Huron Signal, 1871-01-26, Page 3I It I P1.
�0 1%
-a CYS1
-cc both si leg of important subject, hoping that it will find a
fkhat all ra -%in your Cor. Mr -4 COUNT 8ALIM
.1 Plce in y6nr paper. I rom. GR'JV.AAT x1a wedic.iCe Idujl;� 'r
ques,ilim, Nvd Publish Nty Aderived ft)n its curt 4
f _=any M.t.jeb
DlieLads letter, to w!deh the AVe .ire sure oar Correspondent did not AT -TIRZ marvlellous� tha A T I ,I PLA R.
0 T0`2000.
T e- I
tice v'ur ol,l I I,[ wly I [I, cases
I -it ll intend 0 t. replies as abor,�. Tya nc to dispari-0 Nile Lo1 e or
hwed katun
firiend accuses the of."bo.stin." his own Lo(fge in his renitirks. This we
-corrujitl6rit, hav;-, bL-**
That we r9ust tatic (106,1011 Cxcelitloll to s. -Ly b"'th to our Nile and onr other Dung- luent (not it. advance) in from 2 to 15 years, Monthly 5 per cc 0
Mr. v7c are uniformly -is in'),lest is we re annon Carrespondent.�EDITIIR SIGNAL. rder.9,3vbIvhwjcar_,r
car y 7 —0
-itilty o irflul-ing yotany and never werc r world is
WoteLD 1, they were PawftflIji&kftg, have b.
Tno Apply to een spirit� At the sanic tiuie in trouble,nations re convulsed ; thrimes 11. F. WALICEI
in a boastrul I Solicitor cured in Buell reat numbers in DIM OSt evLT.%r
j ition of tbeount
-.%to trembling rovernments ,.to gittud; erich 23 January 1,971, s44�2ni X313MWZAC�X:L Zb C"70- A. M A R T I ry, that the public tca
we were -not a Ime,l to fig, t oil the Got] be Informed of its virtues or uses,
Are excited, lld tile whole ;soeil olson is one of the most as 1557 ' In"!-.101T1.0rulurrace. often, ibis unseen dndmiif,�i
of uch to be tenant f tteorgailLsin undermines ther6mi-fittific -itively inthience(1hy s,blilethi'19 1-rc- N RUENAh'S OJEFFER TUM S ?" D 13 1 ImE10Y FOR THE HOLffAYS a
out of tile 3743 oft the (irr-M1! sellh .dinvitesibeattackofenbwblingorfataldiscart
ilitory of ,reat change ; lAo%v for without excitingasuspiciont of its presebee. AgAii-I
ad0 � i-3 Ilothin., like the it see— to breed infection throughout -the 1)(1117, a
th ro then,on somcfavorable a u t'l which ['.Vrjr3,SEP6VED AUCTION SALE OF
,enow-Alt to cv-1.-ts :I ill irlaiet-ive is no I' R, EADY REAWLIE, CLOTHIN-G. In view of ig Iiii business, has into one or other of Its Meow. forms,vfther am it -a
ettre,-, tic do[ourelix Surface or among the vitals., JA the latter.
of ours as v�,c are Oil rvil'CI140 to GOO d,termined on p-, antl p.vins ilk the itolliach, &c. I Ry Dst &C.. cles may be uddenly deposited in !be In
t)st oa ED. U. i t- — or tumors fohriqd in the liver, or it T.111ke
every such itup V 2.) cent% 1wr bott1d. S91 bY 'ill TDISCOU T t sence by- eruptions on the skin, at foul ulcQP
M AN, is ilstructcd to sell by Aikation T E N L CEN SELLING OUT it
It. TnUE jit�ipn'!eon some part of the body. liencetheaces.
To the Edl*forrt� flit, C;i.?f,n G. slonal use of a bottle f this Sarsaparilla is iId-
ods, at -'Cost. visable, even when no active symptoms -of disca"
1 whole stock of' Dry g*
dic I writ Wednesday, Jail, 25t1r, at 11 A. M. & 7 D. FE RGUSON appear. Persons affleted with the following irt.
lalints pencrally And Immediate relief, and, t
I it "I
columns of' your paper iiiarkot P. M. F.ngth cure, by the use of this SAI-R.IWAP-41111-
question, i'.I!P I%ed oil iho rni(,,,z by I he %VI,T%J1` And contlatievach dav andeirening unlit th* whole is A T TE -N PER 'CENT DIS60UNT. A: At. A"thoptVls XYrr, Rose or r3Tj?sfPF1Gx�P
Id Head, nislafro"-,
T by Still W dof. A volli9111111:11t of 0ry U,jod, Wetter, SaU Mwatm, Sea
Sore Uas, and othcr�cruptionii
Shawls of Scrofulous diFease. Ako In %litts
anil it I)ro.,s G,)uds, Vancy Woolen tn be BULht Unpri,pikred to supply
Your ttolitit'll i I'it' L dies'Hoods, Clouds .�ontags, Breakfast iners with ere-.-ything
'it-ce his custo
Aq i. &rare -h ture for fali'llie-1 to �Prtiro good i - - - niore,conecaled forms, s Dyspepsial D2Vsj,
to a few to tile Cwinly -they require for Meart Discas its, phe
ky, andthevarjous ceroits affec owof themufft;41
lie-t%e bsrt;.tius� as the 6U016 W bo sold al,e tinstclasli, T TEN PEI R CEI NT DISCO UT. -Law. rccet:i1v tibilaittk -I r ill,, ap-' THIS 19 NO HUNIBU
Ia,00i i TE3.%t s OF xLL, CASU lax and nervous systems.
fiv1philis or Venereal and X-erertrial Disease#
prov-il of the C .11111y, 11-il, I,N I I f few 1. Iar, TT lare cured by it, though a long time is required ftV
G,)dcrieb. Jun. jiw44-1w- BARG
forthe SP AINS IN' -DRY GOODS C H RISTM I PEOPLE& V subduing these obstinatealadiu byuvinctlig -e-
E But long continued use of this medichib will riwe
the complaint. Iieueo"-haw or 717kites, Vfev4tae
Oftellit-.,iiite,l�t't,,!!,.\,...,I..Ii.r,,i.�,i..N, MONEY TO LEND rd lot of Canadians hirts n-nd Uircerations, and -renzaZe Diseases, ore enrut,
weil awart, Iti;!t Just -received a thi 't ELL THEM 6'rOODS inonly sbon relieved and ultimatelv cured bv ilif
Wit], Uly it C� gurifying and invigorating effeeL Minute Direo,
markuts an t(II, if rt r I I)RAWmjLs. 3a-Xr2nA GOO ons for each case are found in our Almanac, znP-
C.- t N sunis trom 8200 upwards at low rates of fat At the Usml irstes, plied gratis. Rhittizaiism and Gout, wlw
r Ihat ill Igua tire of voted Charges ui(.d�
caused bv accumulations of extraneous matter
c. W., proprietors BLAFI: In the blood, eld juickly to It, s qlso 1'r-jr
'.of the th,rn I witboilt t:vt,r . Sulicitorw,56fialig suect East. YEAA
by.�ii iue� i,iue dealers. aits Poll -pi ity,
the toli qtiestioii J4 C DETLOR & CO. But an astnal �je�zrivlw
jp.ruary 21st, ISIC1. as they often do. from the r=lllhg olsons in tW
at all. but :A t�e �;ainc tinlo, I contcrid RICH ALT Co.—At tLe annual .0 blood. This SARSAPARIZZA is agrest rw
? GoDF starer for the Strength iad vigor of the syptetse
that free r0ails ar.1 fl-ce twirketsre tint ,I i
-,eefin, on 14th inst., the f0110win A rare -'h ancefor IffillerS. Goderich, Jan. 24th, 1871. Those who are Lanquid and Zistless, Desr-ca-
fair C011T.PaT110n, SIMFIV. li�-canse a firnier n dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Asp -
going to Godt,rich or ,;, a!orh to m,,nllein-�n were elected 0irectors for flit, prehensiore or Pears, or any of the nVerticze-
I e- �—Sa'-nnel Platt, john V. THE GODERIGH STEAM FLOUR He has now rec.eivedAND PAUTIES VVISIZING -110 sm 411 ftd lmmeditW
of his proilue,?, &its no iTjul-V to tbe yro- ptomatic of Weakness, w
I relief and convincing evidence of its reatorativV
potlor, A, M. ROSS, &GRISTMILLFOR SALE mi -IT power upon UUL
perty of thtse t , V V a JIVU
Robert Gibbon-. rnuel
I -in. Willi-liti splendid stock of SECURE BA-1)"AINS PREPAJZL?D Bf
o: b, n, fit BLAST
1 5 TO "118 1-i'. U. Savers and Chri�topher 031poSED or two run' or stones, Gang ofxtrcb-
j, u re! i i ILI Campbell, will— 3131r. T. C. AYMIKL CO., xowe, tbeni, and it be P Director" be lez�ves nvt r on, th,jlars a yfar At a inectinl,' of th nk
of char pr, lits for t'. it �r ot'tlx in Le.L L11.111-1 it OLD BY ALL DRUGGInS Evlmywmnff�
sq. I by 49 bul,,t: buliur. Illis
cub-�.-qti )It Deflor an SAVE 20 per CENT
enily, Jolin V. Detlnr E. trtel, in GOde- Pre,�;Jvnt; cUp) In, tI% o j,jjyU jotf and ILLI tile
rl,n, U, - '.1 , - i poration, fcr biell sljvd�- 'Ine —0— —BY— vi; I I .,t j
R. GibLon.; E, -q. to tile art;two doto,
�Ui,6ejji,er bUjUgcU1L1pQ1LCd to letirein'til t u ouslitutis him b(ut d kn,l WilliaM Cafflp- lu i kiat; ri ac u Lu tI.I. in G,iderieh by Pa:h-er & Cattle aud
,oar ul nizi lWaILL) Wil uia� G ,
Ani:)1--anviti� It r New Store' and doino a rush Jordxu. Gardiner & co- ltayfie,d. janiet; litntilt
�S, U1.1-13 t')
for which be rt., (;v s no bAl Secret ry —Tre-turer. T -s -'now. sbttledfin COMPLETE FRES�- AND CHEAP. CALUNG AND PUROHASIN J. Exet, r. J Il. IL -P
or indire'etly he J, u. zuUERVILLE� Box 99,
iB ILT S I 11ti 1:4,1 S S FROU tp,we of' i Goderich. Jan. 24LIi. 18' f. - 1171-11n- 211 odicine licaiwt. W-1 7
roads are the prup�rty Ot piver, IlIS stocic of Dry -goods Winter Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Flannels and everything in
L � a
ii,lt colleeteI Sp A. MAELTIN
or tile couity, -F, is ,jLT so s t3 ixoduee a rey_-iiu,� 1, r the s 'to T11E GRE,kT FEIIALE RE.UEDY I-MIE31A TTER OF ellARLESDA Y ng Store.
berctit to but Increly to An AND.CHEAPS (Next door to �k- Smltb's C
:i F E S PIT 2 AC119
'ese ro-Itis L I a !100� Market Square.)
assist in kt Job'_Uoses' Periodical Pills� County of l3y Virtue of i eed of 131 10*CX 0 X It A I L%V A V
btate of replir, and evt:ry,p...r;on who uses � To wi,) A*biiiulucut duly l"a"s by
oil and zd.
- SPLE 3 11111131; the IU,LST,,F sw37 i; frolu Alar�et�
tht. in jiist p -.yr in Proi oruk,i IS UN ,G -11, q i3arte- f i
lit lh� cure of atid &nr r uz Liaer IWCLS "11A01
at 0 istlitAre and 4counnandbig a 1"L4U.�
ABOVE NA tlkg Div. bijail virer Goderich, Dt.c. 26th. 1670- _tf-
114� to %vn;cl ect. t, he dOLS th in an of dL 1w,ju oil I tiesday,tho road to to
he rteelvcs. 31Y TeaSAII-; fr votin,_, It njierntes aJ ex, in Lue.4"'" u 01 jar IJAL C.1`141B at the towat le r, i Ld oil. of- 11,pril Lb;i. AllatId. .511P.;Ui _Vd,
ere fourtuday L1161, 1)1119 �3- This is one of the inost valurt! tile at d a speedy cure In Christmas fruits, he isfalls asqorted
or utct AL -1 h
TO 4,�tRIFD LADIF-4 f 1:11riji,trly it. jjl� CU"Ly and prepared to sell as low as any other House in
rich allj Uejug 11a Lue. It for Salt Works in tI% el
Gra'vtl Rioad are, thc, town c It iz pecrViarly-urted. It will, in a hort time, br Goderich, Dec. 20tb, 1870, town. and L'ru% av-� olo t� lit tllW K*Alti Ing tile ecoluln"o-,
seebon for th *-s of foandii,
built t9c road as a sp�eulati(lil, frum I 11 lie 111-Inth!yperio with regularity. avreg ur latud- purcluise of xv' od. For furthei parbenlarli al,111Y '&E,-
-Art .1 tot, o. ;;U. 4LU C llcj�jj
Wbieh they *expected if-, receive lar,_,e, h, lk-en by Fwales durinir the j_kaziuit. 4 T_r[L�rry C-I'Laiug two
as they are i1alticula0v R THF, ISIG NT a L I0
Godefirb, ov- 19th. 1130. sw*r.-tf
20 1ZI01- %in a lirs, Year Ut
dividends, and had tbev been reailizing v:,L�T iiin, thcy in a accd Huai Wit u
date UiL Mil day of Atar in "t
or 40 per t' on ilicir outlay, I hey tile aLv% u Uilds :,Ure PR EPA R E FOR WENLUnj C 11 OICE
Ne�oas "d "I"11"I _kffecli'111 ' P111 i WANTED
the farmers of� C'"- "' a Day -s JI.Eel With S1,31110 CUPPE
would not (,I I'ttizueon �iitz�texertion. iis va tile Aram ura%vA livad and is a
has d Huron to p- a cure a!!othe,.r jueal waoil. -A nplv to,
. �_L it fronit them. i� have dStand. Christmas Pre-i3ents 1 0 chop 209 or 3^,0 cord7s
been statel! tL�it if Goerich had tic, Alth,,avit a -tn�dv th not coalmip imn, i -ulars T Ill - I For Further Part -
-orthern Gravel it m0u!'� �ujcj, antnuilly, or hurtful to 111d constil u- -ich, to the Iot 10. 4 con. 16oJerich T'p
built the _N Al,l-;Y to J. B. tifiRDO olicitor (;oqtj AW IMW-M— Goderich.NoVA23rd 1870, sw2s_tf -
bate been one of those built by t Fli bbreett,,na in tlie rpirnpliIet arnuud each packzge. A u,t,uii=r or 10 tile UaerSj,;U.d Lile XSjlgL1e&;.
t vhtc I sho tid be carefully preserved. ljj-MUALj?ULLOUFLAssi,,
-nvrai agentp f.,r the OF
jo� XojEs, --EW Y,)PLK, SOLE County. That might liave been so,'b jinuary2it IS71. W1 -2M that is no alid rQajpn why the Colititv ,zj.00 and I`,' n1'or;�qaze, enclosed i Y Ta=UBSCRIBER ATPORT ALBF
A Miller capable of taking charn-c -f a GrWiat.
should purcha-4e it f-rorn thcm now. But.1 INE -1 CLAR- OUT T H I R D 111;n1oll, Wi I insure a bottle,t,outaimingoveir AorfdI5, in B
air, the strong,st awl voli.] reason,is! oy return mail. arm for iDaif!- limsiness. for Itarticulars. Apply in flerson to
that adynne N eviraustle, t:. W.,generii r,-,4ALhF-%RMUNDIR(iOO-OCLLTIVATIO,q, ?,w4 -
County and his and the united agent for Canads, A this inure or less 4eavres Port .41bort Nor. lat 1870.
prcss of Huron, h -,se the by Parker -A Cat'leano Lot, �ju � In , �ju of 4�ulbvrnv. 6 iniles
rut pko"i0edand ready Ior Zrop- 1j"Ing IM 12
"u; V Tftl. A T ft K 0, XURWAY OAXS.�
Lan a 6uud quatty with a 9OL-d I U
Northern G1. avcl Ro 1-1 or -,rni n eq,iva I lin,e cc G(w, Bayl �Id ; James R1 39 A Fr. -un -5 r r�.
J, r, 1, n crii, uc%lar Uanit stbl"i and
Norway Oats forseed.
lent of �j: 00 J. Picks It. ai:jo a spkuoid orchard anti 2 JDURT%
-2 Lck!low; E. Hick, JL ordem to futilisli a qvautify f this u -MY ce-elt,
builIl Countv ro td,, to! 0! 1.) 1 On spring . or JaLuu:g Loubius, proprietor rated variety. Faraners ikiing seed ;vV please or -
early as they will only befurni.lited to orde.
the Goderi�h =the townsillip of oVESTS AT G(33 T. P, S X.& n r -u dej
down, balance on liberal ff. 1101tv-PL-1i
Uolborn b,, tow"hip of AsMiell I. ca.11 Goderich. Dee. Sth, IS70. Now, Mr. Eitor, this I crmsliler to be jaituary I, th, 1970, for me doUar. HAS JUST;
the real, equitable pAnt at i-,s3e, The A Faily ed: ci tie, vreil and favof ably Lwwil' yda, heavv.-1 incev
w43— a AfagnAcent Stock of Steam Engins on Sale Cho
qu,stien then aris�:s, have thcse manicipal t�)rtqe paiit te-n yea rs. never fa,ling in a single It=
ly Goderich, Nov. 28th, 1870, A FULL STOCK
corp. got an equivsle-it. From iaia ace I,) give perwauent relie llen time
ugel, and xd have never known a calle A MERRY CHRISTM&S
the inforas-ilion that I have reedived, and
"be authentl(,, they have ut di,itatistacuon where I tie directions have bwen :0:
I believe, iG to *eadl received more than all cquivaleut, p_.rly toil,)wed, bit, on ti2e euntrary an are ROBINSON-R& CO.3 NEW DRY GOODS I C>3P z&Brf4pocHEs, y dei,ghed with itg op -rations, and speak in the SILT G ITUAT TLTEY ------- a ard the proof-, and Lti:he%1 '(4 Virtije, and 1gwal eActs, IjAvH pjLsA8U1ZKl_X 'IN T179.1TIN
Co!boru,3 rectived of the origi THE CA _VA DIAN oDs is jUST TO HAND
which ws sp(nt in grading, the L-Ae has foritselfa reptitption,as a blood purt A CHOICE SELECTION of NEW and BEAUTIFU
tonitich ton e. unsurpwLqed in the E-VERYTHING
t ,12 sum of .312,400, Shore ti ei, alterative. JOH01 HARRIS -
I histo, y of, Lied ic i I pre para It seldomfulls SUITABLE -FOR THE CO-NITNG Wit, 15 horsepower; neari.5--anew ty Vabnous of
suo-. wL2 JEWELLED RUGS, ppit and ituilerareattacbe-4
Goderich town ri.c, A Liver Complaini-, lndfxL�- G odarloh.: Aprill2thl870. 0 Hr".tford. -this I
i been expendei, in 5ick Headache, Kidney Com- avlre in roarfect sequently .;yre 1, Asthrifa,and GoLD RixGs, oE e Is U, -,;o pr6wer witti detacbed better batsbeco
-here Re 'Io domitlioutbolirs'
Pi A H t LFENE) jused vrry little, pri- $3 11).
System debititted m 0
2 2 the buil.lin,- ani reparin" ofthei t Jerin- a O_ SILTER RINGS j,
C-ot 0 by id tjlqvw�e. ss in curing WHICH THEY ARE PREPARED TOSEL'LLot 932, st, ratick st. N a day's notice and on reasonable terms- 'will be dailverri in Goderich at thelvtye prieg un.4'.
Maitland, Bridga) and Bridge hill at and monderful 0 SINCLAIR. Bar 4, - o respect; inf-erior to ii(w� rir iparliculax.0
I E CHEAP. DD F_ R I QCl are in la
--t - -,ty the' -ore taro --t, Coti-h!-, Dipthcria apply to J.11 1111-TI&Y.
Godelich, has �c4D, the G5u Goderich, Nov. 23rd,'1870. evr2s-3ak-_ PLLTED WAR&, the 1,(. n
I I, back, —0
. hone in(]'
rhettindlic nfl,,I her pains in any-partol
further sum of $35,74, in all AN , XT At GRYAtly REI)U(;L- D r- iCeS -CRUETS,
the h,)dv dri-t.rOlti riAtOver C',Iwse ha; given it nd the public are notified tbat L. M3 I%a <:> "
up a --um total of sizty-ubip thoas,ta I S for sale, a E4 P-
a i4atee 1!1 every hougithold an'� islsts,. suer: -ed- ep M3 O.L 21 1 am the only person who ha; a good. —0— and frty-two I -Will nO7 ot,, all ()tiler X�pa, ill be prose- BuTTER -D;sHEs. (If tile kind, m,jy to, locts, 00CtS9 75cts ;Mad 91-00 title tot he same. TreqDass?rs w DANIEL GORDON9 PQ ;y PERS
base iuy eirculitions ot� the I IA It is also art lie( laal anti prompt re 0 IN X'Itaqsjug or euttiag I.-Inbur. ox 4vost halt allot U,
ii, :4l)raias. Chilblain,-, cuted. T11 JAS IWBERTSON, CAKE BASKETS, Ott, b3n,
equalized v -due or the Cout Diindas.
T -T I rz S. to Law.
Bites, Cramp, I'le 'z!O!nach, Diarilcea, svv-4!)-w 50-4t— T which was, .4312,910,463. and Ciere was j:j,ri)us, iiiiijuitIs ch,jiic. Cholera Infau- January, 3rd, 1$71. CARD SERVERS, MALCOLIA MIEWAUIT.
I.M00,000 borrowed for the building of the A FULL ASsbrTNEINIT OF UPHOLF?FR= ioilerieh Vee. Ist Cuunty roads; ; the last equMized PrL,_-euuly 2-5 cew�tter hottle. INY Qulmiln OF FILAGREZ SETTS,
Giibu:ne 1op 4- LYNIAN, ASWITHAVIEW .4 1 it IT a I _�_Za - NApFIN RUJGS K NG,
valtie ad VA14ENIA, IL)EED- ISS FLETCHER'S ft) 1E[ to keep up with �j
I the town of Grot-rich .3550- _,Newcast4e. C. W. r ititruction in th an, iental Music. meets every ased
rudiments of Instrun, the times parch.
$577,140 Genera I Agent for Capada !�2,00 per
004), ulakia- a suni total of LESS RAISINS S.turdey at 2 O'clock, P- In- Ocermst fitted up tbe store tirp
U PL 01,
.v-3�-Sold in rMerich bv Parker & Cnhle ali doo-s west of the Post
q arter. which will f w52-tf-
jjjz,k - their proportion o the F. Jo.-dan; 0-ardinci, *,r. Co, Barfield; James Goderich, Jan. 16th, 1870. Office as a BUTTER KNIVE8, SPOONS U,
llo,lzerv!; le; J Pipkard,
S400,000 to be the latter stilil I j Exeter; J. 11
'ict aonat they have _02t be, Glinton- Hick -so 18 pounds , OF CURRANTS FOR 61 .00 1 IFURNITURE
will deduct froin t, fib. aR of -the' newest d6sigus, & best mate-
w3S 13 piuntla of Raisins!for $1.00.
ely, 69,042, which wiLl then C, .-3rto. and a6 Flour Barrel received, nain S sit W.Aurknorsl rialg ;suitable for te comlig
leave a balauco of sl-vesp. thomvta4, fire h Ielt-
of all MAMIE -HOOPS.'
season, when frieiids
dred and mitre than their are inter -
just pr,)po tioll. Sir, was it due to where be will -in 'future carry on the above business
r . a " I GOODAND�CHEAP- tbankrul for pa4t ]ECOND SUUPLY' UST TO changing presents with eacYother.
duplicity or ignorance of these facts that OA31-PBELL BRO-3 of Warford litwe constantly oil niore extensively tban ver. - While A 8
the Warden of I tile 0,unty and his follow- It A large quantity of salt water�Hcrrin(r �j hand and are eoutinually buying Gveen Hoop'.
,Ir ng.e,, he hopes by strirt atten - UHL to meritla
we bave2over :r.00,009 for sal. at present. Apply by I. e and increase of support.
letter to Campbell Bros, Boll 28., Watfoid. FIESubserliterb3ga I ers tried to juip,,se up y w5:, -4t-* 11a,nd consisting of the lilittest Ith ctury lie
tile ratepa ers of FOR HORSES CATTLE. on band. HE HAS TiOW OBT HAI e �VMZ, laufa
Watford, January ltifl. his licie
the County, and ws it throgh accident, Ths Largest and Cheapest Stock of Crocice In town, stocks ot furniture in the County Also a largis Stock 1 �,!,,,,tand on Uglitllollss -bud&iuh.
I , . ry one of the largest hortestnotice. ptepared to confident witilt tile ez�pmeilec lie liatf, tilecall ful"
jgu(.)rance, or fur a c(pitst't that the -VER RULING BE, V1Ejjy Goderith Dee. 13th, 1870. _-sw3-tf I', () F,, ilig ilk his line, such 4s nigh a better asethan Issol, iis- any �otherzuakcrj�
I &y j, FPS. ppl aind 1. on the a BRIHT 00LO REEDIGOID
press of Huron was unanittio-s. in belialf of Aw K RW y customers with averyti% Istyles or ive him a trital beTure elgeu-bere.
—0 Drawingroom' and Parlor Settii
tfaeir cause or did t'_,j Warcien and his I
iTH U.kl3Lu pncrAR_vTIO'_%' C01BINTES N IOT 29, 3rd BOrooiu ' setts in Watit-ut, My Axesrau bV ob;in "a
:has tor sale a large quantity of do store,
nty 'ttem-licinai vinrs of tbo�e ariicl,s w! Co 'luckersruith do XglaIELLRRY SETTS,
11111. M. rity of the Reeve's of the Co lich in Chestnut;
I - T White wood,
suppose that the farmers of Huron colild -, -�erleo ., ms pr,. -,,d to po-ses the tn,,�,lxate all(] 4C=1 C:> 63?C:> xe ceibrated N)RW-1-Y O.,LTS. also, Earl e, do do in
pronerti" ror tite Cure Of FIF4h Wonis, y P-0
POT 4 TOF-s�l- Mattresses of every - d6cription, or by the. Single pigCe, all warrantCd. 'D VDUCTION
of the -ed Iled Early Goodrich. and Gleason or ek L ;hip ' -1�, , k Harrigon, ters, Pillows, &c., &P. GEN
be led driven by the er Brnke�, Galim of all kind.�, ox.,eed, whichhe will rail for CZ11-001ter singlebusbel. Feather Bob
jo Mtr
3 B,q�_,;. avio, Sweeney, lnt�ni- And person purchasilrg ten bushels or u
of the united press of the County, like p%vards et
flock of sheep to the shaaie& I will pl- ave them at 75c. ay Oats are ON HAND A LARGE AS- WATCHES& CLOCKS1 � ai IF,)iFoiis. Scratches or Grtri-e, Strins, L 11 per tnishel. The Norw
,'Utage, C.-ris-, Sand Cracks, Foundered truo to u4me and free III DW other seeds.- 8vRT3MT
tiently await their reply. But the Si"al Feel, 11 -rn Di� ei per, nd many other gDWARD TUM FR. ed, and
rt!ntee4 as represen
was Iatelv boasting that out of the ;�,748: ai-az-6 whi,h cAlle �re rabjt,et to. Pictures such as Oil Paintings. Chronlos -. Iltbograplis Best ITAkes, gua 'RA
I This celesouted 1,7tiunent ha- been used for many FOR CHRISTMAS Jan. 200,Ml. in rhotogTaphoftheQueen. ildvingniadearrangements cheap for cash,. lat W241,'
votees polled on the County L� -law, 1,557 1 yeay-, -1d its enrativ, prope.lier thoroughly IesteAl, ith a Toronto t1anufacturing House esn supply liala ng,.vlcills. E.%q or the City of VrO10-0.
voted for the by-Ia v. Sujh as the fact. Ia., emiceded to be the cheap, .rt and most re- F Pt U I T. Mot). Pwicture Frames n. ally style required at Taranto cc 911 cc Felt Bois decealie(L 12A.Ing handed ovet tile eStaic to Residilsif
-when timely usud and
'00 -it complaint4 ever offered .—a—. . Childrefi's W
There was the Goderich gallant wh We Iv -tr ill ex!ern prices.* 96
t If lithe nui)iic -it never Uils asiort S. rilshitig busitaptis in this line, - or InTry $1.00 Worth Of Jewellery a
was votilig s -V),,000 out of the y I faithtitIly arpdeff. -9 9cetS per pound lla.s always on hand a complete and J)cc, 113th 1640-�
t 'their own pockets, while they Tt�h, litad of all Droz,-!sts an(L Country Merchants BEST LAYER R ASIN Mont of 25 cent piece of muldegratis. tilt .0ter1ke New Year.
funds in o
ho i thr4,,_ighoutihe Dominion, Price 25c. per bottle. VALEN . CIA, 8 Win & %ioab in the Latcst Style.
collect ten centsfrorn e NOIRTHRUP & LY%l AN SEEDLE-iS '10 AN ALL OFFERED
goes there with a load of produCe'to trade, e A.' -s Out 'Proprietors
over and above their legidtnate profits ; So'!d in Go6erich dy Pa �uttle anti P Rea4y for Wnter..
aforth 7:5, wbolJord-in ; ki-ardiner .& Co. l3aaft'v- James MOLASSES 3-5 eta Per GALLON I R Q Also., HEARSE4,4 to h1re.
and then there wasthe Se Goderich, Dee. 6th, ir, 0. ON Executet! n t1le best -style and with des.
F S510 as a County rate, while ButLarn, F-odgerville; J. rleL-ard Exeter jo7�a4azL3p jOL 4ozi43a JAWO-TON1B W-GLY
j. Clinton; Secord, Lue by a firt4ans jeweller And -:Dl T-_
only pai T
ffe farni ers, as market eaforth, and alLi Medici; 2 Doors Westof Post Office. aler A -cot Londes.1 XT!.
they collect from 1:1 now; 9. zIcson, Goderich, Dee. 19,1870. wateit in -cived
fees, $1,320 ; and also in Clitilon, -30 vot- it,,-alars. flag now ree —a— awl of
ed for the by-law,, but in order to preserve Goderich, Doe. 23rd. 1870.
a uentrality, 30 votted against it, while eweakstron04
they pay 8706 as Go-unty-rate, and collect BIRTHS. VOTE EARLY ANLD The PLmm" "YRuPmaiesg"the blood with P. SA winter r.vw
and expels dismally flapPlYin W. 1. IA RT eads, no market fees, so you will observe that -------------- VOTE 01) TENV X"Unies OWN vnkmml XGMT-IR011- XMAS& NEW YEAMS
-law,tbere At Goderich, this day, 20th ilist., birs -Be sure jouget Peruvian 1,50 per
Caution- 1111ydr& � 0 Cotton. Yarn. 0af,11193 - &Ia
ont�of the 1,5'17 votes for the by e. J. P. DINSMORE, Fropr, —a— 16th, 18701
was cansideiable over. a third of the otes John Harris of a daughter. jpawphlets fre -, New York. to Inakp *r,
No. 36 jst which lie is prepared
polled !T6, Goderich and .13�qjbrtla At ClintOD, 913, 19th inst., the wife of TH _13 7ET 1
In eonclusin. Nr. Editor,'the import- XOTICE) I
R. i'viatheson Esq. NewEra of a"son. VP X(jTM Ia
ance of the inatter discussed is a gufficient h ''Wh-hy DRY -GOODS WOOL SHULTINGS) ng of tliet of the
apology -for the " SoUary Fartrier" occu At Godcmich, 'on 22nd inst-1 the wife of AnTilial 11deti I be hell in the Towa- TAE, Fj)K1DRT4S1! pying, Of late, sai'much of your space. I Mr J H. Williams of tWing—a boy ubscriber having jllrt complAtil the -enlarge- T Goiei01FetroI11ntCo;.TdI 11 #A,* P. in for thQ
, T lupt f his Store, in order to accommodate the Tffos. QP HaU;on Saturdavl4th JL&naary M Its
-will now withdraw f jilENCER PRO... pilsiatenicut ofaccoun
roult the contest, and, and girl. I I purposef receiving aunii, telf4l T -110t
increasing =-rud-lbr Clothing. is now prepared Lo of- ele --wen
leave the mat Tc&r. �L"vOU
rer to abler pens, always, of for judt. cements. superior to any Clothing III Ouse West W.; 4-JAMPHELL, bus Zolved a lithe right to ddend my ioLtToronta. The Subscriber not being aisjied to run, general b9silralls - re course, feservin Wine 8 fr 1% G�dericli,�Jau- Id, DR.,
Mayor of the Town of Goderibli of course won't _pi6noer's XXX Ales &Porter, -own position. Neb atfebrusentents -a off his-largeand j
ran; but he "etermined to ru QM 2
Yours, &-c., complete stoex ot'First-e!ass Ovokoats at such prices Spene esBott1.Cd'A10 in- A full
THo3as olu 12 will - defy couipetition. orlm fr U113 -7
places %or. St. pat- Fine conditiou P and
�87gfO UO so
11fillet, Jan. 7tb, 1870. Tenders Wan't0d Tile I 'S Ale -e an parle _ t; uelsifromZcts livrNG AND PRAUTI
Q S iu Pull- d8 44n irtefils W.ird %Vill bp at Abra- I) eneer ham 15atith7s.) bhoon,barri it capled by' J. Mvolor�- DIS aud
-h 1871 N-RERS%vautedby tho Boardof BehoolTrustees- ANTA
of the Town of Goderich, for the delivery of 100 Half bar r ak
IDUNOANNO14 els, at the W. 4 XALf- 4art. 19t Open to -morrow morning from 8 am to0p. M.1and -CT( � A id Beeell)somid and 'rich 8
coydst Green Waodj1,tfApie at continued untilfarthprnotice. atif lch3o 0ei7tsr).
vron Signal, GoDER11'6141� befor�, the l5th dayof'April next, 75 cords ifes Ilia nUMerous pa;trons to call attt a Go
EDiToR H anti Tho Returning.Officar ga-recordintr your vote, CIODER-10H -DEPOT, inv tAW_ 0]?]FIC
90111011hortobe delk,,ered attlieCentralflehool. - L I _; - - Uz 13131 0MNIrp ox ZIGYRY -NW. or -PQ att!ip W-ard&hoo �Will return ),on a first;cl. oner
Is- Tenders will be re- UsOVECQAT; u Ile B .1 ).-1 noticed -in irour the balance ary, the cish no scrutiucer. XAI�XF4 r'�q�F4F LANKE torlixf
�!U. Em dmsignel until noon (if Thursday 2d _j al ee esq Wanted toTurchaE mpik
last week calved by tb� a Kb h t, Tailorand C. of lilt �Cspwlally tho yo;pig
Wita an acconn:t ej the Nile Tebruaryuvtt-
j3y order 1-7-vinith, Merchn
'dize oili 14 tbb vi tile, fLumins
3fat:KAT, Sec.' Next, door to k XartW*_ Dry Goods; Market GEO P1
soweet which was �11 w4li enotigh, bat I -,Q_o4eT!ebI9thjavxaMl1A1_ Goderich. aoll
rected, pn6ierred. Addr,#,
4ftbis should -fake your syti Godetjob,'Tan. zotit,1871. if Tx4th blldings e _Ewidju�peet the ipliniense sto& he I fjilj�zrticujors and price. anily T!,`4w7L (four-Trom I
cannot see whatyoiir coiTespondert bAs to x on wulgall. g6e iindlutlty, a -AS FR
1 .1 __ I * . .1 � - 11. I.. � QVIDER th. IS70j FOR: f.
3VLX,Mij AUUk-U, N. 43. L Film Wis 0
ciriticim me, -bn_ I confeq thvit 4 made, a -NOTICEII 49
........... 0 0!
......... .
isitea Us on. thenight , Uwlk R00111R. -STA Ay=
InUtaka'as I. find two luen"M of t6Xile TOYS, FANCY GOODS, i Vy KT4 R ........
lodge 7, -of 0�r soiree, Refreshment yy- bet��eemthe unilersigWuder ill% ztYld or -firm 'CH SQ -EAr ...... .. .
inateg-110f none. If this Isnot, thei ijurin- T'SIDEr VA4R,
or'stachantand 3WKinnon, as. IllackM11119-111 thIl ARE WES
ber I *041d menw �.T derleh, has. jh1s; -da5r tPen, dl.5soly ................
_OF_:TM MAME ANDREWAN h lfq�, Az� Ail ............. OW
fu r a Xj� pbyTbal5ti�February -*eatl. 'Ant satIf 11Dbr1,-6 inet y. 1; ino of th6 townPlok Ash -of Do
er to, mve .28 irlorth L T Ta,
MI'l _,Jeg ludebW, Re -opened, in'
titin, it-, tinae, hd vrrifes, an(! ha mutualcousent. A
t, leo Adam Fs-IMI:'tree!
% A er 16j
...... 't1i a -split
--no�lde d - keF her ai) atlo, -
flold-GO.- Ituro, Ft
Ion vlptj� in, our be- ,70 acr"�cjetired; with 7
w6idaIike, him taiaenU' ueAed to M for �thii
Q0GDS,,_rARE NOW OPE FOR A4kfiel( �(ij �0)f A. -2t.:
is indebtett 'will to,- �fo.�D 14:% aj�
half. All ladies tor WbOluthe'firm
,nitheir r1aIMW U 'ha ICIftOWr *110 jtV3ade(I 1, Thero id! urfientiz, -ftr*- f.6'bti had T
gji� at
sit Goderich IIIIA tQ ISM
Villa -a but 4. U.' jr
-6 giiiii, 1?olnoyq a
z u0j
di fa tha x0i IG
_b e. Y1 noree.,4:31r. 12itfir I. 1WIT.q D
.0 -this un -
,4& -not zlxlnd��T luom tinto on
j*- %
5 le