Huron Signal, 1871-01-26, Page 2-7- 'teiegiw -_ 7 tThis state Of Ij th 31uniei�otiltics. 0 til the Yca' ntinAea Pa ot, tsouth Hurbon Agricultitral suel -boin',pa backwaa eek- a 31 oj?q Town of G�Aerlch_ iiistraot the nioothigO vw COnl`16�,Mn-1 On Satqrary eve of last w when t a -ras r tbe N -ning ][shall, After Clio capitill, son`g t)r tbei 110111 - , J The -next atter �dh ijill b6rUc1d t Isparas meeting %Va$ 11 f 11 old in ilic Town Hall, to some redrem. eroull -WO bvV6 On 01r Alt b ANNUAL MEETIG. leen" by Mr. -Dick. the 00outm I Abe -of the Di3legates that were touch Opou if, $be expauditurAD Oil -11, Feb,. 20nla T; bear report of Oairad-,t"Nver-e,tonstdaict)xipled yolume of 405 wting to -be ar� 5th oileerrng the Maitland Bridge. - fle-says for building and th abb h Further :en.tl- i.toil t6 learn c .0 -id Brid '4 and Bridge Bill ti� p apt The Directors of the above Society, met %vith tile ro, Jack- not to coniolidate, y nies of Dr. Colemat land -a meoiij* on ailw. HIppell, at"10 'it, ill., oil CY be NY- 0. ;%rid J3- R repairing the Q35,- 0%0RTJUTF-%US- E. Jang 26tht t!§ba%y's Hotel soirandi"Ar. James Pickard. . The Dr. low r mitty the further surn of v 1871. pect,ingAlut-u*ciplt.liistitutiong n-optar, P� tioulars by So bye. Company; and of e couis.co that -company cost this Cc the l8tli inst. The'niost of he forflicers, ;o incorrect, `,as a litade a very oIoqii6nt_ traclug, the wonder- The ;ement is aP ppeaance Tu a Hol M If Will lee inte)fid.1 to'.tak� Soutb. Bruce 9'j'4 ; thiS' StAt From the a of the thing iva Aj.06L I 0AXEM0 atill Dimetors ras3nt. The buiness (if fill ramifications of modpra. commerce by� an ing t so'- en a. and- amQng tile By-law was passed in 1853 by the Va hould say it was rather - an attempt to� tare in fo�vn to mo a LAL ,AM xxiv. the paht ypar was sektIcA tip. The Books in 6 C 0 11 a- made a - rr w ovi cetinc, was well raise by debentures* A prevent -m.,twe -Mlb . er, on the United Counties to which ev6ry region i d r It all i D s. civi ongine multiply, 6xpand, compliontell 4106k and on rest Q air a AL be- submitted to the Auditors,. Messrs. R- tri'butrly to every Gther region and pilying � n Christian- crection of the lber of tile WRF.KT-Y :SIGV' tile , r occasion bein- and B. the -sum of *22,000 for the Eilitor, I Tii�s nil n possibility of'orditiar.y people va4er­ ject 6 tho"Jlotte ir� ot This gentleman hall gins tile twenty-ftwurth - yiMr of its axii- Brown, Esq., of Zurich, anti Goo Jackson, ad tribute* to the cuorgy and %I onart- Bill will boa 6irculated bf r. atd�cit to,ponall. himself into Maitland Bridge. -NOW, standing anythim, abDIlt, munioip. Eei�Len show that the CountY Of -'sq, of Egium --and the annual Re- 1 0., , d-3 L dville s. Air veter- I lltcrpru�e of 0anallian Alorchant lillbr who tests givin4 till) place of ineeting. Tile all uderstood that he ase Gf life of whick 870, prop.- -7 Pickard it) owed.in a few rernark nty Courtz notice, though he am prepared to a above tence— le. (por the Direitort; for the 1, and menb. prItuar, will be worth Way 00riCeined in tile business to truce paid their full share 01Ch eashanied. 11, bod, towilledaliddopoted;which finished theDirec- lonesome andfinds itdifileafttopsathe all Ternpinmoo Reft Was no oved and second- slim. Then -igaii, in 1856, a further sum of journal necl b Nlr. 3ackson spoke (if the ilew warkets we -n f his week ill a pleasant irnanuor hear! sacted. Kwas-in evening$ 0 t ng. be tra I out in the estimates -lis other shects have tors of 1870, and the meetincr broke tip. had found for oursolve% since the away from the loving wife of his bosom -The, social ed. that Squire 1�f 'r take the chair, and 610.28%00 was I and �eountV numt full share of Junurd meeting both motioni for Che go, fretted and flitttered for a litnite peritlt At bout 2 p. in., the tion (if the reciprocity treaty, exprbasing are grow- rs Allen,- on uesday 0eiling lAst that Mr Clifre be k ocretaTT- same ptirpo. hold in the sante place- the hqj)e tii%t we sholll,l be rest ity (if Brce also paid. Then of the members wa %lid the lovely olive plants i that Rev. usly crried. , As Air Dyas a% table-, wesha, itflair. luo, anti then e-zpired ; but Stitl tile S1,16VAL ur- ng up around hi. _nAve was a ery successful were unant hich the Cour f iaid bridge —0 There was blilit all turn out of to friendlv coinituerchif relations with Iding him this volli 7john 40 lot libi jryvs be knotin' for tlie cost of recoustrr.ction I rinto lve 'o tile 1, plcasure in- leu me ; Smyth delivered a9bort 'ad� felt Buell all it -the in A. D. 1868 the amount was raised by.] n an -I the nice�ting w, - does not enchuizi fin bill " renows its age lik jetliners, .15 organiaed neighbor;. Me Dick delighted ttle cot- 5t occupy tl,t , t I teeing that if it Mgselay Esq.1 vocited a very bcaittiful it was resolved flat he -re we egotistittal in behevin by tile -President, Goo Anderson, Esq-, paliy by singing "Tibble I hap. Soon P stating in direct taxation, so that not one dollar was , . T ' 'The speaker.bagan by taking the Chair. The mliuteg (if the last his Auraptured attenfiou and mako the till Of and Air. T Jordarf floor. al, E n,-Iish sotig, anninimitable mannar. lie irr, the words Gf a stirri. 1101tri pass like minutes, ifw'ill.at afiy'rate �n_ original assay. Capital -Music sit bstance that on heciount of so many I:illes taken'frni the $40,000, botrowed in coupled with ruarhets, London Was in 185 for the building or -repairs 0 1;11 hill& to sIeE ]-,it meetill woNre thou read by th g,tilroainterosts of Ontario ip and perchance conduct to by 1)'Ir and Mrs ClaF&, the running to other f said that %ec'y, apyroved of bv--the meeting and a NLI r Brow n was upplied the ilatiles (if Air AV Wilsyn at a. As the Re Hay 9 iind Messrs Thomson ald obliged to build this line in order to ze- that all the Town got pleasaut dream eve qf Miss Trainor I bridge. I sa3 There's life in the -old dame yet si-med by the President. The annual re fillo%ved. Air. \Vilson ramombored Unrou weit said at theAnnual Meeting. of South Hairy SmAIL cure a portion of the tiatle., Showing evi- out of the gravel Toad debentiires was roort of the followina Branch Sbeic- orest was their own of Gode- 1 30 years ago wheii the pioneers cotild reach onal int the year 1869 the T A -i -I whyd.) the peoplo sitipot t the SIG\tAL? Stailleir, -hay, -led lo2atimWonly Burton Agyricultirral Society it Would take id played at the Skating Rink dently that perE HAS the their intent and not the develop- interest and a d� lawyer all he County a9 viz. Tuckersn by following. all nd Stel),len U ulphi -time to to]- ii The Bar id to s.) it lways bas bven, as it ever Usburno. Phila his nd theGod- the 'a. Ill t1l(,se timea tile tAX03 W.11 on Wediniesdy ovditink, the music was actuating motive, le Lk, 311j)1. the obangea in the Municipal La marlt of the country through Which tI siuking fund on'tbe above debentures the will he while we coutrA it, in yninathy forich florticnIttirl Society, 'were then were ofily5O couts. to 30 dollam L present. low 0 collective wisdom, of the cyood,but not quitio enou gh of it to VoleasO linemightpass. 1koweyer,asitisevident 99 more-tban spiritotpro- %*Va thiuk th slim of B3247,70, being -S6 , received. The annual.ReportoftlieDi- But the fari4era w'ero better able to Pay mig-lit -do -Atpectators and bkaters. The ice was in we received altogether outofttLe fun(I hand that, from war Collitty, ill Couneil assembled, from the Municilialities that the company gross -, beewise ever, rectows for 18"10 was next read. The tile large amount nou than thoo smallar Is youiig folks seemed to M I'lic "grey goose quill" ially protest against any go6d order, and ti would have to bri a same ac- t trouble men losopfwo's I wn sea' has wielded Tso than offic We were icre over for the want If Now Sir, I will j�st see how th salient points 'of the Report were, that the -n. Byaud bye thoGrand Trunk joy themselvss anlazingly. scl*io need no count stands with the Phi 41"lle sn crudo,-Ulldigc3t0d and indigeatil-w"a ell bonuses, the s we Tonomise to ito, ill the during the past year the Directtirs had road cania-here anti. then -we had to build laoislation in voctard to Altinicipal Insti- glad to M such a large attandanoo of bi' f h�pvu Municipality; it got ont of the ahove it is mnre likel to be a t ing o ts till th,- peop!o ; because every -(skaters and specta- jntcr,�s as arid gentleman 110 stated that Kin niat6rial held �spriug Show for Entire II(,rsQ% %rid Gravel 11,mills to take its -to tile Grailid Theo he Province (if this ladi ft one of eart� Debentures the liice little sum of $39,600 Plan f,,r the dewl-oalent (if tt- Bulls, nd had pid oul ItTr Prizcgat the Trunk, there wig 11,14 "it to t oth Band anti .9kating Rink ought th"11 objective point as the and paid for interast and sinking fund in M.IC1111-ces of Huron Ims been and will be I - 0 41raft of a Bill that may never tors) as b - a cardine Was tile, plabe r . ea Mad ;221,77- compaition tlierev:tiay)ttolicitlill()sition P an interesting, an- to be oncouralred. encouraged -, be tale, Als i a bll. Show had bee4 pass into law would be merchants of th t a it 1859' the slim of �3025,93, being R held at whv�h 376, bad been paid out for [To was tip to Cooderiell the other day and A sow be- 1- 0 a of that less this Town paid in same year TO THE till as riz a EXTRAORDINARY VITALITY.� tl;fjir market, at d tha tho w than we call clatal to bs, cor- p, es; %nil a I'lowillf, M tell at which ho saw 30 or 40 tea -us come to the market 6valy of Crolbriene, wag otild giie it �ir lonina to Mr. J To, place and Huron Tow 114 whichonly got $2568 as the ct been -awarded in prizes. The mt otie time wit It p,-)rk and when. he came lost -.in a sno -drift, o� the 27th (if Doe, their -warmest sup yas stated the $400,000. Idy worthvlfriend tries to z�247 It. r I a very handsome slim of $518,.75, had been ofi-rtlh that market was crowd- Gening Wild. On the 12th ofJo,utlarf. the thaw released thev were likely to be t7te chpgen company how that the Mnnici�alities of Aelifield, ee in-, as they 'were allout to receive fiorn the f b­%fusc every received by the Society in Aoraftons and ,lalso. Thogrand'I'minLilid not give -her from- her snow prisdn after Tom, 0oll-mrile andthe Town ofGoderichgot pjrs ributions. The total receipts for the fnr thipment. The lien the Star is cornered &nd c0bpd -ift. She government one third of what -would build collectiyely the sumof $69,042, which be 19 forule I anti sufficient facilities ing for sixteeft daysin the di year had been $1356.88. Total expundi- consequence was that thia store-honses near came to the- barn -yard of Mr. R an ad- , not- says is $1 ar ur f.tvi)r - - .4 586 more thati their just pro honestly cFpres�!,cd, is very apt to get wild aAd overstep die tile road, and th4t the city of Iir)ndo W ture $1309.76, leaving a balanc oil hand the large iarkets were crowded bevond joining, and was quite ljyoiy searching for ithstaudina' thloir inability to di5q1tarcre portion. Nov Sir, I am prepared to show in sh�)rtt, Cie SIO ILL beef e oration. Last Weak that. organ vias con- 0 NEXT TO and of enligiiten- 'if Set .12. 'U* poll tile %.%;d Teport being their capacity -and as prodticlo could not to food, aond froulppearance minlit probably their indebtedness to tho Municipal )Loan that all these Municipaltities got out Of ea nd the read, it was 'un-aniniotinly resulved that it -,bipped as faRt as it callic in the farmers. teatto answer for it4f. Nowit iip-epa-ed have lived a wook or more without any F rid, were go llg to grant a -bonus of the above mentioned Orn was $29,53G as be received and. dopted. did not get the price -they shoulil. lie tclsoay1h-at- the Census Contmissioner3li'll After being taken home and fod cateftillY, , u - He t shown in the little minutes of 1866. 1 100,000. so sta ea that the raute cate of rite reatest t tile 'rite nwetirow then got to Work to elect hoped they. would -at the itew from ad eta has quite recovered. in view was fre( of hills -that ikeir right here �ask the question how he came I 11 .1 will S has not been applied for by nor promitk written fit- the peopl--, i-, is Offi"rs anti Directon for the current Lonilint here soou. Mr. It Brown, said o ,any judividual. whatoycr.'� This in of vrav would co;t-thera little ior nothing, to leave out West Wawanosh, a Township th-tt e live an,l pr)sper tion heittir sevarately inoved anti seconded, the road. The I leading pnerc -a very intimate acquaintance wi' h afternoon, the Hor N-r�lcoiirn Cameron gham.- ell by the Northern gravel road company, year. 'Up,juregislitrniotion,e.ichn(tini-,ia- the Londoners were determined to build t 011F.TSTIAN TZ-dPERAWCU.-On Sabbath �n4 that they i *ere promised already 64,-. that got over ten miles of its front gravel - Only f.,.ir .1 hants had claiming 50o par mile frc ni London to Wmig MOSSIS Him & cols. by Mc pl-We- we have ;)Ill.y the following gelitlento-11 were dtilY declAr- li,,dy contributed *30 o4ch to rai4e 66 thecoutentsof governmental pigaon-holost lectured in the Court, Houses to a large If th and all -it received fiDM the above iriention- ese statements are al true the ques- ree,,rd to point to. It is ed elected Otficers and Directors f,ir 1871, rould probably be required %vhiA- we should hae thought only confi- andience, on 'Christian Temperance.' He tion is where P? -'e they ng to spend an ed debentures was would as�_ bin I not a limg ti.tw, but it i:, viz: Vresident, re-elected, (.at) Anderson, for preliminary expPrases. lie thot,611t insisted that it was tile cility ' of every their money? As Dyasgvouoches they are was this an equialent for a Townsbip Of satisfy us�aud we are tf, be dential Secretaries likely to'posess. Holt ything by PS I - of Ist Vice Prosittent r,,--eleoted, ricy had a lvt rosito of theiT own wh'ich Christian to abstain from an going to have �(r CHAPAGNE gurRE . forty two thousand acres ? - I would now 0 re too NOR to sav so --that we have tile critical rch Bishop. of Usborne; 2na Vice Pres., they wou!d conige to-Iluruit to advocate as does the Star cometa be so well -versed in wli;ch ivweak�r brother might be made to arantee that all this and mo ask the Philosoper was it through ignor- T H S! DE - Mr. Star 0 - -1 & strimble ; t1 t haste 'he referred Hunici- Will Bell, (if Tuckersillith; Secretary, re- ffoli, hat the outhority of As a cro period of change of management, not soon as they had goi it surveyed. But ns the matter I Are you, quite sure Would be done �it pos ance or duplicity, that be left thisl only without bittv with a clear anti rea- th joke" was perpetrated on us, the Bi,Slo condemoed the Use of 'strong tothe atanding j of tha wholesale and re- pality out in the w1d, w 'lected, Hugh Love, sell., (if lixy hey ctitild not build tile rcoad without that a I'litia which got more of distinct -tin. ome h-.tvt) d--sertel hat L *t yon be candid and say I that you tile voice of science as re- stirer, re-elected, ' E Cre&,;well, Tucker- ownabip bonuses it that route would not or won' drink VM tail merallarits of London. t He continued its front gravelled by tbeiCompany than the sweet singer of A31i i�!,l ha (-_dled 'our inguished mpn as smith; nd for Diractors, James Dicks -on, be sp,,orted they would agres te build Aid expe4 the Census Commissionership by such dist' this strain until, he exhausted his super- tile Township of Ashfield. Now Mr. standard gotd, old lucai" but Go(lerich Town, Will Wise, G.,derich Tp, th�- one that would. Mr. Charles White- that yen did'maha an effort to -at it that present,,' lie wound tip by hirlin, Editor I think I have said about enough to Professor Aliller and Sir J. Y. SiniPS011 - and ;Q foi,ind it one of the fluous gas. d B. Co, others have stoppe in to t heir place. ritog, Simpson, Stanley, Will Wilson, HaY, ariati, very musically expresned his dis- you were disappointt-d when was against'it ; %rid that each imaginary missiles at t�o W.G. an satisfy any reasonable -man that had the more besi4es, and %ve do nut'desptir,ef ard, pleasure was not comin,,, to yonrinalf b i even worse in his aud her own experience ell tti-m"ll %lanning. Stephen, Jas Pick "At the fllow (wartilerin ome- to a deserv- audience and their workirig that the merest tyro -in gravel road By-law pagsed, no injury or ndfuland melancholy re- brin,rino all old supporters. ev od �ht it mi ht fa b railway actics �ould ward off if -real with- loss would have occurred to t1te County M Usbnrne, Jas -licLean, Tuckerstnith, and where around the noiabbortio Aippen) when You thong 0 had seen the t OF GuZarie'l is not as iii tinis past their Dr Colem.m., and INI Y f -c that looks like hmwhich likeness in iig townsman' ; and that it was not John aults of indulgence in Ac0bolic liquors; all out exertion. i From his display of bank as the road was yaliteil by two Engineers market, back t their a!le-,,�tnce, and rally- forth, and also that R Brown, (if Zurich, volved.hini in all mannor uf scrapes ; after A. butSandfield you felt was ungrateful -a me of our brightest in- I - - - - inc, round the " stan lard ' fitindreds of tious s�rvices I It is having known. I ad,in bilts'it vras thoxight by all that lie possess aover $10,000 in its preient state, leaving and Geo, J a,:I- son, ot Ezniondi ilia, be ro which the "Agrintiltural 'Prospects of for all yourard. a danyer- t's and warmest 'hearts who h ey than argument, lie proved tallpe ad more mon even then a dead loss to tne Town and otgers. We have to ctnifess, that our elected Auditors for 1371. A coin 1111li- Huron" word drtink to %lid Md -93A Ander- ous to confide even in one bi som friend ! Duke1115oth w�ind and body isr-led him- C.m 30,000, besides giving sheet is u,,t s large -is it -d',ht, or aA we n id to prophesy that some consequence, wri as. We. this while spea King, d he 5 t pany of over ape of a circular, from the -sou, Oliver %4iilsorl and Rarnsav asked to We are not afn desire it, to be. We euZ catilka in the sh. and gone down to dishonored ".511Y self,)f the fact aeforeah, le t he house. free roads all overthecounty. 1would now awa, complaining (if reply, Air Anderson made: a 'few appro- Podsnup has just got the offic I of our I The avor in the Ho-n r Skead of Ott; a I and we re-gret that the crowded state Sofilluch for 0e "�N recommend to my worthy friend, that be- -ifitturnedout to be meantime to make tip fur tii by using in which the selecti4m hd priatO remarks a3 a settler of 2G yean should 'lot wonder coin (tins prevents its from givin-or a resumc Iff—AR-MET SQUARE tile nia.iner delegation, . wliiah consisted fore lie aain puts big Ti.bilosopbical pan to small type, eontle-ising the news, &lid fi he, very.Podsmap wbo lately, as we said be- I poiinted'a�911- paper, lie should ct)me made of the place in which to h-ild the standino'cin thaprogress which had beoti t a logical am Somerville, Campbell, McIntyr , Andrews to Goderich stibsoriprva the loivjbjure ? �r's Tuffled of the vigorou , nt, voteTarl lecturer. qf(Y_vs DoLLkn. This being cot . isidered, Provincial Exhibition for IS71, waq read made, since he threw in his lot with the fore, cattle up o stroke the St( -VO* d monts uf the eloque and Murray, stated'diat they ot on the and search the records of the County. He by the ec'y. Upon motion, a con"llittee County ; the awbieb feathers ; and of whom our soft ice W. �Q. and 13. � road at Alma and were� in will iind them all in the Caurity Clerk's we give more. rea ling nvitter fur the money !asonable hopes dotena would be prepared to say that next A - than anv of our cimtetuporarie.io. Havill" uj five was appolinted to consider the-inat- lia,lbeen invonted,and thorc r, Posuap i3 the mail for Mae- E-,Jqt8KTLLEX SAIT Co. -We hear a 1Umilton in' 'b, very short titne Office. Or if he cann'ob make it convenient ther, and report to the meetin in half an we -,night entertain of largely increased to the Sta Company of. -8 townsmen have assneiated where they were very- kindly en- to do so, write to Air, Adam3ton for the' r,ow, as"the phraso g(_k-s, '-feli our feet" in 0 ' We shall see hour. - Ution motion, it was tarried un- prosperity in the future. M Carmichael donald's money. themselves under the above title, for the ra of --that 'd. d I will vouch for that: tertained by; the directo atpo he wants, an t1i the ditty t purpose of borino, for salt on the proper y road. They ntroduced entleman that he willgive. him all the promise our patr.,ns that, before d Air Dick wo can - "Let its' live -by. the NVa a of the great Wistern road, illormation that lies in his power on the connecticu, with the enterprisa. we think k i w animously, Tkat in future this Society re ppropaitely strue 11 , tain nne aollwz for their n6.xt year's ntem I 1. 0 - 0. F. Of Mr Robert Gordon', at the old Rail to the director.13 this w1unie has run its course very far, . prizes (A I Isle� The next toast contract for whe inted with al.1 unidpalffairs of the Uotinty. Sofaras bership, from all parties taking folluvred in "Erin's Station.' We hear the and were by 4hern acqua ll beable to preient them xith a on wed them their tile To it, or County is concerned, I have we sh, two dollara and npw Lrds. The wmlm. was one M the. most important of the eve,- HvBo-.r LoDGF,, No 62 -The installation derrick hAs been let to Mr Goo 'Grahm, the latter sho hichthere sheet they will have tit) fault to find with '%Ir Skead's ircular, then reported, that- ing, vizt .--The impartars of thorough- as McCourtj �jorryitax�en no desire to hide or gloss over any trans - f the officers of this Lode, for the ell, and for the boring to Air Jam sive; brigine shops in w inanyres-ptet. As we desire the advance- whilst this Societj regrets that irregillari- bred stock" elvillyied with the names of 0 n, ahead gontletrion !'This propo�ty is were some 51 'ritien eniplo�ed, doing all actions of mine whilst I have bad the hon - 'r . bi 8 ment of the interests of the coiintv, not , r. uing half yea�, took place in the Lodige C- ies have occured., as stated'by T%1r Skead, I very suitable for this purpose, as it oom- kinds of work .tonnected with t" road. or If presiding at the County Board. As to Taylor, Mannin , %rid o a. onlv by our Opinion-, but alaq by ht, we sk . 11 think it WonlA be injurious to tile Love was shmed of the farmers that they room on Thursday evening, 20th inst. The me a the, C6rrespondence they -wore - .1 inforni - I mands &�Iaading road- ani we preau From NlrDle.%Iichael'sremarksnporPithelWarden's �bublicatiou of the people's opbtionsa reason conducted by�M. W. D. G. intentioD. of tile -he Council I best interescs of the Agricultural Associa- �Guld not pick tip soulethind to ceremony was switch can oasily be obtained to the track shown it has slim majority of followers in t le purti,.)n of our space will alwaya be I t eenthe We are each other irpon- in the a Zee of the bi" 'ad; hich Weste", for some time Past, to am proud to say, f1hat. Alusolicitt $ bsen tford and W. D. D G. so that all toaming will be say A upon;;iy available for slati,-t,pithy.indwdll-coiiside-- tin to disturb the vote as taken. tt (�k M. Gkbson, of Str. 0 0 K S also pleased to observe that the Council of ins. Hehadli lerig. toreplylo this of the da , and K. Barney,.of Mitchell, 13rother Corey, of is a very. important itera. render theut apy assistance they 1 have suffiliellt followers to 4d letters on questions the Ag. Association h.-.ve taken stevs to 'tolast, as he t like some others an oseentin-Itheir work in Bruce. 11 in the post or nonor both in the xte! 7'er of improved I stock pr particularly qu2stions of local imp-� cting as W. G. M. The follow- TY CoUIWIL OF HURON.- tance. Tn-- 00.0 guard apinst irregularities, such a those p nsive impo Stratford b specialty to cuttivate the epart i�day(Tuegday)inthe Court word, Mr. Ain r st%ted that if there c4n a Town and Counties for the last twelve Nvishin Complained of, for' the future. Upon nio- What little his means would allo.w him, he iug vo ere the installed meets thii reasontile b nussecured. in South Bbice, years. Uan niy worthy frientl " tile man ASSORTM MT rkient e -f LocAl NFws we shall be ad to nail from A COMPUT-E tion, the rep,)rt of the committee was had e*ndeavored to do. Shippers of rmigh Bro. -Robert Hogarth N. G. House, on the uriVal of tho I that they Won goi on with the work, and such a good feport of his receive a weekly record cf event�s from of letters I give adopted, and a Secretary instructed to cattle hadltely bist money,a3stich fetched Isaac F . Turns V. G. the cast. have it compl ed in two years fromi the dly� left him �Wrrcspondents in all sections of the county send a copy of t a same to the Hon Air only from 4 to 6 cents per th in the Buffalo 11 Daniel Campbell W. R S.. ig the bonus. Now it is follower�, who have Tepeate IIINUTES OV HAT.­:Urowded out of time of grantii, ut in the cold? only remarking that in news above all -by W. P 8, f the North 0 QF E 7ER Y Skead. The Pr ident was then voted out market the other day while g;iod stuck in 11 William Dona. riderstod that the Reeves I Yours AZ u WD' th g t t t 119 tb t -other' ehiticys brevity is the goal of wit." I I Dr Coleman, 4Y motion Guelph fetched from 12 to 14 cents. The thi6q issue. tbi in ob- ROBE of the chair, aul W. T Hays, Treasurtir intend to assist those of the Sou RT GIBBONS We are (Aiged tj those correspouden.ti ttiolitheame. A. vote of thanks was then breading of good stock were 11 F Lawrence W. D. AUnERLT.--;_-W0 are not for- taining a Count b d . all justice-', Warden, County, ilitron. -who ave, now sendin- us reattlar bul and importing y 0 s an in let"15 11 W Arin strong re hey should do , Creforp there can 'Pe rried unanimondy to the President, for intimately connecte4 with onr future pr.)- getting to write , but our moval has t and lh�fore the monoth is oui we expect to Ca eat crop had faileil, Aot so Chaplaia thelmanner in which he had performed spects. 116 wh "-- Geoige'Cox turned us upovide down. ao doubt that-?, of the broad gaugo have no PaA of the county- unrepresented - thi past much trom raidge as. blight and cloud AP E the I duties of his office during 11 Thorns Huck3top O. -G. will be Bep7red on the Southern sury.9yi THE MARMETS SIZEI While it is of reat import The Presideut briefly thanked the ng over the farmersof Huron. by one such. seemed to Ila 91 M Hardy 1. G. AL. fr G66 ance to us to receive sticlt c irrespoudence, yeikr. SKATINd CARNIV nd thus seftle the tatiell. a9* ated quostio n I I meeting. ackson, sec. by T 11 D McKenzie 1L 8 8, at.n,)uuc,-s,x grand dress carnival,at t . e of rajilways in! Bruce. Goderich, Jan. 24. 1871. Moved by G J, There wAs too much borrow ing going on. .we would impre If, On our rea era Simpson, that the thanks of -this Society Front hit own experience �vo believed one- 11 Lashmi 14.-88. A-ating Ank on 'Friday 27th iust, OnrTuAuy.-It is -with fee inga of regret pallWheat ............ $1-19 1:25 'they should 6ke a pride and pleutire in armors wore nuder mortgage. lirlorstin lat Wheat ......... 1:17 1:21 QUALM KNOWN .are due and are hereby tendered to the third of the f, or. Back R. 8 No. I --- giving publicity to thefadlitie3, industrv, The Brass Band will be in RUdridance that the dece"a'se of Mr. Jas a 3 Spring a age any one -L. S N G. need. Uk' Nour ................ 0: Secretary and Treasurer, far the care and He did not say this to discour av itt- 7.30 p. in. 0oucess; on of, Kinloss, i an oil 50 -3 6:00 enterprise and progress of the localibias) ability they have manifested ill carrying. but to incite all to make an extra effort to S V G. and c'Opulmeneo to P1 J where they reside, as in doing so they may Sloan L. S Va. Skaters will hwe a gay time and spec- death took pliice on 1fri last in the oats .................. 6,4b 0:42 a . I out, and fulfilling- the duties, of their re- get rid of inctimbrances. - The mannfac- it McPhail A a �umber of big neiLyhbors. peas ................... 0:60 0:60 amongst other advantages accruing in- as a d ra si (stmetme offices. lu introducing his m,.)- tureofbutterandche can the i ng presence duw fre4h, settlers (and capital aswell)mi nonted"tile 'said of beef stock all pay ; while the course of Tile Brethreil adjournea to Bro.. wng- I tators ivill wittie pleasant and -brilliant Deceased was':& bachelor of some 50- Years Barley 0.45 0,45, ss a tion Mr Jackson, complif -rt%ru out in foroe 1 1. Understand, to totatoes .............. . q.'35 (jo 0:40 `T11 that direction %which (and we refer p�srt� bart)'s Restaurant. whore a Tery hand- of age, and he r T 0 THE 'A D E cut villages) but for their informa- offiears;-and-conaluded by st4ting that it croppiing they necessitate will r&uperato so melv got -tin byster-auppor - was ready for he lait oomplateposgebsion of hisfac,"Ities- Butter ........... ..... 0:16 9� (:20 larly to always gave him gareat pleasure to look over t!le impoverished soil. All we want td PmqNy READINGs-Wle would remind t tion, weekly kept before the public, might them. - Afte�. Mipper, the chair being oc- I He was a natiW of Scotland, and came to E.ggs .... ............ . 0:25 !g 0:00 their bookz-mt)ti,n carried unanimously. dispel the cloud hanj­ng over. us is . pe lovers of literary redreation that the ty years ago where h A bi b ve ftwt-1 elseah�ire A 5 envied bv Bro. Hoaarth and he 'Vice- 11 ti-iis place some twen a Hay, P ton. 8:00 @11-01D TeLy LH - J- etin- then dissolved. 3everance energy anti Letting, wheatialoi e ere in the coutem I pora The me P( ry, the St. Mary*s Vidette, so 5� ehair by Bro. Tanis, racy � spee lies. w -nny eadings tare place remairoed tilll�he time Zf big � death. He Elides (green) - o : ........ 5;00 g 5-00 ess, our viervg on 'local newg- After the business meeting,the coin far a titne. lr�210^w Jerser, 24 years- ar, made in response to the various , asts, Hall on Friday . the -27tb was one of th ra in this Wood ........ -3:50 R 3:76 CONSISTI.YGDF. pany ex- Temperance a earliest settle aptly express mbledadjourued about7p. in., tothe,theyliad exhauakd illeir - itas we have., rr,'andzii v ryhu�ppy inst., at 7.30 i. ta. A capital programur3 locality, and %y frugality and industry Beef, per cwt . ......... 5:00 (a), 7:00 OL papers, that we cannot do better than To- Woe very handsomely Tho f;�-,mers buug�t their 3b"read and turn-'zellent songs were sun. �oparty: His mortal re- Pork Nett ............ 6-.60 Q 6:72 ilia fol.owin- article dinim, room, which was time was spent. This Lodge is becoming is- bding prepared and we hope to see a amassed a nice p produce I ea their attention to dairy and stock. berino M miground Chickens per pair ...... 0.30 0, 0.30 "A master pa3sion is the -love of news. decoratell with avergreens for the occasion. Aqer 10 years seeding and pasturing, th,yi strong and proi-perous ; now mum n larg;q uditnee. ittains, were interrA in thi) buryi No . tairisiasocommatids, norso the Huse : Nir James Shaw, the obliging host,had pre- about 50 members, although only �6 -The at� South 1(1121�s Presbvtcriaii.cWtirch, on Wool ................. 0:00 0:03 NEw CONyEXIo4, SOCIAL 1 -00 To news all readers turn, and they call pared a splendid ainuer; two large tables again sowed wh?at -and raised the heaviest moutlis organized. Every veek Witnesses Monday 17ib! t. -and wer� followed to Sheep ......... ­ .... 3:00 4. Day Book% look literally -groaning with substaritia.J supplies vboat crops in the Union. America im- to . introductionof good, sound, material Social, on Friday evening 20th inEt., was the place ot buiral. by a large number Of Lambs ................ 2:00 G 2:25 ports cattl4i largely from its and strange to guccess,"til affair. t 0:55, Pleased on a paper that abhor a of turkey goozeand juticy jointa which a veiy pleasant ind I Apples � ............... 0:50 book." duto the membership and it mayroason- he neighb,�,rs. Ledgers, cry pleasant exchange for the say -Cochrane ir. impurting back- from aW be expected, as,11. W Bro. Gibson said Quite a large gathering assem bled-. and Goaerich Salt, -wholosale, f o.b. por lbb go Crabb g says ; and he must be a wer"O a v Cadada. A short timb ag) cattle buyers ho dr gh neeessary,details of business- ea RJ -4k' 6 1-20. crabbe-d au -1 illiterate fellow � were over here as far as frorn Utah. We lkliat Huron Lodge No 62'will become one after t myth took the obair w y, thou Opp— Jourttls Anderson, President of tile viotild "go back` upon sucri wise and Nlr are getting to have a world-wide reptita- -of the star -lodges in the Ontario jurisdic- Mr. Young JE&I �ead N. P. Willis's al Road DebantureS -upied the chair' and M: Bell leading propagator of the r" and the Tlie Grav c;lLutcon Maxkets. There are surnawhere be- gociety ocr 1 0 Cash truthful ver_!e� tion and let its cultivate it. Dr Colentgn 'tion, and a powerful . poem "The Lep� f FRmTg)sHj?, Lov-z and TRUTH. ____ 330C,k3, tween 14,60D and 15,a3 newspapers print, the vice -chair. At tho requ6st of the ftev.W. S. Blackstock made an interestin� M TO AT& T. MoXicHA-EL- treated the coinpany to "The Ould Oirih priilciples, a RV -PLY gril -h A grace was said by 1� - - [By Special Tele P r the Signal. _45ditu- Earep3 and North America, which chairman,an impressmse geutb6man" which he rendered with a- Pleasant magic -tronage Dr lboleman and 11 W -IW' beczme the. or- -,Board ot School Trpstees. and ' instructive speech. by )oilog ro tba Editor ortite 11 Harim signal." Clinton, Jan. 24, 1871. Miuute Boolm are suppitsed tjjL have a regg beautiful botrue. and thefi proposed, "Local iflar pa was discoursed at interveals der of tile day. The sparkling eyes and 0 - Fall Wheat ............. 1.20 1:25 of 411,p099 ODD and the casual reiding of Manufacturers and Alechanics" 'caupled ane of'the Bxposito of ng 'SIR -ITA tile is My me -half of the unrem!i tit the host test y ar meetin- of the Board was ladieif connected with the co cyre,vation. -;Prin- do ....... ....... 1:25 1-28 Iuvoolde Books. as many dure. Prillia Air. attention rueof Mr Matheson of the The Regill i 0 - 19 t all' A TavuPING �HAGrv�.-AIL . who 12th inst., I �bserve .1 long article over the Oats 0:40 (g -0:44 mental bone and sinem of the social and his satisfaction at the gusto with whih with the na ..... .... red on ilia labor of ATm Frra. that gentleman replyingrin an held on1hursdayeven n the th ins poWizai woeiaor tsiese a �& is tue hungry iniests, auto . M 0 - juaintance wit 0:46 - able anti exhaftritive speech. the members present. The newly elected desire to make "or renew aci h hynature of Mr. Thomas McMiOheltl, 'Harley ............... . 0:44 a two coutiti'nt 1:) .0 - i -0 directly triouldle(I or contralled. by the lave and rapidly* demolisued the well dc gfeat chieftaiv of the pi B t 0:60 na 0- 0 the go too far 'Mr. Car viz: Messrs. Detlor.P.,rabb, Fer- the adding-raca" etting forth, . first, that he had ventila ad I Peas ......... - - a D:40 ]UeMorandrU o virers. The appetites * of To remind us not to members, .............. 0:35 ', M_ J100k%, .11resa; while those, classes who permit t; Michael ng, in a very pathetic mantier And that a giant speeirnan. is the Market �Ifee" qnestion imposed by the. dinces. gafe.ont long beford Ur - will bear in . C &00 @ 6:25 to Shaw 8a _n journals into their houses, areascla-y to 4, The Drunkard a [taggpd, Weau", which guson and Swa son took the usual dedla rutichael's ns of Goderl�h and Sza- Butter the- Otter, in thL-, hands of the intelligent egased his solicitations to ee allowed was received with much acceptance. - The rations of office and their seats. A Lefroy to be. seen and tasted at Va grmpt" corporatio ... 1... 0:15 0:16 paSS BookS, The cloth having 110tel Scafor;h, on . Wednesday,the 25th I ' I ghlyia-formed. Asideframbe- replenish empty plates. . fo th. As I don't intend to take tip timenor Fork ......... ......... 6.80 0:65 and thorou., President then prop.,)sed "Tho fres been, renruiea.and, all kinds of drinkable& s" Esq. was Te-electod Chairman of the January.- hat question ; as I 14;ggs....... 0:15 �a 0:16 as coup Yout!". of .4pace in discussing t a W Mackay, ing the beat cduc�ttora ard gaid of fanii allpr acing according to Air led with the names of Mr Board for the curr at year. Foo-eket Boo'k-slo, lies, the focal paper, especially, is all ab- olied, embir. the Signal and AlrblcLean of the sitor, follow. AN _OLD FR1END.----(WC11rCTery much think enough has already been said - abqiit Efp� Esq,., was elected Secretary. The t Shaw!sr-.%pidlyrehearsed'eatalogite, "whiz- u oui - oW, _gstetmed n its-merh1s. But, sir, I wish Seaforth XarlrOtS _w�,Jute necessity to -the, county and commit andy,'rUm . wine and raspber- those gentlemeli replying. Mr Love, sed to see.9at it let it rest�o ide1ndexes ad. All the city' key, br l-glus th much ing Curators were appointed, viz: AlIr Pf as plea W nity w)ivrelt is publi�h ry.'l-letters of apoiogy rendered the "Carse of Gourie"wit sman Dlr..J� A. Mackellar, formely for absence 'were town to put him ight in -a. few other matters By spajalrelexralglt, th, 481.-n4' in the. world. cauun& supply the: feelina. 'Tha Nast�.of "Municipal Enstitil- Bisset for the Central - School; Mr Robt -Papers f from Al C Camerion, M.�P; Isaac M of the Commercilal -Aoideuly, has been y conneeted with County Seaforth, Jan. 24,1871 XD010. Ue of the, home paper. ThM, bhould be read a more partic arl Pt - � � - tions" was riplied to by Mr. D Wanles i Diett for East St. and St.r David's Ward 'Graval Waillow Indexes, bf P P., - Profes3or Buckland, oppointed.-r I"rincipal afthe , St. Mary's nts. and the. Nqrthern 1:25 ilia firsVilovo of every man and w6man. foir Carlin MrTSimps-mand Mr R Brown.' Mr- 86hools and- Mr T - Nipwton f�r West 91t. be wil- 1�nprovcme Fall Wbeat ..... ...... 1:10 1:30 1 -tlfied._'j m -r -Massey (Nimsey Manufacturing Co.) Schools. We are sure� were x, The reason -d the proposi t oramon _Wbeat .. ........ 1:23 his sup Road By -La w. or it to the., confide -,16( with the papmr is the locality iden Wattlesi thanku Pr for coupl. School- The following, gelitlemen of she gives for vkrorjl� ives thaz6antyand iown. where' ar-d,"Mr. Benjamin, Bull,of St.Ge go. The inalhia name with the toast-. altho'ugh many 0 cies do �orcd of sa,4 roia mou- 5:75 -6:0.0 The paper go Appointed the f Contingen i and we -Voting against the'lonrchase t� per -erwaofMr.JameaDicxson, Director A ees, #.42 (a) 0:45 printed, iouch of' their impoil-ance in the ab deserved ii, He tiourflit ter� at tile Doardoffnift 4ociety, wa% also applogiz; others better 0 for thavurrent year,'Yiz: Messrs. L; Crabb,� Tor 'the Town of*Qoderiell -ts .................. of th6 1. 6d for as is new 'awe,- built road 0P 1 50 worldl. and gives fit detail the local news, our local matters deserved more attention- iairman, Swanson and Nairn. The ap- Wish hini'Very great sucqesc ill bi y of his office were �d this season of from which they e,xpected 113NO -90. t which cannot bo- *5taiii4ti- bf any other tho d than ally others at our haillsa We' had a - A aud useful �Phere oflab3r. as a specula ion Potatoes .......... .. 0.67 314DNT]F[Ly� rVT poilitniert of -Local Superpintondeut wa to - and had they -33 pour Every weeiea paper is. so much, spev"a!fy onerous, g6 diiidends, MR BOO K stein. and. we should take cara not _Wd over An application from Professor receive lat IT peas ..: ............ 10=1 hiefory, and thei -yigq,. development ' Al'E. Anderson* then said all knew a to mar it �by* local jealousies. MrSir"pson 70ari(I's Wdrd dreat We -15 th . -*d By 'Bzern and vVellinaton been realiz 20 6jr-40 percenton the 0.� -Oakley, for the use d4iot In vis requege-il the and growth of the, town anit county can be object of the gathering. It was 'to. give Brucle 1:tail'Hcoads- out -lav they oil! 5:95 cousideradthe choice. of our. Municipal -ptirp� a xaceived i3rey a33,d Pork., ..­ ......... D:00 &houl for lecture nesl wit, V tiron rl anil. recorib(I only. -by the Meal each other mutual information, on sabiects. farmQ GU to.. i urchase it from WEEKLYTIME measnix rg .. ..... 12A JUA TeplrMlltatiVeB of niuch. inore imp6rtauca and fyIed. -arilwz-The folloiVr 'Nc -as to last, dausq Yus .......... newspapoor ardeuttary repr.6813nta- tnINCH TO them," d, by ­ - * w - Loutitith in, it, as- to ti- 0 MONT ihat is coristantly recording ift relaithior t - o the advancemefit6f theititerests 'tcvus than our parli KrtroA . w 1�ir,. - this, 7P -*-at temn- ter has been - recilve REAL kASXJ3Tf3- ttemi- Piaopfoi do, uotabwav&appreciate IfAg ulture. -He hoped althougft the tives. Ace4ding -were in.& importantle there -is not -orc g as these affaira I of Wrwistor, from the lation; neith- n iht -As A speou sOnguished men from a distance I exp�ct- vall- ma u0im it fralk. aeal tk-eirhonl�newipaperi Thejme�sarathe dj naged woii1d. be the prosiJoiarity of. Mr. TlioniasOR TolYn going 0 � I R have pleasure (By SP _Teiegmph to the isignal.-) b�y that -here a3 mp -0 We . 'did ihe Tov m- buil. ialm of a paper wnshi�gs, HT had alwi-ya r nuta6erof�olumfis ed oakersi, had on thiA Great Western: a t4a road ; that as - at za-3 the importatit soci the varinis tian of re these, on r < l®r duty.-and.wao leased it tontains. Th -a Wile -paper, failed thoull, those forefoot would :spealfc tried to ih thointerest; sertion is al go untrue. The facts a 114ZE N all the ij�e Ajunir of t I Jan. A 1871. INIF.TiMp the. z;,unty ornaA, in giving it al Corporation on 0 s. p, he� ildence, to a JL FLOUR --Super or ilia. A.00 , is munie the Town M 1110, K jilrwt is the cheape aparone can take. freely Aria stick t* the subjecta allotted ta think he had Wit _i :, - - . - I This: tileding, look,place. my thoi slim of lin thent. lie then propo e(I the t bliciCy Wei a lent nt, Sto6k Comp, fiwer nuinber On, our own which a oaxf of the :ipa PIU I -tra ------- -70 Palityr. lUffr "rown, said Xidnic r Wit It enthug' �*enbL ong amously. He wasprol'L�._(l Jan, l9ph., 1871, 0:60 0 , tn 'ing.' a Bond of sai -35 a 6.150 las� in, Hay f ;000" tn - Ex TOCKET 110GERS; r &ziuZa,1 3cm:4. - off mum wha had nevor. wa*dr-unk wit enaini'L'23rd inst., d Company M theGav rnor- to. think th;t4t rnodas Roeye qui 4�, ';,elcealed a new aq aba wasthat? with- intiorest at six percent, Fancy .......... i v8paDer ofarly. TdrA Lie loyalty ,a fillo,X. Ali. 01. UiabTy occupied -the HAMILtON, fDr S57jo0o 6:25 6:50 jh�', �­' ­ '00 to encou- Sup. fine es. Thbv. Gibson, inva 0201i dwallingp, attl wMia-14'any jour- General. Tha next toast front 'tile The ouly� . tioubit� oftifirin: isqsua appytharonirAAdress in a Bolius I f tA3 a 21X . our wgs� t6- �,Voltxa the gil the Delegation_ allowing th No I Western C62ir 'Chairman. of - 4 work; the Wheat. 5:60 1,@ 5160 May, INIC Kay s I- I, , 61eaolire 6f ragge them i rearryint; out th t I a _kj .......... 2-60 Dal& freja ai#alico eirculat *rs zlianpa� irt, I&- a iveri6i 1jaVe.L Ch 90 co, 6 -16 &C -i factth&6 a, very fallows, who bravoly t I ry il�sitfol .11,, and oAws Company p it iii of.their olA-nioney 420,�: -11. No 2 -5. asidit, it" a urn oi�t" ia."faild' taw; ilmosi 4ne ol Sealbit 0. From this l3ag Flou n A., Bi _�3:00 iii. tlieL holir cit. 3ttakea-philadL elphia; . law . yor _,of_ 000,maki in -all' $90"00 large propo'ition of the, a0mmuniiy are still oar heart'ha and homes mu te -a yoll.th,,%1 after:61refay consider It. w6dUlalmo Selverigh4- Go4rich­, -S6&e 900 ;IT.... I., -buld ask tbo flullet� B uada, -your d. t f fadtg I w. to: follow ikeri -Ing a -proportitiql. ;a it� to statententil 'had -ParkeTA a 'F� to, _.'ifior J W danger, would have been. iuspired witli :r,,Carn�6ial A�d� 111 -to dea(11; 'was eunap Ai 0 was noteriough.far $pfi ng 1- 40, 170 1:4. -hame!" Air. r for the new. fileentivef; IV hori, I cit $6660 pe mtli;� -if $40,00 _�to lose beside�s the' Westem. -3 'fresh-coarage, an(I ;ha,.k-ke - edidi give Bonus of h If jie4vent eviping corth RldInZ ot allrox& -,,Jf` they lt�a see erY L_ , _ t -40 a 6!50 ervie darid, a -propose4Aha i66fistiti6tionot jRailWa;y papy UZU I, - -- erait un we the abo, vi; sum whidif okT9_ Per 32 1b ......... 00. liear4 thegenuinsfoelin&-w t aidilie; a hicht1he: toast Soutk. Hhrim-Xirl t at g6cie;i-rl. whicb, was - spen -an' a 9.0 cul, fit Grey, a "trace, to, "o was war , 164� full _­ -Al -a and.Capt- JML-� - 1?_JGL1%)9 �W-OOi 10tolt fiten. ding -The Annual 7..��We ad over,,$20,,000 more, maling in, 43ALAIM Y--:-?,br a MajorColema C Cl 61��eejVoa.,and­b, ­, _L wig.held, iat'46 I t ' �rfirm­hiis'311$1 . �, Our 336"ird of 0,00 3r" wa�prcl` I the x1viiiia lleapin a hdai�Aat. r �* L ­_ " -, so eme to- "thb�utteiitiou- Of _h Ong of this Societ$ Lon, re it Aappy its 0 FoiAlietrlit ofthe�above BUTTER -Dairy ........ 00-1� 0,, 0-21* XrWflr pose ou $1 and; I t 6 t "up -A -quaptityp -new lr�a So�jej­'_, __ h 'A".5 I ff '9, 11 a rllx6radly, tile ttor oftheLreiisCa f� votill" is.-prepiring- a nutualty ament - y _ - . ; 1-1 . t rid maLdbj(J;Ty" the -County 16 The John Bell fteciallill, - 11AIL Ch -At neati, L X f M6�,fdrs ona,tN stat %la`-�efefany,rate payer in Store, Padked ...... ._-0:19 0,00 ft jil, re (;6rdoxi, - 5. d, �f Af whe Y� 'titifaddii Vantigoo-Lasto-. the 0buril lszh inst., "Humphr6y. Snell, sion, froin i an ina - - OFFtRED Ai st� - We _jW L. LTIV 'BEL at" Xorthern -.0- -road Feails ivilL no, 'd el .... 610 000 rl i"b" ilia assural ver 2, _be 'R -3r 8zcioty.' !a the, expteag Dee that if a t'lj MeMordle, year 3*14 Prostlen Pa arAJ_jt.jiad` now beiati-irib�fstoVIC& T ke Stctot - Xry� -.50 a" Uo� Willan A` ilu., Work�b betta , jijja� 4bair, . The, ininute4 of-Lut-meating should, desecrate- our viui Again; acraitt Xol Lnjore arif_. -,nmuV 0 (JoiUQ'a go4d -workla rgi g Ati'ofts OM -ati. - r0ce WIN`% rIn- t e 'nean- P RESSF ly Would VQIU enrujt4 to tha� js�ji6w L . , L, _ - tn any- D 11J)GSL, �f. oliely t j&n I - jUd�ilji'. of Itholl r"A tza spprared. The Direotorefte- not on 6; nte gir,: -61tholl 1pher isu ver -And. i406- 6�po e_, 41l t;he y D oppeyrtual Y' t a14 I"Am, -00 line tuati idt"T Pas.sa �i I US' 0011 607161 _P _fJSI P"t awa Tr4asurtea, Watm 871 (a) 0. t(w'hieh we fromt, bat every niai4, wo -and chittlia Y' srQC0 ore.. _t 0 steps - o- Proi 0- a t,�how-thgtylsstate -ats.-with market firn-Lau- ima JL LOWD -tesi ;olar- me6ting, Flourirecelptq 20, Mal !o Nd%�_ li�; irega 1swil witIT6ut` atry- would be'roaqy to back theik gr,81� ay' Xboall iro roext issua) wera read arvLadopt - the &,ul aw4e , E! T 'to arrive at. tIle." y Of the UOO Q� 9(t I emmu"i'Atiou W"-read-frouthe. xang very aw" -'-_HaUL _O]k 'Chd _-X spot (if ordinAr as Maliet-salso'bir ea4 Tel I U. requestingbLerat- the- P air" buildin - a-, 4A5_6,tj6�smali lots If fancy,ext takertat gdrig.of 4410a$ b up. - ux,� Carmichael y pliea to, tli4 1 of lifost'and 4�11- �be: You ri: falivitily, tLIC -athw1a a �.�rf ilia coilii;igy orit 't SacL.j� foi -till 01 ra _tl4ij in the, lika�. _Sturdy d ty A 0 burro 2% .11 -;. e, 'Wia e, To -:ar Tit, AXJ004 long Societies Io, -be 40areful to iorhiou follo in gr Lveikiha dif! totciCt6�iiiii3th- tb A` a,. oar dncori�octaudlnot t 15-Tespeettulli, 1500 M - n -a in prior 41, rise, -.soldta,_ 00 Siva rqw"" h a - Bi . to. oftim betxl�ari ar7 in, �vhiaat' 15 a an gut' y sturp 'kaftil _dt-dr.1ni- 4iPerktiodd diill thiit 41 the' `busholsW4. I Chicago sold yesterday 1.45 pril vheiil tel hirn T Wvex appointed bitbern to* 'tnralballaAver happilyvauderedloyMr. ke, bastor .4 X..rVUJR,: General mfokixbld Vr rid RA TS TOR - CASM perlyititheritic- NV`m, �Ben. is- leif to - aks, illoni: h 0. 0 TLWU_ got_,of CUe -$400;000 w*s iu�bmld,riolthijig �repokt SW a0JM*4C f9lto tarest$ ofeau'ada!' two.'Al-sthiet-iiid- eavy - T1 TO 'I, his G Y-. I nday at irm philosoph lie Town Ac ed Wj� the n,-11_, b the P wero w4 a, T1 finj#,, offleem The "A2rictiftfirsl In _Vj*llld1do So' Whenever they. thou't4VAit-'to- 61�sti Soo or jn,�,bllt,:share Ahe'. ed 1year, lwl� go St- not. 010ysupply.thhviiste ping -on Itio, [1i -ituproi ing- the 4 pro,- leM. Armly at 21 c4ma r r0grgmulfr, -,Cot . P 'I *efa 446ded f4w A; eurran. 4xt on the p 1pla 110116r. ilia t1i. their -pietiatra.:. A. ft9i i8iiiii bit6flm-ra Mu A- e_ alvb.&�, $2.568,-w joli was ape A Tnaiket, pork 11buiblathOTtillattitu ureagr -01 yne, wit an 21.60 hogsscarto and an! Offerings Of Hn"Ph"y lawtvresidenL with the narnes of UiNwrxit. Ifeuordie, Caging 1 it I d% -acipAlity. tag 6141.1-Lali- % of -'41m h fore, -�'It *gi ljyip�irt ji-gookand. pralli go' L. Blitt L . Abaixiteiieet� UVULA pit - 1& 31 ell _b W. 10: ant for t er R Maulling, W Wilson And H love, gonr� linked im true frateiitzl fuhi�iiatovlld tile ght 11116, '-�n:� #oa�ito wjli� As _tila -the A eve 9nivall ta6f1-at7.06_%,'T,50aat0 -Average, Oit_-. throe, All6d im,110vo-liowert I alwol .3ir&"L the, Va wer t Y� isP"609 If: b two �oLf Chi 420-0-1 he, two vo-ilp- 3L affe llaying boon dulf lionorpit thi lo h, p:id the ind 0 4 tare,, Ca'f ilvu4ldoo y tifichanged omhes p6t aull. Ott for coati, ba. PC, . .- . . - the respondento were c4led iii-tha hSVin.- � kroutrh Price V., boa too Ito ti_j, whajesll 11-1-A-lusgs L a, ilia ­ofr --,-In �4irin 4ild by- Notats fpo.� 'bef, alid'after Qle rer, Momordia"a Manning thoggItt, thop-wero ove, JLA T t ., Q ��6jj6oiiowed th; frost _-AA -av, IL X AN ontitled to ple" tWr youth �x *�r"4od ve, 10-, - _­_ it, *fit ita f_� The I Townof eQd I NOTE LOST.—Alacle 'by lion's ULM= An'A 0 11 1 1 --- - . I wky, J�a the rwalseaft at so titiny S 1:0 1 � 1. . __ T11M SIVic­ QW&VTo WO V0414 thoughts leira�'t' Ahtilild pro hi rie tion to the f - tha6_th 46 itggain.. 46so i 6awa - s- ii t- no ;K jsgesi4 for Mun )r of FrodprickNeriiari-for1he the o :1 abow W&WAM411 reversila they *et I h :s4hook -of ovs:,39"IL y drxw, ttteu e- a wearimirds; 11jeradly *44 the' 90iia;_ funp, itlid-L add f-01110 Ibeir� _13er� millutda�_bfieuntof 4-4 dollarx, Aat�d .1st. Februa 187 J Tahvir, shmId rw4ba the ftiottobroa*h tb* ita ill A ur tol'tha: tltroAt Aud I rpo a 081 ry, iGoderict, Zim. Utlit 10. w4T-3%­% 41eo. ganuA a3egdog of the Bible Isiod--w-will exr T! 0, 80 . . e 1?41� . : "T - ,Of& By* pmumt Xul ar -. contemportirleg will pro:-' 8001faffre4rwim WfoyAtoultivo-ur, -coougltmeolds,... v lor surn, 61,669933ft --whore- lg7% payable3aso, after- cut,e.. The pub - in 'Aadr -hey 0t -cauti to purob"o, or ba held I St ow's Chitrohon Friday, tirm,felt- r,, for to Utdiso -. 0 liat" aud noi to spook. Mr. Lors� . .- it t 46 --t - IMP Towm6lipa �,of HAWet and lid -ii hereby. oneknot fitop lus" il 4 And 2 tielctiog. lu the tbroati yogsene3i at 7.SO pi tn. The Rev St. hebly �641ig .6 We( i6xisorg and r.assessaait i0gotiate, tusalue Hulkou; t1lonsh nt-ithier the i Rar inst oha r� sit from brombitk for six aven (TuWay) thominag it number or me year ,we a been an t ofAbe: Society,, �oiametla them i and laugars wl�tll g�,DE140H]�RD, AUM 00 iftiomih.-a �diffierelte NICHOL th,6 very biftt lfiedlqlnf, lu Z A'— bel wasks and a -Uo harids of W. I rex-rit to adarea.Ahe, 101� erim -ITs -1 cont'rolaintiL 5014 bT' J or modin " a rand Jsu,v $11, e I �Ahvum, tho wv pntkal "Wis"kell's letter, to V! pz AF10na lueza,.Bs the fieaal 74vwo must &seaaziae, $i' iriara uniforMly nS V-4 r, yovnjnnd neyeT wcze X, in a �kaslrhl q;ieit, 1 -It, -we vaonot -aslinmerl W mit Rond By-lnw. Tliat Ga�lk 4-cnoi;fu toczae's a marIket'. id tours aswe are oppghd every Buell impost Ga tmdc .To the B dito? of flir C -iia" sm.—Ilaving ventilat--� colQnng of your papr ti , hQ4 lque-stion, iwpcsed ed t . to �a fewkinnriks relntive: By-tnw. recently --ttomit proydd the ratep6yers for the pre -bas -2 df tbe 110.1d, Yen, %IT. Eah4n WA nware that I hvVe bcxe WWI iny keonsisterey in naliKets End tidflwd voted mg-niust the by-law f of fhe NoTthern Grnvel Rio zgv into consiJeration I at tl "'Zit, at fLe same tllatfrea reatis nnd frce q gping tp Godcrich -or StM pnoduce, (ICES M, 0 pzrty of these Corp—mat ibere is Z source of bzne %LCM3 and lfhe Mal - Z4CS hiS lleleaVC-S oVer one 11=2&C lof dca2. Profits fer *.;3 - tion, for vhich tbey 4 ubtut ww &Udr cis I for which he re-CCIVC-S 106 -trindirectly; lie thercf ww, Me of mrositir, ITCg& Cr401hC PNP27-11 I Tf the County, tud tells 11 To as to produce a T"T4 tenefit to the ratepaTCTE, k-Eeping thesr2�, ttate of repair, and " er-7 i tbulli just pnvs a Frolme', Iedm themnullthovi ' ke r4CeeiVeS. M_T 7e,_71C �U-�ijnSt the 4 -Gravel Read grethe tl,, luilt tho road us a z-, VhWh they, *�g; eividends. 20 or 40pertr-iftcm Would Inot hnv Q nuron -to F71yQL;;S%, it rh thilt ff GC L tialt the Noribern Grax; 1have been cnoef tllc,� 'Gounty� Thatmig%t 1 -6at is Do 'Farld regsou A-:fl�quldpurel=�ie it fr=1 4ir, the ]Arangcst al3d W.1 thatt Adyanecd ly ttb� el 'Colanty andhis fellowc] TrUs id Humn, t1vac- ,Z46ACrn1G:aT61 wall 4 lent of the 0400�VUO ibe - tozm OT Zoaer"Wzi lualom-a' mad the towa- Now, 3�r. Editer, this- t1lo V16,0, equftat-Ae-pil Arlszq, laa, gat. lin iJ d1jainformotAwn th-A I I Una wiluilsibe le 'WaS 'S ,rZnt Sh,cre TaQa,3 tte5�j%m` 4 QDaeeleh toftned'W' AcqueliflL'y Caere, Las- I gravelli%g 143 Luke!,; 206 the -bt1110141,0 _n!� Godelicb, Ima rat I further -Bum ,up a fum totd% ef -1 - - 4-2 'mid fbr1T-tW9 9U-1 Wy idrealattlij rquaaed value - -C which w4s 1332,039,rq -vallic of ALM3 eld- wa!� 4571,149;aaldt _ Waldn- - . A;5 which wiR m9re Cac 4003.030,to bo vili acauct. fro= ala( Tizelve-aD namely, euval JC-aVIO a baI6�Lc� of r— doed t"do- (�?Iamaa and beaod to ba"4u"d;ex WsU 22 4010,rgyMeH'4Df th# 1004V� ian, rid[ 60*100 1 bw rept s4 jvl. awny, Well ab=w % eve. 6-- J the lvarde C -era W -tea, tD the com j;;no -me. , orfor a C� T=m of Huron was nil =ugp "a or tl�rit the fail be 1p,12, -ar tlrivca by 41 k of �hcvp t4i tuo t .AGO itlently �avmlt_ tLl CiT Irej wa,5 "�tes on Vao votcdfor-C�o -Way. VhCro vnst`40 Oude, was vot�als- f>�13,603, funas into elel� owa c6aecj. un C(�nts frt� .goes the -;,o a1t:1 �1 loaj .ovicr Rua aburo the suil 410n VL�e7co was 'y -Z�510 4110y 011ca from fi fees,, t t M-0 .�Gntcf nel3ZI VO_ was van�ldezabllc ov 1i j� IgOL�J�,-,*C,'y �g D ,pD!fid 7 in­cDnaulmn, Z, jsnoetf the Iratle7z, f"the "IS wing, el late. -_0 V4 0 U., jcpur�e, fts2rving t �GWAP051fian- - : Yours, -1� T _7 r. 'IDY'Lor. lrv?mi _Camot -Eco .erjecis,81110 'On.- )DlstakeV3 I 'Boa ti Ind ':�4 ge v,. us on ter I v, L-i yiit;7 e�n �,obli pe me gmatly. wpillaul'm -111M t -C -Was 110at 1pur--mkie 1110 know V40 at! liare bzeu WZ0 C-9 aia uzot Zo tot-!-, 4iball wt spcad