HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-01-20, Page 2� . I ---
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-1-1* - . — --- .... - , uielidi napes ikicha. for the nuffi - General .
-- - ,-,-- --- I our� Atinnesota, J.'etter., - I , � all upou ,�) � . . .
.14orth Riding ot fluron. T'ne Conference. Torout I " — - � Fulf&d; -- jas --)�iqklater, Clias. Stewart., pressed by t, �' . flative And make ' .
. - olt:11311" I dg .
� ----- 11 -ho spenher took the chair a ocl.k. . - an, lo, 1871. ' Thos ThOlnpi;fiAWDustO`, Jas`E(1wa' , Trochu 10 t * i I ' '
kor SOCTE -The Annual THE TUAtE OF MEET1N-GhFTTLF,D. AlrScotb (Grev) introduced a bill re- BYRON, MINN -, J � - ,1,O,,1i,�I,j6,0o�Lq -er,J Hamilton - I upon the Cxermulls-P
.lCr1.TUr.AL , .TV. _p&trie ,rf m. as ". ti - .
, i - . rf( Aort! h�
- tment of public fair',;. DFAIV SIG$AL:-Fr,oM this �ftlic,� Wist 1, , - � rJnS ana',�L J>atrlek - wol* s i�g
spectin;t tile establisli . � . I � 14; a. Mair, - Thomits, 04 . - �e,prevcnted d0ta0 -1 �
. . , I . 0. armies in
A - - --. I � . �-, , - I .
oting of tilis Society w"s held' ill tile THr PROGRANUE AMA, I . . CIIP�ISTAIAS
� Nonn. 14311. Alacdonild introduced a bill, I,drop a fc�%v thourrhts� thilikingJ110Y.m&Y J o A - - , � .
.HaIL Clinton, on 1hursday the Att. � nigailization of a Tor ' I an. 1 6 men from, P ' . to Teiufore �
triga to provide for tht' rl- be interestih.- to some of your readers, --�,kur pjunakpopers, G0611OTAi, Mary, 1�action here end0gers . -
at I I.W. rn." Humphrey Snell, LoNDox, Jan. 18 �---The meeting of tile t(,,.L,l ]Dljstrict Of Thunder Bay. There I - I Fisher 6, iai.�xduu - -. '016 proyincel- 1� I
Ti inst., bi I .* � . 9 ,, sowhore. - The � � .
h-sident of tll'3 Society, ill the f 1. Tho'climute here resem es -that Of H0kt0n-,,,P0tQr - 1
%; . . - vle�wers,,A in, Gi6ep� J110 - I
con crence at the a,ppoiliteil. Wile iscortain, was a 11coessity for organizing 1%, MOTO Qffi. - v � ,the cause .
ast ineeting were but an adjourutnept to await the arrival- cient mode of protecting those . mi,,-Ilt Canada with -this exception 11 . , 116writt;ndbt. Henderson, �ijbldnt,Uepublicans in 'the , � - . .
The illinutes of 1, n KoWiAa11oAa%,. � -1 - wilitary . ,' , '.
avre is - probable. 110 tile " - -of Greek fare . - T -3 � -
OTS, Re of Al. P W that we ll�ve , , F(;f Vence city insist Oil 2, I -r
,j 15ppr3ved. Tbo Direct-* __ � auitoba. It was proposod I colder winds; this being prairi0and llif-.o. -The follolilng Bflls',4'ere &4L.ted-to 'be adoption . for . , . n
emigrate to D11, ,9L - �' declare .' � .
. A Berlin d4spatch affirtris that the pro- to - . P - be prC b b� McKay f6i flour $12,00, piurpoSes, ThTee, Hirn in Paris - � . . . I I I ��!
,I T�easurer's Abstract (which -V,o Lparate thin district from the JudiOiall wind linsfill lay. IvYe have Tfot bad suf I 11- 00 I , . . J I 1but they posses f its XQUI111- . I . 11.1
a ollia. 19. A . , - -- - tr Chan �
- Diqtlict of Ala hiirt' for wokic S-6 00 Jas- -13 ss the -secret 0 �,
gr nime of the conference h."s been (lei! n �
licit issne) were read andadopt- i ilitely arranged. . fioient snow yet to make gi-)od ileighi ' , he -- ' . I . A,
Ow � e
Tile Att. Gen introduced,% bill to alter � �c $t,,50� T poses that atrOck, . .
I Ltion was read from tlw 1i LONDON, ,)an. 18.-Earf Prativille will tile name of ,, Queen's Bench, Upper Ca- 2. The ' Febool sy stem is tnf6iior t9 that Alahill-, 01yeit � � .11 f4etare. Troehu,OP ,
111111tillic, I Clork was'6idorO to ilotify,-Jos 1".i 01 - . . . � . 1 --2-� .drw -------� . .--0?4D, -
, *do at tl ,titting -of tile conference, "Queon's Bench, Oiitaiio." Schools are kept opou-0a Y -
.A,--v3ociat6n requesting becret- prest 10 �s I nada," to of Vanada. I tborge aad'Alex.r Xirli$atric , to - - It . * DUNUANNON. . .- ,
: I a . -
.. . Societies to be careful to fice. . c The 1-10,190 �hen %,�-ent into committee on about'eigbt mouths -of the year. their contracts for.clea-ring, ti i - . 1.
which are to be hold, at tile Furoifta - of- I er o .r ad , , - . .
- chool JBIII BIT JjcCull (Norfollt) in 3.'A minister,of tile gospel has good op- anco wiillii� One month from this daf.e. -1 - M%t. 81(;NAt, Sir perinit mel-throdgb - . �
rtqw0iontatives appointad by then' to The runiourstilat tho conference will tile S ) portuinties to .' teach all nations "-for-all allow. qgai� - on We nos' 1) - . -
Prov--naW Society properly authentic- the chair. Tile Councilto meet a - - - - the uDgannon
the Short � at the Town- your icolumn% to correct - .* -
,. - -a- On the first c Aav the 15th of Veburary) e TemPQr-
adjourn after tile fornial opening have ) lause, Air Perry moved that are represented here. I have in' I
credertials. The following officer& 'Tor- - * h - dto ill I - 4.,
. I 6 ceived noconinnAti011. ovision be added, providing "That coursoof ministry met with Dines, I � I CorreSpondentwit reg IN -caterilol for - tb 0 puklc - .,. "
'61betied for the current y ar - a pr 'L hall, - On Mond, na of January. . . -0; I
� NPWY(,RI-Z,J:Ltl.18.-Aspeci-ildeap,,tteli ities, towns and incorporated villa,oes wagians, Swedes, Hollanders, Swiss, i ng- I J AM, E S T E WSLE Y. ��ftca'soircev � I
umphrev Snell, President. ' dians, F e the firEt . - ^-
. to the Herald froin Paris, lof the 13th, c notwithstanding anything in the lish .�, . T'p Ole mad
' might, w o t Iris�, Scotch, 1'rencli, Cana ik� , -Ile says Mr. Flete , ,a. . . .
. J fliggins, 1st Vice do. " me an I - Says J. ., .- o'-
.. says :-"Two meetings were Irelil by tile so' impose monthly dues not exeeeding and I really saw one. man .�. Bpeeeb; -vihich is.correct. He . . �,
t, - .
L,i)vernin-clitto-cl,tyt)ll-tllo Bobject of N. 25 cents upon the parents, to cover'Cost of account of a -winter which'wh=nLap- - �� - .1
, Govenlock, 2nd Vice do. - � . he --" Truax was the next af eaker which is not TTT I - � . .
Malcolinson, Secretary.- . Favre'�s �ivitatio-'l to tile London Confer. ry, &c., f or ther use of; land -he thinks this country is not very I �'� * Ding was the TELIS SEASON9 �
. Paper statione . .., L . pie awar . 6orrect. Xr, R Clenden g I
11 ,NJcTagg-%rt, Treasurer. I ence.- Lord Urall-ville's latter to TV1.1avre plipils'.1) cold. . ' . Dell
,. M Raqey and 'Nicholas of the 29xth (if 1)eveniher, was onl; .lion Mr Cameron said'the go'vernment 4. AVe have all sects. creeds and denotni- ,,I I I'', I .-,-- llfw.tl�enJ G Truax and Mr. McCon
Robertson; Auditurs. forwarded by C011M Bismarck on. tile would raise no objection to tile proviso; if nations;besides the orthodox churches such Important iro3n the :50Zt Of WaT- i'116 f6st, We had four good ,speeches ; . -- .
* - � the
,I)IRPt-Tom.-T Tavlor, 'E. Wawanosh ; 10di of January, and then was unac- members reprocriting districts interestea as you have in the conlity of Huron, we . . . bAt Mr Truat did not, only interest � - -
� 0 Fowlt�r, Tuceerswith ; J J Fisher, companied by 6 pass [hrough the Prus-; . have Adventism, Spiritualism, Universal- THE SORTIES FROM PAUIS ; HHAvYD PENT ,audience for some time but made the best
R C IV, Ifullett . Joseph 1 r, were in favor of it. ; 20,000 � ,ada. Aftcr �
'Ib -ty e FLau lines. lt was therefuie impos.sible Ur �Icljeod propo,;ed an amendment to ism, Unitarianism, ,%-j. OF Tn-u YaExoa speech I ever hipard in Cal -
�! o"n' ' " . --
'a "That all words after 5. Financially - that character whose PR1suNF1tS TAREN. - k 18
I rich -, James Mc\licIlacI, Rullett ; 0 for Al. Favre to reach London I in time. tile' amendment, addressing the chairman h*e went b2C
[�jT%I,w, clinton ; John MaSUD, HUIlett ; In consequence or the r, ronch firing at a ,pupill should he expunged " nanio is so often mentioned among, yon I I - 'Aispatch Cerituries. when the Temperance cause .
14 Charles Pr(,ctor, Morris. 0 nice, d El a d A MOORHOUSE
I Gernianl)arle�nientai)-efl;i(vaof truce" Aster some discussion both am6nidmellih has an existence h re, I ii ol " I r London, Jan. 15, 3 a M.
es were ,vever, an I "lit wag argu�d in Palestine by a'prisoner in .
1� was agreed that the Annual dinner be forbidden for sonic time. Count GIs were lost, and the clause adopted. rime$." I can't complain, hoi - * st received from Versailles on tile nig a Roman rxWernor. Ile I
Oil -hearted gorous sorties hn ve bonds, before - -
" tzrry next, '%IT Eyre moved am.bountiftilly supplied by a kind' IU e
in the Pawl of Febri the do- tile Benondelause, , i the 13th says that vL made TEe
in,irck received ex laria Lions vesterday and t p P theit read a list of the Poisons
I .ge0 hy the c-ninlittee. P .1axise should be struck people with- food, clotbii% and money ac- been made by the garri�on of Paris in I -JAS GiaEATLY
to be arran "That the lag I , brew-houise 1 �
I . informed M.-FAvrp through -,Nlr.' %Vash- rlopted; and Dir flays cording as I need it.� Lest my friend,' separate directions. The Iii-ench simul- orin tl�,e distillery and the ;
. - - c, put," which was ft, � linst Itho Prussian '-�, of i -
Getting Wild. .Nfr Currie, "That the should'feel very s�,rry for my being placed t d agiu
burne, that conimunicatitm by -flags of I moved, seconded by �, then met the objo-etion that the"u, I -
� -- I nal,j," an(, ,e,,,Iy advance, .
� titnuether." anion(? such a inedloy of liatiP guards near Le Borgetand Dra�cy, north-
- truce was re-established. M. Favre cian'to be 13truck out ., � I . ., wine was sanctioned by the Bible, by,
AVILen theStar is cornered and ceibbed After some doba-tel the amendment wits "'ists" and "isms at, I have mentioned, I east of Paris,and against the liftli German showing that there were different kinds 01 F,X,dELM AU ]US P.UF,. 1�
. I
is- very apt to get wild and overstep dis- therefore will, leave as soon as he' rec4ives � may here state that in my immedia,t� Io- corps near 'Alendon, southwest of Paris, . n, a good and some --I
a pass and the condition of affLli.ra at lost. � ine, sothe of which wer,
,qion. Last week that or.an was c)n- he general opinion is After recess the 116ilse resumed the cality the -people �re chiefly pure Am,ri- and against the 2nd Bavarian corps near w ere eommended in
Paris -permitq.p third clauseq -wiiich ref ars to the subject of cans and generally.Afethodists or Baptists. Clamart, �lso to the South of the City. bad, the former ouly. w 1� .
inl.to a swo for itFe'f. Xoxit isp-eparel � ,.e was spirited, but the Bit X
sZing xlni his presenen at tion. Several amend. 6. To show that the American people de ; that thonah it were allowable if OW EFFORTS Of -
I F5 duca Fighting in each instan( -
�sa,y that the Census Commissionership tile be a recu-nition of the Compulsory e �ed theeffecthf which are not so deeply prejudiced against Cana- . . r in the defeat of the t(i ilso pure wine in* Palestine it does not I .,
� a ments were propos , - . resulted every who a *4 oints, . d I
lied. for by nor promised punge tbo third clar-se. dians as is sometinies thought, T-inay men. French, wl-o were repulsed at -,ill P Tollow that it is allowable to usd mlxe
,ia not been app was to modify or ex. I ' of
� -aily individual whatever.',, This is ----------1� . Mr 13] a I ke was not in favor of compulsory .tion that I came among, thi's people a and retreated rapidly withill their works,a wine here. Ile showed the importance GETTING Together AN .
Another N athan Z&urderer I bs ago-�-they received portion of them -in gre disorder. . i petsuading,
' itiniate acquaintance wi�h education in the presQnt circumstances Of stran&r three mont (Jewa- at ed 13tb parents signing the Pleke all( � .
tile if such a law we -ea -passed, me kUly and intoken of their appr A. di3patch fron Priintout, dat ' their cliildrcn to do so. After 'painting In
" =02- VARTETY
" " very vernmental -holes, . omintry. voie fighting all thav day be I M, ,
. . Per Midnight Report. it would be a dead letter in the rural p arts; tion of my labors for their moral -and 'o Is 's blackest f�rm ; he
�Dt3of 0 , piaeon ' I
' i "� in the de- the'drunkard in b
�"i7-` - e made Mrs. . td Croix
ir�jj,e ,h,,fd hi�e thought only confi- - spiritut are they hav tTow".arn 4,e-rioiic(,Lrt ar ..p o despise him, - OF- .
. NewYork,Jan. 16 -The "Post" says: for men could not act as trustees and pro al ,welf .
sendina, Forbes and myself presents at Christ"I" �artnicnt of Haute Saon wlt%�,h had not told moderate drinkers not t I
'qq� _ i seente thoir neighbors for not . �,
, tat Secretaries likely te' pos��. Huw -We are inflormed.by bigh authority rifty dollars; D. ening- The flor he was once a in 0*61crate drinker and . I
e5 : their- chil(Irep to school. As to either tinie to the anicunt of about : ceased at &late hour i the ev I
L AvAhe Star com-� 0 be so well -versed in .vidence has been � towns , - ere a 13tiffalo coat for result was unkii,-wrl. - Occullied the ground that moderate Arfilk'
that a com lete chain ule and Viljaueg, how-OVeT,the case might among the articles w Q Fancy Articles, Jewelry. Silver -Plated
i�,o #*tc;;? Are yt,m (mite sure Mr. Star * a certain intlividual, and �' , arpo�tiug for A-Irs F. 1� Lar, e reinfilrcenictlLs are stated to be ,�. Aftf-r Nvhich he addressed
- . woven rouu,i � be different Ho said. that the educational myself and 30 vd% c. , - ers Dow occup -Ware, Knick-Knaens, Toy$, 1C.,
huiW% rh joke" was perpetrated oil us, at his ,-nil . t07 - 'T I * T. Fearing iliat I have trespassed too �'C,Ozaiuo, from themorth to tile Germans of a thort time and then took
� im tb tile inarder (if iNathan is, statistics showed that our- people were o the ladies for &a. suitable forXinasPresents
ww4l you 1-e candid and say that you - The man -ig known. I alive to the necessity of education, and far now on your valuable space, I Will c"' the east. ,I Although Mr Truax spoke for . . .
�f the Census Commisaionersbip ; unquestionable I says there is his seat- Having * imported the bulkof Us stock
111d. CC, king him, I that there was a large -'increase in the cludo by saying that -although I hm ntis- A dcs?atch from Havre ,rer
: .atiou listen-
.1axt'Yom Aid maL, an effort toget it ; that Skilful detectives ara trae e last year. There was Red with nlysoif for coming he!re, and be- coriptant skirinishimy near that City- over half an hour,the cono direet he is enabled th oiler
. school attendanc I " i was, only ,
�qtx vare dis-a though his present 'wher'eabou ts is not 611st-ry lieve that better prospects open before ine It is reported that the Priissiano .are ed with great attention. his goods at priees much
� I , I .- - .ppobth.l when you fonnd it st confidencoit also this difiletilty as to the comp elow those of any
w- .1 1, I a did not speak another half hour. b .
W3 ,n,f to yollnelf but even worse really known. The greate could not than I had in. Canada- still ill 1110st cases urnhig-the left wing of'Gen. Faideherbe's -sorry h
.... 11 I 11 In n ciallse, that our laws, which we ' o
- - '. t1loug D *is felt that he will be apprAended uit W mail army of the.north, an ng Cam- I . house intown.
%,I VT ,lit it miaht iall to a deserv- -hin d menaci
� 4 - - I alter, bad providpd Jor s6parate schools (so far. as I can judge), any you, , remaig yours respecsrully,
t a t,awv�wau ,- alid that it was not John a few days. 1� e ere not at liberty to , for R,)i,ian Catbolies) who sent 40,000 who can't do well under the good old. Union brai. . 1. A VISITOIL.
,t �t.u;,j&hw6.e1j1 you felt w;Ls ungrateful say more to day, and for obvioug r�asons )Is, and onlyl Jack need nat try tile Stars and Stripes.- Dispatches from Versailles state that --- --
0 1 ptipils to our common scho(
" - 4' m cchools. . He desir- if a young man canA do well in the cOUTl- Prince Frederivk Charles atinGunces that IN mEMC)RIAM . .
.4 youramuous services? It is dana r- prefer to wait the Urn of eventsl now i 20,000 to tile separate .
-.,,.r,' -bosoni friend ! . denominatinnal school 8V onie to Minue- Chaimy s arasy is broken tip, disorganised,
1� et)nfitle even in one OF THE LATE MRS. E. RATCLIFF- LBUMS, of the new make, holding 59 to
;i �- I place. The "Post" adds that the ed to --see a new . q- ty of Huron, he need not e
I . Uot alrdd to prophesy that so -file taking I A mail to aucceed here needs ener- and retreating ii) thrae directions." 20,000 .
-' 4sjttj� got the office ! and we developments spok, n of have n $ but only by the voluntary action of sota. . .. ken. The battle Al 00 or 200 portraits - I
- 0 COD- teM mvice, Antelligence -and virtue, . ,t are weary
, if . a pretended our people. gv, persev( prisoner?. Ila7e been ta 11 Come unto me aU ye,tha 1)
. T*twondori itturnedoub to be nection whatever with th � Hon AIr Cameron defended the clause aud-if he has these qualities lie will suc- was a decisive victory for the Prussians. and heavy laden and I will give you rest. ATM01OBHOUSES
.rd"P,u 0 ately, as we said be- revelations uf the Lhioa,go detective. and ceed in good old Huron Co. Undrestand Lon,lon, Jan. 16.-Goneml Chauzy's �
, . 11, w -e the Star's rnffi6d --- ---.-- and said it was pressing necessity, me -I don't Bitth for home. I came NVest [ weary snff'rer . -.
- would et'itail no particular hardabips. � army has been re -organised, and is about Oh ! sad and
tee cen com. I - ' Whose pains have met a close, .
Cable communication has tT ,to resume opdrations. The positions held pp
hom. our sof t-vO' , d Bon Mr %V ood sai 1 that the country had for a p,irpose andt that will be ac,coniplish ' . Then a P .00C]lEs, in Gold, Ivery. Jet, Glass,
pleted with ano, , Singapore and tional pur- ed before I rabirn to Huron. rt not dead, but sleeping
ared to say that next penf m 0 gone to great exp nse fur odnca I InaT visit by ciLauzy's,furcets are very strong. . Slfa, Tortoise -shell, Bog-oah, Pearl, &c.
. . -
inan fur Mae- c 46shorthvell-lorY" -,rhe fuliow�n(r isa Continnatiall of the In soft and sweet rePOSG- --
i3the . ' a right to see that educa- the scene Of Itiel's . I 11
Java- �oses, and had wular- oil in the morning report :
shall see I . . T ' Le Mans dispate
--- - , 6::7- Clonds, Rood3, , -Muffiers, Gloves tion was conipulsorY before long.k, I receive the sigital rcg aviourldie, �
An amendinent With nd recrards to �,oursvlf, AIr e. French- soldiers wCf0 cou4pelled to Those words our 6 -
I - 0. Fs I Nlits, at half price at Hazlbhurst's Auction of Mr Rykert's, that the I I .1 1111roll. -Th vs under a murder- Were meant for such a,41ibe ; CHEAP und exquisite Oil =d 17atex-color
es, towns, Litor,and inywimerou8friends iv as ures.
-1 1-11 I clause sholdd 0111Y apply to citi reLire, with heavy loss D 12
Rart. — ----- - and villwares, was lost by �2 to 36. I am, yours truly, R. FO R BE S. ous fire of both artillery 1 and rhiisketry. Whose cross on eartWiWas heavyy .
� . ' - - . t for possession of Brette was Whose spi = . �
2 -The installation The contes rit longed to flee.
. Essence Of the 117-ews- . Mr BlaVe said lie stippoged the object of - - - tip there until dark, when an orAer .
Lodge, for the cu- . . the bill wa!f to provide for the educatio'n kept it in' Wax, China vad -Cobapi
. - I Ashfleld Council. reached the French to -fall back on Le . "Come unto me ye weary ; Ito
Place in the Lodge . - children, aud not that the parent s1hou ld DOL's' and price at esi .
11 The Very Rev. Henry Alfred, D. D., of d. them to sehool if be 4rle- I Mans. The batt'. 'pommenced about one Was heard with hope and love, every style, Size .
ina 20th inst. Ile Iddenly on be forced to sell * The Coulicil met this day (28th Dec., ' � .lit oa the left She longed to lay her burden down X09.71HOV'SPS
. W Dean of Canterbury, died si o clock, and reached -its held I
sired to have them educated at home. . It 1870), pursuant o adjournment, all the . Id, but ALA meet the Lord above. . - I .
ALI W. D. 0. the 12th inst., aze . - would be 11TIjUSt 'to subject.-, man to im- members prosen I I..
. . -1 61 year3. 1. The mirfi-ites9f last cftheFrench. Thet,%vwasnotco
. .,- D. D G. as issued . a Dole tl;�at, in prisoupentbecause be wished-tollave his meeting were read andapproved. Moved tile grouii& was covered with eight inches . -- . I �
I na tinder the Take comfort, ye he mourn, not metCioned-In. this list,
of snow, which vas fast melti . 51 t T,AVERY novelty
,ducated at lipme. vr, see. 1)y P Clare, That die , ali n6 die .
- f the treatment ot the Ger- children e by J F Andre ILots,in. At an early 1oui tile Christ says, t - I 2A will b6 found _at
At the sn,,,,estion of I NI r Wood, tb e clau:;e -
navy by Frz-neo, French - account of AIr %V Donaghy for printing, ( X00RHOUB r's
was anieuded bv providing that the child � ' *Le 211ans, not in we than five miles from Who trusted in his savin- grace
not harilla Contra- 630.15, be paid -carried. Aloved by Al
. It shoold h - . alton, sec. by J, Crawford, That the as- the field ol .
-,1,yo,-L right to attend school, or be 5 t battle, wele filled withlexcited -For happiness on high.
d , will be liable to otherwise educated. aeMient of the 8 W, pt lot I peoplcandcro%�ded withiragolls,and am- - -----� .
) _,No 4, con 12 -o -
- . �Ilpljlics, all being ready to seek Doubt not, Itwas for the best Electroplated spoonsp
.1 " � . The clansq-4vaa then carried, ' W D be $190 initead of $ft thero'being 11111111tiOn B m in vain ; IRTS-.CLASS
On clanse 4, as to imprisonment, on mn- ' a place of safety in the rear, n r tries � * ' Fforks, &C., &C., all wnr4nted, at
on the way to j oi n . on th Collector's roll --carried. God u eve ' your loss
t -a mistake e - ullf- tht.- BY noon Th. g h hea y is - MOOBHOUSPA.
avorable result 4 the fig . -
cr tion Of BIr Ferguson, tne time was limi ed the front F ,Zr gre't,� is her gain.
the force one . o INIoved by J Crawford, see by J F An
0 , . to thirty dat-q. I ec't of Smith and Young I Liucceeded in zectiring a post in
drew, that the a � of Le -
I And on Motion of AIr Partlee, that t1ic assignees of XV T Cox, amountipg to Ss o:5 and reaching the �Itifl's at the east �ed out : I -
- . . . at the ace't of x aOLDINEisthena; .
enbw satisfac- justice may in his discretion forcgro issuing be ;aid, and th, C,- and Alans, The French,left Vving Pass Afflicted, tried, and pained, . me -of ttie new material
oubles. his v,-arr,,tiltf,,rinil)risoninetit. Carriedby Smith for $LBO, fifty cents only be paid, On the road, with ammunition trains and How happy her kelease e U of which many articles 3f JewelrY we
,litly,joing backward and Who trusted in a Saviour's grac
Id The committee then rose. one dollar ji�vin,r been already paid by artiiiery aopare e.21 now made, in -variety at .
Champion, 26 to 19. ameron sa.d forward in whata,ppaared to be disorder. ATid found I 'her end is peac . I MOOBHOUSE, S
elr`y, the score In reply to "INIr Blake, Mr C . the .collector- carried. Moved by J k Yumerous gioups of stragglers and some - I I . S. E. D. -
�. the achonl,bill wou.1d be *proceeded with Andrewj sec. by P olare, That Robt Clen - . - I
I morrow� if other orders were got through. donning be paid 82 for postage and Sta- wounded were (roir� to the rear. Ambii- , I
to- � ,, �
want more The House adjourned at 10:50 P. in. D y for lan�cs passed �6 - atid fro, some going to I - d Shoea 25per cent below -UHN-DXERCHIEF .and Glove boxes, in
I . tionery, also $2 charged wrongfull the front and 6thers returning with Inads r,k- Boots an
nstt�N2'6,con. E.D. all hineb -of taro Ulld,CoBtly
Suttute labor acrai he ' ry cost at Hazlehurat's,next door to 0 Cr.,bh. I"I Morocco, and
'Ii - -.--- ------------ TQronto, Jan. 18. - - '-,arried. Moved by Al Dalton, sec,. by p of wounded. Alting the railroad eve -- - woods. .
. I who Duringroutine n .1 - - point which was avail -able was commanded -
�' It defence in the 116gislature yester- Clare, That the Clerk be allowed $7.06 � � P. MAN's DRr,A.u,--The -
.1 I day, the Printing Committee Presented a for posta ges-carr md. Moved by J F by a ,stroxfg force of infantry. The Prus- A. NFWSPAP-E � - ust have I ' nzo; E bony, -
. report recom-nei;ding, the printing of. the Andrew, see by J Crawford, T sians were less than a mile away, . and proprietbr of a newspaper -whom ,fNK-STANDS in Silver, BrG
-1 _ hatthejobs 2 , .
, - $mith of 971, oi�e job of 38 rods vi ditchin" their balls occasionally.reached us. ,At been possessed of a ctrong and vivid im- A WaIllut,&C., &C. .
. evidence taken before the Huron and let in 1! �
, . . 1,400 to. Ontario Canal committee. Adopted.' in the swamp on the 12 and 13 con., also four o'clock in the Aoy. the - Gerinans ad- aginaiion, recently got off the following
- Generous Bills were introduced to incorporate the a Culvert and ditching oil the division line ed in columns, covered by artillery, item - . � chains, necklW; UT-
, Ottawa- and Pembroke Railway Company,. 8th. con., and a job on the . north side of vane - h JET BROOCHES,
. r, i - ring crpsses, Zze. �
nd th(t,Alerriekville and -Westport Rail- lot J, sonth of Port Albert, also Win Cur- against Chat, all d4s Chartres, .% pretty I bad a dream -the other i3k t, -
� prevail in a . Company. . - ran's con trae t ou. Kerry creek -carried - place, which had �been made the head- Wheir everything was still; as, ------ � .
� �, I 11
I VIreet ears� ., on. '11r. Cameron -,Y' 3A Dalton, quart r ?�eneh. Here; for the I dreamed that -each subscriber
. -. I . I.,. � �% presefited a message Moved by J Crawford, see I C 8 of the I h battery, hitherto Came up and pairl his bill. ALBIDOSCOPES, for the veuder und
-, - . frop,the Lientenant-GoVernors trans -it- That T Graham be paid ,930 for daniage fhs7fiime,, the 117-re6c . X delectation of the youngr fdlks- I
. " I I - , a.stream out of reserved, opened fire, and appeared to Each wore a look of honesty,
.. Vni ion child; ting a reply receiv-d from Lord Grailville to his farm by turning
. - ' d --da account to the addiass of the Legislature respect- its natural oou�ie by a ditch cut ill front take the Germans by surprise. This And smiles were 'round each eye, - -------- -
-sue . � .
I . ina the financiial relations between the (if said. farm. T Graham to give his bond, �
. I � caused the advance to waver, but it was As tb6y handed out the coin,
I - . scieurimi the corporation from any further ii -h T JAOTS of new goorls never before 0611 im
t i charter Prt)vincm ily for - a mpment. . The Germans Saying, "Row is that for b ,, _ Goderich and which cannot bo BeOR
I bIr.-Craig. of Glengary, introduced his Claim Kr damaggs in fature on account of or t, I
m am --carried. Moved�by pressed forward and attacked -the Freneh auy-slisre, at MOOPIELOU-SW8,
Railway has resolutions respecting assistance in the siiid ditch or stre, 0:1�- For Coal Oil Lamps, the best and
I .- Orders. constutiction of gravel roads. He has M Dalton, we by J Crawford, That John i ,nfanty.which OC " the termeed road cheapest in Town, go to Hazlehurst's . 11
. printed spoken to the members of the Government, O*Riely be allowed the sum of $3 on acc't beJow-General RZ,uiz�is position. It soon- Auction Yfart. O large,assortment
, � —
. tey-General,respecting .of a mistake in assessment f.,r the W11 lot b'came evident that th� French were --- H in the new Belleck-wUY'
pe- ,,,p,,i,,,iy th%Attorr. e of ornaments
. . . this matter, but coul(f g�t no sa�isfetwti9p, �, cow -9, W D -carried.. TT%Ioved by John unahle to withstand tl�e heavy-ebarge.- 1! . BIRTEL - .
.. . A . He had given the Government a, fair SUP- F Andrew, see by J Crawfrxct, 'Lliat Allau of ,t lie, enemy, anti- about five 0*0100k an ---%`-----�--- .�
. the present McDonAld be allowed the Sum of $10.55 as At God-prich, this 'day, 20th last., Mrs .
'OT.- ut was not satisfied with rtion of obarity, being the amount of taxes against order was -iyen for. the' backward move- � rris of a daughter. NO pains or expense has been spared to
. port,b He thought a po --
Tern state of things. oey to ment. rtillery contioued Johd Ila p whead of all competitors at
� I �ould bappent in every town- the lot on which he lives, said mon The French 21 . --- - w4umm hee
. alcohn the surplus sh at. General MOORROUS) Vs.
-- asurer ship of the Province, and he would oppose be applied to pay. the taxes ---carried.- their fire to . cover this retre --
. Su ect its expenditure 'wholly uPOn railway Mbved by P Care, see- bv i Crawford, Chnuzy actually- Superintended the� re- Nib3l M-11clurtiselimas . I � G
. That J Elo%arl be,- anted S9.84 as chari- treat, wil;h was effected in the most I I
_ hJ 3. - li� . ( 9 . �
-a the scheme, Mov by J Crawf9rd, see complete -order The French at the time — . OROIDE-CHATNS, have the appearance
I Mr. Currie contended that in the wav ,ty-carired. CA and wear of solid gold, a vl%riety at
posed, ai proposed the Government would be able by J F Andrew, ThatJohn. Cooke be paid me of the Strongest 0 xoo.afrousWs
. of 05 remuneration for Ifis servi- of this retreat iiefil sio = SALE OF TOLL GATE A , � -
veuti613, to do equal justice to the whole commulli- the -sum , I , and it %vas generalLy bielieved —0—
.1 j,y . . ces As Di�ision Registrar -carried. b(lov- positions) -
od, who , ' t the result of the day's fighting TDLL GA.TEs o-\- Ti3m,
. and kr. Lyon and ITT. Matebett spoke in ed by P Clark, sec by J Crawford, That, J tha ' " o "s T11E pERHAPS if YOU were to ,drop in, YOU 1*1
. snin of $28, be:ng for not irretevdrably 'adverse to tLe French. 'oOAD -sompt le fora present
gi�bj�et. favour of the resolutions. I -Alton be allowed the o h I ' Iq Olpmmv HERN GRAVEL 13 , mi,* rr"91:1151inla", at
.,bt see
sslon to - The Attorney -General referred to the materials used in building side -walks in Chauzy oped.to renc%,r the fight on the 'of Gode- for your sweetheart MOORHOUSE's.
, will 1�e sold by Public Aucti0h nt the AUCUOU XartjDf
aguesi want of enterprise in Glencrary, and yet the village of Lticknow, township -of Ash- next da 111r, (j. 31. Trueman� auctwneer in the Tos-
, o y uncler more auspicious ciro'um- I
" the member for that bounty came with a field, and that all equal attiount be expen- stances. L. -iter -in the evening an event rich, on I .
Ao, the . �. day d ADUaTY lust.. QuERY, Where cap you buy Prosentatioa
. long petition for a Portion of the SurP1113. ded in each of the villages of D occurred which -made a change in -the Tuesday the Uth
09. the. H -Ing sup ;orted thc, Government, he and Port Albert for the same pilrposc---7� .
av P prosp�ots of the French. After dark a wciock noon, for 11 months
receive a portion of 'the carried. Moved tiy J,Crawford' see by J at twelve , IS71 mber'187L goods the cheapest ?-whi-at
fVvatc, was bound to - . ni ary A. D. to 31st Dece MOORHOUSEI&
tation. surpIns, The Guv2rnment would not this F Andrew, that the Clerk' is 1hereby in- st,rong force" of Germans revived the fro istriebrw
i By a session prepare a scheme for- the distribu- structed to notify NI Stewart to settle his fight. a A most important French posi- .E.aCE[ LESVE TO, GIVE � I .
'o . .
. . . L, ' for the t. was gnaeavored to be
tion of the surplus as regaridd municipal- accountl -.is Township Collector ion -La Tuileiie- , I 0 7ood sureties for the Payment of Rent Xonthly
n for � if infantry 'r For lie progres3,ithde im .
- .3 ( alli'l1v EMAAKING on I
uldrequire great consid- year 1868 and thereby save costs -carried. taken by immense masse ' I Zhimeut of Conditions =d Coven=ts.
ties, ,for that wo . ther parliculars aPP)y tO, I past summer, the �
a the 3-1oved by J.F Andrew, see by J Crawford, and a large force of cavalryl, wbo ad. fur I R G'oderich during the
. ,lit - ,
- erationand deepthouc� the Frenell J, B. GORDON, special correspondent of the 41 Timesl" said,
� ,� od maintained that 010 Thait the Reeve be allowed $3 for postage I., sequering � Secretary N. if you wish tu see a 'model' Book-storO, 90,
I - Flon. Imli. rycarved. Moved by J F vanced rapid I had not anti- G. R.Coy.
. older Counties had received a large share and statione before them. The French ' ,w53 -Un- to Ts
S' y, especialIv the eastern Andrew, see by .1 Crawford, That W Mal- . the bibbiles'of Godericla, Januar.T 10th, A., D. 1871. � MOORHOUSr
, , 'Very of public men I - ated this attack and ,- . . I .
.� I 0
1. couaties, whil yetuathing had been done lough be allowed $6 40, beipo discount CIP ttany- fled -in 'disorder, taking with n, . IS LAI
fi� . � . - I Bri . . . U . AT 8 4 . .
.- i - jor new counties.. paid by him on a debenture givell to Illm ght bank of Ill V I, r 'I
I , a . h nmel4t and not payable until January, 1871 -car- them all the force to the rig . -0- STEREOSCOPES and Views, and Pic -
cies, yied, Moved by -P ,01ar , - . -the Ri u1sno, and were compelled
n 0 see by 3' F iver H �E SUBSCRIBER RUSIDINGON LOT -29,-Sra tures for the Album in endless YRnctY-
. -e 4wLTLtItY of
I �� 0- � with i deiiire t6 bribe now coustitue on Lo Mans. T TS. also. F,arly Rose,
� � I wk be Paid S2.80.for to make a V,apid retreat e6n. Tuckeramith-: has tor sale a lar,
and thqs beableto swamp the old ones. - Andrew, That A Bli , an the celebrated X3RAVAY OA � -
he building of This unforeseen -disast;r may compel oo,jr1oll. au(lGleasou 'POTATOES.
. . essrsAudeisoti, Rykert,Fer ... tison and lumber sappled'by him for t . Harrison, Early G )persinglebusbel.
1 th, 3f - , Mr. of a cuiveA near Dungftilnon-carried. by, if not an entire for �eed- whiehbe wal seli for.q O( IXES na�y be dull, yet prices ATe-alw&74
.P�,Tn. Uarray continued the, debate c'and T I evacuatioin Of the oil I And n purchasing ton busbels or upwards qau T low, at' X00AHOUSIrs.
gogtion of 'Tile Coundithel break u�-of � Chauzy's army. A council ,,,,,,, perl;o Th 0 Y Oats - .
the At- [I adjonruFd. t1l. .Lt 75c. per busueL e N riva
- - Crain, adopted the sugg ��ba motion, - 1, JoHN COOKE, Vp Clerk. . to name aud free fLom other seeds.
� '
and withdrew . of war' is now in session at Le, Mans. trae
the torney-General, . � -EDWARD TURNER.
t�out compfalliij�a of unfair - --- '. - 11 .
10 roh thongh not wil - , � . . I . woud army ofthe botre be W -2m 1UNIVEBSAL admiration ww CzPremc(i
ra I L � n of treaGeni and sharply rebuking the At- Should the st Jam 20V.1, 1871. I � .
-� tb:e iorney-G;'Deral. for fatinting,Glengarry fof , Colborne Council- - - lost, all French hope is gone�- � . by all oar American visitors this sea8on.,
for . I . . I - . ian 'destroyed the WM la.jr a W auted- d
' The 13r�ss' s have . 10 .3y i at the vast collection of 'pretty thInni;i uu- .
it -also want of enterprise. - I *The eetimi of the Municipal Council n Longwy iso cheap you know' at I
, Air. Currie moved tfiat tile ' House. go m , 21 � bridge over the Chicre betwee z5 MOORHOU50 -
on Thursday, �)n certain t. of the Townhall of Colborne -was h6ld at
bilt to, . into committee . - and Arlon. The 0 aterial for the bom. W., (I bi, The Board of Acllpol-Tmsim
� . - .Municipal - Law,* but the Township on Monday the 16th of ,I)ERS w2ute -rich for the deavery of 100
Patty'- .amendments to the ., bvidment .ofLoti y i,3 -being rapidly T f the ToWn Of (3�ode pie and Beech) 50uud wid -------� I
I . r'-r� w t� . Green WOOd- Q1 Xt, 75 cords
.,--Rail- after ,eme diseussion,withdraw his motion, January 1871. oncentrated- in ilia inteilon eordso ia�wt dayof April ne VASES and Toilet setts, glass; *Iass,
be referred toa speci- Presetit Wm. Ybung 14084. as Reeve, e- good,on or before the I' at School. aul
- , I . . - 1. . New York, Jan. 18.--�-A London uders will be re- pariau marble and terra-cotta, warc-
aS thoL s,abject would� I - � of 'whieb tobe delivered atthoCcuft
* � I � ri rancisStalker,ffenry- $pence .A00n of Thursday 2d .
�Jcommjtte6. 6naMessrs spetjal Says the. P,urisians are deteKmined thebalance atthp ,Ward&�hools. Te
Cc t1le undersigned until
& f flie. Board.
-on A a resolutions an'd 'John' Bachailan, as , ceived b� �
VAIU& Ther debate. ,Jr. Make' JOhn �Aforris toresist the Prusq'ians en Masse, should i0bruar.vaext, i3yordero V1.31acKAY, Sec -
i , .
barS at respecting tbe Municipal Loan Fund, Councillqrs. The -members of the coun- enter the 177L V53411- WRITING DESKS, Work-boxes,I)NE5101t
b. who spoke � . Trochu allow file, 6uemyto Goderieb, lottizonuarv,
V AIr. 011ier, [&Ded the acclarati and I I � . .:.�- � cases, a very.largt -stock at
. " watt r . esurnea I . . . oil, litiving m on 7 1 . 6 9 ^ x0oRaousr"Is.
second . � . . . . .1 " City. -- 0 U a 110 �
eartain .'down, to reC600- � qualification of office. The minutes of I . V . -
,- S the' House . went into com- ii�g iead and a�.provcd . The idea of 3461ding is repulsed 'with . . jgg,s (aass :for inAraction in th .- - . . -----�
- a, After.reces I I lqst ineetirg be , . I ,pirit, IWISS TLET" 1.stram�.tal 3�1.,,ic. m.t�c,ery
ils3ne I tion Rail - ,indignation, The shop*1'PePing r
I I Car June . way The Reeve appoints Donald, Ke',LNIurchy as lt5 many railiments of .. rXe s-!32,00 per
_ mittee on th� G:rnni , I c� -�revails'very - largely* ,ind satilr&y .At 2 oveloelt, P. M- - - . . 11 VMAS pRl,!SE- NTS, assori-lient zne%US11GC1
- . ,� � House ,&uditer. T '61incil appoints Richard howev ,. . . � '
I � . Bill 0 which viraiaTeported ; and the , , he C '- tradesmen are eQn-ratul,itin.v "rte w52-tf- I ZL in the Dot3finion- at .
� . . miftee on the gortif -Haynes, as,other Auditor. .It was moved , Parisian I C'T.derA�h, Jam i6tb, 1870; -
to:cotn - �. . I . 'L - ::��� X00RHOUSE75-
read 8: went actain in . - Buchanan, that-tbey are still i the pos-
(;;Cy 1jaiiwiLy P�ll which - VVaS al$o Te- by'Mr. Stalker, see. by Mr. . themselves I .1 & plour Bariel . . —
. - 0 I the P_rCteeti6-n of fhatJAs. Towsley, be Township. ClaTx -and. ses - $ion: -of articles - Zhut will ,tempt the � ' alt Hoo.ps- . -- - - -
iesit for I for � or sec. by - e PUT- � . bellows '&blow
p6tted.. The�-Bill : , 314aved by Mr. Stath ermau prmces 0 0
ic 41 in- and referred Treasurer, � . - A:sses- G . make extensive . VOUNG hands at the $
It GI -me was Yead a second -time., - - - , jyjr, I Morris thatIas. Stewart,,be ' ater the �apltal em ndously,butafter all-Xonriouse,&
I or . . , , 9- Spence see. chases whenever they ' e ..-.-- . -L ti . e
0 CommlUee. . . ur, I is
,� t 1 , t I 8'agree that a.resistaucato,4 bead -quarters for every Novelty,
it W sor, Carried. .Alavedby All account; . I A3trDr,T,T4 BRQ's OfWatf0taha" constautly'm
'a M', 'blako then moved 7 tho., second . 'Moritsh-be � � 'low . han(l. aud are cOnfluun]l I buying Green Roops. �
ut I . r . by Mr.'.L Morris, that Thos ilia enemy will, -however, a shown, that C I . A .
� , reading of the 11ill to .abotiah, imprigon-4 ' Carried-. Moved by. Mr. - ki � 6 for isa 8 -at present. Apply bY I ------ �
. - in. the a is Ve. Xv P e I 113C)X.28., watfol -
. I 'nil nan, sec . I I . ' 16tteftoc 8 .1 . W524t-* h
ournin. ,, Collector thatSamal... 1will not-bavi been equallea in d. . I
I Buc I - ' a - i J . -- flareug -
ment f( ,r debt. .Je�supportcd the motion :.'by Mr. Stalker )mbardmentl 1170UNDS I S12% I 12ve Tun
.. . Taverns at S f ivar- T lie horroto of a b( a f4rd, � 3t fiUVn1e5!-
I n1r �bo. Inspector of " ,
motion in an'ale it ,an&e0;etlV&addr40ss, and Norr Y ) sme �
� -
I . � . � � as last yea' Cirrioa. The f061- 0 - niagea'the population, that they -- ,. - STRA.YW " the Alphabet and yet Ifave iw Dze o at,
n(led. to be , " S SeO6 """' hesbymenlbOra S �- I - IT. � have so C - ated a tithe of �all t . he . Upretty thi
wa Aecl.by able speec . , ivere appointed .Pathinast�- - dre-f6rious a, nd Will go.dut to fight and 4 --;-O- - - -
8130,000 - pposit' I oyernment, I O mi ersons,� i , - . 'I .. I ' � .
, of tbe', 0 1 Ion. The :G er�Wiiyiam.Lasham, Eletiry Xott,--Saml. meet the enenly,''ilespite all military INTO the promises of the Ullaersigned, - If I . 1 9 .
- . � .
,000 haw . I and' their 'AUPPOT`t�cis violently OpPOS6d PiPer�'Wm. Walters, Win. Vanstorl,r Jno. - , . Cc 4, the , lasts" nlme� a year -Gla her1f - or, whiteA . . ,Mo. . .. S. . I
*1 � n oome fo I W I . and1thelPth MQP . . - Tolin.Oike,. counsels_ und ,a*,l inte4eren . The Owner is Te -
(1 l the rnea,300 . �a -0 Stevens, Archibald Kcxoill,� , I - -
expende in Y a. Blike,jas govern ment% If this .is persisted in, no red with. a split ZrZ Cc andtake her �
. I hoist ,Waj. moved- by bIr 15100011 of ThOs 0108ens - JaS Million, Wx� 4ji6ti h4s- yet heard of, qu6stcd to p1aY for this uo"" . I
rity of cas of vil � �
I I . 'by A. V63 McOhire, - � ' Goderic,h Dec- 12th4 1870- wr'V=--'�
noilkin feet, Norfolk. � This W4$, Carried' , � . Wiciiolas-MA,rinj, David B4�re harron that C! 1 iz . , � - W. FINLAX,
� . . I I - away. Co...:L0,*LOt.5. ' -w52-*2b--*
* ,
"ked I - 1 42 . for � -. I �, DonaldKoMwirchy, John Snyder, Josiah �will be to find a parallel. Paris de0at& Aslifield, � , . I
!9r, � b five, miuUteS Bizitt Mathow Levy, lgichoMs 310rrish$ London, Jan, I !.-� A . . . . jaiVuary; 11thl 187 L .
. 1. �
r to�ao against' nea , , �, . t .
session. .rho flOuse tiajour � .3 I . t � -deorge'Brant, des � , - I
. . � I ill Johh� Glon, ays -qam�ott* last PACIV ' , I -
- . I � - � . � past oidniah ,: �'� � . � I I . JesseGlisah , � Uardy,, ,,,of the 13tia o -- , � . .. . I � �
It" . . . t Faun, Ju ha . . . . �
I I . � Rob - $allows,J4 I I . . ; ... � � Ic . 1
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STOC-am al E
Job 2,105'es, Pei
T�,1$11%7V_�,LVAZ7-71 L,-, _
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Z;Seascszo 17ifn ":Ie rXi�-il
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zie:102 ttezleau,z, ZI .--c7z-
vv�agccaoi a care ��Ii�c:"
--eatim(0, ctaqzm��-2y,cTczi�-,
Faladimvaa�,,s in t!le --=i
vvhi,-Lkr!16;t,jz;3car--,�lf-:�I '.-�
zaB rjoZr-', 1-1-L7 W=7"
Z, Lymal. Nl��Cxyl'e. �%
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333M:M, M-Iumn L---
'07 Z=11r�
�, ",I�
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". Sold in Geerzzcl t,
.r"Jorlau; cvmdint�!r cz!
Z�--athum,nog-elve'LL, ;
Cc -,213e, Q�20tcll's C---
; 2;1m.oz4foa-IL. rmd -3t. I
asawn leaz
a V.,J=�Ymrc�jcl",2 ,1�,
fort-fe pact tek 5q= ,r-,,
auctmee to -gravo P, CIZIC-, 1
ME--], alld '70 haVC r-�VC
I .01.di!�Zultstaelzca VLCM'�
&:rOpPrly t0!R0V7C�1,,tn'C
Aellgtzej, 'MtZI fts cp7yc
zing"acsitrarms 01 T,M vzr:
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hmloly ofm efjfcnil P:;2i-,�
go c1m) Dvip.,-psln, lla:r
` Rea�ibum, 1-1�,I; f
,a.,ts, zkcze 81-G-m"acY
rc%toms to,vadl aal6vill
by'suaerang-af.d 4 ---ow
Its Magical and cl on�
cudl�cn Coles, Seto tt
paiaa an the m1e;lrons
cche, ralcumave.1ci -,I
gte bady aci gkom wZi7-
a place zn�CVCY7,horzsc-
Dup, CH 01!zCrPrQ�,-1---1- ,
It M Ciao C-1 i4= Im,
`ca2do, Ourcs, -22m%
I 1rmnBiws, Cr=ps ir,
Ctao'eoa moribus z'1a:::a
� IaZmo Uyrenlerv,v &C.
i psted only 275 C -r-0-3 1
I - a�
Sold Zu GC�7encj .
71nT-7j3nQ; GarEne�
Mentlaam, ho3ge7v,lk
1.0�b��. GUC1003 S�C2:;
Ct!q--,1a aml all Z,I-f
.9 - -- — - --
. 11 NEVE, P1111
T`r-111%tcMe0�-C:-a1 Vi
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ZNC72=rlvir�, .cl.c?!�]
I n2
�'l in 0�ljeyEeb 4
JeTaon'; U'arjuleT,
B(n"tbam. Reage-,
Jr. H. Ccmb--,
DOW13 311. 11=:M-12�
%�Uczrk. I
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