Huron Signal, 1871-01-26, Page 1M 4m 0 a Vbzt the IM-111AT Vour-ell X)f H
7 me 6h norion �)f the L .Tird Bracits %1E1 FOR CONSULTATION refrence to -the Land Improve AT HO. We W thly. Will visit fierits j%Ally Ito -a If petition which the Vounty ublish th 4 0 the Clerk ti) -race instructed
SIannon 1%1.1D. tralismif to Alia -Excelloncy, 1110 Zioute-� W 13.40-ly nant Gverlif4r L To IzUs Voru-jaw -of Vjtfarlv,� suntlEk).N. CoRoNE.R. C. Office 81 I . . in vDuiwil. third do,lreast ofCeattralSchool. 49 The NIT. M. 13. ,,f the Minidip:iI Qli�Vnration of thd
ICF'-%-rl�kTPCOLLE4FPHY-,I(-I.�NS Axo SVR- Coulaty of Brince, IA C. E.' Reidence, the house formerly 0 AMS TOMM Edi bar seen GEO. COX & ABRAHAM SMITH, Proprietors. 11 The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Postible.Arumber." WzTlt �. - *
I.Iiedby Ur J. F. C. 111aldan,-Elgin btreet. Ei u3mLy HP That vour menlim-lairt V U3,V, -)-Nr Vol,. XXIV T the 11coule tif the ("ilont f 33ruca" whtzan� S 1.0f) T -Ir n lTq �Q _kwclm, THURSDAY, JAN. 26,1871. _N 0 1'. thev represent, re d -t 'ic z
(of.,IeGill SU -.,k otrice, overhIST11`119 $!2.00 LX XG-N13 00 WIE--via. RICH, ONTARIO, D.C., CIAN -ROE:ON -;-., Ihat sucaa8s has at 1wigth'tri4tied the ri� JL toW.Go,lerich, ontujo. fcrts which hae been made for 8 - W A L D E:,%, 3) . U. ces as'Division Registrar—carried. Mov- third claime, which refars to the shbject of of years past to recover theL.? JDHVSICI.%\. %,kURGEON, ACCOUC11FT'R 13usincgq DircctLarj). Ontario Carriage Shop, ad by P Clark, see by J Crawford, That J a impulunry education. Soveral ttienil. ineut Fund, of -%viduli this Vounty witlt-
Alton be allowed the sum of $28. beinty for ments were proposed, the effect nf -wltich many others, -L Offlecand Wqidenec kLato lWidow (Hamilton St., Goderich. IN B4EMORIAM materials used in buildinn, side-waloks in was to in9dify or expunge the third clar-se. lation iii 1861, aid -.11wt tht4itud is w4 -1 -ft Extensive lipw Premises Mr BldlW trasnot in favor of compulory orhortly nill be arai�vblie. OF THE LATE MRS. E4. RATCLIFF. the Tillage of Lucknaw, township of Ash-- AND NEW CAgo"INET field, and that an aqua! amount be expen- educatioin in the present zircurnstavec of] Tliatl-otiriiienioritiistsf4--.elileeplyrMte-
BAIra PIP (9 a weary ded in each of the villages of Dungannon the country. If such a law were i flil to f�iir Excellency nd' IAnir LiXect- S!!I�S AND ATTORNHY-AT-LAW, AD AND )nie unto me all ye that ar 0 d letter in the rural Parts; SPLENDID NEW STOCK and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Land Port Albert for the same Purpose— it won.1d be a de. iLcv's Niristtsrs, for tile i4�y Moved by J Crawford, see by J for treu could not act zs tristees a 1 e GaAarich,canadawe,z. oaice in co rt House. vI4n40 t carried. nI r r er d by Y ur Dxm4l6ucy"s Govern- UPHOLSITEPtING G10?31 Oh I sad and weary suff'rer F An4re*, that the Clerk is hereby in- seccite their neihbors for -nat sedin luent i n the accomplinhincut f thisulost.
C camero" WEST STREET, let a close, As
Whose pains �have n strueted to notify AI tewart to settlo his their chilf1rert to sebo'ol. to eithi desirable rec tilt
Thoit art not dead, but sle9pinn, 0 account as Township Collector for the jto wns ti, v ilLkgres, howeveT, the case might 11hat voilt. 111emorialis!S in oppn Uj)tjn t Kinarstonst..Goderich.ouL. w49 CPPOSITE - BNK OF MO.NTREAL In soft and sweet repose. 6 z . year 1868 and thereby save costs—carried. be different. He said that the e4ticntional are of opinioll C. Barryi & Bro. GODERICH. blovpO by J F Andrew, see by i Crawford. statistics Showed that otir people were that the 1-,nd Improvement rCabinet Makers, Urdertakers Wood .R. J. WRITELY2 Those woris our Saviour spakp, That $he Reeve be allowed �3 for pistae al7lve to Elie necessity of education, nd nd acerning, sholild il) _Cts 4fintirety -be (IW- We, a in &ant for s itch as the- a ; I , . eeTurn4s, and Is turning out ouperio and stationery—carried, Moved by J F that there was a Iarge increse in the voted 9) iis original' uihl legitimata purm AL C. Cknarx. w14 J, T. 0.%Rnow. F_ P1 I 0 g"- c K AV., iIWhose cross on earth was heavy, Andrew, see by .1 Crawford, That W Mal- school attendatice last year. There wli' p, -
)se, OULD Whose spirit longed to flee.' =AkMaZ3CsrMC>1%T M'7?. lough be allowed 86 40, being diqcoilLIt also this diffl6ulty .18 to tbe cromPlIlsOry Lach Oci0ty eilti.11011 under tbi -tore next door W nounce'that lie has Opene, on o ...... d him clause, tbnt our laws, whichwe could not -jorku 11:5. street tothe., newshop in tl Carriages, Suggies, Wagons A TT0R.N_TZV-A.T-LW_,OLIC ITO R IN CHACERY *o.Vin. Acheson's Harness Shop, where will be found thE Bank of Montreal. where he will I z5 Come unto we ye weary pz�t I y birn on a dobenture given to
ZL No,.,trF ptIblic. Convc,ar,er,& 0_ t,. lerich. ! on hand or malie to order ceeP constantly fall kintis, SLEIGHS CUTTERS, te, and Oot payable until January, 1871 -car- ater, had prnvideA for separate schools 1111at in conse(litence (it the te-tiporary
OW., Office,on the soittl ide of itoni A GOOD ASSOR TMENT I 7_A lininber of first class on hand, and for sale Was heard with hope and love, ried, : Moved -by P Clare, sea by i F for 11viman Vtbories, who sent 40,000 'alienatifin of this Fand, nd the dehLy doorfroin Court-Houste S,juare. w49 FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS- clicapfore-tsli Pripeq ofall articles in the line that, he lon.ed to lay bar burden down Andrew, That A Black be paid $2.80 for pli-pils to our (30111111011 schnal"', L11141 4,n]Y that has arisen in e&&ing ite. restoration, f:Kitelien. Bedroom. Dining -room, and Parlor Fur will compare favoralih, %vith any in the Courhy- Arid ineet the Lord above. biniber stippled by him for the b6ilding (if 20,030 to the separate Relinols. lie clesir- C4,gether with nituic, suchs ITaTin on hnil an assortment of Upholstering t -OAII woric warranted of a icalvert near Dtitiantion-ca the ery ur-mit necessity
for rowl n-DARRISTRIZ, ATTORNEY-.xr-LNW. SOLICITOR TABLES, mate he will be prepared to till promptly a - 11 orders Particular atteituon pald to Wagonand Carriage Ro- "ie(l. ad to see a tiew enomintional fiblimil sys CHAins (bair. cane ond wood "ated) I it that I ine. -iring t, ye yvho mourn, The Council then adimirutd. e.. Goderich. Ontario. Office- Take comfor tem., but only by the volpittary 4ktion (if Your want listsas a Comicilii. ih,�jj I'
_V in Chin R. ` WHITELY. Christ sys, they Shall riot die . - a
abWsbfo,�% ktn,�ton street sw77 CUPBOARD A, tiiiantity of Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings on JOHN COOKE, Tip Clerk, our people. connection with the County ofOliaron, BEDSTEADS, hand. Godericb, Aur, 13, 1870 W30 Wh-u trusted in ]i;s saving grace WASH STANDIZ, 11.)n Mr Cameron defended ib -6 auand tlje ratepayers olfthe C'minty of Bruce, sOzCITORS- Picture Framim to Order. For happiness on high. Colbomd Council. trua�
AIATTRESS5,8 and aid it was 'pressing necessity, and passed a hy-lw it) 180.5 fr tbe con%
j:),AR11I8TLMS iND ATTORN LOUNES. would Ito particular hardihips. tion 4 GI - in-Chtancern &c. Goderich. Ool. SUFAS. 'r:-$- He triit,; I)v RhInt n'tertion to baSlaegig to Stoves! Stoves I X 'arel 11oads awl-HarLmrs m- B . 1� DOTLE. SW5 W. R. SQriEn. B. A WHAMTS, tOOKING mor a sh-tra or patronage. r Doubt not, 'twas for the best The meeting of the Municipal Counell H on Mr W nod said that the collfttrYhad $220,000, to, which $60,000 GLASSES An,,, 15, 1870 3041 God never tries in vain ; of t6 Townhall of Colborne was beld at gone -to great expeuso for eductional piir- have since been stipplementirilly addifid ;4 b Though heavy'is your loss 'P. F. WILT GILT FRAMING. the Townsbip on Monday the l6th 01, and had a right to see that eauca- different fitnes lbr the completion a
-Conveyancer,'N otrY G. B 4� B are prepaml to sell everything in W ARMING. "'D VENT IT LTING P4 e-, -,I Far greater is her gain. Janu6ry 1871. tion was compulsory. the Gravel Boad 7scbenrie, mah 4kg joAl t none, their title V1 ili P4 An imendment of Ifr Rykert's. thatthe
Offleerof the Clerkf the Pe4ee, cour BW94 Afflicted i 'triad, and pained, Neseu t Wm. Young El sq. as Reeve, clause shoiild only apply to cities, towns, for this purpose the sum Ot $2eq,I)OD elt Ontario EA 1-3 r, Cheap..fcr Cash. REITH'S PATEXT, tv How happy her releasa and Messrs F rancis StalkerjItenry Spence whicl
U3 and villarres, was lost by 32 to 36. i, togethicr wit railway 13#)nuv Z-Xay-�% & V-Ixvood. of Coffins and Sfiroluds H -..& - D&PRISTRII& 1,;01,7- N`.VBo=p1et - c�pt ALlm- 0 0 Who trusted in a Saviour's grace Jobn!,)Iorris and John Buchanan I as Mr Blake said be supposed thebject of of$250,000 in. 1 869, th :Caunt.7 Builti. A�p lvency,cf ave , . W3 S ad a flearse it) ]tire ; all on reasourble And found, "h rend is �peace." anm,s in Ch-incery I it -o. , ver. . I a p Couq;cillirs. The members of the coun- the bill was to provide for the education inn, debt of 849.' 000. 2nd a balance Alle Monev to Y -end. OFFICE: C,.bvs S1 A-, 0- r fS A CII E APN D E FFICI EN M EAIN S OFREAT- C1 f _ or 41,
'CALL SOLICITED. 9 S. E. D. cil, having signed the declaration and of children, a d not that tbepareut should t ' i ", 2&. Are L ing and Ti he Municipal L�an Fund rantf-a A utes (if be forced to send them to seliol if 9ric- to the Buffilo and L-ake Huron tiilro34 13ain, CRURCH EN. qualification ofoffice. The min aretheineducatedat home. It. SC11001's, bitstmeetir-bein, read awl approved. siredto h bythe I lien Utiited Counties ofitm MAN-CERY %N -D Lk%V FFIC& C%ABSIS lqrkv on,,, PUBLIC ' BUILDINGS, Our:Minnesota Letter. The Reeve appoints Don41 MeMurchy I-; ould be 1IT1j1lSt to subject a, man to 'Ufa- and BrI14 this county 'I'S mow Goderich. - Auditor. The 0ouncil appoints Richar L -bare his nN. i3. _con,era, icin,, itonew lent not reasonable S)3 33 AND PPUVATE, DWELLINGS, d prisonment becautie he wished to f-rn". Disimtecland detective iwes to real c -late Byuo-;, MINN., Jan. 10, 1871. children educitedat home, carrying, and for the principA IT)w IGoderich. AQ6.14 w3O 9 quiete,�L Ifurnin7 either wood or coal. 0 DEAR rGNAL:-, rom. this " far West aynes, as other Auditor. It'was moved At the sucrrestion of Alr Wood,theclau,ef ferget of which the pebilo are punctually by M�r. tal-ker, see. by Mr. Btichatian, to%l.c CameroTl P;0 was amended by prr)vidiqg that the child taj,jed. �4;0 I drop a few thoughts, thinking they may t that Jas. Tewsley, be Township Clark and ALEX. WALLACE, P., in whose residence the patentee has erect- b I should haye a right to attend schooll, or be ssing the '-by laws I a furnace. be interesting to some of you therw�ise educated. 'Thitt in pa r readers, Treasurer. Moved by Mr. Stathersee. by - Sna
81JRGF0 DENTIST. WATCHMAKER For fuither particulars. Apply totbe Patentee, % I 0 91 i� i� C1 Mr. I M3rris that Jas. Stewart, be Asses'-' 0 the above named Ji.ibllitbs, forthe !in. 1. The climate here resembles that of , The clause was then carried, rov I AND JEWELER, -a-Allms It Isor. : Carried. Moved by Mr. Spence see. IL , it" Intl-: I)- ementof communica -withill lbev
Xception that we have by Air 1. Morris, that Tbos. Morrish he attiO,
Ptooms over the Post Office, West Street, 1.3 Cainida with this a On clause 4, as to imprisonme t _tjon I Goderich. a < WEST STREET, rarist Ont. 18th Nov, 1870 sw27-3m t4 Ina ws, limited Your memoralitts'in ad . .1 7 prairie land otor. Carried.- Moved bv Mr. tion of Mr Ferguson, the ti w3Otf cold& winds ; this being the Colle� August 14th, 1970 C_ (3 1E) 1_0 IEZ 11 C IF1. to thirty days, - to the guarantee they -had in he jenergy wind has full play. We have not bad suf- Bnelihnan, sec. by Mr. Stalker that Sanil. -And on motion of AIr Pardee, that rFHE Subscriber having removed to the store lately thii d inJustry Of :People -of Bruce, 4is CAIFFORD ELLIOT. _L -capied by A. N , a I .Ill. West Street, opi-sile the fi�ient . snow yet to make good sleihing. Vorrts, 'be Inspector of Taverns, fit Sam I e ay in his discretion forego issuing to revayment, fbandeA strovg, ljopesoa hf, frientiq and the putil C, NO�W 'M YOU justice in
p., I offi", jvi,hu. to . la.ok it they have favored salary, a's last year. , Carried. The fp. his warrant for impriponment. 'Carried or the libei-alsk.ppi,rtAvith -hie to�ls,ure them that t_4 2. The school system is inferior 0 that lowhig persons were appointed Path 47 thejuBtico afthelinhiji eator4_ Solicitor in Chancery, Con- forn fior the Iat 25 veac%, and begi I'd mast- 26 to 19, The oom,ti,tve then rose, lion ol 'ras to r TrOR=-at Law, 'If he --ir'tred to tn�rit acontinuance of their 1P _&w 11) IF 4LN CY of Canada. Schools Ire kept open only era William Lasham, Henry Nott, Saml. the Laud Tvprovemertt Fuutt, 110 etrort -.-�i 01 I -about eiLtht niouths of the year. Pip ' Win, Walters, atiston Jun. in,reply to Ar Blake' Mr Cameron said -mid promised the p patronage, his anxious-mudy will be tosuPP e Win. V. I eople That when recovv WINGHAM, 0-,-T. t4 the - 'school bill would 'be Broceeded with Crown Q 3. A minister of the Lospel has goDd op- Stevens, Archibal McNeill, John Oake ered, the amount arisinghen fr6m Money to lend, Disputed Titles quieted Watch -M Gloo][s aild JeWelery 'UV" .4L 3EL 30 "teach all nations," for all ThosL'vosens. Jas Million, WM. Bldke Ja to-niorrow,ibitherorders wi gtjt through.
0 podunities to �0 d Patents otitained cheaply. be'appl in f V10 Away nirried t 10:50 P. In. W027 -1y -ficl toll to the purchilser, and as tI I are repres�nted here. I have in the short McCl�ire, Nicholas Mohring. David " iod ' reduction �Z_ which will zivegtiti� Beare The House adj('
wnrk has been done bv invielf. customets may depend 13 11 T Toronto, a�n. 18. taxation which inipo-�cd. ____7_ oil having it well executed. cl; OIL9 course of ministry met with Danes, or- Donald Malvllirehy, John Snyder, Josiah i, lated JewelrvP DurinaronTiue in the Legislatilre y6ster- Tfat there.stilfrenv�ins to be pbrfririn�4 ze -ocdas�ortmeai of Gold avid P 0 r. 13. 55toUes, Secitre the wegians, Swedes, Hollanders, Swiss, Eng- Bisitt, Mthew Levy, icholas Morrish, the County ifif trite jL-GpN-T Fort RTRATFORD AGRICULTURAL 4hdow ere the WHOLESXLE, AND R TAIL. lish, Irish, Scotch, rench, Canadians, Jcg4, Gledhill, John* Glen, George Brant, (Tay. the Printing Committee presented. a "I . � L e a wbrks. ( Sharman, proprietor� Resi-I ence, ALEX WALLACE. ai.d I really saw one man who -live na a an Robb Fann, Jas S report recommeh,ling ibe printing f the aniount tif Road wll-ly-*'p allows, John McH44rdy, -4*
doderich An.-. 15th 18-9. W30 - 0 -jon b6in_-Mieveaof go- - evidence taken before the Huron Ind tenan a, and, thml Coal Oil Lamp, &a. &a. Old Troll account of a winter which he spent in -Lap- Henry Green, ',P.iclid. Haynes, Richd. Copper, Wool Pickings. and Sheep Skin land -he thinks this country is, not very Fillford; Jas. Linklater, d L has. Stewart, Ontarig Canal Uommittee. Adopted. large portion of present 10 yo mbilities u- - R_.jTToR_NEY, aOLICITOR, &c.,&c. taken in exchange. cold. Thos,'Thompson,Jas Duston, JasEd%vards, Bills were introduced to incorjorat the memoriallsts wuld 1�e iii VCDosition front j. & J. STOR Y 4. We have all sect O.qawa, awl Pembroke Railway Company, time to 1me to ---'a A�A Chilton, Ont. w35 �7 s, creeds ,Ind denomi- Patrj'ckCarr,)I,Geo. Lorinier,Jas Hamilton wetAhe Tequiremtents of UO.%TE:Y TO LEND. �g &-;y- sipn of th Large Coal Oil Barrel j ntions;besides the oribodox churebe sue Ed. �lair, Thomas Burns and Patrick and the Herrickville and Westport . Rail- the vaubtV in -WsPe6t to luth imrovilo. PHOTOGRAPIL'iR 8 It tuctits-sud rohintejume.e. Goderich, Aug 1.5, 1970 swl as you have in the cotinty of Huron, we Ho an way Company. Strong- a-, sq--- dventism, Spiritualism, Uni Hon. Mr. Cameron pr a have A versal- Poundkeeper, Geo Morris, Hillary esented a messa- That yo�ir mefItiotialists feel voriffilent Piced b Suit the Tlw- i AGEN'TS, N 0 ism, Lrnitariiinism, Hortrin,Peter Fisher, Iblias. Youn andre unWraouslyofpiAiion that VmF PIAL -ESTATE AND INSUR o. $1.00 Per Dozen from the, Lieutenant-Govrnor, -transmA_ a 3, Aeade Baildin- Buffalo, N. Y. R. SQUIER. FOR SALE. '5. Financially - that character whose Fo'�.r Fence Viewen, Win. Greev*, Jnn ting a reply received from Lord Granville And arpose of the Lana -T? W30 name is so often mentioned amol- to the address of the Legislature respect- Improvement Fondin so Urs SAIT,:3 C. S QqG. 'Lend a � . Aug. 1.3th ISM. Photgraphs reduced te �1.00 per Doz. 19 Y011 Kerrighan, Jas Howatt,T-tobt. erbon, ty of Bruce is concerned 126_ ACRES OF BUSH I LAND 1N has an existence here, I mean old '.'Bard senr.! 0 The following Bills were ordered to ing the finiancial. relations between the wi)l be ^mlnly- met by theupplieation itf thit portion'of n. -ACE)Ouszall OR 'd5ctS. PER HALF DOZ3X. HE TOWNS' rIP OF COLBOR N -F T 311 LES 'FROM I can't complan, however, as I be paid. Robt. JIVcKay for flour $12.00, PrOvinces. CE-f9RD TCTIGNIKER, BAY111BLD, County Of ITGoderich. rorpaiticalars. AlflilytO Mr.'Craig. of Gle%rary, introduced �iis theFuridbelotigingt-otliiaeoiinti7iuliqtticlal-' am bountifully supplied. by, a kind-hearted A?Dart for work $46.00 Jas Strachan for 1j"Haron. sales- vivage or country pllonally at- ELrge Photograph Reduced in, tance in the tion of the <16tcreated iexpres.wly for th* W. D. ALLEN, Huron Hotel people with food, clothing and money an� mking culvert &a $7.50. The Township resolutions respecting assis
Pro sortion ustructiu �of ToaN durii!g 11116 timo Goderich 19Nov., IS70. SW25- He has coirdintir as I need it. Lest my friends Clerk 'was ordered to notify, Joseph Gold- construction of gravel roads.
spoken to tit Also will male.the largptPh�tozrapbs made in Gooier It Id feel very s-frry for my being placed thor 0 atid Alex. Kirkpatrick, to finish a members ofthe Governmet, that Fund *as.Witheld. -D 1111=7 ich, verN cheap. Porcelain pictures from one dollar fo "YOR, LAN lities and their contracts r clearing timber of road esPeel rVVIL MNGINEER AND SUR upwardsat TWO"AFAII&M-FIS for SAIM amorig sue i a medley of nation ally the Attorney-General,respeefing Your momorilalists therefore .7 entand Conveivancer. Kiticardi3e. ists" and I isms" as. I have mentioned, I allos4ance wit.bin one month from this date. this matter, butcoulget no satisfaction. SP request Your _13zeellancy ( EGATIVIS' W30 rticulars api,ly to The Council to meet again- D. CAMPBELL'S )R sale two very valuable FAR%S In the Tovn % =t Avill bxe jAleased to 'Do Photograph Gal lery. F may here state that ill my immdiate lo oii. Wednes- He had given theA)vornment a fair. Sup- in t jp -Goderich. Aug. 15tb. 1870. T atisfied ivith the pres6pt inission,tothiBttirporation fe retire r][71[-L*#T G17 [TALF DOZEN FROM BACK N ship of Goderich. For pa Q aA W, Huron Road. cal - dav the 15th of Feburar -.It the Town- port,but was not s Gravol Road Deben OSEPH. ity the periple are chiefly pure Ameri 1 cents, posts," ffee. One dozen from tures and to apply tro Goderielf Township cans and generally Methodists or. Baptists. hall.; state of things. He thouht a portion of &u. BILADET4 AND CLUCABN ba postago fr e, to any August 15, 1870 -their redemptin, that ;Z�t a],- neative 87 cents 6. To show that the American people JAMESTEWSLEY the surplus shruld be spent in eveqV town -
a rr=s ship of the Province, and he would oppose Improvement Fund iltia And 41-0 ddress. rolt SA-Ej,; are not so deeply prejudiced against -Cria- Tip Cleek. VILLAG LOTS its expenditure to the-Counfy-of Bir-ttee oo soon its zrtitL Holise, Sin & Ornamental Pahtm,, D;-:3- Part . icular AftentloTl P4 to C, opy- dians as is sometimes thought, I may men- wholly pan railway Fund nty be mannet LN.BAYFTELD- tit)n that I came among this people a schemes. 1E)APER Efan_nrst and Imitutors OfWucds and Marble old Ambrotypes, Oldest Establishmont in Town. 'L .,I I Air. Currie contended that in the way as to Your Excellency iii,coucil inayseerm stranger thrib%moutlis' ago --they receiv JL W,
_Nk� Le "slature of Ontario. proposed the Government %volild be able Weet, X. -j.1 4'"3-rozi Street. subscriber offers for sale four eligible lots it, ipprecia. OCN.. C> 3C> M! 3E. --L 3C C-, 3EX. For eicherlarepor small photoraphs. The rin'the Village of On the vreinise3 are a me kindly and in token of their. And your mamorialists as in do b6una gno(I frtue dwelling, barn and vinegar factory, For Von of M ty subscriber in retarnitifg thanics for the liberal y labors for their moral and to do ie�qual justice to.the whole C-011111111111- Torontojan. 16th. will ev:er pray. Agents for J'ackson's universal IM,)p and particu tars app' y to spiritual welfarc they have made Mrs. Wrincrer. patroname heretofore extendrd to biml JOHN CROPK. Forbes and myself,presents it Ch . ristmas The speaker took the chair at 3:15 p.m. ty 'Mr. Lyon and 111r. Matebett spoke in- (Signed) �ATIOInfirm-trs, �.h, July Mh IST.0 *w26t would just say that he haa made such im- Godert ---- time to tbe anion . nt of about fifty dollars; After routine, Mr. Scott (Ottawa) in- favour of the resohifions. GtOa GOULD1 0849. Opposite Saunders Elardw'arde Store. provernents in his &-illery as will merit a- Con- Goderich. Aug i7th, 18710. iVw31 amont, the articles were a Buffalo coat for trodilced a bill to est in the trustees the The Attorney- General referreil to the Nvalkerton, 'Dee 24� 1870. tinuance of the same. rch MONEY TO LEND -mysellf and 30 yds carpeting for Airs K propprtirof thdMethodist Episcopal Chu war.fof enterprise in Glengary, and yet W. G. WMSON D3- A Great Redaction on T. Fearing that I ba-ve Otrespassed too Ottawa ; also, to enable the corporation of the member for that county came with a MARTIINT AMANN ON EASY-TERIMS- Ottakva to acquire certaiu Iaads for4 the long petition for a portion of the sniplus. --far now on your valuable space, I will con, IssuiDr of Xuriage Licenses, Larve rhotographs. ECS TO INFORM CUSTOMERS Irl -aim A. D. 1864 elude by saying that although I m. satis. enlaigreniqn t of Bytown market and �1180 Having stipported the Government, 114) TRE T11 X Twa "IT-TLmh insurance &Real EstateAgent E. L. JOHN.90N. Bithat ha iR till able to se'l for cash, at the fied with myself for coming here, find be- to sqll-cerl,aid larids. was nound to portion of the o. -mix m B. R. Goderich. Aujr. 15. 1870. -36 owest rates, HUIS07L ERIE lieve that better prospects open before me H�u_ Mr. Cameron introduced n bill to surplus. The Wvernuient would not thig 'T.TM in f nTTporate the Fenelo4 Falls Co session prepare a scheme for the distfibu- ILL LKIINDS Ot FURBHTUILE . SAVINGS & LOAN SOCIET than I had in Canada -still in� most cases p D=D, 1ff0kkGAGFS, &C-) _7 11I etsville and Vort Credit, (so far as I can judge), any youncrtnan a Stre don of the surplim as regarded municipal- DF4WX-A.ND EXECUTED, the CAPEPAL, $700,000. me. reat cousid jjo"-,oN-, Tap. 18 +7The lne�fitg 4 th-0 - At his shop on Kingston 'Street, opposite who can't do well under the good old tnioli way lCompany was read a second ti j ties, for thy;t would require g per eent. A�Ir. McKellar moved that - A certain conference a-, therppointed tiTpe iacerbuinfi, 310NWT TO LOAN AT Co. Huron Hotel, Goderich. fiive him acali. HIS SOCIETY ADVANCES A16NLY ON SECU_ Jauk need not try the Strs and Sttipes.- await Iu_ Arivat t Lazarus Blorris & w ' Tritf or Real Lstat�, an on Teims very favorable nt of stationery, of no greeter value cratiohanil deep thought but an Gde-rich. Aug 15,1870 M intained that Via- ZURICH, On I If a It do'-vell in the coull- ame`0 Hon. Mr. Wood. in o borrowers. young man can of 21. Fayre is meibers at ftf, ty of Huron, he need not come to Minne- thau!$10, bedistributed to older counties had received a large shhr6 A Berlin despatch affiring MAL NOLAWYERS' COSTS A1tFCRA`Rj:;ED the6peningofthesession. Carried. of public money, especially the eastem� sot. A mail to succeed here needs e-ner- _Tamme f the couborence been _Re -a_ S0111C APRONS 1-1 I M TholoeieLy Isays its Solieftor's cliarges. Anv Fum of a d virt I Mr. Craig (Russell) inoved. the second cou nties, while yet nothing had been done money, fi-in R200 vpwaras, Is lent f, r nnv number df gv, perseverance, intelhgene an lie, EA+GP. SALE -AT -om one to fifteen. raad,ing of the bill to * make valid certain for new counties. 31oney may be obtained is these qualities he will. sue- years, fi and if he h, !an. -Grahrilky -4t
& C any time with-li'Ale or no dblay beyond the tjme oc- qsions for taking affidavits, issued EL G"LDINE1% N EW,'G R 0 CE RY ST 0 -cparipg the ceed in g0f)d old Huron Co. Undrestand comInii Mr. McColl. ebarged Ilia 04overnment preside at the sitthigs ciff thp copied in invesilgaiing the title and p, 0 r Cfoderi;l�, 5Ju1y1r70. w elf-ly. by toe Coqrt of Queen's Bench. Ca - with a desire to bribe n6w constitneucies, wbih are to boholdot tho. Foreign af.,
Mortgage, Vie cost o(which is paid by the me -I d"'t sigh for home. L came West Ti,(�f.11,,..intoftlip.loaTlisadvanced-node... "'ll" for a p,irpose and that will be accomplish- ried' d -thus be able to swamp t1le fd olle&� Opticians and Coulists, being made for commision or - t ier %V111ch was read a an -M essrs- Anderson, Itykart,Ferguson autl flee, .11.11Y tri tile rost of' it io from e
TAILOR; WHITELY & ELLIOTT oftell add so Tuat. - el can d before I return to Huron. I may visit Tfie Wayne County Bill The runiour0at herinferonei W3 MTC>W7_Z&ML30.aL3Czv third time and passed. - and 31T. other Societies or from individiii.lit.' The borro, or thescene of'Riel's "short lived glory" Nfurrayetiontinued the debMh, djourn after the formal opening havb -v IE N TO 31EET THE IN- or nionti! r
-ffAVE, 1-31TH -k DEA",RS IN repay his loan hy yearly, �yspj,`11,y,", before long. I receive the Signal regular- Bf-�. Sinclair moved for an address for Craig adoptbd the suggestion of, the Ai- calved rowinifirniatjoilt. STAND, EAST ST.) ment. The perio(lical Instaimeids hichule, s rpopecting municipal in- ti-irricy-Clonerl,and %vitbdrew the motion,- I I CRPPED der,and for the celebrated Perfected IG&O CERIES. w are so ly. With kind regards to yourself 1%1r certain return Spectacles, aprxiinted F. JORDON chemist and Interest, asmall'surn for principal. ipd tit( Tf> . Q DLTLOA, & Co D Goderich, oat . as' the.r Sol e - PROV' diviled that bytheir payment the debtim entireiyex- t'ron. deb6edness. This question'twould- sbortly thotiah not without complainilili of unfait to the lVerald, fr6m. - Pad AT%,Lf�' this place. They havi jakeneare to giv"li [SIONS', tinguisbed. and the mortgage diselkarged ac thi end of E, ditorand mynumerousfriends in R I - the House, and it was trea " ent, and sharply rebuking the At, Of *the 130.1, I am, yours truly, R. FORBES. como tip before tin ntiedful inittructiolit.,. and lijive confidence it] the ability WINES & LIQUOR3. th*,time stipulated. ays held by tbw of thetrA, desitablo that the Hous should be put in torney-Generid for *aunting, Gle -marry for -ovelrunieutto-dayon the subject -W At.
enix in the requirement.- of all cusionter. n., rocure, at aL Corner Kinston Street & Market Square Borrower obtains $500 for ion of infc want of enterprise. - ployment aA Cutter for over I An oE%riumty will be thus strorded to p I concernin- the 0 Jr. all f% for any first class lac -It. Tile rapidly In- (je. ofLeatting time a ce leh unequitiled by any for 6stion, Mr. Currie moved that the Tjonse G their strenzib. 15 vears ; lie pays $06.70 each year, and at the end (if possess 0 Favre4 invitatiou t 111.6 loputtit Confar-
e the time ]its Btortpge is paid o Ashfl6id Councill. qu i - . 0 him the coutideace of enig-and preiserving qualities. 100 nce. Lord Granville -s lotts-r*) I , Lie much comnotle saidas to their superiorifv over. ctexiing business of this Society IF; the best inifleation 1�ou. Mr. Wood said that the motion into committee on Thutsdy, on certai of he .2901I f Deeerkibe4 wasnly of tile favor wall which it is.,egarded by the farinin.� ordiatiry.-lassesworn. rhere isno glimmerimr, Goderich June 20,'h 1870. sws I il met this day (28th Dee., only. anticipated what Was intended to be
-us a. DzTjou&co he larlIT will become greater as amendments to the Alunicipal 1aw, but
wavering of the -sight dizzinesR, or oilier wiptea-ant community..and its; pbpxi' forwardod -by Bimnarnk on liv the merit.s or its system of leni.lin.- hecotne bett-r IinoWn rument. Of the $730,000 Ion, i 10th of Juntlary, ana then wAs UUW.- sensation, but, on the c ,titrary from the peculiar con- 1870), pursuant to adjournment, all the done� by the gave after Ftome discussion, i!vithdrew his mof
and understood By the imall pai Inents of principal I, tiction. of the LeitAc*, they are soolhio.- slid plea -2111, members present. The minutes of last b niciplities, $500000 has as the sjbje�t would be referred to L a spec -1- 'Compaulea by a Ing inpluded in tile yearly instalment, the borrower nadn- , 4, -t:.e wearer, and produci inrailways. In some al mitteo. It vaottier4me im We
d distinct vission, Ps -n the natural heall ally, and without tToiible, pays' bff hislona-thus meetinar were rei in ca.usi.u.g a feelin (if rel ief ta ad and approved. Moved 'b ey-ptend d few
S-MAxi IG 11 le ap itle"oo flan linn.9
a by THE WORKING CLASS' -We are now prepared to ta e _00m avoiding the risic or,iosing his property, which to often by J F Andrew, That the, ns jiw had. bequ exp olight. They are the only Spectacles that. IM all classes with constant employment at home,thip sec. by P Clare, 3 the loan ended 'It The,debate on Mr. f3lake's nsplutions whole ofthe time or for the spare moments. Busluesifiew, I happenn when the principal falls due tit a arge gum tit for M. Favre to reach - Loniom , in tit*?-. PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASStST THE litandprofitable. Persons ofeltber sex eadl earnfromi the end of the term. He can. at arty time. pay o S account of Nfr IN Donaghy for printing, inea,l works ; tnd in the majority of cases respecting, tho'Municipal Loan Funi, e French grin- 14t .1 to $5 per evenin 91 d iioidiin-. He ,&andaproportion7d sum ydevotinm loan in advance on favorable terms (which can be set- ' �301.15, be paid ---carried. Mo,�ed by At the investments liga realise eirwholcktImetot elmalness. Boysandgirlsearnne Ts. on the
,-XW:FS STMART I was resumed by Mr. Olivor,, who epoke
muchasi2en. Thatall who see this notice may send t of race
SIGHT. -19 -d, That the as- aseX for, tled at any monthly meetin� by the Direct TE .T always lasting addressand-teid; tho businem, we make this. impa he , -ower,) and- interest at six per Dalton, see. by J Crwfoi did not think'the return, as Tals HAVE thev are the cheapest btimuse the best, raided application of the bort down to recesS ir some lime.- Couni Him.
it sessiop. ostorimitlia3fartet nate, next door Wo is. inanir ?ears without change bding neces.-jary. offers Tosuch lisure not wellsatioed wowillsend $Ito pay cent. per annitm will be allowed on all payments in ad- sessment )f the S 'V pt lot No 4, con 12, could ne brought down th.
for the troubleafwriting. Full iZ_&ni=,n valuablesam. After recem the House want into foul-
Ctinfectioneiy Wore; IV ere t ared v--rwe employ no PetilarFl. wte WI `290, there being On motion it w oI 11h '11do to commence work on, and a copy of 21a, Vallee. W D be $190 instead of., as carried e Full partlenlars and loan tbla may be obtained at ttee on tb� Grani Jane -ion ROW11Y
execatsanordemnforWilli ryan dy,.ar=1P-9 I. F.- JORDAN le's LW-ary Companicit—oDe of the lartgat and faTIP newswers published -all sent has ydtnaiL th a thistake on the Collector's Toll --carried. The House adjourned at 3:50. mit I �_ e-Soclety's Oftled. or by fetter postpatil, addresied to I informed 51. V4vre thron-li 11r. Wobb.
luoderich, ad,% i go& vo Toronto -'Jan. 17. Bill, which was i6ported ; and the House Sole Agent for x AIN� aDent, prolfitable work. J*
d via bespatob G.derich Aug 15 1870 W1 ___ - CO&1[raV8TA, M*;ZM. the Secretary, or froin any of the soctay's valuators Moved by 'J'Crawford, see by J F An- burn�, by Itigsor
Thfa If Wmt Stj%ft- an 06' ___ - at Go'derich dreiv, that the ace't of Smith and Young j1hegeaker too& the chair at 3 oninjittee onibe 'North CEIAR.LEi FLETOREM. virinator o'vlock. went again into 6
truce 'WAS B,Igev,�Tnlap�rentieewafitel immediately. assignees of W T Ucx, amounting to 6&05 r "tt (Grey) introduced a bill re grey Itailwas Bift, wpich w98 lso- re- sw?-Gm t FARM FOA SAL hment of public f4irs. hpjoi,eatiou -at, herefore vill leai is toon as he n. iTtv
be paid, and that the acc't of Cox and speoting the establig
94 �arted. The Bill for ZURICH. CO. HURON Smith for $1.50, fifty cents only be paid, Att. Gen, Macd 'ald introduced a bill 'apass anirthe vondilion of faiix _14
r, ARMforwile, 100 acres being Weslialflot 17, con, on me was read a second timo'and refered TA1047 jr 4th. W Wawanosh 40 acres cleared, 8 acres Fall one dollar -having been already paid'jby ti) provide for the organization of 'a Terri- Ga Paris permits, ie gentrul Opirilon i& jOEIN pRANG, F� Propri - OrL_ witeati is acres ploughed ready for crop, free from There to 400MMitte1,-. ItMISTEM of Improed Farnis and Wild at the collector -carried. Moved by J F torial District of Thunder Bay. inlavor or is-giig wqms presencoat. thistles or other rubbish. 106 choice fruit trees, a wel Ausawsare, . of excellent watter with pwnp in it.. Frame awel ling Andrew, see. by P Clare, That Robt CldTi-* waf� a necessity for organizing a* rnor� effi- . Mr. Blake then moved. tlie conloretioe will W.'a reC3,0 G 31 TRUSMAN, -house, frame barn 6Ox36 with stone stabling under- d sta- dient mode ijf protecting those who ibiht reading- of. the Bill to. `4 nee for neath for 20 -head f cattle- -ame denhing be pa -for postage an .10lish impr ory also .$a, charg for em )bp�,
00401�Cb 15s 1 70 SWI Thin home Is fitted up with ev convents with rothouse. Ft d, 82 It was�Vropos Qovernt6 ot." - the travelling publiev' I out buildings MONEtY TO XEN'D - red wZgfally 'r a to Manit( ed mentLfordebt. Rej;iipportedthemotion
Iriving house and horse stable andother tioneii, a '% t.r e*lot is * miles from ptinganniciIi. A Steam aw, from the Judicial in an e1equent 'and elfcctive address, and Th t1ite labor against th�Xj' 6, con. H.D, to, quantity of pille At Greatly redue #W GooStabling and 10rampt attendance Mill at one corner of it, there is jL ed Rateg Of, IlltQrdst- Sta An tathau Xurdorert -carriAd. Nlovdd by M Dalton, P VII ii.t y Ib at,- otherIN sa.ble ipeechemby mom
1437�0 W15 -fb on it. Title indhiptitabla'and Immediate po-session �06 - "he Att. Gen. introduced a bill to alter was,see-onded b t� �_ apply to J. G. TRUAIX Tluttthe 'Clerk be. allowed $7 - e. Opposiiibn. T kd Carriago given. For furiber particulars of th b ovrn wagglon Sq I" on the premises, if by letter prepqid. HE undersigned biag anyniount,43"Icney to loalt Clare, fly T frourtWo to fifteen years,' tit 0 low rite of interest for post4cres-carridd. 'Xo,�ed 'by J F, thol name of "Queen*s Bench, Uper-Ca- 6fters viole6 opprised Yoi;kjan, :Dnngaaaon*qov. 15th. 1870., w43Af 7 and favourable terms of repayineut �P`Vab'e by yearly Andre- w, SO= by J Ciawford, That the jobs naon " to "Queen't. Bench, -Ontario." and -thipir supp FL Y Penses will. d fy (30111110titon. monthi "Wv� are infornu,d b -v: isigh ;niW0zjtr
-FAOTO mmitteen the meaiare, and.the thr$0 instalmentsrate of ex] House tberi went into co Intatbin leto eb In , 'iltmee!12
OR HOPLACE HOR .01� let in 1871, nue- job of 38 rod§.of diching The -A Ol MELODEON& r III -ZLL'10T'r in the swamp _ ?uL the 12 and 13 co j also the. School jBill, 3Jr XcColl�Norfol4k) in ImLst was mo n Toun4 a vertain individau-1, an -1
I -ert and di to t a air. nlk', This was arrie 'IT 'ail by 31r.� 4 AT hing on the division Itne h Norf dby A vote or wov HAY$ pleasure In intlinat- O-RGANS,. kppraiiser for Me Cana.da: Per rry moved that thtt hisguil't OF the r�urAeror Nathan W Con" aa job on th firsb�clawe,Tvtr Pe Ingto,thepublietiftown. n the ^00 a-aiust. wallent Build - "-!That H ICHURCH ORGANIC. -%,Y -1, - a north '-side of 42 for �0 t unquestionable. The j nz.&. S 1098 8th
arid -counwr that they hilvo FACTOP !roro lot an ened a W i, Ix a r d - Ul a r r I a g a Society. of . OfO-, trukm & Piano fto 1, South of Forb'Albert.-, also Win Our- a ovision be added, providin, 'T 0 uoe kb!4ve rainifte pan St,.:0av1 liwfkt�. 91s, -carried - i " - owns and incorporate;r Villages C1 31-rifactured bv the celebrated Ffm ol ran's contract on Keriy nrcek� ct� . as, t midid-lit... (j�ewi�,Mllotrs-oldstarld,)i im- "Ous" no wi, ffiing in & Pas' thfifugh bis pr�sent wberoalmats 111ilE undersiged having pfirebasee Abe,kh --INSURANCE -CARD.' Alovifd'by J-ACrawford, see. by X Dalton ht b it standing anyl .-d L "g ) - pn 'er
ilia ning jim weitem Hotel. B. & E. R. � S. WILLUMS & CO., Toitowt6, $30 k6i,darna o4thl Joe& M opal EL6t-, impose m
ta t&rVoW%ed;_i =eni -for-f1he -following Arist-01"39 That T Grabs " b _y dues �iol; exceeding r 1% Mill and Sash Fie ad Oc- Tho Subscriber i riptiljy known. Th
y- t4 autbe work entritstect to 04, foi� L iig.,' - L The mostexteasiveXqkm In theotin urance companies to his farm b turning a 9tream, out ofl 2 centspou the Parents, to cover cost of r -Ire in Aliteliffill f0t that lip- viiI be apprphen&d ii%hir#
aditch oat in. front 'p' par, statko ery, aa,-, for-
cai.:Yloa the busin�s& ot marturacturi �ePHOBN its eupied'hy Donald Cumming, are 'Tow ..1prbpiced L -the uso of e1jas teefft ,ain, it lew days. We are -not it liberty t %
'W"a"0111121 BU96n"f ed begs Vy intimate tilat It AnTFORD of Hall Ord- oT Graham to -give his bond pj'pils." ell, lan. 18��Lastllitdltab oin e a el 'for, oderich an t s rround -said- iditch -sa6h,-..Dq6i'Z,1'B1inds PA0V SCIA.4ojrToroiito`� co of ffa ovol ft.velebrat", r the corpora Wclock a Iine occulTea at 11r. Ebeezer VAY MOM to u�y, -ana for obvim raaws ftuors. 516*g 6tion from any further Iton. W Cameron Said the,ginrnmellit r t*s It 6 jal I rti4es mot In future on acoilrit 4- oviso, ifl-Miller'si latv and 11118tOPS, general t1aai betorn orcy.6,ols, go*- a latbeirliner, ofthe very best 7 I orink, ges I no objection to,the' Pi NY& V*t I Wouldings., 0 �Iaim for dama NA -2V UP A tiroly -d r t ain-mITied. Moved, Vy -rdeTxibers' xepr store, tli6 Wick,buildiff, esenting, distele e* The'"Post" odds Mast tli s re E troved vdtll ita 4)nt lifUre no %at Tohu cuts. The adi4iningt SAMOAsmay1w seen and terins aseertaino.' lding,,, -:U 3: IV 4P4 I . . _I. - I rDalton s04�by,J Crawford, ro in. favor Of 4. .131 X ti
sq -proposed mukin 1block be ongin -AR kinditot.'.. �usttqi d9der14 ut r; ipliptlig sustdoe
oa O'Stielyr-IIie alloivea-the sutia'of endine _'d with tl13 pro"681 �TA=L cu 'lee on 1
k In-sessatent for lot 'a a-meldmont- -"'That all 40ras- if t Asiderble revelA0011s of fh4 X4,kia%* detoalm 119 '�'ed by Jh -1 k- The cause D, the Are U I , .1 C - f a inista 6 -C , , the W1 ttmes 1 be expunged' - vell ashextod'. Gollerldh A 15, 1870,' car�Swxtzpeinfcr 86 f ON Awlyt a 6r, W, IN D- �.sh( Intheir �Pxperienc ur- ac ory 3r,a 4ar thi6y'thfixk' fro 'tiff, gtveafittsT -et W.
a lon,�a.a4-- L_A_ JOAT ere 164,and t6 e four flinflianil dollars; _Auil Mr. Cledjftd4ea, ac f0i 044h. ox- .-be allowed th& sufri Of$ raw rjivor them with, ----------
tmes,agains n'the-see6ndelause, Ur E.Yrz ;moved - IgEF ea - bald m0tipy. 01 tW30 AE, & *n'- be j -h bn0y to � en heAT er. b 1.1y e , App Aopted;�Aw Ajr -Von the Va At an low ratft.its eign, 1)j - 11A, . VA.4 00 Land* bough� kAitmld. Tow AP4 11 NOTIC ie wre Tho nw *a Currie 4 hat7the aa
(Ind hand; Ovea by' P 0111M, lee b J a it b.* 3 a 43ee wal- egotistW and' A jDstroligilAn mtruck out,61torl6ther. , - erwk I jja I - -
e QjPt;eL:-Qr tim ills 0 laetito,Arr,� 710gh Ili bullijinIrt, next, io 4V5., 3toney to Twl (in Boat Es#tteI, WON 6 d ti ON , rd,ba, -A, te en. _t . Is'. . I UWb�fi, , d6or Aft- 06' so ate, Mn. t. h5"A At III frat 11M Moved- by ideb cut. SitUeri:ber, - - , T -bo slur. er D&vI!),L&W80N, - of$traf�roy� want juore tan ff;,fior n dreviri That -xo M. 1$0 A lAwla * erthb, or e -,t"46 �hurjqh roptup, W 11 jkar"I aqua re I