HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1871-02-02, Page 111111110"W_� M . . . . . . . . .
Uen,sip to Li ni
at Alt Y liont igt�,�'Was, ne day. Will visit
--------- Tile 4CrilI&V �OtjUn,�il nji�t 1!1 1'�lp 1' .lr5
ary, at 11. m.
P 0X,1'C-i&C-$ G013MYCIT, C. W Armstrong, Ifult, _TTtn..-1q1
neril iln
14 eclue, MeDonall
Yolin"I She, I
toil 13r-iwn' C;r,icl..�
S -rerklins, Uibson, Mool. -mell; sbalillf-22"
asit OfCelltmlScb,,.[. 49 meg, Mcl'argher. 8ifoll-'
"ll"` C. Office Hays, K-olly, Uni.
Boll, Castle, �4reenivay, Yc.,rly 10,rvssW4,A-',r
Dallas, iifvsser, Q.ril nlTq, 'Wihiv
yn, ]list
Qir-ill .111.1 Gaill.t. Un infitioll -Of Air'
'Archil-�Id 14i !pqj, se
the hou�v Corn W_
el I
J- F' C- 4-11ifull, I'l6lin hireet. 0, 0 0 X '81 3
Girrut, Rabon
_0 G'-)derich %v-
Tlie Greatest Ilossible G6od to tke Gmbatest PossibleXuraher." Vs re Atek- I Worden of fl.v�
(11 1110V b 'ni'latifill. 'Enrik file
M, Edf'-Or
P Tti 13e ct-:k) Nit e'r Slerh'W n') N & 0 1 f, c 0, o v e r I i i s I) infl ce. alid the chnir.-
on rng �F�,(bQ L�r h -No (-)qp-
a 1dre&-zed iho Louncif.
sw102 11V1al.`Z11n`1 1111 en
VOL. XXIV NO, 2 on th- Herni
'11-11(VA.N. srnrrov
t f I'd 11 �llg eacla ("nurmijit.r-,
I do bis (Atity ras a Ti-imtAte T*
P aflitt" ;Z
-iLate"Widow M 11�11 t e
siderationof tbeElucaflo
Ont*ario Carrie., Ugisdature of Ont nBillincom-1 Alr Gow tintraested that aGlo the lZople., Ile them.,11
(PE) 0 inty Judge th-c I!fi;icv
w4l-f;in hop, mittee
f - . Clause 5 ws fteussed at some should Ixtuade one oi the �Ourt in Year shoald 1) if) the Arir-!
(ITamiltoiio St.,. Go(lerich. Toronto, Jan. 19th. A -tii, and eventnaII8
W on, y was adopted, with, juntiou with theCounIf In c -n_ PogiihlL a�e
.LM'SlAsive tf,�7*pw ) 't I I Ventor. and H9 (Ieht. It w.'s,
IND ATTf)PNEY-AT-LAW,- AND I. Ysmis()s The.Speaker took the chair at 3. 15 'an amendment ---providing that the moved. an aniendinelit to that effect� turived by 15111, Al.Lsscr. seconfled by Mr,
G,)Aer S'l�`nt"`�u1-Ch7VWeFr C,, I AND . I maximum of 'irrin, tbat-th Clerk mceivc Sealed ten_�
ic� tL.i 0311Y C %%4i Attorney, Hon Afr -Cat
Or,, AND sciocifs for eilh- Inspector jectioi , ""' had no Particular ob- G le
11 -Court House. t1lis. d0rS fAll'tliv CijI.UkV Priut:-1,r 111) t,
V141110 "'(1fter routine, Mr. Grai'(Glengarry) should be fixed -3
'P I UV -P,7 ---AT I . lr� , I , - 120, and the minimum (
SPL Et NDID NE'PIF STOCK I a bill to amend" the Act re- at 3,1r Itnulter said he had - heard consid- dav nigilt, frollt onch Inalilisher ;.It the
C ntro�uccd .50, and that it should not -be necessitry erable objection.expr _V.
- "i aULPOTT-In-1 ING 13' E I
C V essed to retaining the C01111t Oil a 2r, te Liken t:etiree)l Me��snq,
ON r�k—'N""n _,6 spectin", avern license. I
WEST STREET- to appoint more ihan one Inspector in §uhool Inspect -or on theBoard. I J.1s
ott %%r N� W,
U'Al"ich, Oat, CZ It tet-ided 111d Jas Rattoui.
w40 0 6acb riding or county.
Yd m ved an addreSq for a 1 to introducii hfin into dispateS -WhiC11 it .'Ir SO"tt'WiLS %41ttA Auditor b)
IT any finfineial irrc,,ul ari ties 2 6. 1 wa4 ad vist(ble that, he should not be mixed it 0
Clause 1" referre� to city and town ty ofl) over M: lVatwin: 11,' Ale
R`,T13T1;RQ, SOLICITO" IN marry'l Bra. which -might have taken place in any of Inspectors-'W&s adopted up -wit 1. Pjttton. -is in anicit
& chesofpublie servic-c! and wha as it stood—a Mr Make all- It u. -wed in .1inent jl�-
X C C.,lumt�x. ggest d that vlc cnlmiy
Kili-Iston street, Goderi'l,' the bran t motion of PAJr. Beatty to Omit towns from Mr Leckie, iwr 4v Mr Brown that my 1M,4
J. T. G.tnn,,w.
steps had been taken to -prevent t comnliftc- Sho,tild ILive power.to dealoilly �"AW)soll Pic klrrf)x' low. All itor. tit 'A.,
W52 Cabinet Malice- , Uraertah-ers L% Wood R JS WTIRTEI ILY 9 heir --the operations ofth�-clause- being 44! attercianiplainar-1 of,
Tuniers, 17_;�g—;�7777"Z%� O'VICKCAY, recurrence. _nqga. and not -wh4sfin Said his -others 1)
JITOULD RESPECTFU1,LY AN- IS st . ill in fall operation, and is t r ng o t th the whole qPiestion of tile alterati lVinf?-.3
c7in a rit a superio.A
L oil not altirp Iiiiin toitteril tt) the d,
Ity, mail
A TT1?RN`FV*,T-L_ _k MY newsboli in titeah,we iino� LS 0 air Moved that the graduat s 111.1t,gin. A17r8cott,
nounve that Ile Ito In reply to Sand fiQld '211'acdonalcl, Mr. Mr. Sincl
on West Street, ections of town -hips. Mr 12pi--kie withili-ew hi.
N �a er"ke., &.r., (,lerieh I'laVer moved aeroks t.wtrpel to fit,-. store next door tht 111111t of \Iontre. Boyd said the motion had reference, of Universities, IV e
e Ge"Vel " -it. wher Carriages, laster of Gillinmar'l 0 Ell'; 1111,17I&S,
,:n �.011 the sauth t"We*t l:jtreei llit I then olcoNreil -ditly eleeterl, Th -f
ol.oi�rno) It' 0 r�lc Via. Achesort's Llarnc:�s Shop, whore will be round oil hand or inake to order a he will keeP constan Hy Z) th-�Ilgllt tliis was the I
C mrl-liaas e I fail kinds. SLErallS CUTTERS. to, Bob ools of three years stan-ding and first- I.,e )regellt wording of the clallw I arden &pninilted W, I" ii�kay, Ezq., Qodo-
ze ui,; W2 SIN 11 S amongst other matters, to irregularities eff
A C r that bad occurred in I the office hf the crass Coulmon School tea ncut ratived by Mr Galbraitb I ricti
FURNITURE OFALL KIT b. --A ritimbe E of first cla%s Bu les on han(l, andforsaie the othor Aua;.":
cher4 offive r. oviJ.,urava tip
Cheapiore-tsh Pripejo,fall in the 1166 that Queen's printer, and with respect to the iyears standing should be,eJiaible to the
ARRI�TER, ATror.-,,-Ey__,r_Lx W. SOLICITOR Of Kitchen. Bedroorn. Dilliti-moom, and Parlar Fur ilaTM7, on litn�l an a9l;ortment of Uli�oplter . I was lost,and Mr Gow'stutieudinent adopt- IVeduesday Lnorll it)" at 10 (4;1%)
Bin Clk'lll�le nlz.t I g will eolliPare ra"OrablY with any in vie county d�lhlcatioris of Mr. Ki, Ulu.
rY- &c., Gotitrich. Ontario. om,.e- n4ure, such&as ial, he wilt be prepared ta fill prol All work warranted ntry, Deputy,Cierk officie of qpector -without examination.
Kingston street e r nlAtyallard , 64:
abb's viock. In that line. in
iefilar attdrition paid to wagonand Camage Re- of thO county of Oxford. There might Bon. Mr. Cameron objected to this ofi,
sw �a,rt Ou nicition of AfrFergruslin the number January 25th, I.S-7f,
'MIZ I a aliabitatifs was Plaued at 5 instead of �i a Cotin.cif inct, all present except Alls
- CH-kiPS(b�9!r,ellio.,nd%vooaseaedI rjl- -1 quantity of Gilt a;d Rosewood 3fouldings, on lsobesome irregularities intheofficeof' and said it would be much better to I
'31303"e, SZ Sqmler, CUPPOAF.DS hand. Th
AR11113TURS AND ATT0RNIr,3 R. J WHITELY. urer' a eave as in the clause.
B w30 reaS Blake's sng"gestion having been arlopted.. rpad al I apprnved. IMOvq
SOMCITORS- WASHSTANT).,Z. Godericb, Aup, 15, 1870 nd, th6 resolution would the matter in the hands ofthe Council of' Swtt5 "If E. Wa-watiosh. The nihnitesof
Goderich. onil. . _,thduh Framir(r to 6rd
P.- I- -%TL-- SW5 W. R. SQuiER. B.A. 3IATTRFssr,S 0 er. embrace these also. Public Instruction. the clause,. as anieltole was cIrried. d by
Y 1,311 "t",
U The Attorney- Ginneral said that 1,e The bense ay.svco-44ed 113.111r. ere Streit
!J� He tr,ists h tr�fnt a'ter-* on to business to
71)li"c patronage, was against 01, clause- 17 reterring to the numner of
mer a lbare or pa Stoves -of the Hous ' I I that theallZedli., Caluillittearleballotitl
"Godeich. Ang. 15.1870 be-tiRadi nit th determining the price to be paid for schnni, forby each til-,
P. WHATUOTS, LOOKNIC GLASSES 0-tr vos effectofthe motion would o ..ameadment, and rhe clause, as- it' five
lLit,,r-in-Clian- there were Irregularities in. the'depA -t_ 1 stood in the bill, Was then Qopted, Site' Elon Ur Carneroti Moved pa-ier. CarJed' The. Committew
Pitbliv, &c. 7- a proviso naf.sllip
se, B 4B are pi-tptre,l 7 ff ments, These matters would come Wf)re be added.as filloArs o clansist cf blessrs Bight)
0-`uce Of t e Clerk of tb� peace, Court How GILT FfLA3riN(,.
Ch "InLario -j-G —Provide(Ithat not,',- wag deuiarctl t
their line in to JU t T fie cla age relatiog to the appointment ing herein containe(f sha,11 hilthori7e the LeAiie, '�Aje, ire
tO seI4 everything A RED I 711ral 0 A N, D VE T LATEU an'd dismissal of faspecto S w-in--ril aud Orreensmy,
he committee on Public Accounts, and
rs was, after use A ,
IMMYS & - 7�:V V_ could be dealt with there. K4 of i arte within 100 feet of a garden, INIA)v4id by �11r.'Uetaser, seponde,I by 111r,
ke E-4 ntry was some, discussion, carried,wfth an amend- Orchard, pleasurb,-ximud, or houz
SOLI- 13�1 P ""ash. P-EITH'S PAT1P,7T, ij a def e. with ��Itlip.ioq, fli-tt the LY -Lau, i.
ftitllm in CbrineerV t X. B Acomplete; aulter to the extelt of $1600, but ment ingved I)y IV�f. Perry that thd ap- outthe consent Of the owner thereof, and repe'll 'd a . .11posill- -1
rse to hire s �d had -left the country. 1 0 upo?i iliqr�; lie -11 nil that no,tax bty
ArcJ1V&a"*S st"'e. fInspector should be for ililp-18
L'l`10T1`eVt0l1-e1nd- OPF1LE:'_,abb-s81c/c, all oil reasourble polutment thait in Cities, t0WnA nnd incorporated %-ii- _ I
:37. 9ACIff-'.APANDEFrICILNT.MICANSOFHE.),T- pleasure and not lbr life. oil th ed mi ologs for I lie 'Cill-rent year. U1
ing and ren After a discussion, the motion passecl lages, vacaut Ints only should I)e 4akcii. I)einty rtcordel there vitca.
Ali amendmelytbyllfr. be f" t"9 444-oft:—Alvsirs Greenway
a. RITED, Air Matchett moved that. there should
_% I - C1 as follows :—A statement of any 'in-
HkN`GERY AND L.XW OFFICE. CRABB'S NEW C H U R. r I I F1.1;. Sinclair, that no compubtury sale Tills waS lost, and Yearly
AlcssLf, 0.1stle,
CbutlofinZA, Kinqston, Street Goderich. W30 -t S C 1-,, 0 0 tromissions which may Lave taken place i the -government should. not have the the above proviso harin been ad(?Ited,the 91"Tsoll, Gaun pa Araistror,_,r, rvritinii,
N. B. -C lar a
erins_ Dripurtee"d &feclove il.,! C t,
111ey len; it rpa.�,nahle 41 in respect to -Kintry, and in the'dffice of 1power ofappointing or dismissing, Was clause as aniended was ageeed to. "irityr., Carrick, Dalton and Aejpjjrgj�
0 th
oliteted. r"al eslale ,Q"en'o printer. loston a division.
Goderich. Ali.. 14 liso. XV30 S')2 ]13 PRIV-11YE DWELLINGS, 1� Mr. Boulter moved reso I ClatisesI8 to 31 were ao�00ted Wit, -against, '111emrs. Youiv,
1 0 VA h 1 ;4 lause to stcad over, and clauses I I verbal amendments.
�LA` B n' �, elther iviiii(I or coal. lutions that I C " 11-irton, iUra.9s,
!l _%q It C. I x C�o I- , 0 _,V, _0 the treatment of t'he original'settlers- on I a well, llays, Farra. it' HArnes, MoDrin-J.1,
ud 12 having bvwu adopted, with the
The Committee then rOge and reported, Girriu, i3i�jeil, Willis, zher. ier.,
ll� Parties I,
I tll l4se,tion e -in refer t,, Al. c CtlTneMn P>
a G r., o _N D E XT V T. E, (I ';%I- P., in whose,esid,.,e tile pateztee has erect- tj the colawittec rose and veto Sit ag.tin. blian-
s U Es 0 free grant distiiets should be 'lie same'as 'amendments, and asked lea
'I I3roA-ll,,Leclde.
it furnace those settling after the passage of tLe -reported, and asked leave to sie again. The house adjourned at 10.35 p. m. non and Oilibons.
Aloved by ATr Sizapsyin ��Qewd -I,-, '%if-
PCOGE's, over the Post Office, Wet, U S trect, WATCR1i.xiiER Furfurtherparticulara, Apply to the Pitentee, Act, and that locatees holding mi sites in The Ho 4X
Goderich J,2, — p, A M f n use adiodritud at 11 40 o'clod,
August 14th, IS -,O W,16if
A TTORN7EY-at Law. Solicitor in Chancery. Con -
.C -L vevancer, &e-
Vmc,Y to lend. Disput.-d 'ritles qui�ted. Crown
Iand Patents Obtained cheaply.
July 2,11111. IS70. w.17-ly
'U. IE3. !�F;toires,
A% T-2, (.Yo --Ph Sharman, pr,)prietor�. R" i. 1 - �. �
B sydeld F-I'L
01111on,(All- W35
Llb 4, Arcade Barking,
Jkua; C-Srit)va, At.,)rat�y-at-La�i. H. %. S ; U-1 En.
Aug. 13th IS!0. W.;o
CRN'S8.DATCT1iDN`F-ER, B;,YF1FtD1C.rmt-. of
1112rim, -Saft*J_- vtou I!v at-
-nde i y or coinogry punctul
1-3. EAvirntin,
gnt and Conveyancer. ]Znicardiae.
BRADET-�31 A3'jDi CLU1670�'A3.
House, Sh"a & Ornamer-fal Palnfers,,
MPMMIlger-la-, 11 rit,.tori DfWoeds and Marble
L Street. si4CAX C> X)o Mi =13- _r 4c�
A -N V J E N1 E L E R such territories should be comp?-Iled to till -Monday, I . `1
Toronto Kelly. Thari the slim of 1$3ft be jwse&,
cr took the chair at by the Col"ItY ft)" iml-inoring Boundat-sr
Paris Ont- ISM Xov. 1870
iS H agreed upon witbin a certain time, or 1 -gr After the read in7ofiietitlans.anintiber (it lepiirL.3 Attorney Gen. Mac-lonald pri lines of the Several Ultnicipalities, 1%,.#
-A Yr
tvns� STA.ET, sw27-3m tj build such mills, as man have been Tor -on to, 23rd Jan, Tile 8pa�k
-10fe0itinlitLeez;%"cl�el)"G-, . said stlin -ro be exivirt
-feit tilei the re o t
-Luted-aintin. thein being the
TIIE Sulweriber having renwred to the Store lateiv r claims to Filell Mill attes. He : London, Huron arl,t W,twe, the [North Grey and the
lGianot JUlteLion liailv;a? Pills. A ntmber or privat�
wjh�, to . all'. wl� friellds al!d the pubf c su pportQd, in a short speech, the p
B, t oifi( _e CoMm"t-30, ciple,RS previous yeirs--ti-ried: 14(meil,
L� cUlTiled bv A. NaKs�niih W"I Sireet,opposite Ill r of the Railway
rinciple Bills ivereTeild a sceen't til"L.0 'I he H -,use -went into ich reported th e WO liu.2 ton. Grey tan d i)y gr nishop sec*a )IV Afr lil,
lc�eml �upnrt %% ith hich thev have fawred W PI Th.
year- an Bruce liailwa
,n i,,r the la,t 2�' d Igs toyure thent that N, oftho resolutions, Strect,.ville and Port Credit Rall- Y Bifl. He vVarned the Petef Adamson, Es;.
el"! an "ll", 'In the
rnnrit acellLfintanee of their 0 flon. Mr. Richards said the Mvern- -Z Bit;, 111hiell passed witu amendments. Housethat the ravortcontninedari,43!1on
1 aluillar Schoul Trustlw for the Goderich
poirmlage, bis anxious study will be tosupiny 0 13'r1,k11V -&-XI) I I �Gr-
-old aftd the revenue u0n, derived fl:o-ut lici I,,
ment intended to treat enthyrants ' he contract between the inui
I Ae; 14 them for Of I. ajity I G amumv Seh6ol--Carricd. Aluved. 1)y -Afr,
0.41 1 cllu�ch property be stigped. lie stated that this was 'p,
W%tches Glocks and hivelery C'11 liberal manner. He raised tle question I all exception to the general rincipte that the State and the railway, and advised thatit should Farran, seed by - AIr Sh�pperd,, IThat tr,
which will !Zivcst1jf1Cllon to th clergy of any particular Hale, 133ol., ba'appniii
- purchaqer, old as ni. X ZT 'VV- M 30, that the motion affecting revenue wasout notPll ttlic clustances c _-huneli, he field -over till to -morrow. +.,pd Grammar Schoolt
w,wk has been (tolle bv inr rl,' .,jlomels Wav Secire thp t4 1 —0— f 'and explain.Ld the eiri; _)nnected w-ith the Trustee for the C-litittin
oil havin-'T it well execuicil' depend :;T __4 of order. After -some discussion, the I gi It AIr Biake said lie wo id
ire , U) - 1-1, u , be sorry t rrl
and P, 'hadow ere t1le P that the Govetment was admit thaf, because ifthe House -ace
motion was withdrawn. Sklool--nea ''ed., moioa In MrLI�irtoli,
lated JeweIrv!` f 00 001211L OILS igno.. ant Of the (mse comphatie(I of Opted kecd liy M r Ynutjg� Ilrtt tbe_�V.3r"n
Watches, C ;,:ki &c.. a!w.A) hand. 'U 1lDRT,'V71ee. -3 -it and suggested that a report it should acce.
- _ 1, The Attorney -General gave notice Oat I tile motioll., -aid be-chatiged sa'as to wove for tbe'� lit a Bill. The 1.3tr -Adamson. be appobited Pit th -43
ALEX WALLACE. WHOLESALE AND RE*rAlL. j apj)oiltbijetitofaloullilit-teeU) inquire into the matter, �s
to -iuorrow be would toove tbat the Flotise as GOrerullieut could not cleal withintell a grave ques- id over till to-inorrovir." 4 Andit fil terills of th'a iate - t
Gridericit Au -r. 15th 18-3. w30 I ion w I rep,,1,l.t;1as in -
20- Coal Oil Lampq, &c. &c. pj� Iro- M"O illtO Committee stida as to f P.,.iv W Prim
-4 on the subj t, About fall information, act
ect �Of MrBlake sald that if tild committee were appoint ,k . made some sit --,e be)l41fcariJ. Rupr).,tn
for the expenses of rial Of i� sh-ad dealt"vith th.-tliol ed
G_ taken in exchange, beep Skin F 0 tile C&)w1t_aUa the re of the land as bAweep OM 9i 'Resi_111'
Copper, gras8, %vool Pickings. dnd 8 t S the public business. He thought -that I L_ %,, referred to
PHOTO RAP -clergy.. and should not on for into t - I -nation ortf Uesr AV Barr L rend attl7p, -
of election appeals. he Standing Vomm-itices on RAlwaval
J. & J . STO - Y, the questital of tA-uuut right,. They would all race.-- referred to Sch
on motion' of Air. Perr nizetit- enaral principle of tile �esolution. an - o of t�le�-
_v, an address I I Frivate Bills,which had a
derairion or theinol.0n was postponelL m`-"WM0- - Greenwax qo
11-00 Nor D in fe- Sipti oftb Lar "fal." d stires bef'ore them US1101). T�.Jtr.
MCBS to 8111t the T! :p,, _7 go Cdai Ofl '8'arrel, Wrs -for the production i.E: moved tir a return of thc plinutes of tile i.
ofa copy 0111,011 ol-Ilub Instruction -durb,g IS741, with the USIness. Might c4@411e It4c. I Mr U Er inty be nppointcil U &,of �$ebonls.
Godelic"Ti. Aug 15, 11470 swl, of the report and evidelce taken bef'ore I colruot...r th s b
. e I Ne b-
, 1!ie meeti
a resen tat the ugs, and othm in -
5 the select Committee, respecting t4e A I X0I1Y,--iecd by air Ye&rly, That 44k-jges,
_5z f, Hon Sand
PhotograW field -Macdonald Said fut, in
reduced te �1-00. per Doz., -A BARGTAII-T. 'Woodstock and Eric Railway and Harbar asadopted. the Hon 3tr Catnexonre- filiture the Committees would meefat ilitle Got %II
"' -� "t u,; n tile TOUT11shil) and . unty 1) lflTr
to, .l?t - ere halt been about live ill
OR 75CtS. Ptl!R HALF"DOZ3-.V. C' lylear,ijjlg tj -cetings ill the C
1, owpany. -dabout ten - pages of the
0 ACRFS, East or Lot 29, i oth con. C,11ro- 'a ,d t 0 "s 'Jf; 50 feet'spau and Oyer
lock. linc 1)6
,g Co.
5 ininuti, bool,
to minutes covere:
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 apreas fICRTed and After recessil1r. Cainegie moved th MY Blake moved that this -Hou-se do and 11failitain
tograph Pteduc d in Two
_1Y Large Phdt 900d to- hf"- ed -by the 0-oul
title fvr-.S,3,J0 eashorfor $'U'([() one tb7rddOwsen* SCeond readin-of the b -f r4:,e the plantiag of trees'On the high- rreil to, 11,)ad and Brl,_Tge v4onl-�
e Cie.,,. 'rue Bills respecting the A33otsstilent L 17s, and the
oil Ade
]so will rnalte the largest Photograplit, made in G' Thereportof tile. CommitteeorRe wing reso-
I-and the rell,ainderi-i 4a,inuallftstalreentswi B read a seconfil thrie. Altived by _r`4 P
to amend the rPsOlvC is selfinto a Coin
Pro ivays`.0Zr Mittee -of tile
at 6 percent per annuin th Interest Act of i -poration-of the Petcrboro Whole to eun
A -'ttonl��t'llldCl' bv Njr;,
Sider, th3 folio
older Apply to solutions respect -
in;,, the expen,es of election peti
tell, very cheap. Peroielain pictutes from one dollar A BRA H All b3rITH d d Bill 111 tiblit trials were receiv Ot Ille UTPSI ' lip Vouneil ot'.
11 clj�2 -punded ther.., irit.dced and le-
upwardsat L m!ey 5 Sept IS, 0 n,33 -10t Alerchant Tailor -not received thes3cond readinn, when thb fe ittee. First--Zfhat, a' . ding to tile present *q *x na�81-00,00,�
and Haliburton Railway. Ibe bill lations :�
Photograph Grille 11aw for private bills bad elapsed. The Bithi respecting the, Law Society and ipensing PrIoprl-'ron ,oil thn�.
E[ rior Courts were advanced a sta, tiie�up plan of dis justice in civil ezist�.s Of its, Boll-ndary Iin-l:np
slitent taps -the 2a�; acession VIlard it,
T4e debate o n' the fees of ragg istrars half -past four, rose for the day, are two diffinint and incons fli, CO .
FARZ F UOR. 8 A L _E 444 Vonot S 1)
51 cents, posta,,e iree. One dozen frord -Coderiell, An-. 15t'h, 18-jo,,_ w3 ge, and the House, at there pild'of J0
falell- ne-mtive 97 cents, postage free, to any F
ddress.0 'was resumed after the debate. The six 7stems of law, one of wIliall is ftarned
Toronto, Jan 24. 0
months' hoist 'Was carried by -44 to 20. 1 he Speaker took the chair at 3:15 CL,fiy to Yed Ily. �Alr Aim9trongQecQyA1Iod bv-
0 soften the Fi -,or and sa
h PPIY the �11
Op Part 1cular Attention paid -to Co Mr. Trow moved the second reading of Theifullo Atig bills were real a jbird defects of the other, .1, Gaunt. Thafthe' 'Rev R.JwarA 'TrrriLw
LOT - 24. CO-Tq 4- 1 b?, arpp-binW A)fSabo(,Is for- AA
A' w, R field,-
hh' old Ambrotypes. the biil to amend the assessinept time afid passea :LE I-econd—That �tbe.v two systo '
01dost IstabliShmant in Town. ms are
5 ownship of Goderich,'c9utaining §0 acrez The second reading was.bad, the bill To con firm aud establish adminii Q'Irried, Moved �by. .Xr
or either larze or small pho0-raphs. Ths abou t 55 ac ret clea and a atirtain survey tered. by diffareat courts.. Avitb
'red, and 14th concessi- different - modes of pyocedure, ,ni!
itlier be 01) -1,,ted L
STORY COXCRETE It OUSE ONTinEGROUN on4ofthetowuship of P.)rtlaiid in tbeldourt
bseriber iq returning thpoks for the liberal referred to" a select conimittec. of the 11th, 120, 13th secooded 'Py 51 r Pitt ton. That D IT. ftk"i
trona e I— tnir- �1 floor DiningRoolm Parlor W -ft I M r HvIr"t, 0 -,S, Of 8,3hin's
r re - exten r, to him I I . c WTI, �ailnd Bcd� V V I —fic—n 4, to do full Justice or ad.,
00 'econ'i coitnty of Frontenac, -made by Aylesorth Town0lip, -R4errell to IV In : on the second floor, Sittin� Room, Lare
gol?'oorris ; on the Base- 15
A.gefiW for Jackson's u niversal de such int Bedroom, and four other 1), Fair- reading of the bill to- miniter the whule law of the land in -en
Al and would just sav that fie ha -i in t tq Bo wou Perry, a deputy QrOVi1l0La1 SurVey-
VIP amend the Ac
W r U. ruent, Diry Rooln, r,ruitroom�.';torerorn,Bfentr(sow.� regulate the procedure of the Saperior or. e Simpsotir se6olied!
inger.' preivementsinhii mllerya&will nieritaico eas before it. mil-te
tinuance of the Sale. Frme Earn 52x3,2 feet. 7 miles from ChL ton and 7:from and County Courts. After - a discascio Tflird bv )IT'Gaunt, Tliai Olipoisite Sianders Hardwarde Store. Gode Good large �Orchard of eye- Soo a Hon Air damcrQ4-A enable the- ous i
gerlr -bill to, -That t1is �p 1. n i an n
fruit at red
Goiderie-h. Aug I 7th. I s -,o. IVW31 If-eeg. Soil. acep clay loarp, well.w , the bill was read a sacon-d time and rei Church Sociell, (if theDioceseo' I heory to 3p. in'.
113- A Gkoat Redgetion gn spring creo.Ic and' flowing The property is situ. f Htiron. to aad in practice. involveli groat and.
ated 11 nifles from Lake Huron, (if which a gO0(I vievk cbrtai ch rch taliffe-
T h. it ll
Z5 -h-otographs. A can be had froin the door. Apply to James Wiikin ttle toiy uship of Bran tford i -a -thq cout, ty f`usion, embaerasm r
Larg N A M ferred to a commUte, sell or exc in heedless Oxpense to sa r,:, The iCouncil resunu%d.
G. WrElSfrN 0 VFORM C U 8 TO M E R son,, Esq., on the Preinl.,es of to M'r. hays' bill to amend -lin Act ent atid uncertainty in
Ismer of marriage Licenseg, E. t. JOHINTSi N that he, is till able to sell for cash, at the resPeVina the Court ofError and A pea,, -at. the law, it .13EGS TOA G. M. TRUE11,17AN 0 , i of Bra ,
Goderich.Aug. 15. 1810. owest ratea, laud Office Goderich . p 0a and ct9rds I -s' amendm3rit- - A
-was read a see-5nd time. 6 -ati� passed. P�t;itions.
132 , T�,a
surance & Real Estata Agent w30 motion -of Mr Wond,Ahe House
Goderiell', Aug 15, 187 Fourth -Thai, under any well-m7ulaU. of- xoil
0 W30 ent into Committee on the Education vd Plan tllere'-shqa]d be but -one systent of -Cordluit
co=ISSIO'-fER n; B. ILL KINDIS -OF' PURNITUH. �!F-.Evans moved the secoind readin: Bill, Ur Lount- in the chair. �Tile thirteenth I ' 'Y led-
- 0 � 1 tee. 1 --atter of thapl-S of the bill ti) amend the law as to fe use came up hich each party to isuit ,Ljit
Iscussion. It referred I a ai�,& Atbishop on Kirgsfoin Street, OPPosite the tif Registrars: shOuld be able to, - f �
MMIS, XORTC-AGG, th ford - aw, under w was read and vrAero tw.
DI�AWVANDBXECUTED, to instruction in nalt iral history,. agricul- acy. entorce irli thIt s�ujt,
flut-011 Hotel, Godericb. (iive him acali. Tlic House adjourned at 11.30 o'clock.. ttilre mechani the oppos . Ir Roskelr
MONEY,. TO LOAN AT 8 per cent. NEW-ur' IRLOCTRY S Goderich. Aug 15, 1870 - as, itep full rights. l*es w�u refbn-ea to Oct Isth. 1810.) SWI-i-ly ZURICH, Out rl ifth T1 at in the ,opini
UJL!i TORE. In teply to Mr Blake, Ron ATx Camero irty his o;a of Bill)
Toronto,'Jan. 20, 1871 said that at the present time if was i(,)t the House steps should be, tak-qn to b 41try. ir.
intention of_the govetrunt, was
The Speaker took the chair at 3. t5. ent to 4 th the defectsq-indic- read tind qr4crcd 40:
WHITLY & ELLIOTT- �pportioument of the schoolfund. W4, and to acc6ialplish e vqy -of PeOtintl fro�l . Vo tlei7ri
After ioiifioej..,�-Attor�ney-Generi1 Afac- tbc pult aimed at in the preceding Tes U
'DEALEP donald introduced a b- r teachinor of these branches. lotions Uilit%-1 00 11116133 Of G reeilvillw
especting' the Waggioa ar-d Carnage-- GROCE,,,,,,. Ifou iS Macdonald said that,the School wa
Furran --sea
Clourt-'of Chancery, He said thatthe bill Bills of Dr, Ryersorihad al -ways, been n In -Ofzome len-thy-romar-l's thatlie0eik be
eree, poseirftuti the country had found -Du t t1i9v pot'Wd hisresolatsons. '11b py -of Memorial to 01sXwiW
t ofa ref
P, FACTO R Y PROV1*81ONS" providea for the appoi tmen*
WINES & LIQUOR13. and algo for the I 33ATES & ELLIOTT eglissing of tb.0 decisions t. 4cy �were alvantageous. He, eveli rggin�, , t-linn -to s1tp ly 1110 -
LS of The Judges' Secretary since hisappitint- confidence in,l;he wisdom Of the LjIliof o ill,*jJI XA Ontrililli- futniv frea AVS pleasure mintintat- Corner Kinaston Street & Blarkqt 81quare bed the. r In
Superiatefildent.' to AId t1ver 001ceim!aud n)
-in_- to) the public oftb,.%,n ment on the 1th of November, V866. Ivilid1k.-Jhe prese t"system roso, and pro and eliantry that they have G 0 T3 E R,1 0 H. IVIr. Blake remi- tied the House' Afr'AlcRougallsaidthatthe 137ouse-was geed trates and tht ',he Nvardwil 1walithorize
o 0 ro 4 that at ed -U. pol t out finder the -prgient
_Vened a Waggoin x-dt arria-e
Goiderich 0onno 20M 1670. 6W874 an earl to Investigate every" rileasure thorou - to -sign t1le �,Sheip on St.-13av-id?s swt; .4 y period.of the sQssion he had -put glily, syst4m ��k man had - r! t i '
and nt tdke anything at'second hand ; Ito 'o gii s - in nue ca,Ti0,,I
0 otire Lter'-from AV. T. Hal -s L.,j
(LetvisrElliottt's old stand,) im- iesolutions .,on the'paper respeetng the matter, It indi�rtdualj -Wbie4 �44_notlu an q1
-,a, Ow eminent the Other, T-1101 X �P. A read ni-ed
emately adioining the western, Hotel. B. & E. 9 prespm- - I '?I li by
i- rZ, N C; 02 e :, �0 1 -, ')rm-y favoruble lohe 'ro tl-
0, rt of Chanclery, and'one oftli'm ro'- 4 Mr Cumberland -said tbat there were JA th.0 Deaf
jz;tend pergomalsy-fr, 411 the work entrusted to them, and- ire Oat ZURICH, CO. HURON
4r, fhrr�d to the fact tkat the de'
0 cisions of the two meu�who'had made their jaamesillustri-
Lion, and aot'hini, 7211114 -0011111 Iltsfitnia 're"Illestin't
Waggons, Baggies, Secretary werp not coliziderid valid. The ous, Baldwin gainja hnumberot deat allutes from file aell;
bYbis munidtpal bill, and bydWaY." The tutift-tilion
heapness. it A7 Attoirne�-Gneral denied this. pKo os w"rva4 Wholl tho clork
8 U7111VALLED for Ptnitr and JO11N PBANG, — I—
FVerson by his sebool bills. rom of 7 to 10,
Cuttors, Shihs, Proprietor. isaves Nggs Butter Milk etc., and i itio and uncartainty, that -would resub f I
t 0 'oil at t e
0 s warrants to -t* th r Oliver regretted --that in the first the 'treatmen V
Ir line, ofthe very has material contain n instructed to th
--vAeverytTifti.- in -the t -IRIttriQua. 'For sale by the Grocers. El a umej but he now admitted it in he I questi. V101i
OBINSON & HOV F4 P Cd 1>4 2nd W022inmWpaud atthe very low�s ;ELL speech the Attorner-Gerieral had delivered reson a aras oluld be-aso,�rtine
--tremitneraasTe This hotise.1s; fitted up with every conventencefor . ion this b t Would "not ar
ill he had introLl uced politics. be greabir faill -Col. 814114ev -VA8 rala and reforrea.
�6 the travelling pablic, Ageats for Goderich. the Attorney'Gencrat 'said 'that * than 1fi M PLUMMER& Co., Since it was deferred. ff?'GoodStabling-audn 3,T -r Calvin. said that theVoin Mon
Is- . thetimb referreill6o theJudkes-of C ir oinp_t attendance Cliemiiis. Loin,lon, ont th �sliould adhere to the tea hin onald'suia: he could -otheracc
1�roimptjy attended tQ_ -Lit' 13. ISTO W16 -ft - -he pr rt innc
!it the�- c-isla not
Court had ask. -d W . . oft' 25 �_ -
L ture ,ary branches. asb decisions --ofthe. 1- Aftersome farther discussion a for $outh., Bruce as to tile, 'o ed by kh- Youn,_, t.IA4+, a elect Com. . littew
A r� e clause; an malous
Z I . � �f these f live be �arpai&etl to talm into can5llderu-
e,..100 acres beirigg Wes, halflot IT, con, ary valid. - The Bill was; read a iWaS joarriea. the
WWCTI or Cash, Gi, Ccrd- U, 1
WM ba sold Cheap f A R -It forsittl Sepret courts, and the F 4th. -w Woo tvanosh 46 acres'eleared, 8 aer6s rst time The committee proceeded tothe cons fora change. W.ithill ih li)n
ONRAWDita larre asslorliment of FAW FOR SALE. Should declare the a-'.n9ay the
Fall that- exi.
aPloughed ready'for -ee from tion of tif, tl il�r 14si two Illontlisbe hadseen thd 0 in -the xear I
FACT crop, ft teentluclausi� Ormut
Q9d_-rwhA-jA 1870- -311 t1datles or n0ar rubbili, 100 choice frnit-treiii. a wel R Motion ofthe Hon, fft. Ri�h-'Irda, bich had Of Huroa in,
orexcellentwatterivithlranin in it. PrapedweJ11i thereport' bfthe,t�miiflit6e on- Grown' fOrkence tofhe, poder of Conn'ty C.41nicliS e -Richa Mor
ug to
house, frme barn 60=06 with at6be stabling under- o -establish.Toi�hihiji Boards. Justka'4.. - t;)Ok stot�k I
d Griimma�� j3 I,,, ft. U"
ZfEurderaignedhaving for.20 head -of Cattle. with i6it liblifse, Framp 0lergy an a risoh,, and tol(t �,tfiej �that,it was, 1171Q to tbe anloullterif 11
A discussion arose,- 'lion Afill --rs.
Itansti and heirsa stable andlitho out buildluggi �xearagbg question..iltas ridolit-ed'. nd, 6 D'Clork nte on alf mil Sash PietWowned, and o& 'Xitelot'"I Dun-,71inom A Stearn $4w arrived, *6 HoOSO rose fOr, ic ati atthealose��filiepresatitBessi�;t 'The ri2 would noilhave been L-Itilt st
ad b� Donald Cuinining, are now prepared 31ill at on iluc- , - _ . . I thiv.
ecornerofit, there is nolpantity orpinot Ott motion of A toiq� 'tiM011a4 not 0isstuk been txlcen. TjVw
to carry on the husin . to appoinva. commiss,
cgs ot mantifacturring onit. TUIe indispnitabloand liamedlite PO-gesslon ion to See Wa, these,
oars, ond d the'llouse weatinto- om mlttee� Affdrrpeem e0urts could be better couseltrited thonat provillice,
given, For furftr pitrtipultirsitpply to T. G� TAMAZ �d oad isfg-reat aSh. ID om. tbc premfse�, It -by letter -piepald 11i4passed resolutift respeotin.7% the XT Cam'eron varlpil �n amlenmen* present.,, - -Zhe. Commission v6ould report and nossr fos, Its pai�. �o;f the Tral Ilk
WO a ury
j�DnngaPnOU,lN0V. 1511t. 1870. �of,61tot6i, -P o the clause, which uld thoh -read 11--xt session land- - then mega,. e to pt. -- u! 19C;U1(Ungsj'F1oQj* etitions; add providing1
, �r be '11' lotp ration ow. -B
-bei _�Og
tfiP:pliym04 df udge- r4tiitu every other,
06ilweil of each T 6 this Itailwy,, but did to
Ze WOW4 advise the lon built ift, 'Oat Siding, DOUGL' ne oction.
OR &AT-'tl!. P44 majority Lida previoils
-na, fixed at$[ 000 �he resident member rof j-4�8 to, with. they -it auy time gitbillany grant to.
li'd -foro afiligri - -Y Ot nil-rou-t
and -aft kmda ot I em . J J26 glt��Territoriil 1"4 f 0 . It Seeral School &6tion 0 AiDlin. r au
0, at� -
a., pliblid-lil U.,each Proroment:4. That it tmr 6rc w P417GIce lapported -Mr Bi 3t tikians an as -read d -0culites C1111CILE: W AGRES IN
such W% Circle and (;t;thte sa Bay
sh and vrar rpau.T6WXS !01�,130mft; 7 ifit, r
6 isecofid if olutions. -A-()w is P. large -surplus j,.%t, trio They think -fzoln their expe�iTjen For -p vicuTars. Applyt6 ce in, Factory tool ru-unicipati' Mr Lount 1111. 31,CAgjl1,(Norf61k) Ron Ontario giii�t[umlnont�
AV9, AVIT9 A - VIRV Vy 31EP-T THR M Work-3�1(kattljey calt _IVe satls]r
ae . tion -to all W6Q w b-AtLi euFASI�D derand for the.celebrated Perfected 1lIdyjaY0r1fIeW�WjtlJ a C'aff. P -N, tho Prenier of 04ta alcti in thw
. .................... .... . Operand"i 9MA64 ast itrid GO(Terich nx-6v. Is' It a Town Ship 110, 0orpdration, iij Una to eatIbIb Xr Laisoier Wereil In
A te Gj*rkb, C12A It 4C4r_ :a '6ndani,. was-reA. :kts.oponi t es, s - r ofthe --,Vrqp�ttiou ofl.
p4ibl 'd eAttOt4oY- garry. that 1wilon �tha rxorv)nj� b2 orQl,�tt�
-gives 2.0,000 fee.t of)Dryr 'Pro- �;Vo
'a onimbn
367that I -C pordifiRg ided Vi'lle Wild: Zedion bt ti
Agr�iffprlhlfplivc�- d! up Ig
3ken care fo, -inch alia. a- quar r j1A. TAH HO N t rs'.d St.
oprtsogt mium Jild f,
hool Act,*' This *as a. diffe 11ce, filiul
--&1helrA;ventX to4he re4nifeincutlo cd all IcustOnlers, Flooring, into yog�es -o al. h0J C0?f'r10'r,_ .011�:to 110P ho
'AS DUCE U- At tof-' ' scita u lblli� -,doubts CA atioA that had-c*.-
Ast opf- 2tcrotif unequalled arstron XAN 106,;'ACRES" 0,, mere twd-thirds 11
404, althogh he d his
ieoila, �idiidi of 11 Wall deavorg4 to belp,
fripp :22�030� aron �6'a Y-Ofa c them5elives, That thre:
idsi to thift, suparl6flty over . - I - 11 - f 1 1 -,b f_ orfqlk)�, isaid he ARL n6tt 4
eW-X.- qed� jls6., Alietilbrim
el nOW, 0 stigplui xotild to thoz�s who ball tuca
-STa'Se.swortre 6 roi, 91(m 4 nil Shed tecolarnoidation, good lie, liaS lrur0*4ea an 17(1$p. Aing, Affi. avits 4rplutrlo ;0,380 five Popie of
atir orellilroli, 6111 It -addresi .1br Is
water4d,by two, 4 Judpa -of nildrailawys, T atv,-o
'Onei or USe goNmrinitnem,
-ea the
GJerich A roll se, ce RfQ Pk 10 d, of *,he
I ed
Align It, bo& on the con mm riom die, pectill-V coff� hilefrojort-gaiell 44.,liaileafroyn
JF ose,
altelpte rit� J,Wj�-. -L-Eg' Y_ 'T tire Ly_� baucery and V inem, t.(p
-W figs feelfl Ocrellermus. 'CArirtt it) Iii ill 4=1311i - - :. ocer.0oidwI4. gf - . , _�. 7- Vh� Cf, 8TP
t6 Qommlft�ed
W80, hol 1 6 �Mtinio�
r7 ocA W
T sVr0Rk1xdcrAss;..,w. nalitles' -and �.pd 31r. IV
st'ght, Therxre*o M the :Bill �)ck Ive d it OPon, 140 - Vie Comity of Jill-,
to a lexqr,3 of the,
PREPA . It Cla eron A ter A* djaiius 13 Ill,411114. 'Thaf, n PC- P t-(LPr0AtAbW P01waafeltbw LOATW� O.Frio E, AN 11�- tile abuve pirtieulars Or
(3-000i, frovidil Thir " many of:
is e� �dqition.
Mrth" - EIJI�'rQ'G -,. . SIORT-1 - all S
eirw simeto u"aw.
n Cho W=1khas3itim Tbatoinwho"a Se the best. Alwayowing th
owell :ik�4 unprit dorW,,' seturrt Mile tlitft,
MOM- b 0"'L"tat the bmiv"Al� 'isr6rt F Ift, Lounf triovi
d ldf6rmeda
iq0 at 0
W" inywheo. them %it May bailee f e4and Sent tit 0
JORT)AN, tapar HiS q.Xl"rJeUee 4s
JE we
. f . 1. - - . - so Ye liall h -Wteo ofAve-aildiAk
-Zaildii bought Aud�sqjd �%D JE _0 ave 0 arze- 0 61; with our etiawi%
nefif ur rp, t3�tjyqtllo
441e:iA than 5 title
4 'Ib
.1.3 0ff.W**0W* aea for I And porill and B"W&
't Cfannilp, #ale, Or tbe 0 1. W ] - .
Mat "h VA tf
cr% ., Ug
no nailiga the
T T _Y 0 our- moa B tars q af4s intitter-camic4o, TT -ia,
to a refOlutlarriv the. Vor- "Illif p
lot 40_ re olot Wi dran
Wei );i8t of 1easilv, ltilraa4 in:
JL %.r .'LEND, alebes
XO�L MY 0 in _05.. �Tl in:
iAlrim lfirm Ae
'Two, FARNS, to -6 b n aMeDamen nani%er0 day at JO 16 m.
and *or nAdjo og tbxt Xr. 100 In mr elft� d0bitte, th survey made bi AVW. graileyt, D. tor J%ozlsll T LM11"Ist-wo T.M IrsJuAble PAR *8.J1tthoTpgm cm r&natIft6 gr qvftsitn4 10 u4 WAND VOUTAV .
ploymentfortwO 011010r, him &firstw STU.. 150 (und VEN r1bink U kOO4 :�,-O. rpeoess. clmsjliw�llerj citpabla of' :RRITS- 0
For rn.r6pim apply. CZAFJ3 15t 0MAV2;
ro -After ito IS, IT. U. Gop"If, A Hafod Inoi UY W�be re erring-Io.'appeal to the kno-iwas ibe $11ijund 6th COODeW'Qng as pe c o ut it,-. n of. d
TownsWr' for sale Tir Mr, XiAE a7WA4 IQ-, #18 -SAC, F EDa GoderIcb;-5th A theA wex formatio, or ration (.14 Qliveq, re4l Go6rolit A T ner to, be ioft Nit 1WtIsh It" T
ouncills o lued, T�ocdo�, Zgroah Vr 1.sj�wav tho
Mg oa