the CoU-ntY Council Samnel Pollock, Esq. I st Vice 4o. Rev. A. know' Warrow indexes, n CASH ASSETS 5,782,635.09 bons,Cresswell, Dallas. youn ' Hays and The calling together of a national 0-nough ' to ll.Kid,- 2hd Vice do. P. -H. Carter Esq., 'mo%ed the second in being 'Wisely generous avid herring fisheries having, failed on a Hon Hr Came on LOSSES-PAIVIN 51 YEAWS 28,000,ODO. Farran. L The amendment to, the amead- assembly at Bourdeanx in its mite to this desirable ob- Treastior, Hugh Johnston, Esq., Deposit' large extent of c I bast. Ulicapness in.the readi I ng of the ill to consolidate and vrill give the French people the contributeL V i; rei . s -wascarriedby'a majority -of two. a fortuight 1. Moorhouse, Esq., Bed. R. B. and the 'good price amend tl�e law pecting municipal meuV or,, T. necessitiei of life) The Largest, Capital. Viben rile Warden resu=d the cliair and opportunity of expresei--v., their deeirea for jecL Smith. I - realized for what wa3 caiight, made up to institutionst- led, and referred to a FLO -amended, which the future- Wetrust the #mau afmysterv,' - - - - - - aF H E LA EST ASSETS submitted the r�pcirb as FIRE! F=!_ -See Dixie,Watson'a some-extentfo"his. The Newfoundland Special Committee. House go into Corti T wasadopted. . Moved byUr. Arm2drong,. , who cwsed4he war and XG melodramati- -AND '%Qjuncil cally retired from the disasters lie created, The Wardenz`hl[P. advt. of ihe IIX4 tuWl and 2nsure your lishing on the othir hand had -been very on motion dia t1i 0 IWONTIRY ME B 0 0'.K. sewndo y 311n Dklttiri, that thi ock. Sale of Poisons' Bill Mr INCOME d b I -buildings and at successful, The weather had been favour- mittee on the mbered 'guilieWritIv to be ig- THE URGEST ANNUT� grant the, sum of Q6oa, to, ermplete tl)ff will be rmde iberations. France way if -the Darwinian theory. is correct we SALF able for curing "dthe 4uality idaed to s to ciallse A�CTXOX _Ws Would direct at. Xoyd renewed his objection OF ANY Ashfield- Gravel Ziad =d -that jui;)gn -ttored it& the del the -value, From St John alone nearly three. as referrin to triide and commerce. WEAUKLY TIME yetarise from hirashes with (he prospect believe tlie Stai has an hitimata affinity to tention. the advertisement of the ilaily FIRE INSURANCE COMPAI*ty fteer Wilstrucced- to 16tithesameaSearly 100,000 4iiintals, bad been exported last dii;e aul glorious'destinv.- The 'the well -"own butling ram which the otion &M. of valuable -Stock, �iaMr. W. Af ter some' 8316n the Speaker ruled as possible. Upon t& names being called, of a- �@.Ar in- excess of 1869. With ills exceg- t6 objection as iinvailid, a -ad cousideraticu qzy 13e, the seed'.9f abit, M - IN AAERICA. for* thdre voted, ;faej the motiou,, Slegars. Taloort of her patriota T , farmer could onlycw6a. of the bad - h I& Savage's store, -now being coullacted by tion of Brazil,the foreign arkets'bad of the Bill was p ing the nations m _�stpotied-- 0::)- De with the Domin" PeArlyis- Gibson DaltonGaunt, Shapperd, her edwing dignity atur , V B. Hazlehurst, 11 posit made CO U -49— --h-7- -all and the on ---five returias those from W� r-laitt ffMeiicarrv1 moved a �second that zi thil, JungallI111% 01 Y. .-V unt for thei beneja -ol vanaamn Snelk bloon, P�tto% AWpstroug. Gir-vn'4 Heaven graxit inimal",wits TowN LOTS---mSee advt. of Atiction Sale GreaVllritaix -having beenparbidtilarly 4o. reading of th -1 'Eill referring to tavern Gove-nm N govit sboath their swords hanging a hat. The bellicose i toticy holders ei'dusivel'y' A001KIS H( ydJ:Jz,- Europo may by B. Ha-ziellurst, Oil 15th. February nexf TIle U ited- Stites, in spite -of the'; dutie�, licenses. The Bill.hid. for its obj ot to orton e and-, effectually q-aiete Recent Carricfg-,Greonway, Caatle 4isb*nd their armieff anil tum to the a when the iron entered at faftures show -the impor- re out, -beneath the of Town lots 'idjoining.the Huron Road- tojok 14,776 quizitals last. ydar as against lot a person ivIlo -bad a contract with DIP, diloolopmentof thoartsof its forehead and came Prote f y "- t t � the Station, -to and; British the Gialad trauk. simpsou, wiihs, '134hop, _Leekie, jirosecutionaln of the Sttr and Quit,,con Vien - o tatice *X pitroni:iing�the Companies that af- Yearly, 5,301 in the year' previous, wid the If -Prussia is as.generous- Jul council. tail. The insphsate-butting S Co., 4, and numeibus. it 1,086; , M -B liest reliable Indemnity C M__aD 3reswrl, L%rij bawmil, . r d _yg,, 31e-Doaa1d,&otL_-'8rown, peace. he. field' we acrainst'th-a c6a(inue(I election of Rbbdrt tandly 'America 23,627 quintals, as agail lake move six -months' hoist ; tOrd the I she- has, been-mvincib.16 iu t It . I I � alue, of -An �Atns PC* muA be apparent. The, as t4elf a Salt w"or,ka. largt quay ud. a r the Bill was v 926ya,, Cre Fxibbong'9iq,,:br uolarnatiQ114- ;to th itiflea" being still in course of a ife 'somediseussioTi etp.ec6.:'the-urfniatii�zt�res�lve i . 0 - . . N. B.,E51Adial attention given -to the'Insarance of igga 10A by- a mmjorikv of five. mair he 61iservoir of the. ere d DivaUings,Cburcheii,-.ZehoolaudRablie Buildings for Vjje� tea and.referred to into an end'aring-. trea;y of yeacei The Wardehlsbip-'of the county 64 ands in need * METRoROLOGIOATt�T shipmenthere . Cod oil shows a eficient wilhdrawn. _der& were reedye(I he -Meteierfil6gical stationinforms,,us I year goal Al. Several,1privatii-Vills were' passed, and terous of threwandfive vearai-,st Tatei; aslow as -they workiqgomen: of eveir Jan-& biver pra- if just, sucli another -11perfOct cti Goderigh export of 5744uns on tile i t . U use adibur at eaa be made -With -:ri;,NJ6ndajla tb6 .-t6wnpeizatur'e, fell' thows"5841ons in 0%0698, a r rgeuestim- an increase of salary 41*'t to 50* e., aia-deficiont. 1 Alickerel, 4h RA ich have DIXIE WATSON T ter textedfrequeitiyaLpaitistthelniotintiti wdevil ather.week-hi paraded its a; caididate for that'o Ithowili. 'z6l' the go' ne.4 ifoliclock. safety to the Company 't -- ey hearta. of' Kin dii office D. , P�Lttofi �Esq ' 1patting that .a below zeroi the loixiest'iteni-peiAnr Was re, =1 referedta the Tinattecl Ocitai- �Jf STAiti011' - mil the is -rV - - . I ., - 1 11 1 7 ) inadothe d, years. barometer (ripil ced be astiorthirty years �jovejl'hy 3,1r;? Uattuttgecoutted and sta.teimen, whi&lwts in lead gentleman, on the back and demap laiilor* for thieE en abseiit from -the co 0 Brantford hadoted its W4or $300 for Agent. ,or him th-6 admiring vote of thi counciL NQ of 32) -Fahr) me tW'thefempei;ltu�z otoocVat, .-ba;ve ratiw�ed;butlthe fisher 'I'lliot be- past yeod's stirvievs, --.aixd 'Goderloh,411. 990, 1821- 72�ty Sy SIrg Caat&� * That, this Council sa. out tb�ir,iuuoopeab subjects taileath p. ra. n lead � the Halitilton its to-makehis-Iiii: 89 inches at. 1 b W64611 ay lug pre the catch the t�4-p. deformity, -to 'gratio the unlidly-lust 0 o- r, Nttoia -20, 19.8 d with suitable net*, or $800. TOWN fil xll�r threw hi: ilm the highest rangafot 'fixur -6nalL. :Tlie- report on tIJe whole iw Mai teftit"4ry or posvir. We hopa thesic prd� very'gtaring,_ Or lealatic; SAIM OF VALUABLE Z AVia Young and the -grbatarp&KC of the near Monte.; aitio 4-ouri to -i4i4'.1iiie0d. y e& to tests will Il4w e& to,,q�dkwoul& n mars. be listed encouia&j, . , -beeu,fou&t LN GOIDERICH- Account of Mr tux0ii wu veferr f4b all b4iis, asan OXOL W were Z# a -t 0 . J0 66 'only, �Iusb ana ahHatizu o, in which, he rel*,ol eater -theo Vialnea a.-mult their ia eud#: _�Ieaieid- fa -say. ill t ao ith, f a a vice all I 't Ittee. itepar es�rs A 'ii;sii I s iance of Aivi Tbsrag, - ED AT A battle has LOT5T -increase. .es COUNT�r: SABBA?M, 8090M CONVENT1W. V��sho �in vide q L tlie E.;&`of Col The, t3outral pow u n(4 further a h d a is ex OFFER I in Entro Rio ending u OoT 7UNDvn-ituciin,.purstiance�,oiibe terms -of.alw7ard aa. and adopt. u ti. cerWn Nortzag t6 hod;� .4tichibaWBiolic 14 C -*QTinres. re 'uragentletterin't-to. tha-v2nq�6; I 'in. 0,".Pror .-IMfilaid, &oreti V,',dawthw op . . ` ab�- ; �� - ­, Prietin-Committee wat .41fie Proviocial.10 S�ZAF see -to the 9afroundiag, ofsale goijitillied 1 'ed- Re' of &hool Comin'tte'r w"'A'rid iW all tha-mations-of-Eu -!d It 4V&Gib� -'batly Soili�i Counvl- Cou-__ go�venth dayvr septeml-er IM FAxordia ill ViC ro talld p9secland scd t tn6will4tion a r6�r­ di -hat -.�Vomauls Registry omeot -iatheVol tY 4ention .419abbath' Sicilool. reaW60, '111, OSION -in Iec(U -AAS ts , _t toirtgon, and oftert-' _tol of Huron-.aud made by b sha LrP xwby ArGibwn, th" v6h_,.2�mu al, -9 asplraints'W't �be'hela'itl G Titursday a sphereis, oun,e ain 1itle deeds wbtcb�wlll be 9 in the effort t& ve WithdiaBaNe he, honorable a ro ueedat-thelfroleand d husbaTLd; --on_t' Jan, his." elater _4iIil in to 4,61pUeZ hy P($ A certa att A(14pte( a coutmitbee, of combine, fu� tb -ests ofhu�aanffy 13 Vholinm Weltioloo and'.Hol.berb Rol -r to, repoirb mi. t1w g morning d'd..,iii the- uorth-,by her d -08SIBLE 1,ve be -ballotted & Aerie b LOW Ra A whA will prevent tbii- office. X.&V think -'Afessrs' -Ydnn d I& 24th 'FO:irua�tyir, dayV-- 8ii611TH; - : -,2& 1 �r W4 Fri d qy. - 2 3.1,a I thii east- by her baby, - on the j1;iceofsa1�tbe.undmIpe -111 offer forliales6pex- flo 6!61ock, -tbb- loil -,Jbhn izt-iiw� on, the wot tile Tolwg-.ofGo4er1eX Opt, b+ 111011- " Of dVgniu­g�-Xir6'1,4i11aid ii'jf6 bdiibovvith�h ni xb er t in Ifunicipal Act. 17pon ballot b4ag tak, ers 'evin are. a sciiikh by-lievniother- ,I�vpnbiiezactiotLby3irS�l.inzieliumtAur .1M, generitioli- MA0Ab_eG6I11iI1,ztbespe.ct- illishop andl Gi keutle ttely en, the ti.A rd b uunti at lilssale-roolasid ulpi an.�,Jnfltiqntia d " - " - �6tan tors in ch:,aA another -frinkJs1;1oiI6pAeh sta oputati6ii. biiZ616W ator -at, ac Min ON w 0 -left be- f 7 -openly "SaX vo . ry, '. sho ' rtly ,e Is-ent-jo,eac) i kil ing wy6ung.. mUn'-1111,1118 of 3fisors Lackiej -MaGaughor, Bishop, of, has dA heTdsske4,ib-o4o:;6 would b' as and Se'Lso h olln Y A patfidtino enianguined tragedy,, which, Wedil y of, Mesoor Aza Patt,4a. Xovel';j Rr -Orsinari, mere B'shoP ititt it only dead bc �a and maniulli eiitei tbe lilit -,h; tte 0 diAi dievandbrokenhwiw. al 9 til fight f6i and,gabbitti Si 'wat" 4 log as J TERRUAIM, A- D-,.. n ty ' I'- - - - - - 't. � or'. L N i6 �Waa b 'd, -iloon the fbtlow�' U 1ver, freer of, :oharge, the TOR "a Iky Ur Leckie, that "09 At krftt 'bi_rdlerSLl'*taJTt6 the! it. AtlGTtkSS.th6 ihiiN thieir� ow y 611b;:c3dto.6 A sqataink"&.� -',ounger, ro 18hattlielottro t Why shottid, n3�eu -,Too- x0a: -,B1.VTTZr.. con rare f tw el v 9 lci,­ek.: a ve rallirsy Ar no *om1bibf) leFf.Q. c. ilff - WI tion i3arveyof"the saill Town zajoagty of wora, ox � - . �r th :keeplh, - vo er ry. kroi g iln�cpmoauyj, e�:' as 'since., ice of-dev� em ta Idi Willa,* i=4) InglAnds in the Bober ls&8 alid -UL w �isea; 11 1- t1i6y' may serve ldodersdn.w�viz Is 13W. 3no. 1,820. V ^40wation irt this County buth Xoi recoo, died' n y . 9-4 �6f - Wie*, ta thooe of:Xr.41blionelt Vve-vould h al :jna _hduour� Uillewinba lmvoo.aud�-Jet loose ther, do ttjng�.:L If Air "Gall SAV6 t -af.the &bth- :ana_tW0"_boJIQr lluls� 11850. Termil vneluaf i�Wlr, ind tbr b�lxxtd,e U he se Ar Aftda)Uth, regolVed t1J&t, thiA 0 U Vok eii�o div1W ideal offhusian, 4ffairs ii Wood the,04r ta�sf�jl �,d I AftyL 4h vin rs 114 _XortPV4)n w1de 114 Gibbons 11iiould.airvot, adkoss,aii 1 *is* fly -law to the rztvrvt�ft gmtiting t6, 46-, jWp th vj� BmIsterg. in thdL for JoYA ty it 00 Ing foirni 6, etlteriqg the oil ering-'stpong-T 0 -perso im uba, y aoAe ti-, a jesolatio, - aprotel I % .- I - 1: h no, asr Av befAm it to any company th*t ?L"_ ied liberak ba town better on the floorthan chair," if; il;t' hot air.g or"liwicli im _ VM 0 - - AlugAiditisrthe' aeptrutt a. ru 01114;xrpattolllistfor, serve the� " I W The 01. el: -so quo, w reiitilt,iva0i4o. sily, y 06dMeltJoWnshipby big auring -propos6d 00, an AA tit a Louls 'Girard the d bead -very, .26,Wo: i4ilh -.49tin AdvoftQY interoAfA 0 le -*&me to the north, Up- -more -I ii 004,6&,061 weittbep� tb_iho piin6es# -.Loujile .113 It 13LOU aro, 11 J�a..,t NOTE -LOS 13W V -4880t the where lie 10. We to '6Q Joided with�au.ir - Tit denhoui I fN'vor 0 'grear". L. ' -- ' ­` - id : fbio'saT90,11111,30 An U11- -ue�, for the ewijb( hicli the Mer -law credit., #WX fWa�w4tir of Brow, JWU By _Vrea, Press of so, In the isstw of the LondotI Advantagei for thisljrupiog as ports' or 'he 0 . L rivo Were put. np 0`_ urriedt .- 1 1. - �_.l - I r aW tO W 416=MW on ro6eivinK "titfs4tary v a to be iti nt"'Woul snini'af 44 611srs, d 1. -1st 'Februtry,' din fro or th th W 4 be a& Mb, iust,,, we were sarptise&,to fud ai� tban'1iV6*h,"dy have.-, Malt "if, more d,thaftbe fit 10� th.61, otli- pg,.prqpershe_t0r. _`m6r� i1sefullyandilene a. yo t portion *f lic is. Ifereby,tidtf4iled, not to-purchan or 01 ad Irk c eart After I �Amp&RW state t,,b6tL ssojj�soppdaea to have -b London sn(I 'h3, 1870 lug iiiject will `64ible of iffod, I sh; , L .' � necessary, An t *i -ts A( 14""W"Isek a P Rio, 8611010 kvices fAV, fie 0 t�r iiate Tile pllbr- A"i*r Eft by Ur ArWo.hee&4 he C Yl, in. een �p,�r.t StAill .941b6Y is I Goaerich, Jau. 24t wig ng, i. t V baik B& ere y L Th4ove haffol ubkh tbO kmj:W with lrerrpr�orjud )Q'IroW -Callao for _Llverw prosperink.--,- ithe- �- te lands, of thoSt4te� wnd -th b negotiata . tho same.- bostft lin. Wei the -d beki a I *Drk ior 66MOL bf'tbXjjj­ who.,arer $.atlly - =n tea tatho -I', Ther.Ustimanialiiienby DEIMERDV t xwl yst7 b4d ta#.& not ont, -Mrs.-Reek$ t 131" l_ Thd:Bdti�h. -�Vblqnibiari delegates will lint Railway, ;aiviWl St Th ' as t the videolLutl 8�4�5*, V1,06114, - "Were :,h sw xait.. mia. 1+, Sesirtis tlftt the respeetabW 4�­. affe* -1oft, Q�,�ran 1k Tol mitipt at Ois ht 1`Q=&ts,Inanwha was Nurtit to death b -hiorilto 1 dro _the Utt fira� 1,MoUnWd, to. j411., )01,, % 7 F 0 7 aid 4.,, V Th6 6fallell met in the'T. Friday 27th it'st. -Presuut ' th,ecilair, Deputy R-seve; -M &4v�-re Crabb, DancY) S111 �GlorTcu, D3visOn, D40,Y103 -q and F_,Ssmom T!10 minut %yeraread and �VTF10712� Application of Zohu V ,0TWeef License Inspector: 'received. Th -a License Inspcctoes TJ ,cotitaining following pwtuct eecs &a. I I Hotels at t413 3 Saloons at $109 10 Liquor Stores atl 6 Billiard Tables License of Exhibitlot CommnviaEs Fn--Axcz -Reeve, Deputy, J)etior and Cm. bl>. CounT OF Rm-W10-N., R Davison, Sinclair, Deputy 1, Detlor. BY-LAWS AN D A -S -SP -S-5 Davison, Sinclalir, Gardiner PUBLIC, WORMS. Clifful" 'bavaa% Crabb, Smith,Daucl 6;�6�uy. Gorden, Dz�i Danev and Gardiner. Mamu=. Clifford,26-avag re and Gordon. r�, :�Imzny. Cliffo ore, Hmmon. Eorton, Datap3i ann, Doyle The Mayor ex vj7mio a m Coms. Barry & Bro, -aw. J beans for Mr Price',-.Mrel auce Coin. U. N. Davisl$L25. DFe: to be pa4 The 1[§y-,Iaw appainting ,;Clouncil was filled up and 3 -lows -.- CLEkK James Thoinson. TRE"uamRovChas Fletc ItOLLECTOR AII_ 0 MCK11V AssF,ssous ia-res Wats:� McKay each ANDCa Thomas Hei Ltm,TsE INsr.7 McPilaev B2LLr1t1NGrMJ0hU 510Trb 8rmTo.%T John Pharis -LV_QPEu-XoR OF WEIGUTS A: 31EA1wr.r.8 B, PouN-DKEepun. Johia I WOGD R y inerasurin- wood away fram' Iner cord up to 5 cords mald udditiona cord. .A:UDITOM-W bbchaV -al son sat, Mr, B. �,. Doyleanoved v see. f'hat'messrs J. V. Detl the Rec-70 bea Committee A sud ascertain the views 6 Railwqv . pwilloters. L� 40akley's petition, for .525 t, Ito London and ?myingl fustenance: -Beat to 1wlief c Journed. Zzigineees Offi(w. 14 Ionan, out., 3-a --I Gotice in your b -correspondence from one S a very untriftblul repint � Meeting in Lupknow. As ,himEe, If to b a iso caTm- Z�,ii w *ot only to Mike mistvtil ccallmnm sand do'ethoarfi things, an ausimr is hatd. all those w1lo Were -at tlle ! -see by Ws patEicuthere, i -self beat en -044 the allger 1 letter only shows liew Aec. Inj ury I did -10 bis �A;fich I)Iains of my b6fg- attue: 411railway meehn,?SATO� il public, this meeft vinaz- 0 4uaas I was "uppaing thattaw broad- t a - WA thslt thei 0 ED friglifenecl by 3Gno jq2pone th; trieeting becsiud6 unanimoug1j4hat'I Allezi kav! the pleasure of Imol gawea some friorids in L I the pleatiuroof Itecing -Val - �0 I I-omery" angry. This-, mjured MBownL�Pa'150 it 'U11oldiu-itand 3tow 111� -through thecountry the vouthas the b=4 9AUR vfthol.madon Rcad am ups�tthelrarguwcntby Q ,entstiames and eudcav�' 11,ave the, 11030 GUT to all gides of tTao Railway Lave tb:o futiest b-carim .givepnblidtyto the abuv Dyss,zasnin'Ption W-tDll the caminanicat!011 Ile rcj� gr*tuittits. U was Aeftli ,Ville nor ­&ISSOMOTVA and if it had vixianatcl, 'i Somerville wetboal& J2� that he, being a roevMS-06 prened the-opluiOn- I* . tTlievommu-nity.- Thecot -dent *110 was the -Authcri the LuckLowR411way =41 the Lottaoll Engineer - ta, eqttauy lutalgeut., wcll� Xible.- j@0. -S50--fA%- ,not unly supDb- VM11 tpab!C fl:0 MICa tO for,. sol=tayy =�rxaal CT tto price 15140ata"-Ze '. 43 ror il caries =4 Dy F. C== Ar, 1, cluty 4�:=Sczte. ZZ -o r:1 vgoime _;st1MU1XMt, ttoi�_�Ilc WHY V;LL You Surdi ,;an Pd , . in Destroyiei?' 4� -umnently romovcs SU 1, 'I em, and b Aciidedty ,known lor theenroof ej, COL Aoul'q- bit 't'heap that 4 can affo; -byaU Xedicuto Dealer -71 The 4epresslug cffcl; - *lija ioxhibUg _6ulf. ,AtL . j, -:states census au 0 ztrij Tbevgve�,,fatxt pq�ut reForted -to hayo litt In Isto In in Thms fro -.2 �cerit, ; -from 1-ED0 fto -40, or M .58 per Z_eUt. -JejT it I= beou but i rcelit. 01 coui%e llfb_,same iatio-of laltzed, but tue 4--min'-w at -the -tilel-ate of 21 -so tmarkedl a clwwetn =�Mly ib -the real CAU, Af4egMMfr0,-,1J 40 ations '4, th. o were eiatlrolv &Lastr, s6kscq*x wero MOV71 -vas repair4. L il�l Ue.